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Petar Beron Trifon Daaliev Alexey Jalov

Caves and
Speleology in
Bulgarian Federation of Speleology
National Museum of Natural History

CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri page 2

CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri page 3

Petar Beron Trifon Daaliev Alexey Jalov

Pensoft Publishers
Bulgarian Federation of Speleology
National Museum of Natural History - Sofia
© Petar Beron, Trifon Daaliev & Alexey Jalov

Co-published by
© Pensoft Publishers
© Bulgarian Federation of Speleology
© National Museum of Natural History - Sofia

First Published 2006

ISBN-10: 954-642-241-X (Pensoft Publishers)
ISBN-13: 978-954-642-241-5 (Pensoft Publishers)

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owners.

Pensoft Publishers
Geo Milev Str. 13a, Sofia 1111, Bulgaria
Fax: +359-2-8704282

4 Printed in Bulgaria, October 2006


FOREWORD .................................................................................................................................................. 7
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................................................. 9
HISTORICAL REVIEW OF BULGARIAN SPELEOLOGY — ALEXEY JALOV ....................................................... 11
EDUCATION OF CAVERS — ALEXEY JALOV ................................................................................................. 15
CAVE RESCUE IN BULGARIA — TRIFON DAALIEV ....................................................................................... 17
KARST IN OTHER COUNTRIES — PETAR BERON ............................................................................... 22
SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATION OF BULGARIAN CAVES ....................................................................................... 39
PLANT AND ANIMAL LIFE IN BULGARIAN CAVES — PETAR BERON ............................................................. 40
CAVE FLORA AND MYCOTA .............................................................................................................. 40
CAVE FAUNA .................................................................................................................................... 40
PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN BULGARIAN CAVES — PETAR BERON ..................................................... 66
CAVES IN BULGARIA — ALEXEY JALOV ............................................................................................ 79
CAVE MINERALS IN BULGARIA — YAVOR SHOPOV ..................................................................................... 82
BULGARIAN CAVES — ALEXEY BENDEREV ........................................................................................ 85
STUDIES ON THE CAVE MICROCLIMATE IN BULGARIA — ALEXEY STOEV ................................................... 94
CAVE DIVING IN BULGARIA — ALEXEY JALOV ........................................................................................... 99
PROTECTION OF KARST AND CAVES IN BULGARIA — ALEXEY JALOV ....................................................... 101
KARST AND CAVES IN BULGARIA — ALEXEY BENDEREV .......................................................................... 104
SOME IMPORTANT KARSTIC REGIONS IN BULGARIA — ALEXEY BENDEREV ............................................. 104
THE LONGEST AND THE DEEPEST CAVES IN BULGARIA ............................................................................ 127
POTHOLES AND CAVE SYSTEMS IN BULGARIA ........................................................................................... 128
CAVES AND POTHOLES INCLUDED IN THIS BOOK ...................................................................................... 129
CAVES IN THE DANUBE PLAIN ......................................................................................................... 133
CAVES IN STARA PLANINA AND THE PREDBALKAN ........................................................................... 145
CAVES IN THE TRANSITIONAL REGION ............................................................................................ 396
CAVES IN RILA-RHODOPEAN REGION ............................................................................................. 408
CAVES IN PIRIN .............................................................................................................................. 408
CAVES IN THE RHODOPES ............................................................................................................... 430
CAVES IN THE STRANDJA AND SAKAR .............................................................................................. 480
WHO IS WHO IN BULGARIAN SPELEOLOGY — PETAR BERON ................................................................... 491
SELECTED LITERATURE ............................................................................................................................ 499
CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri page 6


It was late that the many thousands of After the Second World War the tradition
Bulgarian caves attracted the attention of was followed up by Prof. Lyubomir Dinev
explorers. The First Bulgarian Caving Soci- and Dr Petar Beron. Other specialists too
ety was founded as early as 1929, but the played an important role in the organized
first cave animals, fossils and archaeologi- caving - Eng. Pavel Petrov, Eng. Radush
cal artefacts in Bulgarian caves had been Radushev, Dr Hristo Delchev, Dr Stoitse
found and published even earlier, by the end Andreev, Dr Alexi Popov, Dr Vassil Gue-
of 19 Century. However, the sport Speleolo- orguiev, Dr Vladimir Popov, Dr Vassil Pop-
gy, contributing so much to the study of ov, Eng. Panayot Neykovski, Prof. Dr Ste-
potholes and of difficult cave passages, was fan Shanov, Dr Alexey Benderev, Dr Alexey
developed much later – only after the resto- Stoev, Eng. Konstantin Spassov, Dr Yavor
ration of the organized caving after 1958. Shopov and many others. A special place in
By that time no more than 200 caves had this review is reserved for the speleologists
been known (very insufficiently) in Bulgar- who after 1958 played a key role in the
ia. Now their number is over 4500, most of restoration of the organized caving in Bul-
them being well documented. Cave animals garia, and, first of all, Petar Tranteev and
are known from more than 700 Bulgarian Petko Nedkov. It would be difficult to enu-
caves. As a result of the many years of hard merate here all sporting speleologists and
work Bulgarian cavers discovered and sur- divers, who proved that they could match
veyed 65 caves longer than 1000 m and 59 any of their foreign colleagues, working in
potholes, deeper than 100 m. So far no giant quite different conditions.
caves (over 100 km) of potholes (deeper than Very fit and well trained, Bulgarian
1000 m) have been found in Bulgaria, but the speleologists are on their way to caves in
search for them is still going on. They are in many countries. In 40 years they organized
the hands of an army of enthusiastic cavers the exploration of hundreds of caves in
and of several speleologists – scientists of more than 45 countries, including inde-
European renown. Bulgarian caving is now a pendent expeditions to Austria, France,
well organized system of caving clubs, in- Spain, Italy, Greece, Cuba, China, Viet-
cluding more than 800 members. Courses nam, Indonesia and participated in such
for training of cavers and rescuers take place complex international expeditions as the
every year, experience is being exchanged British Speleological Expedition to Papua
with foreign colleagues. New Guinea in 1975. Many new animal
Everywhere Speleology is a blend of species were described from caves in far
sport and science, but especially for Bulgar- away countries by Bulgarian specialists or
ian caving the strong participation of scien- by their foreign colleagues on the basis of

tists has been typical since the very begin- the material, collected by them. Being still
ning. The first Presidents of the Bulgarian within the modest East European frames,
cave movement were Professors Stefan Pet- Bulgaria is already a leading country when
kov and Rafail Popov, Ivan Buresch, Mem- its international speleological activities are
ber of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. concerned. This has been appreciated by 7
The authors – Òrifon Daaliev, Petar Beron and Alexey Jalov – photo Valery Peltekov

the world speleological community. Prof. and Karst was created in his small Rhodo-
L. Dinev and Dr P. Beron have been twice pean town.
Board Members of U.I.S., Trifon Daaliev In spite of these good results, our
– First Deputy President of the Cave Res- assessment is that their analysis is yet to
cue Commission, Dr Yavor Shopov – Pres- be made. Lately some booklets with de-
ident of the Commission for Hydrology scriptions of the deepest potholes in sever-
and Hydrochemistry of Karst at the U.I.S. al regions have been published (T. Daaliev,
The Bulgarian Federation of Speleology A. Jalov, Z. Iliev, A. Benderev, D. Gospod-
initiated the creation of a Balkan Speleo- inov, M. Mircheva, R. Pandev and others).
logical Union (President: Dr P. Beron, With them the large-scale idea is to com-
Secretary General: Alexey Jalov). pile a complete catalogue of data about all
One of the foremost achievements of Bulgarian caves, an endeavour started by
Bulgarian speleology was the creation of Nenko Radev as early as 1926–1928.
the Main Card Index of Bulgarian caves, There are almost no written sources about
directed first by Eng. R. Radushev and Bulgarian caves in foreign languages, de-
then by Zdravko Iliev. In 1958 Dr Georgi spite the obvious interest in them.
Ikonomov published the first map of Bul- That is the reason for us to publish
garian caves, in 1962 – the Catalogue of both in Bulgarian and English the concise
Bulgarian cave animals was published (V. descriptions of 260 of the most important
Gueorguiev and P. Beron) and Bulgaria caves and potholes in Bulgaria, together
was subdivided into karst regions with an outline of some general subjects.
(Vladimir Popov). Several books about The data have been put together by genera-
Bulgarian caves have been published (al- tions of Bulgarian cavers and “cave scien-
most entirely in Bulgarian). Thanks to the tists”. Some of them even gave their life

prominent schoolteacher from Chepelare for the sake of the Speleology. To all of
Dimitar Raichev a Museum of Speleology them we owe this book.

8 The Authors

The idea to make such a book started in the distant years preceding the foundation of
the First Bulgarian Caving Society. Heralds of the intention to put together the knowledge
on Bulgarian caves were the books of the Škorpil brothers, and especially “Krazhski
yavleniya” (Karstic phenomena, 1900). The beginning of the Catalogue of Bulgarian Caves
was marked by Nenko Radev, who in 1926 and 1928 described 16 caves, in two papers,
together with outlines and maps.
After the rebirth of the organized caving in Bulgaria the idea of preparing a Monograph
“Caves in Bulgaria” was discussed, but the information was not enough. The milestones
of this idea were the books of P. Tranteev, most of all “Caves objects of tourism” (1965),
“The caves in Bulgaria” (1978, together with K. Kosev), as well as “Travel underground”
(1982) by Vladimir Popov. The Catalogue of cave fauna of Bulgaria (Guéorguiev and
Beron, 1962) and its supplements in 1967, 1973 and 1994 contained short descriptions of
more than 700 Bulgarian caves. In 1968 P. Beron proposed to P. Tranteev the project of a
three-volume monumental work called “The caves in Bulgaria”. This project was approved
by the Direction of the Institute of Zoology (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), by this time
the working place of both authors. Between 1969 and 1973 systematic investigations (village
after village) were carried out in the caves of the districts of Vidin, Montana, Vratsa and
Sofia. Later, for various reasons, this project faded away.
Gradually, together with the increasing activity of Bulgarian cavers and with the
accumulation of new knowledge about the caves, the need of a general review of Bulgarian
caves and speleology became obvious. Moreover, Bulgaria became one of the countries with
developed speleology and caving, but remained very backward in terms of publications on
karst and caves, especially in foreign languages. This was painfully obvious during
international congresses and meetings, the Bulgarian presentation of books remaining
inadequately poor. Lastly, several booklets and separate descriptions of particular karstic
areas have been published. Among the most active authors of these publications were Trifon
Daaliev, Alexey Jalov and Zdravko Iliev, having at hand the information contained in the
Main Card Index of Bulgarian Caves. The President of the Federation Dr P. Beron wrote
several generalized papers on the cave fauna in Bulgaria. He proposed to start work on the
present book in two versions – in Bulgarian and in English – and edited both publications.
The data in this book are the result of the work of many people, part of them being

mentioned in the descriptions of caves and in the scientific chapters. To them we all owe
the chance to have such a general publication, and to these humble and qualified explorers
goes our sincere gratitude.
The Authors are grateful to their teachers in the field of speleology, and especially to
Dr Ivan Buresch, Member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Petar Tranteev and
Radush Radushev, who laid the foundations of the modern caving and Speleology in
Bulgaria. We also thank all colleagues and specialists, some of which wrote important
chapters of this book: Dr Alexey Benderev, Dr Alexey Stoev, Mrs Magdalena Stamenova,
Mr Petko Nedkov, Dr Yavor Shopov. 9
Two hundred fifty-eight (258) maps of caves, prepared for publication by T. Daaliev
also found a place in the book. They were inked by miss Angelina Petkova, an enthusiast
caver. To her and to the authors of the photographs (enumerated further below) goes our
most cordial gratitude.
We should not omit the voluntary computer work on the colour maps of the distribution
of caves and potholes in the whole of Bulgaria and in the particular regions. These maps
we owe to the active caver Ivan Alexiev, with the expert help of Trifon Daaliev and Dr
Alexey Benderev.
Our thanks also go to the colleagues who helped improve this book by reading critically
the entire MS or parts of it. Especially helpful were the active veteran cavers Ivan Lichkov
and Zdravko Iliev.
Special thanks are due to the persons and the institutions who made possible the
publishing of the book, and especially to the Ministry of Youth and Sport (Minister mr.
Vassil Ivanov-Luciano), the Ministry of Environment and Waters (Minister Mrs. Dolores
Arsenova) and of Pensoft publishers (Dr Lyubomir Penev).
And last, but not least, we would like to offer our sincere thanks to the local people
(shepherds, foresters, inquisitive teachers and local explorers), who showed us many caves
or helped with their exploration.



Bulgarian caves have been known since far publications about the results obtained. This work of
back in time. Descriptions of them are to be found exploration continued in later years as well.
in old manuscripts dated after 12th century and in The first Bulgarian Speleological Society
the works of Bulgarian and foreign authors. The was founded on March 18, 1929. This was the
entrance premises of some of these caves have result of the acknowledged necessity to set up a
been converted into churches and monasteries, public organization which, under the conditions
and have been used as cells for the monks or for prevalent at that time, would begin a systematic
providing shelter for men and animals. investigation of caves, protecting them from de-
In many books describing travels in the past struction and setting the beginnings of cave tour-
centuries, Bulgarian caves are mentioned. These ism. The founders of the Society were eminent
protospeleological notes have been analysed by Bulgarian scientists, people active in the realm of
several authors, and mainly by Jalov (1999). The tourism, and cave-exploration fans – office em-
first karstic cave in Bulgaria, mentioned in the old ployees and workers. The foundation of the First
writings, is the cave of St. Ivan Rilski by the Bulgarian Caving Society marked the beginning of
village of Skrino, Kyustendil district. We find it in a new stage in the development of Speleology in
the anonymous biography of the Saint dated from Bulgaria. Though not very numerous in its mem-
12th century. bership, and despite its limited financial capacities,
The scientific interest in the country’s caves the Society engaged in huge-scale and useful activ-
began soon after Bulgaria’s liberation from ottoman ities. It made a reappraisal of all that had been done
domination in 1878. At the end of the 19th Century until that time in cave investigation and in obtain-
the first Bulgarian prehistorians, naturalists and ing more knowledge about the country’s caves.

geographers embarked on their investigation with Organized trips and studies were carried out in


Eng. Pavel Petrov – founder of the First Bulgarian Caving Prof. Stefan Petkov – President of the Caving Society in
Society 1929-1931 and in 1933-1935 11
certain caves and karst regions of Bulgaria. The research initiated in this field by the various
results obtained were published in the scientific institutes of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
publication of the Society – “Bulletin of the Bul- and by the Sofia University. However, there was a
garian Speleological Society” – Volume One of keenly felt need for a speleological organization
which appeared in 1936. Active propaganda was in the country.
also carried out for the protection of the caves. Such an organization was necessary to unite
There was a useful and active cooperation between the efforts of amateur speleologists and of special-
the Bulgarian Caving Society and the Bulgarian ists and to promote the development of this branch
Tourist Union. The first provincial branches of the of science in Bulgaria. Favourable conditions to
Society were founded in Rakitovo and the towns of that effect were created after 1957 with the restora-
Dryanovo and Lovech. The Bulgarian Caving So- tion of the Bulgarian Tourist Union. At that time a
ciety became more active after l947. New members number of scientists and amateur speleologists, as
entered the Society, which included university well as active supporters of the tourist movement,
students as well. In 1948 and 1949 they took part approached the Central Council of the Bulgarian
with great enthusiasm in what were known as the Tourist Union with a proposal to set up a Commit-
cave brigades organized with the generous support tee for Cave Tourism. On July 14, 1958, the
of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Detailed Central Council decided on setting up a Commis-
investigations were carried out during this period sion on Speleology and Cave Tourism. Forty-two
of the karst regions of Lakatnik, Karloukovo, clubs were set up all over the country.
Rabisha (near Belogradchik), and Zlatna Panega in With the generous support of the Central
Lovech District. The charts prepared and the mate- Council of the Bulgarian Tourist Union, the new
rials collected constituted an important scientific speleological organization rapidly grew in
contribution. strength and became very active. Its objectives
After 1949 the Bulgarian Caving Society became clearly formulated and presented, and a
ceased its activities over a brief period of time. A number of enactments were passed. There were
good deal of work was done by the speleologists also a number of additional initiatives, such as
in the town of Rousse and by university students plenary sessions, conferences, gatherings, and
organized in their caving club “Akademik” in international expeditions. Penetration, charting,

Sofia. Amateur work continued, as well as the and survey work in the known caves and the

Petar Tranteev – Vice-President of Bulgarian Caving Prof. Lyubomir Dinev – President of Bulgarian Caving
12 Federation until 1979 Federation from 1958 to 1985
discovery of new cave sites became more active
and on a higher scientific and technological level.
The Commission on Speleology and Cave Tour-
ism took on the task of the development and
popularization of cave tourism in Bulgaria.
After the Fourth Congress of the Bulgarian
Tourist Union in 1972, the Commission on Spele-
ology and Cave Tourism was transformed into the
Bulgarian Federation on Speleology, which con-
tinues operating today. This new and higher form
of organization furnished a fresh impetus to the
development of Speleology in Bulgaria. Its opera-
tion became more active and efficient. New initia-
tives were undertaken with a view to improving
the training and qualifications of the speleologists
in the country. The speleological clubs obtained
new equipment and their activity increased. Inter-
national ties grew stronger and broader. The suc-
cesses attained were largely due to the correct
Eng. Radush Radushev – founder of the Main Card Index
understanding and to the moral and material of Bulgarian Caves
support, which was and is still rendered by the
Central Council of the Bulgarian Tourist Union. Speleology. This Card Index is a very comprehen-
Today, the Bulgarian Federation on Speleol- sive pool of information, the result of the system-
ogy is the only national organization in Bulgaria atic and continuous work of the Bulgarian spele-
whose role is essentially devoted to speleology. ologists – a work, which goes on unabated. Up to
The Federation represents the cavers and speleolo- date the Index contains information on some 5500
gists in Bulgaria. In this capacity it organizes caves explored in Bulgaria.
National Congresses, and within the International The Bulgarian Federation on Speleology is

Union of Speleology it nominates the Bulgarian engaged in active organizational work as well. Its
delegates at the International Congresses. The Fed- annual plenary meetings and discussions have
eration co-ordinates both the activities of Bulgarian adopted decisions on important issues of organi-
cavers abroad, establishing contacts with the corre- zation, of providing better facilities to visitors in
sponding Societies, and the activity of foreign the caves, ensuring safety, improving instruction
cavers in Bulgaria. With 600 members in 2006, the and sports training necessary for penetration in
Federation is organized on a national level (an caves, providing still better equipment to that REVIEW
executive committee, a board of directors, a head effect, and of cave preservation. Dozens of inter-
office in Sofia), and on regional level it has 30 national, national, city and club expeditions have
speleo clubs. Many expeditions were carried out. been carried out. An important role in the training

The caves in all Karst regions of the country have of the speleologists is played by the annual cours-
been duly studied, described, and mapped. De- es for instructors in speleology and for life-guards

tailed scientific research and investigations were in caves. The courses end up with the award of the
carried out in more than 1000 caves. The partici- badge called “Speleologist” and competitions for
pants in these cave expeditions collected abundant the best club of speleologists and for making the
research material and turned it over to the respec- most accurate chart of a particular cave. For the
tive institutes and archaeological museums. The purpose of honouring the services rendered to

Cave Museum in the town of Chepelare is a promote speleology in Bulgaria, the Bulgarian
valuable achievement, while the construction of the Federation on Speleology instituted in 1974 the
Caver’s Holiday Home in Karloukovo is expected so-called “Bat Badge” in Gold, Silver and
to promote still further the research work carried Bronze. A number of commissions have been set
out in the field of Speleology. up at the Bureau of the Federation for the purpose
A Main Card Index of Bulgarian Caves was of improving its standards of operation, as well as
set up in 1974 at the Bulgarian Federation on a Cave Rescue Team with more than 100 mem- 13
bers. Bulgarian speleologists participate in solv- The care for the development and popular-
ing a number of practical problems connected ization of cave tourism in Bulgaria has been en-
with the country’s caves. Featuring prominently trusted to the Bulgarian Federation on Speleology.
in the work of the Bulgarian Federation on Spele- With the setting up of the Federation an end was
ology are its international activities. Close ties put to the uncontrolled entries into the country’s
have been set up to that effect with a large number caves and to the damage caused by such entries.
of speleologists and national speleological orga- Cave tourism became organized, with many im-
nizations in many countries. Speleologists from provements introduced for visitors, electricity in-
many European countries have participated in cluded. The overall work connected with these
international expeditions organized in Bulgaria. improvement is under the guidance of the Federa-
The big expeditions organized in some of the tion. No cave can become a tourist site before it has
deepest and longest caves in the world: Jean been thoroughly studied. All structures and im-
Bernard, Gouffre Berger, Pierre Saint-Martin in provements made must be of such a type as not to
France, Ilaminako Atek and Torka Urielo – affect in any degree the natural environment and
Spain, Snezhnaja, Pantyuhinskaya – Geogia, the natural conditions existing in the caves.
Antro del Coria, Michele Gortani, Spluga de la Attempts at introducing certain basic im-
Preta – Italy, Epos Chasm and Provatina – provements in some caves had been made even
Greece, Ozernaja and Optimisticheskaya – before the Second World War, but the all-round
Ukraina etc. have been of great significance to work on making the caves safe and accessible to
the development of speleology and to the qualifi- visitors actually began in the sixties, i.e. after the
cations of the Bulgarian speleologists. setting up of the Bulgarian Federation on Speleol-
Particularly important are the expeditions ogy. Nowadays there are eight caves in the coun-
for the exploration of new caves in Austria, South try, which have been provided with the requisite
China, Cuba, Vietnam, Syria, Spain and especial- facilities as tourist sites; Magoura near the town
ly in Albania, where more than 10 expeditions of Belogradchik (since 1960), Ledenika in the
have been carried out since 1991. Vratsa Mountain near the town of Vratsa (since
1961), Orlova Chouka to the south of the town of
Rousse (1961), Bacho Kiro near the town of

Dryanovo (1964), Sâeva Doupka at the Bresnitsa

Village, Teteven District (1967), Snezhanka near
the town of Peshtera in the Rhodope Mountains
(1979 and 1980), Dyavolskoto Gurlo, Yagodin-
skata Peshtera and Uhlovitsa Cave in the
Rhodope Mountains (1979 and 1980). All these
caves are set to operate as tourist sites. They are

closed and visitors can avail themselves of the

services of specially trained guides.
The membership of the cave clubs is not very
numerous. Numerical growth has not been our
policy, but rather the high and steadily improving

skills and qualifications of the cave-club members.

The work done by the Bulgarian Federation on

Speleology and by the individual cave clubs is

aimed at creating the necessary conditions for the
development of cave tourism and its popularization.
The Bulgarian Federation on Speleology,

with its members – research workers and ama-

teurs, is the sole organization in Bulgaria work-
ing for the advance of speleology and of cave
Dr Ivan Buresch receives the badge Zlaten Prilep (Golden tourism, and it is also the foremost unit carrying
Bat), April 17 th 1974. On the picture P. Beron, P. Òranteev, out the requisite research and protection of caves
14 Iv. Buresch and V. Beshkov. in the country.

In the period of the Caving Society in Bul- grade “Senior Instructor”. Another 25 cavers ob-
garia (1929–1949), no system of education or tained the grade “Senior Instructor” because of their
training existed in the country, or of perfecting the long experience and proven capacity to teach.
qualification of cavers. This necessity arose only In 1974, for the needs of the newly created
after the foundation of the Commission of Caving Rescue Team within the Federation courses for
in 1958. One of the first tasks was to train the first cave rescuers started. These courses exist even
instructors in caving. The idea was that these today and help greatly in training volunteers to
people would initiate the creation of a network of help cavers and citizen in an emergency.
caving clubs. The first attempt to organize a spe- In the period 1976–1979 the Federation ex-
cialized course took place in 1959, but only in perimented with courses for junior beginners (12 –
1961, under the direction of P. Tranteev, a course 16 years of age). These courses found a place in the
for “Guides, explorers and surveyors in caves” was practice of the clubs, but not for long.
realized. Many people, interested in caving, partic- According to the changes in the theory and
ipated to this course and in 1962 the caving clubs praxis of caving and with the new techniques for
in Bulgaria were already 24. descending in potholes, the structure and the pro-
The Federation approved a two – grade struc- grams of the courses underwent changes several
ture of education: courses for beginners (above times. In the 80s it was experimented with two
18years of age) for obtaining the badge “Peshterny- specialized courses: for technical perfection and
ak” (Caver), organized by the clubs, and courses for for surveying, but they too did not last a long time.
obtaining the rank of “Junior Instructor”. Programs Now the Federation has three grades of train-
have been elaborated for both grades to unify the ing: Beginners, taught in the clubs and obtaining the
study. In 1969 two more pedagogical grades were rank of “Peshternyak” (Caver), courses for “Junior
introduced – “Instructor” and “Senior Instructor”. At Instructors”, available for people already having the
that time 13 cavers attended the 14-day courses for rank of “Peshternyak”, and courses for instructors for
instructors and 6 other passed the exams for the those already having the rank of “Junior Instructor”.


Participants to the First National Caving Assembly „Karlukovo – 1964” – photo Mihail Kvartirnikov 15
CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri page 16


Three periods could be outlined in the histo- Lazarov from Veliko Tarnovo died. That was the
ry of cave rescue in Bulgaria first fatal accident with a caver in Bulgaria.
This accident caused a decision by the then
Republican Caving Commission (1966) to create
First period (1964–1973) rescue teams in all caving clubs in the country
with the necessary equipment. Rescue demonstra-
During the National expedition-convention, tions were included in all caving conventions. In
which was held from April 1 to 7, 1964 in 1967 Alexey de Martynoff, President of the Inter-
Zadanen dol – Kunino, several clubs (Akademik national Rescue Commission, visited the demon-
and Ivan Vazov – Sofia, a group from Yambol) stration in Karlukovo. No specialized cave rescue
demonstrated different techniques for rescue, but existed in this period.
these techniques required the use of many people
and damaging of ropes. During the same year in
Karlukovo, many clubs demonstrated their expe- Second period (1973–1985)
rience in rescue, also the use of trolley and some
mistakes were assessed. In 1972 specialized equipment was ac-
On September 8, 1965 during the exploration quired, making possible in 1973 the first special-
of the pothole Zmeyova dupka near Vratsa Petko ized rescue course with 14 participants (hand-


Petko Nedkov – Vice-President of Bulgarian Caving

Federation until 1974 and Head of the Cave Rescue in
Kunino – 1965. Demonstration of a rescue technique Bulgaria from 1974 to 1989 – photo Valeri Peltekov 17
picked). In 1974 a second such course took place, Third period – from 1985 till now
again with 14 participants. The 28 trained rescu-
ers formed the base of the Rescue Group. It In this period the techniques and stretchers in
included Trifon Daaliev, Nikolay Gladnishki, Ves- use were entirely suitable for cave rescue. The
selin Gyaurov, Kiril Yonchev, Trayan Georgiev, stretchers have undergone changes three times.
Kuncho Kunev, Petar Petrov and others. The start From 1985 to 1992 a French stretcher model (made
of the organized rescue in Bulgaria was on Octo- in Bulgaria following the project of N. Gladnishki
ber 31, 1974, when a meeting initiated by Petko and T. Daaliev) was used. In the time from 1992 to
Nedkov took place in Sofia. A Board of the Group 1999 another type of stretcher was in use, designed
was elected: Petko Nedkov (Chairman) and Tri- and made by Nikola Landjev. Now another stretch-
fon Daaliev and Vassil Stoitsev (Deputies). Many er, also made by N. Landjev, is being tested and
other courses have been organized, rescue tech- will be introduced to Bulgarian cave rescue.
niques were perfected, some of the rescuers pene- The modern methods applied by Bulgarian
trated some of the deepest potholes in the world cave rescuers and their good training enhanced
(V. Nedkov, M. Dimitrov, V. Peltekov, O. Atanass- their authority among the members of the Interna-
ov, S. Gazdov, V. Mustakov, K. Petkov, V. Osha- tional Rescue Commission of the U.I.S.. This
nov). A constant effort was (and still is) made to enabled Bulgaria to organize the first International
follow the latest achievements in the world rescue Rescue School in 1988, later our country hosted a
practice. Conference on Cave Rescue (1991) with over 40
In this period organized rescue existed, but participants from France, Rumania, Italy, Belgium,
without specialized stretchers. A Cassin stretcher Austria, Russia and other countries. The President
was used, but it is more suitable for rock climbing of the International Commission André Slagmolen
rescue rather than in caves. from Belgium also participated in these meetings.
During the Congress of U.I.S. in Switzerland
(1997) T. Daaliev was elected First Deputy-Presi-
dent of the International Commission for Cave
Safety and Cave Rescue.
Meanwhile, Bulgarians helped organize cave
rescue in several countries (Russia, Turkey, Mace-
donia, Georgia, Lithuania). Cave rescuers from
these countries were trained in Bulgaria. Our res-
cuers exchanged experience with their French col-
leagues and participated in international conferenc-

30 years of cave rescue in Bulgaria. On the picture from

right to left: Petko Nedkov, Andre´ Slagmolen, President
of the Cave Rescue Commission of U.I.S., Vassil
Stoitzev, Secretary of BFS, Trifon Daaliev, Vice-
Valeri Peltekov accompanies the stretcher in the vertical President of the Cave Rescue Commission of U.I.S..
18 of the cave Drangaleshkata peshtera - 1997 Photo Valeri Peltekov
es on cave rescue. The Bulgarian Federation of and T. Daaliev participated), 1987 (Triest –
Speleology has a contract for mutual assistance Italy), 1989 (Budapest – Hungary, participants P.
with the State Agency of Civil Defence. Nedkov, V. Pashovski and T. Daaliev). Trifon
During this 30-years period, over 170 cavers Daaliev was elected Secretary of the Internation-
got training in specialized courses in cave rescue. al Commission for Cave Rescue. St. Tsonev and
Most of them are still active. T. Daaliev participated in the meetings in 1988
and 1991 in Bulgaria, in 1992 in Belgium and
Great Britain. During these conferences each
Participation in Rescue Conferences country demonstrated the techniques and meth-
ods used for cave rescue. These conferences
In 1965 during the Congress of U.I.S. in were very useful for exchange of experience and
Lyublyana (Slovenia), the International Commis- information.
sion for Cave Rescue, proposed by Prof. Anavy
from Lebanon, was created.
In 1971 the Second International Cave Participation in Rescue Courses
Rescue Conference took place in Belgium.
There were 50 participants from 17 countries, In 1984 Nikolay Gladnishki and Trifon
incl. Radush Radushev and Proyno Somov from Daaliev attended a cave rescue course in France.
Bulgaria. In 1973 Petko Nedkov was elected The new techniques learnt there were successfully
member of the Commission. Other sessions of implemented in Bulgaria. In 1997 a similar course
the Commission followed: 1975 (Salzburg – was attended by Nikola Landjev and Trifon
Austria), 1979 (Zakopane – Poland, the Bulgari- Daaliev, in 1999 – by M. Dimitrov, N. Donchev,
an participants were Hr. Deltshev, V. Gyaurov, R. Vatev and K. Kolevski. The new methods,
N. Gladnishki and T. Daaliev), !983 (Aggtelek – demonstrated during the courses, are now applied
Hungary, V. Peltekov, N. Landjev, K. Dimchev by most of the rescuers in Bulgaria.


Extraction with a balenceur – photo Trifon Daaliev Transport of the strecher by troley – photo Vassil Balevski 19

The international connections of Bulgarian The international activities of Bulgarian

speleologists started at the very beginning of orga- speleologists in the period 1958–2005 were in
nized caving in Bulgaria and are most intensive in two main directions: collaboration with the sister-
the domain of the biospeleological study of Bulgar- organizations, scientific institutions, speleologi-
ian caves. In 1923 two prominent coleopterologists cal laboratories and specialists, as well as partici-
from Czechoslovakia (E. Knirsch and F. Ram- pation of Bulgaria in the activities of the Interna-
bousek) visited Bulgaria and, together with Iv. tional Speleological Union.
Buresch and N. Radev, undertook a thorough The first international connections after the
research on Bulgarian caves. In 1924 another founding of the Commission of Speleology in
Czech speleologist, K. Novak, visited several caves 1958 were realized in 1961, when two speleolo-
in Bulgaria and tried to reach the bottom of the gists from Czechoslovakia (Peter Dropa and
pothole Bezdanniyat Pchelin near Yablanitsa (-105 Moimir Kral) took part in the First International
m). Using a ladder, he descended “only” 85 m in Expedition near Vratsa (Zmeyova dupka, Ponora
this pothole. Dr Iv. Buresch established regular and other caves). In 1962 contacts with the Polish
correspondence and active collaboration with National Commission of Speleology were estab-

prominent speleologists from France, Spain, Italy, lished and three Polish cavers (Prof. K. Kowalski,
Germany and other countries. K. Grotowski and V. Karch) were included in the
Later (1927), he participated in the Tenth Second International Expedition in the Rhodopes.
International Zoological Congress and in the The exchange of speleological groups be-
meeting of German, Austrian and Hungarian spe- came a lasting practice also in the international
leologists in Budapest, reporting on the cave activities of the Republican Commission of Caving
fauna of Bulgaria. and later of the Bulgarian Federation of Caving.
We did not find data about international Such exchange was most active with the sister-

contacts during the existence of the Caving Soci- organizations from East Europe (GDR, Poland,
ety. The archives contain a letter from 1949, in Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Russia, Ukraine, Hun-
which the President of the French national com- gary, Yugoslavia), but also with the caving federa-
mittee of Speleology R. Jeannel invites Bulgari- tions of Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Turkey,
ans to participate in the international congress West Germany, France and Switzerland. In the 80s

under preparation. Unfortunately, this participa- contacts and also exchange of groups with Greece,
tion was not realized. Cuba, Vietnam and China took place and joint

caving expeditions in these countries and in Bul-

garia were organized. Ever since 1983, the Bulgar-
ian Federation of Speleology has maintained very
active connections with the French Federation of
Speleology (contracts included in the International
agreements between Bulgaria and France in the
domain of Youth and Sport). Since 1991 there have

been also intensive contacts with Albanian speleolo-

gists, allowing regular Bulgarian expeditions to this
country. Later, in 1994 Bulgaria signed a special
protocol for speleological collaboration with the
official organizations of Rep. Macedonia and Alba-
The participants in the Conference on physicochemistry of
karst in Stara Zagora. Two Presidents of UIS were nia, which gave rise to a trend of establishing
present: Julia James from Australia and Derek Ford from contacts and interaction between Balkan countries.
20 Canada - photo Trifon Daaliev The peak of this trend was the creation in 2002 of
the Balkan Speleological Union, including initialy Prof. Dr L. Dinev was elected member of the
the federations of Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Bureau of UIS (for two terms of office). Another
Herzegovina, Greece, Macedonia and Croatia, as Bulgarian – the actual President of BFS Dr P.
well as clubs from Serbia and Montenegro. Beron – was elected member of the Bureau of UIS.
The relations, established on a national lev- He too was a member for two terms (1989–1997).
el, are being multiplied by the caving clubs of Specialists in different fields, the members
these countries. These contacts facilitate the ex- of BFS, have been members of different UIS
change of groups and the organization of joint commissions– Commission of Mapping (Eng. R.
expeditions in Bulgaria and abroad. Radushev), of Bibliography (P. Beron), of Cave
In 1965, during the International Congress of Rescue (P. Nedkov), of Underwater Studies (G.
Speleology in Postoyna (Slovenia), the Republican Mateev), etc. An honour for Bulgarian caving was
Commission of Caving became a founding mem- the election of Y. Shopov as Chairman of the
ber of the International Speleological Union (ISU). Commission for Physicochemistry and Hydroge-
Prof. Dr L. Dinev, Eng. R. Radushev, P. Tranteev ology of Karst. T. Daaliev became Vice-Chair-
and V. Gueorguiev were delegates. Bulgarian dele- man, and since 1997 he has been First Vice-
gates participated also in the next speleological Chairman of the Commission for Cave Rescue.
Congresses – Stuttgart, Germany (1969), Olo- In September 1980 an important event took
mouc, Czechoslovakia (1973), Sheffield, Great place in Bulgaria – the First European Regional
Britain (1977), Bowling Green, USA (1981), Bar- Conference of Speleology. These conferences are
celona (1986), Budapest (1989), Beijing (1993), La held between the congresses and are being en-
Chaux de Font, Switzerland (1997) and Kalamos trusted by UIS to be hosted by countries with
(2005). Bulgarian representatives and delegates developed speleology. Over 250 cavers from 17

contributed to the scientific sessions and participat- countries took part in this Conference, and its
ed actively in the work of the commissions of the excellent organization is still remembered by the
Union and in the plenary sessions. As recognition participants. The Second European Conference
of the achievements of Bulgarian speleology the was organized in 1992 in Belgium and Bulgarians
long-lasting President of the Bulgarian Federation participated actively in it.


The founders of the Balkan Speleological Union in 2002 – photo Trifon Daaliev 21

For a long time foreign caves have been the (A. Jalov, N. Gladnishki and N. Landjev) visited
aim and dream of Bulgarian cavers and cave for the first time Albania, exploring and surveying
scientists. Before the Second World War there were 5 caves. Until 2005, altogether 14 Bulgarian expe-
so many unexplored caves in Bulgaria and so few ditions with over 100 participants took place in
cavers that it was out of the question to expeditions Albania. Six of them were National Expeditions,
abroad. With the resurrection of the organized led by: A. Jalov (5 expeditions) and V. Mustakov (1
caving in Bulgaria (1958), the interest for studying expedition), 3 expeditions of the cavers of
caves of other countries increased, but only after “Studenets” – Pleven Caving Club, led by S.
1963 Bulgarian speleologists started their long list Gazdov, and one expedition, organized by N.
of visits and expeditions to more than 45 countries. Landjev. In 2003 in the area of the village Boga a
It is not possible to enumerate here all expeditions small club expedition of Pleven cavers took place,
and visits, sometimes by clubs or individuals, but led by Orlin Kolov and succeeding to reach the
we want to contribute to the preserving of the bottom of the deepest pothole in Albania (610 m in
history of Bulgarian caving abroad. Without under- the pothole BB-30). As a result of the long-term

estimating anybody, we want to give prominence to studies of Albanian caves 225 new caves have been
the events, which have contributed substantially to discovered, studied and surveyed, the most impor-
our country’s Speleology and to the enhancing of tant being BB-30 (-610 m) and Celikokave (-505
its image in the world. m), and rich information about the Geology, Hy-

drogeology, Morphology, the climate and the ani-

mals of Albanian karst has been gathered. All

EUROPE Bulgarian expeditions have been actively support-

ed by our friend Prof. Gezim Uruci – President of
Albania the Albanian Speleological Association and also by
1991 other members of the Association.
In the autumn the systematic Bulgarian re-
search in Albania started. A team of three cavers Armenia

P. Beron explored the fauna of the longest
cave in Armenia – Archeri (The Bear’s Cave).

P. Tranteev and Hr. Delchev participated in
an Austrian expedition to Plateneckeishöhle.

Bulgarian – Austrian Expedition for explor-
ing the pothole Bergerhöhle with 10 Bulgarian

participants led by P. Tranteev.

Four Bulgarian expeditions were carried out
Karst plateau under Radohim¸s Peak (Alpet, N. Albania) – for exploring new potholes in the Austrian Alps.
22 photo Trifon Daaliev Under the leadership of Petko Nedkov and Trifon
P. Beron explored the fauna of some caves
of Bohemian Karst (Koneprusi and others) and
visited caves in Moravian Karst. Part of the
collected fauna has been already published.
In the period 1971–1989 groups of the
Bulgarian Federation and the clubs in Vratsa,
Russe, Pleven, Dryanovo, Peshtera, Blagoevgrad,
Sofia, Botevgrad and other visited all show caves
and the longest caves in Czech Republic.

France (continental)
P. Beron received a French grant and
The entrance of the pot hole S-1 in Austria (-584 m) – photo spent 5 months in the Laboratoire Souterrain du
Trifon Daaliev C.N.R.S. in Moulis (Pyrenees), meanwhile vis-
iting twice the caves of Corsica. In the
Daaliev 93 new caves have been discovered, in- Pyrenees Beron visited several caves, including
cluding S-1 (-584 m) and S-2 (-460 m Twenty three the famed caves of prehistoric art in the estate
(23) cavers from 17 clubs (Nikolay Gladnishki, of Count Beguen and collected cave fauna in
Vassil Nedkov, Valeri Peltekov, Milko Valchkov, other caves. Part of the data collected has been
Alexander Anev, Vassil Balevski, Nikola Landjev, published and important experience has been

Emil Todorov, Kamen Dimchev, Todor Todorov, obtained. The following year (1968) V. Gue-
Filip Filipov, Milko Paymakov and others) took orguiev also spent some time in the same Labo-
part in these remarkable expeditions. ratory. During his stay P. Beron participated
also in the training camp of French cavers at
Belgium Vallon-Pont-d’Arc and visited some caves in
Bulgarian speleologists visited several Bel-

Ardeche. Some scientific publications appeared
gian caves in 1967–1982, but mainly as tourists. from these stages.
Later P. Beron collected cave fauna in the longest
Belgian cave Grotte de Han (10 693 m). 1969
The first Bulgarian expedition to a cave
Czech Republic deeper than 1000 m was organized by “Planinets”
1923 – Sofia Caving Club. The target was Gouffre
Dr Ivan Buresch visited several caves in Berger, by that time considered the deepest in the
Moravian Karst, including Macoha. world (1122 m to the dry bottom). The daring
action of the cavers of “Planinets” was carried out
1961 by 20 cavers, organized by N. Genov and Iv.
A mission of the Republican Caving Com- Rashkov and led by Y. Strashimirov and P. Tran-

mission (Prof. L. Dinev, P. Tranteev, Arch. P. teev. A. Taparkova and P. Beron became the first
Pâtskov, V. Gueorguiev and Hr. Mladenov) visited Bulgarians to descend that deep, A. Taparkova
Czechoslovakia to study the experience in show marking a new world record for women. P. Beron
caves. Among the caves visited were Dobshina, became the first Bulgarian to cross the 1000-m
Belanska Cave, Demenovska Cave, Sbrashovska point in a pothole. During this expedition for the
Cave and in Moravian Karst Punkva – Macoha, first time Bulgarian cavers got Strumpf descen-

Balcarka, Sloupsko – Shushovska and Katerzhins- deurs and jumars, brought to the camp personally
ka, also the “wild” cave Rudicko Propadanie. by the legend Fernand Petzl.

1964 1973
During the International Symposium in Another expedition of “Planinets” – Sofia
Brno P. Beron and P. Penchev visited some caves Caving Club, led by Y. Strashimirov, attacked the
of Moravian karst. new deepest pothole – Pierre Saint Martin. Three 23
out of the 23 cavers (A. Taparkova, V. Nedkov and ried out by experimenting with the method
K. Yonchev) reached the bottom. Ani marked a “ULW” (Ultra Long Waves). In the area of
new world record, the expedition realized an Kokueta Cañon and under the Plateau Are d’Ani
interesting scientific program and the first Bulgar- unknown cavities were discovered.
ian speleofilm was shot in the giant pothole.
1974 A Bulgarian group (A. Jalov, V. Gyaurov, P.
Scientific expedition of “Planinets” – Sofia Saynov) participated in the course for instructors
Caving Club explored the massif of the system of the French School of Speleology. Several pot-
Pierre Saint Martin and part of the system. Leader holes (Trou qui souffle, Trou qui fume and
Y. Strashimirov. Gournié) were penetrated.

1976 1984
Scientific expedition of “Planinets” – Sofia The new champion in depth – the pothole
Caving Club, NEK and the newspaper “Orbita” Jean Bernard, again in France, became the new
explored the massif of the system Pierre Saint challenge for Bulgarian cavers. The expedition of
Martin and part of the system. Leader Y. Strash- “Studenets” – Pleven with the Tourist Society
imirov, participants: A. Tsvetkov, I. Parov, K. “Kaylashka dolina”, which consisted of 20 cavers
Sâbotinov, A. Bliznakov, P. Zlatarev, V. Gigov, A. led by Hr. Nedyalkov, headed for France on
Handjiyski. Geophysical observations were car- December 8th. The expedition lasted 20 days.

Eng. Radush Radushev and the famous French caver Vassil Nedkov descends a waterfall in the pot hole Pierre-
24 Norbert Casteret in 1973 – photo Nikolay Genov Saint -Martin in 1973 – photo Nikolay Genov
During this time the team overcame many diffi- system. Six people reached the first siphon, one
culties and four cavers (Senko Gazdov, Krasimir (the diver Hr. Raykov) managed to go beyond.
Petkov and the brothers Valeri and Tsvetan Unfortunately, the narrow siphon stopped the
Mirchev) reached 1358 m – a new deepest point second diver and the penetration was called off.
for Bulgarians. The depth of 1250 m was reached by four other
members of the expedition, including Diana
1987 Pencheva – this was her second descent below the
This year will be remembered for the expe- 1000 m limit.
dition of cavers from “Akademik” – Sofia Caving
Club, led by St. Shanov, to the French part of the 1993
Pyrenees. Together with their colleagues from From April 15th that year, Iv. Pandurski
Nantes, Bulgarians realized traverses between worked for 4 months in the underground laborato-
two of the entrances (Mille-Penblanc and Co- ry in Moulis (Pyrenees). He explored the water
quille-Penblanc) of the system Felix Trombe – La fauna in some caves near the border with Spain,
Hen Morte, 81 km long and with denivelation of finding new Crustaceans. Ivan Pandurski visited
1018 m. The first traverse, 12 km long, was and explored also:
overcome by four cavers, and the second, longer a) caves in the region of Bordeau;
and more difficult, by V. Vassilev and N. Choban- b) caves in the department Ariège, the re-
ov in ca. 22 hours. gion of Tarbes;
c) caves on the Vercors Plateau.
In July 10 cavers from “Akademik” – Sofia 1993

returned the visit of their French colleagues from The participants in the international expedi-
the club “Saint Erblim” – Nantes. On July 13, V. tion, organized by the caving club in Targovishte,
Vassilev and B. Ivanov reached the siphon (- P. Todorov, S. Milev, R. Tomov and T. Daaliev
1122) of Gouffre Berger for ca. 17 hours. Yu. visited the cave Padirak, more than 10 km long
Atanasov, O. Stoyanov and P. Jivkov from the and 235 m deep, as well as Gouffre du Sau de la

group led by S. Shanov penetrated the potholes Pucelle and Grotte Caniaque du Causse.
Jean Nouveau (- 578 m, famous for its vertical
entrance of 165 m), Soufleur (-640 m), Caldère 1993
(-667 m) and Romanesse (-205). A. Strezov, Y. Pavlov and K. Garbev partic-
ipated in a contest in the Pyrenees, organized by
1989 the Olympic committees of France and Spain and
In the same year V. Vassilev and B. Ivanov won fifth place.
reached the bottom of Gouffre Berger for ca. 24
hours within the expedition of cavers from “Aka- 1994
demik” – Sofia and their colleagues from Nantes. In September several Bulgarian biospeleol-
Six other cavers, led by St. Shanov, descended ogists actively worked in the Laboratoire Souter-
into the potholes Jean Nouveau (-578 m), Souf- rain de Moulis, studying the invertebrate fauna

fleur (-640 m) and Caldère (-667 m). and the bats in many caves in the department of
Ariège: Rumyana and Ivan Pandurski (two
1991 months), Hr. Deltshev, St. Andreev and V. Gue-
In July a group of seven cavers from Sofia orguiev (one month).
(among them five from “Akademik”, led by Ts-
vetan Lichkov) participated in the third joint 1995

expedition with colleagues from Nantes. The area As a participant in a perfection course in
of the expedition was NW of Montpelier, where France, G. Savov from “Helictite” – Sofia Caving

they penetrated seven cave potholes. Club took part in the biggest possible traverse
The expedition, organized by “Galata” – between two of the entrances of Vernaud Cave
Varna Caving Club, had the ambition, by over- System – the eighth longest in France. The dis-
coming the siphons at the end of Jean Bernard, to tance of 8 km with a denivelation of 360 m was
reach the final depth of 1494 m of the giant overcome for 18 hours. A. Jalov and G. Slavov 25
from ”Helictite” – Sofia Caving Club penetrated Atanassov, all from “Aleko Konstantinov” – Sofia
several potholes of the Vernaud System and the Caving Club. In 14 days they managed to pene-
water cave Chauve Roche (7 km). trate from the lower entrance to the bottom of the
pothole (denivelation -1335 m). So far this is the
1999 least numerous Bulgarian group to reach such a
From 1 to 20 August, a mixed group of depth.
cavers from Sofia (from the clubs “Akademik” The second descent in 1986 was realized by
and “Vitosha”) carried out an expedition “Greno- an expedition of “Galata” – Varna Caving Club,
ble-99”. Cavities visited: Trou qui Souffle, Gouf- led by R. Radulov and with the participation of
fre Fumant, Gournie, Choranche, Pot 2, Trou de cavers from Adler (Russia). The aim – to reach
Spinette and others. the maximum depth of 1370 m, using the upper
entrance, was achieved by 6 cavers, including A.
Corsica Taparkova – Pencheva and Diana Pencheva. Ani
1967 achieved a new personal record (for the third
P. Beron visited the island twice and ex- time). Diana became the second Bulgarian wom-
plored 21 caves, collecting many cave animals. an descending below 1000 m.
Based on this collection, several specialists (H.
Coiffait, J.-P. Mauriès, A. Vandel, J.-P. Henry, G. 1988
Magniez, M. Kolebinova) and P. Beron himself First Bulgarian-Georgian expedition to
published articles with descriptions of many new Caucasus. Four Bulgarians (A. Mihov, S. Nenov,
species. In 1971 the Laboratory in Moulis pub- M. Tranteev and N. Valkov), led by T. Daaliev,
lished the general paper of P. Beron “Faune had the task to penetrate, together with their

cavernicole de Corse”. Georgian colleagues, the end siphon of the pot-

hole Vesennaya (-408 m). The diving team, in-
Georgia cluding A. Mihov, penetrated the siphon, explored
1971 the next verticals and galleries and reached a

A group of 6 cavers from “Akademik” – second siphon, thus bringing the depth of the
Sofia, led by Kliment Burin, participated in a joint pothole to 555 m.

expedition of “Speleolog” – Novosibirsk Caving In the same time an expedition exploring

Club in Arabika Massive, Western Caucasus. the pothole Pionerskaya (-815 m) took place,
They descended in the potholes Ledyanaya, organized by “Akademik” – Sofia Caving Club.
Karovaya (- 202 m) and Jubileynaya (-255 m). The group (P. Saynov – leader and participants:
Iv. Lichkov, V. Popov, I. Barova, V. Koleva, St.
1986 Hadjianastasov, B. Georgiev, Yu. Atanasov, P.
Two consecutive expeditions were carried Jivkov and P. Kolev) went there at the invitation

out in the second deepest pothole in the world of Crimean cavers. The pothole was a difficult
Snezhnaya (-1370 m) in Caucasus, Abhazia. The one. The narrow passages and the rainy weather
first was organized by four cavers led by Orlin drained the strength of the cavers. Two teams
managed to reach 500 m.

24 August – 12 September: Joint Bulgarian-
French-Georgian expedition in the region of the
pothole Pantyuhinskaya – Caucasus; Organizer:
BFS. Participants: T. Daaliev (Leader), B. Zahar-
iev (“Planinets”- Sofia), V. Vassilev and A.

Chobanov (“Akademik” – Sofia); K. Petkov

(“Kaylashka Dolina” – Pleven); French partici-
pants: A. Guillon, B. Lips, J. Orsola and other.
Georgian participants: V. Velisov and other. Re-
The participants to the expedition Snezhnaya – 1986 in sults: equipment of Pantyuhinskaya up to 600 m
26 Caucasus – photo Trifon Daaliev for SRT.
Germany 1980
1926 Vassil and Nadezhda Nedkov went to
Pavel Patev studied Rhizopoda (Protozoa) Greece on their personal expenses to penetrate,
from the cave Salzlocher Höhle and published a together with Greek colleagues, the ninth vertical
paper on them. pothole in the world – Mavro Skiadi (-347 m) on
In 1967–1982 Bulgarian cavers visited a Crete. V. Nedkov made the descent in only 9
number of caves in Germany. hours, thus becoming the first Bulgarian to have
reached the bottom of one of the deepest shafts in
Great Britain the world.
1975 – During the preparations for an expe-
dition to Papua New Guinea P. Beron explored the 1981
cave Easgill in Yorkshire. The third visit of P. Beron to Greek caves
1983 – The Yorkshire-Walles Expedition cantered on the cave of Zeus on Naxos and
was organized by “Akademik” – Sofia Student’s Aghios Joannis Cave on Iraklia Island.
Caving Club. The leaders A. Grozdanov and I.
Velichkova and the participants V. Popov, A. 1983
Strezov, F. Filipov were invited by the Speleo – On their way back from Africa P. Beron and
Club of Sheffield University. The group penetrat- V. Beshkov visited the caves near Maronia, on the
ed four caves and one pothole in Derbyshire. island Santorin, etc. and collected cave fauna.
Starting on 23 July, they took part in an expedi-
tion for the study of the longest system in Great 1984
Britain Easgill (52 km long, denivelation 173 m). Descent into two of the deepest full verti-

During 10 joint penetrations, meteorological, bio- cals in the world (second and sixth), Epos and
logical and hydrogeological observations were Provatina in Greece. In August, 6 cavers led by A.
conducted. Jalov, together with Greek cavers, achieved this
goal. The bottom of Epos (-451 m) was reached
Greece by 6 cavers, the bottom of Provatina (-392 m) – by

1968 three Bulgarian cavers, including L. Velichkova.
P. Beron started the series of Bulgarian Six cavers reached the bottom of Epos (-451 m)
explorations in Greek caves. In January, together and three Bulgarian cavers, including L. Velichk-
with his wife Kinka, he visited the cave Kutuki ova, reached the bottom of Provatina (-392 m)).
near Athens and the caves Kamilari, Melidoni, In the same year (April–May 1984) P.
Kalamatu and Krionerida on Crete. Several scien- Beron explored the caves Ellinokamara and Sty-
tific papers and new species were the result of this lokamara on Kassos I., two caves in the eastern
short visit. In the period 1968–2003 P. Beron part of Crete (together with K. Paragamian),
visited Greece 11 times, collecting cave fauna. Ideon Antron, the cave Katafyki on Kithnos I., the
cave of Coufovouno in Thrace and collected cave
1974 fauna.
P. Beron and V. Beshkov explored the caves

Dicteon Antron, Tzani, Sarkhos, Catholico Spili- 2000

ja, Arcoudas, Foli, Kamilari I et II and Trapezas In September, three Bulgarian Biospeleolo-
on Crete, Zoodochos Cave on Santorin, the caves gists (Boyan Petrov, Stoyan Beshkov and Pavel
Eftamilos near Serres and Spilija Nycteridon near Stoev) explored caves in Northern Greece (West-
Petralona. ern Thrace and Eastern Macedonia) and collected
many cave animals.

The first Greek-Bulgarian caving expedi- 2002

tion took place. Four Bulgarians led by Radoslav In September, a group of cavers from “Vito-
Rahnev explored, together with some Greek col- sha” – Sofia Caving Club, led by Ana Pencheva
leagues, caves in the mountain Erimanthos and with the participation of P. Beron and T.
(Peloponnese). Nine new caves were mapped and Daaliev visited the cave of Alistrati and the cave
another 3 visited and a good co-operation started. 27
Maara near Prosotsani. Some biological material with the club VEAS. Bulgarian group: three
was collected. cavers from the club “Prilep” with “Plani-
nets” – Sofia Tourist Society and 8 cavers
2003 from Sliven, led by K. Aleksiev and M.
In July, P. Beron, A. Jalov, M. Stamenova, J. Petrova. Visits to the cave in Matiasz Hill,
Petrov, K. Kasabov, K. Stoichkov, together with Budapest (4.2 km). Joint exploration of the
Greek cavers, explored 6 caves in Othris Mountain, potholes in Aggtelek area: Szabo Lalas – 130
south of Volos. New caves and potholes were dis- m Vechen Bükk – 245 m, Raytek (-72 m) and
covered (Titanospilya), some of the previously the cave Baradla – 9 km.
known caves were surveyed and the fauna of the
caves Kokalya, Nero Spilya, Filaki, Metaxolaka and Italy (continental)
others was collected for the first time. New species 1972
were discovered in a completely unknown mountain Cavers of “Aleko Konstantinov “ – Sofia
(what concerns the cave animals). The expedition, tried to penetrate the then deepest Italian pot-
organized by the Greek colleagues, explored in total hole Spluga della Preta (-878 m). Unfortunate-
32 caves and marked the first joint exploration of ly, different problems hindered the action and
cavers from the new Balkan Speleological Union. after 144 hours of work the cavers reached
“only” 420 m.
1964 1979
P. Beron visited the huge cave Aggtelek and The city caving section in Sofia orga-
got acquainted with the underground laboratory nized an expedition to the new deepest Italian

there. pothole Abisso Michele Gortani (-920 m).

Nine cavers, led by A. Taparkova – Pencheva,
1982 realized the daring idea. The bottom was
Expedition of “Strinava” – Dryanovo Cav- reached by 7 cavers, but “l’apetit vient en

ing Club. Exploration of the cave Alba Regia (3 mangeant” and the cavers decided to penetrate
km) and of the pothole Czengö (-96 m). Spluga della Pretta too. A. Pencheva and V.

Peltekov reached the bottom of the second

1983 deepest Italian pothole.
Expedition of “Protey” – Sliven Caving
Club led by D. Panteleev. Visits to Szoymal cave 1988
(2 km) and the cave of Ferenz Hill (4 km), both of Led by Kr. Karlov, an expedition of “Ves-
them in Budapest area, and to the potholes on the lets” – Vratza penetrated successfully the then
mountain Bükk – Istvan Kapo (3 km, 240 m) and deepest Italian cave system Abisso Figiera –

the cave pothole Meteor. Antro del Corchia (-1200 m). Eleven cavers,
including Yu. Tsvetkova and A. Atanassova
1985 reached this depth. Thus, the number of Bulgarian
Expedition “Hungary–85”, organized by women who had crossed the 1000-m limit in-
“Protey” – Caving Club, Sliven, together with the creased to four.
Hungarian club VEAS. Nine participants, led by T.
Toshev and M. Petrova. Visits to the cave Jozef 1989
higyi barlang on the hill Jozef in Budapest (2.4 km, Wishing to test their skill in potholes deeper
denivel. 86 m), and to the following caves and than Bulgarian potholes, nine cavers from “Iv.
potholes in the mountain Bükk: Fekete barlang (1 Vazov” – Sofia penetrated Abisso Emilio Comicci
km – 152 m), Kiraly zsoumboy (-40 m), Istvan (-774 m) in Italy. On 21 September, 4 cavers

Lapoi Barlang (2 km – 240 m), Szepesi barlang (- reached the aim of the expedition.
165 m), Letrazi-vizes barlang (2.4 km – 86 m).
1991 and 1992
1987 Two consecutive expeditions of cavers from
Expedition “Hungary–85”, organized Pleven attacked the Italian pothole Emilio Comic-
28 by “Protey” – Caving Club, Sliven, together ci (-774 m) for further diving.
Sardinia 1976
1980 Expedition of “Edelweiss” – Sofia Caving
P. Beron explored 4 caves. Among the mate- Club, including V. Balevski from Troyan, man-
rial collected was the new Isopod Oritoniscus aged to realize the most difficult itinerary in the
beroni Ferrara et Taiti, 1984. system Nad Kotlinami and Sniezhna – the
traverse between the two entrances. Three
Macedonia reached the maximum depth of 783 m.
P. Beron studied the fauna of the cave Dona 1979
Duka at Rashche near Skopie. During the international rescue confer-
ence T. Daaliev and H. Gladnishki penetrated,
1995 together with Belgian and Polish cavers, in
The first Bulgarian-Macedonian caving Bandjoha (- 558 m).
expedition took place with 5 participants from
Bulgaria, including three divers, led by K. Petk- 1980
ov. The team was invited to explore several Expedition “Tatri”, organized by the cav-
unknown siphons in the area of the canon Matka ing club of “Prista” – Russe Tourist Society.
near Skopie. The total result was: 7 dives in 4 Ten participants, inc. the leaders Iv. Ivanov and
siphons, 280 m underwater galleries surveyed, S. Guneshki. Descents into Czerna (4600 m;
195 m of them in the karstic source “Vrelo”. The -150 m), Pod Vanta (-144 m), Velka Litworowa
end of the siphon was not reached, but neverthe- (-225 m) and Bandjoha (- 558 m), all in Tatra
less it became the longest siphon in the Republic National Park.

of Macedonia.
Malta 9–22 July. Joint expedition of cavers from
1996 Sofia with “Katovice” – Caving Club. Partici-
P. Beron collected cave animals in two pants: P. Patev – leader, D. Angelov, Ya. Bozhi-

small caves on Gozo I. nov, V. Naydenov and Hr. Delchev. Visits in
Mariarova -110 m, Ptasha -230 m, Pod Vanta
Poland -144 m.
Petko Nedkov and Konstantin Spassov be- 1987
came the first Bulgarians to descend into a really Expedition “Sniezhna”, organized by “Ves-
deep pothole (on the list of the 10 deepest in the lets” – Vratsa Caving Club. Leader Kr. Karlov.
world) – Sniezhna (-640 m) in Western Tatra Seven cavers, including three women: A. Atanass-
mountains. ova, K. Petkova and Yu. Tsvetkova, reached the
Again a group of Bulgarian cavers attacked

Sniezhna. In 32 hours five of the 10 cavers, led by

P. Nedkov, reached the bottom of the pothole.

Using the classical route, a joint team of
BFS descended into Sniezhna, in 24 hours (V.

Stoitsev, T. Daaliev, P. Evtimov, L. Mihay-


The Troyan Caving Club also organized an
expedition to Sniezhna – V. Markov, A. Borov Milko Valchkov at the entrance Sniezhna in the Polish
reached 320 m. Tatra in 1976 – photo Vassil Balevski 29
1988 er A. Evtimov. Explorations in the caves
In June St. Hadjianastasov from “Aka- Topolniþa – 24 km and Epuran.
demik” Caving Club, together with Polish cavers,
penetrated in Snejna until the first siphon at – 620 1982
m and with the alpinist Svobodin Dimitrov – to Expedition Padizh, organized by the caving
the bottom of Velka Litvorova – 351 m. club of Bacho-Kiro Tourist society. Five partici-
pants visited the caves Barsa – 12 048 m, Shura
1990 Bosh – 400 m, Meles – 2070 m, Folkuviu – 950 m
Expedition “Tatri”, organized by the caving and the potholes Zapodie – 22 km, Zhemanta –
club of “Bacho Kiro” – Dryanovo and “Bobri” – a 135 and Padizh – 52 m.
Polish Caving Club. Ten members, leaders Iv. Hris-
tov and D. Tsanev. Descend into the pothole Velika 1982
Litworowa (-351 m) and Czerna (4600 m – 150 m). Expedition Grin, organized by the caving
club of Prista Russe Tourist Society and the club
Rumania Avenul – Braºov. Six cavers, leaders K. Dimchev
1963 and S. Stoychev (Razgrad). The aim was to study
Three Bulgarians (Vassil Guéorguiev, P. new caves in the region of Königstein, summit
Beron and Georgi Velev) returned the Rumanian Grin, Carpathians.
visit from the Institute of Speleology “E.
Racoviþa” in Bucharest and Cluj. Together with 1990
V. Decu and L. Botosaneanu, they visited some A joint team of speleologists from Aka-
caves (Ponikova, Topolniþa, the cave of Cloºani, demik – Sofia, Heliktit – Sofia and Cherni vrah

Cioka cu Brebenei, Pozarul Policei, Geþarul de Sofia Caving Clubs, together with the hydro-
Scariºoara, Peºtera Vîntului), exchanged experi- geological section of the Institute of Geology
ence and collected some cave animals. This was and Mining, participated to the International
the first organized research of Bulgarians in caves Scientific Conference for the Preservation of

abroad (without considering the visit of Dr Bure- Karst.

sch and his group in Vetrena dupka in 1940).

1971 Two consecutive expeditions of Edelweiss
Expedition „Kluj ‘71“, organized by the Sofia Caving Club, led by Iv. Alexiev. Explora-
City Section of Speleology, Sofia. Leader Iv. tion of the caves Cetatele Ponorului (8 km),
Mishev, technical leader Eng. R. Radushev, A. Zaplodie (22 km), Barsa, Negra, etc.
Pencheva, V. Nedkov, T. Daaliev, N. Gladnishki
and other. Visits of the potholes Parvi May (-220 m),

Russia (entire)
Gheþarul de Scariºoara (600 m, depth 115 m), 1968
Peºtera Vîntului. About two kilometres of new Participation of 5 members of the RCC in
galleries were discovered and the length of P. the All – Russia Caving Expedition in SW Cauca-
Vîntului became 18 km. sus (S. Kashev, S. Andreev, L. Popov, A.
Grozdanov, Hr. Deltshev). Work in the pothole
1981 Rucheynaya and survey of the newly discovered
Expedition Königstein, organized by the Primusnaya (-200 m). Collecting of cave fauna
caving club of “Prista” – Russe Tourist Society. (new species).
Exploration of the area of the summit Grin,
massif Königstein in the Carpatians. Leaders S. 1969
Guneshki and E. Zapryanov, 12 other partici- Another group of 5 Bulgarian cavers: V.

pants. Visited the potholes Grin (-129 m), Podul Gogov, V. Gyaurov, G. Milushev (Shumen), D.
Vilor II and Vladushka. Uzunov (Varna), led by V. Stoitsev, participated to
an international convention – expedition on Alek
1981 Ridge, SW Caucasus – work in the cave Voronts-
Expedition Topolniþa, organized by the ovskaya and the potholes Rucheynaya (-150 m)
30 caving club of Prista Russe Tourist Society. Lead- and Oktyabrskaya (-420 m).
1971 Serbia and Montenegro
August 9–23: – IV International Expedition 1940
in Caucasus (Alek Ridge). Bulgarian group in- Dr Iv. Buresch and his group of researchers
cluded V. Stoitsev, At. Bliznakov (Planinets – from the Royal Museum of Natural History in
Sofia), St. Stoykov, St. Milev (Targovishte), Z. Sofia explored the cave Vetrena dupka near Vlasi
Kachanov (Yambol). They penetrated the pot- in the former Bulgarian Western Confines. Al-
holes Velichestvennaya (-260 m) and Geografi- though formally in Serbia, we can hardly consider
cheskaya – 120 m. this an exploration of a “foreign” cave.

1976 1997
P. Tranteev, V. Stoitsev and T. Daaliev In May, Bulgarian biospeleologists Ivan
participated in an expedition of Russian cavers and Rumyana Pandurski, together with Milan
in Alek Range. T. Daaliev penetrated the pot- Paunoviæ, visited five caves in Eastern Serbia and
holes Rucheynaya (-510 m) and Nazarovskaya collected cave animals.
(-500 m).
1985 Expedition “Durmitor”- Montenegro. From
September 28 – October 7: – Expedition 6 to 16 August a group led by Ya. Krachmarov
Caucasus, organized by BFC. Participants: A. (three cavers from Sofia Caving Club and two
Jalov (Sofia) and K. Petrov (Galata Varna Caving from Strinava – Gabrovo Caving Club of Bacho
Club). Explorations: Ahunskaya Cave (603 m Kiro Tourist Society in Dryanovo) took part to the
long, Ahunskiy Massif), Dolgaya Cave (1476 m expedition in Durmitor, organized by the Stu-

long), part of the system Vorontsovskaya; the dent’s Caving Club “ASAK” – Belgrade to the
pothole Pechal’naya (-230 m, 900 m long), Dza- deepest pot hole of Serbia and Montenegro Yama
hra Massif. na Vetrenom brdo (-775 m). The members of the
Bulgarian team not only reached the bottom of the
1986 pot hole, but discovered and explored also several

From April 28 to May 8, 1986, T. Daaliev new vertical caves.
and I. Hristov from Galata Varna Club made an
official visit to the Geographical Section of Sochi Slovakia
Department of the AS of the USSR to arrange a 1961
joint expedition in Snazhnaya. During the visit A mission of the Republican Caving Com-
the participants penetrated the pothole Naz- mission (Prof. L. Dinev, P. Tranteev, P. Pâtskov, V.
arovskaya (-500 m), together with cavers from Gueorguiev and Hr. Mladenov) visited Czecho-
Krasnodar and Sochi. slovakia to obtain experience in show caves.
Among the caves visited were Dobshina, Belans-
1988 ka Cave, Demenovska Cave and others.
Expedition of Aleko Sofia Caving Club in
Altayskaya pothole (-240 m, 1250 m long). 1970

P. Beron explored the fauna of several

1989 caves. Part of the material collected has already
Expedition of Helictite Sofia Caving Club been published.
in the pothole Altayskaya (-240 m, 1250 m long). The other visits in former Czechoslovakia
Leader: K. Danailov. In the same year an expedi- are enumerated in the section of Czech Republic.
tion of Veslets Vratsa took place.

1991 Five Bulgarian cavers (A. Jalov, A. Apos-

Expedition of Strandja Burgas Caving Club tolov, L. Adamov, P. Penchev and S. Guneshki)
on Alek Ridge, SW Caucasus. Leader L. Zhelyaz- took part in the National Convention of Slovak
kov. Penetration in the pothole Osennaya (-500 Cavers. During their stay they penetrated all
m) – part of the cave system Nazarovskaya- bigger show caves (Demenovkie caves, Lisitska
Primusnaya – Osennaya. Cave) and the pothole Stary uplaz (-86). 31
Slovenia and transported the diving gear to the “dry bot-
1909 tom” (-1325 m), to ensure the success of the
Iv. Buresch visited the caves Postoyna and divers I. Gunov and M. Dimitrov. Both crossed
Skocianska yama. the three known siphons. I. Gunov dived on his
own into the fourth, reached a dry gallery and
1964 returned. The exploration had to be stopped there
P. Beron visited the caves around Postoyna due to the lack of equipment, but the pothole
and collected some cave animals. He established already ranked third in the world.
a long standing connection with the speleologists
from the Institute of Speleology in Postoyna. 1987
For further study of the pothole BU – 56 was
2004 organized another expedition of Pleven cavers, led
From February 19 to 23, at the invitation by by P. Stoynov and S. Gazdov. The efforts were
the Slovenian Federation of Speleology, a joint directed towards giving a chance to the divers I.
team of Bulgarian cavers from Plovdiv, Russe and Gunov, M. Dimitrov and V. Chapanov. They nego-
Sofia, together with three Slovenians, took part in tiated the known siphons and another two siphons,
the disequipment of the pothole Chehy 2. Lev explored the 650-meter gallery after them and
Mironov reached the camp at 900 m, Theodor stopped before the seventh siphon. The survey
Kisimov, Georgi Staychev and Konstantin Stoilov from the beginning of the 4th siphon to the newly
crossed the 1000 m frontier and reached nearly found parts showed that the depth was 1408 m. So,
1100 m. on September 11th, with the help of the Bulgarians
Postoyna and other famous Slovenian caves the pothole, called Ilaminako Atek by the Basques,

have been visited many times by Bulgarian became the second deepest in the world.
Spain (continental) Third expedition of the cavers from

1986 Studenets Pleven Caving Club, leader S. Gazdov.

The summer marked the successful return Subject of exploration were 48 new potholes in

of the 22 participants in the expedition BU – 56 (- the Larra Massif, in the area of the pothole BU-
1338 m) in Spain – the fourth deepest in the 56, Pyrenees.
world. These were the cavers of Studenets Pleven, To descend the pothole Torka Urielo (-1017
led by P. Stoynov. Their aim was to increase the m), an expedition was organized by 18 cavers
depth of the pothole by diving beyond the third from Planinets Sofia Caving Club, led by K.
known siphon. For this aim, never before attempt- Sabotinov. Four members of the club and a repre-
ed by Bulgarians, 14 people equipped the pothole sentative of BFS (member of Etropole Caving

Club) achieved this goal.

Ivan Pandurski collected water animals in
Casteret Ice Cave in the High Pyrenees.

Balearic Is.
P. Beron joined the cavers from the speleo-
club of Palma de Majorca and explored, together
with them, 4 caves of Majorca.

Turkey (entire)
P. Beron and V. Beshkov realized the first
The participants to the expedition BU - 56 in the Pyrenees Bulgarian visit to Turkish caves (Barut Hane near
32 in 1986 Istanbul, Büük and Kücuk Maara near Boazkale)
and collected biological material, part of which the expedition Podolie’67 in Western Ukraine,
has been published. where five cavers of Akademik Sofia Caving
Club, led by Kliment Burin, participated to the
1972 exploration of the cave Optimisticheskaya. This
P. Beron, T. Michev and V. Beshkov visited expedition seems to be the first Bulgarian club
the caves Barut Hane near Istanbul, Damlata near expedition outside Bulgaria. At that time the
Alania and Insuyu near Burdur Lake and discov- known length of the surveyed galleries had in-
ered new species of cave animals. creased by 3184 m and with its 18 884 m the cave
ranked second in the then URSS and 13th in the
1993 world. Now its length is already 205 km (second
T. Daaliev and P. Beron joined their colleagues longest in the world).
from BUMAC – Istanbul to explore the deep pothole
Düden Yayla and, after that, visited some caves 1969
around Beyshehir and collected cave animals. One Again a team of 8 members of Akademik
month later another four Bulgarians participated in Sofia Caving Club, led by Radoslav Rahnev,
the expedition of BUMAK in Cukur Pinar (-1190 m), participated in the study of Optimisticheskaya. Its
but had no chance to reach this depth. length reached 43 500 m.

2004 1971
From 13th July to 15 August Bulgarian Bulgarian cavers again attacked one of the
Federation of Speleology, together with speleolo- longest caves. Five cavers, organized by A. Petkova
gists from BUMAK – Istanbul, organized expedi- and led by P. Tranteev, participated in the XXVI-th

tion for studying of the deepest pot hole in Turkey expedition of Ternopol cavers to study the cave
Mehmed Ali Yozsal-Evren Gyunay Düdeni. Bul- Golubie ozera. With active Bulgarian participation
garian participants: 8 cavers from the caving clubs (N. Gladnishki, Ch. Mitov, D. Mihaylov, T.
in Sofia, Plovdiv and Rousse, led by Tzvetan Daaliev) 8 km of new galleries were surveyed, thus
Ostromski. Turkish participants: 8–14 in the dif- bringing the cave’s length to 65 km. Now its length

ferent stages of the study. Some results: is more than 111 km. The caves Kristalnaya and
1. With the new parts, discovered and sur- Mlynki have been visited as well.
veyed, the pot hole became the deepest in Asia,
ranging 12th among the deepest pot holes in the 1973
World. Its depth “changed” from 1377 to – 1429 m. In the period August 1-18, a group of cavers
2. Altogether six cavers (three from each from Akademik Sofia led by Iv. Lichkov and
side) reached the lowest pont of Asia (-1429 m). participants P. Deltshev, A. Penchev, D. Stamen-
From Bulgaian side these are Teodor Kisimov and ov, Iv. Shekerov and M. Koleva took part in the
Svetlomir Stanchev from “Prista” – Rousse Cav- double jubilee of Cyclope Lvov Caving Club (10
ing Club and Konstantin Stoilov from “Aka- years of the foundation of the club and the
demik” – Sofia Caving Club. For the time being mapping of the first 100 km in the cave Optimis-
these are the “deepest” Bulgarians.

3. T. Kisimov, K. Stoilov, N. Kamenov, N.

Tomov, Sv. Stanchev and Tzv. Ostromski reached
the depth of – 1300 m for the first time – a
chalenge for any caver.
4. The bones of Mehmed Ali Yosal who
died at – 1270 m in 2001 during flood were

brought to light, so the relatives were enabled to

burry him and the authorities – to close the case.

The first organized contact with the big The participants to the expedition Golubie Ozera in
caves of the world of Bulgarian cavers was during Ukraine in 1971 33
ticheskaya). After the scientific conference in Tanzania (continental part)
Lvov a surveying of the cave was carried out with 1983
many Russian clubs. The Bulgarians participated P. Beron and V. Beshkov explored the fauna
in the survey of 350 m of galleries and chambers, of Kulumuzi Caves near Tanga.
some of which bear Bulgarian names. The cave
Kristalnaya was visited too. Zanzibar
1989 P. Beron and V. Beshkov visited the cave
In July, A. Benderev and Ir. Ilieva from Pango Managole in the south of the island, col-
Akademik Sofia Caving Club, together with lecting some animals.
cavers from Lvov, explored the caves Optimis-
ticheskaya and Zolushka. Zimbabwe
2002 P. Beron explored the fauna of Sinoya Cave.
The cavers A. Jalov (Heliktit – Sofia), K.
Petkov (Studenets – Pleven) and P. Todorov (Lu-
cifer – Targovishte) participated in a Ukrainian ASIA
expedition to Ozernaya Cave.
Several other Bulgarian expeditions to the China
caves and potholes in Crimea were carried out: 1989
1978, 1980 – the cave Kizil Koba (Krasnaya) – 13 An expedition to China was organized by the
km on 6 levels, cavers from Akademik Sofia Caving Bulgarian Speleological Federation. Led by P. Beron,

Club, Protey Sliven CC and Mrak– Etropole CC; the expedition included T. Daaliev, V. Nedkov, N.
1980, Akademik Sofia, the potholes Emine Bair Gladnishki and K. Spassov. Together with specialists
Hisar, Bezdonnaya (-196 m), Kaskadnaya (-400 m); – karstologists from the Geographical Institute of
1999, Edelweiss – Sofia, Hod Konem – (-213 m), Kunmin University, the Sino-Bulgarian team studied

Kaskadnaya, Bezdonnaya; 2001, Salamandar – St- some caves in connection with the building of a dam
ara Zagora in the pothole Soldatskaya (-517 m). in the area of Menzi, Yunnan Province. Thirteen (13)

caves and potholes with a total length of 8 km were

surveyed and explored biospeleologically.
Algeria Another important expedition started in Feb-
1989 ruary 1990. Five speleologists (K. Bonev, K. Gar-
With 1159 m the pothole Anu Iflis in Algeria bev, P. Stefanov, I. Ivanov, led by A. Jalov) pro-

is the deepest in Africa. Five cavers from Aleko ceeded with the works of the First Sino-Bulgarian
Konstantinov Sofia Caving Club, led by S. Stoykov, Expedition. Together with Chinese karstologists,
attacked it, but at 500 m the pothole was too narrow geological, hydrogeological and geomorphological
for them. Four cavers reached the bottom of the studies in the same area were realized. The Bulgar-
second deepest pothole in Africa – Anu Boassili (- ian team studied and surveyed nine caves and
805 m). The first organized caving expedition of potholes (total length of 4 km).
Bulgarians to African pot holes became a fact.
Kenya After the Speleological Congress in
1995 Beijing, P. Beron visited some caves near the
P. Beron and V. Beshkov visited some caves capital, including the caves of the Prehistoric Man

in Suswa Hills and near Mombassa. near Choukowdian.

Nigeria Korea (North)

1977 1982
P. Beron explored the fauna of Pannini Cave Despite red tape, P. Beron entered one small
34 near Mokwa. cave and collected some animals.
India 1984
1981 P. Beron visited other small caves.
P. Beron visited a cave in Kashmir and
explored its fauna. 1987
During the expedition Ama Dablam Ivan
1988 Bonev studied the granite caves in the Himalaya
During the Sofia University Expedition to and wrote an article about them (1989).
Gharval Himalaya Yavor Shopov discovered and
explored several pseudo-karstic caves. The results New Guinea
have been published. 1975
P. Beron took part as a biologist in the British
Indonesia Speleological Expedition to Papua New Guinea –
1994 one of the most important speleological expeditions
P. Beron and V. Beshkov explored Indonesian ever. This was the first participation of Bulgarians in
caves: Ngalau Kamang on Sumatra, two caves on the study of tropical caves. For five months about
Nias, Gua Seplawan and Gua Kiskindo on Java, Gua 200 new caves have been studied, including the
Lawah on Bali, Gua Karangsari on Nusa Penida, Batu over-20-km long Selminum Tem, then the longest
Chermin on Flores, four caves on Timor and four cave in the Southern Hemisphere. After the end of
caves on Sumba. Many cave animals were collected. the expedition, in the area of Telefomin, P. Beron
visited on his own two caves in Chimbu (Simbu),
1995 two caves in New Britain and caves in New Ireland.
P. Beron, T. Daaliev and Teodora Ivanova A very important collection of cave animals was

explored some other caves on the islands collected and is kept in the National Collection of
Sumatra, Siberut, Java, Sulawesi. The speleologi- Natural History in Sofia. Based on this collection,
cal results obtained were: 13 caves explored, three many new taxa have been described. P. Beron
new caves (850 m long) surveyed. Many new cave described this expedition in his book “Five months
animals were collected. in New Guinea” (1986). Some materials on the

caves of New Guinea and New Ireland (including
Iran new species) have been published also by the Bul-
1972 garian specialists V. Guéorguiev, K. Kumanski, St.
In December, P. Beron, T. Michev and V. Andreev and T. Marinov – one of the most important
Beshkov visited Shapur Cave in Zagros and ex- Bulgarian contributions to the study of the tropical
plored the fauna. Some new species (beetles) have cave fauna.
been described from this material.
Malaysia 1972
Malaya P. Beron, Vl. Beshkov and T. Michev ex-
1994 plored the underground channels dug in the lime-
P. Beron and V. Beshkov visited the Temple stone near Palmira and containing warm water.

Cave in the complex Batu Caves near Kuala

Lumpur, collecting cave animals. 1989
Expedition to Syria, organized by Sredets
Sarawak Sofia Caving Club, consisted of 12 cavers led by
1981 Kr. Garbev. Explored and surveyed were 9 caves,
St. Andreev published the description of the new the longest of which – Joait (2600 m) becoming

species Cyathura chapmani Andr. (Isopoda, Anthu- the longest Syrian cave. Karstological research
ridae), collected by the British Expedition in 1976. was carried out as well.

Nepal Thailand
1981 1984
P. Beron studied the fauna of Mahendra P. Beron and Stoitse Andreev visited the cave
Gupha near Pokhara. Tham Chiang Dao in Northern Thailand and col- 35
lected many cave animals, among which the new Sofia. Leader of the expedition was P. Beron and
Isopod species Exalloniscus beroni Taiti et Ferrara, technical leader was A. Jalov. The big group
1988. A cave near Phang Nga was also visited. included nine speleologists who explored 37
caves of total length of 5.7 km. At the same time
Turkmenia (Turkmenistan) the first Bulgarian biospeleological studies in
1990 Vietnam took place. Some new species were
A joint expedition of the clubs Studenets – already published.
Chepelare, Orpheus – Devin and Silivryak –
Trigrad. Nine participants led by G. Raychev.
Work on the Plateau Kugitag – penetrations in the NORTH AMERICA
cave Kap Kutan (38 km), Promezhdutochnaya
(17.8 km), Gyulsherin and Hashima Oyug (8 km). Mexico
At the same time St. Hadjianastasov and E. 1982
Tsaneva, together with cavers from Samarkand, In January, P. Beron explored many caves
Tashkent and Petersburg, penetrated the above- in Tamaulipas, Chiapas and Tabasco and col-
mentioned caves. lected cave animals. Among the caves were
Grutas de Cocona, Grutas de Quintero, La
Uzbekistan Trinitaria, Cuevas de San Cristobal, Cueva de la
1987 Capilla, Cueva de los Liones, Grutas de Loltun
Two members of the student’s caving club and other.
(F. Filipov and St. Hadzhianastasov) penetrated in
the then deepest pothole in Asia – Kievskaya USA

(KILSI) in Uzbekistan (-990 m). 1973

While specializing, Lyubomir Klisurov
1989 from the Laboratory for Underwater Research
June 18–July 10: – Expedition Samar- with the Institute for Marine Research in Varna

kand’89 – Kirk Tau Plateau. Field work for 16 visited several underwater caves in Northern Flor-
days. Organizer: Prilep – Gotse Delchev Caving ida. He descended into the cave system Peacock-

Club. Participants: Dimitar Peychev (Leader), K. Olson (600 m), Little River, Devil’s Eye.
Stamatov, A. Hadzhiev, K. Milev, K. Zlatkov, K.
Karavelov, I. Iliev (Blagoevgrad), I. Beshin, I. 1981
Perkov, V. Sarandev. Results: a new pothole – V. Beshkov visited Carlsbad Cavern.
Nevrokopskaya (-150 m) was discovered; a pro-
longation to another pothole – Kulskaya (-83 m) 1988
was also discovered. K. Burin visited the Mammoth Cave – the

longest cave in the world.

Second Bulgarian expedition was organized 1992
by Helictite Caving Club with Ivan Vazov Tourist P. Beron participated in the Annual Con-
Society in the pothole Kievskaya. The team, led by vention of American Cavers in Indiana and visit-
V. Mustakov, included 9 cavers of Helictite, one ed four caves there. He also visited the Mam-
caver of Edelweiss – Sofia and one from Kazanlâk. moth Cave.
The caver from from Edelweiss and three cavers
from Ivan Vazov – Sofia CC, including S. Krasteva, 1995
reached the bottom (-990 m). S. Krasteva remained P. Beron participated in the Annual Conven-
only 11 meters short of becoming the fifth Bulgar- tion of American Cavers in Colorado and ex-

ian woman to cross the 1000-m limit. plored some caves there.

Vietnam 1997-2000
1988 St. Hadjianastasov visited several caves in
Expedition to Vietnam, organized to cele- different states: the Mammoth Cave, Carlsbad
36 brate the 100 anniversary of the University of Cavern and others.
1999 1988
Ts. Ostromski visited and explored the Important results were obtained by the
Mammoth Cave. National Speleological Expedition to Cuba,
where 14 Bulgarians spent 2 months exploring
2001 (together with their Cuban colleagues) the
B. Lilkov from Helictite – Sofia visited the karstic plateau Guaso in Oriente Province. The
Mammoth Cave and Diamond Cave in Kentucky. expedition, led by A. Jalov and T. Daaliev,
discovered, explored and mapped 34 caves and
potholes with a total length of 19 988 m, the
SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA longest being Cueva del Campanario (8382 m).
At the same time, the complex karstological
Bolivia research aimed at finding additional water sup-
1979 plies for Guantanamo town.
P. Beron visited and explored the cave near
Sorata in Cordillera Real. Peru
Cuba P. Beron visited and explored the cave near
1981 Tingo Maria in Peruvian Amazonia.
The Student’s Caving Club Akademik –
Sofia, together with NEC (UNESCO) – Sofia,
the Bulgarian Caving Federation and the Stu- ANTARCTICA
dent’s Tourist Council, organized a Bulgarian-

Cuban expedition to Cuba. Its Cuban partner Livingston I.
was the Club Martel de Cuba with President 1997
Prof. Antonio Nuñez Jimenez. Led by P. Beron, During the Bulgarian Antarctic Expedition
9 Bulgarians studied the caves of Sierra de los (January-February), Ivan Lichkov registered two
Organos in Pinar del Rio Province. Explored ice caves. One was formed by a water current

and surveyed were 18 km of galleries, includ- 250–300 m long, the height of the entrance – 2–
ing 16 in Gran Caverna Fuentes. Scientific 2.3 m and of the exit – 1.2–1.5 m. The other cave
observations in the fields of Biospeleology, was a dying one, 25–30 m long and with an
Hydrochemistry, Climatology and Mineralogy entrance of 2.5-3 m.
were carried out. This was the first Bulgarian In the 40 years since 1963, Bulgarian cavers
speleological expedition outside Europe and its have also visited or explored many other caves
work was highly appreciated. and potholes in different countries (more than
In March 1982 P. Beron explored the fauna
of some “hot caves” near Santiago de Cuba.

Participants to the expedition Kuba – 81. From right to left:

Tzvetan Lichkov, Alexander Filipov, Petar Beron, Ivan Lichkov, The 40-meter entrance of the cave El Campanario,
Ivan Tonchev, Panayot Neykovski, Konstantin Spassov, Petar explored by the members of the expedition Cuba – 88 –
Delchev, Ilcho Mitrashkov – photo Ivan Lichkov photo Trifon Daaliev 37
Ivan Lichkov at the entrance of an ice cave on Livingston Island (Antarctic)

45). We cannot compete with the leading coun- Rumanians, with their studies in Cuba and Vene-

tries, which have many more speleologists, long- zuela and with the important scientific literature
time activities and resources incomparable to already published. Rumania and Slovenia are two
ours. However, we can compare ourselves to our of the countries where Speleology was born, they
colleagues from all neighbouring countries. None have Institutes of Speleology and old traditions.

of them has such multilateral sporting or scientific Nevertheless, no Balkan country can match the
activities abroad or in the caves of so many achievements of Bulgarian cavers abroad. This

countries. Scientifically very advanced are the should lead us towards new horizons.

38 Cone karst in Sulawesi – Indonesia – 1995 – photo Trifon Daaliev


Bulgarian specialists have been very active toniy Handjiyski, Atanas Bliznakov, Atanas Spas-
in the scientific exploration of the caves and karst ov, Bogdan Todorov, Bogdan Zachariev, Boris
in Bulgaria. Almost all aspects of the cave science Kolev, Borislav Garev, Boyan Tranteev, Bozhan
have found place in the country’s scientific insti- Marinov, Dimitar Dimitrov, Delyan Damyanovs-
tutions, and it is important to remind that the ki, Filcho Filchev, Filip Filipov, Georgi Antonov,
founders of the Caving Society in 1929 and its Georgi Chakalski, Georgi Markov, Ivaylo Ivanov,
Presidents (Prof. St. Petkov, Prof. R. Popov, Dr Iv. Ivan Alexiev, Ivan Zdravkov, Ivan Petrov, Ivan
Buresch) were scientists. The tradition was fol- Lichkov, Ivan Rashkov, Iliya Nickoevski, Iren
lowed with the resurrection of organized speleol- Ilieva, Ivan Tomov, Kamen Dimchev, Kiril Dan-
ogy in Bulgaria in 1958. The first leaders of the ailov, Kiril Stoyankov, Krasimir Petkov, Krasimir
Bulgarian Federation of Speleology were Prof. L. Karlov, Kuncho Kunev, Lyubomir Adamov, Ly-
Dinev and the geographer P. Tranteev, followed as uben Popov, Mariya Zlatkova, Mariyana Petrova,
President (since 1985) by Dr P. Beron. Many Maritin Tranteev, Milen Dimitrov, Metodi Meto-
other scientists have contributed to various as- diev, Mincho Gumarov, Nikolay Genov, Nikola
pects of speleology: Alexander Filipov, Alexey Landjev, Nikolay Gladnishki, Nikola Gaydarov,
Benderev, Alexey Jalov, Alexey Stoev, Alexi Pop- Nikolay Milev, Pavlina Gyaurova, Petar Delchev,
ov, Boris Kolev, Boyan Petrov, Vladimir Beshkov, Petar Evtimov, Petar Tranteev, Petko Karabadjak-
Vladimir Popov, Borislav Gueorguiev, Vasil Gue- ov, Plamen Petkov, Pencho Todorov, Pencho
orguiev, Vasil Mikov, Vasil Popov, Georgi An- Penchev, Radoslav Rahnev, Radush Radushev,
tonov, Georgi Markov, Georgi Raychev, Dimitar Rayko Metodiev, Rosen Vatev, Sasho Alexiev,
Sabev, Dimitar Raychev, Geko Radev, Zlatozar Senko Gazdov, Shterion Todorov, Stoyan Petkov,
Boev, Ivan Nikolov, Ivan Pandurski, Konstantin Stoycho Stoychev, Todor Todorov, Todor Troans-

Spasov, Kamen Bonev, Mihail Kvartirnikov, Nen- ki, Trayan Georgiev, Trifon Daaliev, Tsvetan Os-
ko Radev, Neno Atanasov, Neofit Cholakov, Ni- tromski, Tsvetan Lichkov, Vasil Balevski, Velizar
kolay Djambazov, Pavel Petrov, Pavel Stoev, Botev, Veselin Gyaurov, Viliyan Vasilev, Valentin
Panayot Neykovski, Pencho Drenski, Petar Ste- Valchev, Vasil Markov, Valentin Chapanov, Valeri
fanov, Petar Petrov, Radush Radushev, Rumyana Mirchev, Valeri Peltekov, Vasil Michaylov, Vasil
Pandurska, Stefan Draganov, Stefan Shanov, Nedkov, Vasil Stoitzev, Veselin Mustakov, Venko EXPLORATION
Stoitse Andreev, Stoyan Beshkov, Teodora Ivano- Mustakov, Ventzislav Georgiev, Vladimir Gogov,
va, Todor Stoychev, Christo Delchev, Yavor Shop- Vladimir Pashovski, Yasen Vuchkov, Yordan Pav-
ov and others. lov, Zahari Dechev, Zdravko Iliev, Zlatko Kacha-
Important part of the knowledge on the nov, and many many others. We ask the ones we
caves is the description and the surveying of more have involuntarily omitted to be so kind to excuse
than 5000 caves, done by many cavers over the us – the merits of everyone are acknowledged!

years. We can mention (without being exhaus- Traditionally, most of the scientific re-

tive): Alexandar Grozdanov, Alexandar Leonidov, search on Bulgarian caves takes place in the
Alexandar Popov, Aglika Gyaurova, Angel National Museum of Natural History and the
Penchev, Angel Velchov, Angelina Petkova, Alex- Institute of Zoology, BAS, but also in the Insti-
andar Nikolov, Alexandar Siromahov, Alexandar tute of Geography, Sofia University and other
Strezov, Alexandar Manov, Anna Taparkova, An- institutes.


CAVE FLORA AND MYCOTA special studies on these important inhabitants of

caves have been carried out.
The first President of Bulgarian Caving Sometimes parasitic fungi (Ascomycetes,
Society Prof. Stefan Petkov published in 1943 his Laboulbeniales) are found on Diplopoda, Insecta
important paper on the cave flora in Bulgaria. or Acari. In Bulgaria these interesting parasites
The Bacteria (Bacteriophyta) and the Blue are almost unknown, but one species (Rhachomy-
Algae (Cyanophyta) are lower organisms on the ces middelhoeki Banhegyi) has been described
verge of the vegetal kingdom. It has been found parasitizing the troglobite ground beetle Pheg-
that Bacteria, belonging to the underground world gomisetes buresi Knirsch.
(autochthonous) do exist. Their number varies
between 105 and 107 in one gram of sediment or in
one milliliter of water. They are chemiosynthetic, CAVE FAUNA
heterotrophic and oligotrophic.
There are more than 330 species of cave algae The papers of Buresch (1924, 1926, 1927,
in the world, belonging to 6 classes: Chlorophyta, 1936), Guéorguiev & Beron (1962), Beron &
Euglenophyta, Chromophyta, Pyrrhophyta, Rhodo- Guéorguiev (1967), Beron (1972, 1994), Delchev
phyta and Schizophyta. The blue algae (Cyanophy- & Guéorguiev (1977), Beron (1986), Guéorguiev,
ta) belong to Schizophyta, which contains more than Deltshev & Golemansky (1994) and Beron, Petrov
one third of the genera and more than half (190) of & Stoev (in print) review all cave animals in
the species of cave algae. It is followed by Chloro- Bulgaria, the literature on them and they outline the
phyta, Chromophyta and the other rather insignifi- periods in the development of Bulgarian Biospele-
cant ones. Troglobites are included in the groups ology. From the first biospeleological publication
Cyanophyta and Xanthophyta. (Frivaldzsky, 1879) to July 2006, more than 530

The research on the cave algae was carried

out by S. Draganov and E.D. Dimitrova-Burin and
the results were published in several papers (1968,
1977a, 1977b, 1980). At least 59 taxa of Cyano-
phyta, belonging to 3 orders, 7 families and 19
genera, have been established. Members of Chroo-
coccales have been found almost exclusively in the
entrance parts of the caves. What concerns the
Hormogonales, 5 fam., 12 genera and more than 26
species have been found in the cave interior.
The lichens, the mosses, the ferns and the
higher plants grow in the lighted or the semi
obscure parts of the caves, as well as around
artificial light (“Lampenflora”, or “the green ill-
ness” of the caves). Blue and green algae (Cyano-
phyta and Chlorophyta) live on the wet cave walls
around the lamps. In the caves of Germany only,
more than 150 species of mosses from 60 genera
and 20 families grow around the lamps. Among
the ferns typical for the cave light sources is Acad. Dr Ivan Buresch (1885–1980), explorer of the cave
Asplenium trichomanes. Since the general publi- fauna and Director of the Royal Museum of Natural
History in Sofia. Honorary President of Bulgarian
40 cation of Stefan Petkov (1943), in Bulgaria no Federation of Speleology
articles and books on the cave animals in Bulgaria laya) bureschi. This large water worm lives not
have been published. In them there is data about only in the cave Temnata dupka near Lakatnik,
780 animal species from 750 caves (the inhabitants from where it was described, but also in other
of the psamal, of the soil, the hyporeic waters, and caves in Bulgaria, Rumania and exYugoslavia.
other non-cave underground habitats are not in- Other such worms can be found after careful
cluded). It is obvious that, despite the progress of examination of the silt on the bottom of cave
Biospeleological studies in Bulgaria, less than one lakes. Their biology and zoogeography are partic-
seventh of the almost 5000 caves, known in our ularly interesting.
country, have received (most of them only partial- Eight species from the Lumbricids (Lum-
ly) some attention from Biospeleologists. Many bricidae) have been recorded so far in Bulgarian
years ago (Beron, 1986), we wrote “in Bulgaria caves, but they are not of special interest, as these
there are more than 4000 caves whose fauna we species live outside caves as well.
know nothing about“. This statement, unfortunate- The cave leeches (Hirudinea) are, on the
ly, remains valid even today. Nevertheless, the contrary, rather interesting. The large troglophile
remarkable fact that in Bulgaria always existed Trocheta bykowskyi lives in the caves near Ko-
many Biospeleologists, including young ones, is a mshtitsa and species of the genus Dina of unclear
guarantee that the research will continue. systematic position live in the caves near Gintsi
and Druzhevo. Some of them live only in under-
ground water (stygobites).
Notes on the Groups of Molluscs (Mollusca). In Bulgarian caves the
Cave Animals in Bulgaria Mussels (Bivalvia) are represented only by one
stygoxene species of the genus Pisidium (fam.
Protozoans (Protozoa). The free-living Sphaeriidae). The snails (Gastropoda) however
Protozoans in Bulgarian caves are not well known are numerous and include troglobites, stygobites
(Golemansky, 1983). Some epibionts from the and typical troglophiles. Due to the Polish special-
genera Vorticella and Tokophrya (Ciliata), living ist Prof. A. Riedel the family Zonitidae is well
on the cave crustaceans, have been recorded. Four known in Bulgaria and on the Balkans. These are
endoparasitic Gregarins (Sporozoa) of the genera the transparent yellowish snails often found on the
Lepismatophila (Stylocephalidae) and Stenopho- cave walls. One troglobite (?) belonging to this


ra (Stenophoridae) have been described. They family has been described from the pothole Pticha
live in Plusiocampa bureschi (Diplura) and in dupka – the tiny white “Lindbergia” (now
three species of Millipedes. Spinophallus) uminskii. Many species of the close-
Flat worms (Plathelminthes). Some of the ly related genus Lindbergia live in the caves of
less known groups of animals in Bulgarian caves Greece, but so far S. uminskii is the sole species in
– Planarians (Turbellaria) – belong to this type. Bulgaria. Other interesting taxa of cave snails
White planarians have been found in many caves, (terrestrial and aquatic) should be expected in
some of them certainly representing new species. Bulgaria, taking into account the rich fauna of the
The difficult collecting of these delicate animals neighbouring countries. The snails should be
in special liquids (they shrink in 70° alcohol) is “drowned” in water (without air), then to be trans-
the main reason for them to not have been studied ferred to alcohol (the next day the diluted alcohol
in Bulgaria for so long. should be changed). If dropped simply in 70o
Round worms (Nemathelminthes). Al- alcohol, they shrink in their shells and their study
most nothing is known about the multitude of tiny becomes difficult, even in some cases impossible.
nematods, inhabiting cave substratum. Specialists So far 21 snail species have been recorded from
need samples of cave clay in order to be able to Bulgarian caves, including 7 aquatic (fam. Hydro-
extract the worms in a proper way. biidae, the genera Belgrandiella, Pontobelgrandi-
Ring worms (Annelides). In the caves of ella, Saxurinator, Cavernisa and Insignia). Many
Bulgaria the orders Oligochaeta (fam. Tubifi- other species of these tiny snails, the shells of
cidae, Haplotaxidae, Enchytraeidae, Lumbri- which we often find in the sand of the cave
cidae) and Hirudinea (fam. Erpobdellidae) are Temnata dupka near Lakatnik, are to be expected in
known. Haplotaxidae is represented by the well Bulgaria. They are stygobites – live only in under-
known “Pelodrilus” (later Haplotaxis, now De- ground water. From our terrestrial snails, besides 41
Spinophallus uminskii, particularly interesting is The large Isopods of the suborder Flabel-
the troglophile Balcanodiscus frivaldskyanus, liv- lifera are among the most remarkable inhabit-
ing in the caves of the Eastern Rhodopes. ants of cave water in Bulgaria. There are two
Crustaceans (Crustacea). Six orders (Os- species of the family Cirolanidae – Sphaero-
tracoda, Copepoda, Cladocera, Amphipoda, Iso- mides bureschi from the caves near Tserovo,
poda and Decapoda) have been recorded so far in Iskrets and Beli Izvor and S. polateni from the
Bulgarian caves. source cave near Polaten, Distr. Lovech. These
Ostracods are tiny bottom organisms look- large water Isopods are relicts from ancient seas
ing like small bivalves. Only the stygobite and it would be most interesting to find more of
Pseudocandona eremita is known from Bulgarian their localities. They are easily visible on the
caves, but many other species are to be expected. bottom of cave lakes and streams. The Sphaero-
Copepods are also tiny, but planctonic or- mides should be collected in alcohol and it is
ganisms. During the last years, due to the Bulgar- necessary to remove the water from them with a
ian researchers Ivan Pandurski and A. Apostolov dry tissue, or change the alcohol in a few hours,
many new species have been described from as the water dilutes the alcohol.
underground waters. The suborders Cyclopoida Isopoda Oniscidea. Terrestrial Isopods are
(33 sp.) and Harpacticoida (25 sp.) are represent- among the most numerous and interesting troglo-
ed in Bulgarian caves. The order Copepoda con- bites in Bulgarian caves. They live on rotten
tains 25 stygobitic species found in Bulgarian wood, in clay and stalagmite surface. One of the
caves (from the genera Cyclops, Diacyclops, most remarkable species (Bureschia bulgarica) is
Speocyclops, Acanthocyclops, Elaphoidella, Sty- amphibious and occurs in big numbers around
goelaphoidella, Maraenobiotus, Nitocrellopsis). and in the lakes in the cave Temnata dupka near
The Cladocerans (Cladocera) are not typi- Lakatnik. As a whole, so far 45 species of terres-
cal for the underground water (only accidental trial Isopods have been recorded from Bulgarian
visitors are known in Bulgaria). caves. At least 23 of them could be considered
Almost every caver knows the Amphipods troglobites. Almost all of them are endemic. They
(Amphipoda). Greyish, reddish or depigmentated, live in a number of caves (so far Bulgarian caves
but always occulate, species of the genus Gam- are known to contain troglobitic Isopods), mostly
marus are found near cave entrances. Further in the in Stara Planina and the Rhodopes, but also in

dark, in the pools the white stygobites of the genus isolated localities in Russe and Blagoevgrad ar-
Niphargus live. Sometimes they are tiny (in the eas, in Strandja and Slavyanka. The troglobitic
subterranean water other stygobite species of the Isopoda belong to the family Trichoniscidae (Hyl-
family Gammaridae, still unknown in Bulgaria, oniscus, Trichoniscus, Balkanoniscus, Rhodopi-
live). Sometimes however, the Niphargus reach 2-3 oniscus, Bureschia, Bulgaronethes, Bulgaronis-
cm (in the caves Leleshki dupki, Kamchiysko cus, Tricyphoniscus, Beroniscus, Vandeloniscel-
ezero nr. Bezhanovo). So far 7 species have been lus, Alpioniscus (= Ilyrionethes) –at least 21
identified from Bulgarian caves, N. bureschi being troglobites in total). Only one of the remaining 7
the most widespread (W. Bulgaria). Besides it, also families of terrestrial Isopods, found in Bulgarian
Niphargus cepelarensis, N. pancici vlkanovi and N. caves, contains troglobites – Styloniscidae with
pecarensis have been described from Bulgaria, as two species, the northernmost of the entire family.
well as species, captured in sources (N. toplicensis, The last order of Crustaceans inhabiting
N. melticensis). In Bulgaria both groups are studied Bulgarian caves is Decapoda – the crayfish, well
by Dr S. Andreev. known in the sea and in the rivers, but rarely
The Woodlice or Isopods (Isopoda) are found in the caves of the Eastern Balkan Peninsu-
among the most interesting animals for a Biospe- la. One species of Natantia (Austropotamobius
leologist. Three suborders are represented in our torrentium) sometimes enters the caves upstream
caves: Asellota, Flabellifera and Oniscidea. The the cave rivers. We found once a crab in the cave
Asellots include two species of the family Stena- Samara in the Eastern Rhodopes. We still hope to
sellidae (Protelsonia bureschi and P. lakatnicen- find some day some of the white, blind, semi-
sis), described from Temnata dupka near Kalotina transparent shrimps (Atyidae), living in the caves
and from the cave of the same name near Lakat- of France, Slovenia and the Transcaucasia. When
42 nik. Other species are known from groundwaters. looking in the cave rivers and lakes, our cavers
should keep their eyes open for these 2-3 cm long belong to the genera Tegenaria (fam. Agelenidae),
shrimps – possible dwellers of Bulgarian caves. Meta (Araneae) and Nesticus (Nesticidae). Spiders
The spider-like animals (Arachnida) are play an important role in the food chain in cave
represented in Bulgarian caves by 7 orders: Pal- communities.
pigrada, Scorpiones, Pseudoscorpiones, Opil- The Harvestmen (Opiliones) look like spi-
iones, Araneae and two orders of Acari. The ders, but belong to a separate order. So far 19
Palpigrads are tiny, white, archaic animals. Their species, out of 60 known in Bulgaria, have been
only localities in Bulgaria have so far been the recorded from Bulgarian caves. Four of them are
caves Samuilitsa near Kunino, Mecha dupka near troglobites, a fifth species from a cave in Slavyan-
Salash and the pothole Randjolova Târsha near ka being under study. Paralola buresi from the
Prevala (Montana District). In Bulgaria they are caves near Lakatnik is the only representative of
unknown outside caves. Scorpions are rarely the family Phalangodidae and of the entire subor-
found in Balkan caves, mainly near the entrances. der Laniatores in Bulgarian caves. Paranemasto-
They are trogloxenes. Among the Pseudoscorpi- ma (Buresiolla) bureschi is known from caves in
ons, on the contrary, there are many troglobite Western Stara Planina. There are two members of
species. So far 15 species have been recorded the short-legged Opilion suborder Cyphoph-
from Bulgarian caves, including 7 troglobites of thalmi: Tranteeva paradoxa from the caves Rush-
the genera Chthonius, Neobisium, Balcanoroncus ovata near Gradeshnitsa and Toplya near Golya-
and Roncus. In the National Museum of Natural ma Zhelyazna and Siro beshkovi from Haydush-
History – Sofia Pseudoscorpions found in many kata peshtera near Deventsi. The most common
Bulgarian caves are preserved. The abundant ma- troglophile species is Paranemastoma radewi
terial collected is still under study. Usually they (Palpatores, Nemastomatidae) – a black long-
are not numerous and some (Chthoniidae) are tiny legged opilion, living on rotten wood. The re-
and difficult to observe. maining species are occasional visitors to caves.
One of the most numerous groups of animals The large group of mites and ticks (Acari)
in Bulgarian caves, which are of biological impor- is not well represented in caves. Many mites
tance are spiders (Araneae). They are well known (Acariformes and Parasitiformes) live in the
in Bulgaria, due to Pencho Drensky (before the guano, but there are no troglobites among them.
war) and now to Hr. Delchev and his team. So far The only mites meeting to some extent the re-


about 80 species of spiders have been recorded quirements for the category “troglobite” are some
from Bulgarian caves, but only six (Centromerus trombidiids from the Dinaric Karst and some
bulgarianus, Troglohyphantes drenskii, Troglohy- species of Rhagidiidae (white mites, running fast
phantes sp. n., Porrhomma microps, Protoleptone- on the cave clay). Flat, long-legged ticks are often
ta bulgarica and P. beroni) are troglobites. The first seen on cave walls. They are the males of a
is known from 4 caves (Sokolskata dupka near specific bat parasite (not infesting man) – Ixodes
Lyutadjik, Belyar, Razhishkata dupka and Zidanka vespetilionis (fam. Ixodidae). The bats harbour
near Lakatnik). The second has been recorded only also other parasitic mites but they are not true
from Suhata dupka near Velingrad. The two species cave dwellers. Bat parasites are host-specific and
of Protoleptoneta – P. bulgarica and P. beroni, don’t infest man.
described respectively from Belimelskata peshtera The four classes forming the large group of
(P. beroni) and from Djurdjina dupka near Erden Myriapoda are unevenly represented in caves.
and another 4 caves in the Western Predbalkan (P. The small Symphyla and Pauropoda are almost
bulgarica) are also among the many Bulgarian unknown there, but the Centipedes (Chilopoda),
endemics. From the 17 families of spiders in and particularly the Millipedes (Diplopoda), are
Bulgarian caves the most numerous is Linyphiidae, among the most important cave animals. Chilopo-
containing ca. 30 species, including the two troglo- da are represented so far by 28 species from
bites and many common troglophiles as the species Bulgarian caves (2 from the order Geophilomor-
of the genera Centromerus, Troglohyphantes, Lept- pha, 2 of Scolopendromorpha, 1 of Scutigeromor-
hyphantes, Porrhomma and others. They are small pha and 23 of the order Lithobiomorpha, all from
spiders, often found among stones on cave floors the family Lithobiidae). Four Lithobius (Litho-
and on rotten wood. The bigger troglophile spiders bius tjasnatensis, L. stygius, L. lakatnicensis and
are most often found near the entrances. They perhaps L. bifidus) are troglobites. Particularly 43
widespread is L. lakatnicensis, known from 16 sometimes Nopoiulus kochi (= N. venustus, N.
caves from Stara Planina and the Rhodopes. The pulchellus), are abundant in bat guano. Other
large troglobite Eupolybothrus andreevi live in interesting troglobitic Diplopods are still under
Vodnata peshtera near Tserovo. study by P. Stoev.
The Millipedes (Diplopoda) are among the Many families and orders of insects avoid the
most interesting cave animals (together with the cave environment. Among the insects inhabiting
beetles, the woodlice and the pseudoscorpions). Bulgarian caves, we find troglobites only among
So far 54 species have been recorded from caves the beetles (Coleoptera, fam. Carabidae, Cholev-
(more than half of the species of this Class living idae and Curculionidae), Collembolans and
in Bulgaria), 17 of them being troglobites. From Diplurans (Diplura, Campodeidae). The remain-
the small, white, rolling-in-ball representatives of ing 12 orders (Thysanura, Ephemeroptera, Plecop-
Glomerida only Trachysphaera orghidani lakat- tera, Orthoptera, Psocoptera, Homoptera, Het-
nicensis from the caves near Lakatnik and from eroptera, Hymenoptera, Siphonaptera, Diptera, Tri-
Tamnata dupka near Targovishte (Distr. Vidin) is choptera, and Lepidoptera) contain only troglo-
considered troglobite, but T. dobrogica Tabacaru, philes, trogloxenes and parasites. From more than
described from Northern Dobrudja, could be ex- 200 species of Collembola in the fauna of Bulgaria,
pected in Southern Dobrudja too. Species of the 49 are known from caves, and 7 species are
order Polydesmida are often found in Bulgarian considered troglobites: Onychiurus sensitivus, O.
caves (so far 13 species and 4 subspecies). Tro- vornatscheri, Protaphorura beroni (Onychiuridae),
globites are Brachydesmus radewi of Polydesmi- 3 representatives of Entomobrydae: Pseudosinella
dae and two endemic subspecies of the family bulgarica, P. duodecimocellata and P. kwartirnik-
Bacillidesmidae – Bacillidesmus bulgaricus bul- ovi and one of Tomoceridae — Tomocerus uniden-
garicus from the caves near Tsar Petrovo and tatus. We should proceed with collecting Collem-
Dolni Lom and B. bulgaricus dentatus from Dras- bola in our caves, as in the neighbouring Rumania
hanskata peshtera. Several interesting troglobites their number is twice as big. More spectacular are
are known among the Antroleucosomatidae the Diplurans (Diplura) — the frail white insects
(Chordeumida, or Ascospermophora). Such are with long antennae and two cercae behind. Only 7
the inhabitants of the caves of Stara Planina species of this order have been recorded (including
(Ledenika and others) Bulgarosoma bureschi and 6 troglobites of the genus Plusiocampa), bur others

of Rhodope caves (Rhodoposoma rhodopinum, are under study. The Diplurans must be collected
Troglodicus meridionale, T. tridentifer), the spe- with a wet brush and transported separately from
cies of Anamastigona (= Prodicus) – in the caves the other animals in vials topped with alcohol, as
in Troyan area, Stoletovskata peshtera of Central they break easily. From the other family (Japy-
Balkan, Lepenitsa in the Western Rhodopes, the gidae), so far there are no publications on troglo-
caves near Paril and others. Each species contains bites in Bulgaria, but in the show cave Kutuki near
the endemic genera Stygiosoma (S. beroni from Athens the most extreme troglobite of this group
Manailovata peshtera) and Bulgardicus (B. tran- (new genus and species) has been found.
teevi from Bankovitsa near Karlukovo). The order The cave beetles (Coleoptera) have been
Callipodida does not contain troglobites from honoured as the first terrestrial troglobites to be
our caves, but here belong four very large and described in Slovenia, Greece, Bulgaria and other
typical troglophiles: Balkanopetalum armatum in countries, marking the rise of Biospeleology. In
the caves of Western Stara Planina and three Bulgarian caves the family Carabidae is represent-
species in the Rhodopes and in South Pirin. The ed by 17 species of the genus Duvalius, 3 species
Typhloiulus, particularly abundant in Temnata and many subspecies of Pheggomisetes and one
dupka near Lakatnik and in Vodnata pesht near species Rambousekiella (R. ledenikensis), altogeth-
Lipnitsa, belongs to the order Iulida (fam. Iul- er 21 troglobite species, as well as by many other
idae). Out of 6 species from the genus Typhloiulus troglophiles and trogloxenes. Another remarkable
in Bulgarian caves, 4 are considered troglobites. family is Cholevidae (formerly Catopidae), repre-
Similar to Typhloiulus is the genus Serboiulus, sented so far by 26 troglobite species of the genera
with one species S. speleophilus living in the Hexaurus, Beronia, Beroniella, Beskovia, Genes-
caves of Northwest Bulgaria. Often the troglo- tiellina, Netolitzkya, Radevia, Rhodopiola,
44 phile species of the genus Apfelbeckiella, and Tranteviella, Bureschiana, Gueorguieviella, Vrat-
zaniola and Balkanobius (Leptodirinae, formerly gloxenes, deserve particular attention. The remain-
Bathysciinae), as well as by 8 “subtroglophile” ing 6 sp. are occasional trogloxenes. Some moths
species of the genera Choleva, Catops, Nargus and (Lepidoptera) also regularly occur in caves. From
Sciodrepoides. Some of them (the Beshkovia in the the 17 species of the order Lepidoptera such are the
caves near Tcherepish, the Netolitzkya in the caves two species of Geometridae Triphosa dubitata and
near Arbanasi, the Hexaurus in Stoletovskata pesh- T. sabaudiata, some Noctuids of the genera Apope-
tera) are sometimes very numerous and could be stes, Scoliopteryx and others, representatives of
collected for experiments without fear that this Alucitidae (Orneodidae) and Tineidae. The last
could destroy the population. Others are more rare mentioned moths often live in cave guano and are
and scarce in number. There are typical cases inadequately known in Bulgaria, despite the good
within the Carabidae. The Pheggomisetes, Duva- Catalogue of Cave Lepidoptera. They should be
lius, Rambousekiella and other cave beetles should collected in dry tubes, the other Lepidoptera – in
not be collected excessively, as their number could paper containers. The flies (Diptera), among
decline very fast and their populations recover which 56 known and many other unrecorded spe-
slowly. We can notice this in Dinevata Pesht near cies living in Bulgarian caves, can be collected in
Gintzi. Most species are represented by few speci- alcohol. More typical cave dwellers are the species
mens, scattered and difficult to find without traps of the families Muscidae, Helomysidae, Myceto-
or bait. Cave beetles are important for zoogeogra- philidae, as well as the long-legged Limnobiids,
phy and they have biological peculiarities, com- often seen on cave walls.
pletely unknown in Bulgaria. This is a vast field for The wingless parasitic flies of the family
further studies. Nycteribiidae, easily seen on the fur of the bats,
In the guano and litter in caves, other Co- form a special group. Recently a species from
leopterans are also found, better known among another family of bat parasites (Streblidae) was
which are the Staphylinidae. The bigger black added to the fauna of Bulgaria, due to the efforts
Staphylinids usually belong to the genus Quedius of Bulgarian cave biologists (Brachytarsina flavi-
and the tiny ones – to the genus Atheta. A total of pennis Mackwart).
27 species of Staphylinids are recorded from The Vertebrates are not very numerous in
Bulgarian caves, but this number does not contain Bulgarian caves. Sometime fish are captured deep
troglobites. Other families of Coleoptera in Bul- inside some caves, but these are always species


garian caves are Dytiscidae, Hydrophilidae, His- living in the surface water. No blind fish has ever
teridae, Pselaphidae, Colydiidae, Endomychidae, been found in Europe. Frogs, toads or larvae of
Cryptophagidae, Curculionidae and Ptinidae. The salamanders are rarely met in caves. At the en-
Pselaphids and the weevils (Curculionidae) are of trances we can find nests of pigeons, swallows,
particular biospeleological interest. We could ex- the alpine chough (Pyrrhocorax graculus) nests
pect troglobites among the Pselaphids – such are in some deep potholes. This interesting bird is
known from Greece and ex-Yugoslavia. On the protected by law and its colonies need to be
roots of plants in the caves, the careful observer preserved, especially during the breeding season.
may notice tiny weevils (Troglorrhynchus, Curcu- Deep in caves, neter mice, dormice, foxes and
lionidae). Other genera of this family, living other mammals can be found.
underground are known from Greece. For the biospeleologist the most interesting
The flying insects in caves are of limited cave mammals are the bats (Chiroptera), 16
interest. They are not troglobites and rarely the species of which have been recorded in Bulgarian
material collected contains new species. Sometime caves (5 belonging to Rhinolophidae and 11 – to
the large wasp – like Hymenoptera of the genus Vespertilionidae). Large colonies are formed by the
Diphyus (formerly “Amblyteles”) (Ichneu- Longwing Bat (Miniopterus schreibersi) and by
monidae), hide among the stalactites. Often moth- both large species of the genus Myotis (M. myotis
like insects on the ceiling with wings like roof and M. blythi). Several protected winter and sum-
attract our attention. They are called caddis flies mer roosts have been observed, with colonies of
(Trichoptera), 16 species of which are known in Myotis capaccinii and horse shoe bats of European
Bulgarian caves. Three genera of Limnephilidae: importance. Bulgaria enjoys the full list of Europe-
Micropterna (6 species), Stenophylax (3 sp.) and an bats and some very numerous colonies, worth
Mesophylax (1 sp.), accepted as regular tro- protection. Visits, especially of larger groups, in bat 45
caves like Parnitsite near Bezhanovo, are very Cavernisa zaschevi (Angelov) – Cave Dushnika
improper. The disturbing of breeding colonies, or (Iskrets). Stygobite.
in the winter roosts, could deprive our country of a Iglica acicularis Angelov – Cave Dushnika
national wealth. Some Central European countries (Iskrets). Stygobite.
are already facing this threat. Every caving club
should take a special account of the bat caves in its
region and protect them. Phyllum Arthropoda – Arthropods

Troglobites and Stygobites in Bulgarian Caves Class Crustacea – Crustaceans

(some remarkable troglophiles are included)
Order Ostracoda – Ostracods
Fam. Candonidae
Phyllum Annelides – Segmented Worms Pseudocandona eremita (Vejdovsky) – Cave Tem-
nata Dupka (Lakatnik Railway Station). Sty-
Order Oligochaeta gobite.
Fam. Haplotaxidae
Delaya [Haplotaxis] bureschi (Michaelsen) – Cave Order Copepoda – Copepods
Temnata Dupka (Lakatnik Railway Station). Suborder Cyclopoida
Stygobite. Fam. Cyclopidae
Cyclops bohater ponorensis Naidenow et Pandour-
Order Hirudinea – Leaches ski – Cave Katsite (Zimevitsa). Stygobite.
Fam. Erpobdellidae Diacyclops chappuisi Naidenow et Pandourski –
Dina absoloni Johansson – Cave Dinevata Pesht Caves Haydushkata Peshtera (Zemen) and
(Gintsi). Stygobite. Duhlata (Bosnek). Stygobite.
D. lineata arndti Augener - Suhata Jama (Druzhe- D. haemusi Naidenow et Pandourski – Cave Katsite
vo). Stygobite. (Zimevitsa). Stygobite.
D. strimonis Pandourski – Caves Duhlata and Zhi-
Phyllum Mollusca – Molluscs vata Voda (Bosnek). Stygobite.
D. stygius (Chappuis) – Cave Dushnika (Iskrets).

Class Gastropoda – Snails Stygobite.

D. clandestinus (Kiefer) – Caves Dushnika (Iskrets),
Order Basommatophora Temnata Dupka (Lakatnik Railway Station)
Fam. Zonitidae and Vodnata Pesht (Lipnitsa). Stygobite.
Spinophallus (before sub “Lindbergia”) uminskii D. pelagonicus saetosus Pandourski – Cave Dush-
(Riedel) – Ptichata Dupka (Cherni Ossam). nika (Iskretz). Stygobite
Troglophile? Speocyclops rhodopensis Pandourski – Caves
Balcanodiscus frivaldskyanus (Rossmaessler) – Sbirkovata Peshtera (Chepelare) and Ledni-
Caves Tilki Ini (Ostrovitsa), Hasarskata Pesh- cata (Gela). Stygobite.
tera (Gorna Snezhinka). Troglophile. S. d. demetiensis (Scourfield) – Caves Yalovitsa
Fam. Hydrobiidae (Golyama Zhelyazna) and Brunoshushinska-
Belgrandiella hessei A.J. Wagner – Cave Temnata ta Peshtera (Gortalovo). Stygobite.
Dupka (Lakatnik Railway Station). Stygobite. S. infernus (Kiefer) – Caves Razhishkata Peshtera
B. bulgarica Angelov – The source cave Izvora (Lakatnik), Ledenika, Belyar (Vratsa), 25
(Polaten). Stygobite. Years of Akademik (Gorno Ozirovo), Hay-
Pontobelgrandiella nitida (Angelov) – The source dushkata Peshtera (Deventsi), Toplya and
cave Izvora (Polaten). Stygobite. Yalovitsa (Golyama Zhelyazna). Stygobite.
Saxurinator bureschi (A.J. Wagner) – Cave Temnata S. lindbergi Damian – Caves Tsarkvishte, Marina
Dupka (Lakalnik Railway Station). Stygobite. Dupka and Travninata (Breze), Ezeroto
S. copiosus (Angelov) – The source cave Izvora (Gabare), Temnata Dupka (Berende Izvor),
near Polaten. Stygobite. Bezimenna 22 (Karlukovo), Mechata Dupka
Insignia macrostoma Angelov – The source cave (Zhelen), Haydushkata Peshtera (Deventsi)
46 Izvora near Polaten. Stygobite. and Dushnika (Iskrets). Stygobite.
Acanthocyclops iskrecensis Pandourski – Caves N. bureschi Fage – Caves Falkovskata Peshtera
Elata (Zimevitsa) and Dinevata Pesht (Gin- (Falkovets), Golemata Mikrenska Peshtera
ci). Stygobite. Known also from karstic (Mikre), Temnata Dupka (Lakatnik Railway
sources. Station), Temnata Dupka (Berende Izvor),
A. propinquus (Plesa) – Caves Peshterata na Bay Zadanenka (Karlukovo), Ptichata Dupka
Bore (Old Bore’s Cave), Djeranica and Zhi- (Cherni Ossam), Lepenitsa (Velingrad),
vata Voda (Bosnek). Stygobite. Dinevata Pesht (Gintsi), Drashanskata Pesh-
A. radevi Pandourski – Caves Yamata and Vodnata tera (Drashan), Popovata Peshtera, Starata
Peshtera (Tserovo Railway Station). Stygobite. Prodanka and Moravata (Gabare), Golemi
A. balcanicus Naidenow et Pandourski – Cave Rush- Pech (Varbovo), Skravenika (Karlukovo),
ovata Peshtera (Gradeshnitsa). Stygobite. Gornoto Ezero (Breste), Belyar (Vratsa),
Kondjova Krusha (Chiren), Zvankova Dup-
Suborder Harpacticoida ka (Lilyache). Stygobite.
Fam. Canthocamptidae N. pecarensis St. et G. Karaman – Caves Golemi Pech
Elaphoidella cavernicola Apostolov – Cave Zidan- (Varbovo) and Vodni Pech (Bashovishki Pech)
ka (Karlukovo). Stygobite. near Oreshets Railway Station. Stygobite.
E. karamani latifurcata Apostolov – Cave Orlova
Chuka (Pepelina). Stygobite. Order Isopoda – Woodlice
E. balcanica Apostolov – Cave 25 Years of Aka- Suborder Asellota
demik (Gorno Ozirovo). Stygobite. Fam. Stenasellidae
E. pandurskyi’ Apostolov – Caves Akademik and Protelsonia bureschi (Racovitza) – Cave Temnata
Duhlata (Bosnek). Stygobite. Dupka (Berende Izvor). Stygobite.
Stygoelaphoidella stygia Apostolov – Cave Vod- P. lakatnicensis (Buresch et Gueorguiev) – Cave
nata Pesht (Lipnitsa) and Lyastovitsa (Gloz- Temnata Dupka (Lakatnik Railway Station).
hene). Stygobite. Stygobite.
S. bulgarica Apostolov – Cave Drashanskata Pesh-
tera (Drashan). Stygobite. Suborder Flabellifera
S. elegans Apostolov – Cave Marina Dupka Fam. Cirolanidae
(Breze), Tsarkvishte and Dushnika (Iskrets). Sphaeromides bureschi Strouhal – Caves Vodnata


Stygobite. Peshtera (Tserovo Railway Station), Belyar
Maraenobiotus bulbiseta Bassamakov et Apostolov (Vratsa), Dushnika (Iskrets) and Toshova
– Cave Imamova Dupka (Yagodina). Stygobite. Dupka (= Kalna Matnitsa) (Stoyanovo). Sty-
M. parainsignipes Apostolov – Cave Dushnika gobite.
(Iskrets). Stygobite. S. polateni Angelov – The spring cave Izvora (Po-
Nitocrellopsis intermedia (Chappuis) – Cave Hay- laten). Stygobite.
dushkata Peshtera (Zemen). Stygobite.
Suborder Oniscidea
Order Amphipoda – Amphipods Fam Styloniscidae
Fam. Gammaridae Cordioniscus bulgaricus Andreev – Cave Boycho-
Niphargus ablaskih georgievi St. et G. Karaman – vata peshtera (Logodash). Troglobite.
Caves Popskata Peshtera and Urushka Maara C. schmalfussi Andreev – Cave Shepran dupka
(Krushuna), Stalbitsa (Karpachevo). Stygo- (Belitsa). Troglobite.
bite. Fam. Trichoniscidae
N. jovanovici St. Karaman – Caves Shokyovets Bureschia bulgarica Verhoeff – Caves Vodnata
(Cherkaski) and Sushica (Studeno Buche). Peshtera (Tserovo Railway Station), Temna-
Stygobite. ta Dupka (Lakatnik Railway Station) and
N. cepelarensis St. et G. Karaman – Cave Sbirko- Belyar (Vratsa). Troglobite.
vata Peshtera (Progled). Stygobite. Balcanoniscus corniculatus Verhoeff – Caves Hay-
N. pancici vikanovi St. et G. Karaman – Cave Zhi- dushkata Dupka (Karlukovo), Rushovata Pesh-
vata Voda (Bosnek). Stygobite. tera and Djebin trap near Gradeshnitsa, Yama-
N. puteanus C.L. Koch -Cave Sbirkovata Peshtera ta (Tserovo Railway Station), Razrushenata
(Progled). Stygobite. Peshtera (Kunino Railway Station). Troglobite. 47
B. minimus Vandel – Cave Parnitsite (Bezhanovo), and Voditsata (Aglen), Skoka (Dragana),
Danchova Dupka (Aglen). Troglobite. Gornik (Krushuna). Troglobite.
Rhodopioniscus beroni (Vandel) – Caves Topchika, T. beroni Andreev – Cave Bratanovskata Peshtera
Ahmetyova Dupka and Yamata (Dobrostan), (Kosti). Troglobite.
Shepran Dupka (Belitsa). Troglobite. Beroniscus capreolus Vandel – Cave Parnitsite
Trichoniscus bulgaricus Andreev – Yulen Ere 2 (Bezhanovo). Troglobite.
(Hristo Danovo). Troglobite. Bulgaroniscus gueorguievi Vandel – Caves Desni Suhi
T. rhodopiense Vandel – Caves Karagug (Peshterata) Pech (Dolni Lom), Zhivkova Dupka (Gorna
(Târnovtsi), Nadarskata Peshtera (Kremene), Luka), Vreloto, Ayduchkata Dupka and Mitsi-
Boevskata Peshtera (Boevo), Samara (Ribino), na Dupka (Prevala), Neprivetlivata (Belograd-
Zlatnata Yama (Kremen), Zmiin Borun (Mos- chik), Yame 2 (Târgovishte), Tatarska Dupka
tovo), Kraypatnata Peshtera (Smilyan), Ayna (Replyana), Parnak (Oreshets). Troglobite.
Ini (Ribino), Byaloto Kamene (Breze near Bulgaronethes haplophthalmoides Vandel – Novata
Devin), Hasarskata Peshtera (Gorna Snezhin- Peshtera (Peshtera), Suhata Dupka. Troglobite.
ka), Bezimenna Peshtera (Svetulka), Rupata Vandeloniscellus bulgaricus (Vandel)(= Cyphonis-
(Egrek). Troglobite. cellus b.) – Toshova Dupka (Stoyanovo). Tro-
T. valkanovi Andreev – Caves Sarpiyskata Pesh- globite.
tera, Kirechnitsata (Kosti). Troglobite. Alpionicus (=Ilyrionethes) sp. – Starshelitsa (Go-
T. anophthalmus Vandel – Caves Studenata Dupka leshevo). Troglobite.
and Ezeroto (Cherepish Railway Station), Tricyphoniscus bureschi Verhoeff – Caves Hay-
Mishin Kamik, Vreloto and Ayduchkata Dup- dushka Dupka, Bezimenna 22 and Cherdjen-
ka (Prevala), Tatarska Dupka (Replyana), itsa (Karlukovo), Vodnata Pesht, Kozarnika
Parasinskata Propast (Belimel), Toshova and Bankovets (Lipnitsa), Danchova Dupka
Dupka (Stoyanovo), Razrushenata peshtera (Aglen). Troglobite.
(Kunino). Troglobite. Hyloniscus flammula Vandel – Caves Magura, Magu-
T. tranteevi Andreev (= T. anophthalmus interme- ra 2 and Varnitsata (Rabisha). Troglobite.
dius Vandel) – Tâmnata Peshtera (Tabachka).
Troglobite. Class Arachnida – Arachnids
T. petrovi Andreev – Cave Shepran Dupka (Belit-

sa). Troglobite. Order Opiliones – Harvestmen

T. tenebrarum Verhoeff – Cave Andaka (Dryanovs- Suborder Cyphophthalmi
ki Monastir), Golyama Podlistsa (Veliko Tar- Fam. Sironidae
novo), Devetashkata Peshtera (Devetaki), Siro beschkovi Mitev – Cave Haydushkata Pesh-
Gornik (Krushuna). Troglobite. tera (Deventsi). Troglobite.
T. stoevi Andreev – Stoletovskata Peshtera (Ship- Tranteeva paradoxa Kratochvil – Caves Rushova-
ka). Troglobite. ta Peshtera (Gradeshnitsa), Toplya (Golya-
T. bononiensis Vandel – Caves Varkan (Druzhba), ma Zhelyazna). Troglobite.
Suhi Pech (Oreshets), Rushkovitsa, Redaka
1, Prelaz and Mechata Dupka (Salash), Yame Suborder Laniatores
3 (Targovishte), Propast (Oreshets), Fam. Phalangodidae
Krachimirskoto Vrelo (Stakevtsi), Zmiyska- Paralola buresi Kratochvil – Caves Kozarskata,
ta Propast (Krachimir), Tsankinoto Vrelo Svinskata Dupka, Zidanka and Temnata Dup-
(Granitovo), Haydushkata Propast and Ne- ka (Lakatnik Railway Station). Troglobite.
privetlivata (=Gornata Propast) near Belo-
gradchik, Tamni Pech and Golemi Pech (Var- Suborder Palpatores
bovo), Pech (Gorna Luka), Yame 2 (Targov- Fam. Nemastomatidae
ishte), Parnak (Oreshets), Yankulova Dupka Paranemastoma (Buresiolla) bureschi (Roewer) –
(Prolaznitsa), Falkovskata peshtera (Falk- known from 31 Bulgarian caves: Dushnika
ovets). Troglobite. and Otechestvo (Iskrets), Svardelo, Temnata
T. garevi Andreev – Caves Sinyoto Ezero (Draga- Dupka, Zidanka and Yavoretskata Peshtera
na), Alchashkata Peshtera (Bezhanovo), Pop- (Lakatnik Railway Station), Poroynata Dup-
48 skata Peshtera (Krushuna), Tanyova Peshtera ka (Zasele), Sokolskata Dupka (Lyutadjik),
Shamak (Barlya), Propastta and Vodnata Myriapoda
Peshtera (Tserovo Railway Station), Rado-
lova Yama, Dinevata Pesht, Svetata Voda and Class Chilopoda – Centipedes
Krivata Pesht (Gintsi), Mechata Dupka Fam. Lithobiidae
(Zhelen), Garvanets, Zmeyova Dupka, Lithobius tjasnatensis Matic (= L. popovi Matic) –
Reznyovete, Ledenika, Ledenishka Yama, Tyasnata Propast (Mramor). Troglobite.
Malkata Mecha Dupka and Golemata Mecha L. stygius Latzel – Caves Lepenitsa and Suhata
Dupka (Vratsa), Haydushka Dupka (Bis- Peshtera (Velingrad), Yubileyna (Peshtera
trets), Medenik (Eliseyna), (?) Saeva Dupka Town), Modarskata Peshtera (Modar), Led-
(Brestnitsa), Kitova Kukla (Druzhevo), Ela- nitsata (Gela). Troglobite.
ta, Kolkina Dupka and Katsite (Zimevitsa), L. lakatnicensis Verhoeff – Caves Svinskata Dupka,
Radyova Propast (Milanovo). Troglobite. Zidanka and Temnata Dupka (Lakatnik Rail-
way Station), Novata Peshtera (Peshtera Town),
Order Pseudoscorpiones – Pseudoscorpions Mechata Dupka (Zhelen), Grebenyo (Dolno
Fam. Chthoniidae Ozirovo), Yamata (Dobrostan), etc. Troglobite.
Chthonius troglodites Redikorzev – Kassapnitsite and L. rushovensis Matic, 1967 (= L. beschkovi Matic
Haydushka Dupka (Karlukovo Railway Station), et Golemansky) – Rushovata Peshtera
Haydushkata Peshtera (Deventsi). Troglobite. (Gradeshnitsa) and others. Troglobite.
Fam. Neobisiidae L. bifidus (Matic) – Cave Izvornata Peshtera (MIa-
Neobisium (Heoblothrus) bulgaricum (Redi- dezhko). Troglobite (?).
korzev)(syn. Obisium subterraneum Rediko- Eupolybothrus andreevi Matic – Vodnata Peshtera
rzev) – Cave Yalovitsa (Golyama Zhelyaz- (Tserovo Railway Station). Troglobite.
na). Troglobite.
N. (H.) beroni Beier - Cave Svinskata Dupka Class Diplopoda – Millipedes
(Lakatnik Railway Station). Troglobite.
N. (Blothrus) kwartirnikovi Mahnert – Cave Du- Order Glomerida
hlata (Bosnek). Troglobite. Fam. Doleriidae
Balkanoroncus bureschi (Redikorzev)(=Obisium Trachysphaera orghidani lakatnicensis Tabacaru –
bureschi Redikorzev = Balkanoroncus prae- Caves Kozarskata Peshtera and Sedmovratit-


ceps Æurèiæ) – Cave Sâeva Dupka (Brestnit- sa (Lakatnik Railway Station), Tamna Dup-
sa), Djebin Trap (Gradeshnitsa). Troglobite. ka (Targovishte). Troglobite.
B. hadzii Harvey (= Roncus bureschi Hadzi) –
Razhishka Peshtera (Lakatnik Railway Sta- Order Polydesmida
tion). Troglobite. Fam. Polydesmidae
Roncus mahnerti Æurèiæ et Beron – Cave Vodna Brachydesmus radewi Verhoeff – Cave Promakin-
(Vodnata Peshtera) (Botunya). Troglobite. yalo (Dolna Beshovitsa), Chelovecha dupka
(Vr 77). Troglobite.
Order Araneae – Spiders Fam. Trichopolydesmidae (Bacillidesmidae)
Fam. Leptonetidae Bacillidesmus bulgaricus bulgaricus Strasser –
Protoleptoneta beroni Deltchev – Belimelskata Mishin Kamik (Gorna Luka), Mladenovata
Peshtera (Beli Mel). Troglobite. Peshtera, Ponora (Chiren). Troglobite.
P. bulgarica Deltchev – Mecha Dupka (Lepitsa), B. bulgaricus dentatus Strasser – Cave Drashan-
Djurdjina Dupka (Erden). Troglobite. skata Peshtera (Drashan), Saeva dupka
Fam. Linyphiidae (Brestnitsa). Troglobite.
Troglohyphantes drenskii Deltshev – Suhata Dup- Fam. Anthroleucosomatidae
ka, Lepenitsa (Velingrad). Troglobite. Bulgarosoma bureschi Verhoeff – Ledenika, Belyar,
Centromerus bulgarianus (Drensky) – Caves Zidanka Malkata Mecha Dupka, Reznyovete (Vratsa),
and Razhishka Peshtera (Lakatnik), Sokolskata Kitova Kukla (Druzhevo). Troglobite.
Dupka (Lyutadjik), Belyar (Vratsa). Troglobite. Troglodicus meridionale (Tabacaru) – Imamova
Porrhomma microps (Roewer) – Kulina Dupka Dupka (Yagodina). Troglobite.
(Krivnya), Samar Daala (Voden), Prikazna T. tridentifer Gulièka – Chelechkata (Choveshka-
(Kotel). Troglobite. ta) Peshtera (Orehovo). Troglobite. 49
Stygiosoma beroni Gulièka – Manailovata Pesh- T. longipes Strasser – Belyar (Vratsa). Troglobite.
tera (Ribnovo). Troglobite. T. staregai Strasser – Prelaz (Salash). Troglobite.
Anamastigona lepenicae (Strasser) – Lepenitsa, Serboiulus spelaeophilus Gulièka (=S. popovi
Suhata peshtera (Velingrad). Troglobite. strasser) – Shokyovets (Cherkaski), Mramor-
A. delcevi (Strasser) – Art. galleries near Paril, Pot- nata Peshtera (Berkovitsa), Desni Suhi pech,
hole Stoykova Dupka 1 (Goleshevo, Beron et Vodni Pech (Dolni Lom), Yame 2, Yame 3,
Petrov leg., Hr. Deltshev def.). Troglobite. Tâmna Dupka (Targovishte), Redaka 1, Re-
A. alba (Strasser) – Pticha Dupka, Kumanitsa daka 2 (Salash), Tâmni Pech (Varbovo), Stan-
(Cherni Osam). Troglobite. ishina Dupka, Medjak Dupka (Replyana),
Bulgardicus tranteevi Strasser – Bankovitsa (Kar- Zmiyskata Propast (Krachimir), Falkovska-
lukovo). Troglobite. ta Peshtera (Falkovets), Zankovska Peshtera
(Belotintsi), Randjolova Tarsha, Mishin Ka-
Order Callipodida mik, Vreloto, Pleshovskata peshtera (Preva-
Fam. Schizopetalidae la), Lisicha dupka, Parasinskata propast (Be-
Balkanopetalum armatum Verhoeff – Studenata Dup- limel), Pech (Gorna Luka), Propastta v
ka (Cherepish Railway Station), Vodnata Pesh- Bucheto (Georgi Damyanovo), Lipova dup-
tera (Tserovo Railway Station), Kolibata (Beledie ka (Mitrovtsi), Dupkata (Stubel), Propastta
Han), Dushnika (Iskrets), Komina (Beledie han), (Vladimirovo), Shtastie, Neprivetlivata (Be-
Peshtereto (Lakatnik). Troglophile. logradchik), Parnak (Oreshets). Troglobite.
B. rhodopinum Verhoeff – Novata Peshtera, Yubi-
leyna (Peshtera Town). Troglophile. Class Insecta – Insects
B. beskovi Strasser – Topchika, Druzhba, Yamata,
Hralup, Pirkovskata peshtera (Dobrostan), Order Collembola – Collembolans
Garvanyovitsa (Turen), Zmiin Borum (Mos- Fam. Entomobryidae
tovo). Troglophile. Pseudosinella bulgarica Gama – Stoletovskata Pesh-
B. petrovi Stoev et Enghoff – Samara (Ribino), tera (Shipka), Prikazna (Kotel). Troglobite.
Ogledalnata Peshtera, or Ayna Ini (Ribino), P. duodecimocellata Handschin – Cherdjenitsa
Zlatnata Yama (Kremen). Troglophile. (Karlukovo), Ledenika (Vratsa), Vodopada
Balkanopetalum bulgaricum Stoev et Enghoff – (Krushuna), Imamova Dupka (Yagodina),

Starshelitsa (Goleshevo). Troglophile. Prikazna, Dryanovskata Peshtera (Kotel),

Sbirkovata Peshtera (Chepelare), Prelaz
Order Julida (Salash), Murata (Ilindentsi), Padezh (Breze),
Fam. Julidae Yavoretskata Peshtera, Temnata Dupka,
Typhloiulus bureschi Verhoeff – Mechata Dupka Razhishka Peshtera (Lakatnik). – Troglobite.
(Zhelen), Popovata Peshtera, Moravata P. kwartirnikovi Gama – Gurlyova Dupka,
(Gabare), Haydushka dupka, Svirchovitsa, Tavancheto (Krushuna), Stoletovskata Pesh-
Zadanenka, Zidanka, Bezimenna 22, Banko- tera (Shipka), Ovnarkata (Karlukovo),
vitsa (Karlukovo), Sopotskata Peshtera (Sopot), Kozarnika (Lipnitsa). Troglobite.
Nikolova Yama (Dolno Ozirovo), Tsarkvishte, Fam. Onychiuridae
Padezh (Breze), Paraklisa (Bov), Toshova Dup- Onychiurus sensitivus Handschin – Ledenika (Vrat-
ka (Stoyanovo), Ponora (Chiren). Temnata dup- sa). Troglobite.
ka, Zidanka, Razhishkata peshtera, Svinskata O. vornatscheri Stach – Tsankinoto Vrelo (Grani-
dupka, Razhishka yama (Lakatnik), Vodnata tovo). Troglobite.
peshtera, Mayanitsa (Tserovo), Promakinyalo Protaphorura beroni (Gruia) – Venetsa, Propast
(Dolna Beshovitsa), Yamata (Gintsi), Vodnata (Oreshets). Troglobite.
pesht, Bankovets (Lipnitsa), Sipo (Dolno Oziro-
vo), Toshova dupka (Glavatsi), Mandrata Order Diplura – Diplurans
(Mikre), Shipochinata (Kunino). Troglobite. Fam. Campodeidae
T. georgievi Verhoeff – Futyovskata peshtera (Kar- Plusiocampa bulgarica Silvestri – Lepenitsa (Velin-
pachevo), Popskata Peshtera (Krushuna), grad), Yavoretskata Peshtera (Lakatnik),
Toplya (Golyama Zhelyazna), Tsarskata Hvoynenskata Peshtera (Hvoyna), Sbirkovata
50 peshtera (Belyakovets). Troglobite. Peshtera (Progled), Haramiyskata Dupka (Tri-
grad), Dupkite (Chepelare), Imamova Dupka D. (P.) pretneri V. Guéorguiev – Mechata Dupka
(Yagodina), Magura (Rabisha). Troglobite. (Bov). Troglobite.
P. bureschi Silvestri (syn. P. rauseri Rusek) – Tem- D. (P.) regisborisi Buresch – Yalovitsa (Golyama
nata Dupka, Razhishkata Peshtera (Lakat- Zhelyazna). Troglobite.
nik), Vodnata Peshtera (Tserovo Railway Sta- D. (P.) zivkovi Knirsch – Ledenika, Malkata Mecha
tion). Troglobite. Dupka, Malkata Nevestina Propast, 25
P. beroni Bareth et Condé – Magura (Rabisha), Var- Godini of Akademik (Vratsa). Troglobite.
kan (Tsar Petrovo). Troglobite. D. (P.) legrandi Genest – Kalugerova Dupka
P. cf. beroni I Bareth et Condé – Novata peshtera (Arbanasi). Troglobite.
(Peshtera Town). Troglobite. D. (P.) karelhurkai Farkac - Erkyupriya (Mostovo).
P. cf. beroni II Bareth et Condé – Padezh (Breze). Troglobite.
Troglobite. D. (Duvaliotes) beshkovi Coiffait - Mecha (Lisicha)
P. gueorguievi Bareth et Condé – Toplya (Golya- Dupka (Stradalovo). Troglobite.
ma Zhelyazna). Troglobite. Pheggomisetes buresi buresi Knirsch – Ledenika,
P. arbanisiensis Bareth et Condé – Lyaskovskata 25 Godini of Akademik (Vratsa). Troglobite.
peshtera (Arbanasi). Troglobite. Ph. buresi medenikensis Knirsch – Medenik
P. vodniensis Bareth et Condé – Vodni Pech (Dolni (Eliseyna Railway Station). Troglobite.
Lom). Troglobite. Ph. globiceps globiceps Buresch - Dushnika
(Iskrets). Troglobite.
Order Orthoptera – Orthopterans (Grasshop- Ph. globiceps breiti Mandl – Dinevata Pesht, Svetata
pers and Crickets) Voda, Krivata Pesht (Gintsi). Troglobite.
Fam. Raphidophoridae Ph. globiceps georgievi Z. Karaman – Propast 30
Troglophilus neglectus Krauss – many caves in West- (Karlukovo). Troglobite.
ern Bulgaria and in the Rhodopes. Troglophile. Ph. globiceps lakatnicensis Jeannel – Temnata
Dupka, Zidanka (Lakatnik Railway Station),
Order Coleoptera - Beetles Radyova Propast (Milanovo), Kolkina Dupka
Fam. Carabidae – Ground Beetles (Zimevitsa), Golemata Mecha Dupka (Vratsa),
Duvalius (Paraduvalius) balcanicus (J. Frivaldzsky) Govedarskata Dupka (Chiren). Troglobite.
– A cave in Shipchensky Balkan. Troglobite. Ph. globiceps stoicevi V. Guéorguiev – Elata (Zimevitsa),


D. (P.) beroni V. Guéorguiev – Toshova Dupka Nevestina Propast (Vratsa). Troglobite.
(Stoyanovo). Troglobite. Ph. globiceps karlukovensis Genest – Bezimenna
D. (P.) bulgaricus Knirsch – Zmeyovi Dupki 84 (Karlukovo). Troglobite.
(Hitrevtsi), Kumincheto (Genchevtsi). Ph. globiceps ilandjievi V. Guéorguiev –
Troglobite. Balabanova Dupka, Malata Balabanova
D. (P.) bureschi Jeannel – Lepenitsa, Dupcheto Dupka, Granicharskata Propast (Komshtitsa).
(Velingrad). Troglobite. Troglobite.
D. (P.) garevi Casale et Genest - Sinyoto Ezero Ph. globiceps mladenovi V. Guéorguiev – Malkata
(Dragana). Troglobite. Mecha Dupka, 25 Godini of Akademik
D. joakimovi B. Guéorguiev – Stoykova dupka (not (Vratsa). Troglobite.
Golyama Stojkovitsa, as in the description !) Ph. globiceps cerovensis V. Guéorguiev – Yamata,
(Goleshevo, Mt. Slavyanka). Troglobite. Peshterata, Propastta (Tserovo Railway
D. (P.) kotelensis Genest – Prikazna (Kotel). Station). Troglobite.
Troglobite. Ph. radevi radevi Knirsch - Ledenika (Vratsa).
D. (P.) nedelkovi B. Guéorguiev - Western Troglobite.
Rhodopes. Troglobite. Ph. radevi tranteevi V. Guéorguiev – Suhata Yama
D. (P.) papasoffi Mandl – Temnata Dupka, Zidanka, (Druzhevo). Troglobite.
Pyasachnata Dupka (Lakatnik Railway Rambousekiella ledenikensis Knirsch - Ledenika
Station). Troglobite. (Vratsa), Grebenyo (Gorno Ozirovo).
D. (P.) petrovi B. Guéorguiev – Zandana (Dolno Troglobite.
Cherkovishte). Troglobite. Fam. Cholevidae (Catopidae)
D. (P.) pirinensis B. Guéorguiev – Sharalijskata Beronia micevi V. Guéorguiev – Neprivetlivata
peshtera (Ilindentsi). Troglobite. (Gornata Propast), Haydushkata Propast 51
(Belogradchik), Dzhamiite (Bela), Venetsa, Balcanobius etropolensis V. Guéorguiev –
Propast (Oreshets). Troglobite. Bezimennata Peshtera I, Zahlupena Dupka,
B. andreevi Giachino et B. Guéorguiev – Ajduchka Neykova Dupka (Etropole). Troglobite.
dupka (Prevala), Vodni Pech (Dolni Lom). Genestiellina gueorguievi (Giachino) – Yalovitsa and
Troglobite. Toplya (Golyama Zhelyazna). Troglobite.
Beskovia bulgarica V. Guéorguiev – Studenata Beroniella tetevensis Giachino et Guéorguiev – Dyado
Dupka, Serapionovata Peshtera (Cherepish Draganovata Peshtera (Teteven). Troglobite.
Railway Station). Troglobite. Bathyscia raitchevi Casale, Giachino et Etonti –
B. tranteevi Giachino et Guéorguiev – Bezimenna Imamova Dupka (Yagodina). Troglobite.
22 (Karlukovo). Troglobite. Gueorguieviella beshkovi Giachino et Guéorguiev –
B. beroni Giachino et Guéorguiev – Kozarskata Razklonenata peshtera (Smiljan). Troglobite.
peshtera (Lakatnik Railway Station). Fam. Curculionidae - Weevils
Troglobite. Troglorhynchus beroni Angelov - Inkaya (Tsvyatovo,
Hexaurus merkli (J. Frivaldzsky) – the cave below Distr. Kardjali). Troglobite.
Kurudja peak (?). Troglobite. T. gueorguievi Angelov - Yalovitsa (Golyama
H. schipkaensis Zerche – Stoletovskata Peshtera Zhelyazna). Troglobite.
(Shipka), Sokolskata peshtera (Gabrovo). T. angelovi Gueorguiev - Zandana. Troglobite.
H. similis (J. Frivaldzsky) – A cave in Shipchensky Zoogeographical Analysis of the Terrestrial
Balkan. Troglobite. Cave Fauna in Bulgaria
H. paradisi Zerche – Han Maara (Ray Hut).
Troglobite. The intensive research on the cave and under-
H. beroni Giachino et Guéorguiev – Duhaloto ground animals in Bulgaria since 1922 has accumu-
(Vidima). Troglobite. lated rather complete information on the composition
Netolitzkya jeanneli jeanneli Buresch – Bacho Kiro, and distribution of most of the groups of underground
Andaka (Dryanovski Manastir). Troglobite. living animals. Time has come to formulate hypothe-
N. jeanneli matroffi Jeannel – Lyaskovska Peshtera, ses about the origin and the zoogeography of this
Kalugerova Dupka (Arbanasi). Troglobite. fauna. Such hypotheses are due mainly to V.
N. maneki maneki J. Müller - Zmeyovi Dupki Guéorguiev, who analysed the terrestrial troglobites

(Hitrevtsi), Kumincheto (Genchevtsi), Bacho known from Bulgarian caves. His series of papers
Kiro (Dryanovski Manastir). Troglobite. (1966 – 1977) were crowned by his monograph on
N. maneki iltschewi Jeannel – Golyama Podlisca the origin, formation and zoogeography of the terres-
(Belyakovets), Troana, Bambalova dupka trial troglobites of the Balkan Peninsula (1977). This
(Emen). Troglobite. remarkable book was followed by his speleo-zoogeo-
Radevia hanusi Knirsch - Ledenika, Bezimenna, graphical subdivision of Bulgaria (Guéorguiev, 1992,
Zmeyova Dupka I, Zmeyova Dupka III, in Bulgarian). Other attempts to analyze the distribu-
Propast 13, Bulina Dupka, Golemata Mecha tion of the terrestrial cave fauna in Bulgaria find place
Dupka, Radyova Propast (Vratza). Troglobite. in the papers of Beron (1976, 1978) and in some
Rhodopiola cavicola V. Guéorguiev – Sipeya articles on different groups of cave animals by Delt-
(Bachkovski Manastir). Troglobite. shev (1978, 1983), Riedel (1975).
Vratzaniola pandurskii Dupré – 25 godini of All these papers do not deal with stygobites.
Akademik, Barkite No 9 (Vratsa). Troglobite. Some of the stygobites have been found in caves,
Tranteeviella bulgarica Pretner - Rushovata but the bulk is living in the stygal-hyporeic water or
Peshtera (Gradeshnitsa), Varovit (Malka in other parts of the underground ecosystems. The
Zhelyazna). Troglobite. distribution and the origin of the stygobites are
Bureschiana drenskii V. Guéorguiev – Tilkiini subject to other regularities and have been analysed
(Ostrovitsa), Hasarskata Peshtera (Gorna by several qualified Bulgarian stygobiologists (the
Snezhinka), Maarata (Madrets). Troglobite. late L. Tzvetkov, A. Petrova and the very active
B. thracica Giachino – Vodnata peshtera (Nedelino). explorer of cave Copepoda Ivan Pandurski).
Troglobite. Many years have passed since the publica-
B. raitchevi Giachino - Fidjafkina dupka (Izbegli). tion of the analyses of Guéorguiev in which new
52 Troglobite. information had been accumulated. In his mono-
graph Guéorguiev (1977) subdivided the Balkan Trevnenska Planina – three troglobites, all
Peninsula into four provinces (Dinaric, Egean, of indicators: Duvalius bulgaricus, Netolitzkya jean-
Stara planina and Rhodopean). The Bulgarian neli, N. maneki.
territory falls within two of these provinces: the We can add now Kotlenska Planina as a
Province of Stara Planina (with two zones – new region, with the troglobite indicators Duva-
Western and Eastern) and Rhodopean Province lius kotelensis and Porrhomma microps.
(also with two zones – Western and Eastern). In the Western Rhodopes:
Beron (1976) subdivided the Province of Batashki Rid (four troglobites, indicators
Stara Planina into seven regions, some of them Troglohyphantes drenskii, Duvalius bureschi).
only provisional: Region of Eastern Serbia, Reg. Ravnogor (two troglobites, indicator Bulgarone-
of Ogosta, Reg. of Iskar, Reg. of Ossam, Reg. of thes haplophthalmoides).
Russe, Reg. of Kamchiya and Reg. of Dobrudja. In the Eastern Rhodopes:
In his monograph Guéorguiev (1977) de- Chernatitsa – part of the Western Rhodopes
lineated also some special regions within his (geographically) – two troglobites, indicator “Bulga-
zones and subzones. In Bulgaria these regions rosoma tridentifer” (now Troglodicus tridentifer).
(indicated on the map) are: Dobrostan Massif – also geographically
In the Western zone of Stara Planina: part of the Western Rhodopes – three troglobites,
Vrachanska Planina (the richest region in indicators “Balkanoniscus” [now Rhodopionis-
troglobites in the eastern part of the Balkan cus] beroni and Rhodopiola cavicola. New: Nesti-
Peninsula) – up to 1977 there had been 29 terres- cus beroni (Araneae).
trial troglobites in this region, including 17 indi- Trigrad Plateau – also geographically part
cators: “Cyphoniscellus” [now Vandeloniscellus] of the Western Rhodopes – indicator “Bulgaroso-
bulgaricus, Bulgarosoma bureschi, Typhloiulus ma” [now Troglodicus] meridionale.
longipes, Centromerus bulgarianus, Neobisium
beroni, “Microcreagris bureschi” [now Balkano- Zoogeographical Zones. Guéorguiev
roncus hadzii], Onychiurus sensitivus, Plusio- (1977) subdivided the eastern part of the Balkan
campa rauseri, Pheggomisetes radevi, Ph. r. il- Peninsula into the Zone of Stara Planina (in
cevi, Ph. r. tranteevi, Ph. globiceps mladenovi, Bulgaria and in Serbia, East of Morava River) and
Duvalius beroni, “D. deltschevi” [now syn. of the Zone of the Rhodopes (South Bulgaria and


Duvalius zivkovi], D. papasoffi, D. zivkovi, Rade- Northern Greece). There are very few genera and
via hanusi. We can add Vratzaniola pandurskii. species-indicators in common between the two
Ponor Planina – 12 troglobites, incl. three Zones and almost no genera and species in com-
indicators: Eupolybothrus andreevi, Pheggomisetes mon between the Eastern and the Dinaric parts of
globiceps globiceps, Ph. g. cerovensis. the Peninsula. Such is Lithobius lakatnicensis
Golyama Planina – seven troglobites, incl. (Chilopoda, Rhodopes and Stara Planina). Some
one indicator (Duvalius pretneri). Karlukovo Re- genera, considered also to live both in Stara
gion – five troglobites, one indicator (Tricypho- Planina and the Rhodopes, proved different and
niscus bureschi). the Rhodopean species have been separated into
Vasilyovska Planina – seven troglobites, incl. new genera (Rhodopioniscus, Rhodoposoma).
five indicators: Tranteeva paradoxa, Neobisium bul- Guéorguiev (1992) checked how his general
garicum, N. subterraneum [now syn. of N. bulgari- zoogeographical subdivision of Bulgaria of 1982
cum], Duvalius regisborisi, Tranteeviella bulgarica. fited the biospeleological subdivision. Besides the
Troyanska Planina – three troglobites, all two zones, Bulgaria was subdivided into 7 regions
considered indicators: “Lindbergia”(now Spino- and their troglobitic fauna was checked against
phallus) uminskii, Trichoniscus bulgaricus, “Prod- the index of Tchekanovski – Sørensen. As the
icus” albus [now Anamastigona alba]. Now “Lind- paper of Guéorguiev (1992) is in Bulgarian, it is
bergia” uminskii is no more considered troglobite. worth summarizing its main conclusions. More-
In the Eastern Zone of Stara Planina: over, this paper was submitted in 1989, so mean-
Shipchenska Planina – three troglobites, all while several new troglobites and interesting tro-
indicators: Duvalius balcanicus, Haxaurus merk- glophiles were added to the Bulgarian cave fauna.
li, H. simile. New: Hexaurus paradisi, H. schip- The regions are characterized as follows:
kaensis, H. beroni. 53
1. Danube Region. The cave fauna consists joakimovi and Anamastigona delcevi (Diplopoda)
of 26 troglophiles (trogloxenes not accounted for) and the troglophile “Lepthyphantes gueorguievi”
and only one troglobite: Trichoniscus tranteevi (Araneae, now L. spelaeorum).
Andreev (for T. anophthalmus intermedius Vandel, Several other troglobites (Isopoda, Diplopo-
praeoccup.). According to the index of Sørensen – da, Araneae, Opiliones, etc.) are under study.
Tchekanovski, fifty percent similarity of the whole 5. Thracian Region. Guéorguiev (1982) in-
cave fauna (troglophiles and troglobites) with the cluded also the Eastern Rhodopes in this region. The
Thracian Region only the troglobites – 54.2%. No intensive research in the last years in this area
similarity of the troglobites with any other region. (Beron, Petrov & Stoev, 2004) added new species to
2. Region of Stara Planina. The richest the list of the troglophiles and troglobites of the
cave fauna in Bulgaria (total 191 species, troglo- Eastern Rhodopes, an area insufficiently studied
philes 103, troglobites 88 species). Also the re- during the time of Guéorguiev. The actual list of the
gion richest in endemics. The troglobitic fauna troglobites in the Eastern Rhodopes is as follows:
bears insignificant similarity with the Rila- Trichoniscus rhodopiense (Isopoda), Lithobius tias-
Rhodopean Region (5.7%), Lithobius lakatnicen- natensis (Chilopoda), Duvalius petrovi, Bures-
sis (Chilopoda), Plusiocampa bulgarica (Diplura) chiana drenskii, Troglorhynchus angelovi, T. beroni
and Pseudosinella duodecimocellata (Collembo- (Coleoptera). To this list we should add the troglo-
la) being the only troglobites in common. bites found in the caves of the Greek part of the
3. Rila-Rhodopean Region. In terms of cave Eastern Rhodopes: Alpioniscus thracicus (Isopoda),
fauna, this is the second richest region in Bulgaria. Maroniella beroni (Coleoptera). Some interesting
According to Guéorguiev (1992), here 46 troglophiles troglobites in the region are Balkanopetalum petrovi,
and 18 troglobites have been recorded. Since 1989 Apfelbeckiella trnowensis rhodopina, Rhodopiella
some other species have been added, but now (July beroni (Diplopoda), Balkanodiscus frivaldskyanus,
2006) the number of troglobites in the Rila-Rhodope- also B. cerberus (Mollusca) in the Greek part.
an Region is still only 22: Cordioniscus bulgaricus, 6. Pontian Region (in Guéorguiev: Region
C. schmalfussi, Trichoniscus rhodopiense, Rhodopi- of the Black Sea coast). Very few caves, only one
oniscus beroni, Bulgaronethes haplophthalmoides, troglophile: the spider Meta bourneti, common
Alpioniscus (= Illyrionethes) sp., Nesticus beroni, with the regions or Strandja and Thrace.
Troglohyphantes drenskii, Lithobius lakatnicensis, 7. Strandja Region. According to

Rhodoposoma rhodopinum, Troglodicus tridentifer, Guéorguiev (1992), the cave fauna consists of 21
T. meridionale, Stygiosoma beroni, Anamastigona troglophiles (6 of them endemics) and 4 troglo-
lepenicae, A. delcevi, Plusiocampa bulgarica, Pseu- bites: Trichoniscus valkanovi, T. beroni and “T.
dosinella duodecimocellata, Duvalius bureschi, D. tashevi” (nomen nudum)(Isopoda) and Lithobius
nedelkovi, D. karelhurkai, Rhodopiola cavicola, Gue- (Monotarsobius) bifidus (Chilopoda). All troglo-
orguieviella beshkovi. Among the troglobites, the bites are so far Bulgarian endemics.
most numerous are the Isopoda (6 sp.), the Diplopoda
(6 sp.) and the Coleoptera (5 sp.). The endemism of
this fauna also puts the Rila-Rhodopean Region in the Endemics in the Cave Fauna of Bulgaria
second place with 21 endemic troglobites (Balkan,
Bulgarian and local). As for troglobitic fauna, there is Mollusca – the most important group of
some similarity with the Thracian Region, the terrestrial Gastropoda living in Bulgarian caves
Danube Region and Region of Stara Planina. The belongs to the families Zonitidae. From ca. 33 sp.
only troglobite in common with the Thracian Region found in Bulgaria, one third (11 sp.) live in caves.
is Trichoniscus rhodopiense (Isopoda) and those in Four of them can be considered endemic. Particu-
common with the Region of Stara Planina are Litho- larly interesting are Balkanodiscus frivasdskyanus
bius lakatnicensis (Chilopoda), Pseudosinella duo- (Rossmaessler)(relict) and Schistophallus uminskii
decimocellata (Collembola) and Plusiocampa bul- (Riedel). Two slugs seem also to be endemic:
garica (Diplura). Litopelte bureschi (H. Wagner) and Milax kusceri
4. Region of Struma-Mesta. Very few H. Wagner, but they are not troglobites.
caves, mostly in Slavyanka Mt. Four cave animals
are recorded: the troglobites “Tranteevonethes gue- Isopoda Oniscidea – From the 24 genera and
54 orguievi” (Isopoda, nomen nudum), Duvalius 49 species (including 26 troglobites) of cave
woodlice in Bulgaria, 7 genera (Balkanoniscus, N. (N.) intermedium Mahnert – Eastern Predbal-
Rhodopioniscus, Bureschia, Bulgaronethes, Bulgar- kan (Prolazkata Peshtera)
oniscus, Vandeloniscellus, Tricyphoniscus, all be- Balkanoroncus bureschi (Redikorzev)(= Obisium
longing to Trichoniscidae) and 31 species are en- bureschi Redikorzev = Balkanoroncus
demic for Bulgaria. Zoogeographically and from the praeceps Æurèiæ) – Central Predbalkan.
point of view of cave evolution, the Isopoda terres- B. hadzii Harvey (= Roncus bureschi Hadzi) –
tria are among the most important and interesting Western Stara Planina (Lakatnik).
groups in Bulgarian cave fauna. With 32 species in Roncus mahnerti Æurèiæ et Beron – Western Stara
caves (including 24 of all 26 troglobites), Trichonis- Planina (Botunya).
cidae is by far the most important family among Roncus parablothroides Hadzi is a Balkan endemic.
Bulgarian cave Isopoda. The only other troglobites
(Cordioniscus bulgaricus Andreev and C. schmall- Opiliones – from the 22 species of harvest-
fussi Andreev) belong to the family Styloniscidae. men known to live in Bulgarian caves, 6 are
Both are Bulgarian endemics, resp. for Boychovata Bulgarian endemics (including all 4 troglobites),
Peshtera on the border with the Republic of Mace- and Dicranolasma thracium Starega and Histri-
donia and for the Rhodopes. From the 32 species of costoma drenskii Kratochvil too. The species
Trichoniscidae, 26 are endemic for Bulgaria (4 Leiobunum rumelicum Šilhavy, Pyza bosnica
Hyloniscus, 14 Trichoniscus, Alpioniscus (= Ilyrio- (Roewer) and Rafalskia olympica (Kulczynsky)
nethes) sp., Balkanoniscus corniculatus Verhoeff, B. are Balkan endemics. The troglophile Paranemas-
minimus Vandel, Rhodopioniscus beroni (Vandel), toma radewi (Roewer) is widespread in Bulgaria,
Bureschia bulgarica Verhoeff, Bulgaronethes but is also known from Bosnia and Northern
haplophthalmoides Vandel, Cyphoniscellus (= Bul- Greece (Balkan endemic).
garoniscus) gueorguievi Vandel, Vandeloniscellus The four troglobites are confined to Stara
bulgaricus (Vandel), Tricyphoniscus bureschi Ver- Planina and the Predbalkan west of Troyan and
hoeff, Beroniscus capreolus Vandel, Monocyphonis- are among the most remarkable cave animals in
cus bulgaricus Strouhal) and 3 are Balkan endemics Bulgaria. the genera Paralola and Tranteeva are
(Trichoniscus stankovici Pljakiæ, T. semigranulatus Bulgarian endemics. The only representative of
Buturoviæ, T. rhodopiense Vandel). Laniatores Paralola buresi Kratochvil is an inhab-
Some other families of Oniscidea also con- itant of the caves near Lakatnik Railway Station,


tain endemics (trogloxenes): west of Iskar River. The endemic Cyphophthalm-
Ligidiidae – Ligidium herzegowinense Verhoeff – id genus and the species Tranteeva paradoxa
Balkan endemic Kratochvil have been found so far in the caves
Trachelipidae – Trachelipus bulgaricus bulgari- Toplya and Rushovata Peshtera (Teteven District,
cus Verhoeff and T. b. bureschi Verhoeff – Central Stara Planina). Among Bulgarian troglo-
Bulgarian endemics bitic Opilionids Paranemastoma (Buresiola) bu-
Philosciidae – Chaetophiloscia hastata Verhoeff reschi (Roewer) is the only species of the subor-
Porcellionidae – Porcellium balkanicum Verhoeff der Palpatores, which is predominant in Europe. It
Armadillidiidae – Armadillidium elysii Verhoeff lives in many caves in Western Stara Planina and,
most certainly, in the Western Confines (now in
Pseudoscorpiones Serbia), as we found it at the very border. Siro
Bulgarian endemics: beschkovi Mitov is a member of a Cyphophthalm-
Chthoniidae – Chthonius troglodites Redikorzev – id genus with many species on the Balkans and is
Western Predbalkan. known so far only from one cave of the Eastern
Neobisiidae Predbalkan.
Neobisium (Heoblothrus) bulgaricum (Redikor- Recently, another blind Nemastomatidae
zev)(syn. Obisium subterraneum Redikor- has been found in the Stoykova Dupka 1 in
zev) – Western Predbalkan. Slavyanka Mt. This is the first troglobitic Opil-
N. (H.) beroni Beier – Western Stara Planina ionid south of Stara Planina.
(Lakatnik). Endemic subgenus Heoblothrus
Beier in Stara Planina. Araneae – from 80 species of cave spiders in
N. (Blothrus) kwartirnikovi Mahnert – Vitosha Bulgaria (Beron et al, in print), 20 are considered here to
(Bosnek). be local, Bulgarian or Balkan endemics. According to 55
Deltshev (1996), Antrohyphantes is a genus related to Order Glomerida
Fageiella from the western part of the Balkan Peninsula Doderiidae
and is therefore considered an ancient element (paleoen- Trachysphaera orghidani lakatnicensis Tabakaru
demic). Also according to the same author, “the group of – Western Stara Planina
cave endemic spiders has similar presence, 17 (39,43%) Order Polydesmida
as the group of high altitude spiders”. Polydesmidae
Leptonetidae Brachydesmus radewi Verhoeff – Western Pred-
Protoleptoneta beroni Deltchev – Bulgaria (West- balkan
ern Stara Planina) Trichopolydesmidae (Bacillidesmidae)
P. bulgarica Deltchev – Bulgaria (Western Stara Bacillidesmus bulgaricus bulgaricus Strasser, B.
Planina) bulgaricus dentatus Strasser – Western St-
Nesticidae ara Planina, W. Predbalkan
Nesticus beroni Deltshev – Western Rhodopes Order Chordeumatida
Linyphiidae Anthroleucosomatidae
Centromerus lakatnikensis (Drensky) – Balkan Bulgarosoma bureschi Verhoeff – Vrachanska
endemic (Western Stara Planina, Rep. of Planina (Western Stara Planina)
Macedonia) Troglodicus meridionale (Tabacaru) – Western
C. milleri Deltshev – Balkan endemic (Eastern Rhodopes
Rhodopes) Troglodicus tridentifer Gulièka – Western
C. acutidentatus Delchev – South Pirin Rhodopes
?Lepthyphantes byzantinus Fage – Balkan endemic Anamastigona falcatus Gulièka (troglobite ?) –
L. istrianus Kulczynski (= slivnensis Drensky) – Bulgarian endemic (Eastern Stara Planina)
Balkan endemic A. lepenicae (Strasser) – caves near Velingrad
Pallidophantes trnovensis (Drensky) – Balkan en- (Western Rhodopes)
demic (Stara Planina, Rep. of Macedonia) A. delcevi (Strasser) – Caves in Slavyanka Mt.,
?L. jacksonoides Van Helsdingen – Western (SW Bulgaria)
Rhodopes A. (Balkandicus) alba (Strasser) – Central Balkan
Antrohyphantes sofianus (Drensky)(= Lepthyphantes (endemic subgenus Balkandicus Strasser)
tranteevi Miller) – Western Stara Planina Bulgardicus tranteevi Strasser – a cave near Kar-

A. balcanica (Drensky) – Balkan endemic (Cen- lukovo (Predbalkan)

tral Balkan and Republic of Macedonia) Typhloiulus bureschi Verhoeff – many caves in
A. rhodopensis (Drensky)(= A. rodopicus Dumi- Western Stara Planina
trescu) – Western Rhodopes T. georgievi Strasser (troglobite ?) – Bulgarian
Troglohyphantes bureschianus Deltshev – West- endemic (Central Predbalkan)
ern Rhodopes T. (Inversotyphlus) longipes Strasser – Bulgarian
T. drenskii Deltshev – Western Rhodopes endemic (endemic subgenus Inversotyphlus
Agelenidae Strasser)
Histopona tranteevi Deltchev – Western Rhodopes T. staregai Strasser – Western Stara Planina
Coelotes drenskii Deltshev – Eastern Stara Planina Serboiulus speleophilus Gulièka – 29 caves in
C. jurinitschi (Drensky) – Western Stara Planina Western Stara Planina
Calobius balcanicus (Drensky) – Balkan endemic The following non-troglobitic Diplopoda
Liocranidae also seem to be endemics:
Mesioteles cyprius scopensis Drensky – Balkan Order Glomerida
endemic subspecies Glomeridae
Glomeris balcanica Verhoeff, 1906 (= G. bureschi
Diplopoda – four genera (Rhodoposoma, Verhoeff = G. latemarginata Attems) – Bal-
Troglodicus and Stygiosoma from Western kan endemic
Rhodopes and Bulgardicus from the caves near Order Polydesmida
Karlukovo in the Predbalkan) and all the 16 Polydesmidae
species of troglobitic Diplopoda in Bulgaria are Polydesmus herzegowinensis Verhoeff – Balkan
56 (so far) Bulgarian endemics. The species are: endemics
P. renschi Schubart, P. zonkovi Verhoeff, P. bures- Chilopoda – from the 44 species of this
chi Verhoeff – Bulgarian endemics Class are found in Bulgarian caves, 14 are endem-
P. tridens Attems – Balkan endemic ics (9 Bulgarian and 5 Balkan), as follows:
Brachydesmus herzegowinensis reflexus Strasser, Order Lithobiomorpha
B. h. trifidus Strasser, B. h. confinis Strasser Lithobiidae
B. dadayi brusenicus Gulièka – Bulgarian Lithobius tiasnatensis Matic (=L. popovi Matic) –
endemic subspecies caves in Central Predbalkan and Sakar
B. cristofer Strasser – Bulgarian endemic L. rushovensis Matic (=L. beschkovi Matic et
Mastigophorophillidae Golemansky) – caves near Teteven (Central
Mastigona bosniensis (Verhoeff) – Balkan en- Predbalkan)
demic L. beroni Negrea – Balkan endemic (Bulgaria and
Haaseidae Greece, non-troglobite)
Haasea (Histrosoma) vidinense (Strasser) – Bul- L. lakatnicensis Verhoeff – Balkan endemic (Bul-
garian endemic species and subgenus garia and East Serbia)
Paradoxosomatidae L. bifidus (Matic) – five caves in Strandja
Metonomastus pomak Golovatch et Stoev – Bul- L. stygius Latzel – Balkan endemic
garian endemic (Eastern Rhodopes) L. wardaranus (Verhoeff) – Balkan endemic
Order Chordeumatida Harpolithobius folkmanovae Kaczmarek – Bulgar-
Anthroleucosomatidae ian endemic (SE Bulgaria, non-troglobite)
Troglodicus rhodopinus Strasser – Bulgarian en- H. banaticus rhodopensis Kaczmarek – Rho-
demic genus and species (Rhodopes) dopes (endemic subspecies)
Order Julida Eupolybothrus andreevi Matic – Cave Vodnata
Julidae Peshtera near Tserovo (Western Stara
Leptoiulus borisi Verhoeff – Bulgarian endemic Planina)
Typhloiulus kotelensis Jawlowski – Eastern Stara E. gloriastygis (Absolon) – Balkan endemic (Bul-
Planina garia and Bosnia). Known from two caves
Megaphyllum rhodopinum (Verhoeff), M. beroni in Western Stara Planina.
(Strasser) – Rhodopes Order Geophilomorpha
Balkanophoenix borisi Verhoeff – Stara Planina Himantariidae


(Lakatnik, Western Stara planina) Thracophilus beroni Matic et Darabantu – West-
Pachyiulus hungaricus gracilis Verhoeff – ern Rhodopes
Rhodopes, end. subspecies Th. bulgaricus Verhoeff – Western Rhodopes and
P. cattarensis (Latzel) – Balkan endemic Sredna Gora (non-troglobite)
Apfelbeckiella trnovensis (Verhoeff) and the sub- Order Scolopendromorpha
species A. t. rhodopina Strasser and A. t. Cryptopidae
deliormana Strasser – Bulgarian endemics Cryptops croaticus Verhoeff – Balkan endemic
A. byzantina Verhoeff – Balkan endemic
A. (Rhodopiella) beroni Strasser – Bulgarian en- Diplura – so far three Bulgarian endemics:
demic subgenus and species Campodeidae
Order Callipodida Plusiocampa bulgarica Silvestri – Western
Schizopetalidae Rhodopes and Western Stara Planina.
Balkanopetalum armatum Verhoeff – Western St- P. bureschi Silvestri (syn. P. rauseri Rusek) –
ara Planina. Troglophile. Western Stara Planina (Lakatnik and Tse-
B. rhodopinum Verhoeff – Western Rhodopes. rovo).
B. beshkovi Strasser – Western Rhodopes. Troglo- Collembola – there are eight Bulgarian
phile. endemics in the caves of Bulgaria.
B. petrovi Stoev et Enghof – Eastern Rhodopes. Neanuridae – Bilobella digitata Cassagnau
Troglophile. (Eastern Stara Planina)
B. bulgaricum Stoev et Enghoff – South Pirin. Onychiuridae – Onychiurus bureschi Hand-
Troglophile. schin, O. sensitivus Handschin, O. subgranulosus
Gama, Protaphorura beroni (Gruia)(Western St- D. (Duvaliotes) beshkovi Coiffait – mountains on
ara Planina) the western frontier of Bulgaria
Entomobryidae – Pseudosinella bulgarica Three other species of Duvalius (Paraduvalius)
Gama (Central and Eastern Stara Planina), P. have been described from the MSS and other
kwartirnikovi Gama (Central Balkan, or Stara localities outside the caves: D. hanae Hùrka
Planina), P. duodecimocellata Handschin (caves from Central Balkan, D. marani (Knirsch)
in the Rhodopes and in Stara Planina) from Slavyanka and D. rajtchevi (Genest et
Juberthie) from the Western Rhodopes.
Orthoptera – Troglophilus neglectus Krauss Staphylinidae – Only two species (Quedius tro-
(Raphidophoridae) is Balkan endemic. glophilus and Qu. gueorguievi), described
Coleoptera by H. Coiffait from Bulgaria, are so far
Carabidae – There are 70 species of ground considered endemic for this country. They
beetles known to live in Bulgarian caves. Two are not typical cave animals.
genera are Bulgarian endemics, both in Western Pselaphidae – only one (trogloxenic) species
Stara Planina: Rambousekiella Knirsch and (prac- (Bryaxis beroni Z. Karaman) seems to be a
tically) Pheggomisetes Knirsch. Pheggomisetes Bulgarian endemic (Western Bulgaria).
was also found in one cave in East Serbia (the Curculionidae – All three species of hypogeous
Western Confines of the former Bulgarian territo- weevils in Bulgaria are so far considered
ry). The species and the subspecies are: Pheg- Bulgarian endemics – Troglorhynchus gue-
gomisetes buresi buresi Knirsch, Pheggomisetes orguievi Angelov for Central Stara Planina,
buresi medenikensis Knirsch, Ph. globiceps globi- T. beroni Angelov and T. angelovi B. Gue-
ceps Buresch, Ph. g. breiti Mandl, Ph. g. geor- orguiev for the Eastern Rhodopes.
gievi Z. Karaman, Ph. g. lakatnicensis Jeannel, Cholevidae (Leiodidae) – the highest endemism
Ph. g. stoicevi Guéorguiev, Ph. g. karlukovensis on generic level in the Bulgarian cave fauna
Genest, Ph. g. ilandjievi Guéorguiev, Ph. g. mlad- is represented in this family. Far from being
enovi Guéorguiev, Ph. g. cerovensis Guéorguiev, completely known in Bulgarian caves, there
Ph. radevi radevi Knirsch, Ph. r. iltschevi Knir- this family is represented by 34 species of
sch, Ph. r. tranteevi Guéorguiev. Another impor- 19 genera. From them,13 genera and 25
tant genus is Duvalius Delarouzée, with 17 tro- species are Bulgarian endemics:

globites, endemic for Bulgaria, as follows: All 13 genera – Bulgarian endemics – are very
D. (Paraduvalius) balcanicus (J. Frivaldzsky) – narrow endemics and they are as follows:
Central Balkan Beronia Guéorguiev – Northwestern part of West-
D. (Paraduvalius) beroni Guéorguiev, D. (P.) ern Stara Planina (Vidin Distr.)
garevi Casale et Genest, D. (P.) papasoffi Beskovia Guéorguiev – the caves around
Mandl, D. (P.) pretneri Guéorguiev, D. (P.) Cherepish (Western Stara Planina)
zivkovi Knirsch – Western Stara Planina and Radevia Knirsch, Vratzaniola Dupré – Vrachans-
Western Predbalkan ka Planina (Western Stara Planina)
D. (Paraduvalius) kotelensis Genest – Eastern Hexaurus Reitter – caves in the high Central
Stara Planina Balkan (Stara Planina)
D. (Paraduvalius) bureschi Jeannel, D.(P.) karel- Balcanobius Guéorguiev – caves near Etropole
hurkai Farkac – Western Rhodopes Beroniella Giachino et Guéorguiev – a cave in
D. (Paraduvalius) bulgaricus Knirsch, D.(P.) reg- Teteven (Central Predbalkan)
isborisi Buresch, D.(P.) legrandi Genest – Tranteeviella Pretner (= Bulgariella Z. Karaman) –
Central Predbalkan caves in Teteven area (Central Predbalkan)
D. (Paraduvalius) joakimovi B. Guéorguiev – Genestiellina Giachino – caves in Teteven area
Slavyanka (Central Predbalkan)
D. (Paraduvalius) nedelkovi B. Guéorguiev – Netolitzkya J. Müller – caves in Tryavna area
Western Rhodopes (Central Predbalkan)
D. (Paraduvalius) pirinicus B. Guéorguiev – Pirin Rhodopiola Guéorguiev – one cave near Bachko-
D.(Paraduvalius) petrovi B. Guéorguiev – East- vo (Western Rhodopes)
ern Rhodopes Bureschiana Guéorguiev – caves in Kardjali area
58 (Eastern Rhodopes)
Vratzaniola Dupré – Western Stara Planina (1964), “Terrestrial troglobites are mostly descen-
Gueorguieviella Giachino et Guéorguiev – West- dants of a tropical fauna populating Europe and
ern Rhodopes North America in the first half of the Tertiary”. We
The species – Bulgarian endemics: have to keep in mind that the Paleogene (the first
Beskovia bulgarica Guéorguiev, B. andreevi Giachi- part of the Tertiary) covers a period between 67 and
no et Guéorguiev, B. beroni Giachino et 25 million years.
Guéorguiev, Beronia micevi Guéorguiev, B. In recent time Brignoli (1979) opposed this
tranteevi Giachino et Guéorguiev, Radevia assertion, taken as axiomatic a long time ago. The
hanusi Knirsch, Vratzaniola pandurskii Du- early deceased prominent Italian specialist writes:
pré – Western Stara Planina “It is not true at all (or, at least, it is not sure) that
Hexaurus merkli (J. Frivaldzsky), H. similis (J. the troglobites are ancient”. And further: “The
Frivaldzsky), H. schipkaensis Zerche, H. term (of) “relict” (or even (of) “living fossil”), so
paradisi Zerche, H. beroni Giachino et often applied to the troglobites, is for me com-
Guéorguiev – the high Central Stara Planina pletely meaningless”. However, other prominent
Beroniella tetevensis Giachino et Guéorguiev, specialists do support the opinion of the ancient
Genestiellina gueorguievi (Giachino), Tran- nature of troglobites. According to Beier (1969),
teeviella bulgarica Pretner, Balcanobius “…the troglobite species show high degree of
etropolensis Guéorguiev, Netolitzkya mane- specialization and are without doubt to be consid-
ki maneki J. Müller, Netolitzkya maneki ered (as) relicts from the Tertiary”.
iltschevi J. Müller, N. jeanneli jeanneli Bu- The present author also thinks that the
resch, N. jeanneli matroffi Jeannel – Central assertions of Brignoli are exaggerated and that
Stara Planina and Central Predbalkan relicts do exist. Which troglobite is ancient and
Bureschiana drenskii Guéorguiev, Gueorguieviella which is more recent is a matter of analysis.
beshkovi Giachino et Guéorguiev, Rhodopio- Guéorguiev (1977) was a firm supporter of the
la cavicola Guéorguiev – Rhodopes theories of Jeannel and Vandel and his classification
All of them belong to the subfamily Lepto- of the troglobites according to their origin will be
dirinae (= Bathysciinae). All 24 troglobitic spe- resumed here, completed with some new data.
cies of this subfamily in Bulgaria (plus 2 subspe-
cies) are Bulgarian endemics. Descendants of Gondwanian Phyletic Lines


The woodlice of the genus Cordioniscus
Siphonaptera – Only subspecies (so far (Isopoda: Styloniscidae) are to be considered
endemic for Bulgaria) of two species of fleas on among the most ancient Balkan relicts. The two
bats have been described from Bulgarian cave: species found in Bulgaria (Cordioniscus bulgar-
Nycteridopsylla ancyluris johanae Hùrka and N. icus Andreev and C. schmalfussi Andr.) mark the
trigona balcanica Hùrka. northernmost localities of the family in Europe.
The endemic genus and species of the short-
legged Opilions Tranteeva paradoxa Kratochvil
Relics in the Cave Fauna of Bulgaria (Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi, Sironidae) from the
caves of the Predbalkan are also to be considered
The problem of the relictness and the antiq- Gondwanian relicts.
uity of the troglobites still stays. For Jeannel (1944,
1960), followed by Vandel (1964) and Guéorguiev Descendants of Laurasian Phyletic Lines
(1977), there was no doubt that the paleotroglo- Guéorguiev (1977) considered some spi-
bites are very ancient and have no relatives among ders of the genus Nesticus and some Collembo-
recent animals living outside caves. On the con- lans (Acherontides spelaeus Ionesco, which is
trary, neotroglobites still have relatives outside now considered troglophile) Laurasian relicts.
caves and are connected with them by intermediary Bulgarian Nesticus species are also troglophyles.
forms. For Leleup (1965), the main lines of A typical Laurasian element, according to him,
southeuropean troglobites have their origin in an would be also the endemic genus and species of
orophilic prepleistocene fauna, very ancient and Isopoda Trichoniscidae Bulgaronethes haploph-
very rich, which lived in biotopes on land and had thalmoides Vandel, living in the caves near Pesh-
emerged in remote geological periods. For Vandel tera (Western Rhodopes). 59
Descendants of Mesogeidean (Paleomediterra- Paleoegeidean (Protoegeidean) Relicts
nean) Phyletic Lines Isopoda –the Haplophthalminae genera Cy-
The Isopods of the endemic genera Bal- phoniscellus and Tricyphoniscus, represented by
kanoniscus, Beroniscus and Bureschia (all in St- the species Cyphoniscellus gueorguievi Vandel and
ara Planina and the Predbalkan) are considered Tricyphoniscus bureschi Verhoeff, belong here.
descendants of a phyletic line populating in the Diplura Campodeidae –the troglobitic spe-
Paleocene and early Eocene the land stretching cies of the subgenus Stygiocampa (genus Plusio-
from Cantabric Mountains to Caucasus and called campa), found in Bulgaria in Stara Planina and
Mesogeida. We should add here the genus Rhodo- the Rhodopes, probably belong here.
pioniscus Tabacaru, described in 1993 for the
Rhodopean “Balkanoniscus” beroni Vandel. Nordegeidean Relicts
Among the Diplopoda, such Mesogeidean relicts Most terrestrial troglobites of the Balkan
would be the Glomerids Trachysphaera orghidani Peninsula belong to this category, due to the fact
Tabacaru and T. dobrogica Tabacaru (not yet that major parts of former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria
recorded but certainly living in Bulgarian Do- and Greece were situated in Northern Egeide for
broudja). Among the spiders (Araneae), such de- long periods during the Tertiary.
scendants are the Troglohyphantes species (in Many genera of different groups, which are
Bulgaria the troglobite Troglohyphantes drenskii listed by Guéorguiev (1977) in the categories of
Deltshev and the troglophile T. bureschianus the descendants of Gondwanian phyletic lines
Deltschev both in the Western Rhodopes, another (Tranteeva), Laurasian phyletic lines (Bulgarone-
Troglohyphantes from Slavyanka). thes) or Mesogeidean (paleomediterranean) phyl-
Mesogeidean origin is presumed also for the etic lines (Balkanoniscus, Bureschia, Buresiola,
troglobitic Opilions Paralola buresi Kratochvil and Paralola) or are considered to be Paleoegeidean
Paranemastoma (Buresiola) bureschi Roewer. The (Protoegeidean) relicts (Tricyphoniscus), are also
endemic genus Paralola Kratochvil (Phalango- considered by him to be Nordegeidean relicts.
didae) and its only species P. buresi from the caves The assertion needs clarification. Furthermore,
near Lakatnik in Western Stara Planina represent in the following genera: Isopoda (Hyloniscus),
Bulgaria the (mostly tropical) suborder Laniatores. Diplopoda (the Antroleucosomatids Bulgaroso-
Among the terrestrial troglobites, this strange crea- ma, Stygiosoma and the subgenus Balkandicus,

ture gives impression of something really ancient and the Typhloiulids Typhloiulus, Serboiulus and
and alien to the present European fauna. However, Apfelbeckiella), Opiliones (Siro) are also consid-
Martens (1972) wrote that the Laniatores “should ered Nordegeidean relicts. To them we can add
not be considered any more as Tertiary relicts in the the genus Rhodoposoma. The endemic subgenus
European fauna as they are widespread in the areas Heoblothrus (genus Neobisium) from Stara Plani-
remaining outside the Pleistocene glaciation”. na is also not far from this group. So are the
Nevertheless, Paralola is beyond doubt a relict – its species of the genus Balkanoroncus Æurèiæ, not
age is to be further considered. known to Guéorguiev by 1977. There are two
As for Buresiola, it is no more considered a species living in the caves of Stara Planina and the
separate genus, but a subgenus of Paranemasto- Predbalkan: Balkanoroncus bureschi (Hadzi) and
ma. The only described species in Bulgaria is also B. hadzii Harvey. From the Carabidae, the species
an endemic of Western Stara Planina. of the genus Pheggomisetes Knirsch belong here
The pseudoscorpions of the subgenera Blo- and from the Catopidae – the genera Beskovia,
thrus (genus Neobisium) and Parablothrus (genus Tranteeviella, Balcanobius. We may add the new-
Roncus) are also considered to be part of this ly described genera Beroniella and Vratzaniola.
category – Mesogeidean relicts. In Bulgaria, we Nordegeidean relict is also the remarkable genus
know the species Neobisium (Blothrus) kwartirni- Genestiellina (Giachino, 1992).
kovi Mahnert from Bosnek (Vitosha).
According to Guéorguiev (1977), a third of all Southegeidean Relicts
endemic troglobite genera of Cholevidae on the Gastropoda – the only Bulgarian “Lindber-
Balkan Peninsula are of Mesogeidean origin. In gia” (L. uminskii Riedel from Central Balkan) is
Bulgaria, the genera Netolitzkya, Hexaurus, Radevia, now considered to represent a separate genus
60 Rhodopiola, Beronia, Bureschiana also belong here. Spinophalus, but still of Southegeidean origin.

The caves have been subject to Archaeology 1899, exploring Golyamata Peshtera and Malkata
ever since it became a science in its own right. Man Peshtera near Veliko Tarnovo. Later, after special-
has used these natural phenomena during his cul- izing in European universities, R. Popov explored
tural development since the earliest prehistoric many other caves: Morovitsa (Glozhene), Miri-
times, in the Medieval ages and up to our time. zlivka (Oreshets), Bacho Kiro (Dryanovski Mo-
Many caves in Bulgaria are sites of many layers, nastir), Duhlata (Veliko Tarnovo area) and others.
inhabited for millenia, and the depth of the cultural Popov dated the material discovered back to the
layer there is considerable. This fact is due to the time of the Neolith (Malkata Peshtera), Halcolith
crossroad situation of Bulgaria – since ancient (Tsarskata Peshtera, Golyamata Peshtera, Harlo-
times the Bulgarian land has been a contact region vata Peshtera, Popin Pchelin, Malka Listsa near
of different cultures and each of them has left Belyakovets, the caves near Madara). In 1924–
traces, deciphered by archaeologists. In caves hu- 1926, R. Popov partly excavated the cave Temna-
mans found shelter in troubled periods, built dwell- ta Dupka near Karlukovo and discovered for the
ings, created sanctuaries and monk cells. first time in Bulgaria and on the Balkan Peninsula
The archaeological exploration of caves in human remains from the Late Paleolith.
Bulgaria has a history of more than one hundred
years. That is why it is very difficult to enumerate
and analyze all studies within such a short outline.
Here only the most important of them will be listed.
The first known information about archaeo-

logical finds in a Bulgarian cave is due to the
French traveller Dr K. Pouaye. In 1859, he men-
tioned that the cave near the village Topra Hisar
(now Zemlen near Stara Zagora) was rich in
archaeological remains.
The organized archaeological studies in
Bulgarian caves started at the end of 19th century.
The first explorers were not archaeologists. They
were biologists, geologists, geographers, and part

of them high school teachers. On May 20, 1890

Stephan Jurinich, a school-teacher in Gabrovo
High School, started excavations in the cave
Polichki near the Monastery of Dryanovo. In
1899–1900, the geologists G. Bonchev and Iliya

Stoyanov carried out successive excavations in


the cave Toplya near the village Golyama Jelyaz-

na, Lovech District.
In the period up to World War II the explo-
rations were due mainly to Rafail Popov (1876–
1940), archaeologist and speleologist, an active
member of the Bulgarian Caving Society and its

President until his death. His contribution to the

systematic study of Bulgarian caves laid the foun- Prof. Rafail Popov, Archeologist, Director of the National
dation of prehistoric archaeology in Bulgaria. He Museum in Sofia. President of the Caving Society in 1937-
carried out his first excavations as a student in 1938 and in 1940 61
In 1920, some other researchers joined the 120 000–40 000 BP), Neolyth, Eneolyth, the
archaeological exploration of caves – N. Petkov Bronze and the Iron Ages, from the Antiquity and
(Mecha Dupka, Klisura), V. Atanassov and L. the Middle Ages had been recorded. Typical rough-
Filkov (Mirizlivka, Oreshets) and Vassil Mikov. ly worked tools from the Mousterian, as well as
Until 1929 Mikov had excavated 19 caves, and bones of animals – companions and food of the
dated the artefacts found there as belonging to the primitive people – have been found in the caves
Neolith (Devetashkata Peshtera, Tabashkata Pesh- Bacho Kiro, Devetashkata Peshtera and Samuilitsa
tera, Lovech District); Halcolyth (Temnata Dup- II. In some of these and some other caves (Temnata
ka, Popovi Pech, Lepenishki Pech and Musikal- Dupka) remnants from the Late Paleolyth (Orig-
nata Peshtera, Vidin District; Averkovitsa, Svin- nac) have been found. Well polished Neolythical
skata Dupka, Haydushkata Dupka, Futyovskata tools, typical for the time 8000–4000 B.C., have
Peshtera, Ladjenskata Peshtera, Hlevenskata been excavated in four caves: Devetashkata,
Peshtera, Mikrenskata Peshtera and Dragancho- Tabashkata, Toplya and Yagodinskata. In them
vitsa, Lovech Distr.); Iron Age (Ladjenskata pesh- vessels with natural paints (ochre etc.) have been
tera, Lovech Distr.). In the 1930s and the 1940s, found, as well as artefacts made of horn and bones
V. Mikov studied the caves Suhi Pech (1932) and of domestic animals. The Chalcolyth (Eneolyth or
Haydushkata Peshtera near Deventsi (1942). Stone – Copper Age, 4000–3000 B.C.) is charac-
In 1937, foreign specialists also participat- terized by artefacts of copper (needles, awls),
ed in the excavations – D. Garod from the ornaments and bone objects. Such artefacts have
Institute for Prehistoric Studies in Chicago, to- been found in Devetashkata Peshtera, Bacho Kiro,
gether with R. Popov, excavated the cave Bacho Andaka, Yagodinskata Peshtera, Morovitsa,
Kiro near Dryanovo. Toplya, Emenskata Peshtera, Provârtenka.
So, in the period until World War II the Dwellings and fireplaces, as well as many
explorers did their best to lay the scientific funda- artefacts from the Bronze Age (2800–1200 B.C.),
ment of the archeological study of Bulgarian have been found in Devetashkata, Tabashkata and
caves. Due to the war and the death of R. Popov in Yagodinskata (Imamova Dupka) caves and also in
1940, this study was interrupted for several years. Magura and Suhi Pech. Among the artefacts there

Archeological studies in caves were restart- are shining clay vessels, made with a pottery
ed by the end of 1940-ties, with more systematic wheel, bronze axes, swords, sickles, etc.
approach of some new researchers. Excavations The Iron Age (1200–2000 B.C.) is repre-
in caves carried out G. Markov in the caves sented in Devetashkata cave, Magura, Tabashkata

Emenskata Peshtera and Razhishkata Peshtera and Yagodinskata caves, in Provartenka, etc.
(1948–49); N. Djambazov excavated the cave The cave Snezhanka had been used as
Pesht near Staro Selo (1951–53); Ochilata shelter by the Besses (a Thracian tribe, inhabit-
(Aglen), Provartenka, Vodnitsa, Samuilitsa I and ing the Rhodopes during the period of Roman
II near Kunino (1954), Tsakonichki Pech, Kalen- dominance).

skata Pesht and Morovitsa (1955), Tabashkata With the creation of the Group for Paleolythi-
peshtera near Lovech (1952–1956) and the cave cal Studies at the Institute for Archaeology and the

Snezhanka (1961), where traces from the Museum of BAS (N. Sirakov, Sv. Sirakova, St.
Neolyth, Halcolyth, the Bronze and the Iron Ages Ivanova, Iv. Gatsov and others) the systematic, long-
have been discovered. N. Djambazov and V. Mik- term, regular excavations in caves started. In 1971–
ov carried out the studies of the cave of Devetaki 1973, together with archaeologists from the Yagelo-
(1950–1952), inhabited by man from the Neolyth nian University in Poland, the group explored the

to the Antiquity. In the cave Yagodinska Peshtera cave Bacho Kiro near Dryanovo, where traces of a
excavations were carried out by P. Detev (1956) culture of the Middle and the Late Paleolyth were
and M. Vaklinova (1965–1966). At the end of the discovered (ca. 43 000 BP). Interdisciplinary meth-
1960s, A. Alexov from the Historical Museum in ods of research found place in this research and
Plovdiv studied the cave Topchika near Do- helped achieve a better understanding of the life of
brostan, where materials from the Bronze and the the early inhabitants of our land.
Iron Ages have been discovered. At the same time other sites were explored:
It became clear that in Bulgarian caves cul- R. Katincharov studied the cave Magura, Vidin
62 tural layers from the Middle Paleolyth (Moustier, District (1971), with remains from the Halcolyth,
the Bronze and Iron Ages. During the Strandja out further studies there. This cave is a good
complex speleological expedition of Akademik – example of the fact that some caves in Bulgaria
Sofia Caving Club (1975–1977), E. Teoklieva and have been used as human habitation for ten
P. Balabanov carried out excavations in Bratanova thousands of years uninterrupted – from the Mid-
Peshtera and later also in the caves Leyarnitsata dle Paleolyth to our days.
and Kaleto near the village Mladezhko, Burgas Since 1998 the Group for Paleolythical Stud-
Distr. The artefacts found there were identified as ies, together with French scientists, have carried
belonging to the Bronze and Iron Ages. In the out archaeological explorations in the cave
period 1976–1978, V. Gergov from the Historical Kozarnika near Oreshets Railway Station under the
Museum in Pleven led the archaeological excava- direction of N. Sirakov and J.-L. Guadeli. So far in
tions in the caves of Musselievo and the village the cave layers traces of human presence, dating
Sadovets, Distr. Pleven. The material discovered back to over 1.4 mill. years BP, have been found.
was dated back to the Halcolyth and the Bronze The results indicate that Kozarnika appears to be
Age. In 1978 V. Nikolov and V. Vassilev excavat- one of the earliest populated caves in Europe.
ed the cave Golyamata Peshtera above the village Rock art in caves are also subject to prehis-
Iliya near Kyustendil, with artefacts from the late toric studies. I. Vardjiev and V. Mikov announced
Halcolyth and the Early Iron Age. the existence of prehistoric rock paintings in the
In 1981 the Group for Paleolythical Studies karstic canyon Chernelka near Pleven as early as
of the Archaeological Institute and Museum car- the 1920s, but they were not well explored. Best
ried out initial excavations in the cave Toplya near known are the monochrome paintings in the cave
the village Golyama Jelyazna, Lovech Distr. The Magurata, made with the use of various tech-
material was dated as belonging to the second half niques (bat guano, ochre, graffiti, which are in
of the Late Paleolyth. Further in the field of cave several layers) and dating back to different times,
archaeology, there are other outstanding studies the earliest being the Chalcolyth. The paintings
(Bulgarian – Polish – French) of Temnata Dupka have been explored many times by F. Birkner
near Karlukovo (1984–1994), under the leader- (1916), V. Mikov (1928, 1955), L. Filkov (1929),
ship of N. Sirakov, Ya. Kozlowski and A. Laville. E. Anati (1971), but their most detailed study is

Traces of human settlements from the Middle and due to T. Stoychev, V. Gerasimova and A. Stoev
the Late Paleolyth (100 000–13 000 BP) were (1990-94). Another cave with rock paintings (dis-
discovered. Mostly cavers of Iskar-Sofia and puted!) is the cave N° 2961 near the village
Studenets-Pleven Caving Clubs, as well as cavers Baylovo, Sofia Distr., studied in 1977–1993 by
from other clubs, participated in the research. In M. Zlatkova, T. Stoychev, V. Gerasimova, A.
the same region, St. Ivanova did excavations in Stoev and others, The authenticity of these paint-
the cave Skandalnata near Kunino (1994), and ings has been strongly disputed by V. Beshkov.
found traces from the Late Paleolyth. Since the very beginning of archaeological
The archaeological studies in Rhodopean studies in caves, explorers paid attention also to

caves have been active as well: Hr. Valchanova

from the Historical Museum – Smolyan and St.
Ivanova carried out excavations in the caves
Haramiyskata (1981–1983) and Partizanskata; M.
Avramova carried out the research in Yagodinska-

ta Peshtera (1983). In 1995 G. Nehrizov studies

the cave Samara near Ribino. Considerable con-

tributions to the cave archaeology of this region

have also been made by Dimitar Raychev from
Chepelare Caving Club, Mincho Gumarov from
the Caving Club in Kardjali and Boris Kolev from
the Caving Club in Haskovo.

After the removal of the petrol deposits in

the cave Devetashkata Peshtera in the 90s, the
archaeologists from the regional museums in Excavations in the cave Suhi Pech, where the oldest Man
Lovech and Pleven, directed by V. Gergov, carried in Europe was found. Photo Nikolay Genov 63
caves with traces of later periods. Most sanctuaries caves, later they were enlarged and adapted for the
discovered so far date back to the Iron Age and the needs of the monk life. There are more than 1000
Antiquity. Thracian sanctuaries are known from known Christian rock dwellings in Bulgaria. They
many caves, connected with springs or nearby water are found almost over the entire territory of Bulgar-
points. Such are the sanctuary of Asclepius and ia – the areas of Sofia, Vidin, Vratsa, Lovech,
Hygia near the karstic source of Glava Panega, the Pleven, Haskovo, Kârdjali, etc. Many of them are
Big Cave near Madara – a sanctuary of the nymphs concentrated in Northeast Bulgaria (because of the
and Heracles, Devetashkata Peshtera – a source, type of karstification of the rocks there) – the
venerated by Thracians as sacred. These sanctuaries Plateau of Shumen (Osmar, Troytsa), the Plateau of
have been studied by many explorers. Madara and Provadiya, the regions of Targovishte,
B. Dyakovich studied the Thracian sanctu- Razgrad, Silistra, Varna (best known is Aladja
ary near the cave Tsarna, Novosel (1905); V. Manastir), Russe, South Dobrudja, in the area of
Dobruski (1907), and later G. Katsarov (1910, Kamen Bryag village (Yaylata), cape Kaliakra and
1925) studied the sanctuary in the cave near the Tyulenovo. Such have been discovered in the area
karstic source Glava Panega, Lovech Distr.: N. of Russenski Lom, in the gorge of Provadiyska
Mushmov related on the sacred caves in Bulgaria Reka River from Provadiya to Kosovo Railway
(1924). G. Antonov wrote about the distribution Station (studied by Ara Margos in 1979). Entire
of the cave-sanctuaries in Bulgaria and the histo- monastery complexes have been found on the cliffs
riography of their study (1977, 1979, 1981). of Dobrudja Black Sea Coast. They were surveyed
The use of caves as a cult space took place in by the brothers Škorpil as early as 18 and the
later historical times. Such are the rock monaster- results were published in Sbornik Narodni
ies, crypts, monk cells and churches, covering a Umotvoreniya (a Collection of Popular Sayings).
large time span – from 5th to 14th century and later. Of particular importance are the rock mon-
The monk dwellings were initially built in natural asteries in the area of the village Ivanovo, Russe,

64 Paintings in the cave Magura – photo Mihail Kvartirnikov

District. They are remarkable with their poly- ies in the areas of Provadiya, Nikopol, Karlukovo,
chrome wall paintings from 12–14th century. As Beli Lom valley, Razgrad and others. Medieval
objects of exceptional artistic value the monaster- graffiti from Northwest Bulgaria have been studied
ies of Ivanovo have been included in the World by M. Asparuhov (1984) in the caves near Debovo,
Cultural Heritage List of UNESCO. Musselievo and Zhernov Pleven District, and the
The study of the rock dwellings started as rock church near Nikopol. The graffiti in the caves
early as the end of 19th century. In 1896 the book near Provadiya have been studied also by I. Gal-
of K. and H. Škorpil “Primitive Men in Bulgaria” abov (1966) and N. Panayotov (1977). P. Detev
was published, where we find the first detailed worked in the cave Topchika (1967). A generaliza-
descriptions of artificially elaborated rock monas- tion on the medieval drawings and graffiti, some of
teries in Dobrudja, Bulgarian North Black Sea them from caves, was made by Ovcharov (1982).
Coast, the areas of Provadiya, Shumen and the The graffiti in the many caves and niches in
valley of Russenski Lom. the hills Sredniya Kamik and Govedarnika near
Ivan Velkov studied the cave church Ipandi the village Tsarevets, Vratsa Distr., are particular-
near the village Mihalich, Haskovo District ly interesting. Here, over 1000 anthropomorphic
(1933). Later, K. Miyatev (1936), P. Kamburov and zoomorphic pictures, solar signs and inscrip-
(1985), Maslev (1959, 1963), A. Margos (1970, tions, recording events from Medieval times have
1976, 1983), Valov (1978), G. Atanassov (1984- been discovered. This locality was recorded by
1993) and others also explored the cave churches the geographer M. Michev (1962) and was stud-
along Russenski Lom. ied in turn by P. and B. Tranteev (1971-72), S.
At the same time, many researchers paid Bogdanov (1976), expeditions of Akademik –
attention to the Medieval graffiti drawings and Sofia Caving Club and NEK – UNESCO (1979-
signs. K. Škorpil (1904) documented the inscrip- 80), V. Nikolov (1980), M. Asparuhov (1984), T.
tions from the rock monasteries near Krepcha, Stoychev and M. Zlatkova (1986–1987) and T.
Targovishte Distr. K. Popkonstantinov (1977) dat- Stoychev (1988–2000).
ed them to the first half of 10th century (922) at the It becomes clear from the brief survey that
earliest. Of special interest are also “the royal caves are important for the archaeological science

inscriptions” from 13–14th century in the rock in Bulgaria and their study is contributing a lot to
church of Royak near Varna (Margos, 1971). the knowledge of the cultural heritage of Bulgar-
A. Margos is among the most active re- ia. This makes it even more important and urgent
searchers of the rock graffiti in the cave monaster- to protect the caves for the future generations.


Rock art in the caves near Tzarevetz, Vratsa area – photo Nikolay Genov 65

Paleontological studies in Bulgarian caves is especially true for the small mammals. In their
started at the end of 19th century with the excava- study substantial progress has been achieved thanks
tions carried out in the caves Polichki and Toplya to the efforts and the high qualification of Dr Vassil
by Yurinich (1891), Bonchev (1900) and Stoy- Popov. Before his work some data on the fossil and
anov (1904). The fundamental research in the subfossil small mammals have been published by
Archaeology, as well as in the Paleontology of Woloszyn (1982), Kowalski (1982); Kowalski &
Bulgarian caves in the first half of 20th century is Nadachowski (1982), as result of the excavations in
due to Prof. Rafail Popov (paleontological publi- the cave Bacho Kiro by the expedition of the
cations from 1904 to 1939). During these 35 years Jagiellonian University (Poland) and the Museum in
R. Popov recorded many species of large mam- Gabrovo in 1971-75. The book on this expedition
mals in the caves Morovitsa, Temnata Dupka and (Kozlowski, Ed., 1982) contains also data on the
other caves in Karlukovo area, Mirizlivka, Toplya, fossil birds (Z. Boheñski), Molluscs (E. Stworze-
the caves near Dryanovo, on the Plateau of Belya- wicz), Amphibia and Reptilia (M. Mlynarski), In-
kovets and Shumen, etc. Meanwhile, some other sectivora (B. Rzebik-Kowalska), Lagomorpha (L.
authors – Petkov (1926, 1958), Markov (1951, Sych), Carnivora (T. Wiszniowska), Rhinocerotidae
1963), Bakalov & Nikolov (1964), undertook the (H. Kubiak), Equidae (A. Forsten) and Artiodactyla
study of the fossils of large mammals in Bulgari- (H. Kubiak, A. Nadachowski). The most recent
an caves. The essential collections of fossils of general survey of fossil mammals was done by V.
large mammals are housed in the National Muse- Popov in vol. 27 (Mammals) of the series Fauna
um of Natural History in Sofia. In this Museum Bulgarica (Peshev, Peshev & Popov, 2004).

Dr Ivan Nikolov worked until his death in 1982. From 1983 to 2004 V. Popov recorded many
Now the Museum has a Paleontological branch in species of rodents, insectivores and bats from
Assenovgrad and boasts some of the most quali- caves. Part of the results obtained were analysed

fied specialists in large mammals from the Qua- in his article on the proceedings of the Fourth
ternary (Dr Nikolay Spassov) and birds (Dr Zla- National Conference of Speleology in Varna
tozar Boev, DSc). (1983). In this article 53 taxons of small mam-
In his report before the Scientific Conference mals from 18 caves and niches are recorded.
of BFS in 1976 Nikolov (1977) made a review of Some of them (Morovitsa, Temnata Dupka near
the finds of fossil mammal fauna in Bulgarian Karlukovo, Mirizlivka near Oreshets) had been

caves. According to him, 32 mammal species had excavated first by Rafail Popov, but the small

been recorded from 36 caves. The list in his paper mammals were not studied. The cave Mechata
contains many obsolete, wrongly written Latin Dupka near Bov (Zhelen) was explored also by
names (Ivan Nikolov was a mine engineer) and Nedelcho Petkov. In the articles on the archeolog-
contains very few small mammals. The remains of ical results from the excavation of the caves near
birds, reptiles, fishes, molluscs, as well as of small Lovech, Pesht near Staro Selo, Parnitsite, Moro-

mammals remained unidentified. The list of Ni- vitsa, Golyamata Mikrenska Peshtera and others
kolov is incomplete, as he obviously did not take the Archeologist N. Dzhambazov (1919–1982)
into account the detailed list of Popov (1936). In also reported some remains of large mammals and
another generalizing paper Nikolov (1983) record- other animals. Meanwhile, the well known school
ed paleontological founds from 71 caves. The teacher and speleologist from Chepelare Dimitar
number of the mammals enumerated is different Raychev and Y. Raicheva also carried out excava-
from the previous article of Nikolov – 30 species, 6 tions in the caves in the Rhodopes and published
identified as “sp.” and the group Primates. some data on the fossils found there. Unfortunate-
Meanwhile, new research on fossils from ly, in many of the “bear caves” in Bulgaria, where
66 Bulgarian caves took place on a modern basis. This large and impressive bones of cave bears are
found, “excavations” by amateur cavers or chance Quaternary mammals, known from Bulgari-
visitors or by groups of “exploring” school chil- an caves (after Boev, 1994 to 2002, Djambazov,
dren take place and damage the sites. One such 1957 to 1981, Forsten, 1982, Garrod, 1939, Kow-
indiscriminately excavated cave is Svinskata alski & Nadachowski, 1982, Kowalski, 1982,
Dupka near Lakatnik. Often such “enthusiasts” Kubiak, 1982, Kubiak & Nadachowski, 1982,
are led even by their teachers who sincerely Markov, 1951, 1963, Nikolov, 1977, 1983, Pet-
believe that by such excavations they are contrib- kow, 1926, 1958, Popov R., 1904 to 1939, Popov
uting to science. Actually, the result is just the V., 1983 – 2004, Raychev, 2002 and other publ.,
opposite – the site is lost and the material collect- Raycheva, 1983, Stoyanov, 1904, Sych, 1982,
ed, even though placed in a school exposition, is Wiszniowska, 1982, Woloszyn, 1982).
very soon destroyed. If not conserved properly in
suitable liquids, the bones dry out, crack and are Order Insectivora
very soon disintegrated. Another damage is the Erinaceus concolor Martin – Mecha dupka
disturbance of the layers, the throwing out of the (Bov), Strelite
“useless” earth, often containing even more im- Erinaceus sp. – Temnata dupka (Karlukovo)
portant bones of small animals (some of them Desmana sp. – Kozarnika, Futyovskata peshtera
new for science). This earth should be sifted Beremendia fissidens (Petenyi) – Kozarnika, Fu-
horizontally, layer by layer, and well documented. tyovskata peshtera
If fossils are seen in the cave clay, the correct Sorex araneus L. – Mecha dupka (Bov), Moro-
thing to do is to inform the specialists and to help vitsa, Novata (Bosnek), Strelite, Borik-
them, but always under their guidance. ovskata peshtera, Temnata dupka (Karluko-
Very substantial progress is also being vo), Kozarnika, Razhishkata peshtera, Ba-
achieved in the paleontology of bird remains in cho Kiro
caves. The papers of Boheñski (1982), Mlikovsky S. cf. araneus L. – Morovitsa
(1997) and, most of all, of Zlatozar Boev (from S. subaraneus Heller – Morovitsa
1994) contain data on more than 160 bird species S. cf. subaraneus Heller – Kozarnika
from the Pleistocene found in cave deposits (18 S. minutissimus Zimmermann – Cherdjenitsa,
caves). According to the analysis of Boev (2001), Morovitsa, Futyovskata peshtera

the bird taxa from the Pleistocene have been S. cf. minutissimus Zimmermann – Morovitsa
found in Bulgarian caves as follows: Razhishkata S. minutus L. – Mecha dupka (Bov), Morovitsa,
peshtera (39 taxa), Toplya (3), Kozarskata pesh- Novata (Bosnek), Strelite, Borikovskata
tera (5), Tsareva Tsarkva (4), Mirizlivka (3), peshtera, Temnata dupka (Karlukovo),
Mechata dupka (1), Filipovskata peshtera (30), Kozarnika, Bacho Kiro
Devetashkata peshtera (136), Karlukovo 4 Cave S. ex gr. runtonensis Hinton – Cherdjenitsa
(2), Temnata dupka (38 – Late Pleistocene, 8 – Neomys fodiens Pennant – Mecha dupka (Bov),
Early Pleistocene), Cave 16 (52), Bacho Kiro Novata (Bosnek), Strelite, Temnata dupka
(23), Kozarnika (43), Morovitsa (8), Cherdzhenit- (Karlukovo), Bacho Kiro

sa (3). Besides, many other mammals, birds and N. anomalus Cabrera – Cherdjenitsa, Bacho Kiro
other vertebrates were found in clay filled karstic N. cf. anomalus Cabrera – Temnata dupka (Kar-
fissures, which are not caves (s.str.), or from lukovo)
destroyed caves (Muselievo, Varshets, Varbeshnit- Neomys sp. – Kozarnika

sa). These founds are not analysed here. Crocidura leucodon (Hermann) – Cherdjenitsa,
The results of the study of the fossil and Razhishkata peshtera (Lakatnik), Mecha

subfossil animals, found in Bulgarian caves, al- dupka (Stoilovo), Borikovskata peshtera,
lowed the specialists (most of all V. Popov, Z. Temnata dupka (Karlukovo)
Boev, N. Spassov) to reconstruct the paleoenvi- Crocidura suaveolens (Pallas) – Cherdjenitsa
ronment in many regions of Bulgaria and contrib- Crocidura cf. zorzii Pasa – Morovitsa
uted to better understanding of the history of Crocidura sp. – Temnata dupka, Morovitsa, Gini-

Bulgarian biota, especially durung the Pleis- nata peshtera, Bacho Kiro
tocene and the Holocene. Certainly, many other Talpa europaea L. – Cherdjenitsa, Devetashkata
cave localities remain to be excavated and stud- peshtera, Morovitsa, Mecha dupka (Bov),
ied. Cavers can help the scientists in this task. Mecha dupka (Stoilovo), Novata (Bosnek), 67
Strelite, Borikovskata peshtera, Temnata Lepus cf. capensis L. (= L. capensis europaeus
dupka (Karlukovo), Mecha Kiro Pallas) – Mecha dupka (Bov), Devetashkata
Talpa cf. europaea L. – Mecha dupka (Bov), peshtera, Mecha dupka (Stoilovo), Borik-
Kozarnika, Morovitsa ovskata peshtera, Temnata dupka (Karluko-
vo), Kozarnika, Bacho Kiro
Order Chiroptera Lepus sp. – Kozarnika, Futyovskata peshtera
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (Schreber) – Ba- Allilepus sp. – Temnata dupka (Karlukovo)
cho Kiro, TDK (Cave 15, Cave 16) Hypolagus brachignathus Kormos – Temnata
Rh. ex gr. ferrumequinum (Schreber) – Temnata dupka (Karlukovo), Kozarnika, Futy-
dupka (Karlukovo), Futyovskata peshtera ovskayta peshtera
Rh. euryale Blasius – Bacho Kiro Ochotona pusilla Pallas – Temnata dupka (Kar-
Myotis myotis (Borkhausen) – Bacho Kiro lukovo), Kozarnika, Mecha dupka (Bov),
M. blythi (Tomes) – Bacho Kiro Bacho Kiro
M. cf. blythi (Tomes) – Borikovskata peshtera Ochotona sp. cf. pusilla Pallas – Mecha dupka
M. bechsteini (Kuhl) – Bacho Kiro, TDK (Tem- (Bov), Cherdjenitsa, Mecha dupka (Stoilo-
nata dupka – Karlukovo, includes Cave 15 vo), Kozarnika, Morovitsa
and Cave 16) Ochotona polonica Sych – Temnata dupka (Kar-
M. nattereri (Kuhl) – Bacho Kiro, TDK (Cave 16) lukovo)
M. mystacinus (Kuhl) – TDK (Cave 16), Razh- Order Rodentia
ishkata peshtera Sciurus vulgaris L. – Novata (Bosnek), Mecha
M. brandti (Eversmann)/daubentoni (Kuhl) – dupka (Stoilovo)
TDK (Cave 16) Spermophilus citellus (L.) – Novata (Bosnek)
M. dasycneme (Boie) – Bacho Kiro Spermophilus (= Citellus) sp., cf. citellus L.) –
M. cf. gundersheimensis Heller – Kozarnika Golyamata and Malkata caves near Veliko
Plecotus austriacus (Fischer) – TDK (Cave 15) Tarnovo, Malkata peshtera near Belyak-
P. cf. auritus (L.) – TDK (Cave 15), Bacho Kiro ovets, Cherdjenitsa, Mecha dupka (Stoilo-
Barbastella leucomelas Cretzschmar – TDK vo), Borikovskata peshtera, Temnata dupka

(Cave 16), Bacho Kiro (sub “B. cf. scha- (Karlukovo), Kozarnika, Morovitsa, Mecha
dleri” – see Woloszyn, 1982) dupka (Bov), Bacho Kiro
Nyctalus noctula (Schreber) – TDK (Cave 15, Spermophilus cf. primigenius (Kormos) – TDK

Cave 16) (Cave 15)

N. lasiopterus (Schreber) – TDK (Cave 16) Spermophilus cf. nogaici Topachevskyi – TDK
N. leisleri (Kuhl) – Razhishkata peshtera, TDK (Cave 15), Futyovskata peshtera
(Cave 16) Spermophilus sp. – Temnata dupka, Morovitsa,
Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Schreber) – TDK (Cave 15, Mecha dupka (Bov), Haydushkata peshtera,
Cave 16), Razhishkata peshtera, Bacho Kiro Vodnitsata, Gornik, Gininata peshtera, TDK

Hypsugo savii (Bonaparte) – Razhishkata peshtera (Cave 15), Futyovskata peshtera


Eptesicus serotinus (Schreber) – Bacho Kiro, Marmota sp. – Kozarnika

TDK (Cave 16), Razhishkata peshtera Glis glis (L.) – Morovitsa, Mecha dupka (Bov),
E. nilssoni (Keyserling et Blasius) – TDK (Cave Haydushkata peshtera, Vodnitsata, Gornik,
16), Razhishkata peshtera, caves near Kar- Gininata peshtera, Desni Suhi pech, Yagod-
lukovo inskata peshtera, Karnata, Borikovskata

Vespertilio murinus L. – Bacho Kiro, TDK (Cave peshtera, Cherdjenitsa, Strelite, Mecha dup-
16), Razhishkata peshtera ka (Stoilovo), Temnata dupka (Karlukovo),
Miniopterus schreibersi (Kuhl) – Bacho Kiro, Kozarnika, Bacho Kiro
TDK (Cave 16), Razhishkata peshtera Dryomys nitedula (Pallas) – Morovitsa, Cherd-
jenitsa, Strelite, Temnata dupka (Karluko-
Order Lagomorpha vo), Razhishkata peshtera, Bacho Kiro
Lepus timidus L. – ? Emenskata peshtera, Kar- Muscardinus dacicus – Temnata dupka (Karlukovo)
lukovskite peshteri and ? Vrazhi dupki near Muscardinus avellanarius L. – Mecha dupka
Lakatnik (Bov), Strelite, Borikovskata peshtera,
68 Lepus capensis L. – Morovitsa Morovitsa, Bacho Kiro
Myomimus sp. – Kozarnika pech, Borikovskata peshtera, Yagodin-
Myomimus sp. B skata peshtera, Karnata peshtera, Cherd-
Castor fiber L. – Tamnata peshtera (Targovishte jenitsa
Village), Emenskata peshtera, Temnata Sylvaemus cf. flavicollis (Melchior) – TDK
dupka (Karlukovo), Bacho Kiro, Kozarnika (Cave 15), Novata (Bosnek), Mecha dupka
Hystrix sp. – Kozarnika, Temnata dupka (Cave (Stoilovo), Borikovskata peshtera, Temnata
15), Futyovskata peshtera dupka (Karlukovo), Kozarnika, Morovitsa,
Sicista subtilis (Pallas) – Temnata dupka (Karluk- Mecha dupka (Bov), Bacho Kiro
ovo), Morovitsa, Mecha dupka (Bov), Sylvaemus cf. sylvaticus (L.) – Kozarnika, Moro-
Cherdjenitsa, Mecha dupka (Stoilovo), vitsa, Mecha dupka (Bov), Bacho Kiro
Kozarnika, Bacho Kiro Sylvaemus dominans Kretzoi – TDK (Cave 15)
Sicista sp. – Kozarnika Apodemus cf. agrarius Pallas – Mecha dupka
Allactaga jaculus – Temnata dupka (Bov)
Allactaga major (Kerr) – Devetashkata peshtera, Micromys minutus (Pallas) – Temnata dupka
Novata (Bosnek), Temnata dupka (Karluko- (Karlukovo), Morovitsa, Strelite
vo), Bacho Kiro Cricetus cricetus (L.) – Morovitsa, Desni Suhi
Nannospalax leucodon (Nordmann)(partly sub pech, TDK (Cave 15), Temnata dupka (Kar-
“Spalax typhlus Giebel”) – Golyamata lukovo), Kozarnika, Bacho Kiro
peshtera near Belyakovets, Mecha dupka C. nanus Schaub – Kozarnika, Cherdjenitsa
(Bov), Cherdjenitsa, Temnata dupka (Kar- C. runtonensis (Newton) – Temnata dupka (Kar-
lukovo), Morovitsa, Haydushkata peshtera, lukovo, incl. cave 15), Futyovskata pesh-
Kozarskata peshtera, Vrazhi dupki, Desni tera, Kozarnika,
Suhi pech, Vodnitsata, Gornik, Gininata Allocricetus bursae Schaub – Morovitsa, Futy-
peshtera, Borikovskata peshtera, Novata ovskata peshtera, Cherdjenitsa, Kozarnika
(Bosnek), Strelite, Mecha dupka (Stoilovo), Mesocricetus newtoni (Nehring) – Temnata dup-
Kozarnika, Bacho Kiro ka (Karlukovo), Morovitsa, Mecha dupka
Nannospalax sp. – TDK (Cave 15), Kozarnika (Bov), Kozarskata peshtera, Vrazhi dupki,
Nannospalax (Pliospalax) compositodontus (To- Haydushkata peshtera, Vodnitsata, Gornik,

pachevskyi) – TDK (Cave 15) Gininata peshtera, Desni Suhi pech, Borik-
Nannospalax (Pliospalax) cf. odessanus (To- ovskata peshtera, Cherdjenitsa, Novata
pachevskyi) – Futyovskata peshtera Peshtera (Bosnek), Strelite, Mecha dupka
Prospalax cf. priscus (Nehring) – Kozarnika (Stoilovo), Kozarnika, Bacho Kiro
Mus cf. hortulanus – Cherdjenitsa Cricetulus migratorius (Pallas) – Mecha dupka
Mus musculus L. – Bacho Kiro (Bov), Cherdjenitsa, Borikovskata peshtera,
Mus sp. – Temnata dupka (Karlukovo), Haydush- Novata (Bosnek), Strelite, Mecha dupka
kata peshtera, Gininata peshtera (Stoilovo), Temnata dupka (Karlukovo),
Mus cf. macedonicus Petrov et Ru iæ – Mecha Kozarnika, Morovitsa, Bacho Kiro

dupka (Stoilovo) Villania sp. – Mirizlivka, Temnata dupka (Kar-

Mus cf. spicilegus Petenyi – Temnata dupka lukovo) (?)
(Karlukovo) Arvicola terrestris (L.) – Morovitsa, Mecha dup-
Rattus rattus (L.) – Strelite ka (Bov), Kozarskata peshtera, Vrazhi dup-

Sylvaemus mystacinus (Danford et Alston) – ki, Borikovskata peshtera, Cherdjenitsa,

Novata (Bosnek), Strelite, Mecha dupka

Sylvaemus cf. mystacinus (Danford et Alston) – (Stoilovo), Temnata dupka (Karlukovo),
Mecha dupka (Bov), Futyovskata peshtera Bacho Kiro
Sylvaemus cf. uralensis (Pallas) – Temnata dup- Arvicola cf. chozaricus Alexandrova – Morovitsa
ka (Karlukovo) Arvicola cf. kalmankensis Zazhigin – Morovitsa
Sylvaemus ex gr. sylvaticus – flavicollis – Arvicola cantiana (Hinton) – Kozarnika

Temnata dupka (Karlukovo), Morovitsa, P. lenki (Heller) – Morovitsa

Mecha dupka (Bov), Haydushkata pesh- P. coronensis Mehely – Morovitsa
tera, Vodnitsata, Gornik, Gininata pesh- P. cf. simplicior Kretzoi – Cherdjenitsa
tera, Futyovskata peshtera, Desni Suhi P. cf. hungaricus Kormos – Kozarnika 69
P. cf. graecus Mehely – Futyovskata peshtera sa, Temnata dupka (Karlukovo), Kozarnika,
Ungaromys nanus Kormos – TDK (Cave 15) Mecha dupka (Stoilovo), Bacho Kiro
Clethrionomys glareolus (Schreber) – Mecha Borsodia hungarica (Kormos) – TDK (Cave 15)
dupka (Bov), Cherdjenitsa, Temnata dupka B. petenyi (Mehely) – Temnata dupka (Karlukovo)
(Karlukovo), Kozarnika B. arankoides (Alexandrova) – TDK (Cave 15)
Clethrionomys sp. – Morovitsa, Mecha dupka Kalymnomys major (Kuss et Storch) – TDK
(Bov), Kozarskata peshtera, Haydushkata (Cave 15)
peshtera, Vodnitsata, Gornik, Gininata Lagurodon arankae (Kretzoi) – TDK (Cave 15),
peshtera, Karnata peshtera Futyovskata Peshtera, Cherdjenitsa
Mimomys pliocaenicus Forsith-Major – Temnata Lagurodon praepannonicus (Topachevskyi) –
dupka (Karlukovo) TDK (Cave 15), Futyovskata Peshtera,
M. stenokorys Rabeder – TDK (Cave 15) Cherdjenitsa
M. reidi Hinton – Temnata dupka (Karlukovo) Prolagurus transylvanicus Tersea – Kozarnika,
M. pusillus (Mehely) – TDK (Cave 15), Futy- Futyovskata peshtera
ovskata peshtera, Cherdjenitsa Lagurus transiens Janossy – Kozarnika
M. cf. blanci Van den Meulen – Kozarnika Lagurus cf. transiens Janossy – Morovitsa
M. pitymyoides Janossy et Van den Meulen – L. lagurus Pallas – Cherdjenitsa, Morovitsa,
TDK (Cave 15), Futyovskata peshtera, Temnata dupka (Karlukovo), Kozarnika,
Cherdjenitsa Bacho Kiro
M. tornensis Janossy et Van den Meulen – TDK Eolagurus luteus Eversmann – Temnata dupka
(Cave 15) (Karlukovo), incl. Cave 16
Mimomys sp. – Temnata dupka (Karlukovo) E. gromovi Topatchevsky – Morovitsa
Villania sp.
Microtus arvalis Pallas – Bacho Kiro Order Carnivora
Microtus arvalis/agrestis – Cherdjenitsa, Temna- Wolf (Canis lupus L.) – Bacho Kiro (Malkata
ta dupka (Karlukovo), Kozarnika, Mecha peshtera), Svinskata Dupka, Mirizlivka,
dupka (Bov), Mecha dupka (Stoilovo) Malkata peshtera near Veliko Târnovo,

Microtus arvalinus Hinton – Morovitsa, Kozarnika Mladenova Propast, Toplya

Microtus cf. agrestis (L.) – Kozarnika Dog (Canis familiaris L.) – Bacho Kiro (Malkata
Microtus gregalis (Pallas) – Kozarnika peshtera), Razhishkata (Suhata) Peshtera,

Microtus cf. gregalis (Pallas) – Morovitsa Golyamata Peshtera near Veliko Târnovo, Suhi
Microtus arvalidens Kretzoi – Kozarnika, Moro- Pech, Raztsepenata Peshtera, Popin Pchelin
vitsa [Jackal (Canis aureus L.) – Mladenova propast,
Microtus oeconomus Pallas – Bacho Kiro Lednitsata (Dobrostan), Toplya. According
Microtus cf. oeconomus Pallas – Kozarnika to Spassov (1989), there are no remains of
Microtus pliocaenicus (Kormos) – Futyovskata jackals in Bulgarian caves].

peshtera Fox (Vulpes vulpes L.) – Bacho Kiro (Malkata


Microtus burgondiae (Chaline) – Futyovskata peshtera), Golyamata Peshtera near Veliko

peshtera, Cherdjenitsa Târnovo, Mirizlivka, Golyamata Mikrenska
Microtus hintoni Kretzoi – Kozarnika peshtera
Microtus deucalion (Kretzoi) – TDK (Cave 15) Polar Fox (Alopex lagopus L.) – Bacho Kiro
Microtus subterraneus (Selys – Longch.) – Red Dog (Cuon alpinus Pallas) – Bacho Kiro

Mecha dupka (Bov), Cherdjenitsa, Razhish- Wild Cat (Felis silvestris Schreber (sub F. catus
kata peshtera, Morovitsa, Novata (Bosnek), L.) – The caves near Krumovi Porti, Magu-
Strelite, Mecha dupka (Stoilovo), Borik- ra, Kozarnika (Suhi Pech), Toplya, Razhish-
ovskata peshtera, Temnata dupka (Karluko- kata peshtera, Yagodinskata Peshtera
vo), Kozarnika, Bacho Kiro Lynx (Lynx lynx L.) – Borikovskata peshtera
“Pitymys” arvaloides – Morovitsa, Temnata dup- Leopard (Panthera pardus L.) – Triâgâlnata
ka (Karlukovo) Peshtera, Bacho Kiro
Dolomys dalmatinus Kormos – Kozarnika Cave Lion (Panthera spelaea Goldfuss) – Temna-
Chionomys nivalis (Martins) – Mecha dupka (Bov), ta dupka (Karlukovo), Bacho Kiro, Svinskata
70 Cherdjenitsa, Razhishkata peshtera, Morovit- Dupka (Lakatnik, Spassov, pers. com.)
Brown Bear (Ursus arctos L.) – from the caves Dryanovo, the caves near Karlukovo,
Mirizlivka, Malkata Peshtera near Veliko Golyamata and Malkata caves near Belya-
Târnovo, Borikovskata Peshtera, Popin Pch- kovets, Temnata dupka (Karlukovo),
elin, Malkata Peshtera near Belyakovets, Borikovskata Peshtera
Razhishkata (Suhata) Peshtera, Magura, Badger (Meles meles L.) – Toplya, the caves
Pesht near Staro Selo, Temnata dupka (Kar- near Krumovi Porti, Kozarnika (Suhi
lukovo), Bacho Kiro Pech), Razhishkata (Suhata) peshtera,
Cave Bear (Ursus spelaeus Blumenbach) – Tsarskata Peshtera, Emenskata Peshtera,
Mecha Dupka (Bov), Bacho Kiro (Malka- Magura, Popin Pchelin, Temnata dupka
ta Peshtera), Toplya, Temnata Dupka (Karlukovo)
(Karlukovo), Devetashkata peshtera, Pine Marten (and/or Martes foina Erxleben)
Triâgâlnata peshtera, Borikovskata pesh- (Martes martes L.) – Toplya, Razhishkata
tera, Orlova Chuka, Boevskata peshtera, (Suhata) Peshtera, Kozarnika (Suhi Pech),
Potoka, Razhishkata (Suhata) peshtera, Bacho Kiro, Yagodinskata Peshtera
Svinskata Dupka, Golyamata peshtera Polecat (Mustela putorius L.) – Golyamata and
near Veliko Târnovo, Malkata Peshtera Malkata caves near Belyakovets, Temnata
near Veliko Târnovo, Mirizlivka, Kozarni- dupka (Karlukovo), Bacho Kiro
ka (Suhi Pech), Desni Suhi Pech, Mladen- Stoat (M. erminea L.) – Bacho Kiro
ova Propast, Magura, Lucifer, Slivova Weasel (M. nivalis L.) – Devetashkata peshtera
dupka, Gorni Razh 1
Cave Hyaena (Crocuta spelaea Goldfuss) – Order Primates – Devetashka peshtera, Razhish-
Mirizlivka, Golyamata and Malkata caves kata (Suhata) peshtera, Svinskata Dupka,
near Veliko Tarnovo, Morovitsa, Magura, Snezhanka, Tsarskata peshtera, Emenskata
Bacho Kiro (= Malkata Peshtera) near peshtera, Magura, Mladenova Propast (ex-


Scull of cave bear – photo Atanas Russev 71

cept of genus Homo, no other primates have Fallow Deer (Dama dama L.) – Triâgâlnata
been identified from Bulgarian caves) peshtera, Borikovskata Peshtera
Order Proboscidea Giant Deer (Megaloceros giganteus Blumen-
Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius Blum.) – bach) – Temnata dupka (Karlukovo), Bacho
Mladenova Propast, Golyamata Peshtera Kiro
near Veliko Târnovo, caves in Karlukovo Elk (Alces alces L.) – Temnata dupka (Karluko-
Order Perissodactyla Alces sp. – Bacho Kiro
Horse (Equus caballus L.) – Mecha Dupka Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) – Golyamata
(Bov), Temnata Dupka (Karlukovo), Magu- Listsa, Bacho Kiro (Malkata peshtera near
ra, Emenskata peshtera, Mirizlivka, Dryanovo), Magura, Golyamata and Malka-
Golyamata peshtera near Veliko Târnovo, ta caves near Belyakovets, Prohodna,
Mladenova Propast, Popin Pchelin, Par- Borikovskata Peshtera, Orlova Chuka,
nitsite, Golyamata Mikrenska peshtera (the Toplya and Andaka (Golyamata peshtera),
true nature of the horse remains from the Golyamata Mikrenska peshtera, Yagodin-
older founds, published as “E. caballus skata Peshtera
fossilis” is not known) Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L.) – Polichki
Equus germanicus Nehring – Temnata dupka Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra L.) – Temnata
(Karlukovo), Bacho Kiro Dupka (Karlukovo), Malkata peshtera (Ve-
Equus cf. stenonis – Temnata dupka (Karlukovo) liko Tarnovo), Bacho Kiro
Wild Ass (Equus hydruntinus Regalia) – Temna- Capricorne (Capra ibex L.)(partly published sub
ta dupka (Karlukovo), Bacho Kiro “Capra aegagrus Erxleben”; according to
Rhinocerus (Stephanorhinus, sub “Dicerorhi- Spassov, 1982, all records of Capra ae-
nus” cf. hemitoechus Falconer) – Mecha gagrus in Bulgaria represent actually C.
dupka (Stoilovo), Bacho Kiro ibex) – Temnata Dupka (Karlukovo), Razh-
Rhinocerus (Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis ishkata (Suhata) peshtera, Bacho Kiro,
Jäger = Rhinoceros mercki Kaup) – Mlade- Emenskata peshtera, Mirizlivka, Kozarnika

nova Propast (Suhi Pech), Tâmnata peshtera (Targovish-

Rhinocerus (Coelodonta antiquitatis Blumen- te), Triâgâlnata peshtera (Borino)
bach = Rh. tichorhinus Cuvier) – Malkata Capra sp. – Temnata Dupka, Borikovskata pesh-

Peshtera (Veliko Tarnovo), Mirizlivka tera, Razhishkata (Suhata) peshtera,

Emenskata peshtera, Kozarnika (Suhi
Order Artiodactyla Pech), Parnitsite
Wild Boar (Sus scropha L.) – Borikovskata Sheep (Ovis aries Pallas) – Razhishkata (Suhata)
Peshtera, Golyamata Peshtera near Veliko peshtera, Golyamata peshtera near Veliko
Târnovo, Kozarnika (Suhi Pech), Emenska- Târnovo, Tsarskata peshtera, Emenskata

ta Peshtera, Magura, Mladenova Propast, peshtera, Popin Pchelin


Golyamata Mikrenska peshtera, Bacho Ovis sp. – Temnata Dupka (Karlukovo), Borik-
Kiro, Razhishkata peshtera, Yagodinskata ovskata peshtera, Razhishkata (Suhata)
Peshtera peshtera
Red Deer (Cervus elaphus L.) – Yagodinskata Bos sp. – Razhishkata (Suhata) peshtera
Peshtera, Bacho Kiro (“Malkata Peshtera”), Cattle (Bos taurus L.) – Temnata Dupka (Karluk-

Toplya, Temnata Dupka (Karlukovo), Vod- ovo), Emenskata peshtera, Mirizlivka, Razt-
nitsata (Kirov Vârtop), Razhishkata (Suha- sepenata peshtera, Popin Pchelin, Golyama-
ta) Peshtera, Svinskata Dupka, Golyamata ta Mikrenska peshtera, Bacho Kiro
Peshtera near Veliko Târnovo, Emenskata Auroche (Bos primigenius Bojanus) – Golyama-
Peshtera, Mirizlivka, Kozarnika (Suhi ta and Malkata caves near Veliko Tarnovo,
Pech), Mladenova Propast, Golyamata Mik- Magura, Borikovskata peshtera, the caves
renska peshtera, Magura near Karlukovo, Golyamata and Malkata
Cervus cf. philisi Schaub – Temnata dupka (Kar- caves near Belyakovets, Harlovata peshtera,
lukovo) Tsarskata peshtera, Popin Pchelin, Temnata
72 Dupka (Karlukovo), Mladenova Propast
Here is a review (according to districts) of familiaris, Vulpes vulpes, Ursus spelaeus, Crocu-
the caves with paleontological excavations, with ta spelaea, Mustela erminea, M. putorius, Martes
notes on these caves. martes, Panthera pardus, P. spelaeus, Stephan-
orhinus cf. hemitoechus, Equus germanicus, E.
hydruntinus, Sus scrofa, Megaloceros giganteus,
Burgas Cervus elaphus, Alces sp., Capreolus capreolus,
Mecha dupka – cave near Stoilovo Village Capra ibex, Rupicapra rupicapra, Bos taurus
(Strandja Mt.). Founds: mammals – Talpa cf. Polichki – Cave near Dryanovski Monas-
europaea, Mus cf. macedonicus, Ochotona pusil- tery. Length 46 m. Excavations: Yurinich (1890).
la, Spermophilus cf. citellus, Sciurus vulgaris, Founds: mammals – Ursus spelaeus, Rangifer
Glis glis, Nannospalax leucodon, Sicista subtilis, tarandus, Bos sp., “Sus scrofa ferus”
Rattus sp., Mus sp., Sylvaemus cf. flavicollis,
Sylvaemus cf. sylvaticus, Mesocricetus newtoni,
Cricetulus migratorius, Arvicola terrestris, Mi- Lovech
crotus subterraneus, Chionomys nivalis, Ursus Toplya – cave near Golyama Zhelyazna
spelaeus, Stephanorhinus cf. hemitoechus Village. Length 462 m. Excavations: M. Koychev,
G. Bonchev and I. Stoyanov (1898, 1899, 1900).
Founds: mammals – Castor fiber, Canis lupus,
Gabrovo [Canis aureus], Felis silvestris, Ursus spelaeus,
Andaka (Golyamata Peshtera) – cave U. arctoideus, Meles meles, Martes martes, Eq-
near Dryanovski Monastery. Length 4000 m. uus sp., Cervus elaphus, Capreolus capreolus,
Founds: mammals – Capreolus capreolus Bos primigenius
Bacho Kiro (Malkata Peshtera) – cave Futyovskata Peshtera – cave near Kar-
near Dryanovski Monastery. Length 3500 m. Ex- pachevo Village. Length 700 m. Founds: mam-
cavations: D. Garod and R. Popov (1938), Polish mals – Desmana sp., Beremendia fissidens, Sorex
expedition (1971-75). Founds: birds – Anas minutisimus, S. cf. subaraneus, Rh. ex gr. fer-
platyrhynchos, Aquila chrysaetos, Circus aerugi- rumequinum, Hypolagus brachignathus, Spermo-
nosus, Lagopus mutus, Perdix perdix, Coturnix philus cf. nogaici, Hystrix sp., Nannospalax

coturnix, Alectoris graeca, Gallus gallus, Rallus (Pliospalax) cf. odessanus, Sylvaemus cf. myst-
aquaticus, Porzana porzana, Gallinula chloro- acinus, S. ex gr. sylvaticus/flavicollis, Cricetus
pus, Bubo bubo, Ptyonoprogne rupestris, Deli- runtonensis, Allocricetus bursae, Pliomys cf.
chon urbica, Lullula arborea, Alauda arvensis, graecus, Microtus pliocaenicus, M. burgondiae,
Anthus campestris, Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax, P. Prolagurus transylvanicus, Lagurodon arankae,
graculus, Corvus monedula, C. corax; mammals L. praepannonicus, Mimomys pusillus, M. pity-
– Sorex araneus, S. minutus, Neomys fodiens, N. myoides
anomalus, Crocidura sp., Talpa europaea, Rhi- Temnata Dupka – cave near Karlukovo.
nolophus ferrumequinum, Rh. euryale, Myotis Length 215 m. Caves 15 and 16 are considered

myotis, M. blythi, M. bechsteini, M. nattereri, M. parts of the system of Temnata dupka. Excava-
dasycneme, Barbastella leucomelas [cf. darjelin- tions: R. Popov (1925, 1926), V. Popov (1980-
gensis], Pipistrellus pipistrellus, Plecotus cf. au- 1982), Bulgarian – Polish – French Expedition
ritus, Eptesicus serotinus, Vespertilio murinus, (since 1989). Founds: birds – Aquila pomarina,

Miniopterus schreibersi, Lepus cf. capensis, A. chrysaetos, Accipiter nisus, Aegypius mona-
Ochotona pusilla, Spermophilus citellus, Glis chus, Circus cyaneus, Buteo sp., Falco tinnuncu-

glis, Muscardinus avellanarius, Sicista subtilis, lus, F. vespertinus, F. cf. subbuteo, Coturnix
Allactaga major, Castor fiber, Cricetulus migra- coturnix, Perdix perdix, P. cf. paleoperdix, Alec-
torius, Mesocricetus auratus, Nannospalax leuc- toris graeca, Phasianus colchicus, Tetrao tetrix,
odon, Sylvaemus sylvaticus, S. flavicollis, Mus Lagopus lagopus/mutus, cf. Bonasa bonasia,
musculus, Cricetus cricetus, Clethrionomys glar- Porzana parva/pusilla, Crex crex, Rallus aquati-

eolus, Arvicola terrestris, Microtus arvalis/agres- cus, Gallinula chloropus, Larus cf. ridibundus,
tis, M. oeconomus, M. subterraneus, Chionomys Columba oenas, C. livia, Streptopelia turtur,
nivalis, Lagurus lagurus, Ursus arctos, U. spelae- Bubo bubo, Otus scops, Strix aluco, Asio otus/
us, Alopex lagopus, Cuon alpinus, Canis lupus, C. flammeus,? Aegolius, Apus apus, Dendrocopus 73
minor, Alauda arvensis, Lullula arborea, Anthus ta, Netta rufina, Aythya fuligula, A. nyroca, A.
trivialis, Delichon urbica, Ptyonoprogne rupes- ferina, Bucephala clangula, Melanita nigra, Aq-
tris/Riparia riparia, Lanius cf. collurio, Turdus uila pomarina, Circus aeruginosus, Buteo lago-
viscivorus, T. merula, T. philomelos, T. torqua- pus, B. buteo, Accipiter nisus, A. gentilis, Falco
tus, T. pilaris, Monticola cf. saxatilis, Oenanthe tinnunculus, F. cf. subbuteo, F. vespertinus, Tet-
oenanthe, Erithacus rubecula, Bombycilla garu- rao tetrix, T. urogallus, Lagopus lagopus, L.
lus, Cettia cetti, Lanius cf. collurio, Sitta cf. mutus/lagopus, Tetrastes bonasia, Coturnix
europaea, Carduelis cannabina, Fringilla co- coturnix, Perdix paleoperdix, P. perdix, Phasian-
elebs, Loxia curvirostra, Luscinia cf. megarhyn- us colchicus, Alectoris graeca/chukar, Gallinula
chos., Sturnus vulgaris, Pyrrhula pyrrhula, Em- chloropus, Crex crex, Rallus aquaticus, Porzana
beriza sp., Passer montanus, Nuciphraga caryo- pusilla, Tetrax tetrax, Otis/Tetrax, Vanellus
catactes, Pica pica, Corvus monedula, C. frugi- vanellus, Recurvirostra avosetta, Himantopus
legus, C. corax, Pyrrhocorax graculus; mam- himantopus, Philomachos pugnax, Pluvialis
mals – Sorex minutus, S. minutissimus, S. ara- squatarola, Numenius phaeopus/tenuirostris,
neus, Crocidura leucodon, Neomys fodiens, Tal- Actitis hypoleucos, Tringa totanus, T. ochropus,
pa europaea, Rhinolophus ex gr. ferrumequi- T. stagnatilis, T. nebularia, Calidris alba, Limo-
num, Ochotona sp. cf. pusilla, Ochotona poloni- sa limosa, Gallinago media, G. gallinago, Scol-
ca, Hypolagus brachignathus, Trischizolagus, opax rusticola, Sterna hirundo, Sterna sp.,
Spermophilus cf. primigenius, S. cf. nogaici, Larus cf. canus, Larus cf. ridibundus, Chli-
Spermophilus citellus, Muscardinus avellanari- donias sp., Gelochelidon cf. nilotica, cf. Nyctea
us, Dryomys nitedula, Glis glis, Sicista subtilis, scandiaca, Athene noctua, Aegolius funereus,
Allactaga major, Hystrix sp., Nannospalax Asio otus, A. flammeus, ? Surnia ulula, Strix
(Pliospalax) compositodontus, Nannospalax aluco, Strix aff. nebulosa, Glaucidium passeri-
leucodon, Sylvaemus mystacinus, Sylvaemus ex num, Columba livia, Cuculus canorus, Apus
gr. sylvaticus/flavicollis, S. dominans, Cricetus apus, Dendrocopus major, D. aff. minor, Alauda
cricetus, Allocricetus bursae, Cricetulus migra- arvensis, Lullula arborea, Eremophila alpestris,
torius, Mesocricetus newtoni, Pliomys kretzoii, Ptyonoprogne rupestris/Riparia riparia, Hirun-

Clethrionomys glareolus, Lagurus lagurus, Mi- do rupestris, Anthus trivialis, Sylvia communis,
crotus subterraneus, Microtus gr. arvalis/agres- Ficedula cf. albicollis, Turdus merula, T. vis-
tis, Microtus cf. gregalis, Microtus (Allophai- civorus, T. iliacus, T. philomelos, Pyrrhula pyr-

omys) deucalion, Chionomys nivalis, Arvicola rhula, Coccothraustes coccothraustes, Sturnus

terrestris, Borsodia hungarica, B. arankoides, vulgaris, Garrulus glandarius, Corvus monedu-
Lagurodon praepannonicus, L. arankae, Kalym- la, C. corone, C. frugilegus, C. corax, Nucifraga
nomys major, Mimomys pitymyoides, M. pusil- caryocatactes, Pica pica, Pyrrhocorax graculus,
lus, M. tomensis M. stenokorys, M. reidi, Castor P. pyrrhocorax; mammals – Mustela nivalis, ?
fiber, Ursus spelaeus, “Equus caballus fossilis”, M. erminea, Lepus europaeus, Talpa europaea,

Equus cf. stenonis, Cervus elaphus, Cervus cf. Allactaga (?) major, Ursus spelaeus, Primates

philisi, Megaloceros giganteus, Alces alces, Cherdjenitsa – cave near Karlukovo.

Rupicapra rupicapra, Capra ibex [sub “ae- Length 45 m. Excavations: V. Popov (1985).
gagrus”], Capra ibex, Ovis sp., Bos taurus, Bos Founds: birds – Coturnix coturnix, Dendrocopus
primigenius minor, Hirundo rustica, H. daurica, Ptyono-
Karlukovo 4 – cave near Karlukovo. progne rupestris, Riparia riparia, Lanius collu-

Founds: birds – Turdus sp., Pyrrhocorax gracu- rio, Cinclus cinclus, Turdus merula, T. philome-
lus; mammals – 28 spp. los, Monticola cf. saxatilis, Sylvia cf. atricapilla,
Prohodna – cave near Karlukovo. Length Pyrrhula pyrrhula, Carduelis cannabina, Passer
262 m. Founds: mammals – Capreolus capreolus cf. domesticus, Anthus sp., Phylloscopus sibila-
Devetashkata Peshtera – cave near De- trix; mammals – Sorex minutissimus, S. runton-
vetaki. Length 2442 m. Excavations: S. Ivanova ensis, Neomys anomalus, Crocidura leucodon, C.
(1996); Founds: birds – Podiceps cristatus, P. suaveolens, Talpa europaea, Beremendia fis-
griseigena, Anser cf. erythropus, Branta ruficol- sidens, Ochotona cf. pusilla, Spermophilus sp.,
lis, Anas platyrhynchos, A. crecca, A. penelope, Nannospalax leucodon, Sicista subtilis, Sylvae-
74 A. acuta, A. querquedula, A. strepera, A. clypea- mus sylvaticus/flavicollis, Allocricetus bursae,
Cricetus nanus, Glis glis, Dryomys nitedula, Vit Caves (Vachovata Dupka, Srednata
Pliomys cf. simplicior, Clethrionomys glareolus, Dupka and Ochilata) – caves near Aglen Vilage.
Lagurodon praepannonicus, L. arankae, Mi- Excavations: N. Djambazov (1959–1960).
momys pitymyoides, M. pusillus, Microtus plio-
caenicus, M. subterraneus, M. burgondiae, M.
arvalis/agrestis, Chionomys nivalis, Lagurus Pazardjik
lagurus Snezhanka – Cave near Peshtera Town.
Parnitsite – Cave near Bezhanovo. Length Length 230 m. Founds: mammals – Primates
2500 m. Excavations: N. Djambazov (1960).
Founds: mammals – “Equus caballus”, Bos sp.,
Capra sp., Cervus sp. Pernik
Gornik – cave near Krushuna Village. Novata Peshtera – cave near Bosnek Vil-
Length: 1074 m. Founds: mammals – Spermo- lage. Founds: mammals – Talpa europaea, Sorex
philus sp., Glis glis, Nannospalax leucodon, Syl- araneus, S. minutus, Neomys fodiens, Lepus cf.
vaemus sylvaticus/flavicollis, Mesocricetus new- capensis, Spermophilus cf. citellus, Sciurus vul-
toni, Clethrionomys sp., garis, Muscardinus avellanarius, Glis glis, Nan-
Golyamata Mikrenska peshtera – Cave nospalax leucodon, Sylvaemus flavicollis, Me-
near Mikre. Length 1921 m. Excavations: N. socricetus newtoni, Cricetulus migratorius,
Djambazov (1960). Founds: mammals – Vulpes Clethrionomys glareolus, Arvicola terrestris, Mi-
vulpes, Bos taurus, Cervus elaphus, Capreolus crotus subterraneus
capreolus, Sus scrofa, S. scrofa domestica, “Eq- Filipovskata (Mislovishka) Peshtera –
uus caballus”. cave near Filipovtsi Village. Length: 83 m. Exca-
Morovitsa – cave near Glozhene. Length vations and collecting: R. Pandurska, I. Pandurs-
3250 m. Excavations: M. Koychev (1909), R. ki (1995), Z. Boev (1993). Founds: birds –
Popov (1912), N. Djambazov (1955). Founds: Falco sp. (gr. tinnunculus), Lagopus cf. lagopus,
birds: Perdix perdix, Alectoris graeca, Coturnix Tetrao tetrix, Coturnix coturnix, Perdix cf. per-
coturnix, Alauda arvensis, Pyrrhocorax graculus; dix, Phasianus colchicus, Athene noctua, Hirun-
mammals – Sorex araneus, S. subaraneus, S. cf. do rustica, Sitta europaea, Prunella modularis,

minutissimus, S. minutus, Talpa europaea, Dryo- Erythacus rubecula, Carduelis sp., Pyrrhula
mys nitedula, Glis glis, Sicista subtilis, Nanno- pyrrula, Sturnus vulgaris, Corvus monedula,
spalax leucodon, Sylvaemus ex gr. sylvaticus/ Pyrrhocorax graculus, P. pyrrhocorax, Pica
flavicollis, Clethrionomys sp., Microtus subterra- pica; mammals – Glis glis, Lepus capensis,
neus, Chionomys nivalis, cf. Micromys minutus, Vulpes vulpes, Chiroptera
Cricetus cricetus, Allocricetus bursae, Me- Tsareva Tsarkva Cave – cave near Zeleni-
socricetus newtoni, Arvicola terrestris, Pliomys grad Village. Excavations: Z. Boev (1994).
lenki, Lagurus lagurus, L. cf. transiens, Eolagu- Founds: birds – Falco subbuteo, Coturnix
rus luteus, Ursus spelaeus, Crocuta spelaea, Cer- coturnix, Corvus monedula, Pyrrhocorax gracu-

vus elaphus, Capreolus capreolus, “Sus scrofa lus; mammals – Ursus spelaeus
ferus”, Bos taurus, Ovis aries Zelenigradskata peshtera – cave near Ze-
Lovech Caves – caves in the park Bashbu- lenigrad Village. Excavations: Z. Boev (1993,
nar near Lovech (Tabashkata peshtera, Vassil 1994). Founds: birds – Falco cf. tinnunculus,

Levski, Malkata peshtera and others). Excava- Perdix perdix, Gallus gallus domestica, Bubo
tion: N. Djambazov. Founds: mammals – Lepus bubo, Fringillidae gen., Pyrrhocorax graculus,

capensis, Arvicola sp., Ursus spelaeus, Crocuta Corvus monedula; mammals – Lepus capensis,
sp., Canis lupus, C. familiaris, Vulpes vulpes, Vulpes vulpes
Martes sp., Bos primigenius, Bos taurus, Rhi- Vreloto – cave near Bosnek Village.
nocerus sp., “Equus caballus”, “E. asinus”, Length: 5280 m. Hugh ammount of unidentified
Cervus elaphus, Capreolus capreolus, Sus scro- bones.

fa, S. scrofa domestica, Capra sp., Ovis aries,

Chiroptera; Aves, Pisces, Lamellibranchiata,
Pleven others (since 1965). Founds: birds: Tetrao tetrix;
Vodnitsata (Kirov Vârtop) – cave system mammals – Glis glis, Sylvaemus ex gr. sylvati-
near Bohot Village. Length 776 m. Founds: mam- cus-flavicollis, Felis silvestris, Martes martes,
mals – Spermophilus sp., Glis glis, Nannospalax Sus scrofa, Cervus elaphus, Capreolus capreolus
leucodon, Sylvaemus ex gr. sylvaticus-flavicollis, Boevskata Peshtera – Cave near Boevo
Mesocricetus newtoni, Clethrionomys sp., Cervus Village. Length 205 m. Founds: mammals –
elaphus Ursus spelaeus
Gininata peshtera – cave near Sadovets Karnata Peshtera – cave near Yagodina
Village. Length: 501 m. Founds: mammals – Village. Length 212 m. Founds: mammals – Glis
Crocidura sp., Spermophilus sp., Glis glis, Nan- glis, Sylvaemus ex gr. sylvaticus-flavicollis,
nospalax leucodon, Mus sp., Sylvaemus ex gr. Clethrionomys sp.
sylvaticus-flavicollis, Mesocricetus newtoni, Tyovnata Dupka – cave near Zabardo Vil-
Clethrionomys sp. lage. Length 179 m. Founds: mammals – Ursus
Gorni Razh 1 – cave near Trigrad Village.
Russe Length 137 m. Excavations: D. Raychev and
Orlova Chuka – caves near Pepelina Vil- others. Founds: mammals – Ursus spelaeus
lage. Length 13 437 m. Founds: mammals – Gorni Razh 3 – cave near Trigrad Village.
Ursus spelaeus, Capreolus capreolus Length 78 m. Excavations: D. Raychev and oth-
ers. Founds: mammals – Cervus elaphus
Slivova dupka – cave near Length 212 m.
Shumen Excavations: D. Raychev. Founds: mammals –
The caves near Krumovi Porti – Founds: Ursus spelaeus
mammals – Bos taurus, Sus scrofa domestica, Felis Potoka – Cave near Potoka Quart. Excava-
silvestris, Meles meles, Mustella sp. tions: D. Raychev and others. Founds: mammals
– Ursus spelaeus
Strelite – cave near Orphey Hut. Founds:

Sliven mammals – Erinaceus concolor, Talpa europaea,

Lucifer – cave – pot hole near Kotel. Sorex araneus, S. minutus, Neomys fodiens, Cro-
Length 3200 m. Founds: mammals – Ursus cidura leucodon, Lepus cf. capensis, Muscardi-

spelaeus nus avellanarius, Dryomys nitedula, Glis glis,

Nannospalax leucodon, Rattus rattus, Mus mus-
culus, Micromys minutus, Sylvaemus cf. flavicol-
Smolyan lis, Mesocricetus newtoni, Cricetulus migratori-
Triâgâlnata Peshtera – Cave near Borino us, Clethrionomys glareolus, Arvicola terrestris,
Village. Length 105 m. Founds: mammals – Microtus subterraneus

Panthera pardus, Ursus spelaeus, Capra ibex


Borikovskata Peshtera – Cave near Borik-

ovo Village. Length 470 m. Excavations: D. Ray- Sofia
chev (1981). Founds: mammals – Talpa euro- Mecha Dupka – Cave near Zhelen Village
paea, Sorex araneus, S. minutus, Crocidura leuc- (Bov Railway Station). Length 564 m. Excava-
odon, Lepus cf. capensis, Spermophilus cf. citel- tions: N. Petkov (1948-1955) and others.

lus, Muscardinus avellanarius, Glis glis, Nanno- Founds: birds: Perdix perdix; mammals – Sorex
spalax leucodon, Sylvaemus cf. flavicollis, Me- araneus, S. minutus, Neomys fodiens, Talpa cf.
socricetus newtoni, Cricetulus migratorius, Arvi- europaea, Erinaceus concolor, Lepus capensis,
cola terrestris, Microtus subterraneus, Lynx lynx, Ochotona sp. cf. pusilla, Spermophilus sp., Glis
Ursus arctos, U. spelaeus, Crocuta spelaea, Sus glis, Muscardinus avellanarius, Sicista subtilis,
scropha, Dama dama, Capreolus capreolus, Ca- Nannospalax leucodon, Sylvaemus cf. mystaci-
pra sp., Ovis sp., Bos primigenius nus, Sylvaemus ex gr. sylvaticus/ flavicollis,
Yagodinskata Peshtera (Imamova Dup- Apodemus cf. agrarius, Cricetulus migratorius,
ka) – cave near Yagodina Village. Length 8501 m. Mesocricetus newtoni, Arvicola terrestris,
76 Excavations: V. Mikov (1927), D. Raychev and Clethrionomys glareolus, Chionomys nivalis,
Microtus subterraneus, Ursus spelaeus, “Equus Raztsepenata Peshtera (Harlovata) – al-
caballus fossilis” most midway between Malkata Peshtera and
Razhishkata (Suhata) Peshtera – Cave Preobrazhenski Monastery. Length 15 m. Drill-
near Lakatnik Railway Station. Length 316 m. ing by R. Popov in 1924. Founds: mammals –
Excavations: G. Markov (1948, 1949), Founds: Canis familiaris, Bos primigenius, B. taurus.
birds – Anser sp., Anas sp., Tetrao tetrix, Inhabited by Man.
Bonasa bonasia, Perdix palaeoperdix, Perdix Tsarskata Peshtera – cave near Belyak-
perdix, Coturnix coturnix, Crex crex, Tringa cf. ovets. Length 80 m. Excavations: R. Popov
stagnatilis, Athene noctua, Asio otus, Apus mel- (1906). Founds: mammals – Meles meles, Canis
ba, Melanocorypha sp., Anthus sp., Parus ma- familiaris, Primates, “Sus scrofa ferus”, Ovis
jor, Sylvia sp., Ptyonoprogne rupestris, Fringil- aries, Bos primigenius, B. taurus
la montifringilla, Loxia curvirostra, Cocco- Popin Pchelin – cave near Belyakovets.
thraustes coccothraustes, Carduelis chloris, Length 90 m. Drillings by R. Popov in 1906 and
Carduelinae gen. cf. Garrulus glandarius, Cor- 1907. Founds: mammals – Ursus arctos, Canis
vus monedula, C. corone, C. frugilegus, Pyr- familiaris, Meles meles, Sus scrofa domestica,
rhocorax graculus, P. pyrrhocorax., Petronia Bos taurus, Ovis aries, “Equus caballus”
petronia; mammals – Sorex araneus, Crocidu- Emenskata Peshtera – cave near Emen
ra suaveolens, Myotis mystacinus, Nyctalus Village. Length 3113 m. Excavations: G. Markov
leisleri, Pipistrellus pipistrellus, Hypsugo (1948-49). Founds: mammals – Lepus timidus (?)
savii, Eptesicus serotinus, E. nilssoni, Vesper- Castor fiber, Meles meles, Pimates, “Equus ca-
tilio murinus, Miniopterus schreibersi, Meles ballus fossilis”, Sus scropha, Cervus elaphus,
meles, Martes martes, Primates, Ursus arctos, Capra ibex [sub “aegagrus”], Capra sp., Ovis
U. spelaeus, Canis familiaris, Capra ibex [sub aries, Ovis sp., Bos taurus
“aegagrus”], Capra sp., Ovis aries, Ovis sp.
Cervus elaphus, Bos sp.
Svinskata Dupka – Cave near Lakatnik Vidin
Railway Station. Length 240 m. Founds: mam- Mirizlivka – cave near Oreshets Railway
mals – Canis lupus, Ursus spelaeus, Putorius Station. Length 40 m. Excavations: V. Atanasov

putorius, Primates, Cervus elaphus. and L. Filkov (teachers from Vidin) in 1924 and
1929, R. Popov and V. Atanasov in 1931. Founds:
birds: Tetrao tetrix, Pica pica; mammals – Canis
Veliko Târnovo lupus, Vulpes vulpes, Ursus arctos, U. spelaeus,
Golyamata Peshtera (Duhlata Peshtera, Crocuta spelaea, “Equus caballus fossilis”, Coel-
Podgolmelskata Peshtera) – cave about seven km odonta antiquitatis, Cervus elaphus, Capra ibex
north of Veliko Târnovo, near Preobrazhenski [sub “aegagrus”], Bos taurus
Monastery. With two entrances. Length ca. 120 Kozarnika (Suhi Pech) – cave near Oresh-
m. Excavations by R. Popov in 1898, 1899, 1901 ets Railway Station. Length 218 m. Excavations:

and 1905. Founds: mammals – Spermophilus sp. N. Sirakov (since 1994). Founds: birds – Anas
cf. citellus, Mammuthus primigenius, Canis fa- crecca, Falco tinnunculus, F. vespertinus, Tetrao
miliaris, Vulpes vulpes, Ursus spelaeus, Crocuta urogallus, T. tetrix, Lagopus lagopus, L. lagopus/
spelaea, “Equus caballus fossilis”, Cervus ela- mutus, Tetrastes bonasia, Perdix paleoperdix, P.

phus, Sus scropha, Ovis aries, Bos primigenius. perdix, Alectoris graeca/chukar, Coturnix
Inhabited by Man. coturnix, Porzana cf. parva, Crex crex, Gallinula

Malkata Peshtera (Tonyuva Peshtera) – chloropus, Tringa stagnatilis, T. totanus, Apus

cave north of Golyamata Peshetra. Length 92 apus, Nyctea scandiaca, ?Aegolius funereus,
m. Excavated by R. Popov in 1899, 1900, 1905 Athene noctua, Eremophila alpestris, Anthus triv-
and 1909. Founds: mammals – Spermophilus ialis, Hirundo daurica, Ptionoprogne rupestris,
sp. cf. citellus, Canis lupus, Ursus arctos, U. Riparia riparia, Lanius collurio, cf. Erithacus

spelaeus, Crocuta spelaea, Meles meles, “Eq- sp., Monticola saxatilis, Turdus merula, T. vis-
uus caballus fossilis”, Coelodonta antiquitatis, civorus, Carduelis carduelis, C. cannabina,
Rupicapra rupicapra, Bos primigenius. Inhab- Fringilla coelebs, Coccothraustes cocco-
ited by Man. thraustes, Loxia curvirostra, cf. Pyrrhula pyr- 77
rhula, Garrulus glandarius, Pyrrhocorax gracu- Cervus elaphus, Capreolus capreolus, Bos primi-
lus, Corvus monedula, C. corone, C. corone/ genius. Inhabited by Man.
frugilegus; mammals – Desmana sp., Beremen- Desni Suhi Pech – cave near Dolni Lom
dia fissidens, Sorex cf. subaraneus, Crocidura Village. Length 591 m. Founds: mammals –
leucodon, Myotis cf. gundersheimensis Lepus Sylvaemus ex gr. sylvaticus – flavicollis, Ursus
sp., Hypolagus brachignathus, Trischizolagus sp., spelaeus
Spermophilus sp., Marmota sp., Myomimus sp.,
Hystrix sp., Nannospalax sp., Prospalax cf.
priscus, Cricetus nanus, C. runtonensis, Sylvae- Vratsa
mus mystacinus, S. cf. flavicollis, Pliomys cf. Mladenova Propast – cave near Chiren
hungaricus, Dolomys dalmatinus, Prolagurus Village. Length 1723 m. Collecting: Nikolov in
transylvanicus, Mimomys reidi, M. cf. blanci, 1964. Founds: mammals – Canis lupus,
Canis familiaris, Felis silvestris, Ursus spelaeus, [C.aureus], Ursus spelaeus, Primates, Mam-
Meles meles, Martes martes, Sus scropha, Cervus muthus primigenius, “Equus caballus fossilis”,
elaphus, Capra ibex [sub “aegagrus”], Capra Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis, Sus scropha,
sp., Ovis aries, Ovis sp., Bos taurus Cervus elaphus, Bos taurus, Bos primigenius.
Tâmnata peshtera – cave near Târgovish- Pesht – cave near Staro Selo Village. Exca-
te Village. Length 276 m. Excavations: R. Popov vation: N. Djambazov (1951-53). Founds: mam-
(1931). Founds: mammals – Ursus spelaeus, mals – Arvicola terrestris, Ursus arctos, Crocuta
Canis lupus, Castor fiber, Capra ibex [sub “ae- spelaea, “Equus caballus”, “E. asinus” (hy-
gagrus”] druntinus ?), Bos primigenius, Cervus elaphus,
Magura – cave near Rabisha Village. Capra or Ovis,; birds, fish.
Length 2500 m. Excavations: G. Markov (1948,
1960-61). Founds: mammals – Felis silvestris, Caves with unknown position
Ursus spelaeus, Crocuta spelaea, Meles meles,
Primates, “Equus caballus fossilis”, Sus scropha, Slyapata dupka – Bos taurus

78 Horns from the cave Vreloto – photo Atanas Russev


At the end of 19th and the beginning of 20th Stara Planina, describing the many karst features in
century karts and caves were not yet of special his monograph “Karstic forms in Western Stara
interest to scientists, but their work did require an Planina” (1915). This classic work contains a
accurate description, and geochronological dating comprehensive morphographical analysis of the
of rocks, including those subject to karstification. karstic regions in the mountain, as well as maps
During their field studies they described many and descriptions of 12 caves. We can ascertain that

features of the surface and underground karst – the work of Zh. Radev is relevant even today and
funnels, ponors, caves and karstic springs. this publication deserves a foremost place in the
In this period the most productive researcher karstological literature in Bulgaria. Its author could
was Prof. G. Bonchev. In his publications there are rightly be considered the founder of Bulgarian
data about caves in the areas of Dobrich, Veliko Geomorphology. The studies on karstic geomor-
Târnovo, Kyustendil, Pleven, near Peshtera (Ush- phology at that time were completed by the paper
atovi Dupki), Kipilovo (the caves Kozya and Che- of an unknown author (“X”, 1903), which de-
leshka), Golyama Zhelyazna (Toplya) and Oresh- scribed in a professional way the surface karstic
ets Railway Station (Bashovishki Pech); about the features in Dobrostan Massif, Persenk Section, and
rock bridges near Zabârdo and Belitsa; about sinks the village Gela (cave Lednitsata) in the Rhodopes.
in Southern Dobroudja; about karst sources in the One of the most dedicated explorers of
area of Shumen, Novi Pazar, Devnya, Kipilovo, caves, Nenko Radev published in his papers of
Novi Pazar, Velingrad (Kleptuza), Dryanovo Vil-
lage (Rhodopes), Aytos area, etc.
Besides his geological descriptions and notes,
Prof. G. Zlatarski paid attention also to the caves

near Cherepish, Iskrets (Dushnika), Lakatnik and
Kunino, as well as to the funnels near Belogradchik,

the karstic features in Ponor Planina. In 1900 the
geologist Iliya Stoyanov carried out archaeological
excavations in the cave Toplya near Golyama Zhe-
lyazna, Lovech District. In 1904 the results of the
excavations were published, the author paying atten-
tion especially to the geology of the karstic region
and most of all to the morphometric description of

the site (7 pages). Actually, this is the first detailed

scientific description of a Bulgarian cave in the
history of Bulgarian Speleology.
Geographers and Geomorphologists did

more specialized studies on karst. In 1901, Prof.

A. Ishirkov described in details the karstic fea-
tures in the area of the source Glava Panega and
the village Bâlgarski Izvor, and later (1905) de-

scribed the sources of Devnya.

There is no doubt that the most important
contribution to the study of karst in Bulgaria in this
period was made by Prof. Zheko Radev. For four Prof. Zheko Radev – Geographer, explorer of karst and
years (1911–1914) he explored in details Western caves 79
1926 and 1928 maps and extensive morphological mostly in the Rhodopes. In the period 1964 -
descriptions of 16 Bulgarian caves. 1979, he published materials dealing with the
Eng. P. Petrov made the second serious geological basis for the development of karst and
attempt at a morphometric description of a cave in caves in Trigrad, Rozhen and Lâkavitsa karstic
his publications on Devetashkata Peshtera in 1928 areas, Radyuva Planina, Mursalitsa and the Cen-
and 1929. tral part of the Rhodopes and others.
During the existence of the Caving Society The newer geological and geomorphologi-
(1929–1949), the studies on the geology and geo- cal studies are mostly of a regional type. A.
morphology of Bulgarian caves went on. Particu- Benderev, A. Radulov, G. Baltakov, D. Angelova,
larly intensive were the studies of P. Petrov on the Z. Pironkova, I. Ilieva, I. Zdravkov, K. Kostov, M.
development of karst in Devetashko Plateau and Paskalev, P. Petrov, P. Stefanov have been and are
Dupnivrashko Plateau (now Druzhevsko), together still working in this direction. As a result of their
with morphological characteristics of Hlevenska work (and the work of others) the regions of Iskâr
cave in Lovech area and Temnata Dupka near Gorge, Vrachanska Planina, Vitosha (Bosnek) and

Lakatnik. The publication of V. Arnaudov on the Ponor Planina have been researched and also the
karst of Gorna Djumaya (Blagoevgrad) also cen- subregion of Ribnovo in the Rhodopes, the moun-
tered on geomorphology. The complete morpho- tain Kotlenska Planina, Karlukovo Village, the
metric descriptions of the caves near Byala (Sliven upper part of Cherni Ossam River, the Plateaus of

District) are due to N. Atanassov. Devetaki and Shumen, the gorge of Russenski
In 1934, the citizen of Shumen V. Marinov Lom, Golo Bardo, the morpho-structural features
published the book “Morphology of Shumen of Mezdra and other karstic areas. The develop-
Highlands”, in which the karstic terrain and its ment of paleokarst in Bulgaria was a subject of

development were described in details, including the papers of geologist Iv. Stanev.
the caves known at that time. At the same time, some caves have been
The scientific brigade „Todor Pavlov“ con- described individually. Such are the papers of P.
siderably contributed to the geological and geo- Stefanov “Morphometry and Morphography of

morphological exploration of karst and caves. the Cave Manailovska Dupka” (1982), “Taynite
Special studies were carried out in the areas of Ponori” and “Zandana” (2001); G. Raychev –
Zlatna Panega, Karlukovo, Lakatnik and Rabisha. “Morphology and Genesis of Yagodina Cave Sys-
The geological preconditions for the devel- tem (Imamova Dupka)” (1991); Y. Evlogiev –
opment of the karst and caves in Bulgaria are “The Geology of the Cave Orlova Chuka (1987)
discussed in details in the collection of papers and “Study of the Genesis of the Crevices in the
“The Karstic Underground Waters in Bulgaria” Cave Orlova Chuka” (1997) and others.

(1959), under the editorship of D. Yaranov. The use of geophysical methods for search-
The early 60s of 20th century saw the start of ing and discovering new underground cavities in

some modern studies (mainly in the geomorphol- Bulgaria started in 1970, when the Geophysical
ogy of karst) and they were connected with the Methods of Exploration group at St. Ivan Rilski
name of Assoc. Prof. Vladimir Popov. He ex- University of Geology and Mines carried out elec-
plored in turn the mountain Vrachanska Planina trical experiments in the region of Chiren. The
and the morphology of the karst between the results, which proved the existence of an unknown
rivers Vit and Batulska (1962), the northern part connection between the caves Ponora and Mladen-
of the Predbalkan between the rivers Yantra and ovata, were reported by S. Pishtalov, V. Ivanova, K.
Ossam (1965) and Iskâr and Vit (1969). In 1970, Spassov and others at the World Speleological
based on the morphostructural principle, V. Popov Congress in Olomouc (former Czechoslovakia) in
elaborated the subdivision of the caves in Bulgar- 1973 and were published in its Proceedings.
ia, which is in use even today. V. Popov worked In 1968 in Bulgaria, the application of one of
actively on the genesis of the caves Magurata, the known geophysical methods, that of ultra long
Ledenika, Sâeva Dupka, Dyavolskoto Gârlo, Sn- waves (ULW), came into use. This method was
ezhanka, Bacho Kiro, as well as on some of the tested for the first time in karstological research by
caves in Karlukovo karstic area. Eng. A. Tsvetkov during the expedition Pierre-
Dimitar Sâbev made a considerable contri- Saint Martin, France, carried out by Prilep Caving
80 bution to the geological exploration of karst, Club of Planinets, Sofia Tourist Society.
In 1979, the combined electroprophiling of V. of ULW and permanent current methods, the
Georgiev and Z. Andonov from the same club aimed presence of large caverns between the caves
to discover a prolongation of the cave Râzhishkata Bankovitsa, Svirchovitsa and Prohodna was sug-
Peshtera near Lakatnik Railway Station. The results gested. Later studies, carried out by P. Stefanov
showed that 20 meters behind the huge blockage at and students from the University of Geology and
the known end of the cave there was a large gallery. Mining, gave similar results (unfortunately un-
Despite the many attempts to clean up the blockage, published). Encouraged by these data, for several
the localized cavity has not yet been reached. years cavers from Helictite, Sofia Caving Club,
In the period 1981–1982, the cavers V. Geor- had tried to reach the unknown caverns in Banko-
giev from Prilep, Sofia Caving Club, and M. Zlatko- vitsa Cave. By using the method of symmetric
va from the Student’s Caving Club Akademik, Sofia, profiling with a direct current, at the end of 1985,
used several methods of electrical testing in order to M. Zlatkova and cavers from Kupena, Peshtera
find prolongation of the caves Dushnika near Iskrets Caving Club, looked for a prolongation in the
and Givalaka near Zimevitsa, both in Ponor Planina show cave Snezhanka. Two extensions have been

(Sofia Distr.). A cavity has been found about 20 m found so far, one of them proven directly.
from the final siphon of the first cave. In 1986, S. Shanov and M. Zlatkova and
When studying the cave Dushnika in 1984, cavers from Vitosha, Sofia Caving Club, used
S. Shanov from Akademik Sofia Caving Club various geophysical methods to search for under-
again applied the method of ULW. The study ground caverns in the area of Ponor Planina. In
indicated the existence of unknown caverns in the both cases the cavers undertook cleaning in order
proximity of the Cherna Voda Fault. to reach the caverns, but were confronted with
In the period 1984–1985, cavers from Aka- considerable obstacles and dropped the idea. In
demik, Sofia Caving Club, led by Eng. M. Zlatko- 1987, M. Zlatkova, this time helped by cavers
va, used four variants of electroprophiling in from Akademik, Veliko Tarnovo Caving Club,
order to prove the existence of a walkable gallery used the method of symmetric electroprophiling
beyond the karstic source Popov Izvor near Bos- to search for caves between the villages Emen and
nek. The results were positive, but so far the Balvan near Veliko Tarnovo, but without result.
speleologists have not managed to reach the un- The last use of the methods of applied
derground cavity. Similar is the result of the geophysics by Bulgarian speleologists was during
exploration of S. Shanov and M. Zlatkova in the the National Speleological Expedition “Guaso’

cave Orlova Chuka in 1985, when it was found 88" in Cuba. This time the aim was to measure
that the underground cavities were filled with precisely the depth of the karstic areas and to

clay. In the same year, S. Shanov studied the karst calculate how much of the caverns were filled
near Karlukovo. By electroprophiling and the use with water, needed by the local people.

The cañon of the river Chudna between Kameno pole and Reselets Villages – photo Trifon Daaliev 81

Under the notion of “mineral species” we calcite crystals from caves in Troyan, Teteven and
understand a natural chemical composite of a Lovech areas. After more than 30 years, N. Dim-
definite composition and crystal structure. One itrov and V. Aleksiev studied the phosphorites from
chemical composite can form several minerals of the cave Orlova Chuka near Russe, but their results
different crystal structure (solid phase). Till now remained unpublished. In some caves in the valley
ca. 3000 mineral species, subjects of speleominer- of Russenski Lom in 1960, Y. Yovchev found
alogy, are known. Out of them only 210 have been calcium nitrate.
found in caves. More important was the contribution of Nayde-
Speleomineralogical research started in Bul- nova and Kostov, who did a modern study on these
garia in 1923. So far more than 53 mineral species minerals in 1964. Prof. Iv. Kostov is the author of the
are known from Bulgarian caves, 24 of them being famous evolutionary system of the shape of calcium
new for Bulgaria. As a contribution of Bulgarian crystals depending of the conditions (tº) and the stage
biomineralogy to the world science, we can men- of formation. In a cave (non-existing today), these
tion the discovery in Bulgarian caves of 21 mineral authors found calcite, aragonite, gypsum, dolomite
species, previously not known from caves abroad. and celestine. They obtained some data, which sug-
The development of speleomineralogy in Bulgaria gested that in one sample of aragonite there were
is due mainly to scientists from St. Kliment Ohrid- microinclusions of cerusite. It has been found so far in
ski University of Sofia. only one Bulgarian cave and it is connected with
The first stage of speleomineralogic research galenite. As a whole, this mineral is typical for the
in Bulgaria (up to 1974) is characterized mostly by hydrothermal caves, probably because, being with
scattered incidental studies by various authors. In low dissolution in the temperature of karstic caves, it
1928, Prof. G. Bonchev studied the morphology of cannot be transferred far from lead mineralization.
Cave pearls have been studied by N. Cholak-
ov and P. Tranteev. V. Popov described the ice
formations in Ledenika Cave near Vratsa.
The second stage (1974–1981) started with
the acceptance of speleomineralogy as a course in
the curriculum of the Department of Mineralogy
and Crystallography at the Faculty of Geology and
Geography of Sofia University. A considerable

leap forward was noticed. Methods of the experi-

mental mineralogy (M. Maleev, A. Filipov) and of
the theoretical thermodynamic analysis of the for-
mation of minerals were introduced in the spele-
omineralogical research in Bulgaria. The finding of

brucite and saponite for the first time in caves by A.

Filipov was a considerable success. The same

author described from caves the minerals tarankite,

hydromagnesite, apatite ardealite and brushite, un-
known in Bulgaria till then.
Dimov & Dimitrov (1978) used the laser mi-
crospectral analysis to study the composition of the

cave formations. Studies on the artificial acceleration

Crystals in the cave Duhlata near Bosnek Village – photo
of the growth and coloration of cave formations with
82 Mihail Kvartirnikov their natural colorants started. At the same time,
Bliznakov and Tokmakchieva from the Institute of for applying these methods. The use of direct gamma
Geology and Mining in Sofia and Iv. Bonev from the spectroscopy allowed for the first in Bulgaria an EPR
Institute of Geology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, dating of cave formations (1985). For the first time,
studied the morphology of calcite formations. the Mösbauer’s spectroscopy and the laser lumines-
With the foundation of a Cave Mineralogy cent spectral analysis for studying cave minerals was
Circle at the Department of Mineralogy and Crystalog- used. During the studies, 19 modern physical meth-
raphy of Sofia University by A. Filipov in 1981, the ods were used. They made it possible to discover
third stage was preconditioned. Then, A. Filipov stud- several rare minerals, which were difficult to identify.
ied minerals from Cuba and Y. Shopov was the first to The finding of a hydrothermal cave by members of
start in Bulgaria research on the phosphorescence of the Speleology Section and the applying of powerful
minerals (from the cave Pepelyankata near Bosnek). physical methods made it possible to find minerals,
This study laid the foundations of the physics of cave which were new for science (CaCO3-II), and over 20
minerals in Bulgaria. Some studies started, which are minerals recorded for the first time in caves. Many of
still going on, on the synthesis of cave minerals with them were new for Bulgaria (Table ). From the
given admixtures for solving the direct problem of the minerals shown in this table, only the almandine, the
luminescence (1982) of minerals and mineralogenesis, opal and the pyrite are of classical origin, e.g. cave
which were published later (1985). minerals s. lato. All the others are hemogenic, autoch-
The third stage started with the formation of the thonous cave formations, or cave minerals sensu
Speleology unit at the University of Sofia in 1982. stricto. Among them, 19 are formed as a result of
Immediately after that, its President Y. Shopov karstic processes in carbonate rocks, six are guano-
formed a group called Physics and Chemistry of genes (product of the interaction of the guano with
Karst and Cave Minerals, which grew in the years to mineralized solutions), four are hydrothermal, 23 are
follow into a large interdisciplinary group. The impact hypergenic (formed during processes of alteration of
of this intensive research was reflected in the in- the chemical composition) of hydrothermal minerals.
creased number of scientific publications and the The organization of the research was also made
extension of the scope of studies. Some theses on cave modern and complex. Of considerable importance
mineralogy were done. was the publication of an Expeditionary yearbook of
Seven methods, expanding the capacity of the Sofia University under the care of the Speleology
then-existing ones, and one method for field study of Section. A great deal of it concerns the speleomineral-
cave minerals were worked out, as well as six devices ogy and the physics of karst (Table 1).

Table 1. List of the first findings of cave minerals in Bulgaria

No Mineral Year Author Formula

1 Ice H2O
2 Calcite 1923 Bonchev G. CaCO3

3 Nitrate 1960 Yovchev Yo. KNO3

4 Aragonite 1964 Naydenova, Kostov CaCO3
5 Gypsum 1964 Naydenova, Kostov CaSO4.2H2O

6 Celestine 1964 Naydenova, Kostov SrSO4

7 Dolomite 1964 Naydenova, Kostov CaMg3(CO3)2
8 Huntite** 1974 Maleev M. CaMg(CO3)4
9 Tarankite** 1976 Filipov A. H6K3Al5(PO4)8.18H2O
10 Magnesite 1979 Filipov A. MgCO3

11 Hydromagnesite 1979 Filipov A. Mg6(CO3)4(OH)2.4H2O


12 Brusite 1980 Filipov A. Mg(OH)2

13 Saponite 1980 Filipov A. Mg3Si4O10(OH)2
14 Ardealite** 1980 Filipov A. Ca2HPO4SO4.4H2O
15 Brushite** 1980 Filipov A. CaHPO4.2H2O
16 Apatite 1980 Filipov A. Ca5(PO4)3(F,Cl,OH)
17 Todorkite** 1980 Filipov A. BaMn3O7. H2O 83
No Mineral Year Author Formula

18 Maghemite** 1983 Shopov Ya., V. Spassov Fe2O3

19 Götite 1983 Shopov Ya., V. Spassov á-FeOOH
20 Lepidocrocite 1983 Shopov Ya., V. Spassov ã-FeOOH
21 Akaganeite* 1983 Shopov Ya., V. Spassov â-FeOOH
22 Hematite 1983 Shopov Ya., V. Spassov á-Fe2O3
23 Cerusite 1983 Shopov Ya. et al. PbCO3
24 Bylisyte** 1984 Shopov Ya. et al. K2Mg(CO3)2.4 H2O
25 Faterite** 1984 Shopov Ya. et al. m-CaCO3
26 Malahite 1984 Shopov Ya. et al. Cu2CO3(OH)2
27 Deviline* 1984 Shopov Ya. et al. Cu4Ca(SO4)2(OH)6.3H2O
28 Hydrozinkite 1984 Shopov Ya. et al. Zn5(CO3)(OH)6
29 Artinite** 1984 Shopov Ya. et al. Mg2CO3(OH)2.3H2O
30 Djirdjeite** 1984 Shopov Ya. et al. Cu5(CO3)3(OH)4.6H2O
31 Azurite 1984 Shopov Ya. et al. Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2
32 CaCO3-II*** 1984 Shopov Ya. et al.
33 H.T. – FeOOH*** 1984 Shopov Ya. et al.
34 Galenite 1984 Shopov Ya. et al. PbS
35 Djordjiosite** 1985 Shopov Ya. et al. Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2.5H2O
36 Dipingite** 1985 Shopov Ya. et al. Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2.5H2O
37 Hydrocerusite** 1985 Shopov Ya. et al. Pb(CO3)2(OH)2
38 Aurihalcite 1985 Shopov Ya. et al. CuZn3(CO3)2(OH)6
39 Schrekingerite** 1985 Shopov Ya. et al.
40 Sharpite** 1985 Shopov Ya. et al.
41 Viartite** 1985 Shopov Ya. et al.
42 Rutherfordin** 1985 Shopov Ya. et al.
43 Rosasite 1985 Shopov Ya. et al.
44 Celerite** 1985 Shopov Ya. et al. CaUO2(CO3)2.5H2O
45 Pyroaurite** 1985 Shopov Ya. et al. Mg6Fe2(CO3)(OH)16.4H2O
46 Nakaurite** 1985 Shopov Ya. et al. Cu8(SO4)4(CO3)(OH)6.48H2O
47 Poznyakite** 1985 Shopov Ya. et al. Cu4(SO4)(OH)16. H2O
48 Tuyamunite** 1985 Shopov Ya. et al. Ca(UO2)2V2O8.8H2O
49 Anglesite 1985 Shopov Ya. et al. Pb SO4
50 Bornite 1985 Shopov Ya. et al. Cu5FeS4
51 Thermonatrite 1987 Shopov Ya. et al. Na2 CO3.H2O
52 Natron 1987 Shopov Ya. et al. Na2 CO3.10H2O

53 Gibsite 1987 Shopov Ya. et al. Al(OH)3

54 Aketamide 1987 Shopov Ya. et al. CH3CONH2
55 Quartz 1987 Shopov Ya. et al. á-SiO2
56 Alophan 1988 Shopov Ya. et al. Al2 Si(OH)10
57 Nyuberite 1988 Shopov Ya. et al. MgHPO4.3H2O

58 Purpurite 1988 Shopov Ya. et al. (Mn,Fe) PO4


59 Pyrolusite 1989 Shopov Ya. et al. á-MnO2

60 Epsomite 1989 Shopov Ya. et al. MgSO4.7H2O
61 Hexahydrite 1989 Shopov Ya. et al. MgSO4.6H2O
62 Depugeolasite 1989 Shopov Ya. et al. CaMg4(SO4)2(OH)6.3H2O

*** – minerals new for science

** – minerals new for Bulgaria
* – minerals, found by other authors in mines

The formation of karstic features and caves – in 1828 the French geographer and car-
is impossible without water. That is why the tographer J.-G. Barbier de Bocage wrote about

knowledge on the penetration of waters under- karstic sources and caves in the surroundings of
ground, the character of their movement and the Shumen, including the cave in Bunar, now known
conditions of their resurgence (as karstic sources) as Zandana (Biserna);
is of considerable importance in the search of new – in 1967 the French traveller Guillhomme
caves. All caves are old or active waterways. Lejean wrote about Kayalashkata Peshtera near
Usually, in a karstic massive, it is very rarely Pleven;
possible to follow the way of an underground – in 1872 an anonymous author wrote about
river from the sink to its resurgence. Such rare the cave near Mussina;
examples are the cave Parnitsite near Bezhanovo – in 1875 Iv. Slaveykov wrote about the
and some rock bridges (Chudnite Mostove in the caves and potholes near Chiren, Vratsa Distr.,
Rhodopes, Bozhyia Most near Lilyache, etc.). including the water caves known now as Ti-
Beside the scientific problems, it is impor- gancheto, Ponora and Bozhiya most near Lily-
tant for the cavers to know the conditions of the ache;
movement and the regime of waters in karstic – in 1877 the Englishman James Baker
massifs for better planning of the visits in caves described for the first time the entrance of De-
and to avoid accidents. vetashkata Peshtera;
Karstic waters and especially the waters of – in 1973 the notes of the monk Pahomiy

the caves are of practical importance too – most of Stoyanov focused on the events at the monastery
the bigger karstic springs in Bulgaria are essential near Bachkovo and the water cave Andaka;

source for water supply in the settlements. They are – in 1890 Captain A. Benderev wrote about
studied by specialists – hydrogeologists. the source Istoka and probably about the cave
The description and the research on karstic Mecha Dupka near Razlog;
waters have started many years ago. Data con- – in 1896 Ivanov gave information about
cerning this research from the first records to the the karstic source Toplitsa (Toplika) south of
creation of the First Bulgarian Caving Society in Musomishta, Distr. Blagoevgrad;
1929 are put together in the papers of Jalov (1999, – in 1887 Ts. Ginchev described the source
2000, 2002) on the history of Speleology in Zlatna Panega.

Bulgaria. According to them, the oldest record In the second half of 19th century Bulgaria
concerns the cave Mandrata, or Vodnata near the was explored by the well-known Czech scientist
village Chavdartsi. The information is from the brothers K. and H. Škorpil. Their publications
middle of 17th century (1640) and is found in the (1895, 1898,1900, etc.) contain information about

report of the first Bulgarian Archbishop Petar many caves, sinks and karstic sources, including

Bogdan to the Roman Congregation. interesting schemes showing the hydrological con-
From 17th century are also the road notes of nections in the areas of Glava Panega and Vit, of
the most famous in this time Osman traveller Iskrets, on the Serbian-Bulgarian border, of
Evliya Chelebi. In them is described his visit to Bezden near Sofia, Kotel, Mountain of Vratsa,
the periodical source near Bosnek, known as Dobrostan, Narechen, Tri Voditsi and others. There
Zhivata voda. are data about many of the major karstic sources in

The following written sources are from 19th Bulgaria. They are divided into permanent, chang-
century and are due to Bulgarian and foreign ing and drying out. One of the last papers of
travellers and explorers. More important among Škorpil brothers concerning Bulgaria appeared in
them are: 1910 and dealt with the sources of Devnya. 85
After the Liberation of Bulgaria in 1878 Kipilovo, Velingrad (Kleptuza), Dryanovo
active work on the geological map of Bulgaria (Rhodopes), Aytos, etc. He was also the first
started. Some of the young geologists paid atten- explorer of the cave Toplya near Golyama Zhelyaz-
tion to the karst features and karstic waters, na (Bonchev, 1901). His hydrogeological research
discovered during field studies. One of the first in the Ludogorie was important as he supplied it
geologists was Prof. G. Zlatarski, who in 1884 with water. Later (Bonchev, 1939), he indicated
described the karstic terrain around the source almost all karstic springs in Bulgaria (over 250)
Zlatna Panega, and later wrote about other water and described the general features of their forma-
caves like Dushnika (Iskrets), the cave near tion, outflow and the water temperature.
Lakatnik and others. In 1926 and 1928, the prom- A detailed exploration of the sources of

ising papers of N. Radev “Materials for Studying Glava Panega and Bâlgarski Izvor was done by
the Caves in Bulgaria” appeared, where several Prof. A. Ishirkov in 1901 (Ishirkov, 1902), also of
water caves found place, including Lednitsata the sources of Devnya (Ishirkov, 1902). To

near Gela, Sbirkovata near Chepelare, Temnata Yonchev (1902) we owe the first detailed descrip-
Dupka near Kalotina, Zhivata Voda near Bosnek, tion of one of the most interesting karstic sources
Andaka near Dryanovo, Marina Dupka and Zm- in Bulgaria – the one near Iskrets.
eyova Dupka near Genchevtsi. One of the most profound studies of Bulgar-
At the end of the 90s of 19th century the ian karst ever is the book of Zh. Radev “Karstic
activities of the prominent geologist Prof. G. Forms in Western Stara Planina” (1915). In this

Bonchev started. He made drawings and did geo- geomorphological monograph many facts and

logical descriptions of the caves and karstic sourc- conclusions about the water bodies in the region
es in the areas of Shumen, Novi Pazar, Devnya, found place. All active or temporary sinks and
sources were described and the probable connec-
tions between them indicated. The work includes

descriptions of some water caves – Dushnika near

Iskrets, Vodnata peshtera near Tserovo and others.
Eng. Pavel Petrov was the true founder of
Bulgarian hydrogeology of karst. He studied ge-
ology and mining in Belgium, then in France he
specialized in the area of mineral waters. Under
his guidance many sources (including karstic) in
Bulgaria have been piped. He was involved in the

study of karstic waters also as a caver. He studied

the water galleries and surveyed the caves De-
vetashkata Peshtera (Petrov, 1928, 1929) and

Temnata Dupka near Lakatnik Railway Station

The book „Krazhski yavleniya” (Karst Phenomena) by K. Alexander Strezov at the big karstic source Glava Panega
86 ¿
and H. Skorpil – photo Nikolay Genov
(Petrov, 1936). Besides studying Devetashkata of the karstic massif, defining its boundaries, the
Peshtera, P. Petrov published some general infor- depth of the karstifying rocks, the main karstic
mation about the hydrogeology of the entire Pla- sources, the area of water catchment, etc. The
teau of Devetaki (1933). knowledge about these particularities is important
After the Caving Society was found in to assess the ways of the water in the karst and the
1929, the exploration of water caves in Bulgaria chance to find caves and potholes. Some of the
became more intensive and thorough, but almost important studies on the karstic basins in Bulgaria
results remained unpublished. Some karstic (Dobrudja, Sadovets, the rivers Vit, Tazha and
sources were piped and geological research on Panega, the area of Iskrets sources, in Kraishte,
them took place. In 1948 the Caving Brigade SW Pirin, Tri Voditsi, Madan, Nedelino, Strandja)

worked also in the areas of Glava Panega and were included in the monograph under the editor-
Temnata Dupka near Lakatnik. ship of D. Yaranov (1959). In this book we find
With the setting of the Caving Commission also the idea of the hydrogeological subdivision
and of many caving clubs (since 1958), the system- of Bulgaria. Some general regularities of the
atic study of Bulgarian caves started, which is now karstic morphology and hydrology were dis-
carried on under the care of the Bulgarian Federa- cussed by V. Popov, L. Zyapkov and P. Tranteev
tion of Speleology. Some major water caves were (1964) and by P. Penchev (1966). In the same
discovered and explored (Ponora near Chiren, Par- year, N. Boyadjiev outlined 183 separate karstic
nitsite near Bezhanovo, the caves near Krushuna regions in Bulgaria. This important scheme
and others). At the same time, many specialized should serve the subsequent hydrogeological sub-
studies were done for the needs of hydroenergy, division of Bulgarian karst. The essential hydro-
mining and water supply. Most of them remained geological regularities of the various karstic ba-
unpublished and are kept in the archives of the sins are treated in several publications:
research organizations and in the State Archive. – Antonov (1963) – about the karstic basins
Many scientific articles on karstic water were of Sofiyska Stara Planina;
published in this period. Especially important is the – Popov, Penchev, Zyapkov (1965) – about
monograph of Hr. Antonov and D. Danchev “Un- the Predbalkan between the rivers Yantra and

derground Waters in Bulgaria” (1980). Ossam;
As a whole, the research on waters in – Popov, Grozdanov, Vassileva (1971) – the

karstic terrains and caves has several aspects: area of Gabare;
A. Research on the Karstic Basins (Mas- – Penchev, Popov, Zyapkov (1971) – the
sifs). The most important thing is the localization northern parts of the Predbalkan;


The first map of the cave Temnata dupka near Lakatnik Raylway Station by Eng. Pavel Petrov (1926) 87
– Spassov (1973) – about the Predbalkan of the temperature and the chemical composition are
Vratsa; important in order to understand the degree of
– Benderev (1989) – about Ponor Planina; karstification and the chance of finding caves. As
– Gabeva et al. (1995), Benderev et al. mentioned before, the first generalizing paper on
(1997) – about Nastan – the Trigrad karstic basin; the karstic sources in Bulgaria is the one of
– Angelova et al. (1995) – about the karstic Bonchev (1939). In all hydrogeological papers
basins of Iskar Gorge describing karstic basins the karstic sources too
– Benderev, Shanov (1997), Benderev, An- are described. Since 1959 a National Network for
gelova (2000) – about the karstic region of Monitoring of Underground waters in Bulgaria
Bosnek; has been created by the Institute of Hydrology

– Spassov et al. (1998) – about the region of and Meteorology of the Bulgarian Academy of
Vratsa; Sciences. This network monitors all major karstic
– Benderev et al. (1999) – about the area of sources in the country. Part of the data obtained

Chiren; on the outflow, the temperature and the chemical

The mentioned publications do not include composition have been published in the Hydro-
many other regional studies on the karstic water geological Yearbooks (for the period 1959-1979),
in Bulgaria. Most of the older data found place in and the generalized reference books of Tsankov et
the monograph “Underground Waters in Bulgar- al. (1993) for the period 1980-1991 and of Mach-
ia” by Antonov and Danchev (1980). Many kova, Dimitrov (1999) for the period 1980-1996.

karstic regions were explored during the hydro- Data about the limits of the outflow of these

geological survey of Bulgaria. sources are given in Table 2.

B. Research of Karstic Spings. The situa- More detailed analysis of the changes in the
tion of karstic springs, the change of the outflow, regime of some karstic sources are contained in

Table 2. Data about the major monitored sources in Bulgaria

Name Settlement Rocks Age Minimum Maximum Important caves

outflow, l/s outflow, l/s in the catchment area

Vreloto* Krachimir Limestone J3-K1 11 1501 Krachimirsko Vrelo

Pech* Dolni Lom Limestone J3-K1 5 1310 Suhi i Vodni Pechove

Kalna Stoyanovo Limestone K1 22 949 Kalna Matnitsa


Bistrets Bistrets Limestone J3-K1 0 5052 Barkite 14, Belyar and

Berende Berende Limestone, dolomite T2-3 5 806 Temnata Dupka
Peshtta* Iskrets Limestone, dolomite T2-3 90 54900 Katsite, Dushnika
Peshterata* Tserovo Limestone, dolomite T2-3 1 348 Vodnata Peshtera
Zhitolyub* Lakatnik Limestone, dolomite T2-3 27 23470 Temnata Dupka
Glava Zlatna Limestone J3 580 35700 Partizanskata, Morovitsa,
Panega* Panega Saeva Dupka
Toplya* Golyama Limestone, dolomite T2-3 0.93 4780 Toplya
Maapata* Krushuna Limestone K1 3 5220 Vodopada, Boninskata, etc.
Peshterata* Musina Limestone K1 25 5650 Musinskata Peshtera
Kotlenski Kotel Limestone K2s 40 20061 Prikazna, Karvavata
Izvor* Lokva and others
Devnenski Devnya Limestone J3-K1 2343 4270
Marina Targovishte Limestone K1 3 1529 Marina Dupka
88 Dupka*
Table 2. Continued

Name Settlement Rocks Age Minimum Maximum Important caves

outflow, l/s outflow, l/s in the catchment area

Yazo Razlog Marble Pz 440 2725 Vihren, Propast 9,

Banderitsa and others
Kyoshka Razlog Marble Pz 15 2770 Vihren, Propast 9,
Banderitsa and others
Kleptuza Velingrad Marble Pz 63 1209 Lepenitsa

Vrisa Beden Marble Pz 132 3300 Drangaleshkata,
Lednitsata and others
Nastanski Nastan Marble Pz 40 2382 Drangaleshkata,
Ribarnik Lednitsata and others
The 40 Muldava Marble Pz 57 1021 Ivanova Voda, Druzhba
Sources and others

Note: sources emerging from caves are marked with *

many publications of M.Machkova, D. Dimitrov composition of karstic waters has several aspects.
et. al., T. Orehova et al., Bl. Raykova et al., T. Besides determination of macro and microcomposi-
Panayotov, A. Benderev et al. tion of cave waters (made many times by different
C. Research on the Ways of Karstic Un- organizations), the studies concerning the hydro-
derground Waters. The direct research on cave chemical regime of the karstic waters are also
rivers is an important part of the work of Bulgarian
cavers. The penetration and the mapping of water
caves allowed for the study of hundreds of caves

with water currents, some of them of considerable
length (Andaka, Vodnata Peshtera near Tserovo,

the caves near Krushuna, Temnata Dupka near
Lakatnik, Vreloto and many others). The waterfalls
of Dyavolskoto Garlo and Bankovitsa have been
studied. An underground stream can be followed
along one of the deepest Bulgarian caves – Barkite
14. The basic hydrological scheme of the cave
Duhlata, consisting of a main river and seven
influxes, has been clarified. The exploration of the

siphons is described elsewhere in this book.

In Bulgaria, many experiments with indica-
tors for following the ways of the cave waters
have been carried out (Table 3).

By means of these experiments the con-


nections between the waters in the karstic basins

and the sources draining them have been estab-
lished, as well as between different caves. Sever-
al common water systems have been detected,
like the ones of Boninskata Peshtera and Vodo-
pada near Krushuna, Chuchulyan, PPD and Vre-

loto near Bosnek, Mladenovata Peshtera and

Ponora near Chiren.
D. Hydrochemical Research on the Karstic The source Zhitolyub near Lakatnik Raylway Station –
Underground Waters. The study of the chemical photo Trifon Daaliev 89
Table 3. Results of the indicating experiments for tracing of karstic underground waters

Date of Region Place of Type and Place of Distance, Time of Source

release release quantity of arrival m arrival,
indicator hours

Not Chiren Mladenova Fluorescein Cave Ponora Data of BFS

recorded Propast Cave
20.08.1977 Chiren End of Fluorescein Waterfall in 480 Data of BFS
Mladenova cave Ponora

Propast Cave
29.10.1968 Gabare River in the 0.5 kg Gabare Source 500 75 Popov et al., 1968
cave Starata fluorescein

21.08.1991 In the cave 0.33 kg Baba Raditsa 850 36 Breskovski et al.,
Aladjanska uranin Source 1991
20.08.1978 Devetaki End siphon 0.4 kg Cave Vodopada 400 22 Tranteev, 1978

of Boninska fluorescein
Peshtera Cave

Source left of 35
Vodopada Cave
At the entrance of 48
Vodopada Cave

23.08.1978 Devetaki In Gornik 0.25 kg Not established Tranteev, 1978

Cave fluorescein
Devetaki In Turska 0.25 kg Not established Tranteev, 1978
Cherkva Cave fluorescein
19.02.1991 Devetaki End siphon of 0.5 kg Sutna Bunar 1250 28.5 Benderev, 1999
Brashlyanska fluorescein Source, Aleksan-
Peshtera drovo Village
Not Emen Estavela in the 6000 kg The lower 1340 130.00 Petrov, Botev,

recorded area of Visoka colored source, 1989

Gora, Dobro- water Dobromirka

mirka Village Village

Not Emen In the Lower Colorant Nelaba Source 500 Petrov, Botev,
recorded source near 1989
29.04.1997 Shumen Semi-siphon 0.5 kg Water catchment 2500 67.5 Stefanov et al.,
Starite Vodopadi fluorescein of Beer Factory 1997
in the cave near Troytsa
Taynite Ponori Village
2.11.1955 Iskrets Ponor Sink 6000 kg Iskrets Source 9500 Ca. 24 Dinev, 1959
15.12.1955 Iskrets Perachka 8000 kg No result Dinev, 1959
Bara Sink NaCl
7.10.1955 Teteven Sink in 22 kg Source Glava 6500 Ca. 250 Kovachev, 1959
Yamite area Engine oil Panega
16.10.1955 Teteven Sink in 9000 kg Source Glava 6500 286 Kovachev, 1959
Table 3. Continued

Yamite area Na Cl Panega

25.08.1981 Iskrets Studena 4 kg uranin Iskrets Source 9500 200 Benderev, 1989
Reka Sink
16.04.1982 Iskrets Studena 600 kg PAV Iskrets Source 9500 30 Benderev, 1989
Reka Sink
20.04.1982 Iskrets Studena 6 kg KBr Iskrets Source 9500 50 Benderev, 1989
Reka Sink

1.09.1982 Iskrets Ponor Sink 5 kg uranin Iskrets Source 9500 250 Benderev, 1989
May 1983 Iskrets Sink of 1 kg uranin Source Skaklya 3000 160 Benderev, 1989
Zimevishka Reka
below the cave
Giva Laka
1966 Lakatnik Zhekovo Ezero 0.4 kg Source Zhitolyub 600 1h50 min Tranteev, 1966
in the cave fluorescein
Temnata Dupka,
March- Lakatnik Proboynitsa 0.25 kg Source Zhitolyub 2500 7 Bliznakov, 1967
April 1967 River fluorescein
26.05.1989 Teteven the vertical of 0.5 kg Malkata Voda 2300 9 Zlatkova, 1991
Maliya Sovat fluorescein Source
25.05.1967 Bosnek The river near Fluorescein The fountains in 850 2 Strezov, Saynov
Ribkata, Bosnek (in prep.)
Duhlata Cave

11.03.1978 Bosnek River in the 0.2 kg The source near Did not Strezov, Saynov
cave Akademik Fluorescein the fountains in appear in (in prep.)
Bosnek the source

15.04.1978 Bosnek River in the Fluorescein The source near 5 Strezov, Saynov
cave Akademik the fountains in (in prep.)
30.04.1978 Bosnek River in the cave 1.5 kg Vreloto 38.50 Strezov, Saynov
Chuchulyan fluorescein (in prep.)

3.05.1978 Bosnek River in the Fluorescein Fountains in Strezov, Saynov

cave Akademik Bosnek (in prep.)

1.05.1982 Bosnek River near Fluorescein Fountains in 850 2h10min Strezov, Saynov
Ribkata, Bosnek (in prep.)
Duhlata Cave

2.05.1982 Bosnek River in the Fluorescein The source near 40 Strezov, Saynov
cave Akademik the fountains in (in prep.)
The fountains in 50
11.11.1955 Velingrad Sink 5000 kg Source in the 4600 9 Kerekov, 1959

of Chukura NaCl cave Lepenitsa

Source on the 7500 20.5
right bank of 91
Table 3. Continued

Lepenitsa River
Source on the 8500 22
left bank of
Lepenitsa River
Kleptuza 10500 18
1955 Velingrad Sink in Salting and Toplika Kerekov, 1959
Rakevo Dere coloring
Sources in the

area of Krivov
31.08.1954 Trigrad Muglenska 8950 kg Source in front 11000 30 Yaranov, 1959

river, 3 km NaCl of Teshel Factory

below Mugla
Source S of 11000
Teshel Factory
Near the former 9000 45

wooden bridge of

Below the village 9000 680

Vrisa 7000 780
Malak Bedenski 7000

3.08.1954 Trigrad Cave Lednika 1000 kg Did not appear Yaranov, 1959
22.06.1999 Trigrad Muglenska 5 kg Nastan Source 8750 Not Machkova et al.,
river, 3.5 km fluorescein established 2000
below Mugla
Nastanski 9250 50.00

Bedenski Ribarnik 7250 Not


up to
Vrisa 7000 Not
up to

interesting, showing the connection between quali- made by B. Velikov, together with E. Stankova, A.
tative indicators and water quantity. Such are the Benderev, D. Danchev, etc. (about the source near
studies of Iskrets source by Benderev (1989), as well Chepelare, the Iskrets source, the water along Rus-
as some studies of M. Machkova, D. Dimitrov, K. senski Lom and many others).
Spassov and P. Stefanov. Another field of hydro- The first studies on the activity of karstic
chemical research is the thermodynamic and kinetic processes (the karstic denudation) in Bulgaria
studies of karst processes, based on the analysis of were done by Marcovitz et al. (1972) about the
hydrochemical and hydrodynamic data. Such are the Balkan of Vratsa, Pirin and Zlatna Panega. The
publications on the assessment of the coefficient of articles of Bl. Raykova et al.(1980, 1982) about
karstic water saturation concerning karstic waters Northeast Bulgaria, Benderev (1989) about
92 with carbonates (the direction of karstic processes), Iskrets area, as well as the studies of Ya. Shopov,
K. Spassov, P. Stefanov, A. Benderev and others ish team, Bulgarian side represented by M. Mach-
followed. We should pay attention to the major kova, D. Dimitrov, B. Velikov, P. Penchev and
international project on karstic denudation (Bul- others); another one on the hydrochemistry and
garia was represented by the Institute of Geogra- the pollution of Nastan-Trigrad basin – head B.
phy – group led by P. Stefanov). An important Velikov, etc.; a project of Breskovski and others
problem of the quality of karstic waters is the one about the area around Petarnitsa and Gortalovo;
of their pollution. Several major projects took about the Vratsa Balkan by V. Spassov, etc. A
place to that effect, including: a project concern- good deal of the results obtained have already
ing the aquifer from Sarmatian (Bulgarian-Span- been published.


The waterfall of the river Kumanitsa (The Big Cauldron) – „Steneto” Nature Reserve, Troyan Balkan – photo Vassil Balevski 93

Cave microclimate is a function of the long- Dupka near the village Berende Izvor (A.
term regime of microclimatic elements (tempera- Grozdanov and V. Stoitsev), Razhishkata Peshtera
ture, barometric pressure, relative humidity, speed near Lakatnik (P. Neykovski, P. Dechev and I.
of air current, etc.) in the atmosphere of caves and Mateev), the deep caves near Kotel and the cave
karstic systems. Elata near Zimevitsa were climatically studied.
The first known observations on cave mi- Meteosurvey of caves was done also by cavers
croclimate in Bulgaria took place on July 19 and from Akademik, Sofia Caving Club, during their
16 September 1900. They were made by I. Stoy- expeditions (published mostly by P. Neykovski,
anov on the main axis of development of the cave A. Grozdanov, V. Gruev and others in the four
Toplya near Golyama Zhelyazna Village. For the annual books of the club). All these microclimatic
first measuring Stoyanov used the room ther- data are of historical value, only that they were
mometer of the village school, for the second – not systematically collected and lack the neces-
the 200o thermometer of the Institute of Geology sary level of accuracy.
and Mining at the High School in Sofia. A table of In the literature of this period, there are also
the measurements of temperature is attached to some articles and data about the aerodynamic
the article. At the same time, the author measured parameters of karstic caves (as a database). Dur-
the temperature of the karstic source/spring. On ing the study of the ecology of the beetles of the
January 29, 1901, the schoolteacher L. Radkovski genus Pheggomisetes in the cave Dinevata Pesh-
similarly measured the air and water temperature tera near Gintsi, M. Kvartirnikov carried out one-
(after the article of I. Stoyanov “The cave Toplya, year observations on the cave temperature and

v. G. Zhelyazna”, 1904, p.114–115). published them in 1970. Some other specialized

In 1921, the prominent scientist Rafail microclimatic studies in the cave Magura by R.
Popov published the measurements of the tem- Mechkuev, B. Todorov, I. Popivanova and S.
perature in the main gallery of Tsarskata Pesh- Toshkov (1983) proved the circadian and annual
tera near Belyakovets. Later (1923–1925), Nen- thermal regime of the cave. During the transfor-
ko Radev measured the temperature of the fol- mation of some caves (Ledenika, Saeva Dupka,
lowing caves: Zhivata Voda near Bosnek, Zmey- Magura, Snejanka, Orlova Chuka and others) into
ova Dupka near Hitrevtsi, Kumincheto (now show-caves, Vladimir Popov and his associates
known as Marina Dupka). The data have been made some semi-stationary observations on the
published by Radev (1926). cave climate. Microclimatic observations in sev-
For a long time following this period no eral Rhodopean caves were made in 1964–1985
microclimatic data about caves appeared in the by cavers from Chepelare and were published in
scientific literature. As late as 1956–1957, Dr G. Rodopski Peshternyak. Much later, Raychev
Ikonomov published temperature measurements (1991) analyzed the microclimatic observations
of the cave Orlova Chuka near Pepelina, Russe in the cave Imamova Dupka near Yagodina.
Distr. In 1949, the Cave Brigade studied the During the period from the beginning of the
climate of several caves near Lakatnik, Brestnitsa, 60s to the end of 20th century, many scattered data
Karlukovo and Rabisha, but the report of the from separate non-system studies during expedi-
brigade does not contain results and they have tions in the country were collected in the Main
never been published. Card Index of Bulgarian Caves.
The expansion of caving in Bulgaria, after In 1974 in Akademik, Plovdiv Caving Club,
the formation of the Bulgarian Federation of a specialized group for studying the cave micro-
Speleology in 1958, created favourable condi- climate was formed. A polygon for complex
tions for further research on the cave microcli- measuring of cave climate in Dobrostan Kartstic
94 mate. In the 60s and the 70s, the caves Temnata Area was set. Taking into account the fact that the
microclimate of karstic caves is very different been calculated (mostly concerning measurements
from the meteorology of the area, the following of the air, water and bedrock temperature, as well
basic factors have been completely investigated: as the relative humidity of the cave atmosphere).
– the morphological particularities of the For the first time one of the typical characteristics
cave or cave system; of the caves and the cave systems – the so-called
– the altitude of the cave entrance and the Length of the Zone of Constant Temperature
karstic terrain, which includes it; (LZCT) was applied. The thermodynamic process-
– the degree of fracture of the bed rock, es, forming the ZCT, and its evolution depending
building the karstic massif; on the outside climate and the telluric warmth of
– the orientation of the entrance to the sun, the Earth have been studied.
the local air currents and the relief factors; The expeditions to Karlukovo Karstic Re-
– the presence of ice and snow – firn bodies gion (1984–1987) for collecting complex data for
in the cave; the Encyclopaedia Lovech District studied 40
– the presence of intensive water dropping caves in stationary or semistationary regime. The
or of running water in the cave; data and the generalized article were published in
– the local intensity of the thermal field of the Encyclopaedia. For a detailed study of the
the Earth in the area of the karstic massif. special/spatial structure of the microclimatic
The aerodynamic parameters, studied in the fields in the caves and their interaction with the
period 1974–1978, have been arranged in a meteo- outer around-the earth atmospheric layer the fol-
rological data base, processed and presented as a lowing methods have been used: “compiling cli-
diploma thesis “Thermodynamic Processes in the matic maps” and “determining the vertical gradi-
Caves of Dobrostan Karstic Region”, presented by ents of the value of meteorological elements”. In
A. Stoev in 1979 at Plovdiv University. Later in a 2002, these and many other studies on the karst
series of publications, again A. Stoev and a team regions in Bulgaria were put together in the report
presented an actual statistical and generalized in- “Cave Microclimate in Bulgaria – Genesis, Evo-
formation about several karstic regions (of Pirin, lution, Cycles and Territorial Distribution” by A.
Vratsa, Kotel, Karlukovo, the karst in Rilo-Rhodo- Stoev and P. Muglova. The paper used also data


pean area). The evolution of the meteoelements from many episodical, semistationary and station-
observed over the time, and their spatial structure, ary observations of the temperature of the air,
have been archived as polymeric tables. The de- rock and water, the relative humidity, barometric
cade and average monthly and yearly values have pressure and the speed of the air current. Through

Climatological observation by Alexey Stoev in the cave Drashanskata peshtera – photo Trifon Daaliev 95
diagrams the spatial distribution of the microcli- dislocation of rocks, solar emissions, geomagnet-
matic fields in the caves and their connection to ic field, plant populations, chemical pollution, air
the outer, around-the earth, atmospheric layer was composition, rising of the sea level and the level
presented. Microclimatic maps of the various of subterranean waters, changes in the cosmic
elements, depending on the season, the orienta- rays, obtaining of space-born isotopes and explo-
tion and the height of the entrance and its situa- sion of supernew stars. Secondary cave forma-
tion were also made. These maps were compared tions include a lengthy record of data with ex-
with maps of the distribution of climatic parame- tremely high resolution, as they are formed, as a
ters in the around- the earth atmospheric layer and rule, under almost constant temperature and hu-
the substratum in which the cave had developed. midity and do not change over the time. Once
In 1981, at the ²² International School of Speleol- formed, they conserve these data, which can be
ogy, A. Stoev reported the idea and the first results read by various methods – luminescence of cave
of the research on paleoclimate by deciphering formations, magnetometrics, laser luminescent
data about the solar activity in the “yearly circles” microzonal analysis, contents of stable isotopes,
in stalactites, stalagmites and other speleological etc. That is why the cave formations are among
topics. The idea was undertaken and developed by the best “archives” of the environment of the past.
Y. Shopov and his team, creating an interesting In a series of publications at Bulgarian and
physical method (the so-called Lazer Lumines- international conferences, A. Stoev and his team
cent Microzonal Analysis) for “reading” records presented thermodynamic models of the microcli-
in cave formations. It was shown in a series of mate and the thermic field of the caves and the
articles that the cave formations (stalactites, sta- karstic massif in which they had developed, as
lagmites, stalactones, etc.) give information about well as studies on the resistance of the centuries-
the paleotemperature, paleosoils, seismic process- long value of the average monthly temperature of
es and quantity of precipitations in the past, the cave atmosphere.

96 Vassil Stoitsev and Vassil Markov – photo Vassil Balevski


Caves, as a subject of exploration, have a tration and mobility of attention, psychical com-
complicated and varied relief – squeezes, verti- patibility between the participants, the cardiovas-
cals, underground shafts, lakes, rivers, waterfalls, cular system, etc. The results indicated that in
siphons and others. Overcoming these obstacles is some of the participants the indexes studied
connected with serious physical efforts. Difficul- showed a tendency towards worsening, but re-
ties, danger and risk are combined with a consid- mained within the limits of the normal. Part of the
erable psycho-emotional tension, caused by un- results has been published.

favourable environment, characterized by high In 1973, Dr M. Mihaylov did interesting
relative air humidity, darkness and relatively low psychological and medico-biological studies, un-
temperature. The question of how caving activi- fortunately not published, on cavers during the
ties affect the organism of cavers is important and expedition of Planinets, Sofia, to the pothole
interesting. Knowing the physiological and psy- Pierre Saint Martin in France.
chological changes, occurring in cavers during In March 1977, during the National Wom-
underground activities, we can manage their mul- en’s Expedition in the cave Orlova Chuka near
tilateral training. Russe, A. Jalov accomplished some pedagogical
The scientific research on the influence of and psychological research on the girl cavers. Part

caving on human organism started in 1962, when of the results (unpublished) showed decreasing of
French speleologist M. Siffre descended in the the level of physical fitness and of some psycho-
pothole Scarson, remaining there for 62 days to logical indexes after an everyday caving activity.

study the big glacier in it, as well as the changes In the same year (1977), the cavers A. Jalov, S.
in an organism under complete social isolation. Tsonev and T. Stoychev from Aleko, Sofia Caving
Later, in other countries 12 other similar experi- Club, proposed a new subterranean experiment. It
ments have been carried out. was carried out in the cave Desni Suhi Pech
The first studies on the physiological modi- (Vidin District) under the auspices of the Bulgari-
fications in caving were done by B. Marinov and an Federation of Speleology and under the scien-
G. Shterev, while exploring the cave Gradeshnitsa tific guidance of the National Sport Academy. A.

(1964), and later by B. Marinov and P. Tranteev Jalov and S. Tsonev were participants in the
during the National Lepenitsa expedition (1970). experiment. They spent 62 days and nights in the
The results have been published. cave in a total isolation (only transmitting infor-
In 1971, some Bulgarians became interest- mation outside the cave). The program included a
ed in subterranean experiments. Initiated by Ivan study of the changes in several physiological and

Petrov from the District Caving Club in Plovdiv, psychological indexes. The results showed non-

together with the Medical Academy and the psy- pathological changes in the observed spheres. The
choneurological dispensary in Plovdiv, the first researchers observed some phases in the process
subterranean experiment in Bulgaria was orga- of adaptation of the organism underground. Some
nized. In the cave pothole Topchika, 60 m under- of the results were published, others were used for

ground, the cavers G. Yolov, G. Trichkov, D. the thesis of A. Jalov.

Zhishev and the organizer Ivan Petrov spent 30 For a successful caving expedition, espe-

days. Isolated from the outside world (except for cially in difficult and deep potholes, the level of
the bilateral connection with the support team on general capacity and psychical stability is deci-
the surface), the four effectuated a rich scientific sive when extreme situations occur. The study of
program. The changes in different physiological these two indexes is an important source of
and psychological parameters have been ex- information about the status of the cavers during
plored: skin, optical, auditory, palatal and other their training and about the final composition of
sensitivity, will activity, reaction speed, concen- the expedition. Along those lines were the medi- 97
co-biological studies, carried out by Dr K. Mâl- Interesting studies have been carried out by
chinikolov from the District Dispenser of Sport B. Marinov and T. Daaliev on the participants in
Medicine in Pleven and by S. Gazdov from the expedition of Galata, Varna Caving Club, to the
Studenets, Pleven Caving Club, while preparing pothole Snezhnaya (Caucasus). They were directed
for the descent into the world’s deepest ( at that to how to establish the changes in the accuracy of
time) pothole Jean Bernard in 1984. In the period the muscular effort and strength endurance during
1986–1988, within the program „Man and His the expedition. It was concluded that the activities
Brain“ a series of studies took place, done by Dr of the cavers while penetrating this super deep
G. Mateev, Dr T. Djarova and Dr D. Stefanova pothole (-1370 m) influenced the indexes under
from the National Sport Academy, K. Krâstev study. These indexes can be used to assess the
from Pleven, K. Boyanov and A. Jalov during the status of the cavers and to perfection the process of
preparation and the realization of the expeditions managing the preparation and the expedition itself.
of Studenets, Pleven Caving Club, in Spain. In 1998, Emiliya Gateva from Ambaritsa,
The results, most of them already published Troyan Caving Club, helped by the Sport Acade-

abroad as well, are of considerable practical value my, carried out the next Bulgarian subterranean
Hence they are of interest to the specialists. The experiment. Unlike the previous explorers, E.
generalized conclusion of the studies is that the Gateva remained alone in the pothole Ptichata
functional aptitude of the cavers is important for Dupka in Troyan Balkan for 56 days. During her
enlarging of the organism’s capacity to adapt stay she had a two-way connection with the
under extreme conditions, which are encountered surface. A complex of physiological, and mainly

in every expedition. A. Jalov’s studies on the psychological studies, were realized. Part of the
psychology of the group proved the applicability results found place in the diploma thesis of Gate-

of the sociometrical methods in speleology in va in the National Sport Academy. The others are
terms of the composition of working groups. still unpublished.

Ivan Petrov (the one being awarded), together with three

Alexey Jalov and Stefan Tsonev after the end of the other cavers from Plovdiv carry out the first experiment for
98 experiment in the cave Suhi Pech. Photo archiv BFS. long stay underground in Bulgaria.

Until the beginning of cave diving the ex- team, which overcame 6 more siphons (not possi-
ploration of a cave had stopped where a siphon ble in 1963).
appeared. The first attempt to penetrate a sub- In 1970, cave diving in Bulgaria took its
merged cave system in Bulgaria took place in first victims. In the cave Dyavolskoto Garlo near
October 1947 and was due to the naturalist Alexi Trigrad (Smolyan Distr.) the divers S. Lyutskano-
Petrov. In a heavy diving suite, Petrov reached the va and E. Yonchev (with no underground experi-
bottom of the source lake Glava Panega (12 m ence) from Varna died.
deep), but it was not possible to enter the under- In 1972, the cave divers T. Michev, A.
ground system. For many reasons real cave div- Gyurov and V. Kiselkov tried to penetrate the
ing, requiring special equipment, started in Bul- source near Lakatnik Railway Station and the
garia much later than in other countries with source Glava Panega. In Glava Panega T. Michev
developed Speleology. However, just in few years reached a depth of 29 m and V. Kiselkov (in 1978)
it achieved remarkable results. – even 32 m. This was the end of the first
Bulgarian cave diving group.

First Organized Attempts to Penetrate Siphons

The New Generation In Action
The real birth date of cave diving in Bul-
garia was, however, November 7, 1959. The aim Meanwhile, in the period 1976–1977, on
was to penetrate the siphon of the lake Mrachno- the cave diving scene P. Petrov, V. Nedkov and,
to Ezero in the cave Temnata Dupka at Lakatnik for a short time, P. Hristov appeared. They tried to
Railway Station. Seven cavers participated, two penetrate various siphons in Lakatnik’s Temnata
of which (Aleksandar Denkov and Tanyu Dupka, but most of all the siphons of the cave
Michev) tried, with primitive equipment, to dis- Katsite near Zimevitsa. In 1977, V. Nedkov pene-
cover parts of this big cave. After ca. 40 m, they trated the siphons of the difficult cave Katsite to a
had to return and, with considerable danger to length of 2560 m and a depth of 220 m.
their life, managed to join the group. Other In 1978, A. Jalov overcame on apnea the
attempts were made in the same year in the short (2.5 m) siphon of the cave Gornik near
siphons in Temnata Dupka near Kalotina and Krushuna and discovered 627 m of new water
Krivata Pesht near Gintsi, but without success, galleries. Other discoveries were made after the
due to primitive equipment. In 1960, other at- siphons of the caves Brashlyanskata (Aleksan-
tempts in the siphons of the pothole Djebin Trap drovo), Mussinskata Peshtera (Mussina) and

and in the caves Lepenitsa and Rushovata Pesh- other caves.

tera failed for the same reason. In 1981, another tragic accident resulted in
the death of the caver G. Antonov in the source
In 1963 the Group for Cave Diving at the Popov Izvor near Studena. Four years of standstill
Republican Caving Commission already exist- in the cave diving followed.
ed. The group included A. Denkov, T. Michev, M. In 1985 a new period in Bulgarian cave
Kanev, B. Antonov and Hr. Delchev. With some diving started with the formation of the diving
better equipment they managed to penetrate the group of Studenets, Pleven Caving Club.
siphon of the source Zhabokrek near Chiren (18- The divers I. Gunov, M. Dimitrov, V.
20 November 1963) and to discover a new cham- Chapanov and A. Mihov started the exploration of
ber and a new 120-m gallery. The complete the big cave Boninska Peshtera near Krushuna.
connection of Zhabokrek with the big cave Pono- Until 1987 they had overcome four siphons of 6,
ra was realized only in 2001 by a French-Belgian 6, 30 and 36 m and surveyed 461 m of new water 99
No7, Zâdanenka (Karlukovo), Krivata Pesht (Gin-
tsi), in the source of Kotel and others. However, in
May 1989 another tragedy shocked all Bulgarian
cavers. Trying to penetrate the end siphon of the
cave Urushka Maara near Krushuna, two of the
best Bulgarian cavers and cave divers, V. Nedkov
from Sofia and V. Chapanov from Pleven, died of
suffocation in a gallery, full of (?) CO2.
Despite the heavy losses, cave diving in
Bulgaria did not cease to exist. In the autumn of
1989, divers from Sliven (A. Aleksiev, I. Zdravk-
ov, G. Ganchev, D. Boyanov, S.Mihov) prepared
an attack on the source in Kotel. On October 23,
1990, the team penetrated four siphons and dis-
covered a chamber, which was 20–25 m high and
7 m wide. The exploration is not yet finished.

The divers from Pleven still active

In 1990–1991, the divers from Studenets,

Pleven, explored many new siphons. In the pot-
hole Golyamata Voda near Karlukovo, after three
siphons of 8, 10 and 20 m, they reached a 400-m
gallery and a fourth siphon at 105 m.
Although not so intensive, the siphon activ-
Vassil Nedkov – caver, alpinist and diver
ities of the few cave divers are still resulting in
new discoveries. In 2001, attempts to penetrate
galleries, thus bringing the cave’s length to 4015 the submerged system of Andaka (Dryanovo)
m. Later, in 1989, the divers from Pleven discov- were undertaken by K. Petkov.
ered another 515 m behind three new siphons in It is fair to give a due tribute to the consider-
the same cave, bringing its length to 4530 m. able success of Bulgarian cave divers abroad,
Meanwhile, the group explored the siphons in crowned by the penetration of the siphons of the
many other caves, making considerable discover- giant Spanish pothole Bu-56. Thanks to the efforts
ies. In 1985, they returned to Glava Panega, but of Pleven divers, on September 11, 1987 the depth
only in 1992 K. Petkov entered 230 m of inundat- of the pothole reached1408 m and for some time
ed galleries, bringing the depth to 52 m. In Toplya the system was the second in depth in the world.
the divers surveyed 178 m of new galleries. We should remember this date, as well as the
courageous men who have realized this exploit!

The authors of this book believe that cave

Joy and Sorrow diving is among the most dangerous human activ-
ities. We are proud that we know the people who
During this period hundreds of new galleries dare see what is “behind” and who contribute to a
were discovered by other cavers (G. Yordanov, D. better knowledge of caves. The problems in Bul-
Todorov, V. Pashovski, K. Georgiev) in the caves garian cave siphons are by no means over.


Karst and karstic phenomena are a natural troglobites are endemic species living only in
entity with specific features, fauna and flora. At the several caves on a limited area, sometimes known
same time, these regions and especially the caves only from one cave. Such are many cave beetles,
in them contain a multilateral information concern- Myriapods and Isopods. That is why the destruc-
ing the development of the material and the spiritu- tion of one cave could bring to the disappearance of
al culture of mankind, as well as about the animals entire animal species forever. All animals (inverte-
and plants of the past of our planet. Taking this into brates and bats) living in caves are protected.
account, it is certain that any excessive human Bats are the most typical vertebrates in
activity, including the activity of cavers, could lead caves. Almost all European species live also in
to disrupting the fragile balance and to irreparable Bulgaria (so far 30 species recorded, including
damages to Nature, Science and Culture. two in caves). Bats are especially protected in all
It is evident that if speleology did not exist, European countries and there are many restric-
the human presence in the caves would not influ- tions for visiting the “bat caves” in Bulgaria, even
ence the natural environment and the negative for cavers. The local caving clubs should take care
changes would have been due only to external of these caves. Such caves of European impor-
factors. The practising and the development of tance are Parnitsite near Bezhanovo, Ponora near
speleology should be carried out trictly respecting Chiren, Sedlarkata near Rakita, Morovitsa near
the rules for protection of environment. This is Glozhene, Nanin Kamak near Musselievo, De-
important also for anyone, so it is necessary for vetashkata Peshtera near Devetaki, the old mine
them to know what, why and how to protect near Golak, etc. It is especially important not to
what’s in the caves and karstic areas. disturb the bats during the breeding season, in
The secrets of caves have attracted and still winter roosts, to make fire in and near the caves or


attract generations of Bulgarian cavers and the to chase the bats from their roosts.
curiosity of many chance visitors. For many of Some birds also inhabit caves. They can be
them the animal world of the caves remains almost subdivided into two main groups: nesting in caves
unnoticed. The caves offer a unique living environ- and taking shelter in them. The most typical repre-
ment – specific microclimate (almost permanent sentatives of the first group are the white-breasted
temperature and humidity), slight or absent day- swift, the Rock swallow, the alpine chough and the
light. This has provoked the subdivision of the rock pigeon. Other birds (owls and many others)
animal world in caves into three essential groups:
troglobites – animals, entirely adapted to life un-
derground; troglophiles (cave loving) – animals,
living in and outside the caves, but reproducing in
caves, and trogloxenes – chance visitors in caves,
sometimes quite regularly entering them.
So far 704 animal species (Invertebrates)
have been recorded from Bulgarian caves. Many
others live in other parts of the underground eco-
system (microcaverns of different type). At least 97
species are considered troglobites or stygobites
(the name given to the water animals permanently
living in caves). Usually, they are tiny white or
semitransparent creatures, which could be seen on
clay deposits, cave walls, flowstone formations, in Stalaktites, stalagmites and other flowstone formations in
pools, lakes or on layers of bat guano. Most the cave Snezhanka – photo Valery Peltekov 101
also find shelter in the entrance parts of the caves, Cave sediments contain material vestiges
some of them even nesting there. from the Paleolithic and the Medieval Man, and
Among the birds which do not live in caves, bones of many animals from different periods.
but nest on the rocks or in niches around the cave Usually, the sediments conserve well these re-
entrances, are some of the rarest and most endan- mains and protect them from erosion and other
gered birds: the rock eagle, the Egyptian vulture, external factors. When not disturbed, the materi-
some falcons, the eagle owl, the black stork and als in the sediments, are usually in a chronologi-
others. They are strictly protected and cavers cal order. Each disturbance of the natural sedi-
should participate actively in their protection. mentation makes impossible the dating of the
The natural beauty and the uniqueness of finds and the proper archaeological, paleontho-
the caves is due to the stalactites, stalagmites and logical, sedimentological and other scientific re-
all other mineral formations. Depending on the search. To preserve these extremely important
geological and hydrogeological environment and sites from destruction there is a law concerning
the climate, the flowstone formations grow with the monuments of culture and museums. Accord-
different intensity and acquire various shapes, ing to the legislation, any excavation or digging in
size and coloration. In all cases, the formation of caves without the consent of the Archaeological
secondary karst artefacts is a long process, while Institute (Sofia) is illegal and prosecuted.
their destruction is a matter of minutes. The Environment Protection Act provides for a
The karstic underground water is an impor- special protection of caves of particular beauty or of
tant factor in the life of cave organisms. At the high historical, scientific or cultural value. They may
same time, it is often a resource for satisfying be declared Protected Natural Sites (PNS). Such
human needs (drinking and industrial water, irri- are: the Natural Reserves, the National Parks, the
gation, etc.). The pollution of underground water Natural Parks, the Remarkable Sites, the Protected
makes it dangerous for people and animals. If Areas and the Protected Plants and Animals. Depend-
dumping of dead animals or other organic, chem- ing on where/which category the caves belong, they
ical or mechanical pollutants in caves and pot- get a different regime of protection and use.
holes is detected, the Regional Inspectorate of Caves on the territory of Reserves are best
Environment and the media should be informed. protected. On their territory any economic activity or

102 Petar Beron collecting biological material in the cave Vodnata peshtera by the village Breste – photo Valery Peltekov
deeds, which endanger the natural habitat or ecosys- Devetashkata Peshtera (Monument of Culture
tem are prohibited. In Bulgaria, about 80 caves are of national importance), the rock monasteries near
protected within the Biosphere reserves Steneto and Ivanovo (Russe Distr.), the natural and archaeological
Boatin in Central Stara Planina, the reserves reserve Yaylata near Kamen Bryag, Dobrich Distr.,
Vrachanski Karst, Bayovi Dupki – Djindjeritsa in and others are protected as cultural monuments.
Northern Pirin, Kupena and Kastrakl in the By virtue of the Bulgarian Constitution and the
Rhodopes. Visiting and bivouacking in the reserves laws of the country, every Bulgarian citizen or organi-
could take place only by A special permit of the zation can propose to the government institutions that
Ministry of Environment and Waters (MEW). some caves or areas be declared Protected Sites.
One hundred forteen (114) Bulgarian caves It is also possible to temporarily restrict all
altogether have been declared Natural or Histor- activities in one particular cave or groups of caves, by
ic Sites. They are protected, including the adja- announcing the interested owners or organizations.
cent area, indicated in the Ministerial Decree, Declaring one natural site protected does
issued in Dârzhaven Vestnik (State Gazette). not change its ownership but places its use under
In the decree stipulates that in the protected the restrictions of the law. National Parks and
site it is prohibited to establish quarries nearby, to Reserves are Government property (Art. 18 of the
brake the flowstone formations, to leave graffiti Constitution).
on the walls, to light fire, to pollute and to do Under the Law on the Waters there is a prohibi-
anything detrimental to the natural status of the tion to penetrate the source caves, used for drinking,
site. It is prohibited to enter “bat caves” during or the sanitary zones of the karstic sources. Some well
their breeding season. known caves of this category are Tserovskata Pesh-
Protected sites could be areas with peculiar tera near Tserovo, Garvanitsa near Kossovo, Vodni
features of surface and subterranean karst. Well Pech near Dolni Lom, the sources Kotlenski Izvori in
known protected sites in Bulgaria are the canyon Kotel, the cave near Galata, Lovech Distr., the caves
of Chernelka River near Gortalovo and the Karst in the water collecting area of Kumanitsa karstic
Valley near Petârnitsa, Pleven Distr.; the canyon source near Cherni Ossam, etc. Visits in the cave
of Negovanka River and the locality Ponorite near sources of drinking water can be done only with a
Mussina, Veliko Târnovo Distr., Zlosten near Ko- special permit by the authorized bodies.
tel; the gorges of Trigrad and Buynovo in the


Rhodopes. Four karstic sources are also declared
Protected sites: the source in the locality Yamata
near Stara Zagora, Kyoshkata near Razlog, Med-
venskite Izvori near Medven and Zlatna Panega
near the village of the same name, Lovech Distr.
In the Protected Sites limited activities are permit-
ted not damaging the natural landscape.
The National Parks and the Natural
Parks are extensive protected areas. Caves or
important features of the surface karst often fall
within their territory.
The use of the natural assets, including
caves, in the parks should not lead to a disbalance
of the environment. Within the parks ca. 500
caves and potholes altogether are situated (and
thus protected).
This makes the total number of Bulgarian
caves, protected under the Environment Protection
Act, about 750. Fines and other penalties are provid-
ed for by this Act and by other laws and decrees.
Some other Bulgarian caves are protected
also by other laws (the Cultural Monuments Law To not leave behind rubbish is essential concern of the
or the Law on the Waters). cavers – photo Trifon Daaliev 103

Karstic features are developed on 22.7% of area (Popov, 1970b). This Region is the richest in
Bulgarian territory (Popov, 1970a), or 25 171 caves in Bulgaria. There, we find 19 of the 59
km2. According to Boyadjiev (1964) the karst Bulgarian potholes, which are deeper than 100 m,
areas are 15 778 km2. As Popov (1970a) stated, and 46 of the 65 Bulgarian caves, which are
this figure does not include buried karst. Together longer than 1000 m. In all parts of the Regions
with this category, most of the karstified area there are big caves and potholes.
belongs to the Danube Plain (66% of the karst in In Belogradchik District, built of limestone
Bulgaria), the least is found in the Transitional from the Mesozoic Era, there are such caves as
Geomorphological Region (6%). After many Magura (2500 m), Vodni Pech near Dolni Lom
years of research, in the period 1968–1978 Village (1300 m), Mishin Kamik near Gorna
Vladimir Popov subdivided Bulgaria into four Luka (695 m), as well as Pleshovska Dupka near
regions and 50 districts. Prevala Village, which is 102 m deep.
The Danube Plain was subdivided into In Salash District a noticeable cave is Rush-
eight districts. Out of its extensive karst 70% is kovitsa near Stakevtsi Village (450 m).
buried karst (Sarmatian sediments). From the A classic karst area and one among the
Serbian-Bulgarian border to Pleven area several richest in Bulgaria is Vratsa District. In its thick
important caves are situated: Varkan near Druzh- Jurassic and Cretaceous limestone more than
ba Village (812 m), Bashovishki Pech near Oresh- 500 caves and potholes have been discovered. In
ets Railway Station (over four km long), Sedlar- the higher parts of Vrachanska Planina the fol-
kata near Rakita Village (1100 m), Gininata Pesh- lowing potholes have been explored : Barkite 14
tera near Sadovets Village (501 m), Kirov Vârtop (-356 m denivelation, 2600 m long), Belyar (- 282 m
near Bohot Village (776 m), Aladjanskata Pesh- Denivelation, 2560 m long), Barkite 8 (-190 m),
tera (1083 m) and Haydushkata Peshtera (459 m) Pukoya near Pavolche Village (-178 m), Yavorets
near Gortalovo Village. The region of the valley (-147 m) and Panchovi Gramadi (-104 m) near
of Rusenski Lom River is of particular interest. Zverino and Haydushkata near Bistrets (-108 m).
There, on the steep slopes of the river valleys, The water caves near Chiren (Ponora, 3497 m
near the villages Basarbovo, Ivanovo, Tabachka, long; Mladenovata Propast, 1723 m long) are
Pepelina and others many caves, including Orlova among the cavers’ favourites. Other caves over
Chuka (13 437 m), the second in length in 500 m long are Toshova Dupka near Stoyanovo

Bulgaria, are formed. Kulina Dupka near Krivnja (1302 m), Mizhishnitsa (885 m), Sokolskata
is 326 m long. Dupka near Lyutadjik (815 m), Gârdyuva Dup-
In Ludogorie and Dobrudja, there are many ka near Zgorigrad (510 m). The longest of the
(over 350), but relatively small caves. More im- 130 little caves near Cherepish is Studenata
portant are Stoyanova Dupka near Ruyno (357 m) Dupka (623 m).
and Dogoulite near Topchii (305 m). From the The caves near Lakatnik – the cradle of the
abrasive caves between Kaliakra and Shabla the cavers from Sofia – also belong to Vratsa Region.
longest is Tyulenovata Peshtera (107 m). Here we find Temnata Dupka (over 7000 m),
The karst of Shumensko Plateau harbours Kozarskata Peshtera (709 m), Razhishkata Dupka
several caves including Zandana (2716 m) and (316 m) and Svinskata Dupka (300 m).
the pothole Taynite Ponori (115 m deep and More than 140 caves and potholes have
1916 m long). been recorded from Ponor Karstic Region.
The Karstic Region of Stara Planina (the Among them are the caves near Ginci, Komshtit-
Predbalkan and the chain of Stara Planina) is sa, Gubesh, Iskrets, Zimevitsa and Tserovo. Some
subdivided into 19 districts. The karst of this of them are well known to the cavers from Sofia:
104 Region covers 4980 km2, or 19,2 % of its total Dushnika (876 m), Katsite (-205 m, length 2560 m),
Golemata Temnota near Drenovo (-106 m, 2000 m (-232 m), Borova Dupka (-156 m), Pticha Dupka
length), Golyamata (4800 m) and Malkata (-125 (-108 m and 652 m long), Kumanitsa (-104 m and
m) Balabanovi Dupki, Radolova Yama (-88 m), 1656 m long), Golyamata Gârlovina (-100) and
Krivata Pesht (1500 m), Tizoin (-320 m, length Vurlata (1110 m), all in the area of the village
3599 m) and Saguaroto (-135 m, length 2217 m). Cherni Ossam. The water cave Trona (Duhaloto)
Some of the longest caves in West Bulgaria are near Apriltsi is 1040 m long.
the caves near Tserovo Railway Station (Vodnata In Lovech area many caves are known,
Peshtera, 3264 m, and Mayanitsa, 1426 m). including Golyamata (1921 m) and Malkata Pesh-
On the border with Serbia, the cave Temna- tera (1295 m) near Mikre and Sopotskata Peshtera
ta Dupka near Kalotina (Berende) marks the end near Sopot (1225 m).
of the present Bulgarian territory. Beyond the The subterranean karst in Devetaki Plateau
border, imposed by the Neuilly Treaty, the former forms a special cave area. It includes the famous
Bulgarian caves near Odorovci and Vetrena Dup- Devetashka Peshtera, 2442 m and contains the
ka near Vlasi remain. largest cave chamber in Bulgaria, also the caves
Another classic karstic area is Kameno near Krushuna: Popskata, or Boninskata Peshtera
Pole – Karlukovo. In this majestic karst the (4530 m), Vodopada (1995 m), Urushka Maara
National Caver’s House Petar Tranteev has (1600 m), Gornik (1074 m); near Gorsko Slivovo
been built. In the valley of Iskar more than 600 (Chernata Pesht, 741 m), Kârpachevo (Futy-
caves have been discovered, including Bayov ovskata Peshtera, 700 m), Aleksandrovo (Brâsh-
Komin (2196 m) and Drashanskata Peshtera lyanskata Peshtera, 608 m), Chavdartsi (Mandra-
(578 m) near Drashan; Starata Prodânka (628 m) ta, 530 m). In this area also the potholes Kâncho-
and Popovata near Gabare; Golyamata Voda va Vârpina (-100 m, 463 m long) and Blagova
(-104 m, 612 m long), Zadânenka (1150 m), Yama near Etropole (- 153 m) are situated.
Bankovitsa (689 m); Stublenska Yama (-72 m, Some of the remarkable Bulgarian caves are
562 m long); EC-20 (-94 m) and Tipchenitsa developed in the Apt-Urgon limestone of the
(-78 m), all near Karlukovo. In the majestic plateau of Arbanasi and Belyakovets. Cavers are
karstic landscape of Karlukovo, the cave Pro- proud of the new discoveries near Emen: Russe (-
hodna is also prominent, the lower entrance of 100 m, 3306 m long), Troana (2750 m), Bambalo-
which is 42 m high. vata (2923 m), as well as of the extension of the
In the limestone, which is up to 450 m “old” Emenska Peshtera up to 3113 m. Other
thick, in the valleys of the rivers Vit, Panega, important caves are Genchova Dupka (265 m)
Batulska and Yablanishka, the caves of the Panega near Malak Chiflik and the water cave Musinska-
Region are formed – Morovitsa near Glozhene (- ta Peshtera (532 m) near Mussina.
105 m, 3200 m long), Vodnata Pesht near Lipnitsa Large caves have been found in Strazha-
(1100 m), the potholes Partizanskata (-107 m), Debelets District. Such are Machanov Trap near
Bezdânniyat Pchelin (-105 m), Yasenski Oblik Zdravkovets (1907 m), Izvora near Yantra (1400

(-108 m), Nanovitsa (-102 m) and others. One of m). The longest cave in Debeli Dyal Subdistrict is
the biggest karstic sources in Bulgaria – Glava Marina Dupka near Genchevtsi (3075 m). A
Panega (max outflow 20 m3/s) was explored by favourite meeting point of cavers are the big caves
divers up to -52 m. However, it is justified to near Dryanovski monastery – Bacho Kiro (3500
assume that amazing discoveries are yet to be m) and Andaka (4000 m). In the small cave
expected in this huge underground system. Polichki in the same area out some of the first
Large water caves are formed in Dragana – archaeological explorations in Bulgarian caves,
Bezhanovo Region of the Predbalkan: Parnitsite were carried out, as early as the end of the 19th
(2500 m), Gergitsovata (408 m), Sedlarkata century.
(1100 m), Skoka (1000 m). The relatively small caves, high in Shipka
The caves of Teteven and Troyan regions Balkan (Stoletovskata Peshtera and others), con-
are among the most interesting in Bulgaria. They tain interesting cave fauna. In the mountain of
belong to Vassilyov, Cherni Vit and Gorni Ossam Elana – Tvarditsa only some 30 caves and pot-
areas. Some are particularly important, such as holes have been recorded, but they include the
Raychova Dupka (Denivelation – 377 m, the recently discovered pothole Magliviya Snyag
deepest in Bulgaria, 3333 m long), Malkata Yama (-146 m, length 3076 m) near Tvarditsa and the 105
cave Dolnata Maaza near Byala (280 m), known most important caves in Bulgaria have been
since long time ago. formed: Duhlata (18 000 m, the longest cave in
In the Cretaceous limestone of Kotel Moun- Bulgaria), Vreloto (5300 m) and PPD (1020 m).
tain there are many caves and potholes, but the cave In this belt from Sofia to the mountain Sakar,
fauna is rather poor. The pothole Golyamata Yama there are no caves of importance, but the cave
near Kipilovo (-350 m, third deepest in Bulgaria) is source Chirpan Bunar near Belozem (220 m, 30–
worth mentioning. There are important caves in the 40 l/s) is to be noticed.
area of Zelenich (Prikazna, 4782 m, with the In the districts of Sakar and Dervent
richest fauna in the area; Lucifer, -130 m, length heigths, several dozens of caves in Trias marble-
3200 m; Kârvavata Lokva, -140 m, Bilernika, -80 limestone are known. They include Bozkite (324
m, Golyamata Humba, -94 m). Even during the m) and Dranchi Dupka (257 m) near Mramor,
time of Rakovski (the beginning of 19th century) Kirechnitsata (224 m) and Dranchi Dupka (-25 m)
the caves in the area of Zlosten were known – the near Melnitsa.
potholes Lednika (-242 m, length 1367 m), Mâgli- In the Strandja District, 77 relatively small
vata (-220 m), Uzhasat na Imanyarite (Treasure- caves and potholes have been recorded, among
hunters’ Horror) (-160 m), Akademik (-158 m) and which Bratanovata (384 m), Kaleto (302 m),
the cave sink Subatta (518 m). There are caves also Bâzât 1 (208 m), Bâzât 2 (208 m), Kerechnitsata
near the village Medven (including the ice cave (224 m) and Stoyanovata Peshtera near Kosti (150
Lednitsata). The source cave in Kotel has an m). The deepest among the few potholes in
outflow of up to 2500 l/s. Strandja are Golyamata Vapa near Stoilovo (-125
In the mountain Preslavska Planina the m, length 450 m) and Tangarachkata Dupka near
most important cave is Prolazkata (Derventskata) Bogdanovo (-74 m).
Peshtera (569 m). Rila-Rhodopean Region. There are 13
The Transitional Karstic Region comprises cave districts in the mountains Pirin and the
a long stripe stretching from the border with Rhodopes, developed mainly in Proterozoan mar-
Serbia to the border with Turkey, between the ble and (less) in limestone.
regions of Stara Planina and the Rhodopes. In In Pirin there are mostly potholes, especial-
the mountains around Trân, Zemen and Trekly- ly in Vihren Subdistrict. Right under the summit
ano the caves are small, but in the Trias dolo- of Vihren the pothole Vihrenska Propast descends
mites and limestone on the western slope of up to 170 m; in the circus Bayuvi Dupki is the
Vitosha, near the village Bosnek, some of the pothole Chelyustnitsa (-103 m); in Banski Suhod-
ol – “20 godini Akademik” (-118 m), Propast - 9
(-225 m) and Propast - 14 (-103 m). Among the
caves in Sinanitsa Subregion the more prominent
are Aleko (-130 m, length 600 m) Sharaliyskata
(470 m), Rimskata (293 m) and Ruykovata (120

m). Near Razlog is the source cave Spropadnaloto

(605 m).
The caves in South Pirin, Slavyanka and
Stargach are few, but interesting. The deepest
pothole is Garvanitsa (-60 m) near Gotsev Vrah,
some interesting cave animals have been found
in Rupite near Paril and Stârshelitsa near Gole-
shevo. In the marble of Dâbrash part of the
Rhodopes more prominent is the cave Manailo-
vata (Manoilovskata) Peshtera near Ribnovo (-
115 m, length 2155 m).
In the Velingrad District, between Velingrad
and Rakitovo, the cave Lepenitsa is situated. It is
one of the first show caves, which however has
Êîncheto – part of the karstic ridge of Pirin – photo Valery been vandalized many times. Near the town of
106 Peltekov Peshtera the caves Vodnata Peshtera (1114 m),
Novata Peshtera (846 m), Yubileyna (814 m) and South and Southeast of Smolyan. The deepest
the show cave Snezhanka (276 m) are situated. pothole in the area is Kladeto near Polkovnik
In the largest karst district in the West Serafimovo (-147 m).
Rhodopes – Dobrostan District – we know over In Ardino District, 44 caves and potholes
200 caves and potholes. Important among them are known, including Vodnata Peshtera near
are Garvanitsa near Kosovo (897 m), Topchika Nedelino (203 m), Gyaurhambar near Stomantsi
(727 m), Hralupa (311 m) and Gargina Dupka (112 m) and Karagug near Tyutyunche (105 m).
near Mostovo (534 m). Particularly interesting Among the small caves is Maazata near
are the potholes Lisek (-160 m) and Kutelska Mâdretsi (114 m). In the easternmost part of the
Yama (-88 m) near Dryanovo, Druzhba (-130 m) Rhodopes, 35 caves have been explored, incl.
and Ivanova Voda (-113 m) near Dobrostan. The Karangil near Shiroko Pole (490 m), Samara
stone bridges Erkyupriya (Chudnite Mostove) (327 m), Ogledalnata Peshtera (157 m) near
near Zabârdo and Mostovo are to be noted. Ribino and Belopolyanskata Peshtera near Be-
In the marble of Trigrad District, which is lopolyane.
thick up to 1600 m, there are majestic gorges with Caves in non-carbonate rocks. The vol-
many caves. Among them are Yagodinskata Pesh- canic caves in Bulgaria have been studied main-
tera (Imamova Dupka -8501 m, the third longest ly by Boris Kolev. He has recorded only on the
in Bulgaria), Sanchova Dupka (888 m) near Yagod- territory of the Eastern Rhodopes 77 caves
ina, Izvora (2480 m) and Eminova Dupka (635 m) (Kolev, 1987). They are short but spacious
near Borino, the potholes Drangaleshkata (-255 m, (Golyamata Peshtera near Byal Kladenets, 51 m,
length 1142 m) and Kambankite (-158 m) near Ehtyashtata, 30 m and Prilepnata, 18 m).
Mugla, Ledenitsata near Gela (-108 m, length Among the caves in sandstone, conglom-
1419 m). In Chepelare District, the longest cave is erate and gneiss the ones worth mentioning are
Samurskata Dupka (456 m). Lepenishki Pech near Prolaznitsa, Belograd-
Borikovskata Peshtera (470 m) and chik area (35 m), Uske near Chetirtsi (88 m)
Goloboitsa (362 m) are caves in the marble and others.


The rocks of Cherepish – photo Trifon Daaliev 107


The Danube Plain deposits, have been registered. In the walls of the
Region of Russenski Lom River and Its canyon-like valleys, there are niches, overhangs
Tributaries and other phenomena, due to river waters. The
caves in the region are mostly horizontal, their
The karstic region of Russenski Lom River entrances being situated on the slopes of the
and its tributaries is one of the most interesting in valleys, at a different relative distance above the
the Danube Plain. The karst and the caves have river beds. Part of them are difficult to reach.
been described in details by Krastev (1979), About 50 caves have been registered, the most
Radulov (2002) and others and are attached to the remarkable being the show cave Orlova Chuka,
meandering valleys of the rivers Russenski Lom, the second longest in Bulgaria. The rock churches
Beli Lom from Senovo Town to the confluence and monasteries near Ivanovo Village are of con-
with Cherni Lom; Cherni Lom from Tabachka siderable interest.
Village downstream and Malki Lom near Svalen- When visiting the caves in the area, it is
ik Village. In these sectors, canyon-like valleys recommended to keep in mind that part of the region
are formed, incised in some places by more than is situated within the Russenski Lom Natural Park.
100 m in the hilly relief of the Danube Plain
(Altitude ca. 150–200 m). The karst and caves are
formed in the oolythic, biogenous and detritus Stara Planina
limestone of the so-called Russenska Suitee of Chiren Subregion
Lower Cretaceous (Aptian) which is 50 to 300 m
thick. To the south, they are gradually replaced by The Chiren Subregion is part of the so-

clay limestone and mergels and the karstification called Vratsa Region thus named by V. Popov
becomes weaker. Underneath, similar rocks from (1977). The reason for its separation is that this is
the Lower Cretaceous are found. There are over- an independent karstic basin, not connected and
laying sandy and clayish deposits from the Neo- very different in type of karstification from the
gene and the Quaternary, represented mainly by mountain Vrachanski Balkan. The subregion has

loess material. The limestone layers are almost been studied by Spassov (1973), Benderev et al.

horizontal, slightly inclined to the north. (1999) and others. It is situated in the lower
The cave formation is due mostly to river Predbalkan, between the villages Lilyache,
waters and less to precipitation, which in this Mramoren and Banitsa. The relief is hilly, domi-
region is ca. 580–600 mm/a. In the peneplenized nated by Milin Kamak. The altitude varies be-
parts between the valleys, permanent surface out- tween 150 and over 400 m. The average precipita-

flow is almost absent. Below the river level, the tion is ca. 550–600 mm/a.
limestone is saturated with water, the direction of Geologically, the subregion covers the south-
the movement of underground waters being to- ern limb of the so-called Mramoren Syncline – a
wards the Danube River. There are also several shallow tectonic structure directed E-W and long

karstic sources of local importance at the base of ca. 15 km with direction of the axis 100–110o. The
the limestone cliffs in the valleys. northern limb is strongly dislocated and almost
The existing physicogeographical and geo- entirely destroyed. On the surface, alternating
logical situation is the reason for the type of karst Lower Cretaceous carbonate and terrigenous mate-
– platforms, valleys and covered karst in the rials appear and the layers dip northwards.
interriver massifs. The surface karstic forms are The Urgonian-type limestone of the so-

represented by different types of karren in the called Cherepish suite is subject to karstification.
outcrops along the upper edges of the valleys. Underneath, the mergels of the Mramoren suite are
108 Several dolines and valogs covered by Quaternary situated, the cover consisting of alternating terrige-
nous-carbonate rocks (limestone, sandstone-lime- potholes have been recorded. The potholes are few
stone, limestone-sandstone, aleurolythes, aleurites and represent wells, on the bottom of which there
and sandstone-mergels) of the Lyutibrod Suite. The are horizontal parts.
limestone complex çaëÿãa with an inclination of The typical ponor caves prevail, some of
ca. 10–15° to the north and is split by a layer of them being of considerable dimensions. An ex-
mergels, 60–80 m thick. The lower part of the ception is the cave Peshketo, the entrance of
limestone (Lilyache Zone) appears as a rainbow which is an old source and then an underground
shaped stripe 100–250 m thick and 1.5 km wide, river is reached, surfacing ca. 50 m away. Another
between the villages Mramoren and Lilyache. The exception is Bozhiyat Most (a natural bridge with
upper part (Banitsa Zone) is outcropping in the an ascending gallery). Generally, the caves can be
slope of the height Kaleto, between the villages localized in two zones. The first zone includes the
Banitsa and Chiren and is 60–80 m thick and with valleys of Ponora and Zhabokrek – Barata. It is
a surface of 2.5 km2. determined by the contact of the limestone of
Both zones are karstified, the karstification Lilyache Zone with the underlying rocks. Here,
occurring mostly along the following fissure sys- most of the major water caves are situated, the
tems: 100–130° and 160–190°. There, karstic un- direction of the galleries parallel to the mentioned
derground water is forming. The Lilyache Zone contact, while the direction of water movement is
collects the waters from the zone of the limestone from E to W. One of the important caves is
outcrops, as well as from the surfaces taken by Mladenovata Peshtera, with a stream in it. An
terrigenous rocks. In the central part of the band, indicator experience/test it was proven that its
the surface water divide is expressed, separating waters join the water of the cave Ponora, the
this zone into two parts: western (of Lilyache) and longest in the region. The water of Ponora re-
eastern (of Mramoren), variously karstified. The appears in the source Zhabokrek. From there, part
natural draining of the zone is done via several of them enter the cave Tigancheto and reach
sources; finally the waters of all sources merging in Bozhiya Most.
two rivers – Barata, heading west, and Mramor-
chitsa, heading east. Major sources are Zhabokrek, Some major caves in the basin of Mramoren
from which the water of Ponora cave, the source of No Name Site Length, m

Peshketo cave, the source Ezeroto and the sources 1 Ponora Chiren Village 3497
in Mramoren Village appear. Banitsa Zone is 2 Mladenovata Chiren Village 1723
drained by the group of sources Zankinoto in the Propast

center of the village Chiren with a capacity of 2.5 3 Peshketo Lilyache Village 630
to 110 l/s and by the fountain in the west end of the
village with a capacity of 5–6 l/s. In the village More numerous, however smaller caves, are
Banitsa, a subthermal source is situated. situated in the valley Suhata Dolina, parallel to
Surface karstification is clearly expressed, the valleys Ponorska and Barata in the north. The

especially in the Lilyache Zone. The karren – shape of this valley is much more peneplenized.
mostly east of the road Vratsa-Chiren, have large Here, there are many funnels, in some of which
distribution. Two major surfaces of distribution of the entrances of caves and potholes appear.
valogs and dolines are localized – one between the The caves in the region are relatively acces-
caves Ponora and Mladenovata, the other one sible and are situated near some asphalt roads

between the villages Lilyache and Chiren. Dolines (between the villages Chiren, Lilyache and some
are of different shape and depth. Some of them are others). In the eastern part, through the village of
opened and give birth to potholes. Some others are Mramoren, the road Vratsa-Oryahovo passes.
filled up (such are most funnels between Lilyache

and Chiren). The valley of Barata River, in some


places a typical karstic canyon with steep cliffs, Vratsa Subregion

waterfalls, cauldrons of erosion and niches, also
refers to the surface karst forms. Over this valley, Within this subregion, most of the mountain
the well-known natural rock bridge Bozhiyat Most, Vrachnska Planina is situated – a band ortiented
443 m long, is formed. Towards the cave Ponora a NE-SW. It rises sharply above the plain of Vratsa
blind valley is formed. In this region, 24 caves and and the hilly area of Mezdra – bordering it on the 109
northeast. The slopes are abrupt, rocky, about lyths. The geological cross-section is best seen on
600–700 m high. The valleys of the rivers Iskar the surface of the southwestern slopes and near
and Botunya border the region on SE and NW, Zgorigrad Village.
and the rivers Zlatitsa and Cherna – on SW and S. The basic tectonic structure here is the
The valley of Leva River subdivides it into two Zgorigrad Anticline, almost overlapping the Vrat-
parts: Bazovska (southeastern) and Stresherska sa Subregion. From this anticlyne the arch and the
(northwestern), with the highest summits respec- northern limb are preserved, which determines
tively Buk (1394 m) and Streshero (1212 m). The the situation of the limestone layers. In their
valley of Leva River has formed the picturesque peneplenized parts, they are almost horizontal, on
gorge Vratsata between Zgorigrad and Vratsa. the northeastern slopes they are steep and in some
In general, plateau-like relief is typical for places vertical. The pressure south – southwest
the subregion, with peneplenized surface, mainly determines the directions of the basic fissure
between 1000 and 1200 m a.s.l. and abrupt slopes systems. Contemporary karstification is due
towards the bordering rivers, Vratsa Plain and mostly to rainfall water, the average rainfall
Mezdra Lowland. The peneplenized area features amount being about 800–1000 mm. In the pene-
a typical karst relief with residual tumuli, separat- plenized parts there is almost no constant surface
ed by poljes, blind dolines and blind valleys. outflow, as the entire amount of rainfall is taken
Other surface forms are developed as well – by the surface karst forms. After its penetration
funnels, karren, karren fields. into the massif, the water goes towards its periph-
For the forming of karstic features here, ery, surfacing as karstic springs. The most impor-
especially important is the thick Upper Jurassic tant ones are situated at the base of the northeast-
and Lower Cretaceous limestone. Underneath, ern slope – the source near Toshova Dupka,
there are rocks of Middle and Lower Jurassic Stoyanovo Village (outflow 78–390 l/s), near
(aleurolyths and aleuryths), missing in some plac- Matnishki monastery (total outflow 138–430 l/s),
es. A Trias carbonate complex (karstified lime- near St. Ivan Pusti monastery (ca. 10–15 l/s), near
stone and dolomite) follows. In their base, they Bistrets Village (127–780 l/s), near Pavolche Vil-
transit into Lower Trias sandstone and aleuro- lage (3–497 l/s), as well as the two sources in
Iskâr Valley near Cherepish Railway Station (re-

spectively 33–1010 l/s and 11–139 l/s). On the

southern side, the two sources above Zverino
Village and the source Chigoril (up to 40 l/s) are
situated. In the central parts of the massif, in the
valley of Leva River, there are the sources above

Zgorigrad Village (total of 20 – 250 l/s) and the


source Ludoto Ezero (8–220 l/s). According to the

geological conditions the sources are mostly con-
tact ones, surfacing on the contact between the

110 The karst of Vratsa – photo Valery Peltekov, Trifon Daaliev The rocks near Lakatnik – photo Valery Peltekov
karstified and the non-karstified rocks. Only the When visiting the caves and the potholes in
situation of the sources near Cherepish Railway the area, we have to take into account that the
Station and Ludoto Ezero is determined by the subregion falls almost entirely within Vrachanski
base of erosion. Balkan Natural Park.
As a whole, in the sub region in 2002, more
than 250 caves and potholes were known More
numerous, although smaller are the caves in the Eastern Berkovska Planina and Ponor Planina
eastern part. However, in the western part most of
the bigger cave potholes are situated. So far, in This region overlaps with the karstic re-
Vratsa Subregion there are seven cave potholes gion of Ponor, thus named by V. Popov. It is
and proper potholes over 100 m deep (some of situated in the western part of the Main Balkan
them also of considerable length). Range, between Iskar River and the border be-
Besides the caves, the water caves, situated tween Bulgaria and Serbia. The northern and the
immediately close to the big karstic springs, are southern limits follow geological patterns – the
also interesting. Underground rivers, connected northern limit coincides with the lithological
with springs, run in them. Such are Toshova limit between the Trias carbonate rocks and the
Dupka near Stoyanovo Village, 1302 m long, Lower Trias sandstone, while the southern
Cherniyat Izvor near Mâtnishki monastery, 546 m boundary runs over the Iskrets – Gubesh Dislo-
long, Gârdyova Dupka near one of Zgorigrad cation. The region is divided by Ginska River
sources (510 m long). Near Ledenika Hut we also into two. The western part is situated in the
find the interesting sink-cave Mizhishnitsa, 855 m southern slopes of Berkovska Planina, while the
long, as well as the pothole Zmeyova Dupka (-52 eastern coincides with the mountain Ponor. The
m, full of beautiful flowstone formations). In this reason to merge the two parts is the undisturbed
subregion, the show cave Ledenika is situated, as distribution of Trias limestone and dolomite.
well as the beautiful pothole N 13 (Vârteshkata) Comparatively better studied is the eastern
below the summit Rogo and others. (Ponor) section (Dinev, 1959, Stoitsev & Neyk-
ovski, 1975, Benderev, 1989).
Some major caves in Vrachanska Planina The relief is typically mountainous, the

No Name Site Depth, Length, altitude varying between 400 m in the gorge of
m m Iskar to 1473 m at the summit Sarbenitsa in the
1 Toshova Dupka Glavatsi Village 63 1302 Ponor part and to 1499 at the summit Meshin

2 Cherniya Izvor Glavatsi Village +12 753 Kamak and the summit Biloto west of Ginska
3 Belyar Gorno Ozirovo 282 2500 river. The slopes of the mountain, descending
Village towards Iskar, are steep, in some places vertical.
4 Barkite 14 Gorno Ozirovo 356 2 600 The higher part (900–1300 m) is plateau-like,
Village with rounded hills, on which several smaller

5 Barkite 8 Gorno Ozirovo 208 above plateau rise, often surrounded by karstic cliffs.
Village 1000 The mountain is cut by the valley of Gintska
river, separating Ponor Planina from the eastern
6 Mizhishnitsa Gorno Ozirovo 85 885 parts of Berkovska Planina. The slopes of the
Village valley are gently falling down to the upper part

7 Ledenika Vratsa -14+16 226 of the valley and near the village of Gintsi they
8 Gârdyuva Zgorigrad +25 555 are steep to abrupt. The valley of Komshtitska
Dupka Village River is of a similar type, situated near the state
9 Pukoya Pavolche Village 178 48 border with Serbia. Both rivers start from the

10 Yavorets Zverino Village 147 50 higher parts of the Main Balkan Range, flow

11 Panchovi Zverino Village 104 93 south and, entering the carbonate rocks, lose
Gramadi considerable amount of water. Many other rivers
12 Varteshkata Zverino Village 74 158 disappear completely, entering Trias limestone
No 13 and dolomite.
13 Haydushkata Bistrets Village 108 20 The climate of the area is mountainous,
Propast with high precipitations. According to Koleva and 111
Peneva (1990), at the station of Petrohan, situated and Lower Trias rocks, building the northern limb
north of the region at 1400 m, the annual average of the Svoge Anticline, have been thrust in the
rainfall is 1164 mm/a, while at the station of western part and in the eastern part they are
Gintsi it is (1050 m) – 846 mm/a. The lowest overthrust on Mesozoic complexes. This disloca-
rainfall of 658 mm/a (altitude ca. 600 m) is tion forms the southern limit of the karstic region
observed in the lower parts, where the sources of under study.
the Ponor part of the region, near Iskrets Village, The carbonate complex is subject to active
are situated. karstification through rain and river waters. All
Geologically, the region is built mainly of rivers, starting from the upper parts of Berkovska
Mesozoic rocks, forming the following complex- Planina (in the western part) and from Koznitsa,
es of different level of karstification: form their outflow in Lower Trias sandstone and
a) Lower Trias non-karstic complex, formed older rocks, feed the karst waters, mainly in Trias
by sandstone, conglomerates and aleurolythes. limestone and dolomite, and relatively fast
This complex serves as foundation of aquitard of emerge in karstic sources. The connection be-
the karstic groundwater; Trias karstified complex, tween the rivers in the Ponor section and the
built of limestone and dolomite with a total depth lowest situated source – the Iskrets source – was
of up to ca. 600 m; proven by indicator experiments. The time for
b) Lower-Middle Jurassic non-karstic com- emerging is 1–2 days in the period of high water
plex, represented mostly by terrigenous suites, and 7–8 days during the drier season. The situa-
with participation of agilities, aleurolythes, sand- tion of the source is structurally defined. Nearby
stone and mergels. In the lower part of the is the front part of Iskrets Nappe, built of terrige-
complex, Ozirovska suites is situated, built of nous Ordovician materials. The sources are char-
limestone and limestone-sandstone, also karsti- acterized by their very variable outflow – from
fied. This suites has a broader distribution, mostly 280 to more than 50 000 l/s – the highest outflow
in the western (Gintsi) part. of a source, measured in Bulgaria. When higher
c) Higher Jurassic karstified complex ca. outflow occurs, the cave Dushnika takes part,
100–150 m thick. Its structure consists mostly of appearing as a drain.
limestone suite, a smaller part of it being covered Other major sources in Ponor section are

by alternating limestone and mergels from the situated in the valley of Iskar River. Such are the
Lower Cretaceous. two sources springing from Vodnata Peshtera
The spatial setting and the relations be- cave near Tserovo and the sources under Skaklya
tween these complexes are determined by the waterfall (Bov Railway Station).
tectonic situation in this part of Stara Planina. The Some major sources in the Ponor section

region falls within the southern limb of Berkovs- are Varo and Buchiloto near Zimevitsa Village

ka Anticline. The kern of Izdremets-Gubesh Syn- and the sources near the villages Mecha Polyana
cline had been subject of intense tectonic impact, and Dobravitsa. In the Gintsi part, the sources
which led to the formation of a major dislocation. near Gintsi and Komshtitsa are situated.
Along this dislocation, the terrigenous Paleozoic Within the outcrops of carbonate rocks, the
surface karstic forms are widespread. Zheko

Radev described them in details as early as 1915.

There are many valogs of considerable dimen-
sions, as well as many funnels. The karren are
partly covered by soil. Blind valleys, complicated

by valogs and dolines, are typical for the surfaces

in the northern part. The rivers Gintska, Komsh-
titska, Zimevishka, and indeed Iskar, have formed
steep valleys, typical for karstic areas and some-
times – even canyon like.
In this region many caves, some of which

quite big, have been explored. The difference in

the altitudes of the higher parts of the mountain,
112 The area of Gintsi – photo Trifon Daaliev where the cave entrances are, and the karstic
sources, which are situated much lower, is the Cherni Vit, Beli Vit, as well as by some smaller
reason for the considerable denivelation of some streams falling into Kalnik River – Lessidrenska,
of them. In the Trias complex, these are the caves Toplya. The slopes of their valleys are mostly steep
Katsite in the Ponor part and in the part of Gintsi and forested. The altitude changes from ca. 180 m
– Golyamata Balabanova, Malkata Balabanova, near the source Glava Panega up to 1490 m at
Granicharskata and others. Vassilyov Summit. The average yearly rainfall
changes from 760 mm (Ugarchin Station) to over
Some major caves in Ponor Planina and Eastern 940 mm (Teteven Station). The highest rainfall was
Berkovska Planina recorded in May-June and the lowest in September
No Name Site Depth, Length, – October and February – March. The precipitation
m m is mostly rainfall. The share of the snowfall in-
1 Golyamata Komstitsa Village 80 4800 creases from north to south, the average period of
Balabanova snow cover being 40–100 days yearly. The average
Dupka year air temperature is 10 oC.
2 Malkata Komstitsa Village125 420 The geological conditions in Glozhene Re-
Balabanova gion are extremely complex. Rocks, belonging to
Dupka two carbonate complexes, have been subject to
3 Granicharskata Komstitsa Village 80 224 karstification and separated from each other by
Propast non-karstifying rocks. The first (upper) complex
4 Tizoin Gubesh Village 320 3599 includes drab grey to pink Upper Jurassic lime-
5 Saguaroto Gubesh Village 135 2217 stone. It is no more than 120–130 m thick and is
6 Krivata Pesht Gintsi Village +40 1500 covered by terrigenic/terrigenous (mostly flishoid)
7 Dinevata Pesht Gintsi Village 10 451 rocks from the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous.
It lies on a non-karstifiable complex of water
impermeable argilite and aneurolite of Middle
Glozhene Region Jurassic sandstone mergels, sandstone, aleurolite
Sectors 207 (Panega) and 209 (Vassilyov) and Lower Jurassic clay limestone. The terrigenous
complex separates the Upper Jurassic limestone

According to V. Popov’s subdivision of from the lower karstified complex of Trias age. The
karst in Bulgaria of, the karstic region of Gloz- latter is built of limestone and dolomite and in its
hene includes the neighbouring sectors of Panega upper part also of limestone containing conglomer-

and Vassilyov, separated by the river Vit. Taking ate and breccias – conglomerates.
into account that the basin of the big karstic Tectonically speaking, the region falls with-
source Glava Panega includes parts situated on in the Teteven Anticlinorium – part of the Pred-
both sides of Vit, we consider reviewing both balkan structural zone. Two major anticlines are
sectors together correct. included in it – the Glozhene and the Teteven

The Glozhene Region is situated in Central Anticlines, with the Cherven Anticline in be-
Predbalkan, on both sides of the Vit River and its tween. They have a linear (East-West) orientation.
tributaries Cherni Vit and Beli Vit. The region is The axis of the northern anticline (of Glozhene)
limited on the north by the band Zlatna Panega- crosses Glozhene village and ends south of
Brestnitsa-Boaza-the valley of Kalnik River up to Golyama Zhelyazna. Its nucleus is built of Permi-

the town of Yablanitsa. On the west the region an and Trias rocks, the limbs are formed by
almost reaches Yablanitsa town, on the east – the Jurassic rocks. The southern limb is cut off from
village Shipkovo. The southern limit is difficult to the Koynets fault. The axis of the Teteven Anti-
localize, it follows the northern slopes of Tetevens- cline passes south of Teteven and north of Vassily-

ka Planina. The region includes the entire the ov Summit. The axis of Cherven Syncline is

mountain Vassilyovska Planina, parts of the ridges oriented west-east, formed in Lower and Middle
Debeli Dyal and Lestvitsa, as well as the massif Jurassic sediments.
Lisets. The relief is medium mountainous, while in The complex tectonic structure and the
the area between Vit River and Yablanitsa it is low fragmented relief are the reason for the fragmen-
mountainous. The main draining system is formed tation of the outcrops of the karstified carbonate
by Vit River and its tributaries – Gradezhnitsa, complexes. For this reason, the whole region can 113
be subdivided into several smaller karstic basins, portant sources in this area are the two near the
developing independently and usually isolated school of Gradezhnitsa Village (total outflow ca.
from one another. In the Glozhene Anticline, 40 l/s) and the source of the cave Rushovata
there are three major basins in the Upper Juras- Peshtera (min. outflow 15–20 l/s). In the valley
sic complex and one in the Trias rocks. The most of Vit River, from this basin two sources emerge
important among the Jurassic complexes is the – one with a changing outflow, sometimes more
westernmost – the Panega complex. Here, the than 200 l/s, the other with a more permanent
karstification is due to rainfall, as well as to the outflow of ca. 20/25 l/s.
draining water of Vit River. The entire amount In the Teteven Anticline, the Upper Jurassic
emerges through the source Glava Panega, one rocks form narrow bands along the western and
of the biggest in the country (outflow from 0.5 to eastern ends of the anticline. They are drained by
35.5 m3/s). The connection between the river and small sources – the bigger being the ones near
the sources was proven as early as 1959 by I. Koman Hut (outflow ca. 30 l/s). The Trias carbon-
Kovachev, who used nine tons of salt. The ate rocks form one interrupted ring-shaped basin.
distance of 6.5 km was overcome in 12 days. The more important karstic sources there are the
The next basin to the east is the one south of one near Lesidrenska River, on the contact be-
Bâlgarski Izvor Village. Important sources in it tween limestone and dolomite (outflow up to 50 l/s),
are found in Bâlgarski Izvor (outflow 26–320 l/ and the sources Toplya, draining the lower part of
sec) and Galata (10–15 l/s). The easternmost the basin. The outflow of these sources varies in a
karstic basin is a band west of Lesidren Village, wide range – from 17 to more than 1000 l/s. There
with small sources. The karstic basin, formed by are also some other small sources in the area
Trias carbonate rocks, is a band in the west part (outflow of up to 10 l/s).
of the nucleus of Glozhene Anticline, crossing The substantial rainfall and the geological,
Vit River near Glozhene. Part of this basin is hydrogeological and relief features, especially of
crossed also by Gradezhnitsa River. Some im- Teteven Balkan, are the reason for intensive

114 The source Glava Panega – photo Vassil Balevski

karstification in the area. Morphologically, the Region 211 (Gorni Vit – Cherni Ossam)
karst is best expressed in the western parts of the
region (especially in the basin of Glava Panega). According to the subdivision of karst in
There, the surface karst formations are represent- Bulgaria (Popov), this region is an almost uninter-
ed by karrens, dolines and valogs in the higher rupted band of Mesozoic limestone along the
parts and by steep karstic valleys with sinks in the northern slope of Stara Planina, immediately
river valleys, crossing the limestone and the dolo- close to its ridge. It starts from Malak Iskar River
mites. The most typical sinks are found in the and goes almost to Botev Peak. In both its ends
valley of Vit River near Assen area, along the the band widens, and there, sectors with interest-
valley of Suha River, Galatska River, etc. So far, ing caves are formed. They could be taken also as
in this area, 190 caves and potholes have been two independent subregions – of Troyan (eastern)
recorded, some of them of a relatively important and of Etropole (western).
size. One of them is a show cave (Sâeva Dupka).
Other caves are of historical (the cave of Benk-
ovski) or archaeological interest (the caves Toplya Troyan Subregion
and Morovitsa). In this karstic region, two of the
most interesting, not fully explored, siphons in It is situated in the mountain Troyanska
Bulgaria are also situated – the one of Glava Planina, in the upper part of the river Cherni
Panega and the source of Toplya. Six of the caves Ossam. To the west, Beklemeto is accepted as a
have been declared protected: Morovitsa, Rusho- conditional boundary, to the east – the foothills of
vata Peshtera, Toplya, Lyastovitsa, the Cave of the peaks Levski and Golyam Kupen. The south-
Benkovski and Sâeva Dupka. ern boundary runs below the main ridge of Stara
Planina, while on the north the boundary reaches
Some major caves in Glozhene Region Neshkovtsi area. The relief is defined by the
position of the subregion on the northern slopes of
N Name Site Depth, Length, Stara Planina. They are inclined to the north and
m m are fragmented by Cherni Ossam River and its
1 Morovitsa Glozhene Village 105 3200 tributaries. The valleys are deep, with steep

2 Maliya Sovat Bryazovo Village 140 125 slopes, almost canyon-like. The altitude changes
3 Nanovitsa Yablanitsa 102 400 from ca. 750 m in the valley of Cherni Ossam,
4 Bezdanniya Yablanitsa 105 20 above Neshkovtsi area, to ca. 1600–1700 m below

Pchelin the main ridge of Stara Planina.
5 Yasenski Oblik Yablanitsa 108 10 The rocks, in which most caves have been
6 Lyastovitsa Glozhene Village - 320 formed, are Trias limestone and dolomite. They
7 Partizanskata Glozhene Village 107 711 are ca. 300–330 m thick. In some places there are
8 Planinets Glozhene Village 71 20 terrigenous rocks. In the eastern part, also Upper

9 Rushovata Gradezhnitsa +15 908 Trias red limestone and dolomite can be seen,
Peshtera Village alternating with mergels and conglomerate. To the
10 Djebin Trap Glogovo Village 88 42 north and in some places in the central parts the
11 Kozya Gradeshnitsa 50 Triasrocks are covered with sandstone, sandstone-
Village limestone, alevrolithes and argilites from Lower

12 Nikolova Yama Gradezhnitsa 70 and Middle Jurassic, about 50–60 m thick. There
Village follows a series of Middle and Upper Jurassic
13 Toplya Golyama - 5 +10? 462 limestone, ca. 20 m thick. Along their contact
Jelyazna Village with the underlying terrigenous rocks, the deepest

14 Stotaka Bryazovo Village 104 347 cave in Bulgaria – Raychova Dupka has been

15 Saeva Dupka Bresnitsa Village 22 205 formed. More to the north, there are flish rocks
from Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous. To the
The caves of Glozhene karstic basin are south, the Trias carbonate rocks come into contact
often visited by cavers, due to the well-devel- with sandstone from Lower Trias and Paleosoic
oped road network, especially in the western part non-karstifiable rocks. In some places, Upper
of the area. Cretaceous limestone lies over the dolomite. In 115
the southwestern parts of the territory under con- karstic valleys with sinks in the river beds in
sideration, there are gneiss and granitogneiss for- limestone and dolomite. So far many caves and
mations, transported from the south, superim- pot holes have been recorded there, some of them
posed over Trias rocks. of considerable size (on Bulgarian scale). To be
The Troyan Subregion is situated on the noted is also the unique natural bridge Krali
northern limb of the Cherni Ossam Anticline. The Markova Dupka.
core of the fold is formed by Trias carbonate As a whole, the region is difficult to visit and
rocks, while the northern limb contains Upper is rarely visited by tourists and cavers. This is due
Trias and the Jurassic sediments. to the rough landscape, far away from settlements.
The altitude and the relief are the reason for A good starting point is Neshkovtsi area, ca. 9 km
the relatively high average rainfall (ca. 1000–1400 from Cherni Ossam Village. The nearest tourist
mm). Part of the rainfall form the temporary and huts are outside the karstified rocks and are not
the permanent surface outflow of Cherni Ossam suiteable as a starting point for the major caves.
and its tributaries, the remaining part (in the area of
the carbonate rocks) is draining underground. Un- Some major cavities in Troyan Subregion
derground is draining also part of the water of the
rivers, starting outside the karstifiable rocks. Water N Name Denivelation, m Length, m
is sinking in Chaushov Dol, Borov Dol, but most of 1 Raychova Dupka - 377 +10 3333
all in the locality Kazanite, from where down- 2 Malkata Yama - 232 700
stream Kumanitsa River is dry in summer. Latter 3 Borova Dupka - 156 40
this water is crossing the cave Kumanitsa and 4 Pticha Dupka - 108 652
reappearing in the source Kumanitsa (outflow from 5 Kumanitsa - 104 1656
300 to 1300 l/s). There is surfacing the main 6 Golyamata Gârlovina - 100 44
quantity of underground karstic water. The karst is 7 Vârlata - 41 1110
situated in the crossing point of the valley of 8 Golyamata Yama - 43 +18 459
Cherni Ossam and Haydushki Thrust, forming a 9 Opushenata - 32 232
barrier for the underground water. 10 Chernokozhevi Dupki -24 213
The big amount of rainfall, the geological 11 Paisievi Dupki -22 150

and relief peculiarities are the cause of the inten-

sive karstification of Troyan Balkan. The surface The whole karst subregion is situated on the
karst formations are represented by karrens, do- territory of Steneto Biosphere Reserve, within the
lines and valogs in the higher parts and by steep boundaries of Central Balkan National Park. A

The natural phenomenon Krali Markova Dupka – Steneto Steneto – the cañon of the river Kumanitsa – photo Vassil
116 Nature Reserve, Troyan Balkan – photo Vassil Balevski Balevski
special permit is needed to stay and work in the and is built exclusively of Upper Cretaceous
park. Besides, part of the valley of Cherni Ossam (Campan – Maastricht) limestone. This limestone
River falls within the guarded sanitary zone of the has been a subject to tectonic tension for a long
source Kumanitsa, used for piped water for sever- time and, due to the fact that it has long been on
al major settlements. the sea level, it is strongly karstified. The karstifi-
cation has been practically uninterrupted since the
end of the Late Cretaceous to our time, as the
Karlukovo Gorge Gorge has not been submerged neither by sea, nor
by freshwater basins. These circumstances have
After leaving the picturesque site Ritlite near determined the variety and the size of the karst
Lyutibrod, Iskar River crosses the Syncline of features in the area.
Mezdra and follows its way to the north. Near Around Kunino, before the incision of river
Kunino, steep rock complexes appear again, a Iskar into Upper Cretaceous limestone, the river
mighty cliff starting from Kunino and going as far as banks are built of Lower Aptian (Bedul) sand-
the site Provartenika north of Karlukovo. The Gorge stone, underlying the rock complexes from Upper
itself is ca. 6 km long and in some places up to 3-4 Cretaceous. The same sandstone could be ob-
km wide. If we add the karstified four kilometers served ca. 5–6 km after the railway tunnel at
band on the left bank of Iskar, the total surface of the Karlukovo Railway Station, where it constitutes
karstic region will be ca 76 km2. The region contains the cliffs on the right bank of the river.
some of the most important karst formations in As we already indicated, the Gorge falls
Northwestern Bulgaria. The average altitude of the within the northern parts of the Predbalkan. South
Gorge with its cliffs is 350 m, the hypsometric level of it the northern limb of Lukovit Syncline is
of the river Iskar being no more than 190 m. situated. Only the Maastricht limestone has been
Geologically, the Gorge of Karlukovo be- karstified, everywhere Campan clay limestone
longs to the northernmost parts of the Predbalkan being the base. As the erosion cross section of
Iskar River is not deep enough around Karlukovo
Railway Station, the Campan limestone remains
in the depth. It surfaces near Kunino Railway

Station, south of lime furnaces, immediately
above the sandstone of the Lower Cretaceous.
The preserved depth of the karstified Maastricht

limestone – sandstone is about 120–130 m, in-
creasing to the northeast, towards Lukovit Town,
where it participates again in the structures of
Lukovit Syncline. Due to the heterogeneity of the
Maastricht limestone, its karstification over time

and space has been running unevenly, which is

reflected in the dislocation of underground karst
The Maastricht sediments form the mantle
of several structures (anticlines and synclines).

Among the negative structures, the most extensive

is Karlukovo Syncline, being the east prolonga-
tion of Kameno Pole syncline, west of Iskar
River. Actually, both synclines form a common

structure. Karlukovo Syncline is widely spread


and its axis is difficult to follow. Near Karlukovo

Village it points to 110o. Southwest of the village
near the hill Golyama Mogila, the Maastricht
limestone of the south limb of the syncline sinks
Rock cliffs above Iskar River near Karlukovo Village –
NNE (22o) and overlays the Lower Aptian sand-
photo Trifon Daaliev stone of the Belene Anticline. 117
To the east, Karlukovo Syncline widens On the plain of denudation their number is
and passes into Lukovit Syncline. The karstic insignificant. East of the hill Gerilitsa, in the
water of this syncline, because of the general place called Vlaykovi Livadi, there are eight
eastward sinking towards Vit Tectonic Lowering, funnels and in the place Skravenik there are
flows smoothly to the east. That is why, in the another six, oriented NW-SE.
eastern periphery of the syncline, the biggest Around Karlukovo Village, the funnels
Maastricht karst springs – Ezeroto and Temnata and the potholes are formed at a lower level of
Dupka have been formed on the left bank of denudation of 200-260 m. It is gulf-shaped and
Panega River near Lukovit and Byalata Voda covers the areas of Gerdjikov Vrâh, Valchanov
near Rumyantsevo Village. Gradezh and Koritska Rodina. Most funnels are
The spring Ezeroto is situated immediate- found in the area of Valchanov Gradezh, where
ly under Lukovit Power Station. Its outflow on 0.5 km2 16 funnels (32 funnels on km2) are
varies between 10 and 25 l/s, the water temper- situated.
ature – between 13.8 and 14 oC. Via a water- East of the Iskar River, in the area of
conduit for the water goes to Lukovit. The Karlukovo Village, several caves have been de-
spring Temnata Dupka comes out of a small clared Natural Monuments: the caves Prohodna
cave on the left bank of Panega (the locality (with 1.5 ha around it), Temnata Dupka (area of
Chervenata Stena, south of Lukovit Power Sta- 1.5 ha), Bankovitsa (area of 3.0 ha) and Svircho-
tion). The outflow is 15.5 l/s, the water temper- vitsa (with 2.0 ha). West of the Gorge is the cave
ature is 13.3 oC. During river high waters the Haydushkata Dupka (also a Natural Monument
spring is flooded. The spring Byalata Voda is with 3.0 ha around). The caves Samuilitsa I and
situated on the left bank of Panega near Rumy- II and Galabarnika near Kunino also have the
antsevo (outflow 25.6 l/s, temperature 13.2 oC status of protected sites.
(23.06.1967). The spring is connected with
Skravenishki Valog, west of Rumyantsevo. In Some major cavities in Karlukovo area
the west end of the valog runs a small source
coming from a ponor cave in the east end. The Name Length, m Depth, m
outflow of Skravenishki Izvor is 3.4 l/s, the Zadanenka 1150 26

water temperature is 12.8 oC (30.06.1967). Golyamata Voda 612 105

On the right bank of Iskar Valley (the local Bankovitsa 689 51
base of erosion for part of the karst waters) Stubleshka Yama 565 72
several smaller karstic sources are situated. They Svirchovitsa 231 39
are: the source Izvora with a permanent outflow Propadnaloto 205 40.5

of 4 l/s and temperature 15 oC, which is flooded Ogradite (S 20) 97


during the high waters of the river; the source Dâlbokata 72

Patitsite, flowing underwater in the Iskar River,
between the valley of Postoyna and Zadanen Dol; According to the subdivision of karst and
the source Averkovitsa, situated immediately un- caves in Bulgaria (Popov, 1976), the karstic area
der the cave of the same name, dry in the summer of Karlukovo falls entirely within Region 206

and quite big in the spring. There are also two (Kameno Pole – Karlukovo).
other sources under the cliff ca. 1.8 km from the
old Karlukovo Railway Station.
The surface karst in Karlukovo Syncline is Devetaki Plateau

represented by karren, karren fields, valogs, do-

lines and periodical ponors. Karren are most According to the system of regions out-
typical for the plain of denudation between 320– lined by V. Popov, the plateau of Devetaki is
360 m altitude. They are relatively well pre- situated between the rivers Ossam and Rossitsa
served between Lukovit and the villages Pe- and overlaps the Devetaki Region. Its altitude is
trevene and Karlukovo. The most widespread from 380 to 470 m, and the base is 100–200 m.

among surface karts forms are the funnels and The relief is typically plateau-like, with a vast
among the underground forms – the potholes. distribution of surface karstic forms (Petrov,
118 Only in Karlukovo area they are more than 150. 1933; Popov et al., 1965).
The slopes of the plateau are of different Zyapkov (1965). Because of the soil-covered
inclination. The western parts (towards Ossam rocks, the karren and karren fields are not
River) are steeper. They are with valleys, often widely distributed. There are 670 dolines and
dry and with steep slopes. Climatically, the region valogs recorded, some of them with colmatated
falls within an area, characterized by a moderate bottoms, and in them small karstic lakes and
continental climate. According to the Institute of swamps have formed. In the periphery of the
Geography (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), the region there are dry steep valleys without per-
average annual precipitation depends on the oro- manent outflow. Interesting formations are the
graphic conditions and oscillates between 600 travertine terrace and the waterfall near Krush-
and 700 mm. The average annual temperature is una Village.
ca. 10 oC in the plateau-like part, while at the base In the Devetaki Plateau some of the biggest
of the plateau it is 2–3 degrees higher. Geologi- water caves in Bulgaria have been discovered.
cally, the Devetaki Plateau almost coincides with Their entrances are situated mostly in the periph-
the area of the Devetaki suitee, built of organo- ery of the plateau and are of considerable volume
genic limestone. The depth of Devetaki Suitee is and length. They are penetrated in boats.
ca. 200 m and is of a monocline bedding (inclina-
tion of the layers of 5 to 20 degrees to the north). Some major cavities in the Devetaki Plateau
The southern limit of the suitee is a lythologic one No Name Site Length, m
with the Smochanska Suitee, the northern and the 1 Popskata Krushuna Village 4530
western limits are tectonic and are controlled by Peshtera
the Krushuna and Ossam Faults. Hydrogeologi- 2 Devetashka Devetaki Village 2442
cally, the strongly karstified limestone of Deveta- Peshtera
ki Suitee appears as a principal collector of 3 Vodopada Krushuna Village 1995
underground waters. Smochanska Suitee is a low- 4 Urushka Maara Krushuna Village 1600
er aquitard. The feeding of the waters is realized 5 Gornik Krushuna Village 1074
via precipitation in the peneplenized parts of the 6 Chernata Pesht Gorsko Slivovo Village 741
plateau (ca. 33.5% of them). Because of the many 7 Futyovskata Karpachevo Village 700
karst forms, it goes rapidly. Draining occurs Peshtera

through sources, situated at the base of the pla- 8 Brâshlyanskata Alexandrovo Village 608
teau, the majority of them being in the valley of Peshtera
Ossam River, at a lesser altitude. The most impor- 9 Mandrata Chavdartsi Village 530

tant ones are the Krushuna sources, the source of 10 Kânchova Tepava Village 463
the cave Devetashkata Peshtera, the sources in Varpina
Krushuna, Beliya (the White) and Cherniya (the
Black) sources northwest of Devetaki, Sutna Bu- From the caves enumerated above, De-
nar near Alexandrovo Village and others. vetashkata Peshtera is of particular interest, not

Surface karst forms are widespread and only because of considerable underground cham-
are described in details by Popov, Penchev & bers and interesting lakes, but also because of the
archaeological and other discoveries, which have
taken place in it. Part of the cultural layer was
destroyed – despite being proclaimed a Protected

Natural Monument, for a long period the cave has

been used as a depository for fuel,. Another
interesting cave in the region is Stalbitsa, near
Kârpatshevo Village, a large chamber with a

collapsed roof, from where it is possible to enter


the cave using a metal ladder (made by local

people to facilitate the access).
In the higher peneplenized part of the
plateau, some of the funnels give access to
Brashlyanski Dol – one of the valleys of Devetaki Plateau –
potholes, the deepest being Kânchova Varpina,
photo Trifon Daaliev ca. 100 m deep. 119
The Devetaki Plateau is easily accessible. Geologically, Kotlenska Planina falls
Along the northern boundary of the plateau the within a region of extremely complicated tec-
railway and the tarred road run, connecting tonic setting. Here, the boundary between the
Lovech and Levski. There are other asphalt roads tectonic zones of the Predbalkan and the East-
to the villages Tepava, Devetaki, Brestovo, ern Balkan runs, called Dislocation Chudnite
Krushuna, Kârpachevo and Gorsko Slivovo. Skali (Yovchev Ed., 1971). The karstified
rocks – Maastricht (Upper Cretaceous) lime-
stone are 250–280 m thick (Paskalev, 2001)
Kotlenska Planina Mt and they are situated between the two tectonic
structures. These rocks participate in the
Kotlenska Planina is situated in Eastern building of east-west syncline structures, com-
Stara Planina, from Stara Reka river to the pass plicated by smaller dislocations. The lime-
Varbishki Prohod. On the North, its limits are the stone outcrops form two non-interconnected
right hand tributaries of the rivers Stara Reka and sectors: western – between Kipilovo and Kotel
Ticha and on the South –Luda Kamchiya Valley. and eastern – Zlosten. In the central part of the
It overlaps the Kotel Karstic Region, the region’s sector, between Kipilovo and Kotel, some of
name given by V. Popov (1976). This is one of the the carbonate rocks are covered by Paleocene
favoured karstic areas in Bulgaria, with many limestone aleurolytes. Besides the two men-
deep potholes. Many expeditions and explora- tioned sectors, karstified carbonate rocks have
tions took place in this area, some of which were been established also south of the front part of
published by Neykovski et al. (1972). Paskalev Kotel Nappe – in the areas east of Kotel, near
(2001) published the geological setting, which Medven, etc.
allows for karstification of the region. Hydrogeologically, both main sectors are
Kotlenska Planina is characterized by a characterized as independent karstic basins. The
mountainous relief and has a relatively peneple- alimentation of the underground waters is done
nized upper part with summits of 900–1000 m. mainly by rainfall and in the western sector also
The northern slopes are relatively steeper and by Suhoyka, which runs across the karstic basin.
more rocky than the southern. North of Kotel, the The draining is done through karstic springs,

ridge lowers to 550–600 m (Kotel Pass). West of situated in the periphery of carbonate rocks
it, the highest summit of Kotlenska Planina – outcrops. In the sector Kipilovo – Kotel, the
Razboina (1128 m) is situated. East of the pass, most important one is the Kotel Spring, situated
the highest point is Karaburun (1053 m). The river in the easternmost part of the basin. The waters
valleys are usually at 400–500 m. run out of a cave, the fluctuation of its debit

The climate is moderate continental to varying widely – from 40 l/s to over 20 000 l/s.

mountainous, with an average annual precipita- Besides this spring, the sector is drained also
tion of 810 mm/a. through other smaller springs, situated along the
northern periphery of the region and of much
smaller debit. Relatively more important are the
springs, situated in the northeastern part – above

Kipilovi Village – Studeniya Kaynak (51–126 l/s),

Saygonitsa (6–43 l/s) (Antonov, Danchev, 1980)
and others. In the eastern sector – Zlosten, the
springs are also situated along the periphery of

the karstified rocks, but are of smaller outflow.

Usually, they are grouped together. One of these
groups is situated at the base of Yurushkite Skali,
north of Kotel Town, with a total outflow of 3 to
over 20 l/s. The sources Suchakta, situated in
Kayadere, at the base of Zlosten, have a similar

outflow. About 2 km northeast, in the locality

The Balkan of Kotel in the area of Kipilovo – Camp of Shitlik, there is another group of several sources
120 rescuers 2000 – photo Trifon Daaliev with an outflow of 1 to 10 l/s.
Both sectors are considerably karstified. A Transitional Area
diversity of surface karstic formations exists. Bosnek Region
Because considerable parts of Kotlenska Planina
are forested, karren fields exist only in places The karstic region of Bosnek is situated in
without forests (in the northern part of Zlosten). the upper part of Struma valley, above Studena
In some of the negative formations (funnels, Dam, in Golo Bardo mountain and in the southern
dolines), we find the entrances of pothole caves, slopes of Vitosha. It was named after the village
typical for Kotel Karstic Region. Along the Bosnek, in the area of which most of the major
periphery of limestone outcrops, cliffs and steep caves and sources were found. It is a mountainous
dry valleys are formed. region with altitudes going from ca. 800 m to
In the sector of Kotel – Kipilovo, one of higher than 1400 m (the summits Petrus in Golo
the three deepest potholes in Bulgaria – Bârdo and Mecha Mogila in Vitosha). The region
Golyamata Yama, near Kipilovo, is situated. has been shaped by the incision of Struma and of
Some other well-known potholes in the region the nearby valleys.
are Karvavata Lokva, Lucifer, Golyamata Hum- Geologically, Bosnek Karstic Region con-
ba. The biggest horizontal cave in this sector is sists of Triassic and partly Jurassic rocks, thrusted
Prikazna, about 6 km long. Cave divers explore from the south above the pluton of Vitosha
the karstic spring near Kotel Town. (Zagorchev et al., 1994). The karst and karst
In the Zlosten sector, also pothole caves waters were formed in Trias carbonate. As a
have been discovered – Maglivata, Akademik, fundament, we see red Lower Trias conglomerate,
Uzhasat na Imanyarite, Lednika and others. together with alternating sandstone and aleuroli-
They are less horizontal caves and are not very tes. Above them, a thick complex of limestone
long. The cave of Rakovski is of historical and dolomite gradually follows. Within them,
interest. There are many legends about hidden there are layers of argylites and aleurolites, wide-
treasures, causing considerable activity of gold- spread east of Bosnek, around Struma valley.
seekers. They are about 50 m thick and serve as a local
aquitard, dividing the carbonate complex in this
Some major cavities in Kotel Region sector into two. In the northern end, these terrige-

No Name Site Denivelation, Length, nous rocks are missing.
m m The basic structural unit in the region is the
1 Golyamata Kipilovo Village - 350 740 Pernik Fault Zone. It is oriented at 120–140° and

Yama is 7 km wide. It is represented by a series of
2 Lednika Kotel – Zlosten - 242 1367 parallel faults, with horsts and grabens inbetween.
3 Mâglivata Kotel – Zlosten - 220 1244 In one of the horsts, Lower Trias surface terrige-
4 Uzhasat na Kotel – Zlosten - 160 440 nous rocks divide Bosnek Karstic Region into two
Imanyarite hydrogeologically independent parts. The bound-

5 Akademik Kotel – Zlosten - 158 580 ary runs south of Bosnek Village. Most caves are
6 Kârvavata Kotel – Zlosten - 140 646 situated in the northern part.
Lokva Surface karstic forms are poorly represent-
7 Lutsifer Kotel – Zlosten - 130 3200 ed. So far, in Bosnek Karstic Region, 26 caves
8 Golyamata Kotel – Zlosten - 96 have been found, almost all of them formed in the

Humba slopes of the river valley and constituting old or

9 Subatta Kotel – Zlosten - 55 518 actual ways of the river water.
10 Prikazna Kotel – Zelenich - 37 4782 The geological circumstances define the
11 Karstoviya Kotel – Zelenich - 32 410 presence of two aquifers, each of them with a

Izvor main karstic aquiferous system. One of the sys-


12 Ralena Kotel – Zlosten - 15 450 tems was formed in carbonate rocks, lythological-
13 Kipilovskata Kipilovo Village - 6 182 ly situated under the local water resistent, the
Peshtera other one – above it. Each system starts with the
14 Golyamata Medven Village - 16 314 intrusion of the river in the rocks, ends in a source
Medvenska and is named after the most important cave –
Vreloto or Duhlata respectively. 121
Both systems were formed essentially by the (2688 m). For the relief formation, the glacia-
water of Struma and are presently fed by it, but tions in Riss and Wurm were also important.
rainfall on the limestone is also of some impor- During these glaciations the typical trog valleys
tance. The influence of rainfall is lesser on the and circuses were shaped. Because of the ab-
Duhlata system because of the steep slopes and the sence of water, they have got the local name of
smaller denuded area. In both systems, parts of the Suhodol (Dry valley). From SE to NW they are
underground water way flow into caves. For the called Kazanite, Kutelo, Banski Suhodol,
Vreloto system, in the feeding zone, such are the Bayuvi Dupki, Kamenititsa and Razlozhki Su-
small stream in the cave Chuchulyan – a pothole, hodol. In the upper parts of all of them relatively
the bottom of which is situated ca. 40 m under the levelled areas, called “rigels” are formed, alter-
Struma river bed, and the river in the cave PPD, nating with steeper sections. The valleys, start-
and in the draining zone – the cave Vreloto. The ing from these circuses, descend towards Razlog
indicator experiments proved the connections be- Kettle, having an altitude of ca. 850–900 m.
tween the water in PPD and Chuchulyan and the The climate in the higher parts of Pirin is
source. The time of arrival of the indicator is ca. 2- typically mountainous, while in the foothills
3 days. Also the maximum of the outflow after (Razlog) it is of submediterranean influence.
raining is delayed by several days. In Duhlata Precipitation, snow cover and the temperature
system, the underground water ways flow into have considerable influence on the formation of
Duhlata cave. After the end siphon of the cave, caves. Because of the considerable difference in
there is more infusing water, partly from Aka- the altitude, their values change very fast, the
demik, a horizontal cave 350 m long, which stream precipitation changing from 657 mm/a in Bans-
is also fed by the Struma river. Another interesting ko to ca.1200 and more mm/a in the highest
cave (without an underground stream), belonging parts of the mountain. The considerable snowfall
to Duhlata system, is Pepelyankata – a 330 m-cave in the higher parts of the mountain and the long
with beautiful (but unfortunately very damaged) period of negative temperature contribute to the
flowstone formations. accumulation of a thick snow cover and to its
Besides the main sources around Bosnek, slow melting in the spring. The perpetual snow
there are also other sources. One of them is in the formed by it remain up to early fall and serve as

village of Bosnek and its outflow is rather con- a source of very aggressive water, which also
stant. About 2.5 km north of the village is the contributes to the karstification.
pulsating source Zhivata Voda with an outflow Along the main ridge of Pirin the water
rarely higher than 1 dm3/s. The source Popov divide between the rivers Struma and Mesta
Izvor drains the slightly more karstified southern goes. The karstic part is situated mostly in the

part of Bosnek Region. water-collecting basin of the Mesta River and in


it there are almost no surface waters. Almost the

entire amount of rainwater, falling in this region,
Rila-Rhodopean Area is immediately lost, re-appearing afterwards in
Northern Pirin

Northern Pirin is the major part of the so-

called Vihren-Sinanitsa Karst Region (Popov,
1976, Lichkov, Delchev, 2002). It is situated
along the main ridge of the mountain and north

of it, between the huts Vihren and Yavorov. The

relief is typically mountainous, of alpine type,
forming a central ridge with high summits, nar-
row ridges, deep valleys, above which summits
over 2500 m high are situated. The first summit
from east to west is Vihren (2914 m), followed

by Kutelo I (2908 m) and Kutelo II (2807 m),

Banski Suhodol (2284 m), Bayuvi Dupki (2820 m)
122 Kamenititsa (2726 m), Razlozhki Suhodol Panorama – Pirin Mountain – photo Valery Peltekov
the base area of the mountain as sources. Some water is fed also through the river outflow, formed
rivers like Banderitsa and Bela Reka, starting in the area of non-carbonate rocks. This is done in
outside this region, lose part of their water as the peripheral sectors of the basin. In the western
soon as they reach the marble area. In the part, these are mainly the waters of Bela Reka
summer and autumn, smaller streams and rivers river, in the eastern part – the water of Banderitsa
form out of the perpetual snow and are soon lost River. Unconfined karstic flow, formed in the
in some crevice or karstic form. basin, moves from south to north – northwest,
The karstic sector of Northern Pirin is build towards Razlog Kettle, surfacing along several
of Proterozoan age marble, massif or in bands, parallel faults or through the proluvium. The
with muscovite-biotite and biotite gneiss, shists impregnable barrier of Pliocene material pre-
and amphibolites. In the contact areas with gran- destine barraging of the karstic ground waters and
ites recrystalization and skarn formation are ob- presence of a saturated (phreatic) zone in the
served, which is the result of contact-metasomatic basin. The biggest karstic sources, draining the
processes. To the west, the boundary of the suitee basin, are: Yazo with an outflow of 440 to 2750 l/s,
can be followed between the summit Okaden and Kyoshka (15–2770 l/s) and Kalugeritsa (43–386
Yavorov Hut, it runs east of Butin Summit, then l/s). The maximum of the water quantities is at the
south of the main ridge of the mountain to the beginning of the summer period (June – July),
south to Vihren Peak, then turns NE, crossing the when intensive melting of the snow cover in the
valleys of the rivers Banderitsa and Damyanitsa higher part of the mountain takes place, as well as
and goes further towards Bansko Town. The in the rainy period of the year. The minimum of
northern boundary is a tectonic one and runs at the water quantities is in February – April, most
the base of the steeper part of the mountain often in April, when considerable part of the
slopes. In this part also relatively recent and catchment area of the source is frozen and the
karstified marble breccias are widespread. These snow cover is not melted and the feeding of the
boundaries determine the surface taken by the underground waters has practically stopped.
karst. The thickness of the suitee reaches 1000 m. The karstification of marble is consider-
The marble are bedding steeply to the northeast. able. It is defined by the high degree of tectonic
Its situation is controlled by the tectonic frame. and weathering fissurization. In the circuses,

The main structure here is the Pirin Horst-Antic- series of funnels are formed, usually distributed
lynorium, the karstified rock having taken its in lines along faults. Most of them are filled with
northern part. It is separated from the Razlog rock blocks and angular gravel, while in some

Graben through Predel Zone of faulting. The others there are fillings of firned snow and ice –
marble is additionally broken up and fissured. the so called snow ploughs. Only few of them
Considering the underground water, here a are opened and are followed by potholes. The
karstic basin of monoclyne type is formed. tectonic crevices are widespread and karstified
The underground water is formed in the in different degree. The major negative surface

marble of Dobrostan Suitee, which is broken up karst forms are Golemiyat (the Big) and
in blocks and is considerably karstified. The Malkiyat (the Small) Kazan under the summit
gneiss of the Lukovishka Suitee serve as Vihren. Because of the intense weathering pro-
ooop (water-retention). To the south and cesses typical karrens are almost missing. Along
south-east, the marble is in contact with Upper the edges of karstified fissures and potholes

Cretaceous and Paleogenous intrusive rocks with there are rillenkarrens. The high degree of karsti-
fissure water in them. Northwards, the marble is fication, especially in the peneplenized sectors
covered with proluvial deposits in the outskirts of above the rigels, contributes to the outflow of the
Pirin Mt. Underneath in the area of the sources, rainwater in the depth, as well as the water of

draining the basin, is the tectonic contact of the perpetual snows, melting in spring and summer.

marble with the relatively water-resistant There are almost reduced to streams running on
Pliocene material, filling the Razlog graben. The the surface for more than 100 m. Even the water
feeding of karstic underground water is done of Banderitsa River disappears when the river
through rainfall. The amount of precipitation here enters the marble part.
is rather high, due to the high mountainous type For Northern Pirin, the potholes are typical,
of relief. Besides rainwater, karstic underground due to the considerable difference between the 123
zone of sinking (usually at an altitude of 2000 to locality Inkaya (Yanev & Popov, 1980). On the
2400 m and higher) and the sources (at ca. 900 west it is limited by Chepelarska River and by the
m), horizontally, the potholes being rather close lower parts of Yugovska River, on the south – by
to each other – up to 5–6 km. This is also the the steep valley of Mostovska Sushitsa River, on
reason for hoping to discover in Pirin the deepest the east – by Topolova River and the pass To-
potholes in Bulgaria – over 1000 m. Until the end polovski, and to the north its ridges descend to the
of 2003, in Northern Pirin more than 120 potholes Upper Thracian Lowland. The southern part of
and caves have been discovered. the massif rises, plateau-like, with an average
altitude of ca. 1300 m. Here, the highest summits
Some important potholes and caves in Northern Pirin in the region are found – Stariya Kladenets (1517
m) and Chervenata Stena (1504 m). In the south,
No Name Site Depth, Length, west and north, steep slopes are formed, compli-
m m cated by valleys, descending towards the rivers
1 System 9–11 Banski Suhodol - 225 311 and the Thracian Lowland. The climate in the
2 Vihren Vihren - 170 396 higher part is mountainous, with sharp daily
3 Bânderitsa Bânderitsa - 125 243 fluctuations of temperature and an average
4 K-18 Ledenata Circus Kamenititsa - 126 amount of precipitation above 800 mm/a.
5 20 Godini Circus Banski - 118 80 The Dobrostan Massif is built almost entire-
Akademik Suhodol ly by Precambrian metamorphic rocks from the
6 K-19 Circus Kamenititsa - 136 so-called Rhodopean Supergroup. The massive
7 Chelyustnitsa Circus Bayuvi - 104 and layered marbles of Dobrostan suite, which is
Dupki of the biggest spreading, are subject to karstifica-
8 No14 Circus Kamenititsa - 103 tion. Their thickness is over 1600 m, in some
9 Spropadnaloto Razlog -5 605 places containing thin layers of various schists,
gneiss and amphibolites. Under the marble,
For most potholes, the presence of moving gneiss and schists of the Lukovishka suite lie.
blockage and squeezes is typical, making it diffi- Tectonically, the region forms the eastern ending
cult to penetrate deeper. In some potholes (Vih- (periclyne) of the Northrhodopean Antycline, that

renskata Propast, Propast No9 – Banski Suhodol) is why the marble formations are inclined to 30-
there is permanent ice. One typical water pothole, 50° NE and SE. In NE, through a series of faults,
containing waterfalls and ending in a siphon, is coinciding with the base of the Rhodopean Mts.,
Banderitsa. the Dobrostan massif is separated from the Upper
The biggest horizontal cave in the area – Thracian Graben, filled with nonbound Pliocene

Spropadnaloto – is situated in the outskirts of the and Quaternary materials. Several faults run

mountain, above the sources. In this cave part of through the massif as well, roughly directed to
the water, appearing in the resurgences, was fol- west-east. The karst waters in the marble are
lowed. There are macadam roads to Vihren Hut formed mainly by rainfall and temporary surface
and Yavorov Hut, situated along the periphery of water, disappearing in the higher peneplenized
the karstic region. An official authorization is and karstified parts of the massif. Occurring un-

needed to camp in the karstic region, as it is derground, they form underground streams, sur-
within the boundaries of Pirin National Park and facing along the periphery of the massif in sourc-
the circus Bayuvi Dupki and the adjacent areas es (Troshanov, 1992). The biggest source – Che-
are within a Biosphere Reserve. tiridesette Izvora (The 40 Sources) – is situated in

the lowest part of the region, at the base of the

Rhodopean slopes, and is determined by the
Dobrostan Karstic Massif contact of marble with the terrigenous sediments,
filling the Upper Thracian Graben. Its outflow
The Dobrostan Karstic Massif is situated in varies from 105 to 1439 l/s. Some other major
the northernmost parts of the Rhodopes, border- sources are Varite (30–50 l/s) near Mostovo Vil-

ing the Upper Thracian Lowland. It is a karstic lage, Kluviyata (average 30 l/s) above Bachkovo
region, outlined by Popov (1976). It is separated Monastery, Kaptazha (6–456 l/s), Maykite (about
124 from the Prespa part of the Rhodopes by the 5 l/s) near Oreshets Village and others.
The surface karstic forms have developed Trigrad Region
mainly in the higher plateau-like part. They are
represented by many dolines and valogs. There The karstic region of Trigrad is one of the
are also several blind valleys. Because of the soil most extensive in the Rhodopes. It is situated in
layer, karren and karren fields are absent or rarely the upper part of the basin of Vâcha river and its
met. The river Sushitsa, delimitating the Do- tributaries. In the inter-river basins, the higher
brostan massif from the south, has formed a parts have plateau – like relief. The river valleys
picturesque canyon-like valley. Near the village are canyon-like, with steep rocky slopes.
Mostovo, the river forms a natural rock bridge, In this part of the Rhodopes, mostly metamor-
from which the name of the village comes. phic and magma rocks are represented. In terms of
The Dobrostan massif is rich in caves and karstification, most important are the marble rocks,
potholes – ca. 90 of them (Pandev, 1993, 1994). which are widespread and thick up to 1600 m. They
Most of them, including the deepest, are situated lie on gneiss and schists of Paleosoic age. In the
in its higher part. western part on the marble, there is riolith from the
effusion of the Oligocene. The whole rock complex
Major caves and potholes in Dobrostan Massif and contains granite bodies of different size, transient to
the adjacent territories in the south the west into the pluton of Barutin-Buynovo.
Tectonically, the region falls within the
No Cave Site Length, Deniv., South Rhodopean Syncline. On the north, it is
m m limited by the fault of Shiroka Laka, the southern
1 Topchika Dobrostan 727 61 block of which has subsided by about 5000 m.
The syncline is a big graben, complicated by
2 Ivanova Dobrostan 695 113 many faults and other smaller structures, mainly
Voda of northwest – southeast direction (the direction
3 Gargina Mostovo 524 +38 of the Shiroka Lâka fault). Some graben-like low
Dupka places exist, filled by lakes from the Paleogene
(Garvanitsa) and by aluvium – proluvium deposits.
4 Vodnata Mostovo 450 53

5 Hralupa Dobrostan 311 10

6 Zmiin Mostovo 242 +22 -86
7 Ahmetyova Dobrostan 44 14
9 Druzhba Dobrostan 130

From the caves indicated the pothole

Druzhba, with the biggest cave vertical in Bulgar-
ia, is of particular interest. The cave Ahmetyova
Dupka is a show cave, while in the cave Topchika

interesting archaeological items and new species

of animals have been found.
Most of the bigger caves are situated near
Martsiganitsa Hut, which is connected to Do-

brostan Village through an asphalt road and further


to Assenovgrad. Another hut in the area is Bezovo,

situated in the northern part of the massif. Assen-
ovgrad is the exit/staring point for it. Some caves
can be reached starting from the village Mostovo.
Within this karstic region Chervenata Stena Trigrad Gorge and the entrance of the cave Dyavolskoto
reserve is situated. Garlo, Rhodopes – photo Trifon Daaliev 125
Trigrad Region is characterized by rainfall, more important among them are the sources at
which changes, according to altitude, from 692 to Mugla Village, along Chairska River, the sources
1394 mm (average 953 mm – a value higher than Kaynatsite, situated along Buynovska River.
the average for Bulgaria). In the marble terrains, The varied geological structure has a con-
one part of the rainfall drains superficially and siderable impact on the relief morphology in the
takes part in the formation of the river outflow, region. Among the karstic formations worth not-
while the bigger part infiltrates various karstic ing are the karren and karren fields, dolines,
forms and replenishes the reserve of ground water. valogs and the karstic valleys (dry, blind and
Besides, the rivers, which start outside the marble gorges). Around the villages Yagodina, Trigrad,
outcrops (Buynovska, Trigradska, Chairska, Mu- Zhrebevo and Chamla, typical uvalas are also
glenska – they all form Krichim River), enter formed. Here are the most picturesque karstic
karstified rocks and start losing water in sinks gorges in Bulgaria – these of Trigrad and Buyno-
along the riverbeds. The most typical are the sinks vo. The considerable vertical fragmentation of the
of Muglenska River, where the entire outflow relief and the presence of deep erosion base are
disappears. Entering underground, the water starts the causes for some of the deepest potholes in the
moving towards the sources (situated most often in Rhodopes to have developed in Trigrad region. A
tectonic faults), ponding of underground waters. total of over 85 caves and potholes have been
The biggest karstic sources in the region are situat- recorded in the region, part of them quite sizeable.
ed in the valleys of the rivers Krichim and Shiroko-
lashka, near the villages Nastan and Beden. These Some important caves in Trigrad region
are the lowest points of marble outcrop on the No Name Locality Length, Deniv.,
surface. Its place is determined by the contact (village, area) m m
between marble and the Proterosoan non-karstified 1 Yagodinskata Yagodina Village 8501 60
rocks. These rocks serve as a threshold, behind Peshtera
which a large saturated zone is formed. Here, the 2 Lednitsata Gela Village 1419 108
largest karstic sources (near the villages Nastan 3 Izvora Orpheus Hut 2480
and Teshel, the source Vrissa near Beden and other 4 Drangaleshkata Mugla Village 1142 255
sources near Shirokolashka River) are situated. 5 Kambankite Chamla Village 158

There are also sources along Krichim River and its 6 Dyavolskoto Trigrad Village 480 89
tributaries. They are situated at river level. The Gârlo
7 Partizanskata Orphey Hut 80
8 Sanchova Yagodina Village 888 12

9 Haramiyskata Trigrad Village 495 48


Two of them are show caves and, together

with the gorges in which they are situated, are
particularly interesting for tourists. The pothole
Dyavolskoto Gârlo is very impressive with its

entrance 40-meter waterfall (the entire Trigrad

River enters it, re-emerging some distance lower)
and with its voluminous chambers. Nearby, the
cave Haramiyska is situated (actually two caves,

connected by 36 m vertical). Some of the caves of

Trigrad Region contain important archaeological
and paleontological sites.
The important settlements in Trigrad basin,
except for Yagodina Village and Chamla Quarter,
are situated in the river valleys.

The picturesque and almost virgin nature of

Trigrad basin makes it attractive for tourism, together
126 The natural phenomenon Ritlite of Lyutibrod – photo Trifon Daaliev with the several mountain huts and hotels in Trigrad.
1000 M (BY JULY 2006)

1. Duhlata, Bosnek Village 18 000 33 Manuilovata, Ribnovo Village 2155

2. Orlova chuka, Pepelina Village 13 437 34 Golyamata Temnota, Drenovo Village 2000
3. Imamova dupka (Yagodinskata), 35 Vodopada,Krushuna Village 1995
Yagodina Village 8501 36 Golyamata Mikrenska (Mandrata),

4. Temnata dupka, Lakatnik Railway St. 7000 Mikre Village 1921
5. Vreloto, Bosnek Village 5300 37 Tajnite ponori, Shumen Town 1916
6. Golyamata Balabanova Dupka, 38 Machanov Trap, Zdravkovets Village 1907
Komshtitsa Village 4800 39 Mladenovata Propast, Chiren Village 1723
7. Prikazna, Kotel Town 4782 40 Labirinta (A.Blazhev), Pepelina Village 1697
8. Boninskata (Popovata), Krushuna 41 Kumanitsa, Cherni Osam Village 1656
Village 4530 42 Urushka Maara, Krushuna Village 1600
9. Andaka, Dryanovo Town 4000 43 Lepenitsa, Rakitovo Village 1525
10. Tizoin, Gubesh Village 3599 44 Krivata Pesht, Gintsi Village 1500
11 Bacho Kiro, Dryanovo Town 3500 45 Mayanitsa, Tserovo Village 1426
12 Ponora, Chiren Village 3497 46 Lednitsata, Gela Village 1419
13 Raychova Dupka, Cherni Osam, 47 Izvorat (Padaloto), Yantra Village 1400
Village 3333 48 Lednika, Kotel Town 1367
14 Russe, Emen Village 3306 49 Toshova Dupka, Glavatsi Village 1302
15 Vodnata Reshtera, Tserovo Village 3264 50 Vodni pech, Dolni Lom Village 1300
16 Lucifer, Kotel Town 3200 51 Bashovishki pech, Oreshets
17 Morovitsa, Glozhene Village 3200 Railway St. 1298
18 Emenskata Peshtera, Emen Village 3113 52 Malkata Mikrenska Peshtera, Mikre
19 Magliviyat snyag, Tvarditsa Town 3076 Village 1295
20 Marina Dupka, Genchevtsi Village 3075 53 Sopotskata, Sopot Village 1255
21 Bambalova dupka, Emen Village 2923 54 Mâglivata, Kotel Town 1244
22 Troana, Emen Village 2750 55 Zadanenka, Karlukovo Village 1150
23 Zandana (Biserna), Shumen Town 2716 56 Drangaleshka Dupka, Mugla Village 1142
24 Barkite 14, Vratsa Town 2600 57 Vodnata Peshtera, Pesthera Town 1114
25 Belyar, Vratsa Town 2560 58 Vârlata, Cherni Osam Village 1110
26 Katsite, Zimevica Village 2560 59 Sedlarkata, Rakita Village 1100
27 Magura,Rabisha, Village 2500 60 Vodnata Pesht, Lipnitsa Village 1100
28 Parnicite, Bezhanovo Village 2500 61 Aladjanskata, Gortalovo Village 1083
29 Izvorat, Borino Village 2480 62 Gornik, Krushuna Village 1074
30 Devetashkata cave, Devetaki Village 2442 63 Duhaloto (Trona), Apriltsi Town 1040
31 Saguaro, Bilin Dol, Gintsi Village 2217 64 PPD, Bosnek Village 1002
32 Bayov Komin, Drashan Village 2196 65 Skoka, Dragana Village 1000

THAN 100 M (BY JULY 2006)

1. Raychova dupka, Cherni Osam 31. Propast K - 18 (Ledenata), Razlog 126

Village 387 32. Malkata Balabanova Dupka, Komstitsa
2. Barkite 14, Gorno Ozirovo, Vratsa 356 Village 125
3. Yamata na Kipilovo (Golyamata yama), 33. Golyamata Vâpa, Stoilovo Village 125
Kipilovo Village 350 34. Banderitsa, Bansko Town 125
4. Tizoin, Gubesh Village 320 35. 20godini Akademik, Bansko Town 118
5. Beliar, Gorno Ozirovo Village 282 36. Manoilovata dupka, Ribnovo Village 115
6. Drangaleshkata Dupka, Mugla Village 255 37. Tyinite Ponori, Shumen Town 115
7. Lednika, Kotel Town 242 38. PPD, Bosnek Village 115
8. Malkata Yama, Cherni Osam Village 232 39. Ivanova voda, Dobrostan Village 113
9. Propast (Pothole) N9, Bansko Town 225 40. Pticha Dupka, Cherni Osam Village 108
10. Mâglivata, Kotel Town 220 41. Haydushkata Propast, Bistrets Village 108
THAN 100 M...

11. Katsite, Zimevitsa Village 205 42. Lednitsata, Gela Village 108
12. Barkite 8, Gorno Ozirovo Village 190 43. Yasenski Oblik, Yablanitsa Town 108
13. Pukoya, Pavolche Village 178 44. Partizanskata, Glozhene Village 107
14. Vihren, Bansko Town 170 45. Golyamata Temnota, Drenovo Village 106
15. Lisek, Dryanovo Village 160 46. Golyamata Voda, Karlukovo Village 106
16. Uzhasat na imanyarite, Kotel Town 160 47. Morovitsa, Glozhene Village 105
17. Akademik, Kotel Town 158 48. Bezdanniyat Pchelin, Yablanitsa Town 105

18. Kambankite, Mugla Village 158 49. Kumanitsa, Cherni Osam Village 104
19. Borova dupka, Cherni Osam Village 156 50. Panchovi Gramadi, Glozhene Village 104
20. Blagova Yama, Etropole Town 153 51. Stotaka, Brezovo Village 104
21. Yavorets, Zverino Village 147 52. Kamenititsa N14, Razlog Town 103
22. Kladeto, Rudozem Town 147 53. Chelyustnitsa, Bayovi Dupki,
23. Mâgliviyat snyag, Tvarditsa Town 146 Bansko Town 103
24. Malyat Sovat, Btyazovo Village 140 54. Nanovitsa, Glozhene Village 102
25. Kârvavata Lokva, Kotel Town 140 55. Pleshovskata pestera, Prevala Village 102
26. Propast K - 19, Razlog Town 136 56. Golyamata Garlovina, Cheni Osam
27. Saguaro, Bilin Dol, Gubesh Village 135 Village 100
28. Aleko, Ilindentsi Village 132 57. Ruse, Emen Village 100
29. Druzhba, Dobrostan Village 130 58. Kânchova Varpina, Tepava Village 100
30. Lucifer, Kotel Town 130 59. Draganchovitsa, Glozhene Village 100


20 Years of Akademik Drânkalna Dupka

Ahmetyova Dupka (Prokletata, Dobrostanski Biser) Drashanskata Pechtera
Akademik Druzhba (Sveti Hris)
Aladjanskata Peshtera Duhlata
Alchashkata (Alchanskata) Peshtera Dushnika (Iskretskata Peshtera, Peshtta, Vodnata)
Aleko Dyavolskoto Garlo (Harloga)
Akademik Elata
Andâka (Golyamata, Vodnata Peshtera) Emenskata Peshtera
Bacho Kiro (Malkata Peshtera) Eminova Dupka
Balyovski Obruk Futyovskata Peshtera
Bambalova Dupka Gabrika
Bânderitsa Gâgla
Bankovitsa Gârdyova Dupka
Barkite – 14 Gargina Dupka (Garvanitsa)
Barkite – 8 (25 Years Akademik) Garvanitsa (Kosovskata Peshtera)
Bashovishki Pech Georgievata (Gyurgyovskata) Peshtera
Bayov Komin Gergitsovata Peshtera
Belyar Gininata Peshtera
Bezdanniya Pchelin Golemata Voda
Blagova Yama Golemiyat Burun (Oynyolar Marasa)
Boninskata (Popskata) Peshtera Golyamata Garvanitsa
Borikovskata Peshtera (Chervena Dupka) Golyamata Humba


Borova Dupka Goloboitsa 1 and 2
Boychovata Peshtera (Boychova Dupka) Golyamata Balabanova Dupka
Bozhkova (Kulina) Dupka Golyamata Gârlovina
Bozkite (Babini Bozki) Golyamata Maara
Brâshlyanskata Vodna Peshtera Golyamata Mikrenska Peshtera (Mandrata)
Bratanovata Peshtera Golyamata Temnota (Yamkata)
Brunoshushinskata Peshtera Golyamata Vâpa
Cheleveshnitsa Golyamata Yama
Cheleveshnitsa (Cheleveshkata, Choveshkata, Chi- Golyamata Yama (Yamata – 3)
lyashkata) Gorna and Dolna Peshtera
Cheloveshnitsa Gornik
Chelyustnitsa Gradeshnishkata (Rushovata) Peshtera
Chernata Pesht Granicharskata Propast
Cherniyat Izvor Grimnena Dupka
Chudnite Mostove (Erkyupriya) Han Maara
Dâlbokata (Propast N 27) Haramiyska Dupka
Desni Suhi Pech Haydushkata Peshtera
Devetashkata Peshtera (Maarata) Haydushkata Peshtera
Dinevata Pesht Haydushkata Peshtera
Djebin Trap Haydushkata Propast
Dolnata Maaza Haydushkata Propast
Drânchi Dupka Hralupa (Hralup)
Drangaleshka (Dangalashka) Dupka Imaneto 129
Ivanova Voda Mishin Kamâk (Kamik)
Izvora (Izvora na Kastrakli) Mizhishnitsa
Izvorat (Vodnata Peshtera, Vodopada, Padaloto) Mladenovata Peshtera
Kalitsa Morovitsa
Kambankite (Propast M-4) Mussinskata Peshtera
Kânchova Varpina Nahodka – 13
Karstoviya Izvor (The Karstic Source) Nanin Kamâk
Kârvavata Lokva (Kladentsite) Nanovitsa
Katsite Neprivetlivata (Gornata Propast)
Kipilovskata Peshtera (Choveshkata, Chelovesht- Nevestina Propast
nitsata) Novata Peshtera
Kirechnitsata (Kerechnitsata, Golyamata Mahara) Ogradite (S-20)
Kirov Vârtop (Vodnitsa, Vodnata Peshtera) Opushenata (“Smoked”)
Kladeto Orlova Chuka (Orlovo Gnezdo)
Kokalana (Stoletovskata Peshtera) Panchovi Gramadi
Kondjova Krusha Parasinskata Propast
Krivata Pesht Parnitsite
Kumanitsa Partizanskata Peshtera
Labirinta (Aleksander Blazhev Cave Complex) Pavla (Vodnata Peshtera)
Ledenika Peshketo
Lednika Peshterata s Dvata Vhoda
Lednitsata Pleshovska (Pleshova) Dupka
Lepenitsa (Vodnata, Mokrata, Izvora) Ponora
Levi Shupli Kamak Popovata Peshtera
Lipata System PPD (“Introduction to Speleology”)
Lisek (Pantyolova) Prikazna
Lucifer Prilepnata Peshtera (Cave Complex Bozhiyat
Lyastovitsa (Lastovitsa) Most – Prilepnata Peshtera)
Kalenska Pesht Prohodna

Kaleto Prolazkata (Derventskata) Peshtera

Kalnata Propast Propada (Paramunska Yama)
Kamenititsa No 14 Propast
Karangil Propast (Pothole) No 9 (Devyatkata, System 9-11)
Kozarskata Peshtera Propast K-18 (Ledenata)
Krachimirskoto Vrelo Propast No 35 (Cyclope)
Machanov Trap Propast K -19 (Kamenititsa – 19, Bulgaria – France
Mâgliviyat Snyag – Belgium)
Magura Propastna peshtera (Cave – Pot Hole) N 29
Maliya Sovat Propastta na Benyo Ilyov
Malkata (Malata) Balabanova Dupka (Yamata na Pticha Dupka
Iskrechinata) Pukoya
Malkata Mikrenska Peshtera Radolova Yama (Toshkova Dupka)
Malkata Yama Ralena (Vodnata)
Mandrata (Lâdjenskata, Vodnata Peshtera) Raychova Dupka
Manuilovata Dupka (Manailovata Peshtera) Razhishkata Peshtera
Marina Dupka (Parova Dupka, Kumincheto, Pro- Rushkovitsa (Prelaz, Partizanskata)
pastite) Russe
Martin 11 Sâeva Dupka
Mayanitsa Saguaroto (Golyamata Peshtera v Bilin Dol)
Mazata (Haydushkiya Zaslon) Samara (Samarskata Peshtera)
Mâglivata Samuilitsa (Vassilitsa)
130 Mechata Dupka Sanchova Dupka
Sedlarkata (Mandrata) Trona (Duhaloto)
Serapionovata Peshtera Tsakovska Pesht (Tsakonichki Pech)
Sharaliyskata Peshtera Tsarkvishte (Tsarkveto)
Shepran (Shepra) Dupka Uhlovitsa (Ultsata)
Shipkata Urushka Maara (Proynovata)
Sifona (Novata) Uzhasa na Imaniyarite
Sinyoto Ezero Varkan (Vrkan, Peeshtata, Musikalnata Peshtera)
Sinyoto Kolelo Vârlata
Sipo I Vârteshkata
Skoka Venetsa
Snezhanka Vihrenska Propast
Sokolskata Dupka (Peshtera) Vodnata Pesht
Sopotskata Peshtera (Tâmnata Dupka) Vodnata Peshtera
Spropadnaloto (Propadnaloto) Vodnata Peshtera (Borovskata Vodna Peshtera)
Stâlbitsa Vodnata Peshtera (Tserovskata Peshtera)
Starata Prodânka Vodnata Propast (Propust)
Stotaka Vodni Pech
Stoyanovata Peshtera Vodnite Dupki
Stublenska Yama I Vodnitsata
Studenata Dupka (Cherepishkata Peshtera) Vodopada (Maarata)
Subattâ Vreloto
Suhi Pech Yagodinska Peshtera (Imamova Dupka)
Svinskata Dupka Yame – 3 (Srednitsa)
Svirchovitsa Yamkata (Yamkite)
Tâmna Dupka Yasenski Oblik 2
Taynite Ponori Yavorets
Temnata Dupka Yubileyna
Temnata Dupka Yulen Ere
Temnata Dupka (Izvorskata Peshtera) Zadânenka


Tigancheto Zandana (Biserna)
Tipchenitsa Zhabata
Tizoin Zhivata Voda (Ayazmoto)
Topchika Zidanka
Toplya Zidanka
Toshova Dupka (Kalna Mâtnitsa, Izvorna) Zmeyova Dupka
Troana Zmiyn Burun


Preparation of the maps for printing – Trifon Daaliev, Alexey Jalov, Zdravko Iliev
Inking of the maps reduced to A4 – Angelina Petkova
Scanning and other work on the maps – Trifon Daaliev
Geographical maps showing the situation of the caves – Ivan Alexiev,
Trifon Daaliev and Alexey Benderev
Map showing the distribution of the karstified rocks and the situation of caves –
Ivan Alexiev, Trifon Daaliev and Alexey Benderev

Copyright remains to the authors



Gortalovo Village, Pleven Distr.
Length 1083 m. Denivelation 41 m (-36,+5)

A cave 2.5 km from Gortalovo, in the protected area called Gushtera. Formed in limestone from
the Upper Cretaceous (Maastricht). Cascade – descending, two-storey, branched, water cave. Entrance
on the bottom of funnel, ponor-like. The main gallery descends up to a well, eight-meter deep, giving
access to the lower storey, where there is an underground river. On the upper level, in one of the branches
of the main gallery, a labyrinth with a total length of 105 m and surface 400 m2 is formed. Thin
stalactites in the entrance parts of the main gallery. The underground stream is fed by rain and
condensation water, formed in the watershed-uvala 3x2 km. Discovered in 1979 and explored by cavers
from Studenets – Pleven Caving Club in the period 1981–1986 by K. Petkov, S. Gazdov, B. Garev, M.
Dimitrov, V. Chapanov and others. Protected together with the whole area.
Fauna: including not described troglobite Diplopod.
* The numbers in brackets pointed the location of the caves on the Maps of the location of the

Aladjanskata peshtera
Gortalovo Village


0 100 m
Krivnya Village, Razgrad Distr.
Length 326 m

A cave 1200 m E of Krivnya, in the middle of the cliff between Krivnya and Senovo, in the
western part of the region Ludogorie. Formed in limestone from Lower Cretaceous (Hotrivien-Aptien).
Bozhkova Dupka is the longest cave in the Ludogorie. It is horizontal, dry and branched, divided
into two parts. In the first part, there are stones on the floor of the gallery. After 36 m, the gallery narrows
and through a squeeze it is possible to enter the second part of the cave. There are several chambers, 7-
8 m high, with small side galleries. All branches end in very narrow impenetrable places. The cave is
poor in flowstone. In some places there are thick layers of bat guano (up to 120 cm).
The first graffiti in the cave (Deliorman) were done in 1924 by “tourists”. First studied on May 7th,
1961 by S. Terziev, N. Stanchev and R. Dimitrov from the Caving Club at Buyna Gora – Razgrad Tourist
Society. The cave was surveyed in details in 1976 by S. Ivanov, M. Krastev and D. Nenov from the same
club. During the caving expedition “Ludogorie’77-78”, P. Tranteev, Zdr. Iliev and Iv. Rashkov corrected
the map. There is a legend according to which the cave had been inhabited by Bozhko Voyvoda, hence
its name. In the entrance parts, fragments of ceramic vessels have been discovered, thus the assumption
that the cave might have been inhabited.
Fauna: only 4 species of spiders have been identified so far.

Entrance Bozhkova (Kulina) Dupka

Krivnya Village

0 20 m
Bohot Village, Pleven Distr.
Length 776 m. Denivelation -42 m

Branched cave pothole in the locality Buchi Geran. Water, one-storey cave, formed in Sarmatian
limestone. Entrance in a funnel with diameter of 20 m. The galleries of Kirov Vârtop are 416 m long, but
through a siphon of 1.30 m the cave is connected to Vodnitsata. During heavy rain the entrance also
becomes a siphon, the river sinking into a similar river at the bottom of the cave. Where the cave is
divided into two branches, there is an accumulation of guano and a bat colony on the ceiling. Bones
belonging to a cave bear have been found in the cave (N. Spassov det.). The entrance of the cave is about
300 m away from the pumping station.
Vodnitsata is a two-storey cave with a lower water level. The upper two galleries are dry. The cave
ends with a semidry water siphon. When the pumps at the station are not in use, the water rises and the
siphon is closed. No cave flowstone formations.
The map and description of Kirov Vârtop were made by Studenets, Pleven Caving Club (K.
Petkov, Ts. Hristov and B. Garev), on 15th October 1982.
Fauna: only guano-inhabiting invertebrates are known.

Kirov Vârtop
Bohot Village



0 150 m
Name: LABIRINTA (Aleksander Blazhev Cave Complex) (170)
Pepelina Village, Russe Distr.
Altitude 80 m. Altitude above the LBE: 45 m. Length 1697 m

A cave in the eastern part of a cliff facing Pepelina Village. There are several hidden entrances,
situated about 50 m from a typical square rock niche, which are about 20 m higher than the niche and are
situated 18 m from the edge of the cliff.
The cave is formed in Cretaceous (Apt) limestone and has developed in NE direction. It is
horizontal, labyrinthine and narrow, with clay floor, and in some places with sinter plates and rock
boulders. Crawling on wet clay, we reach an oblong chamber – this is the end of the “old” parts. The way
to the new parts starts from the end of the chamber, through a meandering dug-out tunnel, and leads to
many smaller chambers, connected by squeezes. The end is a labyrinth where one could be lost.
Discovered by cavers from Russe, the exploration of this difficult cave took many years. The first
description was made by I. Kehayov from Haskovo – up to 328 m, the second and third – by K. Dimchev
(Russe) – up to 1063 m, the fourth – by K. Stoyanov, Hr. Ivanov and T. Kisimov from Russe – up to 1697
m. A guide from Russe Caving Club is needed. The new parts were discovered at the beginning of 2000
by Hristo Ivanov, Nikolay Kovachev and Svetoslav Denev from Prista Caving Club. Cavers from Russe
carried on digging. The survey was done by Kamen Stoyanov, Hristo Ivanov and Teodor Kisimov in
September 2000.

Pepelina Village


0 100 m
Name: NAHODKA – 13 (173)
Altitude 470 m. Length 470 m. Denivelation -20 m

A cave in the southwest part of Shumensko Plateau, about 500 m SW of the Old Town. Entrance
(1.5 x 1.5 m) in sinkhole. A 20-m gallery follows, transformed in a 20-m long diaclase. Two meters of
vertical leads in a 25-m gallery with stalactites. Another 5-m vertical and a short gallery lead to the
biggest chamber of the cave (16 x 20 m). On the floor blocks and clay, the chamber is poor in limestone
formations. A 50-m gallery starts from the chamber. Explored in 1972 by cavers from Shumen Caving
Club. Horizontal map by At. Spassov, St. Markov, M. Dinkova and E. Gerov. After 12 m of digging,
another 150 m were added. In 1986, A. Spassov, V. Mirchev, V. Chapanov, M. Petrova and V. Kolev
finally surveyed the cave.
Fauna: solitary bats.

Nahodka – 13




0 20 m
Name: NANIN KAMÂK (144)
Muselievo Village, Pleven Distr.
Length 178 m. Denivelation 8.5 m
Coordinates: N 43° 37' 42.9'' E 24° 51' 24.8''

A cave in the locality Nanin Kamâk, about two kilometers SW of Muselievo. Formed in limestone
from the Upper Cretaceous (Sarmatian). The cave is horizontal, branched, one-storey and dry. Two
galleries start from the small entrance chamber. One is ascending and ends in an opening on the ceiling
of the cave. The floor of a part of the main gallery is covered with bat guano, some colonies including
rare species, thus being of considerable importance.
Further, the cave is divided into two more galleries, where bats live too.
The cave has been studied mainly by biospeleologists (P. Beron, T. Ivanova, V. Beshkov). In
this cave, some systematic observations on bats have been carried out with the participation of
German specialists.
Fauna: 13 animal species have been observed (guano-inhabiting animals), incl. Rhinolophus
mehelyi and another five species of bats.
Protected Natural Monument with adjacent area of 14.1 ha (Decree 238/07.06.1996, gazetted

Nanin Kamâk
Muselievo Village

0 20 m En
138 tra
Pepelina Village, Russe Distr.
Length 13 437 m (second longest in Bulgaria). Denivelation 12 m
Coordinates: N 43° 35' 39,1'' E 25° 57' 59,7''

A cave system 2.5 km NE of Pepelina, Dve Mogili municipality. Entrance on a river terrace, on the
left bank of Cherni Lom, at an altitude of 80 m above the river level. Formed in sandy Aptian limestone.
A labyrinth of dry, large and narrow, mainly horizontal galleries, connecting ca. 10 chambers of different
size. Poor in speleothems. Widespread sediments thick up to 5.6 m. No running water. Average air t° =
10.8°C, relative humidity – 88%. Discovered in April 1941 by St. Spassov from Pepelina. First explored
by Lokomotiv Tourist Society, Russe, under the guidance of T. M. Avramov. Iron gate installed and
officially opened for tourists on June 7th, 1942. Later explored by the speleological section of the District
Museum in Russe and by the Speleoclub of Prista Tourist Society in Russe. Until August 27, 1961, 530
m were known and on that day another 760 m of galleries were discovered. After the National
Expeditions in 1970 and 1972, the length became already 7410 m, respectively 8796 m and in 1977 it
became 11 483 m. New discoveries (still going on) increased the length to13 437 m. From 1956 to 1961,
it was arranged as a show cave. In 1970 the show (lighted) itinerary was one km. Since 1994 the cave has
been managed by the Speleoclub of Prista Tourist Society.
Declared a natural monument and issued in the State Gazette (together with 7.6 ha adjacent
area)(Decree No 2810, published in 1963). Within Russenski Lom Natural Park.
Archaeological finds from the Middle Paleolithicum – East Balkan Musterien.
Paleontology: fossils of Ursus spelaeus.
Fauna: 15 species, including five species of bats.

Orlova Chuka
Pepelina Village


0 400 m
Stalagtons – Îrlova Chuka – photo Vassil Balevski Column – photo Trifon Daaliev

140 Cave decoration – photo Trifon Daaliev

Shumen Town
Altitude 445 m. Total length 1916 m. Denivelation -115 m

A cave pothole on the Shumen Plateau, in the locality Bostanlaka. Discovered in 1983 through a
ponor desobstruction. The pothole is a part of the system of the karstic source Bashbunar in Troishki
Boaz, and is the deepest in NE Bulgaria. Consists of two main water galleries with permanently flowing
streams. Four levels have been detected, at 20, 40–55, 60–70 and 90–100 m. The link between the
storeys consists of verticals and internal pits. The water ejection is through two groups of karstic
sources: Gorni, or Upper (in the locality Bashbunar, through sewers it goes to Shumensko Pivo
Brewery), and Dolni, or Lower (by the northern part of the Troitsa), where Troishka Reka starts.
The cave is studied by the cavers of Shumen Caving Club.

Taynite Ponori
Shumen Town


0 100 m


115 m

Tsar Petrovo Village, Vidin Distr.
Length more than 800 m

The entrance of this big cave is small and narrow. During flood rain, in the semi blind valley, in
which the entrance is situated, a huge amount of water is collected. As the entrance is small, the water is
sucked inside and enters, creating a whirlpool with peculiar sounds. Hence, the Vlah name of the cave
Vrkan (whirlpool), or The Singing Cave. The third name is a modern one.
The cave is horizontal, one-gallery and descending. An underground stream runs through it. The
cave ends in a siphon. There are few secondary formations. The underground stream comes out ca. 300-
400 m lower, as a karstic spring (description after P. Tranteev, 1978).
The cave has been known to local people for a long time. It was explored and surveyed in 1969 by
P. Tranteev, P. Beron and Zdravko Iliev.
Fauna: so far 16 species have been identified (collected by P. Beron in 1969). Among them are the
troglobites Trichoniscus bononiensis and Hyloniscus flammula (Isopoda) and Plusiocampa beroni


Tsar Petrovo Village

0 120 m

Shumen Town
Length 2716 m. Denivelation 18 m. Surface 10 420 m2
Volume ~50 000 m3

A cave, one km west of Shumen, in the park Kyoshkovete. Situated on the NE slope of Shumensko
Plateau. Formed in sugar-like yellowish limestone. The cave is ascending, two-storey, branched and with
a permanently flowing river. Length of water gallery – 882 m. Dimensions of the cross-section of the
cave: 5.5 m wide, 4 m high. Maximum dimensions: width 46 m, height 12 m. Rich in flowstone. Clay
deposits, thick up to three meters. Boulder chokes. In the gallery an underground stream flows with an
average outflow of 8 l/sec, min. outflow 4 l/sec, max. ~600 l/s.
This water cave has been a source for drinking water for Shumen since 1897. The first information
about the cave is dated as early as 1828 (by the French geographer J.-G. Barbier de Bocage). The first
modern exploration was done in 1968 by cavers from Shumen and Sofia. At that time 1440 m were
surveyed. In 1971, K. Dimchev and Sn. Stancheva discovered an upstream continuation and the known
length of the cave became 1800 m. For the transformation of Zandana into a show cave, A. Spassov
made in 1979–1980 a detailed instrumental survey up to the present day length of the cave. In the period
1976–1985, the cave was converted into a show cave, but was never inaugurated for visiting. The
research in 2003 resulted in the discovery of new galleries, bringing the length of the cave to 2716 m.
Protected, within Shumensko Plateau Natural Park.
Fauna: five species of invertebrates are recorded and at least 11 species of bats.

Zandana (Biserna)
Shumen Town


0 150 m
The Big Room – photo Trifon Daaliev

144 Zandana – Stalaktites – photo Trifon Daaliev

Name: AKADEMIK (179)
Kotel Town, Sliven Distr.
Altitude 705 m. Length 580 m. Denivelation -158 m
Coordinates: N 42° 56' 08,55'' E 26° 30' 46,08''

A cave pothole in Senonian limestone in the locality Zlosten, 3.5 km northeast of Kotel Town.
Length on the main axis – 300 m. Ten shafts of different dimensions, the deepest being 13 meters. In the
middle, a small stream appears. Explored and surveyed in 1964 by cavers from Akademik, Sofia Caving
Club, and later by cavers from Protey, Sliven Caving Club.

Kotel Town


0 100 m



0 100 m

Bezhanovo Village, Lovech Distr.
Length 227 m. Denivelation 2.4 m. Volume 296.6 m3

A cave 2.5 km from Bezhanovo, in the locality Gorna Turiya (Alchashkoto). The entrance is
situated on the right bank (geographically) of Kamenitsa River (dimensions 6x3m). The cave is
horizontal, dry diaclase, periodically humid. Formed in limestone from the Cretaceous (Maastricht).
The cave was surveyed in 1982 during a District Caving Expedition, which added another 40 m to
its length. Air temperature at the entrance 12.4oC, at the bottom 12oC. Humidity is 56%.
Fauna: collected by B. Garev, but not fully identified.


Alchaskata (Alchanskata) peshtera

Bezhanovo Village

0 80 m

146 0 80 m
Dryanovski Monastery
Altitude 280 m. Length ca. 4000 m
Coordinates: N° 42 56’ 52,5" E 25° 25’ 54,1"

A cave, 150 m west of the St. Archangel Mikhail monastery, in the eastern periphery of the karstic
plateau Strazhata. Formed in Lower Cretaceous limestone.
A horizontal cave with large chambers through which an underground stream runs.
The cave is situated at the end of the ? canyon of Andaka River. The name of the cave and the river
come from the large entrance (Andak = Hendek = pothole), which was closed for the construction of a
water cleaning station in 1946. The entrance of the cave faces east (ca. 25 m high and ca. 40 m wide). In
the entrance hall there is a water cleaning station, which provided drinking water to Dryanovo up to
1979. The cave has developed in Cretaceous limestone (Apt – Urgon – Barem complex) of the syncline
karstic plateau Strazhata, the main direction being NE-SW. In the cave there is an underground river
(min outflow ca. 15 l/s).
The connection of this cave with the caves near Dolni Varpishta Village (1 km S-SW, 475 m
altitude) and with some ponors near Donino Village (7 km SW, 550–600 m altitude) has been proven, as
well as with the karstic valley near Kostenkovtsi Village (2 km NW, 650 m altitude).
These indisputable, but yet unpenetrated connections, prove the existence of a huge cave complex.
We could divide the cave in three parts, according to their discovery.
The Older part – up to the Second siphon, surveyed in 1974–1976, is on two levels, with
labyrinthine galleries, an indisputable part of Bacho Kiro – Andaka System. Proven, but yet
unpenetrated, is the connection with Vodnata (Kazana) in Dolni Varpishta Village. Three streams with
different water temperature come from the left side and join the main river.
At the beginning the new parts represent low galleries with small branches, ending in three large
chambers. The galleries have developed on the right and above the main river. Coming from the right
(direction Kostenkovtsi), there are two streams running across the galleries, one of them being a sink of
Andaka River. Further, the cave goes on with high galleries, giving access to the main river in a wide and
low chamber with siphons on both ends.
The newest parts, also on the right side of the river, are still under study and survey.
The cave is poor in flowstone formations. In some chambers, there is a high content of CO2 up to
4 % (description of Vanyo Stanev).
First mentioned by St. Yurinich in 1891. Excavations at the entrance by R. Popov in 1920 and in

1937. First registered research by N. Radev on October 28, 1923. In May 1924, Iv. Buresch and D.
Ilchev collected cave fauna. N. Radev published (1926) a survey of the first 100 m. In 1966, Planinets,
Sofia, surveyed another 1800 m of the cave. Under the care of Strinava, Dryanovo Caving Club, the REMARKABLE
known length of the cave increased to 3200 m in 1977 and to 4000 m in 1984.
Fauna: 16 species, including the troglobite Trichoniscus tenebrarum (Isopoda).


(Golyamata, Vodnata peshtera)

Dryanovski Monastery
0 100 m 147
The entrance of the cave Andaka – photo Trifon Daaliev

148 The stone waterfall – photo Trifon Daaliev V. Peltekov on the cement water-line – photo Trifon Daaliev
Dryanovski Monastery
Length 3500 m. Denivelation 65 m
Coordinates: N 42° 56' 50,5'' E 25° 25' 54,7''

A cave, 150 m from Dryanovski Monastery and 50 m from the cave Andâka. Formed in Lower
Cretaceous limestone. A complex labyrinth of galleries, developed in four main levels and connecting
ca. 12 chambers, the biggest and the highest of which is Srutishteto (25x18 m), reaching its maximum
height in Dâzhdovnata Zala. Minimum dimensions along the profile of the main galleries – 0.30 x 0.60
m, maximum – 12 x 30 m. Main direction NE-SW. Diversity of flowstone and other cave formations. On
the floor of the lower level galleries of the cave there are thick clay formations, on the upper storeys –
mainly river gravel from the earliest stages of the cave formation – ca. 1.8 million years ago.
Archaeological excavations in the cave revealed artefacts from the following cultures: Middle
Paleolythicum – Moustier – 47 000 years ago; Late Paleolythicum – Orygnac (over 43 000 years ago);
Neolythicum and Eneolythicum. Remains of Homo sapiens dating back to more than 43 000 years ago
have been discovered and also fossil fauna (bones of 21 species of small mammals from the Upper
Pleistocene and from 11 species of large mammals). The cave was first recorded by H. Škorpil (1884).
Explored on May 19, 1890 by St. Yurinich – up to 143 m. First archaeological explorations in 1920 and
1924 by R. Popov. Map of entrance parts (60 m) published by N. Radev (1926), who visited the cave in
1923 and 1925. In 1937 and 1938 other explorations were done by R. Popov and by the American D.
Garod. Survey of the cave in 1966 by cavers from Planinets, Sofia Caving Club (up to 2400 m).
Research has been carried out also by cavers from Strinava, Dryanovo Caving Club, bringing the cave to
its present length. In 1971–1976, Polish-Bulgarian archaeological excavations took place. Geomorpho-
logically studied by V. Popov and Iv. Vaptsarov (1972). Partly electrified in 1937 (the first Bulgarian
show cave). In 1964 the tourist circuit was increased to 450 m.
Declared Natural Monument with the adjacent 0.5 ha in 1962. Declared Monument of Culture
in 1971.
Fauna: 28 species, including the troglobite Netolitzkya jeanneli jeanneli (Coleoptera).

Bacho Kiro (Malkata peshtera)

Dryanovski Monastery


0 80 m Entrance
The opening ceremony after reconstruction of the cave Bacho Kiro – photo Trifon Daaliev

150 In the last room of the tourist part – photo Trifon Daaliev Column – photo Trifon Daaliev
Krushevo Village, Gabrovo Distr.
Length 517 m. Denivelation -48 m

A cave 1.5 km from the camping site Burya in the locality Razboynik, 300 m northeast of the
fountain. The cave starts with a funnel. The first 30-40 m are wide and low. Then they change their
character, becoming narrow and high. By the middle of the cave there is a 10–15 m vertical. From the
bottom of the vertical a water gallery starts, in which there is more mud than the water.
V. Botev, T. Boteva, B. Drandarov and R. Rachev, cavers from Viten, Sevlievo Caving Club
explored the cave in 1975. In 1982 they made the map and the description.

Balyovski Obruk
Krushevo Village

0 100 m





0 100 m 151
Emen Village, Veliko Tarnovo Distr.
Length – 2923 m. Denivelation -20 m
Coordinates: N 43° 07' 26,2'' E 25° 19' 30,4''

A water cave, 2,7 km SW of Emen. Formed in Aptian-Urgonian limestone. A descending, two-

storey, branched water cave. The entrance serves as a periodical sink of surface water. High and
narrow galleries. Two rivers flow in the cave, they appear from underground sources and sink in
siphons. The rivers are fed by rainwater in the cave basin (surface 5 km2). Found by the geographer P.
Petrov in 1980. Entrance parts studied by V. Nedkov and T. Daaliev. Detailed survey and exploration
by Prista, Russe Caving Club. Up to 1984, 1211 m had been explored, in 1980 – another 1323 m, in
1985 – another 389 m.
Fauna: the troglobite Netolitzkya maneki iltschewi (Coleoptera).

Bambalova Dupka
Emen Village


0 300 m

The entrance of the cave Bambalova Dupka – photo Alexey Zhalov 153
Karlukovo Village, Lovech Distr.
Altitude 240 m. Length 430 m. Denivelation -50 m. Surface 4150 m2. Volume 27 667 m3
Coordinates: N 43° 10' 24'' E 24° 04' 44''

A pothole system, formed in Upper Cretaceous (Senonian) limestone, 1.5 km North of Karlukovo
Village. The entrance is a pothole, 17.5 m deep (incl. 15 km vertical). Dimensions of the entrance 22 x
12 m. A horizontal gallery follows with a recurrently opening mud siphon. When open, it leads into a
small chamber, a much bigger chamber follows, with a lake with dimensions 10 x 14 m and depth of 1.5
m. Everywhere there are huge masses of clay. The prolongation after the siphon was discovered in May
1958 by the participants in a caving course, conducted by P. Tranteev. N. Korchev and P. Beron were the
first to enter the big chamber. In the lower part, underground rivers flow. Surveyed many times, the
actual map was made in 1988 by V. Mustakov, I. Yordanov, K. Danailov, D. Lefterov, cavers from
Helictite, Sofia Cavining Club.
Fauna: among the many animals recorded are the troglobites Bulgardicus tranteevi (endemic
genus and species, described from this cave) and Typhloiulus bureschi (Diplopoda) and the troglophiles
Trichoniscus bureschi (Isopoda), Porrhomma convexum (Araneae), Paranemastoma radewi (Opiliones)
and Tomocerus minor (Collembola).

Karlukovo Village



0 60 m
Name: BAYOV KOMIN (82)
Drashan Village, Vratsa Distr.
Length 2196 m

A water cave, 2.5 km W of Drashan, in the outskirts of the hill Kirkovoto. Formed in Upper
Cretaceous (Maastricht) limestone. A horizontal, branched cave, developing E/NE, with a side-
elongated profile of galleries of average dimensions of the cross section: width 4.6 m; height 1.4 m and
min/max resp. 1.4–8 m and 0.4–2.8 m. Sinter formations. The entrance is at the end of an adoline and
periodically takes in its waters. The main water input comes from a left branch, 70 m from the entrance.
The water of the underground stream is drained through the cave Drashanska Peshtera. Discovered in
1968 (information from local people) by the cavers from Veslets, Vratsa Speleoclub. By 1977 it had been
completely explored and surveyed by K. Karlov, S. Dyankov, G. Chakalski and K. Genadiev.

Bayov Komin
Drashan Village

0 400 m


0 400 m
Name: BARKITE – 14 (37)
Gorno Ozirovo Village, Montana Distr.
Altitude 834 m. Length 2600 m. Denivelation -356 m
Coordinates: N 43° 13' 15" E 23° 27' 29,7"

The entrance of the deepest pothole in the park Vrachanski Balkan is situated near a place called
Studenite Korita, ca. four kilometers NW of Ledenika Hut. The pothole is built of Upper Jurassic –
Lower Cretacous limestone.
From the entrance (0,5 x 0,5 m) a descending gallery starts, going on for 76 m. Its length is 200 m.
A very narrow opening follows and a vertical of nine meters. Further on, the gallery goes into a squeeze
with water in it. After 450 m, a vertical of seven meters is reached (this point is at 145 m denivelation).
A lake (2 x 3 x 0,5 m) and an upper storey follow. After 350 m, we find a narrow semisiphon and a 130-
m horizontal part. After several verticals of six, seven and ten meters, we pass a 13-m meander, followed
by an eleven-meter vertical, twelve meters after which we reach the biggest vertical in the cave. It is 18
m, divided into two parts of six and twelve meters. The last vertical of eight meters leads to the end of
the siphon. There is an underground stream.
The participants in the International Ralley Ledenika 68 T. Tranteev, Z. Iliev, T. Daaliev, P. Beron
and others (up to 70 m) were the first to penetrate the cave. After more than 15 years, cavers from
Akademik – Sofia Caving Club, led by M. Zlatkova, enlarged the squeeze and discovered the new parts.
M. Zlatkova and M. Stoyanov reached the siphon at – 140 m in May 1982. One year later the siphon was
passed by Tz. Ostromski and M. Zlatkova. The bottom was first reached in early November 1983 by M.
Zlatkova, M. Stoyanov, O. Stoyanov, Ya. Bozhinov and V. Shekerdjieva. The depth reached was 350 m,
and the length 2560 m. In 1988 the cavers of Studenetz – Pleven Caving Club organized diver’s
expedition and underground bivouak for exploring the end siphon. The divers V. Chapanov and M.
Dimitrov dived in the siphon and the result, after all these efforts, was that the system became longer by
24 m (to 2584 m), and the depth increased by 6 m.
Fauna: known stygobites are Diacyclops languidoides, D. bisetosus (Copepoda)

Barkite – 14
Gorno Ozirovo Village

0 200 m
Name: BARKITE – 8 (25 YEARS AKADEMIK) (33)
Gorno Ozirovo Village, Montana Distr.
Altitude 830 m. Explored length 733 m. Denivelation -190 m
Coordinates: N 43°13' 18.7" E 23°27' 24.6"

A water cave in Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretacous limestone, on the territory of Vrachanski
Balkan National Park. Discovered in 1982 by cavers from Akademik, Sofia Caving Club.
The first part is relatively narrow and descending, then it becomes wider and more abrupt. There is
only one vertical of six meters near the end of the cave. When in flood, it is better to equip the vertical
with a twelvemeter rope or ladder, in order to avoid the water. There is a small stream.
In the middle of the cave there is a dry, ascending, side gallery.
Map – 1985 SPK Akademik, Sofia. Tz. Ostromski, M. Zlatkova, D. Shekerdjiev, T. Medarova.
Fauna: includes the troglobites Pheggomisetes globiceps mladenovi, Ph. buresi and Duvalius
zivkovi (Coleoptera, Carabidae).

Barkite – 8
Gorno Ozirovo Village


The beauty of the gallery – photo Trifon Daaliev

158 The decoration of the last part – photo Trifon Daaliev Stalagton – Barki 8 – photo Vassil Balevski
Gorno Ozirovo Village, Vidin Distr.
Altitude 300 m. Total surveyed length 1298 m. Explored length ca. 3300 m
Denivelation ca. 10 m

A water cave about 1500 m W-NW of Oreshets Railway Station near the bent of Vidin – Sofia
Railway. Its entrance is situated on the eastern slope of Pâkina Glama, with a surface of 10 m2 and
dimensions: 7 m wide and 5 m high, 3/4 of it taken by huge boulders due to blasting.
Immediately after the entrance, there is a big chamber, periodically filled by water. A cave is
formed in it. About 200 m from the entrance, there is a siphon, open for only 3-4 months every year.
Another 200 m further, the gallery narrows heavily and is practically obstructed by sinters. From the
inside, a stream with an outflow of 0.250 l/s runs. Immediately before the sinters, the gallery takes a
branch on the right. Is walled by a one-meter concrete dam, under which the water passes through the
deposits. It is possible to pass through a small opening in the wall. A gallery, about 1900 m long,
follows. The first 80 m are inundated, the water being 1–1.5 m deep. Another 700 m of dry gallery
follow, after which there are sinter lakes, which are dry in some periods. A gallery of ca. 300 m follows,
ending in a siphon, circumvented by passing over to the second storey of the cave. The cave goes on for
another 400 m and ends in a chamber. After the chamber, the gallery narrows heavily and it becomes
impossible to continue. It is possible to look for a continuation.
About 800 m from the dam, down on the left, there is a branch. About 10–15 m from its entrance,
we reach the bottom of a vertical of 10 m, from which an ascending gallery goes for some 400 m. It is
devoid of flowstone formations, very narrow and with cutting edges on the wall. The sector goes further
on with horizontal galleries and a height of ca. 30–40 cm.
The left gallery is a water table, about 400 m long. A low, ascending gallery, about 30–40 m long,
follows, from which we reach a huge chamber, its length about 70–80 m and covered with huge blocks.
Further on, we can either go down by the water, or up, over the blocks. The gallery goes on for another
500 m, lowers and ends in a siphon, not yet surmounted. The stream in the left gallery has an outflow of
ca. 7–8 l/s. Its total length is ca. 1000 m. The entire cave is poor in flowstone formations, except for
sinter lakes. In the right gallery, after the dam, for some 500 m there are clay deposits, which are about
one meter thick.
The cave is a recurrent source with a maximum outflow, until December 3, 1985, of 3000 l/s.
During heavy rains and snow melting water emerges from there. Known since the 19th century, its water
being used in water mills and for irrigation.

In 1961, the cave entrance was blasted during Bashovitsa quarry works. Opened again on June 24,
1979 by cavers from Bononia, Vidin Caving Club (initiative of Svetoslav Gavrilov and Bogdan
Todorov). In the same year, the first 200 m were explored. In the following years, cavers explored and REMARKABLE
described some 3300 m of galleries and surveyed ca. 1300 m of them.
Fauna: in 1959, the stygobite Niphargus pecarensis (Amphipoda) was described from this cave.
The fauna includes also the troglobite Isopod Trichoniscus bononiensis.

Bashovishki Pech

Gorno Ozirovo Village


e 0 300 m
tr an 159
Name: BELYAR (34)
Gorno Ozirovo Village, Montana Distr.
Altitude 860 m. Total length 2560 m. Denivelation -282 m
Coordinates: N 43° 13' 26.58" E 23° 27' 16.27"

A cave pothole, NW of Ledenika Hut. Formed in Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous limestone.
The 18-m entrance vertical leads into a chamber with a mud floor, ending with huge boulders. A
small stream runs through the cave. The end used to be a siphon, which was drained by cavers from
Sofia, and the lowest point was brought to 282 m.
In the spring of 1968, local people showed the cave to V. Velkov and G. Valchinov (from the staff
of Ledenika Hut). In October the same year, P. Tranteev and R. Rahnev surveyed 236 m of the cave (by
that time, the second deepest cave in Bulgaria). In 1984, G. Markov, M. Zlatkova, Ts. Ostromski and
other cavers from Akademik, Sofia Caving Club, drained the end siphon and discovered new parts. The
cave is within the Natural Park Vrachanski Balkan.
Fauna: known troglobites and stygobites are Speocyclops infernus (Copepoda), Niphargus
bureschi (Amphipoda), Bureschia bulgarica, Sphaeromides bureschi (Isopoda), Centromerus bulgari-
anus (Araneae), Bulgarosoma bureschi and Typhloiulus staregai (Diplopoda)

Entrance Gorno Ozirovo Village

0 100 m
A. Manov waiting for the stretcher – photo Trifon Daaliev


The stone waterfall in the old bottom of the cave Belyar –

photo Trifon Daaliev 161
Yablanitsa Town, Lovech Distr.
Denivelation -105 m
Coordinates: N 43° 04' 46.932" E 24° 16' 56.292"

A pothole, six kilometers NE of Yablanitsa, near a limestone quarry. Formed in Upper Jurassic
limestone (Titonian). A huge opening (50 x 30 m). A vertical part of 90 m, followed by a scree of 15 m.
It ends with a filled ponor. No cave formations.
The first attempt to penetrate the pothole was made by the Czech caver Novak in 1924. He used a
ladder and surveyed the pothole up to 88 m. On April 5, 1931, N. Radev and P. English descended the
pothole and assessed its depth at 146 m. In 1948, another group, led by A. Petrov, descended again the
pothole and considered it being 127 m deep. Until 1957, Bezdânniya Pchelin was thought to be the
deepest pothole in Bulgaria. In 1967, the Caving Commission of the City Council (Sofia) of the
Bulgarian Tourists Union organized an expedition to descend and correct the map of the pothole.
Members of the Sofia Caving Clubs of Edelweiss, Planinets and Vitosha – V. Nedkov, A. Bliznakov, T.
Daaliev, N. Genov, L. Popov, R. Radushev and others took part in the expedition.

Bezdanniya Pchelin
Yablanitsa Town



162 100 m The bottom of the shaft – photo BFS archive

Etropole, Sofia Distr.
Altitude 750 m. Length 284 m. Denivelation -153 m

A pothole in Trias limestone and dolomite not far from Etropole, in the locality Blagovoto. A cave
pothole with a 60-meter internal vertical (diameter 10 m) and several smaller verticals. They are
separated by muddy passages and are sometimes very wet, even with running water. The pothole was
discovered in 1959 by Dyado (Grandfather) Blago, an old man who inhabited the house at that time,
while trying to dig a well. First penetrated by D. Ilandjiev in 1966 (reached a depth of 55 m). In 1969, L.
Popov and cavers from Al. Konstantinov, Sofia, reached 112 m. In 1979, another 63 m of a narrow
horizontal meander was overcome by cavers from Mrak, Etropole Caving Club. In 1987, after hard work
the same club reached 153 m.
Fauna: only the troglophile spider Porrhomma convexum was identified.

Blagova Yama
Entrance Entrance


Mudy caver out of the pothole

Blagova yama – photo Trifon

0 16 m
Krushuna Village, Lovech Distr.
Altitude 279 m. Length 4530 m. Denivelation -22 m
Coordinates: N 43° 14' 25.4" E 25° 02' 53.8''

A water cave, 2,5 km SE of Krushuna, on the southern slope of Slivov Dol, the north periphery of
Devetaki Plateau. Formed in Aptian limestone (Lower Cretaceous). Entrance – 7,5 x 3,8 m, followed by
a dry horizontal gallery, 280 m long. An underground stream in the main gallery, about 800 m E and 80
m W of it. Both ends finish with siphons. After the siphon, there is an upstream gallery, which is 515 m
long. It goes downstream with one half-siphon and three siphons, which are 5, 20 and 4 m long
respectively and are followed by a1100-m gallery and a new siphon. Rich in flowstone. The river goes
further through the source cave Vodopada (average outflow 10 dm3/sec). Until 1972, only the river part
was known. In the period 1974-75, the cavers of Studenets, Pleven Caving Club, explored and surveyed
2753 m. In 1978, during the International expedition Druzhba’88, another 133 m, downstream from the
semi-siphon, were mapped. In 1985-87, divers from the same club penetrated the three siphons
downstream and brought the length of the cave to 4015 m. After 1990, the same team overcame the
upstream siphon, adding another 515 m and the cave reached its actual length.
Fauna: so far 14 species known, including the stygobite Amphipod Niphargus ablaskiri georgievi
and the troglobites Trichoniscus garevi (Isopoda) and Typhloiulus georgievi (Diplopoda).


Boninskata (Popskata) peshtera

Krushuna Village

0 300 m
The cave entrance – photo Vassil Balevski


The entrance of the cave Boninska Peshtera from inside – photo Vassil Balevski 165
Name: BOROVA DUPKA (125)
Cherni Ossam Village, Lovech Distr.
Altitude 1257 m. Length 240 m. Denivelation -156 m

A pothole in Borov Dol, Troyan Balkan, in the Steneto Biosphere Reserve. Formed in Trias
limestone and dolomite. The pothole starts with three shafts of 13, 22 and 15 m. Two shafts of 30 and 60
m start from the bottom of the last one. From there, an inclined part follows up to 140 m, where an
underground stream appears.
Surveyed in 1973 by P. Nedkova, A. Taparkova, N. Nedkova, V. Balevski, G. Hitrov and other
cavers from Sofia and Troyan. An authorization from the headquarters of Central Balkan National Park
is needed to enter the pothole.


Borova Dupka
Cherni Ossam Village

0 10 m

The participants in the first exploration (1969) – photo V. Balevski and C.Hitrov (1969) – photo Nikolay Genov
Nikolay Genov


P. Beron is looking for cave fauna (1969) – photo Vassil


The first exploration was made by using of ladder (1969)

– photo Vassil Balevski

Aleksandrovo Village, Lovech Distr.
Altitude 175 m. Length 608 m + ca.200 m of siphons. Denivelation -10 m

A water cave situated on the left bank of Ossam River and on the southern slope of the valley
Brâshlyanski Dol.
The entrance part of the main gallery is dry, with a stony floor. About 30 m from the entrance, the
water part starts and, through three consecutive lakes, goes on till an upstream siphon is reached. On the
left side (entry direction), there is a short and narrow branch from which sometimes water comes out.
When in flood, the current is reversed and part of the water runs outside through the entrance.
Downstream, the cave ends with a wide siphon at the end of its left (southern) branch. The water
runs along a descending gallery, 120 m long, with a bottom of interconnected lakes. At the branch of the
gallery, there are ruins from an old Roman (?) installation, which possibly served to divert the water and
make it run through the entrance (skewered for the needs of the nearby castle ?). Along the stream, there
are some small dams, the highest being 3.9 m (at the end of the gallery).
To establish the direction and localize the outlet of the underground water of Brâshlyan Cave, on
February 19, 1991, (12.30 h), 0.5 kg of fluorescein were released in its end siphon (downstream).
With a distance of 1250 m between the place of release and the place of its reappearing, the
maximum flow speed of the water underground is 43 m/h. The main water quantity flows at a speed of
31 m/h.
Thus, the hydraulic connection between Brashlyanskata Peshtera and the source Sutna Bunar was
proved. The speed of water in a straight line should be relatively low (ca. 30–40 m/h).
The hydrometric measurements indicate that the water of Brâshlyanskata Peshtera forms less than
half of the outflow of the source Sutna Bunar.
The cave has been known since Antiquity. The first exploration took place in 1966–1968, carried out
by the cavers D. Trifonov, V. Markov during district caving expeditions. Surveyed in 1972 by V. Markov.
During the international expedition Krushuna in 1978, V. Nedkov, V. Balevski and T. Daaliev had
to correct the cave map. Then V. Nedkov overcame several semi-siphons upstream and two siphons of
length ca. 200 m. T. Daaliev and V. Nedkov climbed the entrance chimney and found another gallery, 30
m long. Another check was done by divers (M. Dimitrov and A. Mihov and some cavers from Gotse
Hydrogeological studies were done in 1991 by A. Benderev, A. Jalov and N. Landjev.

Brâshlyanskata Vodna peshtera


Aleksandrovo Village

0 50 m
168 Entrance
The cave entrance – photo Vassil Balevski


Roman period wall – photo Vassil Balevski 169

Gortalovo Village, Pleven Distr.
Length 555 m

A cave, three km from Gortalovo, upstream the river Pârchovitsa, on its left bank. The entrance is
8–10 m above the local base of erosion, at the base of a cliff. A trapezoid entrance, three meters high and
12–15.5 m wide. A horizontal, wet, one-storey, branched cave. From the entrance hall, two galleries
start, the main (on the right) being 55 m long and 0.5–3 m high.
Fauna: stygobite is Speocyclops d. demetiensis (Copepoda).

Brunoshushinskata peshtera
Gortalovo Village

0 25 m


0 25 m
Gorsko Slivovo Village, Lovech Distr.
Length 741 m. Denivelation 3.2 m

A cave, 1550 m SW of Gorsko Slivovo in the NE part of Devetaki Plateau, Middle Predbalkan.
The entrance is 6.5 m wide and 2.5 m high. A stream runs out of it (outflow 0.200 l/s in summer and
autumn and 5–6 l/s in April–May). About 40 m from the entrance, there is a lake siphon, which explorers
call Tranteev’s Siphon. To penetrate it, the water should be taken out. A gallery follows with a triangular
profile and dimensions: width 1–1.5 m and average height 1 m. About 260 m from the entrance, a second
siphon is reached, penetrated as the first one. Further on, the gallery gets higher (up to 4 m). Its floor is
covered with clay. Gradually, a third siphon is reached (8 m long). To overcome it, it is necessary to take
out the water. The cave ends in a blockage of small stones. In some places sinter lakes and some
flowstone formations are seen.
In 1967, P. Tranteev explored and surveyed the cave up to the first siphon. Later, cavers from
Akademik, Sofia Caving Club, took over the exploring of the cave (in the summer of 1982). Definitely
explored in November 1982 by a joint expedition of several clubs from Sofia.
Description after A. Grozdanov, G. Markov, I. Lichkov. 2000. Expeditions of Akademik, Sofia
Caving Club, in the area of Devetaki Plateau (MS).

Chernata Pesht
0 80 m
Gorsko Slivovo Village


0 80 m 171
Glavatsi Village, Vratsa Distr.
Length 550 m. Denivelation 12 m

St. Nikola monastery is in the northeastern part of Vrachanska Planina, in the foothills of the
summit Golyama Lokva. About 300 m east of the monastery is the karstic source Beliya Izvor (the
White Spring), skewered for the needs of the nearest villages (11–180 l/s). Above the source, in the
cliffs, there is a recurring karstic source called Cherniya Izvor (the Black Source), a high narrow fault in
the cliff with a small lake. When in flood, up to 50–60 l/s run out of it.
The two sources are at ca. 500 m from each other and the denivelation is 60 m. They are formed in
Aptian limestone. Some cavers managed to penetrate inside the Black Source through a hole in the
middle of the cliff. The cave contains several stagnant lakes, some of which interconnected by siphons.
After ca. 300 m of a low, semi-inundated gallery from the last lake, one enters a cave of a different type,
already with running water. This is the water of Beliya Izvor. After another 150 m upstream, a siphon is
reached. After 50 m downstream, the stream enters a narrow fissure. As a rule, the upper storeys have
nice flowstone formations and the lower ones are washed out, with typical evorsion formations. If the
upstream siphon could be overcome, more galleries are to be expected.
Explorers of the cave: Ts. Ostromski, M. Zlatkova, Zdr. Iliev, St. Petkov, T. Ivanov, Yu. Petrov and
others from Sofia and Iv. Tomov and A. Velchev from Mezdra. Description after the article of Maria

Cherniyat Izvor
Glavatsi Village


172 0 50 m
Name: DÂLBOKATA (Propast PIII N 27) (89)
Karlukovo Village, Lovech Distr.
Altitude 252 m. Altitude above the LBE: 126 m. Length 113 m. Denivelation -72 m
Coordinates: N 43° 10'37" E 24° 05'47"

A pothole, 1250 m ENE of the karstic sump Lilov Vir. The entrance is in the center of a funnel
with trees (diameter 4.5 m). A shaft, deep 18 or 22 m (depending on the attachment point) follows,
leading to a level bottom. In its NE part, a gallery opens, leading (after steep descent over boulders) into
an entrance chamber, 16 m long and ca. 5 m wide. It is followed by a gallery, 12 m long and with a 2x2
m cross section. Under a sinter vertical of 2 m, sometimes a small lake is formed. Then, the cave starts
developing in NE-SW direction, with a horizontal gallery, which is 28 m long and 1 m wide. The main
gallery leads to a chimney – 8 m high. Narrow places give access to a 22-m vertical with a stony bottom.
The wider of the two branches on the left leads to a second pitch, 19 m deep and 2 m wide. The cave
ends at its bottom.
Explored many times. Surveyed mainly in July 1976 by V. Gechev, A. Siromahov, Al. Alexiev, V.
Vassilev and Iv. Tsvetkov.
Fauna: six species have been identified.

Dâlbokata (Propast PIII N 27)

Karlukovo Village



0 60 m
Dolni Lom Village, Vidin Distr.
Altitude 500 m. Length 591 m (the entire system Suhite Pechove is 799 m long) Denivelation -27 m
Coordinates: N 43° 29' 40.9" E 22° 46' 58"

A cave complex (together with the neighbouring Levi Suhi Pech) in Middle Trias limestone of
Berkovitsa antycline. An entrance chamber with excavations done by gold-seekers, followed by a
gallery with several small branches, many sinter lakes and water pools.
Air T° 11.2 ºC, humidity 96 %. In 1977, A. Jalov and S. Tsonev carried out an experiment
remaining underground for 62 days (Jalov, Tsonev, 1980).
Fauna: studied by P. Beron since 1960.
Identified troglobites and stygobites in the whole system of Levi and Desni Suhi Pech: Niphargus
pecarensis (Amphipoda), Bulgaroniscus gueorguievi (Isopoda), Bacillidesmus bulgaricus, Serboiulus
spelaeophilus (Diplopoda)

Desni Suhi Pech

Dolni Lom Village

Levi Suhi Pech



174 0 50 m
Devetaki Village, Lovech Distr.
Length 2442 m
Coordinates: N 43° 14' 05.2" E 24° 53' 23.2"

A cave, which is 1,5 km NW of Devetaki on the right bank of Ossam and on the northern slope of
Devetaki Plateau. Formed in Aptian-Urgonian limestone. Entrance with a semi-elliptic shape of 30 x 35
m. The gallery widens into a colossal chamber (25 000 m2) with height of the ceiling up to 58 m. The
chamber is lit by seven holes, called “okna”, the biggest (cave) one (Kilika) being 73 x 48 m. The
volume of the chamber is 800 000 m3, making it the biggest cave chamber in Bulgaria. A stream runs in
the cave, forming deep pools and huge sinters.
First studied in 1921 by G. Katzarov, who discovered artefacts. In 1925-1928, several times
explored by Pavel Petrov. He sailed the cave river on wooden boats and made hydrogeological
observations, surveying the cave. In 1950-1952, the archaeologists V. Mikov and N. Djambazov
excavated the entrance hall and discovered cultural layers from many periods – Middle and Late
Paleolith and Neolith, the Iron and Bronze Age and from Roman times.
The cave is considered to be the richest and most representative site of different prehistoric
cultures in Southeast Europe. In 1967, the cave was declared a Monument of Culture of National
Importance (Decree 238/07.06.1996 with the adjacent 14.1 ha).
Fauna: 21 known species, including the Isopod Trichoniscus tenebrarum, the Amphipod Niphar-
gus bureschi, and the Centipede Lithobius tiasnatensis (= popovi)(Chilopoda).


Devetashkata peshtera (Maarata)

Devetaki Village

0 200 m

Entrance A

The biggest cave room in Bulgaria with its stone windows
– photo Vassil Balevski

D. Daalieva in front of the giant cave

entrance – photo Trifon Daaliev

D. Daalieva in the first caves lake – photo Trifon Daaliev


176 The waterfall – photo Vassil Peltekov

Gintsi Village, Sofia Distr.
Length 451 m. Denivelation -10 m
Coordinates: N 43° 04' 00.8" E 23° 06' 23.1"

A cave on the right slope of Ginska Reka (Nishava River), at the base of the cliff Zaskoko. Formed
in Middle/Upper Jurassic limestone. A horizontal, branched, dry cave. The cross section has a triangular
profile and average dimensions of 5 m (width) and 7.5 m (height). At the end of the cave there is a
chamber 20 m long, 10 m wide and 15 m high. Poor in flowstone. Thick mud deposits. Periodically, the
dripping water forms lakes in the chamber and in the only branch on the left.
The first known study was carried out on June 30, 1939 by a group of members of the Bulgarian
Caving Society, led by Dr Iv. Buresch (P. Drenski, K. Tuleshkov, N. Atanasov, Iv. Julius and Bruno
Pittioni were present also (survey and biospeleological collection)). Another survey by P. Beron in the
60s. In the period 1967–1968, fauna studies were carried out by M. Kvartirnikov (research on
Pheggomisetes) and later by V. Beshkov and other bat researchers. Also systematic all-year climatic
observations have been carried out. Studied and surveyed also in 1978 by Z. Iliev and K. Lyubenov from
Edelweiss, Sofia Caving Club.
Fauna: 37 species known, including the leach Dina absoloni, the Amphipod Niphargus bureschi,
the harvestmen Paranemastoma (Buresiolla) bureschi, the beetle Pheggomisetes globiceps breiti. The
Crustacean Acanthocyclops iskrecensis (Copepoda) is also a stygobite. The cave is inhabited also by at
least 16 species of bats, but not by large colonies.
A natural monument, as part of the protected karstic complex Zaskogo, together with the adjacent
88 ha (Decree 1141/15. 12. 1981).

Dinevata Pesht
Gintsi Village




0 40 m
Name: DJEBIN TRAP (116)
Gradeshnitsa Village, Lovech Distr.
Denivelation -88 m
Coordinates: N 42° 58' 55" E 24° 16' 53.4"

The entrance of the pothole Djebin Trap (50 x 80 cm) is situated ca. 400 m north of Glogova
Mahala and ca. 120 m above the river, under the house of Usin Avin. His sons and grandsons dammed
the stream and used the water for household needs.
The cave was known to local people for a long time. The first attempts to penetrate the cave were
made by P. Tranteev, V. Beshkov and M. Kwartirnikov in 1956. They overcame 45 m. From February 26
to 28, 1960, an expedition of the Republican Caving Commission, led by P. Tranteev, explored the
pothole. P. Beron and T. Michev were the first to reach the bottom. They described the pothole in a
special article. In 1968, cavers from Sofia (A. Pencheva, A. Kotev, A. Handjiyski, N. Genov, P. Gyaurova
and T. Daaliev) also reached the bottom and made a new map and description of the pothole. In 1982, N.
Gladnishki, N. Genov, V. Nedkov and T. Daaliev equipped the pothole for SRT.
Djebin Trap is one vertical, intersected on different levels by small and bigger platforms.
The small entrance leads into a relatively narrow and strongly twisted vertical (ca. 20 m). Through
a crevice in the wall of descent, there is running water with variable outflow (in the spring up to 10–20
and more l/s).
The pothole goes on with a vertical of 25 m. When the pothole is flooded, the person descending
gets entirely wet. The opposite wall is covered with crystals (dendrites) from the splashes of the
About 45 m from the entrance, the water runs over a stone bridge – this part of the cave is very
beautiful. On the left-hand side, the water disappears into a narrow channel, open for some 20 m.
From the platform verticals of 22 and 8 m follow, the latter leading to the large bottom. In the
narrow gallery where the water disappears, it is possible to attempt and find a way further on.
Fauna: known troglobites are Balkanoniscus corniculatus (Isopoda) and Balkanoroncus bureschi


Djebin Trap

Gradeshnitsa Village

0 40 m

A. Apostolov in front of the entrance of Djebin Trap – photo Trifon Daaliev


Rocks in the area of Gradeshnishka Reka River – photo Trifon Daaliev 179
Byala Village, Kachulka Coal Mine
Altitude ca. 800 m. Length 280 m. Denivelation -52 m

Cave in Trias rocks on the southwest slope of the summit Kachulka (1082 m), Central Stara
Planina, in the system of the coal mines Kachulka. The entrance is facing southwest and is 1.50 m high
and 3.50 m wide. The gallery descends and at the seventh meter it bends to the north/northwards,
narrowing up to 0.65 m and getting at a height of 0,70 m.
Further on, we reach a small, but high chamber with walls, covered with flowstone formations.
After overcoming large stone blocks, we reach an upper branch. At the beginning, it is 3.75 m wide and
7–10 m high. We descend into the first big chamber, which is up to 10 m high and 17 m wide. The lower
gallery widens until forming an elliptic chamber (10 x 4 x 2 m). Over stone blocks we reach the mouth
of a 38-m deep vertical.
About 38 m away from the entrance, the gallery gets narrow up to 0.70 m. By the 42-th meter it
widens up to 2 m. Fifty seven (57) m from the entrance, the gallery is split in two. The right side branch
leads into three consecutive interconnected chambers. The first chamber is bigger and it has high halls
with small stalactites. The hall narrows, until we arrive to the second chamber.
The third chamber is the most beautiful in the cave, with two small lakes at the end. The left-hand
branch has branches also. Both end in chambers. One has dimensions 5 x 2.5 m, and the other, called
Elephant Ears, is 4.5 m long, 6.5 m wide and 1.50 m high. At the end, the chamber narrows into a
confined gallery with a 7 m vertical at the end. At its end, we find the most spacious chamber in the cave,
called The Candles (20 m long, 14.50 m wide and 10–15 m high). The chamber bears its name after the
many stalagmites. From there, two galleries start which later merge. The right-hand gallery leads to the
chamber, called The Clubs (Bozduganite). From this chamber, we descend to the lakes. The first lake (6
m long, up to 3.50 m wide and 1.50–2 m deep) is adorned with beautiful stalactites. Around the second
lake (5 m long, up to 2 m wide and up to 1–1.50 m deep) is one of the most beautiful places in the cave,
with a variety of stalactites. After the lake, the gallery bends, lowering and getting narrow, and finally
ends (description by A. Jalov after Neno Atanassov).
The cave was first explored in 1926 by tourists from Yambol, led by L. Brânekov and St. Zafirov.
In the period June 1–5, 1935, Neno Atanassov, accompanied by the discoverers of the cave – Iv.
Târpanov and B. Monchev from Yambol, studied in details the cave and collected biospeleological
material. Later, cavers from Kabile, Yambol Caving Club, and Protey, Sliven Caving Club, made other

Fauna: 22 animal species known, but no troglobites.


Dolnata Maaza
Byala Village

0 100 m
Drashan Village, Vratsa Distr.
Altitude 390 m. Length 578 m
Coordinates: N 43° 15' 18" E 23° 54' 27,7"

A cave in Maastricht limestone, at the base of a cliff south of Drashan. The main gallery is not
branched. Along its whole length runs an underground stream with small, but apparently steady outflow.
In some places it is not possible to follow the stream because of the low ceiling. Several bigger chambers
with secondary formations (stalactites of various types). Sinter lakes at the end of the cave.
Fauna: stygobites are Stygoelaphoidella bulgarica (Copepoda), Niphargus bureschi (Amphipoda);
troglobite is endemic subspecies of Diplopoda Bacillidesmus bulgaricus dentatus.

Drashanskata peshtera
Drashan Village



0 100 m
Entrance 181
The entrance of Drashanskata Cave – photo Trifon Daaliev

182 Photo team in the cave Vodnata peshtera near Breste – photo Valery Peltekov
Dolno Ozirovo Village, Montana Distr.
Length 78 m. Denivelation -83 m
Coordinates: N 43° 15' 01.2" E 23° 21' 34.4"

A cave pothole in the locality Kreshtta, ca. 60 m above the river. The entrance is under the wall of
Kaleto, which is difficult to find. A strongly twisted 40-m vertical follows. A descending gallery on the
bottom leads to the next vertical of 5–6 m. Here a ladder is needed. The path follows a descending
gallery to its end. Another climb and a descent between boulders (5–6 m) lead to a small chamber with
stalactites and stalagmites. A descent of a diaclase of 12–15 m leads to a big lake siphon, which takes the
whole bottom of the pit.
The pothole was explored in January 1971 by members of Planinets, Sofia Caving Club. Principal
surveyor – Vassil Nedkov. On June 14, 1970, P. Beron and V. Beshkov also descended the pothole and
collected cave fauna. Actual map - Ina Barova.

0 Entrance
Drânkalna Dupka
Dolno Ozirovo Village



86 m Level 96
89.5 m 0 12 m
Iskrets Village, Sofia Distr.
Length 876 m. Denivelation -12 m
Coordinates: N 43° 59' 53.1" E 23° 14' 09.9"

A water cave on the left bank of Brezenska river, ca. two kilometers NW of Iskrets. The road to
Breze was built over the entrance chamber of the cave.
A horizontal, labyrinthine cave with four entrances. Water T° 11 ºC. Developed in Trias limestone.
In spring most of the cave is inundated, except for the entrance part. The hydrological system of the cave
gives rise to the biggest dynamic karstic spring in Bulgaria (ca. 30 000 l/s).
The distance between Ponor Planina and the spring is ca. 7.5 km as the crow flies, the denivelation
being over 650 m. The huge water basin indicates that if one day the end siphon is penetrated, the cavers
may find themselves in a complex and very long cave system.
Known to local people since time unrecorded. First written information given by Zlatarski in
1904. Zheko Radev surveyed 225 m in 1915. During the period 1923-25 the cave was visited many
times by Dr Buresch and his team for the study of the cave fauna. The club Akademik, Sofia, added in
1967–1969 some more information and brought the known length to 567 m. The latest map of the cave
(1988, Z. Iliev, A. Jalov and others) indicated a total length of 876 m.
Fauna: Stygobites are Cavernisa zaschevi, Iglica acicularis (Gastropoda), Diacyclops pelagonicus
saetosus, D. stygius, D. clandestinus, Speocyclops lindbergi, Maraenobiotus parainsignipes, Stygoela-
phoidella elegans (Copepoda), Sphaeromides bureschi (Isopoda). Troglobites: Paranemastoma (Buresi-
olla) bureschi (Opiliones), Pheggomisetes globiceps (Coleoptera). Also known are many other
troglophiles (incl. Balkanopetalum armatum) and trogloxenes.

Dushnika (Iskretskata peshtera, Peshtta, Vodnata)

Iskrets Village

The first map of the cave from Prof. Zheko Radev 1915

0 200 m
184 Entrance
The upper entrance of the Dushnika
Cave – photo Trifon Daaliev

The sump – photo Trifon Daaliev

The lake of the cave Dushnika
(Dr. Ivan Buresch) – photo Dr K.
Tuleshkov (16.10.1940)

Name: ELATA (56)
Zimevitsa Village, Sofia Distr.
Length 176 m. Denivelation -64 m
Coordinates: N 43° 02' 06.3" E 23° 17' 33"

A cave in Jurassic limestone, two kilometers South of Zimevitsa. Entrance pitch of 18 m.

Descending gallery, 4–5 m high. After 123 m the end siphon is reached. Many and beautiful flowstone
formations, stalagmites, stalactites and others. No running water, sinter lakes.
Discovered and explored by P. Beron, V. Beshkov and T. Michev in 1960. Surveyed by cavers of
Akademik, Sofia Caving Club.
Fauna: includes the following troglobites and stygobites: Acanthocyclops iskrecensis (Copepoda),
Paranemastoma (Buresiolla) bureschi (Opiliones), Pheggomisetes globiceps stoicevi (Coleoptera,

Zimevitsa Village


0 30 m

The walls and ceiling are well
decorated – photo Nikolay Genov


Stalactites, stalagmites and

columns – photo Nikolay Genov 187
Emen Village, Veliko Târnovo Distr.
Length 3113 m. Denivelation -40 m
Coordinates: N 43° 08' 07.4" E 25° 21' 58.6"

A cave at the beginning of Emen Canyon, on the left slope of Negovanka River, 17 m above the
river bed, Middle Predbalkan. Formed in Aptian limestone. A horizontal, two-storey, branched,
periodically inundated cave. Before 1959 there were thick clay deposits in the entrance parts, which
were later removed. First studied and mapped (approx. 230 m) in 1883 by Karel Škorpil. Explored also
in 1924 by the archaeologist V. Mikov who discovered artefacts from the Neolith. Paleontological
excavations in 1948–1949 by G. Markov. In 1959 archaeological excavations under the guidance of N.
Angelov and Ya. Nikolova from Veliko Târnovo Museum of Archaeology. The Neolithic material was
confirmed, but also artefacts from the Bronze Age, the Early and Late Iron Age and from the Middle
Ages were discovered. In 1959, it was turned into a place for cultivation of champignons, then into a
cheese factory. Later it was used for military purposes and finally it became a restaurant. By 1960 only
236 m of the cave were known. In 1976–1977, cavers from Strinava, Dryanovo, studied and surveyed the
cave up to 1200 m. then in 1979, cavers from Planinets Sofia Caving Club reached the length of 1713 m.
In 1982–1983, the intense research of cavers from Prista Russe Caving Club resulted in another 1.5 km
of new galleries, thus the cave reached its present length.
A Natural Monument (together with Emen Canyon)(Decree 880/25.11.1980).


Emenskata peshtera
Emen Village

0 200 m
Entrance of Emenskata cave – photo Nikolay Genov


The first map is made by K. Skorpil in 1883 189
Karpachevo Village, Lovech Distr.
Length 700 m. Denivelation -10 m

About 1.5 km southwest of Karpachevo the entrance of this large cave is situated, facing south.
The cave is easily walk able, with an even floor covered with clay, with pools in some places. After ca.
400 m it branches out and becomes difficult to walk. In places, big evorsion cauldrons are seen. Local
people call them “gyozyove”.
The cave was well known to local people. It was surveyed in 1968 by V. Markov, Ts. Hitrov and T.
Fauna: 13 recorded species, including the troglobites Lithobius tiasnatensis (Chilopoda) and
Typhloiulus georgievi (Diplopoda). In autumn, many bats are seen, including Miniopterus schreibersi,
several species of Rhinolophus and others.

Futyovskata peshtera
Karpachevo Village


0 200 m

0 200 m
Name: GABRIKA (136)
Mikre Village, Lovech Distr.
Length 783 m. Denivelation 25 m

A horizontal cave with two entrances near Mikre. After the entrance, we reach an underground
stream. The cave develops up and downstream. Downstream, the gallery goes for some 150 m and ends in
a narrowing. Upstream, the gallery is winding and is about 600 m long. There are only two branches – one
of 20 m at the beginning and one 40-m long in the middle of the gallery. The dimensions are: 1–2 m wide
and 1–3 m high. In some places the underground stream has formed small gourds. The cave ends in a 14-
m chimney. Poor in flowstone formations.
Explored and surveyed by S. Nedkov, V. Chapanov, M. Dimitrov, S. Gazdov and K. Petkov from
Studenets Pleven Caving Club in 1983.

Mikre Village


0 50 m
Name: GÂGLA (77)
Gabare Village, Vratsa Distr.
Altitude 280 m. Denivelation -64 m

A pothole in Maastricht limestone ca. 4 km East of Gabare. The road from Gabare to Breste passes
about 300 m from the cave entrance (with dimensions 1.5 x 5 m).
After the opening, the habitus of the pothole remains the same, with the same dimensions (1.5–5 m).
The walls are clean, sculptured in vertical ribs. After overcoming the first half of the vertical, the pitch
becomes larger and its elliptic shape has dimensions of 2 x 8–10 m until the very end. The bottom is
covered with stones and is of elliptic shape (3–10 m). A vertical crevice goes for another 5 m downstairs
and ends in a small chamber covered with a thick layer of clay. Here, when rainy, the water forms a
The depth of 64 m (including 50 m of full vertical) is the biggest depth in this area (description
according to Hr. Delchev).


Gabare Village

Zgorigrad Village, Vratsa Distr.
Length 510 m

A cave above Zgorigrad, on the western slope of the hill. In the upper side of the village, by the
river there is a very big iron post. If we go upstream, we shall reach the first valley on the right.
Following it, after 400 m, a piped source is reached. About 100 m above it, on the right, we reach the
cave entrance.
Through a low and dry part a small chamber is reached, left of which a narrow labyrinth starts. On
the right, the first stream is reached. Upstairs, the path follows terraces above several lakes, one of them
being 1 m deep. Climbing a diaclase, we reach another horizontal part with a temporary pool. After 20
m, a branch is reached – the second stream, disappearing into a ponor. Upstream, by a boat, we reach a
wide and deep lake siphon. Through another chamber, the second stream is reached again. At the
chamber end, there is a very deep siphon. Downstream, a siphon part is reached. At the western end of
the chamber, through narrow galleries, a deep lake is reached.
The cave name, according to the local tradition, has to do with the popular hero Gârdyu Voyvoda.

Gârdyova Dupka
Zgorigrad Village


0 50 m
Entrance 193
Bezhanovo Village, Pleven Distr.
Length 628 m. Length on the main axe 190 m

A cave, 3 km S of Bezhanovo, in the locality Smesite, 10 m from the river Kamenitsa, 20 m north
of a karstic source. The entrance is situated at the base of a cliff, dimensions – 4 x 4 m. The cave is rich
in stalactites, stalagmites, curtains, sinter lakes. One lake, which is 227 m from the entrance and has
dimensions 3 x 4 m, ends with a siphon. Many bats.

Gergitsovata peshtera
Bezhanovo Village





194 0 80 m
Sadovets Village, Pleven Distr.
Length 501 m. Denivelation 20.4 m
Coordinates: N 43° 17' 19.6" E 24° 22' 34.6"

A cave, three km SW of Sadovets, on the left bank of Vit river, with five entrances, four of them
situated in a cliff, 50–60 m above the local base of erosion.
The cave is an ascending diaclase, branched, four-storey and dry.
The entrance to the first storey is up to seven meter high and 6 meter wide. The main axis of the
first floor is 58 m long and 5 to 0.5 m high.
The second storey has three entrances and three parallel galleries. The right gallery is 34 m long
and the left one – 114 m. After 65 m, the main gallery gives access to a chamber, about 35 m long and up
to 12 m wide. After about a hundred meters, there is a narrowing, leading into a small labyrinth. After
180 m, the gallery comes to an end.
The third storey is 60 m long. It contains a chamber, up to eight meters wide, 30 m long and 3–10 m
high. The cave is poor in flowstone formations. About 80 m deep into the second storey, more than 1000
bats were counted.
Fauna: troglophiles and trogloxenes.

Gininata peshtera
Sadovets Village


0 40 m
Komshtitsa Village, Sofia Distr.
Length 4800 m. Denivelation -80 m
Coordinates: N 43° 08' 06.3" E 23° 02' 31.5''

A cave in Trias limestone, seven km SE of Komshtitsa, on the NE slope of Bilo ridge, Berkovska
Planina. A labyrinthine, four-storey cave, relatively poor in sinter forms. Up to 160 m from the entrance
parts, in colder months, a glacier is formed and remains until April. During high waters the cave
represents a ponor. The cave was studied first in 1960 by D. Ilandjiev up to 260 m. In the same year, V.
Beshkov, T. Michev and P. Beron too studied the cave. Later, explored and surveyed by cavers from
Edelweiss Sofia Caving Club. In 1983, during a speleological expedition of Sredets Sofia Caving Club,
J. Pavlov discovered an extension of the cave. Until 1985, the cavity had been completely explored and
surveyed to its present length.
Fauna: eleven known species, including the beetle troglobite Pheggomisetes globiceps ilandjievi
(Carabidae). Another interesting inhabitant is the leech Trochaeta bykowskii (Hirudinea).

Golyamata Balabanova Dupka

Komshtitsa Village


0 200 m
The entrance of Golyamata Balabanova Dupka


Cavers after penetration – photo Trifon Daaliev Evorsion pit – photo Trifon Daaliev 197
Name: GOLEMIYAT BURUN (Oynyolar Marasa) (177)
Varbitsa Town, Shumen Distr.
Altitude 950 m. Length 359 m. Denivelation -76 m

The cave pothole Golemiyat Burun is situated ca. 5 km NW of Chernookovo Village, in the
locality Oytyolar (the Playground).
On the top of the ridge, there is a concrete triangular point and about 120 m E-SE of it the opening
is situated. A five-meter vertical, a narrowing and a chamber start from the entrance (4 x 5 m). Three
descending galleries are joint on the bottom of the cave (total length of 359 m). The left one is
dangerous, because there is a scree moving towards the bottom. Excluding several stone waterfalls, the
cave is poor in flowstone formations.
The cave pothole Golemiyat Burun has been explored many times. It was discovered and surveyed
in 1975 by Shumen cavers from Madarski Konnik Tourist Society (main surveyor Atanas Spassov).
Explored and surveyed in 1982 by Prista – Russe Caving Club (surveyor Kamen Dimchev). In 1986,
during a District Caving Expedition, the cave was re-surveyed by P. Stefanov from Planinets, Sofia
Caving Club. Description after A. Spassov, K. Dimchev, P. Stefanov.

Golemiyat Burun
Varbitsa Town

0 30 m
Cherni Ossâm Village, Lovech Distr.
Altitude 1242 m. Length 44 m. Denivelation -100 m

A pothole in the eastern part of Troyan Balkan, on the territory of Steneto Biosphere Reserve. The
entrance is situated in the upper end of the middle third of the valley Borov Dol. Formed in Trias
limestone and dolomite.
The entrances of the potholes Golyamata Gârlovina and Borova Dupka are situated very close to
each other. The altitude of the entrance of Golyamata Gârlovina is about the same as that of Pticha
Golyamata Gârlovina is the fifth deepest pothole in this area. It is almost without a horizontal part.
It starts with a narrowing (0.4 x 0.4 m). After the entrance, the gallery gets wider and steeper. A -1,5 m
vertical follows, then the heavily descending gallery enters a small chamber. Further, a blockage causes
bifurcation of the way. The climb over the blockage is wider and more comfortable. a steep descent over
big blocks follows, ending in a small vertical. The small platform after the vertical is covered with a
sinter plate and many flowstone formations. Here, a well (83 m deep) starts, with a 10-m diameter along
its entire depth. The walls are covered with a thick calcite plate, the niches are full of flowstone
formations (white and brown, with clay layers). This creates problems while equipping, as it is difficult
to find a suiteable place for a spit. The bottom is slightly inclined, with a blockage and in some places
covered with sinter plates. There are some shallow sinter lakes. The vertical goes further as a chimney
(the ceiling is not seen). It would be possible to open an upper entrance by digging in a small funnel near
the present one.
This 100-meter deep pothole was discovered on July 25, 1999, by Tsvetan Ostromski, Konstantin
Stamov and Neda Daskalova. The same day the group equipped its 83-meter vertical, at that time the
biggest in this area, and made the first attempt to reach the bottom. The survey, the description and the
attachment to the nearest pothole in the area (Borova Dupka) was done by another small expedition in
the autumn (October 9–10, 1999). Beside the discoverers, the group included Milen Bratanov and
Georgi Georgiev. Description after Ts. Ostromski.

Entrance 0

Golyamata Gârlovina
Cherni Ossam Village

The entrance – photo Tsvetan Ostromski 199
0 20 m

100 m
Gorsko Slivovo Village, Lovech Distr.
Length 273 m. Denivelation -50 m
Coordinates: N 43° 12' 43.2'' E 25° 02' 56.7''

A pothole, 1.2 km NW of Gorsko Slivovo, in the NE periphery of Devetaki Plateau.

The entrance opens at the bottom of an elliptical funnel (34 x 17 m). A shaft of the same shape and
dimensions follows and a depth of 34 m. Bottom covered with stones. In the SE part, there is a short
gallery, ending in a lake siphon. An inclined gallery goes NW (17 m wide and with a height of up to 15 m).
At the 35th meter, the gallery is transformed into a chamber (35 x 45 x 6 m). On the NE the chamber
gradually lowers into a gallery, which after 30 m becomes wider. A pyriform chamber follows which has
the following dimensions: length 60 m, width up to 30 m and height up to 19 m. The floor of the
galleries is covered with thick clay deposits, angular stones and separate stone blocks. The cave is poor
in flowstone formations. During rain and snow melting, from the lake siphon comes a considerable
amount of water, flowing along the galleries and draining in the end chamber.
The cave was explored and surveyed first by G. Yanchev and S. Penchev in 1966 during a National
Cave Expedition. In the 80s, at the initiative of P. Petrov and P. Stefanov of the Institute of Geography
(BAS), cavers from Viten Caving Club, R. Mazalat Sevlievo Tourist Society, mounted a metal staircase
and platforms, allowing access to the bottom of the entrance shaft. At the same time, the entrance was
fenced and on the bottom a station for complex karstological research was installed.

Golyamata Garvanitsa
Gorsko Slivovo Village


0 100 m
Kotel Town, Sliven Distr.
Altitude 980 m. Length 20 m. Denivelation -94 m

A pothole, about 6.5 km NW of Kotel, on the southern slope of the hill Suhi Dyal, Kotel Balkan,
Eastern Stara Planina. The entrance is quadrangular and is situated ca. 20 m below the ridge of the hill.
From there, we descend a vertical with an oval cross section and 5-m diameter. About 30 m below the
entrance, there is a small platform, then the vertical goes on, slightly elliptic and enlarged, for another 40
m. A strongly inclined bottom follows, gradually becoming a lowering gallery (3 m wide), going east. At
the end of the gallery, there is another vertical (13 m), with a stony bottom. The air temperature on the
bottom, measured on August 9, 1970, was 9.4° C.
The pothole had been known to local people for a long time, but was explored for the first time in
1962 by cavers from Plovdiv (the bottom reached by Stoycho Stoychev). Surveyed during an expedition
of Akademik Sofia Caving Club in August 1970 (description of D. Dimitrov).

Golyamata Humba
Kotel Town 0


94 m 201
Medven Village, Sliven Distr.
Length 314 m
Coordinates: N 42° 34' 46.38'' E 26° 35' 01.39''

A cave near Medven, about 1300 m NE of Lednitsata, near the summit of Sreden Kayriak.
Entrance 0.6/1 m. A spacious entrance chamber with sinters, in northern direction there is a main gallery
with a floor of terra rossa. After a hole called Prilepna Dupka with a small bat colony, the main gallery
goes on among boulders and sinter lakes. The gallery ends with a clay downing and a chamber. Explored
in 1967 by Akademik Sofia and in 1981 by Protey Sliven Caving Clubs.
A Protected Natural Monument with adjacent area of 17.8 ha (Decree 1537/ 02.09.1968, issued in
State Gazette 33/25.04.1969).

Golyamata Maara
Medven Village

0 50 m
Mikre Village, Lovech Distr.
Length 1921 m. Denivelation -9 m

A water cave north of Mikre, on the left bank of river Kamenitsa (Kamenka). Formed in
Maastricht limestone (Lower Cretacetous). An asymmetric, labyrinth cave. Width of galleries 0.5–22 m,
height 0.3–7 m. Well developed sinters.
A stream with a variable outflow comes out of the cave. Discovered by D. Iltchev (shown by local
people), and on September 4, 1924, studied up to 200 m. In 1926, the archaeologist V. Mikov found
artefacts from the Eneolith. Excavated also by N. Djambazov in 1960. Later used for cultivation of
champignons, then for cheese making, hence the name Mandrata. In 1983, explored by S. Gazdov, Tsv.
Hristov, K. Petkov from Studenets Pleven Caving Club and surveyed to its present length.
Fauna: eight species, including the stygobite Niphargus bureschi (Amphipoda).

Golyamata Mikrenska peshtera (Mandrata)

Mikre Village



0 200 m
Drenovo Village, Sofia Distr.
Total length 2000 m. Denivelation -106 m

A cave in Trias limestone and dolomites, 35 km from Sofia, near the quarter Stephanovtsi of
Drenovo, in the locality Razdoltsi. Entrance in a triangle, fortified by wooden beams. A two-storey,
branched cave. A narrow squeeze, 18 m from the entrance, eight meter long. Upper storey – 350 m long
and very beautiful, leads again to the river. After ca. 100 m, a siphon marks the end of the cave. An
underground stream, used for drinking water in Drenovo.
After two weeks of hard digging and fortifying of the entrance, on January 16, 1994, the first
researchers M. Zlatkova, St. Petkov, D. Angelov and others entered the cave.

Golyamata Temnota (Yamkata)

Drenovo Village

0 250 m

The cave Golemata Temnota – photo Tsvetan Ostromski


0 250 m
Karlukovo Village, Lovech Distr.
Altitude 255 m. Above the LBE: 129 m. Length 612 m. Denivelation -105 m
Coordinates: N 43° 09' 36" E 24° 04' 37"

A cave near Karlukovo, 25 m on the right from the road to Rumyantsevo and 210 m SE of the
village mill. A narrow entrance leads to a two-meter descent, then three interconnected verticals of 14.7
and 35 m, with a total depth of 56 m, are descended. A chamber, 15 m long and ca. 5 m wide, follows.
A stream (3 l/s) runs in the chamber. Upstream, a hall, 10 m high, is reached by crawling and on the SE
side a gryphon is formed from which water runs out. On NE, from the bottom of the vertical, the stream
forms an 8-m siphon, penetrated by I. Ivanov from Studenets Pleven Caving Club on April 4, 1991. After
a 30-m long water gallery and a second siphon of 10 m there is a third siphon of 20 m (overcome by
divers from Pleven). The cave is descending, a large gallery, 65 m long, leads into an elliptical widening,
30 m long and 18 m wide. Three galleries follow. On the right, there is another stream (5 l/s) coming
from an ascending, large and high gallery (not fully explored), on the left there is a 170-m dry, ascending
gallery, wide ca. 4 m. After ca. 100 m, the middle gallery ends in a siphon.
In 1990, M. Zlatkova and A. Drazhev discovered the cave by digging. The survey of the dry parts
was done by the discoverers and by L. Zhelyazkov from Burgas. The siphons and the parts after them
were mapped by M. Dimitrov, Kr. Gigenski and Iv. Ivanov from Studenets Pleven Caving Club.

Golemata Voda
Karlukovo Village


0 150 m
Kipilovo Village, Sliven Distr.
Altitude 920 m. Length 740 m. Denivelation -350 m

The cave pothole Yamata – 3 is developed in Senonian limestone in the locality Gyoldjukleri. The
cave is a diaclase, branched and periodically watered.
One 220-meter long diaclase cascade, intersected by wells, 10, 70, 50, 21 m deep, leads to
Temerut chamber. The dimensions of the chamber are 50 x 100 m. This is the biggest chamber in the
cave. Huge boulders are scattered around, among them runs a stream. A descending clay gallery follows,
then it widens and forms an oblong chamber, ending in stone blocks. The floor is covered with dolomite
flower. Here, the cave is about to crumble. Yamata -3 is very rich in secondary formations. The chamber
with the lake is particularly beautiful. There, everything is snow white. The most typical formations start
after the 35-meter vertical. In the chamber, after the 11-m vertical, there are cave pearls. The bottom is
impenetrable, narrowing at 350 m. There is a stream in the cave, presumably emerging at the karstic
spring in Kipilovo, T° 10 oC.
In 1964, cavers from Akademik Sofia Caving Club explored the entrance parts of the pothole. In
1978, cavers from Protey Sliven Caving Club found an extension and after many expeditions managed
to explore and survey the third deepest cave in Bulgaria. In the following years, ascending verticals were
found, and wells emerging from Temerut Chamber and reaching the surface.

+15 Golyamata Yama (Yamata – 3)

Kipilovo Village

0 50 m
Cherni Ossam Village, Lovech Distr.
Altitude 1343 m. Length 459 m. Denivelation -43 + 18 m
Coordinates: N 42° 45' 51.6" E 24° 40' 53,5"

A water cave in Chaushov Dol, in the park Steneto, with an occasional stream. The cave is
labyrinthine, with many storeys. There are three streams, running in it, and many sinks. When in flood,
the inside of the cave is entirely under water.
At 392 m, on the main axis, the cave ends in a muddy siphon. At the beginning of the central
gallery there are big boulders. After a vertical of 2.5 m, on small gravel, we go on until reaching a
siphon, which was penetrated in 1975. At +4.5 m, an upper storey is formed. Through a system of
narrow passages, we reach the Big Diaclase (description according to Rumyana Sirakova and Panayot
The cave had been known to local people, but the first exploration took place in 1961, done by an
expedition of cavers from Akademik Sofia, led by P. Neykovski. They surveyed ca. 300 m. In 1972–
1974, the exploration was carried out by V. Balevski and V. Markov from Ambaritsa, Troyan, and N.
Gladnishki and T. Daaliev from Edelweiss, Sofia. New galleries and storeys were discovered. The latest
map of the cave was made by K. Dimchev and S. Popov from Russe in 1986. The cave was not
completely explored. A gallery of some 200–300 m, discovered by V. Balevski, was obstructed again by
silt, carried by the water.

Golyamata Yama
Cherni Ossam Village


0 60 m


0 60 m
Entrance – photo Vassil Balevski

208 The valley Golyam Chaushov Dol – 200 m downstream is the entrance of the cave Golyamata yama – photo Trifon Daaliev
Zlatna Panega Village, Lovech Distr.
Altitude 180 m. Length 660 m. Denivelation -41 m

The entrance (3 x 3 m) is situated in the southeastern confines of Zlatna Panega, in the ridge
Panezhki Rid. The two entrances are seen in a small cliff, immediately near and above the siphon of
Glava Panega, from where the river runs out. A small stone staircase leads to the entrance of the first
level. An iron bar separates the footpath from the siphon lake.
The entrance gallery, 30 m long, leads to a big chamber, open towards the siphon – this is the other
entrance to the cave. The dimensions of the chamber are 100 x 30 x 15 m. It ends in a blockage, from
which several narrow galleries start. On the lower level there are no flowstone formations.
The second floor is situated highly, about 100 m from the restaurant. A wide dirt road leads to it.
The entrance of the Upper Cave is right above the big entrance of the lower cave. There is an iron door,
as the cave is used to store blasting material for the quarry. The entrance part of the cave is dry, warm and
without formations. It is possible to climb from one level to another. The third floor ends in a blockage.
The cave has been well known to local people since ancient time. It was described first by the
brothers K. and H. Škorpil in 1895. Many prominent explorers of Bulgarian caves (P. Petrov, P. Tranteev,
Iv. Buresch and others) have discussed this interesting lake and its caves. In 1948, a team called “Todor
Pavlov” Scientific Brigade worked in the cave.
In 1973, cavers from Iv. Vazov Sofia Caving Club, led by P. Petrov, explored the cave, looking for
a connection with the siphon.
In December 1975, cavers from Studenets Pleven and Planinets Sofia Caving Clubs made two
competing maps of the cave.

Gorna and Dolna peshtera

Zlatna Panega Village


0 24 m

210 One of the entrances of the Lower Cave is looking to the source Glava Panega – photo Vassil Balevski
Name: GORNIK (155)
Krushuna Village, Lovech Distr.
Length 1074 m. Denivelation -4 m

A water cave, 2.5 km SE of Krushuna in the locality Lipichkite, in the northern periphery of
Devetashko Plateau, Middle Predbalkan. Formed in limestone from the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian). A
one-gallery cave. Entrance – 6 x 2 m. A descending dry gallery follows, which 370 m further opens in
the wall of an active water gallery, three meters above the water level. About 70 m upstream a 1.5-m
siphon is formed. Another 560 m of meandering gallery end in a siphon. Before the siphon, the gallery
has a triangular cross section and average dimensions: 1.8 m wide, 1.4 m high. After that the shape
becomes different and the dimensions respectively 2.30 x 2.95 m. Many flowstone formations,
especially behind the siphon. On August 25, 1978, the outflow of the river was three l/sec.
Explored and surveyed in 1965 by Tsvetan Lichkov. During the International expedition Druzhba’
78, Alexey Jalov penetrated the siphon at 447 m. The entire cave was surveyed in February 1982 by P.
Hristov, S. Tsonev, D. Nanev, I. Ivanov, cavers from Aleko Sofia Cavinig Club.
Fauna: only one species of caddis fly is known.


Krushuna Village


0 200 m
Gradeshnitsa Village, Lovech Distr.
Length 908 m
Coordinates: N 43° 15' 46" E 24° 15' 46"

The entrance of this cave is situated several meters above the level of the right bank of the river,
about 100 m from Gradeshnitsa, in the direction Glogova mahala. The cave is formed in Titonian (Upper
Jurassic) limestone. A horizontal water cave with several branches in the end parts. There is rich
adornment in the second half. Through most of the cave an underground river runs with an outflow of
30–40 l/s. The water comes from the end siphon, collecting the drained water of the surface river.
Known to the local people since time unrecorded. Announced in 1948 by P. Tranteev and surveyed
by him later.
Known troglobite fauna: Balkanoniscus corniculatus (Isopoda), Tranteeva paradoxa (Opiliones
Cyphophthalmi), Tranteeviella bulgarica (Coleoptera).

Gradeshnishkata (Rushovata)
Entrance Gradeshnitsa Village

0 100 m
Rushovata peshtera – photo Trifon Daaliev


The underground river – photo Trifon Daaliev 213

Komshtitsa Village, Sofia Distr.
Length 224 m. Denivelation -80 m

A cave pothole ca. 6 km north of Komshtitsa, on the left bank of Komshtitsa River, ca. 200 m from
the border post, immediately by the road in the locality Lissina.
The small opening of this cave is situated 3–4 m above the river level. An inclined part of 5–6 m
and a 4-meter vertical follow, then an almost horizontal gallery, in which the underground water from
the river Komshtitsa (Vissochitsa) comes. After ca. 30 m, we reach a 20-meter vertical, washed by water.
Next is a 50–60 m long inclined gallery, on the walls of which there are flowstone formations. In some
sinters there are sugar-like pears. At the end, there is a 6-7 m vertical. Through the cave an underground
stream runs with an outflow of ca. 7 l/s (2.7.1974), forming a 20-meter waterfall. Up to the 15th meter,
there are ice formations and frost weathering. The cave was formed along diaclase, by means of water
coming through the side sinks of Komshtitsa River. Its exploration has not yet been completed.
The name Granicharskata (Border Guard) was given by the participants in the exploration in 1974,
after border guards had shown them the cave. Some local people call it Hladilnika (The Fridge).
N. Gladnishki and T. Daaliev were the first to enter the cave on June 28, 1974. They reached ca. 80
m. On July 2, 1974, N. Gladnishki, A. Anev and T. Daaliev surveyed the cave, P. Beron collected cave
animals and P. Tranteev and E. Svilenova made scientific observations.
In this pothole, on November 7, 1975, Yancho Manuilov from the Caving Club of Ivan Vazov Sofia
Caving Society died. At the end of that year a road construction started and the opening was closed until
1994. Then, some cavers, led by Z. Iliev, dug out and reopened the cave entrance.

Entrance Granicharskata Propast

Komshtitsa Village


0 40 m
Cherkaski Village, Sofia Distr.
Length 351 m. Denivelation -28.6 m
Coordinates: N 43° 14' 29.9" E 23° 15' 57.5"

A dry cave with two entrances. The upper entrance is 6 m wide and 2.8 m high. The lower entrance
(situated 12 m under the upper one) is 5 m wide and 1.8 m high. The cave is descending, branched (in
some parts a labyrinth), two-storey. During excessive rain, flood water enters the lower storey. There is
one eight-meter shaft. Studied many times, surveyed by V. Georgiev and S. Chobanov by Pâstrinets
Montana Caving Club in 1983.
Fauna: three species of spiders and seven species of bats are known.

Entrance Grimnena Dupka

Cherkaski Village

0 30 m


0 30 m
Name: HAN MAARA (122)
Ray Hut, Plovdiv Distr.
Length 182 m. Denivelation +3, -1 m

A cave 400 m west of Ray Hut, on the left of the footpath leading to Levski Hut and Bashmandra,
under the waterfall Rayskoto Prâskalo. The entrance is facing south and gives beginning to two main
galleries. The right side gallery leads north. It is dry, ca. 80 m long. The other after 15 m reaches a river
fed by the water of Prâskaloto. After ca. 30 m upstream, we reach a low and narrow gryphon.
The caves were explored and surveyed in 1975 by a team of cavers from Akademik Varna Caving
Club (D. Zdravkov, M. Marinov and A. Stoyanov).
The fauna includes the endemic troglobitic beetle Hexaurus paradisi (Cholevidae).

Han Maara
Ray Hut

0 50 m

Gortalovo Village, Pleven Distr.
Length 433 m. Denivelation 2.2 m
Coordinates: N 43° 18' 02.8" E 24° 07' 23.1"

A cave in Maastricht limestone, 3 km from Gortalovo, upstream the river Pârchovitsa, on its left
bank. The cave has 3 entrances, situated about 10 m above the local base of erosion and about 5 m from
the base of the cliff. The uppermost entrance has dimensions 0.8 x 2.5 m. The water entrance is on the
left of the main entrance, it is round and has a diameter of 1 m. The third one is small. The cave is
branched, horizontal, one-storey, permanently with water. Up to 170–180 m, two parallel galleries cross
each other repeatedly. The height of the water gallery in places goes down to 0.3 m below the water
surface, the sinter lakes are deep up to 0.7 m. There are two more important side galleries – one 40-m
long, 60 m from the entrance, and one on the right, 90 m from the entrance, with a length of 50 m and
connected with Brunoshushinskata Peshtera. The cave ends with a small labyrinth and an impenetrable
The cave was surveyed in 1981 during the expedition „Chernelka–81“ by E. Zapryanov, G.
Vergilov, S. Guneshki, S. Gazdov and B. Garev.

Haydushkata peshtera
Gortalovo Village


0 60 m

0 60 m
Deventsi Village, Pleven Distr.
Altitude 156 m. Length 459 m. Denivelation 20 m
Coordinates: N 43° 18' 02.8" E 24° 07' 23.1"

A cave in the locality Skoka, SW of Deventsi. Two entrances, facing NE, in one of the steep
valleys on the northern slope of the hill Markova Mogila. Denivelation from the local base of erosion –
56 m, length on the main axis – 218 m.
Formed in limestone from the Cretaceous (Maastricht). Horizontal, one-storey, with branched
galleries. The entrance hall is high up to 7–8 m. The first stalactites appear at the 56th meter. The gallery
leads into a large chamber, a wide gallery, 31 m long, follows on the right. Going left, we reach the
biggest chamber in the cave with a ceiling high up to 12–14 m, and a floor covered with bat guano. So
far, the length is 158 m. Several other galleries follow, some intersected by columns, giving impression
of a labyrinth. In places – dripping water, many sinters and anemoliths.
Fauna: so far 33 invertebrates known, including the troglobites Siro beschkovi (Opiliones
Cyphophthalmi, endemic to this cave) and Chthonius troglodites (Pseudoscorpiones) and the stygobites
Speocyclops infernus and S. lindbergi (Copepoda). Bats are often found (Rhinolophus hipposideros, Rh.
ferrumequinum, Rh. euryale, Myotis myotis, Miniopterus schreibersi).

Haydushkata peshtera
Deventsi Village


0 90 m


0 90 m
Karlukovo Railway Station, Lovech Distr.
Length 69 m. Denivelation -10 m

A horizontal, two-storey cave. First studied by V. Mikov (excavations Eneolith ceramics), also by
members of the Speleological Society in 1930–1936. Surveyed in July, 1948 and again in 1978.
Declared a National Monument (Decree 2810/ 1963), together with three ha of the surrounding
Fauna: 28 species, including the troglobites Balkanoniscus corniculatus and Tricyphoniscus
bureschi (Isopoda), Typhloiulus bureschi (Diplopoda) and Chthonius troglodites (Pseudoscorpiones).

Haydushkata peshtera
Karlukovo Railway Station




0 20 m
Bistrets Village, Vratsa Distr.
Altitude 720 m. Denivelation -108 m

A pothole (a pitch) in the upper third of Haydushki Dol – the third valley between the village
Bistrets and the monastery Sveti Ivan Kassinets (Sveti Ivan Pusti), east of Kârni Vrâh. Developed in
limestone from the Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous.
The pitch has 95 m of full vertical. The opening is under a small cliff, dimensions: 6 x 10 m.
Fifteen (15) m from the edge of the pitch, there is an inclined platform, from there to the bottom the
descending caver is in a bell. Wet, sometimes with dripping water. First penetrated by the cavers A.
Siderov from Plovdiv and I. Aleksandrov from Vratsa in 1962.

Haydushkata Propast
Bistrets Village


0 30 m
Belogradchik Town
Altitude 750 m. Length 87.5 m. Denivelation (-32, 4.5 m).

A cave near Belogradchik, in the area called Venetsa. Stalactites, clay, one chamber. Discovered
(first entered) on February 7, 1960, by a group led by Alexander Leonidov and Nikola Korchev. The
person who entered it first (P. Beron) found an old human skeleton in the entrance gallery and 4 other
skeletons down the pitch. There were no vestiges of clothes or other objects on them.
The actual map was made in 1979 by A. Leonidov, V. Nenov and N. Gaydorov, cavers of Bel
Prilep Belogradchik Caving Club.
Fauna: includes the troglobites Trichoniscus bononiensis (Isopoda), Beronia micevi (Coleoptera).

Haydushkata Propast
Belogradchik Town

0 30 m


0 30 m
Name : IMANETO (92)
Karlukovo Village, Lovech District
Length 275 m. Denivelation -24 m
Coordinates: N 43° 11' 9.9'' E 24°03' 25.5''

A two-storey, dry and branched cave in the area of Karlukovo, Central Predbalkan. On the left
(geographically) bank of Iskar River, ca 2 km from the old railway station. The cave has two entrances,
17 m from one another. They lead into strongly descending to vertical galleries, which at some point
merge. Further, the cave goes on as a 2-m wide and even gallery, up to 4 m high. Its initial direction is
NW, after a turn it goes south, then west, and ends in a soil siphon. Above the NW sector, the cave has
an upper level, rich in flowstone formations, connecting the underlying gallery by several openings. The
bottom of the lower level is entirely covered with clay deposits. In some places there are small sinter
lakes and other flowstone formations. The cave is formed in Cretaceous (Maastricht) limestone.
Explored several times. The actual map was made in 1996 by a team of Helictite Sofia Caving Club,
with main surveyor V. Mustakov.

Karlukovo Village

0 60 m


0 60 m
Yantra Village, Gabrovo Distr.
Length 1400 m

A source cave, 2.5 km SE of Yantra Village. Formed in Aptian-Urgonian limestone. A horizontal,

two-storey, branched cave with permanent water. Entrance 6 x 3.5 m. It is followed by a 80-m gallery,
which reaches a 12-m width and is divided by rock pillars. After a bent to the north, the gallery leads into
the biggest chamber of the cave (36 x 12 x 6 m). A meandering gallery with a cross section of 2.5 x 6.5
m follows. Initially, the last 120 m of the main gallery retain the shape of the cross section, but then they
become lower and wider (6 x 1.2 m), up to the end siphon.
An active water cave without flowstone formations. Thick clay deposits in the entrance parts.
Average outflow of the source – 50 l/s.
First exploration in December 4–8, 1962 by St. Andreev, Al. Grozdanov, N. Prodanov, N. Korchev
and T. Nenov, members of Akademik Sofia Caving Club. The first three of them surveyed 810 m of the
cave. Further research by members of Strinava Dryanovo Caving Club.

Izvora (Vodnata peshtera,

Vodopada, Padaloto)
Yantra Village


0 60 m
Entrance 223
Izvora - the cavers before entering – photo Vassil Balevski

Òransport along the water gallery of the cave – photo The entrance of the cave Izvora (Yantra) from inside –
224 Vassil Balevski photo Vassil Balevski
CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 1

S Borneo – The mountain Kinabalu with the highest peak Low (4101 m)

T Conic karst in the park Bantimurung (Indonesia, Sulawesi, 1995)

CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 2

S Lake in the cave Campanario (Guaso Plateau, Cuba, 1988)

T Limestone formations in the cave Campanario (Guaso

Plateau, Cuba, 1988)

S Laundry in the atrium of a cave in Indonesia (Jawa, 1995)

CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 3

S The last and most beautiful chamber in the cave Campanario (Guaso Plateau, Cuba)

T Shi Lin (The Stone Forest) – China

CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 4

S The Swallow Cave (China)

T Milen Dimitrov and the Albanian Alps (Albania)

S The inauguration of the show cave Bai Long Tong

(The Cave of the White Dragon) – China
CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 5

S In the Albanian Alps Bulgarian cavers made 14 expeditions, explored 225 caves and potholes, including the deepest ones
(-610 m in BB-30, -505 m in Celikokave)

T Preparation for exploring the potholes on the plateau above Boga Village (Albanian Alps)
CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 6

S F. Habe, T. Daaliev, V. Stoicev, P. Tranteev (the second,

fourth, fifth and sixth from left to right) and Vladimir Ilyuhin
(the second from right to left) in the cave Novoafonskaya
(Abhasia, 1976)

S French and Bulgarian cavers overcome by boat the

Lake of Rain in the cave Padiraq

W Ice column
CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 7

S The Plateau Tenengebirge in the Austrian Alps

T Transparent stalactites

S Hedgehog-like formations in a cave

CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 8

S Bulgarian and Greek cavers in the cave Ton

Limnon (Greece, 1979)

T Transparent stalactites and stalagtones,

cobweblike helictites

S V. Nedkov in the cave Ton Limnon

CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 9

X Carrying out of a “casualty”

from the pothole Drangaleshkata
(Rhodopes, Bulgaria)

S Horizontal transporting of a stretcher in the cave Svirchovitsa


W Cave rescue action in the cave Yantra (Bulgaria)

CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 10

S National Caving Convention

“Karlukovo – 1984”

T National Caving Convention

“Karlukovo – 1984” –
demonstration of rescue technique

S National Caving Convention

“Karlukovo – 2004” – 75 years of
organized speleology in Bulgaria
CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 11

S Cavers of several generations commemorating 80 years from the birth of Petar Tranteev (Hera) –
Museum Men and Earth, January 2004

T 75 years of organized speleology in Bulgaria – April 2004

CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 12

S Sinter floor of the cave Barki 8 (Bulgaria)

X Gallery in the cave Saguaro (Bulgaria)

T Stalagtons in the cave Barki 8

CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 13

S Stone waterfall (The First lake) in the cave Devetashkata peshtera (Bulgaria)

T The biggest cave chamber on the Balkans

(Devetashkata peshtera) T Cave waterfall
CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 14

S Play of Colours – the Big Hall of Pticha Dupka (Bulgaria)

SS Courtains in the Big Hall of Pticha Dupka

X The Big Hall of Pticha Dupka

T Big stalagmites in the last chamber of the cave Pticha Dupka

CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 15

S Winter view in front of the cave entrance of the cave Vodnite dupki (Apriltsi)

T Gallery in the cave Rushovata peshtera

CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 16

S Cave Ledenika – the Concert Hall

T Ice formations in the Small Hall (Ledenika)

Kalen Village, Vratsa Distr.
Altitude 440 m. Denivelation 15 m. Total length 826 m. Length on the main axis 528 m

A cave, 2600 m E – NE of Kalen Village, at the base of a cliff. Kalenska Pesht is a two-entrance,
one-gallery, slightly ascendant, horizontal water cave. Its entrance has the shape of an irregular
semiellipse (20 x 5 m) and is facing West. The second entrance is a small opening, which after 3 m joins
the main gallery. The initial part of the cave is a large chamber (45 x 22 x 10 m). In the left lowest part
of the Big Chamber, there is a stream and the floor is covered with mud, sheep dung and in places with
bat guano. There are some stalactites on the ceiling. In the winter, in the Big Chamber (up to 35 m) ice
formations of considerable dimensions are accumulated.
Three galleries start from the chamber, merging again after 20 m. The main gallery is mostly of
NE and NW orientation. After the chamber, the gallery is at the beginning 5 m wide and 2 m high, but
gradually it changes and becomes 10–15 m high, the width decreasing up to 1.6 m, up to the first
siphon. Two hundred and eighty (280) m from the entrance there is a second level. The first siphon is
the end of the known part of the cave, with a total length of 520 m and 380 m on the main axis. After
the siphon, the gallery, which is 16 m high, sharply descends up to 1.2 m after the 25th meter and after
another 20 m it reaches the Waterfall Chamber, full of roaming and water dust. The waterfall, 3.7 m
high, leads into an upper level.
After the Waterfall, the water gallery bifurcates. Above the Waterfall there is a stream, coming
from the left gallery. The ceiling of this gallery is sharply lowering and stops before the lake siphon,
which is 3 m long. Further on, the gallery is low, half inundated, 30 m long. It leads to a two-meter
waterfall and after 50 m it ends in a siphon.
On the right of the waterfall, the main gallery is 3–4 m wide and 8–9 m high. One hundred (100)
m on the left, there is a short, water branch, 11 m long, ending in a squeeze. After 50 m a short, one-
meter, siphon appears, which leads to a siphon, from where the main stream starts.
The explored and surveyed galleries have a total length of 826 m, out of which 520 m belong to the
galleries, up to the first siphon, and 306 m are after it.
After the Waterfall, the stream runs over a slight slope and comes out of the cave. Its outflow varies
in the span of 10–50 l/s. The water is collected at the end of the cave by three underground streams. The
depth of the water in the cave is not more than 1.3 m. The floor of the galleries is covered with sand,
gravel, stones, clay, calcite cover and bat guano. Flint nuclei are seen everywhere in the cave. The water
cave of Kalen is rich in secondary flowstone formations. After the first siphon, the formations are intact.

Their colors vary from milk-white to dark-brown, red and lead-black. The highest stalagtone is 6.2 m
high, while the biggest stalactite is 3 m high.
In 1955, In the entrance parts of the cave, the archaeologist N. Djambazov discovered remains REMARKABLE
of the Iron Age. The cave was explored in September 1959 by P. Tranteev, P. Beron, M. Kvartirnikov
and Vl. Beshkov. Explored again and surveyed in 1970–1976 by Petar Hristov from Kalen. On June 2,
1971, after the 6.5 m siphon (the First Siphon), a continuation was discovered (description by
T. Daaliev, after P. Hristov).
The water of Kalenskata Pesht was piped and entering the cave is prohibited.
Several bat species live in the cave, white Isopoda and Amphipoda have been collected by P. Beron

Kalenska Pesht
Kalen Village


0 100 m
Name: KALITSA (156)
Krushuna Village, Lovech Distr.
Total length 430 m. Denivelation 5 m.

A cave about 3 km on the road between Chavdartsi and Krushuna. On the left side, at about 500 m
is the karstic source Kalitsa, from where the cave starts.
The entrance is facing north and is 1.40 m wide and 1 m high. This is a horizontal water cave with
an underground stream with an outflow of 3 l/s and water To 12.3oC (25.08.1982). The cave is formed in
fissured limestone from the Upper Jurassic (with admixture of clay and flint concretions).
The first 120 m represent a lake, which is 1–2 m deep. The gallery is 1–2 m wide, further on it
reaches 3 m and more. There is a side stream by the 350th meter. From the 250th meter to the end, there
are stalactites, curtains and other flowstone formations. Along the last 50 m (the most beautiful part), the
gallery is over 4 m wide and is with many stalactites and stalagtones.

Krushuna Village


0 100 m

0 100 m
Altitude 970 m. Length 32 m. Denivelation -86 m

A pothole in the locality Ibishov Valog, 45 minutes walk from Ledenika Hut. It is a cascade with
interconnected verticals, with a general denivelation of 85 m. At the 52 meter there is a squeeze, which
could be penetrated only by very slim cavers. The pothole is not rich in secondary formations.
Discovered and explored in 1968 by a team of cavers from Sofia (A. Petkova, A. Bliznakov, V.
Nedkov, Sh. Bassat and T. Daaliev) and surveyed by the discoverers up to the squeeze at 52 m. The
actual map was made by Tsv. Georgiev and Ya. Bozhinov from Aleko Sofia Caving Club in 1975.
Fauna (collected by P. Beron in 1968): three species known, including the troglobite Pheg-
gomisetes buresi (Col., Carabidae).


Kalnata Propast


85 m

Kotel Town, Sliven District
Total length of the dry and inundated galleries 410 m. Denivelation 32 m

The karstic source near Kotel is in the western confines of the town, in the outskirts of Suhi Dyal
Hill. The source consists of three lakes, which have a diameter of 1.5 – 2.5 m and are rather deep (8–9 m),
of west-east situation. The outflow of these sources vary within the limits 50–2500 l/s. The water is
piped for the needs of Kotel.
There had always been interest in these sources, but the first attempt to explore them took place in
1968. In very dry years, the water was pumped and the caver from Kotel Ivan Dragandjikov penetrated
the system and found a cavern, developing to the north. Later on, divers from Varna again penetrated the
cavern and reached a chamber above the water, through which a stream runs. Above it, in an old river bed
tree roots have been noticed.
In 1984–1985, Sâbcho Dimitrov, Kuncho Solakov and other cavers from Kotel managed to open
another (dry) entrance to the cavern, then they reached a siphon. In 1989, again divers from Varna
penetrated through a second siphon to the end of this chamber and, after 61 m reached another branching
off chamber, ca. 6–7 m wide and 30 m long. The left branch was very narrow and was not explored. The
right branch ends in a siphon, about 5 m long. They crossed it and got into a third L shaped chamber,
about 35–40 m long and ending in a siphon (fourth).
At the end of the same year, a group consisting of Alexey Alexiev, Ivan Zdravkov, Doncho
Boyanov and Simeon Mihov started another exploration of the cave. The aim was to follow the
underground stream, to measure the outflow at several points and to establish the possible drains of
water in some parts of the cave. In 1990, after a long preparation, the fourth siphon was overcome.
Special equipment was secured to allow work in difficult conditions.
The water temperature is 9.8 °C, the transparency in the siphons is ca. 25–30 cm. The new dry
entrance is ca. 10 m higher than the level of the lakes. The length of the axis of the cavern is 78 m, the
average width – 7-8 m. There are two floors – the upper one is dry, the lower is a river bed. In two places
the two floors are interconnected. In the northern part there are several smaller galleries – parts of old
river beds. The dry part helps circumvent the first siphon. The second siphon is 70 m long and 3 m deep.
There are two air bells in it. A 60-m long gallery and a chamber, which is 6–7 m wide and 30 m long,
follow. The measured outflow in the three places is ca. 70–75 l/s.
The second and the third chambers are poor in flowstone formations. The walls are covered by
black deposit with clay underneath. Everywhere there are shields – remnants of layers with a higher

content of silicates.
The third siphon is the smallest (10 m long and 3 m deep). The fourth is the biggest siphon in the
cave (150 m long and 32 m deep). After it a diaclase follows (20–25 m high, the ceiling cannot be seen). REMARKABLE
It is ca. 7 m wide, there are 3–4 lakes on the floor.

Karstoviya Izvor (The Karstic source)
Kotel Town


0 60 m 229
Name: KATSITE (57)
Zimevitsa Village, Sofia Distr.
Altitude 1190 m. Total length 2560 m. Denivelation -205 m

A cave in Trias limestone, descending, cascade, branched, broken by verticals, the highest being
26 m. Two siphons – at 26 and 160 m. Underground river with water tº = 7º C. The dying of the waters
in the sink Ponor has shown, that they spring from the Iskrets karst spring. The distance between Katsite
and Iskrets source is 7.5 km, the denivelation – 650 m. The huge water basin suggests the existence of a
complex cave system with length of over 100 km.
The cave had been known to local people since time unrecorded. First researched in 1960 by L.
Popov and other cavers from Sofia. On December 11, 1960, P. Beron and V. Beshkov also penetrated the
cave and collected cave fauna. In 1963, denivelation of 26 m was reached and a total length of galleries
– 250 m. In August 1977, cavers from Edelweiss Sofia Caving Club penetrated the First siphon and
reached another one at 160 m. In the autumn of 1977, the Second siphon was overcome and a boulder
chock at 200 m was reached. In 1979, the Third siphon was reached at 205 m. The survey and most of
the research were done by cavers from Edelweiss, with participation of cavers from Cherni Vrâh,
Planinets, Akademik and other clubs from Sofia.
In August 1977 during expedition of Edelweiss – Sofia Caving has been negotiated the First
Siphon (P. Petrov and V. Nedkov) and, after a series of verticals (the deepest being 26 m) a second
siphon was reached at – 160 m (N. Landjev and M. Valchkov), Z. Iliev suveyed the big vertical. After
one and half month the same cavers overcame the Second Siphon and reached a blocage at – 200 m.
During the several following years many cavers participated to the mapping of over 2000 m of galleries,
climbing of ascending chimneys up to 75 m. In 1979 A. Apostolov and M. Daaliev passed through the
squeezes in the blocage. Follows a wide gallery, 250 m long, and a third siphon at -205 m. The survey
and most of the reasearch was done by cavers from Edelweiss – Sofia Caving Club.
To penetrate the cave, a dry-type caving hydro-suite is needed, as one remains almost all the time
in water with T° 7 °C.
Fauna: Known troglobite and stygobite fauna: Cyclops bohater ponorensis, Diacyclops haemusi
(Copepoda), Niphargus sp. (Amphipoda), Paranemastoma (Buresiolla) bureschi (Opiliones)

Zimevitsa Village


0 200 m


230 200 m
The entrance – photo Nikola Landzhev

Zimevitsa Village




Tepava Village, Lovech Distr.
Length 463 m. Denivelation -100 m
Coordinates: N 43° 11' 15.2'' E 24° 54' 13.9''

A pothole on Devetaki Plateau, East of Tepava, in the oak forest between Tepava and Devetaki,
about 100 m from a karstic swamp. The opening of the pothole is on the bottom of a huge funnel with
denivelation of 12 m.
Entrance – 1 x 1.5 m. At the beginning, the gallery is low and after the 17-th meter it reaches 2 m
height. On the left, a 30-m long winding gallery follows. At the 22-nd meter, an upper storey begins,
going up to the 140th meter. Up to this place, the verticals are small. After the 140th meter the verticals
are from 4–5 to 10–15 m. Up to the 290th meter no gear is needed, except for short ropes. Bigger and
smaller chambers follow. The bottom of the gallery is stony and dry. At the 290th m from the entrance,
there is a bell-like vertical, which is 47 m deep.
The pothole is equipped for SRT. For the 47 m vertical, a rope of 60 m is needed.
The pothole was explored and surveyed by cavers from Aleko Konstantinov Sofia Caving Club
(Lyuben Popov, Tsvetan Georgiev, Lyubka Dimitrova and Alexander Ivanchev). In 1978, L. Petrov, V.
Nedkov, V. Balevski and T. Daaliev measured the pothole with two altimeters to 100 m. In the 80s the
depth of 100 m was confirmed by using a hydrolevel.

Kânchova Varpina
Tepava Village

Entrance 0 30 m
Kotel Town, Sliven Distr.
Length 646 m. Denivelation -140 m
Coordinates: N 42° 52' 49" E 26° 21' 33.1"

A pothole near Zelenich shelter, on the way from Kotel to Kipilovo. Formed in Senonian
limestone. Cascade cave with verticals of 15, 15, 38, 5 and 17 m. Siphon on the bottom. In the horizontal
galleries there are beautiful speleothems. A stream with small outflow.
First exploration – during the expedition Kotel 1966 of Akademik Sofia Caving Club, up to 44 m.
Second research – in 1969 by cavers from Yambol. They reached another shaft and called it Kladentsite,
making a cave map up to 103 m. In 1971, again cavers from Yambol reached a depth of 140 m.

Kârvavata Lokva (Kladentsite)

Kotel Town



140 m
Kipilovo Village, Sliven Distr.
Length 182 m. Denivelation -6 m

A cave, 2.5 km from Kipilovo, about 100 m from the road and the river. A descending, branched,
one-storey, wet cave. In the middle part there are many stalagmites, stalactites and several bats.
Other fauna: troglophile and trogloxene flies, spiders and other animals.

Kipilovskata peshtera
(Choveshkata, Cheloveshtnitsata)
Kipilovo Village

0 50 m


0 50 m
Shipka Pass, Gabrovo Distr.
Length 114 m. Denivelation -12 m

A cave under the summit Stoletov, 150 m from the gas station on the road to Gabrovo. Entrance –
60 cm high, one meter wide, near a tall tree. The cave and the area are named Kokalana after the many
bones of soldiers, killed there during the Russian-Turkish war in 1877. Developed along a fault
(diaclase) inclined at 30o. Azimuth of the entrance – 324o. Floor in flowstone, dendrites from the 8th to the
30th meter. A narrow squeeze leads into a semicircular chamber, called Zala na Srutishteto, having a
diameter of ca. 17 m. Boulders, sinter lake – 5 x 6 m.
Fauna: 11 invertebrates known, including the troglobites Pseudosinella bulgarica and P.
kwartirnikovi (Collembola), Hexaurus schipkaensis (Coleoptera, Catopidae, endemic species, described
from this cave) and Trichoniscus stoevi (Isopoda).

Kokalana (Stoletovskata peshtera)

Shipka Pass




0 30 m
Lilyache Village, Vratsa Distr.
Length 552 m. Denivelation -38 m

A cave pothole, west of Lilyache, in the locality Mladjovoto, south of the cave Ponora. There is a
karstic swamp about 1 km from Ponora. About 100 m from it there are two funnels. The pothole
entrance is in the smaller one.
The start is an 18-m vertical, leading to a low and narrow gallery, along which runs a stream. The
cave is developing in two directions. About 40 m downstream, the ceiling lowers to 50 cm in a semi
siphon. After negotiating it (when in flood the semi siphon becomes a siphon!), 40 m of gallery follow,
ending in a sinter wall of 2 m. From here, there is a wide and high gallery with sinter lakes up to 25 cm
deep. From the 180th m starts the gallery, called The 20 Sinters, which is about 60 m long. In a nice
white-and-rose chamber, we find the formation called The Jar (about 2 m sinter wall). The gallery is
descending and ends in a small chamber with a mud cone on its left. From there, the cave aspect changes
into a high canyon with a stream running on its bottom. Over huge boulders in a big chamber, we follow
a winding gallery for another 30 m to reach the end chamber. In its first part there are boulders and clay,
in the other – a siphon lake (10 x 6 m). Up to this place the length is 480 m.
Upstream from the entrance there is another gallery, low and narrow, 72 m long.
The cave entrance was known to the local people. The cave itself was explored and surveyed
during the National Expedition in 1971 by L. Popov, Tsv. Georgiev, St. Tiholov and other cavers from
Aleko Konstantinov Sofia Caving Club (description by L. Popov, Journal Tourist, 1971).

Kondjova Krusha
Lilyache Village

0 100 m



0 100 m
Lakatnik Railway Station, Sofia Distr.
Altitude 395 m. Total length 709 m. Denivelation 12 m.
Coordinates: N 43° 05' 04.9" E 23° 22' 16.6"

A cave, 1.125 km SW of Lakatnik Railway Station, in the cliff on the right bank (geographically)
of Proboynitsa River, Western Stara Planina.
The cave is formed in dolomitized limestone from the Jurassic. Developed along two main
systems of fissures (NE-SW and NW-SE). There are 6 entrances. The cave is a system of galleries with
a semi elliptic, upright general shape and average dimensions: width 2 m and height 3 m. Deposits –
clay, smooth and angular gravel. The primary cave forms are represented by facets, levels of denudation,
etc. Most types of secondary formations are also present. The cave is a site, where bones of a cave bear
have been discovered (description: A. Jalov).
The first exploration and descriptions were realized by P. Tranteev at the beginning of the 60s of
the 20th century. The cave was described and surveyed in details by cavers from Cherny Vrâh Sofia in
1978. Main surveyor: V. Vulchev.
Fauna: several cave animals have been found, among which the troglobites Paralola buresi
(Opiliones) Beskovia beroni (Coleoptera) and Trachysphaera orghidani (Diplopoda).

Kozarskata peshtera
Lakatnik Railway Station




0 60 m
Krachimir Village, Vidin Distr.
Altitude 445 m. Length 333 m. Denivelation 22 m. Surface 925 m2. Volume 4589 m3

The entrances of this cave are situated in Zelyani Dol in the foothills of Kaleto Summit, 250 m
from the branch to Krachimir and to Stakevtsi, behind the former guard post. There are 4 entrances,
facing east. Through the lowest, an underground river runs out, piped for the needs of the guard post.
The first part is a labyrinth. About 30 m along the water gallery, before the semi siphon (actually a
siphon, after the damming), the galleries from the four entrances merge. About 6 m from the water
entrance, a 45-m long lake starts with a maximum depth of 3 m. After a small vertical, another lake
follows, which is 50 m long and has a maximum depth of 5 m at its end. A 25-m long dry gallery
follows, with branches merging before the 14-m vertical. After the vertical, a 10-m long, very inclined
gallery follows, ending with a 4-m vertical. The bottom of the vertical is the last lake, which is 35 m long
and has a maximum depth of 5 m, from which an underground stream runs. There is a siphon at the end.
This is a horizontal, permanently water cave, rich in flowstone formations. The deposits in the dry
galleries are clay, sand and angular gravel.
In 1969, St. Tashkin, Z. Iliev, Chavdar Mitov, N. Gladnishki, Yu. Velinov and other cavers from
Edelweiss Sofia Caving Club explored the cave, discovered new galleries and surveyed the initial parts.
Accurate surveying was done in 1985 by A. Leonidov, N. Gaydarov, V. Nenov and S. Nenov.

Krachimirskoto Vrelo
Krachimir Village Entrance

0 60 m


0 60 m
Gintsi Village, Sofia Distr.
Length 1500 m
Coordinates: N 43° 04' 00.8" E 23° 06' 22.8"

A cave on the right slope of Gintska Reka (Nishava), in the locality Megerova Kukla. Formed in
Middle-to-Upper Jurassic limestone. A horizontal, periodically watered cave. Deep layers of river sand
after the 500th meter. There is a stream, periodically springing from them. A siphon follows, then
galleries and chambers with dimensions 5 x 10 x 20 m. From an inaccessible opening, situated high up
in a chamber, a stream, which forms a small waterfall, runs out.
First known exploration on June 30, 1939, by a scientific expedition led by Dr Iv. Buresch. The
zoologists from the Royal Museum of Natural History in Sofia described the first 500 m and collected
cave animals. Surveyed in details by cavers from Edelweiss Sofia Caving Club in 1978–1986. In January
1987, the siphon was overcome by D. Todorov and V. Pashovski and the end chamber reached.
The cave is part of the protected rock complex Zaskoko (88 ha, Decree 1141/ February 15, 1981).
Fauna: 15 species known, including the troglobites Paranemastoma (Buresiolla) bureschi
(Opiliones) and Pheggomisetes globiceps breiti (Coleoptera, Carabidae).

Krivata Pesht
Gintsi Village


At the entrance of the cave Krivata pesht – 30.06.1939.


On the photo: Dr Iv. Buresch, K. Tuleshkov, N.

Atanassov, P. Drenski, Iv. Yulius, B. Pitioni

0 120 m
Entrance 239
Name: KUMANITSA (129)
Cherni Ossâm Village, Lovech Distr.
Length 1656 m. Denivelation -104 m
Coordinates: N 42° 44' 58.2" E 24° 41' 39.4"

The cave is formed in Trias limestone, in the eastern part of Troyan Balkan in the karstic canyon
The entrance (2,5 x 2,5 m) is 1 m above the river Kumanitsa and 500 m from Kozi Brod. Two main
galleries with flowing rivers of 300/400 l/s outflow. A downing cave with cataracts. Bats observed. At
the beginning, there is a chimney, not fully explored. The river ends in a siphon. Many karst forms,
flowstone, large chambers. In rainy weather, the exploration is dangerous and often impossible. The
water is piped. The cave needs further exploration.
Penetrated and partly studied by P. Beron (August 29, 1960). Exploration and survey by Akademik
Sofia Caving Club in 1962 – Hr. Delchev, St. Andreev, Tsv. Lichkov, P. Neykovski, Al. Grozdanov and
others). Later on, new galleries have been discovered by V. Balevski, V. Nedkov and T. Daaliev (in
1977), A. Jalov and S. Tsonev (in 1979), E. Gateva and D. Marinova (in 1990) and others.
Fauna: the troglobite Anamastigona alba (Diplopoda)
Protected Natural Monument, together with 15 ha of adjacent land – Decree 2810/63 (56/
19.07.1963). Situated within Steneto Biosphere Reserve and Central Balkan National Park.

Cherni Ossam Village

Entrance 0 100 m
The entrance of the cave – photo Tsvetan


The waterfall before the end

siphon of the cave Kumanitsa –
photo Vassil Balevski 241
Name: LEDNIKA (39)
Kotel Town, Sliven Distr.
Altitude 736 m. Length 1367 m. Denivelation -242 m
Coordinates: N 42° 56' 00.9" E 26° 30' 46"

A cave in Zlosten region, 4.3 km NE of Kotel. Formed in Senonian limestone. A cascade pothole,
with the biggest vertical of 18 m. One of the beautiful Bulgarian caves with stone waterfalls, sinter lakes,
stalactites and stalagmites. There is an underground stream.
The pothole was descended first by P. Beron in 1961 (up to 130 m). The first exploration with a
survey took place on July 16, 1964. It was carried out by S. Kazheva, Sv. Videnova, N. Popov, P.
Gantchev, V. Stoitsev, Tsv. Lichkov, A. Grozdanov, B. Nedelchev.
Protected as a National Monument (Decree 2810/10.10.1962, with five of adjacent area).

Kotel Town

0 40 m


0 40 m
Name: LEDENIKA (183)
Vratsa Town
Altitude 830 m. Length 226 m. Denivelation -14 m, 16 m
Coordinates: N 43° 12' 35.6" E 23° 29' 34.8"

A cave in Upper Jurassic limestone Jurassic, 16 km from Vratsa, in the Vratsa Predbalkan. A dirt
road goes to the cave, which is situated on the bottom of a huge uvala. The whole area is with such
uvalas, flanked by a beech forest. There is a hut (Ledenika), 300 m from the cave, with 115 beds. In
1987, immediately in front of the cave, a small building was built for the visitors. The visitors’ center of
the park Vrachanski Balkan is situated in it.
The cave has two entrances. A stone staircase leads to the first chamber (Predverieto, 21 x 3 m).
The lowest part of the hall, called Valchata Dupka (The Wolf’s Den), is also the lowest part of the cave.
A low gallery, 11 m long, called Plaznyata, connects Predverieto with Malkata Zala. Malkata Zala (The
Small Chamber) has dimensions 21 x 17 m and a height of 5 m.
After a 6-m gallery, we reach the biggest and most beautiful chamber of the cave – Konzertnata
(Golyamata) Zala. Its dimensions are 60 x 45 m and the height is 23 m. In it, there are huge and majestic
flowstone formations.
In the highest part of the chamber, behind the flow, another hole is situated, called Hladilnika,
with dimensions 21 x 10 m and a height of 4 m. It is also filled with beautiful formations and a small
sinter lake.
From the Konzertna Zala, an ascendant gallery leads to “Malkata Propast”, 13 m long and 9 m
deep. At the highest point of the ascendant gallery, the temperature changes from 7–8° in Malkata
Propast to 9,6O in the highest part of the cave, called Sedmoto Nebe. A narrow gallery connects Malkata
Propast and Golyamata Propast (15 m long and 12 m deep). The gallery of the Curtains follows, which
is 27 m long, 15 m wide and 17 m high. This gallery is also full of stalactites and other flowstone
formations of different dimension and shape. After Prohoda na Greshnitsite (The Pass of Sinners), the
White Chamber (18 x 15 m and 17 m high) and Sedmoto Nebe (the end part of the cave) follow. They are
also richly adorned.
The cave had been known to the local population since time unrecorded. The shepherds used to
keep milk in its cool entrance part. In the winter, from November to March, when the temperature in
these parts drops below 0oC, in the Atrium and in the Small hall, transparent and milk-white masses of
ice accumulate. They have been studied by the geomorphologist Vl. Popov since 1962. Data about the
cave can be found in the publications of H. and K. Škorpil (1895) and Zh. Radev (1915).

Protected by virtue of Decree 2810 /1963. Show cave since September 17, 1961.
Fauna. In this cave, the first systematic research on the cave fauna of Bulgaria started (by Dr I.
Buresch and his associates in 1922). So far, 53 species have been identified, including 10 troglobites or REMARKABLE
stygobites: Speocyclops infernus (Copepoda), Bulgarosoma bureschi (Diplopoda), Tricyphoniscus
bureschi (Isopoda), Paranemastoma (Buresiolla) bureschi (Opiliones), Onychiurus sensitivus, Pseu-
dosinella duodecimocellata (Collembola), Pheggomisetes buresi, Ph. radevi, Rambousekiella ledenik-
ensis (Coleoptera, Carabidae), Radevia hanusi (Col. Cholevidae).


Vratsa Town
0 60 m
Entrance 243
The entrance of Ledenika – photo Valery Peltekov

The ice concretions in the entrance-hall – photo Trifon Daaliev

The concert Hall –

photo Trifon Daaliev

The Visitor’s Center –

244 photo Trifon Daaliev
Prevala Village, Montana Distr.
Total length 342 m. Denivelation -20 m

Levi Shupli Kamak is a cave in the locality Shupli Kamak near Prevala. About 1.6 km on the road
from Prevala to Gorna Luka, in the abrupt rocks, a triangular cave entrance is seen, ca. 3 m high. Here,
a stream, coming from the entrance, joins the river. The stream leads into a natural rock tunnel through
which the stream runs for ca. 15 m. In front of the tunnel, the stream comes out of two holes. The
triangular entrance of Shupli Kamak is about 20 m high, facing east, and with dimensions 0.5 x 0.5 m.
The cave is inclined, branched at the beginning. The main gallery is horizontal, diaclase. Along the
gallery, a stream runs toward the entrance (outflow of ca. 2 l/sec). The stream is permanent and comes
out ca. 20 m under the entrance, joining Prevalska Ogosta. The floor of the water gallery is covered with
sand and clay. In places, bigger rocks are seen. In some places in the cave, there are small white
flowstone formations (stalactites on the ceiling and ribs on the walls). The cave ends with a big boulder
jam, after which a continuation is possible (according to V. Georgiev).
The cave was known to local people and visited often by them (mainly by treasure hunters).
Explored, surveyed and described in 1993 by cavers from Pastrinets Montana Caving Club.

Levi Shupli Kamak

Prevala Village

a nce
E ntr


0 50 m

0 50 m
Gabare Village, Vratsa Distr.
Length 657 m. Denivelation -21 m

Situated 2.83 km SE of Gabare, in the locality Lipata, Western Predbalkan. Formed in thick
layered limestone from the Cretaceous (Maastricht), Gabarevo Syncline.
The system Lipata includes 6 funnels, four of which have no way further. The biggest funnel has
three cave openings. One of them is the beginning of an not branching cave, 77 m long. The other two
openings and the vertical in the westernmost opening are the three entrances into the system. They
merge further by means of a labyrinth of low and narrow galleries covered with mud and of E-W
direction mainly. The cave is poor in flowstone formations.
The first exploration was conducted by an expedition of Akademik Sofia Caving Club (leader Hr.
Delchev), carried out from April 30 to May 2, 1968. In November that year, another expedition of the
club (leader A. Popov) took place. This expedition connected the already surveyed cave potholes Lipa 1
and Lipa 2, discovered another entrance and proved all entrances as belonging to one system. The cave
was surveyed by the same club (under the leadership of L. Lilov) also during the Republican Caving
Expedition Gabare ’86 by a team of cavers, which consisted of Yu. Atanasov, O. Ognyanov, V. Georgiev,
Z. Zlatkov, A. Georgiev and S. Spasov. Description after A. Popov, A. Grozdanov and L. Vassileva.

Lipata System
Gabare Village

0 100 m


0 50 m
Name: LUCIFER (189)
Kotel Town, Sliven Distr.
Length 3200 m. Denivelation -130 m

A cave pothole, ten kilometers west of Kotel, in the locality Zelenich, on the left bank of Suhoyka
River. Formed in Cretaceous (Maastricht) limestone. It starts with a 37-m shaft, leading into a high and
narrow, descending and meandering gallery, broken by small verticals. This part ends in a water siphon.
Several meters before it, a low and narrow dry gallery starts. On the upper floor, bone fossils from Ursus
spelaeus (Cave bear) were found. During extreme rains and snow melting, the surface waters enter the
cave, forming an underground river along the central gallery which sinks into the end siphon.
The cave was discovered by cavers from Lucifer Târgovishte Caving Club in 1992, following
information from local people. In 1993, after digging, a branch at the end of the central gallery was
found. Up to 1995 it had been completely surveyed and explored by the same club.

Kotel Town


0 80 m


0 160 m
The entrance of the cave Lucifer – photo Trifon Daaliev

248 Well deserved rest – photo Valery Peltekov The bottom of the entrance vertical – Ascent – photo Valery Peltekov
Glozhene Village, Lovech Distr.
Length 320 m. Denivelation -2 m.
Coordinates: N 43° 01' 44,04" E 24° 10' 44.04''

A cave, 7 km from Glozhene, in Lozeto quarter, not far from a dirt road. “Lyastovitsa” in
Bulgarian means “swallow”, but the legend has it that Lastovitsa was the name of a local feudal lord.
The cave entrance is a 3-meter diaclase. From there, the gallery follows two opposite directions.
From the beginning, the first anemoliths are seen on the ceiling. After 20 m, the gallery becomes
horizontal and passes by large stalagmites and boulders. By 80th meter, there are sinters, and through a
squeeze we reach many pearls of caverns – china-like and sugar-like, some of them quite big (nut-size).
In some places, water drips from the ceiling. By the 130th meter, there are curtains on the ceiling.
After a 7-meter climb, we reach small chambers with snow-white formations and sinter walls (30–40 cm
high). There are heaps of bat guano. In 1967, a colony of some 500 bats was observed on the ceiling. At
the 175th meter, we arrive to a narrow place, after passing by walls of different colour – from brown to
snow white. The gallery is called Dreamland after this place. Nice poplar-like stalagmites are formed
there, together with almost all possible flowstone formations. In some places, we can see pepper-like
formations (rare in the caves). At the 175th meter, helictites replace the other formations. There, a siphon
full of mud stops further penetration.
The cave had been known to local people since time unrecorded. It was explored and mapped in
1967 by N. Genov, V. Nedkov, P. Vassileva, A. Taparkova and other cavers from Planinets Sofia
Caving Club.
Fauna: one stygobite known – Stygoelaphoidella stygia (Copepoda).

Lyastovitsa (Lastovitsa)
Glozhene Village



0 50 m


0 100 m
V. Peltekov in front of the entrance – photo Trifon Daaliev The drop of water – creator of the fairy cave decoration –
Lyastovichata peshtera Cave – photo Vassil Balevski

250 Columns – photo Trifon Daaliev

Zdravkovets Village, Gabrovo Distr.
Length 1907 m. Denivelation -27 m (-21; 6 m). Surface 8000 m2. Volume 15 000 m3

A cave, 0.5 km W of Zdravkovets, in the area called Bucheto, NW part of Strazhata Plateau,
Middle Predbalkan. Formed in the contact zone between Lower Cretaceous sandstone and mergels and
the under laying Aptain limestone. A branched, four-storey, water cave. Different shape of the cross
sections: triangular, trapezoid, rectangular. Average dimensions of the galleries: width 3.65, height 2.37
m. Five bigger chambers, the most spacious one is 39x10x10 m. Many sinters and flowstone. Boulders
in the lower levels. A permanent stream entering the cave (ponor). Four side streams sink together into a
siphon in the lowest part. Water inflow measured in the period November 6 – December 17, 1983,
between 0.18 and 0.9 l/s.
The cave was known to the local people. Studied and surveyed by cavers from Viten Speleoclub
(Rossitsa – Mazalat) in the period 1981–1995.

Machanov Trap
Zdravkovets Village


0 60 m
Tvarditsa Town
Length 3076 m. Denivelation -146 m
Coordinates: N 42° 46' 09.5" E 25° 54' 48"

A pothole in the locality Doksa, in the mountain Tvardishki Balkan. Entrance vertical, spacious, 5
x 10 m, -84.5 m deep, in two parts. Most of the year its walls are wet, T° 4 °C. On the walls there are
stalactites, long up to 3-4 m, and several bats. Through the cave runs a stream, ending in a siphon. The
way in goes through many narrow places, verticals and water. The entrance vertical is divided into two
by a small platform, about 30 m from the entrance. The entrance has a stony bottom. From it the pothole
splits into two parts, called Starite (The Old) and Novite (The New) parts. The old parts are reached
through a small opening among the blocks. By descending among the blocks, the caver arrives to a
gallery, on the bottom of which runs a stream. A narrow sector follows, usually with a waterfall.
Further on the gallery is diaclase shaped, gradually getting wider. After ca. 100 m there is a dry
branch from the right, ca. 50 m long, ending in sand siphon. The left wall of the branch is covered by
crystals and helictites. The main gallery goes further, following the stream. Another low gallery, ca. 40
m long, ends in 8 m vertical. The way through an opening 3 m high on the wall follows a 30 m gallery,
ending in 4 m vertical. After a 10 m squeeze a large 80 m long gallery with nice formations is reached.
Follows a 5 m vertical (rope is needed). The stream runs on the bottom of a gallery 20 m long. A branch
is reached with another stream coming from the right. A siphon marks the lowest point of the cave,
which is – 146 m. After climbing the stream is reached again. After 63 m there is a waterfall 2 m high.
The gallery goes this way for another 128 m to a final narrowing.
The way to the “New parts” is a chamber lefts from the entrance vertical. After a 7 m vertical
(usually equipped with rope) a spacious chamber is reached (35 m long, 20 m wide and 10 m high.Than
the configuration is complex. Many chambers, passages and small verticals have to be negotiated before
reaching a chamber 5 m wide, 8 m long and 6–7 m high. A 2 m squeeze leads in chamber 20-25 m high,
than to 24 m vertical. After several narrow passages 26 m vertical is reached. Running water appears on
the bottom. After several other passages and small verticals a small chamber is reached at 119 m. Than
we reach a chamber, 35 m long, 20 m wide and 10 m high. On the left, a steep slope leads to the entrance
pitch and it is suiteable for an intermediate camp.
Behind a big boulder there is a vertical of 18 m with
washed walls. Following the main direction, we enter
a chamber 6–7 m Through the boulders on the left

side, we reach a vertical of 14 m. Gradually, the

gallery becomes 4 x 4 m, with boulders on the floor.
On the left, a 3m vertical is reached, from where three
branches start.

We then follow the main axis – a diaclase 64 m

long, high in some places 20–25 m., wide up to 2 m,
with wet floor covered with gravel.
On the right side of the chamber, after 20 m, a
clearly shaped gallery is reached with a floor of small

gravel. Some bats were observed there. For some 130

m the gallery does not changing shape. There are some
nice flowstone formations. Some more complicated
galleries lead to the bottom.
The pothole was discovered in 1995. The first
exploration was carried out by Salamander Caving
Club, Stara Zagora. Explored and surveyed entirely

during the national caving expeditions in 2000 and

2001 and the expedition of Salamander Caving Club
252 in 2002. The crystals are one of the cave’s beauties - photo Alexey Stoev
The entrance pit is 90 m deep – photo Vassil Balevski

Magliviyat Snyag
Tvarditsa Town Entrance


0 150 m


0 150 m 253
Name: MAGURA (2)
Rabisha Village, Vidin Distr.
Length 2500 m. Denivelation -56 m. Surface 30 000 m2. Volume 220 000 m3
Coordinates: N 43° 43' 41.1" E 22° 34' 54.8"

A cave, 1.5 km NW of Rabisha, in the hill Rabishka Mogila (Magurata), Western Predbalkan, in
Aptian (Urgonian) limestone.
A horizontal, branched cave with six chambers. The biggest one (Triumfalna Zala) has 5720 m2,
with dimensions: 128 m long, 58 m wide and 21 m high. There are eight other smaller chambers in the
side galleries. The SW branch is of special interest because of the cave paintings on the walls (over 1000,
made with ochre and bat guano). The cross section of the chambers is asymmetric with semivertical SW
walls and NE inclined parts, defined by the position of the layers. Massive flowstone and river deposits.
The cave formation started in Tortonian (15 millions years ago). Fossils from seven species of
Quaternary birds, fish and molluscs have been found in the deposits.
The cave was first discovered partly by Marinov (1887). F. Birkner published further archaeolog-
ical data in 1916 and Dr B. Bonchev from Vidin published a small booklet. In 1928, R. Popov attracted
the attention of Bulgarian and foreign scholars to the cave paintings. They were created in various
periods, the earliest – in the Epipaleolith and Neolith, the prevailing part – in the late Eneolith –
beginning of Early Bronze Age. This is the most important site with monochrome rock art in Southeast
The cave was studied in details by T. Pavlov Caving Brigade in 1948. Regular archaeological
excavations were carried out in 1971–1975. The cave had been inhabited from the beginning of the
Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age. In 1974, attempts to use the cave for asthmatic patients were made.
Modern research on the rock paintings was carried out in 1988-93. Among the drawings in Svetilishte
Chamber, records of a prehistoric sun calendar were identified and decoded.
Show cave since 1961 (the first show cave in Bulgaria). Later, a wine cellar was built in the first
western branch. Declared a National Monument in 1960.
Fauna (studied by P. Beron in 1960) represented by 37 known species, including the troglobites
Hyloniscus flammula (Isopoda), Plusiocampa bulgarica and P. beroni (Diplura).

Magura Entrance

Rabisha Village

0 100 m

Entrance Entrance

254 0 100 m
Monochrome paintings from Bronze age – photo Mihail Kvartirnikov


The entrance gallery – photo Valery Peltekov 255

A huge 10 meter high stalagmite – photo Trifon Daaliev Stone waterfall – photo Trifon Daaliev

256 The Concert Hall (The Big Hall) – photo Valery Peltekov
Name: MALIYA SOVAT (119)
Bryazovo Village, Lovech Distr.
Length 125 m. Denivelation -140 m

The pothole Maliyat Sovat is ca. 7 km (2 hours of walk) from Bryazovo, on the road between
Teteven and Ribaritsa, in a valley of the same name.
Formed in Upper Jurassic limestone.
The pothole has two entrances. One is small, situated on the bottom of the valley. When raining,
the water is pouring in it. After a vertical of 8 m, we reach the floor or an inclined gallery. The second
entrance is 20 m away from the first and is bigger. Through it, we enter a strongly inclined gallery with
a floor, covered with blocks.
The beginning of the gallery is lit by the light, coming through the first entrance. After ca. 40–50
m, a 22-m vertical is reached. From a platform, with a diameter of 7–8 m, a vertical of 52 m starts,
leading to the bottom of the pothole. The vertical is inclined and covered with secondary flowstone
formations. The bottom of the pothole is slightly inclined and covered with clay and other material
carried by the surface water.
After 20 m over a strongly inclined slope, we reach a narrowing, above which, at a height of 10 m,
a 2-m wide opening 2 m wide, not yet checked. A narrow gallery with clay has been tried several times
for prolongation, but without success. The water, passing through the pot hole, is surfacing in karstic
well. When raining the surface water in the valley enter directly the pothole.
Only well trained cavers should visit this pothole.
The pothole is known to local people. In 1972 V. Nedkov, caver from Planinets Sofia Caving Club,
was the first to reach the bottom, followed by N. Genov, Iv. Rashkov, Iv. Parov and others. N. Genov and
Iv. Rashkov surveyed the pot hole and named is after the valley. In the years to follow many attempts to
discover continuation failed. The pothole was equipped for the SRT technique by V. Nedkov, N. Genov,
P. Nedkov, M. Valchkov and T. Daaliev in November 1980.


Maliya Sovat
Bryazovo Village


0 50 m

Maliya Sovat – ascending the second pitch – photo Nikolay Genov


Komshtitsa Village, Sofia Distr.
Length 400 m. Denivelation -125 m
Coordinates: N 43° 08' 00.5" E 23° 02' 32.2" (1-st entrance) * N 43° 07' 58.6" E 23° 02' 32.4" (2-nd entrance)

Malkata (or Malata) Balabanova Dupka had been known to local people for a long time. Its
entrance part was first explored by Dimitar Ilandjiev in 1963. He announced the importance of the
unexplored cave. In October 1971, T. Daaliev, N. Gladnishki, A. Anev, M. Vlachkov and N. Anachkov
made a reconnaissance trip for discovering new caves and for penetration into Malata Balabanova. A
local shepherd showed them a pothole (immediately) near the locality Iskrechinata, so the name
“Yamata na Iskrechinata” appeared on the maps. They were the first to penetrate the pothole. They
surveyed the cave up to 83 m denivelation. Then, they penetrated further down to the bottom (ca. – 130
m). They returned to this area in the spring of 1972, accompanied by V. Gyaurov and P. Nikolova. V.
Gyaurov fined the small triangular entrance of Malata Balabanova Dupka and then they realized/
established a horizontal connection with Yamata na Iskrechinata. At the beginning, there is a 10-meter
vertical, leading to the big chamber at 83 m. The same cavers finished the survey at 125 m.
The entrance of Yamata na Iskrechinata is egg-shaped (2 m diameter), on a steep slope, about 30 m
above the entrance of Malata Balabanova Dupka. The first vertical of 20 m leads into an inclined gallery,
ending in a 10-meter vertical. From the Big Chamber, through flowstone formations, we reach a small
lake, covered with transparent crust. Next, there is a small (4 m) sinter waterfall (with water). Then, from
the bottom we follow an inclined gallery. The walls are black, there is running water on the floor. After
ca. 50–60 m we arrive in the middle of a chamber, which is even bigger than the first one. After a descent
over beautiful flowstone formations, the bottom of the chamber is reached at 83 m. The gallery after the
chambers goes down in a conglomerate. After 70–80 m, on the right of the main gallery, water falls from
7–8 m. The gallery narrows and proceeds for another 30–40 m up to a 10-m vertical. There is running
water also in a parallel gallery. The cave is very beautiful.
Description of Malkata Balabanova Dupka. Its small triangular entrance is situated in a valley
about 300 m before reaching the huge entrance of Golyamata Balabanova Dupka. After several small
verticals and a gallery of 10 m, a vertical, 10 meter high and 7–8 m wide, is reached. An inclined gallery
follows, ending in a 10-m vertical, where the water falls into the big chamber at 83 m. Above the 10-
meter vertical, there is a gallery, leading into diaclase galleries, which are 30–40 m long. At the end of
these galleries is the connection with Yamata na Iskrechinata at this level.
At the end of September 1997, T. Daaliev, Atanas and Kiril Russev, together with French cavers (J.

Orssola and O. Vidal), made a traverse above the last vertical of Malkata Balabanova Dupka and the
pothole became deeper by several dozens of meters. In 1999, K. Stoyankov, N. Donchev, K. Dudlen and T.
Daaliev realized the first acoustic connection between Malkata and Golyamata Balabanova Dupka. The REMARKABLE
connection was confirmed in 2000 by K. Stoyankov, V. Peltekov, M. Dobrichev, Y. Pavlov and others.
0 1


Malkata (Malata) Balabanova Dupka

(Yamata na Iskrechinata)
Komshtitsa Village

In the secondary hall of the cave – photo Trifon Daaliev

260 Sinter lake – photo Trifon Daaliev

Mikre Village, Lovech Distr.
Altitude 377 m. Length 1295 m. Denivelation 5,4 m
Coordinates: N 43O 06' 46.65" E 24O 32' 33.74"

A cave 100 m E of Golyamata Mikrenska Peshtera, also on the left bank of Kamenitsa. Formed in
Maastricht limestone (Lower Cretacetous). An asymmetric, labyrinth cave. Horizontal, one-storey,
dimensions of the galleries: width 0.3–3 m, height 0.3–3,2 m. Rich in flowstone. A stream following
from the entrance, 0.1–0.2 l/s in dry periods, 20–30 l/s after rain. Discovered by D. Ilchev with
indications from local people (September 4, 1924). Studied to ca. 50 m. In 1980–1990, explored and
surveyed by Studenets Pleven Caving Club up to its present length.
Fauna: four animal species have been identified.

Malkata Mikrenska peshtera

Mikre Village


0 100 m
Name: MALKATA YAMA (130)
Cherni Ossam Village, Lovech Distr.
Altitude 1333 m. Length 700 m. Denivelation -232 m
Coordinates: N 42° 46' 03.2" E 24° 41' 02"

A cave pothole in the Steneto Biosphere Reserve. Entrance on the right bank of Malak Chaushov
Dol. Formed in Trias limestone and dolomites.
A cascade pothole cave with two bigger verticals of 15 and 36 m. At 127 m, there is a huge
chamber, over 50 m high, called The Big Hall. It is inclined and full with boulders, some of them having
a volume of over 400 m3.
An underground stream with an outflow of 1–40 l/s. T° 7 °C.
Discovered in 1969 by Troyan cavers V. Balevski and A. Borov. Surveyed and described by T.
Daaliev, N. Gladnishki, V. Balevski and A. Pencheva during the International Caving Expedition

Malkata Yama
Cherni Ossam Village

Entrance 0


250 m


The ascending is not easy – photo Vassil Balevski 263

Chavdartsi Village, Lovech Distr.
Length 530 m. Denivelation – 2 m
Coordinates: N 43° 14’ 32,2" E 24° 58’ 08,8"

A cave 2 km west of Chavdartsi (Lâdjene), in the NW periphery of Devetaki Plateau, Middle

Predbalkan. Formed in limestone from the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian). A horizontal, branched, source
cave, developed along a fault directed N/NE. Dimensions of the entrance: 12 m wide, 7.5 m high.
Entrance chamber 81x 35x 15 m, after which two galleries follow: to the left – a river gallery, 165 m
long, and to the right – a dry gallery, 103 m long. Denudation forms prevail. Deposits of clay and sand,
no sinters. Measured outflow on October 15, 1931 – ca. 5 l/sec.
The first known exploration was done by Nenko Radev (September 18, 1926). Archaeological
excavations were carried out by V. Mikov in 1926 and 1929 and artefacts dated from the Eneolith and the
Iron Age were found. Detailed description and survey by P. Petrov in 1931 and later by national
expeditions in 1965-78. At that time it was used as cheese factory, hence the name Mandrata.
Fauna: 13 species of Invertebrates.

Mandrata (Lâdjenskata,
Vodnata peshtera)
Chavdartsi Village

The entrance in the cave Mandrata - Photo Trifon Daaliev




0 96 m
Genchevtsi Village, Gabrovo Distr.
Length 3075 m. Denivelation -45 m

A water cave, 4 km NW of Tryavna, in Genchevtsi Municipality, Trevnenska Planina. Formed in

limestone from the Lower Cretaceous. A two-storey, branched cave with two entrances – the Northern
horizontal, the Southern vertical (- 38 m). About 80 m from the horizontal entrance is the only bigger
hall (22 x 16 m), from where the cave branches off. The SE branch ends in a siphon, in which the river
sinks. After 30 m, the NW gallery takes the water of two streams on the right and forms a second river,
which flows inside. After 140 m, it joins a third river, coming from the NW. The water flows further into
a 300-m gallery, ending in a siphon. The NW branch forms the longest part of the cave, in which there
are about 50 ascending verticals, 0.3–2.2 m. After 200 m upstream from the water joint, the gallery
branches off. In both branches streams flow. The average width of the gallery is 2.5 m. Thick clay
deposits and big boulders in the entrance part.
First studied by N. Radev and Iv. Buresch in September and October, 1923, and by Radev again in
1924–1925. In 1926, he published the first survey of the cave (150 m long). In 1970, Planinets Caving
Club surveyed the cave up to 1498 m, the next year – up to 2932 m. Further studies have been carried out
by Strinava Dryanovo Caving Club, bringing the cave to its present length.
Fauna: five species known, including the troglobite beetles Netolitzkya maneki and Duvalius
(Paraduvalius) bulgaricus.

Marina Dupka (Parova dupka,

Kumincheto, Propastite)
Genchevtsi Village


0 120 m
Name: MARTIN 11 (10)
Between the villages Prauzhda and Varbovo, Vidin Distr.
Denivelation -91 m

The cave pothole Martin-11 is situated on the southern rib of Belogradchik Anticline, between the
villages Prauzhda and Varbovo, in one of the typical local hills “glami”, called Klepats. It is an area
between Prauzhda and Vârbovo, Belogradchik municipality. The name was given by members of Bel
Prilep Belogradchik Caving Club after the expedition of 2000. Before that, the pothole had been
unknown (during the first exploration, no traces of other visits were seen). About 300 m north of its
entrance, in the monoclinal part of the Anticline, is the entrance of the better known Premenska Dupka.
The approach to the cave follows the road Belogradchik – Stakevtsi. The cave is about 10 km
down this road, in a branch on the right to Prauzhda. In this place, on the right there is a dirt road, leading
to the localities Proboynitza and Pragove. It is possible to drive on this road for another 1 km, then in 40
minutes the cave entrance is reached. If necessary, a guide from Bel Prilep Belogradchik Caving Club
could be negotiated. The locality Pragove cannot be mistaken, as this is the lowest point between the two
“glami” (limestone hills) Klepats and Golema Stena and here is the all-year source of Proboynitsa River.
After passing by the locality Pragove, about 100 m on the right, a cliff is formed. In the middle of
the cliff, there is a footpath and about 2 m from the upper end of the footpath is the entrance of the
The pothole has 4 verticals and several inclined platforms. It is wet, but without running water.
The entrance is facing north and is about 170 m above the local base of erosion. Immediately after the
entrance there is a 24-meter deep vertical and we reach a chamber, covered with flowstone formations.
After the chamber, by means of a vertical of 8.50 m, we get into the fist large chamber. After another
vertical, a second big chamber is reached. Through a squeeze and a vertical we reach a third chamber
and finally, after stone blocks, the bottom (siphon jammed by boulders and mud) is reached. The cave is
rich in flowstone formations. This is the deepest pothole in the area. It is not equipped for SRT. The
verticals are: I – 24 m, II – 8.50 m, III – 15 m and IV – 9 m.
No scientific observations have ever been carried out in this pothole, there is no information about
its flora and fauna, as well.

Entrance Martin 11

Between the villages Prauzhda

and Varbovo


0 50 m
Name: MAYANITSA (60)
Tserovo Village, Sofia Distr.
Length 1426 m
Coordinates: N 43° 00' 02" E 23° 21' 35.6"

A water cave, SE of Zhelen Quarter on the right bank of the Iskar river, at the base of Tsarni
Kamâk massif. Formed in limestone from the Middle Trias.
A horizontal, two-storey, branched cave. Cross section of the galleries: width 0.5–9 m, height 0.3–
7.5 m. Rich in accumulative formations on the floor-sinters and others. An underground river with a
permanent debit of ca. 2 l/s. and maximal ca. 30 l/s. runs through the cave. The waters bifurcate in the
cave – both branches are piped). The cave water is used and the cave could be visited only with a permit.
During the survey of the cave in 1991 the caver K. Valtchev discovered a way further. The cave was
explored and surveyed by the middle of 1992 by M. Zlatkova, T. Medarova, V. Mladenova, St. Petkov,
Ts. Ostromski and Z. Ivanov.

Tserovo Village



0 100 m
Hristo Danovo Village, Plovdiv Distr.
Length 367 m. Denivelation -11 m
Coordinates: N 42° 45' 59.7" E 24° 36' 01.4"

A cave in Troyan Balkan, 2 km west of Troyan Pass.

The entrance (3 x 8 m) is in a cliff. The cave is horizontal, with permanent water. The galleries are
1–3 m wide and 1–8 m high. In some places the cave is branched, at the 70th meter there is a second
floor, about 40 m long. There are about 20 sinter lakes. The floor of the galleries is covered with clay and
small gravel, in some places there are also bigger boulders. The end parts of the cave are the richest in
flowstone formations (stalactites, stalagmites, drums, sinter lakes). The cave ends in a narrowing.
The name of the cave has to do with a local legend, according to which the cave served as a shelter
to Velcho Vrazhaliyata and other local “hayduti” (kind of guerrilla).
The first study and survey of the map were done in 1971 by A. Ivanova and P. Vassileva from
Planinets Sofia Caving Club. In 1976 M. Krastev and N. Dichev from Stratesh Lovech Caving Club
made a horizontal and vertical survey of the cave and recorded the legends connected with it.
Fauna (explored by P. Beron and T. Ivanova): among the animals collected are Lithobius
rushovensis (Chilopoda) and several species of bats (Chiroptera).
Protected Natural Monument, together with 0.4 ha of adjacent land (Decree 206 /March, 23,1981).

Mazata (Haydushkiya Zaslon)

Hristo Danovo Village


0 40 m
Name: MÂGLIVATA (184)
Kotel Town, Sliven Distr.
Total length 1244 m. Denivelation -220 m
Coordinates: N 42° 54' 54" E 26° 29' 38"

A cave pothole in Senonian limestone in the locality Zlosten, 3.3 km northeast from Kotel. Length
on the main axis 630 m. A cascade cave with eleven verticals of different depth, the biggest being 30 m.
Poor in flowstone. Outflow of the underground stream 5–6 l/s. T° 10 °C. A siphon in the lowest part of
the cave.
Discovered and surveyed up to 48 m by Akademik Sofia Caving Club in 1963/1964. In 1979 the
new parts of the cave were found. Explored by Caving Clubs from Aytos and Sliven.
Protected by Decree 234/4.04.1980, together with an adjacent area of three ha.
Fauna: five species known, no troglobites.

Kotel Town

Old parts

Aytos gallery


Aytos gallery

Old parts

0 100 m
Zhelen Village, Sofia Distr.
Altitude 910 m. Length 564 m. Denivelation -11 m
Coordinates.: N 43° 00' 18.4" E 23° 24' 40.9"

A cave 3.2 km NE of Zhelen, at the base of a cliff in the upper part of the massif Koev Kamak,
Golyama Planina, within Treskavets Protected Area. The cave is formed in Trias limestone of the Svoge
Anticline. Developed along a N – S fault.
There are 4 entrances facing N-NE. Usually, one enters via the largest entrance (irregular rectangle
3 x 2 m). It leads into a gallery, 16 m long and ca. 5 m wide, with two branches (first on the right, then
on the left), then follows the first and the largest chamber in the cave (27 m long, 9 m max. width, 6 m
max. height). In the north end of the chamber there is an elliptic sinter lake (4 x 5 m). Beyond the lake,
a spacious but very low chamber with several branches starts. Many sinter basins and cascades and two
small lakes are typical for it. Two galleries, ending in two of the cave entrances, start from the northern
part of the chamber. Another narrow gallery, high up to 1 m, leads to a chamber, which is 20 m long, 5.5
m wide and 4 m high. The upper storey is reached through a wide crevice and a labyrinth of low and
narrow galleries, ending in mud siphons.
In the middle of the left branch of the entrance gallery, there is a small triangular opening, leading
into a narrow gallery. Then, we reach a small chamber and, through a crevice on the floor, after a 5-meter
descent, we arrive in a beautiful small chamber. A small stream is seen, it’s the water running through
the cave Izvornata peshtera, 10 m lower.
Fossils from Ursus spelaeus have been found in the cave by N. Petkov.
The cave was known to local people. It was explored in the 50s, when biospeleological studies
took place. The first map and description were published by N. Korchev and M. Chakârov in 1960
(Tourist, 7: 20–22). The actual map of the cave was done by T. Stoychev, St. Tsonev and A. Jalov from
Aleko Sofia Caving Club in 1983 (description by A. Jalov, based on own observations and data from N.
Korchev and M. Chakarov).
Fauna: so far, 23 animal species have been recorded from this cave, including the troglobites
Duvalius pretneri (Coleoptera), Lithobius lakatnicensis (Chilopoda), Typhloiulus bureschi (Diplopoda),
Paranemastoma (Buresiolla) bureschi (Opiliones) and the stygobite Speocyclops lindbergi (Copepoda).

Mechata Dupka
Zhelen Village


0 40 m
Gorna Luka Village, Montana Distr.
Length 695 m. Denivelation 19 m (+ 4.2; -14.8 m)
Coordinates: N 43° 27' 46.4" E 22° 53' 11"

A cave on the right bank of the river Prevalska Ogosta, Western Predbalkan. A horizontal, two-
storey, branched cave. There is an 80-m long entrance gallery, 8-9 m wide and 4–7 m high. In the middle
of the gallery the entrance to the lower parts opens. The southern branch is long 155 m and wide from
3.5 to 85 m; its average height is 2.5 m, and it is divided by a massive stone.
Natural Monument (Decree 2634/21.09.1962), with 0.5 ha adjacent area.
Fauna: 25 species known, including the troglobites Trichoniscus anophthalmus (Isopoda) and
Serboiulus spelaeophilus (Diplopoda).

Mishin Kamâk (Kamik)

Gorna Luka Village



0 50 m
Vratsa Town
Length 855 m. Denivelation -85 m
Coordinates: N 43° 12' 29.6" E 23° 28' 17.5"

A cave in Stresherski part of Vratsa Mountain, in the valley Mizhishnitsa, on the left of the
footpath from Ledenika Hut to the Barkite Region. Situated in the natural reserve Vrachanski Karst.
The cave is developed in the contact zone between Middle and Upper Jurassic, in Upper Jurassic
limestone, on a SE-NW fault. It collects the water from the nearby funnels (outflow 2–3 l/s). The
galleries are descending and narrow, with an underground stream, starting from a side gallery, 30 m from
the cave entrance. About 120 m from the entrance, on the right, there is a side gallery of the same length,
with a stream joining the main river (description: T. Daaliev after M. Zlatkova).
Discovered through digging in 1988 by cavers from Dr Ivan Buresch Caving Club. Surveyed also
by them (main surveyor M. Zlatkova). The exploration of this cave is not finished, continuation could be

Vratsa Town



0 90 m

Chiren Village Vratsa Distr.
Length 1723 m. Denivelation -20 m

A cave-sinkhole in a funnel in the locality Lipova Dramka ca. 4 km southeast of Chiren. It starts
with a 15-m steep funnel, leading into a horizontal cave. From the very beginning, small, not very deep
lakes start, forming a slow stream at the 150th meter. The low ceiling of the cave creates conditions for
the formation of semi siphons (dangerous places when in flood). In many places there are flint
concretions. Mladenovata Peshtera is a one-gallery cave with an underground stream. Few flowstone
formations, many big sinter lakes.
In this cave many bones of extinct mammals have been found – elephants, reindeer, auroche, wild
boar, wild horse. So many bones are rarely found in Bulgarian caves – a real paleontological museum.
The cave was discovered, explored and surveyed by Hristo Mladenov, Vladimir Fedyushkin and
other cavers from Vratsa in 1962, up to 1500 m. In 1977, during the International caving expedition
Ponora-77, a precise map was made by N. Landjev and Zdr. Iliev. For the first several hundred meters, P.
Tranteev also participated in the surveying. In 1977 an experiment was done, which proved that the
water of Mladenovata Peshtera joins the water in Ponora – the longest cave in the area. The fluorescein,
released at 11.00 h on August 20, 1977 in Mladenovata Peshtera, appeared in the waterfall of Ponora at
11.00 h on August 22, 1977 (48 hours). No attempt at penetrating the siphons has ever been made.
Surveyed again in 1986 by K. Karlov, V. Peychev, N. Gergov and K. Kanev from Vratsa Caving
Club. Description by T. Daaliev, according to D. Sabev, P. Tranteev and N. Landjev.
Fauna: ca. 10 species known, collected by P. Beron in 1962. Si

Mladenovata peshtera
Chiren Village


0 800 m


A Si
0 800 m 273
Name: MOROVITSA (113)
Glozhene Village, Lovech Distr.
Length 3200 m. Denivelation 105 m
Coordinates: N 42° 57' 55.8" E 24° 11' 16.4"

A cave SW of Glozhene, two km from the monastery St. Georgi Pobedonosets, in the locality
Morov Dol. A two-storey cave in Upper Jurassic (Titonian) limestone.
The entrance faces north, 15 x 15 m. The cave starts with a large gallery, where archaeological
excavations have been done. A vertical of six meters leads to the lower part of the cave. The lower part
goes under the upper part in northern direction. After 130 m, a 57m deep pitch reaches the lower parts.
The pitch is divided into two parts – of 27 and 30 m, and ends with a 15-m scree of bat guano. We find
ourselves in a gallery bifurcating into ascending and descending galleries. The descending one is broken
by a four-meter vertical. The gallery then becomes wide and is covered with boulders, bat guano and
many formations, sometimes gypsum flowers.
According to the legend, in the time of the Second Bulgarian State the local people used to hide in
the cave. Once, invaders walled up the entrance and those hidden in the cave died of suffocation. Since
then the cave was called Morovitsa, from the word “mor” (death).
In 1912, the renown archaeologist Prof. R. Popov discovered in the cave artefacts from the
Eneolith and “inscriptions” from the time of Tzar Ivan Shishman. Until 1967, only 320 m of the
cave had been explored. In the same year, N. Genov, I. Rashkov, A. Bliznakov, V. Nedkov and other
cavers from Planinets Sofia explored and surveyed the entire length of the cave. In 1982, the
Archaeological museums in Lovech and Sofia carried out archaeological excavations, together with
cavers from Iskar Sofia Caving Club. Tourists, who do not have special training and equipment, can
visit only the first 320 m.
Protected by Decree 2810/10.10.1962, together with the adjacent five ha.
Fauna: Paranemastoma radewi (Opiliones, troglophile). Many other animals remain under study.


Glozhene Village

Golyamata propast

0 150 m

The preparation for penetration – photo Trifon Daaliev


Group of stalagmites – photo Trifon Daaliev Stalagmites – photo Trifon Daaliev 275
Mussina Village, Veliko Tarnovo Distr.
Length 532 m, Denivelation 6 m
Coordinates: N 43° 09' 02.1" E 25° 25' 41.8"

A cave by the village Mussina, at the source of Mussinska Reka. There is an old water mill at the
entrance. There, we find an octagonal water catchment from where the water was piped to Nikopolis ad
Istrum, a town built by Emperor Trayan to commemorate his victory over the Dacians. The cave has two
grilled entrances. Through the lower one runs water. The upper part is dry and with electric light for
local visits. It ends with the Blue Lake, the siphon of which was penetrated by V. Nedkov. The siphon is
30 m long and 5–6 m deep. Its end reaches a main water gallery (with a parallel dry gallery), which has
a total length of 70–80 m. A new siphon is reached, 30 m long, penetrated in 1986 by Milen Dimitrov
and Ilko Gunov. In the same year, Ilko Gunov and Valentin Chapanov surveyed another 150 m, bringing
the cave length to 532 m. The cave is still not completely explored.
Another part of the cave contains a lake, 1.20 m deep, covered with concrete plates for preventing
the water to drain. Another gallery goes parallel to the show gallery. After 20 m we descend into a 3-m
vertical with a gallery, leading to the underground stream and then to a siphon.
The cave is almost without cave formations, in the show part there are fragments of ceramics and
bat guano. Air T° 13°C, water T° 14.1°C. (description after A. Strezov and T. Daaliev, 1978).
The cave was explored in 1988 in order to build a trout hatchery. Participants: A. Strezov, V.
Peltekov, Iv. Lichkov, L. Adamov, L. Popov, P. Evtimov, T. Daaliev.
Fauna: no troglobites known.

Mussinskata peshtera
Water mill Mussina Village
Roman Piping





0 40 m

Name: NANOVITSA (110)
Yablanitsa Town, Quarter Nanovitsa, Lovech Distr.
Altitude 526 m. Length 200 m. Denivelation 102 m
Coordinates: N 43° 04' 31.7" E 24° 16' 46.5"

A pothole, 12 km from Yablanitsa on the asphalt road to Nanovitsa quarter. About 15 m west of the
quarry is the small funnel with the entrance of the pothole (120 x 0.45 cm).
The pothole was shown to some cavers from Sofia in 1989 by local people. By that time only 8 m
had been known, the way further being blocked by boulders. Until 1990 there had been several
unsuccessful attempts to penetrate the obstruction. Then, a big group of cavers from the Army Caving
Club managed to displace the boulders and to open the way down. Cavers from several clubs from Sofia
and Pleven had surveyed the pothole by 1995 (Main surveyor Ina Barova).
After a 3-m chimney, a steep slope follows, where there is danger of falling stones. A total
denivelation of 50 m (from the entrance) follows. We reach a chamber of 9 x 5 m. A series of verticals
follow, the left leads to a depth of – 90 m, and the right – into ascending chambers with many flowstone
The verticals have been equipped for SRT.
The main attachment in the first vertical of – 11 m is with a spit on the right. The second vertical
(8 m) could be scaled with a ladder. After the verticals the gallery continues eastward, lowers and a
narrow place with a pool is reached. Then the ceiling becomes higher and a chimney, 4 m wide, is
reached. Narrow diaclases lead to a wide gallery with a branch on the right. Another 3m deep narrow
place at the end of the gallery leads to the bottom of the pothole at – 102 m. A muddy stream disappears
under the wall of the end gallery. A digging there allowed to reach the end parts of the pothole, but the
entire map is still to be worked out. A continuation is to be expected.

Nanovitsa Entrance

Yablanitsa Town



60 m

Name: NEPRIVETLIVATA (Gornata Propast) (7)
Belogradchik Town
Altitude 820 m. Length 158 m. Denivelation 79 m

A pothole in the area Venetsa. First descent – in February 1960 by a group, including A. Leonidov,
N. Korchev, P. Beron, T. Michev and others. The map was made in 1979 by A. Leonidov, N. Gaydarov,
V. Nenov, cavers from the caving club of Belogradchik. The name Neprivetlivata was given in 1965.
Fauna: the troglobites Bulgaroniscus gueorguievi, Trichoniscus bononiensis (Isopoda), Beronia
micevi (Coleoptera), the bat Myotis bechsteini (Chiroptera).

Belogradchik Town n tran


0 40 m

0 40 m

Vrachanska Planina, Vratsa Distr.
Depth -76 m

A pothole ca. 3 km S–SW of Ledenika Hut, close to the locality Koloniite. The entrance has
dimensions 3x2 meters. It is a large shaft with smooth walls. About 45 m from the entrance, there is a
small platform, covered with leafs and branches. At about 70 m, there is a second platform, followed by
a 5-m vertical. The pothole ends in a small lake. In the spring, the water from the melting snow flows in
it. In the lower third, all around the year there is dripping water.
The name of the pothole comes from a legend about a young woman (“Nevesta”, or bride), thrown
in it, but on the bottom no remnants of humans were ever found.
Fauna: two species of troglobites – Bulgarosoma bureschi (Diplopoda), Pheggomisetes globiceps
stoicevi (Coleoptera, Carabidae).

A Entrance B
0 B

Nevestina propast
Vrachanska Planina


76 m

V. Mustakov deviate the stretcher during the cave rescue training – photo Vassil Balevski

280 The medows near the pothole Nevestina Propast in 1987 were the scene of tent camps – photo Trifon Daaliev
Name: OGRADITE (S-20) (86)
Karlukovo Village, Lovech Distr.
Altitude 235 m. Denivelation -97 m
Coordinates: N 43° 11' 25.4" E 24o 03' 12.2"

A pothole on the left (geographically) bank of Iskâr River, in the area of Karlukovo, ca. 1.5 km
NW of the old Railway Station (45 min. walk on the dirt road to Resselets Village). The entrance is
situated on the bottom of a steep funnel, on the left of the road, and 100 m above the LBE (Iskâr River).
The pothole is branched and periodically serves as a ponor with a maximum width of 17 m and a
minimum width of two meters. From the funnel a vertical of 15 m follows, then several meters of
inclined platform and a 60m vertical leads to the bottom, from where through a narrowing two verticals,
two meters each, are overcome. An underground river with an outflow of 2–3 l/s follows for about 6-7 m.
Upstream and downstream, the pothole ends in narrow siphons. Secondary formations, represented by
stalactites, stalagmites, stone “waterfalls” and sinter lakes are seen along the vertical.
Formed in Maastricht (Cretaceous) limestone.
Discovered and explored in 1983 by cavers from Studenets Pleven Caving Club. In the same year,
A. Jalov and others dug out the bottom of the pothole in its upper end and discovered a prolongation,
which led them to the underground river. The actual map was made in 1984 by K. Petkov, V. Dinalov and
S. Gazdov from the same club. Description by S. Gazdov and K. Petkov.


Ogradite (S-20)
Karlukovo Village


0 30 m

Name: OPUSHENATA (“Smoked”) (131)
Cherni Ossam Village, Lovech Distr.
Altitude 1200 m. Length 232 m. Denivelation -32 m
Coordinates: N 42° 45' 13.2" E 24° 41' 38"

A cave with two entrances in the Biosphere Reserve Steneto. The entrances are situated at various
altitudes (1187 and 1200 m) on the right (geographically) side of the valley Golyam Chaushov Dol,
which ends in a 60-meter vertical in the locality Babina Pizda. Formed in Trias limestone and dolomite.
We can reach the lower entrance starting from Chaushov Dol, 20 m before the vertical, at a small
valley on the right side slope. About 10 m on the left is the lower entrance. The upper entrance is about 120
m from the lower, on the top of the cliff facing the valley of Kumanitsa river (the upper part of the river
Cherny Ossam). This entrance, despite its considerable dimensions, is difficult to find. A descending wet
cave. The gallery is 2 m wide and 2 m high. The floor is covered at the beginning with fallen leafs, then
with stone and clay. About 70 m from the entrance, a gallery branches off, leading to two “windows” in the
cliff under the upper entrance. The connection between the two levels is a 30-m shaft.
The cave is poor in flowstone formations but in places stalactites, stalagmites and dendrites are
seen. It is inhabited by bats.
The cave had been known to local people. Explored in 1969 by Kino Raykovski, Nayden Kereshki
and Vassil Markov from Troyan Caving Club. They prepared a horizontal map of the cave and named it
“Opushenata”, because inside the gallery is fumigated. In the framework of the International Caving
Expedition Steneto ’72 the map was corrected, a vertical plan was prepared and the cave was described
by K. Raykovski and A. Pencheva.
The cave is situated within the area of Central Balkan National Park.

Opushenata (“Smoked”) A
Cherni Ossam Village


a nc
E ntr



0 50 m
Zverino Village, Vratsa Distr.
Altitude 1005 m. Length 93 m. Denivelation -104 m
Coordinates: N 43° 07' 30.4" E 23° 34' 38.6"

The pothole starts with a 20-m deep pitch, lit to the bottom. A vertical of five meters follows and
a platform – 3 x 3 m. One meter before the bottom, a very small opening leads to the biggest vertical of
40 m. Two ways follow until we reach a bottom gallery, 50 m long and four meters wide. The attempts
to go further by digging have been unsuccessful.
The pothole was discovered in March 1968 by the cavers T. Daaliev and S. Zanev, members of
Edelweiss Sofia Caving Club. After several attempts, the bottom was reached by T. Daaliev and D.
Mihailov, helped by N. Gladnishki and Z. Iliev.

Panchovi gramadi
Zverino Village


Entrance SOME

0 110 m
The entrance of the pit – photo Ivan Lichkov

284 Young researchers guided by shepherds to caves (1966).

Beli Mel Village, Montana Distr.
Total length 272 m. Denivelation -22 m

A cave pothole by a temporary stream, which, when there is rain, sinks to 80 m from the cave and
runs through it. An entrance pitch of 13 m. The cave is branched, periodically with water and has several
storeys. Sinter lakes, flowstone. It is about 300 m away from a water piping in the locality Parasinyako.
Formed in limestone from the Upper Jurassic (Titonian) of Salash Syncline.
Studied for the first time by P. Tranteev, P. Beron and Z. Iliev in 1973.
Fauna: six species known, including the troglobites Trichoniscus anophthalmus (Isopoda) and
Serboiulus speleophilus (Diplopoda).

Parasinskata Propast
Beli Mel Village




0 50 m
Name: PARNITSITE (103)
Bezhanovo Village, Lovech Distr.
Length 2500 m, Denivelation -32 m
Surface 19 338 m2. Volume 71 033 m3
Coordinates: N 43° 12' 02.1" E 24° 25' 58.4"

A water cave three km south of Bezhanovo, Middle Predbalkan. Formed in Upper Cretaceous
limestone (Maastricht). Two entrances, the higher is called Suhiya Parnik, the lower – Vodniya Parnik.
They are connected by a meandering, branched gallery. Average cross section: width seven meters,
height five meters, respectively min/max 1–8 and 0.7–15 m. All genetic types of karstic accumulative
formations can be observed in the cave. Sinter walls from three cm to three m, retaining the flowing
water, form a descending cascade (from the upper to the lower entrances) of several lakes. The
average water level in the river is 1.5 m with a span of 0.3–3 m. Deep clay and gravel deposits. At 600
m from the upper entrance, a stream of changing outflow enters the cave. The Parnishki Dol doline
collects the surface water from snow melting and floods and it enters the cave through the upper
entrance. One of the largest bat colonies in Bulgaria and for some species (Myotis capaccinii) this is
a winter roost of European importance. Also important for breeding colonies in summer – sometimes
up to 7–8 thousand bats.
The cave has been excavated by N. Djambazov in 1960. The first organized study of the cave took
place in October 1962 by cavers from Edelweiss Sofia Caving Club (1100 m from Vodniya and 500 m
from Suhiya Parnik were explored). In January 1963, the two parts were connected and the cave was
declared the second longest in Bulgaria. In February 1963, for the first time the biospeleologists P.
Beron, V. Beshkov and St. Andreev entered the cave through the upper entrance and left it through the
lower, collecting many cave animals. After several corrections and re-surveying by the cavers from
Studenets Caving Club (Pleven) in 1984 its length was fixed to 2500 m.
Both entrances and 0.1 ha of adjacent land were declared a National Monument (Decree 378/
Fauna: more than 30 species have been identified, including the endemic troglobite woodlice
Balkanoniscus minimus and Beronicus capreolus (Isopoda).


Bezhanovo Village


0 300 m
The entrance of the Suhiya Parnik – photo Trifon Daaliev

The entrance of the Suhiya Parnik – photo Trifon Daaliev

One of the numerous sinter lakes of the cave – photo

Trifon Daaliev


Glozhene Village, Quarter Kamenna Mogila, Lovech Distr.
Altitude 305 m. Length 711 m. Denivelation -107 m

The pothole Partizanskata is situated 3.5 km south of Brestnitsa Village in Upper Jurassic
limestone. Four entrances, the northern one being the best to use. The cave starts as a dry and lit gallery,
leading into the first chamber. The descending floor ends at the edge of a pitch (97 m). From the 30th
meter the pitch becomes bell-shaped. Walls covered with red flowstone, the floor – with blue mud.
The entrances of the pothole are situated 30 m above the level of River Vit, the bottom – 76 m
below this level. It is presumed that an impermeable layer is situated between the river and the cave.
The cave had been known for a long time. During the Resistance, fighters (“partisans”) used it as
a shelter, hence the name Partizanskata. Surveyed first by cavers from Planinets in 1972, then in 1975,
the caver Iv. Bachkov descended the pitch. The survey was completed by the Speleoclub Cherni Vrâh –

Partizanskata peshtera
Glozhene Village

Entrance 0

100 m
0 14 m

Name: PESHKETO (27)
Lilyache Village, Vratsa Distr.
Total length 630 m. Denivelation -27 m

Both entrances of this water cave are near the village Lilyache, on the right bank of the river. The
cave is branched, diaclase, inclined, multistorey.
Peshketo has two entrances – horizontal and vertical. The horizontal entrance has dimensions 4 x
4 m. A gallery, which is 25 m long follows, leading into a chamber with dimensions 70 x 40 m. The floor
of the chamber is covered with huge blocks from the crumbled ceiling. Part of the ceiling is a hole
(“okno”), another part is a second entrance to the cave (35 x 15 m). A gallery starts in the northeast end
of the chamber (starts with a vertical of 2.5 m). Up to this part, the cave is dry, the first 10 m are narrow.
Immediately after the enlarging, we reach a cross road, which resembles the Mercedes sign. After a 1-m
vertical, we come to the main gallery, which develops in west-east direction. On the left of the
“mercedes”, the gallery goes west for ca. 60 m. On its floor, there are blocks, clay and four lakes, the last
one ending in a siphon. On the right of the “mercedes”, there are two galleries. The first is circular and
after 50 m it connects with the main gallery. This gallery goes east, in places it is 2–4 m wide and 1-10
m high. After 70 m, we reach a chamber of 25 x 10 m, its bottom covered with blocks. About 60 m after
the chamber the gallery branches again. The left part ends after 30 m in a siphon. The right one is
ascending, 50 m long. At its end, there are verticals of -3 m and -20 m. Ropes of 5 and 25 m and personal
SRT equipment are needed to overcome them. The bottom of the vertical is beyond the siphon. From
there the gallery is wide and high and becomes a chamber with dimensions 50 x 10 m, and a floor
covered with huge boulders. At the end of the chamber, there is a siphon lake (no diving attempts have
been made). When the level of the siphon is low, we can go further for another 42 m. The end of the cave
is a big lake. Through the cave runs an underground stream. There is water dripping from the ceiling and
beautiful flowstone formations.
The cave had been known to local people. Explored in 1965. In the big entrance hall
archaeological excavations took place (conducted by B. Nikolov). The survey was done in 1983 by K.
Karlov, Vl. Petrichev, G. Alipiev, V. Stoynin, I. Lilov – cavers from Veslets Vratsa Caving Club.


Lilyache Village



0 100 m

Prevala Village, Montana Distr.
Length 722 m. Denivelation -102 m

This cave has been explored several times and is well known to local people, who can be used as
guides to the caves. The exploration started in 1982 during an expedition of Akademik Sofia. In 1990,
Pastrinets Montana Caving Club made an accurate map of the cave. During this expedition, attention
was paid to the narrowing at the end of the cave, almost full of deposits. After their removal, the new
galleries of the cave were discovered.
After leaving the cave, the underground stream runs for at least 825 m (presumed), until re-
appearing in the cave Vreloto. All geological, tectonic and hydrogeological data in the area speak in
favour of the hypothesis that the cave Vreloto is the most probable outlet of the underground stream of
Pleshovskata Peshtera. Many caves have been discovered in the cave, most of them small and shallow.
The biggest ones, deep up to 1,50 m, are the laces immediately under the highest verticals, where the
strength of the falling water has been the biggest.
Description: Pastrinets Montana Caving Club (18.10. 1992).

Pleshovska (Pleshova) dupka

Prevala Village



0 100 m

Name: PONORA (23)
Chiren Village, Vratsa Distr.
Length 3497 m. Denivelation -46 m
Coordinates: N 43° 18' 28.9" E 23° 34' 38.6"

A water cave two kilometers S/SW of Chiren, in the western foothills of Milin Kamâk ridge.
Formed in Lower Cretaceous (Aptian) limestone. A branched, descending cave with its main
development in W/NW direction. Prevailing shape of galleries – rectangular and triangular. Min/max
dimensions of the cross sections: width 0.8–9 m, height 0.8–7 m. Many sinter walls, forming lakes,
flowing into one another. The cave is a permanent sink (ponor) of the water of Lilyashka river, carrying
its water to the source Zhabokrek. The cave ends with a siphon.
First studied by Hr. Mladenov and D. Ilandjiev in 1960. They penetrated to ca. 1700 m. During the
First International Expedition in 1961 P. Beron, St. Andreev and others explored and surveyed 3070 m.
In 1963 the group for diving at the Republican Commission of Speleology organized two attempts to
connect the source Zhabokrek with the cave. After the siphon a new part of 170 m is reached. In 1965
cavers from Ivan Vazov Speleoclub penetrated another 430 m. The older surveys were corrected in 1977
and the length was established at 3172 m.
In July 1970 S. Pishtalov, B. Ivanova and K. Spassov carried out geophysical studies and a
successful indicatory attempt to prove the connection between Mladenovata peshtera and Ponora.
Surveyed in details by A. Siromahov, N. Gladnishki, P. Petrov, T. Daaliev, K. Kunev, Zh. Stefanov, V.
Stoitsev, A. Leonidov (the map being put together by A. Leonidov). During the same expedition the
participants T. Daaliev, N. Gladnishki, P. Petrov and Ya. Bozhinov discovered and mapped over 1000 m
of new galleries in the cave Ponora. The connection between the caves Dushniko and Ponora was
established by A. Petkova, N. Gladnishki and T. Daaliev. In 1977 again an indicatory experiment was
carried out by K. Spassov and P. Delchev, proving beyond doubt that the water of Mladenovata propast
reach as a side tributary the cave Ponora. The fluorescein, released in 11.00 h. on 20.08.1977 in
Mladenova, appeared in the waterfall of Ponora by 11.00 on 22.08.1977 (48 hours). No attempts are
known to penetrate the siphons in both caves.
In August 2001, after two divings, Franc Fasseure passed the siphons of Zhabokrek (240 m),
connected them with the end parts of Ponora and brought the cave to a length of 3497 m.
Declared Natural Monument with 20 ha of adjacent land (Decree 2810/63 from 1963 of the
Committee of Forests and Forestry).
Fauna: 17 species, including Typhloiulus bureschi (Diplopoda) and Trichoniscus bureschi (Isopoda).

Stygobite is the Crustacean Eucyclops s. serrulatus (Copepoda).

Chiren Village

Entrance A


0 150 m

0 150 m

Entrance B

B 291
The entrance of the cave Ponora – photo Trifon Daaliev

A. Pencheva in the
underground river – photo
292 Nikolay Genov
Gabare Village, Vratsa Distr.
Altitude 260 m. Length 530 m

A cave in the locality Vutkovskite Vartopi, SE of Gabare, in limestone from the Upper Cretaceous
(Senonian – Maastrichtian), with some dolomite. Altitude above the LBE 35 m. On the surface above the
cave, there are 7 funnels, situated close to one other and in a line directed at 295° (total length 105 m). In
these funnels there are 4 large entrances to the cave and 4 narrow entrances. The funnels are on the right
from the road Gabare – Breste. The cave is descending, labyrinthine and could be divided into 3 parts:
labyrinth, southwestern and northwestern. The largest is the fourth funnel. Through it, we reach a
chamber with a stony bottom. Eastwards, along a wide gallery the third entrance is reached. The east
branches of the labyrinth are a complex of intersecting low galleries, 50–60 cm high. The main gallery in
the southern part of the labyrinth is widening up to 4.5 m, its height is up to 1.5–2 m. In the labyrinth,
there are no flowstone formations, the floor is covered with thick clay deposits. Part of the galleries are
inhabited by foxes, there are many excrements. This part of the cave is also the richest in cave fauna.
Near the beginning of the NW gallery, there is a pool (160 x 50 x 5 cm), its bottom covered with silt.
Water T° 7.5 °C, air T° 8.5 °C. Strong air current in the labyrinth. Total length of the galleries in the
labyrinth 227 m. The SW gallery is an old river bed with a groove with a small stream. Along the gallery,
there are 5 lakes (the first is 1.5 m long, the fourth 2.4 m and the fifth 4.2 m). Water T° 11 °C, air T° 12
°C. In this gallery the flowstone formations of the cave are concentrated. The SW gallery is a diaclase,
from its 121-st meter, the height decreases to 1.5 m, the bottom is covered with clay. The length of the
SW gallery (together with one branch) is 141 m, the total length of the NW gallery is 162 m. The
distance from the entrance (fourth funnel) to the end of the NW gallery is 119 m. Minimal width of the
galleries 40 cm. Minimum height 40 cm. Maximum width 4–8 m, maximum height 9 m. Description:
Alexi Popov and Lilia Vassileva.
Fauna: including the troglobite Typhloiulus bureschi (Diplopoda) and the stygobite Niphargus
bureschi (Amphipoda)

Popovata peshtera
Gabare Village


0 100 m
Name: PRIKAZNA (185)
Kotel Town, Sliven Distr.
Length 4782 m. Denivelation -37 m
Coordinates: N 42° 52' 50.8" E 26° 22' 13"

A cave complex, labyrinth-like, with asymmetric development of galleries. Formed in Cretaceous

(Maastricht)limestone, on the left slope of Suhoyka river, in locality Zelenicha. In the clay deposits of
the biggest chamber, called Sahara, which is 66 m long and 22 m wide, remains of cave bear (Ursus
spelaeus) have been discovered. The cave was discovered and explored up to 700 m by the caving club
of Kabile, Yambol, in April 1972. Later, cavers from Kotel and Sofia explored new passages and the
cave’s length reached 3200 m. In 1987, cavers from Akademik Plovdiv updated the existing map and
established the latest know length of the cave.
Natural Monument (Decree 3702/29.12.1972) together with 5.2 ha of adjacent land.
The recent cave fauna includes at least four troglobites (a rare phenomenon for Kotel area):
Duvalius kotelensis (Coleoptera, Carabidae), the collembols Pseudosinella duodecimocellata and
Pseudosinella bulgarica and unidentified Isopoda.

Kotel Town


0 60 m
Kotel Balkan in the area of Zelenich – photo Trifon Daaliev


The entrance of the cave Prikazna – photo Trifon Daaliev 295

Lilyache Village, Vratsa Distr.
Altitude 216 m. Length of the complex 443 m. Denivelation -14.5 m (11.80; -2.70 m)
Coordinates: N 43° 18' 56.3" E 23° 33' 10.3"

A rock bridge with a cave, 2.5 km SE of Lilyache, in the valley Lilyashki Dol, SW of the hill
Vrachanska Mogila (high up to 285 m), Western Predbalkan.
The cave complex is formed in reef limestone from the Urgonian, part of Mramoren Syncline.
Bozhiyat Most (God’s Bridge) is a through cave, made by the water of the stream Lilyashki Potok,
starting from the source Zhabokrek. It has 3 entrances – Upper, Lower and Middle. The Upper (initial) is
the one through which the stream enters the cave. It is 30 m wide and 19.70 m high. Through the Lower
the stream comes out and it is 39.40 m wide 11.40 m high. The Middle is in the middle of the cave and
takes part of the roof and of the northern wall of the cave. The entrances are interconnected by a wide
gallery, 10 m high and 128 m long, developed SE-NW. In the middle of the cave, there is a lake, which
is 20 m long and up to 2 m deep. About 26 m from the NE end of the cave, on the right side of the
gallery, which is 7 m high, is the entrance to the Bat’s Cave (Prilepnata Peshtera). The cave is developed
SE–E and has average dimensions, it is 3 m wide and 4 m high. It is 189 m long, with no flowstone
formations. The entrance parts are covered with thick layers of bat guano. The cave is a roost of a large
bat colony of the species Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, Rh. hipposideros, Rh. euryale, Myotis emargina-
tus, M. capaccinii, M. myotis, M. blythi and Miniopterus schreibersi. The complex, together with the
labyrinth of narrow galleries around the Upper entrance of Bozhiya Most, has a total length of 443 m. Its
denivelation from the upper entrance is 14.50 m (11.80; -2.70 m).
This natural phenomenon was first described in 1875 by Petko Slaveykov (Promenade across a
country). Later (1895,1898,1900), H. and K. Škorpil published a sketch and a short description of
Bozhiya Most. The first exploration was conducted by Veslets Vratsa Caving Club in 1962 and during
the International Expedition in 1963. The first caver to reach Prilepnata Peshtera was Petko Nedkov,
then P. Beron collected cave fauna. A detailed and accurate survey of the complex was done by A.
Spassov, V. Daskalov and B. Kolev during the National Expedition Ponora’77 in 1977.
Declared a protected natural site, together with 15 ha of adjacent land (Decree 378/05.02.1964).

Prilepnata peshtera (cave


complex Bozhiyat Most –

0 100 m Prilepnata peshtera)

Lilyache Village


296 0 200 m
In the Temple – photo Valery Peltekov


One of the entrances of Bozhia most – photo Trifon Daaliev 297

Name: PROHODNA (93)
Karlukovo Village, Lovech Distr.
Altitude 216 m. Length 240 m. Denivelation -50 m
Coordinates: N 43° 10' 22" E 24° 04' 33"

A natural bridge cave near Karlukovo. Formed by the river Malâk Iskâr. Two entrances. Height of
the upper entrance 29 m, of the lower entrance 42.5 m. The valley after the lower entrance is the remnant
of a former, much bigger cave, which is now collapsing. The trends towards disappearing of the cave
could be witnessed from two large “windows” on the ceiling, called “Oknata”. As early as the Neolith
and the Eneolith, the primitive man appreciated the qualities of the cave and many artefacts, which are
evidence of that, have been discovered during excavations.
The cave has been declared a National Monument and Protected Area (together with 1.5 ha of
adjacent land, Decree 2810 from 1963). Popov (1984) considers the cave being 1 800 000 years old.


Karlukovo Village

0 75 m
The majestic 42.5 – meters high entrance of Prohodna Prohodna Cave – Upper entrance – photo Valery Peltekov
Cave – photo Valery Peltekov


The majestic 42.5 – meters high entrance of Prohodna Prohodna Cave – Îknata – photo Valery Peltekov
Cave – photo Nikolay Genov 299
Prolaz Village, Targovishte Distr.
Length 569 m. Denivelation 30 m
Coordinates: N 43° 10' 36.1" E 26° 30' 41"

A cave, about 1 – 1.5 km NE of Prolaz Village, about 150-200 m above the road Sofia – Varna, on
the left (geographically) side of a small valley, about 6 m above its bottom.
The cave entrance is narrow at the beginning, subsequently enlarged by blasting works.
Immediately after the entrance, the cave starts with a 5-m vertical, followed by a gallery, 60 m long,
which in some places becomes narrower and lower. The entrance gallery leads into a big chamber, its
floor covered with fallen blocks. From the E-NE end of the chamber starts a gallery, at the beginning of
which there are two potholes in thick deposits and other materials. The first one is overcome through
two verticals (8 m altogether), after which a clay wall of the same height is climbed. On the bottom of
the pothole, in dry weather, there is a small lake, which in the spring and strong rain becomes several
meters deep. Then, the lake takes the entire surface of the bottom. After the next hole, the gallery
becomes horizontal and easy to penetrate. On the walls and the floor of this gallery, there are some
flowstone formations (in some places remarkable) – helictites, anomalous stalactites, sinter dishes,
columns, etc. About 150 m from the big chamber, the gallery comes to a dead end.
The cave is wet, poor in formations, especially in the initial parts. In some places, the floor is
covered with bat guano.
The cave Prolazka Peshtera had been known to local people. The first exploration done by Dr K.
Tuleshkov in 1946. In 1966, a map was made for the transformation of the cave into a show cave by
Bozhan Marinov. The cave is declared a Natural Monument, according to the Law on Protection of
Fauna: so far 15 animal species have been recorded (no troglobites). The pseudoscorpion
Neobisium intermedium Mahnert, 1974 was described from this cave. Duvalius sp. (troglobitic Carabid
beetle) is still undescribed.

Prolazkata (Derventskata)

Prolaz Village


0 200 m
The entrance of Prolazkata Cave – photo Trifon


The big column 301

Name: PROPAST (6)
Oreshets Railway Station, Vidin Distr.
Length 318 m. Denivelation 62 m

A cave pothole, ca. 1000 m west of the gas station of Oreshets Railway Station. Entrance – 4 x 4 m.
The entrance vertical is 25 m deep. Its bottom is a cone from which a gallery starts, high up to 5–6 m and
wide up to 7–8 m. Its bottom is covered mainly with clay and angular gravel. The gallery ends in a
narrow siphon. It contains stalactites, stalagmites, stone “waterfalls” and sinter lakes. The cave is
periodically inundated and from the end siphon, when raining and during snow melting, water goes out.
The air temperature is 11 °C.
The cave was explored and surveyed in 1971 by P. Tranteev and Z. Iliev. They calculated its length
at 245 m and its denivelation at – 62 m. In 1977, S. Gavrilov, E. Gesheva and P. Parvanova again
surveyed the cave and established its length at 318 m and its denivelation at – 58 m.
The fauna of the cave is represented by bats and by the troglobite Isopode Trichoniscus
bononiensis (Isopoda) and the beetle Beronia micevi (????), collected by P. Beron.

Oreshets Railway Station



0 50 m

Breste Village, Pleven Distr.
Total length 616 m. Denivelation -55 m

A cave pothole, about 2 km N-NW of Breste, in a thinning forest in the area of Nenchovskoto.
The entrance vertical (14 x 6 m) is 47 m deep. We enter a big chamber (30x10 m), from which
three galleries start. The first one is directed to N-NW and is 135 m long. The second is directed to
southwest and is 90 m long. At the end of the two galleries, there are gryphons, from which underground
streams run out. They merge in a big chamber and form a river, running along the third gallery. It is
directed to the east, its length is 280 m and its end is a siphon. The cave is a diaclase, with maximum
height of the ceiling in the eastern gallery (in places, more than 20 m). After 10 hours of torrent rain, on
April 25, 1977, the water level rose by 40 cm. There are some flowstone formations in the cave
(stalactites, stalagmites, ribs, curtains, dendrites, etc.).
The name of the cave comes from the name of the land owner (Benyo Ilyov). The cave was
explored during several expeditions of cavers from Sofia in 1977. The cave was surveyed in 1989 during
the National Expedition „Reselets’89“ by A. Velchov, aided by A. Baldjiev and D. Lyubenova.

Propastta na Benyo Ilyov

Breste Village




0 200 m

Name: PTICHA DUPKA (132)
Cherni Ossâm Village, Lovech Distr.
Altitude 1260 m. Length 652 m. Denivelation -108 m

A pothole in Steneto Biosphere Reserve. The entrance in Trias limestone and dolomite opens
north of Rediya Trap in a beech forest. Two entrances on a steep slope. It starts with a vertical of 70 m.
The bottom is oval in shape, there are blocks covered with earth from the surface. After two other
verticals, the true bottom is reached, and still the light from the entrance can be seen. A small stream,
two galleries, an ascending one, which goes west, and a descending one, going east. Total length of
the descending gallery 302 m. In the last chamber, flowstone formations are concentrated. There is a
sinter lake with blue water and yellow cave pearls and stone lilies complete the beauty of this
chamber. Its total length is 100 m. Length of the ascending gallery 350 m. A variable stream at the
bottom of the horizontal gallery.
First studied by Polish speleologists (T. Uminski and others, September 1957). In July 1962, the
cavers Hr. Delchev, St. Andreev and P. Neykovski from Akademik Sofia Caving Club explored and
surveyed the pothole. Animals were collected also by P. Beron in 1998, at the end of the 56 days stay of
Emiliya Gateva alone in the pothole.
Some days before the start of the Republican Expedition Troyan -72 V. Balevski and V. Markov
discovered a prolongation with the most beautiful chamber of Pticha Dupka. N. Gladnishki, V. Balevski,
P. Petrov and T. Daaliev surveyed and described the pothole during the expedition Troyan’75.
Troglobites and stygobites: Niphargus bureschi (Amphipoda), Anamastigona alba (Diplopoda),
Duvalius sp. (Coleoptera). Troglophile: Spinophalus uminskii (Gastropoda).
The pothole is situated within the boundaries of Central Balkan National Park.

Pticha Dupka
Cherni Ossam Village


0 20 m


304 0 30 m
The descent of the pitch – photo Vassil Balevski

Milk white column – photo Vassil Balevski

After this entrance is 70-meters pitch of Pticha Dupka –

photo Vassil Balevski


The Big Hall is one of the most beautiful in Bulgaria –

photo Vassil Balevski

Name: PUKOYA (44)
Pavolche Village, Vratsa Distr.
Length 48 m. Denivelation -178 m

A pothole in the area of Krushovitza in Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous limestone. It begins
with a narrow horizontal gallery, then a shaft follows, broken by five platforms at the 7, 27, 33, 53 and
103-th meter. After several pitches (the deepest being 25 m) a depth of – 78 m is reached. An inclined
(70–80º) shaft of 100 m follows with a lake at the bottom. Many speleothems. Dripping water, the lake
3 x 8 m. In dry years the lake disappears.
The pothole was discovered on June 3, 1971 by K. Kârlov (Speleoclub Veslets Vratsa).

Pavolche Village

306 0 15 m
Name: RADOLOVA YAMA (Toshkova dupka) (66)
Gintsi Village, Sofia Distr.
Altitude 1150 m. Denivelation -88 m

A pothole ca. one km along the right- hand side of the upper end of Gintsi, in an old beech forest.
The square entrance is at the bottom of a funnel with a diameter of 7 m, with steep slopes. The first
vertical is 40 m high, a strongly inclined platform follows, then another vertical of 30 m and the bottom,
which is covered with stone blocks and litter.
The name Radolova Yama comes from a local legend about a person called Radol, whose daughter
fell into the pothole and he died of grief. Another person (Toshko) is believed to have given the other
name Toshkova Dupka.
In December 1959 the newly created Republican Caving Commission organized an expedition for
exploring the pothole (T. Michev, A. Denkov, V. Beshkov, S. Penchev). Descending on primitive ropes,
they were accompanied by more than 50 local people. This could be seen from the graphic drawings
made by A. Denkov to commemorate this heroic exploit. A 50-m ladder was used, then from the middle
of the pothole the ladder was dropped down by rope to the bottom. A petromax lamp was hauled down
along with the safety rope.
More than 15 years after the first descent, N. Gladnishki and T. Daaliev checked the map of the
first group and the information that a continuation was possible. The depth was measured correctly by
the first group at – 88 m, but no continuation was found.
Fauna: in this pothole the troglobites Paranemastoma (Buresiolla) bureschi (Opiliones) and
Pheggomisetes sp. (Coleoptera) have been found.


Radolova Yama
Gintsi Village


88 m
Name: RALENA (Vodnata) (186)
Kotel Town, Sliven Distr.
Length 450 m. Denivelation -15 m

The cave Ralena is situated in the area of Zlosten, south of Yablanovo, Eastern Stara planina, by
the river Kaldere. Kotel is the starting point. Protey Sliven Caving Club should be consulted on the way
to the cave. The cave entrance is marked by the sign ¹ 4711.
The cave is situated southwest of Alibaba Summit (949 m), on the western slope of Chatalkaya
hills, about 50 m east of the river. The entrance (50 x 50 cm) is at the foot of a small rock, facing west.
After a squeeze with a gravel floor, 7 m long, we reach a small chamber. Initially, the gallery ascends,
developing in NE direction, then, from point 16 a slippery descent starts to the semi siphon at point 21.
In dryer years, the semi siphon has a lumen of 40–50 cm, but in wet periods the water level rises and the
lumen is closed – the semi siphon becomes a siphon.
After the semi siphon, there are small ascending verticals (no rope needed). At point 40, and even
more at point 45–46, there are small lakes up to 50 cm deep. In rainy weather, the second one could
become a siphon.
At point 51 (4.3 m), there is a descending vertical, where a ladder is needed. About 16 m after the
vertical, there is a small flooded branch to the left. At its end the lumen above the water is 10 cm.
Further, a waterfall could be heard. Nobody has reached it yet.
Further along the main gallery, above point 71 on the right, there is a small ascending chamber.
Below point 71, we reach a small chamber and a descending vertical of 5 m. Then, after a steep
slope, a siphon (diameter 4 m) is reached. Below the vertical, there is an ascending muddy vertical
(exploration not finished, continuation possible).
The cave is formed in dark grey limestone from the Upper Cretaceous (Maastricht), in the eastern
part of Kipilovo Syncline. Typical are the many irregular concretions, often in layers.
Primary forms in the cave are the evorsion domes and the many well expressed cave karren with
non-dissolvable flint concretions.
Secondary (flowstone) formations are seen up to the siphon (stalactites, stalagtones, curtains and
In the cave, graffiti have been found, left by treasure hunters. Some of the legends say, that the
cave was an old Roman minting yard, or that a 120 kg gold statue of Indje Voyvoda is hidden there. In
the fall of 1999, several treasure hunters tried to pump the water, using a gas pump. As a result, three of
them were gased and one died.

No special biological collection has ever taken place. The main danger in the cave are the semi
siphons. During floods, the water level rises and the semi siphons turn into siphons.
The exploration, observations and the description were made during expeditions of Protey Sliven
Caving Club in August – September 2001 by Dimitar I. Dimitrov. The map was made by N. Dimitrov, D.

Dimitrov, R. Soserova and Ch. Bankov.

Ralena (Vodnata)

Kotel Town


0 50 m
Cherni Ossâm Village, Lovech Distr.
Altitude 1400 m. Length 3333 m. Denivelation – 377 + 10 m (the deepest in Bulgaria)
Coordinates: N 42° 46' 03.2" E 24° 41' 02"

A two-storey cave pothole in the area of Steneto near Cherni Ossam, in the upper part of the valley
Malak Chaushov Dol, 8–9 km SW of Neshkovtsi.
The biggest vertical is at the beginning (-8 m), the remaining part is a descending (30 °) gallery,
which is easy to penetrate. Many karst forms, sinter lakes, stone waterfalls, curtains, etc. The cave ends
in a mud siphon. Formed in north-south direction, in the contact zone between the limestone and the
mergels. Water temperature 7.5 °C. The main gallery is 920 m long.
Situated in the Biosphere Reserve Steneto and in the buffer zone of Central Balkan National Park.

Raychova Dupka
Cherni Ossam Village




0 200 m
Pentcho Stanchev at the bottom of Raychova Dupka
during the first cave exploration – photo Vassil Balevski

In the foots of T. Daaliev is the entrance of the deepest

cave in Bulgaria – photo Trifon Daaliev

310 Stalactites after Mercedes Gallery – Vassil Balevski In the Mercedes gallery – Vassil Balevski
Lakatnik Railway Station, Sofia Distr.
Length 316 m. Denivelation -22 m
Coordinates: N 43° 05' 24.2" E 23° 23' 10.4"

A cave in Lakatnik Rocks, above the cave Temnata Dupka (an older, upper storey of it). Spacious,
often visited, with a well maintained footpath leading to it.
The first part of the cave is covered with dolomite “flowers” and is very dusty. Under the dust,
vestiges from the Neolith lie, displaced by gold-seekers. The big trench was dug by the first caving
brigade (1948). Then follow three meters of deposits, which are not yet studied.
Near the entrance, the cave formations start. The drops of water have formed some wells, which
can be used for drinking. One stalagmite is often compared to an eagle. The many pieces of rocks
formed by the deep frost weather give the impression of an uneven floor. Another left bent over blocks
leads to big, but very damaged formations. Among blocks and destroyed formations, we reach a huge
rock topple. Some sinter lakes contain a small amount of water. Dendrites and other cave formations can
be seen only very high on the walls. Over the huge blocks, we reach the upper part of one of the biggest
rock topples in Bulgaria, 28 m above the basement. It is clear that the cave goes on, and the new parts
would be undamaged. Cavers from many generations have tried to penetrate beyond the rock topple, so
far without success.
The cave has been known to local people for a long time and has been described and explored by
many cavers.
Fauna: more than 50 animal species have been recorded, among which the stygobite Crustacean
Speocyclops infernus (Copepoda) and the troglobites Balkanoroncus hadzii (Pseudoscorpiones),
Centromerus bulgarianus (Araneae), Typhloiulus bureschi (Diplopoda), Pseudosinella duodecimocella-
ta (Collembola), Plusiocampa bureschi (Diplura).

Razhishkata peshtera
Lakatnik Railway Station

Entrance SOME


0 100 m

V. Peltekov with Technical
University students at the entrance
of Razhishkata Peshtera – photo
Valery Peltekov

One of the cave’s halls – photo

Valery Peltekov

The first explorers of the Razhishka

312 Peshtera – 1925
Name: RUSHKOVITSA (Prelaz, Partizanskata) (9)
Salash Village, Vidin Distr.
Length 422 m. Denivelation -36 m

The cave Rushkovitsa is situated ca. 3 km NE of Salash, in the locality Rushkovitsa, in Turska
Glama, on its southern side, 10 meters under the ridge. Some 3–4 m from it, its sister cave Rushkovitsa-1
(Prelaz -1) is situated.
Rushkovitsa is a two-entrance, horizontal, dry cave. The entrance has dimensions 2 x 1 m and is
facing north. About 10 m from the entrance, the gallery branches off. After 55 m, the left gallery ends in
a squeeze. The floor is covered with stones and blocks (of about 1 m3). The right gallery is 3 m wide and
after 80 m it reaches the labyrinth part of the cave. Up to this place, on the floor there are many big
stalactites. Here is the connection with the second entrance of the cave. For to 6–8 m the gallery winds,
the height of the ceiling reaching 3–4 m. On the floor, besides the fallen blocks, there are many
stalagmites. The gallery ends in a squeeze.
Explored and surveyed during an expedition of Edelweiss, Sofia, by N. Gladnishki, Yu. Velinov, in
August 1969. Surveyed as Partizanskata Peshtera (known to local people as Rushkovitsa).

Rushkovitsa (Prelaz, Partizanskata)

Salash Village




Entrance Entrance

0 100 m

Name: RUSSE (162)
Emen Village, Veliko Tarnovo Distr.
Length 3306 m. Denivelation -100 m
Coordinates: N 43° 07' 19.65'' E 25° 19' 53.20''

A cave pothole in Aptian (Cretaceous) limestone, two kilometers from Emen, behind the ridge
Perchema. A narrow, canyon-lake cave with several storeys and lots of clay. Many verticals, the deepest
being 20 m. Crawls are followed by lakes of different depth. In the bigger chambers there are huge clay
deposits, called The Clay Mountains. The most spacious chamber has dimensions 30 x 40 m.
A water cave with several waterfalls and temperature of the water 10 °C. When in flood, visits are
not advisable.
The cave was discovered after cavers from Akademik Russe Caving Club dug a five-meter well in
1985–1986. Among the boulders, a horizontal part starts. Difficult to penetrate.

Emen Village

0 400 m

The entrance – photo A. Jalov 315

Name: SAEVA DUPKA (108)
Brestnitsa Village, Lovech Distr.
Length 205 m. Denivelation 22 m (-12; 10 m). Surface 15 620 m2
Coordinates: N 43° 02' 51.3" E 24° 11' 16.4"

A cave in the Ledenishki Rid, 2.5 km from Brestnitsa, in limestone from the Upper Jurassic
A one-gallery, descending and ascending cave with five chambers, the biggest being Srutishteto
(53 x 26 x 17 m). Karstic accumulative forms, deposits of terra rossa, boulders. Dripping water.
The first information about the cave was provided by G. Zlatarski in 1883 and Škorpil in 1900.
First exploration and survey – by N. Atanassov and D. Papazov on August 20-21, 1932, and At. Stefanov
and N. Atanassov on July 10-13, 1935. Again explored in 1946 and 1949. Detailed survey and scientific
research done by V. Popov (geomorphologist) in 1968.
A show cave (since 1967), a Natural Monument by virtue of Decree 2180/10.10.1962), together
with the adjacent 29 ha of land.
Fauna: 26 species known, including the troglobites Neobisium bureschi and Balkanoroncus
bureschi (Pseudoscorpions), Paranemastoma (Buresiolla) bureschi (Opiliones, most probably an error)
and the beetles Netolitzkya maneki and Tranteeviela bulgarica.

Saeva dupka
Brestnitsa Village


0 80 m
Cosmos Hall – photo Vassil Balevski


The beauty wall – photo Vassil Balevski 317

Gubesh Village, Sofia Distr.
Length 2217 m. Denivelation -135 m
Coordinates: N 43° 05' 41.84" E 23° 04' 46.86"

A cave in the Trias limestone of Vidlich anticline in the doline Bilin Dol of Vuchi Baba Ridge. A
Descending, two-storey, branched water cave, developed along a SW/NE fault. Elliptic profile of the
cross section with dimensions: 2.5 m wide, 4 m high (except for one 7.5-m section of the end parts,
where the height is up to 20 m). Many karstic forms, speleothems, stone bridges, cascade lakes and
others. Along the main gallery, the lower storey and the only branch, underground streams flow, joining
in a river and sinking into a boulder chock at the end of the cave.
The cave was discovered, explored and surveyed by Cherni Vrâh Sofia Caving Club in 1980–1983.
The name was given by the discoverers and comes from the known Mexican cactus Saguaro (after the
shape of a stalagmite).

Saguaroto (Golyamata Peshtera

v Bilin Dol)
Gubesh Village


0 50 m


The tongue – photo BFS archive 319

Kunino Village, Vratsa Distr.
Length 190 m. Denivelation -14 m. Volume 2585 m3
Coordinates: N 43° 11' 37.5" E 24° 00' 06.7"

A horizontal dry cave. Minimum and maximum dimensions of the cross section: width 1.8–18.2 m,
height 0.5–10.5 m. The end chamber – 25 x 28 x 3.5 m. Sinter, flowstone, deep clay deposits. Dripping
water. Important site for excavations (1954, N. Djambazov discovered artefacts from the Middle
Palaeolith (Charantien and Mousterien)). Surveyed in 1964 by cavers from Chepelare.
Fauna: 14 species, including the Isopod Trichoniscus bureschi.
Protected Natural Monument, together with 3.5 ha of adjacent land (Decree 1799/30.06.1972).

Samuilitsa (Vassilitsa)
Kunino Village



0 20 m

Rakita Village, Pleven Distr.
Length 1100 m. Denivelation -13 m. Surface 3470 m2. Volume 9284 m3
Coordinates: N 43° 17' 26.8" E 24° 17' 55.3"

A water cave, 3.5 km SE of Rakita, on the bank of Rakitska Reka, in the locality Ezeroto. Formed
in Upper Cretacetous limestone (Maastricht).
A two-storey, branched cave, developed along two main NW/SE and SW/NE faults. Through a
complex system of galleries, the upper entrance leads into the lower part, through which a river flows out
of the cave. The average cross section of the galleries is: width 3.24 m, height 3.43 m. Poor in flowstone.
Clay and gravel deposits. Minimum outflow on November 15, 1986–4.5 l/s.
The first study of the cave took place in 1970–1971 by cavers from Ivan Vazov Sofia Caving Club.
In 1982, a team from the same club (B. Tranteev, V. Mustakov, D. Nanev, I. Yordanov) corrected the
survey to its present dimensions. In 1986, cavers from R. Popov Pleven Speleoclub also explored the
cave for the needs of water piping for the town of Telish. Between the two entrances is the stone bridge
Sedlarkata, declared a National Monument (Decree 1799 of 1972).
Fauna: nine species known, including some troglophiles.


Sedlarkata (Mandrata)
Rakita Village


0 200 m

Cherepish Village, Vratsa Distr.
Length 80 m. Denivelation -15 m.
Coordinates: N 43° 06' 04.5" E 23° 36' 56"

A cave at the end of the valley Klyuchni Dol, near the cave Dvuvhodovata Peshtera. It also has two
entrances, after them a very inclined chamber begins. In it upper end, we find the opening of a vertical
shaft with a complicated configuration.
According to a legend, monks from the Cherepish Cloister hid in the cave.
On the high, semidark ceiling of the cave, on July 6, 1960, a colony of ca. 1000 bats (Myotis
myotis or M. blythi) was heard. In the lower storey, thousands of long-winged bats (Miniopterus
schreibersi) wintered, together with several big horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) (observa-
tions of S. Simeonov and P. Nedkov at the end of March 1963).
The Invertebrates, which have been collected by P. Beron since July 1960, include mainly

Serapionovata peshtera
Cherepish Village


0 20 m
Name: SHIPKATA (47)
Zverino Village, Vratsa Distr.
Altitude 1005 m. Denivelation -60 m
Coordinates: N 43° 07' 29.2" E 23° 34' 36.5"

A pothole in a Quercus – Carpinus forest, in the area of the summit Yavorets. The entrance (6 x 4
m) is in a funnel. After several meters through a small opening, the first vertical of 30 m descends to a
small platform. Here, another 30-m vertical starts, reaching the bottom of the pothole. The pothole is not
equipped for SRT.
Shipkata was discovered by T. Daaliev and S. Zanev from Edelweiss Sofia Caving Club. The
bottom was reached by N. Gladnishki and T. Daaliev. The survey was done in 1975 by A. Anev and V.

Zverino Village

0 Entrance


56 m
Name: SIFONA (NOVATA) (16)
Dolni Lom Village, Vidin Distr.
Total length 575 m. Denivelation 43 (37.4; -5.6) m

A cave, 1135 m SE of Dolni Lom Village, Western Predbalkan, in the locality Suhata Padina.
Formed in limestone from the Upper Jurassic, inclined at 30oS, Montana Anticline. Developed
along two main crevices, directed NE–SW and N–S.
The entrance is a small crevice, oriented to the south. A relatively narrow gallery follows, being at
first vertical, then inclined, and with a length of 10 m. From a depth of 5.6 m, the gallery becomes
ascendening. During the spring-summer season and when there are floods, in this place an impenetrable
siphon is created. After 10 m, the gallery becomes up to 2 m high and wide up to 2.5 m. On its floor, an
underground stream runs. From this place, the cave goes in two directions: E-SE (an upstream gallery,
ca. 330 m long) and a downstream NW gallery, 120 m long. The stream appears from a siphon, runs
along the galleries and disappears in a gryphon in the NW end of the cave. The height of the galleries in
both directions is from 0.6 to 1.5 m., their average width being 2.5 m.
In the cave primary underground formations are observed – facets, marmites, as well as secondary
flowstone formations. Anomalous formations also exist in the cave.
The cave was discovered by A. Jalov and T. Stoychev from Aleko Sofia Caving Club in 1977,
when, because of the siphon, only the entrance parts were explored and surveyed. In October 1979,
cavers from Bel Prilep Belogradchik Caving Club penetrated the cave and discovered the remaining
parts after seeing that the siphon had retreated. The cavers N. Gaydarov, V. Nenov and Em. Velizarov
surveyed the cave.

Sifona (Novata)
Dolni Lom Village


0 100 m
Dragana Village, Lovech Distr.
Length 407 m. Denivelation -18 m. Surface 1378 m2. Volume 2716 m3

We can find the cave Sinyoto Ezero in the locality Alichkovoto near Dragana Village, in a cliff on
the left bank of the river. This is a permanently water cave. It is branched, horizontal, formed in
limestone from the Cretaceous (Maastricht). The first 3–4 m are wide, followed by a 50-m, very low
gallery. Then, a branch on the right leads to a parallel gallery (50 m long), joining the main gallery.
About 80 m from the entrance, we reach an underground river, which after 30 m ends downstream in a
siphon. Upstream, for ca. 200 m, the gallery is 4 m wide and 2.5–4 m high. The river forms pools, which
are up to 1.5 m deep. The walls and the ceiling are covered with flowstone formations. The end is again
a siphon.
In 1975, S. Nikolov, M. Karolinova and S. Savev from Studenets Pleven Caving Club explored the
cave to 126 m. A complete survey of the cave was made by B. Garev, Y. Benchev and other cavers from
the same club. The cave is known to local people, who gave it the name Sinyoto Ezero (The Blue Lake).
Fauna: the names of two troglobites from this cave (Trichoniscus garevi – Isopoda and Duvalius
garevi – Coleoptera) commemorate Borislav Garev, an active Biospeleologist from Pleven, who passed
away very early.

Sinyoto Ezero
Dragana Village




0 60 m

Teteven Village, Lovech Distr.
Length 300 m

The entrance of the cave Sinyoto Kolelo is situated in the area of Vikaloto, above the steep cliffs of
Teteven Anticline, south of Teteven. This entrance leads into an atrium with many stones and blocks on
the floor. A gallery with very damaged curtains ends in a small vertical of 4 m, from the bottom of which
starts the lower level. Here, the flowstone formations are better preserved. The cave ends in a lowering.

Sinyoto Kolelo
Teteven Village


0 100 m


0 100 m

Name: SIPO I (36)
Gorno Ozirovo Village, Vratsa Distr.
Altitude 905 m. Denivelation -80 m

The pothole Sipo I is situated in the locality of the same name, in the area of the pothole Belyar,
situated ca. 5 km NW of Ledenika Hut. The entrance opens among blocks. The pothole is 78 m deep,
including 76 m of full vertical. The bottom is a strongly inclined scree. The second half of the vertical is
dangerous, because of falling stones. No secondary cave formations.
The pothole of Sipo is immediately close to Turloto – part of the big fault, starting from Lakatnik
and ending by the Cloister of Matnitsa.
Explored by cavers from Vratsa in 1970. Surveyed in 1976 by S. Nenov and P. Tranteev. The actual
map was made by L. Savchev in 1979.
Fauna (collected by P. Beron in 1963): includes the troglobite Diplopod Typhloiulus bureschi.


Sipo I
Gorno Ozirovo Village


78 m
Name: SKOKA (106)
Dragana Village, Lovech Distr.
Total length above 1000 m. Denivelation 9 m

A cave about four km from Dragana Village, upstream Kamenitsa river, in the locality Skoka. Its
entrance is situated 40 m from Skoka Waterfall, on the (geographically) right bank of the river. It is a
permanently water cave – through it an underground stream runs. The main gallery is 2–8 m wide and 1–6 m
high. Its narrowest place is at the 230th meter of the semi siphon. The cave is horizontal, one-storey. In it
there are secondary formations – stalagtones, stalactites, stone “waterfalls”, curtains, ribs and peculiarly
shaped stalactites.
Up to 230 m, the cave was explored by S. Savev from Studenets, Pleven, in 1976. According to
him, at that point an end siphon is reached. In 1979, A. Georgiev, K. Hristov and V. Yordanov from
Zlatna Panega Lukovit Caving Club made a horizontal map of the cave up to 723 m. After 1990, B.
Garev and I. Gunov renewed the research in Skoka. I. Gunov overcame the semi siphon, then the siphon
and discovered about 300–400 m of new galleries.


Dragana Village

0 200 m
Lyutadjik Village, Vratsa Distr.
Altitude 715 m. Length 815 m. Denivelation 27 m
Coordinates: N 43° 18' 46.7" E 23° 26' 17"

Following the forest road upstream Cherna River to its end, we continue further upstream to the
source of the river. After ca. 170 m, we reach the entrance of the cave, which is in a small cliff and faces
west. The entrance (5 x 3 m) gives access to a gallery lowering to 80 cm. After 50 m, we find the “dry
siphon”, where sometimes a lake is formed. This is the lowest part of the cave. After 150 m, there is a
side passage to the left (50 m long)and another passage leads to a narrowing in which running water is
heard. The main gallery ascends to a spacious chamber, from which an ascending passage starts,
continuing for some 50 m. From the chamber the gallery goes to the left (6 m wide, 5–6 m high, the
distance to the next branch is ca. 150 m). A low chamber follows with a periodical lake, 6 x 10 m. The
main gallery goes straight, bifurcates and through a narrow passage we reach the main river (the end of
the cave). Description according to V. Hristov from Iskar Sofia Caving Club.
Note: The water level of the cave may change in a very short time. Depending on the weather, a
hydrosuite or a dingy could be used. In high waters the cave becomes impenetrable.
The fauna includes the troglobitic spider Centromerus bulgarianus.

Sokolskata Dupka (Peshtera)

Lyutadjik Village

0 80 m SOME



0 40 m

The entrance of Sokolskata Cave – photo Tsvetan Ostromski

330 Transport of diving equipment – photo Alexey Jalov

Sopot Village, Lovech Distr.
Length 1225 m. Denivelation -14 m

A cave five km SE of Sopot, in the ridge Gagayka, and on the left slope of Sopotska Reka. Formed
in limestone from the Upper Cretaceous (Maastricht). One gallery. Entrance, 1.5 m high and 3 m wide.
In the first 150 m the gallery is narrow and low, another part follows, which in places is four meters high
and 7–8 m wide. From the 700th meter the gallery again becomes low and narrow. At the end, there is a
pitch, 12 m deep and with a lake on the bottom. Poor in flowstone. Clay and gravel deposits along the
final 500 m. During strong rain a stream, which runs inward, is formed.
First studied by P. Moev (geologist), who considered the cave to be 1500 m long. Explored and
surveyed by the speleoclub of Planinets Sofia Tourist Society (1186 m), later corrected by the club
Studenets Pleven (S. Gazdov, Ts. Hristov and P. Ignatov) to its present length.
Fauna: three species known, including the troglobite Typhloiulus bureschi (Diplopoda), many
others are under study.

Sopotskata peshtera
nc (Tâmnata dupka)
Sopot Village


0 400 m
Rest during the cave mapping –
photo Nikolay Genov

Formations – photo Nikolay

332 Genov
Gabare Village, Vratsa Distr.
Altitude 250 m. Length 628 m. Denivelation -42 m
Coordinates: N 43° 17' 32.7" E 23° 55' 07.2"

A cave pothole near Gabare, about 120 m SE of the village pig farm. Known to local people also
as Ezeroto (The Lake) or “Propastta s ezeroto” (The Lake Precipice). The entrance (among the rocks, in
a funnel) is a vertical fissure, 5 m long, 0.5–1 m wide and 6.5 m deep. There is a descending chamber
(8 x 5.5 m) on the left side. At one end is the vertical, on the left there is a small labyrinth (20 m),
connected to the vertical. The pitch is 20 m deep with a stream on the bottom (The First River).
Following a low water gallery upstream, after 8 m we reach a round chamber. On its left side a
stream runs out of a siphon. After crawling through muddy galleries, we again reach the river, which is
closed from both sides by siphons. After 25 m upstream, we reach a passage, opening 1.5 m above the
river, with many stalactites.
After another 120 m, the gallery is obstructed by cave formations. We crawl for another 180 m till
we reach a two-meter pitch on the left. From here a low passage full of mud starts and after another ten
meters we again reach the river. The total length of the portion, upstream the First River, is 418 m.
From the bottom of a 20-m vertical at the beginning of the cave, we reach the First Lake. Two
meters above it, there is a 0.4 m passage, steeply going down to the Second Lake (elliptical, 8 m long
and up to 4 m wide).
At the opposite side, the lake takes the water of the Second River. The river runs in a muddy
gallery with a height, increasing from 1.5 to 3 and more meters. The depth of the river also rises, there
are barriers in places. At the gallery, the river runs out of a narrow 14-m long lake at the bottom of a high
diaclase. The length of this part of the cave (from the bottom of the vertical) is 99 m. A dingy is needed
to cross the lake.
In 1968 cavers from Akademik – Sofia (A. Filipov, G. Antonov, R. Rahnev, H. Harizanov and V.
Vekov prepared the horizontal survey of the cave and fixed its length at 553 m. The precise survey during
the national expedition “Gabare’ 1986”, gave the actual length of the cave (628 m). K. Spassov proved
by indicatory experiment for following the way of the underground water that the siphon part contains
considerable bodies of water (the short way was passed for ca.10 hours). During the expedition
“Kameno pole’ 1987”, on May 28th A. Benderev, I. Ivanov, P. Stefanov, T. Daaliev and Tz. Lichkov
carried out hydrogeological observations in the cave and on the source. The river outflow on the bottom
of the vertical was 17 l/sec, the temperature was 12.4oC. The oulflow of the source was 80 l/s and the

water temperature 13.3 °C. These measurement show that in the siphon part of the cave there is an influx
of at least 60 l/s. In 1990 divers from Pleven managed to pass 15 m in the siphon “Ezeroto” – the source
draining the cave – but did not reach the cave itself. REMARKABLE
Description after G. Antonov and A. Filipov.
Fauna: stygobite is the Crustacean Niphargus bureschi (Amphipoda)

Entrance Starata Prodanka

Gabare Village

0 50 m 333
Name: STÂLBITSA (148)
Kârpachevo Village, Lovech Distr.
Length 145 m. Denivelation – 48 m
Coordinates: N 42° 13' 02.8" E 24° 58' 23.9"

A pothole, two km SW of Karpachevo, Lovech Distr., in the NW periphery of Devetaki Plateau,

Middle Predbalkan.
Formed in limestone from the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian). Entrance (5 x 7 m), followed by a 7.5 m
deep pitch, reaching the top of several boulders. The chamber is semi circular, diameter 62 m.
Flowstone, stalagmites, sinter lakes. First known study in September 1926 by N. Radev. Description and
survey by P. Petrov in 1933. Surveyed in details by a team led by P. Tranteev in 1965. The name comes
from the wooden ladder (stalba), built by the local people and replaced later by a metal construction.
Fauna: contains the Amphipode Niphargus ablaskiri georgievi (stygobite).

Karpachevo Village


0 20 m
Entrance Hall of the cave Stalbitsa – photo Ivan Lichkov

Name: STOTAKA (118)
Cherni Vit Village, Quarter Brezovo, Lovech Distr.
Length 347 m. Denivelation -104 m

A starting point for the pothole is the road turn for Teteven-Ribaritsa and the quarter Brezovo. The
entrance is situated in the lower part of Gradishka Polyana, at the beginning of a birch forest. It is a
natural end of a dry valley, about 500–800 m long. Water from rain and snow melting enters the pothole,
carrying with it branches, leaves, silt, etc.
The cave entrance consists of several openings of different shape and dimensions. They join the
pothole at different levels.
Stotaka starts with a 7-m vertical, leading into a lighted chamber. After a squeeze, we go down for
another 5 m. Up to 35 m, verticals of 5–10 m are interspersed with chambers and galleries. At about this
depth a muddy gallery starts, 60 m long.
The floor is covered with clay, the rock is unstable. When water enters the pothole, it is almost
impossible to avoid the verticals.
Reaching – 76 m, the spacious gallery ends. At its bottom there is a narrow place, filled with clay,
sand and silt.
The pothole needs to be equipped with ladders and is not suiteable for SRT.
The pothole was explored and surveyed by cavers from Iskâr Sofia Tourist Society in 1986. A
group of cavers from Sofia (Ts. Ostromski, S. Petkov and others) found a way further and the depth of
the pothole became over 100 m.

Cherni Vit Village


0 50 m
Karlukovo Village, Lovech District
Altitude 278 m. Length 565 m. Denivelation -72 m
Coordinates: N 43° 09’ 08" E 24° 05’ 07"

A cave 0.8 km SE of the southern end of Karlukovo, 100 m from the dirt road, connecting the
village with Rumyantsevo, in the locality Stublenski Dol. The cave is situated in the southern periphery
of the East Predbalkan, in the 206 karst region. It is formed in limestone from the Cretaceous
(Maastricht), about 150 m thick, of the Karlukovo Syncline. There is an underground stream. The cave is
formed along main fissures of SW-NE and NW-SE direction. The entrance is situated in the N-NE part
of a stony double funnel and it is a small opening (40 x 40 cm). After the squeeze, we reach a small
platform, leading to a 21-m deep bell-like vertical. About 5 m before reaching the bottom, we get to
another small platform, giving access to the entrance of a horizontal gallery. After overcoming a narrow
fissure and two small verticals, we arrive to a chamber, which is 10 m high. On the right, we see a +3.70
m vertical, where usually there is a rope to facilitate the climb. After several meters, we enter a bigger
chamber (six meters long, 2.5 m wide and ca. seven meters high). After several narrow galleries, a small
lake siphon is reached (the end of the explored parts up to 1990).
The new parts start after a 10-m vertical, ending in a shallow lake – semi siphon, ca. 3 m long. A
small chamber with a stream is followed by a series of small lakes, up to 2 m deep. The gallery is ca. 2–3 m
high and 2 m wide, with enlargements. After another semi siphon (2–3 m long and 1.5 m deep), another
series of lakes follow. We reach a 2-m vertical with a deep lake underneath. After a difficult squeeze of 5 m,
an ascending narrowing gallery meanders about 8–10 m above the water. At the end of the cave, the ceiling
lowers above a shallow lake with a silt bottom. The lake becomes a siphon (the end of the cave).
The cave was discovered by A. Jalov and D. Dishovski from Helictite Sofia Caving Club on May
23, 1990, when digging in a funnel. The discoverers and L. Zhelyazkov from Strandja Burgas Caving
Club penetrated the first 250 m to reach a small lake siphon. The exploration was carried out in July
1990 to discover many new parts, surveyed in 1991 by cavers from Helictite Sofia Caving Club. Other
parts were discovered in 1993 and surveyed in 1994. The entire map is due to V. Mustakov, V.
Mustakova, I. Ivanov, D. Lefterov, N. Sveshtarov, I. Vashev, E. Petrov, G. Slavov, S. Delchev, L. Arsov,
B. Gyaurova, N. Simov and M. Stamenova.


Stublenska Yama I
Karlukovo Village

0 30 m
Cherepish Railway Station, Vratsa Distr.
Altitude 209 m. Length 634 m. Denivelation: 43 m (-16, 27)
Coordinates: N 43° 05' 38.5" E 23° 37' 19.2"

Studenata Dupka (Cherepishkata Peshtera) has been formed on the right bank of Iskar River,
southeast of Cherepish Railway Station, in the locality Manastirskoto. It is the longest cave known in the
Cherepish area. A labyrinthine cave on three levels, the lowest being inundated. The levels and the
galleries are connected by narrow places.
The cave entrance opens at the base of a small cliff, on the first river terrace of Iskar. The cave
starts with a descending squeeze, leading into a small chamber. There are also much bigger chambers
(The Blockage Chamber, 23 x 14 x 18 m), The Big Chamber and others.
A considerable increase of the cave length is very likely, but digging and breaking are needed.
There are also intermediate levels, which are to be explored.
The cave had been known in the past, the region of Cherepish explored by cavers from Akademik
Sofia Caving Club. During the road building/construction, the entrance covered by earth and gravel. The
cave remained inaccessible for tens of years. In the fall of 1997, it was reopened by two cavers from
Akademik. The known length of the galleries was by that time ca. 150 m, with many squeezes and clay.
In January – November 2000 many expeditions took place (cavers from Vitosha, Sofia, and other
caving clubs from Sofia). As a result, a prolongation of the third level was found, as well as a lower
flooded levels on the local base of erosion. Some clay obstructions were dug out and many galleries
were connected. Many efforts were needed to reach the so called second level. The exploration goes
slowly because of the many squeezes. At the same time, a careful survey takes place, but the complete
exploration will go one for some more years. The actual map is by SC „Helictit“ – Sofia.
Fauna: the new genus and species of cave beetles Beskovia bulgarica, collected by V. Beshkov and
P. Beron in May and June 1960 from this cave. Besides this beetle, another 11 invertebrate species have
been identified from this cave, including the troglobite Isopod Trichoniscus anophthalmus.

Studenata dupka
(Cherepishkata peshtera)
Cherepish Railway Station


0 20 m

Name: SUBATTÂ (187)
Kotel Town, Sliven Distr.
Altitude 695 m. Length 518 m. Denivelation -55 m
Coordinates: N 42° 55' 59.1" E 26° 30' 29.8"

A cave pothole in the locality Arpalaka – Zlosten near Kotel. A two-storey, periodically watered
cave, branched, rich in flowstone formations. Sink of the stream of the gully, right of Lednika.
The cave was known to the local people for a long time. Its name means “Sinking water”. The
entrance is six meter wide and up to eight meters high, at the bottom of a valley. In 1963, cavers from
Akademik, Sofia, surveyed the cave to the first siphon. After several unsuccessful attempts to
penetrate the siphon, in September 1983, a combined team from Sliven, Kotel, Yambol and Russe
overcam the obstruction. In 1984, British divers participated in the exploration, studying and
surveying the upper level.
The length of the second siphon is seven meters. After it, the cave branches into two galleries. The
upper level is rich in flowstone formations. Lefts, after the second siphon, a horizontal gallery forms a
lower storey. After many small verticals, a final siphon is reached.
The description is due to Zdravko Iliev and Mariana Petrova.
Fauna: only troglophyles and trogloxens are known.

Kotel Town



0 50 m
Oreshets Village, Vidin Distr.
Length 218 m. Denivelation -4.5 m

A cave near Oreshets Railway Station. Entrance 6x3 m. A horizontal, wide up to 9 m and high up
to 3 m, one-gallery cave. Its floor is covered with clay, guano and fallen blocks. Some groups of
stalactites are seen on the ceiling in the last chamber (which is 6 m high). Air temperature 12 °C. At the
end of the chamber, there is a short second floor.
Explored and surveyed in 1977 by S. Gavrilov, P. Nikolov, Ts. Tsonev and E. Donkov, cavers from
Bononia Vidin Tourist Society. The archaeological remains in the cave is dated over 1.4 millions years
B.C. – the first traces of human presence in Europe!
Fauna: researched by P. Beron in 1969 and by other scientists. The cave is inhabited by large bat
colonies. So far, 16 animal species have been identified, including eight bat species. The Isopod
Trichoniscus bononiensis is a troglobite. The largest bat colony in Vidin District roosts in this cave.

Suhi Pech (Kozarnika)

Oreshets Village

0 30 m

The entrance


Location of the entrance – photo Nikolay Genov

The excavations – photo Nikolay Genov


The Lower Paleolithic remains – photo Nikolay Genov


This remain is from 1 200 000 B.C – Nikolay Genov 341

Lakatnik Railway Station
Length 240 m
Coordinates:N 43° 05' 17.02" E 23° 22' 10.64"

A cave on the left bank of Petrenska River. About 17 m above the river bed, its triangular entrance
facing West. In the wet clay of the cave floor, we can see remains of cave bears. Many of these bones
have been found in the cave. The flowstone formations are very damaged by the many visitors.
Fauna: several members of the rich cave fauna of Lakatnik karst live also in this cave, including
the troglobites Paralola buresi (Opiliones, Laniatores), Neobisium beroni (Pseudoscorpiones, described
from this cave and endemic to it), Lithobius lakatnicensis (Chilopoda), Trachysphaera orghidani,
Typhloiulus bureschi (Diplopoda), Pheggomisetes globiceps lakatnicensis (Coleoptera, Carabidae).

Svinskata dupka
Lakatnik Railway Station

0 30 m
Karlukovo Village, Lovech Distr.
Altitude 242 m. Length 231 m. Denivelation -39 m
Coordinates: N 43° 10' 15" E 24° 04' 44"

A cave, 1100 m SE of the National Caver’s Hut, ca. 450 m NE of the village Karlukovo and 300
m SW of Bankovitsa, at the bottom of a funnel. Denivelation from the LBE 115.4 m. From the funnel,
an underground canyon starts (about 50 m long), gradually lowering to a chamber with clay deposits.
By traversing and following some old levels we can reach the upper storey. A third storey is formed in
the southern (left) side, where a big cauldron (diameter 10 m, depth 5 m) is formed. In its upper part
is the entrance of a 27-m vertical, which can be reached by traversing over the left side of the
cauldron. No running water. There is a chamber at the bottom. The age of the cave is about 2 500 000
years (Popov, 1984).
According to a legend, the name of the cave comes from the word “svirchovina” (the local name of
the plant Sambucus nigra), growing nearby. The local shepherds used to make whistles from it (in
Bulgarian “svirki”).
The cave is a National Protected Monument (Decree 2810 of 1963), together with 1.5 ha
adjacent land.
In the cave 22 animal species have been recorded. Troglobite is Typhloiulus bureschi (Diplopoda).

Karlukovo Village



0 50 m
Sinter concretion – photo Petko Nedkov

Franze Habe – President of the Commission for the show The entrance of the cave – photo Trifon Daaliev
caves of UIS at the entrance of Prohodna Cave – photo
344 Trifon Daaliev
Name: TÂMNA DUPKA (12)
Târgovishte Village, Vidin Distr.
Total length 276 m, length on the main axis 226 m. Denivelation -16 m

A cave in the locality Dolna Glama. Situated ca. 120 m above the local erosion basis. Descending,
periodically inundated.
Fauna. Troglobites: Trachysphaera orghidani, Serboiulus spelaeophilus (Diplopoda).


Tâmna Dupka
Targovishte Village


0 50 m

0 50 m 345
Kalotina/ Berende Izvor Village, Sofia Distr.
Total length 493 m. Denivelation -95 m
Coordinates: N 43° 00' 53.6" E 22° 53' 17.5"

A cave in the Trias limestone of Nishava river, 130 m high above the river and 300 m away from
Berende Izvor. Length of the main gallery – 387 m. The entrance is at the bottom of a huge tunnel, under
a 20-m cliff. A descending cave, broken by small verticals and lakes. Up to 70 m, there are large blocks
on the floor of the gallery. Several formations (including the stalagmite The Cactus and others). T° 11 °C.
First described by Zheko Radev in 1915, with a map of the entrance part. Later, Nenko Radev
explored the cave up to 112 m, collecting cave fauna. In 1962, P. Tranteev surveyed the cave and P.
Beron collected more cave animals. In 1968, cavers from Akademik Sofia Caving Club made a precise
map and studied the temperature and other climatic factors.
In the cave, 11 species of cave animals have been found, including three stygobites or troglobites:
Paracyclops fimbriatus, Speocyclops lindbergi (Copepoda), Centromerus lakatnikensis (Araneae).
Protected Natural Monument, together with 0.2 ha of adjacent land (Decree 2810/10.10.1962).

Temnata dupka (Izvorskata peshtera)

Kalotina/ Berende Izvor Village

0 100 m
346 Cactus – photo Trifon Daaliev
Karlukovo Village, Lovech Distr.
Altitude 220 m. Length 215 m. Denivelation -38 m. Surface 2054 m2. Volume 6500 m3
Coordinates: N 43° 10' 30.5" E 24° 04' 32.6"

A cave, 40 m SE of the upper entrance of the cave Prohodna, at the base of a small cliff. Formed
along two main faults – the entrance gallery, which is 50 meters long and directed to the west, after
which the cave bents almost at 45° southwards. Here, there is a group of stalactons, surrounded
radially by sinter dams, retaining the dripping water and forming a lake. On the right, we see the
entrance of a 18-m vertical, ending in a chamber, which is rich in abnormal stalactites. The entrance is
within an iron enclosure. The cave then gains an elliptical profile with a decreasing height, until it
reaches the ceiling. Typical for the cave are the thick clay deposits. On the wall and the ceiling, the so
called “leopard skin” is formed.
In 1924–1926, R. Popov made excavations in this important for archaeologists cave, discovering
for the first time in Bulgaria and on the Balkan Peninsula remnants from the Late Paleolith (Orignaque).
In 1984–1994, the Group for Paleolythical Studies of the Archaeological Institute in Sofia carried out
international excavations and studies. The age of the artefacts found there is before 67 000 + 11 000
B.C., e.g., from the time of the Middle Paleolith.
The cave was declared a Protected National Monument (Decree 2810 from 1963), together with
1.5 ha of adjacent land.

Temnata dupka
Karlukovo Village



Entrance Temnata Dupka – photo Valery Peltekov

Entrance Temnata Dupka – photo Valery Balevski


348 The excavations – photo Nikolay Genov

Lakatnik Railway Station Village
Altitude 400 m. Length ca. 7000 m. Denivelation +33/-21 m
Coordinates: N 43° 05' 19.9" E 23° 23' 10.6"

A river cave, 600 m NW of Lakatnik Railway Station, on the left bank of Iskar, 27 m above the
river bed. Formed in dark Middle Trias limestone (Ladin) of Milanovo syncline.
It is a system of two main galleries with side parts developed in four levels. The longer NE part of
the cave (800 m along the main axe) contains also the main underground river. The galleries are wide
and high, with predominantly a rectangular and inverted-trapezoid cross section. The W-NW gallery is
long (without the branches) 710 m. There is a river with a changing outflow, running via the underlying
source Zhitolyub. During extreme rains and snow melting, the river floods through the cave entrance.
The first known visit by cavers was in 1912, when Dr Buresch studied the bat fauna. The first map
and description of the first 150 m of the cave were published in 1915 by Zheko Radev. In the period
1921–1926, P. Petrov, I. Ninchovski, M. Voyniagov, P. English, I. Parvanov and other surveyed about
one km of galleries. A complete and accurate description of the cave was published in 1936. In 1948 the
NW parts were discovered and the cave was re-surveyed. Young speleologists, led by P. Tranteev, pushed
further the study of the cave and by 1958 its known length had reached 3200 m. The cavers of Cherni
Vrâh Sofia Speleoclub surveyed the cave by means of a theodolite and its dimensions were fixed at 4500
m. Since 1991, cavers from Sofia, under the guidance of Eng. J. Vuchkov from the same club, have
studied and surveyed the cave in details and prepared a computerised vector map. In 2001, during a joint
expedition, Belgian and French divers penetrated 240 m inside the siphon and reached a -20 m depth at
the cave end. Approximately 1.5 km of new galleries was discovered in December 2004 and January
2005 from the cavers of Helictit and Vitosha Caving Clubs-Sofia.
The cave was declared a Natu-
ral Monument with an attached area
of one ha (Decree 28.10/ 10.11.1962), Temnata dupka
within Vrachanski Balkan Natural
Lakatnik Railway Station Village
The cave fauna amounts to 94
known species (the richest in Bulgar-
ia), including 17 troglobites and sty-
gobites: the worm Delaya bureschi,

the water snails Belgrandiella hessei
and Saxurinator buresi, the lower
Crustaceans Pseudocandona eremi- IMPORTANT
ta, Speocyclops infernus and Diacy-
clops clandestinus, the Isopods Bu-
reschia bulgarica and Protelsonia
lakatnicensis, the Amphipod Niphar-
gus bureschi, the centipede Lithobius
lakatnicensis, the millipede Typhlo-

iulus bureschi, the harvestmen

Paranemastoma (Buresiolla) bures-
chi and Paralola buresi, the Collem-

bolan Pseudosinella duodecimocel-


lata, the Diplura Plusiocampa bures-

chi (= P. rauseri), the beetles Pheg-
gomisetes globiceps lakatnicensis
and Duvalius papasoffi.

Map of the cave by Zh. Radev – modern map in the annex 349
The entrance of Temnata Dupka Cave – photo Valery Peltekov

The Waterfall – photo Valery Peltekov


The River – cave rescue training – photo Trifon

350 Daaliev
Lake in the cave – photo Trifon Daaliev


Helictites in the new found passages of the cave –

photo TsvetanOstromski

Chatala – the passing of the passage in 1925 –

photo BFS archive 351
Chiren Village, Vratsa Distr.
Altitude 132 m. Length 466 m. Denivelation -9 m
Coordinates: N 43° 18' 52.5" E 23° 33' 12.2"

The water cave Tigancheto is in the locality of the same name, one km from the station Ponora, on
the left of the road Vratsa – Chiren. It is formed in limestone from the Cretaceous (Aptian). The cave is
horizontal, one-storey, branched.
The cave entrance is furnace-like, 16 meters wide, with a maximum height of 1.40 m. About 30 m
from the entrance, on the left there is a 100-m gallery, ending in a gryphon, from which an underground
stream starts. The stream runs through the cave, forming some sinter barriers, the biggest being 1.20 m
deep. The cave is a horizontal one, but before the end siphon there is an 8-meter inclined threshold,
which can be overcome without a rope. On the floor, there are sinter lakes and gravel. There are many
flowstone formations in the cave, also cavern pearls.
The cave is known to local people. First explored in 1963 by the Third International Expedition.
The survey was done by cavers from Veslets Vratsa Caving Club (K. Karlov, K. Dobrinov, M. Baleva, V.
Kissimova). Description: T. Daaliev.
Fauna: bats, harvestmen.

Chiren Village

0 100 m


352 0 100 m
CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 17

S The underground drop – sculptor of beauty S The pothole Raychova dupka

T Stalactites in Raychova dupka – the deepest pothole in Bulgaria

CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 18

S Magura cave – groups of paintings representing mythical dances, astronomic events, hunting scenes, etc.

T The Giant (Magura) T The Big Hall in the cave Magura

CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 19

S The entrance gallery of the cave Magura

T Formations T Giant stalactite

CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 20

S Water gallery in the cave Temnata dupka S Crystals in the cave Temnata dupka (Lakatnik)
(Lakatnik, Bulgaria) (Tz. Ostromski)

T Crystals in the cave Temnata dupka (Lakatnik) (Tz. Ostromski)

CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 21

S The cave Golyamata Temnota (Bulgaria, Tz. Ostromski)

T Ice formations in the Atrium (Ledenika cave) T Sinter lake in the highest part of the Concert Hall (Ledenika)
CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 22

S Cave Lepenitsa (Bulgaria)

T Cave Lepenitsa
CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 23

S Sun shines on the bottom of the

pothole Stalbitsa (Iv. Lichkov)

X “Poplars” in the Pothole 13 (Chelopek)

T Stalactites in Greek cave

CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 24

S Thin stalactites (Snezhanka)

T “The Poplars” (Snezhanka)

CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 25

S One of the chambers in the cave Eminova dupka (Photo Tz. Ostromski)

T Three meter long needles in the cave Izvora na Kastrakli

(Photo Tz. Ostromski) T Helictite
CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 26

S Sinter floor

T V. Peltekov in the middle of a beautiful chamber T Poplar-like stalagmites

CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 27

S Photographer among beautiful places in the cave Yagodinskata peshtera

T Poplar-like stalagmites Milkwhite stalagmites and stalactites in the cave Yagodinskata peshtera
CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 28

S The cave Yubileyna (Rhodopes, Bulgaria)

T The cave Yubileyna (Rhodopes, Bulgaria) T The cave Yubileyna (Rhodopes, Bulgaria)
CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 29

S Stone waterfall in the cave Andaka (Bulgaria) S Cave lake

T Alexey Benderev shows one of the methods for tracing the underground water in the source Zhitolyub (Lakatnik)
CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 30

W In the Temple

T Brief relax

X Rope contest on the

Big Vertical in the cave
Prohodna (Bulgaria)
CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 31

W The waterfall in front of the

cave Andaka

W Contest “Nedkov – Chapanov”

on the waterfalls in front of the
cave The Waterfall, Krushuna

T Ivo Tachev (kneeled),

Tz. Ostromski and G. Georgiev after
penetration in a cave in Ponor
CyanMagentaYellowBlack Peshteri Prilozhenie page 32

S Sun shines over the cave river in the cave Dushnika near Iskrets

T The karstic source near Iskrets is the biggest dynamic source in

Bulgaria. Most of it springs from the lower entrance of the cave Most color pictures are due to Vassil Balevski,
Dushnika (up to 30 cu/sec). Valery Peltekov and Trifon Daaliev
Karlukovo Village, Lovech Distr.
Altitude: 284 m. Length 190 m. Denivelation -78 m
Coordinates: N 43° 11' 55.6" E 24° 01' 56.4"

The cave pothole Tipchenitsa is situated on the left (geographically) bank of Iskar River, 4.5 km
NW of Karlukovo. It is formed in limestone from the Cretaceous (Maastricht), in the Kameno Pole –
Karlukovo Syncline, Middle Predbalkan.
An elliptic entrance with dimensions 22 x 14 m. A 35-meter vertical follows, from which a muddy
descending gallery starts. About 15 m along the gallery, there is another 12-meter vertical, followed by
a wide inclined gallery, high up to 15 m and 55 m long. The gallery goes further up and ends at a 17-
meter vertical with a muddy siphon at the bottom. There are some stalactites and curtains in the cave.
First exploration in 1966 by V. Nedkov, N. Genov, T. Daaliev. Surveyed in 1983 by G.
Gospodinova, L. Velichkova and S. Kolarova.

Karlukovo Village



0 75 m 353
Name: TIZOIN (68)
Gubesh Village, Sofia Distr.
Total length 3599 m. Denivelation -320 m (fourth deepest in Bulgaria)
Coordinates: N 43° 05' 20.1" E 23° 04' 29"

A cave in limestone from the Upper Jurassic, 1.5 hours walk from Malina Hut. The entrance
was dug out five meters above the sink, at the base of a cliff. The first 100 m are river meanders.
Further on, the cave descends with only one branch, 80 m long, 100 m before it reaches the bottom.
The two biggest verticals are of ten and eight meters. Under them, evorsion cauldrons are formed,
full of water. The gallery follows further, 4–5 m wide and at a height of 6–7 m. The cave ends in a
siphon. In flood, the siphon cannot take the whole quantity of water and the water level in the last
100–200 m rises very fast, which is seen from the marks on the walls. The outflow is rather
variable. In dry periods it is ca. 1–2 l/s.
Discovered and explored by cavers from Cherni Vrâh Sofia Caving Club in 1981–1982.

Gubesh Village

Z. Iliev, T. Daaliev, P. Beron and B. Marinov in front of the entrance – photo Trifon Daaliev


The karstic cliffs above Gintsi Village, with the entrances of the caves Dineva pesht and Krivata pesht – photo Trifon Daaliev 355
Name: TOPLYA (134)
Golyama Zhelyazna Village, Lovech Distr.
Length 462 m. Denivelation 5 m
Coordinates: N 42° 56' 53.8" E 24° 29' 15"

A cave, five km SE of Golyama Zhelyazna, in the western outskirts of the hill Yalovitsa, on the
northern slope of Vassilyovska Planina, Middle Predbalkan. Formed in limestone from the Middle
Trias. A horizontal, slightly descending, branched cave with two entrances. Shape of the cross section
– mainly rectangular in the front parts of the gallery, and triangular in the back parts. Average width –
3.7 m; av. height 1.8 m. Max.-min. dimensions: width 0.8–7 m; height 0.8–3.8 m. No flowstone.
Thick clay deposits along the galleries. Twenty meters SE and 12 m below the main entrance of the
dry cave, there is another (source) cave, giving birth to Toplya River and it is the lowest level of the
karstic water of the whole system. Entrance 5.6 x 5 m. The source drains the surface and rain waters
on the N slope of Vassiljovska Planina. The average annual outflow is 309 l/sec, average min/max
values are 24.5–1609 l/s.
The first studies included archaeological excavations (in 1898 by M. Koychev and in 1899 by G.
Bonchev). A complex study done in June – July 1900 by Il. Stoyanov (results published in 1904)
established artefacts from the Eneolith. Fossil remains from Quaternary mammals, birds and molluscs,
also human bones were found. The cave was biospeleologically studied first by N. Radev in October
1925, then by other researchers. Speleologically explored by cavers from Planinets, Sofia, in 1970 and
by Akademik, Sofia, in 1975. In July 1987, divers from Studenets, Pleven, conducted three consecutive
dives in the source of the cave. During the first diving, I. Gunov, V. Chapanov and M. Dimitrov entered
a spacious underwater chamber, 70 m from the entrance. The second diving was done by two pairs of
divers. I. Gunov and Ya. Ivanov entered 25 m further, while the second pair (V. Chapanov and M.
Dimitrov) surveyed the known part and penetrated another 60 m, without reaching a dry passage. The
total length of the known parts is 178 m, with a maximum depth of -18 m.
Fauna: 13 species, including the troglobites Typhloiulus bureschi (Diplopoda), Neobisium
bulgaricum (= Obisium subterraneum)(Pseudoscorpiones), Tranteeva paradoxa (Opiliones, Cyphoph-
thalmi), Plusiocampa gueorguievi (Diplura), Genestiellina gueorguievi (Coleoptera) and the stygobite
Speocyclops infernus (Copepoda).


Golyama Zhelyazna Village


0 50 m
The entrance of Toplia Cave – photo Nikolay Genov

V. Nedkov is mapping the cave –

photo Nikolay Genov


The first map of the cave from I.Stoyanov – 1904 357

Glavatsi Village, Vratsa Distr.
Length 1302 m. Denivelation -63 m
Coordinates: N 43° 14' 33.2" E 25° 02' 09.2"

A cave at the base of the NE slope of Vrachanska Planina. Three entrances, three storeys. A
branched cave with permanent water. Sinter formations in the two lower storeys. Thick clay deposits in
the higher galleries. A stream on the second floor brings water to the principal river, coming out from the
source entrance. Outflow 78–390 l/s.
First known exploration on February 16-18, 1968, by 13 cavers from Akademik, Sofia Caving
Club, led by St. Andreev (surveyed 500 m, climatic and biospeleological studies). In 1971, Planinets
Sofia Caving Club surveyed 963 m of the upper storeys and 130 m of the source part. Further studies by
Veslets Vratsa Caving Club, also by P. Beron and other biospeleologists. A more recent study and survey
took place from 9 to 16 May 1987 by a joint expedition of Pâstrinets, Montana, and Akademik Sofia
Caving Clubs.
Fauna: 17 species of invertebrates, including six troglobites: Sphaeromides bureschi, Trichoniscus
anophthalmus, Vandeloniscellus bulgaricus (Isopoda), the millipede Typhloiulus bureschi, the centipede
Lithobius lakatnicensis and the beetle Duvalius (Paraduvalius) beroni.
Protected Natural Monument, together with 0,9 ha of adjacent land (Decree 1799/30.06.1972).

Toshova dupka
(Kalna Mâtnitsa, Izvorna)
Glavatsi Village


0 60 m

Name: TROANA (163)
Emen Village, Veliko Tarnovo Distr.
Length 2750 m. Denivelation -45 m
Coordinates: N 43° 07' 05.1" E 25° 18' 49.3"

A cave in the area of Emen.

Discovered, explored and surveyed up to 1743 m by Kamen Dimchev and Angel Georgiev, cavers
from Akademik, Russe, in 1989. Later, Y. Yordanov and K. Stefanov from Prista Russe Caving Club
reached 2750 m.
Fauna: troglobite is the beetle Netolitzkya maneki iltschewi.

Emen Village


0 300 m


0 40 m


Formations – photo Constantin Kostov Inclined stalagmite – photo Constantin Kostov 359
Name: TRONA (DUHALOTO) (‘123)
Apriltsi Village, Lovech Distr.
Altitude 1364 m. Length 1040 m. Denivelation -12 m.

A water cave south of Apriltsi, in the locality Polenitsi, in the southern outskirts of the summit
Novoselski Polenitsi, Troyan Balkan. Formed in Jurassic limestone. A horizontal, branched cave.
Entrance – 2 m wide and 1.6 m high. Dimensions of the galleries: 0.40–2 m wide, 0.9–16 m high. The
biggest chamber is 12 m long, 4.5 m wide and 13 m high. Poor in flowstone. About 80 m from the
entrance, water is running out of a fissure on the ceiling and forms an inward stream. Ends in a siphon at
the NE end.
The cave was discovered by M. Michev from Cherni Ossam. Explored first V. Markov by
Balkansko Eho Oreshaka Caving Club in 1963, up to 700 m length. Explored and surveyed to its present
length by M. Dimitrov, S. Gazdov, D. Toshkov and B. Garev, cavers from Studenets Pleven Caving Club.
Fauna: troglobite is the beetle Hexaurus beroni (Cholevidae).

Trona (Duhaloto)
Apriltsi Village



A Entrance


0 100 m

Tsakonitsa Village, Vratsa Distr.
Length 485 m

A through cave near Tsakonitsa Village, used for cheese production. Both entrances have almost
the same height (8 m). A horizontal water cave, 345 m long on the main axis. The bottom of the gallery
is covered with thick layers and fallen blocks, through which a small underground stream runs. About
160 m from the entrance, on the left towards SW, a higher positioned branch starts, which is 140 m long.
Wet and relatively narrow, but after the first third it becomes extremely beautiful.
In the cave artefacts from the Iron Age have been found.
Explored in 1949 and 1959 by P. Tranteev.


Transparent stalagtons from the pothole Pticha Dupka – photo Vassil Balevski 361
Breze Village, Sofia Distr.
Altitude 900 m. Length 106 m. Denivelation 9 m

A cave on the right side of Brezenska Reka. Descending, one-gallery. At the beginning it is very
low and narrow, then it becomes wider, In old times it was full of aragonite formations, which are now
broken. A small lake is believed to be healing the sick who have left spoons and coins. Air T° 11 °C, clay
T° 10.4 °C. The cave was surveyed and explored by Akademik Sofia Caving Club.
Fauna: includes the centipede Eupolybothrus gloriastygis (Chilopoda), a troglobite, and the
stygobites Stygoelaphoidella elegans and Speocyclops lindbergi (Crustacea, Copepoda).

Tsarkvishte (Tsarkveto)
Breze Village

0 40 m


0 40 m
362 A
Krushuna Village, Lovech Distr.
Altitude: 191 m. Length 1600 m
Coordinates: N 43° 14' 43.3" E 25° 01' 51.3"

A source cave, two km SW of Krushuna, in the periphery of Devetaki Plateau, Middle Predbalkan.
Formed in limestone of the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian). A branched, two-storey cave, developing S-SW.
Entrance, 10 m wide and 4 m high. Upstream, there is a siphon, circumvented by a dry gallery on the
east. A gallery follows, which is ca. 300 m long, first developing to SE, then to SW, with a rectangular
cross section (2 x 2 m). Many thick sinter walls, forming about 12 lakes, 1–2 m deep. The development
of the cave is about 200 m to the south. In this sector, the profile is elongated, 1–1.5 m long and 8–9 m
high. There are remaining parts of an older upper storey. The gallery is meandering and slightly
ascending E-SE, retaining its shape. The lakes are transformed in a stream, starting from a siphon at the
end of the cave. Sinter walls along the cave, many flowstone formations. The source is with a variable
outflow. First explored by Nenko Radev in 1924. In 1955, the archaeologists N. Djambazov and V.
Mikov carried out some research. Up to 1965, some 200 m of the cave had been known. In the same
year, a Bulgarian – Hungarian expedition proceeded further in the cave and the research was completed
in 1968, during a National Expedition. In May 1989, the divers V. Nedkov and V. Chapanov penetrated
the 30-m siphon at the end of the cave, but found their death in the following gallery (with a toxic gas).
Fauna: 12 species, including the stygobite Niphargus ablaskiri georgievi (Amphipoda). The cave
is inhabited by a large bat colony.

Urushka Maara (Proynovata)

Krushuna Village



0 400 m
The entrance of the cave Urushka Maara – photo Trifon Daaliev

364 Travertine waterfall – photo Vassil Balevski and Trifon Daaliev

Kotel Town, Sliven Distr.
Altitude 710 m. Length 440 m. Denivelation -160 m
Coordinates: N 42° 56' 01.8" E 26° 30' 10.5"

A cave pothole in the Senonian limestone of Zlosten karstic area, 3.3 km NE of Kotel. A cascade
cave, broken by verticals of different height, the deepest being 45 m. Through the horizontal gallery, an
underground stream runs with a small outflow. Siphon at the bottom. T° 8.5 °C.
Known to local people and gold seekers for a long time. Surveyed in 1964 by members of
Akademik Sofia Caving Club and in 1979 by Protey Sliven Caving Club.

Uzhasa na Imaniyarite
Kotel Town




0 150 m

Name: VÂRLATA (126)
Cherni Ossam Village, Lovech Distr.
Altitude ca. 1300 m. Length 1110 m. Denivelation -41 m

A cave in the eastern part of the karstic canyon Steneto in the area of Cherni Ossam, within the
protected area on the left bank of Kumanitsa river (the upper part of the river Cherny Ossam, from the
source to the sink), above the nice waterfall Golemiya Kazan. There are several ways to reach the cave,
which is 500 m far (20 min walk) from the locality Kozi Brod, downstream Kumanitsa river. Entering
the cave in the spring or during snow melting or heavy rain is dangerous, sometimes even impossible, as
part of the flood water in the canyon enters through the entrance or through smaller sinks.
The cave entrance (1.5 x 2.5 m) is in a funnel under a small cliff at the forest limit. A descending,
one-storey, branched and permanently watered cave. Bifurcates about 20 m. from the entrance. The right
side gallery (80 m long) goes SE. Many stalactites on the ceiling.
The left side (the main) gallery goes NE. It is 2–6 m wide and 1-8 m high. On the floor, sinter lakes
and fallen boulders are seen. At the beginning of the gallery, from the left, the first water comes. After
100 m, the main gallery branches off again.
The right branch is ascending, 150 m long, ending in a narrowing, developing NW–W. It is wide
and high, with a floor covered with stones.
The right side goes NE for about 450 m and ends in a blockage. The floor is covered with blocks
and sinter lakes. There is a way through the blockage, leading into the end gallery (250 m long). The
cave ends in a narrow and, according to the explorers, impenetrable water siphon.
Rich in flowstone formations. In the cave beautiful sinter lakes, fantastic stalactites and
stalagmites, stalagtones and stone waterfalls have been observed.
The cave Varlata is easily penetrated, but there is a danger of crumbling of the entrance parts
and of a blockage in the Big Chamber. During floods, it is possible that the low end parts sink under
the water.
The cave was discovered when in 1988 Troyan cavers dug out the entrance funnel. In the following
1989, cavers from Steneto organized an expedition to survey the cave. The map was prepared by
Detelina Petkova, Aleksander Radulov, Krasen Radulov and Emilia Gateva.
The cave falls within the buffer zone of the Reserve Steneto and within the limits of Central
Balkan National Park.
Description by Detelina Marinova.

Vârlata D

Cherni Ossam Village



Entrance Entrance


0 200 m
Zverino Village, Vratsa Distr.
Altitude 1160 m. Length 158 m. Denivelation -74 m
Coordinates: N 43° 08’ 27,6” E 23° 33’ 27,6”

A pothole near Zverino. Entrance 8 x 8 m, situated in an old beech forest. The first vertical (25 m)
leads to a flat bottom with fallen leaves. On the left of the vertical, there is another vertical of 10 m,
leading into a 25-m long gallery.
The main gallery goes to boulders, behind which a 4-m vertical follows, leading into a hall, which
is 50 m long, 8 m large and the height is more than 10 m. In the gallery, there are beautiful poplar-like
stalagmites, about 5 m high. At the end, we reach the most beautiful chamber of the cave, covered with
dendrites, stalagmites, stalactites, sinter lakes and other secondary formations. The cave is humid, but
there is no running water. T° 13 °C.
The pothole has been known to the local people for a long time. First penetrated by T. Daaliev, V.
Gyaurov, cavers from Edelweiss – Sofia Caving Club in 1968.
Fauna: includes the troglobites Radevia hanusi, Pheggomisetes sp. (Coleoptera), Bulgarosoma
bureschi (Diplopoda).

Zverino Village



0 32 m
Pit entrance of Varteshkata cave –
photo Valery Peltekov

Extraction of a casualty – photo Valery Peltekov


368 The stalagmites are the cave’s beauty – photo Valery Peltekov
Name: VENETSA (4)
Oreshets Railway Station, Vidin Distr.
Total length 220 m. Denivelation 27.5 m
Coordinates: N 43° 37' 47.2" E 22° 44' 24"

A cave one km southwest of Oreshets Railway Station. Formed in Jurassic limestone, forming the
ridge Belogradchishki Venets, Western Predbalkan. Entrance – rectangular (2 x 1.5 m). Five intercon-
nected chambers follow, developed in N-S direction.
About 3 m below, we reach the first chamber. Through a narrow squeeze, the second chamber is
reached. Through an opening in its northern wall, a third chamber can be entered, which is 20 m long,
15 m wide and between 3 and 6 m high. Here, the whole splendour of the cave is seen. There are all
kinds of flowstone formations – stalactites, stalagmites, stalagtones, corallites, sinter lakes – colored
in yellow, brown and red. A fourth chamber follows – a labyrinth of blocks and stalagtones. In places,
the floor is covered with clay, in others – with thick sinter crust. In the lowest part of the chamber,
which is the bottom of a former deep lake, there are peculiar club-like formations. Among the
stalactites there are some helictites. The fifth and last chamber is relatively poor in formations. Here,
there are a series of 6 potholes, the deepest being 12 m. The ceiling of the chamber is cracked and
many vertical crevices are seen.
The cave temperature is 9.6 °C, the humidity – 100 %.
The cave was found during blasting works in the quarry near Oreshets Railway Station in 1970. It
was explored and surveyed in 1971 by Bel Prilep Belogradchik Caving Club. The map was checked and
completed in 1973 by cavers from Akademik Sofia Caving Club, together with some meteorological,
geomorphological and biospeleological observations. After P. Neykovski and other sources.
Fauna (collected by P. Beron on October 17.1971): includes the beetle Beronia micevi (Cholevi-
dae) the troglobitic Collembola Protaphorura beroni has been described from this cave.

Oreshets Railway Station



0 75 m

370 Crystals are growing on stalagtites

Lipnitsa Village, Sofia Distr.
Length 1100 m. Denivelation 42 m
Coordinates: N 43° 00' 42.8" E 23° 44' 55.3"

A water cave 4 km S of Lipnitsa. The entrance is situated at the base of a cliff, in the locality
Rugyova Padina in the north, on the right of the road to Novachene Village.
The entrance is triangular, 3 m wide and 6 m high, facing south. A stream of changing outflow
comes out of the entrance, running along the first level of the cave.
An ascending horizontal water cave with three levels. About 200 m from the entrance, the cave
bifurcates. The right-side gallery is dry, on three levels. On the left, the main water gallery follows,
ending at the 340th meter in a siphon. The first siphon was dug out and overcome in 1975. After the
siphon, 342 m have been surveyed. The gallery ends in a second siphon.
The cave is rich in flowstone formations (many stalactites, stalagmites, stalagtones, stone
waterfalls, in different colors).
In the entrance parts of the cave there are small bat colonies.
The cave had been known to local people for a long time. Explored in April 1963 by A. Petkova, V.
Gyaurov and R. Zahariev from Edelweiss Sofia Caving Club. They surveyed and explored the cave.
Later, the exploration was further carried out by cavers from Botevgrad. They penetrated the siphon and
brought the cave to its present length. Tsvetko Tsvetkov from Biser Botevgrad Caving Club made a new
survey of all galleries. In 1991–1995, Iv. Aleksiev from Edelweiss Sofia Caving Club made a 3D model
of the cave. So far, 570 m of galleries have been surveyed up to the siphon and 342 m beyond it,
altogether 912 m. The total length of the explored galleries exceeds 1000 m, but some of them are not
mapped. Description after A. Petkova.
Fauna: collected since 1960 by V. Beshkov, P. Beron, Iv. Pandurski and other biospeleologists. So
far, 16 species have been identified, including the stygobites Diacyclops clandestinus and Stygoela-
phoidella stygia (Copepoda) and the troglobites Typhloiulus bureschi (Diplopoda) and Tricyphoniscus
bureschi (Isopoda).

Vodnata Pesht
Lipnitsa Village


0 180 m

372 Water Cave entrance – photo archive speleo club „Edelweiss” Sofia – Angelina Petkova
Tserovo Village, Sofia Distr.
Length 3264 m. Denivelation +85 m.
Coordinates: N 43° 00' 25.4" E 23° 20' 39.9"

A water cave at the base of the cliff Kamiko, on the E slope of Ponor Planina. Formed in limestone
from the Lower Trias. Two superposed entrances, in the lower the water is piped. A one-gallery cave,
developed along three main faults. A one-side gallery near the entrance and another one 220 m before
the end of the cave. Average width – 250 m, height by the 180th m – 15 m, and 250 m from the entrance,
the gallery becomes lower (1.4–1.5 m). Boulder chocks at 650, 850, 1050 and 1220 m from the entrance,
the last one being the biggest. Flowstone formations in the deeper parts of the cave. The cave drains a
complex karstic system, the source having a changing outflow of 36–200 dm3/s. Used for drinking
water. The cave was first recorded in 1915 by Zh. Radev, who surveyed the first 720 m. In 1924–1925,
Dr Buresch and his group explored the first 300 m, searching for cave animals. Surveyed in 1963 by
Akademik Sofia Speleoclub up to 2140 m and in 1979 by Edelweiss Sofia Speleoclub up its present
dimensions. In 1990, a group of hydrogeologists led by K. Spassov explored the hydrology of the cave
and the influence of the nearby quarries. The cave could be visited only with a permit.
Fauna: so far, 47 species recorded including 7 troglobites and stygobites: Sphaeromides bureschi
and Bureschia bulgarica (Isopoda), Typhloiulus bureschi (Diplopoda), Eupolybothrus andreevi
(Chilopoda), Paranemastoma (Buresiolla) bureschi (Opiliones), Acanthocyclops radevi (Copepoda) and
Plusiocampa bureschi (Diplura).

Vodnata peshtera
(or Tserovskata peshtera)
Tserovo Village


0 300 m

374 The first map of the cave is made by prof. Zh. Radev in 1915
Name: VODNATA PROPAST (Propust) (81)
Kameno Pole Village, Vratsa Distr.
Altitude 433 m. Total length 695 m

The entrance of Vodnata Propast is situated W-NW of Drashan Village, ca. three km in a straight
line. It forms a part of the system Vodna Propast – Bayov Komin – Drashanska Peshtera.
A one-gallery horizontal cave, developing basically on the east. In the first 500 m the gallery is
1–2 m wide and high and there are several shallow lakes. The remaining part of the bottom is covered
with mud and fallen stones. There are in many places stalactites and stalagmites. Five hundred meters
from the big lake an underground stream starts, running at the bottom of the gallery up to its end (lake
siphon). In the last 200 meters, the gallery is higher and wider, also with stalactites and stalagmites.
Explored and surveyed in 1970–1975 by cavers from Veslets Vratsa Caving Club, led by K.
Karlov. The surface survey in 1975 proved theoretically the connection between the three caves. The
water runs through Vodnata Propast (695 m), enters the cave Bayov Komin, runs through the entire cave
(2196 m) and surfaces through Drashanskata Peshtera (578 m). After the eventual connecting of the
three caves the length of the system could surpass 4500 m.

Vodnata propast (Propust)

Kameno Pole Village


0 150 m
Name: VODNI PECH (15)
Dolni Lom Village, Vidin Distr.
Altitude 450 m. Length 1300 m

A water cave on the right bank of Lom River. Formed in limestone from the Upper Jurassic –
Lower Cretaceous. A horizontal, labyrinth, branched cave with a semi elliptical cross section of
galleries. Poor in speleothems. Lateral clay deposits in the water gallery. A source cave with an outflow
of 13–377 l/s. It was discovered in 1981 during a National Expedition by R. Metodiev from Rudnichar
Pernik Caving Club. The actual map of the cave was made later by members of Edelweiss Sofia Caving
Club. The underground river is piped for drinking water. Visits with a permit only.
Fauna: 29 known species, including the stygobites Niphargus pecarensis and N. bureschi
(Amphipoda), the troglobites Bulgaroniscus gueorguievi (Isopoda), Typhloiulus bureschi and Serboiulus
spelaeophilus (Diplopoda), Plusiocampa vodniensis (Diplura), Beronia andreevi (Cholevidae) and a
non described Pseudoscorpion.

Vodni Pech
Dolni Lom Village

0 30 m
Qu. Vidima, Apriltsi Town, Lovech Distr.
Length 813 m Denivelation 1.8 m
Coordinates: N 42° 44' 014" E 24° 53' 983"

Cave 2.5 km south-southeast from Pleven Hut, in the area of Severen Djendem, on the north slope
of Botev Peak, Central Balkan. Formed in massif Trias limestone along two main fault systems with
direction N-NE – S – SW and NW-SE. There are two superposed entrances. The upper is dry, triangular
in shape and with dimensions: 8 m wide and 3 m high. The lower entrance gives birth to a stream
flowing out. It is semielliptic, with dimensions 9.4 x 8 m. From the lower entrance starts a stony gallery,
wide up to 6 and high up to 5 m, along which runs the underground stream. First it goes east, but after 86
m sharply bends to the nord and after 40 m joins the middle of the gallery, starting from the upper
entrance. Immediately prior to the place of junction is developed is developed a labyrinth of narrow and
low dry galleries. The gallery starting from the upper entrance is 135 m long. It is stony, triangular in
cross section, up to 14 m wide and up to 3 m high. The water gallery is ca. 250 m long and is going NE.
It is with triangular profile, wide up to 1 to 7 m and high 0.8–1 m. The cave is still active and only
primary karstic forms are observed – fissures, levels of denudation, blocages and isolated gravitation
blocks. The secondary formations are represented by dendrites only. The temperature of the under-
ground river is 5 °C.
N. Korchev, S. Paskov, B. Marinov were the first to study this cave (1961), the first two having
mapped the cave (N. Korchev – “Otechestven Front”, 18.11.1961). In 1971, during the national
expedition “Djendema – 1971” have been mapped 500 m of the cave.
Next exploration was done in 1975–76 by Stratesh Caving Club from the tourist society in Lovech.
The cave was studied in detail and surveyed by cavers from Studenec Caving Club from Kaylashka Dolina-
Pleven Tourist Society in 1982. The cave is on the territory of Central Balkan National Park.
Fauna: among the animals, collected by P. Beron, there are troglobitic beetles and pseudoscorpi-
ons, still under study.

Vodnite Dupki
Qu. Vidima, Apriltsi Town


n tran

0 100 m

Ice concretions in the entrance of the cave Vodnite Dupki – photo Valery Peltekov

Name: VODNITSATA (142)
Âglen Village, Lovech Distr.
Length 249 m. Denivelation -28 m. Volume 3199 m3

A cave on the plateau between the rivers Vit and Kamenitsa, in one of the many funnels. Starts
with a 7–8 m vertical. Two galleries, merging in places. Many sinter formations and stalactites, a one
meter deep lake.
The initial exploration of the cave was done by Edelweiss Sofia Caving Club, together with the
first survey. Surveyed again by Z. Iliev, B. Garev, V. Pashovski, I. Benchev in 1983 during the expedition
Chernelka-Kamenitsa ’83
Fauna: contains the troglobite Trichoniscus garevi (Isopoda)

Aglen Village


Entrance 0 30 m

0 40 m

Krushuna Village, Lovech Distr.
Length 1995 m
Coordinates: N 43° 14' 33.2" E 25° 02' 09.2"

A source cave, 1.5 km S of Krushuna, in the N periphery of Devetaki Plateau, Middle Predbalkan.
Formed in Lower Cretaceous (Aptian) limestone. A branched, ascending and permanently water cave.
Up to 230 m, the entrance gallery is directed N, then it turns W and goes for 100 m in this direction,
being up to 7 m wide. The main gallery receives three galleries one after the other, one branch, wide up
to 6 m, abducts the cave water inward and ends in a siphon. About 90 m before the end of the western
sector, the main gallery takes a N direction and after 80 m it bends NW and ends in a siphon. Sinter
walls, which dam the big lakes, are typical. Vodopada and the connected Boninska Peshtera drain the
northern part of Devetashko Plateau. Average annual outflow of the source 100 l/s. Up to 1965, only 160
m (before the siphon) were known. During the Bulgarian – Hungarian Expedition in 1965, P. Moczari
penetrated the siphon and discovered a continuation, thus bringing the cave’s length to 1775 m. In 1971,
a Bulgarian National Expedition surveyed another 200 m and the known length became 1995 m. In
1995, the caver and diver from Pleven Kr. Petkov (Studenets Pleven Caving Club) penetrated another 30
meters of siphon in one of the branches and, after 200 m, reached another siphon.
Fauna: 18 species known, the only troglobite being Pseudosinella duodecimocellata (Collembola)

Vodopada (Maarata)
Krushuna Village

0 300 m
V. Peltekov, P.Yotov and T. Daaliev in front of the entrance of the cave Vodopada – photo Vassil Balevski


Penetration in the cave – photo Vassil Balevski 381

Name: YAME – 3 (SREDNITSA) (13)
Targovishte Village, Vidin Distr.
Altitude 810 m. Length 170 m. Denivelation -58 m

A pothole in the locality Klyun, ca. 25 m from Yame – 2. Length on the main axis 137 m. The
entrance vertical, 25 m deep, is in the middle of a horizontal gallery, 2 to 8 m wide and 3 to 12 m high.
At the end of the gallery there is another 25-m deep vertical. About 2 m above its bottom, there are two
short opposite galleries. Both verticals are equipped for SRT (use of natural points of attachment). The
pothole is rich in flowstone formations, which start several meters before the beginning of the vertical.
In the horizontal gallery there are stone waterfalls, drums, stalactites and stalagmites.
Known to local people. First descended by D. Ilandjiev from Ivan Vazov Tourist Society in 1964.
The first map is due to P. Traykov, A. Ivanova and A. Dimitrov during the Caving Expedition in 1969.
The actual map was made in 1981 by a team within the Caving Expedition Varbovo’81 (T. Daaliev, N.
Landjev, D. Nanev).
Fauna (studied by Hr. Deltshev in 1967 and by P. Beron in 1969): 6 species known, including the
troglobites Trichoniscus bononiensis (Isopoda) and Serboiulus speleophilus (Diplopoda).

Yame – 3 (Srednitsa)
Targovishte Village


0 30 m
Name: YASENSKI OBLIK 2 (111)
Yablanitsa Town, Lovech Distr.
Denivelation -108 m

A pothole on the hill Yablanishko Bârdo (Nanovitsa Karst Plateau), in the area of the pothole
Bezdânniya Pchelin. The name comes from the valley 400 m east of the sump near Bezdanniya Pchelin.
The entrance is small, situated 8–10 m on the right-hand side of the road. About 10 m further, almost at
the same height, is the entrance of the 7 meter deep Yasensky Oblik 1.
The pothole was explored in the period 1993–1995 by the cavers St. Petkov, Tsv. Ostromski, M.
Zlatkova, etc. The entrance of the pothole was opened by digging and several parts have been enlarged in
order to penetrate further. Nevertheless, the pothole remains very narrow and is not for bigger cavers.
There are 8 relatively small and narrow verticals (up to 17 m).
The pothole was surveyed by St. Petkov, the description belongs to Tsvetan Ostromski.

Yasenski Oblik 2
Yablanitsa Town


108 m 383
Name: YAVORETS (48)
Zverino Village, Vratsa Distr.
Altitude 1228 m. Length 50 m. Denivelation -147 m
Coordinates: N 43° 07' 41.9" E 23° 34' 12.6"

A pothole in limestone from the Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretacetous. The entrances are situated
60–70 m south of the ridge between Yavorets and Markova Mogila. One of them is triangular (0.80 x
0.80 m), the other is 10 m higher on the diaclase and is a bit bigger. The pothole starts with a 73m shaft
with dimensions 0.8–2 m x 8–13 m. The bottom is at 45° and covered with pebbles. In a chamber with
sinters, the second pitch (19 m deep, 2–3 x 1.5–2 m) starts. The last shaft is elliptic and 64 m deep.
The pothole was discovered in June 1966 by T. Daaliev, S. Zanev and Eng. Velinov, members of the
Caving club Edelweiss Sofia. Named by the discoverers after the nearby hill. The bottom was reached
on September 10, 1966, by T. Daaliev, I. Zanev (Edelweiss) and Georgi Makedonetsa (Vitosha, Sofia).

Entrance A A

Zverino Village


384 150 m

Ò. Daaliev in front of the entrance of the pothole Yavorets 385

Name: YULEN ERE (120)
Hristo Danovo Village, Plovdiv Distr.
Length 227 m. Denivelation 17 m. Surface 487 m2. Volume 3687 m3
Coordinates: N 42° 44' 26.5" E 24° 36' 16.9"

A cave in the locality Yulen Ere, in the valley of Kodja Dere. A mighty stream runs out of the cave,
ca. 250–300 above the river. The underground stream runs along the whole length of the cave, so the
cavers have to move over the water, as deep pools are formed in some places. Explored by cavers from
Akademik Plovdiv Caving Club.
Fauna (studied by P. Beron and T. Ivanova): includes the troglobite Trichoniscus bulgaricus
Protected Natural Monument, together with 0.8 ha (Decree 206/23.03.1981).

Yulen Ere
Hristo Danovo Village

0 60 m


0 60 m

Name: ZADÂNENKA (90)
Karlukovo Village, Lovech Distr.
Altitude 170 m. Length 1150 m. Denivelation 26 (-22; 4) m
Coordinates: N 43° 10' 35.7" E 24° 04' 14.1"

A cave in the locality Zadânen Dol, in Maastrichtian limestone. Altitude above the LBE 43 m. A
horizontal, slightly branched, with many storeys. It follows eastwards, 3 m tall and 4–4.5 m wide. In this
part there are clearly visible old morphological levels. About 50 meters on the left a 24meter long gallery
branches out. After another 60 meters, a sill (+1) follows, where the gallery lowers to 1–0.8 m and keeps
this height almost to the end. About 160–180 m from the entrance, a 24-meter pitch gives access to a
lower part with a stream, starting from one end of the gallery and sinking into a siphon at its end.
ATTENTION! At the bottom there is CO2! In the main gallery, there are a series of muddy pools. After
150 m from the branching, we reach the only bigger chamber in the cave. After overcoming a 3m
vertical, we enter a higher situated gallery. After another ca. 100 m, we come to a big boulder blocking
the way. The main gallery goes south, then southwest and after ca. 80 m it ends in a siphon, which is 2
meters long and was penetrated by K. Georgiev in 1988.
The main gallery is periodically wet, the lower part is with water. The cave is poor in flowstone
formations. Explored in 1982 by a group led by V. Mustakov.
Fauna: the stygobite Niphargus bureschi (Amphipoda) and the troglobite Typhloiulus bureschi

Karlukovo Village


0 100 m
Entrance 387

388 Cave rescue training in front of the cave entrance (Zadânenka) – photo Trifon Daaliev
Name: ZHABATA (21)
Portitovtsi Village, Montana Distr.
Total length 609 m. Denivelation 1.5 m. Surface 1696 m2

The cave Zhabata is in the area of Portitovtsi, in the locality Zli Dol. The exit point is the village
Beli Breg. The distance from Beli Breg to the cave is 2 km, azimuth of 294o, from Portitovtsi – ca. 4 km,
azimuth 20o.
The entrance is situated at the bottom of a funnel, 9 meter deep, overgrown with bushes and
trees. The entrance faces southeast. It is elliptic (0.40 x 0.50 m). The distance above the LBE (Ogosta
River) is 20 m.
The cave Zhabata is horizontal, brachyclasic, labyrinthine, one-storey and dry, in yellow grey
Sarmatian shell limestone. The average height in the cave galleries is 1 m, rarely more than 1.40 m. No
connection with surface water. The cross section is elliptic, the floor follows the horizontal layers. No
flowstone formations.
The cave is well known to local people, mainly from treasure hunting activities. In most galleries
there are pits from digging.
The cave was explored, surveyed and described in March 1985 by cavers from Pastrinets Montana
Caving Club (V. Georgiev, A. Georgiev, G. Georgiev, Iv. Ivanov, I. Todorov).
The name “Zhabata” (The Frog) comes from a legend about a frog-like statue, connected with a
hidden treasure (after V. Georgiev).

Portitovtsi Village

Entrance SOME

0 50 m
Name: ZIDANKA (91)
Karlukovo Village, Lovech Distr.
Altitude 170 m. Length 435 m
Coordinates (at the entrance of Zadanen Dol): N 43° 10' 35.7" E 24° 04' 14.1"

A two-entrance cave near Karlukovo. Distance above the LBE 42 m. Its galleries cross the end part
of the massif, formed between the western vertical slope of Zadanen Dol and the cliff on the right bank
of the Iskar River. The upper entrance is situated on the left of the Waterfall, reached by a traverse. The
wide and clear atrium is followed by a gallery, first going west, then north, until coming out above the
Iskar River. On the left of the main gallery, there is a branch with secondary formations. Here, the
gallery lowers and is filled with clay formations. Almost at its end, the gallery is intersected by a crevice,
2 m wide (perhaps an old sink). The main gallery is covered with angular stones, at its northern entrance
there is also clay dust. As a result of frost weathering, the walls are with horizontal and vertical lines,
which remind of masonry, hence the name Zidanka. The northern entrance is elliptic and could be
reached following a steep path, which starts on the left of the mouth of Zadanen Dol.
This cave has been explored and surveyed many times. Its age has been assessed at 2 500 000
years (Popov, 1984).
Fauna: 5 species have been identified, including the millipede Typhloiulus bureschi (Diplopoda,
troglobite) and the Crustacean Elaphoidella balcanica (Harpacticoida) – stygobite.

Entrance to the river Iskar

Karlukovo Village

Entrance to Zadanen Dol


0 30 m
The entrance – view from Zadanen Dol – photo Trifon Daaliev The National Caving Center in Karlukovo – photo Trifon Daaliev)


The second entrance of Zidanka is looking at Iskar River – photo Trifon Daaliev 391
Name: ZIDANKA (55)
Lakatnik Railway Station
Altitude 390 m. Total length ca. 400 m
Coordinates: N 43° 05' 19.9" E 23° 23' 10.6"

A cave left of Temnata Dupka entrance, with a semi-destroyed wall at the entrance. The
formations are similar to the ones in Temnata Dupka, but without running water. Zidanka is somewhat
older than Temnata Dupka and is connected with it. Even in the initial parts, a narrow gallery leads to
Razliva and the map shows that the distance between the end points of Zidanka and Trapezariyata in
Temnata Dupka is only approximate 120 m.
While exploring this possible connection, the cavers from Edelweiss Sofia Caving Club
discovered the Pearl Chamber (Bisernata Zala), but the cave pearls were soon after that stolen by other
visitors. We can reach this chamber crawling among the blocks before the cave’s end. It is a pity that the
chamber was not closed in time to save the rare cave pearls.
Map and description by P. Tranteev.
Fauna: 19 species are known, including 8 troglobites: Paranemastoma (Buresiolla) bureschi,
Paralola buresi (Opiliones), Centromerus bulgarianus (Araneae), Lithobius lakatnicensis (Chilopoda),
Trachysphaera orghidani, Typhloiulus bureschi (also var. obscurus)(Diplopoda), Pheggomisetes globi-
ceps lakatnicensis, Duvalius papasoffi (Coleoptera).

Lakatnik Railway Station

0 60 m
392 a nce
E ntr

The Pearls Room (Bisernata Zala) – archive Angelina Petkova

Bistrets Village, Vratsa Distr.
Length 122 m. Denivelation -52 m
Coordinates: N 43° 14' 08.5" E 23° 27' 41"

A pothole, not far from Haydushkata Propast. The chamber has a cross section of 30 – 35 m and is
a prolongation of the pothole. The end is a chamber with very beautiful flowstone formations, which
were later heavily damaged.
The pothole was discovered in 1960 by Dimitar Ilandjiev.
Fauna (collected by P. Beron in 1960): 7 sp., including the troglobites Paranemastoma (Buresiolla)
bureschi (Opiliones), Pheggomisetes buresi (Col., Carabidae) and Radevia hanusi (Col., Cholevidae).

Zmeyova dupka
Bistrets Village



0 24 m
Amazing underground beauty of the bottom hall – photo Mihail Kvartirnikov


Tha hall at the bottom of the pothole – photo Mihail Kvartirnikov 395
Name: AKADEMIK (198)
Bosnek Village, Pernik Distr.
Total length 350 m. Denivelation -15 m
Coordinates: N 42° 29' 30" E 23° 11' 24"

A cave in Bosnek, the entrance is immediately near the road to Chuypetlovo, within the confines
of the village.
The first ca. 100 meters represent low and narrow galleries, where in some places one has to crawl
and to pass through squeezes. After that, the gallery becomes wide and high, leading into a big chamber
(100 x 30 m). Through a part of the cave, an underground stream with a changing outflow (60–100 l/s on
1.04. 1978) runs. The fluorescein test proved the connection between the underground stream and the
source in Bosnek Village. At an outflow of ca. 800 l/s. the water passes the distance of ca. 900 m in ~ 5 h.
The gallery and the chamber are rich in flowstone formations – stalactites, stalagmites, helictites, stone
“waterfalls”, sinter pockets, leopard skin, aragonite. In the chamber there is one lake and pools.
The entrance parts were discovered in November 1977, when the movie “Duhlata” was shot.
Explored in 1978 by cavers from Student’s Caving Club Akademik Sofia. In the same year, G. Markov
discovered another 50 m of galleries. The map was made by P. Georgiev, O. Stoyanov, R. Kancheva and
Kr. Kanchev in 1978.

Bosnek Village

0 15 m
D.Daalieva and V. Peltekov – Junior in front of the cave entrance – photo Trifon Daaliev


Crystals in the cave Duhlata – photo Mihail Kvartirnikov Cavers in Akademik Cave – photo Trifon Daaliev 397
Name: BOYCHOVATA PESHTERA (Boychova dupka) (201)
Logodash Village, Sofia Distr.
Length 200 m. Denivelation 27 m (+22, -5)
Coordinates: N 41° 58' 08.4" E 22° 56' 22.2"

A cave in the quarry in the locality Boychova Skala (Boychovtsi), ca. 2.5 km south of Logodash
Village, west of Blagoevgrad.
Formed in Middle Trias limestone. A horizontal, not branched, dry cave. Developed along a basic
tectonic fault, directed E/W, and an interlayer fissure, sinking E/SE at 35 degrees inclination. In the
central part, there is a chamber, which is 30 m long, 20 m wide and three meters high. Rich in flowstone
formations. Deposits of terra rossa. Infiltration water and drops periodically form a lake.
Opened during quarrying works in 1979. Explored and surveyed by the caving club of Aygidik
Blagoevgrad Tourist Society (Iliya Iliev and others) and in 1981 by specialists from the Institute of
Geography (BAS) and BFS (P. Beron, P. Stefanov, T. Daaliev).
Fauna: collected by P. Beron since 1981, later also by B. Petrov and other biologists and includes
the troglobitic Isopod Cordioniscus bulgaricus, the northernmost representative of Styloniscidae
(Isopoda) family.
Protected Natural Site with 4 ha adjacent area (Decree 542/23.05.1984).

Boychovata peshtera
(Boychova dupka)
Logodash Village

0 40 m


0 40 m

Name : DUHLATA (199)
Bosnek Village, Sofia Distr.
Altitude of entrance 972 m. Length more than 18 000 m (2006). Denivelation -70 m
Coordinates: N 42° 29' 41.6" E 23° 11' 46.3"

On the southern slope of Vitosha, SW of Cherni Vrah, 35 km from Sofia, on the Struma River, in
one of the most important karst regions in Bulgaria – the Bosnek Region. The cave Duhlata is central to
this region, the longest and most complicated cave labyrinth in Bulgaria. It includes a six level system of
interconnected underground galleries, chambers, pitches and rivers. Seven permanent, one periodical
and one adjacent rivers run underground. “The Big River” is with the biggest outflow and is the central
river of the cave. All other seven rivers join it, except for the adjacent one. The end point of the waters in
the system is the fountain Duhlata in Bosnek Village (918 m altitude). The cave is situated on the right
bank of Struma River, 1.5 km upstream of Bosnek Village, on the southeastern slope of the ridge
Golema Mogila.
The cave was formed by the water of Struma River in the limestone and the dolomite of Middle
Trias. The old entrance is situated at 972 m altitude, 6 m above the level of Struma, in a small cliff. From
the entrance hall (The Atrium) we follow a narrow passage on the right. A small lake (Ayazmoto) is
reached, where different objects (buttons, coins, pencils, etc.) were left by visitors in the hope to be
healed. After crawling, we reach the largest chamber of the cave – Stalagton, then the labyrinth of
Prashnite Zali – several small chambers interconnected by narrow passages. After the hall called
Urinarnik, we descend a 10 m steep gallery – the First Mercedes (3-direction point). Malkata Duhla
follows, from where we reach The Second Mercedes, then after several chambers, we reach the end of
Malkata Reka (The Small River).
The right gallery leads to the so called Suh Kray (Dry End) with a periodical stream in rainy
weather. The right gallery leads to the chamber Nosorog (Rhinoceros). Over a steep plate, the Big River
is reached. On the left, the labyrinth of Novata Duhla is reached.
From Ribkata, we can follow the Big River downstream for ca. 600 m, circumventing the
obstructed parts, using a level which is 4–5 m higher than the river bed. Narrow chimneys connect this
part with Novata Duhla. After two semi siphons, the river ends in a siphon. On the way left of the
underground river, there are multilevel galleries over the Deep River and the Sixth River.
From Ribkata, after 50–60 m of narrow passages upstream (The Termopyles), a wide canyon is
reached. Nearby is the junction with Malkata Reka (The Small River). After 100 m upstream along the
Big River, we reach the junction with the Rain River, connected with the labyrinth of Malkata Duhla.

The last two rivers are with waterfalls, the entrance of the “Akademik parts” is 10 m far from the
old entrance of the cave.
The cave had been known for a long time. It was mentioned in the book “Kraz ¡ski Yavleniya” IMPORTANT
(Karst Phenomena)(1900) by K. and H. Škorpil. In 1926, P. Deliradev wrote in his monograph
“Vitosha”: “The cave is with several inner entrances. It is possible to penetrate for some 100 m. Further
the galleries become narrow and are not accessible to tourists”.
The exploration of the inner parts of the cave started in the late 50s. Cavers lake T. Michev, V.
Beshkov, A. Denkov, P. Nedkov, L. Popov, P. Beron and others managed to discover the way to the
Big River.

The organized exploration started at the end of 1965. A group of five cavers: M. Kvartirnikov and
S. Penchev from the Republican Caving Commission, D. Konstantinov, A. Filipov and A. Strezov from
Akademik Sofia Caving Club surveyed until 1970 more than 6000 m of cave galleries. Kambanariyata,

Aragonitovata galeriya, Labirinta na Tronnite Zali, Malkata Duhla, Gubilishteto, the upstream parts of

the Big River, the upper level and the connections between the various levels were discovered.
After 1970, the participation of Akademik Sofia Caving Club in the study of the cave became more
intensive. Successful work was done by the mineralogists M. Maleev, A. Filipov, M. Raynova and
others. The level above the Big River was surveyed and in March 1970 the “Akademik parts” – over 1.5
km of galleries and chambers – were discovered and surveyed.
In October, an expedition of the Sofia based caving clubs (Aleko, Planinets, Cherni Vrah,
Akademik, Pernik, Ivan Vazov) surveyed another 350 m.
In 1971, explorations and surveys were carried out mainly by A. Popov, G. Markov, A. Strezov and
P. Veselinov from Akademik Sofia Caving Club. In September, the film “Ways to the Abysses” was shot
in the Aragonite Gallery.
In October 1971, a Republican expedition was carried out (cavers from Russe, Haskovo, Shumen,
Aleko, Akademik, Ivan Vazov, Planinets, Botevgrad), and as a result 200 m of new galleries were
surveyed. In 1972, road works opened a second entrance to the cave, a short cut to Tronnite Zali.
In May 1973, another such expedition with cavers from Yambol, Russe, Kotel, Botevgrad,
Peshtera and Sofia surveyed another 630 meters of new parts. In 1974, the work to open the cave as a
show cave started. A tunnel was dug out and then walled.
In October and November 1974, parts of Novata Duhla, situated above the Deep River, were
discovered. Up to September 1975, 3163 m from the newly discovered parts were surveyed. In October
1976, the labyrinth of galleries between the Second and the Third Semi Siphon was discovered. Over
700 meters of galleries were surveyed with the active participation of Rumyana Panayotova, Lydia
Popova, Georgi Markov, Alexander Strezov, Ognyan Stoyanov, Petko Saynov, Maria Zlatkova, A.
Ivanchev (Aleko), Ivo Pozharevski, Bozhidar Nikolov and others.
In October 1977, while filming the movie Duhlata, the caves Pepelyankata and Akademik were
discovered, which are separate sections of Duhlata system – the river in the cave Akademik joins the Big
River of Duhlata after the siphon and surfaces at the sources in Bosnek Village.
In June 1979, a Republican expedition (P. Neykovski, P. Tranteev, A. Strezov and 34 cavers from
the whole country worked for detailed answer to many questions. A third entrance, leading to the
fabulously beautiful chambers of Novite chasti (The New Parts) was discovered and later walled. In
1980 cavers from Akademik tried to go through the siphon of the Big River (120 x 80 cm).
September 7 to September 10, 1980 expedition of Akademik Sofia Caving Club with 10
participants surveyed 600 m of new galleries.
In 1982 in Duhlata started the permanent expedition Chisti Peshteri (Neat Caves) – about 70
cavers participated, collecting large quantities of garbage.
On May 9–10, 1987, Atanas Russev and his team discovered and surveyed the “Edelweiss parts” –
more than one km of new galleries.
In January 1989, a team of cavers from Akademik Sofia Caving Club (K. Krachunov and others),
after negotiating a chimney above the 6th river, reached a series of large chambers and galleries – another
290 m were surveyed.

In November 1993, after climbing the canyon

at the siphon of the Big River, a group including
Aglika Gyaurova and Ivo Kalushev reached a laby-
rinth of large chambers, about 20 m above the river,
ca. 600 m, which were not explored to the end.

The exploration of Duhlata has a long histo-

ry and is still going on with the efforts of cavers

from Akademik, Edelweiss and Extreme clubs

from Sofia.
The cave was declared a Natural Monument

(Decree 2810/ 10.10.1962, with 5 ha adjacent

land). In this cave almost all possible flowstone
formations are found.
Known troglobites and stygobites: Diacy-
clops chappuisi, D. strimonis, Elaphoidella pan-
durskyi, Parastenocaris sp. (Copepoda), Neobisium

kwartirnikovi (Pseudoscorpiones).
Description: Alexander Strezov (Akademik
400 The first explorers of Duhlata Cave – photo Mihail Kvartirnikov Sofia Caving Club).
Bosnek Village

0 200 m


The helictites – photo Mihail Kvartirnikov The Sinter Chairs – photo Mihail Kvartirnikov 401
Name: PPD (“Introduction to Speleology”) (197)
Bosnek Village, Pernik Distr.
Altitude 1050 m. Length 1020 m. Denivelation 125 m
Coordinates: N 42° 29' 49" E 23° 12' 41"

A cave in Trias dolomite and limestone, about 2,5 km from Bosnek, on the way to Chuypetlovo,
on the right bank of Struma. The cave has four small verticals (up to ten meters). Two underground
streams: Golyamata Reka (sinking at 125 m) and Malkata Reka (sinking at 100 m).
Discovered in 1981 by members of Akademik Sofia Caving Club as a small hole, steaming in
winter. Digging and enlarging the first ten meters of the hole took two years. The map was made by G.
Markov, M. Zlatkova, Y. Atanasov, I. Barova, Tz. Ostromski and D. Angelov.

PPD (“Introduction to Speleology”)

Bosnek Village





C 0 80 m
402 D
Paramun Village, Pernik Distr.
Altitude 1068 m. Denivelation -63 m
Coordinates: N 42° 48' 13.7" E 22° 44' 16.8"

A pothole 1.5 km NW of Paramun Village, in the Eastern slope of Strazha (Paramuska Planina
Mt.). Formed in organogenic Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous limestone from the eastern periphery
of Lyubash Horst – Monocline.
The pothole opens in a funnel with steep slopes. There is only one vertical, slightly narrowing 15 m
from the entrance. Here, the only intermediate transfer could be organized. The vertical widens into an
ideal bell. The bottom of the pothole is a small inclined chamber with a cone deposit of mud under the
The pothole is rarely visited. In the upper part of the vertical some hanging stones are to be taken
into account. Description: A. Jalov.
First explored in 1960 by a team of the Republican Commission for Speleology, the map being
responsibility of P. Tranteev. In November 1979, during an expedition of Rudnichar Pernik Caving Club
a more precise survey took place (M. Metodiev, R. Metodiev, Z. Velinova).


Propada (Paramunska Yama)

Paramun Village


65 m
Name: VRELOTO (196)
Bosnek Village, Pernik Distr.
Length 5300 m. Denivelation +90 m

A water cave in Trias limestone and dolomite. The underground river explored up to 1600 m. A
one-channel cave, with several storeys. The galleries are very spacious and are rich in Mondmilch,
crystals and speleothems. There are gypsum crystals, long up to 23 cm. Big deposits of fossil bones.
The source Vreloto is one of the biggest in Bosnek area (350 l/s) and takes its water from the sinks
of Struma in the locality Djeranitsa.
On November 15, 1980, three cavers from Akademik Sofia Caving Club first entered the cave and
reached a siphon, 820 m from the entrance. The other galleries have been explored by members of
Extreme Speleoclub – Sofia directed by A. Russev.
The penetration of the cave is difficult because of the many unstable boulders and it requires a long
stay underground.

Bosnek Village

Formations – Vreloto Cave – photo Àtanas 0 200 m

404 Russev Entrance
Formations – Vreloto Cave – photo Àtanas Russev


Crystal – Vreloto Cave – photo Àtanas Russev 405

Rayantsi Village, Pernik Distr.
Length 358 m. Denivelation -66 m

A cave pothole, 2 km NW of Rayantsi, near the quarter Golema Livada on the southern slope of
Konski Vrah, the area of Kraishte. Formed in dolomitized limestone from the Middle Trias.
The pothole has two entrances, opened at the bottom of funnels. The bigger one has a diameter of
15 m and depth of 16 m, the smaller (SW) has a diameter of 3.4 m and the same depth.
After descending the entrance verticals, we reach a wide stone-covered bottom. From its
southeastern part a labyrinth of horizontal and inclined galleries, verticals and superposed chambers
follow, the biggest being with dimensions 28 x 8 x 9 m. The floor is covered with gravel and clay, in
some places there are stone blocks. The flowstone formations (stalactites, stalagmites, stalagtons,
curtains, dendrites, coralites, etc.) are mostly dry.
The cave was studied first in 1976 by the Pernik Caving Club. In February 1981, it was surveyed
by M. Metodiev, R. Metodiev and V. Mirchev from Rudnichar Pernik Caving Club, and again in 1994 by
Helictite Sofia Caving Club. In 1999 cavers from Iskar Sofia Caving Club described the setting of the
pothole (description: A. Jalov after V. Mustakov and I. Tachev).

Yamkata (Yamkite)
Rayantsi Village


406 66 m 0 50 m
Name ZHIVATA VODA (Ayazmoto) (200)
Bosnek Village, Pernik Distr.
Length 162 m. Denivelation -7 m
Coordinates:N 42° 31' 30" E 23° 11' 58"

A cave NE of the village Bosnek, on the SW slope of Vitosha. Named after the nearby source
Zhivata Voda (The Live Water). After the entrance hall, which is 14 m long, up to 11 m wide and 2 m
high, a gallery starts, heading E for some 130 m. Here, the width is 1.5–2.5 m and the height 1–4.40 m.
In some places the floor is covered with clay and sinter deposits with small sinter lakes and a dozen of
stalagmites. A descending threshold of 2.5 m follows and a chamber is reached, which is 11 m long, 12
m wide and ca. 8 m high, with boulders at the bottom. About 2.5 m below there is a narrow gallery
through which an underground stream flows coming from the neighbouring cave, called Suha Peshtera.
After the chamber, the gallery bends to the north and after 20 m ends in a small lake. Flowstone
formations in the end parts.
Recorded first in 1875, then in 1895 by K. and H. Škorpil.
Surveyed in 1975 by L. Popov, St. Tsonev and S. Badeva, cavers of Aleko Konstantinov Sofia
Caving Club. In 1989, another map was made by M. Zlatkova, D. Kozhuharov, Ya. Bozhinov and I.
Naneva from Zdravets Sofia Caving Club.

Zhivata Voda (Ayazmoto)

Bosnek Village



0 30 m 407
Name: 20 YEARS OF AKADEMIK (211)
Bansko Town, Blagoevgrad Distr.
Altitude 2450 m. Lenght 80 m. Denivelation -118 m

In the northern part of Pirin, in the circus Banski Suhodol, 300 m before the joint of Koteshki Chal
and the main karstic ridge Koncheto. Snow is accumulated in the entrance parts. One big shaft of – 55 m.
The two entrances of the shaft are joint in a gallery, the bottom of which is covered with stones. T° 1.5 °C.
Discovered and surveyed in 1978 m.
Situated in Pirin National Park (protected).

20 years of Akademik
Bansko Town

408 118 m

The entrance of the pit – photo Ivan Lichkov 409

Name: ALEKO (203)
Ilindentsi Village, Blagoevgrad Distr.
Altitude ca. 1700 m. Length 547 m. Denivelation -132 m

A descending branched pothole on the grounds of Pirin National Park, in the Sinanitsa part, 300
m under the summit Sharaliya (2172 m), on the NW slope. It has two entrances, 11 m difference in
their levels, on the left bank of Razkolska river. Some of the galleries are due to mining. Explored by
the Speleoclub of Aleko Konstantinov, Sofia Tourist Society, in February 1978–May 1985. The
bottom was reached on March 29, 1978 by A. Jalov, Y. Bozhinov, S. Tsonev, Hr. Iliev. Map: K. Bonev,
D. Vangelov, S. Ivanov during the club expedition Pirin-85. Perhaps in XVI Century Saxons were
mining ore in these parts.

Ilindentsi Village


0 40 m

Name: BANDERITSA (212)
Banderitsa Hut (North Pirin), Blagoevgrad Distr.
Altitude: 1778 m. Length 243 m. Denivelation -125 m
Coordinates: N 41° 46' 04.4" E 23° 25' 57"

A pothole in Proterozoan marble, 10 minutes from the hut Banderitsa, on the left bank of the river
near the contact zone. The water in the pothole re-appears 900 m lower, near Bansko. A narrowing at the
end. Difficult access because of low air temperature (4 °C) and water temperatures (2.8 °C). The water
capacity at the fifth waterfall is 20 l/s, and cannot be avoided. Discovered in November 1970 by five
cavers from the Speleoclub Akademik, Sofia. In December 1970, the bottom was reached by P. Delchev,
K. Spassov, A. Filipov and I. Nelchinov. The pothole is included within Pirin National Park and is
protected as a Natural Monument (Decree 1799/ 30.06.1972).

Banderitsa Hut (North Pirin)

New entrance

New entrance

0 30 m

110 m

Razlog Town, Bayuvi Dupki Circus
Altitude 2300 m. Denivelation -103 m
Coordinates: N 41° 48' 05'' E 23° 23' 06''

A pothole in the middle part of Bayuvi Dupki Circus. On the surface, a crevice is clearly seen,
about 50 m long, in the middle of which the entrance is situated. Discovered in 1985 by I. Barova, A.
Drazhev, Tz. Ostromski, V. Shekerdzhieva, D. Angelov, cavers of Akademik – Sofia Caving Club during
the expedition “Pirin’85”. Name given by the expedition.
The pothole consists of one vertical and is rather narrow. Rope is not needed for penetration. One
difficulty is the narrow place at – 30 m, which stopped the first explorers, and the boulders at – 98 m.
The pothole ends with an impenetrable narrowing, under which at least another 25–30 m are seen.
Danger of falling stones. The boulders at – 98 m are rather stable (Dimitar Angelov informs). Consists of
7–8 big blocks, well jammed.
Situated within Pirin National Park (protected).


Razlog Town

412 0 15 m
The entrance of the cave Chelyustnitsa – photo Ivan Lichkov


The circus Kamenititsa and the ridge Sredonosa, behind which is the circus Bayuvi dupki 413
Name: KAMENITITSA No 14 (208)
Razlog Town, Kamenititsa Circus
Length 22 m. Denivelation -103 m
Coordinates: N 41° 48' 00" E 23° 22' 36"

From August 10 to 22, 1972, the second expedition of Akademik to Kamenititsa Circus took place.
In pothole No 14 the cavers reached – 32 m, when a huge boulder stopped them. During the third
expedition (October 1–8, 1973), four cavers managed to remove the boulder and reach – 103 m.
The entrance is situated in the upper part of the circus. Two entrances (5 x 1.5 m), joint at – 4 m,
a steep gallery up to – 26 m follows. There, a small chamber is formed, followed by an almost vertical
gallery, up to – 56 m. The next vertical is 40 m deep, ending with blocks, allowing some more meters.
This is the deepest pothole in the circus. It is not equipped for SRT.
Situated within Pirin National Park (protected).

Kamenititsa No 14
Razlog Town

0 Entrance

103 m

G.Georgiev in front of the entrance of the cave Kamenititsa No 14 – photo Ivan Lichkov 415
Name: PROPAST (Pothole) No 9 (Devyatkata, System 9–11) (214)
Bansko Town, Banski Suhodol Circus
Altitude 2525 m. Length 311 m. Reached denivelation -225 m

The pothole was discovered in 1977 during an expedition of Akademik Sofia Caving Club. The
map published here was made also in 1977 by V. Vassilev and I. Lichkov. During another expedition in
1981 Pothole N 9 was connected to Pothole N 11 and a depth of 100 m was reached.
In the period August 25 – September 2, 2001, an expedition was organized in the circus Banski
Suhodol in Northern Pirin. Organizer of the expedition was Vitosha Sofia Caving Club, with the
participation of other cavers. The idea was to break down the boulder at the bottom of Pothole 9 (-138 m)
and find a continuation after it.
After several hours of work the boulder was broken down and raised to the surface by means of
polyspasts. A. Drazhev, Y. Tsvetanov and N. Orlov were thin enough to penetrate behind it and remove
the remaining stones. Then, they reached a vertical leading to a big chamber. The next day, a group,
formed by V. Stefanov, K. Bogacheva and P. Bakalov, descended the vertical (15–20 m) and reached a
big chamber covered with boulders. Several new verticals were detected and one was descended to the
bottom. There was no time to finish the exploration, but there are still good prospects to do that. There is
not a complete map of the pothole, but its depth up to the stone is 138 m. From there to the bottom of the
big chamber there are another 35–40 m, which probably makes Pothole No 9 the deepest in Pirin. The
pothole Vihrenska Propast is (according to the survey of 1999) – 170 m (K. Stoichkov reports).
The actual map was made by Helictit Caving Club – Sofia.
Situated on the territory of Pirin National Park (protected).


Propast (Pothole) No 9
(Devyatkata, System 9–11)
Bansko Town


-225 m
V. Oshanov (Vilicata) – one of the first explorers of the cave – photo Ivan Lichkov


The carrying of luggage to the camp in Banski Suhodol Circus is done with mules – photo Trifon Daaliev, 1981 417
Name: PROPAST K -18 (LEDENATA) (206)
Razlog, Blagoevgrad Distr.
Circus Kamenititsa, Pirin
Denivelation -126 m
Coordinates: N 41° 48' 05'' E 23° 22' 42''

The entrance is oval with dimensions 8 x 3 m.

It is a cascade pot hole. Starts with a 20 m vertical, followed by verticals of 10 and again 20 m. The
bottom is covered with ice. Than starts in inclined gallery, ending in another 20 m vertical with ice
covered bottom. The pot hole ends in a squeeze with strong draft – hammering could give way further.
Discovered and explored by cavers from the international expedition “Pirin’2002”. Surveyed by
André Dawagne and Sebastien Dujardin from Belgium.
Within Pirin National Park.

0 Entrance

Propast K-18 (Ledenata)

Razlog, Circus Kamenititsa

130 m
The entrance is covered by snow – photo Ivan Lichkov


Exploration of the pothole Ê-18 in 2002 419

Name: PROPASTNA PESHTERA (Cave – Pot hole) N 29 (205)
Bayuvi Dupki Circus
Razlog Town, Blagoevgrad Distr.
Length 111 m. Denivelation -82 m
Coordinates: N 41° 48' 07" E 23° 23' 15"

A cave pothole above the first rigel in the valley of the lower couloir. In the pothole there is always
some snow, so one penetrates the first 10 meters between the snow and the rock wall. After the first
inclined shaft, there are ca. 50 m of a horizontal gallery, at the end of which a 41-m deep vertical starts.
Right above it, there are several big blocks, by the 14the meter a huge boulder is jammed resembling a
balcony. At the bottom, there is a blockage, through which one falls into a narrow crevice, 7 m long, at
the beginning of which there are dendrites. The crevice is further transformed into a second pitch (30 m).
At the 19th meter, there is a platform where one can rest.
The walls are moist. In the first pitch there is dripping water, which further down forms a small
stream. No flowstone formations, the temperature in August 1998 was 1.6 °C, at the entrance 0.8 °C,
average temperature 1.5 °C.
Cave Pothole No 29 was explored first on the July 9–11, 1968 by the “Pirin’68” expedition of
Akademik Sofia Caving Club (Valeri Vassilev, Igor Gachkovski, Zhelyo Marinov, Radoslav Rahnev,
Valeri Nazmovich, Tsvetan Lichkov, Petar Delchev, Proyno Somov, Assya Ermalova).
The map was prepared by the participants in that expedition and the present description is due to P.
Situated within Pirin National Park (protected).

Propastna peshtera
(Cave – Pothole) N 29
Razlog, Bayuvi Dupki Circus

85 m

In front of the entrance – photo Ivan Lichkov 421

Name: PROPAST K-19 (KAMENITITSA – 19, Bulgaria – France – Belgium) (204)
Razlog Town, Blagoevgrad District
Kamenititsa Circus
Altitude 2450 m. Denivelation -136 m
Coordinates: N 41° 48' 02'' E 23° 22' 46''

Propast K-19 is situated in the upper part of Kamenititsa Circus, 4 hours from Yavorov Chalet and
1 h from the shelter Koncheto. It is a cascade pothole. It starts with a funnel of 10x3 m and a short
descending gallery with a squeeze at the end. After the squeeze, we find four smaller verticals and two
bigger – one of 36 m and one of 22 m. The end squeeze has not been followed, but a strong draft can be
noted – maybe there is a way further down.
The entrance of K 19 – BFB was discovered on August 23, 2002, by Nikolay Orlov, together with
Nancy Rosseti and Marilyne Hanin from France and was marked as NMN (during the international
caving expedition “Pirin’2002”). At that time, part of the first vertical (to the second platform) was
descended. On the next day, all three reached a chamber, after which there was a very narrow passage.
After several hours of hammering, they opened the way to the second and the third verticals. On August
24–25, the Frenchmen Damyan and Emanuel reached the bottom at -112 m, equipping the four verticals
of the pothole.
Some days later, Mathieu Berger and Oliver Peron from France surveyed the pothole, leaving
several (especially the squeeze at the bottom with a strong air current, suggesting a very deep pothole).
In 2005 the pothole was explored to -136 m by M. Tranteev and other cavers.
Situated within Pirin National Park (protected).


Propast K-19
(Kamenititsa – 19, Bulgaria –
France – Belgium)
Razlog, Kamenititsa Circus

422 -112 m

127 m

The entrance – photo Ivan Lichkov

Name: PROPAST 35 (CYCLOPE) (207)
Kamenititsa Circus
Razlog Town, Blagoevgrad Distr.
Length 158 m. Denivelation: -87 m
Coordinates: N 41° 48' 19" E 23° 23' 04"

A pothole in the circus Kamenititsa, Pirin, on the slope above the Second Rigel (on the right of the
avalanche couloirs, above a small stone vertical). A one-level, non-branched cave pothole. Formed in
white marble with grey stripe coloration. The autochthonous formations are the result of the frost
Near the entrance there is a dangerous blockage. East of the second vertical, a stream appears from
the ceiling, runs under the blockage and reappears at the vertical before the end chamber.
The deposits are ochre–whitish in colour. The ceiling is usually smooth and horizontal. Secondary
formations are missing, except for scarce dendrites on the inclined walls, result of the dripping water.
In the first well, bones and the scull of a boar have been found.
Explored first by a team of the cavers Kliment Burin, Miron Savchin, Klava Stelmolchuk, Zhelyo
Marinov, Ivan Mateev, Georgi Antonov, Ala Ermolova, Lilo Lilov and Vassil Gruev. The present
description and map were made by Vassil Gruev in 1968.
Situated within Pirin National Park (protected).

Propast 35 (Cyclope)
Razlog, Kamenititsa Circus

87 m

The entrance of Cyclop Cave – photo Ivan Lichkov 425

Village Ilindentsi, Blagoevgrad Distr.
Length 470 m. Denivelation 52 m (-10, +40). Surface 1815 m
Coordinates: N 41° 42' 47" E 23° 18' 51"

A cave 10 km NE of Ilindentsi. The cave is developed in the SE slope of Kurtov Rid, reaching the
summit of Sharaliya (2172 m). Formed in Proterozoan calcite-dolomite marbles. A cavern without a
natural exit, an ascending-descending branched cavern. Galleries connect four chambers at different
levels, the largest being the entrance chamber with a surface of 902 m2. Sinter formations on the walls
and the floor everywhere in the cave. Calcite is widespread, aragonite is present everywhere as needle-
shaped and needle-plate transparent crystals. Pearls, moon milk. The infiltrating water forms five
stagnant lakes.
The cave was discovered in the 50s during mining works. In 1962, cavers from Sandanski
(Edelweiss Tourist Society) and from Sofia (Planinets Sofia Caving Club) studied the cave and collected
cave animals. In 1975, 1977 and after 1983 new galleries and chambers were discovered, including by
students of Sofia University. Surveyed in 1979 by L. Popov and V. Vassilev during an expedition of
Aleko Sofia Caving Club.
Fauna. Troglobites: Pseudosinella bulgarica (Collembola), Duvalius pirinicus (Coleoptera).

Sharaliyskata peshtera
Village Ilindentsi


426 0 100 m
Razlog Town
Length 605 m. Denivelation – 8 m.
Coordinates: N 41° 51' 04.3" E 23° 25' 57.7"

The cave entrance is situated 4 km SW of Razlog, in a military area. It opened during the
earthquake in 1904. By 1965 the known length was ca. 250 m. In 1967 new parts were discovered and
since 1971 cavers from Akademik – Sofia Caving Club have surveyed the cave up to the 605 m known
till now.
One of the few Bulgarian caves in a conglomerate. About 60 m from the entrance, an underground
stream runs. Water temperature about 6 °C. The cave has few flowstone formations.
The water of Spropadnaloto emerges 300 m from the entrance and from there Rakovitsa River

Spropadnaloto (Propadnaloto)
Razlog Town


0 100 m


0 100 m 427

428 Serge Delaby - President of Belgian Federation of Speleology in front of the entrance of the Spropadnaloto – photo Trifon Daaliev
Vihren Summit, Pirin, Blagoevgrad Distr.
Altitude 2650 m. Length 396 m. Denivelation -170 m
Coordinates: N 43° 43' 41.1" E 23° 24' 52.2"

On the eastern edge near Vihren summit, formed in strongly inclined Proterozoan marble. This is
the deepest pothole in Pirin and the highest cavern between the Alps and the Caucasus. Exploration
difficult. Temperature in the first pitch is 1 °C. Four pitches (45, 35, 41 and 16 m), in the first pitch there
is icefall.
The first information about the cave was supplied by Polish cavers. Explored in 1976–79 by
Speleoclub Akademik, Sofia, up to -132 m. In 1995–1996 cavers from the Speleoclub Helictite, Sofia,
discovered new sectors, reaching a depth of 200 m. P. Beron collected cave fauna in August 1972.
Fauna: Opiliones, Chiroptera and the interesting caddis – fly Micropterna caesareica (Tri-
A Protected Natural Monument, together with 0.3 ha of adjacent land (Decree 1187/19.04.1976).
Situated on the territory of Pirin National Park.


The entrance of the pothole Vihrenska propast – photo Tsvetan Lichkov SOME

Vihrenska propast
Vihren Summit, Pirin

130 m 429
Dobrostan Village, Plovdiv Distr.
Length 43.7 m. Denivelation -14 m

A pothole, 5 km SW of Dobrostan, 0.7 km W of Martsiganitsa Hut, Gogova Padina, Dobrostanski

Rid. Formed in Rifean marbles. Surface 704 m2. Only one chamber, depth of the entrance hall 12 m. The
chamber is rectangular with max. dimensions – 20 m long, 11 m wide, four meters high. Big boulders in
the center of the SW part of the chamber. All kinds of sinter pools. Explored for the first time in 1963.
Surveyed in 1975 by P. Tranteev, V. Stoitsev and Al. Leonidov. A show cave since 1990. Named after the
Turkish oppressor Ahmed Aga.

Ahmetyova dupka
(Prokletata, Dobrostanski biser)
Dobrostan Village
n tran


0 20 m

Name: BORIKOVSKATA PESHTERA (Chervena dupka) (247)
Borikovo Village, Smolyan Distr.
Length 470 m. Denivelation 10 m
Coordinates: N 41° 29' 09.6" E 24° 36' 06.8"

A cave 1, 5 km S of Borikovo, upstream the river. Height above the LBE – 130 m. The cave
entrance, 150 m above the river bed at the foot of a cliff, is a rhomboid, 4 x 1.5 m. The cave in a
monotonous one, a one gallery channel, 4–5 m wide with an average height of 3–4 m, 7 m maximum and
a total length reaching 470 m. Formed in Proterozoan marble. Up to 270 m, the floor is covered mainly
with clay, from 270 to 380 m – mainly with calcite deposits. Only the end of the cave is rich in flowstone
formations, the remaining part of the cave is poor in such formations.
The cave is rich in paleontological material.
Borikovskata Peshtera was explored, surveyed and described in 1967 by D. Raychev, G. Raychev,
T. Cholakov and other cavers from Chepelare (expeditions of Studenets Caving Club (Rodopski
Peshternyak, 34, 1967).


Borikovskata peshtera
(Chervena dupka)
Borikovo Village


0 120 m


0 120 m
The explorers in front of the entrance – photo Òrifon Daaliev

The river Arda near Mogilitsa village – photo Trifon Daaliev V. Popov is washing in Arda River the samples from
432 Borikovskata peshtera Cave – photo Trifon Daaliev
Orehovo Village, Smolyan Distr.
Length 305 m. Denivelation -12 m. Volume 3456 m3

A cave 0.7 km NW from Orehovo, in the locality Dupleski Kamak, on the left bank of Oreshitsa
River, Chernatitsa Ridge. Formed in Proterozoan marble. A descending, three-storey, branched cave.
The axe of the main storey is 185 m long. Upper storey 65 m long. Lower storey 33 m. Min-max
dimensions of the cross-section of galleries: 0.6–11.6 m wide, 0.3–9 m high. All kinds of flowstone.
Dripping infiltration water. The first written information about the cave dates back to 1890, (the school
teacher A. Cherpokov). In 1902, studied by G. Bonchev. In July 1924, biological exploration by D.
Ilchev, P. Drenski and N. Radev. Studied and surveyed in detail by Chepelare Caving Club 1964,
completed by the National Expedition Trite Cheleveshnitsi in 1978. Known from the stories about local
inhabitants who hid in the cave and suffocated in a fire somewhere in the 18 or the beginning of 19
century, which is confirmed by the many human bones found in the cave.
Fauna: five species known, including the troglobites Troglodicus tridentifer (Diplopoda) and
Lithobius lakatnicensis (Chilopoda).

Cheleveshnitsa (Cheleveshkata,
Choveshkata, Chilyashkata)
Orehovo Village


0 40 m

0 40 m

Pavelsko Village, Smolyan Distr.
Length 85 m. Denivelation -60 m

The cave – pot hole Cheleveshnitsa is situated 2.4 km south of Pavelsko, on the left bank of a
tributary of Chaya River. The entrance has dimensions 7 x 4 m.
The vertical 33 m deep entrance pitch leads straight to the huge only chamber of the cave. It is 85
m long, 40 m wide and 52 m high. It is a strongly faulted zone. Behind a huge cone of crumbled blocks
and gravel one can see many shining sinter walls. Some are dry, full of millet-size cave pearls. Others are
full of water. Not far is a drained lake, longtime ago being 12 m deep. Behind it there is a stone forest –
colonade of stalaktons. The legend says that this is the very place of the descent of Orphaeus
underground to look for his beloved Eurydice. Indirect prove for the tragic events in the past here could
be the human skeleton discovered by Chepelare cavers during the first exploration of the cave.
In the exploration of the cave took part also the Russian cavers Igor Efremov and Viktor
Dublyanski, members of the VI th International caving expedition in 1966. The description was done by
Dimitar Sabev and the map by A. Dimitrov and V. Dublyanski. The survey was redone in 1977 by
Akademik – Plovdiv Caving Club.
In 1978 F. Filchev noticed in the cave 26 alpine choughs (Pyrrhocorax graculus).

Pavelsko Village


60 m
0 30 m
Zabardo Village, Smolyan Distr.
Length 65 m. Depth 51 m

Pot hole above Zabardo Village. The small entrance is hidden among jinever and rocks in the
place called Aydarski Kamak. The sagand says that not far from the pot hole was the castle Zagrad of
Gordyu Voyvoda. After the taking of the castle the turks have thrown in the pot hole all defenders still
alive, together with the dead and of their horses and weapons. The walls of the castle still stay, and the
legend found confirmation after the exploration of the pot hole by cavers from the Second (1962) and the
Fourth Insternational Expeditions which took to the surface many human bones and 9 roasted old
weapons. The bones were relatively well preserved and show that tall adult males have been thrown
there. The type and manufacture of the weapons indicate approximately the end of the Second Bulgarian
Kingdom (end of 14th Century).
A 36 m vertical leads to the top of a huge cone of stones and clay, kept in places by loose stone
blocks. At the base of this cone have been found the iron weapons. After an incident which almost buried
four cavers entry to the pot hole was forbidden.
The map was prepared by P. Tranteev and Hr. Delchev in 1962 during the Second International
Expedition and the description – by Dimitar Sabev in his booklet “Rupchoskite peshteri” (1967). The
actual map is responsibility of P. Petrov, Zh. Stefanov, V. Gogov, I. Hristova and L. Petrova in 1978
during the expedition “Trite Cheleveshnitsi” (“Orehovo’78”).

Entrance (Cheloveshnitsa)
Zabardo Village



0 20 m
Name: CHUDNITE MOSTOVE (Erkyupriya) (232)
Village Zabardo, Smolyan Distr.
Altitude 1490 m. Length 107 m. Denivelation -16.5 m
Coordinates: N 41° 49' 08.7" E 24° 34' 58"

The natural phenomenon Chudnite Mostove is situated 3.71 km N-NW of Zabardo village, in the
middle part of the valley Aydarski Dol, mountain massif Chernatitsa.
Formed in Proterozoan marbles. A system of two rock bridges, 70 m from each other – Upper
(Goren) and Lower (Dolen). The upper one is 51 m long and is developed westwards. The entrance faces
E and has the following dimensions – width 11 and height 27 m. The other entrance is 52 m wide and 51
m high (the highest cave entrance in Bulgaria). The entrance of the lower rock bridge (Dolnata Peshtera)
is triangular and has dimensions as follows: width 5 m and height 26 m. A gallery follows, which is 56
m long and with approximately the same dimensions. First, it goes to the west, then to the north. Along
the gallery there are 8 verticals, it’s the gallery denivelation reaching 16.5 m. The dimensions of the exit
opening are: 5 m wide and 41 m high. Through the upper bridge a stream runs, coming from the upper
(E) part of Aydarsko Dere. When the outflow of the stream is small, its water disappears in a ponor,
situated 25 m below the exit of the bridge. When in flood, the stream runs further in the valley between
the two bridges and passes through the lower bridge (cave) from where it runs further into the canyon
The famous stone bridge was first recorded and described in 1885 by Stoyu Shishkov (Journal
Balgarski Pregled, 9 and 10), then by K. and H. Škorpil in their book “Krazhski Yavleniya” (1900 c).
Later, studied many times. The actual map was made in September 1990 by A. Jalov from Heliktit –
Sofia and G. Ilchevski from Studenets – Chepelare Caving Clubs.
Declared a Natural Monument, together with 39.7 ha of adjacent land (Decree 2813/08.11.1961).


n ce

Chudnite Mostove
Village Zabardo

0 100 m

Chudnite Mostove – the highest entrance of a stone bridge in Bulgaria – photo Alexey Jalov 437
Mugla Village, Smolyan Distr.
Length 1142 m. Denivelation – 255 m
Coordinates: N 41° 38' 50.7" E 24° 28' 12.6"

A cave entrance situated 80 meters above the river, 20 meters from the road. Dimensions 1.5 x 2 m.
The entrance vertical is a 45m pitch, expanding bell-shaped. Several other verticals lead to the “old
bottom” at – 165 m.
The new sectors, discovered in 1991–1994, are to the side in the middle of the third pitch at – 110
m. These parts are muddy, watery and narrow. The cavers penetrating there should be equipped with
water suites, with reliable light and have to be well trained. The river outflow is 30–50 l/s. The
underground river of Drangaleshka Dupka is 80 m under the level of Muglenska reka.
The cave was explored and surveyed first on May 15, 1965. First penetrated by Ts. Lichkov, V.
Gyaurov and in 1991 cavers from Sofia (Ts. Ostromski and M. Zlatkova) discovered a descent -111 m
from the entrance. The bottom of the system is 175 metres below the river level. Fauna collected by P.
Beron in 1998.


(Dangalashka) dupka
Mugla Village

0 100 m

The entrance of the Drangaleshkata cave – photo Trifon Daaliev


The pothole Drangaleshka dupka Trigrad Gorge – photo Trifon Daaliev 439
Dobrostan Village, Plovdiv Distr.
Altitude 1305 m. Denivelation -130 m

A pothole in Proterozoan marble, about 30 minutes SW of Martsiganitsa Hut, in the locality Sveti
Hris. A round entrance, diameter ca. 3 m. This shape is preserved up to the 25th meter, where a platform
of 2–3 m2 is reached. From the platform a vertical of 95 m starts (according to the survey). Dimensions
of the bottom: 10 x 26 m, many fallen rocks. Its NW side could be eventually penetrated, and a new part
is to be expected, moreover that the local base of erosion is at least 200–300 m lower. Very few cave
formations. T° 7.3 °C.
The pothole had been known to local people for a long time. In 1962, at the end of the II
International Expedition, the first attempt to descend it took place (P. Beron and K. Kowalski got up to
25 m, because of the lack of time and climbing gear). Named Druzhba (Friendship), in honour of the
international expedition. In the same year, the caver from Plovdiv A. Siderov descended to the bottom
and declared the pothole depth at 211 m. On November 10,1968, N. Genov and I. Rashkov surveyed the
pothole, recording a depth of 130 m.
Fauna: among the few cave animals are the large Diplopod troglophiles Balkanopetalum beskovi.

Druzhba (Sveti Hris)
Dobrostan Village

440 130 m
Trigrad Village, Smolyan Distr.
Altitude 1150 m Lenght 480 m Denivelation 89 m
Coordinates: N 41° 36' 46" E 24° 22' 53"

A pothole in Proterozoan marble, at the beginning of the spectacular Trigrad Gorge, 1.5 km from
Trigrad Village. A large entrance leads into the first shaft (diaclase of 51 m). The entrance waterfall is 34
m high, now avoided by using an iron ladder, leads to a big chamber, called “Roaming” (100 x 40 m). In
the pothole, there are 15 waterfalls, all of them terminated by evorsion cauldrons. From the end of the
Big Chamber to the end of Dyavolskoto Garlo, 272 m of horizontal galleries have been surveyed,
intersected by 13 cataracts, 0.60 to 8 m high, with a total denivelation of 38 meters. In this part a dingy
is needed. When in flood, the amount of water entering the pothole is over 2300 l/s. In the dry period,
this quantity is about 300–320 l/s.
In the summer of 1961, N. Korchev and his group undertook the first attempt to penetrate
Djavolskoto Gârlo, but the difficulties were too many for the technique of that time. In 1969, 7 cavers
from Cherni Vrâh Caving Club (Sofia), led by A. Petkova, reached the bottom (V. Gogov and V. Kitov).
Two divers drowned in the end siphon in 1970 A dangerous system, requiring good equipment and
skilled cavers. A show cave, which is open all year round.

Entrance Dyavolskoto Gârlo (Harloga)

Trigrad Village

130 m Entrance


0 60 m
The rappelling down to the cave
– photo Vassil Balevski

P.Tranteev and V.Markov are

mapping the cave – 1975 –
442 photo Vassil Balevski
Orpheus Hut, Smolyan Distr.
Total length 635 m. Denivelation -35 m

A two-entrance cave about 3 km SE of Orpheus Hut, on the left bank of Kastrakli Gorge, in the
karstic cliff above the road to Teshel, immediately after the water joint with Eminov Dol valley. The
bigger entrance is crescent-shaped and faces west, towards Eminov Dol. It can be reached only with a
rope. The upper entrance (easier to enter) is on the edge of a 20m cliff above the Arrow Cave. To find it
one needs a guide.
The cave begins with a vertical, for which a 20-m rope is needed. After a 2 m obstacle, a wide and
lit gallery is reached. About 10 m on the left is the main entrance. About 10 m on the right, the gallery
ends with flowstone formations. Before that, a narrow branch on the left leads to a wide and high gallery,
parallel to the previous one. After 12 m on the left a sinter waterfall is reached. We can crawl for another
7 m in a squeeze, after which the continuation has not been explored. A strong draft is an indication for
the existence of a third entrance.
In the other direction, the gallery gradually lowers. Its most narrow part was dug out by Ts.
Ostromski and S. Petkov on May 1, 1992.
Then the gallery widens and after 20 m we reach a wide diaclasic gallery, high up to 10–12 m and
with many flowstone formations. On the right, climbing on dry sinters, we can enter a gallery with a
level floor with dendrites. After 150 m, there is a big boulder mass and the gallery leads to the left.
Before the bent there is a 50m branch on the left.
Following the main gallery, after 50 m we reach another crossroad. Straight on after 7–8 m there is
a 18m vertical. In its upper end there is an ascending 20 m gallery.
After climbing to the upper level and then descending, the right branch (the main gallery), leads us
to the most beautiful part of the cave. The ceiling lowers and, after a nice lake, the way further is
blocked. The tree roots suggest that the surface may be near.
Another big gallery goes NE. Seventy (70) m after the chamber, on the left there is a low and narrow
branch, 55 m long, ending in beautiful flowstone formations. After another 40 m along the main gallery, a
branch on the left follows, with a 15m vertical and a horizontal gallery in the middle of the vertical.
Hydrogeologically, this subregion depends on the water from the source near Teshel. The river
Krichim forms its hydrogeological boundary on the south. The marble on both sides of Kastrakliysko
Dere border forms a picturesque gorge up to 300 m deep. Karst water sinks and re-appears in different
places, which is a sign of deeper karstification and of a chance to find also other caves.

The cave pothole Eminova Dupka was discovered by St. Petkov and Ts. Ostromski through
digging in 1992. The cave was explored and surveyed in the same year by Ts. Ostromski, S. Petkov, M.
Zlatkova, Zdr. Iliev, G. Raychev, N. Milev and other cavers. IMPORTANT

Eminova Dupka
Orpheus Hut

0 150 m
Ts. Ostromski in front of the cave entrance – photo Tsvetan Ostromski

444 Concretions – photo Tsvetan Ostromski

Name: GARGINA DUPKA (Garvanitsa) (239)
Mostovo Village, Plovdiv Distr.
Altitude 905 m. Length 524 m. Denivelation 38 m
Coordinates: N 41° 51' 01.4" E 24° 56' 02.2"

A cave by the village Mostovo. The village is situated on a rock terrace of white marble,
terminating in an abrupt cliff. Underneath, the two entrances of Gargina Dupka are situated. The cave
name comes from the alpine choughs (Pyrrhocorax graculus, in Bulgarian “Haydushki gargi”), nesting
near the entrance.
The cave has two entrances. A stream runs out the lower (A) entrance, the upper entrance is
overgrown with Hedera helix. After the entrance, the gallery goes up until reaching the first chamber.
It is high and lit by the light which comes from the second entrance. In spring and late in the autumn,
as well as after long rains, in this place a big shallow lake is formed. The way inside is through a 2.5m
waterfall. After a meandering gallery and big boulders, we reach the Bat Chamber, with guano. The
second gallery goes right. The floor is muddy, the walls are covered with dendrites and secondary
formations. Through two shallow wells, it is possible to reach the underground stream. The way
further is hindered by the low ceiling (15 cm). The siphon upstream was penetrated first in 1980.
Some 20 m of new galleries have been were discovered, together with a new impenetrable siphon.
After the wells, the cave becomes lower and ends. After a steep climb on slippery guano in the Bat
Chamber, we reach a narrow ascending gallery. After a five-meter vertical, we enter a chamber. A
narrow blind gallery follows.
The first survey of the cave was done in 1970 by Vl. Popov and B. Ilyuhin. Another, more
complete, map was made in 1983 by members of Akademik Plovdiv Caving Club.
Fauna: many bats, choughs, guano fauna (15 species). No troglobites.

Gargina Dupka (Garvanitsa)
Mostovo Village


0 50 m
Kosovo Village, Smolyan Distr.
Length 897 m. Denivelation 30 m

An ascending cave in marble near Kosovo Village in the locality Dalbokoto Dere. Mentioned for
the first time in writing as early as 1895,1898 and 1900 by K. and H. Škorpil in their books “Sources and
Sinks” and “Karst phenomena in Bulgaria”. The first recorded visit was made by cavers from Plovdiv,
led by At. Siderov, in 1961. The cave was explored and surveyed first in 1962 by cavers from the Second
International Caving Expedition and by Polish cavers. In 1978, during the Republican Expedition Trite
Cheleveshnitsi another attempt (up to 180 m) was made by Z. Iliev, A. Jalov and L. Adamov. A complete
map of the cave was prepared in the period August 9–19, 1983 by cavers from Akademik Plovdiv Caving
Club, led by Iv. Petrov.

(Kosovskata peshtera)
Kosovo Village

0 75 m
Name: GOLOBOITSA 1 and 2 (248)
Koshnitsa Village, Smolyan Distr.
Total length 500 m. Denivelation 20 m

Caves about 3 km from the village Koshnitsa, in Garga Dere. These are two separate caves and a
source, interconnected and formed in Proterozoan marble. A river with a non-constant outflow of 30–
3000 l/s runs out of the lowest situated cave gallery, which is 16 m long. The connection between the
source and the underground stream in the cave Goloboitsa 1 has been proved by an indicatory
experiment, carried out by D. Raytshev in 1967. The second entrance of the cave Goloboitsa 1 is situated
57 m above the karstic source. Only the first 20 m of the caves are flooded. About 30–40 m before the
entrance, the underground stream disappears in a siphon and reappears as the karstic source Goloboitsa.
About 100 m from the entrance, the ceiling lowers and the lumen between it and the water table is small.
In flood, this lumen is filled and in this place a siphon is formed. Later, in some places the gallery
becomes higher than 10 m and wide up to 5–6 m. The depth of the underground stream is ca. 1 m, and its
width is 1–2 m. It ends in a siphon. The bottom is covered with sand and the water is transparently clear.
No attempt to overcome it has ever been made. Water T° is 8 °C.
The third entrance, situated 10 m above Goloboitsa 1, gives access to Goloboitsa 2. Both caves are
connected at the beginning by a 12m vertical. The total length of this cave is 140 m. The first 70 m of the
gallery are horizontal, the remaining part to the end is inclined. Besides several narrow places after the
entrance, the gallery is 5–6 m wide and 6–7 m high, and it ends in a narrowing. After the first third of the
cave, stalactites are observed, together with other flowstone formations.
The caves were explored, surveyed and described in 1967 by D. Raychev, G. Raychev, T.
Cholakov and other cavers during the expeditions of Studenets Chepelare Caving Club (the Journal
Rodopski Peshternyak, 34, 1967).

Goloboitsa 1 and 2
Koshnitsa Village



0 100 m

a nc
E ntr

0 200 m
Trigrad Village, Smolyan Distr.
Length 510 m. Denivelation -42 m

A cave one kilometer N of Trigrad, on the right bank of Trigradska river. Formed in Proterozoan
marble. A two entrance (tunnel), two-storey cave. Until 1977 known as two separate caves: Haramiyska
I and Haramiyska II. The entrance of the first one is 20 m above the base of a cliff. A horizontal gallery
follows at the end of which a 34 m high wall opens, connected with an ascending gallery, reaching
Haramiyska II. Poor in flowstone. Clay deposits up to one meter thickness. Dripping water. In some
seasons there are mighty ice formations. First studied in 1924 by D. Ilchev, P. Drensky and N. Radev. In
1965, surveyed by L. Popov (National Expedition). In 1967, cavers from Studenets Caving Club again
explored the cave and in 1977 they connected the two parts. Artefacts dated from the Eneolith to the
Bronze Age were found during archaeological excavations in 1981–1983 by Hr. Valchanova.
Fauna: four species known, including the Dipluran Plusiocampa bulgarica.

Haramiyska Dupka B
Trigrad Village




448 0 150 m
A Upper entrance
Name: HRALUPA (Hralup) (245)
Dobrostan Village, Plovdiv Distr.
Altitude 860 m. Length 311 m. Denivelation 10 m

A cave in marbles from the Precambrian, 4.5 km SW of Dobrostan, in the locality Kozi Rog, high
above the left bank (geographically) of the river Sushitsa, Dobrostan Karst Massif, in the east end of the
North-Rhodopean Anticline.
The cave has two entrances. The bigger one faces west, the smaller – south. A horizontal gallery
without branches follows and ends with blocks. The cave is rich in secondary flowstone formations.
There is a legend that the corpse of a dead man from the village had been thrown in the cave,
which was proved when human bones and a knife were found (description of A. Jalov after Radmil
The cave was explored by the Second International Expedition in July 1962. Surveyed also in 1970
by B. Kolev from Aida Haskovo Caving Club. So far 8 animal species have been identified from this cave,
including the troglobite Isopod Rhodopioniscus beroni.

Hralupa (Hralup)
Dobrostan Village



0 100 m


0 100 m 449
Name: IVANOVA VODA (243)
Dobrostan Village, Plovdiv Distr.
Length 695 m. Denivelation 131 m

A cave pothole in the locality Vodite, near Martsiganitsa Hut, in the lowest part of a huge doline.
Formed in Proterozoan Marble. It starts with a descending gallery up to 40 m long, ending at the edge of
a 45-m shaft. From the bottom of the shaft a winding horizontal gallery starts, reaching a 5–6 m vertical,
leading to an underground lake. In rare cases there is no water in it. The cave is rich in flowstone.
In 1962, during the Second International Expedition Hr. Deltchev and St. Andreev reached the end
of the cave and collected (together with P. Beron) cave animals. They surveyed the cave. Animals were
collected also by British cavers in 1967 (published by M. Hazelton in 1970). Stygobite is Niphargus sp.


Ivanova Voda
Dobrostan Village

0 15 m


0 30 m


V. Nedkov and N.Gladnishki before the penetration – photo Trifon Daaliev

Borino Village, Smolyan Distr.
Length 2480 m. Denivelation 25 m

A cave near Orfey Hut, in the Kastrakli Gorge. D. Raychev penetrated the first 150-200 m of the
cave. In 1992, cavers from Sofia (St. Petkov, Zdr. Iliev, M. Zlatkova, T. and S. Medarovi, Ts. Ostromski,
T. Ivanova and others) started their research.
It is possible to reach the cave via the old road from Teshel to Orphey Hut (up to 2 km from
Orphey Hut still good for going by car). The entrance is a periodical source on the right bank of Izvorska
River, one meter above the river (dry in summer), under the road ca. 200 m before the junction with
Svinski Dol Valley.
The first 180 m of the cave are entirely below the level of the entrance. When in flood a long
siphon is formed and the penetration is impossible. The observations in 1992–2002 have shown that the
cave is dry in the second half of summer, in autumn and in winter. Penetration during rain or abrupt
warming in winter is not recommended, because of flood hazard. It has been shown that the cave gets
water from the sink of Izvorska River below Orphey Hut.
The cave is barely branching, horizontal on the main axis, with several ascending branches to the
right. In many places on the main axis when there is no water several sand siphons are formed. They
have to be dug out every year. So far 8 have been penetrated, the second one (from the entrance) being
the longest (16 m), the sixth is the deepest (14 m). So far 2480 m have been surveyed. Another 300 m
(non surveyed) have been explored, without reaching the end.
Until 1988 Izvornata Peshtera Cave was a permanent karstic source in Kastrakliysko Dere Valley.
After the obstruction of the sinks above the valley the source became periodical and stays dry for 6–7
months every year. Near the entrance remains a small lake. There is a second source, which drains the
ca. 200 m long siphon parts in the first part of the cave. May be the running water will be reached after
several more sand siphons, so the most interesting parts of the cave are to be discovered.

Izvora (Izvora na Kastrakli)

Borino Village

0 200 m Entrance
I. Tachev and N. Milev before exploration – photo
Tsvetan Ostromski


Needle-shaped stalactites are located in some galleries Yagodinskata peshtera – photo Vassil Balevski
and rooms – photo Tsvetan Ostromski 453
Mugla Village, Smolyan Distr.
Altitude 1625 m. Length of the main gallery 456 m. Denivelation -158 m

A pothole in Chamla area of Trigrad karstic region, between the villages Mugla and Trigrad, in
Domus Gyol locality. Formed in Proterozoan marble, in a fault area, separating the marble from the
sediments from the Paleogene. The entrance is in a karst funnel with a diam. of 15 m and height ca. 8 m,
from which a gallery starts. There are five shafts in this pothole. The entrance vertical is 10 m, the
second is 10 m, the third is 22 m, the fourth is 18 m and the fifth is 25 m deep. The verticals are
interconnected by horizontal galleries.
The pothole was discovered during a club expedition of Sredets Sofia in the summer of 1987 by K.
Stoyanov, K. Garbev, Y. Georgiev and others.

Kambankite (Propast M-4)

Mugla Village

0 Entrance

0 50 m

454 160 m
Name: KARANGIL (251)
Shiroko Pole Village, Kardjali Distr.
Length 490 m

A three-storey cave near Shiroko Pole, below the medieval castle Hissar. The big chamber is 120 m
away from the entrance. It is the former bottom of an underground lake, but after the building of the nearby
fountain the water drained and disappeared. On the floor of the gallery of the first floor, there are rocks
blocking the advancement of cavers. We reach the second floor after overcoming a 10meter chimney by
rope or ladder. On the floor, there are stones and bat guano, the air is dry and warm. There is a danger of
stone falls. Via a five-meter narrow passage we pass from the second to the third floor, which is wet and
with a permanent temperature. There are flowstone formations on the ceiling and walls.
On the floor of the gallery there is ceramics from the Early Bronze Age. There is a hypothesis that
the third floor was used in this period by the local tribe to preserve dairy and other products. As it is
difficult to believe that the jars were carried from the first floor, presumably another entrance existed.
Through a careful search, an entrance leading directly to the third floor has been discovered. This
entrance is the one, used by the Thracians.
The first floor was surveyed by B. Kolev. All three levels were surveyed by M. Gumarov, G.
Siderov, Y. Hristov and R. Popov during the expedition “Shiroko Pole’86”.
Description after M. Gumarov.
Fauna: 10 species identified. The spider species Centromerus milleri has been described from this
cave. Troglobite is the beetle Bureschiana drenskii (Col., Cholevidae).

Entrance Shiroko Pole Village



0 20 m
Name: KLADETO (249)
Rudozem, Smolyan Distr.
Length 263 m. Denivelation -147 m

A pothole on the eastern slope of Kavgadjika Ridge, in the locality Kladeto. Formed in sediments
from the Paleogene (breccia – a conglomerate of marble pieces with clay-carbonate matrix, among
which metamorphytes are observed. Sinter formations, red clay, small gravel and sand, tectonic and
corrosion-gravitation boulders.
Discovered and explored by Studenets Chepelare Caving Club in 1988 and surveyed by A.
Baldjiev, M. Tranteev and G. Raychev.

Entrance Kladeto

- 147 m
0 15 m

Name: LEDNITSATA (230)
Gela Village, Smolyan Distr.
Altitude 1538 m. Length 1419 m. Denivelation 108 m
Coordinates: N 41° 38' 52.8" E 24° 31' 27'1"

Cave in Proterozoan marble, 3.9 km SW of Gela, in the locality Kekeva, on the right bank of
Krushov Dol.
From the entrance, a large descending gallery leads into a spacious chamber, 65 m long and 25 m
wide, high up to 8 m. In the chamber, almost throughout the year ice formations can be found. Then, the
gallery follows the underground stream in northeast direction. All galleries have rich decoration of
aragonite and other cave formations.
After more than one kilometer, the stream joins another stream with a much bigger outflow,
coming from a siphon (360 l/s). Another bigger underground river flows first SW, then NW and reaches
another siphon, which has not been penetrated yet.
The first know description of the cave was due to an anonymous author in 1902. The first map of the
entrance part was published by the zoologist P. Drensky, followed by the article of Ivan Popnikolov
“Attempt for a morphological and climatic description of Lednitsata” (Bâlgarski Turist, 1929). In 1954
geologists led by Prof. D. Jaranov penetrated deeper into the cave, claiming a length of 860 m. Actually, the
bottom of the cave was reached on September 3, 1964, by D. Sabev, D. Raychev, M. Raycheva, Hr. Delchev,
T. Sarâmov and others. It took them 13 days. In 1965, D. Raychev and D. Sabev published a special issue of
the journal Rodopski Peshternyak (Lednitsata, 99 p.), with a detailed description of the cave.
Protected by virtue of Decree 1799/02.07.1968 (together with 4.6 ha of adjacent area).
Fauna: Known stygobite Speocyclops rhodopensis (Copepoda).


Gela Village


0 100 m
Velingrad Town, Pazardjik Distr.
Length 1525 m
Coordinates: N 41° 57' 14" E 24° 00' 43.2"

A water cave in Protozoan marble, 13 km SE of Velingrad, in the area of Rakitovo, on the left
slope of Chukura River. The first known research was done by people from Rakitovo. In 1921 the
founders of Rakitovo Caving Society again explored the cave. In the period 1925-1927, P. Drenski
and Iv. Buresch carried out the first biospeleological research. The first 400 m of the cave were
surveyed by Eng. Pavel Petrov, A. Popov and Iv. Andonov in 1931. Another map of 1100 m of the
cave was prepared by the National Expedition in 1960. The cave was explored and surveyed in details
by P. and B. Tranteev in 1971-73.
Declared a National Monument (together with 5 ha of adjacent area by Decree of 1963).
Fauna: 33 species known, including the troglobites Niphargus bureschi (Amphipoda), the beetle
Duvalius (Paraduvalius) bureschi (Coleoptera, Carabidae) and the Dipluran Plusiocampa bulgarica.

(Vodnata, Mokrata, Izvora)
Velingrad Town

0 150 m


0 150 m
Valeri Peltekov climbs in a chimney in the cave
Lepenitsa – photo Vassil Balevski


The river passage – photo Trifon Daaliev 459

Dryanovo Village, Plovdiv Distr.
Length 39 m. Denivelation -164 m

A pothole in the area of the village Dryanovo, seven km from the town Laki. Formed in
Proterozoan marble. There are two verticals of more than 80 m each. Flowstone and big stalactites in
both. On the bottom of the second pitch many flowstone forms, dendrites and other formations.
Discovered by S. Nenov and other cavers from the expedition in 1983 on information by a local
shepherd. Ten years later, cavers from Iskar Sofia Caving Club discovered a parallel shaft.


Lisek (Pantyolova)
-16 Dryanovo Village

35 m

0 5m


-80 -81


460 -164
Ribnovo Village, Blagoevgrad Distr.
Altitude 1150 m. Length 2119 m. Denivelation -115 m

A cave between Ossikovo and Ribnovo. The entrance is on the steep left slope of Manailovsko
Dere, in Proterozoan marble. Manuilovata Peshtera is a descending water cascade cave. After the first
350 meters, it branches into two main galleries with short secondary branches. The lower gallery is 605
m long (together with the branches 845 m), having a 105-m denivelation from the entrance and an
average inclination of 17.36%. The upper gallery is 1150 m long (1330 m together with the branches),
having a 115-m denivelation from the entrance. The supposed outlet of the underground river is the
karstic source at the water junction of Ossikovsko Dere and Manuilovsko Dere.
The cave had been known to the local people for a long time. The first speleological exploration
was carried out by the Committee for Cave Tourism in 1960 by P. Beron and S. Penchev. They surveyed
and described the lower part (surveyed 900 m of galleries) and collected cave fauna (Beron, Penchev,
1961). In 1971 another expedition of the Bulgarian Caving Federation again surveyed the lower part and
some distance of the upper gallery, altogether 1026 m. In 1975–1978, several scientific expeditions led
by P. Stefanov explored the cave, discovering and mapping another 770 m of galleries. The map of the
whole cave was completed and experiments were carried out to determine the way and the parameters of
the underground river.
Troglobites and stygobites: Eucyclops subterraneus (Copepoda), Stygiosoma beroni (Diplopoda).

Manuilovata Dupka Entrance

(Manailovata peshtera)
Ribnovo Village


0 60 m

Peshtera Town, Pazardjik Distr.
Length 846 m

A cave two km SW of Peshtera Town, on the road to Batak, 400 m upstream the river
Novomahlenska Reka, in a cliff, 100 m from a water catchmentand 52 m above the river bed.
Novata Peshtera is a two entrance cave. The galleries starting from the two entrances join in a large
chamber after ca. 100 m. On the floor there are stalagmites, on the walls and the ceiling – stalactites.
From the chamber, the cave develops in two main directions – NE and S. The northeastern gallery is 100
m long, 3 to 6 m wide and 1 to 4 meters high. The floor is covered with stalagmites. South of the
chamber, three galleries start, which later merge and go further as a gallery, which is 7–8 m wide, on the
floor of which there are several lakes. This gallery is followed by another one, with a floor covered by
clay. This gallery is situated on the lowest level (compared with the others), that is why the water from
the entire cave collects there. Throughout most of the year, this gallery is inundated and bears the name
The Water Branch. This part of the cave is the richest in flowstone formations, and also the longest.
There are several chambers in it. The first one is called Suhite Ezertsa (The Dry Small Lakes). The next
chamber is the biggest and on its ceiling many bats roost, hence the name The Fairy Kingdom of Bats. A
smaller chamber with tender stalactites and huge stalagmites follows. Further, the gallery becomes
narrower and ends in a squeeze.
Discovered in 1931 by the local tourists K. Turtov, G. Gadzhev and one Italian speleologist. The
name Novata (The New) was given by the discoverers. After cleaning the small entrance, they entered
the cave. To preserve the stalactite decoration, tourists from Peshtera mounted an iron gate (80 x 80 cm)
with a padlock.
The cave was described and surveyed for the first time by the Zoologist Pencho Drenski from the
Royal Museum of Natural History in Sofia. Surveyed again in 1975 by F. Filchev, A. Andreev, G.
Pehlyov, K. Kostov, I. Kozarev and P. Turtev, cavers from Kupena Peshtera Caving Club. During that
time, the second entrance of the cave was discovered.
Fauna (studied by N. Atanassov and P. Drenski in the 30s, by P. Beron on September 12, 1962
and later by other cavers): includes the troglobites Bulgaronethes haplophthalmoides (Isopoda),
Lithobius lakatnicensis and L. stygius (Chilopoda), Plusiocampa cf. beroni (Diplura), the troglophiles
Pseudacherontides spelaea (Collembola), Balkanopetalum rhodopinum (Diplopoda), and others, 22
sp. in total.

Novata peshtera

Peshtera Town

0 100 m
Ravnogor Village, Pazardjik Distr.
Total length 225 m. Denivelation +25 m

A cave in the area called Pavla, east of Ravnogor. It can be reached following a dirt road, on the
left of the paved road Bratsigovo – Ravnogor. Entrance: 2 m wide, 5 m high. It is horizontal, slightly
ascending, with a temporary stream on the floor. Sinters with water. About 45 m from the entrance, a 6-
m chimney leads to a gallery, which is 15 m long. About 187 m from the entrance, the main gallery
branches off.
Fauna: five species identified.

Pavla (Vodnata peshtera)

Ravnogor Village


0 50 m


0 50 m
Ribino Village, Kardjali Distr.
Length 327 m. Denivelation +10 m

The cave Samara (Semer-ini in Turkish) is situated in Krumovgrad Karstic Region, near Ribino
Village, in the locality Talashman Dere. The name is due to the shape of the entrance (“Samar” means
donkey saddle).
The cave is formed in grey organogenic, very fissured limestone from the Paleogene. It consists of
one main gallery, which is easy to walk. In places, in gets higher and wider, forming several chambers
and one side branch, which is on the right of the 55th meter and 80 m long.
At the 50th meter along the main gallery, a wall without joining plaster has been built. Here, there
is a low and wide chamber. There are ceramic pieces on the floor. In the side gallery a stream runs the
gallery gets wider and ends in a big chamber. The main gallery is 200 m long. On the walls, there are
curtains and other flowstone formations. In sinter bowls on the floor, there are cave pearls, 1–3 cm in
size. The air temperature is 10 °C.
The cave was explored during a joint caving expedition of Rhodopi Kardjali and Aida Haskovo
Caving Clubs in July 1975 (description after B. Kolev and M. Gumarov).
Fauna: collected by P. Beron, B. Petrov, P. Stoev, T. Ivanova and others during different visits. It
contains 23 identified species, including the troglobite Trichoniscus rhodopiense (Isopoda), as well as
the interesting troglophiles Balkanopetalum petrovi (Diplopoda), Balkanodiscus frivaldskyanus (Gas-
tropoda), the fly Brachytarsina flavipennis, the only freshwater crab, found in Bulgarian caves, etc.

Samara (Samarskata peshtera)

Ribino Village


0 100 m

464 Entrance
Yagodina Village, Smolyan Distr.
Length 888 m, on the main axis 455 m. Denivelation +18 m
Coordinates: N 41° 38' 0.51'' E 24° 20.07', 33''

A cave near Yagodina, the youngest in this region (the same age as the middle storey of
Yagodinskata Peshtera, or the early Pleistocene). From the central chamber (10 x 12 m), two galleries
start – northern and southern. In the two parts there are bigger chambers (20 x 30 m). The gallery,
starting from the northwest end, leads to the northern part of the cave. This gallery connects three huge
chambers with floors, covered with boulders. The southernmost chamber is with dimensions 27 x 32 m.
From its southeast end a narrow 150-meter gallery starts, adorned with secondary karstic formations.
Several water levels are seen.
There is a hypothesis, that the cave Dolna Karanska Dupka is an upper storey of Sanchova Dupka.
The air temperature in different parts of the cave is between 6.8 and 9.8 °C.
Sanchova Dupka was discovered and explored by members of the Chepelare Caving Club as early
as 1965, but during the International caving expedition in 1966 it was studied by V. Dublyanski (Russia),
Kurt Brendel and Friedrich Schuster (Germany), Dimitar Sabev and Dimitar Raychev.
Fauna: 12 species of animals have been recorded, but so far no troglobites.

Sanchova Dupka
Yagodina Village




0 40 m
K. Hadjiiski in front of the entrance of the cave Sanchova
Dupka – photo Alexey Jalov

The Wolf’s Jump in the gorge Buynovskoto zhdrelo – the

narrowest place Yagodinska – Leopard Skin – photo
Vassil Balevski

Helictites in Yagodinskata peshtera – photo Vassil Balevski


Sinter floor in the cave Yagodinskata peshtera Cave pearls in the cave Yagodinskata peshtera – photo
466 Vassil Balevski
Belitsa Village, Smolyan Distr.
Length 260 m. Denivelation 20 m. Volume 3011 m3

A cave 800 m NW of Belitsa, one of the most beautiful caves in Rupchos. A spacious, almost
horizontal gallery leads to a “stone forest” of stalactites, stalagmites and other flowstone formations. We
pass by seven short side branches of the cave, ending in boulders or stalagtones. A 100 m from the cave
entrance, 15 m of the east wall of the gallery are overgrown with snow-white dendrites and helictites
(The Gallery of the Stone Flower). A bit further, the gallery bifurcates and reaches the 18-meter shaft
Imanyarska Propast, situated almost at the end of the cave. After the pothole, a stalactite chamber is
reached at the accessible end of the cave. A narrow crevice is reached, where running water is heard.
Explored and surveyed by Dimitar Sabev, who described it in his book “Rupchoskite Peshteri”
[The caves of Rupchos] (1967). The map was made by Nikolay Gladnishki and T. Daaliev in 1975.
Fauna: from this cave the troglobite Isopods Cordioniscus schmalfussi and Trichoniscus petrovi
have been described, as well as a third troglobitic Isopod, Rhodopioniscus beroni and many white

Shepran (Shepra) Dupka

Belitsa Village


0 40 m


0 40 m 467
Name: SNEZHANKA (Snow White, called so by A. Petrov because of the white stalactites) (219)
Peshtera Town
Length 230 m. Denivelation -18 m. Surface 3150 m2
Coordinates: N 42° 00' 40.6" E 24° 16' 30.7"

A show cave SW of the town Peshtera, on the left slope of Novomahlenska River, near the base of
Lilova Skala, northern part of Batashka Mountain. A one gallery, descending cave, developed along two
basic systems of faults directed SE/NW and S/N. Six chambers, the biggest being 60 x 40 x 12 m.
Variety of sinter forms everywhere. Sinter lakes formed by infiltration water. Discovered on January 2,
1961 by G. Kotsev, G. Zlatarev and B. Evtimov (members of Speleoclub Kupena Peshtera). In the same
year, it was studied by the scientist G. Markov, N. Djambazov, VI. Popov and A. Petrov. Material from
the early Iron Age and Roman-Thracian time has been discovered. In 1968 a precise topographic and
geomorphological survey was done, then in the 80s geophysical studies were carried out.
It was equipped as a show cave in 1968, managed by the Tourist Society Kupena. Declared a
Natural Monument (together with 25.1 ha), by Decree 504/11.07.1979. Since 1983 included in the
buffer zone of Kupena Natural Reserve.
Fauna (studied by P. Beron, P. Stoev and B. Petrov): Several species under study, troglobites are
Lithobius lakatnicensis (Chilopoda) and Trechini gen. sp. indet. (Col., Carabidae).

Peshtera Town



0 30 m

Snezhanka – T. Daaliev in front of
the entrance of Snezhanka – photo
Valery Peltekov

The beauty of the Big Hall –

photo Valery Peltekov


The Udder – photo Valery Peltekov 469

Name: TOPCHIKA (244)
Dobrostan Village, Plovdiv Distr.
Length 727 m. Denivelation -61 m
Coordinates: N 41° 52' 43.3" E 24° 53' 51.7"

A cave SW of Dobrostan, in the area of Pastyolov Chuchul, high on the left slope of Sushitsa
River, Dobrostan Ridge. Formed in marbles from the Upper-Middle Rifey. A pothole like, two-storey,
branched cave with main development to NW. The upper dry storey is 110 m long (without the
branches). Fifty (50) m from the entrance, a 45meter deep shaft opens, giving access to the lower
section. Semielliptic shape of the cross section, 12 m wide and 3.5 m high. Flowstone formations mainly
in the lower part. Clay deposits in both parts. Dripping water.
The cave was explored first in August 1958 by the alpinist S. Zadgorski, who descended into the
shaft. In the autumn of the same year, 7 cavers from Plovdiv (N. Atanasov, S. Stoychev, P. Kostov, D.
Beslimov, D. Russev and S. Paskov) studied in details and surveyed the cave. In 1967, the club Young
Traveller in Plovdiv, led by S. Stoychev, discovered rock engravings at the cave entrance. The prehistoric
engravings were studied by specialists – archaeologists. The cave was surveyed again in 1970 by
Russian speleologists during an International Expedition and later by Akademik Plovdiv Caving Club.
Fauna: studied by P. Beron 1962 and includes the troglobite Isopod Rhodopioniscus beroni, the
troglophile Diplopod Balkanopetalum beskovi and other interesting species.


Dobrostan Village



0 100 m
Mogilitsa Village, Smolyan Distr.
Length 330 m. Denivelation -25 m
Coordinates: N 41° 30' 52.2" E 24° 39' 43.2"

A show cave 2.3 km NE of Mogilitsa, on the left bank of Arda and the S slope of the Kaynadinski
Rid, Central part of the Western Rhodopes. Formed in low-crystalline massive Proterozoan marbles in
the southern periclinal (Borikovska) part of the South Rhodopean anticline. A two-storey pothole,
developed along the basic fissure, directed N/S. Rich decoration of all kinds of sinter forms.
Discovered and explored in 1968–1969 by the Speleoclub Studenets Chepelare. Inaugurated as a
show cave in 1983.
A Natural Monument with 1 ha adherent land (Decree 238/04.05.1979).

Uhlovitsa (Ultsata)
Mogilitsa Village


0 30 m
Entrance 471
The decoration of the walls – photo Trifon Daaliev

Stalactites – photo Trifon Daaliev


472 The stone waterfall – photo Vassil Balevski

Mostovo Village, Plovdiv Distr.
Altitude 750 m. Total length 455 m. Denivelation 53 m (-10.45, +42.51 m)

The cave is known as Vodnata (The Water Cave), because of the underground stream, coming out
of the cave and joining Sushitsa River. It is called also Borovska, as it is between Mostovo and Borovo.
The cave entrance is on the left bank (geographically) of Sushitsa River, about 1.5 hours of walk
from the natural bridge Erkyupriya. The entrance faces east and is rather big (7 m high, 22 m wide). It is
situated about 3 m above the river bed. When the river floods, there is a danger of water entering the cave.
A big boulder splits the gallery into two parts, later merging again. The passage is descending and
narrowing. After circumventing two sand siphons, we reach a chamber. A gallery leads to a bigger hall,
which is blocked in front. A branch on the right leads to a long and narrow gallery, parallel to the big
chamber. Then, another passage widens as a gallery, leading to another chamber. We circumvent a deep
well without a way further, then another gallery leading to the last chamber with a high chimney.
The cave is with several floors, branched and periodically inundated. It is formed in Proterozoan
marble. In the past it used to be a river bed, hence the sand and gravel on its floor. Many flowstone
formations are seen everywhere in the cave – stalactites of different shape, curtains, dendrites.
This cave was explored first by a Bulgarian-Russian team during the International Expedition
“Dobrostan’70”. The survey was done by A. Petkova, L. Popov, V. Volkov and M. Eygel, and again in
1981–1983 by T. Todorov, I. Petrov, V. Grancharov and G. Mindev from the Student’s Caving Club
Akademik, Plovdiv. After digging in several sand siphons, they added another 50 m to the cave’s length.

Vodnata peshtera
(Borovskata vodna peshtera)
Mostovo Village





0 50 m 473
Peshtera Town, Pazardjik Distr.
Altitude 900 m. Length 1114 m. Denivelation +50 m

A cave about one and half hours walk from Peshtera Town. After 2.5 km on the road from Peshtera
Town to Batak, there is a deviation, where the road to Snezhanka starts. After another 2.5 km, we reach
the area of Angelovi Nivi (on the left). From here we can see the majestic peak Kupena – rocky in its
upper part. The cave is found at the base of a cliff on its Eastern side. From the bed of Novomahlenska
Reka River, a footpath to the summit starts. Here we must look for the old excavations for the pipeline to
Snejanka. Following the pipeline, we reach the cave entrance. It is important to not disturb the cave
water very much.
It is an inclined, branched and diaclasic water cave. In some places is very narrow. In the first 200
m there are no flowstone formations.
The cave was described for the first time by F. Filchev in 1976. During the District Caving
Expedition Peshtera-76, members of the caving clubs in Dryanovo and Peshtera did a horizontal survey
up to 200 m. During the next years, over 800 m of galleries have been explored.

Vodnata peshtera
Peshtera Town


0 40 m

0 40 m

Yagodina Village, Smolyan Distr.
Length 8501 m. Denivelation -36 m
Coordinates: N 41 37' 27.9" E 24 19' 30"

The cave is the longest in the Rhodopes and the third in length in Bulgaria. It is formed in
Proterozoan marble, three kilometers SW of Jagodina, on the right bank of Buyanovska river. The
natural entrance of the cave is 30 m higher than the river bed. The artificial entrance of the cave was dug
out one kilometer upstream. A twostorey, labyrinthine cave system. There are large and small
speleothems of different shapes in the galleries and chambers.
The entrance gallery leads into the atrium with a depth of 15 m and denivelation of 27 m. This is
the connection with the lower part. After descending the pitch, we reach the 600 m gallery, called D.
Sabev, connecting with the Tourist gallery and the Northern Sector. As a table, the sectors have the
following dimensions:
First storey – 1176 m, 3939 m2, 8470 m3
Northern sector – 1343 m, 3984 m2, 18 492 m3
Southwestern Labyrinth – 2720 m, 10 662 m2, 20 365 m3
South Labyrinth – 3061 m, 6948 m2, 10 123 m3
Total – 8501 m, 23 535 m2, 57 450 m3
When the water of Buynovska River rises, part of them sink into the lower part of the cave (last
case in 1990) T° 8 °C.
The cave has been known to local people forever, sheltering people from the Eneolith to recent
time. In 1928, the first excavations were attempted by V. Mikov. Later, the cave was visited by another
Bulgarian archaeologist (Petar Detev) who excavated the entrance chamber.
Speleological research of the cave started in 1964 by cavers from Chepelare. The total length, mapped
in 1964–1965 by D. Raichev and D. Sabev, was 6455 m. In 1965–1966, the Smolyan Museum (under M.
Deyanova) organized archaeological excavations. They discovered artefacts from the Eneolith time. After a
special survey in 1969–1973, the cave was opened as a show cave in 1982. The tourist circuit (through two
artificial tunnels) is two kilometers long. There are beautiful speleothems all the way (stalactites,
stalagmites, sinter lakes, cave pearls, leopard skin and others). Pottery paint in yellow, red and black.
The fauna includes 30 known species, among them the troglobite Troglodicus meridionale
(Diplopoda), described from this cave, and Plusiocampa bulgarica (Diplura).

Yagodinska peshtera
(Imamova Dupka) IMPORTANT

Art. entrance
Yagodina Village

0 100 m

Art. entrance 475

A. Jalov in front of the natural entrance of the cave Yagodinska –
photo Alexey Jalov

The pearls – photo Vassil Balevski,

Valery Pelteokov, Trifon Daaliev

The decoration is fantastic – photo Vassil Balevski, Valery

Pelteokov, Trifon Daaliev

Name: YUBILEYNA (220)
Peshtera Town
Length 814 m. Denivelation 18 m

A two-storey, branched and (initially) very beautiful cave, about 2 km SW of Peshtera Town, on
the road to Batak Town, 1000 m upstream Novomahlenska River, on the right (geographically) bank,
about 20 m above the river.
The entrance has dimensions 2 x 2 m. A heavily inclined entrance gallery leads to the first area of
blocks. After this area is the biggest chamber in the cave. It is 40–50 m long and 17–18 m wide. There
are many blocks and secondary flowstone formations. The chamber called Topolkite (The
Poplars)follows with many stalactites and stalagmites.
From this chamber, the main gallery goes straight. On the right, there is a branch, called Terasata,
where there are several openings of different depth (from 6 to 11 m), connected to the lower (water) level
of the cave after the siphon and leading to a gallery of ca. 60 m. The main gallery is 4-5 m wide and at 40–
50 m it narrows to 0.50–1 m. This narrowing is 7–8 m long. After the squeeze the gallery gets wider and
ends in a vertical of 7–8 m (no need of rope), falling in the water gallery. Downstream, this gallery is 100
m long and ends in a siphon. After the siphon, the water reappears in the gallery bellow the terrace.
Upstream, the gallery bifurcates. The right gallery crosses the block area and again we reach wide
galleries, full of flowstone formations, sinter lakes, stalactites and stalagmites. The left one is poor in
flowstone formations. After 50–60 m, both galleries merge together, then bifurcate again and join the
main gallery, with many branches at the end. The end of the cave is a narrowing, from which an
underground stream runs with a non-constant outflow of 10–20 l/s and T° 8–9 °C.
The cave was adapted partially for visitors by F. Filchev.
Yubileyna was discovered during an exploration of Novomahlenska River in 1974 by F. Filchev, A.
Andreev and other cavers from Peshtera Town. The name was given by the discoverers. In 1979, during the
gathering “Peshtera’79” the cavers A. Anev and T. Daaliev surveyed ca. 300 m of the cave. A detailed
survey was done by F. Filchev, A. Andreev, K. Kiev, Sht. Vassilev and other cavers from Peshtera Town
during the next years, together with the elaboration of a project on arranging it a show cave.
Fauna (studied by P. Beron in 1973 and 2005) includes the troglobite centipedes Lithobius
lakatnicensis (Chilopoda) and L. stygius.


Peshtera Town IMPORTANT

0 300 m


0 300 m 477
V. Peltekov and
T. Daaliev in front of the
entrance of the cave
Yubileyna – photo Valery

The entrance from inside – photo Valery Peltekov


The beauty of the cave –

478 photo Valery Peltekov
Name: ZMIYN BURUN (242)
Mostovo Village, Plovdiv Distr.
Altitude: 930 m. Total length 155.55 m. Denivelation +22; -86 m

A pothole on the slope of Mostovska Sushitsa, difficult to find because of its small entrance and
lack of landmarks. The entrance is near a big tree with a triangular metal mark with a registration
number. The difference between the altitudes of the ridge and the cave entrance is ca. 150–200 m. Some
big limestone slabs just under the entrance level could orient us.
Cavers from Paldin Plovdiv Caving Club could be contacted for guiding.
The cave starts with a 30o slope ending with a siphon. The floor is covered with clay. There are
some flowstone formations. The gallery gets narrow and reaches a vertical. After ca. 80 m is the bottom,
often with filtration water.
The cave was discovered by cavers from Plovdiv in 1986 with the help of local shepherds.
Attempts have been made by cavers of Akademik to dig the bottom, but with no success. Surveyed twice
– in 1970 and in 1983.
Survey: Akademik Sofia Caving Club, 1983. Chief surveyor: T. Todorov.
Fauna: five species known, no troglobites.

Zmiyn Burun
Mostovo Village



0 50 m

Name: BOZKITE (Babini Bozki) (252)
Mramor Village, Yambol Distr.
Total length 324 m. Denivelation -8 m

A cave in the valley of Manastirska river, three kilometres from Mramor. Entrance 4 m high, 3 m
wide. Length of the main gallery 60 m. Wet, with a non-permanent stream, disappearing in a siphon at
120 m. The name of the cave comes from the shape of the cave formations. Many bats (up to 2–3000)
and guano. No troglobites found so far. The cave was explored and surveyed by Zl. Kachanov and other
cavers from the caving club of Kabile Yambol, and before them by Nenko Radev in 1926 and by P.
Beron since 1959.
Fauna: more than 20 species known, but no troglobites. Big bat colonies (2-3000 ex.).

Bozkite (Babini Bozki)

Mramor Village


0 70 m

Malko Tarnovo Town, Burgas Distr.
Length 348 m. Denivelation – 11 m
Coordinates: N 42° 00' 29.5" E 27° 26' 38.7"

A cave with two entrances in the locality Ai Dere. Wet, some parts with clay and small sinters. Air
temperature 8.7–9.2 °C. Broken clay vessels, iron objects and a well preserved jar have been found in
the cave.
The cave was studied and surveyed by cavers from Akademik Sofia Caving Club in 1976, the
prolongation was surveyed in 1977 by Iv. Lichkov, P. Neykovski and A. Benderev.
Fauna (studied by Hr. Delchev, St. Andreev and P. Beron)): eight species known, including the
troglobite woodlice Trichoniscus valkanovi and T. beroni (Isopoda).
Protected Natural Monument, together with 21.8 ha of adjacent land (Decree 206/23.03.1981).

Bratanovata peshtera
Malko Tarnovo Town


n tran

0 30 m

The entrance of Bratanovata Cave – photo Ivan Lichkov

The Candle – photo Ivan Lichkov


Coins from the time of Alexander the Great – photo Ivan Lichkov

482 Neolithic pottery from the cave – photo Ivan Lichkov

Mramor Village, Yambol Distr.
Length 275 m. Denivelation 85 m
Coordinates: N 42° 02' 52.8" E 26° 32' 17.8"

A cave 3 km SE of Mramor, in Trias limestone of Sakar Anticline. A branched cave, going down in
steps. Many boulders, dripping water.
Known to the local people. Partly explored on June 18, 1960 by cavers from Yambol, led by P.
Karabadjakov. Surveyed in details by them in the 70s, and later by cavers from Plovdiv, led by Iv. Petrov
and I. Savchev in 1986.
Fauna: nine species known, no troglobites.


Drânchi dupka
Mramor Village


0 50 m
Kosti Village, Burgas Distr.
Length 130 m. Denivelation -7 m

A cave in the area of Malkiya Budjak. Wet, horizontal, with a large entrance hall (20 x 10 m).
From the hall start three galleries. Poor in formations, only at the end there are some stalactites. Floor
covered with clay and blocks, fallen from the ceiling.
The cave has been explored and surveyed by St. Todorov, D. Dimitrova and A. Rachev from
Strandja – Burgas and Akademik – Sofia caving clubs in 1975. Fauna collected by P. Beron (1975).
Fauna: six species, including the troglobite Trichoniscus valkanovi (Isopoda).

(Gyurgyovskata) peshtera
Kosti Village


0 20 m
Stoilovo Village, Burgas Distr.
Altitude 320 m. Length 450 m. Denivelation -125 m

A cave pothole Golyamata Vapa in the surroundings of Petrova Niva (Bâzât), 1.5 km midway
between Zvezdets and Stoilovo. Developed in Jurassic limestone. The largest chamber of the cave is 12
x 10 m and the height is more than 10 m.
The cave entrance is at the bottom of a funnel, which on its part is at the bottom of two valleys, dry
in the summer. Danger of flooding. Golyamata Vapa is a descending cave pothole with several verticals,
the highest being 20 m. Rich in many kinds of cave formations. Along most of the galleries, a small
stream runs (1 l/sec), which in rainy times rises several times.
Golyamata Vapa was discovered and surveyed by the cavers from Akademik Sofia Caving Club P.
Neykovski, A. Strezov, P. Delchev in 1975.
Fauna (collected by P. Beron in 1980, B. Petrov and T. Ivanova in 1991): 10 invertebrates known,
no troglobites.

Golyamata Vâpa
Stoilovo Village


0 80 m

Name: KALETO (254)
Mladezhko Village, Burgas District
Length 302 m. Denivelation -15 m

A cave in the area of a Thracian fortress (“kale”) in the locality Kaleto, SW of the village
Mladezhko, Strandja Mt. Its entrance is a vertical well, 4.7 m deep. An inclined gallery follows, leading
into a chamber with dimensions 10 x 7 m and an average height of 1.5 m. There are about 20 m of upper
and lower, relatively short levels of the cave. The gallery reaches two walls of dry masonry of unclear
purpose. After them, the main gallery enters a chamber, which is 10 m long and 8 m wide, then it goes
down south. The length of the main gallery is 124 m, together with the two levels and the branches the
total length of the cave becomes 302 m. In the cave, there are several flowstone formations, damaged by
visitors. Formed in limestone from the Lower Trias (Anise – Nore).
Visited many times, explored especially in 1976, during an expedition of Akademik Sofia Caving
Club. The actual map is due to Ivanka Hristova (Strandja Burgas Caving Club) and Tsvetan Lichkov
(Akademik Sofia Caving Club).
Fauna (collected by P. Beron since 1963, later also by other Zoologists): 17 species known, but no

Mladezhko Village

0 40 m


0 40 m

The entrance of Kaleto Cave – photo Ivan Lichkov

Kosti Village, Burgas Distr.
Total length 224 m. Denivelation -23 m
Coordinates: N 42° 00' 53.2" E 27° 49' 05.8"

A cave south of Kosti Village, in the locality of the same name. Wet, length on the main axis 143 m.
Dimensions of entrance 7 x 6 m, nearby there is a pool with water. Inclined, branched. It opens in a ponor
with a diam. of 14 m and depth 10 m. From the bottom of the ponor to the NE, a gallery (7 x 6 m) starts,
near the entrance pool of water. At the 20th meter, two galleries start. The left one is 43 m long, the right has
two branches, a total of ca. 80 m. The bottom of the gallery is covered with clay and fallen stones of
different size. Surveyed in 1977 by P. Neykovski and P. Delchev (Akademik Sofia Caving Club).
Fauna: six species known, troglobite is Lithobius bifidus (Chilopoda).
Protected Natural Monument (together with 2 ha of adjacent land (Decree 4051/29.12.1973).

(Kerechnitsata, Golyamata mahara)
Kosti Village


0 50 m
Stoilovo Village, Burgas Distr.
Length 208 m. Denivelation -29 m

A cave in the locality Bazat, not far from Petrova Niva. Formed in Jurassic limestone. The
entrance is 5 m wide and 1 m high, facing west. A relatively spacious and humid cave. The entrance part
is labyrinthic and dry. The floor is covered by clay and gravel material. Air temperature is 9 °C. In the
cave there is a strong concentration of CO2.
Explored and surveyed by Akademik – Sofia Caving Club in 1976, re-drawn and described in
1987 by I. Petrov, D. Angelov, M. Neychev, G. Shopov from the Speleology Circle at “S. Popov” Middle
School (Akademik – Plovdiv Caving Club).
Fauna (collected by P. Beron in 1975): eight species known, troglobite is Lithobius bifidus

Peshterata s Dvata
Stoilovo Village


0 15 m
Kosti Village, Burgas Distr.
Length 150 m. Denivelation -27 m

A cave in the locality Malkiya Budjak, ca. 50 m from Rezovska reka. Elliptic shape of the entrance
(1 x 2 m). As landmark serve 3 old beach trees near the entrance. Elliptic entrance (1 x 2 m). From it
following the inclined (45°) floor we enter a small chamber with lot of fallen leaves. On the left there is
a low brachyclasic gallery, after 15 m joining the main one. Descending diaclasic cave with length on the
main axis 95 m. The main gallery is 1 to 7–8 m wide. There are two chambers – The White and The Big.
Branching on the 30th m. The left branch leads to the White Chamber, full with flowstone formations,
mostly moon milk. This chamber is connected with the Big Chamber, 50 m long and with inclination of
60°. The Big Chamber accounts for ca. 70% of the volume of the cave. The floor is covered with one
meter deep layer of bat guano on moon milk. At the end of the chamber there is a 3 m vertical and a
gallery 20 m long with onion-shaped stalactites at the end. Rights from the vertical, through a gallery 10
m long, intersected by verticals, is possible to reach the lowest point of the cave.
The cave is named after Stoyan – a local haydout (freedom fighter) and shepard. This cave has
been explored, surveyed and described by P. Delchev and K. Burin from Akademik – Sofia Caving Club
in 1975.
Fauna (studied by P. Beron in 1975 and 1980): spiders, opilionids, the troglobite millipede
Lithobius bifidus.

Stoyanovata peshtera
Kosti Village


0 30 m


Andreev, Dr Stoitse – born in 1937. Zoolo- field of Hydrogeology (Ponor Planina, Bosnek
gist and Speleologist, explorer of caves in Bulgaria, Area, Kameno Pole and other karstic areas). Co-
Caucasus, Greece, Thailand and other countries. author of the brochures about the deepest pot-
Assoc. Prof. in the National Museum of Natural holes in Bulgaria.
History, Sofia (retired in 2002). Specialist in cave
Isopoda and Amphipoda, author of many articles Beron, Dr Petar – born in 1940. Zoologist,
on the cave fauna of Bulgaria, Greece, Sarawak, Biospeleologist, Assoc. Professor, Director of the
Papua New Guinea, etc. Vice-President of the National Museum of Natural History in Sofia
Republican Caving Commission (1968–1979). (since 1993), President of the Bulgarian Federation
of Speleology (since April 12, 1985), one of the
Antov, Yasen – born in 1929. Journalist and founders of Akademik Sofia Caving Club and of
writer, participant in the resurrection of the orga- the Committee for Cave Tourism (1958). Leader of
nized caving in Bulgaria. Leader of the Second speleological expeditions to China, Vietnam, Cuba,
International Expedition in the Rhodopes (1962). participant in many other expeditions, explorer of
Author of many articles about caves and of the caves in many countries in Europe, Asia, Africa,
book “The Joy of the Searcher” (1967). North and South America. Biologist of the British
Speleological Expedition to Papua New Guinea
Atanassov, Dr Neno (1904–1996) – Zoolo- (1975). Explorer of hundreds of caves in Bulgaria,
gist, Director of the Natural History Museum in author (partly with participation of V. Gueorguiev,
Sofia (1947–1962), Secretary of the Bulgarian P. Stoev and B. Petrov) of five parts of the Cata-
Caving Society. Articles on the caves near Gintsi logue of Bulgarian Cave Fauna (1962, 1967, 1972,
(Distr. Sofia), Byala (Distr. Sliven), Sâeva Dupka 1994, 2006). Author of books and other publica-
(Distr. Lovech) and others. tions on the cave fauna of Corsica, Greece, South
Asia, etc. Editor of the series of books “Tranteeva”
Balevski, Vassil – born in 1949. Caver, and “Grottes bulgares”. From 1993 to 1999, he was
Photographer. Member of many caving expedi- a Board Member (Adjoin Secretary) of U.I.S.
tions in Bulgaria and abroad. Participant in the Participant in the International Speleological Con-
discovery, the exploration and the survey of many gresses in Barcelona, Budapest, Beijing, La
of the bigger caves in Troyan Balkan. First explor- Chaud-de-Font and Kalamas. Biospeleological
er of the deepest pothole in Bulgaria Raychova specialisation in the Laboratoire Souterrain du
Dupka. Reached the bottom of Snezhna (Poland) C.N.R.S. in Moulis, France. President of the Bal-
through the highest-located entrance – Nad Kotli- kan Speleological Union (since 2002).
nami – 783 m. As a photographer he has spent
many hours underground and shot many pictures Beshkov, Dr Vladimir – born in 1935.
of high quality, used by the Federation for its Zoologist, Herpetologist, Assoc. Professor in the
editions and for publicity on Speleology. Institute of Zoology (retired in 1995), explorer of
caves and bats in Bulgaria and many other coun-
Benderev, Dr Alexey – born in 1954. Hy- tries (Tanzania, Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey,
drogeologist and speleologist, Researcher in the Greece, etc.). Author of papers on caves and bats.
Geological Institute – Bulgarian Academy of Sci-
ences. Board member of BFS from 1992 to 1996. Buresch, Dr Ivan (1885–1980). Zoologist
Participant in many caving expeditions in Bulgar- and Biospeleologist, Member of the Bulgarian
ia and abroad. In 1988, he took part in the Academy of Sciences (since 1929, with an Aca-
National Caving Expedition in Cuba to study demic Address devoted to the cave fauna of
Guaso Plateau. Studies and publications in the Bulgaria), initiator of the biological exploration 491
of Bulgarian caves, Director of the Royal Institu- Delchev, Dr Hristo – born in 1939. Zoolo-
tions of Natural History in Sofia, co-founder of gist and Biospeleologist, Assoc. Professor in the
the Bulgarian Caving Society and its President Institute of Zoology, specialist in cave and other
(1940). Honorary President of the Bulgarian Fed- spiders, former President of Akademik Sofia
eration of Speleology. He created the collection Tourist Society and Caving Club. Participant in
“Fauna cavernicola bulgarica” in the Royal Muse- the exploration of many caves in Bulgaria, Cauca-
um, in 1922 started the first systematic study of sus and other regions. Author of publications on
Bulgarian cave fauna. Published three important cave spiders and of the manual “Speleology and
papers on this fauna (1924, 1926, 1936), as well Caving” (1979).
as the first Catalogue of Bulgarian Cave Animals
(reported at the International Congress in Budap- Delchev, Petar – born in 1949. Active caver,
est in 1927). Supervisor of the cave explorations member of “Akademik” – Sofia Caving Club,
in 1948–1949. He personally studied many of the leader and participant in many caving expeditions
caves in Bulgaria and organized his staff to study in Bulgaria, Austria, Vietnam, Cuba and other
caves. Thanks to the materials, sent by him, many countries. Actively participated to the exploration
new taxa of cave animals have been described by of the pot holes in Pirin, the caves of Strandja and
prominent specialists. many others. Compiled the collection of papers
“Pirin – caves and pot holes “ (2002).
Chapanov, Valentin (1962–1989). Caver
and diver. Participant in expeditions for studying Denkov, Aleksander (1929–1972). Painter,
of many caves in Bulgaria, France (1984) and founder of cave diving in Bulgaria. Head of the
Spain (1986, 1987, 1988). In 1987, together with first group for cave diving in BFS, realized the
the divers I. Gunov and M. Dimitrov, he penetrat- first cave diving in a siphon in Bulgaria (Temnata
ed the bottom siphons of the pothole BU-56, Dupka, Lakatnik, 1959). Under his guidance and
overcame two new siphons and the 650-meter with his participation, the diving in the source
gallery after them, reaching a depth of 1408 m. Zhabokrek – Chiren was realized. Active member
Explorer of the siphons Popovata, Musinskata, of the Committee for Caving in 1958–1972.
Vodopada and others. Died during the exploration
of the siphon in the cave Urushka Maara near Dimitrov, Milen – born in 1963. Active
Krushuna on May 26, 1989. caver and diver. He participated in expeditions to
Albania, Spain, France. In 1986, he reached the
Daaliev, Trifon – born in 1947. Speleolo- bottom of BU – 56 and overcame three known
gist and alpinist, graduated in 1979 from the siphons, helping his colleague I. Gunov to over-
National Sport Academy. Secretary of BFS since come a new one. In 1987, he participated (togeth-
1979. Participant in many caving expeditions in er with I. Gunov and V. Chapanov) in the penetra-
Bulgaria, Cuba, Albania, Austria, France, Indone- tion of the known one and of two new siphons and
sia, Malaysia, China, Ukraine, Georgia, Poland, explored the 650-meter gallery, ending in another
Turkey, Greece, etc. Author of publications about siphon at a 1408 m depth – thus BU-56 becoming
caves in many regions of Bulgaria and other the second deepest pot hole in the World at that
countries. Participant in the exploration and the time. Cave rescuer.
survey of many caves, including the deepest pot-
hole explored so far by Bulgarians – S-1 in Dinev, Dr. Lyubomir (1911–1986) – Pro-
Austria. Head of the Unit for Cave Rescue at fessor in Geography, President of the Bulgarian
BFS. Co-author in the book “Bulgarians in the Federation of Speleology since its foundation in
world’s abysses” (1986). Compiled series of bro- 1959 to 1985, then President of Honour. Author
chures with descriptions and maps of the most of articles on cave tourism. Board Member of
important caves and potholes in Bulgaria, also of U.I.S. from 1977 to 1981. Represented Bulgarian
the brochure “Preservation of Caves”. Editor of Speleology at UIS Congresses in Postoina, Stut-
the series “Grottes bulgares”. During the XXII tgart, Olomouc, Sheffield and Boulder Green.
International Congress of Speleology in Switzer-
land (1997), he was elected First Vice-President Djambazov, Nikolay (1919–1982) – Arche-
492 of the Cave Rescue Commission of UIS. ologist, Associate Professor in Archeology, partici-
pant in excavations to the caves Devetashkata the abysses of the world” (1986). Initiator and
peshtera (1950–1952), Pesht (1951–1953), Lovech technical leader of the expeditions Gouffre Berger
caves (1952–1956), Samuilitsa I and II near Kuni- – 1969 and Pierre – Saint – Martin – 1973.
no (1955–1960), Morovitsa (1955), Ochilata Participated actively in the exploration and sur-
(1959–1960), Parnitsite (1959–1960), Orlova Chu- veying of the caves Morovitsa, Maliya Sovat,
ka (1961), Bacho Kiro (1971–1976) and others. Lyastovitsa, Bacho Kiro and others.
Author of many publications on cave archaeology.
Retired in 1979. Books: “The caves in Bulgaria” Gladnishki, Nikolay – born in 1947. Spele-
(1958), “Devetashkata peshtera”(1960). ologist, Junior Instructor in Speleology (1969),
Senior Instructor (since 1976). Leader and partici-
Dragandjikov, Ivan (1944–2000) – caver pant in many expeditions in Cuba, China, Albania,
since 1957. Caving formation in 1961. Junior Austria, Poland. Cave rescuer. He participated in
Instructor (1961). Founder of Zlosten – Kotel the training of cave rescuers and in the surveying of
Caving Club (25 May 1963). Up to 1971 leader of many caves in Bulgaria and other countries, includ-
the club. Participant to the National Expedition to ing the deepest pothole so far explored entirely by
Sniezhna (Poland, 1969). Instructor (1980). Con- Bulgarians – S-1 in Austria. For many years Board
tributed to declaring of Zlosten Protected Area. Member of BFS (1974 -1990).

Evtimov, Boris – caver, founder and Presi- Grozdanov, Eng. Alexander – born in
dent of Bessapara Caving Club at Kupena – 1941. Explorer of many caves in Bulgaria and
Peshtera Tourist Society since it’s creation in other countries. For many years actively working
1960 until the death of Evtimov. Instructor since in “Akademik” – Sofia Caving Club. Co-author of
1976. Discoverer and first explorer of the cave the book “In the surroundings of Kotel “ (1979).
Snezhanka (3 January 1961).
Gueorguiev, Vassil (1935–1997) – Zoolo-
Garev, Borislav (1962–1994) – caver from gist and Biospeleologist, Assoc. Prof. in the Insti-
Studenets – Pleven Caving Club. In 1980 became tute of Zoology, author of many scientific publica-
junior instructor. In 1981 created speleological tions, mainly on cave beetles, as well as of funda-
section to the “Geo Milev” – Gymnasium in mental general papers on the cave fauna of Bulgar-
Pleven. Instructor (1982). Under his guidance ia and the Balkan Peninsula (La faune troglobie
were explored 56 caves. Contributed to the dis- terrestre de la péninsule Balkanique. Origine, for-
covery of several new troglobites, two of which mation et zoogéographie, 1977), also of the popu-
dedicated to him (the Isopod Trichoniscus garevi lar books “Inhabitants of the eternal darkness”
and the beatle Duvalius garevi). Founded the (1961) and “The secret of caves” (1968).
Youth Speleoclub “R. Popov” at the Pleven club.
Participant to the expeditions to Jean Bernard Gyaurov, Eng. Vesselin – born in 1945.
(France) and to Bu-56 (Spain). Explorer of caves, junior instructor (1964), senior
instructor (1976). One of the founders of “Edel-
Gazdov, Senko – born in 1952. Speleolo- weiss” – Sofia Caving Club, Board Member of
gist, Secretary of Studenets Tourist Society in the Counsel of BFS (1974-1989). Introducing the
Pleven, leader and participant in many caving SRT in Bulgaria, for many years teaching in the
expeditions in Bulgaria, Spain, Albania, Austria, caving courses of BFS. Constructor of the first
France, Italy and other countries. In 1984, he jumars in Bulgaria (“Deltra”) in Bulgaria.
reached the bottom of Jean-Bernard (France, –
1358 m) and in Spain in 1986–1987 he reached Ikonomov, Dr Georgi – born in 1923.
the dry bottom of BU-56 at – 1325 m. Board Medical Doctor, founder of the Caving Depart-
member of BFS. ment of Russe District Museum and of the Caving
Club in Russe (1958), author of the first map of
Genov, Nikolay – born in 1950. Caver and the caves in Bulgaria (1958).
photographer. Author of many publications about
caving, and of books about India, Egypt and other Ilandjiev, Dimitar – (1932–2000) – caver
countries. Co-author of the book “Bulgarians in since 1956; caving formation in 1961, Instructor 493
(1964). Founding member and First President of of caves in Bulgaria, Germany, France, Ukraine,
Cherni Vrah – Sofia Caving Club (1960). Instruc- Vietnam and other countries.
tor of Ivan Vazov – Sofia Caving Club (1963).
Discovered and explored many important caves. Marinov, Bozhan (1909–1985) – caver
from 1955, caver’s formation in 1961. Junior
Iliev, Zdravko – born in 1946. Caver since Instructor (1961), Instructor (1964), Senior In-
1963, member of Edelweiss Sofia Caving Club. structor (1964). Founder and First President of
Participant in many caving expeditions, expert in “Madarski Konnik” – Shumen Caving Club
Bulgarian caves, in charge of the Main Card Index (18.02.1961). Explored and surveyed some 35
of Bulgarian Caves. Publications: “The Karst of caves in Shumen Area. Later moved to Varna,
Karlukovo” (1997), “Kotlya” (2000), “40 year of where he became President, than Honorary Presi-
organized caving in Shumen” (2001) and “Stresh- dent of “Galata” – Varna Caving Club.
ero” (2002). Honorary member of BFS.
Markov, Vassil (1938–2000) – caver,
Jalov, Alexey – born in 1953. Speleologist, founding member of Balkansko Eho Caving Club
graduated from the National Sport Academy in and it’s Instructor since 1963. Junior Instructor
1978, Permanent Vice-President of the Bulgarian (1963), Instructor (1964). Since 1965 member,
Federation of Speleology (since 1979). Leader or than longtime President of Steneto Caving Club
participant in many speleological expeditions in (Troyan). Senior Instructor (1976). Discovered
Albania, China, Cuba, Vietnam and other coun- and explored many caves in Troyan Balkan like
tries. Author of many articles about caves in Bul- Raychova Dupka, Trona, Golyamata Yama and
garian and foreign journals, as well as of the books others. Participants to many expeditions in Bul-
“Days and nights underground” (1979), “Under- garia and abroad.
ground Notebook” (2000) and “Bulgarians in the
abysses of the world” (1986, Editor). Michev, Tanyo – born in 1939. Zoologist,
caver and diver, Assoc. Professor in the Central
Kolev, Boris (1933–2001) – Caver and Re- Laboratory of General Ecology, Bulgarian Acade-
searcher, author of publications on the caves of the my of Sciences, active in the ressurection of the
Eastern Rhodopes. One of the founders of the organized caving in Bulgaria in the 50-ties. Par-
Caving Club in Haskovo (July 8, 1958). Honorary ticipant to the study of many caves and pot holes
member of the Bulgarian Federation of Speleology. in Bulgaria, as well as in some of the first siphon
diving attemps.
Landjev, Nikola – born in 1953. Active
caver from “Edelweiss” – Sofia Caving Club. Mikov, Vassil (1891–1970) – Archeologist,
Together with Rossen Vatev editor and publisher speleologist, explorer of the man-inhabited caves.
of the series “Speleopraktika” for more than 15 Author of excavations of the caves near Kunino
years. Leader and participant in many caving (1922), Dryanovo (1924), Karlukovo (1926), De-
expeditions in Bulgaria, Austria and other coun- vetashkata peshtera (1927, 1950), Loveshkite pesh-
tries. Together with Yordan Pavlov explored ice teri (1927), the caves near Karpachevo (1929),
caves and pot holes in Pamir. Designed and Rabishkata peshtera (1929), the caves near Dolni
prepared stretchers for cave rescue. Lom (1929) etc. Author of more than 240 scientific
and popular papers, among which: 1926. “Caves
Lichkov, Eng. Ivan – born in 1946. Caver, and pot holes between Iskar and Vit”; 1928. “Caves
active member of Akademik Sofia Caving Club, and in Belogradchik Area” and others.
explorer of many caves in Bulgaria, Austria, Geor-
gia, Cuba, Vietnam, Antarctida and other countries Mustakov, Vesselin – born in 1954. Caver,
and areas. Participant in many explorations of the active member of Heliktit Caving Club – Sofia,
caves of Strandja and of potholes in Pirin. participant in and leader of many caving expeditions
in Bulgaria, Albania, Italy, Uzbekistan and other
Lichkov, Eng. Tsvetan – born in 1940. countries. Reached the bottom of KiIsi pot hole in
Caver, participant in expeditions to the caves of 1990. For many years teaching in the courses for
494 Cuba in 1981 and 1988 and of many explorations young cavers, instructors and rescuers in BFS.
Nedkov, Petko – born in 1934. Speleologist, Michele Gortani, Spluga della Preta. Co-author of
Secretary of RCSCT (1967–1974), Vice President the book “Bulgarians in the abysses of the world”
of BFS. Leader of the first Bulgarian expedition in (1986). For many years Board Member of BFS.
a deep pothole (Snejna in Poland, 1969). Books:
“Manual of Speleology” (1973), “ABC of the Penchev Simeon – born in 1938. Caver.
single rope” (1983). Head of the Cave Rescue Books: “Fairy Tale World” (1970). Participant in
Group at BFS (1974–1989). Honorary member of the exploration of several Bulgarian caves and
the Bulgarian Federation of Speleology. potholes – Radolova Yama, Duhlata, Manailovata
Peshtera, Vodopada and others.
Nedkov, Vassil (1949–1989). A prominent
caver and alpinist. Participant to many caving Petkov, Krassimir – born in 1962. Caver
expeditions in Bulgaria and other countries. In and diver. Participant in many caving expeditions
1980, he reached the bottom of the pothole Mavro in Bulgaria and abroad. In France in 1984 he
Skiadi on the island of Crete (-347 m). Many reached the bottom of Jean-Bernard (- 1358 m), in
caving expeditions in Bulgaria, France, Italy, Spain in 1986 – 1987 he reached the dry bottom
Greece, Cuba, China and other countries. De- of BU-56 at – 1325 m. Explorer of the siphons in
scended Pierre-Saint-Martin (-1171 m) in 1973, the caves Popovata, Vodopada, Glava Panega and
Spluga dela Preta (- 878 m) and Abisso Michele others. In the siphon of Glava Panega he reached
Gortani (-920 m) in 1979. In 1984, he reached the the deepest point of many diving attempts (- 52 m
bottom of the Greek potholes Epos (- 451 m) and depth and 230 m length).
Provatina (- 407 m). In 1982, he explored caves in
Austria – S-1 (-584 m), S-2 (-460 m), in Cuba – Petkov, Dr. Stephan (1866–1951) – Pro-
1988 (Campanario, Sumidero del Guaso), China fessor of Botany, first President of the Bulgarian
in 1989. Cave rescuer since 1977. Mountain Speleological Society (1929–1931 and 1933–
climbing: 1985 – Eiger, North Face; 1988 – Peak 1935). Studies cave algae.
Korzhenevska (7105 m). Board Member of BFS.
Explorer of the siphons of the caves Katsite, Petkova, Angelina – born in 1941. Caver,
Toplya, Mussinskata, Brashlyanskata, Temnata President of the City Section for Caving and
Dupka and others. Died during the penetration in Speleology and of Cherni Vrâh Sofia Caving
the siphon in the cave Urushka Maara near the Club. Participant in the exploration of many im-
village Krushuna on May 26 th 1989. portant Bulgarian caves, drawing their maps, in-
cluding the ones in this book.
Neykovski, Eng. Panayot (1936–1986).
Caver, one of the founders of Akademik Sofia Petrov, Eng. Pavel (1884–1984) – Hy-
Caving Club. Participant and leader of expeditions droengeneer, Speleologist, Founder of the Bulgar-
in Ukraine, Cuba – 1981 and many expeditions in ian Speleological Society in 1929. Studied many
Bulgaria (Kotel, Strandja, Ponor Planina, Steneto, Bulgarian caves, using a selfmade wooden boat to
Pirin, Cherepish, etc.). Member of the management explore the lakes in Devetashkata Peshtera near
of Akademik Club and the Caving Federation. Devetaki and Temnata Dupka near Lakatnik. Pub-
Author of many articles in journals and of the lished articles on the caves explored.
books “Troyanska Planina – Guidebook” – 1977,
“Ponor Planina” – 1975, “Cherepish” – 1982. Popov, Lyuben – born in 1935. Caver,
President of the caving club at “Vitosha” Tourist
Peltekov, Valery – born 1953. Caver and Society, then of the caving club at “Aleko Kon-
alpinist. Lecturer in Mountaineering. Junior In- stantinov” – Sofia Tourist Society. Participant in
structor since 1971, Instructor since 1975. Cave the exploration of many important Bulgarian
rescuer (1981). Participant in caving and climbing caves, also to caving expeditions in Poland, Rus-
expeditions in Cuba, Albania, Greece, Austria, sia, Italy. Articles in periodical editions.
Poland, Caucasus, Himalaya, Pamir, Alps, Car-
pathians. Expert in Bulgarian mountaineering. De- Popov, Dr Rafail (1876–1940) – Archaeolo-
scended to the bottom of some of the biggest gist and Speleologist, Professor. Director of the
verticals: Epos – 451 m, Provatina – 407 m, Abisso National Archaeological Museum (1929–1938), 495
President of the Bulgarian Caving Society in organized caving in Bulgaria in 1958. From 1964
1937–1938 and in 1940 (until his death on August to 1973, he was President of Edelweiss Sofia
15, the same year). Directed many excavations in Caving Club. Since 1975 in charge of the Main
Bulgarian caves, author of studies and books on Card Index of Bulgarian Caves. Participant in the
cave archaeology and paleontology. As a result of International Speleological Congresses in Yugo-
the excavations in Temnata Dupka in Karlukovo, slavia (1965) and Czechoslovakia (1973).
for the first time the presence of Paleolithic culture
on the Balkan Peninsula was proved. Started the Rashkov, Ivan – born in 1946. Caver, partic-
mapping of Bulgarian caves. Contributed to the ipant in many expeditions to Bulgaria, France and
study and the popularization of Bulgarian caves by other countries. In 1969, as technical leader, he
publishing 47 scientific and popular papers. reached 800 m in the pothole Gouffre Berger in
France. President of Iskar Caving Club since 1979.
Popov, Dr Vassil – born in 1954. Zoologist Co-author of the book “Expeditions Gouffre Berg-
and Paleozoologist, Associate Professor in the er-69 and Pierre Saint Martin-73” (1977).
Institute of Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sci-
ences. Author of many articles on the paleontolo- Raychev Georgi – born in 1953. Geogra-
gy of small mammals in caves. Participant in pher, caver from the club in Chepelare (Rhodope).
exploration of caves in Bulgaria and Vietnam. Explored many caves in the Rhodopes and other
parts of Bulgaria, as well as in Albania and other
Popov, Dr Vladimir (1912–1998) – Geog- countries. Together with his father D. Raychev, he
rapher, Geomorphologist, Karstologist, Assoc. compiled the jubilee edition “Fifty years of cav-
Prof. in the Institute of Geography – Sofia (since ing in Chepelare (1950–2000)”(2002).
1965). Books: “Travel Underground” (1982),
“Show caves in Bulgaria” (1987), “Ledenika”, Raychev, Dimitar (1922–2002). School
“Saeva Dupka”, “Snezhanka”, “Bacho Kiro” and teacher, veteran Speleologist, founder of a caving
many others. Author of precise measurements and group (1950) and the caving club (1961) in Chepel-
survey by means of theodolith of many caves and are, as well as of the Museum of Speleology and
of important morphological studies on the karst Bulgarian Karst in Chepelare (Museum collection
and caves. Also author of the map of Bulgarian since 1968, inaugurated in 1980), together with his
cave regions (1:200 000) and of the first subdivi- son Georgi Raychev and his daughter-in-law Yovka
sion of Bulgarian caves into geographical regions. Raycheva. From 1964 to 1985 he was editor of the
bulletin “Rodopski Peshternyak” (67 issues).
Radev, Dr Jeko (1875–1934) – Geogra- Books: “Chepelare and its surroundings”, “The
pher, Professor, author of the important study Trigrad Gorge and Dyavolskoto Garlo”, “The
“Karstic forms in Western Stara Planina” Karstic Wealth of Yagodina Village”. Co-editor of
(1915). The lake Jekovo Ezero in the cave the volume “50 Years of Caving in Chepelare
Temnata Dupka near Lakatnik Railway Station (2002). Articles on Archaeology and Palaeontolo-
bears his name. gy in caves. Honorary member of the Bulgarian
Federation of Speleology.
Radev, Nenko (1899–1944) – explorer of
caves, started publishing the first Catalogue of Sâbev, Dimitâr (1937–1980). Caver, Geol-
Bulgarian Caves (two parts published, in 1926 ogist, President of the City Section for Caving
and 1928). Several cave animals are named after and Speleology – Sofia in 1979–1980. President
him (Radevia, Paranemastoma radewi, Brachy- of Edelweiss Sofia Caving Club in 1979–1980.
desmus radewi, Pheggomisetes radevi). One of the editors and promoter of the bulletin
“Rodopski Peshternyak “. Author of the book
Radushev, Eng. Radush (1911–1991) – “Rupchoskite Peshteri” and of many studies in
Speleologist, mining engineer, member of the the fields of Geology and the Speleology. Partici-
First Bulgarian Caving Society and of BFS. In pant in expeditions in the Rhodopes and other
1934, he carried out the first theodolith survey of parts of the country. Explored the karst and caves
a Bulgarian cave (Bacho Kiro). Participant in the in the areas of Radyuva Planina, Yagodina, Gela,
496 cave brigade in 1948 and in the resurrection of the Zabardo, Rozhen and others.
Shanov, Dr Stefan – born in 1948. Geolo- tee of Archaeoastronomy in Oxford and of the
gist, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Seis- European Society for Astronomy and Culture.
motectonics of the Institute of Geology – BAS.
Karstologist, specialist in the tectonics of karstic Stoitsev, Vassil – born in 1941. Organizer
areas. Author of more than 150 scientific publica- in BFS from 1968 to 1978. Participant and leader
tions, including more than 20 on the problems of of many caving expeditions in Bulgaria, Russia,
karst. Caver (since 1969). From 1994 to 2002 Poland and other countries, also in explorations
President of Akademik Club, Sofia. Participant or and mapping of Bulgarian caves. Deputy chair-
Leader of many caving expeditions in Bulgaria, man of the Rescue Group at BFS in 1974 – 1979.
France, Cuba (1988), Albania (1994), etc. Many articles in the journal Tourist, Echo News-
paper and other periodicals. Co-author of the
Shopov, Yavor – born in 1962. Author of books “Ponor Planina” (1975) and “In the sur-
papers on the speleoluminescence and other stud- roundings of Kotel “(1979).
ies on the cave minerals, etc. President of the
Commission for Physicochemistry of Karst of Strezov, Alexander – born in 1942. Caver
UIS. Author of many publications on the lumine- from ”Akademik” – Sofia Caving Club. Actively
scense, the cave minerals and others. Created the exploring for many years the longest cave in
section “Speleology” and of Expeditionary year- Bulgaria Duhlata and other caves in the region of
book. Studied caves and glaciers in Bulgaria, Bosnek, as well as caves in Stranja, Devetaki
India and other countries. and other karstic areas. Participant in expedi-
tions in France and Great Britain. Publications in
Škorpil, Karel (1859–1944) and Her- periodicals.
mengild (1858–1923) – brothers of Czeh origin,
teachers – encyclopaedists, authors of the book Taparkova-Pencheva, Ana – born in 1946.
“Krazski yavleniya v Bâlgariya” (Karst phenome- Caver and alpinist, President of Vitosha Sofia Cav-
na in Bulgaria) (1900) and other books on the ing Club. In 1969 she reached the bottom of Gouffre
karst and caves in Bulgaria. Berger in France (-1122 m, World record for wom-
en), also reached the bottom of Pierre Saint Martin (-
Spassov, Eng. Konstantin – born in 1941. 1171 m) in 1973, of Snejnaja (- 1370 m) in Cauca-
Hydrogeologist and Speleologist, Explorer of sus in 1986 (another women’s world record) and of
many caves in Bulgaria, ex- Vice President of the the Italian abysses. The first Bulgarian woman who
Bulgarian Federation of Speleology. Participant crossed the -1000 m depth underground. Leader and
in expeditions in Poland (Snezhna, 1968), member of many caving expeditions.
Ukraine, China, Cuba and other countries.
Tranteev, Petar (1924–1979) – Geographer
Stefanov, Dr Petar – born in 1954. Geog- and Speleologist, founder of the organized caving
rapher, Geomorphologist, working in the Institute in Bulgaria after the 50s. Member of the First
of Geography, BAS. Participant in many expedi- Bulgarian Caving Society, Secretary of the Com-
tions in Bulgaria, the expedition Cuba – 88, mittee for Cave Tourism and of the Republican
scientific conferences in Poland, etc. Commission for Caving and Cave Tourism, Vice
President of the Bulgarian Federation for Caving
Stoev, Dr Alexey – born in 1952. Astrono- (1961–1966 and 1974–1979), Geographer in the
mer, Director of the Astronomical Observatory in Institute of Zoology of the Bulgarian Academy of
Stara Zagora. President of Sârnena Gora Tourist Sciences (1966–1974). Scientific leader of the
Society in Stara Zagora. Vice President of the Expedition to Gouffre Berger in 1969, leader of
Bulgarian Tourist Union, Board Member of the many caving expeditions in Bulgaria, initiator of
Bulgarian Federation of Speleology. Participant creating the Main Card Index of Bulgarian Caves.
in many caving expeditions in Bulgaria, Cuba and He educated hundreds of cavers and enjoyed a
other countries and of the International Congress- high international standing. Books: “Magura”
es of Speleology. Author of articles of archaeo- (1962), “Caves – objects of tourism” (1965),
astronomy and speleo-climatology. Member of “Karlukovo Gorge” (1966), “The Secret of the
the governing body of the International Commit- Caves” (1968, together with V. Gueorguiev), “The 497
Caves in Bulgaria” (1978, together with K. Ko- (Coquille – Pin Blanc) (length 10 km and denive-
ssev), “Surveying caves and potholes” (1981, lation -760 m, in 1989 reached the bottom of
together with Y. Velinov). Gouffre Berger (-1122 m).

Vassilev, Viliyan (Vilitsata) (1957–1994). Velev, Georgi (1913–1989 ) – caver since

Caver since 1975. Board member of “Akademik” 1958; caving formation in 1961; Junior Instructor
– Sofia Caving Club, instructor and coach of the (1961), Instructor – 1964, Senior Instructor -
club. Participant and leader of expeditions in 1969. President of the caving club in Varna
Bulgaria, Vietnam’89; Georgia – “Pantyuhi- (1961–1971), President of the District Counsil of
na’1989”, Ukrayna – ”Krim”1980. In France in Speleology since 1979. Participant to the first
1987 did the traverse Felix Tromb – Hen Morte caving visit to Romania in 1963.



Izvestiya na Bâlgarskoto peshterno druzhestvo I National Conference of Speleology (February 1962)
(Bulletin de la Société Spéléologique de II National Conference of Speleology (December
Bulgarie) – Vol. 1 (1936), 2 (1940) 1976, Sofia). Proceedings (1977). National
Bâlgarski peshteri (Grottes bulgares) – Ed. Bul- Conference of Speleology (L. Dinev, T.
garian Federation of Speleology – No 1-2 Panayotov, V. Popov, Eds.). Edition of
(1964, P. Beron, Y. Antov, T. Michev, BFSp., 122 p.
Eds.), 3 (1985, P. Beron, T. Stoychev, A. III National Conference of Speleology
Jalov, T. Daaliev, Eds.), 4 (1986, the same IV National Conference of Speleology. Varna,
Eds.), 5 (1991, T. Daaliev, P. Nedkov, A. 31.3.-3.4.1983. Topic: “Relations between
Jalov, Eds.), 6 (1999, P. Beron, T. Daaliev, the scientific and the practical Speleology”.
A. Jalov, Eds.) Proceedings of 63 p.
Rodopski peshternyak [Rhodope Caver] (pub- V National Conference of Speleology (Sofia,28-
lished in Chepelare by D. Raychev from 30.V.1987). Proceedings (T. Stoychev, Ed.)
1964 to 1985) Ed. Medicina i Fizkultura, 1989, Sofia. 136 p.
Godishnik na Akademik [Yearbook of “Aka- VI National Conference of Speleology
demik”] – 1 (1968, ed. 1969), 2 (1969- VII National Conference of Speleology – National
1970), 3 (1971–1972) Scientific Conference on the problems of Karst
Kazanlâshki peshternyak [Kazanlâk Caver] (edi- and Speleology (Sofia, March 1999). Proceed-
tion of the Caving Club in Kazanlâk) – 1 ings. Edition of “Heliktit” – Sofia. 122 p.
(1980), 2 (1983) Scientific conference “Environment and cultural
Vrachanski Peshternyak [Vratsa Caver](edition of heritage in karst” (Sofia,10–11.10.2000)
the Caving Club “Veslets” in Vratsa) – Proceedings (P. Delchev, S. Shanov, A.
1964, 1986, 1987 Benderev, Eds.). Edition of the Association
Expeditionary Yearbook of Sofia University “Environment and cultural heritage in
“Kliment Ohridski”, 1, 1985, Y. Shopov karst”, Sofia. 196 p.
(Ed.), 146 p.; 3-4, 1989, 128 p.; 5A, 1990, Proceedings of Jubilee Scientific Conference “75
140 p. Years of organised speleology in Bulgaria”
Bâlgarska speleologiya [Bulgarian Speleology] Sofia 4-5 April 2004. 2006, eds. A. Jalov &
– 1 (1989); 2 (1990) 3 (1991) Edition of T. Daaliev, 161 p.
BFSp, the Museum of Speleology and Almanah of “Edelweiss” – Sofia Caving Club. 40
“Studenets” – Caving Club in Chepelare years Yubilee. – Ed. “Edelweiss” – Sofia
(Editors G. Raychev, A. Jalov, E. Stanko- Caving Club, 2001, 87 p.
va, B.Tranteev, D. Raychev, M. Barzakova, Yearbook of “Helictite” – Sofia Caving Club,
A. Baldjieva) 2000, Sofia, 40 p. (Comp. and Ed. A. Jalov)
Speleopraktika – published since 1966 by the Yearbook of “Helictite” – Sofia Caving Club,
City Speleological Section – Sofia and later 2001, Sofia, 48 p. (Comp. and Ed. A. Jalov)
by the Association “Speleopraktika” (initi- Yearbook of “Helictite” – Sofia Caving Club,
ated by N. Landjev). 2002, Sofia, 77 p. (No 6)(Comp. and Ed. K.
Infospeleo – Information Bulletin of BFSp., Stoichkov and J. Petrov)
published since 2000 in Sofia (compiler 40 Years Caving Club in Shumen 1961 – 2001. Authors
A. Jalov) M. Mircheva and Zdr. Iliev, 71 p., 45 maps
European Regional Conference on Speleology (So-
fia 22-28.IX.1980) Proceedings. Vol.1 (342 499
p.); Vol.2 (588 p.) (Editorial Board: L. Dinev, Mikov V. 1926. [Caves and pot holes between
P. Beron, A. Jalov, A. Manov, R. Radushev, Iskar and Vit]. – Estestvoznanie i Geografi-
K. Spassov): Edition of BFSp., 1983. ja, 10(7–8): 236–249 (in Bulg.).
Scientific-practical conference on the tourism, Mikov V. 1928. [Caves in Belogradchik Area]. –
alpinism, orientation, caving and protection Balgarski Tourist, 20(3): 43–44 (in Bulg.).
of nature (Rousse-4-6.V.1979)(L. Dinev, Mircheva M., Z. Iliev, K. Kostov. 2004. The caves
Ed.), Sofia, 470 p. of the Madara Plateau. – Sofia, 44 p. (Bulg.,
summ. Engl.).
Mishev K., Vl. Popov. 1958. [The karst in Vratchan-
A: CONCERNING KARST AND ska Planina. – Priroda, 7: 7–13] (in Bulg.).
CAVES IN BULGARIA Pandev Z. K. 1993. [Dobrostan kartstic Massiv –
caves and pot-holes, part 1: Dobrostan –
Anon. 1977. [Terminology of karst and speleolo- Oreshets]. 128 p. (in Bulg.).
gy in Bulgaria]. – Ed. BTS and BFPD, Pandev Z. K. 1994. [Dobrostan karstic Massiv –
Sofia, 40 p. (in Bulgarian). caves and pot-holes, part 2: Oreshets-Mos-
Arnaudov V. 1922. [The cave Ledenik in tovo], 52 p.(Bulg., summ. Engl.).
Vrachanska Planina]. – Estestvoznanie i Penchev S. 1970. [Fairy world]. – [Prirodonauch-
Geografija, 1: 142–156 (in Bulgarian). na biblioteka]. – Ed.”Narodna prosveta”,
Beron P. 1999. 70 years of organized caving in Sofia, 95 p. (in Bulg.).
Bulgaria. – Grottes bulgares, 6: 1–8. Petrov Iv. 1977. [Sky of stone]. – Ed. “Medicina i
Buresch Iv. 1930. [The caves in Bulgaria. Their Fizkultura”, Sofia, 126 p. (in Bulg.).
beauty and the need of their preservation]. – Petroff P. 1928. La Grotte de Devettaqui. – Trav.
Sofia, 44 p. (in Bulgarian). Soc. Bulg. Sci. Nat., 13: 193–208 (in Bulg.,
Gospodinov D. 1991. [Haskovo and the caves]. – summ. Fr.).
Ed. of the Caving Club at “Aida” – Haskovo Petrov P. 1929. [The Cave of Devetaki] – In:
Tourist Society, 39 p. (in Bulg.). Lovech i Lovchansko, 1: 23–32 (in Bulg.).
Daaliev T., A. Benderev. 1998. [The deepest pot Popov V. 1967. [Snezhanka]. – Ed. Medicina i
holes in Trigrad Region]. – Ed. BFS, Sofia, Fizkultura, S., (in Bulg.).
(in Bulg.). Popov V. 1968. [Ledenika]. – Ed. “Medicina i
Daaliev T., A. Benderev. 2000. [The deepest pot Fizkultura”, Sofia, 42 p. (in Bulg.).
holes in Troyan Subregion]. – Ed. BFS, Popov V. 1972. [Bacho Kiro]. – Ed. Medicina i
Sofia, 32 p. (in Bulg.). Fizkultura, S., (in Bulg.).
Daaliev T., A. Jalov, A. Benderev. 2000. [Brief Popov V. 1979. [Saeva dupka]. – Ed. Medicina i
information about the caves on the Plateau of Fizkultura, S., 28 p. (in Bulg.).
Devetaki]. – Ed. BFS, Sofia, 22 p. (in Bulg.). Popov V. 1982. [Travel underground]. – Ed.
Dinev L., P. Beron. 1962. Entwicklung and Stand “Nauka i Izkustvo, Sofia, 152 p. (in Bulg.).
der Späläologie in Bulgarien. – Die Höhle, Popov V. 1987. [The show caves in Bulgaria]. –
Wien, 13(2): 45–48. Ed. “Medicina i Fizkultura”, Sofia, 75 p.]
Djambazov N. 1958. [The caves in Bulgaria]. S., (in Bulg.).
132 p. (in Bulg.). Radev N. 1926. Materialien zur Erforschung der
Iliev Z., P. Petkov. 2000. [Kotlya. Vrachanski Höhlen Bulgariens – I. – Trav. Soc. Bulg.
Balkan. – Ed. Club “Streshero”, 28 p.] (in Sci. Nat., 12: 151–182 (in Bulg., summ. in
Bulg.). German).
Jalov A. 1993. La Spéléologie en Bulgarie. – Radev N. 1928. – Materialien zur Erforschung der
Spelunca, 52: 23–26. Höhlen Bulgariens II. – Trav. Soc. Bulg. Sci.
Leonidov A., P. Trifonov. 2005. Speleological At- Nat., 13: 115–130 (in Bulg., summ. in German).
las of the Belogradchik region. – Publ. house Raychev D. 1979. [Trigradsko zhdrelo i Dyavols-
“PAL”, Sofia, 32 p. (Bulg. and Engl.). ko gârlo]. – Ed. Medicina i Fizkultura, 38 p.
Jalov A. 1999. The Caves in Bulgaria. Written (in Bulg.).
sources from the period XII-XIX Century. – Raychev D., G. Raychev. 1983. [Yagodina karstic
Nat. Sci. Conf. on the Problems of Karst region]. – Ed. Medicina i Fizkultura, 48 p.
500 and Speleology – Sofia, 99: 5–10 (in Bulg.).
Spassov A. 1986. [Biserna]. – Ed. Medicina i Daaliev T. 1990. Expedition Chine – 1989. –
Fizkultura, Sofia, 30 p. (in Bulg.). Spelunca, 38: 8–9
Stoitsev V., P. Neykovski. 1975. [Ponor planina]. Daaliev T. [1991]. Bulgarian – Cuban expedition
– Malka turisticheska biblioteka, Sofia, 37 “Guaso’88)”. – Grottes bulgares, 5: 25–35.
p. (in Bulg.). Daaliev T. [1991]. First Bulgarian – Chinese
Sabev D. 1967. [Rupchoskite peshteri]. – Malka speleological expedition “Yunnan – 89”. –
turisticheska biblioteka, Sofia, 60 p. (in Bulg.). Grottes bulgares, 5: 38–45.
Tranteev P. 1962. [Magura]. – Ed. Medicina i Daaliev T. 1992. Expedition Sino-Bulgare “Yun-
Fizkultura, Sofia, 52 p. (in Bulg.). nan 89”. – Regards, 10: 29-30
Tranteev P. 1964. Les dix gouffres les plus pro- Daaliev T. 1995. Explorations bulgares en Al-
fonds en Bulgarie. – Grottes bulgares, 1-2: banie. – Regards, 19: 24
61–68 (in Bulg., summ. in French). Daaliev T. 1999. Expédition “Indonésie – 95”. –
Tranteev P. 1965. [Caves objects of tourism]. – Ed. Grottes bulgares, 6: 38–39.
Medicina i Fizkultura, Sofia, 123 p. (in Bulg.). Daaliev T. 2001a. [Cuba (Expedition “Guaso – 88”)].
Tranteev P., V. Gueorguiev. 1968. [The secret of – Collection of papers 40 years of “Edelweiss”
the caves]. – Ed. Medicina i Fizkultura, – Sofia Caving Club: 46–50 (in Bulg.).
Sofia, 230 p. (in Bulg.). Daaliev T. 2001b. [East of Bulgaria, south of the
Tranteev P., K. Kosev. 1978. [The caves in Bul- clouds]. – Collection of papers 40 years of
garia] – Ed. Medicina i Fizkultura, Sofia, 94 “Edelweiss” – Sofia Caving Club: 51–54
p. (in Bulg.). (in Bulg.).
Prodeau M, S. Shanov and others. [1987]. Récit d’une Daaliev T. 2001c. [Travel to the unforgetable]. –
amitié, suivi par: La Spéléologie en Bulgarie, Collection of papers 40 years of “Edelweiss”
La Division karstique de la Bulgarie. – Ed. – Sofia Caving Club: 64–67 (in Bulg.).
Spéléo-Club de Saint-Hierblain, 40 p. Garbev K. 1990. Syrie. – Spelunca, 37: 20.
Yonge C.J. 1974. Bulgaria 1974. Sheffield Uni- Gladnishky N., T. Daaliev [1991]. [Description of
versity Speleological Society visit to Bul- the cave El Campanario]. – Grottes bul-
garia (Summer 1974). – 18 p. gares, 5: 29–35 (in Bulg.).
Gladnishky N., T. Daaliev. 1993. Cueva Del Cam-
panario – International Caver, 8: 27–32
B: SOME PUBLICATIONS BY BULGARI- Jalov A. 1985. [The important achievements of
ANS ON THE KARST AND THE SPELE- Bulgarian cavers in 1984]. – Grottes bul-
OLOGY IN THE WORLD gares, 3: 7–9 (in Bulg.).
Jalov A. (Editor). 1986. [Bulgarians in the abysses
Aleksiev Iv. 2001. [Romania 1991]. – Collection of the world]. – Ed. Medicina i Fizkultura,
of papers 40 years of “Akademik” – Caving Sofia, 116 p. Authors: P. Nedkov, A. Tapark-
Club – Sofia: 55–60 (in Bulg.). ova-Pencheva, N. Genov, V. Peltekov, T.
Beron P. 1972. Aperçu sur la faune cavernicole de Daaliev, A. Jalov, S. Gazdov (in Bulg.).
la Corse. – Publ. No. 3 du Lab. Souterrain Jalov A. 1988. Cuba. – Spelunca, 31: 9–10.
du C.N.R.S. à Moulis, 55 pp.; summ. in Jalov A. 1989. Bulgarian-Cuban Expedition
Ann. de Spéléol., 27(4): 807–810, Moulis. “Guaso’88". – Caves & Caving, 43: 40.
Beron P. 1985. The contribution of Bulgarian Bio- Jalov A. 1990. Seconde expédition spéléologique
speleologists to the study of cave fauna of sino-bulgare dans le Yunnan 1990.- Spelun-
other countries. – Grottes bulgares, 3: 25 – 31. ca, 39: 8-9.
Beron P. 1986. [Five months in New Guinea]. – Jalov A. 1990. [Bulgarian cavers around the
Ed. Zemizdat, Sofia, 172 p. (in Bulgarian). world]. – Bâlgarska Speleologiya, 2:1–5.
Bonev I. 1989. Granite caves in the High Hima- Jalov A. 1991. Vietnam. – Grottes bulgares, 5:
laya. – Proc. Int. Symp. Speleol. Tbilisi 46–50.
1987: 181 – 183. Jalov A. 1992. Albanie – une nouvelle région
Bonev K. 1989. Geologic structural control of karst karstique s’offre aux expéditions. – Re-
forming processes in the Plateau Guaso, gards, 10: 27–28.
Southeast Cuba. – Proceed. Intern. Congr. Jalov A.1993. Albanian Alps’92 Expedition. –
Speleol., Budapest, 1989, 2: 669 (Abstract). Caves & Caving, 61: 35–36. 501
Jalov A.1994a. Albania. – Caves & Caving, 63: 33. Golemansky (1994), Draganov & Dimitro-
Jalov A. 1994b. Caving war in Albania. – Caves & va-Burin (1980). They contain full bibliog-
Caving, 66: 35. raphy of the cave fauna of Bulgaria.
Jalov A. 1996. Macedonia. Diving Record. – Beron P. 1964. Les grandes grottes à chauves –
Caves & Caving, 71: 7 souris en Bulgarie. – Grottes bulgares, 1-2:
Jalov A. 1997. Results from Bulgarian – Albanian 37–43 (In Bulgarian, summ. in French).
Speleological researches in Albanian Alps Beron P. 1986. Dévelopement de la Biospéléolo-
from 1991 – 1996. – Proc. 12th Int. Congr. gie en Bulgarie de 1977 à 1985 et vue
Speleol., La Chaux-de-Fonds, 4: 25–28. d’ensemble sur les connaissances actuelles
Jalov A. 1999a. Bulgarians in the caves of the concernant la faune cavernicole bulgare. –
world. – Grottes bulgares, 6: 9–14. Grottes bulgares, 4: 53–63.
Jalov A. 1999b. “Albania ’96". – Grottes bulgares, Beron P. 1972. Essai sur la faune cavernicole de
6: 42–44. Bulgarie. III. Résultats des recherches bio-
Zhalov A. 2002. Results of Bulgarian-Albanian spéologiques de 1966 à 1970. – Int. J.
speleological researches in Albanian Alps Speleol., 4: 285–349.
from 1991-1996.- Svet, 1-2 (22-23) : 27-33. Beron P. 1976. Subdivision zoogéographique de
Jalov A. 2003a. [The diary of an Albanian expedi- la Stara planina occidentale (Bulgarie)
tion “Golo bardo 2002”]. – Godishnik na d’après sa faune cavernicole terrestre. –
peshteren club “Heliktit” za deynostta prez Acta zool. bulgarica, 4: 30–37.
2002 g., Sofia: 32–37 (in Bulg.). Beron P. 1994. Résultats des recherches bio-
Jalov A. 2003b. [In the gypsum labyrinths of spéléologiques en Bulgarie de 1971 à 1994
Ozernaya]. – Godishnik na peshteren club et liste des animaux cavernicoles bulgares.
“Heliktit” za deynostta prez 2002 g., Sofia: – Série Tranteeva – 1, Sofia, 137 p. (con-
38-42 (in Bulg.). tains bibliography of the cave fauna of
Jalov A. 2003c. Nuovo record di profondita in Alba- Bulgaria until the end of 1994)
nia: la BB 30 (-610 m). – Speleologia, 48: 85. Beron P. 2005. Biodiversity of the cave fauna of
Lichkov Z. 2006. Expenition “Cuba’81”. Proc. Bulgaria. – In: Petrova A. (ed.), Actual state of
Conf. “75 Years of organised speleology in the Biodiversity in Bulgaria – problems and
Bulgaria”: 43 – 46 (in Bulg.). perspectives. Ed. Drakon, Sofia: 397-420.
Kostov K. 2001. [International Caving Conven- Beron P. 2006. Terrestrial cave animals in Bulgaria.
tion “Chatardag,99”]. – Collection of pa- – In: Fet V. and A. Popov (eds), Ecology and
pers 40 years of “Akademik” – Sofia Cav- Zoogeography in Bulgaria (in print).
ing Club: 68 – 69 (in Bulg.). Beron P. & V. Guéorguiev. 1967. Essai sur la
Mirchev V. 1987. [Jean Bernard’84].- Ed. Medic- faune cavernicole de Bulgarie. II. Résultats
ina i Fizkultura, Sofia, 108 p. des recherches biospéléologiques de 1961 à
Rashkov Iv., A. Handjiyski. 1977. [Expedition 1965. – Bull. Inst. Zool. Sofia, 24: 151–212.
Gouffre Berger and Pierre Saint-Martin– 69 Beron P., B. Petrov, P. Stoev. 2004. Cave fauna in
– 73]. – Ed. Medicina i Fizkultura, Sofia, 60 Eastern Rhodopes (Bulgaria and Greece). –
p. (in Bulg.). In: P. Beron & A. Popov (Eds.), Biodiversity
of Bulgaria. 2. Biodiversity of the Eastern
Rhodopes (Bulgaria and Greece): 791–822.
C: SELECTED SCIENTIFIC PUBLICA- Beron P., B. Petrov, P. Stoev. 2006. Cave fauna of
TIONS AND GUIDEBOOKS Bulgaria. (in print).
Buresch Iv. 1924. Die Höhlenfauna Bulgariens. –
Biospeleology Trav. Soc. Bulg. Sci. Nat., 11: 143–166 (In
In the field of Biospeleology general papers have Bulg., summ. in German).
been published by Buresch (1924, 1926, Buresch Iv. 1926. Untersuchungen über die Höhlen-
1936), Guéorguiev (1966, 1977), Guéor- fauna Bulgariens. II. – Trav. Soc. Bulg. Sci.,
guiev & Beron (1962), Beron & Guéor- 12: 17 – 56 (In Bulg., summ. in German).
guiev (1967), Beron (1973, 1986, 1994, Buresch Iv. 1931. [Caves and cave fauna in Bulgar-
2006a, 2006b), Beron, Petrov & Stoev ia]. – Letopis na BAN, 13: 74–92. [Academ-
502 (2006), Guéorguiev V., Hr. Deltshev, V. ic speech of Dr Buresch, in Bulgarian].
Buresch Iv. 1936. Übersicht der bisherigen Kent- Popov Vl. 1970b. Distribution of karst in the Stara
nisse und Erforschungen der Rezenten Planina (Balkan) and some of its peculiari-
Höhlen-Fauna Bulgariens. – Bull. Soc. ties. – Studia Geomorphologica Carpatho-
Spél. bulgare, 1: 13–41 (In Bulgarian). Balcanica, Kraków, 4: 237–247 (in Russian,
Guéorguiev V. 1961. [Inhabitants of the eternal summ. Engl., Pol.).
darkness]. – Prirodonauchna biblioteka, Popov Vl. 1976. [Cave regionalization in Bulgar-
Ed. “Narodna prosveta”, Sofia, 63 p. (In ia]. – Problemi na geografiyata, 2(2): 14-24.
Bulgarian). Popov Vl. 1977. Cave regionalization in Bulgaria.
Guéorguiev V. 1992. Subdivision zoogéographique – Collection of papers Speleologiya, S., 15
de la Bulgarie d’après sa faune cavernicole – 31 (in Bulgarian).
terrestre. – Acta zool. bulgarica, 43: 3–12 (in Popov Vl., L. Zyapkov. 1969. Morphology and
Bulg., summ. in French). hydrology of karst in the northern part of
Guéorguiev V. & P. Beron. 1962. Essai sur la the Predbalkan between the rivers Vit and
faune cavernicole de Bulgarie. – Ann. de Iskar. – Bull. Inst. Géogr., 12.
Spéléologie; Toulouse, 17(2-3): 285–441. Popov V. 1965. Rozšireni krasu v Bulharsku. –
Guéorguiev V., Hr. Deltshev, V. Golemansky. ÈSAV: 17.
1994. Bulgarie. – In: Juberthie C. & V. Radev Zh. 1915. Karstic forms in the Western
Decu (Eds.), Encyclopaedia biospeologica, Stara Planina. – Ann. Univ. Sofia, Fac. Hist.
1, Moulis-Bucarest: 619–629. – Philol., 10-11: 1–149.
Delchev Hr., V. Guéorguiev. 1977. [Review of the Stefanov P. 1982. Morphometry and Morphogra-
biospeleological studies in Bulgaria and phy of the “Manailovska Dupka” Cave. –
their future problems]. – Sb. Materiali Spe- Problems of Geography, 3: 51–59 (In Bulg.,
leologiya, Sofia: 82–89 (in Bulgarian). summ. Engl.).
Draganov S.J. 1977. [Findings related to the
duckweed in our caves]. – Sbornik Speleo- Speleomineralogy
logia, Sofia: 90–92 (in Bulg.). Bonev K. 1986. [On the origin of the Moonmilch].
Draganov S.J., E.D. Dimitrova – Burin. 1977. – Grottes bulgares, 4: 32 – 37 (in Bulg.).
[Speleoalgological Research in Bulgaria] – Filipov A.F. 1983. [Modern problems and tasks of
Proc. 6th Intern. Congr. Speleology, Olo- the speleomineralogy in Bulgaria]. – Proc.
mouc, 5: 11–17 (in Russian). IVth Nat. Conf. of Speleology, Varna: 28–
Draganov S.J., E.D. Dimitrova – Burin. 1980. 31 (in Bulg.).
Speleo-Algological Studies in Bulgaria. – Shopov Y. 1988. Bulgarian Cave Minerals. – The
Ecologia, Sofia, 6: 62–68. National Speleological Society Bull., 50:
Petkoff S. 1943. La flore des grottes souterraines, 21–24.
des grottes ouvertes et de leurs étangs envi- Shopov Y. 1989. Genetic Classification of Cave
ronnants dans certains régions calcaires de Minerals. – Proc. 10th Int. Congress of
Bulgarie. – Rev. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 68 (5): Speleology, 13-20 August, Budapest, 1:
109 – 188 (in Bulg., summ. Fr.). 101–105.
Cvetkov L. 1963. [Life in underground water]. – Shopov Y. 1990. [Development of the speleomin-
Ed. Nauka i Iskustvo, Sofia, 100 p. (in eralogy in Bulgaria (1923-1986)]. – Bâlgar-
Bulg.) ska speleologiya, 2: 21-32.
Shopov Y. & A. Filipov. 2006. Cave minerals in
Karstology Bulgaria. Proc. Conf. “75 Years of organ-
Boyadjiev N. 1964. The karstic bassins in Bulgar- ised speleology in Bulgaria”: 79 – 94 (in
ia and their underground waters. – Bull. Bulg., abst. Engl.).
Inst. Hydrol. Meteorol., 2.
Popov Vl. 1964. Morphology and genesis of the cave Caves and Man (Speleoarcheology,
“Ledenika”. – Bull. Inst. Géogr., 8: 77–87. Speleofolklore, Onomastics, etc)
Popov Vl. 1970a. Aire d’extension du calcaire Antonov G. 1977. Sacred caves in Strandza
(karst) en Bulgarie et quelques – unes de ses mountain, S.E. Bulgaria. – Proc. 7th Intern.
particularités. – Bull. Inst. Géogr., 13: 5–19 Speleological Congr., Sheffield, England,
(in Bulg., summ. Russ., Fr.). September, 1977: 2–5. 503
Boev P. 1963. Matériaux anthropologiques de la umweit der Stadt Tirnovo (Nordbulgarien). –
grotte Tabaškata peštera. – Bull. Inst. Praehistorischen Zeitschr., 5(3–4): 450 – 458.
Archéol., 26: 243–247. Popov R. 1921a. [Materials for the prehistory of
D¡zambazov N. 1957. La grotte Pešt près de Staro Bulgaria. .....B. Speleological research in
selo, arrondissement de Vraca. – Bull. Inst. the area of Tarnovo, Belyakovets, Dry-
Archéol., 21: 1-40. anovski Monastery and Karlukovo Village.
Djambazov N. 1960a. Un nouveau site Godishnik na Narodniya Muzey for 1920],
paléolithique de la vallée du Vit. – Arche- 2: 46–55.
ologiya, 2(1): 36–42. Popov R. 1921b. [Tsarskata peshtera] – Estestvoz-
Djambazov N. 1960b. Fouilles dans la Grande nanie i Geografija, 6(1): 28–33 (in Bulg.).
grotte près du village de Micré, arrondisse- Popov R. 1921c. [The cave Morovitsa] – Estestvoz-
ment de Loveè. – Archeologiya, 2(3): 54–61. nanie i Geografija, 6: 434–460 (in Bulg.).
Djambazov N. 1960c. La grotte “Parnika” près du Popov R. 1921d. [The cave Golyama Podlistsa]. –
village Bezanovo, arrondissement de Estestvoznanie i Geografija, 6(1): 95–105
Lovetch. – Archeologiya, 2(4): 54–58. (in Bulg.).
Djambazov N. 1963. Les grottes de Loveè. – Bull. Popov R. 1925. [The Plateau of Belyakovets – caves
Inst. Archéol., 26: 195–241. and prehistoric settlements (materials for the
D¡zambazov N. 1970. Trouvailles paléolithiques archeological map of Bulgaria)]. – 3. – Edi-
dans la grotte Pešketo pres du village Liljaèe, tion of the National Museum, Sofia, 1–58.
dép. de Vratsa]. – Archeologiya, 12(1): 58–66. Popov R. 1931. [The cave Temnata dupka – new
Djambazov N. 1977. [Archeological studies of locality of the Paleolith in Bulgaria]. –
caves in Bulgaria]. – Speleologia (Collection Naroden Muzej, Sofia.
of papers at the speleological conference on Popoff R. 1933. La grotte “Mirizlivka”. Contribu-
10.12.1976, Sofia): 102–111 (in Bulg.). tion à l’étude de la faune diluvienne et de la
Djambazov N. 1979. Bulgarian Archeological culture de l’homme quaternaire en Bulgarie.
science and the caves in 50 years. – II – Izdaniya na Narodniya Archeologicheski
National conference on Speleology, Sofia. Muzej, Sofia, 26: 74 p. (Bulg., summ. Fr.).
Djambazov N. 1981. La grotte Samuilica II. – In: Sirakova S. 1986. Archeological studies of caves.
Cultures préhistoriques en Bulgarie, Bull. – Grottes bulgares, 4: 64–70 (in Bulg.,
Inst. d’Archéologie, 36: 5–62. summ. Engl.).
Filkoff L. 1929. The Drawings on the Walls of the Spassov N. 1982. [Fossils from alpine capricorne
Cave Magura. – Trav. Soc. Bulg. Sci. Nat., and the giant deer in Bulgaria and the role
14: 143 – 150. (in Bulg., summ. Engl.). of horns by the giant deer]. – Priroda, 31(5):
Mikov V., N. Djambazov. 1960. [Devetashkata 21–28 (in Bulg.).
peshtera]. – Sofia, 199 p. (in Bulg.). Stefanova M. 1986. Folklore themes on Bulgarian
Mushmov N. 1924. [Sacred caves]. – Bâlgarski caves. – Grottes bulgares, 4: 71–76 (in
Tourist, 16(2): 126 – 127 (in Bulg.). Bulg., summ. Engl.).
Kolev B. 1983. Thracian sanctuaries in caves and rock Stoev A., P. Muglova. 1992. “Moonarium” in the
niches in Eastern Rhodopes. – Proc. Europ. caves near the village of Bailovo – art gallery
Reg. Conf. in Speleology, Sofia, 1: 173 – 178. devoted to the Moon god or Moon callendar.
Kozlowski J. K. 1982. Excavation in the Bacho – Actes de la Conf. Européenne de Spéléolo-
Kiro Cave (Bulgaria). gie, Hélécine, Belgium, 1: 149–152.
Petrov Iv., D. Kostov. 1989. [Caves of historical Stoïanov Il. 1904. Contribution à l’époque préhis-
and archeological importance in Stranja – torique en Bulgarie. – La grotte “Toplia”
Sakar]. – V Nat. Conf. Speleol. près du village Goliama Jeliazna. – Trav.
Popov R. 1904. [Contribution to the prehistory of Soc. Bulg. Sci. Nat., 2: 103–171 (in Bulg.,
Bulgaria. The caves in Tarnovo gorge, the summ. Fr.).
settlement near Madara and the caves above Stoytchev T. 1986. A contribution of the Bulgari-
Shumen]. – Sb. Narodni Umotvoreniya i an Federation of Speleology to the study of
knizhnina, 20: 1–27 (in Bulg.). caves from an Archeological and Historical
Popov R. 1913b. Die Ausgrabungen in der Höhle aspect. – Grottes bulgares, 4: 77–83 (in
504 “Malkata Podlisza” beim Dorfe Beljakovez, Bulg., summ. Engl.).
Teoclieva E. 1981. Archeological studies in the Boev Z. 2001a. Birds over the mammoth’s head
Strandja caves. – Scient.-Practical Conf. on in Bulgaria. – In: G. Cavarretta, P. Gioia, M.
Tourism, Alpinism, Tourist Orientation, Mussi, M.R. Palombo (eds.) The Worlds of
Caving and Protection of Nature, Russe – 4- Elephants. Proc. 1st Intern. Congress,
6 May 1979. – Proceedings, S.: 259-266 (in Roma: 180–186.
Bulgarian). Boev Z. 2001b. Late Pleistocene and Holocene
Todorov T. 2002. [The names of the caves and avifauna from three caves in the vicinity of
their classification]. – In: D. Raychev & G. Tran (Pernik District – W Bulgaria). –
Raychev, Eds., 50 Years of Caving in Karst, Sofia, 1 (2000): 98–106.
Chepelare: 53–57. Boev Z. 2001c. Late Pleistocene and Holocene
Zlatkova M. 1989. [Rock cave sanctuary at Bay- avian finds from the vicinity of the Lakatnik
lovo Village, Sofia District. Methods of r/w station (W Bulgaria). – Karst, Sofia, 1
documentation]. – V Nat. Conf. of Speleol- (2000): 107–111.
ogy, Sofia, 28–30. 1987. Ed. Medicina i Boev Z. 2001d. Late Pleistocene birds from the
Fizkultura, 72–76 (in Bulg.). Kozarnika Cave (Montana District; NW Bul-
garia). – Karst, Sofia, 1 (2000): 113–128.
Speleopaleonthology Delpech F., J.-L. Guadelli. 1992. Les grands
Bocheñski Z. 1982. Aves. – In: J. Kozlowski (Ed) Mammifères gravettiens et aurignaciens de
Excavation in the Bacho Kiro Cave (Bulgar- la grotte de Temnata. – In: J.K. Kozlowski,
ia), Final Report, Jagellonian Univ. Press, H. Laville, B. Ginter (eds.) Temnata cave.
Krakow: 31–38. Excavations in Karlukovo Karst Area, Bul-
Boev Z. 1994. The Upper Pleistocene birds. – In: garia. – Jagellonian Univ. Press, Krakow,
Kozlowski J.K., H. Laville, B. Ginter 1(1): 141–216.
(Eds.). 1994. Temnata cave. Excavations in D¡
zambazov N. 1957. La grotte Pešt près de Staro
Karlukovo Karst Area, Bulgaria. – Jagello- selo, arrondissement de Vraca. – Bull. Inst.
nian Univ. Press, Krakow, 1(2): 11–53. Archéol., 21: 1–40 (Bulg., summ. Fr.).
Boev Z. 1997. The black grouse, Tetrao tetrix (L., Djambazov N. 1963. Les grottes de Loveè. – Bull.
1758) (Tetraonidae, Aves), a disappeared Inst. Archéol., 26: 195–241 (Bulg., summ. Fr.).
species in Bulgaria (Paleolithic and Garrod D. 1939. Excavations in the cave of
Neolithic records). – Anthropozoologia, 25- Batscho Kiro, North-East Bulgaria. – Bull.
26: 643–646. of the Amer. School of Prehistoric Re-
Boev Z. 1998a. A range fluctuation of Alpine swift search, 15: 48–80.
(Apus melba [L., 1758]) (Apodidae – Aves) in Guadelli J.-L. & F. Delpech. 2000. Les grands
Northern Balkan Peninsula in the Riss-Würm Mammifères du debut du paléolithique
interglacial. – Biogeographia, 19: 213–218. supérieur à Temnata. – In: Ginter B., J.K.
Boev Z. 1998b. First fossil record of the Snowy Kozlovski, J.-L. Guadelli, K. Laville (Eds)
Owl Nyctea scandiaca (Linnaeus, 1758) Temnata cave. Excavations in Karlukovo
(Aves: Strigidae) from Bulgaria. – Hist. nat. Karst Area, Bulgaria. – Jagellonian Univ.
bulg., 9: 79–86. Press, Krakow, 2(1): 53–158.
Boev Z. 1999. The Middle Pleistocene avifauna of Kowalski K. 1982. Animal remains – general
the Cave 16 (NW Bulgaria) and its palaeo- remarks. 66–71. – In: Excavation in Bacho
ecological implication. 8th Intern. Congress Kiro Cave (Bulgaria) – final report.
on the Zoogeogr. and Ecol. of Greece and Kowalski K., A. Nadachowski. 1982. Rodentia. In:
Adjacent Regions, Kavala. 17-22 May 1999. Kozlowski J. (ed.) Excavation in Bacho Kiro
Abstracts: 21–22. Hel. Z. Soc. Cave (Bulgaria). PWN, Warszawa: 45–51.
Boev Z. 2000a. Late Pleistocene avifauna of the Kozlowski J.K. (Ed.) 1982. Excavation in the
Razhishkata Cave, Western Bulgaria. – Bacho Kiro Cave (Bulgaria). Final Report.
Hist. nat. bulgarica, 12: 71–87. – PWN, Warszawa: 172 pp.
Boev Z. 2000b. Early Pleistocene and Early Ho- Markov G. 1963. Beitrag zur Untersuchung des
locene avifauna of the Cherdzhenitsa Cave, Höhlenbären (Ursus spelaeus Blumenb.) in
Northern Bulgaria. – Hist. nat. bulg., 11: Bulgarien. – Bull. Inst. Zool. Mus. Sofia,
107–116. 14: 5–26 (Bulg., summ. Russ., Germ.). 505
Mlikovsky J. 1997. Late Pleistocene birds of Kar- Popoff R. 1936. Fossile und Subfossile Reste aus
lukovo, Bulgaria. – Hist. nat. bulg., 7: 59–60. den bis jetzt erforschenden Höhlen Bulgar-
Nikolov I. 1977. [Review of the fossil mammal iens. – Bull. Soc. Spéléol. de Bulgarie, 1: 1–
fauna in Bulgarian caves and some prob- 11 (in Bulg.).
lems of the future]. – Collection of papers Popov R. 1939. The Animal remains from the cave
Speleologiya, S., 98–101 (in Bulgarian). of Bacho Kiro. – Bull. of the Amer. School
Nikolov I. 1983. [Some notes on the cave fossil of Prehistoric Research, 15: 85–126.
mammalian fauna in Bulgaria]. – European Popov V. 1983. [Paleontological studies in the caves
Regional Conference on Speleology, Sofia (importance, methods, results and directions
– Bulgaria, 22–28. IX. 1980, Proceedings, of development)] – In: Proc. IVth Nat. Cof. of
1: 215–218 (In Bulgarian). Speleology, Varna: 36–48 (in Bulg.).
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