Smart Dust
Smart Dust
Smart Dust
tion III outlines the key networking challenges presented by this much energy as possible when the sun shines (roughly 1 J per
technology. In Section IV, we describe some of the potential day) or when room lights are turned on (about 1 mJ per day).
applications of Smart Dust and the challenges they pose. Sec- With energy as the most precious resource, and time not as
tion V discusses related projects from the research community. likely to be critical, elementary operations and ultimately algo-
Section VI presents our summary and conclusions. rithms are likely to be judged in terms of their energy cost, rather
than power consumption. Energy-optimized microprocessors
currently use roughly 1 nJ per 32-bit instruction. Commer-
II. SMART DUST TECHNOLOGY cially available data acquisition chips approach 1 nJ per sample.
The goal of the project, a Smart Dust mote is illustrated in Bluetooth radio-frequency (RF) communication chips will burn
Fig. 2. Integrated into a single package are MEMS sensors, a about 100 nJ per bit transmitted. There is much excitement in
semiconductor laser diode and MEMS beam-steering mirror for the RF circuit community right now over picoradios, which tar-
active optical transmission, a MEMS corner-cube retroreflec- get 1 nJ/bit. Dramatic improvements will be made in some of
tor for passive optical transmission, an optical receiver, signal- these categories, but for every Joule that a mote stores, it will
processing and control circuitry, and a power source based on have the ability to perform some billions of operations. The net-
thick-film batteries and solar cells. This remarkable package working and information theory challenge is to determine how
will have the ability to sense and communicate, and be self- to allocate the energy: Sense? Compute? Transmit?
powered! Techniques for performing sensing and computation at low
A major challenge is to incorporate all these functions while power are reasonably well understood. Developing a communi-
maintaining very low power consumption, thereby maximizing cations architecture for ultra-low-power represents a more criti-
operating life given the limited volume available for energy stor- cal challenge. The primary candidate communication technolo-
age. Within the design goal of a cubic millimeter volume, using gies are based on RF or optical transmission techniques. Each
the best available battery technology, the total stored energy is technique has its advantages and disadvantages. RF presents a
on the order of 1 J. If this energy is consumed continuously over problem because dust motes offer very limited space for anten-
a day, the dust mote power consumption cannot exceed roughly nas, thereby demanding extremely short-wavelength (i.e., high-
10 W. For comparison, this is roughly the “Shutdown” power frequency) transmission. Communication in this regime is not
of individual low power ICs found in today’s laptop computers. currently compatible with low power operation. Furthermore,
The functionality envisioned for Smart Dust can be achieved radio transceivers are relatively complex circuits, making it dif-
only if the total power consumption of a dust mote is limited ficult to reduce their power consumption to the required mi-
to microwatt levels, and if careful power management strategies crowatt levels. They require modulation, bandpass filtering and
are utilized (i.e., the various parts of the dust mote are powered demodulation circuitry, and additional circuitry is required if the
on only when necessary). To enable dust motes to function over transmissions of a large number of dust motes are to be multi-
the span of days, solar cells could be employed to scavenge as plexed using time-, frequency- or code-division multiple access
An attractive alternative is to employ free-space optical trans-
mission. Studies have shown that when a line-of-sight path is
available, well-designed free-space optical links require signifi-
cantly lower energy per bit than their RF counterparts [2]. There
are several reasons for the power advantage of optical links. Op-
tical transceivers require only simple baseband analog and digi-
tal circuitry; no modulators, active bandpass filters or demodula-
tors are needed. The short wavelength of visible or near-infrared
light (of the order of 1 m) makes it possible for a millimeter-
scale device to emit a narrow beam (i.e., high antenna gain can
be achieved). As another consequence of this short wavelength,
a base-station transceiver (BTS) equipped with a compact imag-
ing receiver can decode the simultaneous transmissions from a
large number of dust motes at different locations within the re-
ceiver field of view, which is a form of space-division multiplex-
ing. Fig. 3. Microfabricated corner-cube retroreflector, consisting of three
Successful decoding of these simultaneous transmissions re- gold-coated polysilicon mirrors. The base mirror can be deflected
electrostatically, modulating the optical signal reflected from the de-
quires that dust motes not block one another’s line of sight to the vice (taken from [3]).
BTS. Such blockage is unlikely, in view of the dust motes’ small
size. A second requirement for decoding of simultaneous trans-
mission is that the images of different dust motes be formed on has important implications for feasible network routing strate-
different pixels in the BTS imaging receiver. To get a feeling for gies (see Section III-A.2).
the required receiver resolution, consider the following exam- Fig. 4 illustrates a free-space optical network utilizing the
ple. Suppose that the BTS views a 17 m 17 m area containing CCR-based passive uplink. The BTS contains a laser whose
Smart Dust, and that it uses a high-speed video camera with a beam illuminates an area containing dust motes. This beam can
256 256 pixel imaging array. Each pixel views an area about be modulated with downlink data, including commands to wake
6.6 cm2 . Hence, simultaneous transmissions can be decoded as up and query the dust motes. When the illuminating beam is not
long as the dust motes are separated by a distance roughly the modulated, the dust motes can use their CCRs to transmit up-
size of a pack of cigarettes. link data back to the base station. A high-frame-rate CCD video
Another advantage of free-space optical transmission is that a camera at the BTS “sees” these CCR signals as lights blink-
special MEMS structure makes it possible for dust motes to use ing on and off. It decodes these blinking images to yield the
passive optical transmission techniques, i.e., to transmit modu- uplink data. Kahn and Pister’s analysis show that this uplink
lated optical signals without supplying any optical power. This scheme achieves several kilobits per second over hundreds of
structure is a corner-cube retroreflector, or CCR (see Fig. 3). It meters in full sunlight [2]. At night, in clear, still air, the range
comprises three mutually perpendicular mirrors of gold-coated should extend to at least a kilometer. Because the camera uses
polysilicon. The CCR has the property that any incident ray of an imaging process to separate the simultaneous transmissions
light is reflected back to the source (provided that it is incident from dust motes at different locations, we say that it uses space-
within a certain range of angles centered about the cube’s body division multiplexing. The ability for a video camera to resolve
diagonal). If one of the mirrors is misaligned, this retroreflec- these transmissions is a consequence of the short wavelength of
tion property is spoiled. The microfabricated CCR includes an visible or near-infrared light. This does not require any coordi-
electrostatic actuator that can deflect one of the mirrors at kilo- nation among the dust motes, and thus, it does not complicate
hertz rates. It has been demonstrated that a CCR illuminated their design.
by an external light source can transmit back a modulated sig- When the application requires dust motes to use active op-
nal at kilobits per second. Since the dust mote itself does not tical transmitters, MEMS technology can be used to assemble
emit light, the passive transmitter consumes little power. Us- a semiconductor laser, a collimating lens and a beam-steering
ing a microfabricated CCR, Chu et al. have demonstrated data micro-mirror, as shown in Fig. 2. Active transmitters make pos-
transmission at a bit rate up to 1 kbps, and over a range up to sible peer-to-peer communication between dust motes, provided
150 m, using a 5-mW illuminating laser [3]. there exists a line-of-sight path between them. Power consump-
It should be emphasized that CCR-based passive optical links tion imposes a trade-off between bandwidth and range. The dust
require an uninterrupted line-of-sight path. Moreover, a CCR- motes can communicate over longer ranges (tens of kilometers)
based passive transmitter is inherently directional; a CCR can at low data rates or higher bit rates (megabits per second) over
transmit to the BTS only when the CCR body diagonal happens shorter distances. The relatively high power consumption of
to point directly toward the BTS, within a few tens of degrees. semiconductor lasers (of the order of 1 mW) dictates that these
A passive transmitter can be made more omnidirectional by em- active transmitters be used for short-duration burst-mode com-
ploying several CCRs oriented in different directions, at the ex- munication only. Sensor networks using active dust mote trans-
pense of increased dust mote size. If a dust mote employs only mitters will require some protocol for dust motes to aim their
one or a few CCRs, the lack of omnidirectional transmission beams toward the receiving parties.
Fig. 4. Design of a free-space optical network in which a base-station transceiver communicates simultaneouly with a collection of many dust motes
(only one dust mote is shown). A single laser at the base station supplies optical power for the downlink and the uplink.
III. MOBILE NETWORKING CHALLENGES is more likely when the dust mote density is higher. Multihop
A. Overview routing increases latency, and requires dust motes to be equipped
with active optical transmitters. Constraints on size and power
Development of mobile networking protocols for Smart Dust consumption of the dust mote digital circuitry dictate the need
represents a significant challenge. Some critical limitations are: for low-complexity ad hoc multihop routing algorithms.
1) The free-space optical links requires uninterrupted line-of- When dust motes are floating in the air or otherwise not fixed,
sight paths, 2) the passive and active dust mote transmitters have a line-of-sight path to the BTS may become intermittently avail-
directional characteristics that must be considered in system de- able. In such cases, the BTS can continuously interrogate the
sign, and 3) there are severe trade-offs between bit rate, energy dust motes. When a line-of-sight path to a mote becomes avail-
per bit, distance and directionality in these energy-limited free- able, the mote can transmit a packet to the BTS. When the av-
space optical links. These limitations are described in more de- erage time between occurrence of viable line-of-sight paths is
tail in the following subsections. much longer than the packet duration, latency will probably be
minimized by using multihop routing instead.
A.1 Line-of-Sight Requirement
An unbroken line-of-sight path is normally required for oper- A.2 Link Directionality
ation of free-space optical links for Smart Dust. These links can-
not operate reliably using non-line-of-sight propagation, which In most Smart Dust systems, the BTS interrogating beam an-
would rely on reflections from one or more objects between gular spread should be matched to the field of view of the BTS
the transmitter and receiver. As shown in Section III-A.3, the imaging receiver. These two should be matched in all systems
transmitted beam should have a small angular spread in order to using passive dust mote transmitters, and in systems using active
achieve a high signal-to-noise ratio with acceptably small trans- dust mote transmitters when the application involves frequent
mitter power. Specular reflection may not significantly increase bi-directional transmission between the BTS and dust motes.
a beam’s angular spread, but the existence of a properly aligned Intuitively, it makes little sense for the BTS to interrogate dust
specular reflector would be a rare event. Diffuse reflection scat- motes from which it cannot receive, and vice versa. In these
ters a beam’s energy over a wide range of angles, making align- systems, the interrogating beam and imaging receiver will be
ment less critical, but usually scatters insufficient energy toward mounted rigidly together in the BTS, and will be aimed together
the receiver. Hence, diffuse, non-line-of-sight transmission is as a unit. For example, the BTS may reside in a hand-held unit
likely to be feasible only when active transmitters are used over resembling a pair of binoculars, which is aimed by a human op-
very short distances (probably under 1 meter). It is probably im- erator.
possible to use diffuse, non-line-of-sight transmission with pas- In certain applications using active dust mote transmitters, it
sive transmitters (based on CCRs), because both the interrogat- may be desirable to use a BTS transmitter beam whose angular
ing beam and the reflected beam would be subject to scattering spread is smaller than the BTS receiver field of view. In these
over a wide range of angles. applications, the interrogating beam will be aimed at various
A fixed dust mote without a line-of-sight path to the BTS can locations within the receiver field of view.
communicate with the BTS via multihop routing, provided that Because of limited available space, the dust mote’s optical re-
a suitable multihop path exists. The existence of such a path ceiver probably cannot employ an imaging or non-imaging op-
tical concentrator in front of the photodetector. As a result, the It is known that in free-space optical networks, non-
dust mote receiver will be fairly omnidirectional, i.e., it will be reciprocity can lead to “hidden nodes” which can cause col-
able to receive from most of the hemisphere located in front of lisions during medium access. For example, this effect is ob-
the dust mote. In most applications, it should not be necessary served in networks having a shared-bus physical topology, and
to aim the dust mote receiver. using MAC protocols based on random time-division multiplex-
The dust mote’s transmitter will exhibit markedly different ing, such as CSMA-CA with RTS/CTS [4]. In Smart Dust net-
directional characteristics than its receiver. A passive dust mote works, the uplink (dust mote to BTS) uses space-division mul-
transmitter is based on the CCR. This device reflects light di- tiplexing. As discussed in Section II, uplink collisions will not
rectly back to the source within a narrow beam 1 , provided that occur as long as the dust motes are sufficiently separated that
it is illuminated from a direction that lies within a few tens of their transmissions are detected by different pixels in the BTS
degrees of the cube body diagonal. If dust motes use only one imaging receiver. Collisions during active peer-to-peer commu-
CCR each, then any given dust mote, if fixed in a random, up- nications are a potential problem in Smart Dust networks. A
right orientation, has only about a 10% probability of being able peer-to-peer collision avoidance scheme must cope with a dy-
to transmit to the BTS. This probability can be increased signif- namic network configuration, while not introducing excessive
icantly by equipping each dust mote with several CCRs, each complexity or latency.
oriented along a different direction. As an alternative, a single
CCR may be mounted on a MEMS aiming mechanism. This A.3 Trade-Offs Between Bit Rate, Distance and Energy per Bit
mechanism need only aim the CCR with an accuracy of the or-
der of 10 or 20
Free-space optical links are subject to trade-offs between sev-
eral design parameters. For simplicity, we consider the case of
Still other solutions exist for coping with the CCR’s direction-
links employing active laser transmitters. The receiver signal-
ality. It may be possible to distribute randomly an excess num- to-noise ratio (SNR) is given by
ber of dust motes, with the goal of communicating only with
SNR = C ENb Rd4bA4 :
those whose CCRs happen to point toward the BTS. If the dust 2 2
motes are not fixed, it may be best for a dust mote to simply (1)
delay transmitting until it moves into an orientation that enables
transmission to the BTS. Here, C is a constant, Eb is the average transmitted energy per
An active dust mote transmitter is based on a laser diode. It bit, Rb is the bit rate, A is the receiver light collection area 2 , N0
should employ a narrow beamwidth, typically less than a degree is the receiver noise power spectral density, d is the link trans-
(see Section III-A.3). This necessitates equipping the dust mote mission distance, and is the transmitter beam angular spread.
with an active beam-steering mechanism. Pister and his students This expression assumes that is small, and that the transmit-
are working on a MEMS-based mechanism capable of steering a ter beam is well-aimed at the receiver. The SNR governs the
beam to any position within a hemisphere. Beam-steering algo- probability of bit error, and must be maintained at a suitably
rithms for systems with active dust mote transmitters represent high value to insure reliable link operation. From (1), we see
that in order to achieve a given SNR with all other parameters
a current research challenge. It would be desirable for each dust
;1=2 , i.e., the
fixed, the required value of E b is proportional to R b
mote to autonomously steer its beam toward the desired direc-
tion. One approach would be to make the dust mote receiver di- energy per bit is minimized if packets are transmitted in short
rectional, and to mount the receiver and transmitter on the same bursts at a high bit rate.
aiming mechanism. Accordingly, by aiming its receiver so as The average transmitter power (during transmission of a
to maximize the signal received from the BTS or another mote, packet) is Pt = Eb =Rb . Hence, transmission at a high bit rate
the dust mote would be aiming its transmitter at that node. The requires a high-power transmitter. In practice, P t should be cho-
need for active dust mote transmitters to determine the direction sen to be as high as possible, within constraints posed by eye
to other nodes slows down connection set up, but if nodes remain safety and by dust mote current-drive limitations. Rewriting (1)
fixed then the directions of various nodes, once determined, can in terms of Pt , we obtain