CompiledConstiIIdigests (Finals)
CompiledConstiIIdigests (Finals)
CompiledConstiIIdigests (Finals)
SUBJECT: Constitutional Law II (Finals) committed and that the arresting officers had
Date: April 8, 2008 personal knowledge of facts indicating that Mengote
had committed it. All they had was hearsay
People v. Mengote information from the telephone caller, and about a
Facts: crime that had yet to be committed.
- the Western Police District received a telephone call - The truth is that they did not know then
from an informer that there were three suspicious- what offense, if at all, had been committed and
looking persons at the corner of Juan Luna and North neither were they aware of the participation therein
Bay Boulevard in Tondo, Manila, shortly before noon of the accused-appellant. It was only later, after
of August 8, 1987, a surveillance team of Danganan had appeared at the Police headquarters,
plainclothesmen was dispatched to the place. that they learned of the robbery in his house and of
- Patrolmen Rolando Mercado and Alberto Juan, said Mengote's supposed involvement therein.
that they saw two men "looking from side to side,"
one of whom was holding his abdomen. They
approached these persons and identified themselves Velasco v. CA
as policemen, whereupon the two tried to run away
but were unable to escape because the other FACTS:
lawmen had surrounded them. - Section 4, Rules of Court: the wirt of habeas corpus
- The suspects were then searched. One of them, who should not be allowed after the party sought to be
turned out to be the accused-appellant, was found released had been charged before any court
with a .38 caliber Smith and Wesson revolver with six - A warrant of arrest was issued against accused
live bullets in the chamber. His companion, later Larkins for violations of BP 22
identified as Nicanor Morellos, had a fan knife - A complaint affidavit was executed by Desiree Alinea
secreted in his front right pants pocket. The weapons accusing Larkins of the crime of rape
were taken from them. Mengote and Morellos were - On the basis of the said complaint, special
then turned over to police headquarters for investigators from the NBI arrested and detained the
investigation by the Intelligence Division. latter at the detention cell of the NBI at Taft Avenue,
- Information was filed with RTC charging accused in - Larkins posted his bail for the BP22 case.. The judge
violation of Violation of PD 1866 illegal possession of who issued the warrant of arrest pertaining to the
firearms. violations of BP22 ordered the recalling and setting
- Besides the police officers, one other witness aside of the said warrant and directed warden of the
presented by the prosecution was Rigoberto NBI to release Larkins from the confinement “unless
Danganan, who identified the subject weapon as otherwise detained for some other cause”
among the articles stolen from him during the - NBI did not release him because he should still be
robbery in his house in Malabon on June 13, 1987. He detained for the crime of rape for which he should be
pointed to Mengote as one of the robbers. held for inquest
Issue: - A complaint against Larkins for rape was executed
- W/N there was the warrantless arrest made was and filed in the RTC of Antipolo
legal? No. - Larkins filed a Motion for Bail wherein he alleged that
Ratio: the evidence against him is not strongfor he had no
Rules of Court Sec. 5. Arrest without warrant when lawful. A carnal knowledge of the complaint
peace officer or private person may, without a warrant, arrest - Larkins filed an Urgent Omnibus Motion for Dismissal
a person; of the Complaint and for immediate release
(a) When, in his presence, the person to be arrested has principally based on the alleged illegality of his
committed, is actually committing, or is attempting to commit warrantless arrest
an offense; - Trial Court denied both motions
(b) When an offense has in fact just been committed, and he - CA issued a resolution ordering NBI to produce
has personal knowledge of facts indicating that the person to Larkins before the court
be arrested has committed it; and - CA issued its decision resolving that Larkins be
(c) When the person to be arrested is a prisoner who has immediately released on the ground that the
escaped from a penal establishment or place where he is complaint presented to the NBI by the complainant
serving final judgment or temporarily confined while his case Desiree on the basis of which Larkins was detained
is pending, or has escaped while being transferred from one without a warrant of arrest did not meet the legal
confinement to another. requirements provided for in the Rules of Court.
- Clearly circumstances of the case doesn’t come Moreover, on the day Larkin’s detention commenced,
under Par. (c). no other criminal complaint had been filed or
- Par. (a) requires that the person be arrested (1) after pending in any court. It was only sometime after the
he has committed or while he is actually committing Urgent Motion for Bail was filed that the complaint of
or is at least attempting to commit an offense, (2) in rape was filed
the presence of the arresting officer.
o These requirements have not been ISSUE:
established in the case at bar. At the time of W/N the warrantless arrest was valid (consequently, W/N
the arrest in question, the accused- the petition for writ of HC will prosper)
appellant was merely "looking from side to
side" and "holding his abdomen." There was HELD:
apparently no offense that had just been No. However, supervening events rendered the detention
committed or was being actually committed valid and consequently, the petition for writ of HC will not
or at least being attempted by Mengote in prosper
their presence.
- Par. (b) is no less applicable because its no less
- CA granted the writ of HC because it foynd that the
stringent requirements have also not been satisfied.
warrantless arrest of LArkins foir the crime of rape
The prosecution has not shown that at the time of
did not meet the legal requirements provided for in
Mengote's arrest an offense had in fact just been
While admittedly, the Daily Tribune was not padlocked and The formation by petitioners of such a highly organized
sealed like the “Metropolitan Mail” and “We Forum” conspiracy, with rigidly disciplined members subject to call
newspapers in the above case, yet it cannot be denied that when the leaders, these petitioners, felt that the time had
the CIDG operatives exceeded their enforcement duties. The come for action, coupled with the inflammable nature of world
search and seizure of materials for publication, the stationing conditions, similar uprisings in other countries, and the touch
of policemen in the vicinity of the The Daily Tribune offices, and go nature of our relations with countries with whom
and the arrogant warning of government officials to media, petitioners were in the very lease ideologically attuned,
are plain censorship. It is that officious functionary of the convince us that their convictions were justified on the score.
repressive government who tells the citizen that he may
speak only if allowed to do so, and no more and no less than And this analysis disposes of the contention that a conspiracy
what he is permitted to say on pain of punishment should he to advocate, as distinguished from the advocacy itself, can’t
be constitutionally restrained because it compromises only
Whether or not the production and filming of the projected SPEECH AND THE ELECTORAL PROCESS
series would constitute an unlawful intrusion into the privacy PABLITO SANIDAD vs. COMELEC (1990)
of the
private respondent. Facts: Republic Act No. 6766 ORGANIC ACT FOR CAR was
enacted into law. A plebiscite for the ratification of said
RESOLUTION: Organic Act was scheduled. COMELEC promulgated Resolution
The court concluded that the production and filming by No. 2167, to govern the conduct of the plebiscite. Petitioner
petitioners of Pablito V. Sanidad, a newspaper columnist of the "OVERVIEW"
the projected motion picture "The Four Day Revolution" does for the BAGUIO MIDLAND COURIER, assailed the
not, in constitutionality of Section 19 of Comelec Resolution No.
the circumstances of the case, constitute an unlawful 2167, which provides: Section 19. Prohibition on columnists,
intrusion upon commentators or announcers. During the plebiscite campaign
private respondent's "right of privacy." period, on the day before and on the plebiscite day, no mass
a. The Petitions for Certiorari are granted due course, and the media columnist, commentator, announcer or personality
March shall use his column or radio or television time to campaign
16, 1988 order of trial court granting a Writ of Preliminary for or against the plebiscite issues.
Injunction is
set aside. The limited TRO granted by the Court on March 24, Issue: Is Sec 19 of Comelec Resolution No. 2167 void and
1988 is unconstitutional because it violates the constitutional
modified, enjoining unqualifiedly the implementation of guarantees of the freedom of expression and of the press?
Judge's order of March 16, 1988 and made PERMANENT Held: Yes
b) Treating the Manifestations of petitioners dated March 30,
1988 and Ratio: Unlike a regular news reporter or news correspondent
April 4, 1988 as separate Petitions for Certiorari with Prayer who merely reports the news, a columnist, obviously and
for necessarily contains and reflects his opinions, views and
Preliminary Injunction or Restraining Order, the Court, in the beliefs on any issue or subject about which he writes.
exercise COMELEC Resolution No. 2167 constitutes a prior restraint on
of its plenary and supervisory jurisdiction, required Judge his constitutionally-guaranteed freedom of the press.
Sec. 90. Comelec space. The Commission shall procure space Facts: 13 January 1992 Comelec promulgated Resolution No.
in at least one newspaper of general circulation in every 2347.
province or city: Provided, however, That in the absence of
said newspaper, publication shall be done in any other Section 15(a) defines what is lawful election propaganda.
magazine or periodical in said province or city, which shall be “Pamphlets, leaflets, cards, decals, stickers, handwritten or
known as "Comelec Space" wherein candidates can announce printed letters, or other written or printed materials not more
their candidacy. Said space shall be allocated, free of charge, than eight and one-half (8-1/2) inches in width and fourteen
equally and impartially by the Commission among all (14) inches in length. Provided, That decals and stickers may
candidates within the area in which the newspaper is be posted only in any of the authorized posting areas
circulated. provided in paragraph (f) of Section 21 hereof.”
Sec. 92. Comelec time. The Commission shall procure radio Section 21 then defines what is unlawful election propaganda
and television time to be known as "Comelec Time" which “To draw, paint, inscribe, post, display or publicly exhibit any
shall be allocated equally and impartially among the election propaganda in any place, whether public or private,
candidates within the area of coverage of all radio and mobile or stationary, except in the COMELEC common posted
television stations. For this purpose, the franchise of all radio areas and/or billboards, at the campaign headquarters of the
broadcasting and television stations are hereby amended so candidate or political party, organization or coalition, or at the
as to provide radio or television time, free of charge, during candidate's own residential house or one of his residential
the period of the campaign. (Emphasis supplied) houses, if he has more than one: Provided, that such posters
The objective which animates Section 11 (b) is the equalizing, or election propaganda shall not exceed two (2) feet by three
as far as practicable, the situations of rich and poor (3) feet in size. (Emphasis supplied)”
candidates by preventing the former from enjoying the undue
advantage offered by huge campaign "war chests." Section 11 Blo Umpar Adiong was then a senatorial candidate and
(b) prohibits the sale or donation of print space and air time alleged that the two sections mentioned violate the Omnibus
"for campaign or other political purposes" except to the Election Code and RA 6646 insofar as unduly curtailing the
Commission on Elections ("Comelec"). Upon the other hand, rights of a private citizen to attach stickers to his vehicle.
Sections 90 and 92 of the Omnibus Election Code require the
Comelec to procure "Comelec space" in newspapers of Issue: Whether or not COMELEC has the power to prohibit the
general circulation in every province or city and "Comelec posting of stickers and decals on “mobile” places, public or
time" on radio and television stations. Further, the Comelec is private and limit their posting on designated areas.
statutorily commanded to allocate "Comelec space" and
"Comelec time" on a free of charge, equal and impartial basis Held: Petition granted Resolution No. 2347 Section 15(a)
among all candidates within the area served by the Section 21(f) declared void.
newspaper or radio and television station involved.
Ratio: Several reasons.
Issue: 1. Prohibition unduly infringes upon private citizens
Petitioner, Social Weather Stations, Inc. (SWS), is a private
non-stock, non-profit social research institution conducting Rubin, Secretary of Treasury v. Coors Brewing Company
surveys in various fields brought this action for prohibition to
enjoin COMELEC from implementing Resolution 3636, The Federal Alcohol Administration Act (FAAA) prohibits beers
pursuant to Section 5.4 of RA. No.9006 (Fair Election Act), from displaying its alcohol content in its labels. The
which provides: Government's for this was to protect its interest in
Surveys affecting national candidates shall not be suppressing "strength wars" between brewing companies.
published 15 days before an election and surveys Coors submitted their labels for approval at the federal
affecting local candidates shall not be published seven Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) but the label
7 days before an election. was rejected. Now, Coors is contesting the constitutionality of
COMELEC contends that the prohibition on the publication of section 205(e)(2) of the FAAA alleging that it violates the First
election survey results is intended for the prevention of the Amendment's protection of Commercial Speech.
debasement of the electoral process resulting from
manipulated surveys, bandwagon effect, and absence of reply Issue: Does the section 205(e)(2) of the FAAA which bans
and that the impairment of freedom of expression is minimal, Brewing companies from displaying the alcohol content in
the restriction being limited both in duration and in scope as it their labels violate the protection of Commercial Speech
does not prohibit election survey results but only require
timeliness. HELD: YES
W/N the restriction on the publication of election survey Rationale:
results constitutes a prior restraint on the exercise of freedom
of speech without any clear and present danger to justify such Both parties have agreed that information on labels
restraint. constitutes commercial speech. The case of Central Hudson
HELD: has identified several factors that courts should consider in
Yes. Sec 5.4 is invalid because (1) it imposes a prior restraint determining whether a regulation of commercial speech
on the freedom of expression, (2) it is a direct and total survives First Amendment scrutiny.
suppression of a category of expression even though such 1. It must concern a lawful activity and not be misleading
suppression is only for a limited period, and (3) the 2. Whether the asserted governmental interest is substantial
governmental interest sought to be promoted can be 3. Whether the regulation directly advances the governmental
achieved by means other than suppression of freedom of interest asserted
expression. 4. Whether it is not more extensive than necessary to serve
Section 5.4 of the Fair Election Act did not pass the O’Brien that interest
test which is the most influential test
Both parties agree that COORS seeks to disclose only truthful,
verifiable, and nonmisleading factual information about
alcohol content on its beer labels. as for the second factor the
Government identifies 2 interests. One is the goal of curbing
for distinguishing content-based from content neutral "strength wars" by beer brewer's who might seek to compete
regulation. In United States v. O 'Brien it was held that a for customers on the basis of alcohol content.They view that
government regulation is sufficiently justified granted the restricting disclosure regarding the particular product
following requisites: characteristic will decrease the extent to which consumers will
(1 ) it is within the constitutional power of the select the product on the basis of that characteristics. COORS
Government; however contends that this was not the purpose that FAAA
[2] if it furthers an important or substantial intended to achieve. In fact the BATF requires wines and other
governmental interest; sprits to disclose alcohol content on its labels. The FAAA's
[3] if the governmental interest is unrelated to the general thrust appears to favor greater disclosure than less.
suppression of free expression; and The goal of suppressing "strength wars" was found to be a
[4] if the incidental restriction on alleged First substantial interest. the next thing to look at is whether the
Amendment freedoms [of speech, expression and legislature 's means fit its end. it was concluded that it cannot
press] is no greater than is essential to the furtherance directly and materially advance its asserted interest because
of that interest of the overall irrationality of the Government's scheme. The
Sec 5.4 fails to meet criterion 3 and 4 of the O 'Brien test. prohibition only applies to States who accept such statute and
By prohibiting the publication of election survey results the rule does not prohibit disclosing the same information in
because of the possibility that such publication might advertisements which would seem to constitute a more
undermine the integrity of the election, Sec. 5.4 actually influential weapon in any strength wars than labels. There is
suppresses a whole class of expression, while allowing the little chance that it can directly advance its aims. The
expression of opinion concerning the same subject matter by Government had failed to present any credible evidence
newspaper columnists, radio and TV commentators, armchair showing that the disclosure of alcohol would promote strength
In 1989, petitioner city authorized respondent
companies to place 62 freestanding newsracks on public City of Ladue v. Gilleo
property for the purpose of distributing free magazines that
consisted primarily of advertisements for respondents' Facts: An ordinance of City of Ladue bans all residential signs
services. (However, Discovery Network’s magazines also but those falling within one of ten exemptions, for the
contained some information about current events of general principal purpose of minimizing the visual clutter associated
interest and Harmon Publishing Company’s magazines had with such signs.
some information about interest rates, market trends, and
other real estate matters) Issue: W/N the ordinance violated her right to free speech by
In 1990, motivated by its interest in the safety and prohibiting her from displaying a sign stating, “For peace in
attractive appearance of its streets and sidewalks, the city the gulf,” from her home. YES.
revoked respondents' permits on the ground that the
magazines were "commercial handbills," whose distribution on
public property was prohibited by a pre-existing ordinance. Held:
(Newsracks dispensing traditional newspapers were however, Signs are subject to municipalities' police powers but
allowed to stay.) measures regulating them inevitably affect communication. A
In respondents' ensuing lawsuit, the District Court regulation may be challenged on the ground that it restricts
concluded that this categorical ban violated the First too little speech because its exemptions discriminate on the
Amendment under the "reasonable fit" standard applied to basis of the signs' messages or that they prohibit too much
the regulation of commercial speech in Board of Trustees of protected speech.
State Univ. of New York v. Fox. The Court of Appeals affirmed.
Ladue's interest in minimizing the visual clutter associated
Issue: Whether this refusal is consistent with the First with sign is valid but certainly no more compelling than the
Amendment (Freedom of expression) interests at stake in Linmark. Moreover, whereas the
ordinance in Linmark applied only to a form of commercial
Held: No. speech, Ladue's ordinance covers even such absolutely
pivotal speech as a sign protesting an imminent governmental
Rationale: decision to go to war.
a. The record amply supports the conclusion that the city has Ladue has almost completely foreclosed a unique and
not met its burden of establishing a "reasonable fit" between important medium to political, religious, or personal
its legitimate interests in safety and esthetics and the means messages. Prohibitions foreclosing entire media may be
it chose to serve those interests. The ordinance's outdated completely free of content or viewpoint discrimination, but
prohibition of handbill distribution was enacted long before such measures can suppress too much speech.
any concern about newsracks developed, for the apparent Ladue contends that its ordinance is a mere regulation of the
purpose of preventing the kind of visual blight caused by "time, place, or manner" of speech because residents remain
littering, rather than any harm associated with permanent, free to convey their desired messages by other means. We are
freestanding dispensing devices. The fact that the city failed not persuaded that adequate substitutes exist for the
to address its recently developed concern about newsracks by important medium of speech. Displaying a sign from one's
regulating their size, shape, appearance, or number indicates own residence often carries a message quite distinct from
that it has not "carefully calculated" the costs and benefits placing the same sign elsewhere. Precisely because of their
associated with the burden on speech imposed by its location, such signs provide information about the identity of
prohibition. The lower courts correctly ruled that the benefit to the "speaker." Also, residential signs are an unusually cheap
be derived from the removal of 62 newsracks out of a total of and convenient. Furthermore, a person who puts up a sign at
1,500-2,000 on public property was small. her residence often intends to reach neighbors, an audience
b. The Court rejects the city's argument that, because every that could not be reached nearly as well by other means.
decrease in the overall number of newsracks on its sidewalks Our decision that Ladue's ban on almost all residential signs
necessarily effects an increase in safety and an improvement violates the First Amendment by no means leaves the City
in the attractiveness of the cityscape, there is a close fit powerless to address the ills that may be associated with
between its ban on newsracks dispensing "commercial residential signs. Also, Residents' self-interest diminishes the
handbills" and its interests in safety and esthetics. This danger of the "unlimited" proliferation of residential signs.
argument is premised upon the distinction the city has drawn
between commercial speech such as respondents', which is UNPROTECTED SPEECH (LIBEL)
viewed as having only a low value, and the assertedly more
valuable noncommercial speech of "newspapers," whose Policarpio v. Manila Times Pub. Corp.
distribution on public land is specifically authorized by
separate provisions of the city code. The argument attaches Facts:
more importance to that distinction than the Court's cases Lumen Policarpio is a member of the Philippine Bar. She was
warrant and seriously underestimates the value of commercial also the secretary of the local UNESCO National Commission.
speech. Moreover, because commercial and noncommercial As such officer, she had preferred charges against Herminia
publications are equally responsible for the safety concerns Reyes, one of her subordinates and caused her to be
and visual blight that motivated the city, the distinction bears separated from the service. Miss Reyes, in turn, preferred
no relationship whatsoever to the admittedly legitimate counter-charges which were referred to Col. Alba, a Special
interests asserted by the city and is an impermissible means Investigator in the Office of the President. Reyes also filed a
Sorry guys. I also just copied the case summary. It’s good (a) Neither petitioner's past service on certain city
naman e. committees nor his appearance as an attorney at the
coroner's inquest into the death of the murder victim
Facts: made him a public official.
A Chicago policeman named Nuccio was convicted of murder.
The victim's family retained petitioner, a reputable attorney, (b) Petitioner was also not a public figure. Absent
to represent them in civil litigation against Nuccio. An article clear evidence of general fame or notoriety in the
appearing in respondent's magazine alleged that Nuccio's community and pervasive involvement in ordering
murder trial was part of a Communist conspiracy to discredit the affairs of society, an individual should not be
the local police, and it falsely stated that petitioner had deemed a public figure for all aspects of his life.
arranged Nuccio's "frame-up," implied that petitioner had a Rather, the public-figure question should be
criminal record, and labeled him a "Communist-fronter." determined by reference to the individual's
Petitioner brought this diversity libel action against participation in the particular controversy giving rise
respondent. After the jury returned a verdict for petitioner, the to the defamation. Petitioner's role in the Nuccio
District Court decided that the standard enunciated in New affair did not make him a public figure.
York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 , which bars media
liability for defamation of a public official absent proof that the
defamatory statements were published with knowledge of In Re Jurado
their falsity or in reckless disregard of the truth, should apply
to this suit. The court concluded that that standard protects Facts:
media discussion of a public issue without regard to whether Emiliano Jurado is a lawyer and a journalist of Manila
the person defamed is a public official as in New York Times Standard, with a column entitled “Opinion”. Jurado had been
Co. v. Sullivan, supra, or a public figure, as in Curtis Publishing writing about alleged irregularities in the judiciary over
Co. v. Butts, 388 U.S. 130 . The court found that petitioner had several months (from about October, 1992 to March, 1993).
failed to prove knowledge of falsity or reckless disregard for Other journalists had also been making reports or comments
the truth and therefore entered judgment n. o. v. for on the same subject. At the same time, anonymous
respondent. The Court of Appeals affirmed. communications were being extensively circulated, by hand
and through the mail, about alleged venality and corruption in
Held: the courts. And all these were being repeatedly and insistently
4. 1. A publisher or broadcaster of defamatory falsehoods about adverted to by certain sectors of society.
an individual who is neither a public official nor a public figure In light of these abnormal developments, the Chief Justice
may not claim the New York Times protection against liability took an extraordinary step. He issued Administrative Order
for defamation on the ground that the defamatory statements No. 11-93 dated January 25, 1993, "Creating an Ad Hoc
concern an issue of public or general interest. Committee to Investigate Reports of Corruption in the
5. Judiciary," composed of CJ Narvasa, former justices Relova and
3. (a) Because private individuals characteristically Melencio-Herrera.
have less effective opportunities for rebuttal than do
public officials and public figures, they are more Issue:
vulnerable to injury from defamation. Because they W/N Jurado should be punished for the publication of judiciary
have not voluntarily exposed themselves to stories that he made no effort whatsoever to substantiate?
increased risk of injury from defamatory falsehoods, YES
they are also more deserving of recovery. The state
interest in compensating injury to the reputation of Ruling:
private individuals is therefore greater than for public WHEREFORE, the Court declares Atty. Emil (Emiliano) P.
officials and public figures. Jurado guilty of contempt of court and in accordance with
4. Section 6, Rule 71 of the Rules of Court, hereby sentences him
- (b) To extend the New York Times standard to media to pay a fine of one thousand pesos (P1,000,00).
defamation of private persons whenever an issue of
general or public interest is involved would abridge
to an unacceptable degree the legitimate state Ratio:
interest in compensating private individuals for injury The issue therefore had nothing to do with any failure of
to reputation and would occasion the additional Jurado's to obey a subpoena, none ever having been issued to
difficulty of forcing courts to decide on an ad hoc him, and the Ad Hoc Committee having foreborne to take any
basis which publications and broadcasts address action at all as regards his failure to accept its invitations. The
issues of general or public interest and which do not. issue, as set out in the opening sentence of this opinion,
- essentially concerns "(l)iability for published statements
- (c) So long as they do not impose liability without demonstrably false or misleading, and derogatory of the
fault, the States may define for themselves the courts and individual judges."
appropriate standard of liability for a publisher or Jurado is not being called to account for declining to identify
broadcaster of defamatory falsehood which injures a the sources of his news stories, or for refusing to appear and
private individual and whose substance makes give testimony before the Ad Hoc Committee. He is not being
substantial danger to reputation apparent. compelled to guarantee the truth of what he publishes, but to
- exercise honest and reasonable efforts to determine the truth
2. The States, however, may not permit recovery of presumed of defamatory statements before publishing them. He is being
or punitive damages when liability is not based on meted the punishment appropriate to the publication of
knowledge of falsity or reckless disregard for the stories shown to be false and defamatory of the judiciary �
truth, and the private defamation plaintiff who stories that he made no effort whatsoever to verify and which,
establishes liability under a less demanding standard after being denounced as lies, he has refused, or is unable, to
than the New York Times test may recover substantiate.
compensation only for actual injury.
Norms for Proper Exercise of Press Freedom
3. Petitioner was neither a public official nor a public figure (a) Constitutional Law Norms
A fair and impartial reading of B.P. No. 880 thus readily shows NON-ESTABLISHMENT of RELIGION
that it refers to all kinds of public assemblies that would use Aglipay v. Ruiz
public places. The reference to “lawful cause” does not make
it content-based because assemblies really have to be for Doctrine: The issuance and sale of the stamps
lawful causes, otherwise they would not be “peaceable” and commemorating the International Eucharistic Congress is
entitled to protection. Neither are the words “opinion,” Valid. The government should not be precluded from
“protesting” and “influencing” in the definition of public pursuing valid objectives secular in character even if the
assembly content based, since they can refer to any subject. incidental result would be favorable to a religion or sect.
The words “petitioning the government for redress of
grievances” come from the wording of the Constitution, so its FACTS:
use cannot be avoided. Finally, maximum tolerance is for the On May 1936, the Director of Posts announced that he would
protection and benefit of all rallyists and is independent of the order the issuance of postage stamps commemorating the
content of the expressions in the rally. Furthermore, the City of Manila of the 33rd International Eucharistic Congress,
permit can only be denied on the ground of clear and present organized by the Roman Catholic Church. The stamps
danger to public order, public safety, public convenience, contained a map of the Philippines, the location of the City of
public morals or public health. This is a recognized exception Manila, and an inscription that reads “Seat XXXIII International
to the exercise of the right even under the Universal Eucharistic Congress, Feb 3-7, 1937”. Agplipay, Supreme
Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant Head of the Philippine Independent Church, requested Vicente
on Civil and Political Rights Sotto, Esq., member of the Philippine Bar, to denounce the
matter to the President of the Philippines. In spite the protest,
Not every expression of opinion is a public assembly. The law the Director of Posts publicly announced that the designs of
refers to “rally, demonstration, march, parade, procession or the postage for printing have been sent to the United States.
any other form of mass or concerted action held in a public The stamps were already issued and sold though the greater
place.” So it does not cover any and all kinds of gatherings. part remained unsold. Aglipay sought to prevent further sale
Neither is the law overbroad. It regulates the exercise of the of the stamps and alleged the unconstitutionality of Act 4052.
right to peaceful assembly and petition only to the extent
needed to avoid a clear and present danger of the substantive ISSUE: W/N the stamps violate the Non-Establishment clause
evils Congress has the right to prevent. There is, likewise, no by promoting the Catholic religion
prior restraint, since the content of the speech is not relevant
to the regulation. For those who cannot wait, Section 15 of the HELD: NO
law provides for an alternative forum through the creation of Act 4052 contemplates no religious purpose in view. What it
freedom parks where no prior permit is needed for peaceful gives the Director of Posts is the discretionary power to
assembly and petition at any time determine when the issuance of special postage stamps would
be “advantageous to the Government.” Of course the phrase
b) The Court rules that in view of the maximum tolerance “advantageous to the Government” does not authorize the
mandated by B.P. No. 880, CPR serves no valid purpose if violation of the constitution. The issuance of the postage
it means the same thing as maximum tolerance and is stamps were not inspired by any sectarian feeling to favor a
illegal if it means something else. Accordingly, what is to particular church or religious denominations. The stamps were
be followed is and should be that mandated by the law itself, not issued and sold for the benefit of the Roman Catholic
namely, maximum tolerance, which specifically means “the Church, nor money derived from the sale of the stamps given
highest degree of restraint that the military, police and other to that church.
peace keeping authorities shall observe during a public The purpose of issuing of the stamps was to take advantage
assembly or in the dispersal of the same.” of an event considered to give publicity to the Philippines and
The Court reiterates its basic policy of upholding the its people and attract more tourists to the country. Thus,
fundamental rights of our people, especially freedom of instead of showing a Catholic chalice, the stamp contained a
expression and freedom of assembly. In several policy map of the Philippines, the location of the City of Manila, and
addresses, Chief Justice Artemio V. Panganiban has repeatedly the inscription that reads “Seat XXXIII International Eucharistic
vowed to uphold the liberty of our people and to nurture their Congress, Feb 3-7, 1937”. Moreover, while the issuance and
prosperity. He said that “in cases involving liberty, the scales sale of the stamps is inseparably linked with an event of a
of justice should weigh heavily against the government and in religious character, the resulting propaganda received by the
favor of the poor, the oppressed, the marginalized, the Roman Catholic Church, was not the aim and purpose of
dispossessed and the weak. Indeed, laws and actions that government. The Government should not be embarrassed in
restrict fundamental rights come to the courts with a heavy its activities simply because of incidental results, more or less
presumption against their validity. These laws and actions are religious in character, if the purpose had in view is one which
subjected to heightened scrutiny.” could legitimately be undertaken by appropriate legislation.
For this reason, the CPR policy has no place in our legal The main purpose should not be frustrated by its
firmament and must be struck down as a darkness that subordination to mere incidental results not intended.
shrouds freedom. It merely confuses our people and is used
by some police agents to justify abuses. On the other hand, Garces v. Estenzo
Facts: The case is about the constitutionality of four • There was a Pennsylvania law requiring that at least 10
resolutions of the barangay council of Valencia, Ormoc City, verses of the Bible shall be read at the opening of each
regarding the acquisition of the wooden image of San Vicente public school on every school day. This was followed by
Ferrer to be used in the celebration of his annual feast day. the recitation of the Lords Prayer over the school’s PA
system. There are no prefatory statements, no questions
The resolution designated the members of 9 committees to asked or solicited, no comments or explanations made
who would take charge of the 1976 festivity. It provided for and no interpretations given at or during the exercises.
the acquisition of the image of San Vicente Ferrer and the To be excused from such Bible reading, the student must
construction of a waiting shed. Funds for the 2 projects would preset a written request by his parents.
be obtained through the selling of tickets and cash donations. • The Schempp family sought to enjoin the enforcement of
The chairman of the fiesta would be the caretaker of the the statute, as violative of the Non-establishment clause.
image of San Vicente and that the image would remain in his • The Schempps are members of the Unitarian faith in
residence for 1 year and until the election of the next Germantown.
chairman. It was provided that the image would be made
available to the Catholic parish church during the celebration • In another case, the City of Baltimore adopted the same
of the saint’s feast day. practice.
• The Murrays however were atheists. They also sought the
A controversy arose after the mass when the parish priest, nullification of the statute as it threatens their religious
Father Sergio Osmena (baduy naman. Just because his family liberty by placing a premium of belief as against non-
name is osmena, his parents named him Sergio.), refused to belief.
return that image to the barangay council on the pretext that
it was the property of the church because church funds were Issue: Was the non-establishment rule violated by the
used for its acquisition. Pennsylvania statute? YES
Osmena and 3 other people (one of them was Garces who is a Ratio:
member of the Aglipayan church) filed a complaint praying for Even if the purpose of the state rule in schools was not strictly
the annulment of the resolutions. They said the resolutions religious, in that included in their secular purposes are the
contravene the consti provision that “no law shall be made promotion of moral values, the contradiction to materialistic
respecting an establishment of religion” and that “no public trends of the present times, the perpetuation of American
money or prop shall ever be appropriated, applied, paid, or institutions and teachings of literature, this purpose cannot be
used, for the use, benefit, or support of any sect, church, accomplished through Bible reading.
denomination, sectarian institution, or system of religion, or
for the use, benefit, or support of any priest, preacher, Applying the Establishment Clause principles to the cases at
minister or other religious teacher or dignitary. bar we find that the States are requiring the selection and
reading at the opening of the school day of verses from the
Issue: W/n the resolution favors a particular religion Holy Bible and the recitation of the Lord's Prayer by the
W/n the parish priest or layman should have the custody of students in unison. These exercises are prescribed as part of
the image the curricular activities of students who are required by law to
attend school. They are held in the school buildings under the
Ruling: supervision and with the participation of teachers employed in
The contention is devoid of merit. The resolutions don’t those schools.
establish any religion, nor abridge religious liberty, nor
appropriate public money or property fort he benefit of any It might well be said that one's education is not complete
sex priest or clergyman. The image was purchased with without a study of comparative religion or the history of
PRIVATE funds, not with tax money. The construction of a religion and its relationship to the advancement of civilization.
waiting shed was entirely a SECULAR matter. It certainly may be said that the Bible is worthy of study for its
literary and historic qualities. Nothing we have said here
The wooden image was purchased in connection with the indicates that such study of the Bible or of religion, when
celebration of the barrio fiesta honoring the patron saint, San presented objectively as part of a secular program of
Vicente, and not for the purpose of favoring any religion nor education, may not be effected consistently with the First
interfering with religious matters or the religious beliefs of the Amendment. But the exercises here do not fall into
barrio residents. If there is nothing unconsti or illegal in those categories. They are religious exercises, required
holding a fiesta and having a patron saint for the barrio, then by the States in violation of the command of the First
any activity intended to facilitate the worship of the patron Amendment that the Government maintain strict
saint can’t be branded as illegal. The barrio fiesta is a socio- neutrality, neither aiding nor opposing religion.
religious affair. Its celebration is an ingrained tradition in rural
communities. Doctrine:
The establishment clause of the 1st amendment prohibits as
There can be no question that the image in question belongs state or the federal government from placing official support
to the baragay council. They have the right to determine who behind the tenets of one or all orthodoxies, and the free
should have custody thereof since it was acquired with private exercise clause guarantees the right of every person to freely
funds and is private property. choose his own course with reference to religious training,
teaching, and observances, free of any compulsion from the
Not every governmental activity which involves the state.
expenditure of public funds and which has some religious tint
is violative of the consti provisions regarding separation of The test may be stated as follows: what are the purpose
church and state, freedom of worship and banning the use of and the primary effect of the enactment? If either is the
public money or property. advancement or inhibition of religion then the enactment
exceeds the scope of legislative power as circumscribed by
the Constitution. To be valid:
freedom of religion 1) there must be a secular legislative purpose
Freedom conscience and freedom to adhere to such religious (5) Since appellants have not shown that the law coerces
organization or form of worship as the individual may choose them in any way in the practice of religion, there is no
cannot be restricted by law. On the other hand, it safeguards violation of the Free Exercise Clause.
the free exercise of the chosen form of religion. Thus the
Amendment embraces two concepts, - freedom to believe
and freedom to act. The first is absolute but, in the nature
of things, the second cannot be. LEMON v KURTZMAN
(1) The express purpose of the statute was the furtherance of Ratio:
educational opportunities for the young, and the law merely
makes available to all children the benefits of a general the three main evils against which the Establishment Clause
program to lend school books free of charge, and the financial was intended to afford protection:
benefit is to parents and children, not to schools. 1. sponsorship,
2. financial support,
(2) There is no evidence that religious books have been 3. and active involvement of the sovereign in religious
loaned, and it cannot be assumed that school authorities are activity
unable to distinguish between secular and religious books or
that they will not honestly discharge their duties to approve Three such tests may be gleaned from our cases:
only secular books. 1. The statute must have a secular legislative purpose;
2. its principal or primary effect must be one that
(3) Parochial schools, in addition to their sectarian function, neither advances nor inhibits religion
perform the task of secular education, and, on the basis of 3. the statute must not foster "an excessive
this meager record, the Court cannot agree with appellants government entanglement with religion."
that all teaching in a sectarian school is religious or that the
intertwining of secular and religious training is such that While the two items on the test are okay, the third is in
secular textbooks furnished to students are in fact question:
instrumental in teaching religion.
In order to determine whether the government entanglement
(4) In the absence of specific evidence, and based solely on with religion is excessive, we must examine the character and
Zobrest v. Catalina (case summary) - Capitol Square is a state owned plaza surrounding
the statehouse in Coulumbus Ohio. The square has
Facts: been used for public speeches, gatherings and
Petitioners, a deaf child and his parents, filed this suit after festivals advocating and celebrating a variety of
respondent school district refused to provide a sign-language causes both secular and religious
interpreter to accompany the child to classes at a Roman - Ohio Administrative Code makes the square available
Catholic high school. ames Zobrest attended grades one “for use by the public for free discussion of public
through five in a school for the deaf, and grades six through questions or for activities of a broad public purpose”
eight in a public school operated by respondent. While he - The Capitol Square Review and Advisory Board has
attended public school, respondent furnished him with a sign- the responsibility for regulating public access, to use
language interpreter. For religious reasons, James' parents the square, a group must simply fill out an
(also petitioners here) enrolled him for the ninth grade in application form and meet several criteria (safety,
Salpointe Catholic High School, a sectarian institution. They sanitation, non0interference with other uses of the
alleged that the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act square)
(IDEA) and the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment - Board received an application from an officer of the
required respondent to provide the interpreter, and that the Ohio Ku Klux Klan to place a cross on the square but
Establishment Clause did not bar such relief. The District the board denied the application for violation of the
Court granted respondent summary judgment on the ground Establishment Clause.
that the interpreter would act as a conduit for the child's
religious inculcation, thereby promoting his religious Issue/Held: W/N the display of the Ku Klux Klan is a violation of
development at government expense in violation of the the Establishment Clause? NO.
Establishment Clause. The Court of Appeals affirmed.
1. The prudential rule of avoiding constitutional questions if 1. There is a crucial difference between government
there is a nonconstitutional ground for decision is inapplicable speech endorsing religion which the Establishment
here, since respondent did not urge upon the District Court or Clause forbids, and private speech endorsing religion
the Court of Appeals any of the nonconstitutional grounds it which the Free Speech and Free Exercise Clause
now raises in this Court. protects.
2. The Establishment Clause does not prevent respondent 2. Petitioners contend that the distinction disappears
from furnishing a disabled child enrolled in a sectarian school when the private speech is conducted too close to
with a sign-language interpreter in order to facilitate his the symbols of government (as in the case here). The
education. Government programs that neutrally provide Court admits that giving sectarian religious speech
benefits to a broad class of citizens defined without reference preferential access to a forum close to the seat of
to religion are not readily subject to an Establishment Clause government would violate the Establishment Clause
challenge just because sectarian institutions may also [509 however this does not apply to the present case,
U.S. 1, 2] receive an attenuated financial benefit. Mueller v. because Capitol Square is a public forum.
Allen, 463 U.S. 388 ; Witters v. Washington Dept. of Services 3. The terms of the Establishment Clause applies only
for Blind, 474 U.S. 481 . The same reasoning used in Mueller to words and acts of government and was not meant
and Witters applies here. The service in this case is part of a to be an impediment to purely private religious
general government program that distributes benefits speech that has been connected to the State
neutrally to any child qualifying as disabled under the IDEA, because of its occurrence in a public forum.
without regard to the sectarian-nonsectarian, or public- 4. it is sufficient that the group’s activity was not
nonpublic nature of the school the child attends. By according government sponsored, the event was open to the
parents freedom to select a school of their choice, the statute public and the benefit of the facilities was shared by
ensures that a government-paid interpreter will be present in various organizations
a sectarian school only as a result of individual parents' 5. religious expression cannot violate the Establishment
private decisions. Since the IDEA creates no financial Clause where (1) it is purely private and (2) occurs in
incentive for parents to choose a sectarian school, an a traditional or designated public forum, publicly
interpreter's presence there cannot be attributed to state announced and open to all on equal terms
decisionmaking. The fact that a public employee will be
physically present in a sectarian school does not by itself
make this the same type of aid that was disapproved in Meek Manosca v. CA
v. Pittenger, 421 U.S. 349 , and School Dist. of Grand Rapids
v. Ball, 473 U.S. 373 . In those cases, the challenged programs FACTS:
gave direct grants of government aid - instructional • Petitioners (Manoscas) inherited a piece of land
equipment and material, teachers, and guidance counselors - declared by the NHI (national historical institute) as
which relieved sectarian schools of costs they otherwise would the birthplace of Felix Manalo (founder of Iglesia ni
have borne in educating their students. Here, the child is the Cristo) and thus a national historical landmark
primary beneficiary, and the school receives only an incidental • Republic through the office of the Solicitor General
benefit. In addition, an interpreter, unlike a teacher or instituted a complaint for expropriation
guidance counselor, neither adds to nor subtracts from the simultaneously filing an urgent motion for the
sectarian school's environment, but merely interprets issuance of the order to permit the immediate
whatever material is presented to the class as a whole. There possession of the property.
is no absolute bar to the placing of a public employee in a • Petitioners contend that intended expropriation is not
sectarian school. for a public purpose and that act would constitute an
application of public funds, for the use (direct and
indirect) benefit, or support of INC contrary to the
Stuff he probably won’t ask but just in case: AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY v CITY OF MANILA
*When clear and present danger of riot, disorder, interference April 30, 1957
with traffic upon the public streets, or other immediate threat
to public safety, peace or order, appears, the power of the FACTS
state to prevent or punish is obvious. Equally obvious is it that American Bible Society (ABS) was a foreign, non-stock, non-
a state may not unduly suppress free communication of profit, religious missionary corporation which sold bibles and
views, religious or other, under the guise of conserving gospel portions of the bible in the course of its ministry. The
desirable conditions. – in this case, there was no clear and defendant City of Manila required plaintiff to secure a mayor’s
present danger. permit and a municipal license as ordinarily required of those
*The First Amendment embraces two concepts – the freedom engaged in the business of general merchandise under the
to believe and the freedom to act. The first is absolute but the city’s ordinances (Ordinance No 3000, as amended, and
second cannot be. Conduct remains subject to regulation for ordinances 2529, 3028, and 3364). ABS was forced to pay
the protection of society. The freedom to act must have Php 5,891.45 to avoid closing of its business as well as further
appropriate definition to preserve the enforcement of that fines.
Extra info
Don’t bring this up… this is only in case Cande asks about it. I WISCONSIN VS. YODER (May 15, 1972)
got this from Estrada v Escritor… Chief Justice Burger
The case did not clearly show, however, whether the
Court proceeded to apply the [clear and present danger] test Facts:
to the facts and issues of the case, i.e., it did not identify the • Wisconsin enacted a Compulsory School Attendance
secular value the government regulation sought to protect, Law, which required the families to send their children to
whether the religious speech posed a clear and present public or private school until age 16.
danger to this or other secular value protected by • Respondents Jonas Yoder and Wallace Miller are
government, or whether there was danger but it could not be members of the Old Order Amish Religion. Adin Yutzy is a
characterized as clear and present. It is one thing to apply member of the Conservative Amish Mennonite Church.
the test and find that there is no clear and present danger, Respondents are residents of Green County, Wisconsin. All 3
and quite another not to apply the test altogether. parties declined to send their children ages 14 to 15 to public
Instead, the Court categorically held that the questioned school after hacing completed 8th grade.
ordinances were not applicable to plaintiff as it was not • The School District Administrator complained, and
engaged in the business or occupation of selling said charged the Amish families. They were later convicted.
“merchandise” for profit. To add, the Court, citing Murdock v. • The defense of the Amish families was that the
Pennsylvania, ruled that applying the ordinance requiring it to attendance of their children to high school was contrary to
secure a license and pay a license fee or tax would impair its Amish religion and Amish way of life. They believed that
free exercise of religious profession and worship and its right sending their children to high school would expose them to
of dissemination of religious beliefs “as the power to tax the the danger of the censure of their church, and would
exercise of a privilege is the power to control or suppress its endanger their own salvation.
enjoyment.” Thus, in American Bible Society, the “clear and • The main contention was that the Amish religion has
present danger” rule was laid down but it was not the fundamental belief that salvation requires life in a church
clearly applied. community separate and apart from the world or worldly
-c/o Clique Supremacy influence. They are devoted to a life in harmony with nature
and the soil, making their living by farming or closely related
Ebralinag v. Division Superintendent of Schools of Cebu activities.
• They contend that high school education has a
Facts: worldly influence because it tends to emphasize intellection
Certain high school and grade school students of different and scientific accomplishments, competitiveness, success,
public schools of Cebu were expelled from school for refusing social life with other students. Amish people emphasize
to take part in the flag ceremony. These students are informal learning through doing, a life of goodness rather than
members of the religious sect known as Jehovah’s Witnesses. life of intellect. Wisdom rather than technical knowledge,
According to the belief of the said religious sect, they do not community welfare rather than competition, separation rather
The Free Exercise Clause (FEC) forbids govt from regulating, German v Barangan
prohibiting, or rewarding religious beliefs. The Tennessee
disqualification operates against McDaniel bec of his status as Facts:
a priest. The Tenn disqualification is directed primarily, not at A group of 50 businessmen, students etc. wearing yellow
religious belief, but at the status, acts and conduct of the shirts met up in JP Laurel st in Manila and marched to St Jude
clergy. Therefore the FEC’s absolute prohibition against Chapel located within the Malacanang security area. The
infringements on the freedom to believe is inapposite here. group was not allowed to go in the church because they were
there to rally as shown by their anti-government chants and
Nevertheless, it violates McDaniel’s 1st Amendment right to clenched fists.
the free exercise of his religion on the surrender of his right to
seek office. Failed to demonstrate that its views of clergy Issue: Was the right to exercise their religion violated? NO
participation in the pol process have not lost whatever validity
they may once have enjoyed. The Tennessee restriction is Ratio: When mobs of demonstrators crashed through
based on the belief that if elected to public office would Malacanang gates using JP Laurel st in 1972, the area was
exercise their powers and influence to promote the interests restricted. In this case, petitioners are not denied or
of one sect or thwart the interests of another. But provided no restrained of their freedom of belief or choice of their religion,
persuasive support for this fear. but only in the manner by which they attempted to translate
the same into action.
In sum, The FEC is violated by: 1. Establishing as a condition
of office the willingness to eschew certain protected religious
practices. It therefore establishes a religious classification MARTIN CENTENO vs. HON. VICTORIA VILLALON-
governing eligibility for office that is absolutely prohibited. 2. PORNILLOS
Conditions eligibility for office on the abandonment of his
religious exercise. Facts:
The Tenn disqualify also violates the Establishment Clause. A civic organization known as the Samahang Katandaan ng
Govt generally may not use religion as a basis of classification Nayon ng Tikay launched a fund drive for the purpose of
for the imposition of duties, penalties, privileges, or benefits. renovating the chapel of Barrio Tikay, Malolos, Bulacan.
May not fence out from pol participation, people such as Petitioner Martin Centeno, the chairman of the group,
ministers whom it regards as over-involved in religion. It together with Vicente Yco, approached Judge Adoracion G.
establishes a religious classification that has the primary Angeles, a resident of Tikay, and solicited from her a
Aquino Sarmiento v. Morato (he was MTRCB chair yata at that ISSUE:
time) W/N has been repealed by the 1987 Constitution and violative
of the right to information
Sarmiento, member of the Board (MTRCB) requested to HELD: YES.
examine the board's records pertaining to the voting slips Section 4(b) is inconsistent with Art VI, Sec 21 (Congress’
accomplished by the individual board members after a review power of inquiry), Art XI, Sec 1 (principle of public
of the movies and television productions. It is on the basis of accountability), and Art II, Sec 28 (policy of full disclosure) and
said slips that films are either banned, cut or classified Art III, Sec 7 (right to public information). Art XVIII, Sec 3
accordingly. provides that all existing laws, executive orders,
proclamations, letters of instructions and other executive
Morato denied the petition saying that the individual voting is issuances inconsistent or repugnant to the Constitution are
private and classified in character. repealed.
Issue: Are the individual voting slip private? NO Section 4(b) runs counter to the following constitutional
(They are public documents: the public has the right to access provisions ensuring the people’s access to information: Art 2,
them) Sec 7 seeks to promote transparency in policy-making and in
the operations of the government, as well as provide the
RIGHT TO FORM ASSOCIATION PD 272 created the Iron and Steel Authority (ISA) to promote
this industry in the Philippines. The National Steel Corporation
Manila Public School Teachers v. Laguio (wholly owned by the National Govt) had a development
program that constituted building a steel mill in Iligan city in
Facts: public land that was about 30 hectares. A portion of that land
A mass action wa taken by 800 public school teachers to was being used by the Maria Cristina Fertilizer Corp (private)
dramatize and highlight the teachers’ plight resulting from the as locations for a non-operational chemical fertilizer plant.
alleged failure of the public authorities to act upon grievances
such as the immediate payment of due chalk, clothing A letter of instruction (LOI) was issued to NSC giving them
allowances, 13th month pay for 1989 arising from the authority to negotiate with MCFC as for compensation and if
implementation of the Salary Standardization Law, among they fail to reach an agreement, ISA will was to exercise their
others, that had time and again been brought to the latter’s power of eminent domain and initiate expropriation
attention. It was held on a Monday which was a regular school proceedings. The negotiation failed and ISA began eminent
day. They converged at Liwasang Bonifacio whence they domain proceedings.
proceeded to the National Office of the DECS
However, ISA’s term expired as agent of the Republic of the
The respondent secretary just brushed aside their grievances Philippines and now MCFC contends that they no longer
and warned them they could lose their jobs for going on illegal continue with the proceedings because ISA no longer has
and unauthorized mass leave. An order was issued to return juridical personality.
to work or face dismissal but the mass action continued. 20
teachers were subsequently dismissed. Issue:
W/N the Republic of the Philippines can take the place of ISA
Issue: Whether public school teachers had a right to strike in the proceedings? YES
W/N there is a need for new legislation to effect this? NO
Held: No.
That this court had already definitively ruled that employees ISA was vested with some powers or attributes associated
in the public (civil) service, unlike those in the private sector, with juridical personality. PD 272 does not recognize ISA to
don’t have the right to strike, although guaranteed the right have a separated juridical personality as that of the
to self-organization, to petition Congress for the betterment of Government. ISA is a non-incorporated agency or
employment terms and conditions and to negotiate with instrumentality of the RP.
appropriate govt agencies for the improvement of such
working conditions as are not fixed by law When the statutory term of the agency expires , the powers
and duties and functions revert back to and are re-assumed
That upon the foregoing premises, it was prima facie lawful by the RP, in the absence of special provisions of law…
and within his statutory authority fort he respondent
Secretary of Educ to take the actions complained of, to wit: The principal or the real party in interest in this case is the RP
issue a return-to-work order, prefer administrative charges and not the NSC even if the latter may be an ultimate user of
against, and place under preventive suspensions, those who the property.
failed to comply with said order, and dismiss from the service
those who failed to answer or controvert the charges;
The court has not since been presented with any
consideration of law or established fact that would impair the Greater Balanga v Municipality of Balanga, Bataan
validity of these postulates or preclude continued reliance
thereon for the purpose of resolving the present petitions on Facts:
their merits This case involves a parcel of land of the subdivisvert bacion
plan, in the name of Greater Balanga Development
The underlying issue here is due-process; not whether the Corporation (Greater Balanga), situated in Barrio San Juan,
petitioners have a right to strike, which it is clear they do not, Municipality of Balanga, Province of Bataan. Greater Balanga
2. The main reason for the revocation of the Mayor’s permit 1) YES. This element is present in this case when by virtue of
was the controversy engendered by the filing of a civil case the lease, the Republic (AFP), took possession of the Castellvi
before the RTC involving the ownership of certain portions of property.
Lot 261-B, the land from which the land was derived.
However, the question over ownership has already been 2) NO. Momentary should be construed to mean a limited
settled with finality by the Supreme Court. period, not indefinite or permanent. Here, there was a lease
contract for 1 year, renewable. The entry on the property
The Court finds that the manner by which the Mayor revoked under lease is temporary and transitory. The fact the Republic
the permit transgressed petitioner’s right to due process. In constructed some installations does not alter the fact that the
view of the undisputed fact that the Municipality of Balanga is entry into the land was only momentary or transitory,
not the owner of the lot, then there is no legal basis for it to intended to last only a year, even if renewable. Even if there
impose and collect market fees and market entrance fees. was a “seeming intention to be permanent” such cannot
Only the owner has the right to do so. prevail over the clear and express terms of the lease contract.
If it was really intended to be more than momentary, then
why would the contract of lease be from year to year basis?
3) YES. There was entry under the warrant or color of legal
REPUBLIC VS. CASTELLVI authority since it was the republic who entered the property
eminent domain – elements of taking. as a lessee.
• Republic filed for eminent domain against Castellvi, over 4) YES. Property was devoted to public use because it was
a parcel of land Floridablanca, Pampanga. used by the AFP-Air Force
• Republic alleged, that the fair market value according to
the Committee on Appraisal for the Province of 5) NO. The entry of the republic into the property does NOT
Pampanga, was not more than P2,000 per hectare, or a oust Castellvi or deprive him of the use of the property.
total market value of P259,669.10. Castellvi remained the owner and was continuously
It is thus clear that the taking of the Castellvi property for DOCTRINE: WHERE THERE IS NO TAKING OF PROPERTY FOR
purposes of eminent domain cannot be considered to have PURPOSES OF EMINENT DOMAIN NOR CONDEMNATION
taken place in 1947, when the Republic merely commenced to PROCEEDINGS INSTITUTED, THE BASIS FOR DETERMINATION
occupy the property as lessee. Thus the JC should be OF JUST COMPENSATION IS THE TIME WHEN THE COURT MADE
determined as of the date of filing of petition for ED, not as of ITS ORDER OF EXPROPRIATION.
1947 when the Republic first occupied it as lessee.
Just compensation is defined as the full and fair equivalent of The Commissioners tasked with assessing the value of the
the property taken from its owner by the expropriator. The property found that it was located in a highly developed area
word “just” is used to intensify the meaning of the word and was accessible through an all weather road. The report
“compensation” and to convey the idea that the equivalent to contained the ocular inspection made by the commissioners,
be rendered for the property to be taken shall be real, tax declaration of the property, NPC sketch plan, location
substantial, full and ample. In eminent domain or plan, zoning certificates, zonal evaluation of the BIR and the
expropriation proceedings, the just compensation is generally opinion values were also considered. NPC also was not able to
the market value. justify how the adjacent lot of San Pedro was valued at P499
while their assessment of the latter was only P230.00 and
The nature and character of the land at the time of its taking P89.00
is the principal criterion for determining how much just
compensation should be given to the landowner. The parcels In NPC v Gutierrez right of way easement resulting in
of land sought to be expropriated are undeniably raw restriction or limitation on property rights also falls within the
agricultural land but the locality had become highly urbanized ambit of “expropriation” as there was loud buzzing and
and would have greater economic value for residential or exploding sounds caused by the transmission lines, it affects
commercial use. the rights of the owner to use or sell such land.
Whether the taking of private property for “socialized
housing” which would benefit a few and not all citizens,
constitutes taking for “public use”?
Residential Agricultural
NPC(Cuervo P230.00 per sq m P89.00 per sq m RULING:
Appraisal Inc) The “public use” requirement is a flexible,
San Pedro P600.00 per sq m P600.00 per sq m comprehensive, and evolving concept. Whatever may be
Commission P800.00 per sq m P600.00 per sq m beneficially employed for the general welfare satisfies the
requirement; the construction of low-cost housing (socialized
ISSUE: housing) is recognized as a public purpose. The fact that not
W/N the CA erred in affirming the judgment of the trial court all of the public but only some beneficiaries may avail thereof
in awarding just compensation in the amount of P499.00 for does not deprive the expropriation of its public character. It is
the agricultural portion and P800.00 for the residential made pursuant to the State’s mandate to promote social
portion? NO justice in all phases of national development. The NHA is
likewise vested with broad discretion to designate particular
W/N petitioner shall pay only an easement fee? NO properties to be taken for socialized housing purposes.
The constitutional limitation of “just compensation” is Philippine Columbian Association v. Panis
considered to be the sum equivalent to the market value of FACTS: Petitioner Philippine Columbian Association is a non-
the property, broadly described to be the price fixed by the stock, non-profit domestic corporation and is engaged in the
seller in open market in the usual and ordinary course of legal business of providing sports and recreational facilities for its
W/N the expropriation of agricultural lands by local
government units is subject to the prior approval of the Procedural Issue (not that important… you can probably
Secretary of the Agrarian Reform, as the implementor of the skip this part for the recit)
agrarian reform program. W/N Masikip’s motion to dismiss should have been allowed in
the lower courts? YES
Issue: the main issue of whether or not the respondent court In March, 1990, NPC’s regional legal counsel requested
can dispense with the assistance of a Board of Commissioners Marawi City’s City Appraisal Committee to appraise the
in an expropriation proceeding and determine for itself the market value of the property in Saduc, Marawi City affected
just compensation by the infrastructure projects of NPC without specifying any
particular land-owner. NPC wanted to pay Php 100/ sq. m. for
Held: No. 12,132 sq m portion plus 12% interest per annum from 1978.
Mangondato insisted that he should be paid at least Php 300/
Ratio: The applicable laws in the case at bar are Sections 5 sq. m. The lower court ordered NPC to pay Php 500/sq. m.
and 8 of Rule 67 of the Revised Rules of Court: P100.00 lower than the assessed value of the land appearing
Sec 5 “Sec. 5. Upon the entry of the order of in Tax Declaration No. 0873 for 1992 which was used as basis
condemnation, the court shall appoint not more than three (3) by the lower court. NPC opposed the provisional value quoted
competent and disinterested persons as commissioners to by the lower court saying that the basis of the provisional
ascertain and report to the court the just compensation for value of the land should be the assessed value of the property
the property sought to be taken…” as of the time of the taking which in this case is 1978 when
Sec 8 “…after all the interested parties have filed the assessed value of the land under Tax Declaration No.
their objections to the report or their statement of agreement 7394 was P100.00 per square meter.
therewith, the court may, after hearing, accept the report and
render judgment in accordance therewith;…” In the end, the lower court rendered its decision denying
Mangondato recovery of possession of the property but
Also, There are two (2) stages in every action of expropriation: ordering NPC to pay a monthly rent of P15,000.00 from 1978
1. determination of the authority of the plaintiff to up to July 1992 with 12% interest per annum and condemning
exercise the power of eminent domain and the the property in favor of NPC effective July, 1992 upon the
propriety of its exercise in the context of the facts payment of P1,000.00 per square meter as just compensation.
involved in the suit
2. determination by the Court of "the just compensation ISSUE:
for the property sought to be taken." This is done by At what point in time should the value of the land subject of
the Court with the assistance of not more than three expropriation be computed: at the date of the “taking” or
(3) commissioners the date of the filing of the complaint for eminent domain?
Respondent judge arrived at the amount of just compensation HELD: DATE OF FILING OF THE COMPLAINT
on its own, without the proper reception of evidence before
the Board of Commissioners. Private respondents as RATIO:
landowners have not proved by competent evidence the value The general rule in determining “just compensation” in
of their respective properties at a proper hearing. Likewise, eminent domain is the value of the property as of the date of
petitioner has not been given the opportunity to rebut any the filing of the complaint (Sec 4, Rule 67 of Rules of Court).
evidence that would have been presented by private Normally, the time of the taking coincides with the filing of the
respondents. The commission in expropriation cases is a complaint for expropriation. The general rule, however,
MANDATORY requirement. admits of an exception: where this Court fixed the value of the
property as of the date it was taken and not at the date of the
However, there are cases where the court may determine the commencement of the expropriation proceedings. The
price of compensation: exception finds application where the owner would be given
Sigre Facts:
Central Luzon Drug Corporation is a retailer of medicines and
Issue: Whether the 20% sales discount granted by respondent RR#2-94 is null and void for failing to conform to the law it
may be claimed as a tax credit or as a deduction from gross sought to implement. It must be ruled that under R.A. No.
sales in accordance with Sec 2(1) of Revenue Regulations No. 7432, which was effective at the time, respondent is entitled
2-94. to its claim of a tax credit. CA decision affirmed. Petitioner is
ORDERED to issue a tax credit certificate in favor of the
Held: Tax credit. So he is not entitled to a refund. respondent in the amount of P 236,321.52.
*He pays zero tax this year and the extra balance can be
deducted the next time he has to pay tax. (FYI, R.A. No. 7432 has been amended by Republic Act No.
9257, the “Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2003.” Under the
Rationale: new law, there is no tax credit to speak of, only deductions.
Sec.4 – Privileges for the Senior citizens But as it was R.A. No. 7432 in force at the time, this law
(a) the grant of 20% discount…anywhere in the country. controls.)
Provided, that private establishments may claim cost as tax
credit. Consti II:
While the purpose of the law to benefit senior citizens is
Sec. 4(a) of RA 7432 explicitly employed the word “tax praiseworthy, the concerns of the affected private
credit”. Nothing in the provision suggests for it to mean a establishments were also considered by the lawmakers. As in
deduction from gross sales. This means that the amount, other cases wherein private property is taken by the State for
when claimed, shall be treated as a reduction from any tax public use, there must be just compensation. In this particular
liability. The credit may be availed upon payment of the tax case, it took the form of the tax credit granted to private
due, if any. Where there is no tax liability or where a private establishments, purposely chosen by the lawmakers.
establishment reports a net loss for the period, the tax credit
can be availed of and carried over to the next taxable year. JUDICIAL REVIEW
The tax benefit granted to the establishments can be deemed
as their just compensation for private property taken by the
State for public use. The privilege enjoyed by senior citizens De Knecht v Baustista (judge of Rizal CFI) 1980
does not come directly from the State, but rather from the
private establishments concerned. FACTS:
More than 10 years ago, the government through the
Department of Public Works and Communications (now MPH)
CIR v. Bicolandia Drug Corporation prepared a plan to extend EDSA to Roxas Boulevard; the
proposed extension would pass through Cuneta Avenue up to
Facts: Roxas Boulevard. Shortly thereafter, Minister Balthazar
RA7432 (An Act to Maximize the Contribution of Senior Aquino of the MPH decided to make the proposed extension
Citizens to Nation Building, Grant Benefits and Special go through Fernando Rein and Del Pan Streets instead in
Privileges) granted senior citizens several privileges, one of which the petitioner was residing. Formal petition was made
which was obtaining a 20% discount from all establishments to President Marcos who directed the Minister to explain why
relative to the use of transportation services, hotels and also the project should not be suspended and afterwards referred
provided that the private establishments giving the discount the matter to the Human Settlement Commission (HSC) after
may claim the cost as tax credit. The BIR issued Revenue the minister submitted his defense for the project. The HSC
Regulation No. 2-94 which referred to the tax credit as the recommended the implementation of the original plan, but the
amount representing the 20% discount that “shall be Ministry of Public Highways insisted on implementing the
deducted by the said establishments from their gross income revised project and filed a complaint for expropriation in the
for income tax purposes and from their gross sales for value- CFI of Rizal. Republic of the Philippines also filed a motion for
added tax or other percentage tax purposes.’ the issuance of a writ of possession of the property after
The Blaisdell case postulates that the protective power of the Issue
State, the police power, may only be invoked and justified by W/N there was an unconstitutional impairment of the
an emergency, temporary in nature, and can only be obligation of an existing contract? NO
exercised upon reasonable conditions in order that it may not W/N there was a limitation on the freedom of
infringe the constitutional provision against impairment of contract that there is deprivation of property without due
contracts. It is predicated on the ground that the laws altering process of law? NO
existing contracts will constitute an impairment of the
contract clause of the Constitution only if they are RATIO:
unreasonable in the light of the circumstances occasioning Tenancy Legislation was made to address age-old problem to
their enactment. cope with the poverty of majority of our people in accordance
with protection to labor and social justice provisions of the
ISSUE: Constitution. To minimize or to rid of oppressive conditions
Is the period of eight (8) years under RA 342 reasonable under usually associated with agricultural labor. In Central Luzon,
the present circumstances? tenants formed the PKM organization and Hukbalahap and
rose in arms against government because of their pitiful
SC: UNREASONABLE. conditions and inability of gov’t to address their problem.
The purpose of the law is to afford to prewar debtors an
opportunity to rehabilitate themselves by giving them a Obligations of contracts must yield to a proper exercise of the
reasonable time within which to pay their prewar debts so as police power when such power is exercised to preserve the
to prevent them from being victimized by their creditors. security of the State and the means adopted are reasonably
adapted to the accomplishment of that end and are not
BUT, we should not lose sight of the fact that these obligations arbitrary or oppressive.
had been pending since 1945 as a result of the issuance of
Executive Orders Nos. 25 and 32 and at present their Section 14 of Republic Act No. 1199 is a valid exercise of
enforcement is still inhibited because of the enactment of police power, as reinforced by the constitutional provisions
Republic Act No. 342 and would continue to be unenforceable giving protection to labor and social justice.
during the eight-year period granted to prewar debtors to
afford them an opportunity to rehabilitate themselves, which President Magsaysay: He who has less in life should have
in plain language means that the creditors would have to more in law.
observe a vigil of at least twelve (12) years before they could
effect a liquidation of their investment dating as far back as
1941. This period seems to us unreasonable, if not oppressive. Abella v NLRC (Labor)
While the purpose of Congress is plausible, and should be
commended, the relief accorded works injustice to creditors Facts:
who are practically left at the mercy of the debtors. Their Abella rented Hacienda Danao-Ramona for a total of 20 years
hope to effect collection becomes extremely remote, more so (10 initially + 10 renewed contract). During the existence of
if the credits are unsecured. And the injustice is more patent the lease contract she hired Dionele and Quitco. When the
when, under the law, the debtor is not even required to pay leasehold expired she turned over the hacienda to the owners
interest during the operation of the relief. who continued cultivating the land. Dionele and Quitco filed a
complaint in the ministry of labor for illegal dismissal,
Such an exemption, applied in the case of debts owing before overtime pay and reinstatement with backwages.
the exemption was created by the legislature, constitutes an
unwarranted interference with the obligation of contracts in Art 284 of the Labor code provides: Closure of establishment
violation of the constitutional provision", and cannot be and reduction of personnel. - The employer may also
sustained even as emergency legislation, because it contains terminate the employment of any employee due to the
no limitation as to time, amount, circumstances or need. installation of labor-saving devices, redundancy, retrenchment
to prevent losses or the closing or cessation of operation of
RA 342 NULL AND VOID. (Note this case was decided in 1953). the establishment or undertaking unless the closing is for the
purpose of circumventing the provisions of this Title, by
The court also noted that the economic and financial serving a written notice on the workers and the Ministry of
conditions of the country has improved and returned to Labor and Employment at least one (1) month before the
normal. intended date thereof. In case of termination due to the
installation of labor-saving devices or redundancy, the worker
affected thereby shall be entitled to a separation pay
Del Rosario(land-owner) v De Los Santos(tenant) 1968 equivalent to at least his one (1) month pay or to at least one
(1) month pay for every year of service, whichever is higher.
Fernando In case of retrenchment to prevent losses and in cases of
closures or cessation of operations of establishment or
FACTS undertaking not due to serious business losses or financial
Petition to assail the validity of Section 14 of the Agricultural reverses, the separation pay shall be equivalent to one (1)
Tenancy Act of 1955 which empowers a tenant to “to change month pay or at least one-half (1/2) month pay for every year
the tenancy contract from one of share tenancy to the of service, whichever is higher. A fraction of at least six (6)
leasehold tenancy and vice versa and from one crop- months shall be considered one (1) whole year.
sharing arrangement to another of the same tenancy.”
(There were other attempts to assail the validity of the same Abella contends that the aforequoted provision violates the
section but all were unsuccessful, including this one.) constitional guarantee against impairment of contracts
because when she leased the hacienda, neither she or the
Victorino De Los Santos filed before the Court of Agrarian lessor contemplated the reation of the obligation to pay
Relations to take advantage of the statute thus changing their separation pay to workers at the end of the lease.
previous status as tenants. CAR granted the petition and
declared the relationship to be changed into one of leasehold Issue: Does art 284 of labor code violate non-impairment
Whether the Central Bank has the power to liquidate the SISKA DEVT V. OFFICE OF THE PRES
Held: Yes • Petitioner, Siska, a subdivision owner-developer,
entered into a contract to sell with Guadalupe Sering,
Rationale: involving a lot situated at a Subdivision in Quezon
The mere fact that the Bank was created by special law does City
not confer upon it extraordinary privileges. It is part of the • Guadalupe Sering, with the consent of petitioner,
Banking system which is covered by the power of the CB. transferred all her rights and interests over the lot in
Even if it be conceded that the charter of the Bank constitutes favor of Socorro and Jose Sering. Thereafter, priv
a contract between the Government and the stockholders of respondents assumed the oblig by paying the
the Bank, it would not follow that the relationship cannot be monthly amortizations for the lot
altered without violating the impairment clause. • On several occasions, priv respondents defaulted in
The purpose of this is the preservation of the integrity and the payment of their monthly amortizxations, but
stability of our banking system. Unless adequate and petitioners still accepted the late payments. On the
determined efforts are taken by the government against next default to pay, petitioner sent private
distressed and mismanaged banks, public faith in banking respondents a notice of rescission f the contract to
system is certain to deteriorate to the prejudice of the sell, but then cancelled the said notice after priv
national economy itself. The government cannot simply cross respondents updated their payments. Petitioner
its arms while assets of a bank are being depleted through imposed a condition that the respondents’ account
mismanagement or irregularities. must be kept current and the second rescission
The notion of public interest has made such considerable would be final
inroads into the constitutional guaranty that one could validly • When respondent Sering offered to pay the
say now that it has become the exception rather than the remaining balance of the purchase price, an
rule. The modern understanding is that the contract is employee of petitioner refused to accept the
protected by the guaranty only if it does not affect public payment alleging that the contract had already been
interest, but there is hardly any contract now that does not cancelled. However, said respondent protested that
somehow affect public interest as not to come under the he didn’t receive any notice of rescission
powers of the State. • To compel the execution by petitioner of the final
dead of sale, priv respondent filed an action for
specific performance in the CFI of Surigao, then the
Presley v. Bel-Air Village Assoc. (BAVA) Inc. CFI of QC, then the NHA, then the Office of Appeals
Adjudication and Legal Affairs of the HSRC, and lastly
Facts: elevated the case to the Office of the Pres
BAVA filed a complaint for specific performance and damages • Decision of the office of the Pres: grossly unfair and
with preliminary injunction against the petitioners mainly unjustified for appellee to refuse to accept the last
because the petitioners established a “Hot Pan de Sal Store” payment in order to cancel the contract to sell on the
in their house in Bel-Air. BAVA bases its claim for damages on ground of delay. If such be the case, the contract
the Deed of Restrictions of Bel-Air Subdivision stating that the could have been canceled on several occasions, yet
houses cannot be used for commercial purposes. The appellee continued toleration late payments.
ISSUE: Facts:
Whether or not the judge erred in Petitioner Bank was placed by the Central Bank (now BSP)
1. Ordering the petitioner to pay 8k as interest on her under a conservator to protect its assets. When private
preferred shares and respondents sought the implementation of their Collective
2. Ordering petitioner to redeem the preferred shares. Bargaining Agreement regarding their retirement plan
pertaining to uniform allowance, the conservator of the bank
HELD: YES expressed her objection, resulting in an impasse between the
petitioner bank and the respondent union. The deadlock
IN RELATION TO Section 10: whether the Central Bank continued for six months. Private Respondent filed a case
Directive prohibiting the redemption of preferred against petitioner for unfair labor practice and for flagrant
shares of stock impairs the obligations and contract violation of the CBA provisions.
Yes, but valid exercise of police power. For the welfare The Labor Arbiter dismissed the complaint but when appealed
of the banking industry to the NLRC, they ruled in their favor.
Preferred shares of stock as to dividend (this was the type Issue: W/N the petitioner bank can be ordered to implement
given to Robes the other type is as to assets) the provisions of the CBA which were disallowed by the
1. Shareholder is entitled to receive dividends on share
to the extent agreed upon before any dividends at all Held: Yes
are paid to the holders of common stock. No
guaranty however that the share will receive any Rationale:
dividends. In the Old Corporation Law “no A conservator cannot rescind a valid and existing contract.
corporation shall make or declare any dividend The CBA is the law between the contracting parties. Thus, the
except from the surplus profits arising from its conservator had no authority whatsoever to disallow the
business x x x until after the payment of its debts implementation of the CBA provisions, especially considering
and the termination of its existence by limitation or that the ideals of social justice and protection of labor are
lawful dissolution. Dividends are thus payable only guaranteed not only by the labor code, but more importantly
when there are profits earned by the corporation and by the fundamental law of the land.
as a general rule even if there are existing profits the
board of directors has the discretion to determine Other issues:
whether or not the dividends are to be declared. (so - Petitioner insists that both the Labor Arbiter and the
makakakuha lang sila kung may sobra o kahit may NLRC have no jurisdiction to entertain the complaint.
sobra man discretion pa rin nung bank kung Petitioner cannot anymore plead of such procedural flaw
idedeclare nila na may profit) under the principle of estoppel. He only raised the issue after
2. As to the redemption of shares, redeemable shares the decision of the NLRC which was unfavorable to him.
are those, which by their terms are redeemable at a
fixed date or at the option of either the issuing - Petitioner asserts since the employees have retired,
corporation (this case the bank) or the stockholder or as a consequence of which no employer-employee
both at a certain redemption price. While redeemable relationship exists anymore. So private respondent
share may be redeemed regardless of the existence had no personality to file the complaint for them.
of unrestricted retained earnings, this is subject to
the condition that the corporation has, after such The retirement of an employee does not, in itself, affect his
redemption, assets in its books to cover debts and employment status especially when it involves all rights and
liabilities inclusive of capital stock. Redemption benefits due to him, since these must be protected as though
therefore may not be made where the corporation is there had been no interruption of service. When the retired
insolvent or if such redemption will cause insolvency employees were requesting that their retirement benefits be
or inability of the corporation to meet its debts as granted, they were not pleading for generosity but were
they mature. merely demanding that their rights, as embodied by the CBA,
Judge failed to recognize that even if the stock certificate be recognized.
does allow redemption, the option to do so was
clearly vested in the petitioner bank. The use of the
word MAY has no mandatory effect. Redemption of said
shares cannot be allowed as pointed out by petitioner, BLAQUERA V. ALCALA (11 September 1998)
the Central Bank made a finding that said petitioner has Ponente: Purisima
been suffering from chronic reserve deficiency and
that such finding resulted in a directive, which prohibits Facts: (This is a consolidation of 5 cases.)
the redemption of preferred shares. This was meant to G.R. Nos. 109406, 110642, 111494, and 112056
preserve the status quo and to prevent the financial ruin Petitioners are officials & employees of several government
Facts (detailed timeline): *Confusing yung case kasi maraming pinass na acts and
statutes… maraming provisions na inexplain. Sorry kung
- Act 3648 granted Escudero Electric Service
malabo… I think #2 (reservation clause) lang yung importante
Company a legislative franchise to maintain and sa ratio.
operate an electric light and power system in San See also pg 120 of primer for a simplified summary.
Pablo and nearby municipalities. Section 10 of the
Act provided that the grantee (Escudero) shall pay
unto the municipal treasury of the municipalities it
Harrison Motors Corporation v. Navarro
covered a franchise tax equal to 2% of the gross
April 27, 2000
earning from electric current sold or supplied. The
term of the franchise was a period of 50 years from
the day of its approval.
Harrison Motors Corporation (HMC), a known
- RA 2340 transferred the franchise to respondent importer, assembler, and manufacturer, assembled two Isuzu
Meralco. Elf trucks to private respondent (Rachel Navarro) using
- PD 551 enacted. Section 1 of the decree also imported component parts. Prior to the sale, Renato Claros,
president of HMC, represented to private respondent that all
provided that the franchise tax be 2% of their gross
the BIR taxes and customs duties for the parts used in the two
receipts but made it payable to the Commissioner of
trucks has been paid for.
Internal Revenue
On September 1987, Bureau of Internal Revenue
- RA 7160, Local Gov Code of 1991 (LGC), took effect. (BIR) and the Land Transportation Office (LTO) entered into a
It authorized the municipality to impose a tax on Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) which provided that prior
businesses enjoying a franchise at a rate not to registration in the LTO of any assembled or re-assembled
exceeding 50% of 1% of the gross annual receipts for motor vehicle which used imported parts, a CERTIFICATE OF
the preceding calendar year. PAYMENT should first be obtained from the BIR to prove
- Ordinance 56 was passed by San Pablo, which payment of all taxes required under existing laws.
provided that the franchise tax be 50% of 1% of the On October 1987, Bureau of Customs (BOC) issued a
gross annual receipts from the preceding calendar Memorandum Order promulgating rules, regulations and
year (basically just copied RA7160) procedures for the voluntary payment of duties and taxes on
- Purusuant to Ordinance 56, municipality demanded imported motor vehicles assembled by non-assemblers.
from Meralco the new franchise tax. Meralco paid On December 1987, BIR also issued a Memorandum
“under protest”. Order which provided the procedure governing the processing
and issuance of the Certificate of Payment.
Issue/Held: W/N the new franchise tax constitutes an On June 1988, BIR, BOC and LTO entered into a
impairment of the contract between the government and tripartite MOA which provided that prior to registration in the
Meralco? NO LTO of any locally assembled motor vehicle using imported
parts, a CERTIFICATE OF PAYMENT should first be obtained
Ratio: (I’m not sure if #1 and #3 are important) from the BIR and BOC to prove payment of all taxes and
1) Local government’s power to tax import duties required under existing laws.
LGC was enacted pursuant to the constitutional On December 1988, government agents seized and
policy to ensure autonomy to local governments. The power to detained the two Elf Trucks of respondent after discovering
tax is the most effective instrument to raise needed revenues that there were unpaid BIR taxes and duties.
to finance the local governments’ activities. Private respondent went to Claros to ask for receipts
Nothing can prevent Congress from decreeing that evidencing payment of BIR taxes and custom duties; however,
even instrumentalities or agencies of the Gov’t performing Claros refused to comply.
governmental functions may be subject to tax. Where it is to But wanting to secure the immediate release of the
be done precisely to fulfill a constitutional mandate and thrucks, private respondent paid the assessed BIR taxes and
national policy, no one can doubt its wisdom. duties. Consequentky, she returned to petitioner to ask for
Bardillon v. Barangay Masili of Calamba, Laguna Francisco Chavez contracted with 3 companies (96° North,
FACTS: Two complaints for eminent domain were filed by Konka International Plastics Manufacturing Corp, and G-Box)
herein respondents for the purpose of expropriating a 144- as a private citizen to endorse their products in 2003.
square meter land, otherwise known as Lot 4381-D situated in Pursuant to these agreements, 3 billboards were set up along
Barangay Masili, Calamba, Laguna and owned by petitioner the Balintawak Interchange of the North Expressway. He later
Bardillon under Transfer Certificate of Title No. 383605 of ran for the Senate in 2004. After filing his certificate of
theRegistry of Deeds of Calamba, Laguna. The said lot was candidacy, the COMELEC informed him that he was in
being expropriated for the purpose of providing Barangay violation of section 32 of Resolution 6520 (premature
Masili a multi-purpose hall for the use and benefit of all its campaigning):
constituents. The first complaint for eminent domain was filed Section 32. All propaganda materials such
before the Municipal Trial Court of Calamba, Laguna (MTC) on as posters, streamers, stickers or paintings on walls
February 23, 1998, following the failure of Barangay Masili to and other materials showing the picture, image, or
reach an agreement with petitioner on the purchase offer of name of a person, and all advertisements on print,
P200,000. The case was dismissed. The second complaint for in radio or on television showing the image or
eminent domain was filed before Branch 37 of the RTC of mentioning the name of a person, who subsequent
Calamba, Laguna. This complaint also sought the to the placement or display thereof becomes a
expropriation of the said lot, also in pursuance of building a candidate for public office shall be immediately
multi-purpose hall. Petitioner, by way of a Motion to Dismiss, removed by said candidate and radio station, print
opposed the complaint by alleging that it violated Section media or television station within 3 days after the
19(f) of rule 16 in that the cause of action is barred by res effectivity of these implementing rules; otherwise,
judicata. he and said radio station, print media or television
In dismissing the petition, the CA held that the RTC of station shall be presumed to have conducted
Calamba, Laguna did not commit grave abuse of discretion in premature campaigning in violation of Section 80 of
issuing the assailed Orders. It ruled that the second complaint the Omnibus Election Code.
was not barred by res judicata. The reason is that the MTC, COMELEC issued a letter ordering him to remover or cause the
which dismissed the first complaint, had no jurisdiction over removal of the billboards, or to cover them from public view.
the action Chavez assailed that the provision was
unconstitutional. One of his reasons was that there was a
ISSUES: gross violation of the non-impairment clause
1. W/N the MTC had jurisdiction over the expropriation
case NO Issue/Held: W/N the Sec 32 violates the non-impairment
2. W/N the dismissal of that case before the MTC clause? NO, Provision is valid.
constituted res judicata NO
3. W/N the CA erred when it ignored the issue of entry Ratio:
upon the premises NO Although Chavez entered into the formal agreements as a
4. W/N respondent is guilty of forum shopping NO private citizen, the billboards featuring his name and image
* Right Against Self-Incrimination is available: Tanodbayan offered as part of its evidence the
1) criminal cases testimonies given by private respondents before the Agrava
2) civil cases Board. Private Respondents objected to the admission of
3) administrative cases evidence contending that its admission will be in derogation of
as long as the penalty is penal in nature. their Constitutional right against self incrimination.
Respondent Sandiganbayan admitted all evidence presented
except the testimonies given before the board, hence this
petition for Certiorari.
Pascual, Jr. v. Board of Medical Examiners
Facts: W/N the testimonies given by the 8 respondents
At the initial hearing of Arsenio Pascual, Jr.’s administrative before the Agrava board is admissible in evidence before the
case for alleged immorality, counsel for complainants SandiganBayan? NO
announced that his first witness would be Pascual, who was W/N the right to remain silent is available only to a
the respondent in such malpractice charge. Petitioner person undergoing custodial interrogation? NO
objected, relying on the constitutional right to be exempt from
being a witness against himself. RATIO:
The Agrava Board came into existence in response to
Issue: public clamor for an impartial and independent body instead
• W/N the Board of Examiners was guilty of grave of ordinary police agency. In the course of receiving
abuse of discretion for failure to respect the evidence, persons summoned would not only include
constitutional right against self-incrimination witnesses but also suspects. Sec. 5 of P.D. 1886 denies
them the right to remain silent. They were compelled
Held: to testify against themselves. They have to take the
Respondent Board is prohibited from compelling Pascual to witness stand under pain of contempt if they refuse.
act and testify as a witness for the complainant without his Jurisprudence provides that a person detained for the
consent and against himself. The self-incrimination clause commission of an offense undergoing an investigation has a
must be given a liberal and broad interpretation favorable to right to be informed of his right to remain silent, to counsel,
the person invoking it. It also extends to administrative and to an admonition that any and all statements to be given
proceedings which possess a criminal or penal aspect. The by him may be used against him. Covers “confessions” and
Facts: The issue in Furman vs. Georgia is not so much the death
Aleberto Estoista took his father’s gun to shoot wild chickens. penalty itself, but the arbitrariness pervading the procedures
They lived in a cogon (some sort of tall grass) plantation. by which the death penalty was imposed by the jury. The
When Alberto fired his gun he accidentally fired at Diragon Furman case did not outlaw death penalty because it was
Dima, a plantation laborer. He was convicted of himicide cruel and unusual per se. It was nullified because the
through reckless imprudence and illegal possession of discretion in which the statute vested in trial judges and
firearms. He was sentenced to one year imprisonment but the sentencing juries was uncontrolled and without any
law requires that the punishment be 5-10 years. parameters, guidelines, or standards. (There was apparently a
discrimination against the accused who was black.)
1) Did the court err in lowering the sentence of Alberto, With regard to the case of Coker vs. Georgia, the SC held
believeing that thr punishment provided by law was that this case has no bearing on Philippine experience and
cruel? YES culture. Such a premise is in fact an ennobling of the biblical
2) Is the punishment required by law for Illegal notion of retributive justice of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a
possession of Firearms (5-10 years) cruel or tooth". But, the forfeiture of life simply because life was taken,
excessive? NO never was a defining essence of the death penalty in the
context of our legal history and cultural experience; rather,
Ruling: Recommend to the president to commute his sentence the death penalty is imposed in heinous crimes because the
to 6 months. perpetrators thereof have committed unforgivably execrable
acts that have so deeply dehumanized a person or criminal
Ratio: acts with severely destructive effects, and because they have
5-10 years for illegal possession of firearms is not cruel or so caused irreparable and substantial injury to both their
unusual because of the prevalent conditions which the law victim and the society and a repetition of their acts would
proposes to curb pose actual threat to the safety of individuals and the survival
of government, they must be permanently prevented from
Nevertheless, the court cannot but mpose upon the offender doing so.
the minimum at leas of the penalty provided. In this case,
considering the degree of malice of the defendant, application The court also emphasized that under the Constitution, the
of the law to its full extent would be too harsh, and Congress has the power to reimpose the death penalty for
recommendation to the president was made to reduce his compelling reasons, involving heinous crimes. Congress can
sentece. define or describe what is meant by the word heinous crimes,
and can specify which crimes would qualify as heinous. Thus,
Doctrine: the court should not be the venue for debates regarding the
Prohibition against the inflcition of cruel and unusual morality or propriety of the death sentence because the law
punishment applies both to the form of the penalty and the itself already provided for specific and well defined criminal
duration of imprisonment. acts.
Art III Sec 21: No person shall be twice put in jeopardy of ISSUE: Is the defense of DJ proper?
punishment for the same offense. If an act is punished by a SC: NO.
law and an ordinance, conviction or acquittal under either The amended information should stand. It was proper for the
shall constitute a bar to another prosecution for the same act. court to dismiss the first information and order the filing of a
new one for the reason that the proper offense was not
charged in the first and that the second did not place the
Under the Rules, there is identity between 2 offense not only Art III Sec 22: No ex post facto law or bill of attainder shall
when the second offense is exactly the same as the first, but be enacted.
also when the second offense is an attempt to commit the
first, or frustration thereof, or when it necessarily includes or
People vs Ferrer (Judge)
is necessarily included in the offense charged in the first
Section 22 – Bill of Attainder
information. An offense is said to be necessarily included in
another when some of the essential ingredients of the former
as alleged in the information constitute the latter, and vice
Congress passed the Anti-Subversion Act
versa. Thus, one who has been charged with an offense
cannot again charged with the same or identical offense
The so-called Act works as follows:
through the latter be lesser or greater than the former.
1. it outlaws the Communist Party of the Philippines
BUT, this rule of identity DOES NOT APPLY when the second
2. it punishes any person who “knowingly and
offense was not in existence at the time of the first
willfully and by overt acts affiliates himself with,
prosecution. This is because in such case there is no
becomes a member” of the Party or other similar
possibility for the accused, during the first prosecution, to be
“subversive organizations.” (Take note of the words
convicted for an offense that was then inexistent. Thus, where
“knowingly” and “willingly”)
the accused was charged with physical injuries and after
conviction the injured person dies, the charge for homicide
Feliciano Co and Nilo Tayag were charged with violation of the
against the same accused does not put him twice in jeopardy.
The rule is that "where after the first prosecution a new fact
supervenes for which the defendant is responsible, which
Upon filing of the informations, the two respondents moved to
changes the character of the offense and, together with the
quash, based on these grounds
facts existing at the time, constitutes a new and distinct
1. The act is a bill of attainder
offense" the accused cannot be said to be in second jeopardy
2. It is vague
if indicted for the new offense .
3. It embraces more than one subject not expressed in
the title
Accordingly, an offense may be said to necessarily include or
4. It violates the equal protection clause
to be necessarily included in another offense, for the purpose
of determining the existence of double jeopardy, when both
Judge Ferrer (respondent Judge) struck the statute down as
offenses were in existence during the pendency of the first
unconstitutional for being a bill of attainder and for being
prosecution, for otherwise, if the second offense was then
broad. Ferrer also dismissed the informations.
inexistent, no jeopardy could attach therefor during the first
prosecution, and consequently a subsequent charge for the
same cannot constitute second jeopardy.
Note also, when a person who has already suffered his
Was Judge Ferrer correct in striking down the statute as
penalty for an offense, is charged with a new and greater
offense under the Diaz doctrine herein reiterated, said penalty
may be credited to him in case of conviction for the second
Is the Anti-Subversion act really a bill of attainder?
People v. Buling
Accused Buenaventura Buling was found guilty of serious WHAT IS A BILL OF ATTAINDER?
physical injuries and was sentenced to imprisonment and A bill of attainder is a legislative act which inflicts punishment
indemnity to the offended party. The accused served his without trial. In effect, it is a legislative (instead of judicial)
sentence. The first examiner only examined the offended determination of guilt.
party “superficially”. A subsequent examination made by a
different physician, with the use of X-ray, found out that the NOT A BILL OF ATTAINDER - IT DOES NOT PRONOUNCE
wounds inflicted would not heal in time, hence accused was GUILT UPON SPECIFIC PERSONS
charged of serious physical injuries and was again sentenced
to jail. The Anti-Subversion act does not specify the Communist Party
Art IV. Sec. 4: Citizens of the Philippines who marry aliens Art V. Sec 1: Suffrage may be exercised by all citizens of the
shall retain their citizenship, unless by their act or omission Philippines, not otherwise disqualified by law, who are at least
they are deemed, under the law to have renounced it. eighteen years of age, and who shall have resided in the
Philippines for at least one year and in the place wherein they
Art IV. Sec 5: Dual allegiance of citizens is inimical to the propose to vote, for at least six months immediately
national interest and shall be dealt with by law. preceding the election. No literacy, property, or other
substantive requirement shall be imposed on the exercise of
AASJS Member – Hector Gumangan Calilung v. Hon. Simeon suffrage.
(May 11, 2007)
Art V. Sec.2: The Congress shall provide a system for
securing the secrecy and sanctity of the ballot as well as a
system for absentee voting by qualified Filipinos abroad.
Petitioner prays that a writ of prohibition be issued to
stop respondent from implementing Republic Act No. 9225,
The Congress shall also design a procedure for the disabled
entitled “An Act Making the Citizenship of Philippine Citizens
and the illiterates to vote without the assistance of other
Who Acquire Foreign Citizenship Permanent, Amending for the
persons. Until then, they shall be allowed to vote under
Purpose Commonwealth Act No. 63, As Amended, and for
existing laws and such rules as the Commission on Elections
Other Purposes.” Petitioner avers that Rep. Act No. 9225 is
may promulgate to protect the secrecy of the ballot.
unconstitutional as it violates Section 5, Article IV of the 1987
Constitution that states, “Dual allegiance of citizens is inimical
Macalintal v Comelec
to the national interest and shall be dealt with by law.”
Petitioner contends that Rep. Act No. 9225 cheapens
Philippine citizenship. He avers that Sections 2 and 3 of Rep.
Act No. 9225, together, allow dual allegiance and not dual
Petitioner seeks a declaration that certain provisions of
citizenship. Petitioner maintains that Section 21 allows all
Republic Act No. 9189 (The Overseas Absentee Voting Act of
Filipinos, either natural-born or naturalized, who become
2003) from constitutional infirmity.
foreign citizens, to retain their Philippine citizenship without
losing their foreign citizenship. Section 32 permits dual
1 deemed to have reacquired Philippine citizenship upon taking the following oath of allegiance to the
SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy.– It is hereby declared the policy of the State that all Philippine citizens Republic:
who become citizens of another country shall be deemed not to have lost their Philippine citizenship “I solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the
under the conditions of this Act. Republic of the Philippines…and I hereby declare that I recognize and accept the
supreme authority of the Philippines and will maintain true faith and allegiance
2 thereto…”
SEC. 3. Retention of Philippine Citizenship.– … natural-born citizens of the Philippines who have lost Natural-born citizens of the Philippines who, after the effectivity of this Act, become citizens of a
their Philippine citizenship by reason of their naturalization as citizens of a foreign country are hereby foreign country shall retain their Philippine citizenship upon taking the aforesaid oath.
But the foregoing antecedent facts and proceedings 11 Perform such other duties and functions as may be
notwithstanding, the petition cannot now prosper because on provided by law.
October 27, 1997, Republic Act No. 8368, entitled "An Act
Repealing Presidential Decree No. 772 Entitled ‘Penalizing Carino
Squatting and Other Similar Acts’" was enacted. Section 3 of
the said Act provides that "all pending cases under the
provisions of Presidential Decree No. 772 shall be dismissed EPZA v CHR
upon the effectivity of this Act."
Jeniffer Lee was initially enrolled as an Architecture
student in the University of San Carlos in Cebu where she
obtained a grade of Incomplete in one subject and 5 or failing
grade in 2 Architecture subjects. She then shifted to
Accounting where she obtained good grades. Nevertheless,