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An Empirical Study of Privacy-Violating Information Flows in Javascript Web Applications

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An Empirical Study of Privacy-Violating Information Flows

in JavaScript Web Applications

Dongseok Jang Ranjit Jhala Sorin Lerner Hovav Shacham

Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
University of California, San Diego, USA

ABSTRACT protection and isolation mechanisms and sports several ex-

The dynamic nature of JavaScript web applications has tremely dynamic language features. Browser-level isolation
given rise to the possibility of privacy violating information policies like the same-origin policy for domain object model
flows. We present an empirical study of the prevalence of (DOM) objects are coarse-grained and do not uniformly ap-
such flows on a large number of popular websites. We have ply to application resources. Consequently, the proliferation
(1) designed an expressive, fine-grained information flow pol- of JavaScript has also opened up the possibility of a variety
icy language that allows us to specify and detect different of security vulnerabilities.
kinds of privacy-violating flows in JavaScript code, (2) im- In this paper, we present an empirical study of the preva-
plemented a new rewriting-based JavaScript information lence of an important class of vulnerabilities that we call
flow engine within the Chrome browser, and (3) used the privacy-violating information flows. This general class in-
enhanced browser to conduct a large-scale empirical study cludes several different kinds of attacks that have been in-
over the Alexa global top 50,000 websites of four privacy- dependently proposed and studied in the literature.
violating flows: cookie stealing, location hijacking, history
1. Cookie Stealing: Code included from a particular site,
sniffing, and behavior tracking. Our survey shows that sev-
say for displaying an advertisement, has access to all the
eral popular sites, including Alexa global top-100 sites, use
information on the hosting web page, including the cookie,
privacy-violating flows to exfiltrate information about users’
the location bar, and any other sensitive information stored
browsing behavior. Our findings show that steps must be
on the page. Thus, if the ad code is malicious it can cause the
taken to mitigate the privacy threat from covert flows in
cookie and other sensitive pieces of information to be leaked
to the third-party ad agencies, and can lead to a variety of
routinely observed attacks like request forgery.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
K.6.5 [Management of Computing and Information 2. Location Hijacking: In a manner similar to the above
Systems]: Security and Protection; D.2.4 [Software En- case, the dynamically loaded untrusted code can influence
gineering]: Software/Program Verification the document’s location, by influencing the values stored in
URL string variables that are read to dynamically generate
HTTP requests. Consequently, the dynamically loaded code
General Terms can navigate the page to a malicious site that exploit a bug in
Security, Experimentation, Languages the browser to fully compromise the machine [24] or mounts
a phishing attack.
Keywords 3. History Sniffing: In most browsers, all application do-
privacy, web security, information flow, JavaScript, web ap- mains share access to a single visited-page history, file
plication, dynamic analysis, rewriting, history sniffing cache, and DNS cache [12]. This leads to the possibility
of history sniffing attacks [14], where a malicious site (say,
1. INTRODUCTION attacker.com) can learn whether a user has visited a specific
JavaScript has enabled the deployment of rich browser- URL (say, bankofamerica.com), merely by inducing the user
based applications that are fashioned from code sourced to visit attacker.com. To this end, the attack uses the fact
from different mutually distrusting and potentially mali- that browsers display links differently depending on whether
cious websites. However, JavaScript lacks language-based or not their target has been visited [6]. In JavaScript, the
attacker creates a link to the target URL in a hidden part
of the page, and then uses the browser’s DOM interface to
inspect how the link is displayed. If the link is displayed as a
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for visited link, the target URL is in the user’s history. Tealium
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are and Beencounter sell services that allow a website to collect
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies
the browsing history of their visitors using history sniffing.
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific 4. Behavior Tracking: The dynamic nature of JavaScript
permission and/or a fee.
CCS’10, October 4–8, 2010, Chicago, Illinois, USA. allows a website to construct a high-fidelity timeline of how
Copyright 2010 ACM 978-1-4503-0244-9/10/10 ...$10.00. a particular user interacted with a web page including, for
example, precise information about the user’s mouse clicks ing into the parameters of methods that send messages over
and movements, scrolling behavior, and what parts of the the network. To specify a behavior tracking flow, we inject
text were highlighted, simply by including JavaScript event “behavior” taint to the inputs of the handlers registered for
handlers that track mouse and keyboard activity. This in- events triggered by user behavior.
formation can then be sent back to the server to compute Second, we have implemented a new JavaScript informa-
statistics about how users interact with a given web page. tion flow engine in the Chrome browser. Unlike previous
Several web-analytics companies sell products that exploit JavaScript information flow infrastructures [10, 30, 8], our
these flows to track information about users. For exam- engine uses a dynamic source-to-source rewriting approach
ple, ClickTale allows websites to precisely track their users’ where taints are injected, propagated and blocked within
mouse movements and compute aggregate heat maps based the rewritten code (Section 2.2). Although the rewriting is
on where users move their mouse, and tynt allows websites performed inside the browser, implementing our approach
to track what text is being copied from them. services al- requires understanding only the browser’s AST data struc-
low websites to gather fined-grained information about the ture, and none of the complexity of the JavaScript run-
behaviors of their users without any indication to users that time. Thus, in addition to supporting an extremely flexi-
additional information gathering is taking place. We be- ble flow policy specification language, our approach is sim-
lieve that users understand that page navigation (as a re- ple to implement and can readily be incorporated inside
sult of clicking on a link) causes information to be sent to other browsers. Even though the taints are propagated in
the server, but do not believe they understand that other JavaScript, as opposed to natively, the overhead of our ap-
actions, like mousing over an image, can silently do the proach is not prohibitively high. Our approach adds on av-
same. Verifying this belief will require a user study. We erage 60 to 70% to the total page loading time over a fast
hope that the data we have collected will help inform the network (which is the worst condition to test our JavaScript
broader discussion about the privacy implications of such overhead). This is efficient enough for our exploratory study,
flows. and with additional simple optimizations could even be fea-
sible for interactive use (Section 3).
Privacy-violating information flows are not merely theo-
Third, we have used our modified version of the Chrome
retical possibilities of academic interest. Indeed, the possi-
browser to conduct a large-scale empirical study over the
bility of history sniffing has prompted a discussion spanning
Alexa global top 50,000 websites of four privacy-violating
8 years and over 261 comments in Bugzilla about preventing
flows: cookie stealing, location hijacking, history sniffing
history sniffing in Firefox [3], which has finally culminated
and behavior tracking. Our results reveal interesting facts
in a recent fix [2]. This lengthy process illustrates the im-
about the prevalence of these flows in the wild. We did not
portance of privacy-violating flows for Web 2.0 users and the
find any instances of location hijacking on popular sites, but
difficulty of designing defenses against them without break-
we did find that there are several third party ad agencies
ing legitimate websites.
to whom cookies are leaked. We found that several pop-
Despite the knowledge that privacy-violating flows are
ular sites — including an Alexa global top-100 site — make
possible and even likely, little is actually known about their
use of history sniffing to exfiltrate information about users’
occurrence in the wild. For example, how many websites
browsing history, and, in some cases, do so in an obfus-
extract this kind of information from their users? Are there
cated manner to avoid easy detection. We also found that
any popular sites that do this? Do websites use pre-packaged
popular sites, such as Microsoft’s, track users’ clicks and
solutions like Tealium, Beencounter and ClickTale? Or do
mouse movements, and that huffingtonpost.com has the
they construct their own implementations? Are these imple-
infrastructure to track such movements, even though we did
mentations obfuscated to evade detection, and, if so, how?
not observe the actual flow in our experiments. Finally, we
The lack of empirical data about the prevalence of privacy-
found that many sites exhibiting privacy-violating flows have
violating flows has hampered the development and deploy-
built their own infrastructure, and do not use pre-packaged
ment of effective defenses against this increasingly important
solutions like ClickTale, tynt, Tealium, or Beencounter.
class of attacks. The main contribution of this paper is to
Thus, our study shows that popular Web 2.0 applications
provide concrete data to answer such questions through an
like mashups, aggregators, and sophisticated ad targeting
exhaustive empirical evaluation of several privacy-violating
are rife with different kinds of privacy-violating flows, and,
flows in a large number of popular websites. We have carried
hence, there is a pressing need to devise flexible, precise and
out this study in three steps.
efficient defenses against them.
First, we have designed an expressive, fine-grained infor-
mation flow policy language that allows us to specify and de-
tect different kinds of privacy-violating flows in JavaScript
code (Section 2.1). In essence, our language allows us to 2. INFORMATION FLOW POLICIES
describe different privacy-violating flows by specifying sites We present our approach for dynamically enforcing in-
within the code where taints are injected and sites from formation flow policies through an example that illustrates
which certain taints must be blocked. For example, to spec- the mechanisms used to generate, propagate and check taint
ify a cookie stealing flow, we inject a “secret” taint into the information for enforcing flow policies. The focus of our in-
cookie, and block that taint from flowing into variables con- formation flow policies and enforcement mechanism is to de-
trolled by third-party code. To specify a location hijacking tect many privacy-violating flows in the wild, not to provide
flow, we inject an “untrusted” taint onto any values origi- a bullet-proof protection mechanism (although our current
nating third-party code, and block that taint from flowing system could eventually lead to a protection mechanism, as
into the document’s location field. To specify a history sniff- discussed further in Section 7). For space reasons, we defer
ing flow, we inject a “history” taint on the fields containing a formal treatment of our rewriting algorithm to a technical
the style attributes of links, and block that taint from flow- report [15].
var initSettings = function(s){ First, the website’s developer provides a fine-grained policy
searchUrl = s; that describes which values can affect and be affected by
others. Second, the language’s compiler or run-time enforce
initSettings("a.com"); the policy, thereby providing fine-grained isolation.
Policies In our framework a fine-grained information flow
var doSearch = function() { policy is specified by defining taints, injection sites and
var searchBox = getSearchBoxValue();
checking sites. A taint is any JavaScript object, e.g., a URL
var searchQry = searchUrl + searchBox;
document.location = searchQry; string denoting the provenance of a given piece of informa-
} tion. A site

eval(load("http://adserver.com/display.js")); r .f (x . . .)
corresponds to the invocation of the method f with the ar-
guments x . . ., on the receiver object r . Such site expressions
Figure 1: JavaScript code from a website a.com. can contain concrete JavaScript (e.g., document.location),
or pattern variables (e.g., $1) that can match against dif-
ferent concrete JavaScript values, and which can later be
Web page Consider the JavaScript in Figure 1. Suppose
that this code is a distillation of the JavaScript on a web
In order to allow sites to match field reads and writes, we
page belonging to the domain a.com. The web page has a
model these using getter and setter methods. In particular,
text box whose contents can be retrieved using a call to
we model a field read using a call to method getf, which
the function getSearchBoxValue (not shown). The func-
takes the name of the field as an argument, and we model
tion initSettings is intended to be called once to initialize
a field write using a call to a method setf, which takes
settings used by the page. The doSearch function is called
the name of a field and the new value as arguments. To
when the user clicks a particular button on the page.
make writing policies easier, we allow some simple syntactic
Dynamically Loaded Code The very last line of the code sugar in expressing sites: r .x used as an r-value translates
in Figure 1 is a call to load() which is used to dynam- to r .getf(x) and r .x = e translates to r .setf(x, e).
ically obtain a string from adserver.com. This string is An injection site
then passed to eval() which has the effect of “executing”
the string in order to update the web page with an adver- at S if P inject T
tisement tailored to the particular user.
stipulates that the taint T be added to the taints of the
Malicious Code Suppose that the string returned by the object output by the method call described by the site S as
call to adserver.com was: long as the condition P holds at the callsite. For example,
initSettings("evil.com"); the following injection site unconditionally injects a “secret”
taint at any point where document.cookie is read:
When this string is passed to eval() and executed, it over-
writes the page’s settings. In particular, it sets the variable at document.cookie if true inject “secret”
searchUrl which is used as the prefix of the query string, To make the policies more readable, we use the following
to refer to an attacker site evil.com. Now, if the user clicks syntactic sugar: when “if P ” is omitted, we assume “if true”.
the search button, the document.location gets set to the As a result, the above injection site can be expressed as:
attacker’s site, and thus the user is redirected to a website
which can then compromise her machine. Similarly, dynam- at document.cookie inject “secret” (1)
ically loaded code can cause the user to leak their password A checking site
or other sensitive information.
at S if P block T on V
2.1 Policy Language
stipulates that at site S , if condition P holds, the expression
The flexibility and dynamic nature of JavaScript makes
V must not contain the taint T . We allow the guard (P ),
it difficult to use existing language-based isolation mecha-
the taint (T ) and the checked expression (V ) to refer to the
nisms. First, JavaScript does not have any information hid-
any pattern variables that get bound within the site S . As
ing mechanisms like private fields that could be used to iso-
before, when “if P ” is omitted, we assume “if true”.
late document.location from dynamically loaded code. In-
For example, consider the following checking site:
deed, a primary reason for the popularity of the language is
that the absence of such mechanisms makes it easy to rapidly at $1.x=$2 if $1.url 6= “a.com” block “secret” on $2 (2)
glue together different libraries distributed across the web.
Second, the asynchronous nature of web applications makes The url field referenced above is a special field added by our
it difficult to enforce isolation via dynamic stack-based ac- framework to every object, indicating the URL of the script
cess control. Indeed, in the example above, the malicious that created the object. The above checking site therefore
code has done its mischief and departed well before the user ensures that no value tainted with “secret” is ever assigned
clicks the button and causes the page to relocate. into an object created by a script that does not originate
Thus, to reconcile safety and flexible, dynamic code com- from a.com.
position, we need fine-grained isolation mechanisms that Confidentiality policies can be specified by injecting a spe-
prevent untrusted code from viewing or affecting sensitive cial “secret” taint to the getter-methods for confidential vari-
data. Our approach to isolation is information flow con- ables, and checking that such taints do not flow into the
trol [11, 21], where the isolation is ensured via two steps. inputs of the setter-methods for objects controlled by code
originating at domains other than a.com. Such a policy could //var initSettings = function(){...}
be formally specified using (1) and (2) above. tmp0 = box(function(s){searchUrl = s;}, "a.com"),
var initSettings = tmp0;
Integrity policies can be specified by injecting special “un-
trusted” taints to getter-methods for untrusted variables, //initSettings("a.com");
and checking that such taints do not flow into the inputs tmp1 = box("a.com", "a.com"),
of setter-methods for trusted variables. Such a policy could initSettings(tmp1);
be formally specifed as:
//var doSearch = function(){...}
at $1.x if $1.url 6= “a.com” inject “untrusted” var doSearch = box(function(){
var searchBox = getSearchBoxValue();
at document.location = $1 block “untrusted” on $1
//var searchQry = searchBox + searchUrl;
We can specify even finer grained policies by refining the var searchQry = TSET.direct.add(searchUrl),
taints with information about individual URLs. The ex- tmp2 = unbox(searchUrl),
pressiveness of our policy language allows us to quickly ex-
periment with different kinds of flows within the same basic TSET.direct.add(searchBox),
framework, and could also lay the foundation for a browser- tmp3 = unbox(searchBox),
based protection mechanism. tmp4 = tmp2 + tmp3,
TSET.boxAndTaint(tmp4, "a.com");
2.2 Policy Enforcement
The nature of JavaScript and dynamic code loading makes //document.location = searchQry;
precise static policy enforcement problematic, as it is im- check(searchQry, "untrusted"),
document.location = searchQry;
possible to predict what code will be loaded at run-time.
}, "a.com");
Thus, our approach is to carry out the enforcement in a fully
dynamic manner, by rewriting the code in order to inject, //eval(load("http://adserver.com/display.js"));
propagate and checks taints appropriately. tmp5 = box("http://adserver.com/display.js", "a.com"),
Although there are known dangers to using rewriting- tmp6 = box(load(tmp5), "www.a.com"),
based approaches for protection [20], our current goal is tmp6.url = tmp5,
eval(RW(tmp6, tmp6.url));
actually not protection, bur rather to find as many privacy-
violating flows as possible. As such, one of our primary con-
cerns is ease of prototyping and flexibility; in this setting,
rewrite-based approaches are very useful. In particular, im- Figure 2: Rewritten code from a.com. The comments
plementing our approach only required understanding the above each block denote the original version of the
browser’s AST data structure, and none of the complexities rewritten block.
of the JavaScript runtime, which allowed us to quickly build
and modify our prototype as needed. Furthermore, keeping
our framework clearly separate from the rest of the browser can be called from within JavaScript using the name RW and
gives us the flexibility of quickly porting our approach to the rewriter wraps the arguments of eval within a call to
new versions of Chrome, or even different browsers. RW to ensure they are (recursively) rewritten before evalua-
Policy Enforcement Our framework automatically tion [32].
rewrites the code using the specified injection and checking When the rewriting procedure is invoked on the code from
sites to ensure that taints are properly inserted, propagated Figure 1 and the URL a.com, it emits the code shown in
and checked in order to enforce the flow policy. First, we Figure 2. The rewriting procedure rewrites each statement
use the checking (resp. injection) sites to synthesize wrap- and expression. (In Figure 2, we write the original code
pers around the corresponding methods that ensure that as a comment above the rewritten version.) Next, we step
the inputs only contain (resp. outputs are tainted with) through the rewritten code to illustrate how taints are in-
the taints specified by the corresponding taint expressions jected, checked and propagated, for the integrity property
whenever the corresponding guard condition is met. Sec- that specifies that document.location should only be influ-
ond, we rewrite the code so that it (dynamically) propagates enced by a.com.
the taints with the objects as they flow through the pro- Injection To inject taints, we extend every object with two
gram via assignments, procedure calls etc.. We take special special fields url and taint. To achieve this, we wrap all
care to ensure correct propagation in the presence of tricky object creations inside a call to a special function box which
JavaScript features like eval, prototypes, and asynchronous takes a value and a url and creates a boxed version of the
calls. value where the url field is set to url indicating that the ob-
Rewriting Strategy Our strategy for enforcing flow poli- ject originated at url , and the taint field is set to the empty
cies, is to extend the browser with a function that takes a set of taints. We do this uniformly for all objects, including
code string and the URL from which the string was loaded, functions (e.g., the one assigned to initSettings), liter-
and returns a rewritten string which contains operations als (e.g., the one passed as a parameter to initSettings),
that perform the injection, propagation and checking of etc.. Next, we use the specified injection sites to rewrite the
taints. Thus, to enforce the policy, we ensure that the code code in order to (conditionally) populate the taint fields at
on the web page is appropriately rewritten before it is eval- method calls that match the sites. However, the integrity
uated. We ensure that “nested” eval-sites are properly han- injection site does not match anywhere in the code so far,
dled as follows. We implement our rewriting function as a and so no taints are injected yet – they will be injected when
procedure in the browser source language (e.g., C++) that code gets loaded from the ad server.
Checking Before each call site that matches a specified it is evaluated. For example, consider the operation
check site, we insert a call to a special check function. The at the last line of the code from Figure 1 which eval’s
call to check is predicated on the check site’s condition. the string loaded from adserver.com. In the rewritten
The function check is passed the checked expression V and version, we have a boxed version of the string stored
taint T corresponding to the matching check site. The func- in tmp6; the rewriting ensures that the string that gets
tion determines whether the taints on the checked expression executed is actually tmp6 rewritten assuming it origi-
contain the prohibited taint, and if so, halts execution. nated at tmp6.url, which will have the effect of ensur-
For example, consider the rewritten version of the assign- ing that taints are properly injected, propagated and
ment to document.location in the body of doSearch which checked within the dynamically loaded code.
matches the checking site from the integrity policy. The
rewrite inserts a call to check. At run-time, when this The above code assumes, for ease of exposition, that the
call is executed it halts the program with a flow-violation fields taint and url are not read, written or removed by
message if searchQry.taint has a (taint) value of the form any code other than was placed for tracking.
“untrusted”. Attack Prevention Suppose that the load(·) operation re-
Propagation Next, we consider how the rewriting instru- turns the string initSettings("evil.com"). The rewritten
ments the code to add instructions that propagate the taints. code invokes the rewriting function RW on the string, and the
URL adserver.com yielding the string
• For assignments and function calls, as all objects are
boxed, the taints are carried over directly, once we have tmp10 = box("evil.com", "adserver.com"),
created temporaries that hold boxed versions of values. if (tmp10.url != "a.com"){
For example, the call to initSettings uses tmp0, the tmp10.taint += ["untrusted"]
boxed version of the argument, and hence passes the },
taints into the function’s formals. The assignment to initSettings(tmp10);
searchBox is unchanged from before, as the right-hand The if-expression injects the taints to the value re-
side is function call (whose result has already been turned by the implicit getter-call (i.e., the read of tmp10)
appropriately boxed). that yields the value passed to initSettings. Thus,
• For binary operations, we must do a little more work, the argument passed to initSettings carries the taint
as many binary operations (e.g., string concatena- “untrusted”, which flows into searchUrl when the as-
tion) require their arguments be unboxed. To handle signment inside initSettings is executed. Finally, when
such operations, we extend the code with a new ob- the button click triggers a call to doSearch, the taint
ject called the taint-set, named TSET. We use this flows through the taint-set into the value returned by the
object to accumulate the taints of sub-expressions call TSET.boxAndTaint(tmp4, “a.com”), and from there into
of compound expressions. The object supports two searchQry. Finally, the check (just before the assignment to
operations. First, TSET.direct.add(x, url), which document.location) halts execution as the flow violates the
adds the taints in x.taint to the taint-set. Second, integrity policy, thereby preventing the redirection attack.
TSET.boxAndTaint(x, url), which creates a boxed ver- Rewriting for Confidentiality Policies The above exam-
sion of x (if it is not boxed), and the taints accumulated ple illustrates how rewriting enforces integrity policies. The
on the taint-set, clears the taint-set, and returns the case for confidentiality policies differs only in how taints are
boxed-and-tainted version of x. We use the direct injected and checked; the taints are propagated in an identi-
field as there are several other uses for the TSET object cal fashion. To inject taints, the rewriting adds a “secret”
that are explained later. For example, consider the taint to the results of each read from a confidential object
rewritten version of searchBox + searchUrl. We add (e.g., document.cookie.) To check taints, the rewriting in-
the taints from searchBox (resp. searchUrl) to the serts calls to check before any writes to variables (i.e., invo-
taint-set, and assign an unboxed version to the fresh cations of setter methods) in code originating in untrusted
temporary tmp2 (resp. tmp3). Next, we concatenate URLs. The check halts execution before any value with the
the unboxed strings, and assign the result to tmp4. Fi- “secret” taint can flow into an untrusted location.
nally, we call TSET.boxAndTaint(tmp4, “a.com”), which Robustness Even though the primary purpose of our tool
boxes tmp4, adds the taints for the sub-expressions so far has been to evaluate existing flows (a scenario under
stored in the taint-set and returns the boxed-and- which we don’t need to worry about malicious code trying
tainted result. to subvert our system), our framework does in fact protect
• For code loading operations (modeled as load(·)), the its internal data structures from being maliciously modified.
rewriting boxes the strings, and then adds a url field In particular, our tool disallows a user JavaScript program
to the result that indicates the domain from which from referencing any of the variables and fields used for taint
the string was loaded. For example, consider the code tracking such as TSET. More specifically, since our frame-
loaded from adserver.com. The name of the URL is work tracks reads and writes to all variable and field, it can
stored in the temporary tmp5, and the boxed result is simply stop a program that tries to read or write to any of
stored in a fresh temporary tmp6, to which we add a the internal variables that we use to track information flow.
url field that holds the value of tmp5. 2.3 Indirect Flows
• For eval operations, our rewriting interposes code that Next, we look at how the rewriting handles indirect flows
passes the string argument to eval and the URL from due to control dependencies. We start with the data struc-
which the string originated to the the rewriting func- ture that dynamically tracks indirect flows, and then de-
tion RW, thereby ensuring the code is rewritten before scribe the key expressions that are affected by indirect flows.
Indirect Taint Stack (TSET.indirect) To track indirect flows as indirect flows triggered by the tests within the DOM
flows, we augment the taint set object with an indirect-taint event dispatch loop
stack (named TSET.indirect). Our rewriting ensures that
indirect taints are added and removed from the indirect taint while(1){
stack as the code enters and leaves blocks with new control e = getEvent();
dependences. The TSET.boxAndTaint(·, ·) function, which if (e.isClick()) onClick(e);
is used to gather the taints for the RHS of assignments, if (e.isMouseOver()) onMouseOver(e);
embellishes the (RHS) object with the direct taints at the if (e.isScroll()) onScroll(e);
top of the direct taint stack, and the indirect taints stored ...
throughout the indirect taint stack. The latter ensures that }
at each assignment also propagates the indirect taints that
Thus, to capture flows triggered by a MouseOver
held at the point of the assignment.
event, we simply inject a taint at the output of the
Branches For branch expressions of the form if e1 e2 e2 , $1.isMouseOver(...). The if ensures that the taint flows
we first assign the rewritten guard to a new temporary tmp1 , into the indirect taint parameter of the registered handler
and push the taints on the guard onto the indirect taint (bound to onMouseOver).
stack. These taints will reside on the indirect taint stack
when (either) branch is evaluated, thereby tainting the as- Full JavaScript The examples described in this section
signments that happen inside the branches. After the entire have given a high-level overview of our rewriting-based ap-
branch expression has been evaluated, the rewritten code proach to enforcing information flow policies. Our imple-
pops the taints, thereby reverting the stack to the set of mentation handles all of JavaScript including challenging
indirect taints before the branch was evaluated. language features like prototypes, with-scoping, and higher-
order functions. Our implementation also incorporates sev-
Example Consider the branch expression: eral subtle details pertaining to how taints can be stored
if (z) { x = 0 } To ensure that taints from z flow and propagated for unboxed objects, to which a taint field
into x when the assignment occurs inside the then-branch, cannot be added. The naive strategy of boxing all objects
the expression is rewritten to: breaks several websites as several DOM API functions re-
tmp = z, quire unboxed objects as arguments. We refer the reader to
TSET.indirect.push(tmp), an accompanying technical report [15] for the details.
if (unbox(tmp)){
x = TSET.boxAndTaint(box(0,...),...) 3. IMPLEMENTATION AND PERFOR-
This section presents our implementation of rewrite-based
The ellipses denote the URL string passed to RW and we information flow framework for JavaScript in the Chrome
omit the calls to check and TSET.direct.add(·, ·) for brevity. browser, and describes several experiments that quantify the
The rewrite ensures that the taints from the guard z are on performance overhead of our approach.
the indirect taint stack inside the branch, and these taints
Implementation We implement the rewriting function as
are added to the (boxed version of) 0 that is used for the
a C++ method (within Chrome) that is invoked on any
assignment, thereby flowing them into x. The pop after the
JavaScript code just before it gets sent into the V8 execu-
branch finishes reverts the indirect stack to the state prior
tion engine. Thus, our implementation rewrites every piece
to the branch.
of JavaScript including that which is loaded by <script>
Indirect vs. Implicit Flows. The above example illus- tags, executed by eval or executed by changing the web
trates a limitation of our fully dynamic approach; we can page via document.write. The TSET library is implemented
track indirect flows induced by a taken branch (such as the in pure JavaScript, and we modified the resource loader of
one above) but not implicit flows that occur due to a not- Chrome to insert the TSET library code into every JavaScript
taken branch. For example, if the above branch was pre- program it accesses. The TSET library is inserted into each
ceded by an assignment that initialized x with 1, then an web page as ordinary JavaScript using a <script> tag before
observer that saw that x had the value 1 after the branch any other code is loaded. The flow-enhanced Chrome can
would be able to glean a bit of information about the value run in normal mode or in taint tracking mode. When the
of z. Our rewriting, and indeed, any fully dynamic analysis taint tracking is on, the modified Chrome tracks the taint
[7] will fail to detect and prohibit such implicit flows. flow as a user surfs on websites.
Function Calls Our rewriting adds an indirect taint pa- Optimizations We describe the three most important op-
rameter to each function definition. This parameter holds timizations we performed for the “optimized” bar. The first
the indirect taints that hold at the start of the function and most important optimization is that we implemented
body; the taints on it are pushed onto the indirect taint the two most frequently executed TSET methods using 65
stack when the function begins execution. Furthermore, the lines of C++, namely the methods for taint lookup and un-
rewriting ensures that at each function callsite, the indirect boxing. Second, in the TSET.direct stack, when there is a
taints (in the indirect taint stack) at the caller are passed pop followed by a push, and just before the pop there are
into the indirect taint parameter of the callee. no taints stored at the top of the stack, we cache the object
Event Handlers cause subtle information flows. For ex- at the top of the stack before poping, and then reuse that
ample, if foo is the handler for the MouseOver event, the same object at the next push, thus avoiding having to create
fact that foo is executed contains the information that the a new object. Because the push is called on every assign-
mouse hovered over some part of the page. We capture these ment, removing the object creation provides a significant
Total Other KLOC # Taint Val(k) Cookie Location
Site and rank
KLOC s d w s d w s d w s d w
1. google 1.8 0 - - 0 - - × × × × × ×
2. yahoo 7.4 7.0 - 0 29.5 - 0 × × × × × ×
3. facebook 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 12.4 9.3 8.4 × × × × × ×
4. youtube 7.5 7.3 7.3 5.7 21.0 20.7 20.7 X X X × × ×
5. myspace 12.2 11.9 - 8.6 35.3 - 28.4 X X X × × ×
6. wikipedia <0.1 0 - - 0 - - × × × × × ×
7. bing 0.7 0 - - 0 - - × × × × × ×
8. blogger 1.8 1.1 - 0 0.8 - 0.2 X X × × × ×
9. ebay 13.6 13.4 - 12.9 244.9 - 244.9 X X X × × ×
10. craigslist 0 0 - - 0 - - × × × × × ×
11. amazon 5.3 4.8 - - 40.1 - - × × × × × ×
12. msn 7.3 6.7 6.1 5.6 462.4 462.3 462.3 X × × × × ×
13. twitter 5.6 5.5 - 1.3 48.2 - 38.3 × × × × × ×
14. aol 12.7 9.6 - <0.1 129.8 - 60.9 X X × × × ×
15. go 1.1 0.9 0.2 - 76.3 2.0 - X × × × × ×
−. Average 8.2 6.1 4.5 3.0 63.1 52.7 35.9 48 38 17 0 0 0

Figure 3: Flow results for a subset of the Alexa global 100 (last row summarizes results for all 100 sites).

savings. Third, we also cache field reads in our optimized list of common websites that are considered the same as
TSET library. For example, whenever a property a.b is refer- the source website. For our experiments, we treat websites
enced several times in the library, we store the value of the referenced by three or more different Alexa benchmarks as
property in a temporary variable and reuse the value again. safe. The white-list mainly consists of statistics and adver-
This produces significant savings, despite the fact that all tisement websites. We use a whitelist only to evaluate the
our measurements used the JIT compiler of the V8 engine. performance of our system under such conditions; we leave
Benchmarks We employ a set of stress experiments us- the exact criteria for trusting a given third-party site to fu-
ing the standard cookie confidentiality and location integrity ture work. Our rewriting framework makes it trivial to con-
policies to evaluate the efficiency of our approach and the sider different URL policies; we need only alter the notion of
effect of optimizations. These policies require a significant URL equality in the checks done inside TSET.boxAndTaint
amount of taint propagation, as the cookie and location and TSET.check.
properties are heavily accessed. As our benchmarks, we use Detected Flows Figure 3 shows the results of running our
the front pages on the websites from the latest Alexa global dynamic information framework on the Alexa global top 100
top 100 list. Alexa is a company which ranks websites based list using the above policies. Because of space constraints,
on traffic. The websites on the Alexa global top 100 vary we only show a subset of the benchmarks, but the average
widely in size and how heavily they use JavaScript, from 0.1 row is for all 100 benchmarks.
KLOC to 31.6 KLOC of JavaScript code. We successfully The columns in the table are as follows: “Site and rank” is
ran our dynamic analysis on all of the pages of Alexa global the name of the website and its rank in the Alexa global 100
top 100 list, and we visited many of them manually to make list; “Total KLOC” is the number of lines of JavaScript code
sure that they function properly. on each website, including code from other sites, as format-
3.1 Policies ted by our pretty printer; “Other KLOC” is the number of
lines of code from other sites; “# Taint Val” is the number
To measure efficiency, we checked two important policies of dynamically created taint values; “Cookie” describes the
on each site. First, document.cookie should remain confi- document.cookie confidentiality policy, and “Location” de-
dential to the site. Second, document.location should not scribes the document.location integrity policy: Xindicates
be influenced by another site. Both policies depend on a policy violation, and ×indicates no flow i.e., policy satisfac-
definition of what “another site” is. Unfortunately, using ex- tion.
actly the same URL or domain name often leads to many The above columns are sub-categorized into three sub-
false alarms as what looks like a single website is in fact the columns depending on the applied URL policy: “s” is for the
agglomeration of several different domain names. For ex- same-origin policy; “d” is for the same-domain policy; “w”
ample, facebook.com refers to fbcdn.net for many of their is for the white-list policy. A dash in a table entry means
major resources, including JavaScript code. Moreover, there that the value for that table entry is the same as the entry
are relatively well known and safe websites for traffic statis- immediately to its left.
tics and advertisements, which are referenced on many other The code for each website changes on each visit. Thus, we
websites, and one may want to consider those as safe. Thus, ran our enhanced Chrome 10 times on each website. To gain
we considered three URL policies (i.e., three definitions for confidence in our tool, we manually inspected every program
“another site”) (1) the same-origin policy stating that any on which a flow is detected, and confirmed that every flow
website whose hostname is different from the hostname of was indeed real.
the current one is considered a different site. (2) the same-
domain policy, which is the same as the same-origin policy, Variation based on URL policies The number of lines of
except that websites from the same domain are considered code from other sites decreases as we move from the same-
to be the same (e.g., ads.cnn.com is considered the same as origin policy to the same-domain policy to the white-list
www.cnn.com). (3) the white-list policy, which is the same policy. Note that in some cases, for example facebook, code
as the same-domain policy, except that there is a global from other sites is almost the same as the total lines of code.
not optimized optimized dmn whlst trust‐all not optimized optimized dmn whlst trust‐all

8 5
1653 1449
6 1145
1180 675
987 1729
1804 3
953 1136 1632
3842 1367
3 2508

0 0
huff‐post wsj mapquest foxnews cnn nytimes twitpic weather walmart latimes average huff‐post wsj mapquest foxnews cnn nytimes twitpic weather walmart latimes average

Figure 4: Slowdown for JavaScript (left) and Page Loading (right)

This is because most of the JavaScript code for facebook ing the original version of our TSET library, and using the
comes from a website fbcdn.net. This website is not in same-origin URL policy. For the remaining bars, each
the same domain as facebook, and it is only referenced by bar represents a single change from the bar immediately
one website and hence, not included in our whitelist. In to its left: “optimized” uses a hand-optimized version of
such situations, a site-specific white-list would help, but we our TSET library, rather than the original version; “dmn”
have not added such white-lists because it would be difficult changes the URL policy to same-domain; “whlist” changes
for us to systematically decide for all 100 benchmarks what the URL policy to white-list; and “trust-all” changes the
these white-lists should be. Thus, as we do not use site- URL policy to the trivial policy where all websites are
specific white-lists, our policy violations may not correspond trusted.
to undesirable flows.
JavaScript execution time The left chart of Figure 4
As the amount of other-site code decreases as we move
shows just the JavaScript execution time. As expected,
from “s” to “d” to “w”, the number of dynamically created
the bars get shorter from left-to-right; from “not-optimized”
taint values also decreases, at about the same rate. That
to “optimized”, we are adding optimizations; and then the
is, a large drop in other-site code leads to a correspondingly
remaining bars consider progressively more inclusive URL
large drop in the number of taint values created. Moreover,
policies meaning there are fewer taints to generate, propa-
as expected, the number of policy violations also decreases,
gate and check.
as shown on the last line of the table: the violations of the
The data from Figure 4 shows that our original TSET li-
document.cookie policies goes from 48 to 38 to 17. We did
brary slows down JavaScript execution significantly – any-
not see a violation of the document.location policy in any
where from about 2.1X to 7.9X, and on average about 4.3X.
of our benchmarks.
The optimized TSET library provides significant performance
3.2 Timing Measurements gains over the original library and provides 3.0X slowdown.
The various white-lists provide some additional gain, but
Our rewrite-based information flow technique performs
the gain is relatively small. To understand the limits of
taint-tracking dynamically, and so it is important to eval-
how much white-lists can help, we use the “trust-all” bar,
uate the performance overhead of our approach. We mea-
which essentially corresponds to having a white-lists with
sure performance using two metrics: total page load time,
every website on it. Overall, it seems that even in the best
and JavaScript run time. We modified the Chrome browser
case scenario, white-lists do not help much in the overhead
to allow us to measure for each website (1) the time
of our approach. This is because our approach needs to
spent executing JavaScript on the site, and (2) the to-
track the flow of cookie regardless of the number of exter-
tal time spent to download and display the site. Fig-
nal sites.
ures 4 describes our timing measurements for JavaScript
time, and total download time on the 10 benchmarks with Total execution time The right chart of Figure 4 shows
the largest JavaScript code bases. The measurements were the total execution time of the enhanced Chrome while load-
performed while tracking both the document.cookie confi- ing the web page and running the scripts on it. These
dentiality and document.location integrity policies. The measurements were collected on a fast network at a large
“average” benchmark represents the average time over all university. The faster the network, the larger the over-
10 benchmarks. For each benchmark there are five bars heads in Figure 4 will be, as the time to download the web
which represent running time, so smaller bars mean faster page can essentially hide the overhead of running JavaScript.
execution. For each benchmark, the 5 bars are normal- Thus, by using a fast network, Figure 4 essentially shows
ized to the time for the unmodified Chrome browser for some of the worst case slowdowns of our approach. Here
that benchmark. Above each benchmark we display the again, we see that the “optimized” bar is significantly faster
time in milliseconds for the unmodified Chrome browser than the “not-optimized” bar. We can also see that the
(which indicates what “1” means for that benchmark). The “whlst” bar provides a loading experience that is about 73%
left most bar “not-optimized” represents our technique us- slower.
4. EMPIRICAL STUDY OF HISTORY HI- Rank Site Desc Src Inspected URLs
61 youporn adult H pornhub,tube8,+21
JACKING 867 charter.net news I cars,edmunds,+46
Next, we present an empirical study of the prevalence of 2333 feedjit traffic F twitter,facebook,+6
history hijacking on popular websites. Recall that links cor- 2415 gamestorrents fun M amazon,ebay,+220
2811 newsmax news I cars,edmunds,+46
responding to URLs visited by the user are typically ren- 3508 namepros forum F twitter,facebook,+6
dered differently than links corresponding to URLs not vis- 3603 fulltono music M amazon,ebay,+220
ited by the user. In essence, the attack works by inserting 4266 youporngay adult H pornhub,tube8,+21
invisible links into the web page and having JavaScript in- 4581 osdir tech I cars,edmunds,+46
spect certain style properties of links, for example the color 5233 gamesfreak fun I cars,edmunds,+46
field, thereby determining whether the user has visited a 5357 morningstar finance I cars,edmunds,+46
6500 espnf1 sports I cars,edmunds,+46
particular URL. While researchers have known about the 7198 netdoctor health I cars,edmunds,+46
possibility of such attacks, hitherto it was not known how 7323 narutocentral fun I cars,edmunds,+46
prevalent they are in real, popular websites. We have used 8064 subirimagenes hosting M amazon,ebay,+220
our JavaScript information flow framework to detect and 8644 fucktube adult H tube8,xvideos,+9
study the prevalence of such attacks on a large set of web- 9616 straightdope news I cars,edmunds,+46
sites, and show that history hijacking is used, even by quite 10152 guardafilm movie M amazon,ebay,+220
10415 estrenosdtl movie M amazon,ebay,+220
popular websites. 11330 bgames fun I cars,edmunds,+46
Policies We formalize history hijacking in our framework 12084 10best travel I cars,edmunds,+46
using the following information flow policies: 12164 twincities news I cars,edmunds,+46
16752 kaushik.net blog H facebook,+100
at $1.getCompStyle($2, . . .) if $2.isLink() inject “secret” 17379 todocvcd content M amazon,ebay,+220
17655 filmannex movie I cars,edmunds,+46
at document.send($1, $2) block “secret” on $2 17882 planet-f1 sports I cars,edmunds,+46
18361 trailersplay movie M amazon,ebay,+220
In particular, whenever the computed style of a link is
20240 minyanville finance I cars,edmunds,+46
read using getCompStyle, the return value is marked as 20822 pixmac hosting H istockphoto,+27
secret. Whenever a value is sent on the network using 22010 fotoflexer widget I amazon,ebay,+220
document.send, the second parameter (which is the actual 23577 xepisodes fun M amazon,ebay,+220
data being sent) should not be tainted. 23626 s-p* movie F facebook,youtube,+8
24109 mimp3.net music M amazon,ebay,+220
Benchmarks and Summary of Results To evaluate the 24414 allaccess news I amazon,ebay,+220
prevalence of history hijacking, we ran our information flow 24597 petitchef food M amazon,ebay,+220
framework using the above two policies on the front pages of 24815 bleachcentral fun I amazon,ebay,+220
the Alexa global top 50,000 websites.1 To visit these sites au- 25750 hoopsworld sports I amazon,ebay,+220
tomatically, we implemented a simple JavaScript web page 27366 net-games.biz fun I cars,edmunds,+46
31638 6speedonline car I cars,edmunds,+46
that directs the browser to each of these websites. We suc- 34661 msgdiscovery tech M amazon,ebay,+220
cessfully ran our framework on these sites in a total of about 35773 moneynews finance I cars,edmunds,+46
50 hours. The slowdown for history sniffing was as follows: 37333 a-g* religion H facebook,+62
the JavaScript code slowed down by a factor 2.4X and to- 41490 divxatope content M amazon,ebay,+220
tal page loading time on a fast network increased by 67%. 45264 subtorrents content M amazon,ebay,+220
Overall, we found that of these 50,000 sites, 485 of them in- 48284 sesionvip movie M amazon,ebay,+220
49549 youporncocks adult H pornhub,tube8,+21
spect style properties that can be used to infer the browser’s
history. Out of 485 sites, 63 are reported as transferring the
Table 1: Websites that perform real sniffing. Top-
browser’s history to the network, and we confirmed that 46
level domains are .com if not otherwise specified.
of them are actually doing history hijacking, one of these
s-p and a-g abbreviate sincortespublicitarios.com
sites being in the Alexa global top 100.
and answersingenesis.org. “Src” is the source of
Real cases of history sniffing Out of 63 websites reported the history sniffing JavaScript code: “I”, “M” and
as transferring the browser’s history by our framework, we “F”, indicate the code came from interclick.com,
confirmed that the 46 cases were real history sniffing occur- meaningtool.com, and feedjit.com respectively, and
rences. Table 1 lists these 46 websites. For each history- “H” indicates the code came from the site itself.
sniffing site, we give its Alexa rank, its URL, a description
of the site, where the history-sniffing code comes from, and
a list of some of the URLs inspected in the browser history.
Each one of the websites in Table 1 extracts the visitor’s
at the static code. We also found that many of these web-
browsing history and transfers it to the network. Many of
sites make use of a handful of third-party history-sniffing
these websites seem to try to obfuscate what they are do-
libraries. In particular, of the 46 cases of confirmed sniffing,
ing. For example, the inspected URLs on youporn.com are
22 sites use history-sniffing code from interclick.com and
listed in the JavaScript source in encoded form and decoded
14 use history-sniffing code from meaningtool.com.
right before they are used. On other websites, the history-
Figure 5 shows the JavaScript attack code exactly as found
sniffing JavaScript is not statically inserted in a web page,
on youporn.com. The code creates an obfuscated list of in-
but dynamically generated in a way that makes it hard to
spected websites (line 1). We only show part of the list —
understand that history sniffing is occurring by just looking
the actual list had 23 entries. For each site, the code decodes
1 the website name (line 6), creates a link to the target site on
Here and elsewhere in the paper we use the Alexa list as of
February 1st, 2010. the page (lines 11–12), reads the color of the link that was
1:var k = { 0: "qpsoivc/dpn", Provider Description Sites Inspected URLs
1: "sfeuvcf/dpn", ... }; addtoany social 83 120.2
2:var g = [];
3:for(var m in k) { infolinks advertisement 124 14
4: var d = k[m]; kontera advertisement 87 11.5
5: var a = ""; other - 129 13.4
6: for(var f = 0; f < d.length; f++) {
a += String.fromCharCode(d.charCodeAt(f)-1) Table 2: Characteristics of suspicious websites de-
} pending on JavaScript widget provider
7: var h = false;
8: for(var j in {"http://":"","http://www.":""}){
9: var l = document.createElement("a");
10: l.href = j + a;
11: document.getElementById("ol"). either because they inspected style properties for purposes
appendChild(l); other than history sniffing, or because too many irrelevant
12: var e = ""; values were tainted by our handling of indirect flows.
13: if(navigator.appName.
indexOf("Microsoft") != -1 ){ A more stringent policy To investigate the possibility of
14: e = l.currentStyle.color history hijacking further, we also looked at all the sites that
15: } else { simply read the computed style of a link. This uncovered an
16: e = document.defaultView. additional 422 websites that read style properties of links,
getComputedStyle(l, null). but did not send the properties out on the network. Un-
17: } fortunately, because our framework does not cover all the
18: if(e == "rgb(12, 34, 56)" || corner cases of information flow in JavaScript (as discussed
e == "rgb(12,34,56)") { h = true } later), we cannot immediately conclude that these sites did
19: } not transfer the browser history. Even if we were certain
20: if(h) { g.push(m) } that the style information was not sent to the network, it is
21:} still possible that the absence of sending data was used to re-
22:var b = (g instanceof Array)? g.join(",") : "";
23:var c = document.createElement("img"); veal information about the browsing history. For example,
24:c.src= "http://ol.youporn.com/blank.gif?id="+b; if a site sent the browsing history only if a link was vis-
25:document.getElementById("ol").appendChild(c) ited, then the server could have learned about certain links’
not being visited without any information’s being transfered
from the client. Thus, to better understand the behavior of
Figure 5: Attack code as found on youporn.com these additional websites, we inspected them in detail, and
categorized them into two bins: suspicious websites, and
non-suspicious websites.
just created (lines 12–17), and finally tests the color (line Suspicious sites Of the 422 sites, 326 sites exhibit what
18). If the color indicates a visited link, the h variable is set we would categorize as suspicious behavior. In particular,
to true, which in turn causes the link to be inserted in the these suspicious websites inspect a large number of external
list g of visited sites (line 20). This list is then flattened into links, and some of these links are dynamically generated, or
a string (line 22), and an image is added to the current web they are located in an invisible iframe. We found that many
page, encoding the flattened string into the src name of the of them embed a JavaScript widget developed by another
image (lines 23–25). website that inspects the browser history systematically.
The flow in Figure 5 from the color property e to the ar- Table 2 shows how such widgets are used on the 326 sites.
ray of visited sites g is actually an indirect flow that passes For each JavaScript widget, we give the name of its provider,
through two conditionals (on lines 18 and 20). Our frame- a description of its provider, the number of sites embedding
work’s ability to track such indirect flows allowed us to find it, and the number of URLs it inspects on average over the
this history-sniffing attack. Note however that our frame- sites on which it is embedded. The most notable is a menu
work found the flow because the sites being tested had ac- widget developed by addtoany.com which inspects around
tually been previously visited (because we had already run 120 URLs on average to activate or deactivate each menu
the experiments once, and so all the top 50,000 Alexa global item depending on the browser history.
sites were in the history). If none of the tested sites had been
visited, the g array would have remained empty, and no vio- Non-suspicious sites The remaining 96 sites seemed non-
lation of the policy would have been observed, even though suspicious. Of these, 77 simply inspect their own website
in fact the user’s empty history would have been leaked. history. The remaining 19 samples have JavaScript code
This example is precisely the implicit flow limitation that that is too complicated for us to fully understand, but where
was mentioned in Section 2.3. the sites seem non-suspicious.
Incompleteness Our current implementation would miss
False-positive cases of history sniffing Of the 63 sites
information flow induced by certain browser built-in meth-
flagged by our framework, 17 are false positives in that a
ods. For example, consider the code:
manual examination of the source code and run-time behav-
ior did not allow us to conclude that they were real cases of arr.push(z); var result = arr.join(’,’)
history sniffing. Out of these 17 sites, 12 contain JavaScript
code that is too complicated to understand. The remaining 5 The value z is inserted into an array and then all the el-
sites contain a history sniffing widget from interclick.com, ements of the array are joined into a string using the the
but no suspicious runtime behavior was detected by monitor- built-in method join. Even though we have implemented
ing their network access. Our framework reported these sites a wrapper object for arrays to track array assignments and
reads, we have not yet implemented a complete set of wrap- front pages of the Alexa global top 1,300 websites. One of
pers for all built-in methods. Thus, in the above case, even the challenges in performing this empirical study automati-
though result should be tainted, our current engine would cally is that, to observe keyboard/mouse tracking, one has
not discover this. It would be straightforward, although to somehow simulate keyboard and mouse activity. Instead
time-consuming, to create precise wrappers for all built-in of actually simulating a keyboard and mouse, we instead
methods that accurately reflect the propagation of taints. chose to automatically call event handlers that have been
Moreover, our current implementation does not track infor- registered for any events related to the keyboard or mouse
mation flow through the DOM, although recent techniques (click,mousemove,mouseover,mouseout,scroll,copy,select).
on tracking information flow through dynamic tree struc- To this end, in each web page we included a common
tures [25] could be adapted to address this limitation. piece of JavaScript code that automatically traverses the
Even if our implementation perfectly tracked the taints of DOM tree of the current page and systematically triggers
all values through program execution, our approach would each handler with an event object that is appropriately
still miss certain history hijacking attacks. For example, the synthesized for the handler. Another challenge is that many
attacking website can use a style sheet to set the font of vis- of the sites that track keyboard/mouse activity accumulate
ited links to be much larger than the size of unvisited links. information locally, and then send the information in bulk
By placing an image below a link, and using JavaScript to back to the server at regular intervals, using timer events.
observe where the image is rendered, the attacker can de- These timer events are sometimes set to intervals spanning
termine whether the link is visited or not. These kinds of several minutes, and waiting several minutes per site to
attacks that use layout information would currently be very observe any flow would drastically increase the amount of
hard to capture using a taint-based information flow engine. time needed to run our test suite. Furthermore, it’s also
Some attacks in fact don’t even use JavaScript. For ex- hard to know, a priori, how long to wait. To sidestep these
ample, some browsers allow the style of visited links to be issues, in addition to calling keyboard and mouse event
customized with a background image that is specific to that handlers, we also automatically call timer event handlers.
link, and this background image can be located on the at- We successfully ran our framework on the Alexa top 1,300
tacker’s server. By observing which images are requested, websites in a total of about two hours.
the attacker can infer which links have been visited, without Overall, we found 328 websites on which network transfers
using any JavaScript. were flagged as transferring keyboard/mouse information to
Despite all these sources of incompleteness, our JavaScript the network. Of these transfers, however, many are visu-
information flow framework can still be used as a diagnostic ally obvious to the user. In particular, many websites use
tool to find real cases of history sniffing in the wild. By mouse-over events to change the appearance of the item be-
running experiments on the Alexa global top 50,000 we have ing moused-over. As an example, it is common for a website
found that 46 sites really do perform history sniffing, and to display a different image when the mouse moves over a
one of these sites is in the Alexa global top 100. We have thumbnail (possibly displaying a larger version of the thumb-
also found several sites that have suspicious behavior, even nail). Although these kinds of flows can be used to track
though our current tool does not allow us to conclude with mouse activity, they are less worrisome because the user
full certainty that these sites transfer the browser’s history. sees a change to the web page when the mouse movement
occurs, and so there is a hint that something is being sent
Ideally, we would like to focus on covert keyboard/mouse
TRACKING tracking, in which the user’s activities are being tracked
We have also conducted an empirical study on the preva- without any visual cues that this is happening (as opposed
lence of keyboard/mouse tracking on popular websites. to visible tracking where there is some visual cue).2 How-
JavaScript code can install handlers for events related to the ever, automatically detecting covert tracking is challenging
mouse and keyboard to collect detailed information about because it would require knowing if the keyboard/mouse
what a user is doing on a given website. This information activity is causing visual changes to the web page. In-
can then be transfered over the network. It is not enough stead, we used a simple heuristic that we developed af-
to take a naive approach of simply prohibiting information ter observing a handful of sites that perform visible key-
from being transfered into the network while the event han- board/mouse tracking. In particular, we observed that when
dler is being executed since the gathered information can the mouse/keyboard information is sent to the server be-
be accumulated in a global variable, and then sent over the cause of a visual change, the server responds with a relatively
network in bulk (which is what most attacks actually do). large amount of information (for example a new image). On
Policies To use our information flow framework for detect- the other hand, we hypothesized that in covert tracking,
ing keyboard/mouse tracking, we use the following policies the server would not respond with any substantial amount
in our framework: of data (if any at all). As a result, of all the network trans-
fers found by our information flow tool, we filtered out those
at $1.isMouseOver() inject “secret”
where the response was larger than 100 bytes (with the as-
at $1.isClick() inject “secret” sumption that such flows are likely to be visible tracking).
at $1.isScroll() inject “secret” After this filtering, we were left with only 115 websites. We
... sampled the top 10 ranked websites among these 115 sites.
at document.send($1, $2) block “secret” on $2 Real cases of covert tracking Of the 10 sites we sampled,

Benchmarks and Summary of Results We ran our 2

One could view this heuristic as charging sites, in band-
information flow framework using the above policies on the width, for the privilege of exfiltrating user attention data.
Rank Site Description Events clipboard, the library inserts the URL of the page into the
3 youtube contents click copied content. Thus, the URL is contained within subse-
11 yahoo.co.jp portal click quent pastes from the clipboard, e.g., in emails containing
15 sina.com.cn portal click the pasted text, thereby driving more traffic to the URL. Us-
19 microsoft software click,mouseover ing our framework, we discovered that on each client website,
34 mail.ru email click the copied content is also transferred to tynt.com.
53 soso search engine click
65 about search engine click Suspicious website While investigating several sites
that installed event handlers, we also found that the
Table 3: Top 7 websites that perform real behavior huffingtonpost.com site exhibits suspicious behavior. In
sniffing particular, every article on the site’s front page has an on-
mouse-over event handler. These handlers collect in a global
data structure information about what articles the mouse
passes over. Despite the fact the information is never sent
Rank Site Description Events
on the network, we still consider this case to be suspicious
503 thesun.co.uk news copy, mouseover
because not only is the infrastructure present, but it in fact
548 metrolyrics music copy, mouseover
collects the information locally.
560 perezhilton entertainment copy, mouseover
622 wired news copy, mouseover
713 suite101 blog copy, mouseover 6. RELATED WORK
910 technorati blog copy, mouseover
Information flow [7] and non-interference [11] have been
1236 answerbag search engine copy, mouseover
used to formalize fine-grained isolation for nearly three
decades. Several static techniques guarantee that certain
Table 4: Websites that perform real behavior sniff-
kinds of inputs do no flow into certain outputs. These in-
ing using tynt.com
clude type systems [31, 23], model checking [28], Hoare-
logics [1], and dataflow analyses [18, 26]. Of these, the most
expressive policies are captured by the dependent type sys-
we found that 7 actually perform covert keyboard and mouse tem of [21], which allows the specification and (mostly) static
tracking that we were able to reliably replicate. These 7 enforcement of rich flow and access control policies includ-
websites are listed in Table 3. For each site, we give its ing the dynamic creation of principals and declassification of
Alexa rank, its URL, a short description, and events being high-security information. Unfortunately, fully static tech-
tracked covertly. One may be surprised to see “clicking” as niques are not applicable in our setting, as parts of the code
being tracked covertly. After all, when a user clicks on a only become available (for analysis) at run time, and as they
link, there is a clear visual cue that information is being often rely on the presence of underlying program structure
sent over the network – the target of the link will know that (e.g., a static type system).
the user has clicked. However, when we list clicking as being Several authors have investigated the use of dynamic taint
tracked covertly, we mean that there is an additional event- propagation and checking, using specialized hardware [27,
handler that tracks the click, and sends information about 29], virtual machines [4], binary rewriting [22], and source-
the click to another server. google is known for doing this: level rewriting [5, 19]. In the late nineties, the JavaScript
when a user clicks on a link on the search page, the click is engine in Netscape 3.0 implemented a Data Tainting mod-
recorded by google through an event handler, without any ule [10], that tracked a single taint bit on different pieces of
visual cue that this is happening (we do not list google in data. The module was abandoned in favor of signed scripts
Table 3 because we only visit the front pages of websites, (which today are rarely used in Web 2.0 applications), in
and google’s tracking occurs on the search results page) part because it led to too many alerts. Our results show that,
The most notable example in Table 3 is the microsoft. due to the prevalence of privacy-violating flows in popular
com site, which covertly tracks clicking and mouse behavior Web 2.0 applications, the question of designing efficient, flex-
over many links on the front page and sends the information ible and usable flow control mechanisms should be revisited.
to the web statistics site webtrends.com. Recently, Vogt et al. [30] modified the browser’s JavaScript
engine to track a taint bit that determines whether a piece of
Cases of visible tracking Of the 10 sites that were sam- data is sensitive and report an XSS attack if this data is sent
pled, 3 were actually cases of visible tracking, despite our fil- to a domain other than the page’s domain, and Dhawan and
tering heuristic. In one of these cases, the server responded Ganapathy [8] used similar techniques to analyze confiden-
with very small images (less than 100 bytes) that were be- tiality properties of JavaScript browser extensions for Fire-
ing redrawn in response to mouse-over events. In an other fox. Our approach provides a different point in the design
case, the server responded with small JSON commands that space. In particular, our policies are more expressive, in that
caused some of the web page to be redrawn. In all of these our framework can handle both integrity and confidential-
cases, there was a clear visual cue that the information was ity policies, and more fine-grained, in that our framework
being sent to the server. can carry multiple taints from different sources at the same
Cases of using tracking libraries Of the 115 sites on time, rather than just a single bit of taint. On the down-
which the filtered flows were reported, we found that 7 used side, our approach is implemented using a JavaScript rewrit-
a behavior tracking software product developed by tynt.com ing strategy rather than modifying the JavaScript run-time,
to track what is copied off the sites. These 7 websites are which results in a larger performance overhead. Dynamic
listed in Table 4. The library monitors the copy event. rewriting approaches for client-side JavaScript information
When a visitor copies the content of a web page to her flow have also been investigated in a theoretical setting [5,
19]. Our work distinguishes itself from these more theoret- investigate the prevalence of security attacks led by privacy-
ical advances in terms of experimental evaluation: we have violating information flows like phishing and request forgery.
focused on implementing a rewriting-based approach that Another direction for future work is to extend our cur-
works on a large number of popular sites, and on evaluating rent framework to become a bullet-proof client-side protec-
the prevalence of privacy-violating flows on these websites. tion mechanism. The primary purpose of our tool so far
One way to ensure safety on the client is to disallow un- has been to observe existing flows in the wild, a scenario for
known scripts from executing [16]. However, this will likely which we don’t need to worry about malicious code trying
make it hard to use dynamic third-party content. Finally, to circumvent our system. However, with additional work,
Yu et al. [32] present a formal semantics of the interac- our framework could possibly lead to a protection mecha-
tion between JavaScript and browsers and builds on it a nism as well. For this purpose, we would have to soundly
proxy-based rewriting framework for dynamically enforcing cover all possibly forms of information flow, including im-
automata-based security policies [17]. These policies are plicit flow, flows induced by the DOM and browser built-in
quite different from information flow in that they require APIs. In addition, we would also need better performance to
sparser instrumentation, and cannot enforce fine-grained iso- deliver a practical browsing experience. However, we believe
lation. that with careful and extensive engineering efforts, there is
The possibility of history sniffing was first raised in the a possibility that our framework could lead to a practical
academic community a decade ago [9]. The original form of protection mechanism.
history sniffing used timing difference between retrieving a
resource that is cached (because it has previously been re-
trieved) and one that is not. In general, many other forms
of history sniffing are possible based on CSS link decoration, This material is based upon work supported by the
some of which (for example, setting the background property National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. CCF-
of a visited link to url(...)) work even when JavaScript is 0644306, CCF-0644361, CNS-0720802, CNS-0831532, and
disabled. This, together with the genuine user-interface util- CNS-0964702. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or
ity that visited link decoration provides, is the reason that recommendations expressed in this material are those of the
history sniffing is so difficult to address comprehensively in authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Na-
browsers (cf. [13] for a proposed server-side solution, [12] for tional Science Foundation.
a proposed client-side solution and [2] for the fix recently
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