Holy Prayers
Holy Prayers
Holy Prayers
MEANING: I prostrate myself before the five-faced Lord of Parvati, who is adorned
with various ornaments, who shines like the crystal jewel, who is seated peacefully in the
lotus pose, with moon-crested crown, with three eyes, wearing trident, thunderbolt, sword
and axe on the right side, who holds the serpent, noose, bell, damaru and spear on the left
side, and who gives protection from all fear to His devotees.
MEANING: I worship the lotus feet of Ganesha, the son of Uma, the destroyer of all
sorrows, who is served by the host of gods and elementals, and who takes the essence of
the kapittha-jarnbu fruit (fruit resembling the bilwa fruit).
MEANING: I know not any other Reality than the lotus-eyed Krishna with hands
adorned with flute, looking like a heavy-laden cloud in lustre, wearing a yellow silk
garment, with His lower lip like a ruddy bimba fruit, and with face shining like the full