What Are Your Strength and Weaknesses?
What Are Your Strength and Weaknesses?
What Are Your Strength and Weaknesses?
A to Z about YOU. Describe yourself by giving 1-5 points to each statement listed below.
This article is probably what most of you out there are waiting for.
So, wait no more! The "Interviewer's Top 10 Hits" Best Compilation
record is out! Here, you'll find a list of the 10 most popular
questions used by those faithful interviewers world wide. I do want to
caution everyone though, that this is only to provide you with a
overall guide to what they want to know, and it should not be treated
as text book answers, because there are none. If everyone started
answering the same questions with the same answers, there would be (a)
very bored interviewers, and (b) absolutely no selection process. But
let me not digress.
First, do your research on the company, its culture and market. Not
enough job seekers do enough or ANY of this which is a real no-no! Make
sure you understand who you are being interviewed by.
Second, DON'T give answers such as "Oh, because its such a cool place
to work!", "I like your salary and benefits package," or "My friends
are already there and it makes it easier for us to hang out together."
OK, so maybe I exaggerate a little bit, but you should get the picture.
These answers seem "give-me" oriented and do not show the interviewer
how your skills and experience deliver what the company needs.
Some examples of answers that would work are below. But again, don't
just memorize these answers and throw them out again without being
really honest. Interviews never work if you approach them like textbook
I wanted to move my career in a new direction. (Make sure you mention
what this new direction is.)
My company was restructuring and I chose to seek better opportunities
I want to keep developing new skills but was unable to pursue this in
my previous company. I decided to make a change to allow this to
4. What Kind Of Position Are You Looking For?
Avoid vague answers such as "I want an exciting job" or "I want to grow
my skills in this area." It shows lack of focus and motivation for your
career objective. Instead, focus on your desired position and how your
skills and experience can help you be an asset within that position.
For example, "I have a strong ability to communicate and market a
product as proven in my 2 years experience as marketing officer at
University/company A. I believe that I understand the consumer industry
and can add value to your company's marketing efforts."
9. What Type Of Job Assignments Did You Perform In Your Last Job?
Be honest and to the point answering this, even if the assignments
performed don't exactly match those required in the new position.
However, also take the opportunity to mention any projects your
volunteered for, special projects you took on outside your work scope
or elected positions held in committees in other past jobs/university.
The key point here is to try to tell them about experience gained in
areas that might be relevant to your new position.
10. When You Start A New Job, How Do You Establish Good Relationships
With Your New Colleagues and Supervisors?
It is important here to be enthusiastic and positive. Tell them how you
worked well with your past colleagues or peers in projects etc.
Networking skills is important so show how you used yours in your past
to good stead.
The first interview is just a lead into the second interview or offer
to a job. Not everyone is suited for the job or the company. So don't
be discouraged if you were not offered a position right away. Keep your
chin up and your cool, and don't give up on yourself!
The interviewer has two methods of judging your suitability for the job. First, by questioning you and
evaluating the things about you and your experience, based on what you tell him. Second, by observing
person-to-person how you handle the interview.
If you have obviously planned your interview well, for example by showing that you are knowledgeable
about the organisation, the interviewer will assume that you are also capable of planning and making a
good job of your tasks. The converse is also true – a bad performance at interview could mean an
unsatisfactory performance at the job.
If you have the experience and ability to do the job, make sure that you do not let your interview
performance let you down. Since in most cases, the interviewer has no prior knowledge of the candidates
except their letter of application, the first impression you give is extremely important. If you are of average
intelligence or have few qualifications, do not despair. The most important factor is your actual
achievements and the positive way in which you put these over to the interviewer.
Here are five areas that help the interviewer select the right person for the right job: intelligence,
qualification, adjustment, impact on others, motivation and achievements.
Intelligence means your cognitive powers to take in and interpret information. You should be quick in
understanding all questions posed by the interviewer, and providing simple and concise answers to them.
Nevertheless, a person who is too intelligent, by giving complicated answers to simple questions, may give
an impression that he is a thinker not a doer.
Qualifications is necessary for certain professional jobs. So make sure you possess the formal qualifications
required or the experience needed when applying for that particular position. It is important to show your
knowledge and interest of the relevant professional institution in your field of work, as this will also reflect
your enthusiasm towards the profession.
Adjustment means adaptation to life in general and work in particular. The interviewer would like to know
whether you have a good capacity to withstand stress, whether you are always in control even in the most
unfavourable situations, whether you are emotionally stable, and whether you can do things on your own
initiative. Most important of all, your friendly or hostile relationship with the people around you. Impact on
others means anything from the use of simple language, the way you speak, the way you dress, to your
physical appearance throughout the interview. If you can talk from your own personal experience using real
life situations, make sense of things happen around you, think in terms of things and not people, you are
more likely to give an impression of a mature person and a problem-solver much in demand by any
Motivation and achievement are two important indicators of your general attitudes toward work and career.
Assessment will be based on the following:
Rest of the questions on networking were indepth, some of the term or device
names were unheard of.
1. Distinguish between DOS, WINDOWS and UNIX O.S.
2. What are various kernel parameters that can be changed by an user or super
user ?
3. What are the differences between C and FORTRAN ?
4. Describe diagramatically the internal structure of UNIX kernel.
5. Write a C program which would recursively sum the numbers from parameter
n to 2n.
1. About yourself.
2. Family background.
3. Strong points, weak points.
4. Expectations from career.
5. About hobbies.( about 10 questions )(main emphasis)
6. The story behind your success.
7. location preference ?
P.S : In all the three interviews I was asked to put a question at the end.
Tata Infotech (fwd)
1. after selling two dolls at Rs, 12 a sells man gets 25% profit in pne
and 20% loss in other. what is the net profit or loss?
Ans- Rs.0.60
2. 4 men has been caught as thives. one of them is thief and only one is
true teller. some statements of them are given. find the thief.
3. Conversion between two software engineer has been given about their
service time. (two simple eq. solv them)
Ans.-4 ys, & 8 ys.
4. One five degit no consists of two prime no. 3 rd degit is largest and
2nd is lowest. 1st degit =3rd-2nd. 4th+5th<1st.
Ans.- 81942
5.how many 4 degit no can be formed with 1,2,3,4 without the repetation.
which are devisible by four.
Ans. 6
7.A and B are climbing along the upslop of a hill of length 440m from the
bottom. when A returns from the pick he meets with B 20m from the pick.
The time diff, between them to reach the bottom is 30 sec.the uphill
velocity is 2/3 of the downhill for both. how long it will take to climb
660 m.
8. 4 persons are in a hotel having the diff mother tongue. some con, are
given about the language known. each know only two language. who speaks
9. three women (names are given) having three diff precious jewellers.
( names are given). three thives(names are given) stole them . some
condition are given. Who stole what and from whom?
there were two topics on which you have to write some thing on 150
words. time for the logical test was 60 min. and for the paragraph was 15
one of the topic was likely about the --
supercomputer and man is being replaced by machine,
another was some thing related to industry and effect on man.
Dated : 31/07/97
Technical Section
As we are from computers and electronics branches, so for the moment
we have information regarding core subjects of these fields only. As
most of the companies coming to the campuses are from the IT
industry hence you may expect them to probe your computer skills
regardless of your stream. Knowledge of C is always an added
For Computer Students
For a computer student knowledge of C is essential. Other important
topics include
Data Structures
Operating Systems
Some students have also been grilled on Object Oriented Programming,
C++ ,Microprocessor Architecture, Networking, Database Management,
Automata, Compiler Design and Computer Graphics depending upon
subjects covered till the most recent semester.
Some Commonly Asked Questions
Usage of pointers and their fundamentals in C?
What is the difference between structures and unions in C?
Basic concepts about data structures like trees, linked lists,
circular lists, queues, arrays
Sorting Methodology ( you may be asked to make an
algorithm/program to implement a sort method).
What is an finite algorithm?
Basic concepts of Operating Systems such as multitasking,
multithreading, real time systems, CPU scheduling algorithms,
deadlocks, memory management etc.
Difference between one pass and multipass compilers, compilers and
interpreters, parsing etc.
HR Section
In your HR interview ie human resources interview the main effort on
the part of the interviewer will be to bring forth your true
personality.They may ask you some routine questions , few of which
have been mentioned below, but be expecting questions of varied type
regarding sexuality ,music , authors etc. ; anything to get to know
what you really are.
For Computer Students
Let Us C
(Y. Kanetkar)
Kernighan & Ritchie
Gottfried (Schaum Series)
Exploring C
(Y. Kanetkar)
Waite Groups' Turbo C++
Data Structures
Data Structures
Horowitz & Sahni
Sorenson & Tremelay
Operating Systems
Galvin & Silberschatz
Barry B Brey
Douglas V Hall
Computer Networks
Control Systems
Aptitude Section
Aptitude Series by
R S Aggarwal
Barron's GRE and GMAT preparation books
Shakuntla Devi's Puzzle books
MBA entrance prep material
Norman Lewis for Word Power
George W Summers Brain Teasers
d) Diffrence between short term, long term and medium term scheduler.
-First two should be peaceful. The last one is also known as
swapper. (See Taenenbaum and/or Peterson)
The first thing any IIT-ian should realize while attending Campus
Interviews is that the Companies have come to take you, and that
*you* are not looking for a job. I refer to the attitude of the mind.
Therefore, there's no need to treat it as a life and death issue. In
my opinion, several students take this matter as a very serious career
issue, and think that if they don't get a job in the campus
interviews, they are sunk. This is not true. A good case in point
will be Sudhakar's, who didn't get any job that he wanted in the
Campus Interviews, but when he came to Bangalore and applied to the
different companies, he landed a job in *every* company he applied
for. And these companies were by no means insignificant ones: Tata
Elxsi, Wipro Infotech, Novell, C-DAC ... all those which are
considered to be respectable employers. So, the catch phrase during
Campus Interviews is, "don't panic, be cool, relax, you have *nothing*
to lose, and everything to gain." This is the attitude you should
have in mind when you go for the interviews.
About the companies, now. There are mainly two kinds of companies in
Bangalore. Those that are small, like Tata Elxsi and Novell, with a
more or less flat organizational structure, and those that are very
huge, like Wipro and TISL, where there's a veritable population
explosion. There are merits and demerits of both. In the small
organizations, there are fewer people, so it is easy to make your
presence felt and to make yourself noticed, and to get proper credit
for what you are doing. The flip side of the coin for these
organizations is that you have to be very careful in what you say and
do, for everything you do/say is audible at the highest levels, and,
as the American Police say when they are arresting a criminal
"anything you say may be used against you." Smaller organizations
also have a flatter structure, so the amount of responsibility on your
shoulders may be quite heavy. In one sense it is good -- you can
contribute well to the organization and get credit for it, but in
another sense it is bad, for you may have to work late and quite hard
too. The advantages of being in a large organization like Wipro is
that you will never be *overloaded* with work, unless you choose to do
so yourself. You can be in the company as you are in the CS
Department right now, light-headed and carefree, even a bit careless.
The obverse side of the coin here is that in such huge organizations,
you will never be anything but small fry in a big pond ... and getting
credit where it is due may be a little difficult (specific reference
to TISL here).
B) Personal
Tips: Be confident, frank (But need not give away information which may
against your case), free (use first names while addresing them,
so be
alert when they introduce themselves) and cheerful (attend an
with a positive frame of mind). Remember you are IITians and you
have an edge. That may sound arrogant, but its true.
} /* End of for() */
Name: G.Kartik
Year: 1995
d) Diffrence between short term, long term and medium term scheduler.
-First two should be peaceful. The last one is also known as
swapper. (See Taenenbaum and/or Peterson)
NOTE: If you have been offered a job previously by any other company
after your BTech/BE or if you have even slightest of work experience
then make it a point to mention about it. It is a major plus point.
The interviewers will be definitely interested in knowing that some
other company also found you good enough to be selected.
Personal Questions asked:
1. Tell me about urself, family background ..
2. Btech projects and M.S. projects
( spend more time here, even if u have not done much
workl; create a good impression)
3. Significant achievements in life.
( may be paper publications etc. )
4. Why did u leave ur previous company ( If u were working)
5. What do u expect from a company ?
( like how shd be the work environment etc. etc. )
in interview
my weakness, kinds of friendship, family details
b) response
They are impressed if one presents papers.
I have presented conference papers
in the national level.
B) Personal
Tips: Be confident, frank (But need not give away information which may weigh
against your case), free (use first names while addresing them, so be
alert when they introduce themselves) and cheerful (attend an interview
with a positive frame of mind). Remember you are IITians and you always
have an edge. That may sound arrogant, but its true.
What is testing ?
Which are the different types of testing ?
Then they explained the way they do testing. They said that they are
doing testing in requirement phase and design phase so that if any
problem comes in those phases it is not ncecessary to go back and change
the requirement or design. All the test processing is automated.
Do U know C++ ?
How good are U in C and C++ ?
Rate U'rslef in both C and C++. ( 1 - 10 marks)
B) Personal