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Vocabulary On Physical Appearance

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The document provides vocabulary for describing physical appearance, hair, face, other features, character, personality, mood, and feelings in Spanish.

Some common ways to describe physical appearance in Spanish included age (old, young), height (short, tall), build/figure (thin, fat, muscular), and skin color (pale, dark).

Some common ways to describe hair, face, and other features in Spanish included hair color and texture (black, curly), facial features (blue eyes, beard), and attributes like tattoos and scars.


AGE Skinny = escuálido

Old = viejo Anorexic = anoréxico

Young = joven Petite = menudo

About (thirty)= sobre los Six pack = tableta de chocolate

Elderly = anciano Bony = huesudo

In his / her early (twenties) = veinte y Fat = gordo

Plump = rellenito
In his / her mid (twenties) = más de
Overweight = con sobrepeso
veinte / veinte y tantos

In his / her mid to late (twenties) = veinte Obese = obeso

largos Chubby = rechoncho
Just turned (fifty) = 50 recién cumplidos Big-boned =de huesos grandes

Skin & bones = un saco de huesos

HEIGHT Stout = corpulento

Short = bajo Stocky = bajo y robusto

Tall = alto Broad shoulder = ancho de

About (160) cm = sobre el metro 60
Well-built = de complexión robusta
Of average / medium height = de estatura
media Shapely = esbelto

Above average height = más alto que la Lanky = larguirucho

Slender = esbelto
Below average height = más bajo que la
media Wiry = fibroso

Muscular = musculoso

Good figure = buen tipo

Of medium build = de complexion media
Thin = flaco
A double chin = papada
Slim = esbelto
A narrow waist = de cintura estrecha To have your hair cut = cortarse el pelo

A pot belly = con barriga


HAIR Blue-eyed = de ojos azules

Long / Short = largo / corto Rosy –cheeked = de mejillas sonrosadas

Dark / Light = Oscuro / claro Thin-lipped = de labios finos

Black = negro Freckles = pecas

Brown = castaño High cheekbones = de pómulos

Blond = rubio
Thin-faced = de cara fina
Grey = canoso
Round-faced = de cara redonda
White = blanco
Chubby face = de cara rellena
Thick = espeso
To have a beard = con barba
Curly = rizado
To have a moustache = con bigote
Wavy = ondulado
To have sideburns = con patillas
Straight = liso
Wrinkles = arrugas
Dark-haired = moren@

Fair-haired = rubi@
Ginger-haired – pelirrojo
Attractive = atractiv@
Red haired = pelirroj@
Good-looking = guap@
Auburn-haired - castaño
Handsome = guapo
Going bald = quedarse calvo
Pretty = guapa
Receding hair = con entradas
Beautiful = bonita
A crew-cut = corte al cero
Cute = lind@
With a fringe = con flequillo
Gorgeous = maravill@
With a parting = con raya
Plain = feill@
Shoulder length = de largo hasta los
hombres Ugly = fe@

To do your hair = arreglarse / peinarse

Hunky = tio bueno Bad-tempered = malhumorado

Hairy = peludo Balanced = equilibrado

Scruffy = desaliñado Benevolent = benevolente

Untidy-looking = desaliñado Big-headed = engreído

Well-dressed = elegante Bigmouth = bocazas

Scar = cicatriz Blunt = franco

Tattoo = tatuaje Bold = valiente

Piercing = piercing Bossy = mandón

Pale-skinned = pálid@ Brainy = inteligente

Dark-skinned = moren@ Brainless = tonto

Tanned = bronceado Brave = valiente

Left-handed = zurdo Bright = inteligente

Long-legged = piernas largas Broad-minded = de mente abierta

Flat-footed = pies planos Brusque = brusco

Capable = competente

CHARACTER AND PERSONALITY Carefree = despreocupado

Able = hábil Careful = cuidadoso

Abrupt = brusco Caring = afectuoso / solidario

Absent-minded = despistado Cautious = prudente

Active = activo Charming = encantador

Adventurous = aventurero Cheerful = alegre

Affectionate = cariñoso Childish = infantil

Aggressive = agresivo Clever = listo

Ambitious = ambicioso Cold = frío

Argumentative = discutidor Cold-blooded = de sangre fría

Arrogant = arrogante Cold-hearted = sin escrúpulos

Assertive = firme / seguro Conceited = engreído

Conservative = conservador Foolish = tonto

Cowardly = cobarde Forgetful = olvidadizo

Crafty = astuto Frank = franco

Cruel = cruel Friendly = simpático

Cunning = astuto Funny /fun = divertido

Curt = brusco Generous = generoso

Daft = tonto Gifted = con talento

Deceitful = mentiroso Good-tempered = amable

Determined = decidido Greedy = glotón / codicioso

Dim = tonto Gregarious = sociable

Direct = directo Half-witted = tonto

Discourteous = descortés Hard-working = trabajador

Dishonest = deshonesto Helpful = servicial

Disloyal = desleal High-strung = nervioso

Dominant = dominante Honest = honesto

Down-to-earth = realista Hot –blooded = apasionado

Dumb = tonto Humble = humilde

Easy-going = tratable Hypocriticall = hipócrita

Eccentric = excéntrico Ignorant = ignorante

Economical = ahorrativo Ill-mannered = mal educado

Educated= educado Imaginative = imaginativo

Emotional = sentimental Imbecile = tonto

Even-tempered = calmado Impatient = impaciente

Extravagant = despilfarrador Impolite = mal educado

Extrovert = extrovertido Impulsive = impulsivo

Fascinating = fascinante Inflexible = inflexible

Flexible = flexible Innocent = inocente

Inquisitive = curioso Nice = agradable

Intelligent= inteligente Normal = normal

Introvert = introvertido Nosy = entrometido

Irrational = irracional Obnoxious = odioso

Irresponsible = irresponsable Obsessive = obsesivo

Irritable = irritable Obstinate = obstinado

Insane = insensato Odd = raro

Kind = amable Open = abierto

Lazy = perezoso Open-minded = de mente abierta

Lively = animado Optimistic = optimista

Lovely = encantador Original = original

Loyal = leal Outgoing = extrovertido

Macho = machista Passive = pasivo

Malicious = malicioso Patient = paciente

Materialistic = materialista Peaceful = pacífico

Mature = maduro Peculiar = peculiar

Mean = tacaño Permissive = permisivo

Messy = desordenado Perverted = pervertido

Mischievous = travieso Pessimistic = pesimista

Miserable = infeliz Phoney = falso

Modest = modesto Picky = tiquismiquis

Moody = temperamental Pigheaded = terco

Naïve = ingenio Pleasant = agradable

Narcissistic = narcisista Polite = educado

Narrow-minded = cerrado de mente Practical = práctico

Naughty = travieso Proud = orgulloso

Neat = ordenado Punctual = puntual

Pushy = agresivo / enérgico Snobbish = presuntuoso

Quarrelsome = peleón Snooty = presuntuoso

Rational = racional Sociable = sociable

Relaxed = relajado Stingy = tacaño

Reliable = fiable Strict = estricto

Reserved = reservado Strong = fuerte

Respectful = respetuoso Stubborn = terco

Responsible = responsable Stuck-up = presuntuoso

Romantic = romántico Stupid = tonto

Rude = maleducado Sympathetic = empático

Sadistic = sádico Talented = con talento

Sceptical = escéptico Talkative = hablador

Self-assured = seguro de sí mismo Thick = tonto

Self-centre = egoísta Thoughtful = pensativo

Self-confident = seguro de sí misma Thoughtless = desconsiderado

Self-conscious = tímido Thrifty = ahorrativo

Selfish = egoísta Tight-fisted = tacaño

Self –important = engreído Tolerant = tolerante

Sensible = sensato Trustful = confiado

Sensitive = sensible Trustworthy = honrado

Shallow = superficial Two-faced = falso

Shrewd = astuto Unprincipled = sin principios

Shy = tímido Unreliable = poco fiable

Silly = tonto Vain = vanidoso

Simple = simple Warm-hearted = bondadoso

Sincere = sincere Weak = débil

Smart = inteligente Weird = raro

Well-behaved = educado Frustrated = frustrado

Well-educated = culto Giddy / dizzy = mareado

Well-mannered = educado Glad / happy = feliz

Well-read = culto Grateful = agradecido

Well-spoken = bienhablado Guilty = culpable

Well-travelled = persona viajada Helpless = indefenso / impotente

Whimsical = caprichoso Hurt = herido

Witty = ingenioso In a bad mood = de mal humor

In a good mood = de buen humor

MOOD & FEELINGS Jealous = celoso

Afraid = asustado Lonely = solo

Angry = enfadado Miserable = triste / infeliz

Anxious = ansioso Nervous = nervioso

Ashamed = avergonzado Relieved = tranquilo / aliviado

Bitter = resentido Restless = inquieto / intranquilo

Bored = aburrido Shocked= sorprendido/ escandalizado

Cheerful = alegre Sleepy = soñoliento

Confused = perplejo / confundido Tense = tenso

Depressed = deprimido Tired = cansado

Disappointed = desilusionado Upset = preocupado / molesto

Disgusted = asqueado Weary / worn-out = agotado

Embarrassed = desconcertado / incómodo Worried = preocupado

Enthralled = fascinado

Envious = envidioso IDIOMS & SIMILIES

Excited = emocionado To have a heart of gold = tener un corazón

de oro
Exhausted = exhausto
To be a cold fish = ser frío y distante
Fascinated = fascinado
To be an awkward customer / To be a pain As light as a feather = más ligero que una
in the neck = ser un hueso duro de roer / pluma
una persona difícil
As good as gold = más bueno que el pan
To be an odd-ball = ser más raro que un
As stubborn as a mule = más terco que una
perro verde
To be round the bend = estar chiflado
As cool as a cucumber = más frío que el
To be on cloud nine = estar en el séptimo hielo
As mad as a hatter / March hare = más loco
To be over the moon = sentirse por las que una cabra
nubes / feliz
As quick as a flash = más rápido que un
To be in high spirits = estar de muy buen rayo
As sick as a parrot = desilusionado
To keep one’s chin up = mantener la frente
alta As bold as a brass = valiente

As hard as nails = más duro que el acero

To look down in the dumps = estar por los
suelos / depre As deaf as a post = más sordo que una
To be like a bear with a sore head = estar
muy enfadado To judge a book by its cover = juzgar por las
To be under the weather / be down = estar

To be on top form = estar en plena forma

To be scared stiff = estar muerto de miedo

To shake in one’s shoes = estar cagado de


As blind as a bat = más ciego que Pepe


As thin as a rake = más seco que un


As strong as an ox = más fuerte que un toro

As quiet as a mouse = más callado que un


As heavy as lead = más pesado que el


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