Distributor Pump
Distributor Pump
Distributor Pump
Mechanical Engineers
Stanadyne, Inc.
Diesel Systems Division
Windsor, Connecticut
April, 1988
The year was 1947. The place was Hartford, this simple pumping system with the concept on
Connecticut. Diesel power was about to make an inlet metering. This made the pump almost self-
historic move forward. governing and meant that the actual governor
At that time, the world of high-speed diesel could be a simple, low cost mechanism, further
power in the U.S. was very limited. Less than 5 reducing the cost and complexity of the pump.
percent of all engines being built, even for non- The result was a revolutionary new design –
automotive applications, were diesels. the first single cylinder, opposed plunger, inlet
Diesel power had proven to have real metering rotary distributor-type diesel fuel
advantages. But for many applications, the price injection pump.
was prohibitive. A small or It was the smallest, simplest fuel injection
medium-size high-speed pump the world had ever seen, at a much lower
diesel engine simply cost too price than anything available before.
much compared to its It opened up a new world for builders and
gasoline counterpart. users of diesel engines – a world that has been
The high cost problem expanding ever since.
centered around the diesel Simplicity Made It Practical – Success did not
fuel injection systems come overnight for the Roosa Master pump. The
available at the time. A industry was full of skeptics who said it could
simpler, less expensive form never be produced commercially. Five years of
of fuel injection was needed testing and development work were required
before diesels could compete before a single sale was made. Then, in March
effectively in the small or 1952 came the first production order. Hercules
medium-size high-speed Motors Corporation wanted pumps for Oliver
engine field. Cletrac tractors.
The answer came from a Continental Motors followed Hercules as a
man who had learned about customer in 1953. Buda Engine Company, which
Rotary Distribution Principle diesel engines the hard way later became part of Allis Chalmers, came next,
– by installing and and by 1956 Waukesha engines were utilizing the
maintaining diesel-electric rotary distributor pump.
generator sets in New York Throughout this period, Roosa Master
City. His name was Vernon Roosa. And he brought engineers were busy working on making the
his answer to Stanadyne’s Hartford Division. pump even simpler, more versatile and less
Roosa threw aside the traditional in-line expensive.
injection pump with its pumping element for Work began on the Roosa Master fuel injection
each engine cylinder. Instead, he used a single pump in May, 1947. From 1947 to 1952, activities
pumping unit to feed all the cylinders. Thus, the were concentrated on laboratory developments
new pump had the same number of parts and experimental installations. During 1952,
regardless of the number production of the Model “A” pump was
of cylinders. begun. This model remained in
Roosa then combined production through 1955.
The rotary distribution pump played a key role in the rapid growth of diesel usage in farm tractors.
The period between 1955 and 1958 was a own gasoline engines, to get into the production of
development stage during which Model “B” and diesel engines with a minimum of tooling costs.
Model “D” pumps were introduced. Model “B”, This move was to have a dramatic impact on the
with sand cast housing was the forerunner of growth of high-speed diesels in the country.
Model “D” of the die cast construction, and Model Today, over 90% of the farm and industrial
“D” was replaced by the Model “DB” which began tractors produced in this country are diesel
production in 1958. powered. But back in the mid 1950s, the reverse
In general, the object of the Model “DB” was was true.
standardization. It incorporated all the basic The switch to diesel power on the farm gained
features of its forerunners, the Model “A”, Model momentum in the late 1950s when farm equipment
“B”, and Model “D”, manufacturers began offering diesel tractors priced
into one standard competitively with their gasoline powered
housing with equivalents. Farm equipment manufacturers were
built-in pluses. able to do this because they had started producing
Accessories such their own high-speed diesel engines. They were
as automatic able to manufacture these engines for little more
than their gasoline counterparts, thanks in large
measure to the savings achieved by using rotary
distributor fuel injection pumps.
Soon, Allis Chalmers, Ford, International
Harvester, John Deere, J.I. Case, and Minneapolis
Moline became pump users. By 1961, practically
every diesel farm tractor built in this country was
equipped with a Roosa Master pump.
The first generation of diesel engines built by
these manufacturers were basically modified
gasoline engine blocks to minimize the tooling
costs associated with entering a new field. New
generations of diesel engines were soon to follow.
Farmers were finally able to enjoy all the
Size comparison of distribution type pump (left) to advantages of diesel power for a very small
traditional in-line pump. premium. And take advantage they did! The high-
speed diesel engine was on its way to becoming an
advance and electric shut-off could be built right important factor in American life.
into the DB housing. A single delivery valve was Diesel engine builders were not the only
located in the center of the rotor, providing companies interested in the new design. The
improved part load regularity. introduction of the pump also had a major impact
Due to the inherent design of the DB pump, on manufacturers of traditional in-line fuel injection
cost-effective timing advance systems extended the equipment throughout the world. The prospect of
diesel’s speed, and hence, power range to further having a license for manufacture of the rotary
encroach on gasoline engine use. In addition, the distributor pump was obviously very desirable if
pump generally offered improved governor these manufacturers were to compete in the
performance, which was particularly attractive to smaller, high-speed engine field.
diesel engine builders. On May 1, 1953, an agreement was signed
Most importantly, the Model DB pump could granting CAV Ltd., of London, England the rights to
be mounted either horizontally or vertically. manufacture and
Because of the pump’s lower driving torque, it market pumps of
could be driven off smaller gears than other types the Roosa Master
of fuel injection pumps. This meant that the pump design for the
could be mounted vertically in the location normally United Kingdom,
used for the ignition distributor on a gasoline with further
engine block. expansion to other
This versatility was destined to save engine parts of the world
manufacturers thousands of dollars by allowing in subsequent
them to use the same basic block for both gasoline agreements.
and diesel engines.
It paved the way for farm equipment
manufacturers, who were already making their
General Description – An external view of a The transfer pump at the rear of the rotor is
typical pump is shown in Fig. 1 and an internal the postive displacement vane-type and is
section in Fig. 2. enclosed in the end cap. The end cap also
The main rotating components are the drive houses the fuel inlet strainer and transfer pump
shaft (1), distributor rotor (2), transfer pump pressure regulator. Transfer pump pressure is
blades (5), and governor components (11). automatically compensated for viscosity effects
The drive shaft engages the distributor rotor due to both temperature changes and various
in the hydraulic head. The drive end of the fuel grades.
rotor incorporates two pumping plungers. The distributor rotor incorporates two
The plungers are actuated toward each charging ports and a single axial bore with one
other simultaneously by an internal cam ring discharge port to serve all head outlets to the
through rollers and shoes which are carried in injection tubings. The hydraulic head contains
slots at the drive end of the rotor. The number the bore in which the rotor revolves, the metering
of cam lobes normally equals the number of valve bore, the charging ports and the head
engine cylinders. outlet fittings. The high pressure injection
tubings leading to the nozzles are fastened to
these fittings.
Distributor pumps contain their own
mechanical governor capable of close speed
regulation. Both all-speed and min-max types
are available. The centrifugal force of the weights
in their retainer is transmitted through a sleeve
to the governor arm and through a linkage to
the metering valve. The metering valve can be
closed to shut off fuel through the linkage by an
independently operated shut-off lever.
Fig. 1 — Pump
1. Drive Shaft
2. Distributor Rotor
3. Hydraulic Head
4. Delivery Valve
5. Transfer Pump
6. Pressure Regulator
7. Discharge Fitting
8. Metering Valve
Fig. 2 — Sectional view 9. Pumping Plungers
10. Internal Cam Ring
11. Governor
12. Governor Weights
13. Advance
14. Drive Shaft Bushing
15. Housing
16. Rollers
Regulating piston clearance, and the additional biasing pressure is
Regulating slot slight. With hot or low viscosity fuels the
Inlet side clearance flow increases and the pressure within
Regulating spring the spring chamber increases. The regulating
spring and higher biasing pressure forces
combine to control the slot area. This control
maintains a nearly constant transfer pump
Thin plate pressure over a broad range of fuel viscosities
and thus maintains stable automatic advance
operation over various fuel types and
Hydraulic head and rotor – Fig. 4 shows an
exploded view of the rotor and the pumping
plungers. The cam rollers contact the inner
Spring Adjusting Plug surface of the cam ring form and push the
plungers toward each other for injection. The
Discharge side shoes act as tappets between
the rollers and plungers.
Cam roller
Fig. 3 — Transfer pump regulator
The automatic speed advance is a hydraulic
mechanism which advances or retards the Plunger
beginning of fuel delivery from the pump. This
can respond to speed alone, or to a combination
of speed and load changes. A more detailed Rotor
description of each pump area will be covered
in the following pages.
Transfer pump pressure regulation – Refer to
Fig. 3 for the following description. Filtered, low Leaf spring
pressure fuel from an overhead tank or a lift
pump passes through the transfer pump inlet
screen. This vane-type pump consists of a
stationary liner and four spring loaded blades,
which are carried in the rotor slots. Excess fuel
is recirculated to the transfer pump inlet by Leaf spring screw
means of the pressure regulator piston, spring,
and ported sleeve. Fuel pressure from the
transfer pump forces the piston in the regulator
sleeve against the spring. The pressure curve is
controlled by the pump displacement, spring
rate and preload, and regulating slot Fig. 4 — Rotor and plunger
configuration. Therefore, pressure increases
with speed. Refer to Fig. 5. As the rotor revolves, its two
The transfer pump operates consistently inlet passages register with the charging annulus
over a wide viscosity range determined by ports in the hydraulic head. Transfer pump fuel
different grades of diesel fuels and also when controlled by the metering valve opening, flows
affected by varying temperatures. A thin plate into the pumping chamber forcing the plungers
incorporating a sharp-edged orifice is located in apart. The plungers move outward for a distance
the spring adjusting plug. Flow through an proportional to the amount of fuel required for
orifice of this type is virtually unaffected by the next injection stroke. If only a small amount
viscosity changes. An additional biasing pressure is admitted, as at idling, the plungers move out
is exerted against the spring side of the piston a short distance. If half-load is required,
and is determined by the linear flow around approximately half the pumping chamber is
the regulating piston and the flow through the filled. This process is known as inlet metering.
orifice. With cold or viscous fuels a reduced
flow occurs through the piston and sleeve
Full-load delivery is controlled by the friction and the coating material on the screw
maximum plunger travel. This plunger travel is threads.
limited by the leaf spring as it is contacted by As the rotor continues to revolve (Fig. 7),
the edge of the shoes. the inlet ports move out of registry and the
rotor discharge port indexes with one of the
head outlets. The rollers then contact opposing
Roller between cam lobes which force the shoes inward against
cam lobes the plungers. At this point high pressure pumping
Plunger Metering
valve Circular begins. Further rotation of the rotor moves the
fuel passage
Roller contacts
cam lobe
Rotor Rotor
Leaf Outlet fitting
Shoe Inlet
passages Charging Iranster
passage pump
valve Discharge port
Fig. 5 — Plunger charging
Vernon D. Roosa
Born on a farm in New York state, Vernon His inventions have ranged far beyond
Roosa came naturally to his inventive turn of diesel engine pumps. He holds 350 patents,
mind. His father, who raised Holstein cattle, both United States and foreign, which fill three
devised a hydraulic dam to raise the water level, thick volumes. Among them are a stapler, a
constructed a windmill and had one of the first butane lighter for outdoor fireplaces, a novel
milking machines. toilet flush system, a nail polish remover bottle
Fascinated by mechanics as a youngster, with a brush, a gas tank filler and numerous
Roosa had to leave school at age 15 because of electrical switching devices.
the family’s financial The inventor has a
reverses. His first job as keen interest in higher
a gas attendant led to his education. He donated a
becoming the station chair in applied science
manager within a year. to Trinity College, where
He left to attend an he once taught as an
aviation engineering adjunct professor, and in
school. During the 1984, pledged funds for
Depression, as a a chair in manufacturing
mechanic with a large bus engineering at the
company, he first became University of Hartford’s
interested in diesel College of Engineering.
engines and finally In addition, to help train
landed a job installing disabled workers, he
and maintaining a diesel invented a “hands free”
power plant. head lantern for the
He subsequently Hartford Easter Seal
went to work for a Long Rehabilitation Center.
Island firm making diesel The Center makes and
Vernon D. Roosa
electric generator sets sells the product to the
for New York apartments. government, forest fire
In the fall of 1939, to fill fighters, and on the
the need for a variable speed and output generator, commercial market. He also developed and
he concentrated on making a fuel injection pump donated the equipment for manufacturing the
that would meet the stringent requirements of head lamp.
this application and a year later had one in At 77, he is still active in the design of new
operation. About this time, the armed services products from a fully equipped laboratory in West
were seeking a new method for close speed Hartford, Connecticut.
regulation of generator sets. Roosa produced a
second design, simpler and extremely small in
size compared to other makes, with a self-
contained plunger completely sealed against dirt,
This is the model that caught the eye of ENGINEERING LANDMARK
Stanadyne’s Hartford Division, in 1947. Roosa DISTRIBUTOR-TYPE DIESEL FUEL INJECTION PUMP
came to Hartford that year and embarked on a Hartford, Connecticut
five year program to perfect his miraculous pump, 1952
and later a fuel injection nozzle and filter design Vernon D. Roosa invented the rotary distributor-type fuel injection pump in 1941. It
which became widely used. He also designed an provided a compact, low-cost fuel injection system for diesel engines up to 200 HP.
automatic drill machine, required for the The first production order for 500 Roosa Master Model A pumps was received in
1952, and approximately 23 million distributor pumps have been manufactured by
nozzle assembly. Sranadyne and its licensees worldwide.
1986 he received the SAE Edward N. Cole Leonard N. Baxter – assisted in development
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
engineering award. 1988
Stanadyne, Inc.
Many dedicated Stanadyne employees
played a key role in the development of the
rotary distributor pump and its subsequent
place in diesel engine history. Stanadyne thanks
them all and would especially acknowledge the
following people.