4 Merox Kero Jet
4 Merox Kero Jet
4 Merox Kero Jet
Introduction Kerosene product leaving the water wash is directed to
The Merox process for kerosene/jet fuel sweetening is a salt filter containing a simple bed of coarse rock salt
one of the family of Merox process applications devel- that is used to remove free water and a portion of the
oped for control of mercaptans (thiols) in hydocarbon dissolved water from the product. This will protect the
streams. The conventional version of this process uses a water sensitive clay from premature failure.
fixed-bed catalyst, air, and caustic (NaOH) to sweeten To assure that jet fuel product specifications such as
kerosene feedstocks. Pre- and post-treatment sections thermal stability, microseparometer, and water reaction,
are included to ensure that other jet fuel specifications will be met, a product clay filter is included. The clay
are met. filter removes oil soluble surfactants, organometallic
compounds (especially copper which may have been
Chemistry present in the kerosene feed), and particulate matter,
Merox sweetening involves the catalytic oxidation of which would jeopardize jet fuel product specifications.
mercaptans to disulfides in the presence of oxygen
and alkalinity. Air provides the oxygen, and caustic Merox Process for Kerosene/Jet Fuel Sweetening
provides the alkalinity. The disulfides formed remain
Merox Caustic Water Salt Clay
in the treated hydrocarbon stream. The sweetening Prewash Reactor Settler Wash Filter Filter
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