Module 1 - The AFI
Module 1 - The AFI
Module 1 - The AFI
, foo20/10/09-
Module 1: The Australian Food Industry
The agri-food chain refers to the production and supply of food to consumers
x The AFI aims to provide a regular supply of a variety of palatable foods with
reasonable shelf life and is responsible for the management of natural resources
Food Retail
x Trends include:
-larger supermarkets over convienience stores
-Speciality chain stores (e.g. Red Lea)
-changing work hours resulting in 24 hr and Internet shopping
-↑ consumption of convienience foods
-↑ fresh food chains due to ↑ health awareness
Trends include:
- non-commercial meals- Foods provided in institutions (e.g. aged care)
-Commercial meals- foods produced for sale (e.g. restaurants)
-Home delivery ↑ (e.g. Dominos, Red Rooster, Nando’s)
-One in four meals eaten away from home
of the
Level of Operation refers to the scale and level of technology used in food production
Research and development is process used to create new products as result of competition.
Features include:
-↑marketplace (e.g. ethnic foods) and diverse consumer needs (e.g.
health conscious groups)
-Government research in food industry (e.g. CSIRO)
-quality assurance
-consumer influences
Environmental Issues
Trends include:
-improved farming techniques and waste disposal
-↑ organic foods
Impacts on Economy
The AFI is Australia’s largest manufacturing industry and employer, providing
extensive export market.
Trends include:
- ↑food service and catering sector due to ↑ tourism.
Impacts on society
Food production impacts on society but changing lifestyles also impact on food
production and choices. The AFI has responsibility to provide accurate labelling and
informed advertising.
Trends include:
-Migration and tourism have ↑ food choices
-“Fresh produce” has become trademark of Australia
-↑food at celebrations
The AFI offers a diverse range of career opportunities and working conditions
Trade policy
Policy of Free trade: reducing tariffs, raising quotas, removing subsidies, ↑ overseas
free trade agreements. ↑ imports have created market competition and product
variation. ↑ exports have ↑ $$ for Australia.
Federal Government
It addresses 4 areas:
1) restrictive trade practices including:
-misuse of power
-exclusive dealings
-price discrimination
-resale price maintenance
2) unconscionable conduct (e.g. manufacturer puts lamb in beef pie)
3) consumer protection including:
-unfair practices (e.g. misleading conduct, bait advertising)
4) Liability of manufacturers and imports for defective goods
Exports control:
Regulates food exports by making sure processed food orders comply with set
standards. For example, canned products must have a registration number on the
State Government
Health Act:
Enforced by each individual state and Territory.
It regulates:
-personal hygiene
-sanitary conditions
-pest control
-infectious diseases
-storage, slaughter and sale of meat
It is a breach to advertise higher than what product actually measures. For example a
company cannot advertise a drink as having 2L if only 1.8L is present or calibrate
scales to read more than the actual weight of the product.
Local Government