Surimi Technology: Submitted To: Dr.A.K.Singh (Sr. Scientist) Submitted By: Rahul Kumar (M.Tech, DT, 1 Year)
Surimi Technology: Submitted To: Dr.A.K.Singh (Sr. Scientist) Submitted By: Rahul Kumar (M.Tech, DT, 1 Year)
Surimi Technology: Submitted To: Dr.A.K.Singh (Sr. Scientist) Submitted By: Rahul Kumar (M.Tech, DT, 1 Year)
4) Emulsified Products
• To make this type of product, surimi is treated in a manner similar to that
used when meat is processed for emulsion products.
• The level of fat added is usually less than 10%, and the type of fat used i
not limited to animal fat. In fact, vegetable oil is often added, because
unlike mammal and bird meat, fish meat readily produces a stable
emulsion with oil.
• Use of high-quality surimi is essential in making fiberized
products that require a highly elastic and resilient
• Selection of ingredients is determined by the formulation
needs, primarily gel strength and freezethaw stability
• Water may be added so that the moisture level remains
at 78 to 80%, as a maximum, in the paste.
• Chopping must be sufficient for maximum solubilization
of actomyosin.
• Setting of the paste extrudate should occur slowly and to
a moderate degree without surface drying.
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