Performance Appraisal in Insurance
Performance Appraisal in Insurance
Performance Appraisal in Insurance
Introduction to
Performance Appraisal
The history of performance appraisal is quite brief. Its roots in the early 20th century.
But this is not very helpful, for the same may be said about almost everything in the field of
modern human resources management. As a distinct and formal management procedure used
in the evaluation of work performance, appraisal really dates from the time of the Second
World War - not more than 60 years ago. Yet in a broader sense, the practice of appraisal is a
very ancient art. In the scale of things historical, it might well lay claim to being the world's
second oldest profession!
There is, says Dulewicz (1989), ".. a basic human tendency to make judgments
about those one is working with, as well as about oneself." Appraisal, it seems, is both
inevitable and universal. In the absence of a carefully structured system of appraisal, people
will tend to judge the work performance of others, including subordinates, naturally,
informally and arbitrarily.
The human inclination to judge can create serious motivational, ethical and legal
problems in the workplace. Without a structured appraisal system, there is little chance of
ensuring that the judgments made will be lawful, fair, defensible and accurate. Performance
appraisal systems began as simple methods of income justification. That is, appraisal was
used to decide whether or not the salary or wage of an individual employee was justified.
For example, early motivational researchers were aware that different people with
roughly equal work abilities could be paid the same amount of money and yet have quite
different levels of motivation and performance. These observations were confirmed in
empirical studies. Pay rates were important, yes; but they were not the only element that had
an impact on employee performance. It was found that other issues, such as morale and self-
esteem, could also have a major influence.
Most persons share a desire to know the answer to the question, "How am I doing?"
They want to know what is expected of them, how well they are meeting the expectations,
how they can improve, and some want to know how they might qualify for higher
responsibilities. The process of performance appraisal should provide the opportunity for
discussion of these concerns. The process should also provide the basis for enhanced
communication among college personnel.
The feedback is one of the most important tools provided by Human Resources to
managers as the motivational tool. The feedback by Human Resources is organized usually in
the process of the Performance Appraisal. When speaking with HRM Professionals, you can
hear a lot about the performance management process and the forms used to formalize the
whole process of the performance appraisals. Generally, the manager should give feedback
and the quality of the feedback provides the performance appraisals to the individual
employee. But as the HRM Function wants to have a control over the whole performance
management process, the main stress is put on the formal record of the whole performance
appraisal discussion.
The performance appraisals can have a huge impact on the future of the employee in
the company. When the feedback is provided correctly and the manager makes a follow up of
all the agreements done during the performance appraisal interview, the performance
appraisals can work without any formal documents.As the HRM Function is responsible for
the performance management process, it brings new and better performance appraisal forms
every single year. And the result usually fails every year. The managers and the employees
do not see the benefits of participating in the performance review process as they take it as an
activity driven by Human Resources for Human Resources.
The HRM Function cannot promote the performance appraisals as the set of forms to
be filled by the manager and confirmed by the employee. The HRM Function has to promote
the consequences of the performance management process and the positive impact on the
future of the employee in the organization.
• Concepts
Research has shown assessment approaches with multiple rating sources provide more
accurate, reliable, and credible information. For this reason, the U.S. Office of Personnel
Management supports the use of multiple rating sources as an effective method of assessing
performance for formal appraisal and other evaluative and developmental purposes. The
circle, or perhaps more accurately the sphere, of feedback sources consists of supervisors,
peers, subordinates, customers, and one’s self. It is not necessary, or always appropriate, to
include all of the feedback sources in a particular appraisal program.
The organizational culture and mission must be considered, and the purpose of
feedback will differ with each source. For example, subordinate assessments of a supervisor’s
Performance can provide valuable developmental guidance, peer feedback can be the heart of
Excellence in teamwork, and customer service feedback focuses on the quality of the team’s
or agency’s results. The objectives of performance appraisal and the particular aspects of
performance that are to be assessed must be established before determining which sources are
Evaluations by superiors are the most traditional source of employee feedback. This
form of evaluation includes both the ratings of individuals by supervisors on elements
in an employee’s performance plan and the evaluation of programs and teams by
senior managers.
This form of performance information is actually quite common but usually used only
as an informal part of the supervisor-employee appraisal feedback session.
Supervisors frequently open the discussion with: “How do you feel you have
performed?” In a somewhat more formal approach, supervisors ask employees to
identify the key accomplishments they feel best represent their performance in critical
and non-critical performance elements. In a 360-degree approach, if self-ratings are
going to be included, structured forms and formal procedures are recommended.
serious pitfalls that must be carefully considered before including this type of
feedback in a multifaceted appraisal program.
• Basic Purposes
The main aim of the evaluation system is to identify the performance gap (if any).
This gap is the shortfall that occurs when performance does not meet the standard set by the
organization as acceptable.
The main aim of the feedback system is to inform the employee about the quality of
his or her performance. (However, the information flow is not exclusively one way. The
appraiser also receives feedback from the employee about job problems, etc.)
One of the best ways to appreciate the purposes of performance appraisal is to look at
it from the different viewpoints of the main stakeholders: the employee and the organization.
From the organization's viewpoint, one of the most important reasons for having a system
of performance appraisal is to establish and uphold the principle of accountability.
For decades it has been known to researchers that one of the chief causes of organizational
failure is "non-alignment of responsibility and accountability." Non-alignment occurs where
employees are given responsibilities and duties, but are not held accountable for the way in
which those responsibilities and duties are performed. What typically happens is that several
individuals or work units appear to have overlapping roles.
The overlap allows - indeed actively encourages - each individual or business unit to
"pass the buck". This event, the principle of accountability breaks down completely.
Organizational failure is the only possible outcome. In cases where the non-alignment is not
so severe, the organization may continue to function, albeit inefficiently. Like a poorly made
or badly tuned engine, the non-aligned organization may run, but it will be sluggish, costly
and unreliable. One of the principal aims of performance appraisal is to make people
1. Provided employees the opportunity to formally indicate the direction and level of the
employee's ambition
2. Show organizational interest in employee development, which was cited to help the
enterprise retain ambitious, capable employees instead of losing the employees to competitors
4. Provide satisfaction and encouragement to the employee who has been trying to perform
The following is typically expected from company managers when doing performance
The supervisor coaches by telling the employee the evaluation and then listens to the
employee's reactions to the evaluation in a nonjudgmental manner. Problem solving is
developmental in nature and involves counseling. It is used for employee development
purposes. The supervisor does not offer evaluation but lets the employee decide his or her
weak areas and works with the employee to develop an action plan for improvement. The
mixed model combines coaching and counseling. It is used for both evaluative and
development purposes. The supervisor begins the appraisal with a problem-solving session
and concludes with a more directive tell and sell approach.
Data relating to performance assessment of employees are recorded , stored and use for
several purposes. The main purposes of employee assessment are as follows:-
1. Development uses:
2. Administrative decision;
3. Organizational maintenance;
4. Documentation purposes
• Practical and simple format - The appraisal format should be simple, clear,
fair and objective. Long and complicated formats are time consuming, difficult to
understand, and do not elicit much useful information.
• Personal Bias – Interpersonal relationships can influence the evaluation and the
decisions in the performance appraisal process. Therefore, the evaluators should be
trained to carry out the processes of appraisals without personal bias and effectively
1. Benefits of Appraisal
For many employees, an "official" appraisal interview may be the only time they get
to have exclusive, uninterrupted access to their supervisor. Said one employee of a large
organization after his first formal performance appraisal, "In twenty years of work, that's the
first time anyone has ever bothered to sit down and tell me how I'm doing."
The value of this intense and purposeful interaction between a supervisors and
subordinate should not be underestimated.
Performance appraisal can have a profound effect on levels of employee motivation and
satisfaction - for better as well as for worse. Performance appraisal provides employees with
recognition for their work efforts. The power of social recognition as an incentive has been
long noted. In fact, there is evidence that human beings will even prefer negative recognition
in preference to no recognition at all.
If nothing else, the existence of an appraisal program indicates to an employee that the
organization is genuinely interested in their individual performance and development. This
alone can have a positive influence on the individual's sense of worth, commitment and
The strength and prevalence of this natural human desire for individual recognition
should not be overlooked. Absenteeism and turnover rates in some organizations might be
greatly reduced if more attention were paid to it. Regular performance appraisal, at least, is a
good start.
Performance appraisal offers an excellent opportunity - perhaps the best that will ever
occur - for a supervisor and subordinate to recognize and agree upon individual training and
development needs.
Performance appraisal can make the need for training more pressing and relevant by
linking it clearly to performance outcomes and future career aspirations. From the point of
view of the organization as a whole, consolidated appraisal data can form a picture of the
overall demand for training. This data may be analyzed by variables such as sex, department,
etc. In this respect, performance appraisal can provide a regular and efficient training needs
audit for the entire organization.
Appraisal data can be used to monitor the success of the organization's recruitment and
induction practices. For example, how well are the employees performing who were hired in
the past two years?
Appraisal data can also be used to monitor the effectiveness of changes in recruitment
strategies. By following the yearly data related to new hires (and given sufficient numbers on
which to base the analysis) it is possible to assess whether the general quality of the
workforce is improving, staying steady, or declining.
Though often understated or even denied, evaluation is a legitimate and major objective
of performance appraisal. But the need to evaluate (i.e., to judge) is also an ongoing source of
tension, since evaluative and developmental priorities appear to frequently clash. Yet at its
most basic level, performance appraisal is the process of examining and evaluating the
performance of an individual.
Though organizations have a clear right - some would say a duty - to conduct such
evaluations of performance, many still recoil from the idea. To them, the explicit process of
judgment can be dehumanizing and demoralizing and a source of anxiety and distress to
It is been said by some that appraisal cannot serve the needs of evaluation and
development at the same time; it must be one or the other. But there may be an acceptable
middle ground, where the need to evaluate employees objectively, and the need to encourage
and develop them, can be balanced.
Performance appraisals can be stressful for both the manager and the employee
receiving the appraisal. The process of writing and delivering the appraisal can be eased,
however, by following these five guidelines:
A. Start the appraisal process at least two weeks prior to the appraisal meeting. Complete
the appraisal form in advance. This will allow you time to adequately consider each of
the areas of assessment and to think of examples that you can use in the assessment.
Gather any documentation you might need (i.e., notes-to-file, attendance records, last
year’s appraisal). Give the employee ample notice of the date and time of the
appraisal meeting, this will allow the employee to begin his/her preparation too.
B. Keep the examples observable and non-evaluative. Without explicitly linking an
assessment to an observation, managers risk confusing, angering, or demoralizing
their employees. The assessment, and the examples given in the assessment, should be
non-judgmental, that is, they should be based on observable facts and not personal
commentary. Wrong: “You’re always late. You lack discipline.”
C. Right: “In the last month you have been late-to-work four times.” In the above
examples, the Wrong statement is a judgment (you lack discipline), it is accusatory,
and it is generalized (always late). The Right statement references information that is
observable and can be verified if necessary. The employee cannot contest the
D. A word of caution: be aware of “halos” and “horns”. We tend to allow our personal
feelings toward an individual to bias the way in which we assess their work
performance. By basing your assessment on observable incidents and required job
standards you lessen the chance of the employee accusing you of giving a poor
appraisal because you, “don’t like me.” Conversely, you will avoid giving a more
favorable appraisal to someone simply because you like them as an individual.
Everyone will be appraised, equally, based on their performance.
E. Evaluate the person against the standards of the job and against their prior year’s
development goal(s), if applicable. Do not evaluate a person’s work ability based on
what a co-worker is capable of doing. If the job description states that a person must
process 8 claims per hour, and they do, they are adequately meeting the standards of
the job. The fact that their co-worker can process 10 claims per hour has no bearing
on the first individual’s assessment. If the appraisal is a yearly process, and part of
that process is setting developmental goals, such as learning new software or taking
on additional responsibilities, these goals should be reviewed and assessed in terms of
completion and the quality of completion. If the goals have not been met, re-evaluate
them and transfer them to this year’s assessment if still applicable.
F. When setting future goals, or correcting poor performance, tell the employees what
the desired behavior looks like - tell them what you would like to see more of.
Frequently the employee doesn’t know what “correct” behavior to substitute for the
incorrect behavior. Additionally, if you cannot envision what the desired performance
is, neither can your worker.
G. Wrong: “You need to work on handling customers better.” Right: “Speak more slowly
when talking with customers. You and I know insurance inside and out, but remember
that most of what we speak about is very foreign to our customers.”The Wrong
statement, above, is too vague. The Right statement addresses a particular issue and
suggests a way to correct it.
H. Do not dominate the conversation. The appraisal isn’t about you. You should speak
approximately 40% of the time and let the employee speak 60% of the time. Build on
his/her ideas and comments. Ask the employee how s/he feels s/he is doing in the job.
Are there frustrations? Is there something new s/he would like to learn or additional
responsibility s/he would like to take on? What can you do to make the job more
enjoyable or more meaningful for the individual? Appraisals should be less about
judging past accomplishments and more about planning for future development.
People will happily work toward goals that they set, but rarely work happily toward
goals that are set for them.
I. Close the appraisal meeting in a positive manner. Gain agreement with the employee
regarding what was discussed and the goals that were set. Plan follow-up meetings if
necessary. Ask the employee, “Is there anything else we should discuss?” S/he might
have been waiting for the “perfect” opportunity to bring something up and sensing
that the meeting is about to be over, will realize s/he should put it on the table now.
Thank the employee for their time and tell them that you have great faith in their
continued success with the company and the goals that were set.
If at all possible, it is wise to separate appraisals and pay increases. While one (appraisal)
contributes to the other (pay increase), they are not dependent on each other. For example, if
Jane’s appraisal score last year was a four (out of a possible 4) and her pay increase was 5%;
and this year her appraisal is also a four, but the increase is 3%, how does one explain that to
the employee? Perhaps the lower pay increase is attributable to an economic downturn or
large capital investments that restrict the amount of available moneys.
By previously linking the appraisal score to a dollar amount, you’ve unnecessarily created
a one-to-one correlation and set the employee up for disappointment this year.
Also, keep in mind that appraisals are legal documents. They are one of the first things
looked at during legal investigations. The appraisal should be a record of information that has
been communicated to the employee regarding performance and management’s evaluation of
that performance. This fact reinforces the need for objective, standards based, appraisals.
It is your responsibility as a manager to develop your employees. Not only does having a
more talented staff make your life easier, but it reflects well on you.
The employee performance appraisal enables you to identify, evaluate and develop an
individual's performance. It is a tool to encourage strong performers to maintain their high
level of performance and to motivate poor performers to do better.
i. validation of hiring practices — are the right people in the right positions?
ii. provision of an objective measuring tool on which compensation decisions, and
promotions can be based
iii. identification of training needs — individually, departmentally and organizationally
iv. identification of employees who have the potential for advancement or who might be
better suited in other areas of the organization
In short, it is critical that your organization appropriately evaluate its employees. Let's see
how best to do it.
Once developed and communicated, the standards may need to be modified. In some
cases, they are revised as a result of feedback from the incumbent. This is especially true in
the case of a newly created position. In other instances, performance standards may need to
be revised for particular business units or departments as the focus of the organization
changes. In all instances, the performance standards should accurately reflect the skills,
behaviors and goals that the organization values.
Whether the actual evaluation tool is numerically based, a narrative overview or some
combination of both, the performance appraisal tool needs to be user friendly for the
manager, and easily understood by the employee. If numerical rankings or categories such as
"Above Average", "Below Average" and the like are used, a detailed definition should
accompany each category so that the standard is clear to the reviewer and the employee.
There are at least three common mistakes to avoid. Too often, managers simply check
off a numerical rating on an evaluation form and then try to write a narrative justifying the
chosen rating. Actually, the process should be just the reverse. The reviewer should first
thoughtfully detail the employee's performance in each relevant area. The resulting narrative
will then allow you to naturally select the rating. Using this approach avoids the artificial task
of justifying a rating which was selected before you actually evaluated the employee's
A second common mistake is not making enough time available to complete the
process. Employees are an organization's most important asset. This is especially so in our
information based economy. You must take the appropriate time to properly complete the
employee performance appraisal process or the quality of your most important asset will
erode over time.
Finally, make sure that your performance appraisal tool is updated on a periodic basis
to remain relevant to your employees and business objectives.
Some organizations use a " date of hire" or anniversary date evaluation review. Others
use a focal review process that is tied to the organization's budget. There are advantages and
disadvantages to both approaches.
The focal review process coordinates employee reviews and related compensation
decisions with the company's budget process. All reviews are done at the same time.
Performance is evaluated in a more comparative setting than when the date of hire or
anniversary method is used. However, focal reviews place a heavy burden on managers who
have numerous direct reports. Additionally, focal reviews place a strenuous burden on the
payroll manager and have an immediate, substantial impact on cash flow because all of the
related salary increases occur at the same time.
Employees wait all year for this feedback even though there shouldn't be any surprises
if you have followed the process throughout the year. Most employees want an opportunity to
talk about how they think things are going. They want to be able to express their aspirations
and comment generally on the organization. While a self-evaluation tool can provide this
opportunity, uninterrupted discussion time with the manager shows employees that they are
indeed the valued asset they truly are. This personal exchange can also be used to set goals
for the following year and to confirm that the employee understands your expectations.
Responsibility for the performance appraisal process resides with the organization's
supervisors and managers, not simply the human resource department. In fact, senior
management must support the process in order to create maximum value for the organization.
The human resource department functions merely as the coach. All managers, including
senior management, must take the field.
Think about it
Performance appraisal training can help your organization avoid the problems described in
this article by showing managers how to objectively measure performance, prepare an
evaluation, communicate with the employee and follow up as appropriate. The cost of this
training is minimal compared to the return you will receive on your investment. Remember,
employees are your most important asset!
Accurately tracking and reporting employee performance can present a huge problem
for even the smallest of companies, not to mention much larger corporations. The value of
tracking employee performance is quite apparent. When all is said and done your business
needs to be profitable. If employee performance is not closely watched the business will
continue to allow underperforming employees to hurt the bottom line. The health of the
business depends on understanding and making informed decisions based on employee
performance research.
To this end a few business software technology companies have developed dashboard
solutions to ease the burden of tracking and understanding employee performance data.
Fittingly this dashboard software solution is commonly referred to as a performance
For instance, in a sales environment one key performance indicator might be the level
of sales dollars a particular representative brings in each month. Continuing with this
example, as management examines the performance dashboard – which displays the key
performance indicators and their values for each employee – surely they will want to know
which employees are underperforming in terms of the amount of sales dollars they bring in
each month.
Management will probably weight the key performance indicators as they see fit,
then use the information displayed on the performance dashboard to rank the sales
representatives from best to worst. In this manner they can objectively examine employee
performance across the board and hopefully identify ways to improve the performance of
underperforming employees.
The real value of a performance dashboard really lies in being able to bring all
relevant information together in one spot and present it in such a way that the information is
understandable and can be interpreted accurately. A performance dashboard enhances the
decision making process as it relates to employee performance by saving managers valuable
time and providing them with equally valuable information so they can make the right
Any business that relies heavily on its employee workforce should seriously consider
using a performance dashboard to analyze employee performance. A performance dashboard
has proven its worth by helping countless managers get the most out of their employees by
identifying the strengths and weaknesses of their workforce.
Weaknesses can be fortified once they are recognized but if you are lacking the ability
to identify the key performance indicator that weighs in below average across the board then
you will have a hard time righting the ship. A performance dashboard helps you determine
which key performance indicator is a problem area and will require additional training to
boost employee performance.
An assessment centre typically involves the use of methods like social/informal events,
tests and exercises, assignments being given to a group of employees to assess their
competencies to take higher responsibilities in the future. Generally, employees are given an
assignment similar to the job they would be expected to perform if promoted. The trained
evaluators observe and evaluate employees as they perform the assigned jobs and are
evaluated on job related characteristics.
The major competencies that are judged in assessment centers are interpersonal skills,
intellectual capability, planning and organizing capabilities, motivation, career orientation
etc. assessment centers are also an effective way to determine the training and development
needs of the targeted employees.
In this method, an employee’s actual job behavior is judged against the desired behavior
by recording and comparing the behavior with BARS. Developing and practicing BARS
requires expert knowledge.
Human resources are valuable assets for every organization. Human resource accounting
method tries to find the relative worth of these assets in the terms of money. In this method
the Performance appraisal of the employees is judged in terms of cost and contribution of the
The cost of employees include all the expenses incurred on them like their compensation,
recruitment and selection costs, induction and training costs etc whereas their contribution
includes the total value added (in monetary terms). The difference between the cost and the
contribution will be the performance of the employees. Ideally, the contribution of the
employees should be greater than the cost incurred on them.
It helps to analyze his achievements and evaluate his contribution towards the
achievements of the overall organizational goals. By focusing the attention on performance,
performance appraisal goes to the heart of personnel management and reflects the
management’s interest in the progress of the employees.
In a landmark study, Locher & Teel (1977) found that the three most common
appraisal methods in general use are rating scales (56%), essay methods (25%) and results-
oriented or MBO methods (13%).
Research studies show that employees are likely to feel more satisfied with their appraisal
result if they have the chance to talk freely and discuss their performance. It is also more
likely that such employees will be better able to meet future performance goals.
Employees are also more likely to feel that the appraisal process is fair if they are given a
chance to talk about their performance. This especially so when they are permitted to
challenge and appeal against their evaluation.
In contrast, other studies have reported that "destructive criticism" - which is vague,
ill-informed, unfair or harshly presented - will lead to problems such as anger, resentment,
The useful of goals as a stimulus to human motivation is one of the best supported
theories in management. It is also quite clear that goals which are "...specific, difficult and
accepted by employees will lead to higher levels of performance than easy, vague goals (such
as do your best) or no goals at all."
It is important that the appraiser (usually the employee's supervisor) be well-informed and
credible. Appraisers should feel comfortable with the techniques of appraisal, and should be
knowledgeable about the employee's job and performance.
When these conditions exist, employees are more likely to view the appraisal process as
accurate and fair. They also express more acceptance of the appraiser's feedback and a greater
willingness to change.
Following are the different methods of Performance Appraisal. Each of these has its own
combination of strengths and weaknesses, and none is able to achieve all the purposes for
which management institutes performance appraisal systems.
Nor is any one technique able to evade all of the pitfalls. The best anyone can hope to do
is to match an appropriate appraisal method to a particular performance appraisal goal.
In its simplest form, this technique asks the rater to write a paragraph or more covering an
individual's strengths, weaknesses, potential, and so on. In most selection situations,
particularly those involving professional, sales, or managerial positions, essay appraisals
from former employers, teachers, or associates carry significant weight. The assumption
seems to be that an honest and informed statement -either by word of mouth or in writing-
from someone who knows a man well, is fully as valid as more formal and more complicated
The biggest drawback to essay appraisals is their variability in length and content.
Moreover, since different essays touch on different aspects of a man's performance or
personal qualifications, essay ratings are difficult to combine or compare. For comparability,
some type of more formal method, like the graphic rating scale, is desirable.
Like the field review, this technique was developed to reduce bias and establish
objective standards of comparison between individuals, but it does not involve the
intervention of a third party. Although there are many variations of this method, the most
common one asks raters to choose from among groups of statements those which best fit the
individual being rated and those which least fit him.
The statements are then weighted or scored, very much the way a psychological test is
scored. People with high scores are, by definition, the better employees; those with low
scores are the poorer ones. Since the rater does not know what the scoring weights for each
statement are, in theory at least, he cannot play favorites. He simply describes his people, and
someone in the personnel department applies the scoring weights to determine who gets the
best rating.
The rationale behind this technique is difficult to fault. It is the same rationale used in
developing selection test batteries. In practice, however, the forced-choice method tends to
irritate raters, who feel they are not being trusted. They want to say openly how they rate
someone and not be second-guessed or tricked into making "honest" appraisals.
A few clever raters have even found ways to beat the system. When they want to give
average employee Harry Smith a high rating, they simply describe the best employee they
know. If the best employee is Elliott Jones, they describe Jones on Smith's forced-choice
form. Thus, Smith gets a good rating and hopefully a raise.
Finally, forced-choice forms tend to be of little value- and probably have a negative
effect- when used in performance appraisal interviews.
One stumbling block has no doubt been the unsatisfactory rating form used. Typically,
these are graphic scales that often include rather vague traits like initiative, cooperativeness,
reliability, and even personality. Discussing these with an employee can be difficult. The
critical incident technique looks like a natural to some people for performance review
interviews, because it gives a supervisor actual, factual incidents to discuss with an employee.
Supervisors are asked to keep a record, a "little black book," on each employee and to record
actual incidents of positive or negative behavior. For example:
Bob Mitchell, who has been rated as somewhat unreliable, fails to meet several deadlines
during the appraisal period. His supervisor makes a note of these incidents and is now
prepared with hard, factual data:
"Bob, I rated you down on reliability because, on three different occasions over the last two
months, you told me you would do something and you didn't do it. You remember six weeks
ago when I. . ."
Instead of arguing over traits, the discussion now deals with actual behavior. Possibly,
Bob has misunderstood the supervisor or has good reasons for his apparent "unreliability." If
so, he now has an opportunity to respond. His performance, not his personality, is being
criticized. He knows specifically how to perform differently if he wants to be rated higher the
next time. Of course, Bob might feel the supervisor was using unfairly high standards in
evaluating his performance. But at least he would know just what those standards are.
There are, however, several drawbacks to this approach. It requires that supervisors
jot down incidents on a daily or, at the very least, a weekly basis. This can become a chore.
Furthermore, the critical incident rating technique need not, but may, cause a supervisor to
delay feedback to employees. And it is hardly desirable to wait six months or a year to
confront an employee with a misdeed or mistake.
Finally, the supervisor sets the standards. If they seem unfair to a subordinate, might
he not be more motivated if he at least has some say in setting, or at least agreeing to, the
standards against which he is judged?
To avoid, or to deal with, the feeling that they are being judged by unfairly high
standards, employees in some organizations are being asked to set - or help set - their own
performance goals. Within the past five or six years, MBO has become something of a fad
and is so familiar to most managers that I will not dwell on it here.
It should be noted, however, that when MBO is applied at lower organizational levels,
employees do not always want to be involved in their own goal setting. As Arthur N. Turner
and Paul R. Lawrence discovered, many do not want self-direction or autonomy. As a result,
more coercive variations of MBO are becoming increasingly common, and some critics see
MBO drifting into a kind of manipulative form of management in which pseudo-participation
substitutes for the real thing. Employees are consulted, but management ends up imposing its
standards and its objectives.
Instead of asking employees to set their own performance goals, many organizations set
measured daily work standards. In short, the work standards technique establishes work and
staffing targets aimed at improving productivity. When realistically used, it can make
possible an objective and accurate appraisal of the work of employees and supervisors.
To be effective, the standards must be visible and fair. Hence a good deal of time is spent
observing employees on the job, simplifying and improving the job where possible, and
attempting to arrive at realistic output standards.
It is not clear, in every case, that work standards have been integrated with an
organization's performance appraisal program. However, since the work-standards program
provides each employee with a more or less complete set of his job duties, it would seem only
natural that supervisors will eventually relate performance appraisal and interview comments
to these duties. I would expect this to happen increasingly where work standards exist. The
use of work standards should make performance interviews less threatening than the use of
personal, more subjective standards alone.
The most serious drawback appears to be the problem of comparability. If people are
evaluated on different standards, how can the ratings be brought together for comparison
purposes when decisions have to be made on promotions or on salary increases? For these
purposes some form of ranking is necessary.
For comparative purposes, particularly when it is necessary to compare people who work
for different supervisors, individual statements, ratings, or appraisal forms are not particularly
useful. Instead, it is necessary to recognize that comparisons involve an overall subjective
judgment to which a host of additional facts and impressions must somehow be added. There
is no single form or way to do this.
Comparing people in different units for the purpose of, say, choosing a service supervisor
or determining the relative size of salary increases for different supervisors, requires
subjective judgment, not statistics. The best approach appears to be a ranking technique
involving pooled judgment. The two most effective methods are alternation ranking and
paired comparison ranking.
Alternation ranking:
In this method, the names of employees are listed on the left-hand side of a sheet of
paper - preferably in random order. If the rankings are for salary purposes, a supervisor is
asked to choose the "most valuable" employee on the list, cross his name off, and put it at the
top of the column on the right-hand side of the sheet. Next, he selects the "least valuable"
employee on the list, crosses his name off, and puts it at the bottom of the right-hand column.
The ranker then selects the "most valuable" person from the remaining list, crosses his name
off and enters it below the top name on the right-hand list, and so on.
Paired-comparison ranking:
This technique is probably just as accurate as alternation ranking and might be more
so. But with large numbers of employees it becomes extremely time consuming and
To illustrate the method, let us say we have five employees: Mr. Abbott, Mr. Barnes,
Mr. Cox, Mr. Drew, and Mr. Eliot. We list their names on the left-hand side of the sheet. We
compare Abbott with Barnes on whatever criterion we have chosen, say, present value to the
If we feel Abbott is more valuable than Barnes, we put a tally beside Abbott's name.
We then compare Abbott with Cox, with Drew, and with Eliot. The process is repeated for
each individual. The man with the most tallies is the most valuable person, at least in the eyes
of the rater; the man with no tallies at all is regarded as the least valuable person.
Both ranking techniques, particularly when combined with multiple rankings (i.e.,
when two or more people are asked to make independent rankings of the same work group
and their lists are averaged), are among the best available for generating valid order-of-merit
rankings for salary administration purposes.
Poor performance is often blamed on employees, but usually it is not purely their
fault. To achieve premium performance you need an effective performance
management framework. There are 7 elements to developing an effective performance
management framework which combine together to result in premium employee
performance. Find out why most performance appraisal processes don't work - and
how to create a system to achieve premium performance.
One of the major issues that arises in managing a small or medium size business is in
the area of employee performance. Many business owners are frustrated with the poor
performance of their team or some individuals within their team. No matter how hard they
try, they don’t seem to be able to create a sustainable improvement in performance. The
tendency is to blame the employees for poor performance. However, more often than not, the
problem stems from not establishing an effective performance management framework.
There are a number of elements that create a framework for producing premium
The most important element is to establish a clear description of the required outcome
of the job. This may be in terms of a position description if the job is broad and covers a
number of responsibilities. Or it may simply be providing a sample or a picture of an article
that should be produced by the work. When there is a clear understanding of the output
required, it is much more likely that result will be produced.
The second element requires establishing a best practice approach to doing the work. Often
there are many ways a job can be done, but usually only one way is the most efficient. A best
practice approach involves determining the best way to do the job and then requiring
everyone to do the job the same way to maximize efficiency.
The third element is to establish a timeframe or deadline for the completion of the
work. The employee will know if they are on track if they know how long the job should
When you use a best practice approach and establish a timeframe for the work, you
can also provide a target for output over time. In other words, if you work so many hours
you should produce x amount of product. This allows us to establish a productivity target.
When an employee starts a new job, it is best to teach or train the person in how to
do the work. This may involve showing the new employee what is done for the first time or
two and then watching while the employee tries it a time or two, or until you are satisfied
they can do it without help. This is one of the most frustrating parts of the delegation process.
The time it takes to complete this element puts a lot of people off. They need to realize that
some short term pain leads to much long term gain, rather than allow the loss of some short
term productivity to keep them from ever delegating their difficult tasks.
A very important element that many forget in the delegation process is to establish a
process to measure and monitor results. One of the greatest dangers in business growth is
that of losing control because growth means we can no longer physically see everything that
goes on. Losing control leads to poor productivity and quality and escalating costs, all of
which will destroy your business if left unchecked. Control comes from knowing the results
of particular actions and being able to provide feedback or make changes if the results are
outside the parameters required.
The results achieved in a job over an extended period of time can be influenced
positively by developing an appraisal process. The appraisal process should provide
feedback to the employee about how they are performing in the job relative to expectations,
how their performance affects the success of the organization and how they interact with the
components of the organization around them.
The appraisal approach that gets best results is to adopt a coaching role with your
employees, rather than an examiner role. Too often, performance appraisal meetings are set
up for failure because the two parties come to the meeting with different objectives. The
manager wants to highlight areas of poor performance and take steps to improve these areas,
but the employee wants to be told how well they have done. This often occurs when
appraisals are held annually or six monthly and conflict is created when the judgments are
The result usually is disappointment and demotivation on the part of the employee
and frustration from the manager. Both people hate the process and no effective outcome is
achieved. It is much better to conduct appraisal meetings frequently, to compare actual results
with targets, using objective rather than subjective measures. The coaching meetings then can
be used as a discussion focused on performance improvement, instead of a confrontation
about how the employee felt they had performed.
The final element of the performance management framework is the reward process.
Every positive outcome should result in a reward for the employee. This can be tangible or
intangible and dependent on the level of maturity and experience of the employee. For some
positions, it is appropriate for rewards to be small, frequent and immediate, where for other
positions, more long term and cumulative rewards are appropriate. However, this element is
often a neglected or an ill thought out part of the process and as such, has the potential to
undermine results.
A good reward process supports and enhances the management process and increases
motivation for achieving premium performance.
The important lesson to learn is that results can be influenced through establishing an
effective performance management framework which requires all elements to work together
effectively. Poor performance often results if any elements are either missing from the
process or are poorly designed and become a negative influence on performance. But a well
designed and coordinated framework means that all elements work together systematically to
produce premium performance.
• One
Get top management actively involved. Without top management’s commitment and
visible support, no program can succeed. Top management must establish strategic plans,
identify values and core competencies, appoint an appropriate Implementation Team,
demonstrate the importance of performance management by being active participants in the
process, and use appraisal results in management decisions.
• Two
Establish the criteria for an ideal system. Consider the needs of the four stakeholder
groups of any appraisal system: Appraisers who must evaluate performance; Appraisees
whose performance is being assessed; Human Resources professionals who must administer
the system; and the Senior Management group that must lead the organization into the future.
Identifying their expectations at the start helps assure their support once the system is finally
designed. Ask each group: "What will it take for you to consider this system a smashing
success?" Don’t settle for less.
• Three
Appoint an Implementation Team. This task force should be a diagonal slice of both
appraisers and appraises from different levels and functions in the organization. The
implementation team is responsible for accomplishing the two major requirements for a
successful system. First, developing appropriate appraisal forms, policies and procedures.
Second (and the task too often overlooked) assuring a successful deployment.
• Four
Design the form first. The appraisal form is a lightning rod that will attract everyone’s
attention. Design the form early and get lots of feedback on it. Don’t believe anybody who
tells you that the form isn’t important. They’re wrong. If you’re designing a new form
internally, make sure it assesses both behaviors and results.
• Five
Build your mission, vision, values, and core competencies into the form. Performance
appraisal is a means, not an end. The real objective of any performance management system
is to make sure that the company’s strategic plan and vision and values are communicated
and achieved. Core competencies expected of all organization members should be included,
described and assessed. If your mission statement isn’t clearly visible in the performance
appraisal system, cynicism will likely result. Values become real only when people are held
accountable for living up to them.
• Six
• Seven
• Eight
Orient all appraisees. The program’s purposes and procedures must be explained in
advance — and explained enthusiastically — to everyone who will be affected by it. Specific
skills training should be provided if the new performance management procedure requires
self-appraisal, multi-rater feed-back, upward appraisal, or individual development planning.
• Nine
Use the results. If the results of the performance appraisal are not visibly used in making
promotion, salary, development, transfer, training and termination decisions, people will
realize that it’s merely an exercise.
• Ten
Monitor and revise the program. Audit the quality of appraisals, the extent to which
the system is being used, and the extent to which the original objectives have been met.
(One of the great advantages of an online performance appraisal system is that all of these
data are available instantaneously.)
Appraising the performance of managers is very important, but at the same time, it is
one of the most difficult tasks in the organization. It is difficult because most of the
managerial work cannot be quantified i.e. it is qualitative in nature like leading his/her team,
guiding, motivating, planning etc.
Therefore, the two things to be noted and evaluated for the purpose of appraisals are:
Managers are responsible for the performance of their teams as a whole. Performance in
accomplishing goals would mean to look at the completion or achievement of the goals set
for a team of employees which is being assigned to or working under a particular manager.
The best measuring criteria for a manager are hi goals, his plans of course of action to
achieve them and the extent of achievement of the goals.
The responsibilities of managers include a series of activities which are concerned with
planning, organizing, directing, leading, motivating and controlling. Managers can be rated
on the above parameters or characteristics
The criteria for measuring performance changes as the levels of the employees and their roles
and responsibilities change.
A few examples for each level are described below:
Performance measuring, rating and review systems have become more detailed,
structured and person specific than before.
The problems in the implementation of the performance appraisal processes are being
anticipated and efforts are being made to overcome them.
In India, the performance appraisal processes are faced with a lot of obstacles, the
most prominent being the lack of quantifiable indicators of the performance.
Global trends
The emergence of following concepts and the following trends related to Performance
appraisal can be seen in the global scenario:
360 degree feedback, also known as 'multi-rater feedback', is the most comprehensive
appraisal where the feedback about the employees’ performance comes from all the sources
that come in contact with the employee on his job. Organizations are increasingly using
feedback from various sources such as peer input, customer feedback, and input from
superiors. Different forms with different formats are being used to obtain the information
regarding the employee performance.
According to a wall street journal headline, “Teams have become commonplace in U.S.
Companies”. Most of the performance appraisal techniques are formulated with individuals in
mind i.e. to measure and rate the performance of the individual employee. Therefore, with the
number of teams increasing in the organizations, it becomes difficult to measure and appraise
the performance of the team. The question is how to separate the performance of the team
from the performance of the employees. A solution to this problem that is being adopted by
the companies is to measure both the individual and the team performance. Sometimes, team
based objectives are also included in the individual performance plans.
Also known as the “Up or out policy”, the rank and yank strategy refers to the
performance appraisal model in which best-to-worst ranking methods are used to identify and
separate the poor performers from the good performers. Then the action plans and the
improvement opportunities of the poor performers are discussed and they are given to
improve their performance in a given time period, after which the appropriate HR decisions
are taken. Some of the organizations following this strategy are Ford, Microsoft and Sun
There is a strong linkage between induction, training and appraisal. In a large number
of firms worldwide, a new recruit is expected to discuss his schedule of work in achieving his
induction objective. This schedule of work becomes a part of his job for the next few months.
Performance appraisal is a process of assessing, summarizing and developing the work performance
of an employee. In order to be effective and constructive, the performance manager should make
every effort to obtain as much objective information about the employee's performance as possible.
Low performance can push the organization back in today’s tough competition scenario. The project
is aimed at analyzing the performance appraisal in insurance companies.
• Objective:
• Research Methodology:
The primary data was collected with the help of survey information. A concise questionnaire
was prepared keeping in mind the information specifications.
Respondents were asked to rank the various options according to their preference. (Rank 1
being most preferred and rank 6 being least preferred). Then scoring was given on the basis of
ranks. 1 mark was allotted to rank 1, 2 marks for rank 2 and so on.
From the above table it can be seen that employees expect “Salary Administration and
Benefits” to be the main reason for conducting a Performance Appraisal. “Decision to layoff”
is of least importance as per the appraisee.
From the graph it can be seen that majority of employees are aware about their
responsibilities, which implies that the appraisers have efficiently communicated to the
appraisees all the parameters that will be taken into account during appraisal.
From graph it can be seen that majority of the respondents are satisfied with the appraisal
system. Only a meager 30% were dissatisfied with the Performance Appraisal programs.
This clearly shows that majority of the employees are not aware about the performance
ratings that are taken into account while conducting a performance appraisal.
From graph it can be seen that majority of respondents want self rating to be a method of
conducting the appraisals .
From the graph we can see that majority of the employees are not given a chance to rate their
own performance in the organization.
7. Timing of Appraisals
This shows that most of the organisations conduct their Performance Appraisal programs
annually. A very small percentage of the organisations conduct Performance Appraisals on a
half yearly basis. The share of the quarterly and monthly appraisals are extremely minimal.
8. Credibility of Appraiser
This shows that according to the employees/appraisees the credibility of the appraiser is
extremely important and it has an effect on the overall Performance appraisal program.
This shows that there is no proper complaint channel existing in the organisations for the
employees who are dissatisfied with the performance appraisal system.
From this it can be seen that there is a clear majority among the employees who say that the
standards on the basis of which the performance appraisal is carried out is not communicated
to the employees before hand.
11.Performance Appraisal
Almost all the Performance Appraisals are carried our by the Immediate Supervisor in these
organisations. In very few organisations, Rating committees carry out the performance
appraisals. None of the organisations use Peer Appraisals, Appraisals by subordinates and
Self rating as a method of Performance Appraisal.
This shows that the performance Appraisal programs are successful in giving a clear
understanding of the appraisee’s job to both appraiser and appraisee.
From the figure we can derive that the objective for conducting the Appraisal system is clear
only to half of the employees. The remaining half are not clear about the objective for which
the Performance Appraisal is carried out.
This shows that the appraisal systems do not provide a good communication flow of the top-
management plans and business goals to the staff below.
Almost all the employees expect that their comments and suggestions should be taken into
consideration while conducting the Performance Appraisal.
As per the response from the employees we can see that there is no interview conducted after
the appraisal program for majority of the employees.
1. Purpose of Appraisal
Respondents were asked to rank the various options according to their preference. (Rank 1
being most preferred and rank 6 being least preferred). Then scoring was done on basis of
these ranks. 1 mark was allotted to rank 1, 2 marks for rank 2 and so on. Then the total score
for each purpose was calculated and overall ranking was given.
Decision to layoff 42 3
Assistance in goal 72 5
From table it can be seen that appraiser considers “Determination of promotion or transfer” &
“Salary administration and Benefits” as two important factors for conducting an Appraisal.
2. Appraisal System
In this question appraiser was asked to rate how helpful the appraisal system is, from the
graph it can be seen that majority of appraisers have rated 5,4 & 3 which implies that
Performance Appraisal system is very helpful in Planning their work. Also most of the
appraisers are satisfied with the appraisal system.
This question was asked to find out how helpful appraisal system is in communicating the
support that apprasier needs from appraisee. From results it is seen that the performance
appraisal system is very helpful in communicating the support and help needed by the
appraiser from the appraisee.
From results its clear that majority of companies prefer to use “360 degree feedback” system
for Performance Appraisal. As 360 degree feedback gives feedback of appraisee from
everyone interacting with him, it is more reliable and hence most preferred.
From results we can see that Qualitative Process is considered as the most important criteria
for which the Performance appraisal programs are carried out, which shows that companies
consider Qualitiy of product & service and Customer satisfaction as most important factors.
6. Timing of Appraisals
From graphs we can see that most of companies conduct appraisals on annual basis. Some
companies conduct quaterly also.
It can be seen from results that most of the employees get De-motivated because of a poorly
conducted appraisal. To some extent employees dont coordinate with their team members.
Thus resulting in reduction of output.
All appraisers totally agree that performance appraisal helps in communicating the top
management plans and business goals to staff at lower level.
It is evident from the results that performance appraisal system doesn’t help the appraiser in
understanding strength and weakness of apraisee.
From the results it can be seen that appraisee’s comments and suggestion are not taken into
consideration before Performance Appraisal. Performance Appraisal system is designed by
appraiser without consulting appraisee.
11.Performance Appraisal
It is evident from the results that performance appraisal is conducted by the Immediate
Supervisor in all the companies.
From this it is clearly seen that according to appraiser there is a clear and joint understanding
of the appraisee’s job.
From results it is evident that Performance appraisal standards are very well communicated to
Appraisee before the Appraisal is carried out.
From results it can be clearly seen that the Appraisee is not given a chance to rate his own
This shows that most of the companies act upon the results of their Performance Appraisal program.
The appraisees also expect that their comments and suggestions should be taken in to
account while conducting the appraisals. This expectation is not fulfilled as the appraisers
do not take their comments and suggestions into consideration. Therefore they should
look into this matter before it leads to dissatisfaction among the employees.
The results also indicate that the there is no communication of top management plans and
business goal to the appraisee. The appraisers on the other hand feel that the goals and
plans have been clearly communicated to the appraisees. Communication is very essential
for any system to function efficiently. Therefore the appraisers should look into this
matter and see to it that the goals and plans are communicated effectively.
The findings suggest that for success of Appraisal system the credibility of appraiser is of
utmost importance.
As per the Appraiser, a poorly conducted appraisal system would lead to demotivation
and ineffective teamwok which will result in inefficient functioning and low productivity
in the organization. Therefore, if at all they feel there is dissatisfaction among the
appraisee’s they should motivate them. Achievement, recogntion, invelvement, job
satisfaction and development can motivate the employees to a large extent. Along with
this satisfactory working conditions and appropraite awards also play an important role.
Also a majority of employees were satisfied with the current appraisal system although
they requested for some changes.
Most of the employees were also not clear about the criteria on which ratings were given
to each employee while conducting the performance appraisal. Instead of secrecy there
should be openess. Because of lack of communication, employees may not know how
they are rated. The standards by which employees think they are being judged are
sometimes different from those their superiors actually use. Proper communication of
these ratings can help the employers achieve the level of acceptability and commitment
which is required from the employ.
From the survey we can also derive that the appraisee’s expect a post appraisal interview
to be conducted wherein they are given a proper feedback on their performance and they
can also put forward their complaints if any. The appraisal should also be followed up
with a session of counseling which is often neglected in many organizations. Counseling
involves helping an employee to identify his strengths and weaknesses to contribute to his
growth and development. Purpose is to help an employee improve his performance level,
maintain his morale, guide him to identify and develop his strong points, overcome his
weak points, develop new capabilities to handle more responsibilities, identify his
training needs.
Performance appraisal is a formal review of employee performance. At a performance
appraisal, objectives or targets are agreed between manager and employee. At each
subsequent appraisal, current and past performance is compared and targets are reviewed. It
is a prescribed system with a meeting arranged after a set period to review the targets set by
the previous appraisal. This may be six-monthly or annually, depending on your organization.
Nonetheless, the performance appraisal is not only a means to review performance standards
and specific targets. It is a means to:
A performance appraisal is looking for results, where the role of training is to direct
the process of achieving results. The final stage in the performance appraisal is the action
plan to achieve targets. The appropriate action may require training to increase knowledge,
improve skills or change behaviour.