Chart of Accounts Samples
Chart of Accounts Samples
Chart of Accounts Samples
This sample of chart of accounts must not be applied as is, but should
be personalized to the needs of each company and adapted to its type of
It is presented herewith as a suggestion and SDCG cannot be held
responsible for its content or for its misuse.
1 Assets
11 Accounts receivable
1101 Receivable from Ordinary customers
1102 Receivable from Foreign customers
1103 Receivable from dealers
1104 Receivable form other client types
1105 Advances to employees
1111 Accrued accounts receivable
1121 Other accounts receivable
1131 Prepaid expenses
1141 Allowances for doubtful accounts (bad debts)
12 Inventory
1201 Stock item's inventory
120101 Finished goods Inventory - Family xxx
120102 Finished goods Inventory - Family yyy
120103 Finished goods Inventory - Family zzz
1202 Raw material inventory
120201 Raw Material items - Family aaa
120202 Raw Material items - Family bbb
1203 Semi finished items
120301 Semi finished goods - Family 111
120302 Semi finished goods - Family 222
1204 Work in progress
120401 Cost element 111
120402 Cost element 222
120403 Electrical works
120404 Sanitary works
120405 Printing
120406 Color separation
120407 Photography
1205 Supplies inventory
1206 …
15 Fixed assets
1501 Vehicles and automobiles
1502 Furniture & fixture
1503 Office equipment
150301 Computer equipment
150302 Electronic items (photocopying. TV, Video,)
150303 Other
1504 Leasehold improvements
1505 Machinery
1506 Store equipment
1507 Building
1508 Land
16 Accumulated depreciation
1601 Depreciation Vehicles and automobiles
1602 Depreciation Furniture & fixture
1603 Depreciation Office equipment
160301 Depreciation Computer equipment
Depreciation Electronic items (photocopying. TV,
160302 Video,)
160303 Depreciation Other
1604 Depreciation Leasehold improvements
1605 Depreciation Machinery
1606 Depreciation Store equipment
1607 Depreciation Building
1608 Depreciation Land
18 Deposits
21 Accounts payable
2101 Assets suppliers payable
2102 Trade suppliers payable
2103 Payable to employees
2104 Other suppliers payable
23 Unearned revenues
2301 Advances from customers
2302 Other unearned revenues
2303 Deferred income - sponsorship/registration fees/maintenance
24 Bank loans
26 Notes payable
2601 Notes payable
3 Equity
30 Owners' Equity
3001 Stated capital
3002 Capital Surplus
3003 Capital Withdrawal
32 Retained earning
3201 Previous years returned earning
Last year
3202 results
3203 Cash dividend declared
43 Commissions earned
44 Dividends earned
46 Other income
47 Interest earned
48 Sales return
49 Sales discounts
5 Cost of sales
60 Purchases
601 Raw material Purchases
60101 Purchase of raw materials - Family aaa
60102 Purchase of raw materials - Family bbb
60103 Purchase of raw materials - Family ccc
602 Purchases of goods
60201 Purchase of products- Family xxx
60202 Purchase of products- Family yyy
60203 Purchase of products- Family zzz
603 Purchases discounts
60301 Purchase of products- Family xxx
60302 Purchase of products- Family yyy
60303 Purchase of raw materials - Family ccc
604 Purchase returns and allowances
60401 Purchase of products- Family xxx
60402 Purchase of raw materials - Family bbb
60403 Purchase of raw materials - Family ccc
605 Shipment expenses
60501 Freight
60502 Insurance
60503 Customs
60504 Clearing fees
60505 Port handling
60506 Other shipment fees
606 Inventory adjustment
63 Financial Expenses
6301 Short cash Expense
6302 Discount Lost
6303 Factoring fee Expense
6304 Interest Expense
64 Insurance Expenses
6401 Insurance Expense, delivery equipment
6402 Insurance Expense, Office equipment
6403 Insurance Expense,-----------------
6404 Insurance Expense,-----------------
66 Supplies Expense
6601 Office Supplies Expense
6602 Stores Supplies Expense
6603 --------------Supplies Expense
6604 --------------Supplies Expense
67 Miscellaneous Expenses
6701 Advertising Expense
6702 Bad debts Expense
6703 Collection expense
6704 Credit cards Expense
6705 Delivery expense
6706 Equipment Expense
6707 Repairs Expense
6708 Food & Drinks Expense
6709 Gas and Oil Expense
6710 Electricity Expense
6711 Telephone and network Expense
6712 Postage Expense
6713 Permits Expense
6714 Legal Fees expense
6715 Audit fees Expense
6716 Consulting fee Expense
6717 Travel Expense
6718 Hotel Expense
6719 Entertainment expense
6720 Maintenance Expense
6721 Income taxes Expense
6722 Penalties Expense
6723 Gifts Expense
6724 Cleaning Expense
6725 Security Expense
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