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QP IV BSc. 2010

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Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Kamataka
Final year B.Sc. (Nursing - Basic) Degree Examination - Feb - 2010
Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 80 Marks


(Revised Scheme)
Q.P. CODE: 1693

Your answers should be specific to the questions asked

Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary

LONG ESSAYS (Answer any Two) 2 x 10 =20 Marks

1. a) Enlist the aspects of school health
b) As a community health nurse what is your role in planning and implementing schoo!
health programme
2. a) What do you mean by risk approach?

b) What risk factors do you look for in antenatal mothers and how do you manage them?

3. a) Define Supervision b) As a supervisor what is your role in the development of

personnel at primary health centre level

SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Eight) 8 x 5 =40 Marks

4. Active surveillance in malaria
5. Multisectoral approach
6. Community mental health services
7. Referral services
8. Indices of maternal health
9. Child labour
10. Health problems in agriculture workers
11. Role of UNICEF
12. Social security scheme in industry
13. Hepatitis 'B'

SHORT ANSWERS 10 x 2 = 20 Marks

14. Four causes of perinatal mortality

15 Health information system

16. Net reproductive rate

17. List four health problems of aged
18. Give four reasons for family visit
19. Preventive obstetrics
20. List the determinants of community health
21. Topography

Mothers meeting

23. Activities of subcentre


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