Kamran Rizvi: Small Things Make A Big Difference
Kamran Rizvi: Small Things Make A Big Difference
Kamran Rizvi: Small Things Make A Big Difference
Kamran Rizvi
Small things make a big difference
Kamran Rizvi
First published in June 2010
Go For It!
Acknowledgements 01
Preface 02
Introduction 07
Chapter 1: Life 09
Chapter 2: TAO 12
This simple book is dedicated to my parents,
whose continuing care, guidance and support Chapter 3: Think Your Own Thoughts 16
has made a huge difference in my life. Chapter 4: “You Are the Problem!” 18
Chapter 5: The Essence 21
Chapter 6: Small Steps 25
Epilogue 33
Paint your future 35
Articles by the author 58
Go For It!
Acknowledgements Preface
This short and simple book would not have come Life reveals itself progressively as we gradually
to print without the constant urging and expand our consciousness over the years. With each
encouragement of my friends and colleagues, in new learning and awareness, through reading or
particular, Shireen Naqvi and Sarmad Tariq; their observation, we are born again. We start seeing
lives, generosity of heart, and candor is a great more and we view things differently, every time we
source of inspiration for me. encounter what is new to us.
Three young people were instrumental in ensuring I remember sitting in my pajamas on my bedroom
that the manuscript transforms itself into the book floor one evening in London. I was 15 then. My dad
you are holding now. In this context, I am indebted entered the room, greeted me and asked, “What do
01 to Maryam Ahmad and Syed Nazim, who are you want to become in the future, son?” I 02
interning at Navitus, and to Emran Baluch, the remember telling him, “Something!” to which he
creative guru at Navitus, for taking up this said,
challenge at short notice.
“Beta (son)…'Something' means nothing…it's too
My thanks also go out to all my family, friends and vague. Be specific when setting your direction in
colleagues in SoL, Navitus & Stimulus, whose life. It may take you years, so don't worry. Aim to
continuing dedication is strengthening the learning have a clear vision for yourself. Only then will you
and development industry in Pakistan. live a life you truly want.” These thoughts have
stayed with me to this day.
It should come to you as no surprise that most of Knowledge can be life changing, but only if it
us suffer from the sublime bliss of ignorance. We changes your view of the world. This could be for
know of things around us, but we are mostly better or for worse. Since arriving in Pakistan in
oblivious of what's there within us! June of 1991, I have felt as though I have entered
heaven on earth. This may seem strange to you, as
My life changed for the better when I started I was in London for the previous twenty years of
believing in things uncommon. For example, here is my life.
a fictional dialogue I have had with people over the
years which sums up several interactions: I had a good life in London with all the worldly
comforts you can imagine, a stable job; a cool
Q: What is your permanent address? salary with perks; and with growth prospects in my
banking career. My two kids were going to some of
A: Excuse me! Permanent? Nothing is, at least on the best private schools. I was part of a joint family,
this planet! I suppose it would have to be heaven. living in the heart of London, right next door to the
As for my current address, it is… Royal Albert Hall.
Introduction This is a simple book about life and how you can
make it better for yourself and your loved ones –
Whether you are young or old; male or female; those with whom you enjoy trusting relationships.
student or a teacher; married or single; a They may include members of your family
professional or an entrepreneur; a social worker or (immediate and extended), your colleagues, your
an artist; a civil servant or a soldier; an athlete or a friends, your neighbors and all others who matter
musician; a scientist or a philosopher; a politician in your life.
or a civil society activist; a
theologian or an inventor; You can achieve nothing alone. You need strong
regardless of your and healthy relationships to make things happen
economic, social or in your personal and professional life. Quality of
cultural circumstance; your relationships determines the level of
regardless of your satisfaction and fulfillment you achieve each day.
vocation; if you can read
this book; this book is for
you. You are alive!
07 08
This book is about making a difference, and you
can make a big one. However, this fact will remain
a cliché, unless you take practical steps to make
the small changes you need to make in the way
you think and see things, starting now!
Chapter 2
Ans: Life is a huge subject and volumes could be The simple approach I have taken in this book is
written on it. My aim in this book, is simply to called: 'TAO' (Thoughts, Actions and Outcomes).
ignite the journey of self-discovery in my readers TAO is a conceptual tool that will help you look at
and focus their attention on the importance of your life differently. By so doing, you will be able
taking responsibility for improving themselves and to confidently chart your journey into the future –
helping those they care for, along the way. a future that you desire and feel excited about.
This modest publication is just a start. I plan on
writing more books that build on the concepts Ask yourself, are you really living the life of your
presented here and also explore new ground, dreams? Or do you find yourself constrained by
in the coming years. family and societal pressures? Are you doing
things just to manage your day-to-day
11 commitments to yourself and to your family? Are 12
you ignoring your inner voice
which wants you to pursue an
entirely different path that
will give you peace of mind
and contentment? If your
answer is yes, to all or some of
these questions, then I am
happy you have taken this
book in your hand. What you
will find in the chapters that follow, may not give
you all the answers you seek, but will certainly
confuse you, and this is a good place to start,
particularly when it comes to learning and
growing. From confusion comes clarity, just like
light comes from darkness.
you are in your 70s or have just turned Other than your physical appearance, what
eighteen…you can be the person you have always differentiates you from another? Not much.
dreamed of becoming. However, it is thoughts which set people apart.
Our thoughts lead to actions we take. What we If you stand still and express nothing, how could
do, and how we perform an act, in turn anyone make out who you are and what you stand
determines the outcomes we get in our lives. To for? How could you survive without relating to
start with, this is the simple logic that we will others? You need to communicate verbally and
explore. non-verbally in order to engage with yourself, with
others and with your world. It is your relationships
Your thoughts make you who you are. They are in all these dimensions that determine the quality
invisible and intangible. Yet, it is our thinking that of your life. What is of essence, however, is your
provides tangible and visible results, desired or relationship with yourself!
unexpected, that we get in our life e.g., a raise in
pay; a good deal in a house purchase; lousy grades Your physical self has limits, for example, you
in college exams; a troubled marriage; a gold won't grow any taller than x feet; your waistline
13 medal in the Olympics; promotion to the next may expand or contract through your efforts, but 14
level; a life of your choice and so on. Therefore, by how much? You may be able to lift a 25kgs
consider changing your suitcase with some difficulty, but try lifting a
thoughts to enjoy a better carton weighing 200kgs! This is not the case with
life or to recover from a your mind. Your intellectual self is boundless. Your
setback. You need to look only limit is what you can imagine. What can't you
no further. You can do this imagine? Go wild. Imagine
by communicating with whatever you will. Your
yourself and also by having future is a blank canvas,
meaningful conversations draw on it whatever you like.
with others, particularly I can see you wandering off
with those, whom you regard highly - preferably in all sorts of directions in
people who have views on life that are different your mind…At this very
from yours. In doing so, you will broaden your moment, you might be imagining driving your car,
vision and understanding by seeing the world say a Corolla, to work. You suddenly decide to take
from a variety of perspectives. off and head straight for the moon; or better still,
you see yourself as having eliminated poverty,
What is a person without his thoughts? Nothing! improved world literacy rate to 100% and having
Go For It!
entrepreneur was under. He out with her friends. She gives no time to her
wanted me to help him identify studies or to her responsibilities at home. Kids are
the problem and suggest a impossible these days. These mobile phones and
solution. My answer was social networking sites are a
simple, “You are the problem! curse. My children just refuse
You don't have to look any to listen to me anymore. I
further.” have tried telling them how
to be responsible so many
When you experience setbacks times, but they just don't pay
a few times, the phrase, 'once bitten, twice shy,' heed. What do I do?!” What
comes into play. To do the same old thing, over do you make of such problems? Do you think that
and over again, and expect different results, is you too may be stuck in such a self-created mess?
sheer madness. For instance, if your car gets stuck When you don't get what you want, it is futile to
in mud by the roadside, you will at first use force, look elsewhere for solutions. It is not others, but
by putting your car in first gear and stepping on you who needs to change. And what you need to
the accelerator. You may succeed in the first alter is simply your own concepts and perceptions.
19 attempt or make the situation worse. Should 20
latter be the case, and you persist in revving the
engine and get all worked up, things will only get
worse for you. Instead, it would be wiser for you
to stop whatever you are doing; scratch your
head; and think of alternatives; and sure enough,
ideas will come to your mind and one of them will
work! Thankfully, most people get wise when it
comes to getting their car out of a quagmire.
Sadly this is not often the case when it comes to
relationships, whether at work or at home.
You can change your concepts and perceptions Are you open to changing your concepts and
through having meaningful conversations with perceptions in order to gain from this phrase
people, and re-interpreting your observations and 'There is no bad news?' Please continue reading,
experiences in ways that serve your interest. But but with the intent of understanding what I am
before you do that, there is something that you saying. Resist the temptation to judge. You are not
need to realize. And that is, prepare yourself: obliged to agree with my point of view on
1. YOU have the power to interpret any
reality to your advantage, and Let me share some thoughts that most of you can
2. YOU have the power to express what you relate to. Our future is uncertain. The world is
want others to see changing so fast technologically, that it is
becoming harder to predict what
21 The two significant points I have shared above are will happen in the next few 22
not to be taken lightly. In them you will find months, let alone the next five
potent ways with which to years or beyond. This is true. But
transform your life. instead of getting stressed out
on account of the tentative
Let's look at the first one, nature of our future, why not focus on the one
'You have the power to thing that is certain, and yet we ignore at our own
interpret any reality to your peril? DEATH. It is certain that death will come to
advantage'. You must be asking how? Install this us. However, when will death come to us? Your
belief: 'There is no bad news'. I can hear you say, guess is as good as mine. Death is both certain and
'But hold on a minute. This is not a feasible idea. uncertain.
There are plenty of examples of bad news
everywhere. What about the victims of the 2005 Talking about death may seem morbid to you. But
earthquake? What about the young couple who hold on. Your conscious awareness of this
died in a road accident, through no fault of their certainty and uncertainty, will teach you how to
own? What about the billions who live below the live a fulfilled life of no regrets. Have you heard
poverty line and suffer each day? What about this phrase, 'Live each day as though it were your
Pakistan losing a crucial ODI due to unfair last'? This idea comes from understanding that we
One Day International cricket
Go For It! The Essence
are mortal beings, but with the capacity to be context, it helps to know that you have the power
immortal. For instance, through your deeds today, to express what you want others to see. Just
you can leave an enduring impact on this planet meaning well for others is not enough. You need
that resonates through time. to effectively communicate how you feel in a way
that others can see what you mean. And this
Look at all the conveniences we enjoy that were power to engage others is what we all have. It just
non-existent a few decades and centuries ago, needs to be discovered, developed and utilized
namely, electricity, air-conditioning, transportation intelligently and with wisdom.
and communications and advances in the field of
health, education, good governance and so much
else. We owe our thanks to the thousands of
explorers, inventors and thinkers amongst our
ancestors who have made it possible for us to
enjoy the life as we do today. Their legacy lives
through time. Ours will do likewise, if we do today,
what we must. Not to heed this fact, would be bad
23 news of our own creation. 24
Me: If I requested you to do something that would particular day, I will be cross with you!
make them exceedingly happy, particularly if it is Teenager: [Smiled]
very simple for you, and something which you Me: Do we have a deal?!
could do easily for only 30 mins each day, would Teenager: Sure! I'll start this evening!
you do it? Me: By the way, would you like to discuss with me
Teenager: Hmmm…Yes…but what do you have in the bits you have read on a regular basis – say
mind? once a fortnight?
Me: A book by Leo Tolstoy, titled War & Peace. Teenager: Ok!
Here it is. I want you to spend only 30 mins with it
each day – and you can choose the time of day This young lad made a start. At first, he could
when it suits you. barely manage a paragraph in the thirty minutes
Teenager: What?? Read this fat book??!! I don't like he had. A month later, he was going through a
reading! couple of pages. Each time I met him, he looked
Me: I fully understand and respect how you feel. I more animated and confident and would not stop
also found such a task daunting when I was your talking about some of the passages he had
age. But what I am suggesting is not how it enjoyed. Now, almost two years later, he is
29 appears. You don't have to finish reading all the reading books as a habit and spends at least an 30
800 pages! hour every day. His verbal and written expression
Teenager: Really? What do you mean? and poise have improved considerably. It's a joy to
Me: All I want you to do is spend 30 mins with this see him engaged with life! Small things do make a
book each day, and read as much as you can in this big difference! Just the other day, I learned that
time, even if it is only one line. Just make sure you India beat Pakistan by three wickets in the Asia
fully understand and feel the words and sentences Cup being played in Srilanka. It was a closely
you read, starting from the very beginning. It will contested match. India had two balls remaining
help you to keep a dictionary by your side. Look up and needed to score four runs. Their batsmen hit a
the words you don't understand and on occasions, six in the second last ball of the final over…voila!
even try to see the words you think you know. If
for any reason, you are unable to understand any As you would have gathered by
sentence or a paragraph, as you make steady now, just by developing a reading
progress, just ask your dad, or call me. habit, you will furnish your mind
Teenager: This sounds too easy. Are you sure with ideas. Through the confidence
there isn't a catch to it? you gain, the ideas will compel you
Me: Well yes, there is. If I hear that you have spent to act in ways you would have
more than 30 mins with this book on any thought impossible before. Its only
Go For It! Small Steps
Go For It!
Go For It!
Go For It!
Go For It! Paint your future
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Go For It! Paint your future
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Go For It! Paint your future
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Go For It! Paint your future
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Go For It! Paint your future
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Go For It! Paint your future
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Go For It! Paint your future
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Go For It! Paint your future
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Go For It! Paint your future
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Go For It! Paint your future
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Go For It! Articles by the author
To read more of this article please visit www.navitus.biz To read more of this article please visit www.navitus.biz
Articles by the author Articles by the author
To read more of this article please visit www.navitus.biz To read more of this article please visit www.navitus.biz
Articles by the author
Your journey of a thousand miles will start with the first step you take.
Kamran Rizvi has made a unique place for himself in the history of a young nation
straddled with a burgeoning population of over 170 million people, by pioneering
the self-improvement and organizational development movement in 1991.
Through his writings, workshops, seminars and inspiring speaking engagements in
conferences and other fora, in the last two decades, he has, directly and indirectly,
positively transformed the lives of millions in Pakistan. A flourishing learning and
development industry has taken root making education and success an
unstoppable agenda for change.
For more details on the author and his team, visit www.kzr.ca. Here you will find
information on KZR and the organizations it has spawned since 1991.