MIS of ICICI Bank Final
MIS of ICICI Bank Final
MIS of ICICI Bank Final
By Group 3
-Namrata R-0918124
-Nidhi Pandiya-0918126
-Nita Bhattacharjee-0918129
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At the first instance I owe my gratitude and express my hearty and sincere thanks to
DR. K. Nirmala Prasad, the principal of M.O.P. Vaishnav College for Women, Chennai-34,
for giving me an opportunity to get trained at ICICI Bank.
I owe my thanks to Dr. Lalitha Balakrishnan and Mrs.Sonia my faculty advisors and
all other lecturers of MBA Department for parting their valuable guidance in completing this
project successfully. I consider myself very fortunate to be able receive a practical exposure
in the field of MIS in this reputed organization.
I express my sincere thanks to Mr. Gopal Gera, Mr.Mark and Mr.Shankar for giving
me an opportunity to understand the systems and processes in this prestigious company and
for providing valuable inputs and explaining in great detail the various facts of functions and
workings of their banking aspect.
I also thank all the other staffs of all the departments of the company for extending
their kind and whole-hearted co-operation and assistance during my Internship training.
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An information system is comprised of all the components that collect, manipulate, and
disseminate data or information. It usually includes hardware, software, people,
communications systems such as telephone lines, and the data itself. The activities involved
include inputing data, processing of data into information, storage of data and information,
and the production of outputs such as management reports.
MIS creates an evolution in whole world in every business and so in banking system.
Organizations have been developing and implementing computer-based management
information systems (MIS) at an increasing rate for the last 35 years. However, evidence
indicates that many computer-based MIS are not as successful as they should be and many
may be considered failures.
There has been much research to investigate organizational factors, individual differences,
user involvement and their relationship to MIS success, and in particular, one indicator of
MIS success, user information satisfaction (UIS). Little attention, however, has been paid to
whether UIS for any particular MIS varies for users from different organization functions and
different management levels within an organization.
This paper reports the results of a field study of MIS in ICICI Bank. ICICI bank has
successfully utilised its MIS in providing banking products to its customers and also in
improving its organisational efficiency. It is one of the few banks which adapts quickly to the
changing environment and keeps pace with the ever changing technology.
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• Manual procedures
• A database
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With computers being as ubiquitous as they are today, there's hardly any large
business that does not rely extensively on their IT systems. However, there are several
specific fields in which MIS has become invaluable.
While computers cannot create business strategies by themselves they can assist
management in understanding the effects of their strategies, and help enable effective
MIS systems can be used to transform data into information useful for decision
making. Computers can provide financial statements and performance reports to assist in the
planning, monitoring and implementation of strategy.
MIS systems provide a valuable function in that they can collate into coherent reports
unmanageable volumes of data that would otherwise be broadly useless to decision makers.
By studying these reports decision-makers can identify patterns and trends that would have
remained unseen if the raw data were consulted manually.
MIS systems can also use these raw data to run simulations – hypothetical scenarios
that answer a range of ‘what if’ questions regarding alterations in strategy. For instance, MIS
systems can provide predictions about the effect on sales that an alteration in price would
have on a product. These Decision Support Systems (DSS) enable more informed decision
making within an enterprise than would be possible without MIS systems.
Not only do MIS systems allow for the collation of vast amounts of business data, but they
also provide a valuable time saving benefit to the workforce. Where in the past business
information had to be manually processed for filing and analysis it can now be entered
quickly and easily onto a computer by a data processor, allowing for faster decision making
and quicker reflexes for the enterprise as a whole.
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The banking industry was once a simple and reliable business that took deposits from
investors at a lower rate and loaned it out to the borrowers at a higher rate. However
deregulation and technology led to a revolution in the Banking Industry that saw it
transformed. Banks have become global industrial power houses that have created ever more
complex products that use risk and securitisation in models that only PhD students can
understand. Through technological development, banking services have become available
24*7, 365 days a year, through ATMs, Online Banking Facilities, ECS where everything
from stock to currency futures contracts can be traded.
The Banking Industry at its core provides access to credit. In the lenders case, this
includes access to their own savings and investments, and their interest payments on those
amounts. In the case of borrowers, it includes access to loan for the creditworthy, at a
competitive interest rate.
Online bill pay at a bank also qualifies as a management information system — when
a bill is scheduled to be paid, the user has provided information for the system to act against.
The management information system then processes the payment when the due date
approaches. The automated action taken by the online system is to pay the bill as requested.
Since the bills within an online bill pay system can be scheduled to be automatically paid
month after month, the user is not required to provide further information. Many times, the
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bill pay system will also produce an email for the user to let him know that the action has
occurred and what the outcome of the action was.
Management information systems typically have their own staff whose function it is
to maintain existing systems and implement new technologies within a company. These
positions are often highly specialized, allowing a team of people to focus on different areas
within the computer system. In recent years, colleges and universities have begun offering
entire programs devoted to management information systems. In these programs, students
learn how to manage large interconnected computer systems and troubleshoot the automation
of these management information systems.
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With a change in the corporate structure and the budding competition in the Indian
Banking industry, the management of both ICICI and ICICI Bank were of the opinion that a
merger between the two entities would prove to be an essential step. It was in 2001 that the
Boards of Directors of ICICI and ICICI Bank sanctioned the amalgamation of ICICI and two
of its wholly-owned retail finance subsidiaries, ICICI Personal Financial Services Limited
and ICICI Capital Services Limited, with ICICI Bank. In the following year, the merger was
approved by its shareholders, the High Court of Gujarat at Ahmadabad as well as the High
Court of Judicature at Mumbai and the Reserve Bank of India.
To be the leading provider of financial services in India and a major global bank.
We will leverage our people, technology, speed and financial capital to:
* Be the banker of first choice for our customers by delivering high quality, world-class
* Maintain a healthy financial profile and diversify our earnings across businesses and
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ICICI Bank has its equity shares listed in India on Bombay Stock Exchange and the
National Stock Exchange of India Limited. Overseas, its American Depositary Receipts
(ADRs) are listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). As of December 31, 2008,
ICICI is India's second-largest bank, boasting an asset value of Rs. 3,744.10 billion and profit
after tax Rs. 30.14 billion, for the nine months, that ended on December 31, 2008.
• Deposits
• Loans
• Cards
• Investments
• Insurance
• Demat Services
• Wealth Management
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NRI Banking
• Money Transfer
• Bank Accounts
• Investments
• Property Solutions
• Insurance
• Loans
Business Banking
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Regional Regional Regional
Managers Managers Managers
Branch Branch
Managers Branch Branch Managers Managers
Managers Managers
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The main objective of the study is to gain an insight on the Information System that is
practiced at ICICI Bank. It is said that, “There is no better way to learn, than learning
something practically (on field)”. We chose to conduct our study at ICICI Bank, Teynampet
Branch. With the growing need and demand to integrate and manage information effectively
and efficiently, as management students, it has become very essential for us to get well-
versed with the MIS implemented and gain maximum leverage.
The MIS of ICICI Bank whose branches are so well-spread becomes a pivotal point
of study as it caters to many segments of the society (urban and rural) and offering a
diversified portfolio of services like credit cards, loans, bank accounts, etc... Thus, it becomes
absolutely essential for a bank to maintain an accurate mass record of all transactions of
every individual or corporate. One cannot ignore the fact that every record / data should have
a reliable back-up in case of any uncertainty like ‘System Crashing’, ‘Virus Affected’, etc...
or out-dated Software/Hardware or unavailability of skilled workforce.
b) Better understanding of a renowned company which uses MIS extensively and forms a
part of its core activities, without the efficient management of which it would become
extremely difficult to sustain and excel.
c) Gain knowledge on the different types of MIS used in various departments for diverse
activities appropriately.
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An information system is comprised of all the components that collect, manipulate,
and disseminate data or information. It usually includes hardware, software, people,
communications systems such as telephone lines, and the data itself. The activities involved
include inputing data, processing of data into information, storage of data and information,
and the production of outputs such as management reports.
Compliance Reporting
It offers complete compliance reporting modules, readily available for various
countries. Since MIS is a fully integrated banking system, compliance reporting covers all
banking operations and complies to Basle II regulations.
User-defined Reports
MIS workstations include an easy-to-use Report Writer that enables users to compile
specific data from any number of sources and view it on screen or print-out in various
formats. Data can be sorted or grouped, and values summarised or averaged.
Customers Database
MIS in a company keeps record of customers of the company. It helps to quickly classify the
bank’s customers in terms of institutional customers, High Value Customers and retail customers.
This helps the bank to serve efficiently as each type of customer’s needs will vary.
Innovative Services
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MIS helps to serve the customers innovatively. It helps to deliver services innovatively such
as mobile banking, rural banking. As MIS helps in segmenting the current and prospective customers.
Knowledge Management
Today the banks have repositories of various types of knowledge. It can be about their
customers, markets, employees, critical incidents etc. But these knowledge have to be managed
effectively to exploit them in the time of need. MIS supports the knowledge management of the bank
through various softwares.
Risk Management
Risk management is a very crucial function of the bank. MIS helps the bank through various
modules like DSS, EIS etc that help the management to take calculated risks. This helps the bank to
take advantage of the opportunities but at the same time helps the banks to prepared to face any risk
that arise in the course of pursuing its goal.
MIS creates an evolution in whole world in every business and so in banking system.
Now in ICICI Bank with the help of IS the daily transactions are recorded in branch
computers and these branch computers are then connected to the main head office server so
in this way they keep their daily process update on daily basis.
As Time is money, and due to IS ICICI Bank make thousands of transactions per day.
In fact, IS makes whole process much more quick, simple and reliable. Due to IS employees
can easily connect with other branches, customer service get improved, online banking
emerged and lot of others benefits.
ICICI Online is an innovative Online Banking service that you can tailor to suit your
precise banking needs. It gives you convenient, round-the-clock banking services ranging
from day-to-day account transfer transactions to real-time valuable financial information.
Now you can manage your finances anytime, anywhere.
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Software Resources:-
Following software’s are used for the functioning of our information system and
Application Software:-
Following application software’s are used in our organization and functioning of our
information system;
• Microsoft Office
• NOD32 Anti-Virus
• Adobe Reader
System Software:-
Following application software’s are used in our organization and functioning of our
information system;
Hardware Resources:-
• Personal computers
• HP Printers
• Networking cards
• Currency counter
• Coin counters
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• HP Digital Scanners
• Dell Mainframes
Computing Type:-
In ICICI bank, they are using client/server network because it is accessible and the
employees easily share the data and this network is cheaper than others and this is easily
maintainable and manageable. All the data save in main server or HUB and employees can
easily access it. This type of computing system provides an easy access and efficient flow of
data, which increase the functionality of organization.
Effective transaction processing system is working in ICICI bank that offer enterprise
the means to rapidly process transactions to ensure the smooth flow of data and the
progression of processes throughout the enterprise.
Payroll TPS
In ICICI Bank payroll TPS is designed to get information and record of the employ
and then to calculate his/her annual earning.
It gets information about the employee from the employee’s department and from
general ledger and send it to payroll TPS from where it links that information with the
previous record and prepare a report which is forwarded to management. Management takes
notice the “LN” record of the employee’s efficiency to work and may declare added bonus or
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other incentive. This report is checked and approved by the branch manager after which
check is issued to the employee. And when that check is cashed, the record is updated in the
general ledger as well as the master payroll (HUB).
Payroll Passe
Gener TPS s by
al Mana
Ledge ger
Payroll to
File (HUB) e
Customer Identification:
In ICICI bank there is their own information management named software “Virses” is
working which is connected to NADRA. So if any new client wants to open an account in the
bank the system automatically send a request to NADRA to check and verify the customer ID
number. Which helps the management to identify whether he/she is using his original ID card
or not.
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Employees Record :
All employees are supposed to login when they enter the bank and logout on leaving,
by tracing their thumb impressions on biometric device. This device is connected with the
HUB which continuously makes record of their hours spent in the bank. Moreover, the bank
has their own setup named “LN” which makes records of all the transactions made by an
employee. This helps management to monitor the working efficiency of an employee.
Login Device
In many circumstances the primary factor is speed. For example, when a customer
withdraws a sum of money from his or her account the transactions are processed and the
account balance updated as soon as possible, allowing both the bank and customer to keep
track of funds. The new transaction is send to LN. The LN enters the HUB where the
specified file is accessed. The updates are made entered there and finally the update is done.
ions, Updat
LN ed
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Online Complains:
ICICI bank allows the customer the option of online complains. The customer
submits the online complain which is then processed by Customer Service TPS which is
linked by management and after the problem identification it is send to the concerned
Custo Identi
mer Customer fy
Querie Service TPS Probl
s em
As the records of all the customers are stored in main server (HUB) of ICICI bank, so
in case if someone’s account balance is getting near to zero the system automatically alert the
management about that. Then manager take manual action and send him/her the advice (a
letter, mail or phone call) to check the account balance.
unt Managem
Alert ent
Send to
HUB Customer
Account Opening
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This TPS is designed for opening a new account in the bank.
Input: Give bio data, NIC no., income, city name.
Process: Information send to the “virses”.
Output: new account opened in the bank.
Applic Customer A/C
ant Identificat Service Open
ion TPS ed
Online Activity
Custo Customer
mer Service TPS
HUB Concer
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ATM Card
Applic Customer A/C
ant Identificat Service Open
ion TPS ed
De HUB d
Car Financing
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A/C ,
MIS reports and summarizes the organization’s basic operations and these reports
come from the basic transition processing systems. In case of our organization the TPS’s of
ATM Cards, Payroll and Customer identification etc. provide the basic information about the
organization’s activities. These activities are then summarized in the form of reports for the
manager so that they can check whether the firm is working properly or not. If there are some
flaws then they take control measures to fix those flaws.
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Transaction Processing System Management Information System
Payroll Master TPS
Payroll data
of Employee
o-n TPS
Customer Info
Master File Customer
Employees Employees
Master File Customer
Customer Info Online
Master File activity
Customer Financing
Master File TPS
Other Areas where MIS plays a role are:
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ICICI bank introducing new mobile payment method
ICICI Bank is in advanced stages of beta testing a new method of using mobile
phones to make payments. The service is expected to be fully launched in just three months.
A pilot study involving 500 customers of ICICI Bank is currently being conducted at various
locations. If this mobile payment method is implemented, users can swipe their mobile phone
and conduct various transactions, which were earlier possible using the credit cards.
A 2-D bar code will store this credit card detail, which will be unreadable for the user
and will keep the credit card details safe even when the mobile phone is stolen or lost.
Whenever, the mobile phone user has to make a payment he will have to provide his PIN
details. After embedding the credit card details into the mobile phone, the instrument can be
used in place of credit cards.
Purchases can be made at a merchant establishment, which has the requisite software
to implement the transaction. The company has called this swiping model as 'optical
payment' and has received a patent in US for this payment mode. A simple webcam is
required to read the 2-D bar code and can be implemented at merchant establishments at a
very low cost.
The software required to implement mobile transactions will be provided free of cost
to merchants, banks and customers by Atom. However, this technology will be available for
JAVA enabled phones at present. Many other companies like Bharti Airtel, Reliance
Communications and C-Sam were also looking at offering mobile commerce solutions, but
the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is yet to give its clearance for a mobile wallet service in
RTGS System is a payment settlement system that minimises the credit risk in the prevalent
cheque clearing system. Under RTGS the funds are settled on a near real time basis across
Banks in different locations. Bank offers this immediate electronic fund transfer facility to
RTGS enabled bank branches across through the country its designated RTGS enabled
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The way people do business has been changed significantly with the advent of the
Internet Revolution. Today customers have an option to choose from a plethora of options
while shopping for that favourite item. Web Commerce or Ecommerce has witnessed a
significant increase in revenue year on year. You can now integrate this option to your
website in the various Secured Payment Gateway Options we have to offer. Technologies are
the authorized reseller for ICICI Bank Payment Gateway Services in the state.
How It Works.
Step 1: Customer select and adds item in the shopping cart And places the order on your
(merchant) website.
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Step 2: Customer selects to pay via credit card .
Step 5: Credit card information is transmitted securely to the corresponding bank for
Step 7: The result is forwarded to EBS (via the Transaction Processing Bank).
EBS has taken tremendous steps to secure your transactions from fraud, data piracy and
hacking. Some of the steps taken are as follows
• An automated risk management system which triggers for all transactions and
flags the transaction for risk involved.
• RMS parameters.
• Robust secured highly strategic data servers and network design for
Extensive Network
ICICI Bank has its own branches in various locations. Above this our arrangement
with reputed correspondent banks covering more than 900 locations ensures that most of your
cheques are covered under our network and the realisation status can be known at the earliest.
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Interest Costs Lower & Improved Liquidity
A dedicated HUB ensures that you receive funds in your designated account within
transit time thereby reducing interest costs and improving your liquidity position.
A dedicated service desk has been started at our Centralised Collection and Payment
HUB (CCPH) to ensure that your queries are resolved quickly and efficiently. The Customers
can contact CCPH regarding any query about the MIS or the process flow.
Web CMS provides you with all the information at a click. Detailed MIS like location
wise collection and return, product-wise pooling, pooling in pipeline (due credit report) etc.
can be viewed and downloaded from web interface through internet.
Comprehensive MIS
We provide comprehensive MIS reports like daily report, transaction report future
credits reports and cheque returned unpaid report. On the payments side we provide daily
paid - unpaid status for the demand drafts, cheques or warrants issued by your Organisation.
The CMS clients availing our collection products now have the facility to subscribe to
Mobile Alert Service for receiving alerts on registered mobile phone numbers instantly after
the funds are pooled. To avail this facility, please visit nearest CMS designated branch or log
on to our Web CMS to download the form online and send it to our branch where your
account is maintained.
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The study conducted, imparted a fair knowledge about the integrated Information System
of ICICI Bank. The limitations of the study include –
Time Factor – Every bank indulges in diverse activities and services which
make use of various types of IS. Thus, in such a short span it was easier said than
done to gather enough information pertaining to every aspect of the bank. The bank
staff were pre-occupied with their schedules at most times and hence were unable to
share more information about the IS of their company.
Timings – Since the bank timings did not comply with that of ours, one has to
adjust to their schedule. Until mid afternoon they are busy attending their customers
and post lunch session comprises of the back-end activities, processing activities and
updating master files.
System Hangover – ICICI Bank often faces a ‘System Crash Crisis’. This was
one of their challenge – to put up with their unhappy customers, who are kept waiting
until their integrated system is fixed. During these times, in the chaotic atmosphere,
one would not like to entertain interns.
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ICICI bank has successfully utilised its MIS in providing banking products to its
customers and also in improving its organisational efficiency. It is one of the few banks
which adapts quickly to the changing environment and keeps pace with the ever changing
technology. The dramatic events ushering in the new century—from globalization and a final,
major wave of consolidation to regulatory changes and technology breakthroughs—are
compelling the bank to turn its focus toward efficiency and country relationship
It is very crucial for the bank to continuously upgrade its MIS as the next 10 years
will be defined by accelerated expansion of business as the bank is growing nationally and
globally. It has to concentrate in improving its process efficiency to serve its customer better
than its competitors. Today’s banking products are getting complex every day and there is
serious threat of leakage of customer’s confidential information to anti social elements with
advent of technology. This is one of the major issues that banks face today.
Inspite of all these challenges, management information system has been a boon to
ICICI bank. The bank has gained tremendous lead over its competitors who lagged behind in
incorporating MIS in their organisations. Today, ICICI bank is one of the largest private
sector banks in India, and MIS has played a crucial role in giving it a competitive advantage.
Though the current MIS in the bank is highly beneficial, the bank is very keen on researching
new avenues to improve its MIS system for better efficiency in its operations and to continue
to serve its customers effectively.
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a) www.icici.com
b) www.icicibank.com
c) www.google.com
d) http://www.google.co.in/images?
e) http://www.google.co.in/imgres?
f) http://www.google.co.in/imgres?
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g) www.scribd.com
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