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French Order of Battle

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FRENCH ORDER OF BATTLE – Plains of Abraham (Quebec) 1759

Regiment Campaign Battle Line Gren Light 1:9 1:9 1:9 1:9
Strength Strength Line Gren Total Light
Right Wing
Col Senezergues
La Colonie 350 350 350 - - 38 - 38 -
Provisional Btn *
La Sarre 489 340 340 45† 37 37 5 37 4
Languedoc 473 320 320 45† 35 35 5 35 4

Gen Montcalm
Bearn 454 200 200 45† 34 22 5 22 4
La Guyenne 436 200 200 45† 32 22 5 22 3

Left Wing
Col Fontbrune
Royal-Roussillon 485 230 230 45† 36 25 5 25 4
La Colonie 320 320 320 35 - 35 -
Povisional Btn *

Right Flank
Montreal & Quebec 750 750 - - 750 - - 81 81
Militia **

Left Flank
Monteal & Trois 750 750 - - 750 - - 81 81
Rivieres Militia **

Flying Column
Grenadier Btn † 225 225 - 225 - - 25 25 -
Light Btn ‡ 174 174 - - 174 - - 19 19
Militia ** 1400 1400 - - 1400 - - 152 152
Corp de Cavallerie 200 200 200 - - 22 - 22 -
4 6pdr guns 16 - 16 -
TOTAL FIGURES = 25 608 333

The above comprises the complete Order of Battle by regiment/unit. Campaign strengths
and battle strengths are as per Reid’s: Quebec 1759 (Osprey Campaign). Regimental
(battalion) strengths are divided by 13 (12xLine, 1xGren[adier]), the Light companies
calculated from the campaign (commencing) battalion strengths after full strength
grenadier companies are deducted for the composite battalion.

† The composite grenadier battalion strength is taken from the donated grenadier
companies of La Sarre, Languedoc, Bearn, La Guyenne and Royal-Roussillon at full
official strength = 45 men each.

‡ The Light battalion is calculated from a proportional line company against the original
campaign strength. In other words, the sum of each regular battalion campaign strength
minus full strength grenadier company, divided by 12 = piquet ‘company’.

* La Colonie provisional battalions are made from amalgamated Compagnies Franches de

la Marine or regular Canadian infantry.

** The Militia fights in skirmish order mixed with coureur du bois elements and indians.

1:9 is actually representative of 1 to 9.2 figure representation, taken from Battles of the
Anciene Regime wargame rule set representation of the largest battalion representation
divided against the official strength French battalions in Canada.

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