M.Tech.: Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing
M.Tech.: Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing
M.Tech.: Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing
Q2) (a) Explain the three types of coordinate systems used to input, store and
display model geometry and graphics.
(b) What is CAD/CAM database? List down the advantages of having
centralized control of the data. Explain some of the common database
Q3) (a) Discuss the use of various display commands available in a. drafting
(b) Compare the splines created by B-spline and Bezier spline techniques
for the same control points.
Q4) (a) Write down the various techniques used for the construction and editing
of soli~ objects. Explain any two of them in detail.
(b) How can you use a cylinder primitive to generate a sphere?
Q5) (a) Show that scaling and two-dimensional rotation about the z-axis ar~
(b) Defil1e the transformation matrix needed to refJect an object of
rectangular shape about a line given by y = x + 2. The dimensions of
the 2D object are [2,2; 3,2; 2,3; 3,3].
J-4021[8129] P.T.D.
Q6) (a) Explain the various representation schemes used in mechanical
assembly. ~
(b) Explain the concept of geometric tolerancing with the help of a suitable
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