Set Theory 2
Set Theory 2
Set Theory 2
Set-Theoretic Tools for Every Mathematician
Graduate Studies in Mathematics
Volume 18
Discovering Modern Set Theory. II
Set-Theoretic Tools for Every Mathematician
Winfried Just Martin Weese
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Editorial Board James E. Humphreys (Chair) David J. Saltman David Sattinger
Julius L. Shaneson
1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 04-{)1, 03E05, 04A20.
ABSTRACT. Short but rigorous introductions to various set-theoretic techniques that have found numerous applications outside of set theory are given. Topics covered include: trees, partition calculus, applications of Martin's Axiom and the O-principle, closed unbounded and stationary sets, measurable cardinals, and the use of elementary submodels. This volume is aimed at advanced graduate students and mathematical researchers specializing in areas other than set theory who want to broaden their knowledge of contemporary set theory. It can be studied independently of Volume I of the same text.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Just, W. (Winfried)
Discovering modern set theory / Winfried Just, Martin Weese.
p. cm. - (Graduate studies in mathematics, ISSN 1065-7339; V. 8) Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents: 1. The basics
ISBN 0-8218-0266-6 (v. 1 : hard cover: alk. paper)
1. Set theory. I. Weese. Martin. II. Title. III. Series.
QA248.J87 1995 511.3'22--dc20
95-44663 CIP
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10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 02 01 00 99 98 97
Chapter 13. Filters and Ideals in Partial Orders 13.1. The general concept of a filter
13.2. Ultraproducts
13.3. A first look at Boolean algebras Mathographical Remarks
Chapter 14. Trees
Mathographical Remarks
Chapter 15. A Little Ramsey Theory Mathographical Remarks
Chapter 16. The ~-System Lemma
Chapter 17. Applications of the Continuum Hypothesis
17.1. Applications to Lebesgue measure and Baire category 17.2. Miscellaneous applications of CH
Mathographical Remarks
Chapter 18. From the Rasiowa-Sikorski Lemma to Martin's Axiom
Mathographical Remarks
Chapter 19. Martin's Axiom 19.1. MA essentials
19.2. MA and cardinal invariants of the continuum 19.3. Ultrafilters on w
Mathographical Remarks
Chapter 20. Hausdorff Gaps Mathographical Remarks
Chapter 21. Closed Unbounded Sets and Stationary Sets 21.1. Closed unbounded and stationary sets of ordinals 21.2. Closed unbounded and stationary subsets of [X]</t
Chapter 22. The O-principle
Mathographical Remarks
1 1 8
12 24
27 48
49 65
67 71 71 79 85
87 94
95 95
102 110 116
117 122
123 123 131
139 146
Chapter 23. Measurable Cardinals 147
Mathographical Remarks 157
Chapter 24. Elementary Submodels
24.1. Elementary facts about elementary submodels
24.2. Applications of elementary submodels in set theory Mathographical Remarks
Chapter 25. Boolean Algebras Mathographical Remark
Chapter 26. Appendix: Some General Topology Index
Index of Symbols
159 159 167 185
187 205
207 217 223
This is the second volume of a graduate course in set theory. Volume I covered the basics of modern set theory and was primarily aimed at beginning graduate students. Volume II is aimed at more advanced graduate students and research mathematicians specializing in fields other than set theory. It contains short but rigorous introductions to various set-theoretic techniques that have found applications outside of set theory. Although we think of Volume II as a natural continuation of Volume 1,1 each volume is sufficiently self-contained to be studied separately.
The main prerequisite for Volume II is a knowledge of basic naive and axiomatic set theory.f Moreover, some knowledge of mathematical logic and general topology is indispensible for reading this volume. A minicourse in mathematical logic was given in Chapters 5 and 6 of Volume I, and we include an appendix on general topology at the end of this volume. Our terminology is fairly standard. For the benefit of those readers who learned their basic set theory from a different source than our Volume I we include a short section on somewhat idiosyncratic notations introduced in Volume I. In particular, some of the material on mathematical logic covered in Chapter 5 is briefly reviewed. The book can be used as a text in the classroom as well as for self-study.
We tried to keep the length of the text moderate. This may explain the absence of many a worthy theorem from this book. Our most important criterion for inclusion of an item was frequency of use outside of pure set theory. We want to emphasize that "item" may mean either an important concept (like "equiconsistency with the existence of a measurable cardinal"), a theorem (like Ramsey's Theorem), or a proof technique (like the craft of using Martin's Axiom). Therefore, we occasionally illustrate a technique by proving a somewhat marginal theorem. Of course, the "frequency of use outside set theory" is based on our subjective perceptions.
At the end of most chapters there are "Mathographical Remarks." Their purpose is to show where the material fits in the history and literature of the subject. We hope they will provide some guidance for further reading in set theory. They should not be mistaken for "scholarly remarks" though. We did not make any effort whatsoever to trace the theorems of this book to their origins. However, each of the theorems presented here can also be found in at least one of the more specialized texts reviewed in the "Mathographical Remarks." Therefore, we do not feel guilty of severing chains of historical evidence.
IThis is the reason why the present volume starts with Chapter 13.
2Possible alternatives to our Volume I are such texts as: K. Devlin, The Joy of Sets. Fundamentals of Contemporary Set Theory, Springer Verlag, 1993; A. Levy; Basic Set Theory, Springer Verlag, 1979; or J. Roitman, Introduction to Modern Set Theory, John Wiley, 1990.
Much of this book is written like a dialogue between the authors and the reader.
This is intended to model the practice of creative mathematical thinking, which more often than not takes on the form of an inner dialogue in a mathematician's mind. You will quickly notice that this text contains many question marks. This reflects our conviction that in the mathematical thought process it is at least as important to have a knack for asking the right questions at the right time as it is to know some of the answers.
You will benefit from this format only if you do your part and actively participate in the dialogue. This means in particular: Whenever we pose a rhetorical question, pause for a moment and ponder the question before you read our answer. Sometimes we put a little more pressure on you and call our rhetorical questions EXERCISES. Not all exercises are rhetorical questions that will be answered a few lines later. Often the completion of a proof is left as an exercise. We also may ask you to supply the entire proof of an interesting theorem, or an important example. Nevertheless, we recommend that you attempt the exercises right away, especially all the easier ones. Most of the time it will be easier to digest the ensuing text if you have worked on the exercise, even if you were unable to solve it.
We often make references to solutions of exercises from earlier chapters. Sometimes the new material will make an old and originally quite hard exercise seem trivial, and sometimes a new question can be answered by modifying the solution to a previous problem. Therefore it is a good idea to collect your solutions and even your failed attempts at solutions in a folder where you can look them up later.
The level of difficulty of our exercises varies greatly. To help the reader save time, we rated each exercise according to what we perceive as its level of difficulty. The rating system is the same as used by American movie theatres. Everybody should attempt the exercises rated G (general audience). Beginners are encouraged to also attempt exercises rated PG (parental guidance), but may sometimes want to consult their instructor for a hint. Exercises rated R (restricted) are intended for mature audiences. The X-rated problems must not be attempted by anyone easily offended or discouraged.
In Chapters 17, 18, 19, and 22 we will discuss consequences of statements that are relatively consistent with, but no provable in ZFC: the Continuum Hypothesis (abbreviated CH), Martin's Axiom (abbreviated MA), and the Diamond Principle (abbreviated 0). We will write "THEOREM n.m (CH)" in order to indicate that Theorem n.m is provable in the theory ZFC + CH rather than ZFC alone.
We are greatly indebted to Mary Anne Swardson of Ohio University for reading the very first draft of this book and generously applying her red pencil to it. Special thanks are due to Ewelina Skoracka-Just for her beautiful typesetting of this volume.
Here is a list of somewhat ideosyncratic symbols that will be used in this volume:
I r A - restriction of a function I to a subset A of its domain; J[A] - image of a set A under a function I;
.6. - symmetric difference of two sets;
a - abbreviation for (ao, ... ,an);
<I< X - the set Ua<1< a X of all functions from some ordinal a < /'i, into X; A <I< - the cardinality of the set <I< A;
s~i - (where s E <wI and i E I) denotes the function s U (dom(s), i);
TC(x) - the transitive closure of a set x, i.e., the smallest set y 2 x such that z ~ y for all z E y;
H>. - the family of all sets hereditarily of cardinality less than A, i.e., the family
{x: ITC(x)1 < A};
[XlI< - the family of all subsets of X of size /'i,;
[Xl<1< - the family of all subsets of X of size less than /'i,; Fin - denotes [wJ<No, i.e., the family of finite subsets of w; V - the set-theoretical universe, i.e., the class of all sets; ON - the class of all ordinals;
LIM - the class of all limit ordinals; Card - the class of all cardinals;
L - the constructible universe, i.e., the class of all constructible sets;
Va - the o-th level of the cumulative hierarchy, where V = UaEON Va; La - the o-th level of the constructible hierarchy, where L = UaEON La; (a,,Bl - the set of ordinals bE ON: a < "f :::; ,B};
a·/3 - ordinal exponentiation is written with a dot in front of the exponent in order
to distinguish it from cardinal exponentiation; p.o. - abbreviates "partial order;"
1.0. - abbreviates "linear order;"
w.o. - abbreviates "wellorder;"
CH - abbreviates the Continuum Hypothesis;
GCH - abbreviates the generalized Continuum Hypothesis.
Now let us review the rudiments of mathematical logic that were introduced in
Chapter 5. .
The logical symbols of a first-order language L are 1\, -', 3, =, brackets, and variable symbols Vi for every i E w. The symbols V, --+, ~, 'V are considered abbreviations. Each language L also has nonlogical symbols: A set {ri : i E I} of relational symbols, a set {h : j E J} of functional symbols, and a set {Ck : k E K}
of constant symbols. The sets I, J, K may be empty. The arity of ri is denoted by To(i), the arity of /j by Tl(j).
Here are some prominent examples of first-order languages: The language Lc of group theory has no relational symbols, one functional symbol * of arity 2, and one constant symbol e. The language Ls of set theory has no functional or constant symbols, and only one relational symbol E of arity 2. Similarly, the only nonlogical symbol of the language Ls is the relational symbol::; of arity 2. In principle, set theory could be developed in L-::, and the theory of partial orders could be expressed in LSi the difference is purely a matter of convention.
Given a language L, one defines the set Terms, of all terms of L as the smallest
set T of finite strings of symbols of L that satisfies the following conditions:
(i) Vi E T for all i E Wi
(ii) Ck E T for all k E K;
(iii) If to, ... , tn-l E T, j E J, and Tl(j) = n, then /j(to, .... , tn-d E T.
The set Formj, of all formulas of L is the smallest set of finite strings of symbols
of L that satisfies the following conditions:
(i) If s, t E Term then s = t E F;
(ii) If to, ... , tn-l E Term, i E I, and To(i) = n, then ri(to, ... , tn-d E F; (iii) If cp and'I/J are in F, then so are (cp 1\ 'I/J), (-'cp), and (3Vi cp).
The above definition of Termr, and Formi, allows us to use induction and recursion over the wellfounded relations of being a subterm or a subformula. These techniques are commonly referred to as induction or recursion over the length of a term or formula.
The occurrence of a variable Vi in a formula cp is bound if it happens within the range of a quantifier 3Vi. Otherwise it is called free. A formula without free variables is called a sentence.
Let L be a first-order language with nonlogical symbols {ri : i E I} U {/j : j E J} U {Ck : k E K}. A model of L or an L-structure is a structure of the form 2l. = (A, (~)iEI' (Fj )jEJ, (CkhEK)' The set A is called the universe or underlying set of the model 21.. For each i E I, R; is a relation on A of arity To(i) (i.e., ~ ~ ATo(i))i for each j E J, Fj is a function from ATl(j) into Ai and for each k E K, Ck is an element of A. For example, if M is a set and E denotes the membership relation restricted to elements of M, then (M, E) is a model of Ls.
Now let us recall what it means for a model of L to satisfy a sentence of L.
A valuation (of the variables) is a function 8 that assigns an element of A to each natural number. Given s, we assign to each t E Term some t" E A as follows:
vi = s(i)i
ck = c.,
fJ(to, ... , tTl (j)-l) = Fj(tg, ... , t~l(j)-l)' By recursion over the length of formulas we define a relation
2I.l=s cp
(read as: "21. satisfies cp under the valuation s." The relation I=s is called the satisfaction relation.)
21. I=s to = tl iff t~ = t1;
2I.l=s ri(to, ... , tTo(i)-d iff (t~, ... , t~o(i)-l) E ~i 21. I=s -'CP iff it is not the case that 2I.l=s CPi
21 Fs 'P /\ 1/; iff 21 Fs 'P and 21 Fs 1/;;
21 Fs 3Vi'P iff there exists a valuation s" such that 21 Fs· 'P and s(k) = s*(k) for all k f:. i.
Let 'P E Form, let aio' ... , ain_l E A, and let s be a valuation. We write
21 Fs 'P[aio, ... ,ain_tl
if 21 Fs. 'P for the valuation s" that is obtained from s by replacing s(j) with s*(j) = aj for j = io, ... ,in-l and leaving s*(j) = s(j) for j f:. io,.·. ,in-I. One can show that if all free variables of 'P are among Vio' ... , Vin_l and So, Sl are valuations, then
21 Fso 'P[aio, ... , ain_l] iff 21 Fso 'P[aio, ... , ain_J
In particular, if 'P is a sentence, then the satisfaction relation 21 Fs 'P does not depend on s. If 21 Fs 'P for every valuation s, then we write 21 F 'P.
When working with specific formulas, we shall often use more suggestive, selfexplanatory terminology. For example, if!JR = (M, E) is a model of Ls and a E M, then we shall write "!JR F 3x(x E a)" instead of "!JR F 3VI(VI E vo)[a]." .
A theory in a language L is any set of sentences of this language. For example, ZFC is a theory in Ls.
Let T be a theory in a language L. We say that a model 21 of L is a model of T and write 21 F T if 21 F 'P for each 'P E T. A theorem of T is a sentence 'P of L that has a formal proof from the sentences of L. We write T f- 'P to indicate that 'P is a theorem of T. By G6del's Completeness Theorem, 'P is a theorem of T if and only if 21 F 'P for all models 21 of T.
Filters and Ideals in Partial Orders
This chapter contains assorted results on filters and partial orders. The first section is devoted to the general notion of a filter in a p.o. This material will be used in several later chapters and probably should be read up front. Section 13.2 is devoted to applications of ultrafilters to an important construction in model theory. This material will not be needed until Chapter 24. In Section 13.3 we develop the theory of Boolean algebras (which can be looked at as the theory of a very special kind of partial order) to the extent required for the proofs of Lemmas 19.7 and 19.8.
13.1. The general concept of a filter
Recall that if X is a nonempty set, then a filter on X is a subfamily F of P(X) such that
(i) F is closed under supersets, i.e., 'v'Y E F'v'Z S;;; X (Y S;;; Z --t Z E F);
(ii) F is closed under finite intersections, i.e., n HE F for all HE [F]<w.
Recall also that a filter :F is proper if 0 ~:F. A maximal proper filter on X is called an ultrafilter on X.
EXAMPLE 13.1. If a E X then Fa = {Y S;;; X: a E Y} is a proper filter on X.
It is called the principal ultrafilter determined by a.
EXAMPLE 13.2. The subsets of the unit interval [0,1] of Lebesgue measure one form a proper filter :Fl on [0, 1].
EXAMPLE 13.3. If (X,r) is a topological space and x E X, then the family s; = {Y S;;; X : 3U E r (x E U S;;; Y)}
forms a proper filter on X, called the neighborhood filter of x or neighborhood system at x.
A filter F on X is uniform if IYI = IXI for all Y E :F. The filter in Example 13.1 is uniform only if IXI = 1. Thus, every uniform ultrafilter on an infinite set X is nonprincipal. Moreover, if X is denumerable, then the notions of a nonprincipal and a uniform ultrafilter on X coincide. An ultrafilter on a set X of cardinality t{l is uniform if and only if it contains all cocountable subsets of X, i.e., all subsets of X with countable complement. The filter of Example 13.2 is uniform. Neighborhood filters as in Example 13.3 are uniform in some but not all topological spaces.
Given a proper filter F on a set X, the dual ideal to F is the family F* = {Y S;;; X : X\Y E F}.
The sets in P(X)\F* are called the stationary sets with respect to F, or simply the
F -stationary sets. .
EXERCISE 13.1 (G). Let F be a proper filter on a nonempty set X. (a) Show that if I = F*, then I satisfies the following conditions:
(i)* I is closed under subsets, i.e., V'Y E IV' Z ~ Y (Z E I);
(ii)* I is closed under finite unions, i.e., U HE I for all H E [I)<w.
(b) Show that if a family I ~ P(X) satisfies canditions (i)" and (ii)", then the family I* = {Y ~ X : X\Y E I} is a filter on X.
(c) Show that F** = F.
(d) Show that a set Y ~ X is F-stationary if and only if Y n Z #- 0 for all Z EF.
A family I ~ P(X) that satisfies conditions (i)* and (ii)* of Exercise 13.1(a) is called an ideal on X. An ideal I on X is proper if I#- P(X), i.e., if X ¢. I. If I is a proper ideal on X, then I* is a proper filter on X. The family of I* -stationary sets is often denoted by I+.
One can think of a proper filter on X as a family of "large" subsets of X; the dual ideal would then be the family of "small" subsets of X, and the stationary sets would be "not too small" in a sense. Example 13.2 nicely illustrates this point of view: Fi consists of all subsets of the unit interval of measure zero, whereas the F1-stationary sets are precisely the sets of positive outer measure.
In Example 13.3, a subset Y of X is N",-stationary if and only if x is in the closure of Y.
In Example 13.1, the family of Fa-stationary sets is Fa itself. The reason is that Fa is an ultrafilter. In our new terminology, Theorem 9.10 can be expressed as follows:
CLAIM 13.1. Let F be a proper filter on a nonempty set X. Then F is an ultrafilter if and only if F coincides with the family of F-stationary sets.
In the proof of Theorem 9.10, we constructed a filter that contained a given subfamily of P(X). Let us now review this construction. For A ~ P(X), let
flt(A) = {Y ~ X: 3k E w3Ao, .. · ,Ak-1 E A(Y 2 Ao n .. · n Ak-1)}.
In particular, if F is a filter on X and Y ~ X, then the set flt(F, Y) defined in Chapter 9 is the same as flt(F U {Y}) in our new terminology. We say that a subfamily A of P(X) has the finite intersection property (abbreviated fip) if Ao n ... n Ak #- 0 for every finite subset {Ao,.·. ,Ak} of A. We call A a filter base if for every finite subset {Ao, ... ,Ak} of A there exists A E A such that A ~ Aon .. ·nAk.
EXERCISE 13.2 (G). Let X#-0 and A ~ P(X).
(a) Show that the family flt(A) is the smallest filter on X that contains A. (b) Show that flt(A) is proper iff A has the fip.
(c) Show that flt(A) = {Y ~ X: 3A E A (A ~ Y)} iff A is a filter base.
(d) Show that if X is infinite, then every uniform filter on X is contained in a uniform ultrafilter on X.
We call flt(A) the filter generated by A. Note that if N", is as in Example 13.3 and B ~ P(X), then B is a filter base with flt(B) = N", if and only if B is a neighborhood base at x.
Lemma 9.11(b) says that if F is a filter on X and Y ~ X, then flt(FU{Y}) is proper if and only if X\Y ¢. F. This translates into the following characterization of F-stationary sets:
CLAIM 13.2. Let F be a proper filter on a set X, and let Y ~ X. Then the family F U {Y} generates a proper filter if and only if Y is F -stationary.
Let K be a regular uncountable cardinal, and let F be a filter on a nonempty set X. We say that F is n-compleie or n-closed if n A E F for every A E [:F] <It . An N I-complete filter is also called countably complete.
Every principal ultrafilter Fa is x-cornplete for all K. The filter Nx mayor may not be count ably complete. If it is, then x is said to be a P-point in X. The filter Fl of Example 13.2 is countably complete but not (2No)+ -complete, since the family A = {[O, 1]\ {x} : 0 ::; x ::; 1} ~ r. is of cardinality 2No, but nA = 0 ~ r;
EXERCISE 13.3 (G). (a) Show that if F is a nonprincipal ultrafilter on a set X with IXI = K, then F is not K+ -complete.
(b) Show that if an ultrafilter F on a set X is not countably complete, then there exists a denumerable family {Y71 : nEw} ~ F such that n71EW Y71 = 0.
If there exists a nonprincipal x-complete ultrafilter on a set of size K, then K is called a measurable cardinal. Measurable cardinals will be studied in Chapter 23.
So far we have been talking only about filters on a set X, i.e., filters consisting of arbitrary subsets of X. But if you know some general topology, you will certainly have noticed that topologists speak about "filters of closed sets," "ultrafilters of zero sets," etc. These objects are usually not filters of the type we have discussed so far. In particular, our filters are closed under arbitrary supersets, and a superset of a closed set is not in general closed. We need a more general concept of filters.
DEFINITION 13.3. Let (lP',::;) be a p.o., and let A ~ lP'. An element p of lP' is a lower bound for A if p ::; q for every q E A. We say that p and q are compatible in A if A contains a lower bound for the set {p, q}. If p and q are compatible in lP', then we just say that they are compatible and write p I- qj otherwise we say that p and q are incompatible and write p .L q. A subset IF of lP' is called a filter in (lP', ::;) (or just a filter in lP' if the p.o. relation is implied by the context), if
(I) IF is closed upwards, i.e., v» E IFVq E lP' (p ::; q -+ q E IF)j
(II) Every finite subset of IF has a lower bound in IF.
Note that we speak about filters in lP' to avoid confusion with filters on X. EXERCISE 13.4 (G). Convince yourself that if we replace (II) in the above defi-
nition by the apparently weaker demand that every two elements of IF are compatible in IF, then we get an equivalent definition.
EXAMPLE 13.4. Let lP' be the family of all open subsets of the unit interval of positive Lebesgue measure, and consider the p.o. (lP', ~). Let 1\(0.5) be the family of all subsets of lP' of measure> 0.5. Then every two elements of 1\(0.5) are compatible in lP', but not necessarily in 1\(0.5). Moreover, not every finite subset of 1\(0.5) has a lower bound in lP'.
EXAMPLE 13.5. A filter on X is the same thing as a filter in (P(X), ~), and a proper filter on X is the same as a filter in (P(X)\{0},~). Thus there is no need to introduce a separate notion of proper filter in a p.o.
EXAMPLE 13.6. Let X be a topological space, and let K.(X) = {K ~ X : K is closed and nonempty}. A filter IF in K(X) will be referred to as a filter of closed sets (the adjective "nonempty" is usually dropped in this context).
EXAMPLE 13.7. Suppose (IP', :::;) is a 1.0. Then IF is a filter in (IP', :::;) if and only if it is a final segment of (IP', :::;), i.e., iff Vp E lFVq E IP' (p:::; q -) q ElF).
Now that we are equipped with the general notion of a filter, let us see how the other concepts from the beginning of this section translate into the broader context. An ultrafilter in (IP',:::;) is a maximal filter in (IP',:::;). Thus an ultrafilter in (P(X)\0,~) is the same thing as an ultrafilter on X, but the only ultrafilter in (P(X),~) is P(X) itself. Similarly, if (IP',:::;) is a 1.0., then the only ultrafilter in (IP', :::;) is IP' itself.
EXERCISE 13.5 (G). Show that if IF is an ultrafilter in a p.o. (IP',:::;), then IF # IP' if and only if IP contains two incompatible elements.
Are there ultrafilters in every p.o.? Yes.
THEOREM 13.4. If (IP',:::;) is a p.o., then there exists an ultrafilter IF ~ IP'.
Moreover, every filter IF in (IP',:::;) can be extended to an ultrafilter in (IP', :::;).
EXERCISE 13.6 (PG). Prove Theorem 13.4. EXAMPLE 13.8. Let I, J be nonempty sets. Define:
Fn(I, J) = {p : p is a function from a finite subset of I into J}.
EXERCISE 13.7 (G). (a) Convince yourself that p and q are compatible in (Fn(I, J), 2) iff p U q is a function.
(b) Prove that a filter IF in (Fn(I, J), 2) is an ultrafilter in this p.o. iff U IF is a function from I into J.
EXAMPLE 13.9. If a is a minimal element in a p.o. (IP', :::;), then the set lFa = {p E IP': a :::; p} is an ultrafilter in (IP',:::;). Ultrafilters of the form IF a will be called principal ultra filters or fixed ultrafilters. Ultrafilters which do not contain a smallest element will be called free ultrafilters.
Let us now try to generalize the other notions introduced for filters on X. As
you might have guessed, an ideal in a p,o. (IP',:::;) is a subset II of IP' such that
(1)* II is closed downwards, i.e., Vp E IIVq E IP' (q :::; p -) q Ell);
(II) * Every finite subset of II has an upper bound in II.
Subsets of p.o. 's that are closed downwards are also called open. The following exercise explains why.
EXERCISE 13.8 (G). Let (IP',:::;) be a p.o. Then {II ~ IP' : II satisfies (I)*} is a topology on IP'.
The notion of the dual ideal of a filter has no generalization to the context of all p.o. 's, because not every partial order admits a meanigful notion of the complement of an element p of IP'. One important class of p.o. 's for which such a notion is defined, the class of Boolean algebras, will be introduced in Section 13.3 and studied in detail in Chapter 25.
The concept of a filter base has a straightforward generalization: A subset B of IP' is a filter base in (IP',:::;) if it satisfies condition (II) of the definition of a filter, Le., if every finite subset of B has a lower bound in B. It is easy to see that the family IF(B) = {q E IP': 3p E B (p :::; q)} is a filter in (IP',:::;) if and only if B is a filter base in (IP',:::;).
The generalization of the finite intersection property is a bit trickier. As a candidate, one might consider the following notion: If (lP',~) is a p.o. and A is a subset of lP', then A is centered if every finite subset of A has a lower bound in lP'. Unfortunately, it is not always true that every centered subset of a p.o. is contained in a filter.
EXERCISE 13.9 (G). Let lP' = {{ n} : nEw} U {w \ {n} : nEw}. Show that A = {w \ {n} : nEw} is a centered subset of (lP', ~), but A is not contained in any filter in (P, ~).
The trouble with generalizing the fip is caused by the lack of "intersections" in some p.o.'s. If (lP',~) is a p.o. and p,q E lP', then an element r of lP' is called the greatest lower bound or meet of p and q if r is a lower bound of {p, q} and s ~ r for every lower bound s of {p, q}. A p.o. (lP',~) is called well-met if every two compatible elements of lP' have a greatest lower bound in lP'.1
EXERCISE 13.10 (G). Convince yourself that the p.o. of Exercise 13.9 is not well-met, but the p.o.'s of Examples 13.4-13.8 are.
For well-met p.o.'s, the analogue of Exercise 13.2(a) holds.
THEOREM 13.5. Let (lP',~) be a well-met p.o., and let A be a centered subset oflP'. Then there exists a smallest filter IF in (lP',~) such that A ~ IF.
EXERCISE 13.11 (G). Prove Theorem 13.5.
Of course, the smallest filter containing A will be called the filter generated by A. By Theorems 13.4 and 13.5, every centered subset of a well-met p.o. (lP',~) is contained in an ultrafilter in this p.o.
Let us now present two important applications of ultrafilters in topology.
THEOREM 13.6. Let X be a topological space. The following are equivalent:
(i) X is compact;
(ii) Every filter of closed subsets of X has nonempty intersection; (iii) Every ultrafilter of closed subsets of X is fixed.
PROOF. Let X be a fixed topological space. For any filter IF of closed subsets of X, let IF· = {X\Y : Y Elf}. Of course, IF· is a family of open sets.
EXERCISE 13.12 (G). Show that for every filter in K(X) the following are equivalent:
(1) nlF=0;
(2) IF· is an open cover of X without finite subcover.
Moreover, show that if IF is an ultrafilter in K(X), then IF is free if and only if it satisfies conditions (1) and (2).
The implications (i) ~ (ii) and (ii) ~ (iii) follow immediately from Exercise 13.12. For the implication (iii) ~ (i), assume that X is not compact, and let U be an open cover 'of X without finite subcover. Then the set U· = {X\ U: U E U} is a centered subset of K(X), and since (K(X),~) is a well-met p.o., by Theorem 13.5 there exists an ultrafilter IF of closed subsets of X with U· ~ IF. Since nU· = 0, also nlF = 0, and Exercise 13.12 implies that IF is not fixed. 0
1 A well-met p.o. with no incompatible elements is called a lower semilattice.
THEOREM 13.7 (Tychonoff's Theorem). If {Xi: i E I} is any family of compact topological spaces, then TIiEI Xi is compact.
PROOF. Let {Xi : i E I} be as in the assumption, and let IF be an ultrafilter of closed subsets of TIiEI Xi' By Theorem 13.6 and Exercise 13.11, it suffices to show that nIF =1= 0. For each i E I, let IFi = {Y C;;; Xi : 7r;ly E IF}. Since the projection 7ri on the i-th coordinate is a continuous function and since inverse images preserve set-theoretic operations, IFi is a filter of closed subsets of Xi' By compactness of Xi, nIFi =1= 0 for every i E I. Now the following exercise concludes the proof of Theorem 13.7.
EXERCISE 13.13 (R). Show that if f E TIiEI Xi is such that f(i) E nIFi for
every i E I, then f E nIF. 0
REMARK 13.8. In Chapter 9 we showed that Tychonoff's Theorem implies the Axiom of Choice. Note that (AC) is necessary in the proof of Theorem 13.7 in order to guarantee the existence of a function f as in Exercise 13.13. But if each of the spaces Xi is Hausdorff, then the function f is uniquely determined.
EXERCISE 13.14 (G). Show that if Xi is Hausdorff and IFi is defined as in the proof of Theorem 13.7, then I n IF i I = 1.
However, this does not mean that the restriction of Tychonoff's Theorem to the class of Hausdorff spaces is provable in ZF alone. We also used the fact that there exists an ultrafilter of closed sets in TIiEI Xi, and this fact is not provable in ZF alone, although it follows from the so-called Prime Ideal Theorem2 which is weaker than the full Axiom of Choice (see T. Jech, The Axiom of Choice, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1973).
The lack of "intersections" in arbitrary p.o. 's also dictates some caution in generalizing the notion of x-cloeednesa. Let", be a regular uncountable cardinal. A p.o. (JIll,:::;) is ",-closed if every decreasing sequence (pe : ~ < A) of elements of JIll of length A < '" has a lower bound in JIll. A p.o. (JIll,:::;) is n-direcied closed if every filter base B C;;; JIll of size less than '" has a lower bound in P, Since every chain in a p.o. is a filter base in this p.o., x-directed closed p.o.'s are x-closed. However, the converse is not true.
EXERCISE 13.15 (PG). (a) Consider the following strict partial order relation on [wIJ$No: X < Y iff Y is a proper subset of X and Y is finite. Show that the corresponding p.o. ([WI J$No,:::;) is ~2-closed but not ~2-directed closed.
(b) Show that a p.o. is countably closed (I.e., ~rclosed) if and only if it is ~ I-directed closed.
A filter IF in a p.o. (JIll,:::;) will be called s-closed if the p.o. (IF,:::;) is x-closed. EXERCISE 13.16 (PG). Show that if IF is a filter in a p.o. (JIll, :::;), then (IF,~) is x-closed iff (IF,:::;) is x-directed closed.
Let us conclude this section by introducing a few concepts that will play an important role in Chapters 18 and 19. A subset A C;;; JIll is an antichain in a p.o. (JIll,~) if every two elements of A are incompatible. The set A is a maximal
2The Prime Ideal Theorem is a statement very similar to our Theorem 13.4. It states that every Boolean algebra has a prime ideal.
antichain in (IP, :S) if it is not properly contained in any other antichain of the same p.o.
EXAMPLE 13.10. Let A = {{n} : nEw}. Then A is an antichain both of (P(w)\{0},~) and (P(wl)\{0}, ~), but not of (1'(w), o The antichain A is maximal in (P(w)\{0}, ~), but not in (P(wl)\{0}, ~).
A subset D ~ IP is dense in the p.o. (IP,:S) if Yp E IP 3q E D (q :S p). Note that the set A of Example 13.10 is dense in (1'(w)\{0}, ~), but is not dense in (1'(w), ~).
EXERCISE 13.17 (G). Show that if D ~ IP is a dense subset in a p.o. (IP, :S), then there exists a maximal antichain A in this p.o. such that A ~ D.
A subset C ~ IP is predense in a p.o. (IP,:S) if Yp E 1P3q E C (p l- q). Note that both dense subsets and maximal antichains of (IP,:S) are examples of pre dense subsets of (IP, :s).
EXERCISE 13.18 (G). (a) Show that if C is a finite predense subset of a p.o. (IP,:S) and IF is an ultrafilter in (IP, :S), then IF n C i: 0.
(b) Show that if (IP,:S) has the property that for all p E IP there exist q, r :S p such that q .L r, then for every ultrafilter IF in (IP, :S), the set lP\lF is dense in (IP, :s).
By point (b) of the last exercise, as long as the partial order (IP,:S) has enough incompatible elements, no ultrafilter in (IP,:S) intersects every predense subset of IP. However, it is often useful to know that there exist ultrafilters that intersect every set in a given large family of predense subsets of IP. Sufficient conditions for the existence of such ultrafilters will be investigated in Chapters 18 and 19.
Exercise 13.18(a) can be generalized a little if the filter in question has certain completeness properties.
EXERCISE 13.19 (G). Show that if I'\, is a regular infinite cardinal, C is a predense subset of a p.o. (IP,:S) such that ICI < 1'\" and IF is a x-complete ultrafilter in (IP, :S), then IF n C i: 0.
A p.o. (IP,:S) satisfies the s-chain condition (abbreviated x-c.c.), if every antichain in (1P,:s) has cardinality less than 1'\,. The ~l-C.C. is also called the countable chain condition and abbreviated c.c.c.3 By Exercise 13.17, if (IP, s) has the I'\,-C.C., then every predense subset of IP contains a predense subset of size less than 1'\,.
EXAMPLE 13.11. If I'\, > 0 is a cardinal, then (1'(I'\,)\0,~) has the I'\,+-c.c., but does not have the I'\,-C.C.
EXAMPLE 13.12. A topological space (X, r) has the c.c.c. if and only if the p.o. (r\{0},~) has the c.c.c.
EXERCISE 13.20 (PG). Let I'\, be an infinite cardinal. Suppose (IP,:S) is a p.o. with the s-c.e. and IF is a x-complete ultrafilter in (IP, :s). Show that there exists pElF with no 'incompatible elements below p, i.e., such that Yq, T :S p (q t r).
30£ course, this should be called the countable antichain condition, but our inappropriate terminology is used throughout the literature.
13.2. Ultraproducts
We are going to discuss a fundamental construction in model theory that utilizes ultrafilters. Throughout this section, let L denote a first-order language with nonlogical symbols {ri : i E I} U {Ii : j E J} U {Ck : k E K}. Let X =I 0, and suppose we are given an indexed family {2l{ : ~ E X} of models of L. For ~ E X, let 2l{ = (A{, (14,{)iEI, (Fj,{)jEJ, (Ck,{hEK). Let U be a proper ultrafilter on X. We are going to define a model D{EX 2ldU of L, called the ultraproduct of {2l{ : ~ E X} by U. First, we define a relation "'U on D{EX A{ by:
9 "'U h iff {~E X : 9(~) = h(~)} E U.
If 9 "'U h, then we say that 9 is equal to h modulo U.
EXERCISE 13.21 (G). Show that "'U is an equivalence relation on D{EX A{. For 9 E D{EX A{ let 9ju denote the equivalence class {h E D{EX A{ : 9 "'U h}, and let D{EX AdU = {9ju : 9 E D{EX Ad· The set D{EX AdU is called the reduced product of the A{ 's.
EXERCISE 13.22 (PG). (a) Show that if for some fixed nEw, IA{I ~ n for all ~ E X, then I D{EX AdUI ~ n.
(b) Assume X = w, and n ~ IAnl < No for each n E X. Show that D{EX AdU is finite iff U is principal.
Now we define relations 14, functions Fj, and constants Ck on D{EX AdU.
Suppose ri and Ii have arity n, and let 90,··· ,9n-l,9n E D{EX A{. Then we define
(1) (90ju"" ,9n-ljU) E 14 iff {~E X: (90(~), ... ,9n-l(~)) E 14,d E U;
(2) 9njU = Fj(90ju"" ,9n-ljU) iff {~: 9n(~) = Fj,{(90(~), ... ,9n-l(~))} E U.
Note that 14 and Fj were defined in terms of representatives. We need to verify that (1) indeed defines a subset of (D{EX Adu)n and that (2) defines a function from (D{EX Adu)n into D{EX AdU.
EXERCISE 13.23 (G). (a) Show that if ge "'U hi. for f. ~ n, then it follows that {~ : (90(~),'" , 9n-l (~)) E Ri,d E U iff {~ : (ho(~), ... , hn-1 (~)) E 14,d E U, and {~: 9n(~) = Fj,d90(~), ... ,9n-l(~))} E U iff {~: hn(~) = Fj,{(ho(~), ... ,hn-l(~))} EU.
(b) Show that if 9njU = Fj(90jU,'" ,9n-ljU) = 9~jU' then 9n "'U 9~·
EXERCISE 13.24 (PG). Define interpretations Ck E D{EX AdU of the constant symbols Ck in the spirit of (1) and (2), and verify that your Ck'S are well defined.
Now let D{EX 2ldU = (D{EX AdU, (~)iEI' (Fj)jEJ, (CkhEK)' This is the ultraproduct of {2l{ : ~ E X} by U.
One would expect that ultraproducts are big and complicated structures. This is usually the case, but there are exceptions. For example, by Exercise 13.22(a), D{EX 2ldU may be finite, even if X is infinite and U is nonprincipal. Moreover, as the next exercise shows, it can happen that D{EX 2ldU is isomorphic to one of the 2l{'s.
EXERCISE 13.25 (PG). Let {~~ : € E X} be as above. Show that if U is a principal ultrafilter on X, then there exists a €o E X such that I1~EX ~~/U ~ ~~o.
The following theorem is called Los' Theorem" or the Fundamental Theorem on Uliraproducts.
THEOREM 13.9. Let {~~ : € E X} be an indexed family of models of a first order lan9uage L, and let U be an ultrafilter on X. If e is a formula of L with variables amonq Vo,· .. ,Vn-1, and if 90, .. · ,9n-1 E I1~EX A~, then
I1 ~ejU F 6[90/u,.·· ,9n-1/U] iff {€: ~~ F e[go(€), ... ,9n-1(€)]} E U. ~EX
PROOF. Fix 6,go, ... ,gn-1 as above. Let us make the following simplifying assumption:
(=) If 9i "'U 9j for some i < j < n, then 9i = 9j.
Fix a function r : I1~EX AejU ~ I1~EX A~ such that r(9/u) E 9/u for all 9/u E I1~EX AejU. By (=) we may also require that r(9i/U) = 9i for all i < n. For each valuation'' s : w ~ I1~EX AejU and each € EX, let s~ = 1l'~ 0 r 0 s, where 1l'~ :
I1~EX A~ ~ A~ is the projection on the €-th coordinate (i.e., s~(m) = r(s(m))(e)). Then s~ : w ~ A~ is a valuation for the model ~~. Note that in this terminology, if t is a term of L and € EX, then the interpretations t" and tSe will be members of I1~EX AejU and A~ respectively.
LEMMA 13.10. Let s, s~ be as above, and let t be a term of L. Then (3)t Vg E I1~EX A~ (g/u = t" f4 {e : 9(e) = tsq E U).
PROOF. By induction over the length of t, i.e., by induction over the wellfounded relation of being a subterm.
If t = Vm, then t" = s(m), tSe = s~(m), and (3)t just expresses a necessary and sufficient condition for 9 to be equal to r( s( m)) modulo U.
If t = Ck for some k, then t" = Ck; and (3)t should follow from your solution to Exercise 13.24. If it doesn't, you'd better return to Exercise 13.24 and redo it.
The inductive step is covered by the next exercise.
EXERCISE 13.26 (PG). Suppose t = fj(to, ... , tn-1), and (3)tl holds for every £ < n. Show that (3h holds. Hint: Use (2) and the definition tS = Fj(tg, ... , t~-l)' o
Now we are ready to prove Theorem 13.9. For each formula sp of L, consider the statement
(4)'1' Vs: w ~ I1~EX AejU (I1~EX ~ejU Fs <p f4 {e : ~~ Fse <p} E U).
We are going to prove by induction over the length of sp that (4)'1' holds for all formulas <p. In particular, this will imply that (4)e holds. By the choice of r, if s(i) = 9i/U for' some i < n, then sdi) = 9i(€). Thus (4)e yields the last line of Theorem 13.9 fot arbitrary e and 90, ... ,gn-1 that satisfy (=).
4Named after the Polish mathematician Jerzy Los who discovered it. The Polish name Los is pronounced approximately like the English word "wash."
5Valuations and other concepts used in this proof were defined in Chapter 5. These definitions are reviewed at the beginning of this volume.
EXERCISE 13.27 (PG). Deduce Theorem 13.9 in its full generality, Le., without assuming (=).
To get started with the inductive proof of (4)cp, suppose <p is "to = h" for some terms to, h· Then I1€EX QJ..dU F s <p if and only if to = t'i .
By (3)to applied to 9 E tL the latter is true if and only if {~ : t~{ = t~{} E U, and (4) cp follows.
Similarly, if <p is "ri(to, ,tn-d," then an argument as in the solution to
Exercise 13.26 shows that (to, ,t~_l) E R; iff {~: (t~{, ... ,t~{_l) E R;,€}, and
(4)<p follows.
The induction step involves negation, conjunction, and the existential quantifier.
EXERCISE 13.28 (PG). Suppose that <p and 'l/J are formulas of L such that (4)cp and (4)", hold. Show that (4)...,cp and (4)cpA'" also hold.
Now suppose that (4)cp holds, where <p is a formula with free variable Vi. We show that (4hvtcp holds. Let s : w -4 I1€EX AdU be a valuation. For the implication from the left to the right, assume that I1€EX QJ..dU Fs 3vt sp, By the definition of Fs, this means that there exists a valuation s" such that s*(m) = s(m) for all m =I- e, and I1€EX QJ..dU Fs' sp, Let Y = {~ : QJ..€ Fts.){ <pl. By (4)cp, Y E U. Note that for each ~ E X, (s*)€ : w -4 A€ is a valuation such that (s*)€(m) = s€(m) for all m =I- e. Therefore, if ~ E Y, then QJ..€ Fs{ 3Vi .p, and it follows that {~ : QJ..€ Fs{ 3Vi <p} E U.
For the converse, let Z = {~ : QJ..€ F s{ 3Vi <p}, and assume Z E U. For each ~ E Z, choose a valuation se : W -4 A€ such that se(m) = sdm) whenever m =I- l, and QJ..€ Fs{ sp, For ~ E X\Z, let se = s€. Define a function 9 E I1€EX A€ by g(~) = se(l) for all ~ E X, and let s" be such that s*(m) = s(m) if m =I- l, and s*(e) = g/u. Then (s*)€ = se for all ~ E X, hence {~ : QJ..€ Fts.){ <p} E U. By (4)<p, the latter implies that QJ..€ Fs' ip, Since s*(m) = s(m) for all m =l-l, we have QJ..€ Fs 3vt sp, This completes the proof of (4hvlCP' and simultaneously the proof of Theorem 13.9. 0
COROLLARY 13.11. 1fT is a theory in Land QJ..€ F T for every ~ E X, then I1€EX QJ..dU F T.
Now we can give a simple proof of Theorem 6.7.
COROLLARY 13.12. Suppose T is a theory in L with the following property:
For every natural number n, there exists a natural number m :::: n such that T has an m-element model. Then T has an infinite model.
PROOF. Let X = w, and for each nEw, let 2tn be a finite model of T such that IAnl :::: n. Let U be a nonprincipal ultrafilter on W. By Corollary 13.11, I1€EX QJ..dU F T, and by Exercise 13.22(b), I1€EX AdU is infinite. 0
In Exercise 6.9, we suggested that you might use the Compactness Theorem to prove Corollary 13.12. It is perhaps not too surprising that the Compactness Theorem itself also follows from Theorem 13.9.
COROLLARY 13.13. Let T be a theory in L such that every finite subset T- ~ T has a model. Then T itself has a model.
PROOF. First we prove the corollary for countable T. If T is finite, there is nothing to prove. So suppose T is denumerable, and let T = {<Pn : nEw}. For each nEw, choose a model ~n of {<po, .. , , <Pn-d, let U be a nonprincipal ultrafilter on w, and consider ITnEw ~/U. If mEw, then {n E W : ~ F <Pm} 2 {n E W : n > m} E U. By Theorem 13.9, ITnEw ~/U F <Pm. Since this is true for every <Pm E T, we have found a model of T.
Now assume ITI = NI, let T = {<pry: TJ < wd, and for each ~ < WI, let Te = {<pry : TJ < O· We have already shown that each Te has a model 2t.e· Fix an ultrafilter U on WI such that WI \TJ E U for every TJ < WI'
EXERCISE 13.29 (G). (a) Show that if T, {2t.e : ~ < wd, and U are as above, then ITeEWI ~dU F T.
(b) Prove Corollary 13.13 for theories T of arbitrary cardinality. Hint: Use
transfinite induction over ITI. 0
What consequences does Theorem 13.9 have for models of set theory? Of course, as soon as we want to talk about models of set theory, we run into the metamathematical difficulties connected with Godels's Second Incompleteness Theorem. For the present discussion it will be best to sidestep these difficulties by assuming that there exists a '" such that (VIt' E) F ZFC.6 As in Chapters 7 and 12, we will occasionally use the symbol "E" for the standard interpretation of the relational symbol "E."
SO let", be as above, let X be a nonempty set, let 2t.e = (VIt' E) for each ~ EX, and let U be an ultrafilter on X. As in Chapter 12, we will not make a notational distinction between (VIt' E) and VIt. The ultraproduct ITeEx ~dU is denoted by xVIt/U and called the ultrapower of VIt by U. By Corollary 13.11, xVIt/U F ZFC, and moreover, xVIt/U and VIt are elementarily equivalent (see Definition 6.3). For example, if VIt F GCR, then also xVIt/U F GCR. In the terminology of Chapter 7, VIt is a standard model of Ls, and xVIt/U is a nonstandard model. The interpretation of the membership relation in VIt is wellfounded. How about the membership relation in XVIt/U?
THEOREM 13.14. Let Q be an infinite ordinal, let X =I- 0, and let (xVet/U, E) be the ultrapower of (Vet, E) by U. Then the relation E is well founded if and only if U is countably complete.
PROOF. First assume towards a contradiction that U is countably complete and that (9n)nEw is a sequence of elements of X Vet with (9n+ljU,9nju) E E for all nEw. For each n, let Xn = {~ : 9n+I(~) E 9n(~)}. Since U is countably complete, the intersection nnEw Xn is nonempty. Let ~ E nnEw Xn. Then 9n+I(~)E9n(~) for every nEw. But this is impossible, since E is wellfounded.
Now suppose that U is not countably complete. By Exercise 13.3(b), there exists a decreasing sequence (Xm)mEw of elements of U such that nmEw Xm = 0. For each nEw, define 9n E xVo by:
9n(O = min{m E w : ~ rt Xm+n}'
EXERCISE 13:30 (G). Convince yourself that 9n+I(~) = 9n(O - 1 for each nEw and ~ E Xn+I.
6In Chapter 12 it was shown that every strongly inaccessible It has this property. A more sophisticated way of sidestepping the metamathematical difficulties is outlined in the Mathographical Remarks. In Chapter 24, we will use yet another approach to get around the problem.
Since each Xn+1 belongs to U and m - 1 Em for m E w\{O}, Exercise 13.30 together with condition (1) implies that (9n+1/u, 9n/u) E E for all nEw, and hence E is not a wellfounded relation. 0
Let Va, X, U be as in the assumptions of Theorem 13.14. If U is principal, then U is countably complete. By Exercise 13.25, xVa/U ~ Va' Can one get an ultrapower of Va that is wellfounded but not isomorphic to Va? By Theorem 13.14, this boils down to the following question:
QUESTION 13.15. Are there nonprincipal, count ably complete ultrafilters on any set X?
Question 13.15 was first posed and studied by the Polish mathematician Stanislaw Ulam 25 years before Los' Theorem was discovered. Ulam was motivated by considerations in measure theory. Question 13.15 has such far-reaching consequences for set theory that we devote the whole Chapter 23 to it. For now, let us just divulge that it has a positive answer if and only if there exists a measurable cardinal.
Now let us suppose that V/t F ZFC, and consider the question: "How does xV/t/U look ifU is not count ably complete?" The answer is: "Weird." For example, let (9n)nEw be the sequence of functions constructed in the second part of the proof of Theorem 13.14. Fix nEw. For each e E X,
(13.1) V/t F 9n(e) is a finite ordinal.
Thus, by Theorem 13.9,
x V/t/U F 9n/u is a finite ordinal.
On the other hand, as shown in the proof of Theorem 13.14,
(13.3) xV/t/U F 9n+1/u = 9n/u - 1.
Now a simple inductive argument shows that 9n/u cannot be xV/t/U's version of the smallest finite ordinal 0, the fifth finite ordinal 5, or any other "standard" natural number. The "finite ordinal" 9n/u must be larger than any of these. An object like 9n/u is called a nonstandard natural number. =v.tu believes that gn/U is finite, but there are infinitely many 9/u'S in xV/t/U such that xV/t/U F g/u E 9n/u, This gives an alternative method for deriving a negative answer to Question 6.20.
EXERCISE 13.31 (R). Assume that U is not count ably complete. If V/t F ZFC, then for each nEw there is fi E =v.tu such that
=v.tu F fi is the n-th natural number.
Show that {fi : nEw} 1. XV/t/U.1
13.3. A first look at Boolean algebras
Let A be an arbitrary set. The power set algebra of A is defined as the structure (P(A),u,n,-,0,A). Here U, n, and ° have their regular meaning, and - stands for the complement A \ X of a subset X of A. A set algebra or field of sets is a substructure of a power set algebra, i.e., F is a field of sets if there is a suitable set A such that F ~ P(A) and
7The set {n : nEw} is called the standard part of w x v" /U .
(i) 0,A E F;
(ii) If X, Y E F, then XU Y E F; (iii) If X E F, then -X E F.
We also say that F is a subfield of P(A).
EXERCISE 13.32 (G). (a) Show that if F is a subfield ofP(A) and P(B)
A = B. ,then
(b) Show that if F is a field of sets, then X n Y E F for all X, Y E F.
EXAMPLE 13.13. Let A f. 0, F = {0, A}. Then F is a field of sets that .
contains exactly two elements.
EXAMPLE 13.14. For an infinite set A the family Finco(A) = {X CA' I
No V 1- XI < No} of all finite and all cofinite subsets of A is a subfield ~f .p(~~ <
EXAMPLE 13.15. Let A be an arbitrary set, K an infinite cardinal D fi
. e ne
F<It(A) = {X ~ A: IXI < KV I-XI < K}.
Then F<I< is a subfield o~ P(A). Note that if K > IAI, then F<1t :::: P(A), and if K = w, then F<w(A) = Fmco(A).
A set algebra F is n-compleie if '<IX ~ F(IXI < K -+ U X E F). 11., t h
• L~O e t at a
power set algebra IS x-complete for every K.
EXERCISE 13.33 (PG). (a) Let K be a regular infinite cardinal. Sh
F<It(A) is x-cornplete for every set A. ow that
(b) Let A be a set with IAI > Nw. Show that Ht (A) is not Nw-con-. 1
- W ... p ete.
(c) Let F be a x-complete field of sets, and let X ~ F be such that IXI
Show that nX E F. < K.
(d) Let A be a~ arbitrary set, let X ~ P(A), anI dbletFK be an infinite cardinal.
Show that there exists a smallest x-complete set age ra such that .l' ~ F.
An N1-complete field of sets F is also called a-complete or a O'-/ield.
Let (X, T~ be a topological space, and le\~edbe thelsmallest O'-field of subsets of
X that contains T. The elements of B are ca Bore sets. In particular II
and all closed subsets of X are Borel sets. For a > 0, we define recursivel' ~ o.p.en
~~ and n~ of subsets of X as follows: Y amilies
~? = T, IT? = {X \ A : A E lJo}
~~ = {UM: M E [U13<an~l::;No}, n~ = {X \A: A E I:~}:
Note that, in particular, n? is the family of closed sets, ~g is the f .
Fa-sets, and ng is the family of G6-subsets of X.B amily of
EXERCISE 13.34 (PG). (a) Show that ~~ = ~~l for all a ;::: WI.
(b) Show that if X is a Polish space and a < (3, then ~~ ~ ~~,no C no Q: - 13' A set A C X is nowhere dense if every nonempty open set U
- 0 contains a
nonempty open subset V ~ U such that V n A = . Let £. be the f .
nowhere dense subsets of X, and let M = {U G : G ~ i: 1\ IGI < N} Tamhlly of
- o. e sets
8Descriptive set theorists distinguish between "lightface" and "boldface" versio
ilies I::~ and n~. The difference is that arbitrary subsets of ware allowed as parana ofth~ famdefinitions of the Bets appearing in the boldface families, but not in the lightface ~et~~ In the families defined here are the "boldface" classes. IlIruhes. The
in M are called meager. Note that every meager subset of a topological space is included in a meager Fa-set. A set A ~ X has the Baire property, if there exists an open set B ~ X such that the symmetric difference A~B is meager.
EXERCISE 13.35 (PG). (a) Show that if A has the Baire property then X \ A also has the Baire property.
(b) Show that the family of subsets of X that has the Baire property forms a a-algebra.
(c) Conclude that every Borel set has the Baire property.
Closely connected with set algebras are Boolean algebras. A Boolean algebra is a structure l.B = (B, +,', -,0,1), where +, . are binary functions, - is a unary function, 0, 1 are constants such that the following equalities hold for all a, b, c E B:
(Bal) (Ba2) (Ba3) (Ba4) (Ba5)
(a + b) + c = a + (b + c),
a+ b= b+a, a + (a· b) = a,
a· (b + c) = a· b + a· c, a + (-a) = 1,
(a· b) . c = a· (b· c), a· b = b· a,
a· (a+ b) = a,
a + (b· c) = (a + b) . (a + c), a· (-a) = O.
A structure 2l = (A, +,.) that satisfies axioms (Bal)-(Ba3) is called a lattice.
A casual look at the axioms (Bal)-(Ba5) reveals that for every axiom also the "dual" axiom appears, i.e., the axiom obtained by substituting «.» for "+," "0" for "1," and vice versa. It follows that if 'P is any theorem of the theory of Boolean algebras, then one can prove the dual theorem by switching "+" and "." as well as "0" and "I" throughout the proof of 'P.
REMARK 13.16. Since - is a unary function, we can simply write a·-b instead of a· (-b). We shall also frequently write B instead of (B, +",0,1) if the operations are implied by the context.
Obviously, every set algebra is a Boolean algebra. We do not require that 0 i' 1.
In particular, the set algebra ({0}, U, n, -,0,0) is the (unique up to isomorphism) one-element Boolean algebra. We refer to ({0}, U, n, -,0,0) as the trivial Boolean algebra.
EXERCISE 13.36 (PG). Show that every two-element Boolean algebra is isomorphic to the set algebra of Example 13.13.
EXAMPLE 13.16. Let (X,T) be a topological space, and let A ~ X. We say that A ~ X is clopen if both A, X \ A E T. Let Clop(X) be the family of clopen subsets of X. Then (Clop (X), n, U, -,0, X) is a Boolean algebra.
LEMMA 13.17. Let (B, +,.) be a lattice, and let a E B. Then
a+a = a,
a'a= a.
PROOF. By (Ba3) we have
a = a + a· (a + a) = a + a.
The second equality follows from duality.
LEMMA 13.18. Let B be a lattice, a, s e B. Then b = a + b iff a = a . b.
PROOF. Let b = a + b. Then (Ba3) implies that a· b = a· (a + b) = a. The
other direction follows from duality. 0
Let B be a lattice. We define a binary relation R on B by letting aRb if a-b = a.
By Lemma 13.18, this is equivalent to the equality a + b = b. Note that if B is a set algebra, then aRb if and only if a ~ b.
LEMMA 13.19. Let B be a lattice and let R be the relation defined above. Then (B, R) is a p.o.
PROOF. Clearly, R is reflexive.
If aRb and bRa, then a = a . b and b = a . b; hence (Ba2) implies that a = b.
This shows that R is antisymmetric.
For transitivity, let a, b, c E B, and suppose aRb and bRc. Then a· c = (c- b) . c =
a· (b· c) = a . b = a. 0
We write a ~B b (or simply a ~ b if B is implied by the context) instead of aRb. If B is a Boolean algebra, then we call ~B the Boolean order. The duality principle can be extended to formulas that contain ~: In order to obtain the dual statement to 'P, exchange ~ with ~, as well as + with· and 0 with 1.
It follows immediately from (Ba3) that a ~ a + b for all a, bE B. By duality, a ~ a· b for all a, bE B.
LEMMA 13.20. Let B be a lattice and let a, b, c E B. If a ~ b, then c+c ~ b+c. PROOF. Let a ~ b. Then a+b = b, and by regrouping we get (a+c)+(b+c) =
(a + b) + (c + c) = b + c. 0
EXERCISE 13.37 (G). Show that for each Boolean algebra B and all a, b, c E B, the inequality a ~ b implies a . c ~ b . c.
Now that we have introduced a natural p.o. relation on every lattice, it makes sense to talk about such order concepts as greatest lower bound (glb), least upper bound (lub), minimum element, etc.
LEMMA 13.21. Let B be a lattice and let a, bE B. Then a + b = lub{ a, b} and a . b = glb{ a, b}.
PROOF. We only show that a + b = lub{a,b}; the other part follows from duality.
We know already that a ~ a + band b ~ a + b; hence a + b is an upper bound of {a,b}.
Now suppose x is an upper bound of {a, b}. Then a + x = x and b + x = x.
Hence (a + b) + x = a + (b + x) = a + x = x, which implies that a + b ~ x. 0
EXERCISE 13.38 (G). Suppose (L,~) is a p.o. such that every two-element subset of L has a least upper bound and a greatest lower bound. For a, bEL define: a + b = lub{ a, b} and a' b = glb{a, b}. Show that the structure (L, +, .) is a lattice.
LEMMA 13.22. Let B be a lattice. Then "la, b, C E B(a· (b + c) = a· b + a . c) if and only if "Ia,b,cE B(a+ (b·c) = (a+b)· (a+c)).
PROOF. We only prove the implication from the left to the right; the other implication follows from duality. Let a, b, c E B. We have
(a+b)·(a+c) (a+b)·a+(a+b)·c
= a + (a + b)· c
= a+(a·c+b·c) a+b·c
The first and third equalities follow from the assumption Va, b, c E B( a . (b + c) = a· b + a· c); the second and fourth ones follow from (Ba3). D
LEMMA 13.23. Let (B, +, " -,0,1) be a Boolean algebra. Then ° is the smallest and 1 is the largest element of B with respect to the Boolean order.
PROOF. (Ba3) and (Ba5) imply that a = a + a· -a = a + ° for all a E B, and
hence ° ~ a. The dual argument shows that 1 is the largest element of B. D
Let B be a Boolean algebra; a, b E B. On the one hand, we have a = 1 . a = (-a + -(-a)) . a = -(-a) . a, and hence a ~ -(-a). On the other hand, -( -a) . 1 = -( -a)(a + -a) = -(-a) . a, and hence -( -a) ~ a. Thus, a = -(-a). Moreover, (a+b) +( -a' -b) = (a+ -a' -b) +b = (a ·a+a· -b+O+ -a' -b) +b = (a + -a) . (a + -b) + b = 1· (a + -b) + b = a + -b + b = 1.
EXERCISE 13.39 (G). Show that if B is a Boolean algebra and a, b e B, then (a + b) . (-a· -b) = 0.
The last exercise and duality yield the following:
LEMMA 13.24 (de Morgan's Laws). Let B be a Boolean algebra; a,b E B.
Then -(a + b) = -a' -b and -(a· b) = -a + -b.
EXERCISE 13.40 (G). Suppose A and B are Boolean algebras and r.p : A --+ B is such that r.p(OA) = OB, r.p(a· b) = r.p(a)· r.p(b), and r.p( -a) = -r.p(a) for all a, bE A. Use de Morgan's Laws to show that r.p is a homomorphism.
EXERCISE 13.41 (PG). Prove that if B is a Boolean algebra and a, bE B, then
(i) a . b = ° if and only if a . =b = a;
(ii) a . b = a if and only if -a . -b = -b; (iii) a ~ b if and only if a . -b = 0; and (iv) a ~ b if and only if -a + b = 1.
Let B be a Boolean algebra, and let a, b E B be such that a . b = 0. Then b::::; -a, i.e., -a is the largest element bE B with a· b = 0.
We say that -a is the' complement of a. By Exercise 13.41(iii)(iv), -a is the unique element b of B with a . b = ° and a + b = 1. In tenus of the Boolean order, -a is the largest element b of B such that a and b are incompatible in the p.o. (B+, ~), where B+ is an abbreviation for B\{O}.
For every Boolean algebra ~ = (B,+,·,-,O,l), let ~* = (B,·,+,-,l,O).
Since the dual of every axiom of the theory of Boolean algebras is also an axiom of this theory, it follows that ~* is a Boolean algebra. ~* is called the dual Boolean algebra of ~.
EXERCISE 13.42 (G). Show that for eachBoolean algebra ~ = (B, +,., -,0,1) the function 11" : B --+ B defined by 1I"(a) = -a is an isomorphism from ~ onto ~*.
Exercise 13.42 allows us to strengthen the duality principle to sentences that are not necessarily theorems of the theory of Boolean algebras. If r.p is any sentence of the language of Boolean algebra, <p* is the dual of <p, and ~ is a Boolean algebra,
then 93 1= cp if and only if 93* 1= ip", Since 93 ~ 93*, we can infer that 93 1= cp if and only if 93 1= ip" .
Now we are going to investigate the relation between set algebras and Boolean algebras in general. We are going to show that every Boolean algebra is isomorphic to a set algebra.
Let B be a Boolean algebra. A filter in B is a filter in the p.o. (B+, $B). If F is a filter and a, bE F then a . b is also an element of F, since a filter contains a lower bound for every two of its elements and a . b is the greatest lower bound of a and b.
LEMMA 13.25. Let B be a Boolean algebra. A filter F in B is an ultrafilter if and only if for each a E B exactly one of the elements a, -a is in F.
PROOF. Let F be a filter in B and let a E B be such that a, -a cf. F. Consider the sets
Fo = {a· b: b E F},
Fl = { -a . b : b E F}.
At least one of these sets does not contain 0 as an element, because otherwise there would exist bo, b1 E F such that a' bo = -a' b: = O. But then c = bo . b1 E F, and since a . c = -a· c = 0, we would have c = O. Let us assume that 0 cf. Fo, and let G = {b E B : 3c E Fo (c $ b)}. Then G is a filter in B with Fe G and a E G\F; hence F is not an ultrafilter.
On the other hand, note that a and -a cannot belong simultaneously to F, since in this case 0 = a . -a would also have to be an element of F, but 0 is not an element of B+. 0
Let B be a Boolean algebra, and let Ult B denote the set of all ultrafilters in
B. For a E B define
Ua. = {F E UltB: a E F},
and let
B' = {Ua. : a E B}.
Consider a,b E Band F E UltB. Then a E F und bE F if and only if a· b E F; and a E F or b E F if and only if a + b E F. Hence,
u; nUb = Ua.·b and u; U Ub = Ua.+b.
Moreover, since each ultrafilter contains exactly one of the elements a, -a, we have
ti.; =X\Ua.'
Thus (B', U, n, -,0, B') is a set algebra. Define a function 7r : B ---+ B' by 7r( a) = U«. Since 7r(a . b) = 7r(a) . 7r(b) and 7r( -a) = -7r(a) for all a, b E B, the function 7r is a homomorphism from B onto B'. It remains to show that 7r is one-to-one. Let a, b e B be such that a =I- b. Exercise 13.41(iii) implies that a· -b =I- 0 or -a· b =I- 0 (otherwise we would have a $ b and b $ a, and thus a = b). Without loss of generality assume a . -b =I- O. By Theorem 13.4 there exists an ultrafilter F that contains a· -b. But then F E U« \Ub, and hence U« =I- Ui; We have shown that 7r is one-to-one and have thereby proved the following theorem:
THEOREM 13.26. For every Boolean algebrn B there exist.5 a set algebra B' such that B ~ B'.
Next we want to show that the Boolean algebra B' of Theorem 13.26 can always be represented as the algebra of clop en subsets of a suitable topological space.
We need a few preliminaries. A topological space (X, 7) is totally disconnected if every connected subspace of X has at most one point. X is a Boolean space if X is a compact Hausdorff space that has a base consisting of clopen sets.
EXERCISE 13.43 (PG). (a) Prove that (X, 7) is a Boolean space if and only if it is a compact, totally disconnected Hausdorff space.
(b) Show that the product of an arbitrary family of Boolean spaces is again a Boolean space.
EXAMPLE 13.17. Let K, be a cardinal. The discrete space with K, points, i.e., the space (K" P (K,)), is denoted by D(K,). For K, < w the space D(K,) is Boolean. By Exercise 13.43(b), (D(2))A is a Boolean space for every cardinal X. Such spaces are called Cantor spaces.
EXERCISE 13.44 (PG). Let Do = I be the closed unit interval, let D1 = [0, ~lU [~, 1], and D2 = [1, i]U[~, ~]U[~, ~]U[&, 1]. In general, construct Dk+1 by removing the middle third from each interval of Di: Let D = nn<w Dn.
Show that D with the topology of a subspace of I is homeomorphic to (D(2))w.
This space is called the Cantor dis continuum or simply the Cantor set.
Let B be a Boolean algebra, and let 7 be the topology on Ult B generated by U = {Ua : a E B}. Note that U is a base for this topology, U consists of clopen sets, and the resulting space is Hausdorff. We show that (Ult B, 7) is compact. Consider an open cover V = {Vi : i E I} of UltB. Without loss of generality we may assume that the Vi's are elements of U. Then for each i E I there exists an ai E B such that Vi = Ua;. Suppose V does not contain a finite subcover. Then Ult B i- UiEH Ua; for each H E [I] <No. Thus F = {-ai : i E I} generates a filter on B. By Theorem 13.5 there exists an ultrafilter G in B such that F ~ G. But then G tf. U V, contradicting our assumption that V was a cover of ( Ult B, 7) .
The space (mt B, 7) is called the Stone space of B. It will be denoted by st B. Let us show that U is the family of clopen sets in st B. Suppose V ~ st B is clopen. Consider the family A = {U E U : U ~ V}. Then A is a cover of the compact set V, and thus has a finite subcover {U ao, ... ,U an -1 }. Let a = ao + a1 + ... + an-1. Then U« = Ui<n Us, = V, and hence V E U. Thus B ~ Clop(st B).
THEOREM 13.27 (Stone Duality Theorem). (a) Let B be a Boolean algebra.
Then Clop (st B) ~ B.
(b) Let X be a Boolean space. Then X is homeomorphic to st ( Clop X).
PROOF. Point (a) has already been shown. For the proof of point (b) let X be a Boolean space. The function that maps each x E X to {U E Clop X : x E U} is a homeomorphism between X and st(ClopX). 0
Let us give some examples of Stone spaces.
If B = P (n), then there are exactly n ultrafilters in Band st B is homeomor-
phic to D(n). .
Now consider B = Finco (w). For each nEw the set Fn = {A E Finco (w) : n E A} is an ultrafilter, and so is Fw = {A ~ w : Iw \ AI < w}. It is not hard to see that ou B = { Fa : a :::; w}, and U = {{ Fn} : n < w} U {{ Fa : n s a :::; w} : n < w}
is a base of the topology of st B. Thus st B is homeomorphic to the one-point compactification of D(w).
Let A be a Boolean algebra. A subset X ~ A is dense in A if for every a E A + there exists x E X with 0 < x :s a. Thus X is dense in A if and only if X\{O} is dense in the partial order (A+, :SA).
EXERCISE 13.45 (G). Let B be a Boolean algebra, and let A be a dense subset of B+. Show that U{Ua : a E A} is a dense open subset of st B.
Let '" be an infinite cardinal, B a Boolean algebra. We say that B satisfies the «-chain condition (x-c.c.) if the p.o. (B+, :SB) satisfies the "'-c.c. The Stone Duality Theorem implies that B has the x-c.c. if and only if st(B) has the IYC.C.
For set algebras, we introduced the notion of x-completeness. This notion can be generalized to the class of all Boolean algebras: A Boolean algebra B is "'complete if for every A E [B]<I<, sup A exists in the Boolean order (B, :S). We say that B is complete if B is IBI+ -complete.
If B is a Boolean algebra, X ~ B, and sup X or inf X exists, then we write EX for sup X and II X for inf X. We can treat E X and II X as infinitary operations. Let us prove a distributivity law for EX.
LEMMA 13.28. Let B be a Boolean algebm, a E B, X ~ B, and assume that EX exists. Then a· EX = E{a· x: x EX}.
PROOF. Let s = EX. We show that a . s is the least upper bound of {a . x : x E X}. First note that a· x :s a' s for every x E X; hence a· s is an upper bound of {a· x: x EX}.
Now let d be an arbitrary upper bound of {a· x: x E X}. Then a· x :s d for each x EX. The inequality a . x :s d implies x :s d + -a. Since this holds for all x EX, we conclude that s :s d + -a. Multiplying by a we get s . a :s d . a :s d, and hence s· a is the least upper bound of {a· x: x EX}. 0
EXERCISE 13.46 (PG). Let B be a Boolean algebra, X, Y ~ B, and assume
that EX, E Y exist. Show that (a) -EX=II{-x: XEX};
(b) EX·EY=E{x.y: XEX, yEY}.
We want to show that every Boolean algebra can be embedded as a dense subalgebra into a complete Boolean algebra. Let us first consider the analogue for linear orders.
Recall that a Dedekind cut in a 1.0. (L,:s) is a pair (A, B) of nonempty subsets of L such that An B = 0, Au B = L, and a < b whenever a E A and b E B. A Dedekind cut (A, B) is a gap if A has no largest element and B has no smallest element. Let us now use Dedekind cuts to show that every 1.0. (L,:s) can be extended to a complete 1.0. (L1, :S1) so that L is a dense subset of L, and, moreover, Va E Ll 3b, eEL (b :s a 1\ a :s c). Such a 1.0. (L, :S1) will be called a completion of (L, :s).
EXERCISE 13.47 (PG). Show that a 1.0. (L,:s) has, up to isomorphism, at most one completion.
Exercise 13.47 entitles us to speak from now on about the completion of a linear order. The next theorem is a generalization of Lemma 4.17.
THEOREM 13.29. Every l.o, (L,:s;) has a completion (L1,:S;I).
PROOF. Let (L,:s;) be a linear order. For a E L, let 0.= {b E L : b < a}. The Dedekind cut (a, L \ a) will be denoted by Sa. Let C be the set of all gaps in L. Finally, let C = {Sa : a E L} U C. Thus C contains all Dedekind cuts (A, B) such that A does not have a largest element or B does have a smallest element.
If (Ao, Bo) and (AI, B1) are Dedekind cuts such that Al 'l:. Ao, then Ao is an initial segment of AI. Thus we can define a linear order relation :S;C on C as follows: (Ao, Bo) :S;C (AI, B1) if and only if Ao ~ Al.
The function i : L ~ C defined by i(a) = Sa is an embedding of L into C, and it is easy to see that ilL] is dense in C.
Now we show that the 1.0. (C, :S;c) is complete. Consider a Dedekind cut (X, Y) in C, where X = {(Ai,Bi) : i E I} and Y = {(Dj,Ej) : j E J}. Let
B' = nBi.
A' - Uk
- .,
Then (A', B') E C and X :S;C (A', B') :S;C Y. Thus (C, :S;c) is complete. It is not hard to see that C has a minimum if and only if L does, and that a minimum element of C will necessarily be in the range of i. The same is true for maxima. This proves that 'Va E C3b, c E L (i(b) :S;C a 1\ a :S;C i(c)). 0
Now let us generalize Theorem 13.29 to arbitrary p.o, 's. First we consider p.o.'s with a special property.
We say that a p.o. (1P',:s;) is separative if for all p, q E IP' with p 1:. q there exists r E IP' such that r :s; p and r .L q.
Note that if B is a Boolean algebra, then B+ is separative. On the other hand, a linear order is separative if and only if it has at most one element.
EXERCISE 13.48 (G). Let (IP', :S;1l') and (Q, :S;iQI) be; assume (IP', :S;1l') is separative, and 7r : IP' ~ Q is a homomorphism from IP' onto Q such that 7r(p) ..L 7r(q) for all p, q E IP' with p .L q. Show that 7r is an isomorphism.
LEMMA 13.30. For every p.o. (IP', :S;1l') there exist a separative p.o. (Q, :S;iQI) and a surjection i : IP' ~ Q such that
(i) If p :S;1l' q then i(p) :S;iQI i(q); (ii) lfp .L q then i(p)..L i(q).
The p.o. (Q, :S;iQI) is unique up to isomorphism.
PROOF. We define a binary relation ~ on IP' by:
p ~ q if and only if 'Vr E IP' (r .,l. p ~ r .,l. q).
The relation ~ is transitive and reflexive. We let
p :::::i q if and only if p ~ q and q ~ p.
Then :::::i is an equivalence relation on 1P'. For p E IP' let [P] = {q E IP' : p :::::i q}, Le., let [P] be the equivalence class of p. Let Q = {[P] : p E 1P'}, and define a relation :S;iQI by: [P] :S;iQI [q] if and only if p ~ q. Define a function i : IP' ~ Q by i(p) = [Pl.
EXERCISE 13.49 (G). Convince yourself that this function i satisfies conditions (i) and (ii).
It remains to show that (Q, :S;iQI) is unique up to isomorphism. Assume that (R, :S;R) is a separative p.o. and j : IP' ~ R is a surjection such that
(i) If p :::;11" q then j(p) :::;IR j(q); (ii) If p L q then j(P) L j(q).
CLAIM 13.31. If Vr (r l- p - r l- q) then j(p) :::;IR j(q).
PROOF OF CLAIM 13.31. If j (p) ~JR j (q) then there exists s* E JR with s* :::;IR
j(p) and s· .L j(q). Let s E r1(s*). Note that s l- p and s .L q. 0
CLAIM 13.32. If s- (r l- p /\ r L q) then j(P) ~JR j(q).
PROOF OF CLAIM 13.32. If r l- p/\ r .L q then there exists s E IP' with s :::; r,p.
Since r .L q, we have s .L q. If j(p) :::;IR j(q) then j(s) :::;IR j(p) :::;IR j(q), and hence j(s) l- j(q), which contradicts the assumption. 0
EXERCISE 13.50 (G). Deduce from Claims 13.31 and 13.32 that (Q, :::;Q) ~
(JR, :::;lR). 0
EXERCISE 13.51 (G). Show that in the formulation of Lemma 13.30 point (ii) cannot be replaced by the condition: i(p) = i(q) iff Vr E lP'(r l- p f-+ r l- q). Hint: Consider the p.o.'s (1P'0, :::;0) and (1P'1' :::;1), where 1P'0 = IP'I = {O,l,2}, and the corresponding strict p.o. relations are <0= 0, <1= {(O, 1), (2, I)}.
Let ::; be the relation introduced in the proof of Lemma 13.30. Our next example demonstrates that lP] ::; [q] does not necessarily imply the existence of PI, q1 such that lP] = lPIJ, [q] = [qIJ, and PI :::; q1·
EXAMPLE 13.18. Let IP' = {ao, aI, a2, b, c}, and consider the strict p.o. relation <II" = {(ao,b), (a1,b), (ao, e), (a1,e), (a2,e)}. Then [b] = {b}, [e] = {e}, and [b]::; [e], but band c are not comparable in (IP', :::;JI».
If (A, B) is a Dedekind cut in a 1.0. (IP', :::;), then A is an open subset of IP' in the sense of the definition preceding Exercise 13.8. It also works the other way round:
If A is an open subset of IP', then there exists a unique B ~ IP' such that (A, B) is a Dedekind cut. So let us for the purpose of the next proof refer to open subsets of arbitrary p.o.'s as cuts. That is, if (IP',:::;) is a p.o., then U ~ IP' will be called a cut in IP' if Vp, q E IP' (p :::; q /\ q E U - P E U) . Note that if X is a nonempty set of cuts in IP', then U X and n X are also cuts in IP'.
For p E IP' let Up = P u {p}. A cut U is regular if for every p ~ U there exists q :::; p such that Uq n U = 0. Note that in a separative p.o. every cut of the form Up is regular. Moreover, the intersection of an arbitrary family of regular cuts is a regular cut.
LEMMA 13.33. Let (IP',:::;) be a separative p.o. Then there exists a complete Boolean algebra B such that IP' ~ B+, :::; = :::; B nIP' 2, and IP' is dense in B+. This Boolean algebra B is uniquely determined up to isomorphism.
PROOF. The construction is similar to the one used in the proof of Theorem 13.29.
Let B denote the set of all regular cuts in IP'. For U, V E B let U· V = Un V, U + V = n{W E B : U, V ~ W}. Finally, let -U = {p E P: Up n U =: 0}. Note that if p ~ -U, then Up n U ¥- 0, and hence there exists a q E Up with Uq ~ U. Then Uq n W = 0, and hence -U is a regular cut.
EXERCISE 13.52 (G). (a) Verify that (B, +,., -,0, JIb) is a Boolean algebra.
(b) Verify that the set-theoretic intersection of an arbitrary subset of B is the greatest lower bound for this subset in the sense of S.B. Conclude that B is a complete Boolean algebra.
(c) Show that the function i : JID ~ B+ defined by i(p) = Up is a dense embedding of JID into B+.
(d) Show that if Q: = (C, ... ) is a complete Boolean algebra with JID C C,
S = Sc nJID2, and if JID is a dense subset of C+, then Q: ~ (B, +,., -,0, JID). 0
Lemmas 13.30 and 13.33 yield the following:
THEOREM 13.34. Let (JID, S) be an arbitrary p.o. Then there exist a complete
Boolean algebra B and a function i : JID -+ B+ such that
(i) rng( i) is dense in B+;
(ii) Vp, q E JID (p S q -+ P SB q); (iii) Vp, q E JID (p .1 q ~-d(p) .1 i( q)).
Since for every Boolean algebra B the p.o. (B+, SB) is separative, Lemma 13.33 also implies:
COROLLARY 13.35. For each Boolean algebra B there exists a unique (up to isomorphism) complete Boolean algebra cB such that B+ is dense in cB.
The Boolean algebra cB of Corollary 13.35 is called the completion of B. Note that since B+ is dense in cB, every dense subset X of B is also a dense subset of cB.
In Example 13.16 we saw that the clopen subsets of any topological space form a set algebra, and hence a Boolean algebra. The Stone Duality Theorem shows that every Boolean algebra can be represented in this way. We conclude this section with a construction that associates a complete Boolean algebra with every topological space.
Let (X, T) be a topological space, A ~ X. We define the regularization of A by:
rA = int clA,
and call A regular open if r A = A. The family of all regular open subsets of X will be denoted by RO(X).
EXAMPLE 13.19. Open intervals are regular open subsets of lR. with the usual topology. The set (0,1) U (2, 3) is also regular open, but the set (0,1) U (1, 2) is not.
EXERCISE 13.53 (G). Let (JID, S) be a p.o. and let T be the topology on JID described in Exercise 13.8. Show that an open set in this topology is regular if and only if it is a regular cut in the sense of the proof of Lemma 13.33.
EXERCISE 13.54 (G). Prove that the operation r satisfies for each A, B ~ X and each open U ~ X:
( 13.4) (13.5)
VA,B ~ X(A ~ B -+ r A ~ r B); U~rU.
Let U and V be regular open. By 13.5, we have Un V ~ r (U n V). Moreover, since r(UnV) ~ rU = U and r(UnV) ~ rV = V, we also have r(UnV) ~ Unv. Thus
VU, V E RO(X) (U n V E RO(X)).
Let A be an arbitrary subset of X. Then r A = int cl A ~ cl A; hence also cl r A ~ cl cl A = cl A, and thus r r A =int cl r A ~ int cl A = r A. Together with 13.5 this implies
In other words, rAE RO(X) for each A ~ X.
If U is open, then 13.5 implies that U ~ r U. If V E RO(X) and U ~ V, then 13.4 implies that r U ~ r V. Thus r U is the smallest regular open set that contains U, i.e.,
\f V E RO(X) (U ~ V ~ r U ~ V).
Now suppose U E T and A ~ X. Then U nclA ~ cl (UnA). Thus UnrA = int U n int cl A = int (U n cl A) ~ int cl (U n A) = r (U n A). We have shown that
(13.9) \fU,A(UET~UnrA~r(UnA)).
If U and V are disjoint open sets, then also cl UnV = 0, and hence r UnV = 0.
Repeating this argument we get
\f U, VET (U n V = 0 ~ run r V = 0).
Now let U E T, V = int(X\U), and x E X\ (UUV). Then every neighborhood of x intersects U, thus x E cl U, and hence cl (U U V) = X.
For U E RO(X) we define
negU = int(X \ U).
Since X \ U is closed, 13.7 implies that neg U E RO(X). Moreover, we have
\f U E T (r (U U neg U) = X 1\ r (U n neg U) = 0).
Let us summarize what we have shown so far.
LEMMA 13.36. Let (X, T) be a topological space. Then (i) 0, X E RO(X);
(ii) RO(X) is closed under n and neg;
(iii) \f U E RO(X)(U n neg U = 01\ r (U U neg U) = X); (iv) \fU, V E RO(X)3W E RO(X) (U U V ~ W
I\\fW1 E RO(X) (UU V ~ Wi ~ W ~ Wd).
We define operations +,., - on RO(X) as follows: A + B = r (A U B), A· B = An B, -A = neg A. The structure (RO(X), +,., -, 0, X) is called the algebra of regular open subsets of X.
THEOREM 13.37. For every topological space X the structure (RO(X),+,·,-, 0, X) is a complete Boolean algebra.
PROOF. To show the first part of (Ba1), associativity of addition, let U, V, WE RO(X). Then U + (V + W) = r (U U r (V U W)) ~ r (U U r (U U V U W)) = r r (U U V U W)= r (U U V U W), and thus U U V U W ~ r (U U r(V U W)) ~ r (U U V U W). Applying the operation r to all of these sets we get r (U U V U W) ~ r (U U r (V U W)) ~ r (U U V U W), and hence U + (V + W) = r (U U V U W). A similar argument shows that (U + V) + W = r (U U V U W), and the equality U + (V + W) = (U + V) + W follows.
The second part of (Ba1) and the axioms (Ba2), (Ba3) follow immediately from the definitions. Axiom (Ba5) follows from Lemma 13.36(iii). For the proof of (Ba4) it suffices by Lemma 13.22 to show the first equality.
Let U, V, WE RO(X). Then U ~ U+V, and thus W·U ~ W·(U+V). A similar argument shows that W· V ~ W· (U + V), and hence W· U + W . V ~ W· (U + V). On the other hand, we have
W· (U + V) = Wnr(UUV)
~ r (W n (U U V)) (by 13.9)
=r((WnU)U(WnV)) =W·U+W·V.
Thus RO(X) is a Boolean algebra. Now let M ~ RO(X). Then r(UM) is the smallest regular open set that contains all sets from M. We have shown that RO(X) is a complete Boolean algebra. 0
EXERCISE 13.55 (PG). Show that the complete Boolean algebra constructed in the proof of Lemma 13.33 is the algebra of regular open subsets of the space X = IP with the topology of Exercise 13.8.
Note that Exercise 13.55 implies together with Lemma 13.33 that for every complete Boolean algebra B there exists a topological space X such that B is isomorphic to the algebra of regular open subsets of X.
Mathographical Remarks
One is naturally tempted to try forming ultrapowers <v jU of the whole universe V. Supposedly, such ultrapowers would be proper class models of all axioms of ZFC. The drawback of this approach is that one has to check very carefully that all objects under consideration are lawfully formed classes and not illegitimate concoctions like {V, ON}. Now <v and "'U can easily be construed as classes. There is a problem with <v jU though: If g E <v, then gjU is usually a proper class, and thus cannot be a member of the class sv jU. However, this problem can be overcome by using the same trick as in Definition 12.12. So it is not surprising that set theorists do study ultrapowers of V a lot. If U is nonprincipal and countably complete, then =v jU is wellfounded (i.e., the associated relational class that interprets E is), and moreover, it satisfies the assumptions of a generalization of Theorem 4.39 to proper relational classes. Hence, there exists a proper class M (the Mostowski collapse of <v jU) such that (M, E) ~ =v jU (the notation we are using here is of course politically incorrect, but it is more expressive than its translation into Ls). Moreover, there exists an elementary embedding iu : V -+ M (elementary embeddings will be defined and studied in Chapter 24). It turns out that there is a close correspondence between combinatorial properties of U and properties of the associated elementary embedding iu- This makes it possible to characterize large cardinal properties in terms of elementary embeddings; an approach that has been tremendously fruitful.
In this text we will not formally develop the machinery of elementary embeddings of proper classes. An introduction to these techniques can be found in T. Jech's Set Theory, Academic Press, 1978. The most up-to-date survey of large
cardinals and their associated elementary embeddings is contained in the monograph The Higher Infinite, by A. Kanamori, Springer Verlag, Vol. I: 1995, Vol. II: in preparation.
A tree is a p.o. (T, ST) such that for every t E T the initial segment £ = {s E T : s <T t} is wellordered by the relation ST. If it is more convenient to consider the corresponding strict p.o. relation, we will speak of the tree (T, < T)' If the relation is implied by the context, we will just speak of the tree T. Whenever T is a tree and 8 ~ T, then the suborder (8, ST) is also a tree. We call 8 a subtree ofT. The elements of a tree T are often called the nodes of the tree. Most trees considered in this chapter will have a minimum element. The minimum element of T, if it exists, is called the root of T. To get used to this terminology, let us contemplate a few examples:
EXAMPLE 14.1. See Figure 1.
EXAMPLE 14.2. See Figure 2.
EXAMPLE 14.3. See Figure 3.
The p.o.'s in 14.1 and 14.2 are trees with roots rl and r2' Moreover, (Tl UT2, :S1 U :S2) is also a tree, but one without root. I The p.o. in Example 14.3 is not a tree, since the initial segment V3 = {r3, s3, t3} is not wellordered.
EXAMPLE 14.4. If a is an ordinal, then (a, E) is a tree. Note that the tree of Example 14.2 is order-isomorphic to (4, E).
EXAMPLE 14.5. Let K,A be cardinals> 0, and let <I<A = U{QA : a < K}.
Then «I< A,~) is a tree. If A = 2, this tree is called the full binary tree of height K.
A node r of a tree T is splitting if there are nodes s, t E T such that r <T s, r <T t, and s, t are incomparable in (T, ~T)' In Example 14.1, the nodes rl and PI are splitting, whereas the nodes 01 and ni are not. If every node of T is splitting, then we say that the tree T is splitting. The trees in Examples 14.1, 14.2, 14.4 are not splitting. The tree in Example 14.5 is splitting if and only if K is infinite.
The height of a node t E T, denoted by ht(t), is the order type of t. The height of the tree T is the ordinal ht(T) = sup{ht(t) + 1 : t E T}. For an ordinal a we
lSome authors would call such a structure a forest and reserve the word tree for forests with a minimal element.
T(a) = {t E T: ht(t) = a}; T(a) = {t E T: ht(t) < a}.
T(a) is called the a-ili level of T, whereas T(a) is the initial part of height a of T. To illustrate these concepts, consider Example 14.1. Tl (2) = {Ol, ql, Ul, tl}, whereas (Tl)(2) = {PI, Sl, ri}. The height of both T, and T2 is 4. If a is an ordinal, then the height of (a, E) is a, every (J < a has height (J in this tree, and aCB) is simply (J.
In Example 14.5, if a < K. and f E a,X, then f has height a in <1t,X. Moreover, ht«It,X) = K..
EXERCISE 14.1 (PG). (a) Show that if T is any tree, then ht(T) = min{a E ON: T(a) = 0} and T = Ua<ht(T) T(a).
(b) Show that if (J < a < ht(T) and t E T(a), then there exists exactly one s E T((J) such that S <T t.
Let T be a tree. We say that a subset P of T is a path in T if P is a chain (i.e., linearly ordered by ~T) such that i ~ P for all t E P. A bmnch is a maximal path. A branch B is cofinal in T if B intersects every nonempty level of T, i.e., if ot((B, ~T)) = ht(T). For example, in (Tl ~l)' the chain {Pl,ql} is not a path, {rl,Pl} is a path but not a branch, {rl,Pl,ql} is a branch, but not cofinal, and {rl, Sl, Ul, Xl} is a cofinal branch. The only branch in (a, E) is a itself, and this branch is cofinal. The branches of «It A, ~) are sets of the form B f = {f r a : a < K.}, where fEIt,X, and every such branch is automatically co final.
EXERCISE 14.2 (G). Show that if T is a tree, then every chain C ~ T is contained in a branch B of T.
While the above exercise implies that every tree has a branch, it is not the case that every tree has a cofinal branch.
EXAMPLE 14.6. Let "Y > 0 be a limit ordinal, and let G = {(a, (J) : a < (J < "Y}. Define a p.o. relation ~G on G by:
(a, (J) ~G (a', (J') if and only if a ~ a' and (J = (J'.
EXERCISE 14.3 (G). Convince yourself that the p.o. {G, ~G) of Example 14.6 is a tree of height "Y without cofinal branch.
For each tree (T, ~T) the relation ~T is wellfounded. This allows us to construct mathematical objects by recursion over a given tree (T, ~T)' i.e., by recursion over the wellfounded relation ~T' The proof of Claim 11.5 is a nice illustration of this technique. We still owe you this proof, so let us give it now. First let us reproduce the claim.
CLAIM 14.1. Every closed subset of a Polish space is either countable or of cardinality 2No •
PROOF. Since singletons are closed subsets of Polish spaces, it follows from Exercise 11.9 that every Polish space has at most 2No points. Hence it suffices to show that each uncountable closed subset of a Polish space contains a subset of cardinality 2No. So let (X, r) be a Polish space and assume that {l is a complete metric on X that induces the topology -r, Consider an uncountable closed subset F of X, and let H = {x E F: 3c: > 0 (IB(x, s) n FI ~ No)}, where B(x, s) denotes the open ball with center X and radius c.
EXERCISE 14.4 (G). Show that (a) F\H is uncountable, and
(b) IB(x,c) n (F\H)I > ~o for each x E F\H and e > O.
Let T = <w2. Then (T,~) is the full binary tree of height w. By recursion over this tree, we construct functions f : T -+ F\H and 9 : T -+ T\ {0} as follows:
Let f(0) be an arbitrary element of F\H, and let G(0) be an open neighborhood of f(0) of diameter at most 1.
Since T doesn't have elements at level w or higher, we only need to specify how f(s~i) and g(s~i) are being constructed when f(s) and g(s) are given and iE{O,I}.
So suppose sET, and f(s),g(s) have been defined in such a way that g(s) E T and f(s) E F\H n g(s) . We let f(s~O), f(s~l) be two different points in g(s). Such points can be found by Exercise 14.4(b). Now we choose open sets g(s~O), g(s~l) such that for i E {O, I}:
(i) f(s~i) E g(s~i) C g(s);
(ii) The diameter of g(s~i) is at most 2-s-1; and (iii) cl (g(s~O)) n cl (g(s~I)) = 0.
EXERCISE 14.5 (G). Show by induction over T (Le., by induction over the wellfounded relation ~n T2) that for all s, t E T, if s ~ t, then e(f(s), f(t)) ::; 2-lsl.
N ow consider a function b : w ---> 2. The set {b r n : nEw} forms an infinite branch of T. For nEw, we define x~ = f(br n). By Exercise 14.5, the sequence (Xn)nEw is a Cauchy sequence. By completeness of e, this sequence must converge to a limit point xb EX. Since each x~ is in F and F is closed, xb must be an element of F.
Let b, c : w ---> 2 be two different functions, and let k be the smallest integer such that b(k) =J. c(k). To be specific, let us assume b(k) = 0 and c(k) = 1. By induction over T one can deduce from (i) that x~ E g(brk~O) and x~ E g(brk~l) for all n > k. Hence xb E cl(g(brk~O)) and XC E cl(g(brk~l)). By (iii), xb =J. XC.
Now consider the function sp : w2 -+ F that assigns xb to each b in its domain.
We have just shown that this function is injective. Since w2 has cardinality 2No, Claim 14.1 follows. 0
EXERCISE 14.6 (PG). Show that every dense Go-subset of the real line has cardinality 2No.
A careful analysis of the proof of Claim 14.1 yields an even stronger theorem. EXERCISE 14.7 (PG). Show that every uncountable closed subset of a Polish space contains a homeomorphic copy of the Cantor discontinuum defined in Exercise 13.44.
The crux in the proof of Claim 14.1 was the existence of lots of cofinal branches of the full binary tree of height w. For a cardinal n, let us call T a «-Kurepa tree if T has height n; every level of T is of cardinality < n; and T has > '" cofinal branches. Thus the full binary tree of height vi is an ~o-Kurepa tree.
Are there any ~1-Kurepa trees? Evidently, the full binary tree of height WI doesn't qualify.
EXERCISE 14.8 (G). Convince yourself that the full binary tree of height x is a x-Kurepa tree if and only if '" is a strong limit cardinal, i.e., 2>' < '" for all A < n,
From now on we will call NI-Kurepa trees simply Kurepa trees. The following statement is known as the K urepa Hypothesis.
(KH) There exists a K urepa tree.
Theorem 22.8 shows that KH is relatively consistent with ZFC. On the other hand, if the existence of an inaccessible cardinal is consistent with ZFC, then so is the negation of KH.
In many applications of trees it is crucial to know whether a given tree has at least one cofinal branch. The tree in Example 14.6 has no cofinal branches, but rather large levels (of size bl). On the other hand, the slender trees of Examples 14.2 and 14.4 have the property that every branch is cofinal. It is natural to conjecture that trees with relatively small levels will always contain cofinal branches. Let us explore this hunch.
LEMMA 14.2 (Konig). Let (T, :ST) be a tree of height w such that T(n) is finite for all nEw. Then T contains a cofinal branch.
PROOF. We construct recursively a sequence (tn)n<w of elements of T so that
for all n < w:
(i) tn <T tn+1;
(ii) tn E T(n);
(iii) I{s E T : tn <T s}1 = No·
Let to be any element of T(O) such that I{s E T: to <T s}1 = No.
Suppose t« has already been constructed in such a way that (ii) and (iii) hold.
Since \T(n + 1)\ < No, and since for every s with tn <T s there exists t E T(n + 1) with t :ST s, we can find t E T(n+1) with tn <T t such that I{s E T : t <T s}1 = No. We choose such a t as our tn+1•
Clearly, the set B = {tn : n < w} is a co final branch of T. D
In the proof of Lemma 14.2, we used the fact that if an infinite set is partitioned into finitely many subsets, then at least one of the sets in the partition must be infinite. This fact is a special case of the following lemma:
LEMMA 14.3. Let K. be an infinite cardinal, suppose IXI = K., and let Y be a family of cardinality < cf(K.) such that X = U y. Then at least one of the sets Y E Y has cardinality K..
EXERCISE 14.9 (G). Prove Lemma 14.3.
Applications of Konig's Lemma are sometimes called compactness arguments.
We have already encountered the word "compactness" in two other contexts: as a property of topological spaces and as the name of a theorem in mathematical logic. Does this exemplify the notorious lack of mathematician's creativeness in choosing their vocabularyr' or is the same phenomenon popping up in combinatorial, topological, and logical disguise?
The attentive' reader will have noticed the word "choose" in the penultimate line of the proof of Lemma 14.2. This word indicates that the Axiom of Choice
2Did you ever notice how fond mathematicians are of the adjectives nonnal, regular, and nice? Quite predictably, set theorists have their normal trees, but no mature, shady, or majestic ones.
(more precisely, the Principle of Dependent Choices) has been used in our proof. Not as a matter of convenience, but out of necessity: Konig's Lemma is not provable in ZF.
EXERCISE 14.10 (G). Show that the theory ZF + Konig's Lemma entails that I1nEw Xn f. 0 for every indexed family {Xn : nEw} of nonempty finite sets.
EXERCISE 14.11 (G). If T is as in Lemma 14.2, then each level T(n) is finite and can be wellordered without the help of the Axiom of Choice. Why can't we prove Lemma 14.2 in ZF by always letting t« be the smallest eligible element of T(n)?
We are going to show that Konig's Lemma is equivalent (i.e., equivalent in ZF) to weak versions of Tychonoff's Theorem and the Compactness Theorem. If you are not curious how such logical niceties illuminate the connection between seemingly disparate notions of compactness, you may want to skip ahead and resume reading right after Exercise 14.23.
Consider the following statements:
(WTY) Every product I1nEw Xn of finite non empty Hausdorff spaces Xn is nonempty and compact.
(WCT) Let L be a first-order language without functional symbols, and let (Sn)nEw be an increasing sequence of finite sets
of quantifier-free sentences of L. If each Sn has a model, then the theory S = UnEw Sn also has a model.
THEOREM 14.4 (ZF). The following statements are equivalent:
(i) Konig's Lemma;
(ii) WTY;
(iii) WCT.
Before proving Theorem 14.4, let us draw your attention to some subtleties in the wording of WTY and WCT. For k E w\{O} let D(k) denote the k-element space {O, ... , k - I} with the discrete topology. Now consider the statements:
(vWTY) For every sequence (kn)nEw of positive integers
the product I1nEw D(kn) is nonempty and compact.
(vWCT) Let L be a first-order language without functional symbols,
and let ('Pk)kEW be a sequence of quantifier-free sentences of L. If for each nEw the theory {'Pk : k < n} has a model,
then the theory {'Pk : k E w} also has a model.
It may appear that vWTY says the same as WTY and vWCT says the same as vWCT, but this is not the case.
EXERCISE 14.12 (X). Prove that vWTY and vWCT are theorems of ZF. Note also that in stating WCT we used the phrase "S has a model" rather than "S is consistent." Recall that a theory S is consistent if no contradiction can be derived from S. But since formal derivations (i.e., proofs) are finite strings of formulas that can contain only finitely many formulas from S, one does not need the Axiom of Choice to show that if a theory is inconsistent, then it has an inconsistent finite fragment. Of course, by the Completeness Theorem, a theory S is consistent if and only if it has a model. But all known proofs of the Completeness
Theorem use the Axiom of Choice. Thus Theorem 14.4 implies that any proof of the Completeness Theorem must use the Axiom of Choice.
PROOF OF THEOREM 14.4. Let us start with the easiest part and show that WTY implies Konig's Lemma. So suppose that (T, :::;T) is a tree of height w with all levels finite. We can treat each T(n) as a discrete topological space. Let X = TInEw T(n). By WTY, this is a nonempty compact space.
For k E w, let Uk = {x EX: x(k) 1:.T x(k + I)}. Each U» is open in X.
CLAIM 14.5. For each nEw, the set Uk::;n Uk does not cover X.
PROOF. Fix nEw and let t E T(n + 1) be such that for all m > n there exists r E T(m) with t :::;T r. For each k :::; n + 1 let t(k) be the unique s E T(k) such that s :::;T t. By WTY, the space Y = TIk<n+l {t(k)} x TIk>n+l T(k) is nonempty. Let y E Y. Then y(k) = t(k) for all k:::; n+1; hence y(k) :::;T y(k+ 1) for all k:::; n. Thus y E X\ Uk::;n ti; 0
Now WTY applied to X implies that the family {Un: nEw} is not a cover of
X. Let x E X\ UnEw Un. Then x(n) :::;T x(n+1) for all nEw; hence {x(n) : nEw} is an infinite branch of T.
Next let us prove that Konig's Lemma implies WCT. Let L, (Sn)nEw be as in WCT, and assume that each Sn has a model. Let {ri : i E I} and {Ck : k E K} be the sets of relational and constant symbols of L. Recall that, in general, atomic formulas of a first-order language are of the form to = tl or r(to, ... ,tn-I), where the t/s are terms and r is a relational symbol. Since our language L does not contain functional symbols, the only terms of L are variables and constant symbols. Moreover, if rp E Sn for some nEw, then rp is quantifier-free, and hence rp is built up from atomic formulas with the help of logical connectives (..." /\, V, ---+,~, or, in a more purist view, just..., and /\). Such formulas are called Boolean combinations of atomic formulas. If rp E Sn for some nEw, then rp is also a sentence, i.e., a formula without free variables. Since rp contains no quantifier, every variable occurring in rp would have to be free, which implies that there are no variables in rp. Let us coin the term tidy formulas for Boolean combinations of formulas of the form Cko = Ck1 and ri(cko,'" ,Ckm_l)' where the Ck/S are constant symbols, and ri is a relational symbol of arity m. It follows from the above considerations that all formulas appearing in the Sn's are tidy formulas.
CLAIM 14.6. Let L be as above, and let ~ = (A, (Rf)iEI, (Ct)kEK) and IB = (B, (Rf)iEJ, (Cf)kEK) be models of L. Assume that rp is a tidy formula of L, and let 10 ~ I, Ko ~ K be such that no relational symbol r, for i E 1\10 and no constant symbol Ck for k E K\Ko occurs in ip, If ct = cf for all k E Ko and Rf nCro(i) = Rf nCro(i) for all i E I, where C = {ct : k E Ko} and To(i) denotes the arity of ri, then ~ F rp if and only if IB F rp.
Despite its lengthy text, Claim 14.6 should be quite plausible. You may even wonder why we pothered formulating it.
EXERCISE 14.13 (PG). Give an example of a language L without functional symbols and a sentence rp of L that shows that the assumption of tidiness cannot be dropped in Claim 14.6.
EXERCISE 14.14 (PG). Prove Claim 14.6 by induction over the length of rp.
EXERCISE 14.15 (X). Formulate and prove an analogue of Claim 14.6 for sentences 'P without quantifiers that may contain not only constant and relational symbols, but functional symbols as well.
COROLLARY 14.7. If S is a nonempty set of tidy formulas of Land S has any model at all, then S has a model whose size does not exceed the cardinality of the set of constant symbols that occur in the formulas of S.
PROOF. Let S be as in the assumptions, and let 2t = (A, (Rf)iEI, (CfhEK) be a model of S. Define Ko = {k E K : Ck occurs in some 'P E S}, and let Al = {Ck : k E Ko}. Since S is nonempty, and since every tidy formula must contain at least one constant symbol, Ko # 0. Let ko E Ko, and let
Ck = Cf for all k E Ko, Ck = Cko for all k E K\Ko.
By Claim 14.6, the model2t1 = (AI, (Rfn(At)""o(i))iEI, (Ck)kEK) is as required. 0
Now let us assume that Konig's Lemma holds and prove that the theory S = UnEw Sn has a model. For each nEw, let Kn = {k E K : Ck occurs in some 'P E Sn} and In = {i E I : ri occurs in some 'P E Sn}. Since Sn ~ Sn+1, we also have that Kn ~ Kn+1 and In ~ In+1' For technical reasons we will assume that Kn is a proper subset of Kn+l for all n E w.3 Let mn = IKnl. Since the nature of the objects that comprise the universe of a model does not matter, Corollary 14.7 implies that every theory Sn has a model with universe {a, 1, ... ,mn -I}. Define:
Mn = {M : M = (mn' (Rf!)iEIn, (Cf:)kEKn)" M l= Sn}.
Since the sets In, Kn are finite, and since for each nEw and i E In there are only finitely many subsets of m~o(i) and finitely many functions from Kn into mn, the sets Mn are finite. Now let T = UnEw Mn, and define a relation :ST on T by letting M :ST N if and only if M is a submodel of N.
EXERCISE 14.16 (G). Show that T(n) = Mn for all nEw. Hint: It is here that you will have to use the extra assumption that Kn is a proper subset of Kn+l.
Since each Mn is finite and nonempty, Konig's Lemma implies that there exists a cofinal branch B = {Mn : nEw} of T such that Mn E Mn for each nEw. Fix such B and define:
M = (w, (Rf!)iEU"ew In' (Cf:)kEUnew Kn),
where Rtt = U{R:W" : i E In} and Cf: = Cf:n for some (equivalently: all) n such that k E Kn.
EXERCISE 14.17 (PG). Show that M ~ S.
It appears that we have proved WCT. But have we really done that? If 1# UnEw In or K =I=- UnEw Kn, then the model M we just constructed is not a model of L, but only of a fragment of L. But do we need to construct a model of L? The last sentence of WCT postulates the existence of a model of S, not a "model of L that is also a model of S." So we are done with our proof, aren't we? Well, yes and no. You will probably admit that the phrase "model of L that is also a model
3This does not lead to loss of generality, since we can expand L to a new language L + by adding new constant symbols {dn : nEw}, extend each Sn to s;t = Sn U {dn = dn}, and prove the existence of a model Ql+ for UnEw s;t. The L-reduct of a+ will then be the required model of S.
of S" is a bit awkward. Although mathematicians usually express themselves very explicitly, in polite company it is understood that if a paragraph starts with "Let L be a first-order language" then each subsequent use of the word "model" refers to models of L, unless something to the contrary is said. So let us bow to the rules of etiquette and conclude this part of our argument with one last exercise.
EXERCISE 14.18 (PG). Let L - ~ L be two first-order languages, and let S be a set of sentences in L -. Show that if there exists a nonempty model M of Lsuch that M F S, then there exists a model N of L such that N F S. Be careful to avoid using the Axiom of Choice.
Finally, let us assume WCT and derive WTY. Let (Xn)nEw be a sequence of nonempty finite sets. We first show that TInEw x, =f. 0. Define K = UnEw x, X {n}. Let us treat each (x, n) E K as a constant symbol in a first-order language L. The only other nonlogical symbol of L will be a relational symbol r of arity 1. All models considered below will be models of this language L.
To illustrate our line of reasoning, we will first show you a slightly phony version
of the argument. While reading it, you should work on the following:
EXERCISE 14.19 (G). Catch us cheating.
For each nEw, let S;; be the following set of formulas:
S;; = {'Pn} U {-,(r((a,n)) 1\ r((b,n))): (a,b) E (Xn)2\{(a,a) : a E Xn}}, where 'Pn is the disjunction of all formulas r( (a, n)), i.e., something like r( (a, n)) V r( (b, n)) V ... V r( (z, n)) if Xn happens to have 26 elements. (For larger Xn's, you may have to borrow some characters from the Chinese.)
Now let us put Sn = Uk<n S;;. Each Sn obviously has a model; the Sn's are increasing and composed of tidy sentences. Thus WCT applies, and there exists a model ~ = (A, R, (Ck)kEK) such that ~ F S, where S = UnEw Sn. By the choice of S;;, for each nEw there exists a unique an E Xn such that ~ F R( (an' n)). Let f be the function with domain w such that f(n) is this unique an for each nEw. Then f E TInEw Xn, hence TInEw Xn =f. 0.
So, where did we cheat? Of course, we said "obviously" in one place, and we hope this put you in high alert mode, but this wasn't where we cheated. The act of cheating occured when we called 'Pn the disjunction of all formulas r( (a, n)) for a E Xn. To see why this is problematic, recall that formulas are finite strings of symbols. Thus when choosing a disjunction of formulas r( (a, n)), we automatically choose the order in which the (a,n)'s occur in this formula. Hence choosing a sequence ('Pn)nEw as in our argument entails choosing 1.0. relations on all Xn's simultaneously, which in the absence of the Axiom of Choice may be impossible.
Note that the second part of the definition of S;; does not suffer from the same defect: Since we have a finite set of formulas, and since for every ordered pair (a, b) E (Xn)2\{(a,a): A E Xn} the formula -,(r((a,n)) I\r((b,n))) appears in it, no order on Xn can be extracted from this set alone." This observation suggests how we can overcome the problem. Suppose Xn = {a, b, ... ,z} (with Chinese characters inserted if necessary), and a : Xn --+ Xn is any permutation of Xn. Let 'PO'
4Note the use of ordered pairs here. Even mathematically trained authors might happily define a set offormulas like {x = y: {x, y} E [{a, b, e}J2} without ever realizing that this definition is ambiguous. But is the latter set equal to {a = b, a = c, b = c}, or equal to {b = a, c = a, c = b}?
be the formula:
r((O"(a),n)) Vr((O"(b),n)) V··· V r((O"(z),n)).
Now define:
S~ = {<PO" : 0" is a permutation of Xn}
U {-,(r( (a, n)) /\ r( (b, n))) : (a, b) E (Xn)2\ {(a, a) : a E Xn}}, and let S! = Uk~n S~ for all nEw.
EXERCISE 14.20 (PG). Convince yourself that the sequence (S~)nEw does not depend on any particular choice of orderings of the Xn's and can be defined without invoking the Axiom of Choice.
EXERCISE 14.21 (G). Use the sequence (S~)nEw and WCT to show that the product I1nEw x; is nonempty.
Now consider each Xn as a discrete topological space, and let X = I1nEw Xn with the product topology. Recall that the family {[I] : 3N E w (f E I1n<N Xn)}, where [I] = {F EX: 1 c F}, is a base for the topology on X. Let U be a family of open subsets of X. For each nEw, let S~ be defined as above, and let
S:; = S~ U {-'(r((f(O), 0)) /\ r((f(l), 1)) /\ ... /\ r( (f(n), n))) :
1 E II x; r; 3U E U ([I] ~ U)}.
EXERCISE 14.22 (PG). (a) Convince yourself that the sequence (S:;)nEw has been defined without reference to the Axiom of Choice.
(b) Show that for every nEw the theory S:; has a model if and only if U V -=J. X for every V E [U]<~o.
(c) Use WCT to deduce that X is compact. 0
EXERCISE 14.23 (PG). Having seen the proof of Theorem 14.4, try your luck with Exercise 14.12 again.
If K is an infinite cardinal, then a n-tree is a tree T of height K such that IT(a)1 < K for every a < K. In particular, a x-Kurepa tree is a x-tree, A KAronszajn tree is a x-tree without cofinal branches. An ~1-Aronszajn tree is simply called an Aronszajn tree. An infinite cardinal K has the tree property if there are no x-Aronszajn trees.
Konig's Lemma asserts that ~o has the tree property. Is the analogue of Lemma 14.2 true for other infinite cardinals K? Let us assume T is a x-tree, and let us try to construct recursively a co final branch (te)e</t as in the proof of Lemma 14.2. To get started, we would want to choose to E T(O) such that I{s E T : to <T s}1 = K. Can we do that? Well, there are fewer that K nodes in T(O), and by Lemma 14.2... Wait a minute. What if K is singular and IT(O)I2: C/(K)?
EXERCISE 14.24 (G). Show that if K is a singular uncountable cardinal, then there exists a x-Aronszajn tree. Hint: Modify Example 14.6.
O.k., let us assume that K is regular. Then we can use Lemma 14.3 to construct to <T t1 <T h <T ... <T tn <T ... in such a way that I{ sET: tn <T s]] = K for all nEw. But what can we do at stage w? For each individual tn, the set of
<r-successors is large, but this does not imply that there are many (or in fact any) nodes in T that sit above all the tn's. Sure enough, there must be some sequence to <r t~ <r t; <r ... <r t~ <r ... <r t~ such that I{s E T: t~ <r s}1 = "', but we may have missed it. So what can we do? Scrapping our sequence (tn)nEw and starting all over again with (t~)nEw isn't really an option since we may run into exactly the same problem at levels w + w, ... , w·2, •.. , ur'", .... So, perhaps there are at least some uncountable regular cardinals", without the tree property? The next theorem shows that Nl is one of them.
THEOREM 14.8. There exists an Aronszejn tree.
PROOF. Let E = {e E <WIW : e is an injection and Iw\rng(e)I := No}. On E, we define a binary relation ~* as follows:
Note that ~* is a partial pre-order relation, i.e., reflexive and transitive. Hence, the relation =* defined by:
eo =* el if and only if eo ~* el and el ~* eo is an equivalence relation on E.
We construct recursively a transfinite sequence (ee)e<wI of elements of E such
that dom(ee) = ~ and ee ~* ery for all ~ < "., < WI.
To get started, let eo = 0.
Given ee, let ee+l = ee U {(~, min (w\rng (ee))) }.
If 0 < {j < WI is a limit ordinal and ee is defined for all ~ < b, we choose an increasing sequence (~n)nEw of ordinals less than {j such that {j = SUP{~n : nEw} and use the following lemma to find a suitable eo.
LEMMA 14.9. Suppose (en)nEw is a sequence 01 functions in E such that en ~* en+! lor all nEw. Then there exists an e E E such that dom(e) := UnEw dom(en) and en ~* e lor all nEw.
PROOF. Let (en)nEw be as in the assumptions. By recursion over w we construct functions In E E and a set {an: nEw} ~ w as follows:
10 := eo; aD = min(w\rng(fo)).
Given In such that In =* en and {aD, ... ,an}, let
Bn = {k E dom(en+l)\dom(en) : en+!(k) E rng(fn) U {aD, ... , an}}.
EXERCISE 14.25 (G). Show that Bn is a finite set.
Let dom(Jn+!) = dom(en+!). For k E dom(en+l)\(dom(en) UBn), let In+l(k) be equal to en+l(k), and define In+l rBn in such a way that In+! is a one-toone function with range disjoint from the set {aD, ... ,an}. Since w\rng(en+d is infinite, we have plenty of room to define In+! r Bn in this way. Finally, let an+l be the smallest element of the set (w\rng(fn+!)) U {aD, ... an}. Note that In+! =* en+!j and hence we are ready for the next step of the construction.
Now let e = UnEw In. It is not hard to see that this is a one-to-one function from UnEw dom(en) into w with rng(e) n {an: nEw} = 0. Hence e E E; and a straightforward verification shows that en ~* e for all nEw. 0
Given a sequence (ee)e<Wl as above, let T = {e E E : 3~ < WI (e =* ee)}. We show that (T,~) is an Aronszajn tree. First note that if e E T, then e = {e] 1/ : 1/ E dom( e) }. This set is wellordered by inclusion and has order type dom( e). Hence T is a tree, and ht(e) = dom(e) for all e E T. It follows that T(~) = {e E E : e =* ed for ~ < WI, and T(~) = 0 for ~ 2:: WI' Thus ht(T) = WI.
EXERCISE 14.26 (G). Show that every level of T is countable.
It remains to show that T has no uncountable branches. Note that if (e7))7)<o is an increasing chain in T, then (rng(e7)))7)<o is a sequence of subsets of W that is wellordered by inclusion. The following exercise concludes the proof of Theorem 14.8.
EXERCISE 14.27 (G). (a) Show that if 8 E ON and (A7))7)<o is a strictly increasing sequence of subsets of w, then 8 < WI.
(b) It is important that the sequence in (a) is wellordered. Give an example of a family (Ar)rEIR of subsets of W such that Ar is a proper subset of A8 whenever r < s. D
Can we use a similar technique as in the proof of Theorem 14.8 to construct an N2-Aronszajn tree? To explore this question, let EI = {e E <w2WI : e is an injection and IWI \rng(e)1 = Nd· On EI, we define a binary relation ~* as follows:
eo ~* el iff dom(eo) ~ dom(eI) and I{~ E dom(eo) : eo(~) i- eI(~)}1 < NI.
Consider the equivalence relation ::::::* defined by:
eo ::::::* el iff eo ~* el and el ~* eo.
We would like to construct a sequence (e~)~<Wl of elements of EI such that (a) dom(e~) = ~ for all ~ < W2;
(b) e~ ~* e7) for all ~ < 1/ < W2·
Given a sequence (e~)~<W2 that satisfies (a) and (b), we'd like to define T = {e E EI : 3~ < W2 (e ::::::* e~)}. The same argument as in the proof of Theorem 14.8 shows that (T,~) is a tree of height W2 without cofinal branches. For ~ < W2, the ~-th level T(~) of this tree is equal to {e E EI : e ::::::* ed. It is not hard to see that IT(~)I = N~o if W ~ ~ < W2. Thus, if CH holds, (T,~) will turn out to be an N2-Aronszajn tree.
But can we construct a sequence (e~)~<W2 that satisfies conditions (a) and (b)?
Let us try to proceed as in the proof of Theorem 14.8. We let eo = 0. Given e~, one can construct e~+1 exactly as in the proof of Theorem 14.8. But limit stages pose a new challenge. To illustrate the problem, suppose 8 > 0 is a limit ordinal of countable cofinality, and (~n)nEw is an increasing sequence of ordinals with limnEw ~n = 8. For simplicity, suppose that e~n ~ e~n+l for all nEw.
EXERCISE 14.28 (G). Convince yourself that if UnEw rng(e~J = WI, then there is no eo EEl such that e~n ~* eo for all nEw.
How can we prevent the situation described in Exercise 14.28 from ever arising?
Evidently, the requirement that IWI \rng(e~)1 ~ NI is not sufficient. We can make the requirement more stringent by fixing a proper ideal I of subsets of WI and considering the following subset of EI:
E2 = {e E <W2 WI : e is an injection and rng( e) E I}.
What properties should I have so that our construction will work? First of all, we will want I to contain some uncountable sets. Let us require that I has the following property:
(i) VA E I3B E [W1]Nl (A n B = 0" A U BE I).
Second, in order to get our construction past limit stages of countable cofinality, we will want I to be countably complete; i.e., we want I to satisfy the following:
(H) If A E [I] No , then U A E I.
Note that if I satisfies (H), 8 < W2 is a limit ordinal of countable cofinality, (~n)nEw is an increasing sequence of ordinals cofinal in 8, and for each nEw we have constructed een E E2 such that een ~ een+l for all nEw, then we can simply define eli = UnEw een'
It remains to' consider limit stages 8 of cofinality W1. Let us assume that
(~a)a<wl is an increasing sequence of ordinals cofinal in 8, and the ee", 's have already been chosen from the set E2. For the sake of simplicity, let us assume that ee", ~ ee13 for all a < f3 < W1. If there exists eli E E2 such that eea :::;* eli, there must exist B E I with Irng(eeJ\BI < ~1 for all a < W1. In other words, we need to require the following property of I:
(iii) If A E [I]Nl, then there exists B E I such that IA\BI < ~1 for all A E A.
It turns out that this property also suffices. Given B as above, use (i) to find C E [wdN1 that is disjoint from B and still a member of the ideal I. Now define recursively eea as follows: If ee", (1]) E B, then let e~J 1]) = eea (1]). If eea (1]) tJ. B, then let eea (1]) be the smallest ordinal in C that has not yet been used in the construction. Finally, let eli = UaEwl e~a'
EXERCISE 14.29 (G). Convince yourself that this construction yields a sequence (ee)e<Wl of elements of E2 that satisfies conditions (a) and (b).
But does there exist an ideal I that satisfies conditions (i)-(iii)? In Chapter 21 (Lemma 21.11) we will prove the following:
LEMMA 14.10. Let", be a regular uncountable cardinal. Then there exists an
ideal N SI< on '" with the following properties:
(i) VA E NSI<3B E [",]1< (A n B = 0" AU B E NSI<); (H) If A E [NSI<]<I< , then UA E NSI<;
(Hi) If A E [NSI<]I<, then 3B E NSI<VA E A(IA\BI < x).
EXERCISE 14.30 (G). Use Lemma 14.10 to prove the following:
THEOREM 14.11. If", is a regular infinite cardinal such that 2<1< = n, then there exists a ",+ -Aronszajn tree.
If GCH holds, then 2<1< = '" for every infinite cardinal n: Hence GCH implies the existence of ",+ -Aronszajn trees for every regular infinite cardinal n. It follows that if GCH holds, then every uncountable cardinal with the tree property is either the successor of a singular cardinal, or strongly inaccessible. Strongly inaccessible cardinals with the tree property are called weakly compact cardinals. In Chapters 15 and 24 we will give some alternative characterizations of weakly compact cardinals.
There are other constructions of Aronszajn trees than the one used in the proof of Theorem 14.8. Let us sketch one of them. Let P be the set of all nonempty
compact subsets of the rationals Q, and let :::;e denote end-extension, i.e., K:::;e L if and only if K ~ Land Vp E KVq E L\K(p:::; q).
EXERCISE 14.31 (G). Convince yourself that (P, :::;e) is a p.o. without uncountable wellordered chains.
So if T ~ lP' and (T, :::;e) is an w1-tree, then (T, :::;e) is automatically an Aronszajn tree. But how to construct an w1-subtree of lP'? By transfinite recursion of course, that is, level by level. It is easy to construct T(O), T(l), T(2), ... in such a way that (TCw) , :::;e) is a splitting tree of height W with countable levels. Then Tew) has 2~o cofinal branches. Since T(w) is supposed to be countable, we will put nodes in T(w) only on top of countably many of these branches. Note that a branch in TCw) will remain a branch in T if and only if it has no extension in T(w). But are there any cofinal branches of TCw) that can be extended? Not necessarily. Note that an increasing chain Ko :::;e K1 :::;e K2 :::;e ... is unbounded in (lP', :::;e) if and only if limn->oo max(Kn) = 00. Thus, had we chosen for example the T(n)'s in such a way that max(K) ;::: n for all nEw and K E T(n), then none of the branches in TCw) could be extended. The trick is to give ourselves the necessary flexibility by requiring that the following condition (*)", holds for every a < W1:
(*)", V~ < T/ < aVK E T(~)Vq E Q(q > maxK --+ 3L E T(TJ)K:::;e Ll\maxL:::; q).
EXERCISE 14.32 (PG). (a) Suppose that 8 E Wl n LIM and (Teo), :::;e) is constructed as above. Show that if (*)0 holds, then at least some cofinal branches of Teo) can be extended.
(b) Construct a T ~ lP' such that (T, :::;e) is an w1-tree.
An antichain in a tree (T,:::;T) is a subset A ~ T of pairwise incomparable elements of T. This notion of "antichain" is different from the one in Chapter 13, but there is a close connection between the two concepts.
EXERCISE 14.33 (G). Show that if T is a tree and A ~ T, then A consists of pairwise incomparable elements if and only if it consists of elements that are pairwise incompatible in the dual p.o. (T':::;T)'
EXAMPLE 14.7. Every level T(a) of a tree T is an antichain in T. The set {nl' qs, t1, yt} is an antichain in the tree of Example 14.1.
If an denotes the function with domain n + 1 that takes values an(n) = 1 and an (k) = 0 for all k < n, then {an: nEw} is an antichain in the full binary tree of height w.
EXERCISE 14.34 (G). Show that if T is a splitting tree and T has a branch of cardinality K, then T also has an antichain of cardinality K.
Trees of height W1 without uncountable chains or antichains are called Sus lin trees.5 The Suslin Hypothesis, abbreviated SH, is the following statement:
(SH) There are no Suslin trees.
Note that the Kurepa Hypothesis asserts that there are Kurepa trees, while the Suslin Hypothesis asserts that there are noSuslin trees. Was Suslin a nihilist?
Obviously, Suslin trees are Aronszajn trees. The converse is not so obvious, since the absence of uncountable antichains of the form T( a) does not automatically imply that a tree T has no antichains whatsoever. In fact, the assertion that every
5 Read: "Soosleen." One often sees the spelling "Souslin."
Aronszajn tree is Suslin is simply false. To see this, consider the tree (T, ::;e) constructed in Exercise 14.32. Each element of T is a nonempty compact subset of Q and hence has a maximum element. Let f : T -+ Q be the function that assigns to each t E T its maximum element. Then f satisfies the following condition:
(*) Vs,t E T(s <T t -+ f(s) <T f(t)).
A function f : T -+ Q that satisfies (*) will be called a Q-embedding of T, and a tree T will be called Q-embeddable if there exists a Q-embedding of T. An Aronszajn tree T is special if T is a union of countably many antichains. Note that if f : T -+ Q is a Q-embedding of T, then f-l{q} is an antichain for every q E Q. Thus Q-embeddable Aronszajn trees are special. In particular, the tree constructed in Exercise 14.32 is special. Since Aronszajn trees have ~1 nodes, it follows from Lemma 14.3 that each special Aronszajn tree has an uncountable antichain. Thus special Aronszajn trees are never Suslin.
Is the Aronszajn tree constructed in the proof of Theorem 14.8 also special?
Yes, but we will have to use a different argument to prove it.
So let (To,~) be an Aronszajn tree as in the proof of Theorem 14.8, and let S = Ua<wl To(a + 1). Clearly, (S,~) is still an Aronszajn tree. If s E S, then
s : a + 1 ~ W for some a E WI. Define a function 'Tr : S -+ W by 'Tr(s) = s(max dom(s)).
EXERCISE 14.35 (G). Convince yourself that 'Tr is a specializing function for S, i.e., show that 'Tr-1 {n} is an antichain in S for every nEw.
We have shown that S is special. How about To itself?
EXERCISE 14.36 (G). Let h : To -+ S be a function that assigns to each t E To(a) a node h(t) E To(a+1) with t ~ h(t). Let 'Tr be as above, and define 'Trl = noh, Show that 'Trl is a specializing function for T.
We have shown that To is special. But is To also Q-embeddable? Yes.
LEMMA 14.12. Let T be an Aronszajn tree. Then the following are equivalent: (i) T is special;
(ii) T is Q-embeddable.
PROOF. We have already seen that Q-embeddable Aronszajn trees are special.
To prove the converse, let us assume that (T, ::;T) is a special Aronszajn tree, and let 'Tr : T -+ w be a specializing function. Define a function f with domain T by:
f(t) =
{n: 3s (s:5Ttl\1r(s)=n)}
EXERCISE 14.37 (G). Show that f is a Q-embedding of T.
In Chapter 19 we will show that Martin's Axiom (a statement relatively consistent with ZFC) implies that every Aronszajn tree is special, which in turn implies the Suslin Hypothesis. In Chapter 22 we will prove that the existence of a Suslin tree, i.e., the negation of the Suslin Hypothesis, is also relatively consistent with ZFC.
CLAIM 14.13. Let « be a regular infinite cardinal, and let T be a «-tree without cofinal branches. Then there exists a splitting «-subtree SofT.
PROOF. Let K, T be as in the assumption, and define:
S={sET: l{tET: s<Tt}I=K}.
EXERCISE 14.38 (G). Show that S is a splitting x-subtree of T.
Clearly, N1-subtrees of Aronszajn trees are Aronszajn, and N1-subtrees of Suslin trees are Suslin. It follows that every Aronszajn tree contains a splitting Aronszajn subtree, and every Suslin tree contains a splitting Suslin subtree.
Recall from Chapter 2 that if (A, :::SA) and (B, :::SB) are p.o.'s, then the simple product (A, :::SA) 0S (B, :::SB) is the p.o. (A x B, :::Ss), where
(a, b) :::Ss (c, d) if and only if a:::SA b 1\ C :::SB d.
Suslin trees, if they exist, provide examples of C.C.c. partial orders whose simple product does not satisfy the c.c.c.: By Exercise 14.33, if (T :::;T) is a Suslin tree, then (T, :::;T) satisfies the C.C.c. On the other hand, we have the following:
LEMMA 14.14. If (T, :::;T) is an uncountable splitting tree, then (T, :::;T) 0" (T, :::;T) does not satisfy the c.c.c.
PROOF. Let T be as in the assumption. For every t E T, choose te, tT E T such that t <T tt, t <T tr> tt =I tT, ht(tt) = ht(tr), and if ht(t) < (3 < ht(tt), then there exists exactly one u E T((3) such that t <T U. Let A = {(tt, q : t E T}.
EXERCISE 14.39 (PG). Show that A is an antichain in (T, :::;T) 0" (T, :::;T)' 0 We have proved the following result:
THEOREM 14.15. If SH fails, then there exists a c.c.c. p.o. (JPl,:::S) such that (JPl,:::S) 0" (JPl,:::S) does not satisfy the c.c.c. In particular, if (T, :::ST) is any Susliti tree, then the p.o. (T, :::ST) is as above.
Trees can be used to construct various fancy linear orders. We conclude this chapter with a sample of such applications.
Let (T, :::;T) be a tree. If t E T(a) and (3 :::; a, then we let [((3) denote the unique s E T((3) such that s :::;T t. If s, t E T are incomparable in T, then we define
6.(s, t) = min{(3: 8((3) =I £((3)}.
Now let :::S be a l.o. relation on T. We define a relation :::;t on T, called the lexicographical ordering on T induced by :::S, as follows:
s :::;t t iff S:::;T t or sand t are incomparable in T and 8(6.(S, t)) -< £(6.(s, t)).
EXERCISE 14.40 (G). (a) Convince yourself that for every l.o. relation :::S on T the lexicographical ordering on T induced by :::S is a l.o. relation.
(b) Consider the tree of Example 14.1 and let :::S be the alphabetical order of its nodes. Find the lexicographical ordering of the tree induced by :::S.
Not surprisingly, the structure of the l.o .. (T, :::;t) is closely related to the structure of the tree (T, :::;T). For example, every :::;T-chain is also a :::;rchain of the same order type. If some levels of (T, :::;T) are uncountable, then (T, :::;1.) may have subsets of order type WI even if (T, :::;T) does not have uncountable branches. However, no such chains can be introduced if (T, :::;T) is an Aronszajn tree.
LEMMA 14.16. Suppose (T, ::;T) is an Aronszajn tree, ::5 is a l.o. relation on T, and ::;t is the lexicographical ordering of T induced by::5. Then (T, ::;t) has no subsets of order type WI or wi.
PROOF. Let T, ::;T, and ::;t be as in the assumptions. We will prove that there are no chains of order type WI in (T, ::;t)j the same argument works for chains of order type wi.
So suppose towards a contradiction that (tf, : ~ < WI) is such that tf, <t try for ~ < 'r/ < WI' For a E WI define:
8(a) = {s E T(a) : I{~ < WI : s <t tdl = NI}.
EXERCISE 14.41 (G). Show that 8(a) #- 0 for all a < WI'
Now we show that 18(a)1 = 1 for all a < WI. Suppose not, and let aD be the least a such that 18(a)1 > 1. Let r, s be two different elements of 8(ao). Pick ~ < WI such that r <t tf,. Since there are uncountably many 'r/ < WI with s <t try, we can find n > ~ such that s <t try. By the choice of aD, we must have r = idtl.(tf" try)), s = iry(tl.(tf" try)). Since tf, <t try, the definition of ::;t implies that r -< s. But the same argument can be made with the roles of r and s reversed, in which case it yields the conclusion that s -< r. This is impossible though, since the relation -< is asymmetric, and the contradiction we have reached shows that 18(a)1 = 1 for each a < WI.
To wrap up the argument, let s(a) denote the unique element of 8(a). A moment's reflection shows that s(a) <T s({3) whenever a < {3. Hence, the set {s(a) : a < WI} is an uncountable branch of (T, ::;T), which contradicts the assumption that T is an Aronszajn tree. D
We have shown that if ::;t is a lexicographical ordering of an Aronszajn tree T, then (T, ::;t) is an uncountable 1.0. without uncountable wellordered chains. There is nothing fancy about that: The real line has the same property.
EXERCISE 14.42 (G). Convince yourself that (JR.,::;) contains no chains of order type WI or wi.
But the 1.0. (T, ::;e) is radically different from subsets of the real line with the natural order. Recall that a set D ~ L is dense in a 1.0. (L,::5) if
Va, bEL (a -< b --> :3 d E D (a ::5 d 1\ d ::5 b)).
The real line doesn't contain uncountable wellordered subsets because it has a countable dense subset. Compare this with the following:
LEMMA 14.17. Suppose (T, ::;T) is an Aronszajn tree, ::5 is a l.o. relation on T, and ::;e is the lexicographical ordering of T induced by::5. If 8 is an uncountable subset of T, then (8, ::;e) does not contain a countable dense subset.
PROOF. Let 8, T, ::;T, and::;e be as in the assumption, and let D be a countable subset of 8. Choose a < WI such that D ~ T(o:). Since T(o:+I) is countable, we can pick s, t E 8\T(o:+l) such that s <t t and 8(a) = i(a).
EXERCISE 14,43 (G). Convince yourself that if d E D and s, t are as above, then d ::;t s if and only if d ::;t t. Conclude that there is no d E D with s ::;t d and d ::;t t. D
A linear order (A, ::5A) is called an Aronszajn line if
(1) A is uncountable;
(2) (A, :::SA) doesn't contain chains of order type WI or wi; and
(3) A doesn't contain an uncountable subset B such that (B, :::SA) is isomorphic to a subset of the real line with the natural order.
Lemmas 14.16 and 14.17 entail the following:
COROLLARY 14.18. Suppose (T, :ST) is an Aronszajn tree, :::S is a l.o. relation on T, and ::;t is the lexicographical ordering ofT induced by:::S. Then (T, ::;t) is an Aronszajn line.
Let ,.. be an infinite cardinal. We say that a l.o. (A, j) satisfies the n-chain condition (abbreviated x-c.c.] if and only if the order topology induced on A by :::S satisfies the x-chain condition. In other words, (A, j) satisfies the x-c.c. if and only if there is no family {( ae, be) : ~ < ,..} of pairwise disjoint nonempty open intervals in (A, j).
LEMMA 14.19. Let « be an infinite cardinal and let (T, ::;T) be a splitting tree.
If there exists a l. o. relation j on T such that the lexicographical order (T,::;e) induced by j satisfies the «-c. c., then (T, :s:r) also satisfies the ,..-c. c.
PROOF. We prove the contrapositive. Assume (T,::;T) is a splitting tree such that (T, :s:r) does not satisfy the x-c.c. By Exercise 14.33, there exists an antichain {re : ~ < ,..} of size x in T. Since T is splitting, we may choose for every ~ < ,.. nodes se, te, ue E T such that re <T Se, te, ue, and se <e te <t ue. Now the following exercise shows that (T, ::;t) does not satisfy the x-c.c,
EXERCISE 14.44 (G). Show that {(se,ue) : ~ < ,..} is a family of pairwise
disjoint nonempty intervals in (T, ::;t). 0
Is the converse of Lemma 14.19 true? Not for every splitting tree. If s, tare nodes of a tree T, then we say that t is an immediate successor of s if S <T t and ht(t) = ht(s) + l.
CLAIM 14.20. Let « be an infinite cardinal, and let (T, ::;T) be a splitting tree of height,.. such that every t E T has only finitely many immediate successors. If ::;t is any lexicographical ordering ofT, then (T, ::;t) does not satisfy the n-c.c.
PROOF. Let T, ::;t be as in the assumption and let j be a l.o. relation on T that induces :Sf. For each a E ,.. pick a node To E T(a). Since T is splitting, for each r 0 the set of its immediate successors is nonempty. By asswnption, this set is finite. Hence, each ro has a j-smallest immediate successor so. Similarly, each So has a j-smallest immediate successor to.
EXERCISE 14.45 (G). Show that if r, s, t E T are such that s is the j-smallest immediate successor of r and t is the j-smallest immediate successor of s, then (r,t) = {u E T: r <t u <e t} = {s}.
Now Exercise 14.45 implies that the family {(ro, to) : a E ,..} is a family of nonempty, pairwise disjoint intervals in (T, :St). Thus (T, ::;f) does not satisfy the x-c.c. 0
Let us call a tree T bushy if every node of T has infinitely many immediate successors. For bushy trees the converse of Lemma 14.19 is true.
LEMMA 14.21. Let It be an infinite cardinal, and let (T, :ST) be a bushy tree such that (T, :s:r) has the n-c.c. Buppose:::5 is a l.o. relation on T such that for every t E T the set of immediate successors oft has no :::5-minimal element, and let :Sf be the lexicographical ordering of T induced by :::5. Then (T, :Sf) has the It-C. c.
PROOF. Again we prove the contrapositive. Let (T, :ST) be a bushy tree, and let :::5,:Sf be as in the assumptions. Suppose {( ae, be) : ~ < It} is a family of nonempty pairwise disjoint intervals in (T,:Sf)' For eaeh E, choose te E (ae,be) such that ae <T te and te ~T be. A suitable te can always be found: If ae f.T be, any immediate successor te of ae will do the job. If ae <T be, let se be the immediate successor of ae that satisfies se :ST be. By the assumption on :::5, there exists an immediate successor te of ae such that te -< se. Clearly, te E (ae, be) and te ~T be·
The following exercise shows that the set {te : ~ < It} is an antichain in (T, :s:r).
EXERCISE 14.46 (G). Suppose (ae, be), (aTl, bTl) are disjoint :Sf-intervals, te E (ae,be), tTl E (aTl, bTl)' t« f.T be, and tTl f.T bTl' Then te and tTl are incomparable with respect to :ST. 0
In order to deduce the converse of Lemma 14.19 from Lemma 14.21 we still
need to show that for every bushy tree a l.o. relation :::5 as in the assumptions of Lemma 14.21 exists.
EXERCISE 14.47 (G). (a) Show that if T is a bushy tree, then there exists a l.o. relation :::5 on T such that for every t in T the set of immediate successors of t has no :::5-minimal element.
(b) Show that if T is bushy, :::5 is as in point (a), and :ST is the lexicographical ordering induced by :::5, then (T, :ST) is a dense linear order.
A Bus lin line is a linear order (L, :SL) that satisfies the c.c.c. but has no countable dense subset." From Lemma 14.17, Lemma 14.21, and Exercise 14.47 we can deduce the following:
COROLLARY 14.22. If (T, :ST) is a bushy Bus lin tree, then there exists a lexicographical ordering :Se of T such that (T, :Sf) is a densely ordered Bus lin line.
Thus, if bushy Suslin trees exist, then so do Suslin lines. We have already mentioned that the existence of Suslin trees is relatively consistent with, but not provable in, ZFC. Can consistent examples of Suslin trees be bushy?
THEOREM 14.23. Let (T, :ST) be an Aronszajn tree. Then there exists B ~ T such that (B, :ST) is a bushy Aronszajn tree. 1fT is Buslin, then so is B.
PROOF. The idea of the proof is deceptively simple: Let (T, :ST) be an Aronszajn tree. Construct recursively an increasing transfinite sequence (ae : ~ < WI) of countable ordinals such that every node t E T(ae) has infinitely many successors at level ae+l' Let B = Ue <Wl T( ae). Then (B,:ST) is an WI-subtree of (T, :ST), and thus is an Aronszajn tree. If T is Suslin, then so is B. Moreover, the set of immediate successors in B of a node t E T(ae) is the set of successors of t at level T(ae+l)' Thus S is bushy.
O.k., if a sequence (ae : ~ < WI) as above can be found, then the lemma is proved. But the problem is: Given ae, how can we find ae+l > ae such that every node in T(ae) has infinitely many successors at level ae+I?
6Not all Suslin lines are Aronszajn lines. It is true though that Suslin lines do not contain subsets of order type Wl or wi.
Maybe Claim 14.13 helps. It implies that we may without loss of generality assume that (T, "5:T) is splitting. If T is splitting and o:~ is given, we can use the fact that T( o:~) is countable to find a countable ordinal O:~,l > o:~ such that for every S E T(o:~) there exist "5:T-incomparable nodes to(S),tl(S) E T(a{,tl such that S <T to(s) and S <T tl(S), Similarly, we can find a countable ordinal 0:~,2 > O:~,l such that for every S E T( o:~) there are pairwise incomparable nodes too (s), tOI (S), tlO (S), tll (S) E T(ap) such that to( s) <T too(s), tOl (s) and tl (s) <T ho(s), tll (s). Continuing like this, we can recursively construct an increasing sequence of countable ordinals (o:~,n : n E w\{O}) such that each s E T(o:~) has at least 2n pairwise incomparable successors in T(a{,n)' Now let O:~+l = sup{ O:~,n : n E w\ {O}}. Then for every mEw and s E T(o:~), there is a set of m pairwise incomparable successors of sin T(aHtl· If r.r' E T(aHtl are "5:T-incomparable and t,t' E T(O:~+I) are such that r <T t, r' <T t, then t =f. t'. It follows that each s E T(o:~) has infinitely many successors at level O:~+l'
Or does it? How do we know that a given s E T( o:~) has any successors at level O:~+I? The bad news is that a priori we don't. It is possible that there are 0: < (3 < WI and s E T(o:) such that s has no successor whatsoever in T((3).7 To get around the problem, we need a new concept. Let (R, "5:R) be a tree of height 8, let 0: < 8, and let s E R( 0:). We say that s is high if for every (3 with 0: < (3 < 8 there exists t E R((3) such that s <R t. The tree R is tall if each node of R is high.
If we could assume that the tree T in the assumption of Theorem 14.23 is tall, then the above reasoning would go through. The following lemma helps.
LEMMA 14.24. Let (R, $R) be an Aronszajn tree. Then there exists a tall
Aronszajn subtree T of R.
EXERCISE 14.48 (G). Derive Theorem 14.23 from Lemma 14.24. PROOF OF LEMMA 14.24. We need a claim.
CLAIM 14.25. Let (R, "5:R) be an Aronszajn tree, and let r E R. If r is high, then for each (3 < WI with (3 > ht(r) there exists a high s E R((3) such that r <R s.
PROOF. Assume not and let R, r be witnesses. Let (3 be a countable ordinal such that ht( r) < (3 and no s E R((3) with r <R s is high. Let X = {s E R((3) : r <R s}. For each sEX let '"Ys be a countable ordinal> (3 such that there is no t E Rbs) with s <R t. Let '"Y = supbs : SEX}. Then there is no t E Rb) with r <R t, which contradicts the assumption that r is high. 0
Now let T = {r E R : r is high}. Claim 14.25 implies that T is as required.
COROLLARY 14.26. If there exists a Bus lin tree, then there exists a densely ordered Bus lin line.
The technique of the proof of Lemma 14.24 can be used to obtain a more general result.
EXERCISE 14.49 (G). Let K ~ w. Show that every K+ -Aronszajn tree contains a tall K+ -Aronszajn subtree.
While we are at it, let us mention an interesting consequence of Claim 14.25.
7This is the reason why in the previous paragraph we took the precaution to write T(a{,nl instead of T(a{,n)'
THEOREM 14.27. There are no Aronszajn trees with all levels finite.
PROOF. Suppose towards a contradiction that (T':ST) is an Aronszajn tree with all levels finite. By Claim 14.25, the set S of all high nodes of T forms a tall Aronszajn subtree with all levels finite, and we may without loss of generality assume that T is tall to begin with. The latter assumption implies that if a < f3 < WI, then IT( a) 1 :s IT(f3) I· It follows that there exist ao < WI and nEw such that IT(f3) 1 = n for all countable ordinals f3 ::::: ao. Pick s E T(ao). The choice of ao implies that the tree does not split above level ao, and thus the set {t E T : t :ST s V s :ST t} is an uncountable branch of T, which contradicts the assumption that T is an Aronszajn tree. D
If (L, :SL) is a dense, Dedekind complete linear order with smallest and largest elements, then L will be called a linearly ordered continuum. This name suggests a link to topology: Indeed, if (L, :SL) is a linearly ordered continuum, then the order topology induced by :SL is connected and compact.
FACT 14.28. Every dense linear order can be order-isomorphically embedded as a dense subset of a linearly ordered continuum.
The proof of Fact 14.28 is an easy EXERCISE, but it is not particularly relevant to the material of this chapter. Much more important is the following:
EXERCISE 14.50 (PC). Suppose (L+,~) is a dense linear order, L is a dense subset of L +, and (L, ~) is a Suslin line. Then (L + , ~) is also a Suslin line.
The following question is known as the Suslin Problem:
(SQ) Let (L, :SL) be a linearly ordered continuum
with no uncountable family of pairwise disjoint open intervals. Is (L, :SL) necessarily isomorphic to the unit interval [0,1] if
By Fact 14.28 and Exercise 14.50, if a densely ordered Suslin line exists, then the answer to the Suslin problem is negative. Thus it follows from Corollary 14.26 that the negation of the Suslin Hypothesis implies a negative answer to the Suslin Problern.P The connection also works the other way round.
FACT 14.29. Suppose (L, :SL) is a linearly ordered continuum with no uncountable family of pairwise disjoint open intervals that is not isomorphic to the unit interval [0,1]. Then (L, :SL) is a Suslin line.
Fact 14.29 is a well-known theorem of general topology. Let us skip its proof and devote the rest of this chapter to the proof of the following:
THEOREM 14.30. Suppose there exists a Suslin line. Then there exists a Suslin
PROOF. It will be easier to work with dense Suslin lines; so let us first show that doing so does not lead to loss of generality.
EXERCISE 14.51 (PC). Prove that if there exists a Suslin line, then there exists a dense one .. Hint: Let (L, :SL) be a Suslin line, and consider the following equivalence relation+- on L: t-; l' if and only if l(l,l')1 < NI. Define a relation ~ on L / ~ by: 1 / ~ ~ l' / ~ if and only if l :SL l', Show that ~ is well-defined and that (L/~, ~) is a dense Suslin line.
8The strange negativity of SH starts to look much less puzzling, doesn't it?
So let (L, '5:L) be a dense Suslin line, and let I(L) be the set of nonempty open intervals of (L, '5:d· We are going to construct T ~ I(L) such that (T,~) is a Suslin tree.
By recursion over 0: < WI we construct families T(o:) of pairwise disjoint elements of I(L) as follows:
Let T(O) be any maximal family of pairwise disjoint elements of I(L). Suppose T(o:) has been constructed. For each interval (a, b) E T(o:) we choose a family I(a,b) ~ I(L) of pairwise disjoint intervals, maximal with respect to the property that (c,d) is a proper subset of (a,b) for each (c,d) E I(a,b)' Note that since (L, '5:L) is dense, II(a,b)I > 1 for each (a, b) E T(o:). Then we let T(o: + 1) = U{I(a,b) : (a, b) E T(o:)}.
At limit stages 0 > 0, if T(o:) has already been constructed for all 0: < 0, let T(o) be a family I of pairwise disjoint elements of I(L), maximal with respect to the property that if (c,d) E I, then Vo: < 03(a,b) E T(o:) ((c,d) ~ (a,b)).
Finally, let T = U"'<Wl T(o:).
EXERCISE 14.52 (G). (a) Convince yourself that (T,~) is a tree whose o-th level is equal to T( 0:) for each 0: < WI.
(b) Show that if (a, b), (c, d) E T are incomparable with respect to ~, then (a,b) n (c,d) = 0.
It follows immediately from the assumption on (L, '5:d and point (b) of the last exercise that (T,~) does not contain uncountable antichains. Moreover, it follows from the remark made in the construction of successor stages that T is splitting. Hence, by Exercise 14.34, T does not contain uncountable chains either. It is somewhat less obvious that T has height WI'
SO let 0:0 is the smallest ordinal 0: such that T(o:) = 0. Clearly, 0:0 can be neither a successor ordinal nor O. Thus, 0:0 must be a limit ordinal :2: w. Consider the set
E = {c E L: 3(3 < 0:03(a,b) E T((3) (c = a V c = b)}.
EXERCISE 14.53 (G). Show that E is dense in (L, '5:L), and conclude that
~=~. 0
Mathographical Remarks
If you are looking for a source to learn more about trees and their applications, we recommend the article Trees and linearly ordered sets, by Stevo Todorcevic in the Handbook of Set-Theoretic Topology, K. Kunen and J. E. Vaughan, eds., North-Holland, 1984,235-293.
More information about equivalences of Konig's Lemma and weak versions of the Axiom of Choice can be found in the article by J. Truss, Some cases of Konig's Lemma., in: Set Theory and Hierarchy Theory. A Memorial Tribute to Andrzej Mostowski, Bierutowice, Poland, 1975, edited by W. Marek, M. Srebrny, and A. Zarach, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 537, Springer Verlag, 1976.
A Little Ramsey Theory
Here is a bit of common sense: If more than n pigeons occupy n pigeonholes, then at least one pigeonhole must be occupied by at least two pigeons. Lemma 14.3 is a mathematical counterpart of this folk wisdom. Let us reformulate it here.
THEOREM 15.1 (Pigeonhole Principle). Assume", is an infinite cardinal, A is a set of cardinality"" and A = Ui<u Ai, where a < cf(",). Then there exists i < a such that IAil = n,
The name Pigeonhole Principle is used in the literature also for the commonsense statement at the beginning of this chapter and several of its modifications.
EXERCISE 15.1 (G). Formulate and prove the strongest "pigeonhole principle" for finite cardinals you can think of.
The Pigeonhole Principle is our first example of a partition theorem: In order to give you an idea what, in general, a partition theorem is, we need to introduce some notation. Let X be a set, p a cardinal. Recall that [X1P denotes the family of all subsets of X of cardinality p. An indexed family P = {Pi : i E I} is a partition of [X1P if
U{Pi : i E I} = [X1P and Pi n Pk = 0. for i, k E I, i 1= k.
Let fp : [X1P -+ I be the (unique) function f with f-l{i} = Pi for all i E I. We call fp the canonical coloring associated with P. Conversely, there is a canonical partition of [X1P associated with every coloring f : [X1P -+ a. A set Y is homogeneous for the partition P (as well as for the canonical coloring associated with it), if there is an io E I such that [Y1P ~ Pia'
Let n, A, p, a be cardinals. The symbol!
'" -+ (A)~
stands for the following statement:
Whenever X is a set of cardinality"" I is a set of cardinality a, and P = {Pi: i E I} it! a partition of [X1P, there exists Y ~ X with WI = A that is homogeneous for p.2
Theorem 15.1 can be expressed in this notation as follows:
THEOREM 15.2. For all infinite cardinals", and for all a < cf("'), the relation
'" -+ (",)~ holds. .
1 Read: ,.. arrows A super p sub 0'.
20f course, in order to verify that x -+ (A)~ holds, it suffices to consider partitions {Pi: i < O'} of [,..]P.
EXERCISE 15.2 (G). Let /\',)..,p,a,/\",)..',p',a' be cardinals such that /\,' 2: «, )'" S; ).., p' S; p, and a' S; a. Show that if /\, --+ ()..)~, then also /\,' --+ ()..'):',.
Any true statement of the form /\, --+ ()..)~ is a partition theorem, but as we shall see later in this chapter, not all partition theorems are of this kind. As one might expect, partition theorems for p > 1 are more difficult to prove than Theorem 15.2. If you want to get your feet wet before reading on, we recommend the following two exercises.
EXERCISE 15.3 (PG). Show that 6 --+ (3H. Hint: You may find it easier to prove this theorem if you give it the following interpretation: Among every group of six people, there are three that are mutual acquaintances, or there are three that are mutual strangers.
In order to indicate that a statement /\, --+ ()..)~ is false, we write /\, .;.. ()..)~. EXERCISE 15.4 (G). By constructing a suitable partition, show that 5 .;.. (3H. The study of partition theorems is called partition calculus or Ramsey Theory
in honor of the author of the following result.
THEOREM 15.3 (Ramsey's Theorem). For all positive natural numbers k, t. w --+ (w)~.
PROOF. By induction over k.
For k = 1, this is just a special case of Theorem 15.2.
Now assume the theorem has been proved for k, i.e., assume that w --+ (w)~ for all t e ». Let P = {Pi: i < f} be a partition of [wJk+l, and let f be the canonical coloring associated with P. One of the most important tricks in proving partition theorems is reducing the superscript p by defining so-called induced colorings.' The proof of Ramsey's Theorem gives a beautiful illustration of this technique. We shall define a strictly increasing sequence (ni)i<w of positive natural numbers and a decreasing sequence (A)i<w of infinite subsets of w so that for all i < w the following hold:
(i) "In E Ai (ni < n);
(ii) Va, bE [AiJk (J( {nd U a) = f( {nil U b)).
no =0.
For a E [w \ {O}]k let f(O)(a) = f({O} U a). Note that f(O) is a coloring of all kelement subsets of w\ {O}. Thus we have reduced the superscript by one, and we can apply the inductive assumption to find an infinite Ao ~ w\{O} that is homogeneous for the induced coloring f(O). Note that Ao satisfies (i) and (ii).
Now assume that ni, Ai have been constructed for i < j. We put
nj = min Aj-1•
For a E [Aj_1\{nj}]k let f{j)(a) = f({nj} U a). Use the inductive assumption to find an infinite subset Aj of Aj -1 \ {nj} that is homogeneous for the induced coloring f{j).
N ow consider the set
K = {ni : i < w}.
It follows from the construction of the n/s and the Ai'S that:
If n E «, a, bE [K \ (n + lW, then f( {n} U a) = f( {n} U b).
Let 9 : K --+ w be the function that assigns to each n E K the i < f for which Va E [K \ (n + 1)]k (f( {n} U a) = i).
Now choose io < f such that Y = g-1 (io) is infinite. We show that Y is homogeneous for f. To this end, let a E [y]k+l and m = min a. We have
f(a) = f( {m} U (a \ {m})) = g(m) = io,
independently of the choice of a.
The next theorem is a version of Ramsey's Theorem for finite cardinals. THEOREM 15.4. Let m, k, f be positive natural numbers. There exists a natural
number n such that
n --+ (m):,
PROOF. Suppose towards a contradiction that m,k,f E w\{O} are such that n r (m); for every nEw. This means that for every nEw there exists a coloring f : [n]k --+ f without a homogeneous subset of size m. Let F = {J : there exists nEw such that f E [n]k f and there is no homogeneous set of size m for f}, and consider the p.o. (F, ~).
EXERCISE 15.5 (G). Show that: (a) (F,~) is a tree.
(b) The r-th level of the tree (F, ~) consists of all functions f E F with domain [k+r-l]k.
Our assumption implies that every level of the tree (F,~) is nonempty. On the other hand, since there are only finitely many functions from [r + k - l]k into f, each level of the tree is finite. Thus Konig's Lemma (Lemma 14.2) implies that the tree (F,~) has an infinite branch.
EXERCISE 15.6 (G). Suppose B is an infinite branch of (F, ~), and let 9 =
U B. Show that:
(a) 9 is a function from [w]k into fj (b) gf[n]k E F for all nEw.
If 9 is as in Exercise 15.6, then Ramsey's Theorem implies that there exists an infinite subset A of w that is homogeneous for g. Let ao < ... < am-1 be the first m elements of A, and let n = am-1 + 1. Then {ao, ... ,am-d is a homogeneous set of size m for gf[n]k, which contradicts Exercise 15.6(b) and the definition of the set F. 0
The technique of the proof of Theorem 15.4 allows us to obtain even stronger partition theorems for finite sets. A subset A ~ w is called relatively large if IAI 2:: min A. We write n ~ (m); if for every coloring f : [n]k --+ f there exists a relatively large homogeneous set of size at least m.
THEOREM 15.5 (Paris-Harrington). For all m, k, f E w\{O} there exists nEw such that n ~ (m);'
EXERCISE 15.7 (G). Prove Theorem 15.5.
The remarkable feature of Theorems 15.4 and 15.5 is that we used a result about infinite sets to prove a property of natural numbers. Could we obtain the same results without employing the notion of an infinite set?
THEOREM 15.6. For all mE w\{O}, 4m -t (m + 1)~. PROOF. We need a lemma.
LEMMA 15.7. Let m E w\{O}, and let f : [4mj2 -t 2 be a coloring. Then there exist a tree (T,:::;T) of height 2m and an injection h : T -t 4m such that f( {h(r), h(s)}) = f( {h(r), h(t)}) for all r, s, t E T with r <T s <T t.
Before we prove the lemma, let us show how it implies Theorem 15.6. Let B S;; T be a branch of T of length 2m, and let A = {h(t) : t E B}. Since h is injective, we may define a 1.0. relation :::5 on A as follows: a :::5 b if and only if there exist s, t E B with a = h(s), b = h(t), and s :::;T t. Let (ao, ... a2m-l) be the enumeration of A in -c-increasing order. Now define an induced coloring f. : {ao, ... a2m-2} -t 2 by:
f,,(aj) = f({aj,aj+l})' By the choice of T and A we have:
Since the domain of f. has 2m - 1 elements, there exists io E {O, I} such that If;l{io}1 ~ m. Now it follows from 15.1 that f;l{io} U {a2m-d is a homogeneous set of size at least m + 1 for f.
It remains to prove Lemma 15.7.
PROOF OF LEMMA 15.7. The elements of T will be functions t E <2m2; the p.o. relation :::;T will be inclusion.
With each t E T we will associate h(t) E 4m and ct, C, S;; 4m as follows: h(0) = 0, ct = 4m, C0 = 4m\{O}. Given t E Tn <2m-12, C; S;; 4m, and i E {O, I}, we let C0i = {a E 4m : f( {h(t), a}) = i} n Ct. We put t~i into T if and only if C0i # 0. In this case we let h(t~i) = minC0i' and we define Cc-« = Ct'i\{h(t~i)}.
Note that this construction ensures that h is an injection. Moreover, note that if r <T s <T t, then h(s),h(t) E C:~s(lrl)' and hence f({h(r),h(s)}) = f({h(r),h(t)}) = s(lrl), as required.
It remains to show that T has height 2m, i.e., that t E T for at least one t E 2m-12. Since t E T whenever ct # 0, the following exercise gives us what we need.
EXERCISE 15.8 (G). Let j < 2m. Show that
U{Ct+ : It I = j} = 4m\{h(s) : sET n <i2}.
Conclude that ct # 0 for at least one t E i2.
The proof of Theorem 15.6 doesn't use' infinite sets. Moreover, the theorem gives an upper bound for the number n in the first nontrivial instance of Theorem 15.4. Let us introduce some notation to express the last observation more concisely. For m,k,£ E w\{O}, let R(m,k,£) be the smallest natural number n
such that n -+ (m)~ holds.f Similarly, define R*(m, k, f) as the smallest natural number n such that n ~ (m)~ holds. Theorems 15.4 and 15.5 tell us that the numbers R(m, k, f) and R*(m, k, f) are well defined, but they give us no idea about their magnitude. Theorem 15.6 asserts that R(m + 1,2,2) ::; 4m. Exercises 15.3 and 15.4 combined imply that R(3, 2, 2) = 6.
EXERCISE 15.9 (PG). Show that R(m + 1,2,f)::; flm for all m,f E w\{O, I}. EXERCISE 15.10 (R). Modify the proof of Theorem 15.6 to find upper bounds for R(m, k, f) for arbitrary positive natural numbers m, k, f. Be sure not to use infinite sets in your proof.
It seems unreasonable to expect that we will ever be able to find explicit formulas for R(m, k, f); the best one can hope for is to pinpoint the rate of growth of this function. At the time of this writing, even the following question is open:
Does there exist a constant c so that limm-+oo(R(m, 2, 2))1/m = c? If so, what is the value of c?
It is known that c, if it exists, must be between y'2 and 4. The upper bound follows from Theorem 15.6. The lower bound can be obtained by using random colorings. We include the proof of the next theorem to illustrate this interesting technique.
THEOREM 15.8. R(m, 2, 2) ;::: 2(m-l)/2 for all m ;::: 2.
PROOF. Let m be as above, and let n < 2(m-l)/2. We show that there is a partition P of [nj2 into two subsets without a homogeneous subset of size m. Rather than constructing such a partition, we merely show its existence.
Let n be the set of all partitions P of [nj2 into two subsets. We consider n as a probability space with the uniform probability distribution. One gets this probability distribution by performing the following experiment: For each a E [nJ2, toss a fair coin. If it comes up heads, put a into Po; if it comes up tails, put a into Pl. Let (Ai: i < (n :)!m!) be an enumeration of all m-element subsets of n. For each i, define a random variable ~i on n by: ~i(P) = 1 if Ai is homogeneous for P, and ~i(P) = 0 otherwise. Note that E(~i)' the expected value of ~i' is equal to the probability that Ai is homogeneous for P. Thus
E(~i) = 2(m-l)m/2'
Let ~ = Li ~i' Recall that the expected value E(~) is the sum of the expected values E(~i)' The number of m-element subsets of n can be crudely estimated as follows: 4
n! nm nm 2(m-l)m/2
-:-----:-:-:: < - < - < ----
(n - m)!m! m! - 2 2
The last of these inequalities follows from the assumption that n < 2(m-l)/2. Multiplying this estimate by E(~i) we get:
E(~) < 1.
Since ~ takes only· natural numbers as values, it follows that ~ must take the value 0 for some partition P. Note that ~(P) counts the number of homogeneous subsets
3The numbers R( m, k, t) are often called Ramsey numbers.
4More skillful estimates give the result R(m,2,2) 2: e+:'(1)2(m-l)/2.
of size m of P. We conclude that for some PEn, no homogeneous subset of size m exists. 0
So far, we have given no estimate of the numbers R*(m,k,f). For good reason:
THEOREM 15.9 (Ketonen-Solovay). R* (m + 1, m, m) defines a function from w \ {O} into w that grows faster than any function from w \ {O} into w that is provably total in Peano Arithmetic.
Let us dissect the meaning of the above theorem. Peano Arithmetic (abbreviated PA) was mentioned in Chapter 6; it is an axiomatization of number theory. Hereditarily finite sets can be coded as natural numbers, and it has been shown that the properties of hereditarily finite sets provable in PA are exactly the properties provable in the theory one obtains from ZFC by replacing the Axiom of Infinity by its negation. One can thus think of the theorems provable in PA as precisely the theorems about hereditarily finite sets that are provable without employing the notion of an infinite set. Note that Theorem 15.5 is a theorem about hereditarily finite sets: All colorings and homogeneous sets mentioned in it are hereditarily finite. It is not hard to write down a crude algorithm for computing R*(m+ 1, m, m) without reference to infinite sets.
EXERCISE 15.11 (G). Describe an algorithm for computing R*(m+ l,m,m).
Assume that you don't have constraints upon computing time and memory.
By Theorem 15.5, the function R*(m + l,m,m) is total, i.e., the algorithm you described in Exercise 15.11 eventually yields an output for every input m. By the Ketonen-Solovay Theorem, this fact cannot be proved in Peano Arithmetic. In other words, every proof of Theorem 15.5 must use infinite sets in one way or another.P
After this excursion into the realm of finite combinatorics, let us return to set theory proper and study some sufficient conditions for the existence of uncountable homogeneous sets. The first questions that come to a set theorist's mind after seeing Ramsey's Theorem are: Does W1 --+ (W1)~? Or, more modestly, is there any cardinal", such that", --+ (W1)~?
Let a and {3 be ordinals. Recall that the lexicogmphical order ::;1 on (3a is defined as follows: Let f, g E (3 a. Then f <I g if and only if there exists "y < {3 such that fh) < gh) and f(o) = g(o) for all 0 < "y. By Exercise 2.35, <I is a strict 1.0. relation.
LEMMA 15.10. In ("'2, ::;1) there are no strictly increasing or strictly decreasing tmnsfinite sequences of length ",+ .
PROOF. We show that there is no increasing sequence of length ",+ in ("'2, ::;1).
The proof for decreasing sequences is similar.
Assume towards a contradiction that (Jo,)o:<",+ is a squence in "'2 with fo: <I f(3 for a < {3 < ",+. For a < {3 <",+ define:
6.(a,{3) = min{o: fo:(o) #- f(3(o)};
d(a) = min{6.(a,{3) : a < {3 < ",+}.
5 A similar phenomenon was discussed in the Mathographical Remark at the end of Chapter 10.
Note that d is a function from 11:+ into 11:.
Now the following claim yields a contradiction.
CLAIM 15.11. The function dis nondecreasing and not eventually constant.
EXERCISE 15.12 (G). Prove Claim 15.11. THEOREM 15.12. 21< f+ (II:+)~ for each infinite cardinal 11:.
PROOF. Let (fa)a<2K be an enumeration of 1<2, and let ~I be the lexicographical order on 1<2. We define a partition P = {Po, Pd as follows:
Po = {{a,,B}: fa <I ff3 and a < ,B}j PI = [21<J2 \ Po.
Thus Po is the set of pairs where the lexicographical order agrees with the enumeration, and PI is the set of pairs where the enumeration reverses the lexicographical order. If Y is homogeneous for P, then Y yields a monotonic sequence of length IYI in 1<2. By Lemma 15.10, IYI < 11:+. 0
By Exercise 15.2, Theorem 15.12 implies in particular that WI f+ (wIH. This gives a negative answer to our first question. The answer to the second question is positive. In order to state the relevant theorem in its full generality, we need to introduce some notation.
Let II: be an arbitrary cardinal. By recursion over nEw we define:
expo(lI:) = 11:; eXPn+1 (II:) = 2exPn(I<).
THEOREM 15.13 (Erdos-Rado]. (exPn(K.))+ ___. (K.+)~+1 for every infinite cardinol « and each nEw.
Note that for n = 0 the Erdos-Rado Theorem simply says that 11:+ ___. (II:+)~, which is a special case of the Pigeonhole Principle. For n = 1, the theorem says that (21<)+ ___. (II:+)~, which in view of Theorem 15.12 is the best possible result for superscript 2, even if the subscript II: is replaced by 2. For n = 2, the theorem says that (22K)+ ___. (II:+)~, and for larger n's we get higher stacks of exponents on the left hand side.
PROOF OF THEOREM 15.13. By induction over n.
As we already mentioned, for n = 0 the theorem is a special case of the Pigeonhole Principle.
So assume n > 0, let K. be an infinite cardinal, and assume that (exPn_l (K.)) + ___. (II:+)~. To streamline notation, let ..\ = eXPn_l (11:), JL = (exPn(II:))+. Fix a coloring f: (JLJn+1 ___. 11:. We have the following analogue of Lemma 15.7:
LEMMA 15.14. There exist a tree (T, ~T) of height x+ + 1 and an injection h : T ___. JL such that for all s, t E T with S <T t and all a E [sJn the equality f(h[aJ U {h(s)}) =.J(h[aJ U {h(t)}) holds.
Before proving Lemma 15.14, let us show how it implies Theorem 15.13. Given T, h as in the lemma, fix any t at the top level of T, and let A = {h(s) : s E i}. Define an induced coloring f* : [AJn ___. II: by:
f*(a) = f(aU {h(t)}).
Since IAI = x+, the inductive assumption implies that [; has a homogeneous set D ~ A of size K;+.
EXERCISE 15.13 (G). Show that if D is homogeneous for f *, then D U {h( t)} is homogeneous for f.
EXERCISE 15.14 (PG). Assume the tree in Lemma 15.14 is only of height x+, but otherwise the lemma is unchanged. Could we still derive Theorem 15.13 by defining i- as in the proof of Theorem 15.6 (Le., without taking advantage of the existence of a top level of T)?
PROOF OF LEMMA 15.14. This argument is a modification of the proof of Lemma 15.7. The elements of T will be functions t : [or ---+ K;, where a ~ x+. The p.o. relation ~T will be inclusion. With every t E T we will associate h(t) E fL and cr, C, ~ fL such that ct =F 0, h(t) = minCt, and C, = Ct\{h(t)}.
Let us now describe the recursive construction of the t's and ci»: If a = 0, then the only function with domain [a]n is 0. We make this the root of the tree6 and let ct = u.
Now suppose a = f3 + 1 ~ >. +, t : [o]" ---+ K;, and s = t f[6]n E T. We let c; = {e E Cs : f({h(tfb]n) : 'Y E a} U {e}) = t(a) for all a E [a]n}, and put t into T if and only if ct =F 0.
At limit stages a, if t : [a]n ---+ K; and tf[f3]n is defined for all f3 < a, we let c; = n{Ct[[.BJn : f3 < a} and put t into T if and only if ct =F 0.
EXERCISE 15.15. (a) Show that the function h: T ---+ K; is injective. (b) Assume 8, t E T are such that s <T t and a E [s]n. Show that
f(aU {h(s)}) = f(aU {h(t)}).
( c) Show that if a ~ >. +, then
U{ct: t E [a]n K;} = fL\ U {h(t) : t E Tn [.B]n K;} .
Since >. ~ K; and fL = (2)')+ = (K;>')+ = (x+ . K;>')+ and since for all a ~ x+ the set U.B<a [.BJn K; has cardinality at most>. + . K;A, it follows that for each a ~ >. + there exists some t E [aJn K; with ct =F 0. Thus, our construction implies that the tree (T, ~T) has height x+ + 1. DO
EXERCISE 15.16 (PG). If you passed on Exercise 15.10 when you first saw it, return to it now and give it another try.
Can Theorem 15.13 be strengthened to eXPn(K;) ---+ (K;+)~+1 or to (exPn(K;))+ ---+ (K;+):tl? Theorem 15.12 rules out the first possibility for n = 1. Concerning the second possiblity, the following results show limitations for n = 0 and n = 1.
EXERCISE 15.17 (G). Show that K;+ f+ (2)~+.
6The attentive reader will have noticed that for every a < n the only function with domain [a]n is the empty set. Our successor step stipulates that at the first level of T we put the function with domain [1]n, and if n > 1, then we would put the same node at several levels of the tree. The standard way to overcome this difficulty is to add some decorations to the first n nodes of the tree, but this would only obscure the notation. So we will pretend that the empty functions with domains [o]n, ... , [n - I]" are actually different sets and ask the reader's kind forgiveness for a white lie.
THEOREM 15.15. 21< f+ (3)~ lor each infinite cordinal «,
PROOF. Fix 1\,. For I.s E 1<2 let 6.(1, g) = min{8: 1(8) =I- g(8)}. Define:
Pa = {{J,g}: t.s E 1<2 and 6.(1, g) = a}.
The family {Pa : a < I\,} is a partition of a set of cardinality 21< into I\, pieces
for which there is no homogeneous set of cardinality 3. 0
What about n > I? The following result, which is called the Negative SteppingUp Lemma, gives an answer.
LEMMA 15.16. Suppose n ~ 2, and 1\" >.., (J are cardinals such that 1\" >.. are infinite, (J ~ 2, >.. is regular, and I\, f+ (>..)~. Then 21< f+ (>..)~+1.
PROOF. We prove how to step up from superscript 2 to superscript 3 in the case when (J ~ w. For the complete proof of Lemma 15.16, as well as some variations on it, we refer the reader to Lemma 24.1 of [EHMRJ (see Mathographical Remarks).
So let F : [I\,J2 --+ (J be a coloring without a homogeneous subset of size >... For {J, g} E [1<2F let
6.(1, g) = min{a : I(a) =I- g(a)}.
EXERCISE 15.18 (G). Show that if {J,g,h} E [1<2]3 and I <I 9 <I h (where <I stands for the lexicographical ordering), then 6.(1, g) =I- 6.(g,h) and, moreover, {6.(I, g), 6.(1, h), 6.(g, h)} E [I\,J2.
If {J, g, h} E [1<2]3 and I <I 9 <I h, let
br(l h) = {a, if 6.(1, g) < 6.(g, h)j
, g, 1, if 6.(1, g) > 6.(g, h).
The function br characterizes the branching pattern of the triple {J,g, h}. Now we can define a function G : [1<2]3 --+ (J x {a, I} as follows:
G( {J, g, h}) = (F( {6.(I, g), 6.(1, h), 6.(g, h)}), br(l, g, h)).
Since we are proving the lemma for the case where (J is an infinite cardinal, we have (J • 2 = (J, and it suffices to show that G does not have a homogeneous set of size x. Let
A = {6.(I,g) : {J,g} E [BJ2}.
We will derive a contradiction by showing that IAI = >.. and that A is homogeneous for F.
Case 1: br(l,g,h) = ° for all {J,g,h} E [BP.
In this case, for each I E B there exists an ordinal a f E I\, such that 6.(1, g) = af for all 9 E B such that I <I g. For all but the largest element of B (in the lexicograhical order), the ordinal af is uniquely determined. So let us assume without generality that B does not have a largest element in the lexicographical order. Moreover, if {J,g} E [BF, then af =I- ag, and it follows that IAI = IBI = >... Now consider {a,,8} E [AP. Pick lo,b,h,h E B such that 6.(10,/1) = a and 6.(hh) =,8. We may without lo~s of generality assume that 10 is the lexicographically smallest of these elements. Then a = 6.(10, b) = afo = 6.(10, h) = 6.(10, h)· It follows that G(lo,h,h) = (F({a,,B}),O), and since B was assumed homogeneous for G, the first coordinate of this function value does not depend
on the choice of {a,,B}. In other words, A is a homogeneous set for F and we have reached a contradiction.
Case 2: br(j,g,h) = 1 for all {J,g,h} E [EP.
We leave this case to the reader.
EXERCISE 15.19. Finish the above proof for Case 2.
COROLLARY 15.17. Let nEw and let K be an infinite cardinal. Then eXPn(K) f+ (K+)~+l. Moreover, if GCH holds, then (exPn(K))+ f+ (K+)::tI.
EXERCISE 15.20 (G). Prove Corollary 15.17. Hint: Apply Lemma 15.16 to Theorem 15.12 and Exercise 15.17.
We have seen that WI f+ (wiK Naturally, the question arises whether there is any uncountable cardinal K such that K ~ (K)~.
DEFINITION 15.18. A cardinal K is weakly compact if K is uncountable and K ~ (K)~.
EXERCISE 15.21 (G). Show that if K is weakly compact, then 2>' < K for all >. < K, i.e., K is a strong limit cardinal.
LEMMA 15.19. Weakly compact cardinals are regular.
PROOF. Suppose Cf(K) = >. < K. We show that K is not weakly compact by constructing a function f : [Kf ---t K without homogeneous subset of size K. Let (Ki)i<>. be an increasing sequence of cardinals with SUp{Ki : i < >.} = K. Define f by:
f( {a,,B}) = 0 iff Vi < >. (a < Ki +-+,B < Ki).
Now suppose X £;; K is homogeneous for f.
If f({a,,B}) = 1 for all {a,,B} E [Xj2, then !X! ~ >. < K.
If f( {a,,B}) = 0 for all {a,,B} E [X)2, then X £;; Ki for some i < K, and again
we have !X! < K. 0
COROLLARY 15.20. Every weakly compact cardinal is strongly inaccessible. Thus weakly compact cardinals are another example of large cardinals: Their definition generalizes a property of w, their existence implies the consistency of ZFC,7 and therefore their existence is not provable in ZFC.
EXERCISE 15.22 (PG). One can show that the smallest strongly inaccessible cardinal is not weakly compact. Use this information to show that the existence of a weakly compact cardinal implies consistency of the theory ZFC + "there exists a strongly inaccessible cardinal." Hint: Use the same technique as in the proof of Corollary 12.23.
Their dubious existence notwithstanding, weakly compact cardinals have some neat properties that make them worth studying.
THEOREM 15.21. If K is weakly compact, then K has the tree property. PROOF. Assume K is weakly compact. Let (T, ~T) be a x-tree, i.e., a tree of height K such that every level contains fewer than K elements. Fix a wellorder ~ of the nodes of T of order type K, and let ~l be the lexicographical ordering on T
7See Chapter 12 for a discussion of the same phenomenon for inaccessible cardinals.
induced by::;, as defined in Chapter 14. Now define a partition P = {Po, Pd of [TF by putting the pair {s, t} into Po if and only if the relations ::;t and ::; agree on {s,t}, i.e., if s < t implies s <t t.
Now suppose X ~ T is a set of cardinality I'\, homogeneous for P. Let
Y = {s E T: I{t EX: s <T t}1 = I'\,}.
Theorem 15.21 is an immediate consequence of the following exercise.
EXERCISE 15.23 (PG). (a) Show that IY n T(a)1 = 1 for all a < 1'\,.
(b) Conclude that the set Y is linearly ordered by ::;T. 0
If I'\, is inaccessible, then the converse of Theorem 15.21 also holds.
THEOREM 15.22. If I'\, is strongly inaccessible and has the tree property, then I'\, -+ (I'\,)A for all n E w\{O} and A < 1'\,.
PROOF. By induction over n. For n = 1, the theorem is a special case of the Pigeonhole Principle.
So assume n > 1, I'\, is as in the assumptions, A < 1'\" and let f : [I'\,jn -+ A. We have the following analogue of Lemma 15.14
LEMMA 15.23. There exist a n-iree (T, ::;T) and an injection h : T -+ I'\, such that for all s, t E T with s <T t and all a E [sjn-l the equality f(h[aJ U {h(s)}) = f(h[aj U {h(t)}) holds.
EXERCISE 15.24 (PG). Prove Lemma 15.23.
Now suppose (T, ::;T) is as in Lemma 15.23. Since I'\, has the tree property, there exists a cofinal branch B of T.B Let A = h[Bj. Since h is an injection and B is cofinal, we have IAI = 1'\,. Define a wellorder relation ~ on A as in the proof of Theorem 15.6: a ~ b if and only if there are s, t E B such that s <T t, a = h(s), and b = h(t). For c E [Ajn-l define f.(c) = f(c U {a(c)}), where a(c) is the ~-minimal element of A above all elements of c. Then f. : [Ajn-l -+ A, and by the inductive assumption, there is aD E [Aj'" that is homogeneous for the induced coloring f •. Now the same reasoning as in the proofs of Theorems 15.6 and 15.13 shows that D is also homogeneous for f. 0
Let us summarize what we have learned about weakly compact cardinals. COROLLARY 15.24. Let I'\, be an uncountable cardinal. Thefollowing are equiv-
(a) I'\, -+ (I'\,)~;
(b) I'\, -+ (I'\,)A for every n E w\{O} and A < 1'\,;
(c) I'\, is strongly inaccessible and has the tree property.
Of course, anyone of the properties (a)-(c) can serve as the defining property of a weakly compact cardinal.
Having seen partition theorems I'\, -+ (A)~ for arbitrarily large A, one naturally wonders whether the superscript p could be made infinite. Unfortunately, this is asking for too much.
THEOREM 15.25. For each infinite cardinal « I'\, f+ (w)2'.
8Compare this with Exercise 15.14. Of course the right answer was No.
PROOF. Let::; be an arbitrary wellorder relation on [I\:to. We define a function f : [I\:to -+ 2 by:
f(X) = 0 if and only if VY E [xto (X ::; Y).
We show that f has no infinite homogeneous set. Suppose towards a contradiction that X is an infinite homogeneous set for f. Let X* be the ::;-minimal element of [X1No. Then f(X*) = 0, and homogeneity of X implies that f(Y) = 0 for all Y E [X]No. Consider a sequence (Yi)i<w of denumerable subsets of X such that Yi is a proper subset of Yi+! for each i E w. Since f(Yi) = 0, the choice of f implies that Yi+! -< Yi for all i E w. Hence (Yi)iEW is a strictly decreasing sequence in ([I\:] No , ::;), contradicting the assumption that the latter structure is a w.o. 0
Since infinite superscripts don't give positive partition relations, we might try our luck with superscripts of the form < w.
DEFINITION 15.26. Let 1\:, A, a be cardinals. The symbol I\: -+ (A);W stands for the statement: Whenever Un : n E w\{O}} is a family of functions such that I« : [I\:ln -+ a, there exists a set A ~ I\: of cardinality A such that A is homogeneous for all L,» simultaneously.
Note the word "simultaneously." The relation I\: -+ (A);W is much stronger than the statement Vn E w\{O} (I\: -+ (A)~).
EXERCISE 15.25 (G). Show that w f'. (w)iw.
Let A be an infinite cardinal. The least I\: such that I\: -+ (A)iW is called the Erdos cardinal I\:(A). If I\: -+ (l\:)iW, then I\: is called a Ramsey cardinal. One can show that I\:(w) (if it exists) is larger than the first weakly compact cardinal, and that A < J.I. implies I\:(A) < I\:(J.I.). Thus the first Ramsey cardinal is larger than I\:(w), I\:(w!) , ... , I\:(Ww), .... Corollary 23.18 shows that measurable cardinals are Ramsey.
If P = {Pi : i < a} is a partition of a set [X]", then we say that A ~ X is homogeneous of color i, or i-homogeneous if [Ajn ~ Pi, i.e., if the induced coloring takes the value i for all a E [Aln. Let us now consider the question: How bad can counterexamples to partition relations get? For example, we have seen that Wl f'. (wd~· It follows from Theorem 15.3 that every partition {Po, Pd of [wd2 has an infinite homogeneous set. But could it happen that there is neither an uncountable homogeneous set of color 1 nor an infinite homogeneous set of color O? In order to express this type of questions succinctly, let us introduce a new symbol.
DEFINITION 15.27. Let n E w\{O}, a EON, 1\:, Ai be cardinals for i < a. The symbol I\: -+ (Ai)i<c7 abbreviates the statement: For every partition P = {P; : i < a} of [I\:]n there exist an i < a and a homogeneous set A of color i and cardinality Ai.
In this new terminology, the above question about Wl can be expressed as follows: Does Wl f'. (w1,w)2? The next theorem gives an answer.
THEOREM 15.28 [Erdos-Dushnik-Miller]. Let I\: be an infinite cardinal. Then I\: -+ (l\:,w)2.
PROOF. Let I\: be an infinite cardinal, and let P = {Po, P1} be a partition of 1\:.
For 0: E I\: we define
B(o:) = {}1 < 1\:: {0:,}1} E Pd.
CLAIM 15.29. If for every A E [11:]'" there exists a E A such that IB(a)nAI = 11:, then there exists an infinite homogeneous set for P of color 1.
PROOF. Let F : [11:]'" --+ II: be a function such that IB(F(A)) n AI = II: for each A E dom(F). We define recursively:
Cn+1 = {a E Cn: F(Cn) < a 1\ {F(Cn),a} E PI}' The set {F(Cn) : nEw} is infinite and homogeneous of color 1.
Now let us return to the proof of Theorem 15.28. We assume that there is no infinite homogeneous set of color 1, and show that there must be a homogeneous set of color 0 and size 11:. Claim 15.29 allows us to find A E [11:]'" such that IB( a) nAI < II: for all a E A. We fix such A for the rest of this argument.
Case 1: II: is regular.
EXERCISE 15.26 (G). Convince yourself that in this case there exists a strictly increasing sequence (,0)0<'" of elements of A such that /0 > sup Ui3<o B(,{3) for all a < 11:, and derive the theorem from this fact.
Case 2: II: is singular.
This is the more interesting situation. Let), = cf(II:), and let (II:~)~<,\ be an increasing sequence of cardinals cofinal in 11:. We would like to somehow reduce this case to the previous one. So, let us choose the above sequence in such a way that each of the II:~'S is regular and, just in case it'll help, 11:0 > ),. Let {X~ : ~ < ),} be a partition of A such that IX~I = II:~ for all ~ < ),. By the result of Case 1, for each ~ we may pick C~ E [X~]"'( that is homogeneous of color 0 for P.
Let C = U~<,\ C~. This is a set of size 11:, and C n X~ is O-homogeneous for each f Moreover, IB(a) n CI < II: for every a E C. However, the sets B(a) may look rather erratic; in particular, it could happen that B(a)nC~ f:. 0 for all ~ f:. a. The only thing we know is that for sufficiently large~, the set B(a) n C~ will be of size smaller than that of Cf,' We need to get as much mileage as we can out of this rudimentary well-behavedness. Unfortunately, the meaning of "sufficiently large" may be different for different a's, even for different a's from the same Cf,.
Let us try to remedy the latter problem. For ~,7] E ), we define:
Cf,,1] = {a E Cf, : IB(a) n CI < 1I:1]}'
Note that Cf, = U1]<'\ Cf,,1]' Since 1I:f, is regular and larger than )',9 the Pigeonhole Principle implies that there is some b(~) with ICf,,6(f,) 1 = 1I:f,. Moreover, there is a set L E [),l" such that
v~, 7] E L (~ < 7] --+ b(~) ~ 7]).
Note that the set Uf,EL Cf,,6(f,) is still of cardinality 11:. Now define:
E = U (C1],6(1]) \ U{B(a) : 3~ < 7] (~ E L 1\ a E Cf,,6(f,))})'
A straightforward verification shows that E has cardinality II: and is O-homogeneous for P. 0
9Didn't we have the right inkling when we chose Ito to be larger than )..?
EXERCISE 15.27 (PG). Let K be an infinite cardinal, f : K -+ K.
(a) Show that there exists X E [K]'" such that f(a) :s f(f3) whenever a, f3 E X are such that a < f3.
(b) Show that if K is regular, there exists Y E [K]'" such that frY is either constant or strictly increasing.
So far, we have been concerned only with the cardinality of homogeneous sets.
But as long as n-tuples of ordinals are being partitioned, it also makes sense to ask whether homogeneous sets of a given order type exist.
DEFINITION 15.30. Let n E w\ {O}, a, f3i, (J' E ON, where i < (J'. The symbol a -+ (f3i)i<<7 abbreviates the statement: For every partition P = {Pi: i < (J'} of [a]n there exist i < (J' and a homogeneous set A of color i and order type f3i.
The symbols a -+ (f3)~ and a -+ (f3)-;W are defined analoguosly. One might think that symbols like W2 -+ (Wl)~ are ambiguous. But since every subset of ON of cardinality K has order type at least K, N2 -+ (Nd~ means exactly the same as W2 -+ (wd~·
Some partition results for cardinalities can be generalized to order types. For example, one can define the Erdos cardinal K(a) for each ordinal a ;::: wand show that a < f3 implies that K( a) < K(f3).
Other partition relations for cardinals can be somewhat sharpened if one considers the order types of the resulting homogeneous sets. The Erdos-Rado Theorem is a prime example.
EXERCISE 15.28 (PG). By analyzing the proof of Theorem 15.13, show that (exPn(K))+ -+ (K+ + n)~+l for every infinite cardinal K and n E w\{O}.
As long as K is regular and uncountable, one can also replace the w by w + 1 in the Erdos-Dushnlk-Mfller Theorem, but this requires a separate proof and will not be done here.
How about the Pigeonhole Principle? If there are only finitely many pigeonholes, nothing exciting happens.
EXERCISE 15.29. (a) Show that if k E w\{O}, then w . w -+ (w· w)~ and W'W -+ (w·wH·
(b) What is the largest a such that W· 9 -+ (a)l?
However, partitions of uncountable cardinals into countably many pieces can be surprisingly short on homogeneous subsets.
THEOREM 15.31 (Miller-Rado). Let K be an infinite cardinal and let a < K+.
Then a -;.. (K·W)~.
PROOF. Let K be an infinite cardinal. We want to show that for every a < K+ there exists a partition {An (a) : nEw} of a such that
We construct the An(a)'s by recursion over a. For a = 0, we let An(O) = 0 for all nEw.
Suppose a = f3 + 1 and the An(f3)'s have been constructed and satisfy (*)13' We let Ao(a) = {f3} and A~+1 = A~ for all nEw. Clearly, (*)", holds.
Now suppose a is a limit ordinal and (*),8 holds for all 13 < a. Let (f3e : e < cf(a)) be an increasing sequence of ordinals cofinal in a such that ot([f3e, f3e+d) = f3e+l for all e and 136 = Ue<6 f3e for all limit ordinals 0 < cf(a). Define:
Ao(a) = 0, An+l(a) = U {f3e + 'Y : 'Y E An(f3t;+I)}'
Then a = UnEw An(a), and the An(a)'s are pairwise disjoint. Moreover, ot(An+l(a)) ::; sup{ot(An(f3t;+d) : e < cf(a)}· cf(a).
By the inductive assumption and since cf(a) ::; K, the right hand side is an ordinal not exceeding K·n. K = K·n+1. Hence (*)0: holds and we are done. 0
Can Ramsey's Theorem also be generalized to "reasonable" countable ordinals?
For example, can one show that w·2 -+ (w·2)~? Or can one at least prove w·2 -+ (w·2,w)2, in analogy with the Erdoe-Dushnik-Miller Theorem?
THEOREM 15.32. w·2 ~ (w + l,w)2.
PROOF. Consider w x w with the lexicographical ordering. This is a set of order type w·2. Define a coloring fo : [w x W]2 -+ 2 by letting fo({(a,b), (c,d)}) = 1 if and only if a < c and b > d, i.e., if the order on the second coordinate reverses the order on the first coordinate.
EXERCISE 15.30 (G). Show that there are no O-homogeneous sets for fo of
order type w + 1 and every l-hornogeneous set for fo is finite. 0
EXERCISE 15.31 (PG). (a) Define colorings fi : [w x wj2 -+ 2 for 1 ::; i < 6 as follows: h( {(a, b), (c, d)}) = 1 if and only if a < c < b < d. Let fo be as in the proof of Theorem 15.32, and let f4 be such that fi1{1} = fo1{I}Uf;1{1}. Now define hHl for j < 3 by letting f2j~dl} = f2'~/{I}U{ {(a, c), (b,c)}: a,b,c E wl\a,b < c}. Show that for each i < 6, there are no O-homogeneous sets of order type w . 2 + 1 (in the lexicographical ordering on w x w) and no infinite l-homogeneous sets for any of the fi'S.
(b) Let A E [w]No• Define AD. = {(n,k): n,k E Al\n < k}. Show that AD. is a subset of w x w of order type w·2 in the lexicographical ordering, and for every i < 6, hr[AD.j2 has I-homogeneous sets of arbitrarily large finite size.
The following theorem shows that partitions of w·2 cannot get much messier than the ones we just constructed.
THEOREM 15.33 (Specker). lfm E w, then w·2 -+ (w·2,m).
One remarkable thing about Specker's Theorem is that it doesn't generalize to w·k for k > 2; in fact, one can show that w·k ~ (w·k, 3) whenever 3 ::; k < w. For k = w, the situation changes again; by a result of Chang, ur'" -+ (w'w, m) for all
We will prove Specker's Theorem by showing that, in a sense, the functions fi constructed in Exercise 15.31 are the only counterexamples witnessing that w·2 ~ (w·2, w). More precisely, we will prove the following:
LEMMA 15,34. Suppose g : [w x wj2 -+ 2 is a coloring without O-homogeneous set of order type w·2 (in the lexicographical order on w x w) and without infinite I-homogeneous set. Then there exist A E [w]No and i < 6 such that gf[AD.]2 = I, r[A~J2.
PROOF. Let 9 be as in the assumptions. The idea of the proof is to whittle down the domain of 9 so that what remains will resemble more and more closely one of the h's.
As a first step, consider the coloring hI : [wP --+ 2 defined by:
h1( {a, b, c}) = g((a, b), (a, c)) for a < b < c < w.
Let C E [w1l{o be homogeneous for hI. It follows from the definition of hI that gf[C.6.12 is homogeneous on all vertical sections, and since 9 has no infinite 1- homogeneous sets, all these vertical sections must be O-homogeneous.
Now consider colorings h2 : [C14 --+ 2 and h3 : [CP --+ 2 defined by
h2({a,b,c,d}) = g((a,b), (c, d)) for a < b < c < d < w, h3({a,b,c}) = g((a,b), (b,c)) for a < b < c < w.
Applying Ramsey's Theorem twice, we find B E [cto that is a homogeneous set for both h2 and h3.
EXERCISE 15.32 (G). Show that B must be homogeneous of color 0 for both h2 and h3·
We need to consider three more colorings h4' h5, h6, where h4 : [BP --+ 2 is defined by
h4( {a, b. c}) = g( (a, c), (b, c)) for a < b < c < w, and h5, h6 : [B14 --+ 2 are defined as follows:
h5({a,b,c,d}) = g((a,d), (b, c)) for a < b < c < d < w, h6({a,b,c,d}) = g((a,c), (b,d)) for a < b < c < d < w.
Applying Ramsey's theorem three more times, we find a set A E [B1No such that A is homogeneous for h4' h5, and h6 simultaneously.
EXERCISE 15.33 (PG). (a) Show that A is I-homogeneous for at least one of the functions h5, h6·
(b) Show that A is I-homogeneous for all three functions h4' h5, h6 if and only if gf[A.6.j2 = hf[A.6.12.
(c) Formulate and prove analogues of (b) for the functions fi where i < 5. 0
The example we constructed to show that 2l{o f+ (WI H was a rather unnatural concoction. One might ask whether it is possible to show that every "nice" partition of [lR12 into two subsets has an uncountable homogeneous set. To make mathematical sense of this question, we have to specify what "nice" means. One possible interpretation would be "topologically uncomplicated." Suppose X is a topological space, and P = {Po, Pd is a partition of [xj2. One can identify Po with the set p;ym = {(x,y) : {x,y} E Po}. We say that P is an open partition if p;ym is an open subset of X x X with the product topology.!? The following statement is known as the Open Coloring Axiom (abbreviated OCA):
(OCA) If X is a separable metrizable space and
P = {Po, Pd is an open coloring of[Xj2, then
• either there exists an uncountable O-homogeneous subset of X,
• or X is a union of countably many I-homogeneous sets.
lONote that P is open if and only if p~ym is a closed subspace of X x X\{(x,x): x EX}.
Note that, in particular, OCA implies that no open partition of a set of pairs of reals witnesses the negative partition relation 2No f+ (wd~.
The Open Coloring Axiom is not a theorem of ZFC. However, Stevo Todorcevic has shown that if ZFC is a consistent theory, then so is the theory ZFC + OCA. Thus, every statement provable in ZFC + OCA is relatively consistent with ZFC.
Let us conclude this chapter with an interesting consequence of OCA.
THEOREM 15.35. Suppose OCA holds and f is a function from an uncountable subset of the reals into the reals. Then there exists an uncountable subset D ~ dom(f) such that f r D is weakly monotonic. In fact, if there is no uncountable D ~ dom(f) such that f r D is strictly increasing, then there exists a sequence (fn)nEw of nonincreasing functions such that f = UnEw I«.
PROOF. It suffices to prove the second statement, since the first one follows from it. Let f be as in the assumptions, and let X = {(x, f(x)) : x E dom(f)} be the graph of f. Then X is a subspace of R2; hence X is separable metrizable. Let
Po = {{ (xo, f(xo)), (Xl, f(xd)} E [XF : Xo < Xl 1\ f(xo) < f(xd};
PI = [X]2\PO•
EXERCISE 15.34 (PG). (a) Convince yourself that {Po, PI} is an open partition of [X]2.
(b) Derive Theorem 15.35. 0
Mathographical Remarks
There are several good sources for learning more about Ramsey theory.
Neil H. Williams' text Combinatorial Set Theory, North-Holland, 1977, contains a fairly extensive treatment of partition calculus for infinite cardinals and ordinals. The standard reference for partition theorems for infinite cardinals nowadays is [EHMRJ, i.e., the encyclopaedical treatise Combinatorial Set Theory: Partition Relations for Cardinals, by P. Erdos, A. Haj nal , A. Mate, and R. Rado, NorthHolland, 1984. Mathematics of Ramsey Theory, edited by J. Nesetfil and V. Rodl, Springer Verlag, 1990, is a collection of survey articles covering various topics in Ramsey theory and related fields. If you want to study finite Ramsey theory, you may be interested in the text Ramsey Theory, by R. L. Graham, B. L. Rothschild, and J. H. Spencer; John Wiley, 1990 (2nd edition), or in the shorter Rudiments of Ramsey Theory, by Ronald L. Graham, published by the AMS in 1981.
The .6.-System Lemma
A family A is called a Ll-system if there is a set r such that an b = r whenever a, b E A and a =f. b. If IAI ~ 2, the set r is uniquely determined by A and is called its root by some authors, and its kernel by others.
As a warm-up for this chapter, consider the following.
THEOREM 16.1. Every uncountable family of finite sets contains an uncountable Ll-system.
PROOF. Let n > 0 be a positive natural number, and consider the following statement:
(Lln) Every uncountable B ~ [Wlt contains an uncountable Ll-system.
CLAIM 16.2. (Lln) holds for every natural number n > O. EXERCISE 16.1 (G). Derive Theorem 16.1 from Claim 16.2.
PROOF OF CLAIM 16.2. By induction over n > O. To get started, note that every B as in (Lll) is a Ll-system with root 0. Now suppose (Lln) holds, and let B = {be : ~ < Wl} ~ [Wl]nH. In order to show that B contains an uncountable Ll-system, we distinguish two cases.
Case 1: For each a E Wl, the set {b E B : a E b} is countable.
In this case, for each countable C C Wl the set {~ < Wl : be n U'1EC b'1 =f. 0} is countable. We define recursively a function h : Wl - Wl as follows:
h(O) = OJ h(~) = min{l1 : b'1 n U bh«() = 0}.
The family A = {bh(e) : ~ < wd is a Ll-system with kernel 0.
Case 2: There is an a E Wi such that I{b E B : a E b}/ = Ni.
Fix such a. Let C = {b E B : a E b} and C' = {b \ {a} : b E C}. By (Lln), there is an uncountable Ll-system A' ~ C'. Let r denote the root of A', and let A = {a U {a}: a E A'}. This is a Ll-system with root r U {a}. 00
EXERCISE 16.2 (R). Let B be an uncountable family of finite subsets of Wi.
Show that there exists a countable subset N C Wi such that every b E B which is not a subset of N is a member of some uncountable Ll-system A ~ B with kernel r ~ N.l
Theorem 16) can be generalized as follows:
THEOREM 16.3 (Ll-System Lemma). Let K, and A be infinite cardinals such that A is regular and the inequality 11<1< < A holds for all 11 < A. If B is a set
1 A solution to Exercise 16.2 will be given in Chapter 24.
of cardinality at least A such that Ibl < K for all bEE, then there exists a tl-system A ~ B with IAI == A.
PROOF. Let K, A, B be as in the assumption.
EXERCISE 16.3 (G). Show that the assumptions imply the inequality K < A. Without loss of generality we may assume that IBI = A. Since every element
of B has cardinality less than A, we may also restrict ourselves to the case where UB~A.
Each b E B is a set of ordinals of order type less than K. By regularity of A, and since K < A, there exist an ordinal p < K and a subset C ~ B of cardinality A such that every c E C: has order type p. Fix such p and C.
EXERCISE 16.4 (G). Show that UC is cofinal in A.
Enumerate C = {c~ : ~ < A}. For ( < p and c E C, let c(() denote the (-th element of c.
EXERCISE 16.5 (G). Show that there exists a ( < p such that {c(() : c E C} is unbounded in A.
Let (0 be the smallest ( as in Exercise 16.5, and define: ao = sup{ c( 1)) + 1 : c E C I\. 1) < (o}.
Then ao < A and c(1)) < ao for all c E C, 1) < (0'
We recursively define a function h : A ~ A by h(O) == min{~ : c~((o) > ao}, h(a) == min{~ : cd(o) > U{ch(-y)(8) : "y < a I\. 8 < p}}. Note that h is strictly increasing. Let D == {Ch(et) : a < A}.
EXERCISE 16.6 (G). Convince yourself that the intersection of any two different elements of D is a subset of ao.
Since laol<K < A, there exist a subset E ~ D of cardinality A and a set r ~ ao such that Ve E E (e n ao == r). By Exercise 16.6, the set E is a tl-system with kernel r. 0
EXERCISE 16.7 (G). Assume CH holds, and let S == {Set: a < W2} be a family of N2 countable sets. Show that there exists a tl-system A ~ S such that IAI = N2.
EXERCISE 16.8 (R). Show that in Theorem 16.3, the assumption that A is regular cannot be replaced by "cf(A) > K." However, if we also slightly weaken the assertion, then a modification of the proof of Theorem 16.3 yields a correct and meaningful theorem. Find this theorem and prove it.
We conclude this section with an application to topology. Recall that in general, the product of finitely many c.c.c. spaces does not have the c.c.c. (compare Theorem 14.15). The following theorem asserts that if the product of a family of spaces does not have the c.c.c., then the c.c.c. fails already for the product of a finite subfamily.
THEOREM 16.4. Let {(Xi, Ti) : i E I} be a family of topological spaces such that for every finite F ~ I the product iliEF Xi has the c.c.c. Then iliEI Xi also satisfies the c.c.c.
PROOF. Assume towards a contradiction that {Uo a < wI} is a family of pairwise disjoint, nonempty open subsets of I1iEI Xi. By shrinking the Us'e if necessary, we may without loss of generality assume that they are basic open sets. This means that U« = I1iEI Via, where Via is a nonempty open subset of Xi for each i E I, and Via # Xi only if i E bo, where bo is a finite subset of I.
EXERCISE 16.9 (PG). Fix a < (3 < Wl and let F = bo nbtJ. Moreover, let 7r be the projection of I1iEI Xi onto I1iEF x; Show that 7r[Uol and 7r[UtJl are disjoint open subsets of I1iEF Xi. Show also that F # 0.
By Theorem 16.1, there exist a finite F C Wi and an uncountable A ~ Wi such that the set {bo : a E A} is a D.-system with kernel F. By Exercise 16.9, F # 0 and the family {7r[Uol : a E A} witnesses that I1iEF Xi does not satisfy the C.C.c. This contradicts one of our assumptions. D
Applications of the Continuum Hypothesis
In this chapter we illustrate how the Continuum Hypothesis can be used in mathematical proofs. In Section 17.1 we concentrate on the impact of CH on the structure of the ideals of meager and null sets of reals. In Section 17.2 we present some typical applications of CH to a variety of problems.
17.1. Applications to Lebesgue measure and Baire category
Let A ~ R x R. The vertical section of A at x is the set Ax = {y E R : (x, y) E A}, and the horizontal section of A at y is the set AY = {x E R: (x,y) E A}.
THEOREM 17.1 (CH). There exists A ~ [0,1] x [0,1] such that each horizontal section of A is countable and each vertical section of A contains all but countably many reols.
PROOF. Assume CH. Let :: ~ [0,1] x [0,1] be a binary relation on [0,1] such
that ([0,1],::) is a w.o. of order type WI'
EXERCISE 17.1 (G). Show that A = :: is as required in Theorem 17.1. 0 EXERCISE 17.2 (PG). Show that the converse of Theorem 17.1 is also true. EXERCISE 17.3 (PG). (a) Show that the set A of Theorem 17.1 is not Lebesgue
measurable. Hint: Let XA : [0,1] x [0,1] - R be defined by:
( b) _ {I, if (a, b) E A;
XA a, -
0, otherwise.
If A were measurable, then XA would be Lebesgue-integrable, and by Fubini's Theorem,
11 11 XAdxdy = 11 11 XAdydx
(b) Conclude that if ([0,1],::) is a w.o. of order type WI, then:: is not a Borel subset of [0,1]2.
A subset L of R is called a Luzin set if L is uncountable, but for every nowhere dense subset K of R the intersection K n L is countable.
THEOREM 17.2 (CH). There exists a Luzin set.
PROOF. Since a set is nowhere dense in a topological space if and only if its closure is nowhere dense, we can equivalently define a Luzin set as an uncountable set of reals that has countable intersection with every closed nowhere dense set of reals. It follows from Claim 11.6 that there are exactly 2No nowhere dense closed subsets of R Assume CH holds, and let (Kf. : ~ < WI) be an enumeration of all closed nowhere dense subsets of R Construct L = {Xry : "l < WI} in such a way that
XT/ E IR\ (Ut;<T/ KI; U {XI; : ~ < TJ}) for all TJ < Wi· This is possible since by the Baire Category Theorem (Theorem 26.5) the real line is not a union of count ably many nowhere dense subsets. Clearly, L is uncountable. Moreover, if K is a nowhere dense subset of IR, then cl (K) = KI; for some ~ < Wi, and L n K ~ {XT/ : TJ ~ ~}. It follows that L is a Luzin set. D
A subset S of IR is called a Sierpiriski set, if S is uncountable, but for every N ~ IR of Lebesgue measure zero the intersection N n S is countable.
EXERCISE 17.4 (G). Show that CH implies the existence of a Sierpiriski set. Note that one gets an equivalent definition of a Luzin set if one replaces the phrase "of Lebesgue measure zero" in the definition of a Sierpiriski set by the phrase "of first Baire category." It quite often happens that if 'P is a statement about subsets of the real line and 'P* is the statement obtained from 'P by replacing every occurrence of "Lebesgue measure zero" by "first Baire category" and vice versa, then a proof of 'P can be translated mutatis mutandis into a proof of 'P*' Apparently, the notions of Lebesgue measure zero and first Baire category are "dual" to each other. Is there a way to give a precise meaning to this apparent duality? If CH holds, then the next theorem explains the observed phenomenon. Since repeating the phrases "first Baire category" and "Lebesgue measure zero" gets tiring after a while, let us speak of meager and null sets from now on. The family of meager sets of reals will be denoted by M, and the family of null sets by N. Both M and N are count ably complete ideals in P(IR).
THEOREM 17.3 (Erdos-Sierpiriski). Assume CH. Then there exists a bijection f : IR -+ IR such that for all A ~ IR :
(i) J[A] E M ~ A EN;
(ii) J[A] E N ~ A E M.
EXERCISE 17.5 (G). Convince yourself that if f is as in Theorem 17.3, then J[L] is a Sierpiriski set whenever L is a Luzin set, and f[S] is a Luzin set for every Sierpiriski set S.
PROOF OF THEOREM 17.3. We need two lemmas.
LEMMA 17.4. There exists a decomposition of IR into disjoint sets Fo E M and Go EN.
PROOF. Choose an enumeration of the set of rationals Q = {qi : i E w}. For every nEw, let U« = UiEw(qi - 2-(n+i), qi + 2-(n+i)). Define Go = nnEw Un and Fo = IR\Go. Note that the Lebesgue measure of Un is at most 2-n+2• Thus Go is a null set. Since each Un is a dense open set of reals, Fo is meager. D
EXERCISE 17.6 (PG). ( a) Show that in the proof of Lemma 17.4, the sequence (qi)iEw can be chosen in such a way that [0, 1]\U3 is homeomorphic with the Cantor set D.
(b) Conclude that the property of being a null set is not a topological property, i.e., is not preserved by homeomorphisms.
Let I be an ideal of subsets of a set X. We say that B is a base of the ideal I if B ~ I and for every A E I there exists B E B such that A ~ B.
LEMMA 17.5 (CH). There exist bases {Fa: a < 2~o} of M and {Ga : a < 2No} of N such that Fa ~ F{3, c.; ~ G{3, lFa+l \Fal = IGa+1 \Gal = 2~O for all a < {3 < 2~o, and Fa = U{3<a F{3, c; = U{3<a G{3 whenever a > 0 is a limit ordinal.
PROOF. We need the following:
FACT 17.6. If F is a meager subset of R, then there exists a meager set F+ :::> F such that IF+\FI = 2No. Similarly, if G is a null set, then there exists a null set G+ :::> G such that IG+\GI = 2No.
EXERCISE 17.7 (PG). (a) Prove Fact 17.6.
(b) Show that both the ideal of meager sets and the ideal of null sets have bases of size 2No.
Now let {Aa : a < 2No} be a base for the ideal of meager sets. Construct Fa
by recursion over a such that for all a:
(a) Fa is meager;
(b) Fa+1;2 Fa U Aa;
(c) lFa+1 \Fal = 2No; and
(d) Fa = U{3<a F{3 if a is a countable limit ordinal.
Since the union of countably many (and in particular: two) meager sets is meager, conditions (b) and (d) do not force us to violate condition (a). By Fact 17.6, the same can be said of condition (c). Clearly, conditions (a)-(d) imply that {Fa: a < 2No} is as required. The construction of {Ga : a < 2No} is analogous. We have proved Lemma 17.5. 0
Wait a minute. Lemma 17.5 was supposed to be a consequence of CH. EXERCISE 17.8 (G). Where in the proof of Lemma 17.5 did we use CH?
Now we are ready to prove Theorem 17.3. Let {Fa: a < 2No} and {Ga : a < 2No} be as in Lemma 17.5. Without loss of generality we may assume that the pair (Fo, Go) is a decomposition of lR. as in Lemma 17.4. For each a, choose a bijection fa : Fa+l \Fa _,. Ga+! \Ga, and let 1 = Ua<2l<o fa. Note that 1 is a bijection with dam(j) = lR.\Fo = Go and rng(j) = lR\Go = Fo. Moreover, every meager subset of Go is contained in F{3 for some {3 < 2No and gets mapped by 1 to a subset of the null set G{3 n Fo. Similarly, 1-1 maps each null set Fo n G{3 to the meager set Go n F{3. Let f = 1 U 1-1.
EXERCISE 17.9 (G). Verify that f is a bijection that satisfies conditions (i)
and (ii) of Theorem 17.3. 0
Naturally, if a theorem has been proved with the help of CH, one should try to prove the same theorem from a weaker assumption, or, even better, in ZFC alone. Let us go over the proof of Theorem 17.3 and see what we really need to make it work. The only place where CH was used is the proof of Lemma 17.5. More specifically; we constructed recursively sequences (Fa: a < 2No) and (Ga : a < 2~o) of meager (respectively null) sets. At limit stages a < 2No we defined Fa = U{3<a F{3 and Ga = U{3<a G{3. The Continuum Hypothesis 2No = ~1 implies that all the relevant a's are countable limit ordinals. Since the union of countably many meager sets is meager, and the union of count ably many null sets is a null
set, this still gave us meager sets Fo. and null sets Go., and we could proceed with the recursive construction.
Do we need the full force of CH for the argument? To explore this question, let us introduce some new concepts. If I is an ideal, define:
add(I) = min{K: 3{A~ : € < K} ~ I (U A~ ~ I)}.
The cardinal add (I) is called the additivity of the ideal I. Note that I is countably complete if and only if add(I) ~ Nt.
The numbers add(M) and add(N) are our first examples of cardinal invariants of the continuum. Many consequences of the Continuum Hypothesis or Martin's Axiom can be derived from suitable assumptions about cardinal invariants.
EXERCISE 17.10 (G). (a) Convince yourself that CH implies that add(M) = add(N) = 2No.
(b) Show that Theorem 17.3 remains valid if we replace CH by the assumption that add(M) = add(N) = 2No.
In Chapter 19 we will show that the equalities add(M) = add(N) = 2No are consistent with the negation of the Continuum Hypothesis. It is not possible, however, to prove in ZFC that add(M) = add(N) = 2No, nor even that add(M) = add(N).
EXERCISE 17.11 (G). Convince yourself that if add(M) f add(N), then there is no bijection f : JR. --+ JR. that satisfies conditions (i) and (ii) of Theorem 17.3.
Let us say that L is a generalized Luzin set if L ~ JR, ILl = 2No, and ILnFI < 2No for each meager set F. Similarly, let us say that S is a generalized Sierpinski set if S ~ JR., lSI = 2No, and IS n GI < 2No for each null set G.
EXERCISE 17.12 (G). Show that if add(M) = add(N) = 2No, then there exist generalized Luzin sets and generalized Sierpiiiski sets.
A set X ~ JR has strong measure zero if for every sequence (Cn)nEw of positive reals there exists a sequence (In)nEw of open intervals such that In has length 5 Cn for each nEw and X ~ UnEw In.
Clearly, every countable set of reals has strong measure zero, and strong measure zero sets are null sets. But uncountable sets of strong measure zero are difficult to come by.
EXERCISE 17.13 (R). (a) Show that no uncountable closed set of reals has strong measure zero.
(b) Deduce from (a) that no uncountable Borel set of reals has strong measure zero.
Presumably motivated by the result of Exercise 17.13, E. Borel made the following conjecture:
THE BOREL CONJECTURE: Every strong measure zero set of reals is countable.
The Borel Conjecture turned out to be relatively consistent with ZFC. But it is not a theorem of ZFC.
THEOREM 17.7 (CH). There exists an uncountable set of reals of strong measure zero.
Here is a clever way to prove Theorem 17.7:
EXERCISE 17.14 (PG). Show that every Luzin set has strong measure zero. And here is a more pedestrian approach:
PROOF OF THEOREM 17.7. Assume CH and let ((C~)nEw : 1] < WI) be an enumeration of all sequences of positive reals. We want to construct recursively a sequence (x~ : ~ < WI) of real numbers and a double sequence (I~ : nEw, 1] < WI) of open intervals such that
(a) I~ has length ~ c~ for all nEw and 1] < WI;
(b) Q U {x~ : ~ < 1]} ~ UnEw I~ for all 1] < WI; and (c) X7) E (n~:57)UnEwI~)\{x~: ~ < 1]} for all 1] < WI'
The construction can be carried out as follows: At stage 1], we are given x~ and I~ for ~ < 1] and nEw. Since countable sets have strong measure zero, we can choose intervals I~ such that (a) and (b) hold. Note that the presence of Q in (b) ensures that UnEw I~ is a dense set of reals for every ~ ~ 1]. Thus the set n~:57) UnEw I~ is a dense Go-set of reals and hence uncountable (see Theorem 26.5 and Exercise 14.6). So we can pick x7) E (n~:57)UnEwI~)\{x~: ~ < 1]} as required in (c).
Now suppose x~ and I~ have been constructed for all ~ < WI and nEw so that (a)-(c) hold. Let X = {x~ : ~ < wd. By (c), X is uncountable. Moreover, if ~ < WI, then (b) implies that x~ E UnEw I~ for ~ < 1], and (c) implies that x~ E UnEw I~ for ~ 2: 1]. Thus X ~ UnEw I~ for each 1] < WI. Since every sequence of positive reals (Cn)nEw is listed as (C~)nEw for some 1] < WI, (a) implies that X has strong measure zero. D
Can we replace CH in Theorem 17.7 by an assumption about a suitable cardinal invariant of the continuum? An analysis of the "pedestrian" proof of Theorem 17.7 may shed light on this question. The Continuum Hypothesis was used to enumerate all sequences of positive reals by countable ordinals. This of course cannot be done with the help of anything less than CH. But perhaps we do not need to consider all sequences of positive reals? Wouldn't it be enough if for every sequence (8n)nEw of positive reals our enumeration contained a sequence (C~)nEw such that c~ ~ 8n for all nEw? Let us define:
e, = min{,..;: 3{(C~)nEw : 1] <,..;} ~ W(JR+)'v'(8n)nEw E W(JR+)31] < ,..;Vn(c~ ~ 8n)}, where JR+ = (0,00).
EXERCISE 17.15 (PG). (a) Show that e, > No. (b) Conclude that CH -+ i) c = N 1 .
(c) Show that Theorem 17.7 remains valid if CH is replaced by the assumption that i)c = NI.
The cardinal invariant i)c is usually defined in a different way. Let I,s E Ww.
We write f <" 9 and say that 9 eventually dominates f if 3mVn > m (f(n) < g(n)). A subset G ~ Ww is said to be a dominating family if Vf E Ww3g E G (f <" g). Define
() = min{IGI : G ~ Ww 1\ G is a dominating family}.
The cardinal invariant i) is called the dominating number.
EXERCISE 17.16 (0). Show that i) = i)o'
We will prove in Chapter 19 that the equality i) = ~1 is not a theorem of ZFC.
However, it can be shown that this equality is consistent with the negation of CH. A sequence (fa : a < K,) of elements of Ww is called a n-scale if fa <" f/3 for all a < (3 < K, and {fa : a < K,} is a dominating family.
EXERCISE 17.17 (PO). Show that i) = ~1 implies the existence of an WI -scale, Let us examine your solution of Exercise 17.17. (You did complete it before reading on, didn't you?) You had to deal with situations where for a given countable family {fn : nEw} ~ Ww you wanted to find 9 E Ww such that fn <* 9 for all nEw. Superficially, this may look like an application of Exercises 17.15(a) and 17.16, but let us look a little closer at the problem. The inequality i) > ~o only implies that some 9 E Ww is not eventually dominated by any of the fn's, not that there exists 9 E Ww which eventually dominates all fn's. Let us say that a family F ~ Ww is bounded if there exists 9 E W w such that f <* 9 for all f E F, and unbounded if no such 9 exists. Define:
b = min{IFI : F ~ Ww A F is an unbounded family}.
The cardinal b is called the bounding number.
EXERCISE 17.18 (PO). (a) Show that ~o < b ~ e.
(b) Show that there exists a sequence (fa : a < b) offunctions in Ww such that fa. <* f/3 for all a < (3 < b and the family {fa. : a < b} is unbounded.
(c) Infer from (a) and (b) that b is a regular uncountable cardinal.
Does the notion of strong measure zero sets have a "dual" for Baire category?
This is far from obvious, since there is no category analogue for the length of an interval. But how about this: Let us call a set M ~ JR perfectly meager if MnK is meager in K whenever K is a perfect (i.e., closed without isolated points) subset of JR. Perfectly meager sets share some properties of strong measure zero sets. For example, every countable set of reals is perfectly meager and there are no uncountable perfectly meager Borel subsets of JR. Moreover, the equality b = ~1 allows us to construct an uncountable perfectly meager set. Here is how.
LEMMA 17.8. Suppose X is a Polish space, (Ja : a < WI) is a decreasing sequence of Fa-subsets of X such that na<wl Ja = 0, and K is a perfect subset of X. Then there exists a < WI such that K n J a is meager in K.
PROOF. Suppose (Ja : a < WI) is as in the assumption. For each a, let J« = UmEw Ja,m, where the Ja,m's are closed in X. Let K be a perfect subset of X. Then K is also a Polish space. In the remainder of this proof, all topological notions (basic open set, meager set, etc.) refer to the topological space K. Since for each a < WI, KnJa has the Baire property, either KnJa is meager for some a, or for every a < WI there exist a nonempty basic open set Ua and n(a) E w such that K n Ja,n(a) n U« is comeager in U«- Let's assume towards a contradiction that the second alternative holds. Since K is. second countable, the Pigeonhole Principle implies that there exist a basic open U and a cofinal subset A of WI such that U a = U for all a E A. But each comeager subset of U is dense in U. Since
1 Another name for perfectly meager sets is always first category sets.
K n Jo.,n(o.) is closed, we must have Jo.,n(o.) ;2 U for each a E A. It follows that no.EA Jo. ;2 U, and since the sequence (Jo. : a < WI) was assumed decreasing, we have no.<Wl Jo. ;2 U. This contradicts the assumption that no.<Wl Jo. == 0. 0
LEMMA 17.9. Suppose X is a Polish space without isolated points, (Jo. : a < WI) is a strictly decreasing sequence of Fq-subsets of X such that no.<Wl Jo. == 0, and Yo. E Jo. \Jo.+1 for all a < WI. Then the set Y == {Yo. : a < WI} is perfectly meager.
PROOF. Let X, Y, Jo. be as in the assumptions and let K be a perfect subset of X. By Lemma 17.8, there is an ao < WI such that the set Kn{yo. : ao < a < wI} is meager in K. The set K n {Yo. : a:::; ao} is countable, and hence also meager in K. Thus, the set K n Y is the union of two meager sets in K, and hence meager inK. 0
LEMMA 17.10. Let X == Ww with the product topology. If b = ~11 then there exists a strictly decreasing sequence (Jo. : a < WI) of nonempty Fq-subsets of X such that no.<Wl Jo. = 0.
PROOF. Assume b == ~1. Let (fo. : a < WI) be a sequence as in Exercise 17.18(b). Define:
Jo. == {g E Ww : i; <" g}.
EXERCISE 17.19 (G). Convince yourself that the J 0. 's are as required. Hint:
To show that Jo. is a countable union of closed sets, consider Jo.,m == {g E Ww :
"In> m Uo.(n) < g(n))}. 0
Since W W is homeomorphic to the set of irrationals with the usual topology, it follows from Lemmas 17.8-17.10 that the equality b = ~1 implies the existence of an uncountable perfectly meager set of reals.
Have we found category counterparts to all properties of strong measure zero sets discussed earlier in this section? How about Exercise 17.14?
EXERCISE 17.20 (PG). Show that every Sierpiriski set is perfectly meager. How about the Borel Conjecture? Is it consistent that every perfectly meager set is countable? In Chapter 20 (Theorem 20.2 and Claim 20.3) we will prove in ZFC the existence of a strictly decreasing sequence of length WI of Fq-subsets of the Cantor set with empty intersection. Thus, by Lemma 17.9, the existence of uncountable perfectly meager sets can be proved in ZFC. Oops, down the drain goes our "dual" Borel conjecture.
Did we discover a blemish on the face of Mathematica, or did we pick the wrong candidate for the dual notion of "strong measure zero?" To be completely honest with you: Mathematica's beauty is not flawless. Not always does the most aesthetically pleasing among competing conjectures turn out to be true. For example, the inequality add(N) :::; add(M) is provable in ZFC, but it is consistent that add(N) < add(M). The Lebesgue measure side of Mathematica's face is not a perfect mirror image of the Baire category side. But such little blemishes only add spice to the intimate knowledge of Mathematica's features. Much of the time, mathematical beauty is a surprisingly reliable indicator of mathematical truth.
In the case discussed here, we simply suspected the wrong kind of duality. This becomes evident if you consider the following notion: A set X <;;; IR is said to have
universal measure zero if for every Borel measure J.L that vanishes on the singletons/ there exists a Borel set A such that X ~ A and J.L(A) = O. Now this appears to be the right measure-theoretic counterpart of the notion of perfectly meager sets, doesn't it? And vice versa, of course.
EXERCISE 17.21 (R). (a) Show that every strong measure zero set has universal measure zero.
(b) Show that no uncountable closed set (and hence no uncountable Borel set) of reals has universal measure zero.
In Chapter 20 we will show in ZFC that there exists a strictly decreasing sequence (JOI. : a < WI) of Fu-subsets of IR such that nOl.<Wl JOI. = 0 and, if YOi. E JOI.+I \JOI. for all a, then the set {YOI. : a < WI} has universal measure zero. Do we need to persuade you further that the notions of strongly meager sets and sets of universal measure zero are dual to each other?
Now back to the drawing board: What is the right category analogue of strong measure zero? The following theorem points in a promising direction. It shows that strong measure zero sets can be characterized by their behavior with respect to meager sets.
THEOREM 17.11 (Galvin-Mycielski-Solovay). A set X ~ IR has strong measure zero iff for every meager set F there exists a real y such that (y + X) n F = 0.
The set y + X of Theorem 17.11 is defined as the shift of X by y units, i.e., y + X = {y + x : x E X}. Upon seeing Theorem 17.11 it is almost impossible to resist the temptation to call a set Y ~ IR strongly meager if for every null set G there exists x E IR such that (Y + x)nG = 0. Moreover, one is led to the following:
DUAL BOREL CONJECTURE: Every strongly meager set is countable.
Speaking of temptations: Here are some good ones for you.
EXERCISE 17.22 (X). Show that no uncountable closed set of reals is strongly meager.
EXERCISE 17.23 (XX). Show that every Sierpiriski set is strongly meager. EXERCISE 17.24 (XXX). Show that the family of strongly meager sets forms an ideal of subsets of R
The status of the Dual Borel Conjecture is the sameas the status of the Borel Conjecture: It is consistent with, but not provable in ZFC. Let us demonstrate the latter:
THEOREM 17.12. Assume add(N) = 2No. Then there exists a strongly meager set of reals of size 2No.
PROOF. Let (Gr, : ( < 2No) be an enumeration of all Go-sets of Lebesgue measure zero. We want to construct sequences of reals (xe : e < 2No) and (Ye : e < 2No) such that if X = {xe : e < 2No}, then
( + ) (yr, + X) n Gr, = 0 for all ( < 2No.
2This is shorthand for saying that 1.1. is a measure defined at least on the o-field of Borel subsets of lR such that 1.1.( {x}) = 0 for each x E R
Since {GC; : ( < 2No} is a base for the ideal of null sets, condition (+) implies that X is strongly meager. But how can we construct x~, y~ by recursion over ~ < 2No and ensure that (+) holds?
At stage 1} of the construction, we will have chosen x~, y~ for ~ < 1}, and we may assume that
Consider the set H.,., = U~<.,."C;~.,.,( GC; -x~). Since H.,., is a union of fewer than 2No null sets, add(N) = 2No implies that H.,., is a null set. So we may choose y.,., E lR.\H.,.,. Note that y E G - x if and only if y + x E G. Thus our choice of y.,., implies:
Now let us choose x.,.,. We have already incurred a lot of obligations: For every ( :oS 1} we must make sure that yC; + x.,., ~ GC;. Choosing x.,., E lR.\ UC;~.,.,(GC; - yc;) allows us to meet all these obligations. Again, add(N) = 2No implies that the set lR.\ UC;~.,.,(GC; - yC;) is nonempty, and hence a suitable choice for x.,., exists. 0
EXERCISE 17.25 (G). Show that if add(M) =2No, then there exists a strong measure zero set of reals of size 2No.
If you have become a true believer in cardinal invariants by now, here is a good exercise for you. For an ideal I of subsets of R, define:
cof(I) = min{IBI : B is a base of I}, cav(I) = min{IAI : A ~ I r; UA = R}.
EXERCISE 17.26 (G). Show that if cof(N) :oS cav(N) , then there exists a strongly meager set Y ~ lR. of cardinality cof(N) , and if cof(M) :oS cav(M), then there exists a strong measure zero set X ~ lR. of cardinality cof(M).
Those readers who want to learn more about meager sets, null sets, and cardinal invariants connected with these notions will find suggestions for further reading in the Mathographical Remarks at the end of this chapter.
17.2. Miscellaneous applications of CH Our next example is an application of CH to partition calculus.
THEOREM 17.13 (Erdos-Rado). CH implies that there exists a partition ofw x WI into disjoint sets Hand K such that Va E [w]N°VB E [WdN1 (ax B <6 H t\a x B <6 K).
PROOF. We 'need a lemma.
LEMMA 17.14 (CH). There exists a sequence (ba : a < WI) of subsets of w such that Va E [w]N°3aa < WI Va ~ aa (Ia n bal = la\bal = No).
EXERCISE 17.27 (PG). Prove Lemma 17.14.
Let (ba : a < WI) be a sequence as in Lemma 17.14. Define:
H = {(n,a) : a < WI,n E ba}, K = {(n,a) : a < WI,n ~ bal.
Consider a E [wF~o, B E [WI]N1• Let aa be as in Lemma 17.14, and pick a E B such that a 2: aa. If mEa n ba and n E a\ba, then (n, a) E (a x B)\H and (m,a) E (a x B)\K. 0
Can CR in Theorem 17.13 (or, more precisely, in Lemma 17.14) be replaced by an assumption about a suitable cardinal invariant; preferably one that has already been introduced? By using a clever and useful trick, one can show that Theorem 17.13 remains valid if CR is replaced by the assumption () = l{I'
Let f be a function from W into W such that f(n) > n for all nEw. For k E w, define recursively a function fk E "i» as follows: fO(n) = n, fk+l(n) = f(fk(n)) for all nEw. By the assumption about t, the sequence (fk(O))kEW is strictly increasing. Thus we can associate with f a set b(n <;;:; W as follows:
b(n = U [f2k(0), f2k+I(0)),
where [i,m) = {n E w; i::; n < m}.
For every a E [W]No let us define a function g(a) E Ww by;
g(a)(n) = min{m E a : m ;» n}.
EXERCISE 17.28 (G). Let a E [w]No, and assume that f E Ww is such that f(n) > n for all nEw and f(a) <* [, Show that lanb(nl = la\b(nl = l{o·
Now suppose" = l{I, and (fa ; a < WI) is an wrscale. Let ba = bU,,) for a < WI. It follows from Exercise 17.28 that the sequence (ba : a < WI) is as postulated in Lemma 17.14.
By considering another cardinal invariant of the continuum, one can show that Theorem 17.13 is not provable in ZFC. The splitting number s is defined as the smallest cardinality of a splitting family, where a family S <;;:; P(w) is splitting if for every a E [W]No there exists s E S such that la n s] = la\sl = l{o. Note that the family {bo: ; a < wd of Lemma 17.14 is a (rather special) splitting family of cardinality l{I' In Chapter 19 (Theorem 19.20) we will show that MA + .. CR implies that s > l{l.
THEOREM 17.15. Assume s > l{I. Then for every partition of W x WI into disjoint sets Hand K there exist a E [W]No and B E [WI]Nl such that a x B <;;:; H ora x B <;;:; K.
PROOF. Let W x WI = H U K, where H n K = 0. For a < WI, let Sa = {n E W ; (n,a) E H}. If s > l{I, then the family {so: : a < WI} is not splitting. This means, we can pick ao E [W]No such that for all a < WI, either lao n so:l < l{o or
lao\so:l < l{o· .'
Case 1: I{a < WI : lao n so:l < l{0}1 = l{I.
For nEw, let Bn = {a : ao n So: <;;:; n}. By the Pigeonhole Principle, IBnl = l{I for some nEw. Pick the smallest such n, and let B = Bn, a = ao\n. Then a x B <;;:; K.
Case 2: Not Case 1. Then I{a < WI : lao\sc>I < No}1 = NI.
Reasoning as in Case 1, we find a E [ao]~o and B E [Wd~l such that a x B is a subset of H. 0
In topology, CH has been used to construct many examples of spaces that exhibit various bizarre combinations of topological properties. Let us present here just one of these examples, the so-called Kunen line. One of the counter-intuitive properties of the Kunen line: It is not a linearly ordered space.
THEOREM 17.16 (CH). Let (xc> : a < WI) be an enumeration of JR. Then there
exists a topology 7 on JR that refines the usual metric topology 7M and is such that:
(i) {xc>: a <,B} E 7 for each B < WI;
(ii) IclrM (A)\clr(A)1 ~ No for every A E [lR.]No; (iii) (JR,7) is zero-dimensional;
(iv) (JR,7) is first countable;
(v) (JR, 7) is locally compact.
Note that (i)-(iii) imply that the Kunen line is an S-space: Regularity follows from (iii). The family {{xc> : a <,B} : ,B < wd is an open cover without countable subcover; hence the Kunen line is not Lindelof. IT X is a subspace of lR and A is a countable subset of X dense in (X, 7M), then by a (ii), X\clr(A) is countable, and it follows that (JR,7) is hereditarily separable.
Moreover, note that (JR,7) is scattered: This follows from (i), (v), and Theorem 26.4.
EXERCISE 17.29 (G). How do we know that (lR,7) is Hausdorff?
PROOF OF THEOREM 17.16. Let us begin by enumerating everything relevant.
Let (xc> : a < WI) be as in the assumption. For,B < WI, let X{3 denote the set {xc> : a < ,B}. Fix an enumeration (A,,/ : 'Y < WI) of [lR]~o. For,B < WI, let C{3 = {A,,/ : 'Y <,B t\ A,,/ S;;; X{3 t\ x{3 E clrM(A,,/)}, and fix a sequence (C{3,n : nEw) such that every element of C{3 gets listed infinitely often in it.
By recursion over ,B < WI, we will construct a sequence of topologies (7{3 : ,B <
WI) such that for all ,B < WI:
(a) 7{3 is a topology on X{3 that refines the usual metric topology 7M r X{3; (b) If 'Y < ,B, then 7,,/ = 7{3 r X,,/;
(c) 1f,B E WI n LIM, then U"/<{3 7,,/ is a base for 7{3; (d) If A E C{3, then x{3 E clr~+l (A);
(e) 7{3 is a zero-dimensional topology on X{3; (f) 7{3 is a first countable topology on X{3; (g) 7{3 is a locally compact topology on X{3.
If we succeed in doing this, then U{3<Wl 7{3 is a base for a topology 7 on R. It is not hard to see that (a)-(c) imply that 7 is a refinement OhM that satisfies (i), and, moreover, that 7 r X (3 = 7{3 for each ,B < WI. This in turn implies that the whole space (JR,7) has such "local" properties as zero-dimensionality, first count ability, and local compactness if and only if each X{3 has these properties. Thus (e) implies (iii), (f) implies (iv), and (g) implies (v).
EXERCISE 17.30 (G). Convince yourself that (d) implies that if A E C{3, then X{3 E clr(A). Infer that (R, T) satisfies (ii).
It remains to construct the sequence (T{3 : (3 < WI). For (3 < w, the space X{3 is finite, and the metric topology TM on X{3 has all the desired properties. At limit stages (3, it suffices to observe that U')'<{3 T')' is a base for a topology, and choose T{3 as dictated by (c). Repeating the argument preceding Exercise 17.30, one can easily show that if (a)-(g) hold up to stage (3, then this topology T{3 will also have all the required properties.
Now assume T{3 has been constructed and satisfies conditions (a)-(c) and (e)(f). We show how to define T{3+1' The basic neighborhoods of Xo: for a < (3 have already been determined at previous stages. Now we need to choose a countable base for X{3 so that (d) holds. Since x{3 E clTMC{3,n for each nEw, we can choose a sequence (Yn)nEw of reals in X{3 such that Yn E Cn,{3 for all nEw and the sequence (IYn - X{3l)nEw of distances between x{3 and Yn is strictly decreasing and converges to zero. We are going to choose a decreasing sequence (V{3,k)kEW of subsets of X{3+1 such that {Yn : n ~ k} ~ V{3,k, V{3,k n X{3 is open for all k E w, and nkEw V{3,k = {X{3}. Then we will declare T{3 U {V{3,k: k E w} a base for T{3+1·
EXERCISE 17.31 (G). Convince yourself that if T{3+1 is defined as indicated above, then (d) holds at stage (3, and conditions (a)-(c) and (f) will be satisfied at stage (3 + 1.
To ensure that T{3+1 is zero-dimensional and locally compact, some extra care in choosing the V{3,k'S is needed. Let the Yn's be as above, and choose a sequence (In)nEw of pairwise disjoint closed intervals such that Yn E int (In) for all nEw. For each nEw, pick a compact neighborhood U{3,n E T{3 of Yn such that U{3,n ~ In and let V{3,k = {X{3} U Un~k U {3,n'
EXERCISE 17.32 (G). Convince yourself that these V{3,k'S satisfy the specifications described above, and show that the resulting space (X{3+1, T{3+1) is locally compact.
To show that (X{3+1, T{3+1) is zero-dimensional, it suffices to prove that each of the sets V{3,k is closed. The rest follows from the inductive assumption. So suppose x E X{3+1 \ V{3,k for some k E w. Then x =1= x{3. Since limn->oo Yn = x{3 and the intervals In do not overlap, there exist t e o and W E TM such that W n Un>f In = 0 and x E W. In other words,
W n V{3,k c U{3,k U U{3,k+1 U'" U U{3,f.'
The right hand side of the last equality is compact and hence closed in T{3. Since WE Tf3, there exists a T{3-neighborhood Wo ~ W of x such that Wo n V{3,k = 0.
The applications of CH we have seen so far all relied on transfinite recursion.
Let us give a couple of examples with a different flavor.
Let A be a family of subsets of a fixed set X. We say that A is an almost disjoint/amil1f if IAI = IXI and IAnBI < IXI for all {A,B} E [AJ2. While the size of every family of pairwise disjoint subsets of X is bounded by lXI, almost disjoint families can be somewhat larger.
3Some authors would insist on using the phrase "family of pairwise almost disjoint sets of cardinality IXI each." The phrase "almost disjoint" is also being used in the literature as a shorthand for "IA n BI < min{IAI, IBI}·"
THEOREM 17.17. Let K be a regular infinite cardinal. Then there exists an almost disjoint family A of subsets of K such that IAI = K+.
PROOF. Let K be as in the assumption. By recursion over 0 < K+ we will construct sets Aa E [K]'" such that IAa n At3l < K for all 0 < {3 < K.
To get started, let f : K -+ K X K be a bijection and define Aa = f-1 {(o, (3) : {3 < K} for 0 < K.
Now suppose K ~ 1 < K+, and {Ba : 0 < 1} has been constructed and forms an almost disjoint family, Fix a bijection g : K -+ 1. For (3 < K, define recursively 813 = min{At3\Ua<t3(Bg(a) U {8a})}. Since IAt3 n (Bg(a) U {8a})1 < K for each o < {3, and since (3 < K = cf(K), the set Aa n Ua<t3(Bg(a) U {8a}) has cardinality less than K, and hence 813 is well defined. We let B-y = {8t3 : {3 < K}. Then IB-yl = K and for each (3 < K, the set B-y n Bg(t3) is contained in the set {8a : 0 ~ {3}, and hence is of cardinality less than K. Since the range of the function g is 1, the family {Ba: 0 ~ 1} is almost disjoint. D
If K = w, then Theorem 17.17 can be improved.
THEOREM 17.18. There exists an almost disjoint family of subsets of W of size 2No.
PROOF. Fix a bijection f : <w2 -+ w. For a ~ w, let Xa : W -+ 2 denote the characteristic function of a. Define:
C(a) = {J(Xarn) : nEw}.
EXERCISE 17.33 (G). (a) Show that if a i:- b, then IC(a) n C(b)1 < ~o.
(b) Conclude that the family C = {C(a) : a E pew)} is an almost disjoint
family of size 2No. D
It is not possible to prove in ZFC that there exists an almost disjoint family of size 2Nl of subsets of WI. However, CH does imply the existence of such a family.
THEOREM 17.19 (CH). There exists an almost disjoint family of size 2Ml of subsets of WI.
PROOF. If CH holds, the set Ua<wl a2 has cardinality ~I'
EXERCISE 17.34 (G). Take a close look at the proof of Theorem 17.18 and
then prove Theorem 17.19. D
EXERCISE 17.35 (G). Find and prove a generalization of Theorem 17.19 to arbitrary infinite cardinals.
Let K be an infinite cardinal. A family A ~ P(K) is called independent if for all pairs of disjoint F,G E [A]<No we have:
CF,G = nAn n (K\A) i:- 0.
(We assume that n 0 = K.) We say that A is strongly independent if IC F,G I = K for every pair (F, G). as above.
THEOREM 17.20 (Fichtenholz-Kantorovitch-Hausdorff). Let K be an infinite cardinal. Then there exists a strongly independent family A ~ P(K) such that
IAI =2K.
PROOF. Let K, be an infinite cardinal, and let K = [K,]<No X [[K,]<No]<Na. Then IKI = K" and we can prove Theorem 17.20 by constructing a strongly independent family 8 ~ P(K) of size 2". The desired family A can then be obtained by fixing a bijection f : K -+ K, and defining A = {J[B] : BE 8}. For A E P(K,) let
BA = {(s,T) E K: snA E T}.
Let 8 = {BA : A E P(K,)}. It is not hard to see that if Ao f:. Al, then BAa f:. BAl' Thus 181 = 2".
It remains to show that 8 is strongly independent. Let (F, G) be a pair of finite disjoint subsets of 8. Enumerate F U G as {B Ai : i < n}. For i < j < n, fix ~i,j E AiD-Aj. Let
S={~i,j: i<j<n},
T = {s n Ai : B Ai E F}.
CLAIM 17.21. Let s, T be as above. If R E [[K,]<No]<No is such that T ~ Rand s n Aj ~ R whenever BAj E G, then
EXERCISE 17.36 (G). Prove Claim 17.21.
Since the set of R's that satisfy the assumption of Claim 17.21 has cardinality K"
it follows that 8 is strongly independent. 0
The notions of independence and strong independence can be generalized as follows: Let A :::; K, be infinite cardinals. A family A ~ P(K,) will be called Aindependent if for all pairs of disjoint F, G E [Aj<'\ we have:
CF,e = nAn n (K,\A) f:. 0.
We say that A is strongly A-independent if ICF,el = K, for every pair (F, G) as above.
Of course, (strong) t{o-independence is the same thing as (strong) independence.
THEOREM 17.22 (CH). There exists a strongly t{l-independent family A ~ P(wd such that IAI = 2Nl .
PROOF. Let K = [wd~No X [[wd~Noj~No. If CH holds, then IKI = t{l, and we can prove Theorem 17.22 by constructing a strongly independent family 8 ~ P(K) of size 2Nl•
Sounds familiar? So you know already what comes next.
EXERCISE 17.37 (G). Finish the proof of Theorem 17.22.
So far, we have not given you an explicit example of an application of the Generalized Continuum Hypothesis. Let us include one for good measure.
THEOREM 17.23 (GCH). For every infinite regular cardinal K, there exists a strongly «-iruleperulent family A ~ P(K,) such that IAI = 2".
EXERCISE 17.38 (G). Prove Theorem 17.23.
Mathographical Remarks
If you would like to see more examples of applications of CH, we recommend
W. Sierpiriski's classical monograph Hypothese du Continu, Monografie Maternatyczne, Warsaw, 1934. This is a collection of 82 different consequences of CH and their proofs.
The inequality add(N) ~ add(M) was proved independently by T. Bartoszyriski in Additivity of measure implies additivity of category, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 281 (1984), 209-213, and by J. Raisonnier and J. Stern in Mesurabilite et propriete de Baire, Comptes Rendus, Serle I Mathematique 296 (1983), 323-326. Consistency of the Borel Conjecture was proved by R. Laver in the paper On the consistency of Borel's conjecture, Acta Mathematica 137 (1976), 151-169. Consistency of the Dual Borel Conjecture was proved by T. Carlson. The proof is published in his paper Strong measure zero and strongly meager sets, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 118 (1993), 577- 586. A solution of Exercise 17.22 can also be looked up in this paper (Theorem 5.11). Exercise 17.23 was a famous open problem for many years. It was finally shown by J. Pawlikowski in 1992 that Sierpiriski sets are indeed strongly meager. By a recent result of Bartoszyiiski and Shelah, it is consistent that the strongly meager sets do not form an ideal. So you should not despair if you were unable to solve Exercise 17.24.
If you want to learn more about measure and category, you may be interested in one of the following items: The book Measure a.nd Category, by J. Oxtoby, Springer Verlag, 1971, gives a good elementary introduction to the subject. If you are interested in all sorts of exotic subsets of the real line, we recommend A. W. Miller's article Special subsets of the real line, In: Handbook of Set-Theoretic Topology, K. Kunen and J. E. Vaughan, eds., North-Holland, 1984, 201-235. Among other things, this article contains a proof of Theorem 17.11 and a solution of Exercise 17.14. If you are familiar with forcing and curious to learn more about the ideals M and N, the monograph Set Theory. On the Structure of the Real Line, by T. Bartoszynski and H. Judah, A K Peters, 1995, will give you all the information you could possibly want. For example, Corollary 8.1.4 of that book provides a solution of Exercise 17.13(a).
From the Rasiowa-Sikorski Lemma to Martin's Axiom
Martin's Axiom is a powerful tool that has found many applications both inside and outside of set theory. It is not a theorem of ZFC, but it is relativly consistent with ZFC. It can be thought of as a generalization of the Rasiowa-Sikorski Lemma, which is provable in ZFC. This section is organized as follows: First we state and prove the Rasiowa-Sikorski Lemma. Then we show how one can transform, step by step, a proof involving a recursive construction into one using the Rasiowa-Sikorski Lemma. Next we introduce Martin's Axiom and show how it can be applied to derive a more general result from the transformed argument. Finally, we discuss variants of the c.c.c. as well as some consistent and some inconsistent modifications of Martin's Axiom.
Let (JII', ~> be a p.o., and let V be a family of dense! subsets of P. A filter G in lP is V-generic if D n G I- 0 for all D E V.
LEMMA 18.1 (Rasiowa-Sikorski). Let (JII', ~> be a p.o., and let V be a countable family of dense subsets oflP. Then there exists a V-generic filter in P,
PROOF. Let '0= {Di : i < w}. We construct recursively a sequence (Pi)i<w of elements of lP with the following properties:
(i) Pj ~ Pi for all i < j < w;
(ii) For each i < w there exists qi E D, with Pi ~ qi.
We let Po be an arbitrary element of Do. Assume that 0 < n < w and that the Pi'S have already been constructed for i < n. Since Dn is dense in P, there exists P E Dn with P ~ Pn-l. We choose some such P as our Pn. The filter generated by {Pi : i < w} is as required. 0
Recursive constructions as in the proof of Lemma 18.1 occur quite frequently in mathematical arguments. In many cases it would be possible to replace such constructions by applications of the Rasiowa-Sikorski Lemma. This is not commonly done though, for at least two reasons, one sound and one regrettable. The sound reason is that since the proof of Lemma 18.1 is so simple, a reference to the Lemma would not usually decrease the overall length of an argument. In fact, as we shall see in a moment, this approach may actually result in a longer proof. The other reason is that many mathematicians find it easier to work with recursive constructions than with dense subsets of p.o. 's. This is unfortunate, because recursive constructions have a more limited scope of application. For example, it is not possible to use a procedure as in the proof of Lemma 18.1 when one is trying
IThis notion and other relevant concepts pertaining to p.o.'s were defined in Chapter 13.
to construct a countable object that satisfies uncountably many conditions. An approach using partial orders may still work in such cases, provided there exists a filter that meets all the uncountably many dense sets involved. Martin's Axiom postulates the existence of such filters under certain circumstances. In order to take full advantage of the opportunities this creates, one needs to be at ease with expressing properties of an object constructed from a filter in terms of dense subsets of a relevant p.o. The aim of the next example is to demonstrate, step by step, how a recursive construction can be translated into an argument involving partial orders.
An almost disjoint family A of infinite subsets of w is maximal (or, a mad family) iffor each infinite b ~ w there exists a E A such that la n 61 = No. There are finite mad families; e.g., {w} is one. The following theorem shows that all infinite mad families are uncountable.
THEOREM 18.2. Let A be a denumerable almost disjoint family of infinite subsets of w. Then there exists an infinite d ~ w such that Id n al < No for all a E A.
This theorem can be proved by a recursive construction as follows:
PROOF 1. Let A = {ai : i < w}. We construct recursively a sequence (Xi)i<w of elements of w so that
Xi E w \ (U ak U {Xk : k < i})
for each i E w. Since the set on the right hand side contains all but finitely many elements of the infinite set ai, it is infinite, and thus in particular nonempty. Therefore, at each stage of the recursive construction we have a valid choice for Xi' Now let d = {Xi: i < w}. This d is as required, since dn ai ~ {xo, ... , Xi} for each i E w. 0
Let us analyze the above reasoning. Our aim was to construct an object d that satisfies for each i E w the following condition:
(8i) dnai~{xO,,,,,Xi}'
We are able to formulate the conditions to be met by d in this way because both the Xi'S and the ai's can be enumerated by the same set w. But suppose we were trying to prove the following:
STATEMENT 18.3. Let A be an almost disjoint family of size Nl of infinite subsets of w. Then there exists an infinite d ~ w such that Id n c] < No for all
a E A. .
In this case, the index set for the xi's would still be w, but for the ai's we need Nl indices, so we cannot meaningfully express all the conditions on d in the form (8i). But note that neither the order of the xi's nor the order of the ai's really matters in the proof of Theorem 18.2. We could rewrite it as follows:
PROOF 2. Let {Fi: i E w} be an increasing sequence of finite subsets of A such that UiEw Fi = A. We construct recursively a sequence (Si)i<w of finite subsets of w so that
Si~Si+1 /l.ISil~i /I. Si+1\Si~W\UFi
for each i E w. Since the set on the right hand side contains all but finitely many elements of any a E A \ Fi, it is infinite, and hence nonempty. Therefore, the rules