The Condemned
The Condemned
The Condemned
The Condemned
PABLO GONZALEZ, the condemned
CRISTINA, his fiancee
TIA CHEDENG, his aunt
ANDRES GOROSPE, an old friend
SIMEON SERENO, another friend
FATHER LIM, prison chaplain
The Condemned
The rime is set an hour before the execution. The secne is the
prison waiting-room. A door at the rear which, when opened,
reveals the bars of the death cell. Another door on right side of
stage. Two high, small windows with bars on rear walls, through
which the sky can be seen.
When the curtain rises, the stage is completely dark, except
for the lighted candle. The metal rustling of heavy keys is heard.
Presently, the right door opens. FATHER LIM and the WAR-
DEN appear. FATHER LIM is about forty, brisk-mannered but
soft-voiced. He carries a breviary in one hand, and a small bag
in another.
PABLO: Father!
The Condemned
ments are quick and nervous. He wears the orange uniform with
a large cross at the back. His hair is cropped.
FR. LIM: None, my son. I’ve tried God knows how much.
WARDEN goes out. FR. LIM sits on bench beside the table;
PABLO remains standing, staring in front of him.
FR. LIM: Take a seat. (PABLO sits down.) What were you
thinking of, my son?
PABLO: What you said last night that God could forgive me,
forgive me after all I’ve done?
FR. LIM: My son, Christ has said that if your sins are as
scarlet they shall be as white as snow if you ask his forgiveness.
FR. LIM: Pablo, what you told me a moment ago that your
mother never taught you to believe and to pray, is that the
reason you don’t want to see her?
PABLO: (looking at him) That, Father and more. But let’s not
talk about it. I want to rest a little. I’m tired and a little nerv-
ous. I hope you don’t mind.
FR. LIM: No, no, of course you should he down for a while.
You want me to go?
Wilfrido Ma. Guerrero
PABLO: No, not yet, Father. Will you read me something?
My heart is so weary. Perhaps your books could give me some
FR. LIM: I’ve two books here. The Confessions of St. Augus-
tine and Kempis’s The Following of Christ.
ANDRES: No, don’t bother him just yet. Can I ask a few
WARDEN nods.
ANDRES: The girl you mentioned, the one Pablo killed the
man for?
ANDRES: Pablo.
Wilfrido Ma. Guerrero
PABLO: (trying to remember) I don’t…
ANDRES: (both sit down) You used to push me into the river,
remember? Whenever we played near the bridge. Have you
PABLO: (laughing grimly) Yes, too busy evading me. But your
coming, Andres, is a complete surprise to me. I mean, I didn’t
expect you —
PABLO: I chose the wrong path, that’s all. Tell me, are you
ANDRES: Does she love you? (PABLO stares at him and nods
PABLO: That’s just it. She does. I’ve been very selfish all my
PABLO: Maybe not now, but later she’ll regret it. Why make
her the widow of a murderer?
ANDRES: Tell me, Pablo, your father died when we were still
in school?
PABLO: Yes, and after his death I lived with an old aunt, Tia
The Condemned
Chedeng but when I was fourteen I ran away.
ANDRES: You, you used a knife, they say. You were so afraid
of a knife when you were a kid.
WARDEN enters.
Wilfrido Ma. Guerrero
WARDEN: There’s a man who insists on seeing you, but he
has no pass.
PABLO: (with a brief, grim laugh) Rest now? I’ve all eternity
to rest in, Warden.
SIMEON: You say I taught you many evil things. That’s true.
But I too had been taught in my younger years by other friends.
PABLO: Unfair?
PABLO has gone near him and has gently put his hand on his
Wilfrido Ma. Guerrero
PABLO: Palawan?
SIMEON: Among the lepers. I met a nice and fine girl two
months ago.
PABLO: Leprosy!
PABLO: Thank you, Tia. How can I repay you for all your
The Condemned
PABLO: Father Lim read me The Following of Christ a while
PABLO: (holding her hands) Tia, did you see somebody wait-
ing outside?
Wilfrido Ma. Guerrero
PABLO: If she had been a true mother, I wouldn’t be here!
WARDEN: Very little time left, Mr. Gonzalez. The girl wants
to see you. (WARDEN goes out.)
PABLO: Tia. forgive me for all the pains I’ve given you.
The Condemned
PABLO: What can we say to each other?
CRISTINA: Let’s not think what the next few moments will
bring. (A long pause during which they dare not look at each
PABLO: When you told me the next morning how that fel-
low had tried to rape you! I forgot myself. I forgot you. I
Wilfrido Ma. Guerrero
forgot everything! I only knew I had to wipe away the insult!
PABLO: With blood, yes, because it was the only way. That
insult had to be wiped away with blood! If we get married
now, what can I offer you? Nothing. Premature widowhood,
the name of a murderer, a few memories of what might have
The Condemned
FR. LIM: Yes?
PABLO: Could you marry us now? (FR. LIM looks from one
to the other.) It’s the last favor I ask of you, Father! Could you?
PABLO gulps down his share, but suddenly throws the glass
on the floor, breaking it. He sits down and leaning on the table,
breaks down. CRISTINA goes near him and he puts his arm
around her waist briefly. WARDEN, after an awkward pause,
touches PABLO on the shoulder.
The Condemned
ANGELA enters, stands near door.
FR. LIM: (going to rear door) I shall wait in here. (He goes out.
PABLO embraces CRISTINA briefly.)
PABLO: Wait for me, dearest. I shall call you. (PABLO kisses
TIA CHEDENG’s hand.) Tia, will you take care of Cristina
for me? (TIA CHEDENG nods. PABLO shakes ANDRES’
hand.) Stand by them, will you, Andres? (CRISTINA supports
TIA CHEDENG, and all go out, closing door behind them.
ANGELA GONZALEZ takes a few steps forward, extreme front
stage, right. PABLO stands an extreme left, front. ANGELA is
over forty-five, but is trying to retain her faded youth and beauty
by the overuse of cosmetics. There is an air of bad taste and vul-
garity about her, accentuated by her gaudy colored dress and the
use of big bracelets and earrings. Her voice is husky.)
PABLO: I don’t hate you. My feelings for you are what I would
feel for a stranger.
PABLO: Yes, you! Have you ever been a mother to me? Did
you ever give me any care or attention? Isn’t it true that you
spent all your time gambling while you left me with Tia
Chedeng? When Father was sick and dying, weren’t you out
PABLO: And you thought you had done your duty! You
thought that in bringing me into this world your work was
finished! It had only begun!
The Condemned
ANGELA: What did you want me to do?
PABLO: Did you ever correct my faults? Did you care who
my companions and playmates were? Did you ever check me
from committing petty thefts, correct my bad language, my
bad tendencies?
PABLO: And did you ever teach me to fear God? (Pause) Tia
Chedeng taught me a few prayers which I quickly forgot be-
cause I ran away. My faults became habits and my bad habits
enslaved me.
PABLO: Son! You dare call me your son! And a few months
after Father’s death, I was ten then, you fell in love with Marcos
Nable, lived with him, pueh! My own mother!
PABLO: And now that I’m about to die, how I wish to have
my own mother at my side, to be able to tell her how sorry I
am, to be able to part from this life with a mother’s kiss. But
no! It’s my own mother who has sent me here!
ANGELA slowly raises herself up. PABLO covers his face with
his hands. There is an expression of determination on ANGELA’s
face. Slowly and quietly, she takes off her earrings, bracelets, rings,
and gently puts them on the table. She also tries to wipe off the
cosmetics on her face. When she speaks, her voice is low and soft.
ANGELA: Yes, son, let me take care of her! I’ll be a real mother
to her what I haven’t been to you!
FR. LIM: Don’t doubt God’s mercy. His mercy is as wide and
as deep as the ocean.
ANGELA: My son!
The Condemned
ANDRES behind her. Music continues. ANGELA stands, front
right, with hands folded tightly and bead down, as if praying.
TIA CHEDENG prays with a rosary in her hands. The pause
continues for twenty seconds, interrupted only by CRISTINA’s
sobs. Suddenly the bells cease tolling. Another pause of fifteen
seconds. Steps are heard. All raise their eyes toward rear door in
an attitude of expectation. Rear door opens, FR. LIM appears,
closes door. CRISTINA and ANGELA come nearer with a ges-
ture of supplication.)
FR. LIM: It’s all over. His last words were, his last words…