Motorola Driver Log
Motorola Driver Log
Motorola Driver Log
-------------------- Begin device installation log --------------------
[2010-08-30 17:36:53.326] Changing driver warning policy to DSP_IGNORE (old poli
cy: -1).
[2010-08-30 17:36:53.326] *************************************
[2010-08-30 17:36:53.326] * Searching for installed INF files *
[2010-08-30 17:36:53.326] *************************************
[2010-08-30 17:37:19.784] [0] C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem11.inf (version: no information)
[2010-08-30 17:37:19.784] removeInf: changing permissions on C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem1
1.inf from 32 to 128
[2010-08-30 17:37:19.784] removeInf: changing permissions on C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem1
1.PNF from 32 to 128
[2010-08-30 17:37:19.784] removeInf: backing up C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem11.inf to C:\D
ocuments and Settings\Casa\1283211439-oem11.inf
[2010-08-30 17:37:19.784] removeInf: backing up C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem11.PNF to C:\D
ocuments and Settings\Casa\1283211439-oem11.PNF
[2010-08-30 17:37:19.984] removeInf: successfully deleted C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem11.P
[2010-08-30 17:37:19.984] removeInf: successfully deleted C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem11.i
[2010-08-30 17:37:19.984] *************************************
[2010-08-30 17:37:19.984] * Enumerating all installed devices *
[2010-08-30 17:37:19.984] *************************************
[2010-08-30 17:37:19.984] Entering getModemStatus() (installed modems)...
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.275] getModemStatus() (installed modems) finished.
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.275] Enumerating all installed modems...
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.275] Modem #0: Motorola USB Modem | USB\Vid_22b8&Pid_3802&R
ev_0000 | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.275] Entering getModemStatus() (all devices)...
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] getModemStatus() (all devices) finished.
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Enumerating all system devices...
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #0: Botón de característica fija ACPI | ACPI\FixedB
utton | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #1: Controladora de interrupciones programable
| ACPI\PNP0000 | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #2: Cronómetro del sistema | ACPI\PNP0100 | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #3: Controladora de acceso directo a memoria |
ACPI\PNP0200 | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #4: Teclado estándar de 101/102 teclas o Microsof
t Natural PS/2 Keyboard | ACPI\PNP0303 | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #5: Puerto de impresora ECP | ACPI\PNP0401 | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #6: Puerto de comunicaciones | ACPI\PNP0501 | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #7: Puerto de comunicaciones | ACPI\PNP0501 | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #8: Controlador estándar de disquetes | ACPI\PNP0
700 | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #9: Altavoz del sistema | ACPI\PNP0800 | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #10: Bus PCI | ACPI\PNP0A03 | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #11: Sistema CMOS/reloj en tiempo real | ACPI\P
NP0B00 | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #12: Tarjeta de sistema | ACPI\PNP0C01 | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #13: Tarjeta de sistema | ACPI\PNP0C01 | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #14: Procesador de datos numéricos | ACPI\PNP0C04
| 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #15: Botón de energía ACPI | ACPI\PNP0C0C | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #16: Sistema Microsoft compatible con ACPI | AC
PI_HAL\PNP0C08 | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #17: Monitor Plug and Play | Monitor\CPQ1446 |
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #18: Intel(r) AIM External Flat Panel Driver 0
| DISPLAY\wADV01nt | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #19: Intel(r) AIM External Flat Panel Driver 1
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #20: Intel(r) AIM External Flat Panel Driver 2
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #21: Intel(r) AIM External Flat Panel Driver 5
| DISPLAY\wADV07nt | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #22: Intel(r) AIM External Flat Panel Driver 6
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #23: Intel(r) AIM External Flat Panel Driver 7
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #24: Intel(r) AIM External TV Encoder Driver 0
| DISPLAY\wATV01nt | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #25: Intel(r) AIM External TV Encoder Driver 1
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #26: Intel(r) AIM External TV Encoder Driver 3
| DISPLAY\wATV04nt | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #27: Intel(r) AIM External TV Encoder Driver 2
| DISPLAY\wATV06nt | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #28: Intel(r) AIM External TV Encoder Driver 5
| DISPLAY\wATV10nt | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #29: Intel(r) AIM External TV Encoder Driver 4
| DISPLAY\wCh7xxNT | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #30: Intel(r) AIM External Flat Panel Driver 3
| DISPLAY\wSiINTxx | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #31: Intel(r) AIM External Flat Panel Driver 4
| DISPLAY\wVchNTxx | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #32: Deskjet F300 series (DOT4PRT) | DOT4\Vid_0
3f0&Pid_5511&MI_02&DOT4&PRINT_HPZ | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #33: Deskjet F300 series (DOT4PRT) | DOT4\Vid_0
3f0&Pid_5511&MI_02&DOT4&PRINT_HPZ | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #34: Deskjet F300 (DOT4PRINT) | DOT4PRT\Vid_03f
0&Pid_5511&MI_02&DOT4&PRINT_HPZ | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #35: Deskjet F300 (DOT4PRINT) | DOT4PRT\Vid_03f
0&Pid_5511&MI_02&DOT4&PRINT_HPZ | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #36: Deskjet F300 series (DOT4) | DOT4USB\Vid_0
3f0&Pid_5511&MI_02&DOT4 | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #37: Deskjet F300 series (DOT4) | DOT4USB\Vid_0
3f0&Pid_5511&MI_02&DOT4 | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #38: Unidad de disquete | FDC\GENERIC_FLOPPY_DR
IVE | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #39: Puerto de datos de lectura ISAPNP | ISAPNP
\ReadDataPort | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #40: LPT1 | LPTENUM\MicrosoftRawPort958A | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #41: Primary Channel | Intel-244b | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #42: Secondary Channel | Intel-244b | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #43: Equipo compatible con Advanced Configurati
on and Power Interface (ACPI) | acpipic_up | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #44: Administrador de discos lógicos | ROOT\DMIO
| 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #45: Administrador de volúmenes | ROOT\FTDISK | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #46: Códecs de audio | MS_MMACM | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #47: Controladores de audio heredados | MS_MMDR
V | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #48: Dispositivos para el control de multimedia
| MS_MMMCI | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #49: Dispositivos de captura de vídeo heredados |
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #50: Códecs de vídeo | MS_MMVID | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #51: Minipuerto WAN (L2TP) | ms_l2tpminiport |
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #52: Minipuerto WAN (IP) | ms_ndiswanip | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #53: Minipuerto WAN (PPPOE) | ms_pppoeminiport
| 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #54: Minipuerto WAN (PPTP) | ms_pptpminiport |
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #55: Minipuerto del administrador de paquetes |
ms_pschedmp | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #56: Minipuerto del administrador de paquetes |
ms_pschedmp | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #57: Paralelo directo | ms_ptiminiport | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #58: Redirector de dispositivos de Terminal Ser
ver | ROOT\RDPDR | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #59: Controlador de teclado de Terminal Server
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #60: Controlador de mouse de Terminal Server |
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #61: Enumerador de dispositivos de software Plu
g and Play | root\swenum | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #62: Dispositivo de actualización de Microsoft |
root\update | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #63: Controlador BIOS de Microsoft System Manag
ement | root\mssmbios | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #64: Volumen genérico | STORAGE\Volume | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #65: Volumen genérico | STORAGE\Volume | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #66: Volumen genérico | STORAGE\Volume | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #67: Volumen genérico | STORAGE\Volume | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #68: Volumen genérico | STORAGE\Volume | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #69: Volumen genérico | STORAGE\Volume | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #70: Volumen genérico | STORAGE\Volume | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #71: Volumen genérico | STORAGE\Volume | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #72: Divisor de audio del núcleo de Microsoft | S
W\{2f412ab5-ed3a-4590-ab24-b0ce2aa77d3c} | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #73: Eliminador de eco acústico de núcleo de Micros
oft | SW\{4245ff73-1db4-11d2-86e4-98ae20524153} | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #74: Sintetizador de tabla de onda Microsoft Ke
rnel GS | SW\{6c1b9f60-c0a9-11d0-96d8-00aa0051e51d} | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #75: Sintetizador DLS Kernel de Microsoft | SW\
{8c07dd50-7a8d-11d2-8f8c-00c04fbf8fef} | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #76: Proxy de servicio de transferencia de Micr
osoft | SW\{96e080c7-143c-11d1-b40f-00a0c9223196} | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #77: Proxy del reloj de transferencia de Micros
oft | SW\{97ebaacc-95bd-11d0-a3ea-00a0c9223196} | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #78: Dispositivo de sonido del sistema Kernel d
e Microsoft | SW\{a7c7a5b0-5af3-11d1-9ced-00a024bf0407} | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #79: Mezclador de audio de onda Microsoft Kerne
l | SW\{b7eafdc0-a680-11d0-96d8-00aa0051e51d} | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #80: Controlador de compatibilidad de audio Mic
rosoft WINMM WDM | SW\{cd171de3-69e5-11d2-b56d-0000f8754380} | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #81: Proxy del administrador de calidad de tran
sferencia de Microsoft | SW\{ddf4358e-bb2c-11d0-a42f-00a0c9223196} | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #82: Adaptador asínc. de RAS | SW\{eeab7790-c514-
11d1-b42b-00805fc1270e} | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #83: Descodificador de audio DRM del núcleo de Mi
crosoft | SW\{eec12db6-ad9c-4168-8658-b03daef417fe} | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #84: Concentrador raíz USB | USB\ROOT_HUB&VID8086
&PID2442&REV0011 | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #85: Concentrador raíz USB | USB\ROOT_HUB&VID8086
&PID2444&REV0011 | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #86: USB Device | USB\UNKNOWN | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #87: USB Device | USB\UNKNOWN | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #88: USB Device | USB\UNKNOWN | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #89: Deskjet F300 series | USB\Vid_03f0&Pid_551
1&Rev_0100 | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #90: Deskjet F300 series | USB\Vid_03f0&Pid_551
1&Rev_0100 | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #91: Deskjet F300 series | USB\Vid_03f0&Pid_551
1&Rev_0100&MI_00 | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #92: Deskjet F300 series | USB\Vid_03f0&Pid_551
1&Rev_0100&MI_00 | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #93: Deskjet F300 series | USB\Vid_03f0&Pid_551
1&Rev_0100&MI_01 | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #94: Deskjet F300 series | USB\Vid_03f0&Pid_551
1&Rev_0100&MI_01 | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #95: Deskjet F300 series | USB\Vid_03f0&Pid_551
1&Rev_0100&MI_02 | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #96: Deskjet F300 series | USB\Vid_03f0&Pid_551
1&Rev_0100&MI_02 | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #97: Deskjet F300 series | USB\Vid_03f0&Pid_551
1&Rev_0100&MI_02 | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #98: Wireless Mouse | USB\Vid_0461&Pid_4d2f&Rev
_0100 | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #99: USB Storage | USB\Vid_05e3&Pid_0702&Rev_00
14 | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #100: USB Storage | USB\Vid_05e3&Pid_0702&Rev_0
014 | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #101: SanDisk Sansa m230 | USB\Vid_0781&Pid_740
0&Rev_0328 | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #102: SanDisk Sansa m230 | USB\Vid_0781&Pid_740
1&Rev_0328 | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #103: LG: 1 CDC and 1 MS and 1 DPS | USB\Vid_10
04&Pid_6018&Rev_0100 | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #104: Motorola USB Modem | USB\Vid_22b8&Pid_380
2&Rev_0000 | 0
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #105: Phone | USB\Vid_22b8&Pid_608d&Rev_0001 |
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #106: USB 2.0 Drive | USB\Vid_4855&Pid_6288&
Rev_0119 | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #107: HPDeskjet F300 series | USBPRINT\HPDeskje
t_F300_serieDFCE | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #108: HP Deskjet F300 series | USBPRINT\HPDeskj
et_F300_serieDFCE | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.645] Device #109: HP Deskjet F300 series | USBPRINT\HPDeskj
et_F300_serieDFCE | 13
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.655] **********************************
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.655] * Removing all installed devices *
[2010-08-30 17:37:20.655] **********************************
[2010-08-30 17:37:23.880] Successfully removed device #104 - Motorola USB Modem
[2010-08-30 17:37:24.341] Successfully removed device #105 - Phone (USB\Vid_22b8
[2010-08-30 17:37:24.341] ************************
[2010-08-30 17:37:24.341] * Precopying INF files *
[2010-08-30 17:37:24.341] ************************
[2010-08-30 17:37:25.032] Calling SetupCopyOEMInf()...
[2010-08-30 17:37:25.392] Successfully copied C:\Documents and Settings\Casa\USB
MOT2000.INF to C:\WINDOWS\INF\oem11.inf (destComp: oem11.inf)
[2010-08-30 17:37:25.392] Calling SetupCopyOEMInf()...
[2010-08-30 17:37:32.813] Successfully copied C:\Documents and Settings\Casa\USB
_CMCS_2000.INF to C:\WINDOWS\INF\oem12.inf (destComp: oem12.inf)
[2010-08-30 17:37:32.813] Calling SetupCopyOEMInf()...
[2010-08-30 17:37:37.850] Successfully copied C:\Documents and Settings\Casa\USB
MOT2000XP.INF to C:\WINDOWS\INF\oem13.inf (destComp: oem13.inf)
[2010-08-30 17:37:37.850] SetupCopyOEMInf() complete.
[2010-08-30 17:37:37.850] ********************************************
[2010-08-30 17:37:37.850] * Initiating PNP scan for hardware devices *
[2010-08-30 17:37:37.850] ********************************************
[2010-08-30 17:37:40.073] ******************************************************
[2010-08-30 17:37:40.073] * Beginning to wait for pending device installations *
[2010-08-30 17:37:40.073] ******************************************************
[2010-08-30 17:38:10.076] Pending install event wait timed out.
[2010-08-30 17:38:10.076] Reverting driver warning policy to -1 from DSP_IGNORE.
[2010-08-30 18:10:12.126]
-------------------- Begin device installation log --------------------
[2010-08-30 18:10:12.226] Changing driver warning policy to DSP_IGNORE (old poli
cy: 0).
[2010-08-30 18:10:12.226] *************************************
[2010-08-30 18:10:12.226] * Searching for installed INF files *
[2010-08-30 18:10:12.226] *************************************
[2010-08-30 18:11:37.589] [0] C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem11.inf (version: 10/17/2005, 3.4
[2010-08-30 18:11:37.589] removeInf: changing permissions on C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem1
1.inf from 32 to 128
[2010-08-30 18:11:37.589] removeInf: changing permissions on C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem1
1.PNF from 32 to 128
[2010-08-30 18:11:37.599] removeInf: backing up C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem11.inf to C:\D
ocuments and Settings\Casa\1283213497-oem11.inf
[2010-08-30 18:11:37.599] removeInf: backing up C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem11.PNF to C:\D
ocuments and Settings\Casa\1283213497-oem11.PNF
[2010-08-30 18:11:38.240] removeInf: successfully deleted C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem11.P
[2010-08-30 18:11:38.280] removeInf: successfully deleted C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem11.i
[2010-08-30 18:11:38.280] [1] C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem12.inf (version: 7/13/2005, 1.0.
[2010-08-30 18:11:38.290] removeInf: changing permissions on C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem1
2.inf from 32 to 128
[2010-08-30 18:11:38.290] removeInf: changing permissions on C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem1
2.PNF from 32 to 128
[2010-08-30 18:11:38.300] removeInf: backing up C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem12.inf to C:\D
ocuments and Settings\Casa\1283213498-oem12.inf
[2010-08-30 18:11:38.300] removeInf: backing up C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem12.PNF to C:\D
ocuments and Settings\Casa\1283213498-oem12.PNF
[2010-08-30 18:11:38.771] removeInf: successfully deleted C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem12.P
[2010-08-30 18:11:38.861] removeInf: successfully deleted C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem12.i
[2010-08-30 18:11:38.861] [2] C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem13.inf (version: 10/17/2005, 3.4
[2010-08-30 18:11:38.861] removeInf: changing permissions on C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem1
3.inf from 32 to 128
[2010-08-30 18:11:38.861] removeInf: changing permissions on C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem1
3.PNF from 32 to 128
[2010-08-30 18:11:38.861] removeInf: backing up C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem13.inf to C:\D
ocuments and Settings\Casa\1283213498-oem13.inf
[2010-08-30 18:11:38.861] removeInf: backing up C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem13.PNF to C:\D
ocuments and Settings\Casa\1283213498-oem13.PNF
[2010-08-30 18:11:39.001] removeInf: successfully deleted C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem13.P
[2010-08-30 18:11:39.011] removeInf: successfully deleted C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem13.i
[2010-08-30 18:11:39.011] [3] C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem14.inf (version: no information)
[2010-08-30 18:11:39.011] removeInf: changing permissions on C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem1
4.inf from 32 to 128
[2010-08-30 18:11:39.011] removeInf: changing permissions on C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem1
4.PNF from 32 to 128
[2010-08-30 18:11:39.011] removeInf: backing up C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem14.inf to C:\D
ocuments and Settings\Casa\1283213499-oem14.inf
[2010-08-30 18:11:39.011] removeInf: backing up C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem14.PNF to C:\D
ocuments and Settings\Casa\1283213499-oem14.PNF
[2010-08-30 18:11:39.091] removeInf: successfully deleted C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem14.P
[2010-08-30 18:11:39.171] removeInf: successfully deleted C:\WINDOWS\Inf\oem14.i
[2010-08-30 18:11:39.171] *************************************
[2010-08-30 18:11:39.171] * Enumerating all installed devices *
[2010-08-30 18:11:39.171] *************************************
[2010-08-30 18:11:39.171] Entering getModemStatus() (installed modems)...
[2010-08-30 18:11:39.832] getModemStatus() (installed modems) finished.
[2010-08-30 18:11:39.832] Enumerating all installed modems...
[2010-08-30 18:11:39.832] Modem #0: Motorola USB Modem #2 | usb\vid_22b8&pid_a66
8 | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:39.832] Modem #1: Motorola USB Modem #3 | usb\vid_22b8&pid_a66
8 | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:39.832] Modem #2: Motorola USB Modem | USB\Vid_22b8&Pid_3802&R
ev_0000 | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:39.832] Entering getModemStatus() (all devices)...
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] getModemStatus() (all devices) finished.
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Enumerating all system devices...
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #0: Botón de característica fija ACPI | ACPI\FixedB
utton | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #1: Controladora de interrupciones programable
| ACPI\PNP0000 | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #2: Cronómetro del sistema | ACPI\PNP0100 | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #3: Controladora de acceso directo a memoria |
ACPI\PNP0200 | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #4: Teclado estándar de 101/102 teclas o Microsof
t Natural PS/2 Keyboard | ACPI\PNP0303 | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #5: Puerto de impresora ECP | ACPI\PNP0401 | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #6: Puerto de comunicaciones | ACPI\PNP0501 | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #7: Puerto de comunicaciones | ACPI\PNP0501 | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #8: Controlador estándar de disquetes | ACPI\PNP0
700 | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #9: Altavoz del sistema | ACPI\PNP0800 | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #10: Bus PCI | ACPI\PNP0A03 | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #11: Sistema CMOS/reloj en tiempo real | ACPI\P
NP0B00 | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #12: Tarjeta de sistema | ACPI\PNP0C01 | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #13: Tarjeta de sistema | ACPI\PNP0C01 | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #14: Procesador de datos numéricos | ACPI\PNP0C04
| 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #15: Botón de energía ACPI | ACPI\PNP0C0C | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #16: Sistema Microsoft compatible con ACPI | AC
PI_HAL\PNP0C08 | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #17: Monitor Plug and Play | Monitor\CPQ1446 |
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #18: Intel(r) AIM External Flat Panel Driver 0
| DISPLAY\wADV01nt | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #19: Intel(r) AIM External Flat Panel Driver 1
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #20: Intel(r) AIM External Flat Panel Driver 2
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #21: Intel(r) AIM External Flat Panel Driver 5
| DISPLAY\wADV07nt | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #22: Intel(r) AIM External Flat Panel Driver 6
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #23: Intel(r) AIM External Flat Panel Driver 7
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #24: Intel(r) AIM External TV Encoder Driver 0
| DISPLAY\wATV01nt | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #25: Intel(r) AIM External TV Encoder Driver 1
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #26: Intel(r) AIM External TV Encoder Driver 3
| DISPLAY\wATV04nt | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #27: Intel(r) AIM External TV Encoder Driver 2
| DISPLAY\wATV06nt | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #28: Intel(r) AIM External TV Encoder Driver 5
| DISPLAY\wATV10nt | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #29: Intel(r) AIM External TV Encoder Driver 4
| DISPLAY\wCh7xxNT | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #30: Intel(r) AIM External Flat Panel Driver 3
| DISPLAY\wSiINTxx | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #31: Intel(r) AIM External Flat Panel Driver 4
| DISPLAY\wVchNTxx | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #32: Deskjet F300 series (DOT4PRT) | DOT4\Vid_0
3f0&Pid_5511&MI_02&DOT4&PRINT_HPZ | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #33: Deskjet F300 series (DOT4PRT) | DOT4\Vid_0
3f0&Pid_5511&MI_02&DOT4&PRINT_HPZ | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #34: Deskjet F300 (DOT4PRINT) | DOT4PRT\Vid_03f
0&Pid_5511&MI_02&DOT4&PRINT_HPZ | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #35: Deskjet F300 (DOT4PRINT) | DOT4PRT\Vid_03f
0&Pid_5511&MI_02&DOT4&PRINT_HPZ | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #36: Deskjet F300 series (DOT4) | DOT4USB\Vid_0
3f0&Pid_5511&MI_02&DOT4 | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #37: Deskjet F300 series (DOT4) | DOT4USB\Vid_0
3f0&Pid_5511&MI_02&DOT4 | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #38: Unidad de disquete | FDC\GENERIC_FLOPPY_DR
IVE | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #39: Puerto de datos de lectura ISAPNP | ISAPNP
\ReadDataPort | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #40: LPT1 | LPTENUM\MicrosoftRawPort958A | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #41: Primary Channel | Intel-244b | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #42: Secondary Channel | Intel-244b | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #43: Equipo compatible con Advanced Configurati
on and Power Interface (ACPI) | acpipic_up | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #44: Administrador de discos lógicos | ROOT\DMIO
| 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #45: Administrador de volúmenes | ROOT\FTDISK | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #46: Códecs de audio | MS_MMACM | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #47: Controladores de audio heredados | MS_MMDR
V | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #48: Dispositivos para el control de multimedia
| MS_MMMCI | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #49: Dispositivos de captura de vídeo heredados |
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #50: Códecs de vídeo | MS_MMVID | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #51: Motorola USB Modem | usb\vid_22b8&pid_a668
| 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #52: Motorola USB Modem | usb\vid_22b8&pid_a668
| 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #53: Minipuerto WAN (L2TP) | ms_l2tpminiport |
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #54: Minipuerto WAN (IP) | ms_ndiswanip | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #55: Minipuerto WAN (PPPOE) | ms_pppoeminiport
| 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #56: Minipuerto WAN (PPTP) | ms_pptpminiport |
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #57: Minipuerto del administrador de paquetes |
ms_pschedmp | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #58: Minipuerto del administrador de paquetes |
ms_pschedmp | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #59: Paralelo directo | ms_ptiminiport | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #60: Redirector de dispositivos de Terminal Ser
ver | ROOT\RDPDR | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #61: Controlador de teclado de Terminal Server
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #62: Controlador de mouse de Terminal Server |
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #63: Enumerador de dispositivos de software Plu
g and Play | root\swenum | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #64: Dispositivo de actualización de Microsoft |
root\update | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #65: Controlador BIOS de Microsoft System Manag
ement | root\mssmbios | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #66: Volumen genérico | STORAGE\Volume | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #67: Volumen genérico | STORAGE\Volume | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #68: Volumen genérico | STORAGE\Volume | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #69: Volumen genérico | STORAGE\Volume | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #70: Volumen genérico | STORAGE\Volume | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #71: Volumen genérico | STORAGE\Volume | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #72: Volumen genérico | STORAGE\Volume | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #73: Volumen genérico | STORAGE\Volume | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #74: Divisor de audio del núcleo de Microsoft | S
W\{2f412ab5-ed3a-4590-ab24-b0ce2aa77d3c} | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #75: Eliminador de eco acústico de núcleo de Micros
oft | SW\{4245ff73-1db4-11d2-86e4-98ae20524153} | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #76: Sintetizador de tabla de onda Microsoft Ke
rnel GS | SW\{6c1b9f60-c0a9-11d0-96d8-00aa0051e51d} | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #77: Sintetizador DLS Kernel de Microsoft | SW\
{8c07dd50-7a8d-11d2-8f8c-00c04fbf8fef} | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #78: Proxy de servicio de transferencia de Micr
osoft | SW\{96e080c7-143c-11d1-b40f-00a0c9223196} | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #79: Proxy del reloj de transferencia de Micros
oft | SW\{97ebaacc-95bd-11d0-a3ea-00a0c9223196} | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #80: Dispositivo de sonido del sistema Kernel d
e Microsoft | SW\{a7c7a5b0-5af3-11d1-9ced-00a024bf0407} | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #81: Mezclador de audio de onda Microsoft Kerne
l | SW\{b7eafdc0-a680-11d0-96d8-00aa0051e51d} | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #82: Controlador de compatibilidad de audio Mic
rosoft WINMM WDM | SW\{cd171de3-69e5-11d2-b56d-0000f8754380} | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #83: Proxy del administrador de calidad de tran
sferencia de Microsoft | SW\{ddf4358e-bb2c-11d0-a42f-00a0c9223196} | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #84: Adaptador asínc. de RAS | SW\{eeab7790-c514-
11d1-b42b-00805fc1270e} | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #85: Descodificador de audio DRM del núcleo de Mi
crosoft | SW\{eec12db6-ad9c-4168-8658-b03daef417fe} | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #86: Concentrador raíz USB | USB\ROOT_HUB&VID8086
&PID2442&REV0011 | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #87: Concentrador raíz USB | USB\ROOT_HUB&VID8086
&PID2444&REV0011 | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.955] Device #88: USB Device | USB\UNKNOWN | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.965] Device #89: USB Device | USB\UNKNOWN | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.965] Device #90: USB Device | USB\UNKNOWN | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.965] Device #91: Deskjet F300 series | USB\Vid_03f0&Pid_551
1&Rev_0100 | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.965] Device #92: Deskjet F300 series | USB\Vid_03f0&Pid_551
1&Rev_0100 | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.965] Device #93: Deskjet F300 series | USB\Vid_03f0&Pid_551
1&Rev_0100&MI_00 | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.965] Device #94: Deskjet F300 series | USB\Vid_03f0&Pid_551
1&Rev_0100&MI_00 | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.965] Device #95: Deskjet F300 series | USB\Vid_03f0&Pid_551
1&Rev_0100&MI_01 | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.965] Device #96: Deskjet F300 series | USB\Vid_03f0&Pid_551
1&Rev_0100&MI_01 | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.965] Device #97: Deskjet F300 series | USB\Vid_03f0&Pid_551
1&Rev_0100&MI_02 | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.965] Device #98: Deskjet F300 series | USB\Vid_03f0&Pid_551
1&Rev_0100&MI_02 | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.965] Device #99: Deskjet F300 series | USB\Vid_03f0&Pid_551
1&Rev_0100&MI_02 | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.965] Device #100: Wireless Mouse | USB\Vid_0461&Pid_4d2f&Re
v_0100 | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.965] Device #101: USB Storage | USB\Vid_05e3&Pid_0702&Rev_0
014 | 0
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.965] Device #102: USB Storage | USB\Vid_05e3&Pid_0702&Rev_0
014 | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.965] Device #103: SanDisk Sansa m230 | USB\Vid_0781&Pid_740
0&Rev_0328 | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.965] Device #104: SanDisk Sansa m230 | USB\Vid_0781&Pid_740
1&Rev_0328 | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.965] Device #105: LG: 1 CDC and 1 MS and 1 DPS | USB\Vid_10
04&Pid_6018&Rev_0100 | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.965] Device #106: Motorola USB Modem | USB\Vid_22b8&Pid_380
2&Rev_0000 | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.965] Device #107: Motorola USBLAN | USB\Vid_22b8&Pid_6027&R
ev_0000 | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.965] Device #108: USB 2.0 Drive | USB\Vid_4855&Pid_6288&
Rev_0119 | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.965] Device #109: HPDeskjet F300 series | USBPRINT\HPDeskje
t_F300_serieDFCE | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.965] Device #110: HP Deskjet F300 series | USBPRINT\HPDeskj
et_F300_serieDFCE | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.965] Device #111: HP Deskjet F300 series | USBPRINT\HPDeskj
et_F300_serieDFCE | 13
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.965] **********************************
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.965] * Removing all installed devices *
[2010-08-30 18:11:41.965] **********************************
[2010-08-30 18:12:00.402] Successfully removed device #106 - Motorola USB Modem
[2010-08-30 18:12:01.664] Successfully removed device #107 - Motorola USBLAN (US
[2010-08-30 18:12:01.664] ************************
[2010-08-30 18:12:01.664] * Precopying INF files *
[2010-08-30 18:12:01.664] ************************
[2010-08-30 18:12:02.885] Calling SetupCopyOEMInf()...
[2010-08-30 18:12:21.041] Successfully copied C:\Documents and Settings\Casa\USB
MOT2000.INF to C:\WINDOWS\INF\oem11.inf (destComp: oem11.inf)
[2010-08-30 18:12:21.041] Calling SetupCopyOEMInf()...
[2010-08-30 18:12:35.542] Successfully copied C:\Documents and Settings\Casa\USB
_CMCS_2000.INF to C:\WINDOWS\INF\oem12.inf (destComp: oem12.inf)
[2010-08-30 18:12:35.542] Calling SetupCopyOEMInf()...
[2010-08-30 18:12:48.841] Successfully copied C:\Documents and Settings\Casa\USB
MOT2000XP.INF to C:\WINDOWS\INF\oem13.inf (destComp: oem13.inf)
[2010-08-30 18:12:48.841] SetupCopyOEMInf() complete.
[2010-08-30 18:12:48.841] ********************************************
[2010-08-30 18:12:48.841] * Initiating PNP scan for hardware devices *
[2010-08-30 18:12:48.841] ********************************************
[2010-08-30 18:12:51.555] ******************************************************
[2010-08-30 18:12:51.555] * Beginning to wait for pending device installations *
[2010-08-30 18:12:51.555] ******************************************************
[2010-08-30 18:12:51.555] Successful wait for pending device installation.
[2010-08-30 18:12:51.555] Reverting driver warning policy to 0 from DSP_IGNORE.