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Requirements Specifications For Pump Theory E-Learning Modules Developed For The Poul Due Jensen Academy at Grundfos

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Requirements specifications for Pump Theory e-learning

modules developed for The Poul Due Jensen Academy at


The task
To (re)program nine Pump Theory modules in Adobe Flash using ActionScript 3, with all
text placed in external XML-files for easy translation and with fulfilment of this requirement

The nine Pump Theory modules can be viewed in their current version on
Click on "Pump theory" to see the modules.
These are to be seen as prototypes regarding content and functionality (if we accept your
offer, we can supply the source files to you), and the end user functionality must be like
in the prototypes.
In some of the used graphics and animations there are texts included. In your offer you
must include changing these so all the texts are placed in the external XML-files.

As an additional task an editor must be created and delivered with the Pump Theory
modules for future updates and maintenance of the modules.
A quotation for this editor must be separated from the rest.

If you find that the task can be solved in Adobe Captivate 5, we would like to hear more
about this option as well.

Application environment and limitations

This section describes the environment in which the produced application will be deployed.
The application produced is hereafter called the “app”.

Deploying server
The app must be deployed from an Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro 7.5, or higher, server,
hereafter referred to as “Connect”.
The app must be programmed with future compatibility with Connect in mind.
The app itself will run in an external Connect window launched from within the user panel
in Connect (must be made in AS3).
The app must be able to communicate with Connect in order to support the Connect
tracking features.
Please note! The vendor provides its own testing and development server. Grundfos
deploys the app on their own on site Adobe Connect server and will test the app or proof of
concepts on request of the vendor with intervals agreed upon in the contract.

The end-user’s computer

Operating system
The user’s computer is running Windows XP with service pack 3 or above or Windows 7.

The app will be viewed in Internet Explorer 8 or above.

Flash Player
The app must be developed for and tested against Flash Player version 9 and higher.

Screen resolution and design area

The end user has a minimum screen resolution of 1024x768 pixels.

Internet connection speed

Grundfos companies are distributed all over the world and thus the internet connection
speed is very diverse. Due to this fact all content must be optimised for low bandwidth

Programming, documentation and source files

The authoring tools must be within the Adobe eLearning Suite. Other tools can be accepted
if agreed with Grundfos in writing.
In Adobe Flash the app must be programmed in ActionScript 3.
There must be inline documentation and all classes must be thoroughly documented within
the ActionScript files themselves.
There must be documentation on any 3rd part programming framework or classes that is
Naming conventions must be upheld as laid out in the document: as2_best_practice.pdf

Manual for maintenance, containing as minimum a description of:
• Replacing content and/or quizzes
• Adding content and/or quizzes
• Deleting content and/or quizzes
• Change of content and/or quiz tracking
• Translation
• Tags used (complete list) and their function

Source files
The delivered app must be followed by all source files including non native Flash classes.
This shall be in a way that enables Grundfos to change any code and compile without
errors in Flash Professional CS5.

All files (e.g. original Photoshop files, .as files, .fla files, movies, sounds etc.) from the
project must be handed over to Grundfos when the project is closed.
The files must be delivered in a meaningful folder hierarchy eg. relating to topic area. All
source files must be editable to enable Grundfos to do their own corrections in eg. pictures.
The source files are delivered as one package.

All content, content structure and tracking functionality must be in external XML-files for
easy maintenance.

The finished work must be delivered as one package that contains all content needed for
the app to run.
This package must be ready to upload to Adobe Connect.

Editing, adding or deleting content

Grundfos must be able to edit, add or delete content (text, graphics, swf, mp3, flv etc.) by
editing the external XML-files.
Grundfos must be able to add and remove both content areas (including quiz) and content
windows and still maintain the tracking.
All text must be in the font Verdana.
Font size will be defined in the design of the application.

Text formatting must be possible in the XML-files. Text can contain, but not limited to, the
following formatting: bold, italic, underline, superscript, subscript, formulas, size, ordered
list, unordered list.

It must be possible to use bi-directional text to support both left to right, and right to left

As default, text is selectable.

All use of images must be defined, placed and positioned in external XML-files.
All images must be in JPEG or PNG format.
All images must be optimized to the smallest possible size, with respect to quality.

The app must be able to incorporate video served as adaptive streaming from Grundfos
own internal Flash Media Server.
Grundfos delivers a swf-file handling the movies.

All animations in the app must be swf-format or if possible served as an adaptive streaming
All animations must be optimized to the smallest possible size, with respect to quality.

Sounds and music

Sound effects and music must be used to support the end-user experience.
All sounds and music in the app must be mp3-format.
All sounds and music must be optimized to the smallest possible size, with respect to

Audio narration
Audio narration will not be used in this app for the time being. However the app must be
prepared for narration.

End-user usability
Effects and animations
All user interactions must be supported by the ideas in direct manipulation.
The following interactions are examples, but not limited to, were effects and/or animations
are a minimum requirement. The actual effect and/or animation are decided in the design
phase of current project:
• Feedback on clickable areas and/or buttons, both on Mouse over and click.
• Opening a page
• Closing a page
• Colour change of links when clicked, so the user can see it has been viewed

Bread crumb navigation

Must be used in a way that tells the user where they are, and how they find their way back
in the navigation trail. This will support an explorative user experience.

Mouse over and mouse click

It must be possible to place mouse-over text, with variable delay set in the external XML-
files, on all clickable areas, icons, buttons and hotspots.
Single clicks is used everywhere.

Scroll on content pages

All content pages must be programmed with adaptable scroll functionality if the content
exceeds the available space.

The project must use intelligent preloading according to a user’s natural navigation
sequence and the content in quest.
An animated (counting up from 0 to 100 %) loader must be shown whenever there is
waiting time on loading.

Tracker or progress bar

The app must have a tracker or a progress bar. The actual choice of tool will be decided in
the design phase for the current project.

Minimum requirements for a progress bar is to show how far you have come (in % or the
like, must be both visual and numeric).

This app does not offer the end-user a certificate of completion, diploma or the like.

The app must be prepared for translation to any language desired.

Translation of text
All text in the app must be possible to translate via external XML-files.

Translation of movies
Whenever speak or captions are needed in movies translation is to be done directly in the

Translation of narration and speak.

Narration is not used in the current project. However the app must be prepared for

The distribution and tracking of the app is done on an Adobe Connect server v 7.5 or
In a quiz each question must be tracked so that the user can go forth and back in a quiz
and also leave the page or the programme and later on (e.g. at next login) return to
continue where the user left.
When all questions in a module are completed the status of the module in training mode
must change to “Completed” on the server.

Tracking on the Adobe Connect server

The following data must be available in reports:
Status on the individual user:
• Course not taken
• Course in progress (when the user has started the training, but not yet completed
all practice exercises)
• Course completed (when the user has completed all practice exercises)

On the overall Programme:

• Number of views
• Number of enrolled users
• Users in progress (numbers and names)
• Users completed (numbers and names)

Practice (exercices)
Number and type is defined by the prototypes (called practice in the prototype).
Functionality must be similar as in the prototypes. One difference is that in formulas we
only want two digit decimal places.
Any questions must be cleared with Grundfos.

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