2 & 16 Mark Questions and Answers
2 & 16 Mark Questions and Answers
2 & 16 Mark Questions and Answers
Verification Validation
1. Verification is the process of 1.Verification is the process of evaluating
evaluating software system or component software system or component during
to determine whether the products of a or at the end of the , the development
given development phase satisfy the phase satisfy the conditions imposed at
conditions imposed at the start of that the start of that phase.
2. Verification is usually associated with 2. Verification is usually associated with
activities such as inspections and reviews Traditional execution _based testing, i.e.,
of the s/w deliverables. Exercising the code with testcases.
5) Define the term Testing.
Testing is generally described as a group of procedures carried out to evaluate
some aspect of a piece of software.
Testing can be described as a process used for revealing defects in software, and
for establishing that the software has attained a specified degree of quality with respect
to selected attributes.
Testing Debugging
10) List the members of the critical groups in a testing process (U.Q Nov/Dec 2008)
11) Define Error.
An error is mistake or misconception or misunderstanding on the part of a software
12) Define Faults (Defects).
A fault is introduced into the software as the result of an error. It is an anomaly
in the software that may cause nit to behave incorrectly, and not according to its
13) Define failures.
A failure is the inability of a software or component to perform its required functions
within specified performance requirements.
14) Distinguish between fault and failure. (U.Q May/June 2009)
Fault Failure
1. A fault is introduced into the 2. A failure is the inability of a
software as the result of an error. It software or component to perform
is an anomaly in the software that its required functions within
may cause nit to behave incorrectly, specified performance
and not according to its requirements.
Draw the tester’s view of black box and white box testing.
5. List the Knowledge Sources & Methods of black box and white box testing.
Interface errors
19. What are the two major requirements in the Performance testing.
Functional Requirement: User describe what functions the software should
perform. We test for compliance of the requirement at the system level with the
functional based system test.
Quality Requirement: They are nonfunctional in nature but describe quality
levels expected for the software.
14) What are the Three critical groups in testing planning and test plan policy ?
Task forces, policies, standards, planning Resource allocation,
support for education and training, Interact with users/Clients
Apply Black box and White box methods, test at all levels, Assst
with test planning, Participate in task forces.
Specify requirement clearly, Support with operational profile,
Participate in acceptance test planning
15) Define Procedure.
A procedure in general is a sequence of steps required to carry out a specific task.
16) What are the skills needed by a test specialist?
Personal and managerial Skills
Organizational, and planning skills, work with others, resolve
conflicts, mentor and train others, written /oral communication skills,
think creatively.
Technical Skills
General software engineering principles and practices, understanding
of testing principles and practices, ability to plan, design, and execute
test cases, knowledge of networks, database, and operating System.
17) Write the test term hierarchy?
Test Manager
Test leader
Test Engineer
Junior Test Engineer
3. Define Milestone.
MileStones are tangible events that are expected to occur at a certain time in the
projects life time .Mnagers use them to determine project status.
7. What is Testing?
Testing is generally described as a group of procedures carried out to evaluate
some aspect of a piece of software.It used for revealing defect in software and to evaluate
degree of quality.
8. Define Review.
Review is a group meeting whose purpose is to evaluate a software artifact or a
set of software artifacts.
4. Types of reviews
Inspections as a type of technical review
Inspection process
Inspection meeting
Reporting results
Rework and follow up
Walkthroughs as a type of technical review
5. Components of review plans
Review goals
Preconditions and items to be reviewed
Roles, participants, team size, and time requirements
Review procedures
Review training
Review checklists
Requirements reviews
Design reviews
Code reviews
Test plan reviews