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Project Report Final Rohan

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“Consumer behavior on Ariel detergent powder”

Special Reference

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree course of


(Pune University, Pune)

Submitted by:

Project Guide
Santosh pullewar

Indira Institute of Management,

(2009 – 2011)


This report bears the imprint of many persons, who have helped me in numerous ways in
writing this report. It gives me great pleasure in presenting this report to the Pune University,
Pune via Indira Institute of Management, Pune. I would like to take this opportunity to extend
my heartful gratitude to all those who helped me in presenting this report. Their contribution
no matter big or small has contributed immensely towards completion of this report.

I fall short of words to express my gratitude to “SKM ENTERPRISE RANCHI” for giving
me the opportunity to work in this prestigious organization. I acknowledge my deep sense of
gratitude to Mr. Vishwajit choudhary for his generous guidance & advice before & during the
course of this work & also in analyzing the work.

I would like to thank Prof. SANTOSH PULLEWAR (Lecturer, Internal Guide) for their
valuable advice and assistance through this project.

I am also very grateful to all the respondents for giving their valuable time in accomplishing
my study.

My overriding debt is to my parents who always supported me morally as well as


(Rohan jaiswal)

Executive summary
Project title

“Studying the consumer behavior on Ariel detergent powder”


1) To study the customer perception about Ariel detergent powder.

2) To understand the customer behavior towards detergent powder.

3) To suggest improvement (if any) based on customer feed-back.

4) To identify the level of customer satisfaction toward Ariel detergent powder


Research methodology

Primary data: - Primary data is the first hand data which is collected from the
respondents. Here structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data through

Secondary data: - These data were collected from organization and other places.

• Head office

• Papers and records

• Internet

• Business magazines

Sampling plan

Sample universe: - All detergent users in Ranchi

Research design: - descriptive research

Sample frame:- Ariel detergent users

Sample unit: - Individual consumer

Sample technique: - stratified sampling

Sample size: - 90 consumers

Area of survey: - Ranchi region


Key findings

• More than 50% of the consumer use sachet and 1kg pack.

• Most respondents believe Ariel detergent powder is economic and

good quality.

• Ariel detergent powder users are satisfied with its staining action.

• Brand switching is not very common in case of detergent powder.

• Quality is the most important factor in selecting a particular detergent



• Lack of time (i.e. two months) it was not possible to reach all respondents.

• The lack of availability of time on respondent’s part.

• Some respondents were biased.

• Some respondents were not cooperative.


Chapter-1 Introduction 7-9

Chapter-2 Industry/sector profile 10-12

Chapter-3 Company profile 13-20

Product profile 21-32
Chapter-4 Literature survey 33-35

Chapter-5 Objective and scope of 36-40

Chapter-6 Research methodology 41-45

Chapter-7 Data analysis and 46-56

Chapter-8 Observation and findings 57-58

Chapter-9 Conclusion 59-60

Chapter-10 Suggestions 61-62

a) Reference 63-64
b) Annexure 65-67

List of tables

Contents Page no.

Detergent users 47

Brand awareness 48

Factor influencing price 49

Quantity 50

Frequently 51

Advertisement 52

Promotional activities 53

Promotional campaign 54

Satisfaction 55

Switch to other brand 56



Market study is an essential process to develop the company collection of data,

analyzing, reporting of the data to specific situation to any marketing activities that the
company is facing with the increase in the competition & the development of various
marketing activities.

Marketing includes all the activities like promotion, distribution, advertising etc. To
fulfill the all segment of consumers. Marketing is also to convert social needs into profitable
opportunities. So this topic provides all the essentials to theoretical knowledge with practical
knowledge and to inculcate the efficiency. It is also requirement for the company to improve
their service and product quality for achieving their ultimate goal.

Modern marketing calls for more than developing a good product, pricing it
attractively & making it accessible to target customers. Organization also need to
communicate their present & potential customers to communicate their present organization,
develops an effective strategy with the aim of creating awareness, developing knowledge,

liking preference convictions among the organization target audience with a view to convert
them into prospective buyer.

This project report endeavors to study of “Studying the consumer behavior on Ariel
detergent powder to know its demand among brand category”


The training in the organization is very important for a student who is undergoing with such
course. This course is not the answers for all the problems, which arises in the practical field.
There are not the answers for all the any problems, but the aim of this study is to develop the
ability of decision-making. Right decisions at time itself the organization to run smoothly.

The training in an organization gives an idea how decisions are taken when any
problem comes to an executive. So the way of problem solving, right decisions making and
knowledge of different type marketing activities give much importance to the study.

Simultaneously, it is also beneficial for the company to make certain change in

quality/service/price/promotion of the product according to consumer demands. For long
running a business organization such type of improvement in needed time to time and it helps
organization to increase profitability.

Rationale of study

The rationale of project undertaken is to seek the general perception of consumers towards
Ariel detergent powder and find out the important parameters customers look for in selecting
a particular detergent powder for daily/weekly or monthly basis.

It also helps to understand the factors which affect consumer buying behavior in selecting a
particular brand.many companies are aiming for high satisfaction level because the customers
who are not well satisfied may switch to some other brand. For this reason only companies are
regularly doing market research to study the consumer behavior. High customer satisfaction
among the consumers creates emotional binding with the brand and lesser chances of
switching. The result is high customer loyalty. Hence an attempt has been made to identify the
customers behavior and satisfaction towards Ariel detergent powder.



The Indian FMCG sector is the fourth largest in the economy and has a market size of
US$13.1 billion. Well-established distribution networks, as well as intense competition
between the organised and unorganised segments are the characteristics of this sector.

FMCG in India has a strong and competitive MNC presence across the entire value chain. It
has been predicted that the FMCG market will reach to US$ 33.4 billion in 2015 from US $
billion 11.6 in 2003. The middle class and the rural segments of the Indian population are the
most promising market for FMCG, and give brand makers the opportunity to convert them to
branded products. Most of the product categories like jams, toothpaste, skin care, shampoos,
etc, in India, have low per capita consumption as well as low penetration level, but the
potential for growth is huge.

The Indian Economy is surging ahead by leaps and bounds, keeping pace with rapid
urbanization, increased literacy levels, and rising per capita income.

The big firms are growing bigger and small-time companies are catching up as well.
According to the study conducted by AC Nielsen, 62 of the top 100 brands are owned by
MNCs, and the balance by Indian companies.

Fifteen companies own these 62 brands, and 27 of these are owned by Hindustan Lever. Pepsi
is at number three followed by Thums Up. Britannia takes the fifth place, followed by Colgate
(6), Nirma (7), Coca-Cola (8) and Parle (9). These are figures the soft drink and cigarette
companies have always shied away from revealing. Personal care, cigarettes, and soft drinks
are the three biggest categories in FMCG. Between them, they account for 35 of the top 100


S. NO. Companies
1. Hindustan Unilever Ltd.
2. ITC (Indian Tobacco Company)
3. Nestlé India
5. Dabur India
6. Asian Paints (India)
7. Cadbury India
8. Britannia Industries
9. Procter & Gamble Hygiene and
Health Care
10. Marico Industries

The foods category in FMCG is gaining popularity with a swing of launches by HLL, ITC,
Godrej, and others. This category has 18 major brands, aggregating Rs. 4,637 crore. Nestle
and Amul slug it out in the powders segment. The food category has also seen innovations
like softies in ice creams, chapattis by HLL, ready to eat rice by HLL and pizzas by both
GCMMF and Godrej Pillsbury. This category seems to have faster development than the
stagnating personal care category. Amul, India's largest foods company has a good presence
in the food category with its ice-creams, curd, milk, butter, cheese, and so on. Britannia also
ranks in the top 100 FMCG brands, dominates the biscuits category and has launched a series
of products at various prices.

In the household care category (like mosquito repellents), Godrej and Reckitt are two players.
Goodknight from Godrej is worth above Rs 217 crore, followed by Reckitt's Mortein at Rs
149 crore. In the shampoo category, HLL's Clinic and Sunsilk make it to the top 100,
although P&G's Head and Shoulders and Pantene are also trying hard to be positioned on top.
Clinic is nearly double the size of Sunsilk.

Dabur is among the top five FMCG companies in India and is a herbal specialist. With a
turnover of Rs. 19 billion (approx. US$ 420 million) in 2005-2006, Dabur has brands like
Dabur Amla, Dabur Chyawanprash, Vatika, Hajmola and Real. Asian Paints is enjoying a
formidable presence in the Indian sub-continent, Southeast Asia, Far East, Middle East, South
Pacific, Caribbean, Africa and Europe. Asian Paints is India's largest paint company, with a
turnover of Rs.22.6 billion (around USD 513 million). Forbes Global magazine, USA, ranked
Asian Paints among the 200 Best Small Companies in the World

Cadbury India is the market leader in the chocolate confectionery market with a 70% market
share and is ranked number two in the total food drinks market. Its popular brands include
Cadbury's Dairy Milk, 5 Star, Eclairs, and Gems. The Rs.15.6 billion (USD 380 Million)
Marico is a leading Indian group in consumer products and services in the Global Beauty and
Wellness space.


Company profile

The US based P&G is the number one maker and marketer of household products. In the
US and one of the largest FMCG companies in the world. It was established. In 1837,
when William Procter, a candle maker,and his brother in law James Gamble. A soap
maker, merged small business.They set up a shop

We will provide branded products and services of superior quality and value that improve the
lives of the world’s consumers, now and for generations to come. As a result, consumers will
reward us with leadership sales, profit and value creation, allowing our people, shareholders
and the communities in which we live and work to prosper.



• We always try to do the right thing.

• We are honest and straightforward with each other.
• We operate within the letter and spirit of the law.
• We uphold the values and principles of P&G in every action and decision.
• We are data-based and intellectually honest in advocating proposals, including
recognizing risks.


• We are all leaders in our area of responsibility, with a deep commitment to delivering
leadership results.
• We have a clear vision of where we are going.
• We focus our resources to achieve leadership objectives and strategies.
• We develop the capability to deliver our strategies and eliminate organizational


• We accept personal accountability to meet our business needs, improve our systems
and help others improve their effectiveness.
• We all act like owners, treating the Company’s assets as our own and behaving with
the Company’s long-term success in mind.

Passion for Winning

• We are determined to be the best at doing what matters most.

• We have a healthy dissatisfaction with the status quo.
• We have a compelling desire to improve and to win in the marketplace.


• We respect our P&G colleagues, customers and consumers, and treat them as we want
to be treated.
• We have confidence in each other’s capabilities and intentions.

We believe that people work best when there is a foundation of trust.

Procter & gamble is ranked as the 7th in as the world’s leading fast moving consumer goods
(FMCG) company. P&G was ranked high on the parameter of ability to develop superior
quality and highly innovative products on a consistent basis. Analyst attributed this ability to
the company’s understanding of consumers’ needs and preferences that had evolved out of its
continuous focus on marketing research (MR) from the very beginning.

With the setting up of its MR department, in 1924 P&G became one of the first companies in
the world to conduct formal research on consumer’s preference. Over the next eight decades

the company developed several innovative MR techniques. Its researchers were trained to get
the information from the consumers. P & G employed advanced technology to analyze the
feedback it obtained and arrived at the right conclusion.

P&G used qualitative research tools, such as focus group, in-house visits in-context visits and
in-store interviews and quantitative research tools like blind test, concept tests and so on.

The company has also hired external agencies to conduct MR. In recent years P&G used the
internet as a medium for research, in the process and achieved significant savings of cost and

P&G focuses on five core strengths required to win in the consumer products industry. We are
designed to lead in each of these areas.

History of the company

William Procter, emigrating from England, established himself as a candle maker in

Cincinnati, which was a busy center of commerce and industry in the early nineteenth
century. And James Gamble, arriving from Ireland, apprenticed himself to a soap maker.

The two might never have met had they not married sisters Olivia and Elizabeth Norris,
whose father convinced his new sons-in-law to become business partners.
As a result, in 1837, a bold new enterprise was born: Procter & Gamble.

William Procter was born in 1801 in England. As a boy, he worked as general store
apprentice, learning to “dip candles” – a skill that would later lead to both fame and fortune.
His first entrepreneurial venture, however, met with disaster. The day after opening, his dry
goods shop in London was robbed, leaving Procter $8,000 in debt – a huge sum in 1832.

Determined to rebuild, he and his wife decided to immigrate to the United States. While
traveling down the Ohio River, Mrs. Procter became ill and died a few months after their
arrival in Cincinnati.

Procter first worked in a bank. He then decided to use his past experience as a candle maker to
earn extra income and help pay off his debt. He took advantage of the fat and oil by-products
from Cincinnati’s large meatpacking industry. Procter began as a one person operation –
manufacturing, selling and delivering candles to his customers in the area.

During this time, he also met and proposed to Olivia Norris, the daughter of a prominent
candle maker in town, Alexander Norris. Meanwhile, James Gamble was born in 1803, in
Ireland. He immigrated with his family to America in 1819 as part of a mass exodus from
Northern Ireland. They were headed for Illinois, but during the trip, James Gamble, then 16,
became violently ill; his parents took him ashore in Cincinnati. By the time James recovered,
the family had decided to stay.

At 18, James began an apprenticeship with a local soap maker, then years later, opened his
own soap and candle shop with a friend. Before long, Gamble met and married Elizabeth Ann
Norris, the second daughter of Alexander Norris.


Procter & Gamble Co. (P&G) is an American company based in Cincinnati, Ohio that
manufactures a wide range of consumer goods. In India Proctor & Gamble have two
subsidiaries: P&G Hygiene and Health Care Ltd. and P&G Home Products Ltd. P&G
Hygiene and Health Care Limited are one of India's fastest growing Fast Moving Consumer
Goods Companies with a turnover of more than Rs. 500 crores. It has in its portfolio famous
brands like Vicks & Whisper. P&G Home Products Limited deals in Fabric Care segment and

Hair Care segment. It has in its kitty global brands such as Ariel and Tide in the Fabric Care
segment, and Head & Shoulders, Pantene, and Rejoice in the Hair Care segment.

Procter & Gamble's relationship with India started in 1951 when Vicks Product Inc. India, a
branch of Vicks Product Inc. USA entered Indian market. In 1964, a public limited company,
Richardson Hindustan Limited (RHL) was formed which obtained an Industrial License to
undertake manufacture of Menthol and de mentholised peppermint oil and VICKS range of
products such as Vicks VapoRub, Vicks Cough Drops and Vicks Inhaler. In May 1967, RHL
introduced Clearsil, then America's number one pimple cream in Indian market. In 1979, RHL
launches Vicks Action 500 and in 1984 it set up an Ayurvedic Research Laboratory to address
the common ailments of the people such as cough and cold.

In October 1985, RHL became an affiliate of The Procter & Gamble Company, USA and its
name was changed to Procter & Gamble India. In 1989, Procter & Gamble India launched
Whisper - the breakthrough technology sanitary napkin. In 1991, P&G India launched Ariel
detergent. In 1992, The Procter & Gamble Company, US increased its stake in Procter &
Gamble India to 51% and then to 65%. In 1993, Procter & Gamble India divested the
Detergents business to Procter & Gamble Home Products and started marketing Old Spice
Brand of products. In 1999 Procter & Gamble India Limited changed the name of the
Company to Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care Limited.

P&G Home Products Limited was incorporated as 100% subsidiary of The Procter & Gamble
Company, USA in 1993 and it launched launches Ariel Super Soaker. In the same year
Procter & Gamble India divested the Detergents business to Procter & Gamble Home
Products. In 1995, Procter & Gamble Home Products entered the Hair care Category with the
launch of Pantene Pro-V shampoo. In 1997 Procter & Gamble Home Products launches Head
& Shoulders shampoo. In 2000, Procter & Gamble Home Products introduced Tide Detergent
Powder - the largest selling detergent in the world. In 2003, Procter & Gamble Home
Products Limited launched Pampers - world's number one selling diaper brand.

Today, Proctor & Gamble is the second largest FMCG Company in India after Hindustan
Lever Limited.

1993, Procter & Gamble Home Products is incorporated as a 100% subsidiary of The Procter
& Gamble Company, USA. Procter & Gamble Home Products launches Ariel Super Soaker.

In 1993, Procter & Gamble India divests the Detergents business to Procter & Gamble Home

In 1995, Procter & Gamble Home Products enters the Hair care Category with the launch of
Pantene Pro-V.

In 1997 Procter & Gamble Home Products launches Head & Shoulders shampoo.

In 2000, Procter & Gamble Home Products introduced Tide Detergent Powder - the largest
selling detergent in the world.

In June 2000, Procter & Gamble Home Products Limited launched Pantene Lively Clean its

unique Pro-Vitamin formula cleans oil-build up, dirt and grime in just one wash, delivering
lively, free-flowing and sparkling-clean hair.

In August 2000, Procter & Gamble Home Products Limited launched New Ariel Power
Compact detergent with a new global technology that breathes new life into clothes, by
removing dinginess from them and restoring the original colors of the fabric, by detecting and
removing deposits which are left behind from successive washes.

In November 2000, Procter & Gamble Home Products Limited presented India in the first
International Hair Styling and Beauty Expert Contest- Hair Asia Pacific 2000 in collaboration
with Sri Lankan Association of Hairdressers and Beautician.

During this period, Procter & Gamble Home Products also re-launched the international range
of Head & Shoulders, best-ever Anti-dandruff shampoo with an improved formula, new pack-
design and logo, in three variants - Clean & Balanced, Smooth & Silky and Refreshing
Menthol, which offers the fine combination of anti-dandruff efficacy and hair conditioning.

In January 2001, Procter & Gamble Home Products Limited and Whirlpool India Ltd.
launched a special 'Ariel - Whirlpool Super wash' offer, making washing machines more
affordable to the people of Hyderabad. On purchase of either a 500gms, 1kg or 1.5kg
economy pack of New Ariel Power Compact, consumers are automatically eligible to buy a
Whirlpool Washing Machine for as low as Rs.238/- in Equal Monthly Installments for 24
months, by filling in the application form that comes with the Ariel pack and contacting any
one of the Whirlpool dealers mentioned on the pack.

In June 2001, Procter & Gamble in partnership with the Association of Beauty Therapy &
Cosmetology (ABTC), India hosted the Pantene Artist 2001 a national stylist competition,
which included categories such as Bridal Dressing, Hair Cutting and Body Painting. Present at
the event was world-renowned hairdresser and stylist Jun L. Encarnecion, who demonstrated
the hottest international haircuts and styles in vogue via an interesting hairhsow. Mr.
Encarnecion has trained students in leading hairdressing schools like Robert Fielding School
of Hair Dressing (U.K), Pierre Alexander International Academy (U.K), Vidal Sassoon
Academy, (U.S.A) among others and also enjoys the reputation of being the official
hairdresser for the 1993 Miss Universe pageant.

In July 2001, Procter & Gamble Home Products Limited launched New Ariel Total Compact
with Magicare a New System of Washing that completely removes stains without scrubbing,
significantly reducing time spent on washing clothes

In September 2001, Procter & Gamble Home Products launched New Pantene Pro-V range of
five shampoos in India which gave consumers the look they want Smooth & Silky for
straighter hair, Volume & Fullness for thicker hair, Balanced Clean for shinier hair, Lively
Clean for livelier hair and Anti-Dandruff for dandruff-free hair.

In December 2001, Procter & Gamble in partnership with the Southern India Beauty
Specialists & Hairdressers Association (SIBHA) hosted the Pantene-SIBHA Look N Learn
Seminar where Raman Bhardwaj hairdresser to former Miss India, Celina Jaitley
demonstrated the Latest and Trendiest Hair Cuts (Modern & Classic) to beauticians and
hairdressers in Chennai.

In April 2002, Procter & Gamble Home Products Limited announced the launch of a special
Ariel Bar Refund Offer along with its new Advanced Ariel Compact. Under the Ariel Bar
Refund Offer, consumers could exchange their detergent bar on purchase of Advanced Ariel
Compacts 1kg and 500gms packs, and avail of a Rs.15 and Rs.7 discount respectively on

About SKM Enterprise

SKM enterprise is a channel partner of P&G in the Jharkhand region. It is having its offices at
Hazaribagh, Bokaro, Jamshedpur, Ranchi. It is the distributing the products throughout
Jharkhand. It has 3 warehouses at different location.

SKM has its own salesmen who are assisting in taking orders and promoting along with
training the retailers.












• ORAL-B (Tooth brush)





Now more than ever, Pantene focuses on providing customized hair care products that
empower women to look and feel their best every day.

For more than 60 years, Pantene has offered consumers unsurpassed quality in state-of-the-art
products that have exemplified serious hair care and a hands-on approach of achieving
beautiful, healthy hair.

The Pantene name refers to panthenol, a compound developed in Switzerland in 1940. During
experimental treatments to cure burns in WWII, panthenol was found to improve the health,
elasticity, and moisturization of hair. Swiss drug company Hoffman-La Roche developed
Pantene as a shampoo and launched in Europe in 1947.

In the early years, Pantene was available only in Europe, where carefully tested Pantene
formulations quickly gained a reputation for excellence. In fact, it was demand by European
travelers that drove American retailers to import Pantene from Switzerland. In the U.S. it had
limited distribution and a strong niche market in department stores.

After Procter & Gamble acquired Richardson-Vicks in 1985, Pantene was relaunched
nationally in the U.S. and business grew via increased distribution. Since then, with expansion
into Asia, Pantene has become a global brand.


For almost 50 years, Head & Shoulders has provided millions
of consumers with superior scalp care.

Introduced in 2007, the proprietary zinc pyrithione (ZPT) formula in Head & Shoulders
effectively targets the source of dandruff so men and women can feel confident that their hair
looks great. With full lines of shampoos and conditioners, Head & Shoulders systems provide
the dual benefits of achieving both a healthy scalp and great-looking hair. Offering ten
shampoos and five corresponding conditioners, Head & Shoulders has a line to fit the needs
of all men and women.

Head & Shoulders is working hard to dispel the myth that dandruff is only visible flakes. The
truth is that flakes, one sign of an unhealthy scalp, are a result of the body’s natural reaction to
Malassezia globosa (M. globosa), the dandruff-causing fungus that lives on the scalp of 100
percent of the adult population.

In addition, Head & Shoulders provides seven essential scalp and hair benefits:

• Removes Flakes
• Fights Dryness
• Calms Itching
• Relieves Irritation
• Reduces Redness
• Controls Oiliness


Introduced in 1998, MACH3 was the most significant men’s shaving advance since the
launch of Gillette’s Trac II twin blade razor.

With its three progressively aligned blades and streamlined DLC™ Comfort Edges, which
were thinner than any other Gillette blade edges at that time, MACH3 represented a quantum
leap in shaving technology and performance. The progressively aligned, spring-mounted
blades, DLC™ Comfort Edges and innovative forward pivot action work in concert to
provide men with a close shave in fewer strokes with less irritation.


Operating under 35 patents, the MACH3Turbo shaving system added significant performance
enhancements to MACH3’s breakthrough technologies. Anti-Friction blades reduce the
cutting force needed to slice through hair. An ultra-soft protective skin guard with thinner
micro fins engages beard hair and stretches the skin more effectively—for a close and
comfortable shave with less irritation, even when shaving against the grain.


A powered wet shaving system for men that delivered a totally new shaving experience.
M3Power continued the heritage of MACH3 by combining Gillette’s latest and best razor and
blade technologies at that time


Gillette’s Best Shave Ever

Gillette Fusion™ and Gillette Fusion™ Power launched in 2005. Fusion razors feature a five-
blade Shaving Surface™ technology on the front of the cartridge, with blades spaced 30%
closer together than MACH3 blades. This distributes the shaving force across the blades,
resulting in increased comfort and significantly less irritation. The Precision Trimmer™, a
single blade on the back of the cartridge, allows men to easily trim sideburns, shave under the
nose, and shape facial hair.


Olay is a worldwide leader in skin care and has been trusted

by women for half a century.

Olay has a promise to women everywhere: “Love the skin you’re in.” It brings healthy,
beautiful skin to more than 80 million women on five continents.

Women choose Olay over the competition because it offers strong performance at a good
value. Eight out of 10 dermatologists surveyed at the World Congress of Dermatology said
they would recommend Olay for the care of skin.

Olay’s Heritage

Olay was originally created by South African chemist Graham Wulff and his wife in the
1950s. They created the original Oil of Olay Beauty Fluid from a fusion of innovative science
and a unique understanding of women, which remains the essence of Olay’s approach to
developing a broad range of skin care products to this day.


The Best a Man Can Get

Gillette has been at the heart of men’s grooming for more than 100 years. Across the world,
everyday men prepare to be their best. Gillette understands that when men look good, they
feel good and they perform well. This means that grooming plays an increasingly important
role in a man’s day.

For many men, shaving is at the heart of the grooming process—the razor is the key that
unlocks their day. But today’s men are looking beyond shaving to skin care, hair care and
body grooming. They are spending more money and time on grooming and are increasingly
seeking information and advice to ensure they have the best products available to help them
look and feel their best.

With the number of men engaging in facial and body grooming on a daily, weekly or monthly
basis, one thing is clear: Men have carved out their own niche in the beauty industry and they
demand products and services tailored to their specific needs.


New Tide Naturals meets the mildness and value needs of approximately 80% of
Indian consumers–200 million households– that often experience hand irritation
during and after washing their clothes with their bare hands, while delivering great
cleaning and whitening efficacy

Tide Naturals targets lower-income Indian consumers who suffer hand irritation as the result
of using less-expensive, lower quality detergent powders:

• For rural consumers the key barrier to upgrading their detergent is a limited laundry budget.
Consumers in this segment are looking for an affordable product that provides superior
whiteness, mildness on hands and a good fragrance, which other existing lower-end
products currently don’t offer.
• While other Indian “value” detergent brands contain calcium carbonate and other insoluble
cheap fillers that can be abrasive on fabric and hands during the handwash process, Tide
Naturals uses water-soluble sodium sulphate that helps provide the additional benefit of
keeping your hands soft.
• Tide Naturals delivers a strong product cleaning and whitening performance via a dual
surfactant system and brightener technology.

• Tide Naturals contains a surfactant derived from Natural Palm and Coconut oil as well as
several natural oils, such as Cedarwood Oil and Patchouli Oil, to provide the natural-like
freshness or fragrance of Lemon and Sandalwood


Pampers is the world’s top-selling brand of

baby diapers.

For more than 40 years, Pampers has been helping to improve life for babies, toddlers, and the
parents who care for them through a complete line of diapers, training pants, and wipes
designed for every stage of baby’s development. As many of the researchers at Pampers are
parents themselves, they take great care in developing products that benefit both mom and
baby, and are committed to making a difference in babies’ lives.

Thanks to four decades of research, hard work, and dedication to families across the globe,
Pampers has also been at the forefront of new diaper technology. The brand has debuted such
product features as re-sealable tabs and high stretch to create convenience and value for mom
and great comfort for baby.


The Oral-B brand is a worldwide leader in the brushing market.

Part of the Procter & Gamble Company since 2005, the Oral-B brand includes manual and
power toothbrushes for children and adults, oral irrigators, oral care centers, and interdental
products, such as dental floss. Oral-B manual and power toothbrushes are used by more
dentists than any other brand in the U.S. and worldwide.

P&G is the only oral company with a complete product portfolio to keep smiles healthy and
beautiful for life. With this vast array of products and support from dental professionals, Oral-
B is armed to provide consumers with the confidence behind their smiles.


Ariel 2 fragnance

Superior cleaning in a choice of Two Fragrances – Ariel

Spring Clean & Ariel Fresh Clean Another Breakthrough
Innovation from Ariel for the Indian Family

Procter & Gamble, the makers of leading international

fragrances such as Hugo Boss, Lacoste, Old Spice and
Valentino now make your wish come true, with the launch of
Ariel in a choice of two exciting fragrances – Ariel Spring
Clean with a floral fragrance, and Ariel Fresh Clean with a
refreshing fragrance. The two unique fragrances of Ariel now
offers Indian consumers an unbeatable combination of
‘superior cleaning’ and ‘a choice of fragrances’ with the
launch of Ariel Spring Clean and Ariel Fresh Clean.

Research conducted by Ariel on the Indian laundry market indicates that ‘fragrance’ in detergents is
an important factor of delight for the home-maker in her daily laundry chore. Inspired by the roses
that bloom in Indian spring time, Ariel Spring Clean has a flowery fragrance. And inspired by the
subtle refreshing scent of the jasmine flower, Ariel Fresh Clean has a fresh fragrance catering to the
Indian consumers’ special fondness for mogra.

Ariel is the world’s leading detergent and epitomizes ‘stain removal’. Introduced in India in 1991,
Ariel has continuously led other detergents in product innovation. It was the first to bring the
‘compact detergent’ technology in India; the enzyme technology for superior and safe stain-removing
power; the proprietary ‘smart eyes’ technology which helps detect and remove stains better than any
other detergent; and now for the first time superior cleaning in a choice of fragrances. Over the years,
the brand has enjoyed endorsement from celebrities such as actress & social worker Shabana Azmi,
Begum of Pataudi, successful actress and homemaker of the Pataudi family Sharmila Tagore, TV’s
most popular ‘saas-bahu’ duo Smriti Iraani and Apara Mehta, and lakhs of homemakers in India.

Ariel contains safe ingredients for normal fabrics and skin under recommended usage conditions for
laundry, and meets the Company’s stringent human and environmental safety standards.

Ariel in its choice of two fragrances – Spring Clean and Fresh Clean, is available at all leading
general and chemist stores and the price remains unchanged at Rs. 145 for 1.5kg; Rs. 99 for 1kg; Rs.
50 for 500gm; Rs. 22 for 200gm and Rs. 2 for a 20gm sachet.


Ariel Front-o-Mat is introduced in India exclusively for front load washing machines. The
unique tumble wash technology of front-loading machines needs a special chemistry, which
Ariel Front-o-Mat provides. Using Ariel Front-o-Mat completely eliminates the need to bucket
soak and a scrub.

How to use: Use one and a half scoops (scoop provided in the pack) for a normal wash load and
two scoops for very dirty clothes. This should ideally be used at 25-40 deg C for nylons,
polyester, acrylics, 40-60 deg C for cotton synthetic blends and 60- 90 deg C for white cottons.
These temperatures give the best results. Ariel Front-O-Mat is available in 1 kg and 1.5 kg

Chapter - 4



"The study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select,
secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the
impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society."

The study of consumers helps firms and organizations improve their marketing strategies by
understanding issues such as how

1) The psychology of how consumers think, feel, reason, and select between different
alternatives (e.g., brands, products, and retailers);

2) The psychology of how the consumer is influenced by his or her environment (e.g., culture,
family, signs, media);

3) The behavior of consumers while shopping or making other marketing decisions;

4) Limitations in consumer knowledge or information processing abilities influence decisions

and marketing outcome;

5) How consumer motivation and decision strategies differ between products that differ in
their level of importance or interest that they entail for the consumer; and

6) How marketers can adapt and improve their marketing campaigns and marketing strategies
to more effectively reach the consumer.

Customer experience

Customer experience is the sum of all experiences a customer has with a supplier of goods or
services, over the duration of their relationship with that supplier. From awareness, discovery,
attraction, interaction, purchase, use, cultivation and advocacy. It can also be used to mean an
individual experience over one transaction; the distinction is usually clear in context.

Customer loyalty

Customer loyalty can be achieved in some cases by offering a quality product with a firm
guarantee. Customer loyalty is also achieved through free offers, coupons, low interest rates
on financing, high value trade-ins, extended warranties, rebates, and other rewards and
incentive programs. The ultimate goal of customer loyalty programs is happy customers who
will return to purchase again and persuade others to use that company's products or services.
This equates to profitability, as well as happy stakeholders.

Some customers do a particular company a great service by offering favorable word of mouth
publicity regarding a product, telling friends and family, thus adding them to the number of
loyal customers. However, customer loyalty includes much more. It is a process, a program,
or a group of programs geared toward keeping a client happy so he or she will provide more



This study offers an opportunity to the student of management to develop the required skill
and in sights for making the best use of experiment and judgment to practical life. To gain an
insight into why individuals act in certain consumption related way & Learning what &
external influence compel them to act as they do.

So the main Objective is to study the consumer behavior on Ariel detergent powder to know
its demand among brand category.


1) To study the customer perception about Ariel detergent powder.

2) To understand the customer behavior towards detergent powder.

3) To suggest improvement (if any) based on customer feed-back.

4) To identify the level of customer satisfaction toward Ariel detergent powder



This 8 weeks training in an organization is for MMM course is not the answer of all problems,
which arise in practical field. There is no certain formula for any particular problem but the
aim of this study is to develop the ability of decision – making. Right decision at right time
itself helps an organization to run smoothly.

The training in any organization gives us an idea of different marketing activities and main
emphasis is given on “Promotional activities” aspect and also it is seen how business is taken
tactfully when any problem comes to an executive, the way of problem solving, right decision

making and knowledge of different types of marketing activities gives much importance to
this study. Through only in 60 days it was not possible to understand it so deeply but an over
all ideas would be developed.


The market survey was conducted on A study of customers (consumers) and their “perception
and satisfaction” for Ariel brand in Ranchi region.

This study was done in SKM Enterprise Ltd. (channel partner of P&G).. The geographical
slope of my survey was limited to Ranchi region only. Study aims at relationship between
consumer perception about the brand and why any consumer buy a particular brand.

The survey covers a wide range of activities and factors, which influence the consumers to
buy the Ariel detergent powder.

The sample of 90 respondents was taken to represent 90 consumers in Ranchi Zone.

The validity of the findings of this survey is limited to the period during which the field
survey was conducted.


Marketing Research

Marketing Research have its importance not only for consumer market; it also effectively to
the producer of goods and services The use of marketing research in consumer market may be
explained on the basis of following services by it:-

1) It ascertains the position of a company in specified Industry.

2) It indicates the present future trend of industry and points out how the company’s
affairs are to be turned up.
3) It helps in development &introduction of new product.


Since the study is exploratory in nature. A personal interview with each retailer was aid of
questionnaire was selected as the method of obtaining data the questionnaire to used in
Ranchi to facilitate tabulation and analysis of data were designed for consumers and retailers.

Field experience showed that listing the respondents to the questionnaire failed to touch upon
certain parameters and it was found necessary to let the respondents have free had and let the
designed information filter lengthy discussion, through some aspects of questionnaire
adequately touch upon.

The questionnaire was prepared by researches and the researcher also filled himself
interviewing the retailers these himself interviewing the retailers. For interview as far as those
languages were used which they can understand clearly; such as Hindi &English. The
researched used to stand in front of the randomly chosen retailers and consumers. This is a
comprehensive master plan of the study undertaken, given a general statement of the method
used and procedure followed.

Since the study is both exploratory and descriptive in nature. A personal interview with each
retailer with each retailer with the help of questionnaire was selected to obtain data. The
questionnaire to be used in Ranchi (central) only.

Data source:- The various source of information broadly divided in 2 categories.

(a) Primary source:-Source from where first hand information are gathered directly are
called primary source and information thus collected is called primary data. In case of the
above study the primary source was RETAILER & CONSUMERS.

(b) Secondary source:- The data that are collected for anther purposes are already existing
somewhere is called secondary data. With regard to my study the secondary sources where
records of the company. Magazines and papers.


The following methods are widely used for collection data.

1) Survey method.

In the above –mentioned method. Survey and observation method was mainly used for the
undertaken topic. Survey method was mostly used for collection of data through personal interview
with the help of a framed questionnaire. . Consumers were interviewed through questionnaire.

RESEARCH INSTRUMENT:- In this regard an instrument refers to means by which research is

conducted .

In this case of all the respondents’ questionnaire was used.


A sample size of 90 respondents was taken. The sampling unit was retailers and consumers of Ranchi
for which this sample size was considered a fair representative of the above – mentioned area. The
sample consisted of retailers spread over the entire area of the distributor.

For analysis & interpretation of data the research used:-

Percentage = No of respondent
X 100

Total No of respondents

Descriptive research:

The descriptive research includes surveys and fact finding enqueries of different kinds. The
major purpose of descriptive research is the description of the state of affairs as it exists at

Cluster sampling:

It comes under probability sampling. Under this the total population is divided into a number
of relatively small divisions which are themselves cluster of still smaller unit and then some
of these cluster are selected randomly.

Sample universe: - All detergent users in Ranchi

Research design: - descriptive research

Sample frame: - Ariel detergent users

Sample unit: - Individual consumer

Sample technique: - Cluster sampling

Sample size: - 90 consumers

Area of survey: - Ranchi region


Although all efforts have been made to study all start of population as compared to the topic
of study, universe size & sample size findings of study will be considered only on the Urban
Area and will be applied in Ranchi (Central) only because of consumers perception and
expectation varies in other place due to socio-economic and educational background. At last
but not the least the study will try to find out the real depth of the actual position as far as

The survey suffers from following limitation:-

1) Duration of study also limited for further intensive study.

2) Mostly stress was given on primary data, as it was difficult to

collect Secondary data from organization & distributors.

3) The sample selected is not purely random sample but it is

convenient so that the result of the survey don’t have any high
degree if statistical significance.

4) The result of survey are based upon crucial assumption like-

The respondents know right answer to the question put to them.


1. Do you use detergent powder?

Yes No
85 5


Most of the consumers are using detergent powder and very few use detergent cake.

2. Which brand comes in your mind when you think of detergent powder?

Ariel 30
Tide 15
Surf-excel 32
Rin 10
Any other 3


Surf-excel is the most popular detergent powder followed by Ariel detergent powder.
Next comes tide which is mostly consumed by medium class people.

3. Which factor is more important for you?

Quality 32
Price 26
Packaging 12
Quantity 20


Quality is the most important factor which influences a consumer to buy a particular detergent
powder followed by price. Company therefore should always enhance the quality.

4. While purchasing a detergent powder, what quantity do you usually go


500 gm 32
200 gm 25
1 kg 10
Sachet 23


Most of the consumer buys 500 gm pack of Ariel detergent powder followed by 200 gm and
sachet. This shows that consumers do not buy detergent in large packs. Also the students
prefer to buy sachet.

5. How frequently do you buy a detergent powder?

Monthly 22
Weekly 38
Daily 10
Can’t say 20


Large number of consumer buys detergent powder on weekly basis followed by monthly
basis. Very few customers are there who buy detergent daily.

6. Can a good advertisement influence your buying decision?

Yes No

58 22


A good advertisement definitely affects buying decision of consumer by creating an image

about the product. As it helps in positioning in the mind of the consumers.

7. Which promotional activities affects you the most to buy Ariel detergent powder?

Advertisement 32

Offers and schemes 38

Display 12

Any other 8


Consumers are conscious of offer and scheme and look for extra benefit in the product after
that advertisement affects the most. Therefore the company should concentrate on offer and

8. Have you seen any promotional campaign of Ariel?

Yes No
38 52


From the above graph it is clear that many detergent users have not seen any promotional
campaign of Ariel. Therefore company should conduct campaigns to create awareness about
Ariel brand.

9. Are you satisfied with staining action of Ariel detergent powder?

Satisfied 32
Very satisfied 26
Neutral 22
Dissatisfied 10

Interpretation :

Most of the consumers are satisfied with the staining action of Ariel detergent powder and
veery few are there who are dissstisfied.. this shows the good quality about the product.

10. If you get extra benefit and offer in other brand (other than Ariel) would you like to
switch over ?

Yes 42
No 38
Can’t say 10


Many consumers say that they will switch to other brand if they will get extra benefit in some
other brand.

Chapter -8


After doing this research and collection of data there were some finding which can be
communicated tomthe organisation so that they can make new policies and strategies.

1) Consumers today are very selective, they definitely look for quality in the products which
. they are purchasing.

2) Consumer after purchasing the product and using it do evaluation the value they get from
the product (benefit upon cost)

3) Consumers are satisfied with the quality and staining action of Ariel detergent powder.

4) Consumer are also looking extra benefits in the product.

5) Consumers are not buying large packs instead they are buying small quantities.

6) Consumer can switch to some other brand if they find some extra benefit in some other

7) Lack of promotional campaign for making the consumers aware about the benefits of Ariel
detergent powder.



After completing my project and collecting vital informatation and facts I came to the
following conclusion.

1. Consumers look for quality while purchasing a particular brand. The second
important parameter is price as the consumers look for economy.

2. Surf- excel is the most popular brand among the detergent powder followed
by Ariel detergent.

3. Company is not conducting any promotional campaign to make consumers

aware about product (Ariel).

4. Consumers are looking better offer and schemes which the company and
looking for extra benefit in the product.

5. Most of the consumers are satisfied with the staining action of Ariel detergent

6. Offers and schemes are the most important promotional activities which affect
consumer buying behavior followed by the advertisement ( Ariel is good in
both of them)

7. Most of the consumers go for 500gm Ariel detergent powder. Students are
generally purchasing sachet for short term use.

8. Consumers can switch to some other brand if they are not getting quality and
extra benefits in the products.



1) Company should focus on advertisement as it makes

consumer aware about the product.

2) Company should give more schemes and offers to the


3) Company should do more promotional campaigns.

4) Company should regularly do market research to know the

changing needs and demands of consumers. This will also help in
better understanding of consumer behaviour.

5) Company should improve the quality so that it can compete

with its biggest rivalry Surf-excel so that it can acquire more

6) Company should try to retain the customers by creating

loyalty among the existing customers as brand switching is very
common today.


Concepts of Marketing

 Philip kotler, Marketing Management, 11th edition, prentice hall of India Pvt Ltd.

 Philip kotler & Armstrong, Principles of Marketing, 9th Edition, Pearson Education
Pvt. Ltd.

 G.C. Beri, Marketing Research 3rd edition, Mc Milan India Ltd.

 C.R. Kothari, Research Methodology.


 www. PG.com
 Wwwibing.com

To study the consumer behavior for ariel detergent powder

Name: …………………………………………………………..
Contact no:…………………………………………………………….

1. Do you use Detergent Powder?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]

2. Which brand comes first in your mind when you think of detergent powder?

(a) Ariel [ ] (b) Tide [ ]

(c) Surf Excel [ ] (d) Rin [ ]
e) Any Other [ ]

3. Which factor is more important for you?

(a) Price [ ] (b) quality

© Packaging [ ] (d) quantity

4. While purchasing a detergent powder, what quantity do you usually

go for?

(a) Sachet [ ] (b) 200 gm [ ]

(c) 500 gm [ ] (d) 1 kg [ ]

5. How frequently do you buy a detergent powder?

(a) Daily [ ] (b) Weekly [ ]

(c) Monthly [ ] (d) Yearly [ ]

6. Can a good advertisement influence your buying decision?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]

7. Which promotional activities affects you the most to buy Ariel detergent powder?

(a)advertisement (b) offer and schemes

© display (d) any other

8. Have you seen any promotional campaign of Ariel?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]

9. Are you satisfied with staining action of Ariel detergent powder?

(a) Satisfied (b) very satisfied

© Neutral (d) dissatisfied

10. If you get extra benefit and offer in other brand (other than Ariel) would you like to
switch over?

(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]

Would you suggest improvement in the product?




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