Strategic Communications Plan Template: You Gotta Have A Plan
Strategic Communications Plan Template: You Gotta Have A Plan
Strategic Communications Plan Template: You Gotta Have A Plan
1 You gotta have a plan.
How to use this template
Strategic Communications
Plan Template
Communications infrastructure, The purpose of a strategic communications plan is to integrate all the or-
goals, targeting and research ganization’s programs, public education and advocacy efforts. By planning
a long-term strategy for your efforts, you will be positioned to be more pro-
3 active and strategic, rather than consistently reacting to the existing envi-
FRAMING AND ronment. The strategic plan will help you deploy resources more effectively
Frame the issue, choose messages and strategically by highlighting synergies and shared opportunities in your
various programs and work areas.
and spokespeople, identify news
hooks and communications out- The creation and adoption of a strategic communications plan represents a
lets significant step for any organization. For many organizations, the adoption
of such a plan represents a cultural shift toward communications and a
4 clear recognition that all the organization’s efforts have a communications
Which outlets will you reach out element. Public education, grassroots organizing, research, public advocacy,
to, and what tools will you need direct service and even fundraising are all, at their core, communications
tasks vital to the health and success of a nonprofit organization.
to be successful
An electronic version of this template, and a tutorial that will help you to
answer the questions below, are available on our website at:
Some rights reserved. This When submitting the tem-
template is licensed under a Cre- plate through our website, you can save your work for later edit-
ate Commons license. You are ing, and send a copy to the SPIN Project so that one of our strate-
free to use its contents for any gists can review it and offer feedback.
non-commercial purpose, pro-
vided that you credit the SPIN If you’re ready to start planning strategically in your communications
Project. work, turn the page.
Communications Infrastructure
What communications capacity do you have – staff and time? Who will do the work? What budget do you have to
do this work?
Why are you launching communications efforts in the first place? What do you want?
What do you need to know about your target audience? How will you get the information?
Frame the Issue: What is this issue really about? Who is affected?
Who are the best messengers to reach your target audience?
What are newshooks for the issue?
News Media
The remainder of the template assumes you’ve selected news media as one vehicle to reach your
target audiences. The following are general ways in which to receive coverage. Check the ones
that will reach your target audience:
News Article
Which Section?
Op Ed
Letter to the Editor
Radio Talkshow
Television Talkshow
1. 11.
2. 12.
3. 13.
4. 14.
5. 15.
6. 16.
7. 17.
8. 18.
9. 19.
10. 20.
Pitch Reporters
What will you pitch to the above reporters?
☐ Media Advisories
☐ News Releases
☐ Fact Sheets
☐ Brief Bios of Spokespeople
☐ Brochure
☐ Web Newsroom
☐ Media Briefings
To which reporter can you offer personal attention?
Additional Deliverables
What additional deliverables will pique reporters’ interest and help make your case?
☐ Web Newsroom Reports
☐ Web Newsroom Polls
☐ Web Newsroom Scorecards
Track Coverage
What’s your system to capture your media hits?
How will you evaluate your efforts?