Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Due Date: 30th August 2010
5. Is the assembly language for the Intel 80x86 processor family the
same as those for computer systems such as the Vax or Motorola
10. Why would a high-level language not be an ideal tool for writing a
program that directly accesses a particular brand of printer'?
11. Why is assembly language not usually used when writing large
application programs'?
13. What is the duration of a single clock cycle (in nanoseconds) in a 3.4
GHz processor?
14. What is the l6-bit hexadecimal representation of each signed decimal
a. - 2 6
b. - 4 5 2
a. 7CAB
b. C123
19. What is the minimum number of binary bits needed to represent each
of the following unsigned decimal integers?
a. 4095
b. 6 5 53 4
c. 2134657
21. What is the largest value you can represent using a 256-bit unsigned
22. What is the largest value you can represent using a 256-bit signed
24. Which Intel processor was the first member of the IA-32 family?