02 Au Xu
02 Au Xu
02 Au Xu
Abstract— Optimizing the number of hidden layer However, most of those rules are not applicable to most
neurons for an FNN (feedforward neural network) to circumstances as they do not consider the training set size
solve a practical problem remains one of the unsolved (number of training pairs), the complexity of the data set to
tasks in this research area. In this paper we review be learnt, etc. It is argued that the best number of hidden
several mechanisms in the neural networks literature units depends in a complex way on: the numbers of input and
which have been used for determining an optimal output units, the number of training cases, the amount of
number of hidden layer neuron (given an application), noise in the targets, the complexity of the function or
propose our new approach based on some mathematical classification to be learned, the architecture, the type of
evidence, and apply it in financial data mining. hidden unit activation function, the training algorithm, etc
Compared with the existing methods, our new approach [15].
is proven (with mathematical justification), and can be A dynamic node creation algorithm for FNN’s is proposed
easily handled by users from all application fields.
by Ash in [2], which is different from some deterministic
process. In this algorithm, a critical value is chosen
Index Terms – neural network, data mining, number of
hidden layer neurons. arbitrarily first. The final structure is built up through the
iteration that a new node is created in the hidden layer when
I. INTRODUCTION the training error is below the critical value. On the other
hand, Hirose et al in [10] propose an approach which is
Feedforward Neural Networks (FNN's) have been
similar to Ash [2] but removes nodes when small error
extensively applied in many different fields, however, given
values are reached.
a specific application, optimizing the number of hidden layer
In [13], a model selection procedure for neural networks
neurons for establishing an FNN to solve the problem
based on least squares estimation and statistical tests is
remains one of the unsolved tasks in this research area.
developed. The procedure is performed systematically and
Setting too few hidden units causes high training errors and
automatically in two phases. In the bottom-up phase, the
high generalization errors due to under-fitting, while too
parameters of candidate neural models with an increasing
many hidden units results in low training errors but still high
number of hidden neurons are estimated, until they can not
generalization errors due to over-fitting. Several researchers
be approved anymore (i.e. until the neural models become
have proposed some rules of thumb for determining an
ill-conditioned). In the top-down phase, a selection among
optimal number of hidden units for any application. Here are
approved candidate models using statistical Fisher tests is
some examples: "A rule of thumb is for the size of this
performed. The series of tests start from an appropriate full
hidden layer to be somewhere between the input layer size
model chosen with the help of computationally inexpensive
and the output layer size ..." [6], "How large should the
estimates of the performance of the candidates, and end with
hidden layer be? One rule of thumb is that it should never be
the smallest candidate whose hidden neurons have a
more than twice as large as the input layer…" [5], and
statistically significant contribution to the estimation of the
"Typically, we specify as many hidden nodes as dimensions
regression. Large scale simulation experiments illustrate the
needed to capture 70-90% of the variance of the input data
efficiency and the parsimony of the proposed procedure, and
set…" [7]
allow a comparison to other approaches.
The Bayesian Ying-Yang learning criteria [17 – 20] put
Dr Shuxiang Xu is a lecturer in the School of Computing and
Information Systems, University of Tasmania, Launceston, Tasmania 7250, forward an approach for selecting the best number of hidden
Australia. Email: Shuxiang.Xu@utas.edu.au units. Their experimental studies show that the approach is
able to determine the best number of hidden units with
Ling Chen is currently working as an IT Officer, Information Services,
Department of Health and Human Services, Hobart, Tasmania 7000, minimized generalization error, and that it outperforms Cross
Australia. Email: ling.chen@dhhs.tas.gov.au Validation approach in selecting the appropriate hidden unit
numbers for both clustering and function approximation.
ICITA2008 ISBN: 978-0-9803267-2-7
In [8] an algorithm is developed to optimize the number of (N/(d log N))1/2 nodes, the order of the bound on the RMS
hidden nodes by minimizing the mean-squared errors over error is optimized to be O(Cf ((d/N) log N)1/2).
noisy training data. The algorithm combines training sessions Based on the above result, we can conclude that if the
with statistical analysis and experimental design to generate target function f is known then the best number of hidden
new sessions. Simulations show that the developed algorithm layer nodes (which leads to a minimum RMS error) is
requires fewer sessions establishing the optimal number of
hidden nodes, compared with using a straightforward way of n = Cf (N/(d log N))1/2 (2.2)
eliminating nodes successively one by one.
Three researchers in [11] propose a hybrid optimization Note that the above equation is based on a known target
algorithm based on the relationship between the sample function f.
approximation error and the number of hidden units in an However, in most practical cases the target function f is
FNN, for simultaneously determining the number of hidden unknown, instead, we are usually given a series of training
units and the connection weights between neurons. They input-output pairs. In these cases, [4] suggests that the
mathematically prove the strictly decreasing relationship number of hidden nodes may be optimized from the
between the sample approximation error and the number of observed data (training pairs) by the use of a complexity
hidden units. They further justify that the global nonlinear regularization or minimum description length criterion. This
optimization of weight coefficients from the input layer to analysis involves Fourier techniques for the approximation
the hidden layer is the core issue in determining the number error, metric entropy considerations for the estimation error,
of hidden units. The synthesis of evolutionary programming and a calculation of the index of resolvability of minimum
and gradient-based algorithm is adopted to find the global complexity estimation of the family of networks. Complexity
nonlinear optimization. This approach is also a deterministic regularization is closely related to Vapnik's method of
process rather than creating or removing nodes as described structural risk minimization [16] and Rissanen's minimum
before. description-length criterion [12, 3]. It is a criterion which
In this paper, we propose a novel approach for reflects the trade-off between residual error and model
determining an optimal number of hidden layer neurons for complexity and determines the most probable model (in this
FNN’s, and investigate its application in financial data research, the neural network with the best number of hidden
mining. In the following section, mathematical evidence is nodes).
given which offers theoretical support to the novel algorithm.
Experiments are then conducted to justify our new method, III. OUR NOVEL APPROACH
which is followed by a summary of this report in the final So when f is unknown we use a complexity regularization
section. approach to determine the constant C in the following
n = C (N/(d log N))1/2 (3.1)
Barron in [4] reports that, using artificial neural networks
for function approximation, the rooted mean squared (RMS) The approach is to try an increasing sequence of C to
error between the well-trained neural network and a target obtain different number of hidden nodes, train an FNN for
function f is shown to be bounded by each number of hidden nodes, and then observe the n which
generates the smallest RMS error (and note the value of the
C 2f nd (2.1) C). The maximum of n has been proved to be N/d. Please
O +O log N
n N note the difference between the equation (3.1) and the
equation (2.2): in (2.2), Cf depends on a known target
where n is the number of hidden nodes, d is the input function f, which is usually unknown (so (2.2) is only a
dimension of the target function f, N is the number of theoretical approach), whereas in our approach as shown in
training pairs, and Cf is the first absolute moment of the (3.1), C is a constant which does not depend on any function.
Fourier magnitude distribution of the target function f. Based on our experiments conducted so far we have found
that for a small or medium-sized dataset (with less than 5000
According to [4], the two important points of the above training pairs), when N/d is less than or close to 30, the
contribution are the approximation error and the estimation optimal n most frequently occurs on its maximum, however,
error between the well-trained neural network and the target
when N/d is greater than 30, the optimal n is close to the
function. For this research we are interested in the
value of (N/(d log N))1/2.
approximation error which refers to the distance between the
target function and the closest neural network function of a
given architecture (which represents the simulated function).
To this point, [4] mathematically proves that, with n ~ Cf Data Mining is an analytic process designed to explore
data (usually large amounts of data - typically business or
market related) in search of consistent patterns and/or June 2000. Then the forecasted revenues are compared with
systematic relationships between variables, and then to the real revenues for the period, and the overall RMS error
validate the findings by applying the detected patterns to new reaches 5.53%. To verify that for this example the optimal
subsets of data. The ultimate goal of data mining is number of hidden layer neuron is 5, we try to apply the same
prediction - and predictive data mining is the most common procedure by setting the numbers of hidden layer neurons to
type of data mining and one that has the most direct business 3, 7, 11, and 19, which result in overall RMS errors of
applications. The process of data mining usually consists of 7.71%, 8.09%, 9.78%, and 11.23%, respectively.
three stages: (1) the initial exploration, (2) model building or
pattern identification with validation/verification, and (3) Some cross-validation method is used for this experiment:
deployment. Data mining tools predict future trends and the training data set is divided into a training set made of
behaviors, allowing businesses to make proactive, 70% of the original data set and a validation set made of
knowledge-driven decisions. Data mining tools can answer 30% of the original set. The training (training time and
business questions that traditionally are too time-consuming number of epochs) is optimized based on evaluation over the
to resolve. They scour databases for hidden patterns, finding validation set.
predictive information that experts may miss because it lies
outside their expectations. One of the most commonly used V. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION
techniques in data mining, Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
technology offers highly accurate predictive models that can In this paper we review several mechanisms in the neural
be applied across a large number of different types of networks literature which have been used for determining an
financial problems [1, 9, 14]. optimal number of hidden layer neurons, propose our new
approach based on some mathematical evidence, and apply it
For our experiments we use our new approach for
in financial data mining. Our experiment described in section
determining the best number of hidden layer neurons to
IV and many other experiments not described in this report
establish a standard FNN to simulate and then forecast the
show that our new approach is in an advantageous position
Total Taxation Revenues of Australia. Figure 4.1 shows the to be applied in practical applications which involve learning
financial data downloaded from the Australian Taxation small to medium-sized data sets. However, this paper does
Office (ATO) web site. For this experiment monthly data not address the local minima problems.
between Sep 1969 and June 1999 are used (358 data points).
Based on our new approach, the optimal number of hidden It would be a good idea to extend the research to involve
layer neurons for this experiment is n=5. It’s easy to verify large applications which contain training datasets of over
whether this is the optimal number simply by setting a 5000 input-out pairs in the future. With large datasets the
different number of hidden layer neurons and then compare mechanisms that can be used to determine an optimal
the simulation and forecasting errors. The learning algorithm number of hidden neurons would be improved based on the
used is an improved back-propagation algorithm from [6]. current approach.
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