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Research Proposal

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Sustainable development is a now evolving approach that promotes the

use of human, natural and financial resources to improve the economy,

the environment, and society in an integrated way for the benefit of

current and future generations.

The concept is a global policy theme, widely use since 1987 when the

United Nations World Commission on Environment and development

(the Brundtland Commissioner) defined sustainable development as

"development that meets the needs of the present without compromising

the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

Human Resources Management (HRM) is the function within an

organization that focuses on recruitment of, Management and providing

direction for the people who work in the organization.

Human Resource Management is the organizational function that deals

with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance

management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits,

employee motivation, communication, administration and training.

Human resource is a term with which many organizations describes the

Combination of traditionally administrative personnel functions with

performance management, employee relations and resource planning.

Sustainable human resource management therefore is the

establishment and execution of policies, programmed and procedures

that can influence capability loyalty and performance of an individual in

an organization, this procedure an policies shape and mould an

individual in the following capacity:

 Recruitment Strategy planning

 Hiring Processes (recruitment)

 Selection

 Training and Development

 Performance Evaluation and Management

 Promotions

 Redundancy

 Industrial and Employee Relations

 Record Keeping of all Personnel data

 Compensation, pensions, bonuses etc. in liaison with payroll

 Confidential advice to internal ‘Customers’ in relation to Modern

analysis. When the aforementioned is judiciously observed by an

organization, sustainable human resource management is said to

have being adopted. Tende (2006).

An organization is effective when the measuring for success (the

organization and business team within the organization), shows that the

customer's needs for success are being met and that the demonstrated

success is greater than the sum of the parts in the organization.


The key issue is the ability of sustainability in human resource

management as it's relate to growth in organization. The yardstick or

basis of growth would clearly be determined by it level of profitability in

term of return on investment, Ekpo (2006)


Frequency of total collapse on investment in the developing countries

resulting from employees inability to perform is creating a lot of fear. This

is as a result of the followings problems:

i. Inability to plan for human resource management

ii. Even when an incentive package and training opportunities were

introduced to serve as motivation, the implementation fails.

iii. Despite effort to adhere to human resource management principle.

There is lack of technical know how and professionalism in part of

the top management and subordinate.

iv. The absent of technical know-how may result to low productivity in

the part of employees which will lead to collapse on investment.


The purpose of this study therefore is to assess sustainable human

resource management and how its would lead to organizational growth

specifically, the study sought to:

i. Establish the basic general problems that necessitated the failure

on investment in the developing countries.

ii. Examine the application of sustainable human resource

management in an organization.

iii. Examine the effect of sustainable resource management in


iv. Evaluate the extend to which sustainable human resource

management can be enhance growth.

v. Proffer solution to the problem of sustainable human resource



It is undisputable to note that sustainable human resource management

is the basic for growth and development in organization. It is significant

in the following ways.

i. The research is to come up with a functional method for human

resource management which it will provide the right kinds of talent

to an organization at a right time, which will result to organizational


ii. Assess a supply of qualified labour in a timely fashion through

human resource planning.

iii. Provide current understanding of sustainable human resource

management and how it can lead to organizational growth.

iv. Relate the importance of sustainable human resource

management to organizational growth.


In order to realize the objective of this research work the following

hypothesis were made

Hi Sustainable human resource management is significant to

organizational growth

Ho Sustainable human resource management is not significant to

organizational growth.


Human resources management is a management methodology that

involves the establishment and execution of policies programs and

procedures that influence the performance, capabilities and loyalty of the

employees of an organization through these policies and procedures,

Individuals are attracted retained, motivated and developed to perform

the work of an organization. These policies and procedures help to the

organization in question seek to mold and shape the actions of its'

employees to operate successfully, comply with various public policies,

provide satisfactory quality of employment and improve its position in the

market place through strengthened ability to compete and serve.

As long as there are short falls of expectation between the employed

and the employer in an organizational set up the success of such an

organization could be in problem.

According to Clagly (1998), the management of human resources is one

of the most complex aspects in organizational set up that requires

exercise, that could be compiled in the aspects of experiments and their

application in line with organizational work book if success is to be

achieved in that regard.

Mathews (1989), on the other hand observed that, the diversity in human

resources market is so complex that except principles of human

resources management in the public service is adopted~ the productivity

of workers in an organization might suffer a shortfall. .Bell (1972)

Schneider and Brown (l993), also observed that human resources

management function is of particular importance in the post industrial

economy system has adopted a critical factor in production and is

shifting from machines and equipment to the "knowledge" of the workers

in manipulating and handling of such machines and equipment (Mc.

Gregor 1991).

Sacheim (l998), however observed that the aspect of human handwriting

analysis in the employment selection has been a vital aspect of human

capability which must be observed more seriously inhuman resources as

they move towards professional in organization setups.

According to Chiavenato (1999), service has replaced production as the

driving force in the economy and the prominent way value is added is

through the expertise of knowledge workers and the ministrations of

service providers. He furthers emphasized that, in systems like this, it

becomes even more important to obtain and the full talents of all

employees in the organization. Thus, the skillful adoption and use of

human resource management policies becomes a significant level

through which to move and direct the perfonnance of the organization.

Veres, et. al. (2000), noted that human resources management is really

a series of policy choices about how employees are to be treated, paid

and worked. These policies, he emphasized, will in turn impact and

condition the nature of the employment relationship; as different

outcomes in the employee's commitment, competence and cognizance

with organizational goals. Likewise, each policy choice presents the

decision maker with a distinctive cost and benefit alternative.

There he exemplifies those compensation policy choices to pay either at

the low, average, or high end of the labour market have rather dramatic

implications for employee commitment to the organization and for costs

to the employer. A5 such, the functional rational for effective

management of human resources should be to identify and implement

those policies, programmes, and procedure that will Yield the desired

levels of loyalty, skill and direction in the most cost-effective manner


Stefanowicz (2005), sees human management as the only programme

of its kind that recognizes the importance of aligning the human

resources executives will have a direct impact on the performance of the

company or organization through the careful management of its talent

portfolio. The programme aids the executives to see how to energize the

business partnership between human resources and the executive team,

in order to strengthen the bottom line.

According to Campbell (1990), essential human resource management

task is to make sure the organization is properly staffed. When done

effectively, the staffing, recruitment and selection process provides a

flow of qualified individuals for filling open positions within the

organization on a timely and effective basis. However, when done

poorly, the staffing process can result in delays, excessive cost, poor

matches between worker skills and job requirements, turn over and legal

challenges. He further emphasizes that planning and controlling the

staffing and selection process is a vital means by which an

organizational productivity can be improved.

Green (1991), in his assertion that the process of matching qualified

applicants with organization jobs is not a single event. Rather this

process can be broken into three, distinct operations. He categorizes

item into: Staffing- which is the umbrella process of filling the

organizations man power needs. Recruiting- the process of attracting

qualified applicants in sufficient quantify to meet manpower need.

Finally, Selection - is the process of collecting information from

applicants about their qualification so that a hiring decision can be made.

Each function, he emphasized has its own role to play in human

resource management where if it is disregarded it will affect the

organization setup.

According to Coopsr (998), Training is an integral part of human

resources management. He explained that great amount of time are

devoted to how to handle emergency and non emergency condition. One

particular aspect of the training is the development of team work. This is

a learning objective for the worker from the very start.

Gilley (1997), noted that human resource management has it own basis

principles which are dependant on the development goals of an

organization. For these goals to be met, he emphasized that workers in

such organization must be treated with some packages of incentives in

order to be motivated in the same direction of produce the required

results that will benefit the organizations they are working with.

Williams (1999), saw Human resource management as complex: object

which requires a balancing in both sides of the employee and the

employers. Where this balancing is not maintained in the face of our

changing society, the organization in question could be grounded

instead of progressing.

Bratton (2001), on the other hand observes, human resource

management as a meteoric on the side of the corporate organizations

who have already made it as the norms of human resource management

are usually not maintained while the workers were trying long run end up

being deprived of their gains as long time workers in the organization.

Lane (1990), in his observation, see human. resource management as

an avenue where an organization focuses its plans and objectives to

rebuild its workers by further training in order to increase their

capabilities and capacity to govern; where such staffs are trained for

maximum productivity, the organization in turn receives the output of

skillful-workers at the other end.

Meggision (1972), noted that human resources management is a

personnel remolding point where individual behaviors approach to the

administrative setup of the organization can propel such an individual to

higher position in the organization.

Ruccucci (2001), observed human resources management in the context

of managing the diverse sectors of organization work forces which also

requires special training and incentives for such an organization to

advance toward its setup goals.

Kapanya (2000), however refers to human resources management as a

set of tactics and strategies employed by organizations to train their

employees toward professionalism which attract the workers to the

organization to give his best through a systematic process of learning

the systematic process of learning the skill, rules, concepts landlord

attitude that result in improved performance in an operating live


Cappelli (1998), in his observation, he pointed out that human resources

management as a strategy through which emploYment practices and

business strategies are packaged into an employee by his employer in

order to perform skillfully in attainment to the objective goals of the

organization he is employed to serve. Violation of such practices, he

emphasized usually attract some effects on the organization which were

not usually in the interest of the management.

Budwar et. al (2001), observed that the principles of human resource

management developed in the developed world hardly work in the

developing world. He therefore suggests that the remodeling of some

principles of human resource management for the developing world in

the context of the environment they are to operate.

Sims (2002), stressed that an organization could not sustain itself

without an effective human resources management principles.

Successful organizations are the ones that adopted the most needed

nonus principles of sustainable human resource management, globally.

Turner (2002), in his observation cautions that for an organization to

stand firm in the field of business, its management must adopt the

principles of the fact and the future in order to observe the alternative

line of action to be taken as a corporate organization that needs to

succeed. Where the organization failed to observe the basic human

resource management goals, such organization might hardly succeed.

Jackson and Schuler (1990), observed that the only one way to define

the human resource management function is that it should provide the

right kinds of talent to the organization of the right time. In this context,

assuming a supply of qualified labour in a timely fashion becomes a

major procedure through which this expectation can be met involves

human resources planning. The fundamental process underlying human

resource planning is a comparison between the organization's human

resources needs and the supply of qualified personnel. This analysis is

projected for some period of time into the future. By comparing human

resources needs with the supply of human resources, future in balances

can be noted and appropriate actions to remedy those problems can be

prescribed. More especially, the human resource planning process can

be organized into four steps or phases, with the first phase which puts

emphasis on the environmental analysis, as it involves identifying the

significant social, demographic, economic and technological trends

taking place in and around the organization. The purpose of this analysis

is to anticipate how the organization must or will change to remain

competitive and successful.

Sibson (1992), recommended that the scanning and recognition process

be conducted annually. From this environmental sensing process, a list

of potential changes, trends and events is compiled. This list of action

should then be evaluated in terms of four criteria.

i. Likelihood of important consequently on the business from

significant to not significant.

ii. Probability of impact from high to low

iii. The ability of the organization to manage the impact from high to


iv. The reliability and validity of identify the event from high to low.

Following this approach, those event that are judged to come from

highly reliable and valid source, that will have significant impact

that will probably occur and that the organization can manage

should become the focus of intense planning and preparation for

the organization.

Clady, (1998), managing human resource is management of

organization growth. This implies that human resource, when properly

and professionally managed would result to positive growth. The growth

of an organization to some extent depends largely on the sustainability

of human resource. According to him, growth is a product of human

resource planning which entitles sustainable policy of human resource

management in an organization the parameter for measuring growth, is

the level of success achieved (profit) human resource, are responsible

for ensuring growth in term of profit I.e. the marketing manager in an

organization ensure, exploring new market to capture the market share,

which may lead to profitability .

Budivar (2001), when employees' needs are made, they change the

phase of organization. The word "change" have refers to growth.

Employees needs when made, the level of their performance would

increase greatly, that would relate to increase in return on investment.

Every business is built on the ground that it would attain the level of

profitability apex the apex result to competitiveness in organization

manager are left with no option but to strive for, and attempt at all times

to reached the apex.

Ubeku (1975), Says assuring a supply of qualified labour in a timely

fashion through human resource panning. Result to success.

Organization fail to achieved growth when its fail to supply a right kind of

talent at a right time on the right job. This implies job specification i.e.

when finance manager is assigned to head production unit instead of

production manager.

The organization would suffer as a result of misplacement of technical

priority. It is believes that when you want things done well as a manager,

do it your self. If it is confused you delegates. It means doing what you

know best may command success qualified human resource placed at a

right time and a right job may account for success.

Calhood (1967), says "if we think of training as acquiring specific skills

and knowledge related to job, management at all level has important

decision to make" organization are characterized by specific activities

which are identified with such activities formed the core basic for

achieving result. This result served as process of growth and

development. Knowledge and skill of a labour force must relate to the

kind of job, the organization carry on. This balance in the skill and

knowledge of the job navigate success.

Agbato (1980), says "business growth in an organization is mostly

determined by it the kind of talent assembled and materials at work

place" when all aspect of human resource that formed the division of

labour in an organization is managed properly in accordance to

sustainable human resource management.

Principles, direct rapid growth that meet the organization objectivity

which aim to captured within a specify period. Growth is considered

achieved when it's realized within the said time assigned i.e. monthly,

quarterly, annually. When it exceeds the attached period is expected

such growth is mostly overtaken by events.

McCain (2004), says "the objectivity of human resources is to maximize

the return on investment from the organizations human capital and

minimized financial risk" it is the responsibility of human resource

manager to conduct these activities in an effective. Legal, fair and

consistent, the consistency represents the sustainability of human

resource management.

Effiong (1995), says "maximization of profit could only be realized

through enhance productivity efficient work force is vital tools "it means

to say that maximization of profit through enhanced productivity are

yardstick for measuring growth in an organization which can only be

achieved by having efficient workforce.

Baker (1990), note that the application of sustainable human resource

management in an organization is in theory, coming to see the principle

in practice is unobtainable.

Handy (1993), believe that the effects of sustainable human resource

management is when employee performance are recognized and

rewarded on time. To create feelings of approval, taking active interest in

their problems and praise them.

Austine (1985) stated that trust people and treat them like adults.

Enthuse then by lively imaginative leadership. Develop and demonstrate

an obsession for quality makes them feel they own the business and

your work force will response with total commitment.


The purpose of the research work is to minimize rate of collapsed on

investment, bring into sharper focused the relevance of sustainable

human resource management as a wheel for organizational growth.

The perspective of personnel development in organization which is

concerned with how to utilize human talent capacity and skill in an

organizational setting for the benefit of the organization.

This review is considered very relevant because organizational

stagnation and collapsed emanated from inabilities to sustained the

principles and procedure of human resource management, this restricted

growth in an organization.

The success of an organization partly depends on human resource who

works to achieve organizational growth and profitability, efficiency and


Any organization that lays little or no emphasis on human resource

management encourages organizational setback.


The research design to be used is the descriptive approach. This type of

research presents facts concerning the nature and status of a situation,

as it exists at the time of the study (Creswell, 1994). This also believes

that the relationships and practices that exist, beliefs and processes that

are ongoing, effects that are being felt, or trends that are developing.

(Best, 1970) Furthermore, such approach tries to describe present

conditions, events or systems based on the impressions or reactions of

the respondents of the research (Creswell, 1994).

Quantitative approach will be used in collecting data. Quantitative

method is compatible with the study because it allows the research

problem to be conducted in a very specific and set terms (Frankfort-

Nachmias and Nachmias, 1992). Besides, a quantitative research plainly

and distinctively specifies both the independent and the dependent

variables under investigation (Matveev, 2002). It also follows resolutely

the original set of research goals, arriving at more objective conclusions,

testing hypothesis, determining the issues of causality and eliminates or

minimises subjectivity of judgment (Kealey and Protheroe, 1996).

Further, this method allows for longitudinal measures of subsequent

performance of research subjects (Matveev, 2002). Finally, it provides

achieving high levels of reliability of gathered data due to i.e. controlled

observations, mass surveys, or other form of research manipulations

(Balsley, 1970).

Data Collection
The data for the study will be collected through survey. Survey is the

chosen method to collect data because its function is to generalize

results from a sample to a larger population. (Commonwealth of

Learning, 2000) The primary purpose and advantage of surveys is

generalization of the results (Commonwealth of Learning, 2000).

Usually, surveys are interested in gathering data from many than in

obtaining intensive, detailed information from a few individuals;

therefore, it is seldom for a survey to consist of one or very few

individuals (Commonwealth of Learning, 2000). Consequently, in

designing a survey research study, one has to take into consideration

the sample and the sampling procedure: the sample size should be

adequate to allow generalization of the results, and the sampling

procedure should also be such that small sub-groups within the

population (such as supporting staff) are properly represented in the

sample (Commonwealth of Learning, 2000). This is because errors in

sampling procedures may not justify generalization of the results, thus

lowering the value of the survey (Commonwealth of Learning, 2000).

A semi-structured questionnaire will be used to collect data. This

survey-questionnaire will have two sections. The first part will intend to

acquire the demographic profile of the respondents, while the other

section will contain a set of attitude statements. The purpose of the set

of attitude statements is to determine the level of agreement or

disagreement using a five-point Likert scale. In the Likert technique, the

degree of agreement or disagreement) is given a numerical value

ranging from one to five, thus a total numerical value can be calculated

from all the responses. (Underwood, 2004) The equivalent weights for

the answers will be:

Range Interpretation

4.50 – 5.00 Strongly Disagree

3.50 – 4.00 Disagree

2.50 – 3.49 Uncertain

1.50 – 2.49 Agree

0.00 – 1.49 Strongly Agree


The respondents to be surveyed are human resource(employees) that

have served for more than five years in the selected organization under

study. Potential respondents will be first chosen from selected

organisation, and then emails will be sent for their approval on the

survey. Questionnaires will also be submitted through emails and will

also be returned to the researcher through emails.

Then, the actual sample size will be calculated with the following


nª = n X 100
In the formula, nª is the actual sample size required; n is the minimum

sample size, and; re% is the estimated response rate expressed as a


Systematic sampling will be used to calculate the valid number of

respondents needed. A probability sampling approach will be chosen to

avoid the bias of non-probability sampling.

Data Analysis

Data will be analyzed through percentage and mean analysis. other

related software will be used to compute the data gathered. Determining

the mean and percentage on the level of response of the respondents on

the items in the Likert-type questionnaire will statistically show the

relationship between sustainable human resource management and

organizational growth, and what poor performance of the HRM

expatriate can result to.


The study is limited only to organization in the developing countries.

However, persuading companies to participate in the study may be

difficult because it will involve setting up appointments with the

managers of the company.

Another potential limitation of the study is that respondents may not take

the questionnaires seriously since it is only structured; meaning answer

choices are already provided. So, in order to promote participation

among respondents, the study's purpose will be clearly explained on the


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