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How To Apply Fee Funding

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Ap·"·PI·LYIN··· .. · ' .... G'·· T'O" '.

NU·:·· "S<·T

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'UN:, D'···.,E,1?:,G.··' '·'RAD-·· .·"··1 ·.·.U"AiT·E·. (··UG··' . ,) .. P'--R,O····, ,··G·:' RA···.· ... ·: •.. · .. ~nK't?S"·::·,·:1

." " ' , .1'\.,;" . ' , ,,' , .t=l.. ',",' "..' " ,,' ,Jl.V1.1VJ.JI..:J "

Dates to Remember Co'iIiJillilit'iII:!iitice:m;Blrnt 0'1' U fli~e'rgifa,du;art.e (OiU i"'SiE3S NM-S,T' I1h,li ~i~~:5,~ S!chQIOi~

AtI~:u5.:t' 3At 21010

Ineligibility Criteria

C!3Jndid:ate,l) ''iMl~h f'@n©win~· defi~iiE!If'i1(ih~s dire not e I i'gible to. alpplIV' for ,admi:s.s:i OWII te:lt. 0'" N ~Sl UG pOOlra m mes:

1[)e;f:l,a[Ji'~ment: of' M:asiS CO'l!!IilmUIIiiI;~canon Au~,ust 3!O", 2010

;) Less 1Lm'all1l 160% 1l'riI~,r~ lin M,atwic and IFA/FSc.

> L~~,$, th~1flI 1150% m~llfk:s lin Q/A ~~~~II !~~, lj:liI~~r '€q U i,v,~I~n,oo cemfica~es, ijS:~~I~dI by I sec.

>. ,F~ r~I)2,d/mot a,ppeal!'~d in ,ai!'Q1j subj"i!lct" Tn FA~FSc Pa rt:",iVP.ar~~III.

); UnavaHil:dJi:I~·'~~l of v'[!ll~d 0 Leve~ e'qlu iV,i:ilerme certtiifucate iSSILi e,d by ~BCC at '~he 'time of a pplfy~fI"Ig to NOS,..

) DiJpilom~ Iho~(!i,e rs ~Ir€' jfJ 0:1' eligi bl €' to ~IP p,ly in, ~ ny lp-tO,~:r,amm~' ~. NU rr

Sil[l! bmis~h:il\~ !of SAT If,l)e~W!II~:s,

SAt results; of nstiens II a~d iilnte:lmalt]on~ I students she uld rsa en NU Sl from C.o~lege BOi8Jro brv J1u,ly' lO~ ::lOlO. ~t ii$ the' res,po,nsibilii'ty' or the' (~n,dijajaTIe to ~roviide' U~e SAT scores to Undergiia,dUiaitle SecLiio,n", ~US-T~, Sect,or H-12'1 Ilsh~mabaJd.

Submission of Online Application Form,

Con !)ide'r:Tt1I~ tine w~de$prec:Hl ,a\Ja~ICI,bi~ity altlld use olf III 'ffaci i~'!li~:i in th e cO[JntrYi N tJST i~ 0 n iy iUioepti',nl

CHi~ i n e alpp~i(;at1h)ifl' 'f.QOOS from pros,p ective cand iiCtM:es fur ~I~II it~ UGi prlO'gralnfl mes from :~~.5:S~OIfii .2OJIJ) c'N:1iWa rds." A (~I!'i!d id~te can ml ~,f1 dl $ll)Ilb,mit the ~ plpili c.~rlioWi! mrm,. ;!1l{!J;fJ,!ilabh:' on I i n~· art; 'W'Ww,ugadm i sslcn .nust.ed 1lJ1. pk;

~~~(;tiQII1 o,f ,CiiI mi dlid~~~~

Se~~ctiQW1I of (~I!1!d i d'~ibt:$ will start from Jluly' 20·)];0 ~nd conl1ll'u,Ie 'til 1.1 the com p,l i!ti~on of ~v~,n alb Ie seats ~ riQIF '00 (lorn !'iI'Ul!'IlCemernil of! iP'm,gJ-ammes.

EIDigibi~ity Criteria

); li~t@nrm~diii:!t,~, or an '~quh!'~~e.r!Il qu~lificalioT1! Hike Ow.~i!:a s IHigh .Schocd C@mifh;at;e./Brttiis~ G"en'i!IF;a!1 Cer~fijca~e off Edu~iJtion (MvilirlJoe,d ~evlell U~l1terUJ ~tim"Va I IB·aocCI,ilaiIJlf'eISite!A.dvdirliCle IP~ aeem e·ji"J,'t.

); 1M ~n ~miLl:m ~iO% ag;~r,ega!te' marks each lin M,alric and ln II iflilter\m~dlif,iit~ ~e~dudli rng NC'l: m;;.r&$)/€.q iLllilv~~e.nl e:o:~ms- IN 0 d1~~~ti:on, iin th i s ~g~ ro U$ ,anQw~d;

For subssquent cerrespen de nce with NlllIST~ the' 'ffolliowit]g address UIi"I:CfV be ursedl:

UGi :5 e,i: tiQ nil\., lRl~gi~1tr,ar Ilb'ectt]'n':¢ite",

IIN~rti'on~ ~ I!.Uiniv~I~$~l.y iQif ,S~i~n(:e!ii ~od '1i~d:1[r1I'oIQgv (NU.ST)" S~d'or ji·1Z, Ills!l!arn~lb~dJ f'~ki~iban..

'-Ti:IlIfI" -",-0..,. IiO·l'___)[1j ii'lIlClI"'l' ;:;,~~ IlJII1IiQII:::''1,ii1;1I10 ,;:]ii]I(I!i!~.'1 ,Ifrt;i::' l' I;:] ii1IIClII:i:''I ,if!Ij!!:i' ~ _1I!iiiii;_i' W~~·,;;II. ·.-,~!~le~ _lll.f-l"4I\;I!;'1 ;I-~O~~~~:r ~ ~O~~~~ ~ ,~·I;.5IO~~I;[I\~lJ;


); (allfl,dlidClrte5 or FAfFS<c s:UleClIIifI can ,aJpply' fliU tIJ ~ST ,e n'uy t,es:t on tin e basts Qif FA/F5c lPart-~ bu t, (lordirm.altion O!~ the'i r a dlflfl'i:s5~olril I's subjl!Zct '~D provision of F:Ajf-Sc c~rtflfli~;ate Or d@'1ta~ll~d mark ~h~~t I~m~ni mum 6~, m~lrks.:~ of 1f@1~\i'~nt (~ti@gJi)rv b efore the C:Q.,mm@ f!1C@nil ~lI1It Cl,f rel!ev~n.t C!oI)J_~i!. of :s-tlU!dy ..

,. Cf! m~id:aiJ!es of D/A Leve~1 ~·~f\eaJIT! ea UJI ,applly OF! the basi'£ of 0 U:ve I,equ~w I:ence ~rti"fii(ate' d u i \I @bta,iin~d from

II SC:C (miWil!i mum 6:0% rna rks] b ut th e·1 Ii confiirmaltio[l1 o.'ff

a d mli:§;s~olili ~'S sub]!lZct to plI'Ovi:s;iol'll of A. level eqJUirv;;dence, c€!'mfiieale (mlin'~m!U'm ,60% m~lrl!~) of W€ leiJ~ nt cat:e,g.ory' ~etfOIfe '~h,~ comm~n(~ml~nt (lif ~Ievillnt IP r'Ogr~mr!il~' (Iff s,tUldy:.

Application Fee

IRs. l,500/- or US D 20/-

Foil' NU ST Entra.nce Test

FOil" SAT N at:ion a~ Stud e nts. Rs 1,.5001 ~ 0 r U SD 20/ ~ For 5A T Ifllternat1 ona I 5tlllden~s Rs 4InDO/~ C! r U SD 50!-



C4!I r1Jdidate:s will. fi~1 tlne an1 i ne a pplicatio n fa I'm

through N UST w@b·lillk www.u~:a.dmls.5h:m.ni.J~L.edu.pk ~ ~ d submrt.

Ca n.d~d ares wii I deposit th e fee i2 ither thro ugh credit cam or rna k.e an CI n I lillIE' d E! Pfr!t~t at a filly brij n rh of HB L or 81ii n k AI:"~18 n ..

Confirmation of recelipt of pavrnant sent to. candidates' em ~ijl a. d d resses with in 15 d 81yS of p 8,yme,m,

IISS Ij e Q'f roll ,n u mbers and .a 1:1 OC.3ltjO n ,o,~ test centres

t h rou gihl email wi th i n 24 ho u rs oF. pavm e nt co n fi rrna ti o til.

Pr~nt yo UI!'" ad mit card s and bring the sa'me to the test ee ntres, ala ng with identlitv documents as per instr1uctf ens 0 n tile day af NUST eM ra nce. tes:t,

NUST willi upload provisiona] merit lists, on. i15 w-ebsite w~th i n 30 davs of ent ra nee test.

Ca rtd ldates fa,IIUng wit~ In the prov~5ion.a II merit ~i st" wi III 8 ppes r for interv~ew at t he cc:mc:~ mad 5chool/IDepartmel'1lt, iSIS; per sc-hedu~e displav~d IOn N liST w~bsite ,.

[\I UST will u pi oald fi n a~ m~,rJt ~ist on w~:b:sitE! .ah@·r 7 da,ys o.f the· interviews-

Se lected candidat@s Wm 1'.\3 ke printDut of PI'QVh;;ion:a II :S@ lection L@tter .. 'WiUingnes,s; Ce'rtificat@. Med i U! I

Ce rt1ficat:e and Admission Dues Ohana n Form.

Ca nd·i dates will depos it admission dues: in :any bra Iftcti of HOt 0 r Sa n I< AI-Fala h iUlId su bm it req u ired d oeu rnents to the lJ(i :Sf'Cti.on~ R~giistrar [)irecto~ate.

Rei eva nt iN usr School/De palrtnn e n t wi I!I ~s:s LIe join~n;g tnstruct'ion-s. to the selEocted candidaltes, wh 0 h dI\I~' compl@'il:@'d: 21 i I iI dim i~:;; io n F~'q U!i:rem~n~:s.

s.1jl:t~s;Sifu~ CfI 110 idat.e$ will JoT n th@ r€:levant programme a $ per j D~ning in S'tructic ns.

• To ID 0 ~jstt '~or the Ca n,d i;daite To 100 List '~or ri'4 UlST

WWWJI1 LJ ~t, If d UI_ P k

Instructions for Online Appl lea tion Form

:> Oif'!1 open un~: th@ web~lill1llk W'N"W. L b.ad nI '\,., lot ~ .IU~ t.~ I(ju_j ck for 'fiil Unl\g' t~I~' ~pplii(~tr()tJl'~oli"m! the ctJlndid~t~ wU I be almo'ttedJ a p~ 5sworrd to access 'U1i~ :fj ppllkcl1!il'11o,!'1i FOHn after pr-ov'i d iim!!: hi~~E:H" va I i d e~malml add rsss ,.

>,A recent p~,otO;g1fd pm of' cclflldidcbte ls re~,!ii'Fe d to be upl~a,d ell wit:h the a ppl ~C_,alriO,fiI 'F'O rm.

]0 (~n,d i'd ates ca f'iI dE![po$il ttile' 'fee. e tther thrjjlugh CliEdit cairo (! F' m~ ~ ~Wi1 'Dlfd i'nE! ,d\elP(!~i,t~. after tS!'K.i'ng prilflit. Cl,t ~h~lI~ n. fo~m. :i rli .~ny br.~n~h of H BL cr IEl~llk, A~~ F'~ 1~lh. E'xact tilFn~ and centre f'o~ N usr ~ ntr~lnc~' t~st wiin b!2 n~ti'fr,~d to the @lig~ ble (9 nd i,d atas thm'Ulgh t!"'m.i3lnS"

>- Ca nd iidat.'es, hav~ '~O pri nt th e llF Adm it ea rds from NUn ~bsJi'~e' dil'lid brirt(~: the same wru. t~,em to, 'the te:!:t: centre a!lo,n~ 'Wi tim 0 rigrn ~I (Nlle/Pa ssport or Orrl,rn;mll Ma'lric!'E!q'iJ iva Ile'ifI,'~ ceritli'filc;jltte having phQilogii'aIP'h ,. Adm_ ~ c.a-t~ WIll be rfi tI~ned ~( the res r centre to,. run" er verilir;a hCIfJ_

,. c~ nd idates, ca n ili'!lpply VQ,F ad missien in a III tmdergrndu.[!ftB ~rogr-a rrn mes en the basis off N us:r Elf'iI'ttlcl 1Il,0e 'Test or SAl score or b@itn, accord i'n~ to eHgibmty iLr;i'~e'rial.

>Appl~C3Int:-s ,iipp~¥i n;g '~Of lBuls inests S'tud ies/Sor:;i al

S(;i~ n,teS (IE:,~;Q,no,r'inii![~. M~!;;s CCHinmUinicati,i:)ifI, and IPliJlb I.i!c: .A1d m:i n r'stnltio n'l :$hould ~nwr the r.t?)I~~~ nt 00 d es i 1111 the order of prioruty.


(a'fI'Q i [j,;;iiiteS alre ;~j,lJv,i.$e,Q to aV(I,id m i:!j;ifepresent-:aitlOlr'il o,f '~ct~ which may' ~~~d tg ~~I~O~ III ~ti(!;tl. ;o:f thelr ~Iflididi;i!tulles· ~t !alntV :S"l~g~'"

Equivalence 'Certificate

!C~md i,d,~te~ ~lJ om i"ttUng CIA ~\I~II; 12 Gr~de. I niteni'i!,ar~o n,al B~~{:~I~IIl,JI!i't!!~~e er .Adl\1~ nee Pla(;emerl!~ c~rfiifk~W$ ~Ir~ ~,II$:o f~quil!'ied ,~,o sob mit 'eq liival@nlc,e certiiftcJJlt@Si obGllin@d from II rrtf:! F 180awd Corn 1m! j:'l'Iie e orf em ainm en ~·IIIBOC]' .. If ·their r~$'!.d't ls arwa'i'~ed at dile tijltne or a ppl rc::ato@Yl1 'they w~111 be reqluin~d 'to sub mit the eq ulrv,alerlJc,e' ce.rnncatJe wuth i n 15 days of oleda ~ti,Oifll ,O'f' t~ e~ r ['·es,uIVt. ()flfice.s. ~f' the· I~OC a~ loeijrledl in allll·t'rne pw,oviinci.al cap~tal$" 'll"l!1~ ;a d dlress ,o:r IIBC.c offic~ ~t I~ Ilam~b~ eli i~ ~ s under:

Ilmlrter B@:ardi'Ciommittee iO'f' ChlaJirrmen"

Fetdemroa'l 9:Q,allid of l~ten!I:N!d~·aibe and Se;il:O WI,dJa rv Edl~lil:a:ti·o~ BJ~ lid inl1'1

,SedDW' H..:B/4~, l:!iilltalmabaid"

-p ...... - -- - - Il'i."i iI" ~I 0"ii"iiJ"'iI"iI"!Ii;;17 ii!iIfoi'''',Ii'''.;o;,;;;;i"i;

- nO:IIiI,E3': +,~;i!;A;J JIi.~~£~",!IJI'.JIL.I' ::::11',~~~;!l.l!1.l11;~

Important N ote

lime stil.JId1~ nts WIl'lIO dire' dlPpea'rung or have' .aippe'aililZ!d ~ n ;i;IIny of th ~ ~lb(W~' p'r@~~uisj"lt~, !~~11'ii'I ilfiJ~ti,(niS during the

CUI rrent y~.alr ar'e ~ Iiso a II ow~d 00, .ap~II¥, These stu dl~~ts sheuld h,ifJ,\!"i!l mijn~ f1I1Um 60%, maeks ~ n the

M:atri:cj,equiva I t!,Filtt t!l<:E man dl FAj,FS'i: P·arN with Oll.!l~: ,any c£e1hcrjenl sUlbj~c"t. H ow eve ~ su om '5t'!Jd~fittS ,[ll'le u-e'q u fFt'edl 'lll' ~ulbmlt '~lleTr detailed IT! ~i'k :t;hee-ts/guaae :s,n eet;s 'wd'tthin

15 daiif.s Of de~I'.9ir;jJtiio'fI orr 'fiiifliall re'sult by t~e resp ectlive Bol.iI rei of II~b~lfimedli~b~' riillod Seoo,n'D arY'lEd U '[iiiI til on. c!l.:Il·V ~ll,lith ~ rHic~~~dl. t,o b~iI;:Qm~ ~·I igublE': for th~ 'fi1!l1lij I Sie h;;!c~Q!'ii by 'th@ Admus:sii,or:ll Conn m itte,~ ,. On IV th~ r'~$U lits· i()lf 'the

'fj'ifil~1 e\>rCi UJrI'1 ifi'al~(j til will r he Cilccep'ted: in case 6f' firesh

i n'~e rmed rate c;andM.ates .. All II s:upplemellilti31ry C.aISiS'S ma-v appl'Y' Oll,lliring the. next academ DC; sesslon ..

Selection Procedure

follll'J'wi ng s~eps. aJf>@ in~ol'l,il@d1 un fina lli"si~g the m e rit I fist:

Entrance Examination

!P; p e r-bassd wr:i'l'te~ e'jfjtral~C)e ~est (]f followin~, su bj~c;u will be Ihu:~id r@r Bus'j ness SU.J[d iie:s/Sm:i·311 S.c:ien~es

~.Eoo n,omij(s.~, Mia 5.~, Gom mUril~c;;atiiQfi11 ;iil"iil!d Plulb'l lc

Ad minis1[rntioblj Ipn!).gf·~mrr:; €$,:

.). e~lIund ate~ meet~~.s the [e Inilii;bi~ity arltlelria will~ be iiequilied 'to 3IPP ea ii Tn NUSl e filnil n c:e 'test or slUl!Jm i:t:

SAT' [f'·eil.5!olriliilfilg 'test: scores as reqluired",

). 1M US,T li2i!'i1'ttrn n ~i2 rest wii II: bE!' ih!~II[D aft d Hlfere.nt 1D~s'tt '~:enltF@~ ~n m~j,or dti.~s of Pi~kist~n as ~jw.n io th~. ,adverrtiseme!'llt ~1!'1!d meO'tJior!'~d iilFa the a~ p~ i,C'~tiiQO 'form, Cand~dalte5l ean eheese ~ test Ce!"i~rle from 'the opliio:fIIs a\,la~ lalble.

)- ~:i(~CIt 'tim e ,amiCJ1 ee ntres m r INUS,T eill'tr,anoe' 'te;st win be [i'lol'!iftied to 'Ihe ~11~gijlb~'E c~ndijd::rtes il:hm ugh e.mal~~ only ..

'), lF~n~ I' merit II ist for !U'nl~erg;r;lid u,ate pr(!g~ ITlJme$ Vif~111 be p~p~ rnd by ~$_£~Ill:,,~,ng 5% w~i:ghUlg~ 'Ill) 1M ~tri( .• In wei.~,hti3g'e to FNFSWA.l~t=~ or IFA./FS~ '1:st 'Y'E!'af m~~k_s ~"For fresh candlid:li'!lt@Si)~ 'Pew. weightag@ to N UST

[e ntrca VI,De test ilmd is'' weignrtage to ~nteli'Vi'E!w ( t ~ marulalory to quahry tl'lp. ~'rt~rvi 'IN 0' hnal ~~I enoo bv iiIItta I n min! m urn 5()ll" m rksl

." F~na j' me.ri,t: II i5'~ for !U nde'rgnrac LJ,i~lte. PliOgra m mes of a/A.

Level [[alndudi51t~$ whlo, ,~If€ ~rlI AIL€'vel (1TIiln,~1 y~,~ri' ilii II b~ p!l"@p~ rnd by ~s-:~Ii~n;,ng lS9I. we ight~ge' to 0 ILevel,; ~ weij~ihtage tc NU ST ent~ nee test and IS,," w@ugjntag@ teinte rview II f 1'5- I {1 iii no~'lOJ)' to q ~ht'r' t h ~ IlIf'll (-'rv tco""w

I or fi r'k) Je- ec I) by n~ r)oI nli IrlL"l~ml"l' p') SO 10 ,p') a h) '!;ubje~t. to 'tiheir :;ctuii n,g at I~[ljst 160% mark:; in the i'~ 'fUli'Il;!i~ A. Le¥e~ f::G:IIiFI .. as pe'r' eqlUiiva'lence c:e.rttfficatE

i ssued bY' ~ BC~, Milm istry of Itld IW ~;E,tionJ p~ lfiisl~llill.

)0 Tine ~ ooV\~ IPo,1 i'~'Y' FiIlI~y Ib~ IF~vi~wlgd ~lrJlJd1 dl'~Wbged [by the lJ !il,!rv.~rsitv w\h~I!'1!@\!,f2'1i' deemed o@~~S'S~ ry,;,

lo' ~ UIST w~ II not be res,pon:;ible if IreslWlil' of FAlfS~/HqlliJii\I'Hleulit: ex~rn!) i:!i WlI0lt ded8ll1ed bef{ore the sta rt of' a, parli~lllla fi" proglraifln me. N IJS'II mary rnlot gra Fl't ,admis,s,r Oinl 'to a progrralimme Oli'lloe ~'r has slcliifted, It lis 'the. res p(l'ifi,sibil~ty .of tillie' t~ n'Df'D ate to piI''Otliide the t;lc~d@m i C r~~Q.rd in ti ml~ t~) t~e Ulmhi\~lr$ity ~~, !;;H~r dil'~ ,d'!:adlia1le ~ In~,ady' me"!iltiom~d; ,For IP r~~lr~rtlio,n Oi~ r:t1[~rit I a~~ SIU! b[Fi!l!~s:sion of record rr! 'flY res uiI't i~ i':!$S~~Wil~ng zero we~~ hta~-e 'to 1!he !Jfievio.lJIs ,i31caldiE!'1iTi le Ire cords.

); (:l,iJ antiitati;V€, [~MI;!!i'~n € m~tic~) ), V:e'Fb~ I ~'Ell1lgl ii$h:~

,. IlntelUgem::e.

The test willi be based on interml!d~~te' level edll!.!c;>IDlTIon~, and is :i mtE!'nded to eVaJhJ~te 'f-adUla I kUi.C}W~i@d~~ (@mpreh~~~uo,FtI al~~ its a plpl i'catiowa ~V 'the [CE ri dudates,. COirire(:'~ 'fUllilitig .of alfilSwe'r' sin eers in th e NUST ent ranee test ls 've ry es~!elfiitiiail. Time det;;~ I Ed i nstructiens ,are :a'lltfiiciledi 35 ,~nll1~UW€, ~' to h~,j[p trn[~ ~andlid~rt~$ in Ipmop@if TIl II i ~g, off ~nsw~ F' sheets, The deta i lis, ~ F€ ~ISIO ~li,I~~ l;(llble st N USl we:b.s;i~;e"

Th@ w@igjht~g;e of su bj@'cts for the Pf@P~ rr~tflon of me~'~ lists is as It.! mde'If:,

)0 O"U antll'tatllVE!' )1. Vierbal

>, I ntem~~nce

4~% 4~% 2@%

Recheclk~rn,~: of Pa pers

R@~h@\ckJi Iilg of @Iilit r,~n~~ test p~ pers willi b@ done on th~' wrutt@fIi request [of tlh1e cand~d~t@ if r!@ce~ved withilill 15. daiY5 ef the' deela r:ati'oW!1 of rssu ~b'l a~oflg wHh a fee ef

IRs ;s,on/= ill '~n[e fl)J.lfITiI of a bank dr,i:dliIPiffiJV order an il:h e' nama of ~ US1. tlJo re(]!l.J est wm be e n'te'rt::Minedl after 15 daIY.$ of a IiilifilOUnCiemeni~ o,f results, AplPUcati ens iftl 'this !"e~P€·c1t Ilfi.i~ry' b@ 'FolI"Walrdled to 'fl~g~str~IIl";, N US1i ,acctmiingly_

Provi:si<c~,n of' E ntrence Test Res u Its

!D~sito us ·e,@IFi-cHd:ate:s fii1lary obt~ii Wi] d~e resu I·t O'F tthelir" [emtrralfllce test 'Oil written req uest alk.mg witn'il a fee ef

~s 2;0;0/- per !:iOPV ln tWi e 'ro'rm 0'( a bail'blk d r,aft'lp a 'II erd e r rn 'the 1i1J3lifie of INIUS,T:

Medical Fitness

~USl students ,ar[@ lf~ q l! u~@d 'tJO b~' m@dlieaJlly 1i:it to

Ilm d ert~ke' the s!l!d~[es :8IU1Jd pr,i3JC'ti~al/p,hYS1[(;a I W'O rk n~ the' de:s;i fJ"ed pl'logralm me. Selected crmdidates wii III be F'eq IJ.l ~j'\ed 't~ provIde' Mieciica!IIFlittJ'lleJS':) c::erti'f,lIcatje 1J~ N UlST ,alo n~ wi"tth 'tttte Wmilfilg;n,e:5;~ (e'rti~cat:e 'Jor joining &'II UST. Medical C€'rti'fi'[~i~e w-,illl be' ~m(j'i~,~d/$~nt 'Ii) tIM € ~~llecled

~.~ If! dlidl~t~$ .along wiUl tih~ IPr[ovn~iQn:al~ S~II~(ti Onli L.e~r' aod t~~y shou~d h~ve it [ciOmplet@d fronn ~I~y _gDve.mtm@!ilrt hospital olr it! Iregistefied .medlicallpr,1i!jetiti'oml~-r.

SAT lest

II~ ordl~r to [i: !'l!COlyr~ge. ~llf]didi:;rrti:S from CiA l.e'i,i'~ I, b,a,CkglfO'U n d 9, NUS1i ~~19 SeH1Ili@ SAT spl~dfic s@ats in B~M:irless, StlUdiies, ,8Jndl.Sociia I Sc:iences 't:or rna IJ.l cti@n dn'o[u~h SAl 'tests. .. Pallkist~fii ~i:nldij[da·t~:l ~f hOI~h alA ~.e\i'E!;1 ,andl IFA/~c s:trea ms, [C~ n e~er.ci'se 'U~~:s, optiiOliti a ind OOii"lmlP!etJe '~lr SAl spe citiic sea'ts.

(andiidatte,s app'IYUifllS, Dim ha,s~~; ;O't' SAT for rllati':onall seattts wiU '~~:d::@ SAT re:3 sonilllIg t~st: ~ ifll~ submit the li'tslull,t$,;

SA1IRe,a:S!Doil"iC l@st:

SAT r~~S;O!1iDlO,g' t~,~t i$ ~I OOrml!) I"Jtl',llf Ib.!llls~dl test: hi;ld u nd i; t the: fIi1 i3l!1if;!~e merrt O'T C'olll[ege' BOe! rd~ tU SA.. IF'a r more 'in,'forrrulrt'i'o~1 Oril SAT ~wjjd how tD apph(~ Ipl,elase vi$~t '~he.iw weru:it'<e a'~ www.:.o 1~li1ieboarcl (011'1.

La:s.t date, 'kw SAT SC-t)'FeS to[ ife'ach tIJ US,.' is, J iLl'ily 10j 2!O:llO. Rt~511,!1IU/SCIO'FW$ ~c~:iv~d iiI:Jt€ F' tllll€' Id e~[d I ifll€' '~vij II m)'t b ~ [~nt@rt~ i !ft~d,.


www.njjst.ed u,. ~ K

Rej ection of Application

The UJiril'i\!\~i'Sirt.y taft! rej€H~'tt alP P I,j'CSition for adllTIi~&i l)i1 of a (~lr':Id i,d,~t@ wi:tlnout ~:s.sH~,.i ng ~I!'lIY' n~~I~on"

of fI s.ti!Jld~nt' fll',orn ,~nly oth ~r CoIU~B,e1S![hooI/C~i!"1Ut of NlJST. Cl'F' rr'om ether fQ'r~!lgn/P~ krl~t~ Iiil! u~i'i,i!l!!I~ijti~slooll ~ges, 10'1' repui~~ g,ener~ I ~ under the. ":olll!O'w;i ng ron dI~ltii(ifi(5:

) Aftier OOrl'1llP letiion of first 'y'e!ar am."l bef'oW',e' the begiillnung:

O'f 'fiin1la~ y,ea F'

:> S.'tuderns who p,OS$re$S ~ood academic record

) fl,Aig.rati on wHhiWil NUST will be ;iii II owed to, s,'~udents, l~dl1iliin:ed o~ th€' h~$i$ of N US,T ,$e~€'£ti'f)n ~r(l ~e5S,

Award of Disciplines

Selectio f1I will be e~rrii,ed ill !J~ strict Iy aeeo rdilFnJj: te the merii't D©slo@1i a n d c horee ©r p m,~r:Simrn es ,eXoSficT:sed by 'tile' ca n dI~da'~es" Progfia m mes are aUolttte{J' '!)tlr~ctly

dlocom i rIlg, to' 'tjhill~ me Fit Ili~t: ,an1J~ plrioriit.y (ilf' 16 hotees e~lf(i~l~d Iby' the ,[~ ill dlidl~~~$., On $eiePJion,; IP rOVi$:iiDI'l:~1 ~~lle.(;t]o n Ih~tt~r wi III b~ ~ p~l)~d~d Qlrl! NllJST W,€,oo.iteC~llldid~t~:s ~r,~ feq!U ~rl!:d to pr,i fit tlhil! Si; lection letters '~I!'l!d Sletl'ild arHest@dl phctoco pies of ";011 OIwi'ng d~~ywn ents ~ I'eng wilth cjhaJlh:~ n 'Un.rm of ad mission dyes I~~dmiss,r,on Pli'ooessfn,g !Fee ,~n'id seeu ii"i'~V' 6j\eJ)o:s:I't) 'to

UGi :SeibtJ'CH\ Ilegislttr,ar D'~rect:Q:t',ate\l' en t~ El' address mentioned on Pa~E 164::

P'ro:yisio,ns of INU$,T M Lgra:tkm Polky~ as ~ ml~nded.ll!Jlpd~,t@d from 'liJ me to ti me., wilill b,e ~ ppUcalble in Pf\oces:S,~If!~ ~f :alill migrati on cases,

Migration Fee

l' Mig:rati'cm fr-om fufiediCli'll unive!lS'ities , Mi~:rati on from lecsl ~ n rYe rs~~es

:) Migratfoiill w:i'th~ra INilJSl

P'KR 250.000 Jl.OOl'OOO ~}J@O

'), MI~tr;1h~l~qjt.niv~ lent ,c,@rtifk:aoo ~1~O!llIlt:, wi!'h 1ffiI~~k sheet ) 'j nterm@diii:!!tel,~quiv~ I'ell'llt oert]1TIici!!te' ,~lol1g: with detaJiledl mark:)tnee'ts, as a p pll i ca b~e

) EqJuiva lenes certiffica[le(s,]1 from ~IFtI'~elr IB(Hn'ld eonf'l m'i1:bele!

Cl!ff [hai rmen UIIM:::ellj' ~lfiI casa (IffJ',eqluTv,Oille'init examf n atj',oiil s

C~ndid~t~~ ~r~ ,~I~o ,!'@CI,U ired '00, '~Olli!fn rm 'wh sth ~ r th ~y w~~t to s.t;;ry in th ~ :Pni).gnmrn es ,~lIotb~d Of WOI!.J lid Uk_e to. .r~maJir!J iin upgrad(iJilioJIl process, The! soots becoming: :c!!\i',[llila b I e' ,£11$ a r-E'sulit of drop<outs, w~11 b Ii!! ire=aIIlUiii:!3~;ed Cllrtidi 'm II ed thro!J~h Uip-~rad~Citiio n ()If students Wl--'hlO have ccnfDrfmed t~ e I r willi'ngin,e:ss bV depo$i'tUn~ the' aidm ~ss~ljj;n cha Fg,es ~n time", N ~ 1F:IfiI,~ !Of tl~,o~e (;_~Wididat~s mlHiI 0 do not: d@:po;~'irt ~ dmiii~iQfi ,~h~II!'I~'S wilill ~ ot Ib~ ~Qn~~d~'r~,dl ~1ri!Y h,!I!!'"tthe'[,

Selectedl C".c!'1fl dlidat>e:s w'ill j be' issued Re";gistr-alrUc:m C~wds, b¥ NIJSf which 'vii II also he lu'olised as StUJdeitll'tsl lde f71tii~y' C[I]i'ld s.

Admis$i'Qru is lla bile to b€: caIIiC~~ leo, iif the (fIrndlid.aih~: ts round g!UI~I~.y Qif ,SU~ p-1I',~'~iQn Ci r misIF~p-:F~:~~'ri,'l~tf:~1il ,g:f: rnste ri~ II facts ~t, ~Iny. st~g@'." TbI ~ Unliv@'lISiity' C~1l kglFth~f deba r him/hler from Sleeking ,adm~ssJiolfll. Ot'h,err 'uln~wrsfril:ies, ij n th~ eeu il'try wi III slse be' 'i'nfo'rme'dl sbe ut 'the same,

:Sn'o~J'1 ell a cane io,ate faill ,to I'l~s,p oru~ alrnd fake' ;admliiSs,itH1 ,~~ Ir~Q u i,fedl,; (;It OQ,t joilFil Ih i'wh~r d~ ~~ (1'1'11 (JiF' ~~h)1f€ th,~ spi:cifi@dl d~t~,! h"$,~h~w seet '~ii II b~' d~dar~d V~~"t ~i1d wUII be finedl u~ by the cs n dudate, next 0[11 merit"


UrJrde!J le~t ra(lTdli'n~n, eire I,,!! mstsnees, the lRectow:, OI!1! tlh~' rseemm eind~tior.! iQif the IOG/Pri'rH:l ~,~J1D'i!l~ F'i o:~ th e ceneerned Sd\ool/Ool ~e~e/GIi!!,ntFe~ may all©w fill igr--atiol!'il

WWWJI1 LJ sr, If d UI_ P k



Admission NUST has scm e :SAT :::pec'i'fit :seait~ ii n 'the: p.ro~rra,rnn mes o'f E!ilJS~J'IIE$'5 St:udh==slSCiciiill $,cience:r.; (l:corliCimi CS, M i3iS:5; COml~llli iii it:aiI:10l!1i ;a,lfiloi Public .Ad IfJfI i Ifl'i:~tJr'a!tio i"I)1 '~o~ inrt@m,all1iorH~1 ~.t!Ud~ rrH. p~ kil~t:g;~i~. iloilo i'ng f(m~~~n nation al1ity ~I!'i!d p~ kiist~l~is Hili n:g' ~ broad ,. Desin)ll.Jls ctal(ijdid1~~e~ ea n .ay~H '~he -r:aci~it,v aCK::Oird1ingly. ~ro.viideld '~hey meet '~he $p.ecfifi"ed e~'i~ibmt"V criteria and :L;w'e willii:rl!~: t© Ipay 'UJ~ti'~~ ~ee a nd an led eha r:!le:ll @f the cafttegory.

Entrance Test

Il1t-ernlaii'orlJall S'~l!deUlit:~lP.aJki:sta Ullis. Hvii n;g a brea d

'~II ta ke S.A;T' IRea's:culJiiilll Test and slJ.JJbmirt the results,

'sAT' Reasoniiii1i,g: '1!est

SAT' r,~,alsQniing '~est' is a (iOmpiUft€r b~~@d ,t~st n€'1 d iUl~rj~J '~lhe m~I!1i~IIlli~!f!;rjent Oil' CQlle,jgl~ B~:fI ro~ USA F,or mQW~ i~f:ollm~ticm en SAl and how to aJppl~ $@e' t~e;i:r w@b.5it@ www.oolllegeoo!i1ii"dU;oITl.

I~ ls tin e' resl)@nsJihil i'ty o'ff '~he c,andlidate, te prooi die' '~he SAT scores to eh e f'Oll~o!iiving ,addwe:s.s:

US ~{;~on~, 'R~£:ij'~.m ~ l[)iri~iCtor"d'OO~,

NI,a-tUOIrU!11 'iJ~~:\I"@~i~ ~d S~h~~~@~ ,anidl t:@~hn~~!o,gy I~'N USfJ~ ,SedQir' H'~,i2\f. Isl~'m,a~ad~, P,a~is,ta mil,

Lal:it d,ate ~or SAl sceres '~o reach iNllll.$T is July 1@, 2@lO" Re~!1i Irt<;/soo,r:es rece'iived ather thle' 'e eadllne. 'wi III n1JO[ b ~

e rll'liie rtalined:.

NUS T ms ntlJ!l1041;i11 cod f' to recet~ ~T scores lo;, 2790

Merit List

Me.r,it I lst of ~rt1~iZ!lma,t]ona'l ~t!llidel1l~ is pre p:a!fed sepa f""ini; Iy.

Security Clearance

iLa~e~ olf t.he ~ntJeil'il"lJjliti;orlJall sn.adeiJ'IJtsl find Ily ~e'llelcted 'for' i!icmi!1;sifJifil in IN IJST ron ~tlitue'li1i1! SeJiiool/nli;lpalrtme nts wiill D@ Il)mG@:~~~dl ;foJ S1~(UIFiit,y dl@~ Fa r'!(~-


Haste I ,i3iiLCommodati on 'to the liiflire'if'n,i3i'liollilal~ stu d e'fi,'ts ~s, g,ua Fill nb~@d.

www.njjst.ed u, ~ K



--- ---- - -- - --- --- ---- _- -_ .. _- -- . _. _ .. - --- - - .. -- - -----


pI.O··IS······T·'G,-·'RA:··:· DU·A~T·E (·P""·G·,)· P····R···O·· ··G···RAMM··· ':.' ·· .... 1 r. ··: ES····

. . ,'.'-. .i· .. fi . ,'. . ...•. ' I, ',. ··.··.·1 '-'_.: .s- ' .. _

Dates to Remember

to:~ i1!i1I'~~ ~~m~nt of' P'Q~t,gl~~dl.i~,U!~ prQ,Sf:.awnm~5,

[MIl!A/EM[BA MS [EooirUlmics,

.A~uglU st 30. ,2;010 AJJ§usl B.'i) .. 2101.0

MPilliftil [~ead~nG: to fllm D in Blusiness Admilrtl;~s;traH:on Augu ~t 30, :~@10

Submi:~ii!Qinw of GMlAi/GAT' (Gi~IIfH~'m!lltJFilli1;~1I [Rlfl'$UIt

Sc¢rl~$ 'Of G MAT $·h Oi!,ill~ re~'I;J1i NUSl'!by j u ~V 2.o~ 201,0.,. It m,ar¥ b ~ neted that scores o,ff G1lMAT t!2'xamin~tiom.l, conducted on !O r c;rfte r AUEl)!Js·t 1" :2 .. 0CH5, ~re ~,c(e'pla[b.l e, ~ h umo .... .}I on

re~~ 'W( M AT (~ Iy r .. m G MAC USA ~~ 703 ~ I sem en th~

'ff()'I~ow~~g ,addlres$~

Exa mil Bfa~'h;l! Re.gi;S:lj~.a r [[)if,e,~omre'

[N~r!;li:oo~M Ui)iv,~I1'!.~~~.y !of S(;~~n,~~.~· ~Ind T@duiJ)ologV ~INUST) Sfil,rtor H·:ml,~ 1~~)I!alw.!ab~dl, . .P~k!~~~wq.,

:~h~ol'\e:s crt GAT ~Go@nefa II~, he·1 dJ on or -after Odo;be r- l~ .2~OS willi he accepla 0,1 e,

C:aJndid~l'~e~ who .ar,e arwa irtliliiig 'filnall re!)ult ea iiil also apply {'CU pOi$;tg;r~d l,J,i3Ite ~d missh)n pr,!)Vi'D~~d '~hey ~utJ:mit 'theiir 'filfllJ~11 F!!SIU1It: bef'Or,~ Augu.st :20, :20101.;

Eligibility Criteria

[MBA/MS Ecoru;:amilC$;

) GMAT with high ,St;:'.(H'~ 'Of GA11(G~!ilI~'nJ~ ~ ,condrud:ed bV .NtiS with at: 11~~lst SO IF·aw :SOtH@: and 16 ·v~··ars; of schoo.lii ng or 4 yeiiirrS· aducaeo n Elft@r EIAJF.ScjA Le'\!'e~ willibe mafQaaitlDry' 'for .a!dlmj'$~ion {2 yeC3i1 plro.&1lramme.~"

") Can ida' es w~, h 1.t y~a ~ 0 os 0 )Ilng w-.th &u no ml( s (';:,n a so a pply to ad rru sson Into M S ['Cooom U (3 -vear pm8,.amll'~)

") Thi~ pre'\i'iQu$ ~t@rt!TIiiW!i~III) d~.gr'l;~ Qr ~c~d~m[c: ttr,aln$cr.i Pot: .oll'ij the bas;i.s of whklh an ~ pp~i~lnt is; ~I i~ilbl0 '~;oi ~pphl must b~ H EC recogn ~sed with ~I m~ n lm u rn CO p~ (l'T 2,.5. out of 4. 00 IC~·"S OlJ.Jrt O'T ~.O)., 011 Jlfii IJi'i/li:s~@n (60% mark_:s,~I .. l1n,e pel'1ceriltage will~ (lIn IV be valUdl rff e'G PA is. InO'~ me.f1J'n@neti.

:> No 3!'11! di\tis'i,onif~roa dle [) iiilfild on IV one 2~ dliv~sJlonJ~ade (:. 'tthroughout the ;a c;a,d emic !:ialllee'r ,t h~~s,s teR'fiTilii n;aill de'gwee.) is. ~llIoWE!d.,.

[MPi~:vl telad~ing t@ Pr~ D iWl ,BIU~ine:ss :Styd~ies;

G;MAT w~th high soo·re Of G~f ~Gefl,efal) cendueted bV Nil'S with at: I ea:fit ~~ r.arw score al1{~ 1M SA l M F"A I MlC©m I Mi;aste'(i'$ hi! ~'oonom~cs with mln'jllilill!J1tn CGiPA of 3J~ <On.iJt: O'f',4JO (:1.,75 0 ut of 5.0] e r 70% ma,rks, fn'lOm a 'U iii Irve r~ity i'1emogni2edl b,y IHIE:C.. 1iiniB perce:nrt~g~ 'Win (Uilly b~, v~lllid if !CG;!PA n$ not rn€:lfrti(llnl~d iill'll th~' t~rtmijn~ II [j~gre~Jt~lrlI$oript [N G 3,n1

d ivi.sioll'l!/grade D al~d1 only 0 n[~ 2m:! diivi's;lionlg:r~de C throl!gh~ut 'the aca,demvc ca F@iE'f 1~[I,e$S 'l'erm~wnt'J111 d@',gre@) is aJlh]wed" .S(]ITl e 'j~\mrk e-xlPeri'eif'lIce Wi:1Iil lFep ~ta ble nal'i©na I[ or 'i n,tewfllalt:'i()It1I:tfl o~lnli:!lalt'iomi, ii·!) ,a!s.>O! r~euuired.

www .. i.iust.edu.pk

E~e<cyti'~e' [MBA

> Ba~he~oD"S or Mas,te'F$ or a ri, ,e(_l uh~a'lleM ~ua I ufi:cation ~,m'iIFiliitl1l1um 14 yealni, of educartiortl) 'filFom a urtllver.i,itv reoogni'sed bV HEC i::; man,datorv {'Oir admlssiion .

.) No 3m di'!.lis ion!gr.3idle [Ii is G,lllov.red illi'il a eadem lc car,ee.r.,

.) A mini mum of 4 ·Ve.fi11"S of fl(jll~ tim E!' work '~'Hperii ~,riIce' lin an '~M~c!Urtli¥~ po~itiQn ..

) GMAT with hii5:h score or ,GAT ~·Glen ~ rail) conducted by' [N'-S.

W~Uli EMt I e-.ast:.50 r,81W soore or 'q 1W8!Ii fi)d fig N US,T ·lest.

Dili',ed PhiD Pm'l)rrammes, 1~:Bus~ne5s Admin ~5tl~(iltlilO~) No d~lre'6t admis8ii-on sha I ~ be ~r.alntte'dl ~n Phi!)' ~ Bi!JIsilrne.ss Acminis.trn'~on) [p.ro,€r,amm'i!!'.

Selection and Admission Procedure A.dmiss.lorll of pos,~gr,aduate' students 'i fl"lI M.aln~~emEl'in!ti :Stien(;i~5 w~ III b rz based upon GAil"' (G eti1er,~I) com (jucted by N1rS .• ~r'~vio'i,J~ acid~mk reCiooo ~ nell ~n ilFiit,e rview" OAII~ I irFying ~'~rt: ~Ie~$t 50% ,1'II1~ riks.JI and IPol&iti'iJ@ reeorn m@nd~,tiii)n in interview from sch!Ool win b @ IT!Hi)i~d:artQ.i!'Y· for admlssl O~.

I'''''inffil·'''ril"ii ....... ",I eM' [AT ''''it;-·b ..... ii n im I 'm 1t:f1 lfIjCi.r""'" n,j;,jill"" so .... rrp' i~

IIJ-Ilrt~· !Il].rLJI~IIII~ Q_." Mil M¥'_ °nl ~i!II!I_· 1 ~ - ;)IIJ F~--·t..~'- .\;. ~: a 19I'_I~_~

;[lJI:!1@ a ccep:ted. fhe de'taUs ,3M:'

.J!; GiMAi S~Q'i'@~·

P refun~fH;@; 'wi~ I b~· gi\!';~,n to high GMAf' .SCCH"eS,;. The

va canei E2S, wu II bee ii n i'ti~.II¥ filled from H~E1!; merjt fist prepared on the ba !)U:s iDf '~hH!)e' scores, p ~evh)us. a,caC£e mie re'co rd ilalf'ild iilfl!te'li'Vi'ew.

.~ GAT' (G:emli!2 ita II~ CO~ dluc:t:ed by NiS

_ _ L

Ttt.~ r,~m~liWi!ii mg 'i,i'~t~Wi!(~~~ wH111 b~ liililed up flr'~)m tth~ rneriit list based on eAT ,~'Ge.n~~lll' .• pr'~vkri,J:S academe raee rd1 awnd ~nlte'!i'Vrew.

Merit Criteria MIA/IMS/IM~ilm:iill!.'~,~d:Un:~: t'O ~h D

Fi'nal msrlt llst of M BA/MS, ~lrlJdllM P h i'I wji~ I o I'll. 'b~s@dl on th~· "f©lllowiWilg wej]~ti3lEl~s':

:> GIMAljCiAT (G e,fiI,erClII) :5@%

:> I? revi:ou~, Academ i"c R,e€lI)M 2.5%

) I'nlervil~w ~ 25%

E~fl,~Yti\!i@' MBA

.~AI . "," ... "- [F.'- - -irtiv - M' IB.iL.· 1'1" b. .. !p. '. "~ ..... ' th .11' ~~ _, .... " ...... i"'L-I.!l miSSion IIIIi !;;);:E!'OU! ~p. • e '. ". w. ~ ~e l!.I'as,e!1!.! on ~ IE!! ~O~_IiJIWH1,g


) GIM.ATjCi.AT (G'e'til!Er,i3il)jlN 1J5i 1ies'~ ,50%

), IP revhJu$, Aeade.m i,e· ReCiDrd 10%

) p F~Vi'OU$· 1~:q~~;ri~fIlJC€ 15%

:> i nl'@rv~@'iN* :2 5%

~ Ani ,Cij1Ilididates: will be· reqJuir,@'d t,o q uI81iilfy the ill'lt:erufe'W 'for liin8 I selectioFfl.

Submission. of Online Application Form MBAJMIS/E)MIBA/MIPlhill~@~diiinillg 10 fijlfn D P!'ioW"i,J nmllm~~

IFtom y~~ r 201.0 IO!iliW~ rds, only c !I! 11 n l:! .al~pllica:tk~!:l's ''{ii III. b~' aCil:ep1ioo.

~nstlructiicml:S' 'for Oin I ~ne PG App Ih:ation fo,r m

)0 On visiiting www.PLa-am .... qOnnusl.edu.pfor·fi.lling the a ppl~e81tlio,n 'form. th e I~ Fi d ~dl~rte~, win he a~IIIGttted :a [piS,:±:swor'd '~Q access the :a,pplll~lti1lllioli 'flO rm afitteil" j:IHf'Ov;idi ng t~eii r va 'I tdl e-miSlU ad d resses,

;>. Iii. rec~rn phot'O,~j'3ph of c3if'1icUd 3tle ts Ire ci'UI~red to be 'llIIP'I()~ded.

) il'fJ bil)tlh p€r'C)~If1!t~:g~ ~Ifild CGPA ,~rl~ m~fIllb1C!II1!~d ~111!

IB~;ch~ lo'rslM~:s;E~'rs D~gre~/1Iira !I!:!H;:J'ipt then {) n Iy 0(3 PA wililbe em1Iered.

) Ca!lldidi;:rilles whose' fi rl al !reISILJI~t:s, h ave not yet been almll1@'uUliced~ wii llente r earned pe'lroe litag'ejCGiPA OIf ~~st 'beli'm~se mester ..

)0 E~igijib~ I ifry' crlterla .or the' progniimme,!, for Wlhlich a'pp~y~n~ IITIUl~t b,~' (Olrll$ U ktted b~w.n~' S:€ I €~t1ilril:g the prd'elfeifll~€$~ C~lridid~~,@s; 'wi III ~o:~: Ibl~ ~Orl!siderl~d fur the prIO\glr~lmm~~, rolF whk~ 't!hev ~!f@ not @ngi bn~."

)\ C;['jl~did~:rilies c~lm dle-posit 'the fee eiithelr t~n:uJg,h cl!'edh card or m,ak>e a Fi' @n~i~e de'p os it" after 't;alkin~' [p,rint o'f' d'la~ lain form, ~n any branch of H BIL, or Baltil'k AJ-falla~,

)0 SCiiilltiu'H=d copies; of f'O~ IOlwins; d'L!;ciJ ments '~O be iiiI'tlraiche·d witJhi the IOnlIUne. ;5iPIP I j',tailiiOn::

;) M~tr1h~:leq !Wlu'!l~II,~nt (ertifi~~~~_

:) II[1It@r1rn~dl~~t~/@qlaiv~ lent c~rtil1ICE!lt~"

) Undergra,d u ate degl'iee(s:~ ~kmg with t r,1i!ln!H:ript showj ng '~he' e(,'(1li!c~ d U i:'at'fot!l! alrnd ~~c:oglfll[t'iion (ertifi~ab~ 0 btaine:di 'fmm H EC,!' as !!aIDP'liilca 0.1 e' '~O rhe lP,rUi.f!lf'amme fur 'w:h'idi1 ,applicatio n hi; :suhmitbed.

)1 Po~,~gr.aldluat,e, clE£lre.e (:5) a lo;rng 'W'it~ tlJ"a'IfI~Gr~pt5 slrno.w~ng thlif' @'~;jI~t d ~ ~t]:o~ ilnJO ~C(!glfll~t1itHl (ertifi~~t~ (l btaine.d] '~rom HIEC.

') ComlP U'~~ r.il:Sled INlaijon~ I l~dlEi!'!fillit:V Cawcl

') Gerl1lfrkate [~ll or wo~k lexperti1encE!' ~'fo.r IE:MIBA ca li,a I'd ates],


C~I!']Jd1id1~t~s ~rI@ alOvused '00' ~f!Jo~dl OiIiisrl~iPIF~$~llft~t.k~n 'o:f f~c~;s; wh ~oh lii:I~fy ie'ad to c~.nc@II~u.on off the'i r C~I!I!d i diatu re~ ~t ~I!'lIY' :!litage.

Fill the' online application form throL.:lgh web-link www.pgadimisS.icF1.nu5t.edu • p k and s Llh mit illo ng w'ith sean l'1!e:d copi~s of fE!qul red doc:u m@nts o8i~ !'T1I@nthonsd in the 1 n struetic r1I5,.

Rec@ipt of application form confirmed to randldatss' e- ms i I ~dldlfE!.s,~e.s. withi n 2"1 tho. 1,J1I's, of s u b rnlsslon,

Deposit: the fee e~the:r th rough cred it card 011 rna ke an on line d e po~it i In any' branch of H BL 0 r Bank AI~Fa~ah.



Confirm;! rio n of re"e~ pt of p,avmefli~ sent to ca nd k:l,a,t~s' e-mailia.;jdre:iswi:thin15d.a.y.!i or pay msnt,

status of alplP~ij(;a1.i'on wou I d be comm u n i ee ted l h rough e-maifljwe:bsite withinl 2 days of receipt of documents.

E llgi ble 0[;:1 n didates and those wh 0 qua Ilfy GAT-,(j:e n

or rel eva n t tests wr,11 be asked to app@'alF for. i ntervlews.

The cand~daite!) wow lei alp pea r for interviews; at th e concerned Schoo I/De-partmell"lit in AUilU s1 .2010.

S~lectioll Hst wl I r be u p~oaded 0 n N'U 50 T we bsj~e. mJ'y fni:d Aug ust 2.010,


Se I eeted candidates w'i II ta,ke IP rintout ef Porovrsiona I S:e I ectio n letteri WiliinKIi'l ess Cemficate ... Me(! i ca I

Ce rtirrica te and Ad missi on Dues Ghana n Form.

candidates wi II de posit admrss ion d U es in alf'!lV branch of HBl or Sa n k AI-Fala h and sou bm'it th e req !.:I,i red documen ts to 'the PG' section, Reglsttar DirectoratE"

He-Ieva,liIlt NU 5T Sc hoc I/De-pa rt rnents wi II I ssue j:oin'ing i nsrr u C t'ians to the selected (:.[1 n d id ates, wh [) have, com pi eted a 1:1 ad rn ission re q IJ i rem E nts,

5uocessflu I ea n d ldates will j o~n 'lth e' re~eva nt program me as 'pew join ing instruction s,

• 10.' 'Do Li:s;l fGf 'lil1!~ (~n,dlvd~t~, _ lo! Do Li£t for N US,T

11')' ~ itA 1-' ,.".

n,eJec~IICHf:i 'Q'II~ pp tcanon

The U nilive F!iity mal\!, reject an dIPplli.cati1on 'fQf admlsslon ,of ~rlIy' $t!W'rj~riIt 'Without ~$:$ne:ni ng t;a1rl!Y' r~a~orll."

Cancel lation of Ad'rn ission

Ad m~:s.'s~Oi] ;at N UST cal~ be canoo~ led ;en ,my ~~~~e of S'tudHes Ii" jiirtly' docume rH,/ti Ifilf'O r m.altii 0 n pm'IJuded by' a :n:uaern't iis, found to be t:akel~n,aomrect Or ii ot me.e'Iiir1tB, the' !el~gj'bi~it¥ crlterla, with no li,albi Iit,y ;!J1il1 N USr.


www.nuSit .. ad u, ~ K





~1!'lit,~tm[j'tiQn~ I :s-h,lIde.nts!" IP,~kijstaftiiis h.o~ding kw~:r\go nattonsl i:ty' and Palkist13Jnis Illviing: i'!liJrl!la d. ct!J1l alPP,ly for fK'$t:gr,aidlt!J~te ~ r~Eln:~mm es, lhey in ,!3rVe' to compete witih leesl st~defiits on mernt: 'f@f' aclmiissicm.

'Eligibility Criteria

IE Iigibi[l~lly criite rta 'fow ij F!tEHna'l'i@WDal~ students is, 'the' sa me as for nBrit10n al stude nts


~Wi!1D~lrn~tiol1~ I ,~ppllk~l!'lits ~ re mquir~d to sp P i!~,!IIr for ~ MAl ILast ,date for scores of GMAT to reach NUn r~ ,J~lly 20~ 2l0J(1. The c:i1ndidatefi: ,!:)fe' ,re!)pm'u;,rbl e' lor pr1QlVud~I1~: GMAT s~o~ dilreui V 't~ NU~f a,ti1 ·the 'foll~ow'i n~ add rsss:

EXam B,r.alnICirn~ Registf,81f [)'iirect:cmli1ie\l'

N~Ui(ll(iiiI;a:1 U'wn'iJv@r~i~' of' ~ci~n~~5 ~I~d iliedingmOO:V U!lJIUS1iNI

'~·r· ~J. .~ !~

,SeC'to(jt 1H'·1,~ I 1'1:.··.:1 ':::!U!l!!mla,!';!\a!l;!!~

P,a'kista n,

Security Clearance

(aiSes (!if the liIMI'~e,rmir['i(ma i st udenes, ffiIMl.aI~IIV selected 'roil adm~sston in NIUSf con::!)ti.'tuent S,r.:hiDo!I/De p~rtmerns, willi be pro(e~~ed for $e'L:U ~i'~y cJeara nee


Hostel aGOO mrnodatton to the inrtPriillatiion,atl stll.iid~n1ts is gu;alli"alii1i~e;ed .,

www .. nust.edupk



'Pee Structure

IN usr B UJ sinass Schoo 11IDep a rt ment of M,as s Comm U r1I i(;,artU on!lDelPartlm,etnt !of 'iG overn me Vi!t d nd Publ h: Poi k:.y

Adlliitli:!jSl~t:m Ch:arg.e'.s

,Adimn~ ssie III .P'F'@oessi~J;' IF'eS!' ~ ~on r'f!ifll.Jl~da hie) Sea!Jr~tv Depos~'tt O~~hJllu.tabll,e,~

P~R 3 OlJO 0 UllOm]

M![)nilt~ily IChi!! i!llaS l!lJIHtk!ll1i F~e p€!'r mOWiiUl

M i:s;c:@~I~ [1i~O U$ Ch~ rg;@s, IP er ITil'onth (m~xi !11'U.lm]1

91))00 '1,000

)0 (Jh:alllla:n fo r a d m 1:S'$i@1i!I ~h:alrgei) :a n,d ~'m'Vis;i o~all Sele~tio n lliettte r wUi be a'i/a'i I,[ible 011 NIUS,T webs:i'te. (ha III sn is pava b~e' clJt. CI'inry bra nch !()If HIB Il 0[' lBa n II: A~-F,i!d;altli.,

>- 5tli b~leqUient 'fee ;ch,alla 11'$ wi II be' ii SSILlIedl olm qIU.alrteF~Y ~~$i$,!

)0 T~~' s;~cur~ty d~po:s,IJt. :is p~!!,,~bk~ ~'II'o!il,g wuth th@ ad'miission IprocJessi'rJl~' fe~ ail the trimL;' Qf,~dmjsskm.

Refund. Policy

,. 'The' I!Jnh.feusii'l~' wm liefiluillld on 1'1 the s,ecurily depes i't if th e st~derli~ do es not jo~ FI the IJ n i've r,siitY.

:) Adml15s~on Pwoeessinl Wee uS not refurtlda bile u nide'r a FlY drcum it:alrlice.

Fines for Latif Payment (TUition Fee) 1Jihe f®II!<Jcwins: 'ffri nes willi be' 'Iev~~dl for paym emt @f' fee (rf~e.r due datle~

,. IFor 'fil"$'~ tfiftte~1Il1 dl~ys, ,aiflN~ F' t~l~ d ~'E!' d~(~~: 5% of tlh~ tot~~ 1P~~lbl~ ~lm!l)UWiit:

)\ A;iftel! f,.ft,een dar!prs IlJ,P to' one month alftell du e' d~te: 10'% O;J 'the lotal ~aya b~e amot!ln~

> One month :dte r du~ date:

Stude n'~ Viliil ~ not he o,Uowed '~O attend classes )0 TwO mOrl'~hs, a'ft:,eF' dee da~e':

f:€'gi~.u~iIliolrii $h~n b~ $JU$P~ fiI,o ~d

Fen the re-a,cti\,!'a'tJ1,o~ ol reglst r:altiio,n~ th ~ student willi be reql!.Ui1re d '10 pay the Ad mission Prooessiin,g fee ,aEl)a'i n ale ng wi'tth a II out-£t~rt!djIFtlg o1I1allf~e:s. ,8!nd nlt11eS,

'Financial Assistance

N UST is. 'iJii'!)~~11 i~ed t@ be a model ins:tHIIJti:o~ of In'ilhe r learning. It Ii::; the re1fore', e$$e.ntiJ:a11 :that 'the bril~ht-e$~ tallle'iiii~ of '~he, ifilatJio n R~ attracted ,eVenl if th ey aiM

'fin;a'nl c:l,~lIy' eha 1I'~.fiIg'i2d; 1~~P!~ti~ Illy fro,i'til the under-privileged areas, i\:I US.T giw.~ 1TIi n~ ~ c:i ~I ~:s:sisti;Jnlc~' to stl!.!ld!~.r1fts O~ p erforma nee b~$~s to the @',:i!j~~ nt of '1s, 'to 15 perCEl!'lili~ 011 the', II tuiti O~ 'f;ee$~ d~fE'li'!reld P~IT! e nts and neerd b~sed scholars hips as i)peoim,ed:

" 15'% (ilf 'the ~)Q'P merut, posut1lOlfil h 01'1:1 e rs ln NUSiI entlf'!l test, ili'il 't1u sinu:::ss, SJtudie~ a'iii,dl SOdiSi I SCH!eWllC€'S 1P-II"QglI',~mnn€!s,;, 'wi'lll b~ ~w,alrd~d1 '!,!Vaiv'@'r of tu~ti:Dnll '~~€1 for the 1 III ,Sl2m~$OOw. FolJ' ,c:Olnti!ijl[J1~tion of th ~ 1TIi n:~nd::!i~

Q ssistsnee ~Iil the ~aru~~ ,of 1S to 15'% of the tl!JUio~ 'fee'" the s'tudent has eo m,ainta ln CG PA of 3.5 or mere,

), ,Fi 1II.all1c~alll'!f'· m,~fidicap ped :!I,tude FIts WIUli cart! FtI[1t pay th E!' fees, can be a~11 owed dererr'ed payll'lie'm t. er neled b.o.alsed s.'ClhloI3Irsh i ps On case-to-case bas,i s,

) OppottJU n itli~~, of ;Q,~rz~~'~H;a ~n~ ~Ire ;3v~,n~~!le th F'm,lg~l :I h ~~I!1! Th.!$t ~ rn (lif' M~@.;?;~1!l IB,~nk C!.!1! 1!'iI~@d~ClU m~!ifii@rit: bssis, Qant-e- H,1i)S~1!;a, w~ II bi;!' IFe'paid by the students o,nee t~@v' OOn11l p'l'ete' U~~,jr ed!IJcatiiom ,arad get eump~oved,

), Some phi~a(i"Jltltilropli$t OffiCI nl~5ila't]ons pravide.

SlC~obilrsh'i ps Ito 'tthe orphans ,alnd dis ab~edl ~tu dV~Il'I18 at NU:5iT: S U(~ s,tUldent$ willi be ~nfon'i'iled ;CUll h OIW to alP p~V o:rl!~€: th~y ~ re. ~€'II~(~d b'lt' iNU 5T, Students. rfr7i~ry ~~SO' ~IPfJll:y on 'th~ i ~ own tor other ,scholarshilP-s, such as those Clffe~ed bry IIrb'faq Feu n d.alltiio rrl" H~gh e r !Ed ucstion Commis:s.i on ~'H EC)~ Qu:al~d~e-Az;am Schol:a rsh~IP by Mi1ili:n:ry olf Educati en, Baliltull Mla'I, eite. fUlrt!her d~ta i Is Cliffe avaii Ll3ible. 'wl:tth t.h e ~,ch(H)II/Depdlftmeii'l!ts"

)., 'The' Ulmii\i!Ersi'ty may 3IPPf1QV\E IOIt" i'1iZj!ect. filiil;(Jlndal ;mls$i;S:ltan(@' '10 ~,nll'f cand itllat~.

'NUST Scholarships/Tuition Fe-'f 'Waiver (Need-based)

N usr is ~,@jun!!:n iing: a Need ~based S,c:hol arship scheITie for its stu d ants, s~a!i"ti FI~ fan ,~1l]10, to ana bile 'fiirba nels Ily tu-ader-jplrivi les,edj bu t tal~eiili~eid students to a OLi ulire higlrner e dI UI (~al'ti e riL

)0 S"u'ffieienit" ~IU mb@r of $chQlalF.shilP~lf;ee waivers will be Ci,wa rdsd tID the' n,eedy students o~ 't~'ile new baitcm~ ffven/ yeaII'.

); Tti'lJe' sL:n.ol'arslhiip wm be 'for 'ftl'lll dlura'tion lJif the Ipr,ogr.amiiifie ilrn whicn tlhl~ ~t~d1eiiii~ lis, !ffllmf'OUe d.






Pi 0.""" .. '. STG····. ··RA···· ·········.·.D'·U···"'TE·- 'p1?'O··.·IG·· ':RA' ··········"lI.·····6lI.···Ai'"'I:f'S···

. . , ....M.,.,., " ,l\..: _ , ." ,JJ/.lolvlu,>

M BA/MS/M Phi~

Admi!S!sig.rql Ch~ rgi!$

Au rnlsslen fro c@ssi rig IF~'~ I[ NQ!1! n~'fu no alb~@) S.eiCu~~~:y [h!!'posi~' ~'Re~l!! ndable)

M(J\liiIlt\~ rry' (h'al~g~s irUiitiml fee' per m ~nthl

BEC and Other Sponsorships

H EC' wiIU be~r th ~ cost of HE.c Sd101 ~lr,ship ~fW~ rde@sl' as per their ,schol arship ~fwa rd d@t~ its, 'For ether S,PO!il sersd s,tt!1de'nt:5,~ all cilia rg;es as pell '~he dlectaiils fJlm'!liided a b ov.S! will be bern e brv 'their spomlo~ilfllgagteflCY. Students, 'Wii II he respoilsilble for 'the 'til rru~~y deposl1t @f dues by 'theii~' S(pcHlsoruiil,@i age;f1Itcy., S(;h()~a'fshi'P' prCf'iiisilon s for pO$t€rad'l,ll~rIt~ :SU)ioi!es. f'OIF rillndid~ite$ fr(~!fI:'i FAT';" ~ntd

e;lloch stan ~r~ ,~I$oO' ~v~il~lbl~' thnj!!,J,gh IHE:C for w\h'idi Ul~Y may' ~Ippl,y diw~clly to IH E(.

PKI~ 10,(]00

I;;: oeo

I;I~, V


Adrnis(sio.~, 'Cha l1le!s

Ad mlssien Pro cessi rig lFe e ![ No n lre~u n.dlab Ie) SelCuw~tv iDepo$it ~'Fte'~!j ndable.)


[oyr,se. Chj3jfiges

Tru ilion r-@~ p@W' (jGUlr~l~ ~~r $~m~~t~r

9 avo

- ~- -


NllJST $PCi,I'i!~orslhi ps ij F~ ~w~u;d~d ~,ttrr'c,ttly (ii,Fi! i!1Ii~rit Fton" those students, who !~M~IDl't: to !1:!'!:'!llIOH 1fot MPh i ~ le',ading to IPhD~ NUST p'ays 'thti!' flDlllowill.g::

M Phil I lea d ~n;g; to. IP h D' Adml:!itSio,rnJl Cha ri,es

Ad mlssien IPro,c,eSl51 ng !Fe e i~ No n refu n dldb~e) Se;cuwillty lDe'po~i~: ~:~~'ffiu ndable]


IMPh~ ~ Phaise

Tuitlh[) n F~~ ~ n d Sri pend 101' R:~ ;8,,000/ ~ to IR~, :lIA1"ijOO/~ p~'rt month,

MII'J~Jt!~ ~Y' [i&nl!1l~g:e~ l1u~'l'ion fee pew IT! enth

~~Q ~l)Iitic!~ fee f'Or no n-~OF1$ore<d s.t\ldents)

,!1m I!!) Phase

Tuiti>iJen Feoel :s,u:p en;iiso[f' ~emufliEN1C1in©1l1 I%esiea reh iFl!Jil'ild ClIfJ1d s:t.iipe'nd of R~, ]~lO[ml- 'bo ~~ ]~)UJ@l- p("r me nth,

Supervi sor's IFe e :ali'll~ Re~e·ailr,eh F'ili'lii ell [Til) be lP~idl bV '~:hi~ ~1i"I~,"'-0f"'j~ty'~

Bo r1I diU n derta kl ng fe r N,UST Sponsored Students

,. IN ust s~g.nsiJred M Phii ~ h~',~di~g to PhO :s;tuderllib~ on cornpllwon 011 Ph D~, wilill .b i: !f~lq U fred te S!@lF'V@ wirth NU:ST .81£ a 'faJClU Ity mE1!'!I'I1ibtelf" far :81 miinirn U fiTiI period OF .5 yea rSI su bj~t 'liO me;e'~~J;' INIlll.~T s ele~l'i@n ~riflerJa"

) fhe students wlrno 'faliil Or de not 'f'ld1iU 'tt~e' u mile~akin~.!' wU~ h;av,e eo Fe~nn burs FE! the, '~C!t.aii amount $pe.nt~ v'n them I~~ nclud i ng ll1iluliOfi Fee." Sttipenltt SUlpervi$or's F,~e i!li nd R:e~~ijlrcJII ~Np@ndit Ui r~ ,~,tc~ _

RJ fu d 'p.' ].

:_' .1·. ·,1' , ...


) The iU rllllve rsi'ty wi'! ~ refund (l,t1Ily the seo!J rllty de'po:!1it fff the stu dle'ii'iitt dloe:; net j~irtl 'the IlJirniversily ..

> Ad i'iriI lsslon Pli",ovlZ~si ng !Fee is n~tt r~fi1i ItlJdJalhle u rider ~lf'ily' ,I;: in~il,J nfI$Uilr1ice_

Fines for Late Payment (Tuition Fee)

The foU()wi nIB ilililles, will be. leviied 'folf pt~liilleWilt O!~' fee atteil' d\;H~ !d'~fle~

); for 'fi'rst 'flfte:e'n td ay~ ~ftelr the d ue d~,te': 5'% o,f the t@tal ~:afya'b~e' am ount

) A:fftell" fift:eem days. UIP to ena IT! onth c1iftte r due dl~rIDe ~ 1,0% of 'the; 'total pa\l'a hl',e amO!JJlli'lit,

). (llinle' month ,after diU,e' di;lit:e~

$'U.aCt(2Wlit wi'll ~Iot Ihe ~ II awed ,to arn:en~ dla$Se<S )0 Two mCill1lth$ ~1l'belr d!!.Jl~ dilOO:,

~egiist:r~thJril shallill be suspended

NUST Scholarships/Tuition Fee:

Waiver (N eed-based)

NIUlSl is II,i:Ilundl,~n~ ,8j tlJte@d1-ba~ed Sc hollalFship scheme f@i' its stu de,t1lt51 statrti'ni!: falill .2@10 .. to elt1lal~de '~i1a ncla 1!ly under-p ruvu Itegedj burt tallenred students to a~~~ire: highe r ediUCa'I:1C!IIiL,

foil UW~ rre-C!!ctivalioil'il of r~!~strClftiOlt1ll d~~ stu dent 'Wi'! ~ be re.qjllJ1i('\ed 'to pay th e Mmissi'on Pro cessl ~~ Fe!e a~i!iiWTI a,~©nE wid~ all ,oiLilt-sta,rJidlifl8 tcha rges, alnd 'flne.$.

:) SuJticiemrt: number of' sehela rsh~:pl!:iffee 'W,!il!ive;rs will be ~wCl,rrded to 't~e; t"teel'ly students o'~ the new hcitchl e\ile,ry yea'F.

) The 'sen oRarr;hip will be. for 'hi I ~ durartiolf1i of the pt,[)g)f'~mme i n whi~h tne s,tJJdem ls t~ nr,olll@<ol_


F~nancTal Assistance ~Fc,r MIBA/MS)

NUS-I ~ives firtilalri'!:~,CiII as.sist,Djnoe to stHdeliilts en j::)i!::!'rforifJ:lalncelltil!~ed basts, to til e e~te.jfJlt of 15 eo 75 Pi~ r~lf1It ,of th~~lr tu i'tliolr1l fe€$,; ~ rl,d dl~1T€lfredi pilIyme-lfIitts, ~ Q~lr,~~~~IHa<sn~ l.. etc ~s sp~m'~d thelil!~ I'iId,~r:

> 0 n cenclusien of th@ 1TIl rst s~'!'1flester;. iii! 1'1 these stl!J!di@'!f!,ts, who !C!Olrnti!1 U'!! to £h©w good :aJcaldieff'filij<:, lPerformialrnceand rna j'ntil)~lfiI a CG PA Off ,3" 5 ,[JJnd a hov~ out of 4J) will ,co\nt'iit:'liIJlei' 'M ,s;et '~n,[i!ncia~ :a1~S lsta nee hn each i£em estte'r' witthun the raWilgE of 1.5-15% of' tultton fees,,,

" lFiin~ rH:~i;fl1111 y under-p ri\liile,gedl stud € rl'~S wlill be. alll(l'iN€ d 'o@funrlB! d p-laynn ~!'lit on C;3is~~'mt~~_afS~' b~$,i.5 ~ll'i!d witlilib E! gi\,i'@,~ dti:!gr@e after the ~·h~.ym@fIt of ~I~~!'l C@ ~ mount sldlse~uev¥Uy" Mi n I'm IJ m 5'0% of ";ee w:i II have to !be p~ I'd i:1fU eaeh semester,

) Som e' ph i'I arit.h rop~s,t ~rJ~ni:s,~tio ns pmvld!e s·cho~aJrshiip:; to orphans and d lssb led stlLlldyintl: art NUS1. Such ShjdeYilt~ 'wi III be ,i rl'ro'fmled on how 'to ;a ppl'V Cnlce' 'they ~ffi ~!!~decte(t S;t~I~~ntt$, nn~y ,al$;Q' ~lpplV (l,rn th€'iir Own for ,~nV ether schola r$,h'i p such ,~~ these Qff'f2 re d bV 11!1!~q FO[JlndathJ!n", HI rgher EdIUJC-allio.n Corn r:n~Sls;uon (HI IE C,) I'

10 It.! aid~e~AzE!! IilII S cho~,ars,fll~p by M;i rl ~5try' o,f Edluc;81tionl Ba'itllil M,i!I!l~ etc.

)- fUlrrheil dretaJils, ~lie av.c,mlia b le w~t,h 'the. N IlJST ,oolnS'OUj,eWTIt se hDo~JIDepa rtmlents. 'Tin e' Un~ve.rsuty c;a n dlppr,!l\11B er reject fin~llfId,a1 ~:s~i5,taJrmEi! t(~ a ny C~rlIdtid,ijlt:e.

> iihe entin~ fiill'il~lnd~1 ~,~sii$t~ii~~ p'ro'g~ mme W'i~ I b~' ld~.p ~1!1ident <)iii '~he 00 rrttillued per11Ql!'rn~n'li()~' Q'f 'the student ln ,e~ch se!'!'If1I@smr:"

:> The a.walrrl @f rnn;cmDi.i:!J1 :a !j$ist~nce' 'is !jub~ed t@ ,Civa~lalbiiity crf fund:S'1 MS!h p'-ieii'forma nea ;a i"'i d ~!Ood (0 nd uct ,O'f stu dents.


Opportumtie~ of Qarz-If' Hasna for pcs,tl!riilduate-5i prO@r;ilmm SIn BU:SIn@S5 Studies. ~M8A~ and So Clril I 5drfl{@5i ~M.5 Ecooomll::sj iU! ~a I.blp- thr04.J,Ih thsan Tr st on of Meeliiu ai!lill~ on iI~~d-cum rnent ~si , Qart e-Hasna w Il be repa,d bV the- 5.tud~nts once lhev complete their edu(a'tl.On and gel emp~Q"f!d.

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UN-D' 'ED 'G' 10 A Dl.I A 'TE' 'AND' ',', P'O' :,', 'STG' "1 D A Dl.I - A ~TE p'D,O' :,' 'GD A '1\ 6' AIC'lS"

,I ... J:\,;' .. 1 ~,.K 1-. , ..... ,', "'., 1 .... , . ':1:' ' •. , IJI:\.;t'\.JJI,rl - 'r-..; •. , / 1 ~vl.Jlvili'·"

Finances (V'IG Programmes)

St:u d e nts selected 'thiroU\glii 'this process wi III be' reQluired to pay' the lr 'feeHi ,and other c~:a!rgE:S, ij n LtS,[)",

'Fe~ Structure

Biiol silrti ess Stud iE'S a rtild So,ciI(a~1 :Scienoes (E'c;ono,mk1i;", Mia:ss, Co:mmu ilii'~~a~on dlnd Ipil)jlbUic; Ad iiili{inistf,a~c~,:~'

,AId'm'i::;s~OIFli Pll'GC~~ilil\g' IFe~' (fMCH':!, r~fulillrjl~ b I~) llWlitiol!1i F@!@' PI2'~ SI~m@'st@r

Secu ru1ry' De~os~t O~@;f'lWlnd~ b1'i!] Hea l1rh I n.SIJ..!JII:aI~ce per ,!lnilfilllJlm

I]$ID' i.iso 2,800 .5!O 0 120

1!wlrlionl '~e' for 'Ailrst. Sie mester vii II be, delP05i,t:ed at N UST ,alt the Ii ifrlH~ of ;aldlmi sslon. Sulbs'Eque.nlllYi tu ltien fe'iE' wiU be P§I i.o: ,tlhrrough chf!lll,~n forms prniiid~d !by 'F ~rI!flirJ'rjC€!' Diin~ictor~t~'" rJ;4 LJlSl, l1h@ ~tflJ,ctlU II@ ~Ir;lil:l schr~d,u I~ of paymernrl' win be if¥tiim~ted to the se,lectedl CfJJndio>i'.!riIe'5"


Finances (PG Programmes)

Sti!Jtll~'ifilt~ ~,~IIe.ct~'dl tlhllF(U,.Ig.h thi$ IP r'QO~$:~ wi ~II b@: re~uir~d 'to p-'~y 'Uriei F' f~e$ ~lflid1 Cithe:F' ~h~tge~ io U.SD;.

Fee Structure

8!~'si n,!i:ll$i!j, 51IUd ie5, ~liThd g;o~i~al~ .sciei1~~'$ (I!i:C:OriCHiIi'i! h:~) tms~ 1,,'15:0 [1000 55'0

luition Fee per annum SeelJ..!'r'Hv' lDep!))sij't (lRefulld:a bll,e ~ Hsa I:th I iii sur.aJriiDe [per ann u m

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