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NCM 100 Course Outline

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Universidad de Sta.

College of Nursing
Naga City


Description This course provides the students with the overview of nursing as an art,
profession and science. It deals with the concept of man as a holistic being
comprised of bio-psycho-social and spiritual dimensions. It includes a
discussion on the different roles of a nurse emphasizing health promotion,
maintenance of health as well as prevention of illness utilizing the nursing
Course Credit 3 Units Lecture
Contact Hours 54 hours Lecture
Prerequisite General Chemistry
Theoretical Foundation of Nursing
Co-requisite Anatomy and Physiology
Placement 1st year, 2nd Semester
Course Objectives
At the end of the course and given actual or simulated situations/conditions,
the students will be able to:

1. Utilize the nursing process in the holistic care of client for the
promotion and maintenance of health.
a. Assess with the client his/her health status and risk factors
affecting health.
b. Identify actual wellness and risk diagnosis.
c. Plan with client appropriate interventions for the promotion
and maintenance of health.
d. Implement with client appropriate interventions for the
promotion and maintenance of health.
e. Evaluate client outcome.
2. Ensure a well organized recording and reporting system.
3. Observe bioethical principles and the core values
a. Love of God
b. Love of country
c. Love of people
d. Caring
4. Relate effectively with clients, members of the health team and
others in work situations related to nursing and health.
5. Observe bioethical concepts/principles and core values and nursing
standards in the care of clients.

Course Outline
I. Nursing as an Art
1. Self-Awareness- Who am I?
2. Self-Enhancement- How do I become a better person?
3. Nursing
a. Definitions
b. Characteristics
c. Focus
d. Personal qualities of a nurse
4. Definition of Art
5. Why is Nursing an Art
6. Concepts related to the art of Nursing
7. Caring: An integral component of nursing
8. Nurse-Client Relationship
II. Nursing as a Profession
1. History of Nursing
a. In the world
b. In the Philippines
c. Own Nursing School
2. Development of Modern Nursing
3. Profession
a. Definition
b. Professional qualities of a nurse
c. Growth of professionalism
d. Criteria of Profession
- Specialized body of Knowledge
- Power and authority over training and education
- Registration
- Altruistic Service
- Code of Ethics
- Lengthy Socialization
- Autonomy
e. Carpers 4 Patterns of Knowing
- Empirical Knowing
- Ethical Knowing
- Esthetical Knowing
- Personal Knowing
4. Overview of the professional nursing practice
a. Level of Proficiency according to Benner
b. Roles and Responsibilities of a Professional Nurse
5. Scope of Nursing practice based on RA 9173
6. Overview of the Code of Ethics for Nurses
a. Filipino Bill of Rights
b. Legal Aspects
7. Professional Accountability
a. Moral Accountability
b. Legal Accountability

Lecturer: Mrs. Vivian Beltran, RN MAN

8. Different Fields in Nursing

a. Institutional Nursing
b. Community Health Nursing
c. Independent Nursing Practice
d. Nursing in Education
e. Nursing in other fields
III. Nursing as a Science
1. Communication Skills
a. Effective communication
b. Therapeutic Communication
c. Purposes of therapeutic communication
d. Components of communication
e. Criteria for effective verbal communication
f. Guidelines for active and effective listening
g. Guidelines for use of touch
h. Developmental consideration in communication
i. Communicating with people who are physically &
cognitively challenged and aggressive.
j. Guidelines for transcultural therapeutic
2. Nursing Process
a. Assessment
b. Diagnosis
c. Planning
d. Intervention
e. Evaluation
f. Documentation of Care
3. Health and Illness
a. Man as an individual and as part of a family.
b. Health, wellness and illness
c. Dimensions of wellness
d. Health-Illness Continuum
e. Stages of wellness and illness
f. Three levels of prevention
4. Levels of Care
a. Health promotion
b. Disease prevention
c. Health maintenance
d. Curative
e. Rehabilitative

5. Basic Interventions for maintaining:

a. Healthy lifestyle
b. Oxygenation
c. Fluid and Electrolyte Balance
d. Nutrition
e. Elimination
f. Temperature regulation
g. Mobility and exercise
h. Hygiene and comfort
i. Safety, Security and Privacy
j. Psychosocial and Spiritual Concerns
6. Meeting needs related to death, dying and grieving.
a. Concept of death, dying and grieving
b. Care of the terminally ill patients and their
c. Post mortem care

Prepared by:

Ms. Ma. Portia F. Almero, RN MAN Mrs. Vivian Beltran, RN MAN

Clinical Instructor Clinical Instructor

Noted by:

Mrs. Sandy C. Lasa, RN MAN

Team Chairman

Recommending Approval:

Mrs. Salve T. Zuniga, RN MAN


Approved by:

Sr. Lourdes S. Sabidong, RN MAN


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