The SIGMA SD15. The World's Only Integral, Three-Layer, Complete-Color Sensor. The Camera That Captures It All
The SIGMA SD15. The World's Only Integral, Three-Layer, Complete-Color Sensor. The Camera That Captures It All
The SIGMA SD15. The World's Only Integral, Three-Layer, Complete-Color Sensor. The Camera That Captures It All
The photographer's everything to this task are the lens and the
— the camera. image sensor.
In recent years, it's become more Then, armed with the image sensor
and more difficult to choose a digital that matches his or her photographic
camera from the many available vision, a photographer may select
options. But no matter how complex and deploy a variety of lenses that
cameras become, the essence of complement the sensor. The camera
photography remains the same: system that best empowers the
capturing the image as it exists in the dedicated photographer's ideal
photographer's imagination. approach today is the Sigma digital
The two parts of the camera essential single-lens reflex camera.
The single-lens reflex camera of choice
The most complete system SLR camera, lenses, and accessories A camera that celebrates the
camera available suited to the photographer's unique photographer's style
vision. To take the perfect picture,
To the photographer, exciting new the photographer needs to be able to In the sleek, sophisticated body
subjects and compositions constantly move freely from instant to instant. of a Sigma digital SLR is the finest
appear—and drive the demand for a More than any other system, a digital image sensor available. It is coupled
versatile camera that can grasp these SLR camera helps the photographer with a Sigma lens that offers
opportunities. The most complete be creative and take advantage of crystal-clear images and the highest
and flexible system camera available moments that only come once. level of finished image quality.
is the single-lens reflex (SLR) camera. The optical viewfinder satisfies the
The appeal of an optical viewfinder professional eye and makes taking
Refined by photographers over many pictures truly a delight. In addition,
decades, SLR technology allows the Another critical part of a digital a Sigma digital SLR camera
photographer to create a genuinely SLR camera is the optical coordinates well with accessories
personalized system that matches his viewfinder. Based on advanced to enhance the enjoyment of every
or her own style—a benefit offered digital technology, the backlit LCD photographic opportunity.
by no other type of camera. Wide- viewfinders with live preview
angle, standard, telephoto, macro, and electronic viewfinders (EVF) In short, a Sigma SLR camera
high ratio zoom—all of these lenses found in compact digital cameras is the complete system camera
and a wide range of accessories offer a high degree of scene that empowers the photographer
are available, accommodating any visibility and convenience. in the widest variety of creative
photographic circumstance. circumstances. It allows the
An optical viewfinder offers many photographer not only to respond
The photographer's vision distinct advantages. Verification of to the scene that presents itself but
makes the camera. every aspect of the scene with the also to find and express a uniquely
naked eye. High-precision focusing. personal photographic method,
Since the image the photographer A real-time and realistic image style, and spirit.
has in mind is highly individual, of the subject. Finer detail. Finer
Sigma believes a good camera photographs. More than any other camera, the
should allow creativity to come to Sigma digital SLR camera has
the fore, helping the photographer An electronic image simply can't the individuality to support the
overcome limitations and expand the imitate these things, yet they are all creativity of the photographer
possibilities of the craft. No camera crucial in taking highly precise, and maximize his or her abilities.
affords the photographer more highly individual photographs. It is a resource that sharpens
freedom than a digital SLR. Currently, nothing matches an optical discernment, deepens the
finder for revealing the subject exactly compositional sense, and
First comes the desire to create an as it is and inspiring the photographer strengthens the creative will,
image and capture meaning. Next to take the ideal picture as conceived allowing the photographer to
come the proper tools—a digital by that person. take artistic action.
Camera : SIGMA SD15 / File Type : X3F Raw, Exposure Mode : A - Aperture Priority AE, ISO Setting : 50, White Balance : Auto, Shutter Speed : 0.4s, Aperture Value : F9.0 | Lens : SIGMA 18-50mm F2.8 EX DC MACRO 09
The new standard for image quality and detail
A sensor that enables products, almost all digital and the sensor. This filter acts on
true image quality cameras available today contain the high-resolution image from
monochrome image sensors. the imaging lens, eliminating high-
The image sensor is the most Unable to distinguish between frequency, detailed elements likely
important part of a digital SLR colors, these sensors receive light to generate color artefacts before
camera. What, then, should through a filter that has an even they can reach the image sensor.
a photographer choosing a new distribution of red, green, and blue Although it effectively suppresses
camera look for in an image sensor? filtering units. As a result, color artefacts, the optical low-pass
the sensor records color not filter also systematically reduces the
Most camera makers today vertically, but horizontally. resolution of the image.
emphasize megapixels, which are of
course a factor in determining image Since each light-sensing photodiode The Foveon X3®
resolution. Sigma believes, however, has above it a tiny filter unit that direct image sensor generates
that a theory of image quality lets in only one color, each pixel truly emotional images.
that begins and ends with the captures only one color, and data for
megapixels is grossly incomplete, the other two colors of light is never Sigma digital SLR cameras produce
since it is the structure of the image collected at all. A color interpolation truly emotional images, thanks
sensor that has the greatest impact process known as demosaicing to the Foveon X3® direct image
on finished image quality. guesses at the missing colors based sensor. Completely different in
on the colors of neighboring pixels, structure from conventional image
From the first generation onward, adding them back in. sensors, the Foveon X3® direct
Sigma digital cameras have featured image sensor offers truly distinctive
the Foveon X3® direct image Developed and refined over an image quality characterized by fine
sensor. This sensor leverages the extended period, this method of detail—detail essential to capturing
special qualities of silicon, which processing images has matured, the emotional qualities of the
is penetrated to different depths and the interpolation of colors subject. Sigma digital SLR cameras
by different wavelengths of light. is now fairly accurate. Inevitably, are designed to reproduce what the
It was the world's first and remains however, interpolating colors based photographer shoots, right down
the world's only image sensor to on neighboring pixels results in the to the feeling in the air—a result
capture fully the three basic colors loss of subtle color details found in that is only possible with a vertical
of light — red, green, and blue — in the original subject. color-capture system that does not
each pixel location without relying require color interpolation, and an
on color filters. Demosaicing compromises image-processing system that does
color detail. not require an optical low-pass filter.
In fact, the Foveon X3® direct image
sensor receives red, green, and blue Due to the demosaicing process, In contrast, a conventional image
wavelengths of light vertically — just conventional digital cameras using sensor performs guesswork on
like modern color film. Considering color filter arrays also generate colors and even cuts out high-
it far superior to the much more color artefacts — colors not found frequency areas completely.
common Bayer filter sensors in the original subject at all. To a degree, colors can be adjusted
available, most experts agree that The problem arises when areas in post-processing. But the subject's
the Foveon X3® direct image sensor of the subject have a higher details and nuances, once lost, can
has a unique structure that makes it frequency of color detail than can never be recovered. To compensate,
the image sensor of the day — and be adequately covered by the grid conventional cameras utilize
of the future. of red, green, and blue units sharpness processing to give the
in the Bayer filter. appearance of a higher resolution.
Other digital cameras' As a result, these cameras produce
monochrome image sensors A conventional Bayer filter digital images that have artificially sharp
camera has an additional optical edges and give an uncanny and
With the exception of Sigma's low-pass filter between the lens unnatural impression.
The Foveon X3® Direct Image Sensor The Bayer filter Image Sensor
The Foveon X3® has three layers of The old-fashioned Bayer filter image sensor
R: 100%, G: 100%, B: 100% photosensors, enabling it to capture 100% R: 25%, G: 50%, B: 25% can only capture 50% of the green color data,
of the RGB color data at once. and a mere 25% each of the blue and the red.
12 Camera : SIGMA SD15 / File Type : X3F Raw, Exposure Mode : M - Manual Exposure, ISO Setting : 50, White Balance : Auto, Shutter Speed : 1/125s, Aperture Value : F10 | Lens : SIGMA 50mm F1.4 EX DG HSM
Camera : SIGMA SD15 / File Type : X3F Raw, Exposure Mode : M - Manual Exposure, ISO Setting : 100, White Balance : Auto, Shutter Speed : 1/125s, Aperture Value : F5.6 | Lens : SIGMA 18-50mm F2.8 EX DC MACRO 13
Professor Carver Mead The First Three-layer Direct Image Sensor Professor Mead and Dick Lyon working with the prism camera
The founding of FOVEON the best imaging engineering talent in each pixel location. Thanks to
available and engaged in cutting- his special genius and a unique
Foveon's invention of the X3® direct edge research and development. career, Merrill had developed
image sensor traces its roots back the creativity needed to realize
to the research of Caltech physicist, Foveon's first product was not an artistic objectives through
Professor Carver Mead. One focus of image sensor but instead a complete advanced technology. His ability
Mead's research was the modeling digital camera. In this original system, as a photographer led to crucial
in semiconductors of human a beam-splitter prism assembly technological contributions, and
capabilities. Mead's collaboration separated the incoming light into his passion for artistic expression
with a neuroscience research group its three primary colors, passing the became the driving force behind
eventually led him and his students red, green, and blue beams through the invention and development
into fundamental investigations of the separate color filters and directing of Foveon's advanced, full-color
image sensing process. them to three large image sensors. image sensors.
An extremely high-resolution image
Mead's research led to a business was then assembled from the data of A new era in image processing
venture supported by some of Silicon the three colors.
Valley's leading firms with both Merrill's device proved the
financial and human resources. In This camera was extraordinary, high- feasibility of capturing RGB
August 1997, Foveon was founded, end technology, but it was expensive information in each pixel location,
taking its name from an anatomical to manufacture and ultimately too but it was not immediately possible
term: fovea centralis. costly for the end user. By the time to develop an image sensor based
Foveon stopped prism digital camera on this technology. Although it was
Maximal sensitivity to light and color production, it had already created well known that silicon absorbs
a patented technology that would shorter wavelengths of light
The fovea centralis is the central ensure its preeminence in the coming closer to its surface and longer
portion of the human retina that has era of image processing research. wavelengths of light further from
the most acute vision and the best its surface, additional advances in
color perception. The name “Foveon” The invention of image processing were necessary
signaled the company's commitment a revolutionary device to make use of this characteristic in
to developing the world's most creating high-quality images. That
advanced and high-performance Next, Dick Merrill, a leading task fell to Foveon Chief Scientist
image sensors for the professional semiconductor engineering working Dick Lyon, an image processing
market. From its first days as a at Foveon, invented a device that expert with a keen interest in
startup company, Foveon gathered could create a stack of RGB pixels photography.
Dick Lyon Dick Merrill The Sigma SD9 and The Foveon X3® direct image sensor.
New products offering The Sigma SD series arrives Sigma once again dedicated itself to
ultra-high image quality taking the quality of its lenses to a
With its focus on creating lenses new level. Aiming not just for a high
Through careful experiments of the highest resolution possible, modulation transfer function (MTF)
and analysis, Lyon performed Sigma found the idea of using a value, Sigma took a holistic approach
theoretical research into the light resolution-reducing optical low-pass to lens developing, pursuing the
absorption characteristics of silicon, filter—on which conventional digital best photographs and best finished-
determining a set of red, green, and SLR cameras rely—completely image quality possible.
blue spectral sensitivity curves for unacceptable. A lens manufacturer
theoretical R, G, and B photodiodes with a philosophy of leveraging its In November 2008, Sigma purchased
at specific depths. Based on his own technology to offer the highest Foveon, creator of the Foveon
research, Lyon concluded it was level of product quality, Sigma X3® direct image sensor. With strong
possible to use the technology to introduced the SD9, its first digital synergy in goals and philosophy,
produce color images of a high SLR camera and the first camera in the two companies make an ideal
quality that would satisfy the the world to feature the Foveon combination. In addition, Sigma had
discerning professional. X3® direct image sensor. always focused on developing its
own technology and manufacturing
Through the efforts of Dick Sigma had accepted the risk of its own products, including
Merrill, Dick Lyon, and many other implementing a new technology everything from tiny screws to
engineers, Foveon produced the and selected the Foveon X3® direct injection molds. As a unified entity,
prototype of the Foveon X3® image sensor for its flagship digital Sigma and Foveon have continued to
direct image sensor and continued SLR camera. Having no need for an pursue the industry's highest level of
to refine it. At last in 2002, optical low-pass filter, the Foveon quality while offering products at a
through trial and error, creativity, X3® direct image sensor made reasonable cost.
and powerful resolve, Foveon full use of the potential of Sigma's
completed the development high-resolution lenses to produce Having merged the best lens with
of an image sensor ready for a lifelike images rich in emotion and the best image sensor, Sigma has not
commercial digital camera. presence. stopped asking the central question:
what makes for the best overall
In October 2002, the Sigma SD9 Best lens, best image sensor photograph? Sigma has continued to
camera debuted, featuring the pursue excellence in the body of the
Foveon X3® direct image sensor. It Having selected the Foveon camera and all of the components
was and is the world's first single- X3® direct image sensor to bring to offer each photographer the best
chip, full-color image sensor. out the full potential of its lenses, camera possible.
The SD15 offers
refined and balanced
SIGMA SD15 technology
circuits are capable of handling the features a cross type sensor in the
large data files generated by the high- center of the screen. Selecting the
resolution 14 megapixel sensor. The AF point can be done manually or
SD15 features a continuous shooting automatically.
speed of 3 frames per second with up
to 21 RAW Images that can be captured Improved Auto Bracketing function
in continuous shooting mode. Five frame Auto Bracketing function
In addition to the usual three
TRUE II frame bracketing, five frame
TRUE II image processing engine bracketing has now been added to
The SD15 incorporates the TRUE (Three- the Auto Bracketing function.
X3 Direct Image Sensor layer Responsive Ultimate Engine) II" image It allows users to get a more detailed
14 Megapixel Foveon X3 processing engine which improves the and accurate exposure.
direct image sensor processing speed and overall image
The Foveon X3® direct image sensor quality. The unique image-processing Wide coverage viewfinder
captures all primary RGB colors algorithm provides high resolution Bright viewfinder image by
at each and every pixel location. power and reproduces high definition the incorporation of a pentaprism
As the photo detectors are arranged in images with richly graduated tones.
three layers, full and complete color is The improved processing speed of
captured giving the images RAW and JPEG data provides ease
a three-dimensional feel. of camera operation.
same subject at three or five different Even if dust adheres to the image number of 11. The Built-in flash can be
exposure levels. The shift value can be sensor, the dust protector can be synchronized to a shutter speed up
set in 1/3EV increments up to removed easily for sensor cleaning. to 1/180 sec. Incorporation of S-TTL
+-3EV(3 stops) / +-1.7EV(5 stops). automatic exposure system ensures the
New, intuitive user interface control of advanced flash photography.
New AE sensor Simple user interface for
77-Segment AE Sensor faster camera operation
The SD15 features a new 77-segment The improved user interface provides
AE sensor which allows advanced faster and more convenient operation
AE algorithms, improving exposure of the camera. The Quick Set button
accuracy. Exact control and activates the display of the most
collaboration with the AF point ensures commonly used camera functions such
the camera exposes accurately even in as Color Mode, White Balance, Image
difficult lighting conditions. Quality and Image Size on one screen.
The 4-Way Controller ensures faster
77-segment Evaluative Metering
Evaluative Metering is suitable for general operation of these features.
photography. Even under strong back The FUNC button enables functions Backlit top LCD panel
lightning situations, the camera will give such as Flash Mode and Synchro Mode. The top LCD panel displays
you the correct exposure.
important information
Center Weighted The top LCD panel allows the
Average Metering
The camera will measure
photographer to quickly check camera
the average luminance information such as the resolution
of the entire picture area setting, metering mode, battery status
with additional emphasis
on the center area. This and the number of images that can
makes it ideal when using be recorded on the SD card. It also
the optional exposure
incorporates an orange backlight
which enables the camera to be easily
Center Area Metering controlled in low light conditions.
The camera will measure
the luminance of 8.8% of
the entire picture area. It SIGMA Photo Pro 4.0
is ideal for metering when the subject is Large 3.0” TFT Color LCD Monitor Image adjustments with
Large, highly visible LCD screen simple operation
Spot Metering The SD15 camera features a 3.0 inch The supplied image processing software
The camera will measure the luminance of
1% of the entire picture area. This mode is TFT color LCD monitor. of SIGMA Photo Pro 4.0 converts RAW
suitable when you wish to set the exposure This 460,000 pixel resolution LCD data quickly and easily. Incorporation
for a small portion of the scene and ignore
monitor benefits from a wide viewing of a new noise reduction algorithm
the influence of the rest of the scene.
angle, making it easy to check reduces chroma and luminance noise. In
Dust Protector focusing and composition. addition, it is compatible with five Color
Prevent dust from entering Modes which apply a suitable setting to
the camera body OK Button setting each shooting situation. The adjusted
Most digital SLR cameras are vulnerable Customize the OK button settings can be saved to the RAW file.
to dust entering the body. If the dust It is possible to allocate certain
and dirt adhere to the image sensor, it functions to the OK button for added Dedicated BP-21 Lithium-ion battery
may appear in the pictures. The mount convenience. These functions include Dedicated rechargeable battery
of the SD 15 is equipped with a dust Review Image, Rotate Image with a large capacity
protector and and Mark Image. The dedicated BP-21 Lithium-ion
the sealing battery is supplied as standard with
parts are Built-in flash with 17mm the SD15. It is possible to shoot
incorporated angle of coverage approximately 500 images on one full
around Advanced flash photography charge and takes about 120 minutes
the mount, The Sigma SD15 camera's built-in flash to fully charge with the supplied BC-21
preventing dust offers an angle of coverage of 17mm Battery Charger. The optional AC
from entering (equivalent to 28mm with Adapter SAC-4 enables the Sigma SD15
the body. a 35mm camera) lens with a guide to obtain power from the main supply.
20 Camera : SIGMA SD15 / File Type : X3F Raw, Exposure Mode : A - Aperture Priority AE, ISO Setting : 50, White Balance : Auto, Shutter Speed : 1/6s, Aperture Value : F4.5 | Lens : SIGMA MACRO 70mm F2.8 EX DG
Highest-quality components for masterpiece photographs
The TRUE II image-processing JPEG images are ready to print RAW data in the .x3f format is what
engine joins the SD series. when the SD15 is simply connected photographers require to do the very
to the printer, and the image data best work that only they can do.
files are ready to share with friends
and family. For ease of connectivity SIGMA Photo Pro 4.0 offers
and convenient sharing, JPEG mode darkroom-style freedom and control
is an excellent choice.
Believing it to be the very best RAW
Creating JPEG files in this way, data processing software available,
however, subjects data to irreversible Sigma offers SIGMA Photo Pro 4.0.
compression, leaving little scope for With its intuitive and uncluttered
image correction afterward. Using interface, the application offers
a camera that offers only in-camera photographers exactly what they
JPEG processing can severely limit need to give their photographs
The SD15 is the first in the SD a photographer's artistic expression. a truly artistic and professional
series to offer the TRUE (Three- finish. Even those new to raw data
layer Responsive Ultimate Engine) II In RAW mode, the Foveon X3® processing will find it easy to use.
image-processing engine. Developed direct image sensor outputs to .x3f
exclusively to operate in synergy RAW image format files, preserving
with the Foveon X3® direct image the high-presence, high-quality,
sensor, TRUE II has been an extremely accurate, and balanced data that
popular feature since it was first makes for truly emotional images
introduced on the Sigma DP2. and opens up new creative channels.
Sigma believes that RAW mode
Based on Sigma's comprehensive allows photographers the clearest
understanding of the image-creation path to creative expression while
mechanism of the Foveon X3® supporting the best image quality
direct image sensor, TRUE II uses and fostering the finest photographs.
a proprietary algorithm to help create
subtle and lifelike images. As a result, The .x3f RAW data format for
the SD15 optimizes in-camera JPEG highest-quality images
production, dramatically enhancing
image quality and processing time. Sigma believes that a digital SLR
camera should empower the
TRUE II leverages the high-quality photographer in two distinct stages:
light signal captured by the Foveon during image creation and during The Adjustment Controls Palette
X3® direct image sensor, applying image processing. Photographers contains exposure, contrast,
Sigma's image-processing expertise should have all of the resources shadows, highlights, color saturation,
to preserve the data under optimal necessary to recreate the ideal sharpness, and the X3 Fill Light
conditions. It processes images image retained in the mind's eye. feature. A new noise reduction
quickly while maintaining their quality control area allows for reduction of
and emotional feel, helping to make For this reason, the SD15 offers both color noise and luminance noise.
the SD15 even more rewarding to use. photographers the highest-quality The Color Wheel allows for easy
data that is ready for professional adjustment of photograph colors.
Featuring JPEG and finishing, broad in dynamic range Using these controls, photographers
RAW image format modes and rich in harmony and color. can easily process images to match
For use in RAW mode in all of its their original artistic vision — just
Using the JPEG setting allows cameras, Sigma has developed the as though working in a classic
the SD15 to finish captured images .x3f format to capture the pure, darkroom.
as JPEG files inside the camera rich data that a true full-color sensor
according to a specially developed has to offer. SIGMA Photo Pro 4.0 is a perfect
Sigma formula. match to the .x3f format with its
When these JPEG images match Just as the best ingredients help superior dynamic range. Its advanced
the photographer's vision, JPEG create a gourmet dish, the finest tools enable artistic expression
mode is an extremely powerful and data helps the photographer and the limitless enjoyment that
convenient feature of the SD15. express individual skill and vision. photography has to offer.
The artist’s camera
High-performance Sigma lenses. A lens lineup designed for ghost-reducing super multi-layer
highest image quality. coating, HSM (Hyper Sonic Motor),
Founded in 1961 as a lens the OS (Optical Stabilizer) anti-shake
manufacturer, Sigma has leveraged Leveraging advanced optical compensation function,
its original technologies to create design and precision manufacturing ELD (Extraordinary Low Dispersion)
unique products and assume its expertise, Sigma has developed and SLD (Special Low Dispersion)
position as a leading photographic for its SA mount lenses a flare- and glass, aspheric elements, and other
equipment provider, cutting-edge components
despite a relatively late and features. All Sigma
start in the marketplace. standard, wide-angle,
Today, Sigma continues telephoto, macro, fisheye,
to be a leader in the and other lenses are
highly competitive designed to make best use
interchangeable lens of the exceptional image
market, thanks to its quality of the SD15.
dedication to ongoing
development of innovative Seeking always to help
products and an unstinting photographers achieve
approach to quality control. the best results possible
while enjoying the full
Today the standard for SLR delight of photography,
cameras, the rear converter Sigma currently produces
was originally a Sigma more than 40 different
invention. In the past, a types of lenses, as well
conversion lens could as camera bodies that
only be used with a single support lens function at the
objective lens. In addition, highest level.
the conversion lens came Developed and
between the objective manufactured to meet the
lens and the body, making highest standards in the
the camera front-heavy. industry, Sigma's SA Mount
Sigma's innovation solved lenses offer photographers
these issues, leading to the the selection and reliable,
user-friendly lens system responsive performance
with which photographers that make true creativity
are familiar today. possible.
Optional accessories ELECTRONIC FLASH
The high power EF-530 DG
There are many optional accessories available
Super flash enables S-TTL
for the SD15 to complement the user's style of automatic flash metering. It has
photography. These accessories ensure ease of wireless flash connectivity and
use and comfortable shooting. a high-speed synchronization
function which can be used at
high shutter speeds.
Power Grip
This specially designed battery pack (PG-21)
with a vertical grip is dedicated for SD15 use
and can hold two BP-21 batteries.
EF-530 DG ST
This is a high-powered auto zoom flash
featuring automatic flash metering
using S-TTL operation. The flashgun
allows perfect flash shots effortlessly
and also includes an automatic zoom
and bounce-head function.
Remote Controller
The Remote control allows the
photographer to take self-portraits
or get into group shots. Used
in conjunction with the Mirror
AC Adapter
Lock-Up function, it can reduce
the possibility of image-blurring
This is used to provide
caused by camera shake, making
a constant electricity
it particularly useful for macro or
supply when shooting
telephoto shooting.
in the studio, or taking
pictures indoors. It is
Cable Release Switch also recommended for
CR-21 use when connecting the
camera to your computer
The CR-21 Cable Release Switch
to transfer data.
is ideal for long exposures or bulb
shooting. It is also possible to lock
the release button.
Notice: To avoid damage or injury, please read the instruction manual carefully before using the camera.
Format Interchangeable lens SLR camera Metering Systems 77 segment Evaluative Metering, Spot Metering,
Compatible Lenses SIGMA SA mount interchangeable lenses Center Area Metering, Center-Weighted Average
Lens Mount SIGMA SA bayonet mount Metering
Angle of View Equivalent to approx. 1.7 times the focal length of the Metering Range EV 1 to 20 (50mm F1.4 : ISO100)
lens (for 35mm cameras) Exposure Control System [P] Program AE (Program Shift is possible),
[S] Shutter Speed Priority AE,
IMAGE SENSOR [A] Aperture Priority AE, [M] Manual
Format Foveon X3® direct image sensor CMOS ISO Sensitivity AUTO(ISO 100-200) : With Flash (ISO 100-400)
Image Sensor Size 20.7 x 13.8mm (0.8in. x 0.5in.) Equivalent to ISO100, 200, 400, 800 and 1600
Number of Pixels Total Pixel 14.45 MP (2,688 x 1,792 x 3 layers) (ISO50 and ISO3200 with Extended Mode)
Effective Pixel 14.06 MP (2,652 x 1,768 x 3 layers) Exposure Compensation +- 3 EV (in 1/3 Stop Increments)
Aspect Ratio 3:2 AE Lock AE lock button is pressed or shutter release button
is pressed halfway
RECORDING SYSTEM Auto Bracketing With 3 frames bracketing : 1/3EV Stops Up to +- 3EV
Storage Media SD Card/Compatible with SDHC, Multi Media Card With 5 frames bracketing : 1/3EV Stops Up to + - 1.7EV
Still Image Format Exif 2.21, DCF 2.0, DPOF
Recording Mode Lossless compression RAW data(12-bit), DRIVE SYSTEM
JPEG (High, Medium, Low) Drive Modes [ 1] Single, [2] Continuous,
Color Mode 7 types (Standard, Vivid, Neutral, Portrait, Landscape, [3] Self-Timer (2sec./10sec.), [4] Mirror Lock-up
B&W, Sepia) Continuous shooting speed 3 frames/second
Continuous buffer 21 frames
File Size RAW High Approx. 15.4 MB 2,640 x 1,760
JPEG High : Fine Approx. 3.3 MB 2,640 x 1,760 Display
: Normal Approx. 1.9 MB 2,640 x 1,760 Top LCD Shutter speed display, Aperture value display,
: Basic Approx. 1.4 MB 2,640 x 1,760 Exposure meter display, Shooting capacity display,
Medium : Fine Approx. 1.6 MB 1,872 x 1,248 Exposure mode display, Battery status display,
: Normal Approx. 0.9 MB 1,872 x 1,248 Remote controller mode display,
: Basic Approx. 0.7 MB 1,872 x 1,248 Exposure compensation value display
Low : Fine Approx. 0.8 MB 1 , 312 x 880
: Normal Approx. 0.5 MB 1 , 312 x 880
: Basic Approx. 0.3 MB 1 , 312 x 880 Type TFT color LCD monitor
Monitor Size 3.0"
WHITE BALANCE LCD Pixels Approx. 460,000
Coverage 100%
Settings 8 types (Auto, Daylight, Shade, Overcast, Incandescent,
Fluorescent, Flash and Custom)
Viewfinder Reviewing Images Single frame display, Multi display [9 frames],
Type Pentaprism SLR viewfinder Zoom, Slide Show
Viewfinder Frame Coverage 98% vertical, 98% horizontal Highlight Display Available
Viewfinder Magnification 0.9x (50mmF1.4 - oo) Histogram Available
Eye point 18mm
Diopter Adjustment Range -3dpt ~ +1.5dpt MENU
Focusing Screen Fixed, all matt screen LCD Monitor Language English / Japanese / German / French / Spanish /
Mirror Quick return Italian / Chinese (Simplified) / Korean / Russian
Depth of Field Preview Depth of field preview button
Auto Focus Type TTL phase difference detection system AUDIO/VIDEO Video Out (NTSC/PAL)
AF Point 5-points (center AF point:cross type)
AF Operating Range EV 0 to +18 (ISO100) Power Source
Focus Mode Single AF, Continuous AF (with AF motion prediction Power Li-ion Battery Pack BP-21, Batterry Chager BC-21,
function), Manual AC Adapter SAC-4 (Optional)
AF Point Selection Automatic Selection, Manual Selection
Active AF point indicator Superimposed in viewfinder DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT
AF Assist Light White Color AF Assist Light Dimensions 144mm/5.7"(W) X 107.3mm/4.2"(H) X 80.5mm/3.2"(D)
SIGMA CORPORATION 2-4-16, Kuriki, Asao-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa, 215-8530 Japan Tel: +81-44-989-7437 Fax: +81-44-989-7448