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RHCE - RH302 Red Hat Certified Engineer

Certification Exam Preparation Course in a Book for Passing the

RHCE - RH302 Red Hat Certified Engineer Exam
The How To Pass on Your First Try Certification Study Guide
RHCE - RH302 Red Hat Certified Engineer Certification Exam Preparation Course in a Book
for Passing the RHCE - RH302 Red Hat Certified Engineer Exam - The How To Pass on Your
First Try Certification Study Guide

Copyright © 2009

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All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

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The information in this book is distributed on an “As Is” basis without warranty. While every precaution has been
taken in the preparation of the book, neither the author nor the publisher shall have any liability to any person or
entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the instructions
contained in this book or by the products described in it.


Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as
trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the
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This self-study exam preparation guide for the RHCE -

RH302 Red Hat Certified Engineer exam contains everything you need to test yourself and pass
the Exam. Including all the exam topics, covered indepth and insider secrets, complete explana-
tions of all RHCE subjects, test tricks and tips, over 250 highly realistic sample questions, and
exercises designed to strengthen understanding of the RHCE concepts and prepare you for
exam success on the first attempt are provided.

Can you imagine valuing a book so much that you send the author a "Thank You" letter?

This book includes new exercises and sample questions never before in print. Offering
numerous sample questions, critical time-saving tips plus information available nowhere else,
this book will help you pass the RHCE - RH302 Red Hat Certified Engineer exam on your
FIRST try.

Buy this. Read it. And Pass the RHCE - RH302 Red Hat Certified Engineer Exam.

This book provides a laser sharp focus on all the exam objectives with a cohesive, concise,
yet comprehensive coverage of all the topics included in the RHCE - RH302 Red Hat Certified
Engineer Lab Exam.

It includes over 250 questions modeled after the real exam with answers and an Exam
Quick Prep feature which recaps all the important points for the last hour preparation before
taking the exam.

Covers all RH302 exam topics, including:

x Hardware installation and configuration

x The boot process
x Linux filesystem administration
x Package management and Kickstart
x User and group administration
x System administration tools
x Kernel services and configuration
x Apache and Squid
x Network file sharing services (NFS, FTP, and Samba)
x Domain Name System (DNS)
x E-mail (servers and clients)
x Extended Internet Services Daemon (xinetd), the Secure package, and DHCP
x The X Window System
x Firewalls, SELinux, and troubleshooting

RHCE - RH302 Red Hat Certified Engineer ....................................................................................... 1
Certification Exam Preparation Course in a Book for Passing the RHCE - RH302 Red Hat
Certified Engineer Exam - The How To Pass on Your First Try Certification Study Guide .......... 1
Installation and Hardware Configuration ......................................................................................... 14

1.1.Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 14

1.2.Installation ............................................................................................................................................... 14

1.2.1.Using DVD............................................................................................................................ 14

1.2.2.Using Hard Disk .................................................................................................................. 15

1.2.3.Using Network ..................................................................................................................... 15

1.3.Kickstart File ............................................................................................................................................ 16

1.3.1.Creating Kickstart file .......................................................................................................... 16

1.3.2.Use of Kickstart file ............................................................................................................. 18

1.4.Configuring Hardware ............................................................................................................................ 19

1.4.1.Graphical utilities ................................................................................................................ 20

2.The Boot Process .............................................................................................................................. 25

2.1.Overview................................................................................................................................................... 25

2.2.Grub ......................................................................................................................................................... 25

2.2.1.Grub configuration file ....................................................................................................... 26

2.2.2.Configuring Grub ................................................................................................................ 27

2.3.Starting init .............................................................................................................................................. 29

2.3.1./etc/inittab file .................................................................................................................... 29


2.3.3.runlevel................................................................................................................................ 33

2.3.4.Initializing System.............................................................................................................. 34

2.3.5.Using command chkconfig ................................................................................................ 37

2.4.Using Graphical utilities ......................................................................................................................... 39

3.Filesystem Administration .............................................................................................................. 40

3.1.Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 40

3.2.Filesystem Information .......................................................................................................................... 40

3.2.1./etc/fstab file ....................................................................................................................... 41

3.2.2./etc/mtab ............................................................................................................................ 42

3.2.3.Mounting a filesystem........................................................................................................ 43

3.2.4.Unmounting a filesystem................................................................................................... 43

3.2.5.Creating a filesystem .......................................................................................................... 44

3.3.Creating Swap space ............................................................................................................................... 46

3.3.1.Enabling swap space........................................................................................................... 47

3.3.2.Disabling swap space ......................................................................................................... 48

3.4.Checking and Repairing a filesystem ..................................................................................................... 48

3.4.1.Searching for badblocks ..................................................................................................... 49

3.5.Automatically mounting a filesystem .................................................................................................... 50

3.5.1.Checking status of automount ........................................................................................... 52

3.6.RAID disks ............................................................................................................................................... 52

3.6.1.Creating RAID device ......................................................................................................... 52

3.7.Logical Volume Group ............................................................................................................................ 54


3.7.1.Creating A Logical Volume Group ..................................................................................... 54

3.7.2.Remove a logical volume .................................................................................................... 57

3.7.3.Remove a volume group ..................................................................................................... 58

3.7.4.Remove a physical volume ................................................................................................. 58

3.7.5.Logical volume management utility .................................................................................. 58

4.Package Management ...................................................................................................................... 59

4.1.Overview................................................................................................................................................... 59

4.2.Using yum ................................................................................................................................................ 59

4.3.Using rpm ................................................................................................................................................ 62

4.4.Using make .............................................................................................................................................. 64

4.5.Package Manager .................................................................................................................................... 65

5.User and Group Administration ..................................................................................................... 66

5.1.Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 66

5.2.Creating User Account ............................................................................................................................ 66

5.3.Modifying user account .......................................................................................................................... 72

5.4.Deleting user account ............................................................................................................................. 72

5.5.Group Administration ............................................................................................................................. 73

5.5.1.Adding New Group .............................................................................................................. 73

5.5.2.Modifying group information ............................................................................................ 73

5.5.3.Deleting group..................................................................................................................... 73

5.6.Using User Manager ............................................................................................................................... 73

5.6.1.Changing user password ..................................................................................................... 76

5.7.Space Usage ............................................................................................................................................. 76

6.System Administration .................................................................................................................... 77

6.1.Overview................................................................................................................................................... 77

6.2.Getting Administration Rights ............................................................................................................... 78

6.2.1.The su command................................................................................................................. 78

6.2.2.Using the su ........................................................................................................................ 78

6.2.3.Administrative commands ................................................................................................ 79

6.2.4./etc/sudoers file ................................................................................................................. 79

6.3.Changing owner and group .................................................................................................................... 81

6.4.Monitoring System performance ........................................................................................................... 82

6.4.1.Using System Monitor ........................................................................................................ 82

6.4.2.Using top ............................................................................................................................. 84

6.4.3.Other commands ................................................................................................................ 84

6.5.Log information....................................................................................................................................... 86

7.Kernel Services and Configuration ................................................................................................. 87

7.1.Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 87

7.2.kernel Modules ....................................................................................................................................... 87

7.2.1.Modules Loaded into Kernel .............................................................................................. 88

7.2.2.Inserting module into kernel ............................................................................................................... 89

7.2.3.Removing module from kernel .......................................................................................... 89

7.2.4.Using modprobe command ............................................................................................... 89

7.3.Process and Kernel Information ............................................................................................................ 90

7.3.1.The ps command ................................................................................................................. 90

7.3.2.Changing priority of process.............................................................................................. 90


7.3.3.Using dmesg ........................................................................................................................ 91

7.3.4.Syslogd ................................................................................................................................. 92

7.4.Automating Tasks -- ................................................................................................................................ 93

7.4.1.Using at ................................................................................................................................ 93

7.4.2.Using batch command ........................................................................................................ 96

7.4.3.Using cron ........................................................................................................................... 97

8.Web Server ....................................................................................................................................... 99

8.1.Overview .................................................................................................................................................. 99

8.2.Starting Apache ....................................................................................................................................... 99

8.3.Main Configuration file ........................................................................................................................ 101

8.3.1.Global Environment Configuration ................................................................................. 101

8.3.2.Main server section .......................................................................................................... 103

8.3.3.Virtual hosts section ......................................................................................................... 105

8.4.HTTP Server Configuration ................................................................................................................. 106

9.Squid Server ................................................................................................................................... 111

9.1.Overview................................................................................................................................................. 111

9.2.Configuring Squid ................................................................................................................................. 111

9.2.1.Network options ................................................................................................................ 111

9.2.2.Neighbor selection algorithm option .............................................................................. 112

9.2.3.Cache size options............................................................................................................. 112

9.2.4.Log File and Cache directory section .............................................................................. 112

9.2.5.Access control section ...................................................................................................... 113


9.2.6.Administrative parameters .............................................................................................. 114

9.3.Cache Manager ...................................................................................................................................... 114

9.4.Squid Daemon ....................................................................................................................................... 115

10.NFS Server .................................................................................................................................... 116

10.1.Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 116

10.2.Starting NFS service............................................................................................................................ 116

10.3.Sharing Folders ................................................................................................................................... 117

10.3.1.Format of hostname ....................................................................................................... 117

10.3.2.Options format................................................................................................................ 118

10.4.Accessing the NFS directory ............................................................................................................... 119

10.5.NFS Server Configuration................................................................................................................... 120

10.6.Using nfsstat ........................................................................................................................................ 122

11.Samba Server ................................................................................................................................ 122

11.1.Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 122

11.2.Samba Server Configuration ............................................................................................................... 122

11.3.Samba configuration file ..................................................................................................................... 126

11.4.Starting Samba service ........................................................................................................................ 127

11.4.1.Checking the service ........................................................................................................ 127

12.FTP Server .................................................................................................................................... 128

12.1.Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 128

12.2.Starting vsftd........................................................................................................................................ 128

12.3.Configuring vsftpd ............................................................................................................................... 128

12.4.ftp command prompt .......................................................................................................................... 130

12.5.Very Secure FTP daemon Configuration ........................................................................................... 131

13.LDAP Server ................................................................................................................................. 133

13.1.overview ................................................................................................................................................ 133

13.2.Configuration ....................................................................................................................................... 133

13.3.Starting the ldap .................................................................................................................................. 135

14.NIS server...................................................................................................................................... 135

14.1.Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 135

14.2.Setting NIS domain name ................................................................................................................... 135

14.3.Configuring NIS ................................................................................................................................... 136

14.4.Starting NIS server .............................................................................................................................. 137

14.4.1.Staring NIS server ........................................................................................................... 137

14.4.2.Starting ypbind service ................................................................................................... 137

14.5.Mapping Information .......................................................................................................................... 137

14.5.1.NIS database .................................................................................................................... 139

15.DHCP Server ................................................................................................................................. 139

15.1.Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 139

15.2.Starting the DHCP server.................................................................................................................... 139

15.3.Configuration file ................................................................................................................................. 140

15.4.Working of DHCP server..................................................................................................................... 140

15.5.DHCP client.......................................................................................................................................... 140

16.DNS server .................................................................................................................................... 143

16.1.Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 143

16.2.Starting Named daemon ..................................................................................................................... 143

16.3.BIND Configuration GUI .................................................................................................................... 143

16.4.Important files ..................................................................................................................................... 145

17.Mail Services ................................................................................................................................. 146

17.1.Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 146

17.2.Sendmail............................................................................................................................................... 146

17.2.1./etc/mail ........................................................................................................................... 147


17.2.2.Generating the .db files .................................................................................................. 147

17.2.3.Checking Sendmail Server ............................................................................................. 148

17.2.4.Important Files ............................................................................................................... 149

17.2.5.Actions taken by server on a mail .................................................................................. 149

17.3.Postfix ................................................................................................................................................... 150

17.3.1.Starting postfix server ..................................................................................................... 150

17.3.2.Configuration file ............................................................................................................ 151

17.3.3.Mailbox ............................................................................................................................ 151

17.3.4./var/spool/postfix .......................................................................................................... 152

17.3.5.Log files ............................................................................................................................ 152

17.4.Switching MTA .................................................................................................................................... 152

17.5.Dovecot ................................................................................................................................................. 153

17.5.1.Starting Dovecot .............................................................................................................. 153

17.5.2.Configuration file ............................................................................................................ 153

18.Network Security.......................................................................................................................... 155

18.1.Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 155

18.2.The daemon xinetd .............................................................................................................................. 155

18.3.Using TCP wrappers............................................................................................................................ 156

18.3.1./etc/hosts.allow............................................................................................................... 156

18.3.2./etc/hosts.deny ............................................................................................................... 156

18.4.Security Level Configuration .............................................................................................................. 157

18.4.1.Configuration files .......................................................................................................... 159

18.5.Command Reference ........................................................................................................................... 159

19.PAM and SELinux ........................................................................................................................ 160

19.1.PAM ...................................................................................................................................................... 160

19.2./etc/pam.d ........................................................................................................................................... 160

19.2.SELinux ................................................................................................................................................ 162

19.2.1.SELinux administration .................................................................................................. 162

19.3.Command Reference ........................................................................................................................... 163

Over 250 Exam Preparation Questions ........................................................................................... 164




Red Hat Enterprise Linux is one of the major commercial Linux distributions available in
market . Fedora Core Linux is an open source project of Red Hat. New version of Fedora Core
Linux is released every six months.


Anaconda is the default installer in Red Hat Linux. The installation process can be broadly
divided into many parts depending on the method used for installation

z Network
z Hard Disk

1.2.1.Using DVD

To begin installation using the DVD place the DVD media in the DVD drive of the computer and
set the BIOS to boot from DVD drive. The steps of the installation process are

z The DVD media is checked

z Choose language to use during installation process.
z Choose keyboard layout.
z Choose install type. User can either choose for new install

or upgrade an existing installation.

z Choose the software packages to install.

z Choose partition scheme (options are automatic partition or manual partition) .
z Choose partitioning (options are use free space on hard disk,use current Linux
partitions,use whole hard disk,and custom partition)
z If custom partition option is chosen create at least one / partition and swap partition (for
single boot system) and create a / partition,swap partition and one /boot partition (for
dual boot system)
z Install the grub bootloader on MBR.
z Configure the network device.
z Set the firewall options.
z Choose the languages system should support.
z Choose the time zone in which system is.
z Enter the root password.
z Select the packages.

After installation is complete remove the DVD media from DVD drive. The user had to accept
the License terms,Configure the firewall,Configure the sound card.
Then the user is prompted for user name and password on the login screen.

1.2.2.Using Hard Disk

For installation from hard disk it is assumed that Red hat Linux is already running on the
computer. In the hard disk install copy all the files of the DVD in a partition drive which is not
used during the new installation.

Then copy the vmlinuz and initrd files of the DVD media in /boot directory. These files are
needed to boot the installation process. GRUB is installed as the bootloader in Red Hat by
default. To boot the installation process the boot loader should be informed about the files
copied in the /boot directory.

The following entry is added in the /boot/grub/grub.conf file to achieve the purpose

title Red Hat-Installation

root (hd0,7)

kernel /vmlinuz

initrd /initrd.img

root(hd0,7) means that /boot partition exists on eighth partition of first hard disk.

After above steps reboot the computer. Choose Red Hat Installation on the Grub menu to begin
the install process.

1.2.3.Using Network

For the network installation the installation files should be copied to the computer which will
act as install server.

In case of web server or HTTP server the files need to be copied in the directory

In case of NFS server the directory containing the installation files should be made accessible.

In case of FTP server copy the files to directory /var/ftp/pub.

Note : when using the installation from Network or Hard disk choose the option INSTALL OR
UPGRADE in text mode on the first screen of the Installation process. At the boot prompt enter
the command askmethod

:boot linux askmethod

This lets the user to select the Installation Method.

1.3.Kickstart File

After successful installation of Red Hat Linux a kickstart file /root/anaconda-ks.cfg is created
based on the options chosen by the user during the installation process.

1.3.1.Creating Kickstart file

User has a choice to use graphical utility to create kickstart file or open a text editor and write
the commands. File



lang en_US.UTF-8

keyboard us

xconfig --startxonboot

network --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp

rootpw --iscrypted

firewall --enabled --port=22:tcp

authconfig --enableshadow --enablemd5

selinux --enforcing


bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=sda --append="rhgb quiet"

The install option denotes new installation and upgrade option will denote upgrade of an exist-
ing system.

cdrom shows the install method used. NFS,FTP,HTTP,hard drive are other options which can
be used for NFS,FTP,HTTP,and hard disk install methods.

z For FTP method use option url –url give the ftp url name
z for HTTP method use option url –url give http url name
z for hard drive use option harddrive –dir=/give directory path –partition=give partition
z for NFS method use option nfs –server=servername –dir=directory name

Third line sets the installation language to be used during installation .

Fourth line chooses the keyboard layout.

The xconfig is used to configure the monitor and video card.

The network command is used to configure the network. In above case it configures the Ether-
net interface.

rootpw denotes the root password.

firewall command sets the firewall label. option –enable means firewall is enabled. option
disable means firewall disabled.

selinux is used to set the security enhanced linux the options are - -enforcing,--permissive,--

timezone is used to select the timezone of the user.

bootloader command is used to set the partition where the default bootloader grub is installed. utility

Open Terminal and type the command system-config-kickstart to start the kickstart configura-

[root@localhost ~]# system-config-kickstart


The user can use the graphical interface to choose the options and the kickstart file will be
generated automatically.

1.3.2.Use of Kickstart file

It is used to automate the installation process. To use kickstart installation use following steps

z create a kickstart file

z copy the kickstart file on cdrom, on network or on Local hard drive
z use above commands on the :boot prompt during the installation

ks=cdrom: Kickstart from CDROM

ks=file:<path> Kickstart from a file (path = 'fd0/ks.cfg')

ks=ftp://<path> Kickstart from FTP.

ks=hd:<dev> Kickstart via harddrive (dev = 'hda1', for


ks=http://<path> Kickstart from HTTP.

ks=nfs(:options):<path> Kickstart from NFS. NFS mount options

are optional.

1.4.Configuring Hardware

The file /etc/sysconfig/hwconf contains the listing of installed hardware. The command kudzu
can be run to detect and configure the changed hardware on a system. kudzu is run every time a
Red Hat box is rebooted. It checks the file /etc/sysconfig/hwconf for the hardware installed and
matches the data with the current hardware. Below is the format of the /etc/sysconfig/hwconf

class: CDROM

bus: SCSI

detached: 0

device: scd0

desc: "HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8526B"

host: 1

id: 0

channel: 0

lun: 0

class: VIDEO

bus: PCI

detached: 0

driver: i2c-i810

desc: "Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device"

video.xdriver: i810
vendorId: 8086

deviceId: 2562

subVendorId: 8086

subDeviceId: 2562

pciType: 1

pcidom: 0

pcibus: 0

pcidev: 2

pcifn: 0

The first entry is for a CDROM drive attached with the system and second is for the VIDEO card
attached with the system. If any hardware is added or removed then it configures the added one
and unconfigures the removed one. It then updates the data in /etc/sysconfig/hwconf. kudzu
can be started in two modes

z safe probe mode

z no safe probe mode

safe probe mode disables serial port probing,DDC monitor probing,PS/2 probing.

To enable no safe probe mode on startup enter the line


in the file /etc/sysconfig/kudzu.

1.4.1.Graphical utilities keyboard layout

Enter the below command in terminal

[root@localhost pub]# system-config-keyboard


The user can select the keyboard layout and press OK . monitor and video card

Enter the below command in terminal

[root@localhost pub]# system-config-display

z User can set the Resolution,Color depth under the setting tab
z configure the monitor type and video card under tab hardware tab
z Use dual type tab for second monitor type and video card. sound card

Enter the below command in terminal

[root@localhost pub]# system-config-soundcard


This utility can be used to check the proper working of soundcard and reload the audio drivers
and rewriting the configuration files. network devices

Enter the below command in terminal

[root@localhost pub]# system-config-network


[root@localhost pub]# neat


This utility is used to configure the network devices.

z On devices tab all network devices detected by Red Hat Linux are listed. Any network
device can be selected and activated.
z On hardware tab the network hardware physically attached with computer and detected
by Red Hat Linux can be configured.
z IPSec tab is used to configure IPSec tunnel and host to host connections.
z DNS tab is used to configure system's hostname and primary,secondary and tertiary dns
IP addresses and dns search path.
z Hosts tab is used to specify static computer host name to IP address mapping. printer

Enter the below command in terminal

[root@localhost pub]# system-config-printer


This utility is used to add new printer or configure printers. date and time

Enter the below command in terminal

[root@localhost pub]# system-config-date


[root@localhost pub]# system-config-time


z date & time tab is used to set the current date and time.
z network time protocol tab is used to synchronize system's clock with remote time server
using network time protocol
z time zone tab is used to select the time zone in which the system lies.



The boot process can be divided into many steps.

z Checking of MBR (Master boot record) by BIOS.

z Loading the bootloader in MBR.
z Choosing Operating system to boot on bootloader menu.
z Booting the Operating System


Grub is default bootloader if Red Hat Linux is installed in the system. When a system is booted
the user sees the grub menu. The grub menu lists the operating systems which are installed on
the system.

Grub is able to boot non Linux operating system like Windows also. Grub boots the operating
system chosen by the user on the grub menu. Every operating system displayed on the grub
menu has its listing in the grub configuration file /boot/grub/grub.conf.
2.2.1.Grub configuration file

Let the system have two operating system installed windows and Fedora Linux then the con-
tents of the grub configuration file is

# grub.conf generated by anaconda

# Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file

# NOTICE: You have a /boot partition. This means that

# all kernel and initrd paths are relative to /boot/, e.g.

# root (hd0,7)

# kernel /vmlinuz-version ro root=/dev/sda11

# initrd /initrd-version.img






title Fedora-Linux

root (hd0,7)

kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.21-1.3194.fc7 ro root=LABEL=/1 rhgb quiet

initrd /initrd-2.6.21-1.3194.fc7.img

title Windows

rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

The title is used to set the display name on the grub menu corresponding to the operating
system. E.g. on grub menu



is displayed.

If user chooses fedora Linux on menu then the bootloader sees /dev/sda8 partition of the first
hard disk (root (hd0,7) means the files needed to boot the operating system is present on the
eighth partition of the first hard disk.

kernel indicates the kernel which is loaded. The kernel gives the control to the init process
which is called father of all processes. The initrd denotes the initial RAM disk boot image.

The ro option on the kernel line means that the partition is to be mounted read only.

If the user chooses the windows option then the windows operating system is booted.

The rootnoverify (hd0,0) means that grub will not mount the partition.

The option chainloader +1 means that grub will call the other boot loader to boot the operating

The option default=0 means that if user makes no choice then the first operating system in the
file will be booted.

The option timeout=5 means that the user will have to make choice in 5 seconds on the grub
menu. If the user makes no choice in 5 seconds then the default operating system will boot.

In the above file the default operating system that will boot is Fedora.

2.2.2.Configuring Grub

There are two ways to configure the grub bootloader.

z By editing the configuration file using text editors

z by using Boot Configuration
28 /boot/grub/grub.conf using Text editors

The configuration file can be edited using any of the text editors like vi, gedit ,and emacs. After
making the changes the grub has to be restarted to make the changes take place. using Boot Configuration

To start the boot configuration graphical utility type the below command in the terminal win-

[root@localhost ~]# system-config-boot

The utility helps to chose default operating system which will be booted in case user has not
made any choice within the time period on the grub menu. It also helps the user to choose the
timeout period in seconds. If the user chooses 5 seconds then grub will wait for 5 seconds for
user to make a choice after that it will boot the default operating system. Protecting Grub

Grub can also be password protected. This option is also available during the installation of Red
Hat Linux. The MD5-encrypted password for grub can be generated using the command

[root@localhost ~]# man grub-md5-crypt

in terminal. After entering the command the user is prompted to enter the password and then
to verify the password user has to reenter the password.

2.3.Starting init

init is the father of all processes. The kernel starts the init process after mounting basic filesys-
tems during the boot process. The init process has the pid (process identification number each
and every process running on the system has a unique number assigned to them known as PID)
of 1.

init looks to the file /etc/inittab and runs the script in the file /etc/inittab. The init process looks
for the entry initdefault in the file /etc/inittab. The entry initdefault indicates the default runle-
vel with which system needs to be started up. If the entry initdefault is not mentioned in the file
then the user has to enter the runlevel values in the console for the boot process to proceed.

2.3.1./etc/inittab file

This file describes which processes are started at boot up and during normal boot process (for
different run levels different numbers of processes are started). An entry in the inittab file has
the following format:


z id is the unique identifier.

z runlevel is the value between 0,1,2,3,4,5 and 6 (some more values are available but not
used).The runlevel field of sysinit, boot, and bootwait entries are ignored.
z Action describes the action to be taken by init.
z process specifies the process to be executed.

init Action Description

respawn The process is restarted using the process

for this action.

The process will be started once when the

specified runlevel is entered and init will
wait wait for its termination.

initdefault An initdefault entry specifies the runlevel


entered after system boot. If none exists,

init will prompt for runlevel on console. The
process field is ignored.

sysinit The process will be executed during system

boot. The runlevel field is ignored.

ctrlaltdel If the user presses the CTRL+ALT+DELETE

keys of the keyboard together then the init
responds by shutting down the system or
rebooting (depending on the process set)

powerfail This action denotes that power failure has

occurred and init takes the action depend-
ing upon the process set for this action

Powerokwait If the powerfail action has occurred and the

process mentioned for the powerfail action
is to shutdown after 2 minutes then this
action comes into picture if the power is
restored before 2 minutes then the process
for this action takes place.

Lines beginning with ‘#’ are comments.

Below is a sample /etc/inittab file.

# inittab This file describes how the INIT process should set up

# the system in a certain run-level.

# Default runlevel. The runlevels used by RHS are:

# 0 - halt (Do NOT set initdefault to this)

# 1 - Single user mode

# 2 - Multiuser, without NFS (The same as 3, if you do not have networking)

# 3 - Full multiuser mode

# 4 - unused

# 5 - X11

# 6 - reboot (Do NOT set initdefault to this)


# System initialization.


l0:0:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 0

l1:1:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 1

l2:2:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 2

l3:3:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 3

l4:4:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 4

l5:5:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 5

l6:6:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 6


ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t3 -r now

# When our UPS tells us power has failed, assume we have a few minutes

# of power left. Schedule a shutdown for 2 minutes from now.

# This does, of course, assume you have powered installed and your
# UPS connected and working correctly.

pf::powerfail:/sbin/shutdown -f -h +2 "Power Failure; System Shutting Down"

# If power was restored before the shutdown kicked in, cancel it.

pr:12345:powerokwait:/sbin/shutdown -c "Power Restored; Shutdown Canceled"

# Run gettys in standard runlevels

1:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty1

2:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty2

3:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty3

4:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty4

5:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty5

6:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty6

# Run xdm in runlevel 5

x:5:respawn:/etc/X11/prefdm -nodaemon

The line id:5:initdefault:

sets the action to initdefault and the runlevel is 5.

The line si::sysinit:/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit is executed for every runlevel for the action sysinit the
process /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit is executed.

The line 5:5:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 5

denotes that the process /etc/rc.d/rc5 will be executed for the runlevel 5 and init will wait until
the process is not completed.

The line ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t3 -r now

denotes that if the user presses the CTRL+ALT+DELETE keys then the system reboots after
three seconds.
The line pf::powerfail:/sbin/shutdown -f -h +2 "Power Failure; System Shutting Down"

denotes that if power failure occurs then the powerfail action takes place and the system is
scheduled to wait for two minutes before shutting down.

The line pr:12345:powerokwait:/sbin/shutdown -c "Power Restored; Shutdown Canceled"

denotes that if the power resumes before two minutes then cancel the shutdown of the system.

The line x:5:respawn:/etc/X11/prefdm -nodaemon

denotes that the X11 server is started in case of runlevel 5. Thus graphic interface is available in
runlevel 5.


A runlevel is a software configuration of the system which allows only a selected group of
processes to exist.

runlevel Description

0 It is used to halt the system. It should not be

used in initdefault.

1 Single user mode. No graphical tools are availa-


2 Multiuser mode. Many users can login into the

system. The graphical tools are not available as
the X server is not running.

Network services like NFS/NIS/Xinetd are not


3 Multiuser mode. The network services are

available but the graphics mode is not available

4 Not used

5 Multiuser mode. All the network services are

available. The graphics mode is also available as

the X11 is running. A good choice for the initde-

fault entry

6 All the process is terminated and the system is

rebooted. This is not good choice for initdefault.

The runlevels 0,1 and 6 are reserved. Other runlevels like 7,8,9,a,b,c are also available but are
not used.

2.3.4.Initializing System

The script /etc/rc.sysinit is run once at the boot time. It is a shell script which performs many
functions like

z sets the hostname of the system

z checks SELinux status
z sets the system clock
z Initializes hardware
z Configures kernel parameters
z Mounts the filesystems
z Configures the hardware
z Starts and enables the swap space Services

The services which will be started for a run level depends on the files contained in the directory
of that runlevel.

runlevel directory

0 /etc/rc.d/rc0.d

1 /etc/rc.d/rc1.d

2 /etc/rc.d/rc2.d

3 /etc/rc.d/rc3.d

4 /etc/rc.d/rc4.d

5 /etc/rc.d/rc5.d

6 /etc/rc.d/rc6.d

All programs in the directories of the above runlevel are symbolic link to programs in the
directory /etc/rc.d/init.d. The directory /etc/rc.d/init.d contains the run level scripts. Thus for a
run level which scripts of the directory /etc/rc.d/init.d are to be run depends on the contents of
the directory corresponding to the runlevels. convention of files in runlevel directories

The files in the runlevel directories have special naming convention. Name of all the programs
either begins with S or K followed by 2 digits (0-9) and after that name of the service. All the
programs (files of run level directories) whose name begin with S starts the service and name
begin with K kills or stops the service.

The two digits determine the order in which the services will run. E.g. the directory
/etc/rc.d/rc5.d contains files for runlevel 5. It contains two files S10network and S56Xinetd
then the service S10network is run first. The concept of deciding the order in which the scripts
will run remains the same for the files with name beginning with K. of scripts in /etc/rc.d/init.d

The directory contains the scripts of all the runlevels. Below is the sample file to start the net-
work service.

#! /bin/bash

# network Bring up/down networking

# chkconfig: 2345 10 90

# description: Activates/Deactivates all network interfaces configured to \

# start at boot time.



# Provides: $network


The line # chkconfig: 2345 10 90

sets the script to start in the runlevels 2,3,4 and 5 with the priority or order 10 and in case of all
other runlevels it stops the service with the order or priority 90.

In the runlevel 5 directory /etc/rc.d/rc5.d a file with name S10network will exist (as network
service starts for run level 5 with the priority 10 and in the runlevel directory /etc/rc.d/rc1.d a
file with name K90network will exist as network service stops with the priority 90 in runlevel 1. current and previous runlevel

To determine current and previous runlevel use the below command

[root@localhost ~]# runlevel


The letter N denotes that there is no previous runlevel (that is runlevel has not been changed). 5
denote that the current runlevel is 5. runlevels

To change the current runlevel use the below command

[root@localhost ~]# telinit n

The letter n should be replaced by the values 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 that is Use telinit 5 to switch to runle-
vel 5. The init process kills or starts the processes necessary to switch to that runlevel in above
case it will do it for runlevel 5. services for a runlevel

User can decide the services which should run in a runlevel and which should not run in a run
level. User can also see the status of each service in each runlevel.

There are two methods to reorganize the services and view the information about the services in
a runlevel.

2.3.5.Using command chkconfig

The command chkconfig can used to view the information about every service in a runlevel and
start or stop them. It can also be used to add a new service or delete a new service as well. a new service

To add new service enter below command in terminal

[root@localhost ~]# chkconfig --add new-service-name

The new-service-name should have a start or kill entry in each of the runlevel. a new service

To delete service enter below command in terminal

[root@localhost ~]# chkconfig --del new-service-name

The service new-service-name is deleted from the chkconfig management and all the links in the
runlevel directories are also removed. a service

To enable a service in a runlevel enter below command in terminal (while working in that run

[root@localhost ~]# chkconfig service-name on

The service service-name is enabled for that runlevel. a service
To disable a service in a runlevel enter below command in terminal (while working in that run

[root@localhost ~]# chkconfig service-name off

The service service-name is disabled for that runlevel. status of a service

To list status of a service in runlevels enter below command in terminal

[root@localhost ~]# chkconfig –list service-name

The status of the service service-name is displayed for all runlevel. For example

[root@localhost ~]# chkconfig --list httpd

httpd 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off

The service httpd is enabled in the runlevels 2,3,4 and 5 and disabled in 0,1, and 6. status of all services

To list status of all service in runlevels enter below command in terminal

[root@localhost ~]# chkconfig –list

The status of all the services is displayed for all runlevel. a service

To start a service enter below command in terminal

[root@localhost ~]# service service-name start

The service service-name is started in that runlevel. For example

[root@localhost ~]# service httpd start

Starting httpd: [ OK ]

The service httpd is started. a service

To start a service enter below command in terminal

[root@localhost ~]# service service-name stop

The service service-name is stopped in that runlevel. For example

[root@localhost ~]# service httpd stop

Stopping httpd: [ OK ]

The service httpd is stopped.

2.4.Using Graphical utilities

The service configuration utility can be used to edit a runlevel. It can be used to start a service,
stop a service,add a service and delete a service. To start the service configuration use the below
command in the terminal window

[root@localhost ~]# serviceconf


[root@localhost ~]# system-config-services


User can check the box on the left of the service and then clicks to start,stop or restart the
service. After making any changes it need to be saved using the save option on the graphic tool.


Red Hat Linux uses the ext3 filesystem. It has journaling feature that improves recovery from
crashes. The filesystems are organized in a hierarchy. The / filesystem is on top of the hierarchy.
All other filesystems are contained in it in form of subdirectories.

If a disk partition is mounted on a filesystem then all the sub directories and files below that
mount point are stored on that partition. Let the / partition and /usr partition are mounted on
/dev/sda5 and /dev/sda6 partitions then the sub directories and files below the /usr are stored
in the /dev/sda6 partition.

All the filesystems which don't have separate partition are stored in the partition of / filesystem.

3.2.Filesystem Information

/bin – it contains commands to be used by common users.

/boot – it contains bootable Linux kernel and bootloader configuration files.

/dev – it contains files representing device of the system.

/etc – it contains configuration file.

/sbin – it contains administrative commands.

/usr – contains user and administrative commands, user applications, and documentation.

/var – it contains log files of different services, and directories of data used by services like
FTP, Web server.

/proc – The /proc filesystem is virtual file system. This means that the /proc filesystem
is not mounted on any disk partiotion. It contains system information and information
about the processes running on the system. The process information is kept into a sub
directory of the /proc. The name of the sub directory is same as that of process PID.

3.2.1./etc/fstab file

The file contains information about the filesystems. The sample /etc/fstab file is

LABEL=/1 / ext3 defaults 11

LABEL=/opt1 /opt ext3 defaults 12

LABEL=/usr1 /usr ext3 defaults 12

LABEL=/home1 /home ext3 defaults 12

LABEL=/boot1 /boot ext3 defaults 12

tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 00

devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 00

sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 00

proc /proc proc defaults 00

LABEL=SWAP-sda13 swap swap defaults 00

The first column represents the device name representing the filesystem.

The second column represents the mount point in the filesystem.

The third column denotes the filesystem type. The filesystem types ext3,swap are associated
with a device that is Partition of hard disk but the filesystems with type proc,sysfs,tmpfs are not
associated with any partition of hard disk.

The fourth column contains the options used while mounting the filesystem during the system
boot using the mount command.

The filesystem with the option noauto in the fourth field are not mounted during boot time.

The defaults option mounts the filesystem with following options of mount rw, suid, dev, exec,
auto, nouser,and async.

async All I/O to the file system should be done asynchronously. auto means automatically
mounted at boot time, dev Interpret character or block special devices on the file system.

exec means allow execution of executable files,

rw means in read write mode,

suid Allow set-user-identifier or set-group-identifier bits to

take effect.

nouser a non root user cannot mount the filesystem.


To view the filesystems which are actually used by a running Linux system type the command
mount in terminal or view the contents of the /etc/mtab file. The difference is /etc/fstab con-
tains the static information about the filesystems while /etc/mtab contains the dynamic infor-
mation about the filesystem. The sample /etc/mtab file is below

/dev/sda11 / ext3 rw 00

proc /proc proc rw 00

sysfs /sys sysfs rw 00

devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,gid=5,mode=620 0 0

/dev/sda12 /opt ext3 rw 00

/dev/sda10 /usr ext3 rw 00

/dev/sda9 /home ext3 rw 00

/dev/sda8 /boot ext3 rw 00

tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs rw 00

none /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc binfmt_misc rw 00

sunrpc /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs rpc_pipefs rw 00

First column contains the disk partition which is mounted.

Second column contains the filesystem mounted.

Rests of the columns are same as that of the /etc/fstab file.

3.2.3.Mounting a filesystem

To mount a filesystem mount command is used. The standard format of mount command is

mount -t filesystem-type device-path-name directory-name

If a user wants to mount cdrom media in directory /home/movie then issue the command

[root@localhost ~]# mount /dev/cdrom /home/movies

If a user wants to mount windows partition /dev/sda4 on /home/movie then issue the com-

[root@localhost ~]# mount -t vfat /dev/sda4 /home/movies

3.2.4.Unmounting a filesystem

To unmount a filesystem use the following command

umount directory-name- on-which-the-device-was-mounted

To unmount the /dev/sda4 use the following command

root@localhost ~]#umount /home/movies

To unmount a device when the device is no longer in use (at the time when the command is
issued the device is in use so the command waits for the device). For example files are being
copied from mounted directory /home/movies then below command will unmount the directory
when file copy is over.

root@localhost ~]#umount -l /home/movies

To force unmounting of a directory use the below command

root@localhost ~]#umount -f /home/movies

3.2.5.Creating a filesystem

A filesystem can be created on a device. A device can be floppy disks,rewritable Cd s,rewritable

DVDs and hard disk partitions.

mkfs command is used to create the filesystems on a device. The format of the command is

mkfs -t filesystem-type device-name

For example if ext3 filesystem is to be created on the re writable CD device then the command
will be

mkfs -t ext3 /dev/cdrom

mkfs command is front end to the commands which are actually invoked to carry out the work
of creating the filesystems on the device. The command which will be invoked depends on the
filesystem which is to be created. Below is the list of commands and filesystems for which the
commands will be invoked.

filesystem Commands used

ext2 mkfs.ext2 , mke2fs , mkfs -t ext2

ext3 mkfs.ext3, mke2fs , mkfs -t ext3


vfat mkfs.vfat , mkfs -t


ntfs mkfs.ntfs,mkfs -t ntfs

xfs mkfs.xfs , mkfs -t xfs

swap mkswap

The commands mke2fs uses the configuration file /etc/mke2fs.conf. The configuration file
contains the default parameters while creating the ext2 and ext3 filesystems. Below is the
sample /etc/mke2fs file



blocksize = 4096

inode_ratio = 8192


small = {

blocksize = 1024

inode_ratio = 4096

floppy = {

blocksize = 1024

news = {

inode_ratio = 4096

largefile = {

inode_ratio = 1048576

largefile4 = {

inode_ratio = 4194304

The defaults section of the file defines the default parameters used by the mke2fs. The default
parameters can be overridden from the command line.

The fs_types section defines the default parameters which should be used for a specific filesys-
tems for example for the floppy the blocksize is set to 1024.

3.3.Creating Swap space

mkswap command is used to create a swap area on a device or file.

If the system has less swap area and no partition device can be used as swap area or user is not
willing to do that then a swap area can also be created on a file. The file should be created using
the following commands

[root@localhost ~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/swap bs=1000000 count=10

10+0 records in

10+0 records out

10000000 bytes (10 MB) copied, 0.0373886 s, 267 MB/s

This creates a file named swap in the /home directory of size 10 MB. It is data file (the output of
the command file swap will return data as output).The ls -l swap command below shows the file
permissions attached with the swap file created. The chmod command is used to change the file
permissions of swap to 0 so that no one has the right to read,write or execute it.
[root@localhost home]# ls -l swap

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10000000 2009-01-11 13:28 swap

[root@localhost home]# chmod 0 swap

[root@localhost home]# ls -l swap

---------- 1 root root 10000000 2009-01-11 13:28 swap

Create swap space on the file swap

[root@localhost home]# mkswap swap

Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 9994 kB

3.3.1.Enabling swap space

The swap space created cannot be used by the system unless it is enabled using the swapon
command. The format of the swapon command is

swapon device-name

For example to enable the swap space created on the swap file above use the command

[root@localhost home]# swapon swap

The file /proc/swaps shows the swap space area of the system. This file can be used to see
whether the swap area thus enables is used by the system or not.

To check the contents of the /proc/swaps enter the below command on terminal

[root@localhost home]# cat /proc/swaps

Filename Type Size Used Priority

/dev/sda13 partition 819272 4 -1

/home/swap file 9756 0 -2

The listing shows two swap areas on the system /dev/sda13 which is hard disk partition and
/home/swap which is file.
3.3.2.Disabling swap space

To disable a swap area use the command swapoff. The format of the command swapoff is

swapoff device-name

To disable the swap area created on the file swap in above case use the command

[root@localhost home]# swapoff swap

Now to check whether the swap file is disabled view the contents of the file /proc/swaps

[root@localhost home]# cat /proc/swaps

Filename Type Size Used Priority

/dev/sda13 partition 819272 4 -1

3.4.Checking and Repairing a filesystem

The fsck command is used to check the linux filesystem and optionally repair it. The general
format of the fsck command is

fsck -t filesystem-type device-name

If no device-name is specified on the command line then the command checks the filesystem in
order they are mentioned in the /etc/fstab file.

The fsck command is the front end to the commands which are invoked for different filesystem
types. The command which will be invoked depends on the filesystem which is to be checked.
Below is the list of commands and filesystems for which the commands will be invoked.

Filesystem Commands used

ext2 fsck.ext2 , fsck -t ext2

ext3 fsck.ext3, fsck -t ext3

vfat fsck.vfat , fsck -t vfat,fsck.msdos

ntfs fsck.ntfs,fsck -t ntfs

xfs fsck.xfs , fsck -t xfs


fsck command returns the following exit codes

0 - No errors

1 - File system errors corrected

2 - System should be rebooted

4 - File system errors left uncorrected

8 - Operational error

16 - Usage or syntax error

32 - fsck canceled by user request

128 - Shared library error

The exit code returned when multiple file systems are checked is bit-wise OR of the exit codes
for each file system that is checked.

3.4.1.Searching for badblocks

The command badblocks searches for the badblocks on a device. The badblocks command
should not be run with the -w option as badblocks searches for the presence of badblocks on the
device by writing a pattern on every block of the device which erases the data on the device.
So,the filesystems which have data should not be checked with badblocks using the -w option.

Those devices or filesystem should be checked for badblocks using the badblocks command
without any option or with the -n option. The -n option is read only mode so no data is written
on the device block and hence the data is not erased.

To protect data and check for badblocks use the below command

badblocks device-name or badblocks -n device-name

To erase the data and check for the badblocks use the below command

badblocks -w device-name
3.5.Automatically mounting a filesystem

When a system is booted the filesystems are automatically mounted. The users don’t have to
run the mount command to mount the filesystems like /home,/usr etc. This automatic mount-
ing of filesystem is due to the autofs service which runs when the system boots. The autofs
service lies in the /etc/rc.d/init.d directory. When a system boots then the autofs service runs
with the option start and when the system is shutting down the autofs service runs with the
option stop.

The autofs service controls the operation of the automount daemons. It reads the file
/etc/auto.master and finds the mount points on system. Each mount points found is mounted
by automount and a thread is also started by automount to manage the mount point. Below is
the sample /etc/auto.master file.

automount mounts a mount point when the mount point is accessed and deactivates it when it
is no longer used.

# Sample auto.master file

# This is an automounter map and it has the following format

# key [ -mount-options-separated-by-comma ] location

# For details of the format look at autofs(5).

/misc /etc/auto.misc

/net -hosts

# Include central master map if it can be found using

# nsswitch sources.

# Note that if there are entries for /net or /misc (as

# above) in the included master map any keys that are the
# same will not be seen as the first read key seen takes

# precedence.


In the above file the lines starting with # are comments.

The line /misc /etc/auto.misc tells the daemon automount to look into the file /etc/auto.misc
for the mount points. The sample /etc/auto.misc file is

# This is an automounter map and it has the following format

# key [ -mount-options-separated-by-comma ] location

# Details may be found in the autofs(5) manpage

cd -fstype=iso9660,ro,nosuid,nodev :/dev/cdrom

# the following entries are samples to pique your imagination

#linux -ro,soft,intr ftp.example.org:/pub/linux

#boot -fstype=ext2 :/dev/hda1

#floppy -fstype=auto :/dev/fd0

#floppy -fstype=ext2 :/dev/fd0

#e2floppy -fstype=ext2 :/dev/fd0

#jaz -fstype=ext2 :/dev/sdc1

#removable -fstype=ext2 :/dev/hdd

In the above file the line starting with # are comments. The line

cd -fstype=iso9660,ro,nosuid,nodev :/dev/cdrom
Causes the automount to mount the /dev/cdrom device when a CDROM media is inserted into
the drive and change the directory to the /dev/cdrom. If user comments this line the
/dev/cdrom drive will not be automatically mounted when a CDROM media is inserted into the

3.5.1.Checking status of automount

To check whether automount is running in the system or not type the following command in the

[root@localhost ~]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/autofs status

automount (pid 2157) is running...

3.6.RAID disks

Linux uses the ext3 filesystem type which has journaling feature. Journaling feature means that
it helps to recover from crashes and brings the filesystem into a consistent state. If power failure
occurs when a system is running and it shutdowns immediately (not a graceful shutdown that is
the system shuts down before user can shutdown using the shutdown -h now command or from
the graphic panel choosing the shutdown option) leaves the filesystem in a inconsistent state.
Journaling feature of the filesystem enables it to recover from such kind of crashes.

But journaling feature is not sufficient to handle all the cases for example if one of the partition
is damaged then the files cannot be recovered. RAID disks are used to improve disk perfor-
mance and minimize the chance of data loss.

RAID devices are virtual devices created from two or more real block devices. This allows
multiple devices to be combined into a single device to hold a single filesystem.

Linux Software RAID devices are implemented through the md (Multiple Devices) device driver.

Currently, Linux supports LINEAR md devices, RAID0 (striping), RAID1 (mirroring), RAID4,

3.6.1.Creating RAID device

The RAID devices can be created during installation and after installation. installation
During installation of Red Hat Linux the RAID devices can be created using the disk druid
partition manager.

z On the disk druid menu selecting the raid button launches the raid options panel.
z On that panel select create a software raid partition button.
z Create the partition with software raid as the filesystem type
z from the raid options panel select create a raid device button
z Enter the mount point, filesystem type, raid device, raid level information on the raid
device panel.

This creates the raid devices. The raid devices information can be monitored, viewed using the
mdadm command after the installation. mdadm command

To create the RAID device use the mdadm command. mdadm command is all purpose com-
mand for raid devices. It creates, enables, assembles and monitors the raid devices. The format
of the mdadm command for creating raid devices is

mdadm - -create raid-device-name - -level=n1 - -raid devices=n2 hard-disk-device-name

n1 is a number which denotes the raid level of the raid device. The values of n1 can be 0, 1, 4, 5,
6, and 10. The value of n2 is equal to the number of physical devices which forms the raid device
/dev/md0. The hard-disk-device name is name of the devices separated by spaces. The raid
device name will be /dev/md0 if the first raid device is being created and so on.

To create a raid device /dev/md0 of level 1 using the hard disks /dev/sda0,/dev/sda1,/dev/sda2
use the following command

mdadm - -create /dev/md0 - -level=1 - -raid devices=3 /dev/sda0 /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2 uses of mdadm

The mdadm can be used to mark a device of a raid array to be marked as failed, remove it from
the raid array or add it to raid array. Raid array means the physical devices which together
makes a logical raid device. The various format of the mdadm command are

mdadm raid-device-name -f hard-disk-device-name

to mark the device as failed. To mark the device /dev/sda2 of the raid device /dev/md0 of the
above example as failure the command used is

mdadm /dev/md0 -f /dev/sda2

mdadm raid-device-name -r hard-disk-device-name

is used to remove the device. To remove the device /dev/sda2 of the raid device /dev/md0 of
the above example the command used is

mdadm /dev/md0 -r /dev/sda2

mdadm raid-device-name -a hard-disk-device-name

is used to add the device as a spare. To add the device /dev/sda2 of the raid device /dev/md0 of
the above example the command used is

mdadm /dev/md0 -a /dev/sda2 about a raid device

The mdadm command is also used to see the detailed information about an active raid device.
The command used for the purpose is given below

mdadm - -details raid-device-name

3.7.Logical Volume Group

Logical volume group support is provided in Red Hat Linux.

3.7.1.Creating A Logical Volume Group

To create a Logical volume group at first physical volume is initialized. The pvcreate command
is used to initialize the partition for use by logical volume utilities. The format of pvcreate
command is

pvcreate hard-disk-partition-name

To initialize the partition /dev/sda5 of the hard disk run the command

[root@localhost ~]# pvcreate /dev/sda5

Physical volume "/dev/sda5" successfully created

Then add the physical volume thus created to the new volume group using the command
vgcreate or added to an existing volume group using the command vgextend. The format of
command vgcreate and vgextend is

vgcreate volume-group-name hard-disk-partition1 hard-disk-partition2 …...........

vgextend volume-group-name hard-disk-partition1 hard-disk-partition2 .....

To create the new volume group my_vol_grp for the /dev/sda5 of the above example use the

[root@localhost dev]# vgcreate my_vol_grp /dev/sda5

Volume group "my_vol_grp" successfully created

To view the attributes of the volume group created use the command vgdisplay. The format of
the command vgdisplay is

vgdisplay volume-group-name

For example to view the attributes of the volume group my_vol_grp use the command

[root@localhost dev]# vgdisplay my_vol_grp

--- Volume group ---

VG Name my_vol_grp

System ID

Format lvm2

Metadata Areas 1

Metadata Sequence No 1

VG Access read/write

VG Status resizable

Cur LV 0

Open LV 0

Max PV 0

Cur PV 1

Act PV 1

VG Size 9.77 GB

PE Size 4.00 MB

Total PE 2500

Alloc PE / Size 0/0

Free PE / Size 2500 / 9.77 GB

VG UUID 3I5EmB-es47-Deqz-hN9w-eUaK-u1i6-tMSCoW

To create a new logical volume in the volume group the command lvcreate is used. The format
of the command lvcreate is

lvcreate -l %VG or %FREE volume-group-name

lvcreate -L G or M or K volume-group-name

In the first case the space on which the logical group is to be created is expressed as the percen-
tage of the total space of the volume group or the percentage of the total space of the free space.

In the second case space on which the logical group is to be created is given as the total space
expressed in MB, GB, KB (G means GB, M means MB and K means KB).

To create the logical volume group on the my_vol_grp volume group created earlier use the

[root@localhost dev]# lvcreate -L 9.7G my_vol_grp

Rounding up size to full physical extent 9.70 GB

Logical volume "lvol0" created

The above commands create the logical volume successfully. To check the logical volume
created view the contents of the directory /dev/my_vol_grp. It will contain an entry lvol0.

To display the information about the logical volume thus created use the lvdisplay command.

[root@localhost dev]# lvdisplay /dev/my_vol_grp/lvol0

--- Logical volume ---

LV Name /dev/my_vol_grp/lvol0

VG Name my_vol_grp

LV UUID CaD0Bp-Czo8-fCbu-QXi5-d0I1-LHS3-TwJvVw

LV Write Access read/write

LV Status available

# open 0

LV Size 9.70 GB

Current LE 2484

Segments 1

Allocation inherit

Read ahead sectors 0

Block device 253:0

3.7.2.Remove a logical volume

The lvremove command is used for this purpose. The format is

lvremove /dev/volume-group/logical-volume-name
To remove logical volume logical-volume-name.

To remove all the logical volumes in a volume group use

lvremove /dev/volume-group

3.7.3.Remove a volume group

The command vgremove is used for this purpose.

vgremove volume-group-name

3.7.4.Remove a physical volume

The command pvremove is used for this purpose.

pvremove physical-volume

3.7.5.Logical volume management utility

Red Hat offers graphical utility to achieve all the functions performed above like creating a
volume group, creating a logical volume, removing volume group and logical volume, viewing
and editing the information about the volume group and logical volume.

To invoke the Logical Volume Management utility run the below command in the terminal

[root@localhost ~]# system-config-lvm


In the above utility the left hand panel shows the volume groups and the uninitialized entries.
The uninitialized entries are the normal partitions of the hard disks and the volume group
shows the volume group created for example this window shows the volume group my_vol_grp
and within the volume group the logical volume lvol0 is listed. User can use the buttons edit
properties to edit the properties of the logical volume.


A good operating system should allow the user to install and update software with ease. Red Hat
offers the luxury of maintaining the package in a simple and efficient way. There are many
options available to the user yum, rpm, and graphical utilities.

4.2.Using yum

yum (Yellow Dog Updater ,Modified) is used to install and update the software packages in rpm
format from software repositories on the web. The yum uses the configuration file
/etc/yum.conf and the configuration files in the directory /etc/yum.conf.d.
The yum command checks the configuration files and searches the locations mentioned in the
configuration files for the package which is needed to be updated or installed by yum. The
format of sample configuration file /etc/yum.conf is











cachedir mentions the directory which yum uses as the cache memory that is storage for storing
temporary file.

keepcache options value if 0 causes the headers and cache files to be deleted after successful
installation and value 1 retains the files.

The log file where yum writes the log information.

The option gpgcheck if 1 forces yum to check the gpg keys of the packages and if 0 the gpg keys
are not checked.

The files in the directory /etc/yum.repos.d contain the location on the web which yum searches
for the packages. Each file represents the location of the packages. The contents of the directory

[root@localhost etc]# cd yum.repos.d;ls

fedora-development.repo fedora-updates.repo livna-devel.repo

fedora.repo fedora-updates.repocp livna.repo

fedora.repocp fedora-updates-testing.repo livna-testing.repo

Each file corresponds to a software repository on web. The file will be in the below form



baseurl=give the http address of the server

mirrorlist=give address of the mirror location



gpgkey=location of the gpg key file.

The yum command takes a number of inputs. The general format of the command is

yum option package-name

In case of some options yum don't need package name so the format becomes

yum option

Option Description usage

install Installs a package yum install package-name

update Updates a package yum update package-name

check-update Checks whether an yum check-update

update is available
for the packages
installed in the

remove Removes the pack- yum remove package-name

age and any depen-
dent package from
the system

erase Same as remove Same as remove

4.3.Using rpm

A lot number of Red Hat software exists in rpm format. It is very easy to install the rpm soft-
ware packages by using the rpm command. The rpm command can be used to install, upgrade,
verify, and uninstall the rpm software.

Option Usage description

-i rpm – i package-name Install a package

-U rpm -U package-name Updates package

already installed on
the system. If any
previous version of
package is not in-
stalled then the pack-
age is installed.

-F rpm -F package-name Upgrade a previously

installed package.

-e rpm -e package-name Erases a package from


-q rpm -q package-name Queries about a pack-


-V rpm -V package-name Verify an installed

package against its
original software
package. If the in-

stalled package
matches with original
software package then
there is no output.

-v rpm -v Prints verbose infor-


-vv rpm -vv Prints lots of verbose


-h rpm -h Prints # marks during

the package processing
using rpm. 50 # are
printed when 100%
processing is done.

If the rpm command is to be used with two options then use this form usually the option -v, -vv,
and -h is used with the other options. The format is

[root@localhost rpm]# rpm -qvv python

D: opening db environment /var/lib/rpm/Packages joinenv

D: opening db index /var/lib/rpm/Packages rdonly mode=0x0

D: locked db index /var/lib/rpm/Packages

D: opening db index /var/lib/rpm/Name rdonly mode=0x0

D: opening db index /var/lib/rpm/Pubkeys rdonly mode=0x0

D: read h# 1353 Header sanity check: OK

D: ========== DSA pubkey id b44269d0 4f2a6fd2 (h#1353)

D: read h# 741 Header V3 DSA signature: OK, key ID 4f2a6fd2

D: closed db index /var/lib/rpm/Pubkeys

D: closed db index /var/lib/rpm/Name

D: closed db index /var/lib/rpm/Packages

D: closed db environment /var/lib/rpm/Packages

D: May free Score board((nil))

In above example rpm queries the rpm database to find out whether the python software is
installed. If the software is installed it prints the information about the software. The option -q
and -vv are used together.

The rpm command uses the two global configuration file /usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc and
/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/rpmrc. It uses /etc/rpmrc configuration file which is configuration file
specific to a system. The configuration file .rpmrc in the home directory of a user is the user
level rpm configuration file. It also uses the /var/lib/rpm/* directory as the database for storing
rpm package information. In above case it queries the database to get the information about the
python rpm package.

4.4.Using make

The software packages are available in the tar.gz, tgz, and tar.bz2 format. The packages need to
be uncompressed and then the source code is to be build using the. /configure, make and make
install commands.

To uncompress the packages with tar.gz extension use the commands

gunzip realplay.tar.gz

This forms realplay.tar

and then use the command

tar xvf realplay.tar

generates directory realplay.

The two commands can be combined into one command

tar xvfz realplay.tar.gz

generates directory realplay.

If the source code is in tar.bz2 format then use the command

bzip2 -d realplay.tar.bz2

It forms the directory realplay.tar

After uncompressing the package change the working directory of the terminal to the directory

Now to install the package run the commands



make install

The ./configure command configures the package for the platform of the system.

The make command makes the package for the system.

The command make install installs the package on the system.

4.5.Package Manager

package manager is a graphical utility which gathers the information about the packages availa-
ble over the web for update and installation. It searches the software repositories which have
been defined in the yum configuration files. To invoke the Package Manager enter the below
command in terminal

[root@localhost redhat]# system-config-packages


On the browse tab user can browse for the packages available over the web in different catego-
ries. On the search tab user can search for a package and on the list tab the user gets the listing
of all the package, available package, and installed package depending upon the option box
chosen by the user.

After choosing for the packages which need to be installed the user can decide to apply the
changes made on the panel. If the changes are applied then the packages are downloaded from
web and are installed.



Linux is a multi user operating system. During installation root user account has to be created
(root user is administrator of the system). One more user account is asked to create (user may
choose to create the account or skip). User account can also be created after installation. Each
user belongs to a group account. Group account can also be created after installation.

5.2.Creating User Account

The useradd command is used to create a new user. It is also used to update default values used
while creating a new user. The general format of the useradd command is

useradd options user-name

useradd -D options

useradd -D

The first form is used to create a new user while the second form is used to override the default
options used while creating a new user. The third form is used to view the default values which
will be used while creating a user account.

To view the default values enter the following command in terminal

[root@localhost ~]# useradd -D








Simplest form of useradd command is

useradd user-name

If this command is run useradd creates the user account by using the default values. useradd
reads the file /etc/login.defs for the default values to be used while creating the user. The sam-
ple /etc/login.defs file is


#Directory where mailboxes reside,or name of file, relative to the

# home directory. If you _do_ define both, MAIL_DIR takes #precedence.

# QMAIL_DIR is for Qmail


#QMAIL_DIR Maildir

MAIL_DIR /var/spool/mail

#MAIL_FILE .mail

# Password aging controls:

#PASS_MAX_DAYS Maximum number of days a password may #be used.

# PASS_MIN_DAYS Minimum number of days allowed #between password changes.

# PASS_MIN_LEN Minimum acceptable password length.

# PASS_WARN_AGE Number of days warning given before a #password expires.





# Min/max values for automatic uid selection in useradd


UID_MAX 60000

# Min/max values for automatic gid selection in groupadd



GID_MAX 60000

# If defined, this command is run when removing a user.

# It should remove any at/cron/print jobs etc. owned by

# the user to be removed (passed as the first argument).

#USERDEL_CMD /usr/sbin/userdel_local

# If useradd should create home directories for users by default

# On RH systems, we do. This option is overridden with the -m flag #on

# useradd command line.


# The permission mask is initialized to this value. If not specified,

# the permission mask will be initialized to 022.


# This enables userdel to remove user groups if no members exist.


# Use MD5 or DES to encrypt password? Red Hat use MD5 by #default.

So if a user is created with the command

[root@localhost ~]# useradd user1

Then a directory user1 is created in /home, shell is /bin/bash, mailbox lies in /var/spool/mail
directory and the contents of the /etc/skel directory is copied in the /home/user1 directory.
/etc/skel contains the login and application startup scripts. The contents of the /etc/skel are
viewed using ls -la command.

[root@localhost skel]# ls -la

total 80

drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 2009-01-13 22:20 .

drwxr-xr-x 138 root root 12288 2009-01-13 22:53 ..

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 33 2007-02-12 20:48 .bash_logout

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 176 2007-02-12 20:48 .bash_profile

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 124 2007-02-12 20:48 .bashrc

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 500 2007-05-23 19:45 .emacs

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2009-01-06 16:21 .kde

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2009-01-06 16:08 .xemacs

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 658 2007-03-06 01:54 .zshrc

.bash_logout,.bash_profile,and .bashrc contains the user specific options and aliases which is
used by the bash shell each time the bash shell starts up..kde contains the kde desktop applica-
tion options. The .bashrc file can be used by user to customize user's shell environment. The
sample .bashrc file is

# .bashrc

# Source global definitions

if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then

. /etc/bashrc


# User specific aliases and functions

If the file /etc/bashrc exists then the file is executed./etc/bashrc contains the global options to
the bash shell. The options in /etc/bashrc apply to all users using bash shell. The values in
/etc/bashrc can be overridden using the .bashrc file.

Much information needed to create user account is taken from the file /etc/profile. It sets the
hostname, histsize of the shell, shell environment variables like PATH,USER,LOGNAME,and
INPUTRC etc. The /etc/profile file also looks in the directory /etc/profile.d for the files which
contain aliases and environment variables for use by the user.

General format

The default values used while creating a user account can be overridden by passing those values
from shell. The format of useradd command is

useradd -c “comment” -d home directory path -g group name -p password -s shell -u userid

[root@localhost ~]# useradd -c "new user" -d /home/user2 -g user1 -s /bin/csh user2

When a user account is created an entry corresponding to the user name for example us-
er1,user2 is created in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow file. An entry is also added when a new
group is created for example user1. Below is the content of /etc/passwd filesystem


user2:x:503:502:new user:/home/user2:/bin/csh

/etc/shadow file contains the user name and the encrypted password of the user. The entry of
/etc/group file is


Changing default values

The command useradd -D -b home directory name -s shell -g group

can be used to change the default values used while creating new user account. Below command
is used to change the shell to /bin/tcsh from /bin/bash

[root@localhost ~]# useradd -D -s /bin/tcsh

[root@localhost ~]# useradd -D








5.3.Modifying user account

usermod command is used to modify the user information. The general format of usermod
command is

usermod -c “comment” -d home-directory-name -g group-name -l login-name -s shell -u user-id

5.4.Deleting user account

userdel command is used to delete the user account.

userdel user-name

this deletes the entry corresponding to the user name from /etc/passwd file and /etc/shadow.
To delete the home directory along with the account following command is used

userdel -r user-name
5.5.Group Administration

5.5.1.Adding New Group

groupadd command is used to add new group. If no options are specified on the command line
default values are used. The format of groupadd command is

groupadd -g group-id

groupadd-r option

Second command is used to add administrative groups. Administrative group and users have
ids below 500.The file /etc/gshadow is used to store the group's password.

5.5.2.Modifying group information

groupmod command is used to modify existing group information.

groupmod -g new-group-id -n new-group-name.

5.5.3.Deleting group

groupdel command is used to delete group. It deleted the entry of group from the files like
/etc/group and /etc/gshadow

5.6.Using User Manager

The user manager utility is used to perform all the tasks discussed above using the graphical
interface. To invoke the user manager utility enter the below command in terminal

[root@localhost ~]# system-config-users


It can be used to add ,modify and delete user and group information. To modify existing user
information click on the user name and then use the properties button. The below panel is
generated. The information can be edited on the below panel and changes can be saved.

To create a new user. click on the add user button. The below window is thrown and the infor-
mation of new user can be entered.

5.6.1.Changing user password

The password of user can be changed by entering the command passwd.

passwd user-name

if the user-name is not mentioned then it is assumed that user wants to change root user's
password. The command prompts for root user's password and then for the new password. The
password needs to be entered twice.

5.7.Space Usage

The du command is used to check the space used by the files and subfolders of a directory. The
format of the command is

du folder-name

if the option -h is used the command displays the size of files and subfolders in K (kilo-
bytes),M(megabytes),and G (gigabyte) form. The size of files contained in a subfolder is also
displayed .
[root@localhost ~]# du -h /home/user1

8.0K /home/user1/.kde/Autostart

12K /home/user1/.kde

8.0K /home/user1/.xemacs

44K /home/user1

The df command is used to display the amount of space available on a filesystem. The format of
the command is

df filesystem

If the filesystem option is not used on command line then df displays the amount of space
available in all the mounted filesystems of the system.

[root@localhost ~]# df

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on

/dev/sda11 9920592 2390424 7018100 26% /

/dev/sda12 4956284 141220 4559232 4% /opt

/dev/sda10 9920592 4643932 4764592 50% /usr

/dev/sda9 16479668 384520 15244508 3% /home

/dev/sda8 101086 18499 77368 20% /boot

tmpfs 383428 0 383428 0% /dev/shm


The root user is can perform all the tasks on the system. The root user is administrator account
on Red Hat Linux. During installation the root account is must to create.
6.2.Getting Administration Rights

6.2.1.The su command

The su command is used to change the user id and group id of the user issuing the command to
that of user mentioned on the su command. The format of the su command is

su – user-name

If user2 has entered this command in terminal then he will have the privilege of user-name (he
can perform all actions which user1 can perform using the terminal in which he entered the
above command. Outside that terminal he won't have the privilege of user1).

6.2.2.Using the su

Using the su command a user can also get privilege of root user but the user will be prompted
for the root user's password. If he enters the password correctly then he gets the privilege of
root user else he won't get the privilege.

The user id and group id of the root user is 0. Te user and group ids below 500 are reserved for
the administrative users. There are some administrative accounts which are automatically
created by Linux but the user accounts cannot be used to log into the system as they are defined
with the /sbin/nologin./sbin/nologin refuses login from the user. The user accounts are listed in
the file /etc/passwd. Below is the sample /etc/passwd file









The users bin,daemon,adm,lp,and mail are defined with /sbin/nologin so those user accounts
cannot be used to login into system. The root user must be created on a Linux machine and all
other user accounts in above sample are automatically created.

6.2.3.Administrative commands and /usr/sbin directory

The directory /sbin and /usr/sbin contain administrative commands. Only root user can use the
commands .Other uses must have given privilege to use those commands. The privilege can be
granted by the root user only.

6.2.4./etc/sudoers file

The file /etc/sudoers file defines group of similar command under an alias name. For example

## Command Aliases

## These are groups of related commands...

## Networking

Cmnd_Alias NETWORKING = /sbin/route, /sbin/ifconfig, /bin/ping, /sbin/dhclient,

/usr/bin/net, /sbin/iptables, /usr/bin/rfcomm, /usr/bin/wvdial, /sbin/iwconfig, /sbin/mii-tool

## Installation and management of software

Cmnd_Alias SOFTWARE = /bin/rpm, /usr/bin/up2date, /usr/bin/yum

## Services

Cmnd_Alias SERVICES = /sbin/service, /sbin/chkconfig

## Updating the locate database

Cmnd_Alias LOCATE = /usr/sbin/updatedb

## Storage

Cmnd_Alias STORAGE = /sbin/fdisk, /sbin/sfdisk, /sbin/parted, /sbin/partprobe,

/bin/mount, /bin/umount
At first command aliases are defined in the /etc/sudoers file. STORAGE is defined for the
commands /sbin/fdisk,/sbin/sfdisk,/bin/mount,/bin/umount.

In above case the command mount is in directory /bin. The explanation is any user can use
mount command to view the filesystems currently mounted on the system but only root can use
it to mount a filesystem. Since normal users can not use commands in /sbin directory that is
why mount command is in /bin directory.

Then in the file /etc/sudoers different groups are defined with different levels of privilege.

## Allow root to run any commands anywhere

root ALL=(ALL) ALL

## Allows members of the 'sys' group to run networking, software,

## service management apps and more.



## Allows people in group wheel to run all commands

# %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL

## Same thing without a password


## Allows members of the users group to mount and unmount the

## cdrom as root

# %users ALL=/sbin/mount /mnt/cdrom, /sbin/umount /mnt/cdrom

## Allows members of the users group to shutdown this system

# %users localhost=/sbin/shutdown -h now

The file /etc/sudoers should be edited using the /sbin/visudo command. Suppose a user jack is
to be given the privilege of group sys then uncomment the line #%sys using the /sbin/visudo

Then open the file /etc/group and add the user jack on line corresponding to the group sys






The entry jack is made in /etc/group file..

Now the user jack can use the command rpm to install any software prefixing the command rpm
with sudo for example

sudo rpm -i vlc

6.3.Changing owner and group

The chown command is used to change the owner or/and group of a file. The general format of
the command is

chown owner:group file-name

case 1 if only owner is specified but group is not specified then the file owner is changed to
owner and the file group is changed to that of login group of owner.

Case 2 if owner and group both are specified then the file owner is changed to owner and file
group is changed to group.

Case 3 if owner is not specified but group is specified then the group of file is changed to that of

case 4 if owner and group both are not specified then nothing happens.

The chgrp command is used to change the group of a file. The format of the command is
chgrp group-name file-name

changes the group of file-name to group.

The system administration can be divided into several parts

z Managing user accounts (creating,deleting,modifying user and group accounts)

(discussed before)
z managing services to be run in a runlevel (discussed
z Updating existing software and installing new software (discussed
z Monitoring system performance
z Automating tasks
z Managing and tuning kernel

6.4.Monitoring System performance

6.4.1.Using System Monitor

The system information can be viewed using the System Monitor utility. To start the system
monitor utility follow these steps on desktop go to system--> then go to administration-->then
click on System Monitor.

On the processes tab the user can see the listing of all the processes of the system at that mo-

The user can click on a process and then can end process by clicking on the End Process button.

Using the Edit menu option the user can Start Process, View Process, End Process, Kill Process,
and also change the priority of the process.

Using the view menu option user can choose the option to see only processes started by him (his
process) or all process or active processes on the system.

Using the filesystems tab the filesystems currently mounted on the system are displayed. A user
can also choose which information he/she wants to see for the processes using the Edit--
>preferences option of the menu .

On the preferences window the user can choose the time interval after which the information is
to be refreshed.
6.4.2.Using top

The top utility is started by typing the top command in the terminal window. The top command
gives various information about the system

z number of users currently logged on

z load average of the system
z total number of processes, no of processes active, no of processes sleeping, no of zombie
z usage detail of swap memory
z usage detail of RAM memory
z the information about the processes of the system like PID (process identification
number ),percent CPU usage,% memory usage, the command used for invoking the
process. The priority of the process.

6.4.3.Other commands

There are several commands available in Linux which can be used to view the system informa-
tion. w command

The w command is used to view the users who are logged on the system and the processes run
by them. It also shows the time for which the system is running and the load average of the
[root@localhost ~]# w

23:17:20 up 32 min, 2 users, load average: 0.10, 0.21, 0.19


root pts/0 :0.0 22:48 10:07 0.04s 0.00s find /home

root pts/1 :0.0 23:08 1.00s 0.03s 0.00s w uptime

The uptime command is used to show the time for which system is running. Load average of the
system and number of users logged on the system currently.

[root@localhost ~]# uptime

23:17:44 up 32 min, 2 users, load average: 0.19, 0.22, 0.19 vmstat

The vmstat command is used to displays the virtual memory statistics.

[root@localhost ~]# vmstat

procs --memory----- ---swap-- -io---- --system-- -----cpu------

r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa st

0 0 0 218808 20736 258632 0 0 144 38 114 435 7 1 89 2 0

Under the proc heading it displays the no of processes waiting for run time (under r sub head-
ing),no of processes in sleep(under sub heading b).

Under the memory heading it displays amount of virtual memory used(swpd),free memory,
buffer memory, cache memory, under swap heading amount of memory swapped in from
disk(si) and amount of memory swapped out(so).

Under the io heading blocks received from block devices(bi),blocks sent to block devices(bo).

Under the CPU heading the CPU related information.

86 free

It gives the amount of free and used memory space of the system.

[root@localhost ~]# free

total used free shared buffers cached

Mem: 766860 550340 216520 0 22476 261796

-/+ buffers/cache: 266068 500792

Swap: 819272 0 819272 kill

The kill command is used to end a process. The format of the kill command is

kill -s signal-name pid

z if the pid is 0 then all process in current process are signaled.

z If the pid is 1 then processes with pid >1 re signaled
z if pid is > 1 then the process with that id is signaled.

6.5.Log information

The user can see the log information of the system using the System Log viewer .The system log
viewer is launched from desktop using SYSTEM-->ADMINISTRATION-->SYSTEM LOG.

On the left hand side the list of log files is displayed. User can click on the name of files to view
the log information. For example the file /var/log/boot.log contains the log information of boot

Clicking on the cron entry on left displays the log information about the jobs scheduled using
the cron utility on the right panel of the above utility. The log information about the cups can be
seen by expanding the tree under the cups entry on the left panel of the utility.



Linux kernel is heart of Linux operating system. The hardware drivers are installed to interface
with the hardware. The hardware drivers are maintained as the modules of the kernel. The
drivers can be inserted,deleted,and the information about the drivers can be viewed.

7.2.kernel Modules

All the modules configured into the kernel are located in the directory /lib/modules/*/. The * is
replaced by the output of uname -r command. The content of the directory is

[root@localhost 2.6.21-1.3194.fc7]# ls

build modules.dep modules.networking modules.symbols

extra modules.ieee1394map modules.ofmap modules.usbmap

kernel modules.inputmap modules.pcimap source

modules.alias modules.isapnpmap modules.scsi updates

modules.ccwmap modules.libata modules.seriomap weak-updates

The kernel subdirectory of the above output contains the drivers currently part of the kernel.
The file modules.networking contains the name of the drivers for the network devices.

7.2.1.Modules Loaded into Kernel

To view the modules currently loaded into the kernel use the command lsmod. The
file/proc/module contains the listing of modules currently loaded into the kernel.

[root@localhost ~]# lsmod

Module Size Used by

i915 25793 3

drm 78037 4 i915

ipt_MASQUERADE 7745 1

iptable_nat 11461 1

nf_nat 22125 2 ipt_MASQUERADE,iptable_nat

The modinfo command can be used to view information about any of the loaded module into
the kernel. For example to view information about the driver i915 of above case use the com-

[root@localhost ~]# modinfo i915

filename: /lib/modules/2.6.21-1.3194.fc7/kernel/drivers/char/drm/i915.ko

license: GPL and additional rights

description: Intel Graphics

author: Tungsten Graphics, Inc.

srcversion: 9274BE575209BE18EC18D84

depends: drm

7.2.2.Inserting module into kernel

Sometimes a user might need to install a hardware device if the hardware driver is not part of
the kernel. The user has to insert the driver module into the kernel. The insmod command is
used to insert a driver module into the kernel. The format of the insmod command is

insmod file-name

if the file-name is – then the module is taken from the standard input.

7.2.3.Removing module from kernel

The rmmod command is used to remove a module from the kernel. The format of the command

rmmod module-name

7.2.4.Using modprobe command

The modprobe command can be used to insert a module into kernel ,and remove a module
from the kernel.

The modprobe command inserts other modules which are dependent on the module being
inserted using the command. Let module2 is module dependent on module1 then if the com-

modprobe module1 is executed then the modules module1 and module2 both are inserted as the
module2 is dependent on module1. The module dependencies are listed into the modules.dep
file located in the directory /lib/modules/uname -r/. If module2 is dependent on module1 then
the file contents will be



In above example the modules module1 and module2 are listed using fully qualified path name.
The dependent module is on left side and the independent module is on the right side of the

But if the command insmod is used then the module1 is only inserted.

The command modprobe -r module-name is used to remove the modules from the kernel.

The modprobe command looks in the directory /lib/modules/*/ and also for the configuration
file /etc/modprobe.conf (if the file is present) and in the directory /etc/modprobe.d.

The sample modprobe.conf file is

alias eth0 via-rhine

options snd-intel8x0 index=0

install binfmt-0000 /bin/true

The option alias defines an alternate name eth0 for the via-rhine. The option options define the
options which will be used when the module is inserted into the kernel.

The install option is used to run the commands defined after the module name. In above case if
the command

modprobe binfmt-0000 is run then the command /bin/true is executed.

7.3.Process and Kernel Information

7.3.1.The ps command

The ps command is all purpose command to get information about the processes running on the
system. There are many options available for the ps command. The command ps aux is used to
display all the processes currently running on the system.

7.3.2.Changing priority of process

The renice command is used to change the priority of the running process. The format of the
renice command is

renice priority -p pid of process -u user-name -g group-id

If the renice command is issued on user then the process priority of all processes of the user
changes and if issued for group then the process priority of all processes owned by the group is
changed and if issued for process id then the process priority is changed.

7.3.3.Using dmesg

It is used to examine and print the boot up message. The user can use the command to capture
the messages. The format of the command is

dmesg -c -n level

The -c option clears the kernel ring buffer after printing

-n option sets the level of messages which will be printed.

If the value of level is 1 then the serious error messages are only printed.

[root@localhost modprobe.d]# dmesg -c

Linux version 2.6.21-1.3194.fc7 (kojibuilder@xenbuilder4.fedora.phx.redhat.com) (gcc version

4.1.2 20070502 (Red Hat 4.1.2-12)) #1 SMP Wed May 23 22:35:01 EDT 2007

BIOS-provided physical RAM map:

sanitize start

sanitize end

copy_e820_map() start: 0000000000000000 size: 000000000009fc00 end:

000000000009fc00 type: 1




is the output of command. After the execution the kernel ring buffer gets clear now if the com-
mand dmesg is run again then there will be no output.

The syslogd supports the system logging as well as kernel message trapping. The syslogd and
klogd comprises the sysklogd package. syslogd supports the system logging. It uses the configu-
ration file /etc/syslog.conf. The file defines the files where different system messages will be
written. Below is the sample /etc/syslog.conf file

# Log all kernel messages to the console.

# Logging much else clutters up the screen.

#kern.* /dev/console

# Log anything (except mail) of level info or higher.

# Don't log private authentication messages!

*.info;mail.none;news.none;authpriv.none;cron.none /var/log/messages

# The authpriv file has restricted access.

authpriv.* /var/log/secure

# Log all the mail messages in one place.

mail.* -/var/log/maillog

# Log cron stuff

cron.* /var/log/cron

# Everybody gets emergency messages

*.emerg *

# Save news errors of level crit and higher in a special file.

uucp,news.crit /var/log/spooler

# Save boot messages also to boot.log

local7.* /var/log/boot.log


news.=crit /var/log/news/news.crit

news.=err /var/log/news/news.err

news.notice /var/log/news/news.notice

In the above file /var/log/secure file is defined to contain the authorization and security related
messages. For example the PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module) related messages are
logged in this file.

The cron job messages are logged in the file /var/log/cron

The file name can be changed by the root user if root wants to log the information into different

The klogd captures the kernel messages. The process id(PID) of the klogd daemon is defined in
the file /var/run/klogd.pid. The source for the kernel message is the /proc/kmsg file. If the file
is not present then klogd uses a system call to obtain kernel messages. The klogd daemon
always runs on a running system and traps any messages which kernel generates.

7.4.Automating Tasks --

A user can schedule to run a job at a specified time. The at,batch,and cron facilities are used to
schedule a job at a specified time.

7.4.1.Using at

The at command is used to schedule a job at a time and the atd daemon runs the job scheduled
by the at command. The at command cannot be used by all the users. The root user can use the
at command. There are two files which determine which users can use the at command.

The file /etc/at.allow lists the name of the users who are allowed to use the at command. The
/etc/at.deny command lists the name of the users who can't use the at command. The
/etc/at.allow file is first checked for the user name who can use the at command if the file is not
present then the file /etc/at.deny is checked to see the users who cannot use the at command. If
both the files are not present then only root user can run the at command. The sample format of
the /etc/at.allow or /etc/at.deny is



The user names should be one in a line and there should not be whitespace in the user name.

The at -l command is used to list all the scheduled jobs(if root user runs this command then
scheduled job of all users is displayed),if invoked by other users the scheduled job of only that
user is displayed.

The jobs which are listed have an on right are in at queue, the jobs which have = on right are
jobs currently executing, and the jobs with b on right are in batch queue.

[root@localhost ~]# atq

3 Fri Jan 16 22:44:00 2009 a root

2 Fri Jan 16 22:49:00 2009 a root

1 Fri Jan 16 22:39:00 2009 = root

4 Fri Jan 16 23:03:00 2009 a root

at -m sends mail to the user when the job completes even if the job has no output.

The command at time-specification is used to schedule the job at that time. The three ways in
which jobs can be scheduled are pipe

A list of command can be scheduled using pipe for example

[root@localhost ~]# ls -la | at now+5min

job 1 at Fri Jan 16 22:39:00 2009

to schedule a number of commands write each command separated by semicolons. at prompt
The at prompt is presented to the user if at time-specification is entered for example

[root@localhost ~]# at now+20min

at> ps

at> du

at> <EOT>

press CTRL+D to come out of at prompt. In above example ps and du both are scheduled. file

The at -f filename time-specification command is used to give the command using the file file-
name. The contents of the file(commands in the file name is executed at time specification).

atq – The atq command is used to list the scheduled job. Same as

at -l

atrm – command is used to delete a scheduled job. The format is

atrm jobid

to delete the job 4 in below case use

the command at -l gives listing of all scheduled jobs.

[root@localhost ~]# at -l

4 Fri Jan 16 22:46:00 2009 a root

3 Fri Jan 16 22:44:00 2009 a root

2 Fri Jan 16 22:49:00 2009 a root

1 Fri Jan 16 22:39:00 2009 = root

use atrm to delete job 4.

[root@localhost ~]# atrm 4

the command atq gives listing of all scheduled jobs.

[root@localhost ~]# atq

3 Fri Jan 16 22:44:00 2009 a root

2 Fri Jan 16 22:49:00 2009 a root

1 Fri Jan 16 22:39:00 2009 = root

The outputs of the commands are mailed to the owner of the job after successful completion of
the job.

7.4.2.Using batch command

The batch command is used to schedule a job. The job runs when the load average of the system
is below .8.The batch scheduled job is run by the atd daemon. The batch command invokes the
at command prompt

[root@localhost ~]# batch

at> df

at> du

at> <EOT>

job 5 at Fri Jan 16 22:58:00 2009

The scheduled jobs which are submitted using the at command and batch command are spooled
in the directory /var/spool/at. The files contain the information about the commands along
with the environment under which the commands were scheduled. The sample file for the
commands scheduled using the batch command is


# atrun uid=0 gid=0

# mail root 0
umask 22


HOSTNAME=localhost.localdomain; export HOSTNAME


SHELL=/bin/bash; export SHELL





7.4.3.Using cron

The cron facility is also used to schedule the jobs. The crontab jobs are executed by the cron
daemon. The root user can access cron facility. The users can be given access to cron using two

The /etc/cron.allow file is used to list the users who can use the cron facility. The
/etc/cron.allow file is first searched by the cron facility if the file does not exists then the
/etc/cron.deny file is searched./etc/cron.deny lists the user names which are not allowed to
access the cron facility. If both files don't exists then only root user can use cron facility.

The crontab -e command is used to create a crontab file. A text editor can be used to create a
file-name.cron file .

[root@localhost at]# crontab -e

no crontab for root - using an empty one

crontab: installing new crontab

The crontab file is created in the /var/spool/cron directory. The name of the file is same as the
name of the user. The format of the file is

5 23 * * * ls -la /usr/local
z The first field is minute (0-59)
z second field is hour (0-23)
z third field is day of month(0-31)
z fourth field is month (0-12).Jan,Feb,mar,Apr format is also used.
z fifth field is day of week(0-7).Sun,Mon,Tue format is also used.0 and 7 both are used for
z The field value * in the fields denotes all possible value.
z After the time fields the command field follows.

The command crontab -l is used to list all the crontab jobs.

[root@localhost at]# crontab -l

5 23 * * * ls -la /usr/local

The crontab -r command is used to delete the crontab jobs.

[root@localhost cron]# crontab -r

[root@localhost cron]# crontab -l

no crontab for root

The file /etc/crontab file is system crontab file. The cron daemon reads the /etc/crontab file.
The sample /etc/crontab file is





# run-parts

01 * * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.hourly

02 4 * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.daily

22 4 * * 0 root run-parts /etc/cron.weekly

42 4 1 * * root run-parts /etc/cron.monthly

The environment of the sub shell is set using this file.

The SHELL parameter sets the shell to /bin/bash.

The mail is done to root user (MAILTO parameter).

The runparts define the time when the scripts in the directories /etc/cron.hourly,
/etc/cron.daily,/etc/cron.weekly,and /etc/cron.monthly are executed by the cron daemon.


The web server accepts the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol(HTTP) requests and sends a response
to the client. The apache web server is the most widely used web server. The apache web server
source code is freely downloadable.

8.2.Starting Apache

The user should check whether the Apache web server is enabled in the runlevel or not. The
chkconfig - -list option is used to check whether the Apache web server is enabled or not

[root@localhost ~]# chkconfig --list httpd

httpd 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off

The httpd service (the daemon corresponding to the Apache web server) is enable in runlevel
2,3,4,and 5. If the service is not enabled then the command chkconfig httpd on is used.

If the service is enabled in a runlevel use the command service httpd start to start the Apache
Web Server.

[root@localhost ~]# service httpd start

Starting httpd: [ OK ]

After starting the service check the working of Apache web server by typing the address
in the address bar of the Mozilla Firefox (web browser).

The Apache web server configuration directory is /etc/httpd. The directory contains main
configuration file, sub directories and symbolic links to other directories.

[root@localhost httpd]# ls -l

total 36

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2009-01-17 10:01 conf

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2009-01-17 10:29 conf.d

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 2009-01-06 16:15 logs -> ../../var/log/httpd

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2009-01-06 16:20 modsecurity.d

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 2009-01-06 16:15 modules -> ../../usr/lib/httpd/modules

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 2009-01-06 16:15 run -> ../../var/run

The conf directory contains the main Apache configuration file httpd.conf.

The conf.d contains the configuration files relating to the languages( like Python,Perl,and
PHP),database(Mysql) and the authorization modules.

The logs directory is symbolic link to /var/log/httpd directory which contains the httpd log
the modsecurity directory contains files relating to the security, http policy, and protocols

The modules directory is symbolic link to the /usr/lib/httpd/modules directory which contains
the library files for the Apache web server.

The run directory contains the symbolic link to /var/run directory which contains the httpd.pid
file which contains the PID of httpd daemon.

8.3.Main Configuration file

/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file is main configuration file for Apache web server. The file is
divided into three parts.

z Configuration directives for Apache web server process as whole.

z Configuration parameters for the main server (not virtual hosts but these parameters
also set default values for all virtual hosts)
z Settings for virtual hosts.

8.3.1.Global Environment Configuration

In the global environment configuration section the following attributes are set

# Don't give away too much information about all the subcomponents

# we are running. Comment out this line if you don't mind remote sites

# finding out what major optional modules you are running

ServerTokens OS

This hides the additional subcomponent modules from the remote sites. The additional sub-
component configuration files reside in the /etc/httpd/conf.d directory.

# ServerRoot: The top of the directory tree under which the server's

# configuration, error, and log files are kept.

ServerRoot "/etc/httpd"

The server root names the main directory where all the server information is kept.

# Timeout: The number of seconds before receives and sends time out.

Timeout 120

The server will wait for 120 secs for a response and after that the connection will timeout.

# Listen: Allows you to bind Apache to specific IP addresses and/or

# ports, in addition to the default

Listen 80

In this case apache listens to port number 80.The port number can be changed to any port
number by the user.

# Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support

LoadModule auth_basic_module modules/mod_auth_basic.so

LoadModule auth_digest_module modules/mod_auth_digest.so

LoadModule authn_file_module modules/mod_authn_file.so

The LoadModule loads the modules from the /usr/lib/httpd/modules directory (the directory
/etc/httpd/modules is a symbolic link to above directory).

# Load config files from the config directory "/etc/httpd/conf.d".

Include conf.d/*.conf

Loads the additional component support component files from the /etc/httpd/conf.d directory.
The directory contains the configuration files for PHP,Perl,Python,and Mysql etc.

User apache

Group apache
The httpd server runs under the user apache and group apache. The user account apache and
the group account apache are automatically created (user don't create the accounts).The user
can set this to his/her user-name and group-name.

8.3.2.Main server section

# ServerAdmin: Your address, where problems with the server should be

# e-mailed.

ServerAdmin root@localhost

In case of any information server wants to give then the information is send to the email address
mentioned in the directive ServerAdmin. The email address can be edited if user wants so.

# DocumentRoot: The directory out of which you will serve your

# documents. By default, all requests are taken from this directory, but

# symbolic links and aliases may be used to point to other locations.

DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"

This is the directory where the user will place the contents or files he/she wants to get handled
by the web server. For example if you create an index.html file and kept it in this directory and
open the address http://localhost using any web browser then the contents of index.html file
will be displayed.

# AccessFileName: The name of the file to look for in each directory

# for additional configuration directives. See also the AllowOverride

# directive.

AccessFileName .htaccess

# The following lines prevent .htaccess and .htpasswd files from being

# viewed by Web clients.

<Files ~ "^\.ht">

Order allow,deny

Deny from all


The .htaccess file is used to control access to the directory. The contents of htaccess file should
not be visible to the clients who are accessing the server (people who are using web browser to
view contents or pages on the server). The line Deny from all sets the access level that no user
can be able to see the file .htaccess (the address in the web browser address bar corresponding
to the .htaccess file won't give anything).

# LogLevel: Control the number of messages logged to the error_log.

# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,

# alert, emerg.

LogLevel warn

The loglevel defines the messages which are to be logged. In above case the warning messages
will be logged in the file.

# Proxy Server directives. Uncomment the following lines to

# enable the proxy server:

<IfModule mod_proxy.c>

ProxyRequests On

<Proxy *>

Order deny,allow

Deny from all

Allow from .example.com


The apache web server acts as proxy server if the above lines are uncommented. In the above
example if the Proxy Requests directive is OFF then apache will act as a cache server. The
permission level set for the proxy server in above case is the access is denied from all except

# To enable a cache of proxied content, uncomment the following lines.

# See http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_cache.html for more details.

<IfModule mod_disk_cache.c>

CacheEnable disk /

CacheRoot "/var/cache/mod_proxy"


If the following lines are uncommented then the apache web server servers as a cache server.
The root directory for the cached files is /var/cache/mod_proxy.

8.3.3.Virtual hosts section

# Use name-based virtual hosting.

#NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>

ServerAdmin webmaster@dummy-host.example.com

DocumentRoot /www/docs/dummy-host.example.com

ServerName dummy-host.example.com

ErrorLog logs/dummy-host.example.com-error_log

CustomLog logs/dummy-host.example.com-access_log common


The virtual host section is used to configure virtual hosting which supports more than one
domain using a single web server system.

In the following example the ServerName is set to dummy-host.example.com. So if a user

requests a document in the domain ServerName then the documents or files from the directory
/www/docs/dummy-host.example.com is fetched. Each and every apache directive can be used
within the VirtualHost.

8.4.HTTP Server Configuration

The HTTP Server Configuration is used to configure the HTTP server. To invoke the utility
enter the below command in terminal

[root@localhost conf]# system-config-httpd


The main tab is used to configure the server name and web master email address to add the ip
address click on the add button.

The new address and the port can be added on the panel displayed. The user can choose to
listen to all address option .

Use the virtual host tab to configure the virtual host.


The add button is used to add a new virtual host and the edit button is used to edit the proper-
ties of the virtual host highlighted on the left part of panel. the delete option can be used to
delete the virtual host. If the user choose to edit the properties of a virtual host the below panel
is displayed

The user can use the tabs on top of the panel to configure the options. The general properties
like virtual host name ,document root directory, web master email address can be configured on
the general tab.

The server tab on the main panel is used to configure the server lock file location, core directory
where all the configuration files of the server will be kept, and the location of the pid file. The
user and group under which the apache server is running can also be edited.

The performance tab is used to configure the parameters which help in improve the perfor-
mance of the apache web server. Parameters like connection timeout period ,maximum number
of requests per connection are set here. These options are impact the performance of the apache
web server.


It is high performance proxy caching server for web clients with supporting HTTP,FTP,and
Gopher data objects. Squid consists of a main server program squid, a Domain Name System

lookup program dnsserver and some other modules for authentication and management tasks.

9.2.Configuring Squid

The directory /etc/squid contains the configuration files for squid server. The main configura-
tion file for the squid server is /etc/squid/squid.conf. The squid configuration file is divided into

9.2.1.Network options

Under the network options the user can define the socket addresses. http_port define the
socket addresses where Squid will listen for HTTP client requests. The socket address can be
defined in three forms:

z port alone
z hostname with port
z IP address with port

# Squid normally listens to port 3128

http_port 3128

9.2.2.Neighbor selection algorithm option

Under this section the user define the mapping of rules for the requests and neighbor which will
be called if a request obeys the rule. For example

hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?

means that when the URL consists of certain string of characters then the original server han-
dles the request.

9.2.3.Cache size options

This section defines the options which control the cache size and swap memory used to handle
the objects. For example


cache_mem 8 MB

This sets the cache size (RAM memory used to store the in transit objects that is objects that are
in use),hot objects(objects that are used often),and negative cache objects(recent failed re-

9.2.4.Log File and Cache directory section

This section defines the directory which will be used as a cache directory.


cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid

This section also defines the format of the squid log files. The cache dir /var/spool/squid con-
tains the following files

[root@localhost squid]# ls

access.log cache.log squid.out store.log

The squid pid is stored in the file /var/run/squid.pid.

9.2.5.Access control section

This section defines the access control. By default no outside client is allowed to access the
contents. The acl tag is used to define access control. the form of acl tag is

acl name type string or file

below is the example of acl tags from /etc/squid/squid.conf file

acl all src

acl manager proto cache_object

acl localhost src

acl to_localhost dst

acl SSL_ports port 443

acl Safe_ports port 80 # http

acl Safe_ports port 21 # ftp

acl Safe_ports port 443 # https

acl Safe_ports port 70 # gopher

acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais

acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 # unregistered ports

acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt

acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http

acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker

acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http


the first line gives name all to all the addresses. The manager can access the contents as defined
by the second line. The localhost name is given to the loopback interface. The next lines define
different ports with a name for example port 443 with name SSL_ports.

http_access allow localhost

http_access deny all

the above lines define that the localhost can only access the http content all others are denied.
This entry can be edited to add more number of clients who can access the content.

9.2.6.Administrative parameters

The administrative parameter defines the user under which squid will run ,the user receiving
mails in case cache dies etc.


cache_mgr root

Above line define that root user is mailed in case the cache dies.


cache_effective_user squid

The above line define that the effective user of the squid is squid user. Squid is an administra-
tive user account created automatically.

9.3.Cache Manager

The cache manager is a cgi utility for displaying information about the squid http proxy process
as it runs. The configuration file for cache manager is /etc/squid/cachemgr.conf. The configura-
tion file controls which servers will be managed by the cache manager.

# This file controls which servers may be managed by

# the cachemgr.cgi script

# The file consists of one server per line on the format

# hostname:port description

# Specifying :port is optional. If not specified then

# the default proxy port is assumed. :* or :any matches

# any port on the target server.

# hostname is matched using shell filename matching, allowing

# * and other shell wildcards.


In the above example the localhost server is managed by the cache manager.

The cache manager can be invoked by typing the address http://server-name/cgi-


9.4.Squid Daemon

The squid daemon receives the configuration information from the squid daemon configuration
file /etc/sysconfig/squid. The sample format of the file is

# default squid options

# -D disables initial dns checks. If you most likely will not to have an

# internet connection when you start squid, uncomment this


# Time to wait for Squid to shut down when asked. Should not be necessary

# most of the time.

After making changes in the configuration file restart the squid daemon if the squid daemon is
already running using the command

[root@localhost squid]# /etc/init.d/squid restart

Stopping squid: . [ OK ]

Starting squid: . [ OK ]

if the squid daemon is not running then use

/etc/init.d/squid start


Alternatively the command

[root@localhost squid]# squid -k reconfigure

causes the squid to read the configuration file again.


In organizations it is common that the files are kept at one server. The files are accessible by
some computers on the intranet of the organization. The access to files is defined by rules set at
the server machine. NFS is example of a file server.

10.2.Starting NFS service

To start the NFS service enter the below command in the terminal

[root@localhost ~]# service nfs start

Starting NFS services: [ OK ]

Starting NFS quotas: [ OK ]

Starting NFS daemon: [ OK ]

Starting NFS mountd: [ OK ]

10.3.Sharing Folders

The file /etc/exports contain the name of the folders which are to be shared. One directory entry
is done on one line. The format of the /etc/exports file entry is

directory-name host-name(options) #comments

directory name is the name of the directory which is shared with other computers on network.

The host names are the computers which have right to access the files.

The options define security levels that is who can access and which users can access the directo-

10.3.1.Format of hostname

Multiple hostnames or lp address can be entered separated by blank. The combination of lp

address and hostname can also be used. The format of the entry is

hostname1 hostname2

hostname1 hostname2

All the hosts from a particular network can also be entered using the ip address/net mask

The wildcard characters *,? can also be used. ? matches any one character and * matches any
number of character. So for example if all the computers in the domain example.com should be
allowed access to directory files then enter the entry

files *.example.com

but if the access should be restricted to computers with first name of 5 characters use

files ?????.example.com

The access can also be defined in terms of the NIS group. The

NIS group can be preceded by the @ of sign before the NIS group name. For example to give
access to mynis group add entry

10.3.2.Options format

The valid options used in the /etc/exports file are

secure – the client computer should connect using the port below 1024.if the insecure option is
specified then any port can be used.

rw – the clients can read the files on NFS volume and also write on the directory . The other
option is ro which allows read operation only.

async – It responds to the request before the changes made by the request are made perma-
nent (that is changes are written to disk).So this option improves performance but increases
chance of inconsistencies . The sync option means server will respond to the request after the
changes made by the request are made permanent (that is changes are written to disk) so there
is no chance of inconsistency.

root_squash – this option maps the root user of client (uid 0 gid 0) to anonymous uid and
gid. The default value of anonymous uid and gid is 65534.The anonymous uid and gid value can
be changed by using options anonuid and anongid.

no_root_squash – the root user of client is treated as the root user of the server as well ( the
uid/gid of root is not mapped to the anonymous uid and gid).

all_squash – map uid and gid of all users to anonymous uid and gid. Other option is
no_all_squash which causes no mapping to be done.

Below is the sample /etc/exports file

/home/vishnu *(sync,ro,secure,all_squash)

/home/user1 ?????.example.com(async,rw,insecure,root_squash)

In the first entry the directory /home/vishnu is made accessible

by each computer (indicated by *) and options sync,ro,secure and all_squash is used.

The second entry makes the directory /home/user1 accessible to computers with five letter
name in domain example.com with options async,rw,insecure,and root_squash.
The directories mentioned in the /etc/exports file can be exported that is made available to the
network using the exportfs command or rebooting the system or restarting the NFS service.

[root@localhost ~]# exportfs -a -v

exporting ?????.example.com:/home/user1

exporting *:/home/vishnu

The exportfs -a -v command is used to export all directories listed in the /etc/export file and
print verbose output.

z -a option is used to export all directories

z -u option is used to unexport one or more directories.
z -r reexport the directories
z -v verbose mode produces output

or use the below command

[root@localhost nfs]# service nfs restart

Shutting down NFS mountd: [ OK ]

Shutting down NFS daemon: [ OK ]

Shutting down NFS quotas: [ OK ]

Shutting down NFS services: [ OK ]

Starting NFS services: [ OK ]

Starting NFS quotas: [ OK ]

Starting NFS daemon: [ OK ]

Starting NFS mountd: [ OK ]

10.4.Accessing the NFS directory

The NFS directory needs to be mounted before it can be accessed. To mount the NFS directory
the mount command can be used. For example to access the /home/vishnu directory enter the
below command in the terminal
[root@localhost nfs]# mount localhost:/home/vishnu /mnt/win

This mounts the /home/vishnu directory on /mnt/win directory of the same system.

The autofs facility can also be used to mount the NFS shared directories on demand. To mount
the NFS directories using the autofs use the following step

add the below line in the /etc/auto.master

/net /etc/auto.net

Then restart the autofs service. For example to access the directory /home/vishnu the below
command is used

cd /net/localhost

10.5.NFS Server Configuration

The NFS server configuration utility can be used to create the /etc/exports file using the graphi-
cal interface. It is invoked using the below command

[root@localhost nfs]# system-config-nfs

It lists the two directories which are exported. To add a new directory for export click on the add
button. User can also edit the properties of the directories already exported by selecting the
directory in the directory listing and click on the properties button. The below panel is displayed
which can be used to edit the options which are used to share the directory /home/vishnu.

The above panel is also displayed if the user wants to share a new directory (by clicking on the
add button) but that time the panel will not contain any previous value.

The server settings can also be edited by clicking on the server settings button

The user can enter the port numbers in the text boxes of the panel to force NFS daemon for
using these ports.
10.6.Using nfsstat

The nfsstat command is used to display statistics about the NFS server and client activity. It
uses following files to present the output in user readable format

z /proc/net/rpc/nfsd -- procfs-based interface to kernel NFS server statistics.

z /proc/net/rpc/nfs -- procfs-based interface to kernel NFS client statistics.
z /proc/mounts -- procfs-based interface to the mounted filesystems.
z use nfsstat -s to display server side information
z use nfsstat -c for client side information
z use nfsstat -n for NFS statistics
z use nfsstat -r for rpc statistics

The var/lib/nfs directory is used to keep information about the exported directory. The files
xtab,etab,and rmtab files contain the information about the exported files. The sample etab file





samba is used if the network connected with the system comprising of the computers running
the windows operating system. Windows operating system uses the SMB(Session Message
Block) protocol for sharing files and printers.

11.2.Samba Server Configuration

The samba server configuration utility is used to configure the samba server on the system. To
invoke the samba server configuration utility enter the below command in the terminal

[root@localhost nfs]# system-config-samba


The panel can be used to configure the server settings, samba users ,and new samba share.

To edit the server setting click on the preferences menu and then to the server settings drop
down choice. The below panel is displayed.

On the basic tab enter the work group name and the description of the work group. On the
security tab the enter the following information the authentication mode, the authentication
server,kerberos realm, encrypt password and guest account. Set the value of the option to below

On the preferences menu list the samba user tab invokes the Samba Users panel which helps to
add new samba users. Click on the new user button to display the below panel

On the above panel enter the UNIX user name and windows user name (the UNIX user name
and the windows user name are usually same). The passwords for the users are also entered on
this panel.

After entering the user-name and password click on the add share button to display the below

On the basic tab of create samba share the directory which is to be shared is entered. The share
name for the directory is entered which can be any valid name and a description is added (you
may write here anything).The writable option and visible option lets the user choose whether
the clients can write to the directory (writable option) and whether it is visible(visible).If writa-
ble in not checked then the client can't write on the share. If the visible is not checked then the
share won't be visible.

On the access tab user can define who can access the share. The share can be made accessible to
samba users (by checking the check box) or can be allowed to everyone by clicking on the option

box allow access to everyone.

Enter the values and click on OK. The below panel displays the samba share created using the
above procedure and values displayed in the example panels

11.3.Samba configuration file

The /etc/samba directory contains the configuration files for the samba server. The
/etc/samba/smb.conf is the main configuration file of the samba server. The
/etc/samba/smbusers file contains the list of the samba users. To add the above /home/user1
directory to the share the below content is to be added in the /etc/samba/smb.conf configura-
tion file


comment = user1 home directory

path = /home/user1

writeable = yes

; browseable = yes

valid users = vishnu

In above entry the user1 is the name of the share comment is the description added and writable
option means the client have write access to the share and the users who can access the share
are listed using the valid user’s entry. The path of the shared directory is mentioned in the path
The /etc/samba/smbusers file contains the list of samba users. To add a new samba user vishnu
as in above case enter below line in the /etc/samba/smbusers file

vishnu = vishnu

The left hand side denotes the UNIX user name and the right hand side denotes the windows
user name.

11.4.Starting Samba service

Use the below command to start the samba service.

service smb start

11.4.1.Checking the service

To check whether the samba service is running on the system and the share created on the
system is being shared as the user wanted it to be use the below command

[root@localhost samba]# smbclient -L localhost


Anonymous login successful

Domain=[MYGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.25-2.fc7]

Sharename Type Comment

--------- ---- -------

user1 Disk user1 home directory

IPC$ IPC IPC Service (demo sama server)

Anonymous login successful

Domain=[MYGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.25-2.fc7]

Server Comment

--------- -------
LOCALHOST demo sama server

Workgroup Master

--------- -------


when asked for password press the ENTER or RETURN key of the keyboard to login as ano-
nymous user. The command displays all the shared directories on the system and also the
workgroup created on the system.

The command can be used to check the working of the samba server and the samba share.


File Transfer Protocol is standard method of sharing files over the Internet. The users can
connect to the FTP server and upload, download files from the FTP server. The vsftp is name
given to Very Secured File Transfer Protocol.

12.2.Starting vsftd

Enter the below command to start the vsftpd service if it is not running

[root@localhost ~]# service vsftpd start

Starting vsftpd for vsftpd: [ OK ]

12.3.Configuring vsftpd

The directory /etc/vsftpd contains the configuration and other options file for the vsftpd. The
main configuration file for the vsftpd is /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf. The sample vsftpd.conf file is

# Allow anonymous FTP? (Beware - allowed by default if you #comment this out).


# Uncomment this to allow local users to log in.


the parameter anonymous_enable is when set to YES then the anonymous user login is allowed
by the ftp server. if set to NO then anonymous user login is not allowed.

local_enable parameter is when set to YES then local users can login to ftp server if set to NO
then local users can not login to ftp server.

# Activate logging of uploads/downloads.


# Make sure PORT transfer connections originate from port 20 #(ftp-data).


xferlog_enable directive is set to YES logs information about the upload and download events.

connect_from_port_20 if set to yes then port 20 is used for transfer of data by ftp.



the pam_service_name denotes the name of the service for the Pluggable Authentication Mod-

userlist_enable is set to YES then vsftp don't allow users listed in the file /etc/vsftpd/user_list
to login through ftp.

The /etc/vsftpd/user_list contain list of users which are allowed access if userlist_enable=NO.
All the administrative users are listed in the file /etc/vsftpd/user_list














The vsftpd pam also looks for the user names in the file /etc/vsftpd/ftpusers. The file lists the
user names who are not allowed to login through ftp. The user names in the file
/etc/vsftpd/ftpusers are administrative users (they are same set of users as the
/etc/vsftpd/user_list file).

The file /var/log/vsftpd.log and /var/log/xferlog files contain the logging info about the ftp

12.4.ftp command prompt

To start the ftp command prompt enter the below command

[root@localhost log]# ftp


ftp supports lot of commands like

open hostname or ip address – connect to the computer

identified by hostname or ip address

close – close a connections

pwd – shows name of current working directory on remote computer.

ls -- lists the content of a directory on remote computer.

cd – used to change directory on remote computer.

lcd – to change to a directory on local system

mkdir – to create a directory on remote system

rename – rename a file or directory on remote computer

get – copy a file from current directory of remote system to current directory of local system

mget – same as get but multiple files at once

put – copy a file from current directory on local system to current directory on remote system

mput – same as put but multiple files at once.

bye – closes current connection and exits ftp.

12.5.Very Secure FTP daemon Configuration

The Very Secure FTP daemon Configuration utility is used to configure the vsftpd daemon. To
invoke the utility enter the below command in the terminal

[root@localhost ~]# system-config-vsftpd


On the general tab user can specify options like enable upload and download of files ,whether to
run in standalone mode or not(in standalone mode vsftpd listens to the port it don't run under
inetd or xinetd).

Under server control tab user can start or stop the server view the log files.

On the access control tab the user can define whether the local users should be able to login into
the ftp server and the file which is to be used to ban users from accessing the ftp server for
example the /etc/vsftpd/user_list file contain the list of the administrative user who should not
be allowed to access the ftp server.

on Users tab the way system users and the anonymous users will access the ftp server is defined.
The anonymous user behavior and the system users behavior is set differently so as to provide
better grain of control

On the directory option the file access options are set. File names which match a user defined
criteria can be made inaccessible and invisible to the clients. The users can view the directory
list if or not can also be controlled.

On logging tab the user can provide the files which will be used for logging the standard logging
file is /var/log/vsftpd.log. The information which will be logged can also be defined.

On network tab the user can define the network options. The active connection options and the
passive connection options as well. It also defines the port on which the ftp server listens.
Maximum number of clients connecting through a single source .


LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. It is used to create directories of infor-
mation that can be shared among client applications over a network.


The main directory of the ldap is /etc/openldap. The directory contains the configuration files
and schema files for the ldap. The contents of the directory are

[root@localhost openldap]# ls -l

total 24

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2007-02-20 02:25 cacerts

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 246 2007-02-20 02:25 ldap.conf

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2009-01-06 16:17 schema

The file ldap.conf is the main configuration file for the ldap. The sample ldap.conf file is

# LDAP Defaults

# See ldap.conf(5) for details

# This file should be world readable but not world writable.

BASE dc=example, dc=com

URI ldap://ldap.example.com ldap://ldap-master.example.com:666


DEREF never

The BASE directive is used to set the set the distinguished name in the ldap format using the
dc=value format.

URI specifies the uri of the ldap server to which the ldap library will attach. The server name
can be specified or the ip address of the server can be specified. The port can also be specified
on the URI directive.

SIZELIMIT specifies the limit of results which will be returned when the ldap server is
searched. If the value is set to 12 then 12 results will be returned as the output of a search.

TIMELIMIT specifies the time limit which the ldap will take to answer the search request. The
time limit of 15 in above example means that the ldap will take 15 seconds to answer a search

DEREF options specifies the way an alias is dereferenced. The value of deref directive is never
the alias is never dereferenced. This is the default. The other values of the DEREF options is
always,searching,and finding.

The schema directory contains the schema files. The various schema files are

z cosine.schema
z inetorgperson.schema
z nis.schema
z samba.schema

The default schema can be used by the user or edited by the user to create the directory infor-
mation of his/her own. The structure used to create directories is the LDAP Data Interchange
Format(LDIF). To create the ldap directories user have to include the ldap schema he/she is
using in the configuration file /etc/openldap/ldap.conf using the include directive.

For example to include the samba.schema use

include /etc/openldap/schema/samba.schema.

After editing the configuration file user can start creating the directories using any of the ldap

The command slapd -t is used to check the /etc/openldap/ldap.conf file for the syntax change.

Create a directory entry with the extension .ldif and save the file.
To add the contents of the ldif file created to the ldap directory the command ldapadd is used.

z ldapadd -a command adds a new entry to the ldap directory.

z ldapmodify command is used to modify the entries of the ldap server.
z ldapdelte command is used to delete an entry from the ldap server.
z ldapsearch is used to search the ldap directory using the search parameters. The number
of entries which should be returned using the ldapsearch command is defined in the
configuration file /etc/openldap/ldap.conf. The SIZELEIMIT option is used to define the
number of rows returned. The time of search or the time within which the ldap server
should respond is defined in the TIMELIMIT option.

13.3.Starting the ldap

Use the below command to start the ldap service

service ldap start


Network Information Service (NIS) was created by Sun Microsystems. It is used to create an
central information database which is kept at a server system and other computers on the
network access the information. The computers which access the database information (maps)
of the server are referred as NIS domain.

14.2.Setting NIS domain name

The command domainname ,or nisdomainname,and ypdomainname are used to set the NIS
domain name of the system. The formats of the commands are

domainname domain-name-of-system

nisdomainname domain-name-of-system

ypdomainname domain-name-of-system

the below command sets the NIS domain name of the system to localdomain

[root@localhost ~]# domainname localdomain

The commands if used without any options give the nis domain name of the system
[root@localhost ~]# domainname


[root@localhost ~]# nisdomainname


[root@localhost ~]# ypdomainname


The NIS domain name of the system is lost when the computer is rebooted.

14.3.Configuring NIS

The main configuration file of the NIS server is /etc/yp.conf. The sample /etc/yp.conf file is

# /etc/yp.conf - ypbind configuration file

# Valid entries are


# Use server HOSTNAME for the domain NISDOMAIN.

# domain NISDOMAIN broadcast

# Use broadcast on the local net for domain NISDOMAIN

# domain NISDOMAIN slp

# Query local SLP server for ypserver supporting NISDOMAIN

# ypserver HOSTNAME
# Use server HOSTNAME for the local domain. The

# IP-address of server must be listed in /etc/hosts.

# broadcast

# If no server for the default domain is specified or

# none of them is reachable, try a broadcast call to

# find a server.

The entry domain LOCALDOMAIN server LOCALHOST

defines the NIS domain name and the NIS server name of the system.

The configuration file is read by the ypbind daemon.

14.4.Starting NIS server

14.4.1.Staring NIS server

To start the NIS server daemon enter the below command in terminal

service ypserv start

14.4.2.Starting ypbind service

The ypbind service handles requests for information from the NIS server. To start the ypbind
service enter the below command

service ypbind start

14.5.Mapping Information

The /etc/nsswitch.conf is used to include the NIS in the search path of the files by a client
system. The sample /etc/nsswitch file is

# Legal entries are:

# nisplus or nis+ Use NIS+ (NIS version 3)

# nis or yp Use NIS (NIS version 2), also called YP

# dns Use DNS (Domain Name Service)

# files Use the local files

# db Use the local database (.db) files

# compat Use NIS on compat mode

# hesiod Use Hesiod for user lookups

# [NOTFOUND=return] Stop searching if not found so far

the above list defines the valid entries which can be added in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file.

passwd: files nisplus nis

shadow: files nisplus nis

group: files nisplus nis

In the above example the client computers will search the files passwd,shadow,and group on
them and if the files are not found on the system then after that they will search for the files on
nisplus domain.

Next the Makefile in the directory /var/yp is edited to include the files which files are being
shared by the NIS server. The file names which should not be shard in commented out.

The clients’ computers who are allowed access the NIS server information is added in the file
/var/yp/securenets file. The format of the entry in the /var/yp/securenets file is

netmask network


so all the computers on the network can access the NIS sever information.
The finer grain of control can be implemented using the file /etc/ypserv.conf. This file can be
used to set rules that define which host computers can access which files.

The format of the file is

ip address of network:file-name for which access is defined:security:mangle{:field}

the field is optional. The security can have values as none(to allow access),port(to allow access
from port below 1024),deny(denying access)

the mangle field is having the value yes or no.

14.5.1.NIS database

The NIS database of the files configured to have shared by the NIS server is created by using the
ypinit command.


DHCP stands for the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. DHCP server is used to assign the
ip address,netmask,DNS server and other information to the computers in its network. The
client computers will have to select that they want to use the DHCP server for the information
like ip address,netmask,and DNS server. The server then provides the requested information to
the clients

15.2.Starting the DHCP server

To check the status of the dhcp server run the above command in the terminal

chkconfig –list dhcpd

if the service is not running then enable the service by issuing the command

chkconfig dhcpd on

after enabling the user can run the dhcpd service using the command

service dhcpd start

15.3.Configuration file

The configuration file for the DHCP server is /etc/dhcpd.conf. The configuration file is used to
list the range of ip address out of which the server will assign a ip address to a computer on its
network. It can also contain option to assign a particular address to a definite Ethernet address
on the network.

15.4.Working of DHCP server

The file /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases contains information if a client has been assigned address
by a dhcp server. For every client which has been assigned address one set of lease line is writ-
ten in the file /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases.

On the client computer if a user enters the command ifconfig -a then corresponding to the
Ethernet interface which was assigned ip address using the dhcp server the user will be the ip
address mentioned in the file /etc/dhcpd.conf

15.5.DHCP client

The DHCP client can be configured using the utility Network Configuration. To invoke the
Network Configuration window enter the below command in the terminal window

[root@localhost ~]# neat


[root@localhost ~]# system-config-network


To configure a device to obtain the ipaddress,dns server information and other information
needed for connecting to the internet from the dhcp server follow this steps.

Choose the device listing. In the above example the device eth0 is chosen (Ethernet interface

click on the edit button.

This will throw a Ethernet device panel to the user.

On the below Ethernet device panel choose the general tab


Then to set up a dhcp client click on the option box Automatically obtain ip address settings
with and in the drop down menu items choose dhcp.

User can also choose to obtain the DNS server information using dhcp by clicking on the check
box Automatically obtain DNS information from provider.

After making the changes the user should restart the network using the below command

service network start

The dhclient is used to get the information from the dhcp server. The dhcp client (invoked by
the command dhclient at boot time if the client is configured to obtain the ip address from the
dhcp server at boot time else invoked when the activate button of the network configuration
utility is clicked after selecting the Ethernet interface) gets the ip address information from the
dhcp server it first checks the configuration file /etc/dhclient.conf for configuration parame-

The process id (PID) of the dhcp client (invoked by the command dhclient) is stored in the file


The DNS stands for Domain Name System. It is used to translate the host names into ip address
and also ip address into the host names. It also contains information about each domain and
organization of domain into zones.

16.2.Starting Named daemon

The status of the named daemon can be checked by the command

chkconfig - -list named

if the service is not running then enable the service using the command

chkconfig named on

to start the service named use the command

/etc/init.d/named start


service named start

16.3.BIND Configuration GUI

The BIND Configuration GUI is used to configure the DNS server on a Red Hat Box. In Red Hat
the DNS service is implemented using the Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND). To invoke
the BIND Configuration GUI enter the below command in the terminal

[root@localhost ~]# system-config-bind


The properties button is clicked after selecting the object in the listing panel. In the current case
the DNS server is selected.

To add a new DNS server click on the New button to add a new server. After clicking on the new
tab a drop down list is displayed on which the user can choose the object which he/she wants to
set the value. The objects which are displayed in the drop down list are

z Zone
z View
z Access Control List
z Security key
z Server
z Controls
z Logging
z DNSSEC Trusted keys

The user can enter the value of the parameter by clicking on the object. This displays a panel on
which user can enter the value.

The properties of an existing DNS server can be edit by selecting the server in the drop down list
and then clicking the object on the drop down list. The values can be edited on the displayed
panel. After editing the values the changes can be saved using the save button of the main panel.
To delete a listing use the delete button on the panel and selecting the object in the drop down

16.4.Important files

The named daemon configuration file is /etc/named.conf. The statements in this file are en-
closed in braces and are terminated by semicolon. The lines marked by /* */,// ,and # are
marked as comment lines. The important action defined elements are

acl – access control list used as acl “description “ { ip address };

server – to describe the server

logging – logging facility definitions options – various options like the central directory

view – the value can be inside and outside for a DNS server the request may come
from the private network(inside) or from the outside.

Zone – to describe the zone information

After editing the /etc/named.conf file the syntax of the file can be checked using the command


by default it checks the file /etc/named.conf for syntax.

named-checkzone is used to check the syntax of the zone files which should be created by the
user in the /var/named directory after creating the file /etc/named.conf file.

The pid of the named daemon is stored in the file /var/run/named.pid.

The directory /var/named directory is the zone file directory of the named service.

The dump file of the named daemon is /var/named/data/cache_dumb.db.

The statistics file of the named daemon is /var/named/data/named_stats.txt

The path and the description of the files can also be viewed using the utility BIND Configuration
GUI. ON the BIND Configuration GUI the DNS server is selected on the list and clicking on the
properties button displays the location on which the important files are kept and also the de-
scription of the files.

Command Description

whois Searches for the availability of the

domain name. Format is

whois domain-name.

host It is used to get the ip address

corresponding to the hostname and
vice versa. Format is

dig It is used to query the DNS server

and display information returned by
the DNS server. It is often used to
troubleshoot the DNS server.


There are three parts of message transfer

z MTA – Mail Transfer Agent

z MDA – Mail Delivery Agent
z MUA – Mail User Agent

MTA's are also referred as the mail server. The sendmail and postfix are examples of the mail


To start the sendmail server type the below command in the terminal window

[root@localhost ~]# service sendmail start


The /etc/mail is the core directory of the sendmail. The files which are contained in the directo-
ry are /etc/mail are divided into following category file

The main configuration file for the sendmail is /etc/mail/sendmail.cf. Many options which
sendmail uses are also defined in the file /etc/mail/sendmail.mc. The file
/etc/mail/sendmail.mc contains the sendmail default values like the location of the other
configuration files to be used by the sendmail, location of the log files and database files. name mapping file

The file /etc/mail/domaintable contain the domain name mapping that is mapping the old
domain name of the network to the new one. file

The /etc/mail/access file defines the hosts and users from which the mail server sendmail will
accept mail for delivery or relay. server files

The file /etc/mail/local-host-name define the domain names for which the sendmail server of
the system will act as a mail server. users file

The file /etc/mail/virtusertable defines the actions which sendmail should take after receiving
mail from the trusted users and hosts.

Apart from this files the directory /etc/mail also contains the .db files which are database files
corresponding to the files described above for example access.db.

17.2.2.Generating the .db files

To generate the .db files use the following approaches

/etc/init.d/sendmail reload

/etc/init.d/sendmail restart

in above case the database files are automatically created as the sendmail is restarted or the
configuration files are reloaded when the reload option is used.

But this case doesn’t work if user doesn’t want to stop or reload the sendmail server. Then the
second approach is used

Use the below command sequence to create .db files for all the configuration file

cd /etc/mail

make all

if the user wants to make the individual configuration files into the .db files then use the follow-
ing commands

cd /etc/mail

make access.db

replace the filename access.db with the .db file you want to create for example make virtuserta-
ble.db makes the file virtusertable.db.

17.2.3.Checking Sendmail Server

The sendmail server responds to requests on the port 25. To check whether the server is work-
ing or not type the command

[root@localhost mail]# telnet localhost 25


Connected to localhost.

Escape character is '^]'.

220 localhost.localdomain ESMTP Sendmail 8.14.1/8.14.1; Sun, 18 Jan 2009 17:55:26 +0530


user can enter help command to see the sendmail commands he/she can use.

214-2.0.0 This is sendmail

214-2.0.0 Topics:




214-2.0.0 STARTTLS

214-2.0.0 For more info use "HELP <topic>".

17.2.4.Important Files

The directory contains files corresponding to the user names that are using sendmail. These
files contain the incoming messages received and processed by the sendmail.

This file contains the collected statistics about the sendmail.

This directory keeps the outgoing messages temporarily .the outgoing messages are kept until
they are send. files

The sendmail log information is maintained in three files

/var/log/maillog,/var/log/maillog.1,and /var/log/maillog.2. The log files contain different level
of information. The file /var/log/maillog.2 contains the detailed log information. An entry is
made for each mail been send by the server or received by the server.

17.2.5.Actions taken by server on a mail

There are four actions which the server can take

RELAY – the server sends the message to the mail server request in the mail.

REJECT – the message is rejected and sender is informed that the message is rejected.

DISCARD – the message is rejected and sender is not informed that the message is rejected.

ERROR:user defined text message – inform the user why the server did not relay the message.

This options are used to configure the actions of a sendmail server. The options are used in the
/etc/mail/access file. For example

# by default we allow relaying from localhost...

Connect:localhost.localdomain RELAY

Connect:localhost RELAY

Connect: RELAY


It is a mail transfer agent that is mail server. The directory /etc/postfix contain the main confi-
guration files and access related files used by the postfix server.

17.3.1.Starting postfix server

The postfix server is not added in any run level by default (sendmail is generally there). So to
add the postfix server use the command

[root@localhost postfix]# chkconfig --list postfix

service postfix supports chkconfig, but is not referenced in any runlevel (run 'chkconfig --add

[root@localhost postfix]# chkconfig --add postfix

the first command shows that postfix is not in any runlevel.

The second command adds the postfix server to run level which the user is currently logged on.

To enable the postfix server enter the command

[root@localhost postfix]# chkconfig postfix on

to start the postfix server use the below command

[root@localhost postfix]# service postfix start

Starting postfix: [ OK ]

17.3.2.Configuration file

The /etc/postfix/main.cf is the main configuration file for the postfix server. There is also a file
/etc/postfix/main.cf.default which is exact copy of the main.cf file and is used for reference in
case user has made any wrong changes in the file main.cf. It defines the hostnames and domain
names ,postfix queues and locations to be used for logging, mailbox. Configuration file

The file /etc/postfix/master.cf is the main configuration file for the postfix daemon process. file

The file /etc/postfix/postfix-files contain the directory and file permissions set by the postfix
server. file

The file /etc/postfix/postfix-scripts file is a shell script which executes the postfix administra-
tive commands. install file

The file /etc/postfix/post-install is a shell script which performs the post installation configura-
tion of the postfix server.

Access file – the file /etc/postfix/access file is used to define the users and system which have
access to use the postfix server.


The directory /var/spool/mail contains files corresponding to the user name of each user having
access to the postfix mail server. The files act as mailbox. The incoming mail of the users
processed by the postfix server is kept in the file. For example for a user named jack the mailbox
will be /var/spool/mail/jack.

The directory contains a list of directories to temporarily store the mails.

[root@localhost mail]# cd /var/spool/postfix;ls

active corrupt deferred hold maildrop private saved

bounce defer flush incoming pid public trace

In above example the directory /var/spool/postfix contains the sub directories incoming to
temporarily store the incoming mails which have not been delivered yet.

Bounce to temporarily store the bounced mails.

17.3.5.Log files

The log information about the postfix server is logged in the file
/var/log/maillog,/var/log/maillog.1,and /var/log/maillog.2. The file /var/log/maillog.2 con-
tains log information about each and every mail received and send by the postfix server.

17.4.Switching MTA

On a Red Hat Linux box the sendmail and postfix both the servers are installed but the sendmail
is used as the default MTA. The postfix server is treated as an alternative service to the sendmail

The alternatives services and the default services are defined in the directory
/var/lib/alternatives directory and the /etc/alternatives directory. The contents of the directory
/etc/alternatives display the default services configured on the system. The directory contain
the entry


this makes sendmail as the default mail server.

The /var/lib/alternatives directory contains file mta which lists other mail servers.

To switch between the mail services from desktop perform following actions System Tools -->
Mail Transport Agent Switcher.

In the window displayed choose the postfix as the alternate mail server.
Then use the following commands to stop the sendmail server and start the postfix server.

[root@localhost alternatives]# service sendmail stop

Shutting down sm-client: [ OK ]

Shutting down sendmail: [ OK ]

the default sendmail server s stopped and the below command is used to start the postfix server.

[root@localhost alternatives]# service postfix start

Starting postfix: [ OK ]

The postfix server takes the mail transport agent work in place of sendmail. It replaces the
sendmail components and uses the postfix components but the location of the mailbox and the
log files remain same in both the services. The user sending mail and receiving mail don’t see
any difference as there is change only in the transport agent.


The dovecot is used to configure the IMAP and POP3.IMAP stands for Internet message Access
Protocol and POP3 stands for Post Office Protocol.The mailboxes of sendmail and postfix are
one single file so the above protocols are used to access the mails.

17.5.1.Starting Dovecot

To enable the dovecot service use the command

chkconfig dovecot on

and to start the dovecot service use the command

service dovecot start

17.5.2.Configuration file

The main configuration file for the dovecot service is /etc/dovecot.conf.The sample format of
the /etc/dovecot.conf file is

# Base directory where to store runtime data.

base_dir = /var/run/dovecot/
base_dir option sets the location where dovecot will store the run time data. The base_dir will
contain the file master.pid file which contains the PID of the dovecot service.

protocols = imap imaps pop3 pop3s

protocols option sets the protocols which the dovecot listens. Above example sets the dovecot to
listen imap,imaps,pop3 ,and pop3s protocols.

# specify different ports for IMAP/POP3. For example:

protocol imap {

listen = *:10143

ssl_listen = *:10943


the above part sets the port for the imap. Different ports are used for different protocols.

# Log file to use for error messages, instead of sending them to syslog

.# /dev/stderr can be used to log into stderr.

log_path =/var/log/dovecot.log

# Log file to use for informational and debug messages.

# Default is the same as log_path.

info_log_path =/var/log/dovecot.log

The log_path and the info_log_path sets the log file paths where the dovecot will log the infor-
mational messages and error messages.

# Maximum number of running mail processes. When this limit is reached,

# new users aren't allowed to log in.

max_mail_processes = 1024
max_mail_processes defines the maximum number of mail processes that can run simulta-


Network security is becoming a vital and challenging task. If a system is connected with network
then the administrator should pay considerable attention to network security.

18.2.The daemon xinetd

The daemon xinetd is started when the system boots and listens on lot of ports corresponding to
the services configured in the configuration file of the xinetd daemon /etc/xinetd.conf.

The directory /etc/xinetd.d contains files corresponding to the services which xinetd will start if
connection is made to that port number. These services are called on demand services and can
be seen using the command

[root@localhost xinetd.d]# system-config-services

or by viewing the contents of the directory /etc/xinetd.d

[root@localhost ~]# cd /etc/xinetd.d;ls

chargen-dgram daytime-dgram discard-stream rsync time-dgram

chargen-stream daytime-stream echo-dgram tcpmux-server time-stream cvs discard-
dgram echo-stream tftp

Each file correspond to a service which xinetd automatically starts when connection is made to
that port.

This on demand services should not be accessible by everyone. The access can be made selective
by the use of TCP wrappers.

18.3.Using TCP wrappers

The tcpd (tcp wrapper daemon) program can be set up to monitor incoming requests for xinetd
services or in other words the services which xinetd supports and also services that have one to
one mapping onto executable files.

If tcp wrapper is used then if a client makes connection at a port for services like fin-
ger,talk,telnet,and rsh ( xinetd service) then at first tcp wrapper daemon determines whether
the connection will be allowed or refused. If the connection is allowed then the corresponding
service is invoked to listen at the port. The tcpd authenticates the client using the files
/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny.


It contains the list of ip address and subnet masks of clients who are allowed connection. This
file is first scanned by tcpd.


Iit contains the list of ip address and subnet masks of clients who are not allowed connection.
This file is scanned by tcpd after scanning the /etc/hosts.allow file.

If an address is not specified in any file then the connection is allowed.

Format of the files /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny are same. The keyword ALL is specified
for all clients. For example

in.telnetd: .example.com

fingerd: ALL

the connection for the telnet is allowed for clients from domain example.com and connection for
the finger is allowed for all the clients.
The service daemon is listed on the left if two service daemons are to be listed then the daemons
are separated by comma (,) character. The semicolon acts as a separator between the daemon
names and the address part. If multiple address is to be mentioned then the addresses are
separated by comma.

The ALL flag enables user to make the files as restrictive as it can be made. This enhances

18.4.Security Level Configuration

The Security Level Configuration utility is used to set the security level of the system. To invoke
the Security Level Configuration utility enter the below command in the terminal window

[root@localhost ~]# system-config-securitylevel

On the Firewall Options tab the user can set the firewall is enabled or disabled. The trusted
services are allowed to pass through the firewall. On the other ports the user can add the trusted
ports by clicking on the Add button clicking on the Add button displays the below panel

On the add port panel the user can enter the port and also the protocol (tcp and udp).after
entering the value press ok.

The user can click on the Advanced options tab to add a file containing iptable rules in the
iptables save format. This allows user to add more complex rules and also customize the fire-


The user can browse and upload the file containing the user defined rules. After making the
changes click on apply and then OK.
18.4.1.Configuration files

There are two configuration files /etc/sysconfig/iptables and /etc/sysconfig/iptables-config.

The file /etc/sysconfig/iptables contains the security level currently imposed on the system.
This file is written by the Security Level Configuration utility.

The file /etc/sysconfig/iptables-config is used to, load additional iptables modules. The addi-
tional modules help in NAT filtering and helpers. The sample /etc/sysconfig/iptables-config file

IPTABLES_MODULES="ip_conntrack_netbios_ns ip_conntrack_ftp"

The directive IPTABLES_MODULES defines the modules which are loaded. In above example
the modules ip_conntrack_netbios_ns ip_conntrack_ftp are loaded.

# Save current firewall rules on restart.

# Value: yes|no, default: no

# Saves all firewall rules to /etc/sysconfig/iptables if firewall gets

# restarted.


If the value is yes then the rules are saved to the file /etc/sysconfig/iptables.

18.5.Command Reference

Command Description

iptables -A To append a security rule in current

iptable rule

iptables -D Delete a rule

iptables -R Replace a rule

iptables -I Insert a rule

iptables -L List all rules


iptables-save Save rules from kernel and install them

in a configuration file.



PAM stands for Pluggable Authentication module. PAM is a system of libraries that handle the
authentication tasks of applications (services) on the system.

The configuration file /etc/pam.conf or the files in the directory /etc/pam.d is used for configur-
ing PAM. The contents of the file /etc/pam.conf is ignored if the files in the directory
/etc/pam.d are present.


The files in the directory /etc/pam.d correspond to the services which use PAM for authentica-
tion. For example the file passwd in the above directory contains the following line


auth include system-auth

account include system-auth

password include system-auth

the first line is a comment.

The second line contains the rule for the PAM. The format of the next lines are or rule lines are

type control module- path module-argument

The type in above case is auth.

PAM allows four types account,password,authentiction,and session.

Account – the account type defines access to a service based on the availability of resource,
time and other parameters.

authentication(auth) – the authentication type prompts the user for a password and if the
user provides it then he/she can access the service.

Password – the password type is used to update the user information like changing user

Session –this type is used to perform the jobs (like logging) before a user access a service or
after a user access a service.

The valid values for the control are include,required,sufficient,and optional.

Required – means that pam will return failure if this PAM modules returns failure. let three
modules are called and if this module returns false then the resultant will be false but pam will
call all the modules which are to be called for the process.

Sufficient – means that PAM returns success if this module returns success and other PAM
modules will not be called which are to be called for the process.

Optional – the success and failure of this module is not important on the overall return value
(success or failure) of PAM. The module is important if it is the only module for the service.

Include – this module includes all lines given in the configuration file of a specific type. The
configuration file is passwd as an argument.

The system-auth is the module path. The system-auth module resides in the current directory.

Contents of file system-auth

auth required pam_env.so

auth sufficient pam_unix.so nullok try_first_pass

auth requisite pam_succeed_if.so uid >= 500 quiet

auth required pam_deny.so

in the above file the pam modules are called for verification of a user for the service passwd.
The PAM modules reside in the directory /lib/security.


SELinux stands for the Security Enhanced Linux. It is flexible access control architecture and
provides support for the role based access control and multilevel security.

19.2.1.SELinux administration

The SELinux administration utility is used to configure the SELinux. To invoke the SELinux
administration enter the below command in the terminal

[root@localhost selinux]# system-config-selinux

The user can set the value of SELinux enforcing mode. Three values are allowed

enforcing – SELinux policies are enforced.

Permissive – SELinux policies are checked but policy issues warning

instead of enforcement.

Disable-- SELinux policies are not enforced that is are disabled.

The SELinux administration changes the values in the SELinux configuration file
/etc/sysconfig/selinux. The contents of the file are (for the above configuration of SELinux
# This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.

# SELINUX= can take one of these three values:

# enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.

# permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.

# disabled - SELinux is fully disabled.


# SELINUXTYPE= type of policy in use. Possible values are:

# targeted - Only targeted network daemons are protected.

# strict - Full SELinux protection.


19.3.Command Reference

Command Description

semanage Mapping Linux user names to SELinux user

identities, security context mapping for
network port, interface and hosts and file
context mapping.

chcat Change file or users SELinux security cate-


chcon Change the security context of each file to


semodule Used to install,remove.list selinux policy


O V E R 2 5 0 E X A M P R E PA R AT I O N Q U E S T I O N S

1. Which is default installer of Red Hat Enterprise Linux?

a. anaconda
b. disk druid
c. redhatinstaller
d. grub
Answer – a
Explanation – disk druid is the default partition manager for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Grub is the default bootloader for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux and anaconda is default

2. After an installation a user wants to see the log information of the installation process.
Which file the user should refer?
a. /root/anaconda-ks.cfg
b. /root/install.log
c. /root/install-log.info
d. /root/anaconda.log
Answer – b
Explanation -- /root/anaconda-ks.cfg is the Kickstart file created after successful installation of
Red Hat and /root/install.log is default log file.

3. A user wants to use Kickstart file for installing Red Hat Linux. He wants to set the SELinux
policy during installation to enforcing. Which line should he add in the Kickstart file?
a. set selinux - -enforcing
b. selinux - -enforcing
c. selinux - -default
d. selinux = enforce
Answer – b

4. Which line should be added in the Kickstart file to install the bootloader in the Master Boot
Record (MBR)?
a. bootloader - -location=mbr
b. grub - -location=mbr
c. grub - -location=hd0
d. bootloader - -location=hd0
Answer – a

5. Which command is entered on the anaconda boot prompt to install using the kickstart file
located on the website http://kickstart-file/install/linux.com?
a. :anaconda ks=http://kickstart-file/install/linux.com
b. :boot ks - -http://kickstart-file/install/linux.com
c. :anaconda ks - -http://kickstart-file/install/linux.com
d. :boot ks=http://kickstart-file/install/linux.com
Answer – d
Explanation – The anaconda boot prompt is denoted by: boot.

6. How many modes can kudzu operate?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Answer – 2
Explanation – kudzu can operate in two modes
xsafe probe mode
xno safe probe mode

7. You want to start the kudzu in safe probe mode. What will you add in the configuration
file /etc/sysconfig/kudzu?
a. SAFE=no
c. SAFE=?
d. Anything other than no can be used on the left hand side of the assignment.
Answer – d
Explanation – SAFE=no denotes that kudzu starts in no safe probing mode and anything other
than no means that it is started in the safe mode.

8. Which of the following is the default Red Hat Linux bootloader?

Answer – a
Explanation – GRUB is the default bootloader
of Red Hat Linux. LILO is also bootloader but
nowadays it is not used as default bootloader.
DISK DRUID is the default partition manager
in Red Hat Linux.

9. Which two partitions are necessary for Red Hat Linux installation?
a. /, /usr
b. /home, swap
c. /boot, /home
d. /, swap
Answer -- d
Explanation – The / filesystem is root of the
Linux file system structure. So it is mandatory
to make a / partition. All other partitions can lie within the / partition. The swap partition is
also necessary as Linux uses swap partition as extension of main memory.

10. You have computer 256 MB RAM .What is the size of swap space for good
performance of the system?
a. 256 MB
b. 128 MB
c. 512 MB
d. 400 MB
Answer – c
Explanation – For good performance of the
system the swap space area should be double
of the physical RAM attached with the

11. What command is used to invoke the Network Configuration utility?

a. system-config-network
b. system-config-net
c. neat
d. system-config-neat
Answer – a, c
Explanation – system-config-network and neat
both the commands can be used to invoke the
Network Configuration utility.

12. The file /etc/sysconfig/hwconf is not present on the system. Which files will kudzu
query to find out the devices already configure?
a. /etc/modprobe.conf
b. /etc/sysconfig/lasthwconf
c. /etc/modprobe.conf,/etc/X11/xorg.conf,/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*
d. /etc/modprobe.conf,/etc/X11/xorg.conf
Answer – c
Explanation -- /etc/modprobe.conf is module
configuration file /etc/X11/xorg.conf lists the
hardware like monitor, mouse, keyboard which
are configured for X./etc/sysconfig/network-
scripts/ifcfg-eth0 lists the network device
detected if there are more than one network
device present then /etc/sysconfig/network-
scripts/ifcfg-eth1 lists the second network
device detected and so on.

13. Which filesystem contains the configuration files?

a. /etc
b. /var
c. /usr
d. /mnt
Answer – a

14. You have installed Red Hat Linux in your box. You want to see the options you
have chosen during the installation process. Which file should you look for?
a. no file contains that information
b. /root/anaconda-ks.cfg
c. /home/anaconda-ks.cfg
d. /root/anaconda-ks
Answer – b
Explanation -- /root/anaconda-ks.cfg is the
default kickstart file created by anaconda
based on the options chosen during

15. You want to upgrade a system using the kickstart file. Which option will you use in
kickstart file?
a. upgrade option in line 5 of kickstart file.
b. upgrade option in line 1 of kickstart file.
c. update option in line 5 of kickstart file.
d. update option in line 1 of kickstart file.
Answer – b
Explanation – install option is used in the first
line of kickstart file to show fresh install and
upgrade option is used in the first line to show
upgrade of a previous installation.

16. You want to see the information about the processes running on your system.
Which filesystem will you use to get the information?
a. /root
b. /boot
c. /proc
d. /sys
Answer – c
Explanation -- /proc is pseudo filesystem
which contains information about the
processes running on the system.

17.You used system-config-date to set the date of your system. Your friend used system-
config-time for the same purpose. Is there any difference?
a. No both are same
b. system-config-date is used to set date only.
c. system-config-time is used to set time only.
d. yes both are different
Answer – a

18. You have grub bootloader installed on your system. You want to boot the default
operating system if user did not make a choice for 10 seconds. Which command will you
use in grub configuration file?
a. timeout=10
b. timeout=10 secs
c. timeout=10 s
d. timeout - -10
Answer – a
Explanation – The timeout=10 parameter is
allowed in the grub configuration file

19. What is meaning of the option rootnoverify (hd0, 0) in the grub configuration file?
a. don’t verify the / partition
b. Don’t mount the partition within braces of rootnoverify option.
c. Don’t verify the first sector of hard disk.
d. mount the partition indicated within the rootnoverify option.
Answer – b
Explanation – The rootnoverify (hd0, 0)
option is used in case there is another
operating system installed along with Red Hat
Linux. For example if windows is installed
along with Red Hat then grub should not try
to mount the partition on which windows is installed.

20. You want to boot your Red Hat Linux operating system using kernel2.6.14. What
changes should be made in the grub configuration file?
a. kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.14
b. kernel /kernel-2.6.14
c. boot /kernel-2.6.14
d. boot /vmlinuz-2.6.14
Answer – a

21. Which process has the PID of 1?

a. init
b. inittab
c. grub
d. main
Answer – a
Explanation – The init process have the PID of 1.it is called father of all processes. During boot
process kernel gives control to the init process.

22. You want to reboot your system if a user presses CTRL+ALT+DELETE keys of the
keyboard during the boot process. What should you do?
a. Add ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown –r now in /etc/inittab file
b. Write a shell script for that and keep it in root directory
c. Add ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown –h now in /etc/inittab file
d. It cannot be done
Answer – a
Explanation – The init process looks the /etc/inittab file for the processing to be done. The
entry captures the CTRL+ALT+DELETE key sequence and the command shutdown –r now is

23. What will happen if runlevel is set to 6?

a. Multiuser mode booting
b. Multiuser with networking mode
c. The system reboots in a loop
d. The system comes to halt
Answer –c
Explanation – In runlevel 0 the system comes to halt and in runlevel 2, 3, and 5 the multiuser
mode is active.

24. A user created two scripts S111USERDEF and S85USERDEP which are executed
during boot time. Which of the two services will start first?
c. At same time
d. Can’t be determined.
Answer – a
Explanation – The numeric digits i.e. 111 and 85 decide the order of run. The digits are
compared from left to right taking one digit at a time. Since 1 is less than 8 so S111USERDEF is
run first.

25. Which directories contain the boot time scripts for the run level 5?
a. /etc/rc.d/rc5.d
b. /etc/rc.d/rc.5d
c. /etc/rc.d/r5.d
d. /etc/rc.d/rcv.d
Answer – a

26. A runlevel script has the line #chkconfig 345 25 75. What is the meaning of this
a. It is a comment
b. It denotes that the script will run in runlevel 3,4,5
c. It denotes that the script will run in runlevel 3, 4, 5 and the start priority is 25 and the stop
priority is 75.
d. The line gives an error
Answer –c

27. Which command is used to get the previous run level of a system?
a. runlevel
b. prevrunlevel
c. lastrunlevel
d. prevrun
Answer – a
Explanation – the runlevel command is used to
get the current run level and the previous
runlevel of a system.

28. The output of the runlevel command is N 5. What does it mean?

a. Previous runlevel of the system was N
b. The current runlevel of the system is N.
c. The previous runlevel of the system was 5
d. The runlevel of the system was never changed from 5 so the previous runlevel is displayed
as N.
Answer – d

29. Which command is used to change the current run level?

a. telinit
b. runlevel
c. init
d. chgrunlevel
Answer – a

30. You want to enable a service service-name for current run level (run level 5).
Which command will you use to do so?
a. runlevel service-name on
b. enable service-name
c. chkconfig service-name on
d. chkconfig service-name enable
Answer -- c
Explanation – the chkconfig command is used
to enable a service, disable a service and lists
the status of a service or services.

31. The httpd service is enabled in the runlevel 5 but it is not running. How will the
problem resolve?
a. service httpd start
b. chkconfig httpd start
c. chkconfig httpd on
d. service httpd on
Answer – a
Explanation – the service httpd needs to be
started for that the service httpd start
command is used.

32. Which command is used to start the service configuration utility?

a. serviceconf
b. system-config-services
c. serviceconf, system-config-services
d. None of these
Answer – c

33. How will you view the status of all the services in all the runlevel?
a. Using chkconfig all
b. Using chkconfig –list
c. Using chkconfig –all
d. Using chkconfig list
Answer – b
Explanation – the chkconfig –list gives the
listing of all the services in different run levels
with the status of services as on or off.

34. Which directory contains the run level scripts of all the runlevel?
a. /etc/rc.d/rc.all
b. /etc/rc.d/init.d
c. /etc/rc.d/all.d
d. /etc/rc.d/rcall.d
Answer – b
Explanation – The directory /etc/rc.d/init.d
contains all the runlevel scripts and the
directories /etc/rc.d/rc*.d contain symbolic
links to the scripts of directory /etc/rc.d/init.d

35. Which filesystem is not mounted on disk partition?

a. /etc
b. /home
c. /usr
d. /proc
Answer – d
Explanation – The proc filesystem is virtual
filesystem (it is not mounted on a disk
partition) which contains the process and
system information.

36. Which file contains the static information about the filesystem?
a. /etc/mtab
b. /etc/fstab
c. /etc/ftab
d. /etc/mstab
Answer – b
Explanation – The file /etc/fstab contains mount point, filesystem type, and other options.

37. Which filesystem contains the information about the filesystem currently mounted
on the system?
a. /etc/fstab
b. /etc/mtab
c. /etc/mstab
d. /etc/ftab
Answer – b
Explanation -- /etc/mtab contains the information about the filesystem currently used by a
running system.

38. A user wants don’t want to mount the /home partition automatically at boot time.
What should he do?
a. Add noauto option in fourth field of /etc/fstab
b. Add notauto option in fourth field of /etc/fstab
c. Add noauto option in fourth field of /etc/mtab
d. Add notauto option in fourth field of /etc/mstab
Answer –a
Explanation – At boot time the /etc/fstab file is scanned for information about the filesystem to
be mounted. If noauto option is used the filesystem is not automatically mounted.

39. Which command is used to see the listing of filesystem currently mounted on the
a. fdisk -l
b. fdisk –m
c. mount –t
d. mount
Answer – d
Explanation – fdisk command is used for
creating new partition and view all the
partitions of the hard disk.

40. A system has windows and Red Hat Linux installed on it. The user wants to access
files kept in the /dev/sda6 partition with the vfat filesystem type. What should he/she
a. mount vfat /dev/sda6 /mnt/win
b. mount –t vfat /dev/sda6 /mnt/win
c. fdisk –t vfat /dev/sda6 /mnt/win
d. mount –t vfat /mnt/win /dev/sda6
Answer – b
Explanation – The mount command has the
mount –t filesystem-type source partition
target partition
to mount a source filesystem on target directory.

41. Which command is used to create vfat filesystem on a re writable CDROM?

a. mkfs -t vfat /dev/cdrom
b. mkfs.vfat /dev/cdrom
c. Both of above
d. None of above
Answer – c
Explanation – The mkfs –t vfat is frontend of
the command mkfs.vfat.

42. Which configuration file is used while creating ext3 filesystem on a partition using
the mke2fs command?
a. /etc/ext3.conf
b. /etc/mke2fs.conf
c. /etc/mkfs/mke2fs.conf
d. None of above
Answer – b

43. A file is created using the below command

dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/demo bs=1000000 count=2.What is the size of the file
a. 20MB
b. 2MB
c. 2GB
d. The command is wrong
Answer – b
Explanation – The bs option denotes the
blocksize and count denotes the number of
that. So the size of the file is 1000000 * 2 = 2

44. Which command is used to create a swap filesystem on a device or file?

a. createswap
b. mkfs
c. mkswap
d. swapon
Answer – c

45. Your system has a swap partition on /dev/sda3 and another swap partition on
/dev/sda5.How will you decide which swap partition is active?
a. cat /proc/swaps
b. fdisk –l
c. cat /proc/swap
d. None of above
Answer – a
Explanation -- /proc/swaps contain the entries
of the entire active swap space of the system.
The contents of the file can be viewed using cat

46. Which command is used to check a device for badblocks?

a. fsck
b. mkfs
c. chkfs
d. badblocks
Answer – d

47. A user ran command badblocks -w on a device containing important data files.
What will be the problem?
a. No problem
b. Data on the device will be erased
c. Data on device will not be erased
d. -w is invalid option to badblocks command
Answer – b
Explanation – The data is not deleted if the
badblocks command is used without option or
with –n option.

48. How will you check the status of the automount daemon?
a. /etc/rc.d/init.d/autofs status
b. /etc/init.d/autofs status
c. /etc/rc.d/init.d/automount status
d. /etc/rc.d/init.d/autofs - -status
Answer –b
Explanation -- /etc/rc.d/init.d/autofs controls
the operation of the automount daemon.

49. Which configuration file does /etc/rc.d/init.d/autofs use?

a. /etc/autofs.conf
b. /etc/auto.conf
c. /etc/auto.master
d. /etc/autofs.master
Answer –c

50. Which command is used to create a raid device of level 5 using devices /dev/sda1,
a. mdadm - -create /dev/md0 - -level=5 - -raid devices=2 /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2
b. mdadm - -create /dev/md1 - -level 5 - -raid devices=2 /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2
c. mdadm - -create /dev/md0 - -level=5 - -raid devices= /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2
d. mdadm - -create /dev/md0 - -level=5 devices=2 /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2
Answer – a
Explanation – In second option - -level=
should be used. In the third option - -raid
devices=n where n is no of devices is
missing, In fourth option - -raid is missing from - -raid devices.

51. A raid device contains four devices. How will you remove one of the devices from
the raid device?
a. mdadm raid-device-name –r device-name
b. mdadm device-name –r raid-device-name
c. mdadm –r raid-device-name device-name
d. mdadm –r device-name raid-device-name
Answer – a

52. Which command is used to create volume group?

a. vgcreate
b. vgextend
c. volgrpcr
d. pvcreate
Answer – a
Explanation – vgcreate is used to create a new volume group and vgextend is used to extend an
existing volume group.

53. Which directory contains entry for the logical volume group lvol0 created by a
user in the volume group vol_grp?
a. No directory has the entry
b. /dev/vol_grp
c. /home/vol_grp
d. /sys/vol_grp
Answer – b
Explanation – The directory /dev/vol_grp contains lvol0 entry corresponding to the logical
volume lvol0.

54. Which command is used to invoke the Logical Volume Management utility?
a. System-config-lv
b. System-config-lvm
c. System-config-logman
d. There is no such utility
Answer – b

55. Which of the following should be created first before creating the Logical volume?
a. Physical volume
b. Volume group
c. None of them
d. Both of them
Answer – d
Explanation –Physical volume is to be initialized first and then the volume group is to be
created before creating Logical volume.

56. Which file and directory yum does look for information about the software
a. /etc/yum.conf
b. /etc/yum.conf.d
c. Both of them
d. None of them
Answer – c
Explanation – it looks for the configuration file /etc/yum.conf and then looks for the files in the
directory /etc/yum.conf.d

57. What is full form of yum?

a. Yellow dog updater modified
b. Yellow umbrella
c. Yellow updater modified
d. Yellow software updater modified
Answer – a

58. What is the importance of option gpgcheck=1 in /etc/yum.conf file?

a. The gpgkeys of packages are checked before install or update
b. The gpgkeys of packages are not checked before install or update
c. The gpgkeys of packages are checked before install only
d. The gpgkeys of packages are checked before update only
Answer – a
Explanation – Usually the gpgkeys are installed before adding any software repository. If the
gpgkey option is 1 then the packages are checked for the gpgkeys before installing or updating
the packages.

59. A user ran yum command to install a package. Then he went for a cup of coffee.
The install completed before his return. How can user decide whether the install was
successful or failure?
a. He can’t decide
b. Looking at /etc/yum.conf file
c. Looking at /etc/yum.conf.d directory
d. Looking at /var/log/yum.log
Answer – d
Explanation – The log file of the yum command is /var/log/yum.log. The status of yum
commands execution will be logged there. User can use the file to decide the install was
successful or failure.

60. What are the levels of rpm configuration file?

a. User, global
b. User,system,global
c. Sytem,global
d. User, system
Answer – b
Explanation – The rpm command uses the two global configuration file /usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc
and /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/rpmrc. It uses /etc/rpmrc configuration file which is configuration
file specific to a system. The configuration file .rpmrc in the home directory of a user is the user
level rpm configuration file.

61. Where does the rpm package information kept?

a. /var/lib/rpm/*
b. /var/log/rpm/*
c. /var/lib/rpm/db/*
d. /var/lib/rpmdb/*
Answer – a
Explanation – The rpm command uses the /var/lib/rpm/* directory as the database for storing
rpm package information.

62. A user used the command rpm –U package-name to install the package package-
name which is not previously installed on the system. Is the command correct?
a. No use rpm -v
b. Yes
c. No use rpm-q
d. No it is used for update only
Answer –b
Explanation – The command rpm –U is used to upgrade a previously installed package and if
the package is not installed in the system then it installs the package.

63. What is the difference between rpm –U and rpm –F commands?

a. rpm –U installs a package if it is not installed previously
b. rpm –F installs a package if it is not installed previously
c. Both command do same function
d. None of the above
Answer – a
Explanation – The command rpm –U updates a previously installed package but installs a new
package and the command rpm –F updates a previously installed package but does not installs a
new package.

64. Which is a valid rpm command?

a. rpm –ieh
b. rpm –Ueh
c. rpm –ivvh
d. rpm –iF
Answer – c
Explanation – the options -v (verbose information),-vv (verbose lots of information) and h
(prints hash marks are rpm options which can be used with other options. The options i.e. and
e, U and e, F are mutually exclusive.

65. Your software vendor informed you that package-name.rpm has been installed in
your machine. How will you check vendor’s statement?
a. There is no way to check vendor’s statement.
b. Using system monitor
c. rpm –q package-name
d. yum install package-name
Answer – c
Explanation – rpm –q package-name queries the rpm package database and finds out
information about the package-name.yum install is used to install the package package-
name.system monitor is used to view system information.

66. You have downloaded a package in tar.gz format. How will you uncompress the
a. Using tar xvf
b. Using gunzip followed by tar xvf
c. Using tar xvf followed by gunzip
d. Using bzip2 followed by tar xvf
Answer – b
Explanation – gunzip uncompressed the tar.gz file into .tar format and then the command tar
xvf is used to uncompress the tar file.

67. What is the difference between the commands tar xvf and tar xvfz?
a. No difference
b. xvfz compresses a .tar file but xvf uncompress a .tar file
c. xvfz uncompress a .tar.gz file but xvf uncompress a .tar file
d. xvfz is verbose mode of command xvf
Answer – c

68. What does command bzip2 does?

a. bzip2 –d uncompress a tar.bz2 file
b. bzip2 –d creates a tar.bz2 file
c. bzip2 is used to uncompress .zip file
d. bzip2 is used to compress a file to .zip format.
Answer – a
Explanation – bzip2 command is used to create and decompress a bz2 file.bzip2 –c is used to
create .bz2 file and –d option is used to uncompress a .bz2 file.

69. Which utility is used to manage packages on a Red Hat box?

a. Package manager
b. Package management
c. Package Admin
d. Package manage
Answer – a

70. Which command is used to invoke a Package Manager?

a. system-config-package
b. system-config-manage
c. system-config-packages
d. system-config-manages
Answer – c
71. Which file does contain global options to the bash shell?
a. /etc/bash
b. /etc/bash.conf
c. /etc/bashrc.conf
d. /etc/bashrc
Answer – d

72. Which file does define the default values to be used while creating the user
a. /etc/user.defs
b. /etc/login.defs
c. /etc/userdefs
d. /etc/login.conf
Answer – b
Explanation – The file contains the default values to be used while creating a user account. The
default values can be overridden on the command line.

73. You want to create a user account john. The mail box of john should lie in the
directory /var/temp.What line will you add in the file /etc/login.defs?
a. MAIL_DIR=/var/temp
b. MAIL_BOX=/var/temp
c. MAIL_JOHN=/var/temp
d. MAIL_CONFIG=/var/temp
Answer – a
Explanation – The line MAIL_DIR is used to denote the directory where mailbox of a user will

74. Which directory contains the initial login and startup scripts?
a. /etc/skel
b. /etc/login.defs
c. /etc/login
d. /etc/initial
Answer – a
Explanation -- /etc/skel directory contains the initial login and a startup scripts.The content of
/etc/skel is copied to the home directory of user when the user account is created.

75. A user wants to override the default values used for bash shell. What action should
be taken by him?
a. Creating a .bashrc file in home directory of user
b. Creating a .bash file in home directory of user
c. Editing the /etc/bashrc file.
d. Creating a .bashrc file in home directory of user
Answer – a
Explanation – The .bashrc file in the home directory of the user is used to override the default
values used for bash shell.

76. A user Matt have a user id of 400.What is the significance of it?

a. User id 400 is of root user
b. A user cannot have user id 400
c. Matt is an administrative user.
d. Matt is a non administrative user.
Answer – c
Explanation – User id less than 500 are reserved for the administrative users. So matt is an
administrative user.

77. Which file does contain the password of user?

a. /etc/passwd
b. /etc/pass
c. /etc/password
d. None of these
Answer – d
Explanation – The file /etc/shadow contains the user login name and encrypted password. The
file/etc/passwd contains information about the user but at the place of passwd x character is

78. A new user is working on the /bin/tcsh shell. He wants the bash shell. What
command will the system administrator execute?
a. usermod –s /bin/bash new-user
b. usermod –s /bin/bash
c. useradd –D –s /bin/bash new-user
d. usermod –D –s /bin/bash
Answer – a
Explanation – usermod command is used to modify the user information.

79. System Administrator wants to delete the account of user user1 along with the
home directory of the user user1.What should be his approach?
a. userdel user1
b. userdel –r user1
c. userdel –h /home/user1 user1
d. userdel –r /home/user1 user1
Answer – b
Explanation – The command userdel –r user1 is used to delete the account of a user along with
his/her home directory. If the –r option is not used then the home directory of the user is not

80. Which graphical utility is used to manage users?

a. User Manger
b. User Administrator
c. User Admin
d. User Configuration
Answer – a
Explanation –User Manager is used to create, delete, and modify user and group information.

81. Which command is used to invoke user Manager Utility?

a. system-config-user
b. system-config-usr
c. system-config-users
d. system-config-usrs
Answer – c

82. Which command is used to change the password of the root user?
a. passwd root
b. su –
c. su root
d. passwd
Answer – d
Explanation – The format of passwd command id passwd user-name. It means the password of
user user-name is to be changed. If the command passwd is used alone it means the password of
root user is to be changed.

83. Which file does contain the information about the groups in a system?
a. /etc/gpasswd
b. /etc/passwd
c. /etc/group
d. /etc/groups
Answer – d

84. The system administrator wants to see the disk space used up by user Jack. What
sh0uld he do?
a. Ask jack about the disk space usage
b. df /home/jack
c. space /home/jack
d. df /home
Answer – b
Explanation -- The df command is used to display the amount of space available on a filesystem.

85. Which command is used to change password of a group?

a. grpasswd
b. grppasswd
c. gpasswd
d. gpassword
Answer – c

86. A user wants to list the space used up by files and subdirectories of his home
directory. What should he do?
a. Check each file size and subdirectory size
b. Ask the system administrator
c. du /home/user
d. df /home/user
Answer – c
Explanation – The du command is used to check the space used by the files and subfolders of a

87. A user ran su – command in a terminal (terminal1) and got privilege of root user.
He then opened a new terminal and ran command to mount a filesystem. Will the
command execute successfully?
a. No su – command don’t give root privilege
b. Yes
c. Yes he has to enter the root password
d. No as it is different terminal session he won’t have root privilege in this session.
Answer – d

88. A root user used the command su – user-name where user-name is a non
administrative user.Will root has to enter the user’s password?
a. Yes root user will have to enter user’s password
b. No the shell will prompt for password of user-name but root can choose not to enter the
c. If root don’t enter user-name’s password then he won’t be able to execute user-name’s files
d. No shell won’t prompt for user-name’s password
Answer – d

89. How will you edit /etc/sudoers file?

a. Using gedit
b. Using vi
c. Using visudo
d. Using geditsudo
Answer – c
Explanation – the visudo command is used to edit the /etc/sudoers file.

90. A user Vishnu is member of group demo. The group demo is defined with the
privilege of command shutdown –h now in /etc/sudoers file. Does Vishnu have privilege
to run the command shutdown –h now?
a. Yes he can use shutdown –h now
b. No he can’t use the command directly
c. Yes he will have to use sudo shutdown –h now
d. Yes he will have to use visudo shutdown –h now
Answer – c
Explanation – The commands should be prefixed by the sudo command.

91. A user entered the command chown : file-name. What will happen ?
a. Nothing
b. The user and group of the file will change to that of user’s
c. The user of the file will change to that of user’s
d. The group of the file will change to that of group’s
Answer – a
Explanation -- chown owner: group file-name
case 1 if only owner is specified but group is not specified then the file owner is changed to
owner and the file group is changed to that of login group of owner.
Case 2 if owner and group both are specified then the file owner is changed to owner and file
group is changed to group.
Case 3 if owner is not specified but group is specified then the group of file is changed to that of
case 4 if owner and group both are not specified then nothing happens.

92. A user issues the chown user-name-group-name file-name command on a file file-
name which belongs to the root user. What will happen?
a. He gets an error
b. The owner of the file will change
c. The group of the file will change
d. Nothing happens
Answer – a
Explanation – The user don’t have privilege to change the file permissions of root user so he
gets an error.

93. System administrator wants to see the users currently logged into the system and
the processes run by them. Which command will help the system administrator?
a. W
b. Users
c. All
d. None of these
Answer – a
Explanation – The w command is used to view the users who are logged on the system and the
processes run by them. It also shows the time for which the system is running and the load
average of the system.

94. Which command shows the virtual memory statistics of a system?

a. Iostat
b. Vmstat
c. Virtual
d. All of these
Answer – b
Explanation -- The vmstat command is used to displays the virtual memory statistics

95. What does free command do?

a. Frees RAM memory
b. Frees swap memory
c. gives the amount of free and used memory space of the system
d. gives the amount of free and used memory of a filesystem
Answer – c

96. A user issues a command kill 0.What will be the impact of the command?
a. All process with pid >0 are re signaled.
b. Gives an error
c. Process with pid 0 is re signaled
d. all processes in current process are signaled.
Answer – d

97. May a process have pid of 0?

a. No process can have pid of 0
b. Yes init process have pid of 0
c. Boot process have pid of 0
d. A process pid can be set to 0 using renice command
Answer – a
Explanation – The lowest pid that a process can have is 1 which is pid of init process ( init
is called father of all processes).no other process can have pid of 1 or lower than that.

98. Which utility is used to see system log information?

a. Log Manager
b. System Log Manager
c. System Log Viewer
d. Log Configuration
Answer – c

99. Which utility is used to view various system information like CPU usage, network
information, memory and swap information, process information?
a. System Monitor
b. System Information
c. System Administration
d. SystemManager
Answer – a

100. Which of the following information does top command not give?
a. number of users currently logged on
b. load average of the system
c. total number of processes, no of processes active, no of processes sleeping, no of zombie
d. network usage information
Answer – d
Explanation -- The top command gives various information about the system number of users
currently logged on load average of the system total number of processes, no of processes active,
no of processes sleeping, no of zombie processes usage detail of swap memory usage detail of
RAM memory the information about the processes of the system like PID (process identification
number), percent CPU usage, % memory usage, the command used for invoking the process.

101. Which file does the command uptime use to present the output?
a. /proc/uptime
b. /proc/sys/uptime
c. /sys/uptime
d. It don’t use any file
Answer – a
Explanation – The uptime command uses the file /proc/uptime for the information and formats
them in user readable format.

102. What is SIGKILL?

a. It is a signal used with kill command generally
b. It is a command
c. None of above
d. Both of them
Answer – a
Explanation – The SIGKILL is used to signal a process. For example kill –SIGKILL 5009
command gives the signal SIGKILL to process with pid 5009.

103. Which command is used to print the processor type of a system?

a. uname -r
b. uname -n
c. uname -p
d. uname -k
Answer – c
Explanation -- the command uname is used to print various system information.uname -a
prints all the information about the system.

104. Which file contains the list of currently loaded modules in the kernel?
a. /proc/module
b. /proc/modules
c. /proc/mod
d. no such file is there
Answer – b
Explanation – The lsmod command is also used to list the modules currently loaded into kernel.
The file /proc/modules also contain the same information.

105. A user wants to see the filename of a module currently loaded into the kernel. what
should he do?
a. modinfo modulename
b. infomod modulename
c. lsmod modulename
d. modprobe modulename
Answer – a
Explanation –modinfo gives the details of a module loaded into the kernel.

106. A user issues command insmod -.What will happen?

a. Error will occur
b. lists all the modules of kernel2.6.14
c. file name should be given from sysin
d. none of the above
Answer –c
Explanation -- The insmod command is used to insert a driver module into the kernel.
The format of the insmod command is

insmod file-name

if the file-name is – then the module is taken from the standard input.

107. The module A is dependent on module B. which command should be used to load
the module A into kernel?
a. insmod
b. modprobe
c. rmmod
d. modinfo
Answer – b
Explanation -- The modprobe command inserts other modules which are dependent on the
module being inserted using the command.insmod loads only the module mentioned on the
command line.

108. Which command is used to remove a module from the kernel?

a. Modprobe -a
b. modprobe -b
c. modprobe -r
d. modprobe -d
Answer – c

109. Which configuration file and directory does modprobe command refer?
a. /etc/modprobe.conf
b. none of them
c. /etc/modprobe.d
d. both of them
Answer – d
Explanation – modprobe looks for the configuration file /etc/modprobe.conf (if the file is
present) and in the directory /etc/modprobe.d.

110. On business requirement your client wants to run the process A (already running on
the system) with increased priority. What command does administrator use?
a. nice
b. renice
c. priority
d. schedule
Answer – b

111. The command renice 5 -u Jack is issued. What will happen?

a. Error occurs no pid mentioned
b. process priority of all processes belonging to user is changed to 5
c. no change in priority
d. priority 5 not allowed
Answer – b
Explanation -- If the renice command is issued on user then the process priority of all processes
of the user changes

112. A user issues two commands back to back

dmesg -c
What will be the output of second command?
a. No output
b. kernel messages displayed
c. error
d. help options displayed for dmesg
Answer – a
Explanation – dmesg when used with the -c option clears the kernel ring buffer. so dmesg
command prints no output.

113. In which file is cron utility log the messages?

a. /var/log/cron
b. /var/log/cron/cron.log
c. /var/log/cron.log
d. none of the above
Answer – a

114. Which configuration file does syslogd use?

a. /etc/sysconfig/syslog
b. /etc/sysconfig/syslog.conf
c. /etc/syslog
d. /etc/syslog.conf
Answer --d

115. A user wants to log the boot messages in the file /var/log/boot. Which file should
he/she edit?
a. /etc/sysconfig/syslog
b. /etc/sysconfig/syslog.conf
c. /etc/syslog
d. /etc/syslog.conf
Answer – d
Explanation – syslogd supports the system logging. It uses the configuration file
/etc/syslog.conf. The file defines the files where different system messages will be written.

116. Which file does contain the pid of klogd daemon?

a. /var/run/klogd.pid
b. /var/klogd.pid
c. /var/run/klog.pid
d. /var/run/klogd
Answer –a

117. System administrator wants to allow the user Mac to access the at facility. What
system administrator does?
a. Add name on mac in /etc/at.allow
b. Add name on mac in /etc/at
c. don't add name on mac in /etc/at.deny
d. any of the above
Answer – a
Explanation -- The file /etc/at.allow lists the name of the users who are allowed to use the at
command. If the /etc/at.deny command lists the name of the users who can't use the at

118. System administrator allows users Jack and Jill to use at facility. what will be
content of file /etc/at.allow?
a. Jack,jill
b. jack:jill
c. jack;jill
d. jack
e. jill
Answer – d
Explanation -- The user names should be one in a line and there should not be whitespaces
between the username (on a line).

119. On a system the files /etc/at.allow and /etc/at.deny are not present. Which users
can use the at facility?
a. All the users of system
b. no user of the system
c. only root user
d. error condition
Answer – c

120. Which command is used to list all the scheduled jobs?

a. at -l
b. none of them
c. both of them
d. atq
Answer – c
Explanation -- atq the atq command is used to list the scheduled job. Same as at -l.

121. In which directory the jobs scheduled by the batch command spooled?
a. /var/spool/at
b. /var/spool/batch
c. /var/spool/at.spool
d. /var/spool/batch.spool
Answer – a
Explanation -- The scheduled jobs which are submitted using the at command and batch
command are spooled in the directory /var/spool/at. The files contain the information about
the commands along with the environment under which the commands were scheduled.

122. Which command is used to create a crontab file?

a. crontab -l
b. crontab -e
c. crontab -d
d. crontab -k
Answer – b
Explanation -- The crontab -e command is used to create a crontab file. The crontab file is
created in the /var/spool/cron directory. The name of the file is same as the name of the user.

123. Which file is system crontab file?

a. /etc/crontab
b. /etc/cron
c. none of the above
d. /etc/cron.conf
Answer – c
Explanation -- the file /etc/crontab file is system crontab file. The cron daemon reads the
/etc/crontab file.

124. Which command is used to start the Apache web server?

a. service http start
b. service httpd start
c. service httpd on
d. service http on
Answer – b

125. Which file does contain the pid of the httpd daemon?
a. /var/run/http.pid
b. /var/run/httpd.pid
c. /var/run/http
d. /var/run/httpd
Answer – b

126. Which directory contains the library modules for the httpd server?
a. /usr/lib/httpd/modules
b. /usr/lib/httpd/module
c. /lib/httpd/modules
d. /lib/httpd/module
Answer – b

127. Which file does contain the configuration information about the httpd server?
a. /etc/httpd.conf
b. /etc/httpd/conf
c. /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
d. /etc/httpd/conf.d
Answer – c
Explanation -- The Apache web server configuration directory is /etc/httpd. The conf sub
directory of /etc/httpd directory contains the main Apache configuration file httpd.conf.
128. In the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file the user set the directive ServerRoot
“/etc/demo”. What will be the impact?
a. The top of the directory tree under which the server's configuration, error, and log files are
kept will be /etc/demo.
b. Error value
c. no changes
d. ServerRoot is not a directive.
Answer – a
Explanation – ServerRoot directive defines The top of the directory tree under which the
server's configuration, error, and log files are kept

129. What is the content of /etc/httpd/conf.d directory?

a. Configuration file related to Apache client
b. load libraries related to Apache server
c. nothing
d. The conf.d contains the configuration files relating to the languages (like Python, Perl, and
PHP), database (Mysql) and the authorization modules.
Answer – d

130. What are the sections of Apache web server main configuration file
a. Configuration directives for Apache web server process as whole.
b. Configuration parameters for the main server
c. Settings for virtual hosts.
d. All of the above
Answer –d

131. Which is the graphical utility for httpd server configuration?

a. HTTPD Server Configuration
b. HTTP Server Configuration
c. HTTP Configuration
d. HTTPD Configuration
Answer – b

132. Which command invokes the HTTP Server Configuration utility?

a. system-config-httpd
b. system-config-http
c. system-config-https
d. system-config-httpconf
Answer – a

133. The DocumentRoot directive of main apache web server configuration file is set to
“/home/demo”. Where the users need to put the html files to be served by the server in
response of client request?
a. /home/demo
b. /var/www/html
c. both of them
d. none of them
Answer – a
Explanation – DocumentRoot defines the directory where the user will place the contents or
files he/she wants to get handled by the web server. For example if you create an index.html file
and kept it in this directory and opened the address http://localhost using any web browser
then the contents of index.html file will be displayed.

134. What are the possible values of LogLevel directive in Apache web server main
configuration file?
a. Warn
b. debug
c. none of them
d. all of them
Answer – d
Explanation -- debug info, notice, warn, error, crit, alert, and emerg are possible value of
LogLevel directive.

135. Which directory does contain the log information about the httpd server?
a. /var/log/httpd
b. /var/log/apache
c. /var/log/http
d. /var/log/httpd.log
Answer --a

136. What are the two main programs consisting Squid server?
a. squid,dnssrv
b. squid,dns
c. squid,dsnserver
d. squid,squiddemo
Answer – c
Explanation -- squid consists of a main server program squid, a Domain Name System
lookup program dnsserver and some other modules for authentication and management tasks.

137. Which is the main configuration file for squid server?

a. /etc/squid.conf
b. /etc/squid/squidd.conf
c. /etc/squid/squid.conf
d. /etc/squid/sqd.conf
Answer – c

138. On which port does squid listen by default for http?

a. 3128
b. 80
c. 413
d. 3120
Answer – a

139. An administrator wants to change the default http port that squid listen to 4000.What
should he/she do in main squid configuration file?
a. httpd_port 4000
b. port 4000
c. httpport 4000
d. http_port 4000
Answer – d
Explanation -- http_port define the socket addresses where Squid will listen for HTTP client

140. In what forms does http_port socket address be defined in the squid server main
configuration file?
a. Port alone
b. hostname with port
c. none of them
d. all of them
Answer – d
Explanation -- The socket address can be defined in three forms: port alone, hostname
with port, and IP address with port.

141. What do you mean by in transit objects in terms of squid server?

a. Objects used often
b. objects never used
c. objects which moved out
d. objects that are in use
Answer –d

142. What are hot objects in connection with squid server?

a. Objects in use
b. objects very complex
c. objects not in use
d. objects used very often
Answer –d

143. How will you set the RAM memory used to handle the in transit and hot objects of squid
a. cache_mem of /etc/squid/squid.conf
b. ram_mem of /etc/squid/squid.conf
c. RAM_mem of /etc/squid/squid.conf
d. mem_ram of /etc/squid/squid.conf
Answer – a
Explanation – cache_mem sets the cache size (RAM memory used to store the in transit objects
that is objects that are in use), hot objects (objects that are used often), and negative cache
objects (recent failed requests).

144. Which is the default cache directory for the squid server?
a. /var/spool/squid/cache
b. /var/spool/squid
c. /var/spool/cache
d. /var/spool/squid/cachedir
Answer – b

145. Which file does contain the pid of the squid server?
a. /var/run/squid.pid
b. /var/run/squid
c. /var/run/squid/squid.pid
d. /var/run/squidd.pid
Answer – a

146. What is the meaning of the line acl all src of main squid server
configuration file?
a. gives name all to all the addresses
b. gives name all to no address
c. gives name acl to all the addresses
d. gives name src to all the addresses
Answer – a
Explanation -- The acl tag is used to define access control. the form of acl tag is
acl name type string or file

147. An administrator writes the below line in main squid server

http_access allow
what does it refer?
a. can access the http content.
b. Wrong format
c. allow is invalid
d. ip address should be with netmask
Answer – a
Explanation – http_access define which clients can access the squid server for http contents.

148. Can the line http_access deny all be added in the /etc/squid/squid.conf file?
a. No all not allowed
b. no deny is not allowed
c. yes it can be
d. no http_access is not allowed
Answer – c
Explanation – line means the http content is denied for all the clients.

149. Under which user does squid server run?

a. Squid
b. root
c. squiduser
d. all of them
Answer – a

150. What is cache manager?

a. The cache manager is a cgi utility for displaying information about the squid http proxy
process as it runs.
b. Used to see amount of cache space used by a process
c. nothing
d. it is daemon process name of squid server.
Answer – a

151. Which is the configuration file for the cache manager?

a. /etc/squid/cache.conf
b. /etc/squid/cachemanager.conf
c. /etc/squid/cachemgr.conf
d. /etc/cachemgr.conf
Answer – c

152. How is the cache manager invoked?

a. Cache-manager command
b. using http://server-name/cgi-bin/cachemgr.cgi.
c. Using system-config-cache
d. all of the above
Answer – b
Explanation -- The cache manager can be invoked by typing the address http://server-

153. Which is the configuration file for the squid daemon?

a. /etc/sysconfig/squid.conf
b. /etc/squid/squid.conf
c. /etc/sysconfig/squid.d/squid.conf
d. /etc/sysconfig/squid
Answer – d
Explanation -- /etc/sysconfig/squid is configuration file for squid daemon and
/etc/squid/squid.conf is configuration file for squid server.

154. What does the line SQUID_OPTS="-D" in the squid daemon configuration file
a. Squid can be started without having internet connection
b. load default values from configuration file
c. runs squid in safe mode
d. all of above
Answer – a
Explanation -- -D option disables initial dns checks so squid can be started without having
internet connection

155. Which command does make squid to reread the configuration file?
a. squid -k reconfigure
b. squid -k configure
c. squid reconfigure
d. squid configure
Answer – a

156. Which command is used to restart the squid daemon?

a. Service squidd restart
b. service sqd restart
c. /etc/init.d/squid restart
d. service squid reload
Answer – c

157. Which command is used to start the NFS services?

a. Service nfsd start
b. service nfs start
c. service nfd start
d. service nfsd on
Answer – b

158. What does the option secure mean in case of /etc/exports file?
a. Invalid option
b. use PAM
c. use SELinux
d. none of above
Answer – d
Explanation -- the client computer should connect using the port below 1024.if the insecure
option is specified then any port can be used.

159. An administrator wants to add a NIS group NISGRP in /etc/exports file? Which of
the following is true?
a. Not possible
b. use NISGRP
c. use @NISGRP
d. use #NISGRP
Answer – c
Explanation -- The access can also be defined in terms of the NIS group. The nis group can be
preceded by the @ of sign before the nis group name.

160. An administrator wants to add host1 and host2 in /etc/exports file corresponding to
the directory /home/user. Which of the following is valid entry?
a. Host1,host2
b. host1:host2
c. host1 host2
d. all of above
Answer – c
Explanation -- Multiple hostnames or Ip address can be entered separated by blank. The
combination of ip address and hostname can also be used.

161. A system administrator has made *.example.com entry in the file /etc/exports.
Which of the below address match the entry?
a. New.myhost.example.com
b. myhost.example.com
c. both of above
d. none of above
Answer – b
Explanation -- * character matches any number of characters in a domain name that is *
matches for myhost (of option b) but not of option a as in option a there was new.myhost
(means new belonging to domain myhost)

162. What is meaning of option root_squash in the file /etc/exports?

a. Maps root user to client to user jack's account
b. don't allow client root user to login
c. maps client root user to NFS server root user
d. maps the root user of client to anonymous user
Answer – d
Explanation -- maps the root user of client (uid 0 gid 0) to anonymous uid and gid. The default
value of anonymous uid and gid is 65534.The anonymous uid and gid value can be changed by
using options anonuid and anongid.

163. Which command is used to export all directories listed in the file /etc/exports?
a. Exports
b. exportfs
c. export
d. exportsf
Answer – b
Explanation -- The directories mentioned in the /etc/exports file can be exported that is made
available to the network using the exportfs command or rebooting the system or restarting the
NFS service.

164. Which graphical utility is used to create the /etc/exports file?

a. NFS Configuration
b. NFS Server Configuration
c. NFS Server Manager
d. NFS Server Administration
Answer – b
165. Which command is used to invoke the NFS server configuration utility?
a. System-config-nfsd
b. system-config-nfs
c. both of them
d. none of them
Answer – b

166. What operation is performed before user accesses a NFS directory?

a. The directory is mounted
b. the directory is unmounted
c. no operation is done
d. system should be rebooted
Answer – a
Explanation – before accessing a NFS directory the directory should be mounted using mount
command or using autofs

167. Which command is used to display server side NFS information?

a. nfsstat -s
b. nfsstat -c
c. nfs
d. nfstat
Answer – a
Explanation -- The nfsstat command is used to display statistics about the NFS server and client

168. Which directory does contain information about the exported directory using the
a. /var/lib/nfs
b. /var/log/nfs
c. /var/spool/nfs
d. /var/log/nfs/nfs.log
Answer – a
Explanation -- The var/lib/nfs directory is used to keep information about the exported
directory. The files xtab, etab, and rmtab files which contain the information about the exported

169. Which utility is used to configure samba server?

a. Smaba Server configuration
b. Samba Server configuration
c. Samba configuration
d. Smaba configuration
Answer – b

170. Which command is used to invoke the Samba Server Configuration utility?
a. System-config-samba
b. system-config-smb
c. system-config-sambad
d. system-config-smbd
Answer – a

171. Which of the following is main configuration file of samba server?

a. /etc/samba/samba.conf
b. /etc/samba.conf
c. /etc/samba/smb.conf
d. /etc/smb.conf
Answer – c

172. Which file does contain the name of the all samba users?
a. /etc/samba/smbusers
b. /etc/smbusers
c. /etc/samba/smbusrs
d. /etc/samba/sambausers
Answer – a

173. An administrator wants to add a user Jack as samba user. The Unix username and
windows user name of Jack are same (it is Jack).what should be the format of entry in
samba user file?
a. jack=jack
b. user=jack
c. user:jack
d. jack:jack
Answer – a
Explanation -- The /etc/samba/smbusers file contains the list of samba users. To add a new
samba user vishnu as in above case enter below line in the /etc/samba/smbusers file
vishnu = vishnu
the left hand side denotes the Unix user name and the right hand side denotes the windows user

174. Which command is used to start the samba server?

a. Service smbd start
b. service samba start
c. service smb start
d. service sambad start
Answer – c

175. Which command is used to view the samba server status information?
a. smbstatus
b. smb status
c. smbclient -L
d. none of them
Answer – c
Explanation – the command is used to check whether the samba service is running on the
system and the share created on the system is being shared as the user wanted it to be.

176. Which command is used to start the ftp server?

a. Service ftp start
b. service ftpd start
c. service vsftpd start
d. service vftpd start
Answer – c

177. Which is the main configuration file for the vsftpd server?
a. /etc/ftpd/vsftpd.conf
b. /etc/ftp/vsftpd.conf
c. /etc/vsftpd/vsftp.conf
d. /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf
Answer – d

178. An administrator wants the local users to use the ftp service. which of the following
lines is to be added in the ftp server configuration file?
a. local_user=YES
b. local_users=YES
c. local_usr=YES
d. local_enable=YES
Answer – d
Explanation -- local_enable parameter is when set to YES then local users can login to ftp server
if set to NO then local users can not login to ftp server.

179. In the main configuration file of ftp server the directive userlist_enable=NO is used.
Which users are allowed to login into ftp?
a. All users
b. no users
c. users in file /etc/vsftpd/user_list
d. users not in file /etc/vsftpd/user_list
Answer – c
Explanation -- The /etc/vsftpd/user_list contain list of users which are allowed access if

180. An administrator wants to list the names of two users John and Jack in
/etc/vsftpd/user_list file. Which of the following is valid entry?
a. John, jack
b. john;jack
c. john:jack
d. john
Answer – d
Explanation – the users should be listed one in a line.
181. Which files contain the logging information about the ftp server?
a. /var/log/vsftp.log
b. /var/log/xferlogd
c. both of them
d. none of them
Answer – d
Explanation --The file /var/log/vsftpd.log and /var/log/xferlog files contain the logging info
about the ftp server.

182. A user wants to copy a file from current directory of remote system to current
directory of local system. Which ftp command should he/she use?
a. Get
b. put
c. copy
d. paste
Answer – a

183. Which command invokes the ftp command prompt?

a. vsftp
b. sftp
c. ftp
d. ftpd
Answer –c

184. Which graphical utility is used to configure the ftp server?

a. Very Secure FTP daemon Configuration
b. Very Secure FTP Configuration
c. VSFTP daemon Configuration
d. VSFTPD Configuration
Answer -- a

185. Which command is used to invoke the Very Secure FTP daemon Configuration
a. System-config-vsftp
b. system-config-ftp
c. system-config-ftpd
d. system-config-vsftpd
Answer –d

186. Which is the main configuration file for the LDAP server?
a. /etc/openldap/ldap.conf
b. /etc/openldap/openldap.conf
c. /etc/ldap/ldap.conf
d. /etc/ldap/openldap.conf
Answer – a

187. What is the significance of the sizelimit option in the main configuration file of
a. Memory size limit
b. the number of records in ldap
c. number of concurrent processes
d. specifies the limit of results returned
Answer – d
Explanation -- SIZELIMIT specifies the limit of results which will be returned when the ldap
server is searched. If the value is set to 12 then 12 results will be returned as the output of a

188. What is the significance of the timelimit option in the main configuration file of
a. Maximum time taken by ldap to answer a search request
b. Minimum time taken by ldap to answer a search request
c. Maximum time taken by ldap to add a entry
d. none of above
Answer – a
Explanation -- TIMELIMIT specifies the time limit which the ldap will take to answer the search
request. The timelimit of 15 in above example means that the ldap will take 15 seconds to
answer a search request.

189. A user created a file which contains the directories of information he/she wants to
add into an ldap server. What should be file extension?
a. Ldap
b. ldif
c. ldaf
d. ldfa
Answer – b
Explanation -- LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF)

190. Before using a schema to create ldap directory information what a user should do?
a. Add the schema in /etc/openldap/ldap.conf
b. nothing is to be done
c. ad schema in /etc/openldap/openldap.conf
d. make the schema file
Answer – a
Explanation -- To create the ldap directories user have to include the ldap schema he/she is
using in the configuration file /etc/openldap/ldap.conf using the include directive.

191. Which directive is used to include a schema in the file /etc/openldap/ldap.conf?

a. Copy
b. use
c. include
d. make
Answer – c

192. A user makes changes in the file /etc/openldap/ldap.conf. He/she wants to check
whether he/she made any syntax error. Can he/she do this?
a. No he can't do this using any command
b. yes using slapd -t
c. yes using ldap -t
d. yes using ldcheck
Answer – b
Explanation -- The command slapd -t is used to check the /etc/openldap/ldap.conf file for the
syntax change.

193. Which command is used to search for an entry in the ldap directory?
a. ldap
b. ldap -s
c. ldapsearch
d. ldapsrch
Answer – c
Explanation -- Ldapsearch is used to search the ldap directory using the search parameters.
The number of entries which should be returned using the ldapsearch command is defined in
the configuration file /etc/openldap/ldap.conf. The SIZELEIMIT option is used to define the
number of rows returned.

194. Which directory does contain the default ldap schema file?
a. /etc/openldap/ldap/schema/
b. /etc/ldap/schema/
c. /etc/openldap/schema/
d. /etc/openldap/schemaldap
Answer – c

195. which command is used to set the nis domain name of a system?
a. domainname
b. nisdomainname
c. ypdomainname
d. all of these
Answer – d
Explanation -- The command domainname, or nisdomainname, and ypdomainname is used to
set the NIS domain name of the system

196. Which is the main configuration file for NIS server?

a. /etc/nis.conf
b. /etc/nis/yp.conf
c. /etc/yp/yp.conf
d. /etc/yp.conf
Answer – d

197. Which command is used to start the NIS server?

a. service ypserver start
b. service yp start
c. service ypserv start
d. service ypd start
Answer – c

198. Which file is used to map NIS?

a. /etc/nsswitch.conf
b. /etc/nswitch.conf
c. /etc/nwitch.conf
d. /etc/nisswitch.conf
Answer – a
Explanation -- The /etc/nsswitch.conf is used to include the NIS in the search path of the files

199. The files /etc/passwd and /etc/group are being shared by the NIS server. Which file
contains the name of the files being shared by the NIS server?
a. Sharefile in /var/yp directory
b. Makefile in /var/yp directory
c. Makefile in /var/nis directory
d. Make in /var/yp directory
Answer – b
Explanation -- the Makefile in the directory /var/yp is edited to include the files which files are
being shared by the NIS server. The file names which should not be shard in commented out.

200. Which file does contain the entry for the client computers with access to NIS server?
a. /var/yp/securenet
b. /var/yp/securenets
c. /var/yp/access.conf
d. /var/yp/secure
Answer – b
Explanation -- The client’s computers who are allowed access the NIS server information is
added in the file /var/yp/securenets file.

201. What are the valid values of security field in file /etc/ypserv.conf?
a. None
b. port
c. deny
d. all of these
Answer – d
Explanation -- The security can have values as none (to allow access), port (to allow access from
port below 1024), deny (denying access)

202. Which command is used to create a NIS database?

a. yp
b. ypdata
c. ypinit
d. ypserv
Answer – c
Explanation -- the NIS database of the files configured to have shared by the NIS server is
created by using the ypinit command.

203. Which command is used to enable the dhcp server?

a. chkconfig dhcpd start
b. chkconfig dhcpd on
c. chkconfig dhcpd enable
d. chkconfig dhcp on
Answer –b

204. Which of the following is dhcp server configuration file?

a. /etc/dhcpd/dhcpd.conf
b. /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
c. /etc/dhcpd.conf
d. /etc/dhcp.conf
Answer – c

205. What does the file /etc/dhcpd.conf contain?

Answer -- The configuration file is used to list the range of ip address out of which the
server will assign an ip address to a computer on its network. It can also contain option to
assign a particular address to a definite Ethernet address on the network.

206. How can administrator decide number of client’s assigned address using the DHCP
a. Using file /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases
b. using file /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.count
c. using file /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.num
d. using file /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.stat
Answer – a
Explanation -- The file /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases contain information if a client has been
assigned address by a dhcp server. For every client which has been assigned address one set of
lease line is written in the file /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases.

207. Which graphical utility is used to configure the dhcp client?

a. System-config-network
b. neat
c. all of there
d. none of these
Answer – c

208. Which file does contain the process id of the dhcp client?
a. /var/run/dhcpclient.pid.
b. /var/run/dhclient.pid.
c. /var/run/dhcplient.pid.
d. /var/run/dhpclient.pid.
Answer – b
209. Which configuration file does dhcp client use?
a. /etc/dhcplient.conf
b. /etc/dhpclient.conf
c. /etc/dhcpdclient.conf
d. /etc/dhclient.conf
Answer – d

210. Which command is used to start the named server?

a. service bind start
b. /etc/init.d/named start
c. /etc/init.d/name start
d. service name start
Answer – b

211. Which graphical utility is used to configure the DNS server?

a. BIND Configuration GUI
b. BIND Configuration
c. BIND Server Configuration GUI
d. BIND Server Configuration
Answer –a

212. Which command is used to invoke BIND Configuration GUI?

a. system-config-name
b. system-config-named
c. system-config-bind
d. system-config-dns
Answer – c

213. Which is the main configuration file for the named daemon?
a. /etc/named/named.conf
b. /etc/named/name.conf
c. /etc/named.conf
d. /etc/name.conf
Answer – c

214. What is the function of acl directive in the file /etc/named.conf?

a. To define access control list
b. to define performance option
c. to define server pid
d. none of the above
Answer – a
Explanation -- acl – access control list used as acl “description “{ip address};

215. An administrator made changes to file /etc/named.conf. Which command does

check file for syntax error?
a. Named-checkconf
b. checkconf
c. checkfile
d. namedcheckconf
Answer – a

216. Which command is used to check the syntax of the zone files?
a. named-checkzone
b. checkzone
c. checkzonenamed
d. zonecheck
Answer – a
Explanation -- Named-checkzone is used to check the syntax of the zone files which should be
created by the user in the /var/named directory after creating the file /etc/named.conf file.

217. Which file does contain the statistics of named daemon?

Answer – c

218. you have chosen a domain name for your system. How can you check the availability
of domain name?
a. who
b. whois
c. domainchk
d. domaincheck
Answer – b
Explanation – whois command is used to search for the availability of domain name format
whois domain-name

219. How can you get the hostname of your system from ip address?
a. host
b. hostname
c. gethost
d. none of these
Answer – a
Explanation -- It is used to get the ip address corresponding to the hostname and vice versa.
Format is
host host-name
host ip address

220. Which file is dump file for the named daemon?

a. /var/named/data/cache_dumb.db
b. /var/named/data/dumb.db
c. /var/named/data/named_dumb.db
d. /var/named/data/cache_dumb
Answer – a

221. Which of the following files are configuration files for the sendmail server?
a. /etc/mail/sendmail.cf
b. /etc/mail/sendmail.mc
c. both of them
d. none of them
Answer – c
Explanation -- The main configuration file for the sendmail is /etc/mail/sendmail.cf. Many
options which sendmail uses are also defined in the file /etc/mail/sendmail.mc. The file
/etc/mail/sendmail.mc contains the sendmail default values like the location of the other
configuration files to be used by the sendmail, location of the log files and database files.

222. The domain name of your system changed from oldone to newone. What should the
administrator do?
a. Domain name mapping in file /etc/domain
b. use command domainname
c. domain name mapping in file /etc/mail/domaintable
d. none of above
Answer – c
Explanation -- The file /etc/mail/domaintable contain the domain name mapping that is
mapping the old domain name of the network to the new one.

223. You want to configure the sendmail server to handle two domain names. What will
you do?
a. Can't be done
b. define domain names in /etc/mail/local-host-name
c. define domain names in /etc/mail/domain-name
d. define domain names in /etc/mail/virtual
Answer – b
Explanation -- the file /etc/mail/local-host-name define the domain names for which the
sendmail server of the system will act as a mail server.

224. Which file is used to define the users and clients for accessing the sendmail server?
a. /etc/mail/access
b. /etc/mail/access.deny
c. /etc/mail/access.allow
d. /etc/mail/security
Answer – a
Explanation -- The /etc/mail/access file defines the hosts and users from which the mail server
sendmal will accept mail for delivery or relay.

225. After changing the /etc/mail/access file a user wants to create the access.db file.
What command does server the purpose?
a. Make access.db
b. make access
c. create access
d. create access.db
Answer – a
Explanation -- The user wants to make the individual configuration files into the .db files then
use the following commands
cd /etc/mail
make access.db
replace the filename access.db with the .db file you want to create for example make
virtusertable.db makes the file virtusertable.db.

226. What actions does sendmail do on a mail?

c. both of them
d. none of them
Answer – c
Explanation -- There are four actions which the sendmail server can take
RELAY – the server sends the message to the mail server request in the mail.
REJECT – the message is rejected and sender is informed that the message is rejected.
DISCARD – the message is rejected and sender is not informed that the message is rejected.
ERROR: user defined text message – inform the user why the server did not relay the message.

227.Which file does contain collected statistics from sendmail?

a. /var/spool/mail/statistics
b. /var/spool/mail/stat
c. /var/spool/mail/stats
d. /var/spool/mail/statistic
Answer – a

228. Which is the main configuration file for postfix server?

a. /etc/postfix/main.cf
b. /etc/postfix/main.mc
c. /etc/postfix/postfix.cf
d. /etc/postfix/post.cf
Answer – a
Explanation -- the /etc/postfix/main.cf is the main configuration file for the postfix server.
There is also a file /etc/postfix/main.cf.default which is exact copy of the main.cf file and is used
for reference in case user has made any wrong changes in the file main.cf. It defines the
hostnames and domain names, postfix queues and locations to be used for logging, mailbox.

229. Which is the postfix daemon configuration file?

a. /etc/postfix/master.cf
b. /etc/postfix/daemon.cf
c. /etc/postfix/postfix.conf
d. /etc/postfix/master.conf
Answer – a
Explanation -- The file /etc/postfix/master.cf is the main configuration file for the postfix
daemon process.

230. Which file is used to define the users and clients for accessing the postfix server?
a. /etc/postfix/access
b. /etc/postfix/access.deny
c. /etc/postfix/access.allow
d. /etc/postfix/security
Answer – a
Explanation -- the file /etc/postfix/access file is used to define the users and system which have
access to use the postfix server.

231. Which file does contain the directory and file permission set by postfix?
a. /etc/postfix/postfix-files
b. /etc/postfix/permit-files
c. /etc/postfix/postfix-file
d. /etc/postfix/permission-files
Answer –a
Explanation -- the file /etc/postfix/postfix-files contain the directory and file permissions set by
the postfix server.

232. Which files does contain the sendmail and postfix server log information?
a. /var/log/maillog
b. /var/log/maillog.1
c. /var/log/maillog.2
d. all of above
Answer – d
Explanation -- the log information about the postfix and sendmail server is logged in the file
/var/log/maillog,/var/log/maillog.1,and /var/log/maillog.2. The file /var/log/maillog.2
contains log information about each and every mail received and send by the postfix and
sendmail server.

233. Which directory does contain the default services configured on the system?
a. /etc/alternative
b. /etc/alternatives
c. /etc/services/alternatives
d. /etc/service/alternatives
Answer –b
Explanation -- The contents of the directory /etc/alternatives displays the default services
configured on the system

234. Which file does contain the alternative mail services?

a. /var/lib/alternatives
b. /var/lib/alternatives/mta
c. /var/lib/alternative/mta
d. /var/lib/alternatives/mta-alternate
Answer – b

235. Which is the main configuration file for the dovecot services?
a. /etc/dovecot.conf
b. /etc/dovecot.cf
c. /etc/dovecot.mc
d. /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
Answer – a

236. Which directive of dovecot configuration file does set the directory path containing
run time data?
a. run_dir
b. base_run
c. main_dir
d. base_dir
Answer – d
Explanation – base_dir defines Base directory where to store runtime data

237. Which directive of dovecot configuration defines maximum number of running mail
a. max_mail_processes
b. max_run_mail_processes
c. max_mail_run_processes
d. mail_processes
Answer – a
Explanation -- max_mail_processes defines the maximum number of mail processes that can
run simultaneously.

238. Which configuration file does xinetd use?

a. /etc/xinet.conf
b. /etc/xine.conf
c. /etc/xinetd/xinetd.conf
d. /etc/xinetd.conf
Answer – d

239. Which directory does contain the files corresponding to the services supported by
a. /etc/xinetd.d
b. /etc/xinetd
c. /etc/xinetd.d/service
d. /etc/xinetd.d/services
Answer -- a
Explanation -- The directory /etc/xinetd.d contains files corresponding to the services which
xinetd will start if connection is made to that port number. These services are called on demand

240. There are three clients A, B, and C. Administrator wants to allow A and B for xinetd
services (with tcp wrappers).The client A is listed in file /etc/hosts.allow and c in
/etc/hosts.deny.Is the configuration right?
a. No
b. yes
Answer – b
Explanation -- /etc/hosts.allow – it contains the list of ip address and subnet masks of clients
who are allowed connection. This file is first scanned by tcpd.
/etc/hosts.deny – it contains the list of ip address and subnet masks of clients who are not
allowed connection. This file is scanned by tcpd after scanning the /etc/hosts.allow file.
If an address is not specified in any file then the connection is allowed.

241. What is the significance of ALL in

/etc/hosts. allow and /etc/hosts. deny?
a. All is specified to denote all clients
b. all is specified for all services
c. both of these
d. none of these
Answer – a

242. Which graphical utility is used to configure security level of a system?

a. security Configuration
b. security Level Configurations
c. security Level Configuration
d. security Level Manager
Answer – c

243. Which command is used to invoke security level configuration?

a. system-config-security
b. system-config-level
c. system-config-securelevel
d. system-config-securitylevel
Answer – d

244. Which file contains the current security level settings?

a. /etc/sysconfig/iptable
b. /etc/sysconfig/iptables
c. /etc/sysconfig/ipchains
d. /etc/sysconfig/ipchain
Answer – b
Explanation -- The file /etc/sysconfig/iptables contains the security level currently imposed on
the system. This file is written by the Security Level Configuration utility.

245. Which file does configure the modules needed for NAT filtering?
a. /etc/sysconfig/iptables-config
b. /etc/sysconfig/iptables-nat
c. /etc/sysconfig/iptables-filter
d. /etc/sysconfig/iptable-config
Answer – a
Explanation -- The file /etc/sysconfig/iptables-config is used to, load additional iptables
modules. The additional modules help in NAT filtering and helpers.

246. Which command is used to save the rules from kernel and install them in a
configuration file?
a. iptables-save
b. iptables-load
c. iptables-kernel
d. iptables -S
Answer – a

247. The /etc/pam.conf file is absent on a system. Where will the configuration file for
PAM find?
a. /etc/pam/pam.d
b. /etc/pam.d/conf
c. /etc/pam.d/pam
d. /etc/pam.d
Answer – d
Explanation -- The contents of the file /etc/pam.conf is ignored if the files in the directory
/etc/pam.d are present. The files in the directory /etc/conf.d correspond to the services which
use PAM for authentication.

248. Which of the following account types does PAM allow?

a. auth
b. password
c. both of them
d. none of them
Answer – c
Explanation -- PAM allows four types account, password, authentiction, and session.

249. What are the valid control types for a PAM configuration file?
a. mandate
b. done
c. none of them
d. both of them
Answer – c
Explanation -- The valid values for the control are include, required, sufficient, and optional.

250. Which directory does contain the PAM modules?

a. /lib/security
b. /lib/PAM
c. /lib/security/PAM
d. /etc/PAM
Answer – a

251. Which graphical utility is used for SELinux configuration?

a. SELinux configuration
b. SELinux configurations
c. SELinux administration
d. SELinux manager
Answer – c

252. Which command is used to invoke the SELinux administration utility?

a. system-config-selinux
b. system-config-SElinux
c. system-config-SELinux
d. system-config-se
Answer – a

253. What of the following is valid SELinux enforcing mode?

a. permissive
b. enforcing
c. disable
d. all of them
Answer – d
Explanation -- enforcing – SELinux policies are enforced.
Permissive – SELinux policies are checked but policy issues warning instead of enforcement.
Disable-- SELinux policies are not enforced that is are disabled.

254. Which configuration file does SELinux use?

a. /etc/sysconfig/selinux.conf
b. /etc/sysconfig/selinux.mc
c. /etc/sysconfig/selinux.cf
d. /etc/sysconfig/selinux
Answer – d

255. Which file does SELinux Administration utility change?

a. /etc/sysconfig/selinux
b. /etc/sysconfig/selad
c. /etc/sysconfig/seladm
d. /etc/sysconfig/seladmin
Answer – a
Explanation -- The SELinux administration changes the values in the SELinux configuration file

access 97, 105, 113-14, 116-17, 119-20, 125-6, 129, 132, 135, 138-9, 150-1, 153, 161, 193, 203, 208-9 [4]
access control 113, 193
access control list 145, 205
access control section 9, 113
Access file 147, 151, 172
access tab user 125
access.db 147-8, 208
AccessFileName 103
access.log cache.log squid.out store.log 112
system-auth 160
user jack's 196
acl 113, 122, 145, 205
acl tag 113, 193
actions System Tools 152
address 61, 99, 103-4, 107, 115, 140, 156, 191, 193-4, 204, 211
assigned 140, 204
lp 117
adm 78-9, 81, 130
Administrative group 73
administrator 66, 155, 192-3, 195, 198-9, 204-5, 207, 211
AGE 68
aliases 70-1, 79, 103, 134
ALT 30, 32, 169
amount 85-6, 183, 194
anaconda 14, 26, 164-5, 167
anaconda boot prompt 164-5
anaconda ks 165
anongid 118, 122, 196
anonuid 122
Anonymous login 127
anonymous uid 118, 196
anonymous user behavior 132
answer 3, 134, 201
command xvf 178
dev/sda2 174
device-name raid-device-name 175
dumb 207
error condition 188
etc/autofs.master 174
etc/bashrc 179
etc/cachemgr.conf 194
etc/dhclient.conf 205
etc/dhcp.conf 204
etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf 210
etc/groups 181
etc/ldap/openldap.conf 200
etc/name.conf 205
etc/openldap/schemaldap 202
etc/PAM 213
etc/samba/sambausers 198
etc/smb.conf 198
etc/sysconfig/selinux 213
etc/syslog.conf 187
etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf 199
etc/xinetd.conf 210
etc/yp.conf 202
filesystem 183
ftpd 200
gpassword 181
hd0 164
kickstart-file/install/linux.com 165
lib/httpd/module 189
modified 176
namedcheckconf 206
paste 200
renice command 184
schedule 186
security Level Manager 211
service name start 205
service sambad start 198
service squid reload 195
service vftpd start 199
service ypd start 203
squid configure 195
system-config-dns 205
system-config-httpconf 190
system-config-manages 178
system-config-se 213
system-config-securitylevel 211
system-config-smbd 198
system-config-usrs 181
system-config-vsftpd 200
var/log/httpd.log 191
var/run/httpd 189
var/run/klogd 187
var/run/squidd.pid 193
var/spool/mail/statistic 208
var/spool/squid/cachedir 193
apache 102, 105-6
configuration ġġġĴ
apache configuration file httpd.conf 100, 189
apache server 109, 190
Apache web server 99, 101, 110, 189-91
apache web server configuration directory 100, 189
apache web server process 101, 190
async 42, 118, 122
atq 94-6, 188
atrm 95-6
attributes 55, 101
auth 102, 149, 160-1, 212
file system-auth 161
authentication 111, 160-1, 191, 212
auto 42, 51
autofs 50-1, 174, 197
autofs status 174
automount 6, 50, 52
automount daemons 50, 174

badblocks 6, 49, 174
base 45, 133-4, 153-4, 210
bash 70
bash shell 70-1, 179-80
bashrc 70
batch 93, 96
bi 19, 85
bin/bash 35, 67, 70, 72, 78, 97-9, 180
bin/bash new-user 180
bin/mount 79-80
bin/tcsh 72
bin/true 90
bin/umount 79-80
Block device 57, 85
blocksize 45-6, 173
bo 85
book 3, 5
boot 14-15, 25-9, 41, 51, 91, 165, 167-8
boot configuration 27-8
boot directory 15
boot/grub/grub.conf 25, 28, 168
boot ks 165
boot partition 14-15, 26
boot process 3, 5, 25, 29, 169, 184
normal 29
boot process kernel 169
boot prompt 16, 18
boot system, single 14
boot time 34-5, 42, 87, 142, 169, 172
bootloader 15-16, 25, 27, 41, 164-5
default 25, 164-5
bootloader command 17
broadcast 136-7
browse tab user 66
buffer 86, 91, 187
button 107-8, 120-1, 142, 144-5, 157
bzip2 178

ca 31, 169
cache 105, 112, 114, 192-3
cache directory 112
default 193
cache directory section 9, 112
cache files 60
cache manager 10, 114-15, 194
Cache-manager command 194
cache server 105
cache size 112, 193
cachedir 60
case 81, 183
cat 47-8, 173-4
cd 120, 131, 152, 155
cdrom 16-19, 80
CDROM media 52
change 36, 46, 52, 72, 78, 81, 83, 90, 131, 153, 163, 170, 181-3, 186, 192
change directory 131
change root user's password 76
Changing priority of process 8, 90
Changing runlevels 36
chgrunlevel 170
chkconfig 35-8, 99, 150, 169, 171
chkconfig command 170
chkconfig dhcpd 204
chkconfig service-name 37-8, 170
choice 16, 27-8, 34, 123, 168
click 40, 75, 82-3, 87, 121, 123-5, 141, 158
user information 74
clicking 83, 87, 121, 125, 142, 144-5, 157
client computers 118, 138-40, 195, 203
client side information 122
client system 137
clients 3, 99, 104, 113-14, 118, 125-6, 132-3, 139-40, 142, 156, 186, 192-4, 196, 204, 207, 211 [1]
dhcp 142, 204
root user of 118, 196
subnet masks of 156, 211
web 104, 111
Cmnd 79
columns 42-3
comma 157
command 20-4, 36-40, 43-4, 47-8, 54-8, 64-5, 76-81, 84, 86-91, 93-8, 119-20, 127-8, 170-5, 180-90, 195-
200, 202-7 [29]
administrative 8, 41, 79, 151
atq 95, 188
badblocks 49, 174
batch 96, 188
bzip2 178
chgrp 81
chmod 46
chown 81
chown user-name-group-name file-name 183
df 77, 181
dmesg 187
exportfs 119, 196
fdisk 172
filename time-specification 95
following 46, 52, 67, 72, 153
free 183
fsck 48-9
groupadd 73
groupdel 73
groupmod 73
insmod 89, 185
install 64
ldapsearch 135, 202
lsmod 185
lvdisplay 57
lvremove 57
mdadm 53-4
mke2fs 173
mkfs 44
mkswap 46
modinfo 88
modprobe 89-90, 186
network 17
nfsstat 122, 197
ps 8, 90
purpose 53, 90
pvcreate 54
renice 90-1, 186
rmmod 89
sbin/visudo 81
sudo 182
swap 46
swapon 47
top 84, 184
uptime 85
useradd 66-7, 71
userdel 72
usermod 72, 180
visudo 182
vmstat 85, 183
whois 206
ġŭť Ţ ű ť Ŧ ŭŵ Ŧ ġġġIJ Ĵ Ķ
ġŭť Ţ ű Ů Ű ť Ūŧź ġġġIJ Ĵ Ķ
ypinit 139, 204
yum 60-1, 176
command aliases 79-80
command askmethod 16
command atq 96
command badblocks 49, 174
command badblocks device-name 49
command badblocks searches 49
command bzip2 65, 178
command chkconfig 37, 143
command chkconfig dhcpd 139
command chkconfig dovecot 153
command chkconfig httpd 99
command chown 182
command crontab 98
command dd 173
command dhclient 142
command dmesg 91
command domainname 135, 202, 207
command don
command execute 182
command field 98
command file swap 46
command ifconfig 140
command insmod 90
command kudzu 19
command ldapadd 135
command line 46, 48, 73, 77, 179, 186
command lsmod 88
command lvcreate 56
command mdadm 53
command mkfs.vfat 173
command modprobe 90
command mount 42, 80
command passwd 76, 181
command prompts 76, 96
command ps 90
command pvremove 58
Command Reference 13, 159, 163
command renice 186
command root@localhost 44
command rpm 81, 177
command sequence 148
command service dhcpd start 139
command service dovecot start 153
command service httpd start 99
command service network start 142
command service ypbind start 137
command sets 135
command shutdown 169, 182
command slapd 134, 202
command swapoff 48
command system-config-kickstart 17
command tar xvf 178
command tar xvfz realplay.tar.gz 64
command umount directory-name 43
command uname 185
command useradd 72
command userdel 180
command vgcreate 55
command vgdisplay 55
command vgextend 55
command vgremove 58
command.insmod loads 186
commands gunzip realplay.tar.gz 64
commands mke2fs uses 45
commands tar xvf 178
comment 71-2, 101, 126-8, 160, 169
computers 14-15, 23, 116-18, 122, 131, 135-6, 138-40, 166, 204
remote 131
conf 100, 102, 173, 189-90, 212
conf directory 100
config directory 102
configuration 8-9, 11, 101, 128, 133, 162, 190, 200, 205, 211
httpd server 190
post installation 151
samba 197
server's 190
configuration directives 103
Configuration directives for Apache web server process 190
configuration file cd 148
configuration file restart 116
configuration files 11-12, 27-8, 41, 45, 59-60, 64, 133-5, 140, 147-8, 159-61, 165-6, 176, 186-7, 194-5,
207-8, 212-13 [19]
Configuration GUI 11, 143, 145, 205
configuration information 115, 189
configuration parameters 142, 190
configuration ġġġĴ
configure 14, 17, 19-20, 23, 27, 64-5, 106-7, 109-10, 122-3, 131, 141, 143, 150, 153, 162, 204-5 [5]
configure command configures 65
configure IPSec tunnel 23
configure printers 24
configure samba server 197
configure security level 211
configure system's hostname 23
Configuring Grub 5, 27
Configuring Hardware 5, 19
Configuring NIS 11, 136
Configuring services 36
Configuring Squid 9, 111
Configuring vsftpd 10, 128
connect 118, 128-9, 131, 150, 195
connection 102, 110, 131, 155-6, 192, 211
internet 115, 194-5
conntrack 159
console 29-30, 92
control 27, 104, 112, 161, 169, 212
copy 15, 91, 131, 200-1
core directory 109, 147
cpu 85
CPU usage 84, 184
crashes 40, 52
Creating Kickstart 5, 16
Creating User Account 7, 66
cron facility 93, 97
crontab 97-8, 189
crontab jobs 97-8
CTRL 30, 32, 169
ctrlaltdel 30-2, 169

daemon 78-9, 81, 99, 130, 157
cron 97-9, 189
klogd 93, 187
named 143, 145, 205-6
tcp wrapper 156
daemon Configuration 10, 131, 200
Daemon Configuration 151
daemon process name 194
daemon xinetd 12, 155
data files 46, 174
database 64, 79, 100, 177, 190
database files 147-8, 207
days 68
db 138
db files 12, 147-8, 208
dc 133-4
default installer 14, 164
default operating system 27-8, 168
default parameters 45-6
default runlevel 29-30
default values 66-7, 71-3, 101, 147, 179, 194, 207
defaults 41, 45
deflate/module 89
Deleting user account 7, 72
deref 134
DEREF options 134
desc 19
description 29, 33, 35, 61-2, 123, 125-6, 145-6, 159, 163, 205
desktop 82, 86, 152
dev 18, 41-2
dev/cdrom 43-4, 51-2, 173
dev/fd0 51
dev/md0 53-4, 174
dev/my 57
dev/sda 26, 42-3, 47-8, 77
dev/sda0 53
dev/sda1 53, 174
dev/sda2 53-4, 174
dev/sda4 43
dev/sda5 40, 54-5, 173
dev/sda6 172
dev/vol 175
device 19, 41-2, 44, 46, 49, 52-4, 141, 166, 173-5
multiple 52
physical 53
device listing 141
device name 42
device-name 48-9, 175
filesystem-type 44, 48
devpts 41, 43
df 77, 96-7, 181
dhcp 139, 142
DHCP client 11, 140
dhcp server 139-42, 204
DHCP server 11, 139-40, 204
difference 42, 153, 167, 177-8
digits 35, 169
dir 17, 45, 153-4, 210
DIR 67-8, 179
directory 15, 34-6, 40-1, 59-60, 99-104, 117-21, 125-6, 131, 133-4, 149-52, 160, 171, 175-7, 188-91, 196-
7, 209-12 [25]
base 153, 210
current 131, 161, 200
etc/alternatives 152
etc/httpd 189
schema 134
target 173
var/lib/alternatives 152
var/named 145, 206
var/nis 203
var/yp 203
directory entry 117, 134
directory files 117
directory information 134
directory list 132
directory listing 121
directory name 17, 117
directory-name host-name 117
directory option 132
directory path 17, 210
directory realplay 64-5
directory realplay.tar 65
directory tree 101, 190
directory user 70
directory yum 175
disk 85, 105, 118, 127, 171
disk druid 164-5
display 57, 77, 90, 124, 181
display server side information 122
display server side NFS information 197
dmesg 91, 187
DNS server 11, 139, 143-6, 205
dns server information 141
DNS server information 142
DNS service 143
DocumentRoot 103, 106, 190-1
domain 106, 127, 143
domain example.com 117-18, 156
domain name mapping 147, 207
Domain Name Service 138
Domain Name System 111, 143, 191
domain names 146-7, 151, 196, 206-8
domain NISDOMAIN 136
domain ServerName 106
domainname domain-name-of-system 135

dovecot 12, 153-4
dovecot configuration 210
down list 144-5
drivers 19, 80, 87-8
drm 88-9
DSO (Dynamic Shared Object) 102
dual boot system 14
dumb.db 145, 206
DVD 14-15
DVD drive 14
DVD media 14-15
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 139
Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) 102

edit 39, 59, 83, 108, 120-1, 123, 144, 182
editing 27-8, 58, 134, 144-5, 179
email address, web master 107, 109
ENAB 69-70
entry 15, 20, 29, 37, 50-1, 71-3, 114, 117-18, 126, 135, 138, 149, 169, 173, 175, 201-3 [2]
valid 136, 138, 196, 199
entry initdefault 29
entry mta-sendmail 152
environment 96, 99, 188
customize user's shell 70
EOT 95-6
error 49, 101, 104, 150, 183, 185-7, 190-1, 208
error Answer 170
error messages 91, 154
etc/alternatives 209
etc/at.allow 94, 187-8
etc/at.deny 93-4, 188
etc/at.deny command lists 93, 188
etc/auto.misc 50-1
etc/bashrc 71
etc/cron.daily 98-9
etc/demo 190
etc/dhcpd.conf 140, 204
etc/exports 117, 196
etc/exports file 118-20, 195-6
etc/fstab 42, 171-2
etc/ftab 171-2
etc/gshadow 73
etc/hosts 137, 211
etc/hosts.allow 12, 156, 211
etc/hosts.deny 12, 156, 211
etc/httpd 100-1, 189
etc/httpd/conf 101-2, 189-90
etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf 189-90
etc/init 116, 143, 147-8, 174, 195, 205
etc/inittab 29
etc/login.defs 67, 179
etc/mail 11, 147-8, 208
etc/mail/local-host-name 147, 207
etc/mail/sendmail.cf 147, 207
etc/mail/sendmail.mc 147, 207
etc/modprobe 90, 186
etc/modprobe.conf 90, 166, 186
etc/mstab 172
etc/mtab 6, 42, 171-2
etc/named.conf 145, 205
etc/nsswitch.conf 137, 203
etc/openldap/ldap.conf 134-5, 200-2
etc/openldap/openldap.conf 200-1
etc/pam 13, 160, 212
etc/pam.conf 160, 212
etc/passwd 71, 78, 180-1, 203
etc/postfix/main.cf 151, 208
etc/postfix/master.cf 151, 208-9
etc/postfix/permission-files 209
etc/postfix/permit-files 209
etc/postfix/postfix-files 151, 209
etc/profile 71
etc/rc 31-2, 34-6, 50, 52, 169, 171, 174
etc/samba directory 126
etc/service/alternatives 209
etc/services/alternatives 209
etc/skel 67, 70, 72, 179
etc/skel directory 70, 179
etc/squid/squid.conf 111, 191-4
etc/sudoers 80-1
etc/sysconfig/hwconf 19-20, 166
etc/sysconfig/ipchains 211
etc/sysconfig/iptables 159, 211
etc/sysconfig/iptables-config 159, 212
etc/sysconfig/selinux 162, 213
etc/sysconfig/squid 115, 194
etc/sysconfig/syslog 187
etc/sysconfig/syslog.conf 187
etc/syslog 187
etc/syslog.conf 92, 187
etc/vsftpd/ftpusers 130
etc/vsftpd/user 129-30, 132, 199
etc/X11 32-3, 166
etc/xinetd 155, 210-11
etc/yp.conf 136
etc/yum.conf 59-60, 176
Ethernet device panel 141
Ethernet interface 17, 140, 142
exam 3
exam topics 3
example.com 105, 117-19, 122, 156
exec 42
execution, yum commands 176
exit codes 49
expire 60, 67, 72
Explanation 164-213
export 119, 196
exported directory 122, 197
exportfs 119, 196
ext2 44-5, 48, 51
ext3 41, 44, 48
filesystem types 42
ext3 filesystem type 52
ext3 filesystems 40, 44-5, 173
ext3 rw 42-3

facility 187-8
failure 54, 161, 176
father 27, 29, 169, 184
fc7 26, 63, 87-8, 91, 127
fdisk 172-3
Fedora Core Linux 14
field 98, 139
fourth 42, 98, 172
file group 81, 182-3
file modules.networking 88
file names 67, 87, 93, 95, 132, 138, 185, 203
file owner 81, 182-3
file permissions 46, 183
file swap 47-8
file system 42, 49
virtual 41
file system errors 49
file systems, multiple 49
filename 47-8, 88, 185
filename access.db 148, 208
files 29-30, 34-6, 46-8, 78-81, 92-9, 101-4, 115-18, 129-34, 137-40, 145-7, 149-52, 155-64, 171-6, 178-
90, 198-201, 203-13 [20]
access.db 207
apache web server configuration 190
authpriv 92
bash 179
bashrc 70-1, 179
boot/grub/grub.conf 15
bz2 178
cached 105
change 163
component support component 102
configu-ration 92
crontab 97, 188-9
dhcp server configuration 204
domain name mapping 147
dovecot configuration 210
download 128
dump 145, 206
entry 117
etc/at.allow 93
etc/auto.master 50
etc/auto.misc 51
etc/bashrc 179
etc/cron.allow 97
etc/cron.deny 97
etc/crontab 98, 189
etc/dovecot.conf 153
etc/export 119
etc/fstab 6, 41, 43, 48, 172
etc/group 71, 81
etc/hosts.allow 156, 211
etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf 101, 190
etc/inittab 5, 29-30, 169
etc/login.defs 67
etc/mail/access 147, 150, 207
etc/mke2fs 45
etc/mtab 42
etc/named.conf 145, 206
etc/nsswitch 137
etc/nsswitch.conf 138
etc/openldap/ldap.conf 134, 202
etc/pam.conf 212
etc/passwd 72
etc/postfix/access 151, 209
etc/postfix/postfix-scripts 151
etc/profile 71
etc/rpmrc configuration 64, 176
etc/samba/smb.conf configuration 126
etc/samba/smbusers 126-7, 198
etc/shadow 71
etc/squid/squid.conf 193
etc/sudoers 8, 79-80, 182
etc/sysconfig/iptables-config 159
etc/syslog.conf 92
etc/yp.conf 136
etc/yum.conf 176
executable 42, 156
execute user-namex201fs 182
exported 122, 197
file master.pid 154
file-name.cron 97
ftp server configuration 199
global configuration 64, 176
gpg key 61
htaccess 104
htpasswd 104
httpd.pid 101
important 11-12, 145-6, 149
index.html 103, 191
initrd 15
inittab 29
ldif 135
library 101
list 130, 132, 199
load config 102
local 138
main.cf 151, 208
modules.dep 89
multiple 131
named daemon configuration 145
pid 109
postfix daemon configuration 208
proc/kmsg 93
rmtab 122, 197
samba configuration 10, 126
samba user 198
sample 35, 96
sample auto.master 50
sample configuration 60
sample etab 122
sample ldap.conf 133
sample modprobe.conf 90
sample vsftpd.conf 128
script 151
sharing 122, 128
single 153
special 92
squid configuration 111, 192
squid daemon configuration 115, 194
squid server configuration 193
standard logging 132
sub-component configuration 101
swap 46-8
tar 178
tar.bz2 178
tar.gz 178
temporary 60
using 95, 204
var/log/secure 93
var/log/xferlog 130, 200
var/yp/securenets 138, 203
ġŏŦ ŵ Ÿ Ű ų Ŭ ġġġĴ
ypbind configuration 136
yum configuration 65
zip 178
zone 145, 206
files he/she 103, 191
files nisplus nis shadow 138
files passwd 138
files S10network 35
files xtab 122, 197
Filesystem Administration 6
Filesystem Information 6, 40
filesystem mount command 43
filesystem option 77
filesystem type 42, 48, 53, 172
filesystem-type device-path-name directory-name 43
filesystems 6, 34, 40-4, 46, 48-50, 52, 77, 80, 83, 165-7, 171-2, 181-2
basic 29
df 77
mounted 77, 122
proc 41, 171
pseudo 167
single 52
vfat 173
filesystems tab 83
finger 156
firewall 3, 14, 16-17, 157, 159
firewall command sets 17
firewall rules 159
floppy 45-6, 51
following commands cd 148, 208
format 10, 19, 29, 35, 47-8, 50-1, 53-7, 60-1, 71-3, 76-8, 81, 89-91, 117, 138-9, 146, 184-5 [17]
tar.bz2 64-5
value 134
Fri 94-6
fs 45-6
fsck 48-9, 174
fstype 51
ftp 18, 129-30, 159, 199-200
FTP 3, 17-18, 41, 111
ftp command 200
ftp command prompt 10, 130, 200
ftp server 129-30, 132, 199-200
FTP server 128
ftp service 199

GB 56
gid 41, 43, 69, 96, 118, 196
Global Environment Configuration 9, 101
gpgcheck 60-1
gpgkeys 61, 176
graphical tools 33
graphical utility 5, 16-17, 20, 58-9, 65, 180, 190, 196, 200, 204-5, 211, 213
group 8, 67, 72-3, 79-82, 91, 109, 138, 181-3
logical 56
new 7, 71, 73
group accounts 66, 82
Group Administration 7, 73
group administration ġŔ ź Ŵ ŵ Ŧ Ů ġŢ ť Ů Ūů ŪŴ ŵ ų Ţ ŵ ŪŰ ů ġŵ Ű Ű ŭŴ ġġġĴ
group apache 102-3
group demo 182
group ids 78
group information 73-4, 180
group-name 72, 103
group sys root 81
groupadd 68, 73
grp 55-7, 59, 175
grub 5, 15, 25, 27-8, 164-5, 168
grub configuration file 5, 25-6, 168
grub menu 15, 25, 27-8
gunzip 178

halt 30, 33, 78, 130, 169
hard disk 14-16, 27, 42, 53-4, 59, 168, 172
hard-disk-device name 53
hard-disk-device-name 53-4
hard-disk-partition 55
vgcreate volume-group-name 55
vgextend volume-group-name 55
hard disk partitions 42, 44, 47
hardware 19-20, 34, 87, 166
Hardware Configuration 5
hardware drivers 87, 89
hd0 15, 26-7, 164, 168
he/she 144, 161, 172, 192, 201-2
sendmail commands 148
hierarchy 40, 112
home 41, 50, 67, 69-70, 72, 77, 98, 165, 171, 181
home/demo 173, 190-1
home directory 46, 64, 67, 69, 72, 126-7, 176, 179-81
his/her 180
home directory name 72
home-directory-name 72
home directory of user 179
home directory path 71
home/jack 181
home/movies 43-4
home/swap 47
home/user 70-1, 77, 118-19, 122, 126, 180-1, 196
home/vishnu 118-22
home/vishnu directory 119-20
host 19, 23, 146, 195-6, 206
virtual 107-8
host names 117, 143
hostname 10, 34, 71, 115, 117, 131, 146, 151, 192, 196, 206, 208
htaccess 103-4
HTTPD Configuration Answer 190
httpd server 103, 189, 191
HTTPD Server Configuration 190
httpd service 99, 170

id 19, 29, 31, 86, 97
grp System 55
IfModule mod 104-5
imap 153-4
include 50, 134, 137-8, 160-1, 201, 203, 212
system-auth password 160
inconsistencies 118
closed db 64
opening db 63
info 92, 104, 154
infomod modulename 185
information he/she 83, 201
information server 103
init 29-30, 32, 35, 50, 52, 168, 170-1, 174, 184
init process 27, 29, 36, 169, 184
INIT process 30
initdefault 29, 31-4
initialize 54
Initializing System 6, 34
initrd 15, 26-7
inode 45-6
Inserting module 8, 89
install 14, 16, 59, 61-2, 65, 81, 89-90, 160, 163-4, 176-8, 212
install server 15
installation 5, 14-17, 52-3, 60, 65-6, 77, 79, 164, 167
Installation and Hardware Configuration 5
installation files 15
installation process 14-16, 18, 164, 167
interface, procfs-based 122
ip, ns 159
ip address 131, 134, 139-40, 142-3, 145-6, 193, 196, 204-6
list of 156, 211
IPC 127
IPC Service 127
ipt 88
iptables 158-9, 212
iptables modules 159, 212
iso9660 51

jack 81, 94, 151, 181, 186, 188, 198-9
jill 188
jobs 87, 93-7, 161, 188
john 179, 199
journaling feature 40, 52

KB 56
kde 70
kernel 8, 15, 26-7, 29, 87-91, 93, 160, 168, 185-7, 212
kernel/crypto/module 89
Kernel Information 8, 90
kernel/lib/zlib 89
kernel messages 92-3, 187
kernel Modules 8, 87, 185
Kernel Services and Configuration 8
kernel subdirectory 88
keyboard 16, 30, 128, 166, 169
keyboard layout 14, 17, 20-1
keys 30, 32, 50-1, 169
gpg 60
Kickstart 18
kickstart configurator 17
kickstart file 5, 16, 18, 164, 167
kickstart-file/install/linux.com 164-5
Kickstart ġŖŴ Ŧ ų ġġġĴ
Kill Process 83
klogd 92-3
ko 89
ks 18
kudzu 19-20, 165

LABEL 26, 41
languages system 14
largefile 46
lastrunlevel 170
ldap 11, 133-5, 201-2
LDAP Data Interchange Format 134, 201
ldap directory 135, 202
ldap directory information 201
ldap server 134-5, 201
ldap service service ldap start 135
ldap.conf 133
ldapsearch 202
ldif 134, 201
LEN 68
letter 36
level 29, 34-8, 53, 80, 91, 149-50, 169-71, 174, 176
level directories 35
level rpm configuration file 177
lib/modules 87-90
lib/modules/uname 89
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol 133
LILO 165
line, following 104-5, 160, 199
links, symbolic 35, 100-3
Linux 15, 25, 52, 66, 78, 84, 87, 168
linux file system structure 165
linux filesystem 48
list 38, 87, 94-5, 97-8, 120, 126, 129, 131-2, 138, 140, 143, 152, 170-1, 185, 188, 199 [5]
list of commands 44, 48
list of users 129, 199
list root 129
list service-name 38
list status 38
listing 19, 25, 47, 66, 83, 88, 95-6, 171-2
load average 84-5, 96, 183-4
LoadModule auth 102
local system 131, 200
local system mget 131
local system mkdir 131
localdomain 135-6
localhost 99, 103, 114-15, 127-8, 148, 150, 191
entry domain Localdomain server 137
location 16, 50-1, 60-1, 103, 109, 146-7, 151, 153-4, 164, 207-8
locks 122
log 78, 92-3, 100, 104, 106, 128, 154, 187
Log Configuration Answer 184
Log File and Cache directory section 9, 112
log files 12, 41, 60, 87, 101, 132, 147, 149, 152-4, 176, 190, 207
default 164
log information 8, 60, 86-7, 149, 152, 164, 191, 209
logging 92, 129, 132, 151, 161, 208
logical volume 7, 56-9, 175
Logical Volume Group 6-7, 54, 56
Logical volume group support 54
login 33, 70, 78-9, 85, 128-30, 132, 196, 199
anonymous user 129
initial 179
LogLevel 104, 191
logout 70
logs directory 100
lp 78-9, 130
lrwxrwxrwx 100
ls 46-7, 60, 70, 87, 94, 97-8, 100, 112, 131, 133, 152
lsmod modulename 185
lvcreate 56
lvremove 57-8

mac 187-8
mail 12, 67-8, 72, 78-9, 92, 94, 99, 114, 130, 147, 149-50, 152-5, 179, 207-10
incoming 151-2
mail processes 155, 210
mail root 96
mail server 146-7, 150, 152, 207
default 152
mail server request 150, 208
mail server sendmal 207
mail services 11, 152, 209
mail transfer agent 146, 150
Mail Transport Agent Switcher 152
mail transport agent work 153
Mail User Agent 146
mailbox 12, 67, 70, 151, 153, 179, 208
main configuration file 100-1, 111, 126, 128, 133, 136, 147, 150-1, 153, 190-2, 198-202, 205, 207-10
Makefile 138, 203
manager, default partition 164-5
maps 91, 135, 196
automounter 50-1
master 50
Master Boot Record (MBR) 14, 25, 164
matt 180
max 154-5, 210
MAX 68-9
maximum number of mail processes 155, 210
Maximum number of running mail processes 154
MB 46, 56, 112, 166, 173
mbr 16, 164
MBR (Master Boot Record) 14, 25, 164
MD5 69-70
mdadm 53-4, 174-5
mdadm device-name 175
mdadm raid-device-name 53-4, 175
mem 112, 192-3
members 69, 80, 182
memory 85, 166, 183-4
messages 91, 93, 104, 150, 187, 208
outgoing 149
Min/max values 68
minutes 30-1, 33
misc 50-1
mke2fs 44, 46
mkfs 44-5, 173-4
mnt/cdrom 80
mnt/win 120, 172
mnt/win directory 120
modes 20, 41-3, 49, 63, 165
graphics 33
multiuser 31, 33, 169
safe probe 20, 165
Modifying group information 7, 73
Modifying user account 7, 72
modinfo 88, 185-6
modinfo modulename 185
modprobe 186
modprobe modulename 185
modsecurity directory 101
module modules/mod 102
module name 90
module-name 90
modules 87-90, 100, 102, 111, 159, 161, 166, 185-6, 191, 212
authorization 100, 190
command modprobe 89
driver 89, 185
loaded 88, 185
remove.list selinux policy 163
system-auth 161
modules directory 101
Modules Loaded 8, 88
modules module 89-90
modules.networking modules.symbols 87
modules.usbmap kernel modules.inputmap 88
monitor 17, 21, 53, 156, 166
package package-name.system 178
monitor type 21
Monitoring System performance 8, 82
mount 27, 42-3, 50, 52, 80, 119-20, 168, 172-3, 182
mount command 42-3, 50, 80, 119, 172, 197
mount-options-separated-by-comma 50-1
mount point 40, 42, 50, 53, 172
mounted directory 44
mounting 6, 29, 42-3, 50
Multiuser 31, 169
Multiuser mode booting 169
Mysql 100, 102, 190

name 35, 41, 53, 61, 88, 93, 97, 103, 114, 117, 126, 128-9, 131, 187-9, 193, 198-9 [3]
Naming convention of files 35
nat 88
NAT filtering 159, 212
neat 22, 140, 166, 204
net 50, 120
netbios 159
netmask 139, 193
network 16-18, 35-6, 117, 119, 122, 133, 138-40, 142, 147, 155, 166, 196, 204, 207
network access 135
Network Configuration 140, 166
network devices 14, 22-3, 88, 166
network information 184
Network Information Service 135
network options 9, 111, 132
network port 163
network security 12, 155
network usage information 184
networking 31, 79-80
NFS 3, 17-18, 31, 116, 120, 197
NFS Configuration 196
NFS daemon 119, 121
NFS directory 10, 119-20, 197
NFS server 15, 122, 197
NFS Server Administration Answer 196
NFS Server Configuration 10, 120, 196
NFS server configuration utility 120, 197
NFS server root user 196
NFS service 116, 119, 195-6
nfsstat 122, 197
nis 135, 137-8, 203
files nisplus 138
NIS database 11, 139, 203
NIS domain name 11, 135-7, 202
NIS group 117, 195
NIS server 11, 136-9, 202-3
NIS server information 138, 203
NIS server name 137
NIS version 138
nisdomainname 135-6, 202
nisdomainname domain-name-of-system ypdomainname domain-name-of-system 135
noauto option 172
nocrossmnt 122
nodaemon 32-3
nodev 51
nosuid 51
notauto option 172
nouser 42
ntfs 45, 48
number 29, 53, 61-2, 68, 85, 94, 101, 104, 114, 117, 135, 173, 184, 196, 201-2, 204

objects 112-13, 144-5, 192-3
hot 112, 192-3
transit 112, 192-3
operation 50, 118, 174, 197
option url 17
options format 10, 118
order 35-6, 48, 104-5, 169
organizations 116, 143
OS 127
output 46, 63, 87-8, 91, 94, 96, 119, 122, 134, 170, 184, 187, 201
overridden 46, 69, 71, 179
owner 81, 96, 182-3

Package management and Kickstart 3
Package Manager 7, 65, 178
package name 61
package-name 62, 177
yum install 61, 177
package-name queries 178
package-name.yum install 178
package package-name 177
package processing 63
packages 3, 14, 59-62, 64-6, 176-8
gpgkeys of 176
installed 62, 66, 177
software 14, 59, 62-4
ġōŪů Ŷ Ź ġŧŪŭŦ Ŵ ź Ŵ ŵ Ŧ Ů ġŢ ť Ů Ūů istration xf0b7 3
pam 129, 161, 212
configuring 160
PAM configuration file 212
PAM modules 161-2, 212
panel 53, 66, 74, 107-9, 121, 123-5, 144-5, 157
partition 14, 17, 27, 40, 47-8, 52-4, 165, 168, 171-3
dev/sda6 40, 172
disk 40, 43, 171
filesystem-type source 172
pass 3, 5, 157
passwd 138, 161, 180-1
passwd user-name 76
passwd command id 181
password 15, 28-9, 68, 71, 76, 78, 80, 124, 127, 160-1, 181-2, 212
password of user 76, 180
path 18, 71, 98, 126, 145, 154
performance 110, 118, 166
ġŎŰ ů Ūŵ Ű ų Ūů Ũ ġŴ ź Ŵ ŵ Ŧ Ů ġġġĹ ij
Perl 100, 102, 190
permission mask 69
PHP 100, 102, 190
physical volume 7, 54-5, 58, 175
pid 29, 52, 84, 86, 93, 97, 142, 145, 154, 168-9, 183-7, 189, 193
pipe 94
Pluggable Authentication Module 93, 129
pop3 153-4
port 16, 102, 107, 111-12, 114-15, 118, 121, 129, 132, 134, 139, 148, 154-8, 191-2, 195, 203
port number 102, 121, 155, 211
port panel 158
postfix 12, 146, 150-3, 209
list postfix service 150
postfix mail server 151
postfix server 150-3, 208-9
postfix server log information 209
power 30-2
power failure 30, 32-3, 52
Power Restored 32-3
powerfail 30, 32-3
powerfail action 30, 33
powerokwait 30, 32-3
prefdm 32-3
prevrunlevel 170
printers 23-4, 122
Prints 63
priority 36, 47-8, 83-4, 90, 186
privilege 78-81, 182-3
probing 20
problem 103, 170, 174
proc 41-2, 85, 167, 171
proc/modules 185
proc/swaps 47-8, 173
proc/uptime 184
Process and Kernel Information 8, 90
process id 91, 93, 142, 204
process identification number 29, 84, 184
process pid 90, 184
process PID 41
process priority 91, 186
processes 8, 27, 29-30, 32-4, 36, 41, 80, 83-6, 90-1, 154-5, 161, 167-9, 171, 183-6, 194, 210
active 83
concurrent 201
postfix daemon 151, 209
proxy 114, 194
running 90
total number of 84, 184
zombie 84, 184
processes tab 83
profile 70
program dnsserver 111, 191
programs 35, 156, 191
prompt 30, 94-5, 182
properties 59, 108-9, 120, 144
properties button 74, 121, 144, 146
protocols 101, 122, 153-4, 158
proxy 104-5
ps 20, 95
pts 85
Python 100, 102, 190

QMAIL 67-8
queries 62, 64, 136, 146

raid 174-5
raid array 53
raid device name 53
raid-device-name 53-4, 175
raid-device-name device-name 175
raid devices 53-4, 174-5
RAID devices 52-3
raid devices information 53
RAID disks 6, 52
raid level information 53
raid options panel 53
ram 192-3
RAM memory 84, 112, 184, 192-3
ratio 45-6
rc 31-2, 169, 171
rc1 34, 36
rc5 32, 35-6, 169
rc.sysinit 31-2
read/write 55, 57
reconfigure 116, 195
Red Hat 14-15, 58-9, 62, 69, 91, 143, 164, 168
Red Hat Certified Engineer 3, 5
Red Hat Certified Engineer Exam 3, 5
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 14, 164
Red Hat Linux 14, 16, 23, 25, 28, 53-4, 77, 165, 168, 172
relay 147, 150, 207-8
RELAY 150, 208
remote system mput 131
remote system rename 131
remove 7, 53-4, 57-8, 62, 69, 89-90, 175, 186
remove user groups 69
Removing module 8, 89
respawn 29, 32-3
restart 40, 120, 142, 159, 195
service nfs 119
service sqd 195
service squidd 195
restarting 119, 196
RH 3, 5
RH systems 69
RHCE 3, 5
ro 51, 118, 122
root 15, 26-7, 78, 80-1, 85, 93-8, 118, 122, 165, 167, 181-2, 194
root/anaconda-ks.cfg 16, 164, 167
root directory 105, 169
document 109
root/install-log.info 164
root/install.log 164
root password 14, 17, 182
root privilege 182
root root 47, 70, 100, 133
root run-parts 98-9
root user 42, 66, 77-9, 93-4, 97, 99, 114, 118, 180-3, 188
maps 196
maps client 196
privilege of 78, 182
root user's password 76, 78
root@localhost 17, 28, 36-9, 43-4, 46, 52, 54, 58, 60, 67, 70-3, 77, 85-8, 94-9, 135-6, 140 [8]
root@localhost alternatives 153
root@localhost cron 98
root@localhost dev 55-7
root@localhost home 47-8
root@localhost mail 148, 152
root@localhost nfs 119-20, 122
root@localhost postfix 150-1
root@localhost pub 20-4
root@localhost squid 112, 116
rootnoverify 26-7, 168
rootnoverify option 168
rpm 7, 59, 62-3, 177-8
rpm command 62-3
valid 177
rpm command uses 64, 176-7
rpm configuration file 176
user level 64
rpm format 59, 62
rpm package information 177
storing 64, 177
rules 112, 159-60, 212
iptable 158-9
runlevel 6, 29-30, 32-9, 82, 99, 150, 169-71
previous 36, 170
standard 32
runlevel command 170
runlevel directories 35-7
runlevel field 29-30
runlevel scripts 169, 171
runlevel service-name 170
runlevel values 29
running mail processes 154, 210
rw 42, 118, 122

Samba 3, 127
Samba Server Configuration 10, 122, 197
samba server status information 198
samba users 123-6, 198
list of 127, 198
sample 30, 41-2, 45, 50-1, 67, 70, 78-9, 92, 98, 118, 136-7, 159
sample format 94, 115
sample questions 3
sbin 41, 78-9, 98
sbin directory 80
sbin/fdisk 79-80
sbin/nologin 78-9
sbin/service 79
sbin/sfdisk 79-80
sbin/shutdown 31-3, 80, 169
schedule 31, 93-4, 96-7
scheduled jobs 94-6, 188
schema 133, 201
schema files 133-4, 201
default ldap 202
scripts 29, 34-6, 99, 169, 171
search 60, 65-6, 134-5, 138, 146, 201-2, 206
search request 134, 201
search tab user 66
seconds 27-8, 32, 101, 134, 168, 201
section 9, 105, 112-13
global environment configuration 101
security 17, 93, 101, 139, 157, 203
security Configuration 211
security level 117, 157, 159, 211
Security Level Configuration 12, 157, 159, 211
security Level Configurations 211
selinux 17, 163-4
SELinux 3, 13, 162-3, 195, 213
SELinux administration 13, 162, 213
SELinux configuration file 162, 213
SELinux configurations 213
SELinux manager Answer 213
SELinux policies 162, 164, 213
SELinux user identities 163
Selinuxtype 163
sender 150, 208
sendmail 11, 146-50, 152-3, 207-9
mail server 147
sendmail log information 149
sendmail restart 148
sendmail server 12, 147-8, 150, 152-3, 207-9
default 153
sendmail server type 146
sendmail uses 147, 207
server 3, 12, 15, 33, 101-4, 114-16, 118, 127, 134-5, 137, 139-40, 144-5, 148-50, 190, 204-5, 207-8 [6]
demo sama 127-8
high performance proxy caching 111
proxy 104-5
samba 10, 122, 126, 128, 198
web 9, 15, 41, 99, 103, 191
Server Configuration 9, 106, 190, 205
Server Configuration Answer 205
server HOSTNAME 136-7
server information 101
server mirrorlist 61
server name 107, 134
server-name/cgi-bin/cachemgr.cgi 194
server root names 101
server section 9, 103
server system 135
single web 106
ServerAdmin root@localhost 103
servername 17
ServerName 106
ServerName dummy-host.example.com 106
ServerRoot 101, 190
service daemons 157
service ftp start 199
service ftpd start 199
service httpd 38-9, 170-1, 189
service httpd start 38, 99, 170-1, 189
service httpd stop 39
service management apps 80
service-name 170
service nfd start 195
service nfs start 116, 195
service nfsd 195
service nfsd start 195
service passwd 161
service postfix start 153
service S10network 35
service samba start 198
service sendmail start 146
service service-name 37-9, 170
service service-name start 38
service service-name stop 39
service smb start 127, 198
service smbd start 198
service vsftpd start 128, 199
service yp start 202
service ypserv start 203
terminal 137
service ypserver start 202
serviceconf 39, 171
services 10, 34-41, 79-80, 99, 127, 129, 139, 143, 145, 152-3, 155-6, 160-1, 169-71, 189, 205, 210-12
alternatives 152
autofs 50, 120
default 152, 209
dhcpd 139
dovecot 153-4, 210
managing 82
net-work 35
network 33, 36
new 37
samba 127, 198
sharing 3
trusted 157
xinetd 156, 211
ypbind 137
services Answer 210
session 160-1, 182, 212
set 14, 17, 21, 25, 27, 30, 32, 101, 103-4, 129-30, 132, 134-5, 154, 156-7, 199, 201-2 [20]
set initdefault 30-1
share 121, 125-7, 198
samba 123, 125, 128
shared directories 120, 126, 128
shell 67, 70-2, 98-9, 182
shell script 34, 151, 169
shutdown 30-3, 52, 78, 80, 115, 130, 182
Shutdown Canceled 32-3
Shutting 119, 153
signal 185
Single user mode 31, 33
size, subdirectory 181
size of files 76, 181
SIZELIMIT 133-4, 201
Smaba configuration Answer 197
Smaba Server configuration 197
socket 111, 192
software 64, 79-82, 175
software configuration 33
software repositories 59, 61, 65, 176
source code 64-5
source filesystem 173
space 53, 56, 76, 181
amount of 77, 181
total 56
squash 118, 122, 196
squid 3, 111-12, 114-16, 191-2, 194-5
server program 111, 191
squid daemon 10, 115-16, 194-5
squid log files 112
squid reconfigure 195
squid restart 116, 195
squid server 9, 111, 191-4
squid start 116
squid user 114
squiduser 194
start 17, 28, 35-40, 82, 91, 99, 116, 127-8, 130, 134-5, 137, 143, 153, 189, 198-9, 205 [10]
Start Process 83
start squid 115
Starting Apache 9, 99
Starting Dovecot 12, 153
Starting httpd 39, 99
Starting init 5, 29
Starting Named 11, 143
Starting NFS daemon 116, 119
Starting NFS mountd 116, 119
Starting NFS quotas 116, 119
Starting NFS services 10, 116, 119
Starting NIS server 11, 137
Starting postfix, service postfix start 151
Starting postfix server 12, 150
Starting Samba 10, 127
Starting Services 34
Starting squid 116
Starting vsftd 10, 128
Starting ypbind service 11, 137
startup 20, 97
kernel NFS client 122
kernel NFS server 122
virtual memory 85, 183
status 37-8, 139, 143, 170-1, 174, 176
stop 35-7, 39-40, 132, 148, 153
network service 36
service sendmail 153
storage 60, 79-80
subdirectories 40, 181
subfolders 76, 181
subtree 122
success 161
suid 42
Sun Microsystems 135
swap 41-2, 45-7, 85-6, 165
swap area 46-8
swap filesystem 173
swap partition 14, 165, 173
swap space 6, 34, 47, 166
swpd 85
sync 78, 118, 122, 130
synchronize system's clock 25
syntax 145, 206
sys 41, 80-1, 167
sysfs 41-2
sysinit 29-32
syslogd 9, 92, 187
system 25-6, 29-30, 33-4, 46-7, 49-50, 61-2, 64-6, 77-80, 82-6, 127-8, 135-8, 166-70, 172-4, 176-7, 183-
6, 196-8 [21]
system administration 7, 82, 184
system administrator 180-1, 183, 187-8, 196
system administrator execute 180
system-auth 160-1
system boots 30, 42, 50, 155
system clock 34
system-config-bind 143, 205
system-config-boot 28
system-config-date 24, 167
system-config-display 21
system-config-ftp 200
system-config-ftpd 200
system-config-httpd 106, 190
system-config-https 190
system-config-keyboard 20
system-config-kickstart 17
system-config-level 211
System-config-logman 175
System-config-lv 175
system-config-lvm 58, 175
system-config-manage 178
system-config-name 205
system-config-neat 166
system-config-net 166
system-config-network 22, 140, 166, 204
system-config-nfs 120, 197
System-config-nfsd 197
system-config-packages 65, 178
system-config-printer 23
system-config-samba 122, 197
system-config-sambad 197
system-config-securelevel 211
system-config-security 211
system-config-securitylevel 157
system-config-selinux 162, 213
system-config-SElinux 213
system-config-SELinux 213
system-config-services 39, 155, 171
system-config-smb 197
system-config-soundcard 21
system-config-time 24, 167
system-config-users 73, 181
system-config-usr 181
System-config-vsftp 200
system-config-vsftpd 131
system crontab file 98, 189
system information.uname 185
system initialization 31
System Log 86
system log information 184
System Log Manager 184
system log viewer 86, 184
system logging 92, 187
System Monitor 82, 184
system reboots 32, 169
system users 132
system users behavior 132
SystemManager 184

tab 21, 23, 107, 109, 141, 144
basic 123, 125
samba user 124
tab user 132
server control 132
tar xvf 178
tcpd 156, 211
Te user 78
telinit 36, 170
telnet 156
text editors 16, 27-8, 97
time 19, 24-5, 44, 70, 84-5, 93-4, 99, 101, 115, 121, 135, 161, 169, 183
time-specification 94-5
TIMELIMIT 133-4, 201
timeout 26, 101-2, 115, 168
timezone 16-17
tmpfs 41-3
topics 3, 149
type 17, 45, 47-8, 52, 91, 127, 148, 160-1, 163
processor 185
running Linux system 42

uid 68, 118, 196
umount 44
uname 87, 185
uncomment 81, 104-5, 115, 128
uncompress 64, 178
xvf 178
unconfigures 20
uninitialized entries 59
Unix 127
Unix user name 198
UNIX user name 124, 127
Unix username 198
unmount 43-4, 80
unmounting 6, 43-4
update option 167
updates 20, 59, 61, 65-6, 161, 176-7
upgrade 14, 16-17, 62, 167, 177
upgrade option 17, 167
upload 128-9, 132, 158
UPS 31-2
uptime command uses 184
URI 133-4
url 17, 112
usage 49, 61-2
Use NIS 138
user 14-18, 27-30, 66-7, 69-71, 78-80, 83-7, 93-5, 102-4, 124-30, 139-42, 150-1, 157-8, 174-7, 179-91,
198-201, 206-9 [31]
administrative 78, 129-30, 132, 180
anonymous 128, 132, 196
ban 132
bin/bash 71
bin/csh 71
common 40
configuration file 134
effective 114
etc/passwd filesystem 71
ldap directories 134, 201
local 128-9, 132, 199
menu option 83
modifying 82
multi 66
new 66-7, 71, 75, 154, 180
normal 80
password 29
trusted 147
useradd 70
userdel 180
valid 126
ġġġij IJ
user accesses 161, 197
user account apache 103
user account john 179
user accounts 66-7, 71-2, 78-9, 179
administrative 114
installation root 66
new 72
ġŎŢ ů Ţ Ũ Ūů Ũ ġġġĹ ij
User Admin 180
User Administrator 180
User and Group Administration 7
user apache 102-3
user applications 41
user button 75
new 124
User Configuration 180
user doesn 
user don
user id 78, 179-80
user-id 72
user information 72, 161, 180
user issues 183, 187
user issues command insmod 185
user jack 81
user Jack 181, 198
user login name 180
user lookups 138
user Mac 187
User Manager 180
user Manager Utility 180
User Manger 180
user Matt 179
user-name 72, 76, 78, 90, 124, 182
his/her 103
useradd options 66
user names 15, 71-2, 74, 93-4, 97, 130, 149, 151, 188
user password, changing 7, 76, 161
user requests 49, 106
user set 190
user squid 114
user user 180
user user-name 181
user Vishnu 182
user yum 59
user1 126
useradd 67-9, 71-2, 180
useradd command line 69
useradd user-name 67
userdel 69, 72, 180
userdel user-name 72
userid 71
userlist 129, 199
directive 199
usermod 72, 180
username 188
users don
users group 80
users Jack 188
users John 199
users localhost 80
users SELinux security cate-gory 163
users tab 132
user.Will root, administrative 182
Using batch command 9, 96
Using chkconfig 171
Using command chkconfig 6, 37
Using mdadm command 53
Using modprobe command 8, 89
Using system-config-cache 194
Using system monitor 177
Using System Monitor 8, 82
Using tar xvf 178
Using User Manager 7, 73
usr 40-1, 50, 77, 165-6, 171, 199
usr/lib/httpd/modules 189
usr/lib/httpd/modules directory 101-2
usr/local 97-8
usr/sbin directory 79
utility 22-4, 28, 59, 87, 106, 131, 145, 178, 184, 197
daemon Configuration 131, 200
network configuration 142
samba server configuration 122
service configuration 39, 171
system monitor 82
user manager 73
utility Answer 175
utility Network Configuration 140

values 29, 36, 53, 60, 69, 71, 91, 98, 123, 125, 134, 139, 144-5, 159, 162-3, 191 [4]
var/cache/mod 105
var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases 140, 204
var/lib/nfs directory 122, 197
var/lib/rpm 64, 177
var/lib/rpm/Name 63-4
var/lib/rpm/Packages 63-4
var/lib/rpm/Pubkeys 63-4
var/log/cron 92-3, 187
var/log/dovecot.log 154
var/log/httpd directory 100
var/log/maillog 92, 149, 152, 209
var/log/vsftpd.log 130, 132, 200
var/log/yum.log 60, 176
var/named/data/cache 145, 206-7
var/run directory 101
var/spool/at 96, 188
var/spool/cron directory 97, 189
var/spool/mail 68, 78, 149, 151
var/spool/mail directory 70
var/spool/mail/stats 208
var/spool/postfix 12, 152
var/spool/squid 112, 193
var/temp 179
var/yp/securenets 203

verbose information 63, 177

Very Secure 10, 131, 200
vfat 43, 45, 48, 172-3
vfat filesystem type 172
vgcreate 55, 175
vgextend 55, 175
video card 17, 21
View Process 83
Virtual server files 147
Virtual users file 147
VirtualHost 106
vishnu 126-7, 182, 198
samba user 127, 198
vmlinuz 15
vol 55-7, 59
volume group 7, 55-6, 58-9, 175
vsftp 128-9, 200
VSFTP daemon Configuration 200
vsftpd 128
VSFTPD Configuration Answer 200
vsftpd service 128
vsftpd userlist 129
vv 63-4, 177

warn 68, 104, 191
wdelay 122
web 59-61, 65-6
web browser 100, 103-4, 191
wheel 80
Window System 3
windows 25, 27, 59, 75, 122, 152, 168, 172
windows user name 124, 127, 198
workgroup 128
writable option 125-6
www/docs/dummy-host.example.com 106

xconfig 16-17
ġņŹ ŵ Ŧ ů ť Ŧ ť ġŊ ů ŵ Ŧ ų ů Ŧ ŵ ġŔ Ŧ ų ŷ ŪŤ Ŧ Ŵ ġŅŢ Ŧ Ů Ű ů ġġġĴ
ġŌŦ ų ů Ŧ ŭġŴ Ŧ ų ŷ ŪŤ Ŧ Ŵ ġġġĴ
ġġġIJ ĵ ĭ ġIJ ĸ -18, 20, 23, 25, 27, 34, 53, 82, 84, 86, 98, 119, 122, 144
ġłŤŤ Ŧ Ŵ Ŵ ġńŰ ů ŵ ų Ű ŭġōŪst 144
ġńŰ ů ŧŪŨ Ŷ ųŢ ŵ ŪŰ ů ġť ŪųŦ Ťŵ Ūŷ Ŧ Ŵ ġġġIJ ı IJ
ġńŰ ů ŧŪŨ Ŷ ųŢ ŵ ŪŰ ů ġű Ţ ų Ţ Ů Ŧ ŵ Ŧ ų Ŵ ġġġIJ ı IJ
ġŤ Ű ů ŧŪŨ Ŷ ų Ŧ ġġġij IJ
ġńŰ ů ŧŪŨ Ŷ ųŦ Ŵ ġġġIJ ĵ ĭ ġĴ ĵ
ġńŰ ů ŧŪŨ Ŷ ųŦ Ŵ ġŬŦ ų ů Ŧ ŭġű Ţ ųŢ Ů Ŧ ŵ Ŧ ų Ŵ ġġġĴ ĵ
ġű ų Ű Ť Ŧ Ŵ Ŵ ġġġij ĺ
ġų Ŷ ů ŭŦ ŷŦ ŭġġġij ĺ
ġŴ Ŧ ŵ Ŵ ġġġĴ ĵ
ġŶ Ŵ Ţ Ũ Ŧ ġť Ŧ ŵ Ţ ŪŭġġġĹ ĵ
ġġġIJ ķ Ķ
xferlog 129
xfs 45, 48
xinetd 3, 132, 155-6, 210-11
xorg.conf 166

yp 138, 203
ypdomainname 135-6, 202
ypserver HOSTNAME 136
yum 59-60, 176
yum uses 59-60

zombie processes usage detail 184
zone file directory 145

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