What Is SAP ?
What Is SAP ?
What Is SAP ?
Transporting a Client
Procedure: To transport clients from one system to another, go to System Administration then
choose Tools -> Administration -> Client admin->Client transport -> Client export or transaction
SCC8. In the client transport screen you can select a copy profile that matches your requirements and
the target system in your CTS pipeline. Then you can execute the client export in the background or
online. Before the client export starts, a popup screen shows all the information about the command
files that will be created after the client export is done. After the process starts. You can watch the
export process in client copy log using transaction SCC3.
After the client export procedure is completed, if you chose the client independent data then three
transports are created in /usr/sap/trans/cofiles or there will be two transports:
<sid>KO<no> for the client-independent data ( if selected). For example if the client export is done
from development client 100 then the file will look like DEVKO0001.
<sid>KT<no> for the client-specific data. For example DEVKT0001
<sid>KX<no> for the SAPscript objects as Texts and forms. For example DEVKX0001
The data export is performed automatically. The output of the export includes the name of the
COMMFILE that has to be imported. The following data files will be created in/usr/sap/trans/data
directory using the same example given above:
For client dependent data: /usr/sap/trans/data/RT00001.DEV
For client independent customizing data: /usr/sap/trans/data/RO00001.DEV
For SAPscript data of a client: /usr/sap/trans/data/SX00011.DEV
Tips: Make sure that all the cofiles and the datafiles exist in the data and cofile directories before
starting the import phase.
Then add all the command files to the buffer by using the TP command in /usr/sap/trans/bin directory
as following:
tp addtobuffer <cofile name> <target sid name>
Using the above example cofile: tp addtobuffer devkt00001 qas (if qas is our target system)
tp addtobuffer devko00001 qas
tp addtobuffer devkx00001 qas
Then logon as <sid>adm to the target system and then use then import the transports as following:
tp import devkt00001 qas client100 u148 – For the client dependent data
tp import devko00001 qas client100 u148 – For client independent data
(In the above example QAS is the target system and 100 is the target client)
After you import a client from another system, you must perform post-processing, activities in order
to adapt the runtime environment to the current state of the data. To execute post-processing, choose
Tools -> Administration- >Client admin ->Client transport->client import or transaction SCC7.
Transaction SCC7 will take you to the client import post-processing screen . In that screen the
transport from the last tp import is proposed. Please check the transport number and if every thing is
according to the order then press enter and that will take care of the post processing activities. You
can also use SCC2 to execute the same process as in transaction SCC7. During this process, the
SAPscript texts are imported and application reports are generated. If there are inconsistencies, you
need to repeat the import after checking the log.
If you get any problem importing the SAPscript objects then use the RSTXR3TR program in the
target client to import those. In this screen you can enter the transport request for the SAPscript
object. According to the above example devkx00001. In the second line you need to enter the path
for the SAPscript data file as following:
/usr/sap/trans/data/<data file for the SAPscript objects>
/usr/sap/trans/SX00001.DEV (using the above example)
You can choose the import option from the “mode” option. Then you can continue to execute the
program and it will successfully complete the import of SAPscript objects to the target client.
Up to release 3.0, RSCLIEXP program can be used to create the command files. The tp command is
used to do the import as we have seen before and the RSCLIIMP program is executed for the post-
processing activities and the consistency of data.
Using the transport procedure in 4.0
In 4.0 after the client is exported from the source system using transaction SCC8 as we have seen in
the client export section, the following transport files are created.
<sid>KO<no>: For the client-independent data (if the copy profile selected includes client
independent data:
<sid>KR<no>: For the client-specific data.
<sid>KX<no>: For the Texts and forms.
When all the above transports get released from the source system, the data is exported to the data
files of /usr/sap/trans/data directory automatically. The cofiles are also created in the
/usr/sap/trans/cofiles directory.
Then the command files need to be added to the buffer for the import using the format from the
cofiles as following:
Logon to the target system as <sid>adm
cd /usr/sap/trans/bin - Change to the transport directory
tp addtobuffer <command file-name> <target-sys-id> - Adds to the buffer
If you are transporting to a new client then the new client should be created in the target
system. Then you can start the import into the target system as shown in the following UNIX
tp import <target-sys-id> client<target-client> from /usr/sap/trans/bin directory
After the “tp import” process completes successfully, start transaction SCC2 and then execute the
import into the target client. This process imports all the SAPscript objects and generates all the
programs. After the client is imported successfully, you should perform the post-processing activities
by using the following path:
Tools ->Administration->Client admin->Client transport->Post-process import.
After the post processing is done, we recommend doing table compare between the source client and
the target client to check all the client dependent and independent tables for consistency.
Step by Step Procedure to copy a Client to the Remote SAP Server.
Logon to destination SAP server
Use Transaction Code SCC4
Go to change mode
Create a new client, assign client number & description as per request
Logoff from current client.
Login to newly created client in destination SAP server using the following credentials :
i. Client Number : Newly created one
ii User Id : SAP*
iii Password : PASS
Use Transaction Code SM59 to create a RFC Connection for client copy if does not exist
RFC Connection should have Target Server as Destination and the test results should say
“Connection test OK”
Use SCC9 Transaction code to go to client copy screen.
Give profile as per the request.
Select RFC destination created for the purpose for the source client to client copy
Use Transaction code SCC3 for monitoring the progress of client copy
Golden rules for CLIENT Copies
1. Master data can not be copied without copying transactional data and transactional data can
not be copied without copying master data.
2. Application data (transactional and master) should not be copied without copying
configuration data.
3. Client copy requires a valid client as the destination client. Make sure that the client exists in
T000 table and you can logon to that client.
4. The transport system and the transport management system of 4.0 are the only proper tool to
be use to keep multiple systems in sync by transporting development and customizing changes to
another instance.
5. When you copy a client from one system to another, client-independent tables should only be
copied if they are not yet modified in the target system.
6. We recommend the users to read all the OSS notes regarding client copy that applies to their
SAP release. It is always better to schedule the client copy job in the background for the night run
when normal work is not taking place.
7. Always check the database space before performing a client copy.
8. To avoid data inconsistencies all the users working in the source and target clients should
logoff from the system.
9. RSCLICHK program should be run in the target system remotely before doing a client export.
This program will give information about the missing definitions from the data dictionary in the
target. After executing this program and getting successful results you can ensure that the client copy
will have no problems. In case some tables are different; you can use SE11 to compare and adjust the
table structure in both the system before the client copy. A remote test client copy also can be
executed to know the differences between source client and target client.
10. If you are not in release 2.2 then do not use R3trans to copy a client.
Profile Parameters for Client Login and password security (RZ10, RZ11):
Replace SAP Splash Logo : Change default SAP Logo on front screen..
1. Identify a picture to replace the existing SAP logo. This picture can be in any valid picture format
- gif, bmp, jpg. But convert it to jpg since that is the smallest available picture type. Store the picture
somewhere on your workstation.
2. Go to transaction SMW0.
3. On the SAP Web Repository: Initial Screen, click “on” the radio button for Binary data for
WebRFC applications, and click the Find icon or press F8. On the SAP Web Repository: Objection
selection screen, click the Execute icon or press F8.
4. On the SAP Web Repository: Object display screen, first make sure that the mime extension exists
for your picture type. Click Settings -> Maintain MIME types. Look to the far right of the Data
Browser: Table MIMETYPES Select Entries screen, and if you don’t see your file type - gif, jpg,
bmp - then you need to add it. Once you at done, back out to SAP Web Repository: Object display
5. Now you can upload your picture. Click the Create icon or press F5. Fill in the name of your
picture and a brief description and click the Import icon. Then provide the location of your picture
and load it in.
6. Go to transaction SM30. Fill in the table name SSM_CUST and click Maintain.
7. On the Change View “Set Values for the Session Manager / Profile Generator” screen, click New
Entries and add an entry called START_IMAGE and set the value to the name of your picture
created in step #5. Then press the Save icon.
You have replaced the SAP splash screen picture. Log off and back on to view your work!
1. Download the two necessary archives - SAPEXE.SAR and SAPEXEDB.SAR - from SAP
MarketPlace. There files can be found at http://service.sap.com/patches. Be careful that your Basis
level is high enough to use the patch level of the files you download. For example, if your SAP
instance is on Basis level 39 and the description of one of the SAPEXE.SAR files is Stack 42, you
need to download a SAPEXE.SAR of a lower level.
2. Once both files have been downloaded, log on to the UNIX server as <sid>adm and copy them
up to a directory on the UNIX server - I use one called /usr/sap/trans/NewKernel. unCAR the files
with SAPCAR command “sapcar -xvf “SAPEXE*.SAR”.
3. As <sid>adm, stop the SAP instance. Log on as ora<sid> and stop the TNS listener, and log on
as root and stop saposcol.
4. Make a backup of your run directory before patching. I usually create a
/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/backup_run and copy all the files in /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run to it.
5. Copy all the files unCARed in step 2 to /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run. If prompted, overwrite
6. Change the owner of saposcol to root, sapdba & all br* files to ora<sid>, and all the rest to
7. Start saposcol, the TNS listeners, and the SAP instance.
8. You have patched your UNIX SAP kernel. If you run into any problems starting your SAP
instances, stop everything, rename the directories /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run to
/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/bad_run and /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/backup_run to
/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run to restore your old kernel.
1. Click Settings -> Default Domain. Enter your email domain WITHOUT the @ sign. For
example. The domain for SAP Super Users would be sapsuperusers.com. Save the
information and go back to the main SCOT page.
2. Double-click on the SMTP node under INT. Change the Mail Host and Mail Port
information, and turn Node in Use “on”. Click the Set button beside Internet in the Support
address types section. Put an * in the firstline of Address area. Confirm your way back to the
main screen.
3. Back on the main SCOT screen, click View -> Jobs. Click the create button and fill in a name
for the email send job then click on the green check mark. Highlight the variant you want to
use – I use SAP&CONNECTALL – then click the Schedule button. Fill in the start date and
time, and then click Schedule periodically. Fill in the correct periodic information and click
Create. Your job has been added.
4. Receiving email into SAP using SMTP
1. Complete the tasks in “Sending email out of SAP using SMTP”.
2. Using transaction RZ10, add these parameters to your instance profile:
icm/server_port_<*> = PROT=SMTP,PORT=<port>
is/SMTP/virt_host_<*> = <host>:<port>,<port>,…;
The second parameter is only necessary if you are going to have multiple clients in the same
SAP system receiving email. Here is an example of how these parameters can be configured:
rdisp/start_icman = true
icm/server_port_2 = PROT=SMTP,PORT=25000,TIMEOUT=180 icm/server_port_3 =
PROT=SMTP,PORT=25001,TIMEOUT=180 is/SMTP/virt_host_0 = *:25000;
is/SMTP/virt_host_1 = *:25001;
If multiple clients in your SAP system need to receive External email, your must create a unique
is/SMTP/virt_host_<*> parameter for each client.
3. Using transaction SU01, create a SAPEmail system user with the S_A.SCON profile. And
make sure all the users who will be receiving email have a valid email address in their SU01
4. Using transaction SICF, each client to receive email must be assigned an SMTP server.
There is one already provided as a template. If only one client will be receiving email you only
need to use the template. Make these changes:
a.Change the Host Data to contain the proper Profile Parameter Number. See step 2.
b.Change the Logon Data to contain the information about the user created in step 3.
c.Change the Handler List to SMTP_EXT_SAPCONNECT on line 1.
5. Save your changes, deactivate the SAPconnect service andthen re-activate it.
10. When you have provided as much information as possible, click the Send to SAP hyperlink.
11. You will receive a confirmation screen with a generation problem number. Write this problem
number down for later use.
12. You may now leave the Message Wizard and close the web browser window.
Before opening a service connection for SAP, be sure that the SAPAG client has been added to
the appropriate SAP system and Client, and that a Security Audit Trace has been activated for
Before a Service Connection to a SAP server via your saprouter can be created, the saprouter
must run the LOP – Line Opener Program – to initiate the mode of SAP connection. Please
LOPInstalltion.exe on your saprouter server before trying to add and open any Service
1. Log on to the SAP Marketplace using an OSS ID with Administration rights –
2. On the Service Connections screen, click the Service Connections button.
3. On the Service Connections – Overview screen, scroll down the page and find the SAP
instance you want to open. Click on the red X in that instance’s line.
4. In the Enter Data for the system’s semi-automatic opening popup, set the days, hours, and
minutes you want the service connection to stay open. Click the Continue button.
1. What are Homogenous system copy and Heterogeneous system copy and how you will
do that?
Homogeneous copy is done when the source and target system are on the same OS and Databse.
Heterogeneous Copy is done when the source and target system differ either in
OS or Database. Any ONE difference needs a heterogeneous copy. Homogenous copy
is done by export/import technique. Heterogenous copy is done by system
migration. It is same as export/import except that it will ask for target OS
and DB type and needs a key to be entered.
2. How to import the OSS notes?
OSS notes a ".car" file. To work with a CAR File do the following at OS Level:
Get into OS as <sapsid>adm Copy the .CAR file to a Temporary Directory.
Uncompress the file with SAPCAR Copy the the data file generated in the data
transport directory ( ej: = /usr/Sap/trans/data). Copy the the cofile file
generated in the cofiles transport directory ( = ej:
/usr/Sap/trans/cofiles). Run transaction STMS Upload the support package with
SPAM transaction and the support package will show "New support packages".
How to apply OSS notes to my R/3 system?
In order to fix one of the problem in R/3 system, SAP will asked you to download an OSS notes
which is a ".car" file. To work with a CAR File do the following at OS Level:
Get into OS as <sapsid>adm Copy the .CAR file to a Temporary Directory.
Uncompress the file with SAPCAR Copy the the data file generated in the data transport directory
( ej: = /usr/Sap/trans/data). Copy the the cofile file generated in the cofiles transport directory
( = ej: /usr/Sap/trans/cofiles). Run transaction STMS Upload the support package with SPAM
transaction and the support package will show "New support packages".
Examples of CAR command :-
1) UNIX only:
Log on as user <sapsid>adm. cd /usr/sap/trans
2) Windows NT only:
Log on as user <SAPSID>ADM. , cd \USR\SAP\TRANS
This Will create two(2) FILES
After you run SPAM you MUST run STMS and check the transport queues
As per 315963 note you can direct made the changes in the program or you can apply the support
a) If you want to apply correction then first you need to register the object in SAP, so that you will
get the Access key and then you can make the changes.
b) If you want to import the support pack then you need to down load from SAP market-place. and
this is in CAR file. and then you need extract the same using CAR utility.
ex: CAR -xvf abc.car
you can directly apply the patch from SAPGUI, login to 000 client and then you can load the patch
from Presentation server.
Also check what is your current basis patch level?
For example if you want to apply patch 07 and you are having 05 then you need to apply 06 and
then apply 07.
3. What is OCS and How to apply OCS Patches ?
Using the concept of operation modes, you can define an operation
mode with additional background work processes in transaction RZ04.
You can then perform a manual operation mode switch using transaction
RZ03. You do not need to restart your system when doing this.
online correction system.Using SPAM ou can apply OCS patches
4. What is Transport domain and Domain controller?
transport domain contains copy of reference configuration. domain controller
contains reference configuration transport domain consists of all systems that
you plan to manage using stms. within transport domain all systems must have
unique system ids and only one of these systems is identified as the domain
controller the transport domain controller is the system where all TMS
configuration settings are maintained. any changes in to the configuration
settings are distributed to all systems in the landscape a transport group is
one or more systems that share a common transport directory
5. Why do we need to apply support package thru client 000? Why can't we do it through
some other client?
We apply support packages through 000 client only because in this client "cross client object changes"
options set to "changes to repository and cross client objects are allowed". Remaining client is set to
"no changes to repository objects are allowed".
000 is the master Client. If Support packages are uploaded thru that client it is updated in all other clients. So no
individual updating is needed
6. What is Consolidation route and delivery routes?
The route between development to quality is called consolidation route.
The route between quality to production is called delivery route. It is used
to transport data dev-->qua-->prod.
DELIVERY ROUTE : The route between quality to production is called
delivery route.
7. How to define Logon groups? And what is Logon load balancing?
Logon group are set using SMLG transaction.
Load blancing: During the request message server check for the least
loaded instance in the group and route the request to that instance.
If instead of logon group we specify the instance then the request is routed
to that instance only. Means no load balancing occur in this case.
9.How many types of printer you have configured ? how do you differentiate between them ?
4 types of printers
Production Printing , Mass Printing ,Test Printing, Desktop Printing .
10.Where printer port(LPT) is running on the system ?
Network and Desktop printers
11.What is the transaction code for creating Roles and how to users and what is method you
will follow ?
PFCG , then we generate the profile after that assign roles to users
13.What are the two files present while importing patches from OS level to SAP level ?
14.Do you see Sao Notes before applying patches if so what are the two steps in SAP notes
that we have to follow the before the applying patches?
18.What is the difference between remote client copy and client export ?
RemoteCopyà Using RFC connection we will perform remote copy
ClientExportàUsing TMS configuration we will perform client export and then we have to import
client to copy the client – STMS has to be created first for doing Client Export.
20.Do you have faced any problems while connecting to OSS some time is not connected ,
some time it requires authentication
21.What Is your landscape (how many no of application server which production , with
specifications( Ram connected, some time it requires authentication )
27.What is ST03 ?
Workload Analysis
28.What is the difference between ST06 and ST03
ST06 is OS Monitoring
ST03 is used for - Monitor OS and Database and SAP System
34.Can you change the profile parameter in the OS Level? Which one is advisable why ?
We can change the profile parameter from OS level. Its not recommended .
35.If you see the same parameter value in all instance profiles what will you do ?
37.I have a created one ABAP program I want to transport. How will you do that ?
39.I Have three Servers and two application Servers to QAS if I Want to Transport to one
application server in QAS and to production system how will do that ?
41.I Have transported one object then how do u know that it has been applied , And if it is not
transported what will you do ? How to Create that Object is not yet transferred?
IF the request is not in the queue of target system it means it has been applied . If it is there the
object is not yet applied .
44.Do you know Logon Groups at which situation will be created Logon group ?
Yes, If we find load on application server then we have to create logon group (If the production
department users are more than we have to create logon group for that department )
54.IF a user complaints that he could not execute some of the transaction codes then what
will you do ?
Use T-code SU53 , This will show which authorization is missing in his profile.
56.If there is performance problem how will you analyze the problem ?
64.Kernel patches ?
83.Applying Packages
87.I am having two application servers the logon load balance is there ; if the user wants to
connect to application server which will connected first.
Messages server is will assign the Application server automatically.
91.Each and every work processor is full even though the user wants to execute the
program. Then what’s the solution ?
· If u don’t have second applicaitno server than we have to cancel te particular work
processor (through SM50)
· If u have second application server than we have to configure the logon groups
94.Whenever I Suppose to start the MMC , The message server is starting , but the
dispatcher and work process is unable to start ? what could be the problem ?
95. If the Gateway service failed , can you connect to other r/3 System?
96.I tried to cancel a job with “Cancel Active Job “ but I got the message “Job is not active “ I
killed the process in SM50 , but my SM37 is still showing ACTIVE . What can I do to fix this ?
· In SM37à select job name and user àExecute Second screen on the top select job à Check status
· Start STMS and double click on the request it self, you will see which type of request it is
(Workbenchàclient Independent or Customizingàclient dependent).
· I recommend you to import every request on which client without looking inside the request.
Creating Database Statistics, Index Rebuilds, and Log Backup Jobs – MS SQL Server
Database statistics refresh jobs should be scheduled to run twice daily on all the SAP systems. But
occasionally a manual refresh needs to be done due to table reorganization, index rebuild, etc.
1. Log on to the server using the <sid>adm user ID.
2. Open the MS SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
3. Expand the navigator tree until you see the Management entry. Expand it.
4. Right-click on Database Maintenance Plans and click New Maintenance Plan.
5. Use the wizard to create the job you need.
6. You may now close the Enterprise Manager session and log off the server.
Creating Database Statistics, Index Rebuilds, and Log Backup Jobs – Oracle
1. Log on to the appropriate SAP instance any client.
2. Go to transaction DB13.
3. On the DBA Planning Calender for Oracle Database <SID>: Maintain screen, double-click on a blank line
on any day in the future.
4. On the Schedule Action for <Day>. DD.MM.YYYY popup, use the radio button to turn “on” the task you
want to do. For each action, you need to fill in the Start Time in military time format, the Period (Weeks) which
is how many weeks between running of this job – blank for one time only, 1 for weekly, 2 for bi-weekly, etc.
and Calender if you want to use any calendar except the SAP supplied standard Factory calendar.
These are the details for each action:
Whole database offline + redo log or
Whole database offline backup or
Whole database online + redo log or
Whole database online backup
Generic tape names for database backup
Database backup profile – usually init<SID>.sap
Options for ReDo log backup
Redo log backup
Generic tape names for database backup
Options for ReDo log backup
Partial database offline backup or
Partial database online backup
Tablespace names to be included in the back up
This document is the intellectual property of Jo Spencer and may not be edited without permission.
Generic tape names for database backup
Database backup profile – usually init<SID>.sap
Check and update optimizer status
Tablespace names to be included in the statistics run
Adapt next extents
Tablespace names for next extents adaption
Check database
Verify database
Tablespace names to be verified
Database backup profile – usually init<SID>.sap
Cleanup logs
5. You may now leave the DB13 transaction.
Printer Output
Creating a Local aka Frontend Printer aka Desktop Printer
Local or frontend printing is sometimes confusing in concept but actually very easy to understand. As a rule,
local printer is simply another way of saying that the user is going to print to the default printer designated on
his/her workstation. You probably do this all the time with Windows to printer spreadsheets, Word documents,
etc without thinking about it. You can do the same thing using SAP. 1. Log on to any client in the appropriate
SAP system.
This document is the intellectual property of Jo Spencer and may not be edited without permission.
2. Go to transaction SPAD.
3. On the Spool Administration: Initial Screen screen, click the Output Devices
4. On the Spool Administration: List of Output Devices screen, click the
Change button and then the Create button.
5. On the Spool Administration: Create Output Device screen, fill in the
Output Name and Short name - I normally use a short name of “DESK” for
“Desktop Printing” but alot of people use a Short name “SWIN” or “LOCL”
as well. Use the following DeviceAttributes fields: Device type = SWIN Device Class = standard printer
And the following Access Method fields:
Host spool access method = F: Printing on frontend computer Host printer = __DEFAULT. That is _ _ D E F A
Save the printer.
6. You may now leave the SPAD transaction.
Using this printer will cause print to go to SAPLPD which will use the default printer of the current workstation.
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Reprinting a Document
This document is the intellectual property of Jo Spencer and may not be edited without permission.
1. Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system.
2. Go to transaction SP01.
3. On the Output Controller: Spool request selection Screen screen, fill in any information needed to filter the
selection results. Then click on the clock picture-icon.
4. A list of all spool requests will be displayed. Double click on the spool request that is to be reprinted.
5. Click on the printer picture-icon. An Output request created message should appear in the bottom status
6. You may now leave the SP01 transaction.
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In order to apply new support packages and kernel patches to a SAP system, several preparation steps are
• Checking for new SPAM updates, support packages and kernel patches
• Downloading the new SPAM updates, support packages, and kernel patches
• Preparing the new SPAM updates, support packages, and kernel patches for application
• Applying the new SPAM updates, support packages, and kernel patches
• Mass recompiling all programs used in patched components
Be aware that SPAM/SAINT update and support package application occurs within the SAP system using the
SPAM transaction. These corrections are changes to ABAP program code and must be handled in a special
way by SAP. Kernel patches, on the other hand, are fixes to SAP executables found on the SAP server.
Kernel patches must be applied when the SAP instance is down.
Please refer to the Check for New SPAM Updates, Support Packages and Kernel
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Checking for New SPAM Updates, Support Packages and Kernel Patches
To check if SAP has released any new software fixes for your release of SAP, you need to know your current
support package and kernel release levels.
The patching process consists of:
- finding you current patch levels
- finding what patches you should be applying
- downloading the patches
- unCARing the patches
- loading the patches into the patching EPS queue
- applying the patches
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Find your Current SPAM Update and Support Package Level
Method One:
1. Log on to your SAP instance, any client.
2. On any SAP screen, click System -> Status…
3. On the System: Status popup, click the Component Information button.
4. On the System: Component Information popup, you will see the support package
level for each component installed in your current SAP instance.
Method Two:
1. Log on your SAP instance, any client.
2. Go to transaction SPAM.
3. On the Support Package Manager screen, turn “on” the radion button beside
the Imported Support Packages in the Directory section of the screen, and
then click Display button.
4. On the OCS Package Directory: Imported Packages screen, you will see a list
of all SAP Support Packages imported into your current SAP instance.
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The IGS server (Internet Graphics Server) component displays and generates the graphics used by
SAPGui HTML users. For example, the BW users accessing reports via the internet use the IGS
server. The ITS server also channels graphics through the IGS server. The IGS server is installed
as a started service on each server.
Starting the IGS instance
1. Log on to the appropriate server as <sid>adm.
2. Type the following:
cd /usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGS00/igs¬
./bin/startigs -p . ¬
3. You may log off the server.
Stopping the IGS instance
4. Log on to the appropriate server as <sid>adm.
5. Type the following:
cd /usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGS00/igs¬
6. You may log off the server.
What are the different ways to find who has deleted the data in table?
Today I got a complaint from functional team that all their material master data in MARA and all
related tables such as MARC, MARD, MBEW got deleted. They want to know who has deleted the
records and also tcode executed.
I had executed tcode *stad* and gave list of transaction codes exeucted from last 24 hours. Still they
are unable to find who has deleted the data. No entry in system log is available.
Anyone, who's able to write ABAP programs, has full access to the database and thus can delete all
the data.
Additionally users with permission can use SE14 to delete table contents completely.
It's hard to find out what happened, if not impossible :(
How to improve system performance?
If users have opened more sessions and no transaction is running and there are many users who have
opened more that 2 sessions and left that as it is.
Multilevel delivery is not required in a two- or three-system group. In more complex system landscapes,
particularly in layered development projects that have each other as sources, multilevel delivery may prove to
be a suitable solution:
If there are SAP Systems in the system group with releases prior to 4.0, you can only use multilevel delivery
under particular conditions. The Transport Management System checks these conditions when you configure
the transport routes in a mixed system group.
You define logon groups to determine how client requests to certain applications are load balanced when
your system setup uses the SAP Web Dispatcher or a third-party hardware load balancer in front of your
application servers. For example, you can define a logon group so that a certain application (such as one with
high CPU usage) is accessible only on two instances within your cluster, which are running on machines
equipped with extra CPU resources.
When you use logon groups for load balancing, then the logon group the application is requested with must
be present in the request URL. It is presented next to the application alias of the requested application
(separated by the zone separator symbol that is configured). The zone separator is configured in the HTTP
Provider Service using the Visual Administrator as described in Configuring the Zone Separator.
To request an application called TestApp within the test logon group (provided the default zone
separator is used), you can use the following URL:
The logon group definition consists of the following actions:
Definition of the instance IDs of the Java instances in the cluster where applications from this group are
Definition of the application aliasesof the applications that are requested with the corresponding logon
You can display the overview page of the existing logon groups if you choose System Management ®
Configuration ® Logon Groups. The Logon Groups frame on the right contains a table that lists all logon
groups on all registered systems.
If you select a logon group from the list, the configuration settings for it are displayed in the Details frame.