PWM-Inverter Drive Control Operating With A Standard Personal Computer
PWM-Inverter Drive Control Operating With A Standard Personal Computer
PWM-Inverter Drive Control Operating With A Standard Personal Computer
Wolfgang Frank
Federal Armed Forces University
85579 Neubiberg - Germany
Abstract: Today, often special and complex computing systems are often missed. So, normally assembler or low level language
are common in laboratories for investigations of inverter drive programs must be generated for the complete control system,
control. But it is also possible to control drives using a simple even for parts, which are not time-critical . Thus, installation and
personal computer (PC). With such systems, even PWM control operation of these high performing test drives take a high expen-
methods can be realized. A system, which complies with these diture of man power. Therefore, a simpler arrangement for
demands is described. Realizations about the feasibilities, e.g. investigations of inverter drive systems was searched. We found
the maximum pulse frequency, and first practical results are pre- out, that modern PC - by adding some components - may be qua-
sented. lified to handle all tasks of the control unit of fig. 1.
In drive systems, specially developed, high performing computer 2.1. Hardware equipment
systems are mostly used. They contain digital signal processors Fig. 2 shows an arrangement for such an inverter drive system.
(DSP) and/or microcontrollers (µC). For development and The PC must contain a Pentium® processor (or comparable unit),
investigation, they still need an additional host, such as a desirably clocked with 166 MHz or higher. For acquisition of the
personal computer (PC) is. The principle of such a system is
Figure 1: System with special control unit for drive control and
additional PC for communication and service routines
1 , k Û0 (2)
The following tasks must be considered for programming 4 UD
individual interrupt routines (C or C ++):
1. Every interrupt routine to be replaced must be saved before.
Thus, a variable of the type “pointer to procedure” is defined Fig. 5 shows the principle of this method for a single phase. In a
and specified with the key word “interrupt”. The storage 3-phase-system, there are three switching events tSa, tSb, tSc,
process is executed by the function “getvect(# of interrupt)”.
2. The installation of interrupts is managed by the “setvect(# of
interrupt, interrupt handler)”. This causes a replacement of
the corresponding IDT entry by the start address (segment
and offset) of the replacing handler.
3. The original interrupt routine of the operating system has to
be restored before the program terminates. This avoids
conflicts of interrupt handlers and provides a stable
4. The interrupt handler must be terminated with a reset of that
PIC request line, at which the interrupt request came in. This
is implemented by an “automatic end of interrupt “-command
(“outportb(0x20, 0x20)”).
Items 1., 2. and 3. must be done only once immediately at the
beginning respectively at the end of the main program.
The realization of interrupt handlers in Pascal is similar, but it
should be referred to the programming manual for the explicit Figure 5: Principle of asymmetric regular-sampling for one
implementation. phase
methods basing on a “predictive computation of switching Before the last interrupt of a half-period occurs, the first
events”, are more suitable. switching instant of the following half-period k+1 must be
For a first test of the proposed computer topology, the known, because that instant defines the next PIT interval. Due to
asymmetric regular-sampling method with on-line computation this demand, the complete succeeding half-period must be
of switching events was used. It provides both easy computed. This results in a distribution of computation
programming and the use of results of former investigations. published in [11]. Within a succeeding half-period k+1, the
With asymmetric sampling the pulse period TP is divided into periods between two switching instants are computed by
two sampling sections with a duration of TP/2 each. Within one Tp
ûtS, k
sampling section the integral of the modulated output voltage uout 1, i
tS, k 1, i tS, k, 2 i
0; k Û0 (3)
1, i
tS, k
1, i tS, k
1, i 1
1, 2; k Û0 (4)
tk 1 tk
T ± whereas tS,k,2 is the last switching instant of the current half-
uref (t) dt
uout (t) dt u (k) , k Û0 (1)
tk tk
2 period.
The corresponding state modifications of the switching events
are determined simultaneously. A timer termination causes an the amount of tdel related to the absolute time of the timer
interrupt, which manages the output of the new inverter state and oscillator. It can be assumed, that the time shifting is nearly
the loading of the next time interval. The interrupt handles only constant. Therefore, it may be compensated by correcting the
those routines, which are needed for the pulse forming itself. All timer values. But this is not necessary.
other calculations are performed by the main program outside the Depending on the sampling settings, the timer may be loaded
interrupt-routine. with very small values representing short times tref computed
with equations (4) and (5). That means, that the times tref may
4. Results become shorter than the time-to-action interval tact, which is
4.1. System specification needed by the processor to handle the complete interrupt. This
The system consists of a Pentium 166 MHz processor mounted causes an error interval terr (fig. 6 a)-c)) for the firing signal.
on a ASUS P/I-P55TP4N motherboard equipped with 512 kB Thus, the firing signal can´t be put out in the right time. Fig. 7
cache RAM and a memory of 32 MB RAM. Of course, less shows the maximum errors of the used system. This picture was
memory is considerable for mere inverter operation, but much
memory is useful for simulations. Apart regular plug-in cards -
such as graphic adapter - a commercial multi-I/O-card (CIO-
DAS 1600, ComputerBoards Inc.) and an additional timer-card
(CIO-DIO 24/CTR3, ComputerBoards Inc.), which is clocked
with 10 MHz, are inserted. The 3-phase voltage source inverter
works at 500V dc voltage and is rated for 70A ac output. It is
constructed using commercial half bridge IGBT modules (SKM
145 GB 123 D), which are driven by commercial drivers (SKHI