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Module 1 - The AFI

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HSC Food Technology

, foo20/10/09-
Module 1: The Australian Food Industry

Students learn about:

x Sectors of the agri-food chain in the Australian food industry,
including agriculture and fisheries, food
processing/manufacturing, food service and catering, food retail

The agri-food chain refers to the production and supply of food to consumers
x The AFI aims to provide a regular supply of a variety of palatable foods with
reasonable shelf life and is responsible for the management of natural resources

Sectors of the AFI

x Production and supply of food known as the agri-food chain
x The sectors of the AFI are:
1. Agriculture and fisheries
2. Food processing and manufacturing
3. Service and catering
4. Retail

Agriculture and Fisheries

Trends include:
-using technology to overcome harsh conditions
-Contribution to export markets of agriculture and fisheries
-large-scale production of animals/related products
-large variety of crop production
-↑ aqua-culture market

Examples of Agriculture and Fisheries organizations:

-Australian Wheat Board

Food Processing and manufacture

x Food processors may use simple value adding techniques e.g. packaging mixed
lettuce or complex techniques e.g. turning milk into cheese
x Trends include:
-Value added foods e.g. Aussie wheat made into bread (also ↑ employment
-more manufactured foods
-mechanisation of food processing to reduce cost of labour

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HSC Food Technology
-Many manufacturers are multinational companies (e.g. Bulla, SPC, Lowans, San

-Diverse industry ranging from home business to multinational companies

Food Retail
x Trends include:
-larger supermarkets over convienience stores
-Speciality chain stores (e.g. Red Lea)
-changing work hours resulting in 24 hr and Internet shopping
-↑ consumption of convienience foods
-↑ fresh food chains due to ↑ health awareness

Food Service and Catering

Prepares foods ready-to eat and includes restaurants, takeaway, airline catering,
canteens and function catering (e.g. wedding).

Trends include:
- non-commercial meals- Foods provided in institutions (e.g. aged care)
-Commercial meals- foods produced for sale (e.g. restaurants)
-Home delivery ↑ (e.g. Dominos, Red Rooster, Nando’s)
-One in four meals eaten away from home

of the

1) Level of 2) Research 3) Quality 4) Impact of: 8) Career and

Operation & Assurance Consumer “ “ “ working
Development Influences on the AFI opportunities

5) Society 6) Economy 7) Environment

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HSC Food Technology

x Operation of organisations within the Australian Food Industry

with particular attention to:

-levels of operation and mechanisation, including household, small

business, large companies, multinational

Level of Operation refers to the scale and level of technology used in food production

The level of technology (e.g. mechanisation, computerisation) ↑ with the size of an

operation. This ↑ job opportunities and employment.
-Larger companies have greater influence on food issues
-Multinational companies are taking over large Aussie businesses

Level Description Feature Example

Household Home produce/manufactured Small scale with low Local selling
goods tech. levels home-made preserves
Small business Family business/partnership Usually local Chinese grocer
Usually >20 staff
Large business Operates across state/nation Usually has several Arnott’s
owners servicing the Tip top
wider community
Multinational Operates in many countries Large scale and global McDonalds
Coca Cola

-research and development

Research and development is process used to create new products as result of competition.

It is $$, so funding usually comes form other organisations. Government research is

performed by the CSIRO for a variety of sectors. Government bodies such as FSANZ
also fund research into areas that impact the Food Standards Code. Factors influencing
R&D include pressure to produce innovative foods from consumers and competing

Features include:
-↑marketplace (e.g. ethnic foods) and diverse consumer needs (e.g.
health conscious groups)
-Government research in food industry (e.g. CSIRO)

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HSC Food Technology

Development Sector/s Explanation

One-stop shopping Retail Large shopping centres that supply a
wide range of food products (e.g. Coles)
Irrigation Agriculture and fisheries Providing water for agriculture
Convenience meals Processing and Provides readily available no fuss meal
manufacture options esp. for busy, working people
Aquaculture Agriculture and fisheries Controlled breeding programs (e.g. Fish
Home delivery service Food service and catering Food is ordered via phone and delivered
to location (e.g. Dominos)
Genetic engineering Agriculture and fisheries Foods have their genes modified to
produce higher yields, disease
resistance, superior nutrition
Value added foods Processing and Foods are processed into other products
(rather than primary manufacture (e.g. wheat into bread)
Internet shopping Retail Foods ordered via internet
Breeding leaner meats Agriculture and fisheries to meet consumer demands for healthier
Pollution control Agriculture and fisheries Protects the environment, resources and
Processing and industries. Aids consumer image of
manufacture company.
Australia’s ‘clean Agriculture and fisheries Strict production controls ensures
green’ image Processing and consumer quality esp. to compete with
manufacture overseas market
Production of low-fat Agriculture and fisheries Meet demands of health conscious
animal products Processing and consumers. Potential for larger range of
manufacture processed foods
Product scanning Retail Each product has its own unique
Processing and barcode that contains product
manufacture information and allows for inventory

-quality assurance

Quality assurance is the responsibility of EVERY person involved in food

production, from raw materials to processing and retailers.

Features of quality assurance:

-Guaranteed through strict quality control procedures
-Consumer support ensures consumer satisfaction (e.g. Consumer Affairs
Bureau, CHOICE)
-customer complaint procedures (e.g. “Money back guarantee”)
-HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points), an International approach
to quality assurance

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HSC Food Technology

-consumer influences

Social Trends Changing Demands Example products

↑ single parent families Low cost nutritious foods Cheaper cuts of meat
Fruit and vegetables in season
↑ dual income families Value-added quickly
prepared meals
↑Home meal replacements
↑ mobile population ↑take-away ↑take-away e.g. chips, burgers
busier lifestyles ↑instant foods Prepared sauces
frozen vegetables
↑ environmental ↑demand for foods produced ↑Organic foods
concerns environmentally friendly ↑Recyclable/reusable
↓ family size ↓ use of cheaper, ‘filler’ ↓breads and cereal
foods consumption
Improved technology Equipment that is more Microwaves
efficient at storing and Blenders
preparing home foods Coffee machines
↑life expectancy Elderly people live alone Single serve/small portion
↑education standard ↑Understanding of nutrition ↓Processed foods
and disease ↑Fresh foods,
↑Nutrition e.g. low salt, low
↑ time away from home ↑Consumption of foods ↑Restaurant meals
prepared away from home

The AFI has responded by producing foods that is:

-varied in $$
-quick, simple to prepare (e.g. heat and serve)
-Single serve portion
-microwaveable/ easily cooked
-↑ nutrition
-appropriate to varied lifestyles

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HSC Food Technology

-impact on the environment, economy , society

Impact on the Environment

Environmental Issues

Noise water and air

pollution from:

1) Production of raw 2) Fossil fuels used in 3) Packaging and storage

materials (chemicals, manufacturing and
salinity, soil degradation) transport

Trends include:
-improved farming techniques and waste disposal
-↑ organic foods

Impacts on Economy
The AFI is Australia’s largest manufacturing industry and employer, providing
extensive export market.

Trends include:
- ↑food service and catering sector due to ↑ tourism.
Impacts on society
Food production impacts on society but changing lifestyles also impact on food
production and choices. The AFI has responsibility to provide accurate labelling and
informed advertising.

Trends include:
-Migration and tourism have ↑ food choices
-“Fresh produce” has become trademark of Australia
-↑food at celebrations

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HSC Food Technology

-career opportunities and working conditions

The AFI offers a diverse range of career opportunities and working conditions

Trends in career opportunities include:

-↓ manual labour due to mechanisation
-↑ marketing and advertising jobs due to completion in AFI

Features of working conditions:

-↑ shift & public holiday work
-Large proportion of casual & part time
-Employment conditions covered by award
-Payment varies depending on type of work

x Advisory groups that have a role in formulating and implementing

policy and legislation
Advisory groups are independent organisations that advise governments on policies
and legislation

There 4 main types of advisory groups:

1) business group within the food sector e.g.

2) groups that focus on specific health issues e.g.

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HSC Food Technology
3) Independent bodies that can change food legislation i.e.

4) Groups that protect local industry against contamination i.e.

Main Advisory Groups

FSANZ (Food Standards Australia New Zealand):

An independent legislative body established in 1991 by government to standardise
food laws. It does this through cooperation with all states, levels of government and
the AQIS

FSANZ roles include:

-regulating the Food Standards Code, (including research)
-developing risk assessment policies for imports
-food safety education
-food surveillance
-Product recalls (food safety hazard)

The Australian Food Standards Code covers:

-labelling & advertising (e.g. nutrition claims- low fat foods must contain ↓
3% fat)
-date of manufacture
-additives (preservatives, colours, flavours, vitamins & minerals)
-residues in food (chemicals from processing)
-foreign objects in food

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HSC Food Technology
AQIS (Australian Quarantine Inspection Service):
Operates within The Department of agriculture, fisheries and forestry. Works with
customs service, Australia Post and similar organisations in other countries

AQIS roles include:

-protect primary producers
-inspect imports
-quarantine status of travellers
-certify export certificates so Aust. can compete on global market
-negotiate International and National agreements

x Government policies and legislation that impact on the Australian

Food Industry

Policy and Legislation

A Policy is a government strategy placed to improve aspects of living

Legislation is government law that describes what can/cannot be done

Main AFI Policies

National Health and Nutrition Policy

Main aim is to educate people to make healthy food choices to improve the overall
health of Australians, thus reducing health care costs

Trade policy
Policy of Free trade: reducing tariffs, raising quotas, removing subsidies, ↑ overseas
free trade agreements. ↑ imports have created market competition and product
variation. ↑ exports have ↑ $$ for Australia.

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HSC Food Technology

Food Industry Legislation


1) HACCP 2) Trade 3) FSANZ Act. 4) Exports

Practices Act 1991 Control

International food Consumer power Cooperation of Govt, Regulation of

safety system through preventing AFI and community processed food
unscrupulous to maintain food exports
activities standards

Federal Government

Trade Practices Act 1974:

Aims are to↑ consumer power and competition in marketplace by preventing
unscrupulous practices.

It addresses 4 areas:
1) restrictive trade practices including:
-misuse of power
-exclusive dealings
-price discrimination
-resale price maintenance
2) unconscionable conduct (e.g. manufacturer puts lamb in beef pie)
3) consumer protection including:
-unfair practices (e.g. misleading conduct, bait advertising)
4) Liability of manufacturers and imports for defective goods

Exports control:
Regulates food exports by making sure processed food orders comply with set
standards. For example, canned products must have a registration number on the

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HSC Food Technology
An International food safety & quality management system. It aims to systemically
identify critical food hazard areas, set standards for eliminating food hazards,
implementing these changes and monitoring these changes.

FSANZ Act 1991:

Cooperation between government, AFI and community to maintain food standards

State Government

State NSW Acts

Health Act 1) Environment 2) Trade 4) OH&S Act.

Protection measurement 1983
Act Act. 1989

Hygiene; pest control, Protects

diseases; slaughter and health,
sale of meat Foods must safety and
not be welfare of
underweight all workers
Clean Air Act. Noise Clean Air
1961 Pollution Act. Act

Health Act:
Enforced by each individual state and Territory.
It regulates:
-personal hygiene
-sanitary conditions
-pest control
-infectious diseases
-storage, slaughter and sale of meat

Clean air act 1961:

Controls the odours, smoke & gaseous emissions from food processing plants

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HSC Food Technology
Clean water Act 1970:
Controls the removal of solid, liquid and gaseous chemicals used in food production
into waterways

Noise Pollution Act 1975:

Controls the output of noise, vibrations and sounds from food processing plants

Trade Measurement Act 1989:

Deals with the accurate measurement of weight, size etc of products and how
weighting equipment is used in front of consumers.

It is a breach to advertise higher than what product actually measures. For example a
company cannot advertise a drink as having 2L if only 1.8L is present or calibrate
scales to read more than the actual weight of the product.

OH&S Act 1983:

Protects the health, safety and welfare of all workers. Main aim is to eliminate work
related accidents and possible health risks in the workplace

NSW State Government Acts


Food Act 1989 Fair Trading Act 1987

Prevent adulteration or false Legislates Fair and honest Trading

description of food to protect consumers and traders

NSW Food Act 1989:

Prevent adulteration or false descriptions of food by defining specific food sale terms,
hygiene and food standards

NSW Fair Trading Act 1987:

Legislates fair and honest business practices to protect both consumers and traders.
Controls unfair practices and provides safety and information standards between
suppliers and consumers

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HSC Food Technology

Local Government


Codes for inspection Appointment of food Codes for construction

of food & premises surveillance officers and alteration of food

Appointment of food surveillance officers:

An environmental health officer can be appointed as a food surveillance officer under
the NSW Food Act.. A food surveillance officer is responsible for routinely inspecting
all food premises in the local area

Codes for Inspection of food and food premises:

Local councils form their own codes for inspection. This covers how routinely food
surveillance officers inspect food premises and any premises which are exempt from

Codes for construction and alteration of food premises:

Local councils form their own codes. This covers building materials and installation
guidelines for equipment (e.g. insulation, ventilation, ovens, refrigeration).

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