Work Bench: A Design For Holding The Work
Work Bench: A Design For Holding The Work
Work Bench: A Design For Holding The Work
by Tage Frid
There are many workbenches available on the market how to set up the machines for mass production and work to-
today. Aside from obvious reasons of economics, why make gether as a production team. It takes us three days from rough
my bench? I can convince my students and myself easily lumber to have all the parts ready to fit and assemble, and to
enough, but to convince you I should explain the benefits of have the bench top glued up. This year each bench cost us
this design and how I arrived at these specifics. about $100, half for wood and half for hardware.
When I came to this country in 1948 I was given a tour of Over the years, having made the bench so many times and
the school where I was to teach. I was guided to a large room having had numerous people using and criticizing them, I
and introduced to the teacher with whom I was to work. We have arrived at this design and these dimensions as best suited
talked for a while, or rather he did the talking because my vo- for a cabinetmaker. With its two vises and accessory side
cabulary didn't go much beyond yes and no. By using arms clamps there are five possibilities for holding the work—two
and legs I finally conveyed to him that I wanted to see the in the right vise, one in the left vise, one between the bench
woodshop. When I was told I was standing in it I just about dogs and one between the side clamps. Both vises are the type
passed out. In the room was a huge thickness planer I think with only one screw and no guide pins to interfere with the
Columbus' father must have brought over, and a few small work. A piece can be clamped all the way to the floor if nec-
power tools. I was really flabbergasted when I saw the student essary, and the vise can hold irregularly shaped objects. With
"workbenches." These were large tables for two persons with only six bolts, the bench is easy to assemble and disassemble,
a vise in each end. Most of the time the students were holding and takes minimum storage space. The only glued parts are
down their work with one hand and working with the other. the bench top, the right vise and the leg sections. Everything
Some had taken much time to make special contraptions to else bolts together so that any damaged pieces are easy to
hold their work so they could use both hands, which I'm sure replace.
was the Lord's intention when he designed us with two. (Of This bench is almost six feet long, but if you wish to
course the Japanese use their feet to secure their work, leaving lengthen the bench you can easily do so by extending the
both hands free.) bench top at the center and the two leg crosspieces (#18 on
After being in school for a few months I realized that the the plan) the same amount. You can shorten it in the same
bench I wanted did not, to my knowledge, exist in this coun- way. I would advise keeping all dimensional changes in
try. So I designed my first workbench, which was quite similar five-inch increments so that the distance between the bench
to the one I was taught on. Later we made one for each stu- dogs remains the same. The bench is designed as a
dent. Since then we have been making workbenches every right-handed bench but could be converted to a left-handed
two or three years so that the students have their own when one by reversing the plans. If additional storage space is
they graduate. I find it a good exercise in which they learn needed, I suggest attaching a piece of plywood between the
Vise closeup shows top spline construction. Dowel jig helps support long boards in other vise.
leg crosspieces and inserting two end pieces to form a large it rough, and then final thickness-plane the whole top togeth-
storage compartment. If you wish you can add a piece behind er after it is glued. If a thickness planer isn't available, buy
the bench to hold gouges, chisels, screwdrivers, etc. But I find the lumber planed and align carefully during gluing. I
it more a bother than a help because if you are working on suggest not using pieces wider than four inches in the top
pieces larger than the bench top surface you have to remove because of possible warpage problems. We use 8 / 4 stock for
the tools so that they don't interfere. everything except pieces #18 and #8, which are 5/4 stock. For
If you are working on long boards or panels you can make a the heavier pieces which finish 2-3/4 by 4 inches, we glue-up
simple device to support the weight of the board. Take a good two pieces of 8 / 4 because in this area it is just about im-
heavy piece of wood (a 2x4 or 4x4 will do), and drill holes of possible to find properly dried lumber of that thickness. If
at least 1/2-inch diameter in a straight line down the length necessary, you can bricklay or stack these pieces if you are
of the piece about one inch apart. By clamping this into the short on lumber. We use Titebond yellow glue for all the
right vise and moving a dowel to the hole just under the work glued sections.
you can easily add support to a long piece.
Before beginning, get your hardware. That way, if you
wish to make a substitution or if something isn't readily
available, you can make all your dimensional changes before
any wood is cut. We could not find a 14-inch bolt so we make
our own by brazing a nut to the end of some 3/8-inch
threaded rod which we have cut to the right length. We got
bench screws and dogs at Woodcraft Supply in Woburn,
Mass., but I understand Garrett Wade in New York and
others also may have them.
When choosing the wood, make sure you select a dense
hardwood and be sure the wood is properly dried. We use
maple because it is extremely hard and durable and is the
least expensive in this area (it takes about 60 board feet).
When cutting up the stock be sure to cut the longest pieces
first. Cut them all one inch longer than the final dimension.
It is best to purchase rough lumber, joint and thickness-plane
Many students have found it best to start assembly with the
base, as it goes together very easily. Assembling the base first
eliminates many pieces, making things less confusing when
the vise is to go together. If you wish, you may round over the
edges of the base pieces and radius the ends of the feet. These
details, along with your vise corners and handles, will give
your bench a personal touch. Sand all pieces before gluing.
Be sure to hammer evenly on both wedges and don't over-
hammer or the wood will split. After the wedges are in, check
the sections for squareness. At this point you can remove the
clamps because the wedges will hold everything in place.
Clean off all the excess glue while it is still wet and you will
have little finishing work. After the glue dries, saw off the
excess of the wedges and plane the tops even and flat. Clamp
the base together to drill the hardware holes.
In making the bench top, we use splines between the pieces
to make gluing up easier. It isn't a bad idea for strength
either, because of all the hammering that will take place on
the top surface. A spline should definitely be used between
pieces #1 and #3 to help align the front piece flush with the
rest of the top. We use a dado head to cut the grooves for the
splines but it could be done with a shaper, a hand router or a
plough plane. The bench top is glued and planed before
piece #3 with the bench dog slots is added. We use the dado
head on the radial arm saw to cut the bench dog slots with a
stop set to keep the spacing and the angle consistent. It could
be done instead with a router, a saw and chisel, or a router
plane. The top step of the slot is chiseled out by hand at the
very end. Cap piece #2 is added afterwards and a brad is used
in each end to prevent the piece from sliding over the length
during gluing. Don't use too much glue or it will be necessary
to do a tedious clean-up inside each bench dog slot. After the
front piece is attached, the top is cut in length and width.
The tongues are made at each end with a shaper, circular saw,
hand router or rabbet plane.
The lengthwise cut for the right-hand vise must be parallel
to the front of the bench top, and the crosswise cut precisely
square to it. This can be done on a band saw, or with a circu-
lar saw or hand saw. For making the groove for the right-hand
vise to ride in, you can use a hand router or chisel it out. The
accuracy of this groove is very important because it will deter-
mine how smoothly your vise works.
As mentioned previously, none of the end cap pieces is
glued. For this reason it is essential that the holes for the bolts
are drilled very accurately or the bolts will not go in square.
Therefore I suggest drilling the holes in pieces #4, 5, and 7 on
a drill press or with a doweling jig. At the same time, drill the
hole for the vise in piece #7. After the holes are drilled, the
end cap pieces are clamped in place with filler #6 inserted.
The holes are then continued into the bench top. The best
way to do this is to use an extra-long drill bit, or a bit on an
extension. If you don't wish to invest in the bit, you can cut a
dado and let the bolt ride in that. The same procedure should
be followed on piece #18. If you do use a dado and wish to
close up the groove, you can add a piece to conceal the bolt.
However, this isn't necessary because the nut will nestle in the
At top, radial arm-saw jig helps cut out bench-dog slots of consistent
spacing using dado blades. Student uses chisel to clean saw cuts
made to shape bench-top corner for vise. Below, Piece 3 is planed to
align with Piece 1. Bottom photo shows vise.
s a school woodshop teacher, I must often solve problems of the top. This decision should be based on the bench's intended
on the spur of the moment. That's how the design for my use (a carving bench should have a narrower top than a cabinet-
easy-to-build workbench came to me. A couple of kids maker's assembly bench) and on the shop space you have avail-
wanted to build a bench as a gift for a neighboring preschool. The able. The bench I built has a 42-in.-wide by 72-in.-long top, good
bench had to be quick and easy to construct, yet professional look- for general woodworking tasks. From these dimensions, I calculat-
ing and, above all, absolutely rigid. When all the elements for a ed the size of the frame and the length of the stretchers, You can
simple, bolt-together frame came together in my mind, I hit my determine the length of each pair of stretchers by subtracting
palm to my brow. It seemed so obvious. I wondered why I hadn't twice the thickness of a leg plus the amount the top will overhang
thought of it before. at each end from the length and width of the benchtop. When de-
ciding on the amount of overhang, keep in mind that it's a good
Designing the workbench idea to leave plenty of room on all sides, for mounting vises and
The workbench mainly consists of four legs and four stretchers for clamping things to the top. For example, I chose a 7-in. over-
held together with eight identical joints. The joints are easy to cut hang and used 3-in.-thick by 3-in.-wide legs, so my end stretchers
yet forgiving because they are fastened with common hex-head were 22 in. long and the side stretchers were 52 in. long. I made
bolts available at any hardware store. The joint, equally effective in my stretchers from 2x6 stock.
hardwood or cheap construction-grade lumber, is also perfect for I used soft maple for my bench's legs, but you can use glued-up
many types of knockdown furniture. It's even solid enough for hardwood or construction-grade 4x4s. Cut the legs to a length that
permanent installations, such as a built-in work counter. equals die height of the bench less the thickness of the top. I find
The first step in building the frame is to decide the dimensions that bench height is largely a matter of personal taste. I'm a six-
ends than that or you risk the force of the bolt splitting out the
endgrain and ruining the stretcher.
Bore out the cross holes with a -in -dia. bit, which will leave a
hole large enough to allow a box wrench to fit around the nut
during assembly. Next, the portion of the hole facing the end of
the stretcher is squared up for the nut. I used a try square to mark
out the pocket, as shown in the drawing. Then I chopped out the
waste with a chisel. If you like, you can whittle or sand the edges
of the opening to give them an attractive chamfer.
To locate the bolt holes in the ends of the stretchers, I made a
thin-plywood (you could use cardboard) template cut to the same
dimensions as the cross section of a stretcher, in this case about
in. by in. The template is used to mark the center for each
-in.-dia. bolt hole, and then these holes are drilled through until
they intersect with the cross holes. A spade bit in a portable elec-
tric drill works fine in endgrain, although I prefer to use a modi-
fied auger bit in a hand brace. To modify the bit, I just filed the
spurs off, and it chewed right through endgrain. I tried to drill
accurately by checking that the bit was parallel to the face and
edge of the stretcher, and stopping and rechecking frequently. Be-
cause the hole is much larger than the bolt, dead accuracy isn't
necessary; as I've said, this joint is very forgiving.
If you plan to disassemble and assemble the bench often, you
might want to add an alignment dowel on the end of each stretch-
er. This short, -in.-dia. dowel keeps the stretcher aligned during
assembly and mates to a slightly oversized hole in the leg.
Next, mark and cut out the relief area on each stretcher end,
leaving two l-in.-long contact areas. A -in.-deep relief is all you
need, but if you'd like to add a decorative touch, you can cut a
fancy shape; just avoid cutting too near the cross hole or you'll risk
splitting the joint when you tighten the bolt. I cut out the relief
area on a bandsaw, but you could use a sabersaw or chop out the
waste by hand with a chisel.
Use the same template described above to mark the positions of
footer, and I like a 34-in.-high bench whenever I'm sawing or plan- the bolt holes on the legs. Each pair of legs is laid out differently,
ing wood; for small assembly work, though, I'd want the benchtop so be sure to mark carefully. If you choose to countersink the bolt
an inch or two higher. The workbenches in my school shop are 30 heads, drill the countersunk holes first. A 1-in.-dia. hole matches
in. high, which is right for most adolescents, although younger the diameter of washers normally used with -in. bolts. Drill the
woodworkers might do best with a 26-in.-high bench. bolt holes oversized— -in. holes for the -in. bolts-as you did on
the stretcher ends earlier.
Making the stretcher joints Assemble the bench frame by first bolting together the legs and
The function of a stretcher is to prevent the frame from racking end stretchers, and then joining them with the side stretchers. The
and the bench from rocking, so it's imperative that each stretcher joints will seem loose and sloppy when first assembled; simply posi-
connection be rock solid. A joint held together with a single bolt tion and tighten them using two washers under each nut. You might
focuses pressure at the center of the joint, which doesn't adequate- need to retighten the joints after they've settled for a few days.
ly prevent the joint from racking. Two bolts are better because
they pull the stretcher against the leg closer to the edges, thus Fitting the benchtop
keeping the joint square. But you need to buy twice as much hard- For my benchtop, I glued up some -in.-thick maple I had lying
ware, plus it takes twice as long to knock down or assemble the around. An easier (although more expensive) alternative is to buy
bench. After trying several variations of the bolted stretcher joint, I a length of ready-made butcher-block countertop, available from
finally came up with the version shown in the drawing. A single many building-supply stores, home centers and lumber dealers.
bolt is used for each joint, and an arched relief area is cut out on Bolt the top to the frame through a batten glued to the inside
each end of the stretcher. As the joint is tightened, pressure is fo- faces of the end stretchers (see the drawing). Bore three -in.
cused at the outer edges (like a two-bolt joint), effectively locking holes in each batten, and then fasten the top with -in. lag bolts
the stretcher square to the leg and preventing racking. and washers. While the battens keep the top flat, the oversized
To begin making the joints, crosscut the stretchers square and to holes allow the solid-wood top to move with changes in humidity.
length, and drill cross holes to provide the space for the nut and If you want to add a shelf under your workbench, screw battens to
washers that are fitted to the end of each bolt. The center of each the underside of some -in.-thick shelf boards; then drop the shelf
cross hole is located where the bolt end will be when the joint is in place, as shown.
assembled. For my bench, I used 3-in.-sq. legs and -in.-long
bolts with the heads countersunk . in. deep. This places the cen- Richard Starr is a teacher and author. Building this workbench is
ter of my cross holes at in. from the end of each stretcher. You the topic of the first show in his television series, Woodworking for
should avoid locating the cross holes any closer to the stretcher Everyone, on PBS this fall.
The most versatile work-holding
device ever bolted to a bench
by Benjamin Wild
ore than 20 years of woodworking and patternmaking
taught me that the ideal vise is one that I can forget about
while I'm working. I don't want to fight with a vise or
spend much time setting it up. A vise should hold the work firmly,
without marking it, and allow me to work in a comfortable posi-
tion. I started my career as a patternmaker using the special vise
that goes with the trade. Since then, I've tried every other type of
vise on the market. No other vise comes as close to the perfect
work-holding device as a patternmaker's vise.
The patternmaker's vise was developed specifically to meet the
demanding needs of a specialized job. A patternmaker turns out
wooden models (such as plane bodies, gears or tablesaw tops)
Emmerts are clas- that are used, in turn, to create molds for casting parts in metal.
sics. Specialized vis-
es, like this Emmert The models often assume odd shapes and sizes and are difficult to
No. 1, were designed hold—hence the development of a special vise.
for busy pattern- You don't have to be a patternmaker to appreciate this type of
makers during the vise. It's better than other vises at holding the work firmly so that
industrial boom the woodworker and the tool have ready and easy access to virtu-
years at the turn of
the century. Vise ally any part of the piece. I now teach woodworking, and I often
jaws hold irregularly see my students struggling with improperly held work. The result
shaped workpieces usually is inaccurate work or a botched job. The beauty of a pat-
(above) and swivel ternmaker's vise is that it can hold a variety of different sizes and
to improve access to shapes in almost any position.
the work (right).
The vise attaches to the front of the workbench like a conven-
tional bench vise. But from this position, the vise can be rotated
360° or lifted 90°, so the jaws are parallel to the benchtop, all with
the wood clamped firmly in the jaws. The jaws can be angled up
to about 5° from side to side to hold tapered objects. An accesso-
ry tilt plate will pivot up to 30° perpendicular to the vise for more
severely angled work or for gripping pieces angled in two planes.
In addition to this versatility, the vise has two sets of jaws. In the
normal position, the jaws are the same as in any other woodwork-
ing vise. But rotate the vise 180°, and a pair of metalworking jaws,
similar to a machinist's vise, are brought to the top (see the top
photo on p. 80). The vise also has dogs built into both front and
back jaws to hold round, curved or odd shapes (see the top pho-
to on p. 81). Or the front jaw dogs could be used with bench-
mounted dogs to grip objects beyond the capacity of the vise.
For clamping simple square pieces of limited size, any conven-
tional vise will suffice. But a patternmaker's vise is so versatile that
even mundane jobs become easier. You'll soon find yourself ro-
tating and tilting your work for best access rather than twisting and
turning your body to conform to the constraints of your bench and
vise (see the bottom photo on the facing page). Once you've used
a patternmaker's vise, you'll have a hard time going back to a con-
ventional one. Fortunately, these vises are still available, from used
Emmerts to newly manufactured imitators, at prices ranging from
$250 to more than $1,500.
A clamping machine
single lag screw, which allows seasonal
movement. To lock the tops into the base,
I cut dadoes on the lower faces of the
y father learned woodworking the dovetail connecting the beams to the
in Sweden, and when he came legs. Because of the orientation of the
to this country, he got a job beams and legs, the dovetail is only 11 ⁄2 in.
building reproduction Early American at its widest point, but it’s 31 ⁄2 in. from top
furniture. The shop had been in operation to bottom. I tilted the tablesaw blade to
since the late 1700s, and like those who cut the tails on the beam and cut the pins
worked before him, my father was on the legs in the bandsaw. Almost any
assigned a huge bench with many method would work to join the beam to
drawers. He stored his tools and ate his the leg; my first version of the bench used
lunch at the bench, but much of his actual a bolted slip joint.
work took place nearby on a low table he
called “the platform.” The pipes run through the tops—The
When I inherited his big bench, I also tops are made in two sections and glued
Leg braces are resawn
found myself doing most of my work at a up with the pipes and vises in place. The 2x4s, about 11⁄16 in. by 33⁄8 in.
low platform improvised from sawhorses upper sections are made of three boards
and planks. I have bad shoulders and the and the lower section from two. I edge-
occasional sore back, so using a full- glued them with alternating growth rings
height bench is difficult and unproductive. to eliminate cupping. I cut 7 ⁄8-in. grooves
growth rings
Four No. 53
Pony clamps
Roll pin
Woodworking benches
It is almost impossible to work wood without a workbench. It along the side (known as a side vise) and a vise at one end
ranks as one of the most important fixtures in a shop. In fact, the (known as a tail vise). Chair makers frequently work on a low
more extensive your woodworking experience the more likely platform called a framing bench because chair assembly is called
you are to have more than one bench. I have always had at least framing. All good benches share features you will want to
three benches in my chair-making school's shop—large and include in any bench you are making or acquiring.
small joiner's benches and an assembly bench. A bench must be sturdy. You frequently place a lot of weight on
Different types of woodworkers traditionally have had different it. Woodworking, especially with hand tools, creates a lot of
styles of benches that vary according to the needs of their craft. force. A bench that wobbles or racks under these forces is
For example, a joiner's bench is long and narrow with a vise frustrating to work on because you waste a lot of energy moving
the benchtop rather than working wood. Also,
this type of movement is not good for the
bench's joints. They wear more quickly, and you
may need to replace the bench down the road.
All the benches in my shop have 4x4 legs, and
the stretchers are joined with 2-in.-deep mortise-
and-tenon joints. The top is secured to 2x6 cleats
that are mortised to sit on tenons cut into the top
of the legs. We have reinforced all the multiple-
person benches with cross bracing—both end to
end and side to side.
A bench should also be heavy. The forces
exerted upon a bench can not only rack it but
also make it slide around the shop. Chasing your
bench while trying to work wood is very
frustrating. A heavy bench is more likely to stay
put. A thick top is one way to create weight. The
top of my large joiner's bench (see the photo at
left) is in.-thick beech, and all of our
multiple-person benches (see the photo below)
require four people to lift them safely. Storing
some of your tools under the bench is another
good way to add weight. I store my working
Low bench for handwork. Planing moldings, chopping mortises and jointing boards all re-
quire lots of upper-body strength. A low bench—the one in the photo is 31 in. high—allows
the author to put a lot of muscle into his motions.
High bench for machining. Benchtop machines come with their own horsepower, so the
operator's strength is almost superfluous. Slipping battens under the plywood has raised the
actual working height of the benchtop to almost 36 in. Adding height is easy; lowering it isn't.
Rules of Thumb (continued)
everywhere that it is the standard add-on cast-iron bench vise. Smooth operator. This
A once-popular type, pattern-maker's vises were made in large antique Prentise vise (right)
numbers and can still be found (though they're expensive). Pat- has smooth faces that won't
tern makers worked with irregular shapes and frequently needed mar wood.
to revolve the work to place it in an advantageous position. Their
vises were far more flexible and complicated than those used by
other branches of woodworking. Veritas makes a modern ver- It doesn't matter whether the waste or the piece you are keep-
sion of a pattern-maker's vise called the Tucker Vise. ing gets clamped into the vise—whatever holds better is best. For
instance, if you are cutting the waste off the end of a turned spin-
Use a vise to your advantage dle, which would be hard to clamp securely because of the turn-
When I visit other shops or watch students at work, I observe ings, it will be easier to clamp the waste piece in the vise and
two common problems. Many woodworkers use vises that are hold the spindle in your hand as you saw with your other hand.
inadequate, or they frequently do not use their vises to their best And if you have to joint pieces too small to run across a jointer,
advantage. Whatever type of vise or vises are required in your clamp a #7 jointer plane upside down in a vise and push the
work, they should all be high quality and strong. (Weak vices are piece over it.
spelled differently.) It is also usually a good bet to buy a brand With a little forethought, vises can be adapted to better suit
you recognize. You will not be well served by a lightweight or your needs. In our school, we cannot provide each student with
undersized vise. Acquiring a good vise usually means spending several types of vises, so we have mounted Record 53E vises in a
the long dollar. However, the investment will pay dividends for versatile way that allows them to perform all the jobs we require,
as long as you work wood. such as holding chair seats for planing, turned legs for drilling or
Using a vise to its best advantage is a regular part of our class- spindles for shaping. Many shops mount a bench vise on the
room instruction. It is easier to work wood if it is securely held bench's long edge and set it in from the corner. Ours are located
by the vise. But avoid working in a way that allows the part to on the bench's short end and right on the corner, This allows us
flex. It is usually best to lower the wood you are working on as to use them as a tail vise for planing. A row of dog holes is
far into the vise as possible so that it doesn't project a lot. Try to aligned with the vise's dog (which is mounted in the outside
keep the area you are working as close to the jaws as possible jaw). And when jointing very long pieces, we can clamp the
to keep the workpiece rigid. wood using two vises on the end of a bench.
New-Fangled Workbench
With six pipe clamps and
some dressed framing lumber,
or five years I worked as a cabinetmaker in a shop that used
only hand tools for the simple reason that electricity wasn't
available that far back in the woods. One lesson that I came
away with was the importance of a good workbench—and lots of
windows. I now work in a shop that is, if anything, overelectrified,
but a functional workbench is still important. Just because you're
driving a car instead of a buggy doesn't mean you don't need a
good road to get where you're going.
On a perfect bench, the various vises and stops would hold any
size workpiece in the most convenient position for the job at
hand. Traditional workbenches are adequate for clamping small-
er pieces, a table leg or frame rail for instance, but most benches
can't handle wide boards for edge- and face-planing or frame-
and-panel assemblies.
Recently, I moved my shop and needed to build a new bench. I
began by researching traditional American and European designs.
I found that although our predecessors had many clever solutions
to the problems of holding down a piece of wood, no one bench
To minimize costs, the author
milled workbench stock from
Douglas fir framing lumber,
sawing clear sections from the
center of 2xlOs and 2xl2s.
The bench is fastened with
drywall screws and lag bolts.
Six pipe clamps in different
configurations are used as vises.
n the early 1970s, having built most of the frame with 8/4
completed my training in fur- birch, and I used 4/4 birch for the
niture making, I found myself drawer dividers, the center parti-
in need of a workbench. I figured tion and the drawer fronts. I fash-
I'd make one that would be large ioned the side panels with
enough to hold all of my hand -in.-thick fir plywood, set into
tools and small enough to move, rabbets that were cut into the
guessing that it would be some back edges of the legs and rails.
time before I settled down. I Drawer runners—joined with
wanted an all-purpose bench for tenons into mortises in the draw-
planing, scraping, cutting joints, er dividers—are held to an inside
carving and finishing. Cost was a frame by a screw in the back. The
concern because there was a slew top is 8/4 maple, ripped to 3-in.
of tools and machinery I wanted widths that I glued together on
to buy, so I decided not to use any edge for strength and stability.
fancy or expensive hardwoods in To make the benchdog holes in
its construction. For the original the top, I cut a series of -in. by
bench, I chose birch (sturdy and -in. dadoes before laminating
cheap) for the top and the frame, the top. I also cut the same sized
and I used construction-grade dadoes on every third board in a
fir plywood for the side panels. position that would line up with
That first version was a little on the dog on the vise, once it was
the low side, so I later corrected fastened to the top. The overhang
the problem by cutting down the of the top is such that the dog
original top and adding a new Small but sturdy. This workbench is almost 30 years old, and it's holes are clear of the base so that
maple slab over it. still used daily for all facets of furniture making. they don't become clogged with
The relatively small size of the sawdust. Also, I needed the over-
bench makes it comfortable to use. Unlike many larger benches, I hang for clamping workpieces to the table. The overhang on the
can easily reach a workpiece resting on the top from all sides of side above the drawers is smaller so that it doesn't restrict access to
the bench. It holds almost all of my hand tools—or at least the ones the tools in the top drawers. The new top is secured to the old
I use the most—keeping them well within reach. Also, this bench original top (that I cut down to serve as a subtop) from underneath
is small enough that it can be moved around the shop when need- with lag screws, and that subtop is secured with lag screws
ed. Loaded up with tools, it's heavy enough to stay in place while through the top rails of the base cabinet.
I'm using it. But I can break it down into manageable pieces, if This bench functions quite nicely. The vise will not only hold
need be, by removing the drawers and the top. I was particularly workpieces between its jaws, but it can also hold them between
glad about this feature when I had to set it up in my first apartment the dog on top of the vise and one placed into the benchtop. I
in a third-floor attic space where I worked for a while. sometimes set up workpieces, such as panels to be planed, so that
In the construction of the case, I used mortise-and-tenon joints they rest against a thinner batten that spans two dogs. With this set-
with pins for all of the frame pieces, through- and blind-dovetails up I need to lift my plane on the return stroke to prevent the pan-
for the drawers and housed dovetails for the drawer dividers. I el from sliding backward. And sometimes, when planing the ends
The vise is an Securing the Out of harm's
adjustable workpiece with- way. When it's
clamp. A series out clamps. A not needed,
of benchdog hardwood batten this 3-ft. Star-
holes in the top thinner than the rett straight-
line up with the workpiece butts edge lives in a
center of the against two slot under the
vise for clamp- benchdogs in benchtop.
ing workpieces the top to serve
of varying as a stop.
or edges of panels or long boards, I use the vise to hold the work- can proudly say that I have never driven a nail into the top to hold
piece and one of the drawers underneath to support it. anything in place. There is one thing I would change if I were to
Looking back at the number of pieces I've built on this bench make this bench again. The kick space between the bottom rail
and remembering the number of workspaces it has inhabited, I re- and the floor is too small, resulting in an occasional pain in my big
alize how well it has served me all these many years. I'm some- toe. Also, someday I'd like to replace the fir plywood side panels
times asked how I could get by with such a relatively small top and with something a bit more attractive, but I don't imagine that will
without a tail vise. I have the additional work surface of a fold- happen until my daughters finish school.
down table near the bench that I use to lay out and organize parts
of furniture I'm working on. And I honestly haven't felt the need Phil Lows builds and restores furniture in Beverly, Mass., where he teaches
for a tail vise, because dogs and a few clamps do the same job. I classes on building traditional furniture.
f this workbench played football, I’m certain it would be a A variety of vises and ample storage
lineman. Because, like the guards and tackles found on the
gridiron, my bench is big and solid. And I wouldn’t have it
any other way.
Most of my work involves the fabrication of large case goods—
entertainment centers, bookcases and other types of storage furni-
ture. And although much of the machine work gets done using a
tablesaw and router, I still do a good deal of work at the bench. So
when it was time to replace my older, smallish and somewhat rick-
ety workbench, I opted to make a new one with all the bells and
whistles. The bench would provide plenty of size and sturdiness.
Sturdiness is the operative word here. Indeed, no matter how ag-
gressive I get with a saw, a handplane or a mallet and chisel, the
bench doesn’t wobble. The result is a workbench that has just
about everything I need.
The supersized top is another important feature. With about
22 sq. ft. of surface area, the top is great for supporting long boards
and wide sheet goods. Two end vises, a front vise and a shoulder Shoulder vise adds
vise, along with a small army of benchdog holes, make it easy to clamping options.
secure almost any size stock to the bench. The lack of a vise
My bench is considered left-handed, based on the location of screw between the jaw
the shoulder vise. If you prefer a right-handed bench, just build the surfaces makes the
shoulder vise (above)
shoulder vise on the right side.
especially handy when
a board must be
The base creates a sturdy foundation clamped vertically.
The bench owes much of its sturdiness to the design of the base.
Yet its construction is pretty straightforward. It has just five main
parts: three support frames and a pair of boxes. Screwing the
frames and boxes together creates a single, rock-solid unit that can
accept almost any kind of top. And the two boxes provide a ton of
space for adding cabinets or drawers.
The center and right-side support frames are identical. But to Front vise is nice.
provide additional support for the shoulder vise, the left-side sup- Used in conjunction
port frame is longer and has an extra leg. I added seven heavy- with round benchdogs,
duty levelers—one under each leg of the support frame. the front vise (left)
lets the author work
To simplify the construction of the base, I made both plywood
comfortably from the
boxes the same size. They fit snugly between the top rail and the end of the bench.
foot of the frames, which adds rigidity to the base.
If you include drawers in one of the boxes, as I did, cut the da-
does for the drawer-support cleats, then glue the cleats into the
dadoes before the box is assembled.
Once the support frames and boxes were put together, I was
able to assemble the base without much fuss. The boxes butt
against the legs, with the bottom of the boxes simply resting on the
narrow lip along the length of the foot. Attaching the boxes to
the frames was a matter of driving five wood screws through the
inside of the box and into each of the legs.
Once the base was built, I moved it to its final location. Next I
leveled the top surface using winding sticks and the seven levelers.
Then I was ready to build the top right on the base.
35 3⁄8 in.
12 3⁄8 in.
31 3⁄4 in. 34 1⁄4 in.
15 in.
Mounting plate,
1 1⁄8 in. thick by
5 1⁄4 in. wide by
19 in. long
M AY / J U N E 2 0 01 39
Shoulder vise and end cap
Cut notch for
Jaw, 2 3⁄8 in. thick by rectangular
3 1⁄2 in. wide by 13 1⁄4 in. benchdog before
long (including 1-in.- assembling the
long tongue Copper water pipe
wide edging.
epoxied to center
Bench screw section serves as
(see Sources) bushing for round
Notch for
front vise
⁄2-in. threaded rod
with washer and
nut on each end
Plywood spline,
⁄2 in. thick by 1 in. ⁄16-in. hex bolt
wide, is glued to mates with
end cap. barrel nut.
Beam, 2 7⁄8 in. Block, 3 1⁄2 in.
thick by 3 1⁄2 in. thick by 12 7⁄8 in.
End cap, 2 7⁄8 in.
wide by 12 1⁄4 in.
wide by 28 in. thick by 3 1⁄2 in.
long long
final length. Then to mark the location of the holes in the edgings, The left-hand box holds the parts of a project I’m building. The
I clamped one piece to the center section. I made a center-point box includes a hinged shelf that pivots up and out of the way
marker by driving a finish nail in the end of a long, 1⁄2-in.-dia. dow- when it’s not needed. The frame-and-panel doors keep dust from
el. The nail must be centered in the end. I ran the dowel through filling up the box.
the holes in the particleboard and used the nail to mark the center
point of the hole in the edging. Once all of the points were Board jacks support long stock—The board jacks (one in front
marked, I drilled all of the holes through each piece of edging. and one in back) are handy additions to the bench. When a board
The threaded rod closest to the left end is longer than the other is clamped in the front, or shoulder, vise, the jack holds up the un-
two rods because it extends all the way through the shoulder-vise supported end. To accommodate boards of varying length, the
parts. I used the same technique to mark the center points on the jack is able to slide along the full length of the bench.
shoulder-vise parts.
I then face-glued the edgings and glued and clamped them to the Power strips bring the juice—Because my bench is several feet
front and back of the bench. from a wall, I added power strips along the front and back edges,
making it easier to use power tools at the bench.
The space under the bench is put to use—Those big boxes in The bench has been serving me well for several years now. Dur-
the base provide plenty of storage space. I placed eight drawers ing that time, it has picked up plenty of scratches and dents, but
in the right-hand box. Plus, to take advantage of the space be- it’s as solid as ever. And I expect it’s going to stay that way for
tween the top of the box and the underside of the benchtop, I many years to come.
added a shallow through-drawer that extends from front to back,
with a face on each end of the drawer, so it can be accessed from Dick McDonough lives in Flint, Mich., where he’s a full-time finish carpenter
both sides of the workbench. and part-time woodworking teacher.
Large surfaces, like the top of my bench, are a
challenge to veneer because it’s difficult to get
good clamping pressure over the entire surface.
I have enough clamps for most jobs but
nowhere near the number I’d need for my
jumbo-sized benchtop. And new clamps don’t
come cheap.
The answer proved to be a set of 10 shop-
made clamping cauls. And because I was able
to use mostly scrapwood, the total cost was un-
der $12—less than I’d pay for a single commer-
cial clamp.
It’s easy to make these clamps. The top
“jaw” is a 24-in. length of 43⁄4-in.-wide medium-
density fiberboard (MDF) screwed to a 24-in.-
long 2x3. The bottom jaw is a 24-in.-long 2x4.
To prevent the MDF surfaces from ending up
glued to the veneer, add a healthy coat of paste
wax to each one. The ends of the jaws accept a
9-in.-long, 3⁄8-in.-dia. threaded rod that is fitted Clamp the veneer to the particleboard with clamping cauls. No need to have a small
fortune in clamps to do this glue-up. Shopmade clamping cauls get the job done for pennies.
with a washer and nut on both ends.
To begin veneering, spread a generous coat INLAYS CONCEAL IMPERFECT VENEER JOINTS
of yellow glue on the mating surfaces of the ve-
neer and particleboard. A short painter’s roller
allows you to spread the glue easily and quickly.
When working with a large surface area, it’s im-
portant to have a good assembly game-plan
worked out because yellow glue can start to
tack up in less than 10 minutes. You need to get
the glue down and the clamps tightened up
without delay.
Place the veneer glue-side down on the parti-
cleboard. Butt the pieces together, but don’t Rout the joint. To
add glue to the edges or worry about a perfect clean up any gaps, a
joint quite yet. Let the veneer overhang the par- router and edge guide
are used to cut a shal-
ticleboard all around.
low groove centered on
Then start clamping down the veneer. To the long joint.
help avoid lengthwise buckling, tighten the
clamps at one end and work toward the other.
Both the top and bottom surfaces of the par-
ticleboard must be veneered; if only the top is
veneered, it can create uneven stresses that
can cause the top to cup.
Once both sides have been veneered, true
up the edge joints with a router equipped with
a 3⁄8-in.-dia. straight bit. Use a long piece of
stock as a straightedge and rout a 3⁄16-in.-deep
groove centered along the entire length of Add the inlay. Thin
each joint line. Then use the clamping cauls strips of cherry fill
in the grooves, produc-
to glue 3⁄8-in.-wide by 3⁄16-in.-thick inlays into the
ing tight joint lines
grooves. This technique results in near-perfect along the full length of
edge joints. the bench.
his is my workbench. Two friends and I each made one like it in the mid-1970s,
copying a 200-year-old original we found in the basement of an 18th-century man-
sion. I prefer it to any other design, for several reasons. The bench is a heavy, sol-
id structure. No matter how hard the work, there is no need to hold down this one with
sandbags. And its joints don't wobble when I'm handplaning or sawing. If they do loosen
because of seasonal movement, a tweak with a bed-bolt wrench makes them rigid again.
The bench's wood vises are very strong. The twin-screw front vise has ample space be-
tween the screws, which means I can drop a long, wide part between them. And the jaws
are wide enough to hold a 6-ft-long board for edge-jointing without additional support.
The bench does not have a tool tray, leaving its entire wide top available not just for
woodworking but also for assembly. When I worked by myself as a professional furniture
maker, this bench was all I needed. Finally, I am a woodworker, and a bench made en-
tirely of wood has a deep appeal for me.
Making this bench is more heavy work than it is hard, although the tail vise is somewhat
complicated. Many of the parts are so large that joining them bor- and arms. I am 5 ft. 9 in. and a little short in the leg. My benchtop is
ders on timber framing. A second pair of hands comes in handy for 32 in. high.
some stages on the project. Besides wood, you will need to order two other items: -in.-dia.
wooden bench screws and threaded blocks, which you can get
Some heavy lifting will be required from Crystal Creek Mill (P.O. Box 41, DeWitt, NY 13214; 315-446-
The bench can be made of just about any type of hardwood. Be- 1229). Mention this project to get the same components I used. The
cause this is a workbench, practicality governed my choices. In my three screw-and-block sets will run you $195.
region, yellow birch is cheaper than maple but isn't available You can cut your own threads if you have a large tap and die suit-
above 10/4. So I used birch for the 2-in.-thick parts and hard maple ed for this job (one that's at least in. dia. with 5 tpi or fewer).
for the thicker ones. If you cannot find 12/4 hardwood, you can Antique tap-and-die sets for wood may be found at a flea market
glue up your stock. or tag sale. The tap would be the most useful of the two, because
Before cutting any wood, determine what bench height is com- it would allow you to make the threaded end batten near the tail
fortable for you. When working with hand tools, it is more efficient vise out of one piece of wood. Without it you'll have to join one of
and easier if you can bring into play all of the larger muscle groups the threaded blocks to the end of the batten. The Beall Tool Co.
in your body, above all those in your legs and back. Most benches (800-331-4718; offers wood-threading kits for
are too high for me, forcing me to work only with my shoulders making -in.-dia., 5-tpi screws and nuts. It includes a router jig
Timber-frame techniques. Use a circular saw to cut the tenon shoulders on these large beams.
The cheeks are then cut on the bandsaw. Get an assistant, if you can find one, to help you support
the long, heavy timbers. For the mortises in the legs, first drill out the waste, then square with a
chisel. Afterward, the tenons are pared to fit the mortises.
and bit and a -in.-dia. tap, which would solve the aforemen-
tioned joinery problem.
You'll also need 16 bed bolts and a wrench, which you can get
from Ball and Ball Hardware Reproductions (800-257-3711).
After angling the sides of the threaded Circular saw comes in handy again. Cut the After chopping out the waste, pare the
blocks, lay out their recesses. The trape- shoulders first, then cut some kerfs through the sides. Use one of the threaded blocks to guide
zoidal shape gives mechanical strength to this waste section. your chisel.
joint, which is also glued.
which are set into the plank. Bevel the sides of two of the three
threaded blocks (the other one is for the tail-vise assembly). Then
use the blocks to lay out their recesses. Lay out these notches so
that the blocks project slightly from the front edge of the bench-
top; plane them flush later. Cut the deep notches with a handsaw
or circular saw, and clean up the walls with a wide chisel.
The top is far too thick for the wood screws to clear it on the bot-
tom side, so you have to cut channels for clearance. Tap the nuts
into place temporarily to see where the threaded holes line up
with the bench. Cut the channel edges first, with a straightedge
clamped on the plank to guide your circular saw. Then make a lot
of kerf cuts through the center and chop out the waste.
Now you can glue in the threaded nuts. Leave the tops slightly
proud and plane them flush after the glue is dry. Plane the front
edges flush, too. Next, cut out the large notch for the tail vise. A cir-
cular saw will cut through most of the stock, but you will need a
handsaw to complete the corner. Clean up the sawcuts with a Cut clearance
channels for the
handplane, keeping everything square (not the easiest task but vise screws. Tap
very important). Rout the long groove along the notch, and finish the threaded
it with a sharp chisel. blocks into place
The last task in preparing the front plank is to cut the dog holes. temporarily to de-
Although you can use any type of dog you prefer, I chose the termine the loca-
clever, low-tech type I found on the original. The dog holes are tion of these chan-
in. square, and each square dog has a slight taper planed onto nels. Remove the
blocks before cut-
one face. There is a dog for each hole in the bench. Each is tapped
ting. Define the
into place from below, narrow-side up, and sits flush with the top edges with a circu-
until it is needed. Tap it with a mallet until it projects slightly above lar saw, kerf out
the surface and tightens in place. The dog holes are roughly in. the middle, then
apart, but some are offset to avoid the screws for the front vise. chop out the waste.
benches I have examined, in which the user has to pull the vise
END BATTEN jaw backward after loosening the screws, the jaw on this bench
has garters that mate with a groove in the screws and keep the jaw
and screws moving together.
Drill the two holes in the jaw for the wooden screws. Then cut
the slots for the garters. Make the garters out of hardwood. One at
a time, place a screw through the jaw and tap the garter into place.
Turn the screws to test the fit of the garters. Before gluing them in-
to place, be sure they aren't rubbing too tightly against the screw.
threads in the batten, I had to find a way to join one of the thread- Cut the mortise for the garter and tap it into place. You cannot
ed blocks to it. I settled on a version of a scarf joint that provides avoid cutting into the dovetails when you make this mortise. Drill
some mechanical support and plenty of glue surface. and square the dog hole in the jaw the same way as those in the
The vise itself is a three-sided box with closed ends. The jaw end benchtop. This hole should fit between the dovetails.
is a 4-in.-square piece of hardwood. I glued up mine in a sandwich Use bed bolts to secure the end batten to the thick part of the
from thinner stock, which made it easier to create the tongue that benchtop. Make the small retainer bracket through which the nar-
protrudes from this block. A hole in the inside surface of the jaw row guide strip passes and screw it into place on the end batten.
receives the end of the vise screw. The other end piece is 8/4 and The vise may work somewhat stiffly at first but will eventually
has a clearance hole drilled through it for the screw. The ogee con- wear in so that it moves smoothly and without effort. Waxing the
tour on this piece is more decorative than functional. moving surfaces will help the action.
The top and side pieces of this box are in. thick and joined to I completed my bench by finishing it with several coats of boiled
the jaw with large half-blind dovetails. The bottom is in. thick linseed oil thinned with a little turpentine. Let the wood absorb as
and joined the same way. There also is a guide strip on the bottom, much oil as possible before wiping off the excess.
which is in. thick and also dovetailed to the jaw and end pieces.
Make all of the parts for the tail vise, then test their fit and action Mike Dunbar is a contributing editor. He and his wife, Sue, run a Windsor
before glue-up. chair-making school in Hampton, N.H.
Installing a Cast-Iron Vise
t’s hard to imagine working in a shop that doesn’t mean the procedure is fool- you consider the bench location, its
that lacks a good bench-mounted vise. proof. To minimize the fussiness factor, design and you—or more specifically,
After all, woodworkers come from the there are a few worthwhile points to keep your handedness.
factory with just two hands, and we need in mind—including a little preinstalla-
both of them to use most tools. So it usu- tion planning. Bench location and design—When a
ally takes some help to keep a workpiece bench is positioned well away from the
fixed firmly in place. Where to put it walls, allowing all-around access, the vise
The cast-iron style of vise has long been a At first glance, a workbench seems to offer can be installed adjacent to any of the cor-
staple in woodworkers’ shops, and for a number of places to locate a vise. But a ners. But if the bench butts against a wall,
good reason. A cast-iron vise that’s well few spots can be eliminated quickly. Any both corners of that side of the bench are
maintained can last several generations, vise centered on the front, back or end of a eliminated as options. If the bench has to
and a workpiece locked in its grip won’t bench is sure to be in your way, so the vise go in a corner, the options become fewer.
easily budge. almost always ends up installed near a cor- So it’s best not to finalize the vise location
A cast-iron vise has another plus: It ner to make it as unobtrusive as possible. until you’ve considered where the bench is
generally installs without much fuss. But Your options narrow even further when going to go.
Align the
holes with
the end-
vise dog.
Used with a benchdog, an end vise
allows a longer board to be
clamped quickly face-down on
the bench for planing, scraping
or sanding.
If you’re going to mount only one vise, a front vise offers the
most useful clamping options. A board clamped horizontally
in a front vise is perfectly positioned for edge-planing.
Clamp it vertically, and the end of the board can be planed
or sawed easily.
Attach the filler block, then the vise, using lag screws. You might think that about does it,
Filler block but to get the most out of the vise, you should cover the metal jaws and edge of the table next.
Measure, mark and cut out the mortise. On many vises, the face of the back
jaw isn’t square to the benchtop. To make sure the mortise ends up deep enough,
measure the depth from the thickest part of the jaw. Use a drill bit to remove most
of the waste stock before using a router to clean out the waste that remains.
benchtop’s design. The pro- should be wide and long enough to cover
cedure outlined here covers the bracket and thick enough to produce
the most common installa- the intended spacing.
tion, one where the back jaw
of the vise simply butts Install the filler block and vise—Before
against the edge of a top securing the block to the underside of the
A long face. A mortise in the back face accepts the back that’s about 11⁄2 in. thick. top, drill and counterbore it for four lag
jaw. The face extends the full length of the benchtop, which
Cast-iron vises, especially screws. Position the block on the benchtop
will make it easier to clamp long boards.
large ones, are heavy and and drill the pilot holes. Add glue, then slip
awkward to hold. So try to the lag screws into the holes and thread
work with the benchtop them home.
benches include both front and end vises. If turned upside down, as shown here. If Now position the vise on the block, with
a bench is limited to having just one vise, flipping the top isn’t an option, you can the back jaw firmly against the edge of the
it’s best to install it as a front vise, because make the vise easier to handle by remov- bench. Then drill the pilot holes and add
most of us naturally gravitate toward the ing the front jaw along with the screw and the lag screws. If you’ve been working
front of the bench. guide bars. with the benchtop upside down, now’s the
time to flip it right-side up.
Think right or left—More than anything Include a filler block—Ideally, when the
else, your handedness determines the best vise is installed, the top edge of the jaws Make the faces—A workpiece secured in
vise location. Right-handers usually like a should be 1⁄2 in. to 3⁄4 in. below the top of the vise is less likely to dent if the cast-iron
front vise on the left of the bench. That the bench. The extra space allows room for jaws have wood faces. The faces can be in-
way, when crosscutting a board with a the wood face, added later, to cover the top stalled several ways.
handsaw, the cutoff end can be held by the of the jaw. A quick method is simply to screw a rec-
left hand. Also, on some vises, the dog extends al- tangular piece of hardwood stock to the
When the front vise is installed on the most 1⁄2 in. above the jaws, even when the jaws of the vise. Most jaws have predrilled
left, you’ll want the end vise added to the dog is fully lowered. Unless the jaws are holes, making the job an easy one.
right, near the front corner. Reverse the lo- well below the benchtop, the dog will al- I prefer to mortise the back face to accept
cations if you’re a lefty. ways stick above the work surface. the back jaw. Also, I like to extend the back
To get that extra space, you’re likely to face the full length of the bench. Effective-
How to mount it need a wood filler block between the un- ly then, the back face becomes part of the
There are several ways to install a cast-iron derside of the benchtop and the mounting edge of the benchtop. So when a long
vise; your best option depends on the bracket portion of the vise. The block board is clamped on edge in the vise, the
Attach the back face to the edge of the benchtop. To fill in the gap between the back face Plane the top edge of the face. A sharp
and the back jaw of the vise, add a couple of strips of epoxy putty to the mortise just before apply- handplane is all it takes to get the face flush
ing the face to the bench (left). After coating the jaw with paste wax, attach the face with a few with the top of the bench.
wood screws driven into counterbored holes (right).
board remains in contact with the back Next, attach the back face, using the vise to front face cants toward the back face. That’s
face the full length of the bench. That clamp one end. The top edge of the face actually a plus because it helps the vise
makes it easier to clamp the end of the should stand proud of the benchtop by grip more tightly along the full width of the
board to the benchtop. ⁄16 in. Now add a bar clamp to the other end jaws. But if there’s too much cant, it can be
To create the mortise, first mark its of the face. Secure the face with screws dri- reduced quickly by handplaning a bevel on
length, width and depth on the back of the ven into counterbored holes, and add the entire inside surface of the front face.
back face. When measuring the depth, wood plugs to the holes. For the final step, add a finish to the two
keep in mind that most jaws taper in thick- The front face is just rectangular stock faces, preferably one that matches the fin-
ness, meaning the back jaw usually isn’t that’s attached by driving screws through ish on the original benchtop.
square to the benchtop. So to make sure holes in the front jaw. Because the front
the jaw can fit fully into the mortise, mea- jaw has a taper, like the back jaw, the Tom Begnal is an associate editor.
sure the depth dimension at the bottom of
the jaw at its thickest point.
Once the mortise has been marked, use
a drill press and a Forstner bit to remove
most of the waste. Clean up the rest with
a router.
The Workbench
An illustrated guide to an essential
woodworking tool
n some parts of the world, woodworkers use the floor as their work surface. In Japan, it’s a nar-
row beam. But in the West, woodworkers traditionally have used a substantial workbench. In
fact, before tablesaws and routers became for most woodworkers their right and left hands, the
workbench was the most important tool of the craft. While it may no longer be the first tool a wood-
worker encounters in the shop, the workbench nevertheless remains at the heart of woodworking.
A closer appreciation of its uses and strengths can do much to improve your woodworking expe-
rience, so here’s a look at the development of the workbench, its major variations and the many
practical fixtures associated with its use.
Great moments in workbench history
Single-board top ROMAN BENCH
The prime purpose of the workbench is to fa-
cilitate the flattening and smoothing of
stock, typically by planing. So it is no sur-
prise that some of the earliest benches were
used by the Romans 2,000 years ago, be-
cause it was the Romans who first made use
Mortises for planing of the metal-bodied plane. The Roman bench
stops and board supports was little more than a long board supported
Splayed legs
by splayed legs and fitted with stops to pre-
vent a board from being pushed off the bench
Enclosed during planing. This bench remained popular
adjustable for more than four centuries after the demise
tail stop
of the Roman Empire and in some areas per-
sists even today. The drawing is based on a
Benchdog holes
photograph of a bench found in Saalburg,
Germany, 250 B.C.
Planing stops
After the Middle Ages, with the development
of more sophisticated forms of furniture,
benches grew larger and began to feature ad-
Movable ditional holding devices. By the 17th century,
Wedging notch vises had become common in Northern Eu-
rope. German and Scandinavian benches, in
particular, were fitted with vises very similar
to the large wooden tail and face vises that
face vise
were common on British benches until the in-
troduction of metal vises. The drawing is
based on one by Loffelholz, 1505.
Tool rack
Iron holdfast
Among the first distinctly American benches
were those built by the Shakers, a religious
sect famous for its simple but well-built furni-
ture. Shaker benches typically were massive and
without tool trays, and because the Shakers val-
ued order and neatness, their benches featured a
base that was fully enclosed for storage. The Shak-
ers also were fond of leg vises that could be kept vise
parallel, unlike the garterless face vises previously Sliding
deadman Heavy
common on workbenches. Because the cupboards
Enclosed base tail vise
and drawers in the base made the use of a bored
with storage
apron impossible, the Shakers often used a sliding
Tool trough
deadman to provide support for long workpieces.
Bench Benchdog
stop holes
tail vise
The workbenches we use today owe much to
the school bench that was common in the 19th
and early 20th centuries. The essential features
of this bench, whether single or double (like the
one illustrated), are a large work surface, usually
with a trough or a tool well, both end and face storage
vises (increasingly of the metal variety) and a
system of benchdog holes in the top used for
clamping workpieces. Metal face vise with
adjustable stop
Though there are countless variations, today’s workbenches
generally are based on either a cabinetmaker’s bench or a
Scandinavian-style bench. holes Holdfast collar
Ramped tool well
Face vise
Although many woodworkers prefer to build their Tail vise
A bench style popular with many wood-
workers, the Scandinavian bench is fit-
ted with either a standard tail vise or a
balanced vise that can hold work-
pieces between benchdogs on both
edges of the top, as shown. The
Scandinavian bench is characterized Dogleg vise requires
freestanding deadman
by a dogleg face vise, considered by support.
those who use it to be superior to the
standard face vise because there are
no screws to get in the way of the
Bench accessories
A bench with vises, even when everything is in top condition and perfectly adjusted, is still only half the asset it might be—unless it’s fur-
nished with a variety of devices, such as benchdogs, holdfasts and bench hooks
nailed to
Metal dog bench BENCH STOPS
Side dog A bench stop is designed to pre-
vent the workpiece from being
pushed off the bench. In its sim-
Adjustable: plest form, it may be a small
may be wedged
or screwed piece of scrap clamped or
tacked anywhere on the bench.
An integral stop, whether a sim-
ple wooden stop held in place
Wooden dog,
with wooden and at the right height by fric-
spring tion, wedge or a simple screw,
Manufactured: metal, or one of the variously designed
height adjusted by
BENCHDOGS integral screw factory-made metal stops, is
Metal dogs may last longer and fit better, but wooden more convenient and often func-
dogs are easier to make and pose less of a threat to tions as the last stop in a line of
both tools and finished work surfaces. Side dogs also benchdogs.
can be extremely useful for holding stock against the
front apron.
ability to hold odd-shaped, flat and rectangular pieces, and the Use a narrow
pair to support
fact that it can be positioned anywhere on the bench. Don’t ago- long pieces.
nize over where to bore the first hole—you inevitably will need to
bore another hole somewhere else. A particularly useful place is
near a vise so that the vise and holdfast can be used together in a
variety of ways. Older benches typically were bored in various Use as a
shooting block
places along the length. to trim end grain
knew that when I eventually got around to building my dream In the front of the bench I had planned to use a typical cast-iron
workbench, it would have to meet a few basic requirements. vise with wood jaws until I ran across an Internet ad for a used pat-
It would have to be sturdy enough to last a few lifetimes. It ternmaker’s vise, and I couldn’t resist the temptation to buy. The
would have to have storage underneath. And it would have to vise, built in the 1930s by the Emmert Manufacturing Co., allows
have good front and end vises so that I wouldn’t have to do a lot me to clamp a workpiece in almost any position. Patternmakers fa-
to get a workpiece held securely. vor this type of vise because it adjusts in several planes, making it
In 1998, I finally built my bench. And I’m pleased to say that after possible to hold work of almost any shape. Like me, you’ll occa-
five years of heavy work, it has fulfilled my expectations, and then sionally see a used Emmert vise offered for sale on the Internet.
some. It’s rock solid and has plenty of useful storage, thanks to 15 Also, you can sometimes find them at vintage tool dealers or, more
drawers and an area of open space between the base and the top. rarely, at flea markets. Expect to pay upwards of $500 for one in
Building such a large workbench can be an intimidating task, but good condition.
it’s actually basic woodworking. The only parts of the bench that My vise is one of the larger ones Emmert produced. Modern re-
call for anything other than straightforward biscuit and mortise- productions of the vise are available in mostly smaller sizes, gen-
and-tenon joinery is the end vise. Whether you decide to build this erally about 15 in. long. Some of these are fairly inexpensive, about
bench using the foldout plans or add the end vise to a bench you $300, and the quality is decent. Higher-quality ones can cost more
already have, this article walks you through the process. than $1,000.
A sliding board jack helps support long, wide stock, with the
Vises, benchdogs and a board jack help anchor workpieces front end of the stock held in the Emmert vise. The board jack is
The front and end vises, along with benchdogs and a board jack, adapted directly from one I found in The Workbench Book by Scott
offer plenty of clamping options. Landis (The Taunton Press, 1987), modified only slightly to fit my
bench. The bottom track screws to the bottom frame, capturing bench will make it much more user-friendly. Building the end
the board jack. An occasional application of paste wax to the vise is also the trickiest part of the process.
tracks keeps the jack sliding smoothly. The end-vise hardware consists of four parts (the vise hardware
is available from Woodcraft—800-225-1153): a main plate that in-
End vise adds versatility cludes a cylindrical nut; a long screw with a flanged bracket and
I originally considered a commercially made twin-screw end handle collar; a top guide plate with a lengthwise groove and a
The jaws on an Emmert patternmaker’s vise adjust in
vise, but in the end the extra versatility that a traditional vise of- pair of threaded bolt holes; and a bottom guide plate with a cor- three planes, a feature that can prove useful when
fers has made the effort worthwhile. Whether you build my responding groove and a pair of countersunk through-holes. A clamping odd-shaped parts. The jaws rotate 360°
bench from the ground up or not, adding an end vise to a work- pair of bolts is also included. By the way, it’s important to have (left), pivot 90° (center) and taper (right).
Begin gluing the vise parts. Glue the end, the jaw, the dog-hole Add the front piece. Apply glue to the tails on the front piece and the
block and the top. You’ll need several clamps to squeeze the four pins on the end and jaw, then use a mallet to tap the front into place.
parts together.
2 5⁄8 in. ⁄4 in.
double dovetails that join the front to the end and the jaw. Double
I N S TA L L I N G T H E E N D V I S E dovetails simply are small dovetails cut between larger ones (see
Secure the the top photos on p. 54). They require a lot of chopping by hand,
main plate. Po- even after hogging out much of the waste with Forstner bits. Plus,
sition the top it takes special care to avoid breaking the pins at the narrow end.
edge of the plate Mark the tails on each end of the front, then use a backsaw to re-
slightly above
move a good part of the waste. Finish the work with a chisel. Now
the bottom edge
of the groove in mark the pin profile. I clamped the jaw on end in the Emmert vise
the top. and used a chisel to mark most of the pin profile, reaching places
my marking knife couldn’t. Remove the pin waste using the drill
press. You can do this with Forstner bits and then finish with a
chisel. Repeat the steps to cut the pins on the end piece.
The dog-hole block has three tenons on each end that fit into
mortises cut into the end and the jaw. Cut the dog holes first, then
Slide the top
plate onto the use a router to expand the top end slightly, creating a small step.
main plate. The top piece has a spline groove on three edges. Cut matching
When properly grooves in the end, the jaw and the dog-hole block.
located, the top After dry-fitting all of the parts to make sure everything goes to-
guide plate gether okay, glue and clamp the end, the jaw, the top and the dog-
should slide hole block. Then glue the front in place.
smoothly along
the main plate
without interfer- Mount the vise—The entire vise hangs on the main plate that
ence. mounts at the notch in the right end of the top. But, before the vise
can be mounted, you need to cut a groove in the edge of the top
to provide clearance for the upper guide plate. A router and an
edge guide, with the router operated horizontally, can be used to
create most of the groove. A chisel is used to extend the groove to
the corner of the notch.
Before the main plate can be mounted, a shallow hole must be
drilled in the edge of the benchtop to provide clearance for the
bolt head on the back of the plate. Finally, glue the cleat in place.
The top edge of the main plate must be parallel to the benchtop,
and the front edge of the plate must be flush with the front of the
end cap. It also must be located a distance from the benchtop
that’s equal to the thickness of the top plus the thickness of the top
guide plate, minus the depth of the groove in the guide plate.
Once everything is lined up, drive a couple of screws to secure
the main plate in place. The remaining screws will be installed af-
ter the vise has been test-fitted. Next, add the core. Temporarily
place the top guide plate on the core and slide the two parts into
the vise. While squeezing the plate between the core and the un-
Mount the vise. With the cylindrical nut on the main plate roughly derside of the top, drive four screws through the back of the core
aligned with the open space at the back end of the core cavity, slip and into the dog-hole block. Once the core has been installed, re-
the vise onto the guide plate. Then thread the screw into the nut. move the plate. Now drill a hole in the jaw and slip the screw
through the hole and into the core. A pair of screws driven through
Bolt the guide
the flange secure the screw to the vise.
plates. After
Next, with the top guide plate resting on the main plate, slip the
slipping the low-
er guide plate vise over the guide plate. Position the vise so that the cylindrical
onto the bottom nut ends up in the opening between the end of the screw and the
edge of the main back of the core.
plate, add the To complete the vise assembly, insert the two bolts supplied with
two bolts that the hardware through holes drilled earlier in the core. Snug up
thread into
each bolt with a few turns of an adjustable wrench. The wood han-
tapped holes in
dles are made from maple dowels, with ends made from hard-
the upper guide
plate. wood balls that are available from a number of woodworking
mail-order outfits.
T WINTER 2003/2004
holes in front vise jaw. end vise and 6 in. o.c., are
aligned with dogs in end vise.
his latest attempt to design a woodworker’s bench is built on
the foundation of the dozens that have graced the pages of
this publication, starting with Tage Frid’s in the fall of 1976
(FWW #4). His includes a built-in tool tray, a shoulder vise on the
left, and a tail vise on the right, with a single row of dog holes
along the front apron—much different from the bench seen here. Dowels, 7⁄16 in. dia.,
Roundover chamfered on tip
Frid’s bench is a classic northern-European design that traces its on trestle
roots back centuries before the introduction of electricity. Frid’s members
and vise jaws,
bench and Frank Klausz’s very similar design a few years later 2 1⁄8-in. radius
(FWW #53) have influenced modern bench builders for decades. Stretchers, 1 3⁄4 in. thick by 4 in.
Several Fine Woodworking editors and I recently collaborated wide by 50 5⁄8 in. long overall
(includes an extra 1⁄16 in. on each
on designing an essential workbench for today’s woodworker, one ANATOMY tenon for trimming after wedging)
that is straightforward to build without compromising perfor- OF A WORKBENCH
mance. This bench was designed to be a tool—more workhorse
This bench consists of (and
than showpiece. We did not include traditional components simply construction proceeds in this order): Tenons, 1 in. thick
for history’s sake, and we took advantage of modern innovations. by 3 1⁄4 in. wide by
a trestle base joined with mortise- 3 1⁄16 in. long
We also wanted this bench to be a project that most woodworkers and-tenons; a thick top laminated
could build using tools found in an average small shop: tablesaw, from boards set on edge; and front
portable planer, crosscut saw, router, drill press, and hand tools. The and end vises, both with wood jaws.
51 in. 28 in.
Tongue, 3⁄4 in. thick Slot End caps, 1 3⁄4 in. thick by
by 11⁄16 in. long 6 in. wide by 27 3⁄4 in. long,
are glued to the top at the
front and barrel-bolted at
the center and rear.
Wedges, 5°
⁄2 in.
Top dovetail is
centered on slot.
The feet are pinned to the legs. Start by drilling the dowel holes in the feet, dry-fitting the joints, and transferring (left)
the dowel-hole locations to the tenons. Then use a center punch (center) to offset those locations slightly on the tenons,
creating the draw effect. Last, apply glue to all surfaces, assemble the joint, and drive home the dowels (right).
only heavy-duty tool I used was a 3-hp tablesaw. Ripping lots of 8/4 The editors thought 2 in. in top thickness would be plenty, with ex-
maple puts a strain on even a large saw, so use a clean, sharp blade. tra thickness at the edges, but I made this top 21⁄2 in. thick because
it wasn’t much more difficult to mill and laminate thicker pieces.
A durable workbench requires beefy parts However, if you start with a premade bench slab, the standard
Avid woodworkers themselves, FWW editors regularly visit shops 13⁄4-in. thickness offers plenty of mass and solidity for serious hand-
across the country, and they see a wide array of workbench con- tool use, especially after adding the thicker apron and end caps.
figurations. Like all woodworkers, they know what they like and Gluing up the slab allowed me to machine the square dog holes
don’t like. In the end we all compromised a bit, but we reached a before the pieces were assembled. Round dog holes might be a
solid consensus. My own involvement arose from having spent the better option for a premade slab because square ones are best cut
last year researching and writing a book on workbenches (look for while the top slab is in pieces.
it in the fall of 2004 from The Taunton Press). I was commissioned
to finalize this design, write the article, and build the bench. Heavy, rigid base—I wanted the benchtop and base to be nicely
proportioned. Many benches I’ve seen look like top-heavy slabs
A thick, solid top—We decided on an overall size of 28 in. wide on spindly legs. Also, it was important that the bench not rack or
by 6 ft. long. Add a few inches for vise jaws, and it’s a nice, big top. skid across the floor under heavy handplaning. A thick trestle base,
A jig makes
easy work
of mortises
There are 16 mortises
(and tenons) in the base
but only two different
sizes. Make two mortis-
ing jigs to speed up lay-
out and guide the chisels.
The jig is made from three
blocks glued and screwed
together, with a fence Locate and lay out the mortises. Drill out most of the waste. The Chop out the rest with chisels. Re-
attached on each side to With the jig, this job should go quickly. layout lines will guide you. For the move most of the material with a 1⁄2-in.
hug the workpiece. blind mortises, set the drill chisel before switching to a wider one.
press’s depth stop. The jig will guide the chisels precisely.
joined with pinned or wedged mortise-and-tenons, guarantees sta-
bility. I laminated 8/4 lumber to make these thick members (and
the top slab) because 8/4 is readily available in most regions.
THROUGH-TENONS ARE WEDGED Splitting the stretchers, two high and two low, leaves a perfect
opening for a future cabinet with drawers. The traditional single,
wide stretcher would have saved some time, but it also would
have blocked this natural storage area.
Joint and plane the pieces. Glue up the top. The base makes a level Use cauls to keep the slab flat. Wrap
Run them through the planer glue-up platform, but protect it from them with clear tape for easy cleanup. Snug
on edge to ensure uniformity. drips. Use a notched card to spread glue. them down first, then clamp across the width.
and still have quick action. However, a cast-iron vise also would
Milling benchdog holes have been fine (see FWW #158, pp. 56-59, for proper installation),
Notch for and a patternmaker’s vise is an interesting option.
Cut the holes for the Square dog face
square benchdogs benchdog
Both square and round benchdogs—The debates over round vs.
with a dado blade square and wood vs. metal will go on as long as folks work wood.
before glue-up. The
All dogs have advantages, but I prefer square, steel ones. How-
notches for the dog
ever, lots of accessories are designed to fit into 3⁄4-in. round holes,
faces can be routed
or chopped out with a
so I incorporated both types into the bench. For the end vise, I
chisel. milled square dog holes to fit specific steel dogs. But I can make
Dog hole is angled wood ones if I choose, fitting them to the holes for the metal dogs.
3° toward the end vise.
I ran two rows of 3⁄4-in. round dog holes for the front vise. This
Dado the dog gives me the option of using round dogs as well as hold-downs
holes. Use a and holdfasts, which use 3⁄4-in. holes. The round dog holes also pro-
crosscut sled vide the option of locating and securing jigs with 3⁄4-in. dowel pins.
with a wedge
against the fence No tool tray—I like tool trays, but many woodworkers think they
to cut the slots at are only good for collecting debris. Although this design lacks one,
a 3° angle. A
a tool tray could be attached easily to the back of the benchtop.
square pin sets
the distance be- Keep in mind that the large space between the stretchers will
tween dog slots. house a small chest of drawers for protected storage close at hand.
Flatten the slab. A five-board section of the top slab is narrow enough Now glue three sections into one big slab. Place a try square across
to fit through a benchtop planer. the dog holes and use a long bar clamp diagonally to correct any mis-
alignment. Again, use lots of clamps and cauls to keep the sections level.
portable planer on edge to clean each edge and bring the pieces to the stretchers in place. Put glue in the mortises and on the tenons as
final width. If there’s any fitting to be done, it’s easier to do it on the well as on the wedges and in the wedge slots. At every step of the
tenons, so cut the mortises first, using a four-sided guide block to way, measure diagonally to make sure everything stays square,
help with the chisel work. Then cut the tenons on the tablesaw, and sight across the trestle tops to be sure the assembly doesn’t
using a dado set. twist as you clamp it. Your eye will pick up minute variations.
Cutting the thumbnail profile—For the next task, cutting a Build the top
large thumbnail profile on the feet, it will be worth your time to in- The boards for the top are plainsawn 8/4 stock set on edge and
stall a sharp new blade on the bandsaw. Before cutting the curve, laminated face to face. The top’s finished thickness is 21⁄2 in., but
I used a tablesaw and a crosscut sled to cut the small step at the top you should expect some bowing when you rip the boards from
of the profile. After the bandsaw cut, the smoothing went quickly wider stock, so rip the boards for the slab just under 3 in. wide. Once
using a rasp and some files, followed by sandpaper. the strips have stabilized for a day or two, joint them straight on
one edge, rip them on the tablesaw to about 23⁄4 in., and then plane
Assembling the base—Start with the two trestle assemblies; it’s them on edge to about 25⁄8 in. This leaves the pieces 1⁄8 in. oversize
critical that they be flat and square. After the dowels have been dri- to allow for finish planing after each section is glued up. Cut the
ven home and the glue has set, dry-fit and then glue and wedge slots for the square dogs now, while the pieces are separate.
Use the simple two-fence jig shown. Rout deep slots in both
sides of the slab, then use a jigsaw to cut off the waste, leaving
square shoulders and a tongue that will fit into the end caps.
Cut the right-hand set of half-blind dovetails. First, cut the tails in the Attach the large vise nuts to the
front apron, and then clamp the front apron in place with the right-hand end back of the end cap. Also, finish cut-
cap behind it to transfer the layout of the dovetails. ting and fitting the dovetails.
Most woodworkers have a portable surface planer capable of router jig will allow you, in one operation, both to trim each end
planing a 12-in.-wide board. So glue up and mill the 26-in. top slab accurately and to create some necessary joinery (see the bottom
in three sections of five boards, each able to fit through the planer photos on p. 43). By cutting deep dadoes on the top and bottom of
and easier to handle than the full slab. the slab, a tongue is formed, which fits into a slot milled into the
Clamping with cauls is a two-step process. First, align the boards end cap. Cut the remaining 3⁄4-in. tongue to length with a jigsaw
by applying clamp pressure to the cauls. After the boards are in (not an important glue surface so not a critical cut). Cut the mating
line, clamp them together horizontally. Aside from straight cauls, slots in the end caps using a dado set on the tablesaw.
the other key to success is a flat gluing surface. The top cross-
members on the base form the perfect platform to prevent the top Install the end caps and front apron—The end caps cover the
from twisting during glue-up. end grain of the top slab and help keep the slab flat. The right-
A damp (not wet) toothbrush makes short work of cleaning the hand end cap also serves as the rear jaw for the end vise. The front
glue out of the dog holes as long as this is done immediately after apron beefs up the thickness at this critical work area and serves
the slab is clamped up. Once the glue has set for an hour or so, re- as the rear jaw for the front vise. I not only needed a strong me-
move the cauls and scrape off the excess glue. Let each slab cure chanical joint holding the front apron to the end caps, but I also
overnight before moving on to the next one. wanted the areas that act as vise jaws to remain flat, with no end
grain protruding as it would if I used through-dovetails or finger
Plane the sections before gluing up the entire slab—If the joints at the corners. Half-blind dovetails seemed to be the perfect
cauls have been placed correctly, the glued slab sections should be solution, oriented as shown in the drawing on p. 39.
flat with no twist. Remove any leftover glue from the top surfaces. After cutting the joinery but before gluing the end caps and front
Then, with the top surface of the slabs down on the planer bed, rail in place, use a drill press to bore the holes for the vise hard-
run them through, taking light cuts until the bottom surface is ware. Mount the end caps with cross-barrel bolts. The Veritas vise
clean. Turn the slabs top-surface-up and run them through again, includes four of these; use two for each end cap. Apply glue only
taking light cuts until the top surface is clean. Turn them over once along the front 3 in. or 4 in. of the tongue and the groove. This lim-
more and plane the underside until you reach the 21⁄2-in. thickness. its wood movement of the slab toward the back of the bench.
Gluing together the slabs is a lot like gluing up the individual sec- The front apron is attached to the slab with glue only (and help
tions. Again, use the top crossmembers on the base and lots of cauls from the half-blind dovetails).
to keep the pieces aligned. Then it’s simple to close the last of the
glue joints. However, check the dog-hole locations with a square Mount the vises and attach the top
to be sure they all will be the same distance from the end vise. Both vises come with thorough instructions, making the hardware
straightforward to mount. The twin-screw vise attaches to the
A neat trick for trimming the slab to length—Not many of us bench rather simply, with its two large screws passing through
own a saw capable of accurately crosscutting a very heavy slab al- large nuts attached to the inner face of the end cap. It’s critical that
most 21⁄2 ft. wide and more than 6 ft. long. For this project, a simple holes in the front and rear jaws align perfectly, so drill them at the
Now for the front vise. Start by attaching Locate the clearance holes in the front apron. Clamp the front apron accurately in place and tap a
the mounting bracket under the benchtop. brad-point drill bit through the holes in the hardware to transfer their locations. Drill the holes in the
The blocking under the bracket will in- front apron and front vise jaw at the same time.
crease the clamping capacity.
same time. The length of the chain determines the distance between
holes, so careful layout is in order. The vertical location of the holes
is determined by adding 11⁄2 in. to the thickness of the top slab to
allow the large vise nuts to clear the underside of the benchtop.
Mounting the front-vise hardware and the large wood jaw is
even more straightforward. First, the mounting bracket must be
bolted to the underside of the benchtop. I used 5⁄16-in. lag screws.
Next, the vise screw and guide bars are run through the bracket to
locate their clearance holes in the front rail. Last, make the large
wood jaw and bolt it to the vise hardware. Somewhere along the
way, the front jaws for both vises must receive their large thumb-
nail profile, identical to the one on the trestle feet.
Once you have all of the hardware and vises in place, mill a 1⁄8-in.
bevel on each of the outside jaws to accommodate flex in the Attach the front-vise hardware to the front jaw. Use the vise hard-
ware to clamp the front jaw in its proper position before drilling for the
hardware as the jaws tighten, which helps them maintain good
attachment screws. Last, cut the half-blind dovetails on the left-hand
clamping pressure at the top. Now you can attach the top to the end cap and attach it.
base. Two lag bolts along the centerline of the bench are plenty for
attaching the benchtop to the trestle base.
the action to a
comfortable height Dog holes,
⁄ in. dia.,
spaced 21 ⁄ 2 in.
on center
33 ⁄4 in.
13 ⁄4 in.
13 ⁄4 in. TOP VIEW
11 ⁄ 2 in.
33 ⁄4 in.
2 in.
17⁄ 8 in.
51 ⁄ 2 in.
41 ⁄4 in.
This benchtop bench elevates
a workpiece several inches
above a regular workbench,
so it is more comfortable
to do such tasks as cutting,
carving, and routing.
The trestles and stretchers are assembled using mortise-and-
tenon construction, giving the benchtop bench solid footing.
Access hole
drilled from
the inside face
houses the
hex nut.
Tenon, 1 ⁄ 2 in.
Foot thick by 2 in.
wide by 1 1 ⁄4 in.
Bolt, 3 ⁄4 in. dia. Glue up the trestles, then attach the stretchers. A long bolt connects the
by 4 in. long end of each stretcher to the trestles. Note the access hole in the stretcher.
glue up the trestles, spread glue in the mortises and screws. I used a (roughly) 5⁄ 8-in.-dia. screw, with the
very lightly on the tenons, push the parts together, then outside of the veneer-press nut measuring about 1 in.
clamp up. Check for square and adjust, if necessary. dia., although it tapered slightly. Drill the hole for the
The stretchers need to be drilled for the bolts that screw in the vise jaw, and the hole for the nut in the
will hold the base together. Use the bolt holes in the bench face. The end plate that comes with each screw
trestle legs as drill guides. Dry-assemble the base and will not be used. You can remove the plate simply by
Hardware clamp it together, but leave access to the bolt holes. loosening the mounting screw.
Sources Be sure to drill to depth straight; use a self-centering Enlarge the hole for the veneer-press nut, concentrat-
dowel jig, if you need to. ing on the end of the hole nearest the benchtop. Tap
VENEER-PRESS Mark the locations for the hex-nut access holes on the the nut into place to check your progress. (The paint
SCREW inside faces of the stretchers. Drill with a 114⁄ -in.-dia. Forst- on the nut will rub off when it is tapped in place,
ner bit to within 3⁄16 in. of the outside face of each stretch- leaving a clear picture of the areas that need relief.)
BENCH PUP er. The hex nuts and washers go into these holes. You can remove the nut by threading the veneer-press
Lee Valley Tools screw into place and then tapping the end of the screw
800-871-8158 Vise adds versatility (not the handle) with a mallet. The front vise makes it easy to clamp a workpiece Once the nut fits, trace the outline of the flange onto
either to the front of the bench or on top of it. While the inside of the bench face. Rout away enough wood
Woodcraft I wanted the vise to be simple and easy to make, I to allow the nut, and the screws that will attach it to
800-225-1153 also needed it to accept wide boards for dovetailing the face, to sit flush with or slightly below the surface. carcases. As it turned out, a couple of veneer-press Screw the nuts into place.
screws satisfied both requirements. Clamp the bench face into position so that the top
Mill the vise jaw and the bench face to their desig- edge is flush with the benchtop, and screw the two
nated thicknesses, then cut them to the same width and outermost screws into place (drill and countersink
length. Mark the locations for the veneer-press-screw pilot holes first). Turn over the benchtop and check
holes on the inside of the bench face. Clamp the vise jaw where the veneer-press screw will come through the
and bench face together and drill through the bench face. Depending on the size of your bench, you may
face into the jaw with a 1⁄8-in.-dia. drill bit. This hole helps have to rout a channel on the underside of the bench-
align the hole for the veneer-press nut with the one top for the veneer-press screw. Mark exactly where the
for the screw. Check the dimensions of the veneer-press channel will be, then remove the bench face to rout
Before attaching the bench face to the benchtop, drill the holes for the veneer-press
screws and install the hardware. The screws will close the vise jaw, but you’ll have to
pull it open manually.
Flange on the
nut is flush with
the surface (see
the photos at
Bench face
Veneer-press nut
Wood spacer, 3 ⁄ 8 in. mounts from the back
thick by 1 3 ⁄4 in. square side of the face.
Veneer-press screw
the channel. Reattach the face, and try to thread the vise
screw into place. Remove more wood as necessary.
The veneer-press-screw handles will need more clear-
ance to operate easily. Glue wooden spacers, roughly
3⁄ 8 in. thick by 13⁄4 in. square, over the veneer-press-
screw holes. Run the bit you used to drill these holes
through the spacers from inside the jaw. The vise jaw will
not open automatically when you loosen the veneer-
press screws. You can pull it open manually, or refine the
vise with two modified 5⁄ 8-in. drill-bit stop collars or
shaft collars. The bore of the collars might have to be
enlarged to fit on the veneer-press screw. A machine
shop can do this for you, or you can file it by hand.
Jeff Miller runs a custom furniture shop in Chicago, where he Attach the base. Mount the top to the base by driving three screws through holes
also offers woodworking classes ( (two slotted, one round) in each apron.
Build this versatile workbench
in a weekend for under $250
72 in. 33 in.
determined 19 1 ⁄2 in.
by vise size. 321 ⁄2 in.
10 in.
91 ⁄2 in.
31 ⁄2 in. wide by
54 7⁄8 in. long
Solid edging,
⁄ in. thick
3⁄ 4 in. thick
Outer apron slat,
31 ⁄2 in. wide by
I had wanted to build a sturdy workbench for some 47 7⁄8 in. long
time but was put off by the cost and complexity
of a traditional hardwood bench. I knew that such Upper center leg slat,
31 ⁄2 in. wide by
benches derive much of their strength and rigidity 19 1 ⁄2 in. long
from the mortises and tenons that join the framework,
and I wondered if there was a way to combine this
joinery with the inherent strength, rigidity, and dimen-
sional accuracy of plywood. The design I created has Outer leg slat,
a base of laminated sections of plywood and a top of 31 ⁄2 in. wide by
321 ⁄2 in. long
plywood and medium-density fiberboard (MDF).
An advantage of this design is that the piece can be
built without a planer or jointer, perfect for someone
just getting started in woodworking. For under $250
including a vise, I have a bench with the rigidity I de-
sired without breaking the bank.
Design the bench, create a cut plan, and begin Stretcher, same
This method of construction can be adapted to almost dimensions as
any size and type of bench: You could even construct
just the base and purchase a ready-made hardwood Deck screw,
top. My bench is 33 in. wide by 72 in. long by 34 in. 3 in. long
tall, a comfortable height for me to work at. It is also
1⁄ 8 in. lower than my tablesaw, allowing me to use the
bench as an auxiliary outfeed table. The cut plan I
used (see p. 56) allows you to create a bench with legs The aprons and legs are
made from laminated
up to 36 in. long, giving a bench height of 371⁄ 2 in. strips of 3⁄4-in. birch
All base components—legs, aprons, and stretch- plywood. The tenons and
ers—are laminations made from 39⁄16-in.-wide slats of mortises are created
3⁄4-in.-thick plywood. Set the tablesaw’s fence and rip Lower center leg during the lamination
slat, 31 ⁄2 in. wide process, eliminating the
all the strips without changing the setting. You always by 6 in. long need to cut joinery later.
Photos: Mark Schofield; drawings: Chuck Lockhart TOOLS & SHOPS 2006 55
P LY WO O D First
If you decide to build a
bench that is the same
size as mine, or one Waste used for assembly jigs.
that is slightly taller, use
these cut plans. I used
21 ⁄2 sheets of 4x8 birch OUTER APRON/STRETCHER SLATS
plywood and a sheet
of MDF from my local
home center. Have your
plywood seller make the 221 ⁄2 in.
shown to ease handling
the material.
Other materials
needed are 2-, 21 ⁄2-,
and 3-in.-long deck
screws, and a quart of
fresh PVA woodworking First cut 231 ⁄2 in.
glue. I’ve used both
Titebond II and III, but
particularly in hot, dry
conditions, glues with
extended open times
make alignment of the
laminations easier. BENCHTOP
The top consists of a layer of 3⁄4-in. plywood
topped with 3⁄4-in. MDF.
Second cut
15 in.
When gluing the stretchers and aprons,
use a jig to align the center slat at the
proper offset to create the tenon.
31 ⁄2 in.
⁄ in.
Construct the aprons and stretchers. These parts consist of a center strip of plywood that
includes the two tenons, and two shorter outer strips that form the shoulders of the tenon.
Have multiple clamps ready for use.
Assemble and glue stretchers and aprons—Make sert the spacer. After assembly, turn the stack so that
sure all like pieces are trimmed to exactly the same the spacer is sticking up. Using both sides of the jig,
length. Draw a line 31⁄ 2 in. from both ends of the keep the ends and edges of each slat in perfect align-
longer center-slat pieces, and mark the ends of both ment and the center slats pressed tightly against the
sides with an “X” to indicate non-glue areas. If you spacer as you apply clamping pressure. Apply two
are using pocket holes on the aprons, make sure the small clamps to both outside pairs of slats that form
holes are facing outward and upward.
Glue the three pieces of each component together,
the upper mortise.
After the glue has set, make cleanup cuts on the
being careful not to get any glue on the tenon ends. tablesaw. Use sandpaper to slightly chamfer the bottom Once you
Turn the assembly on edge so that the plies are facing edges of the finished legs to prevent splintering of the spread the
up and insert one end in the apron jig (see drawing, outer veneer if the bench is dragged across the floor.
top right). As you apply clamping pressure, keep the glue you’ll
slats aligned and pushed against the jig to maintain Assemble the frame sides, have to work
the 31⁄ 2-in. tenon and even cheeks. When the glue is then join them with plywood panels
dry, run both exposed-ply sides of each component Start by dry-fitting the tenon on each end of a stretcher
q u i c k l y, s o
through the tablesaw to clean them up. into its respective mortise. If a tenon extends beyond do a dr y run
Next, make the legs—Prior to assembly, make the the leg, trim it flush or slightly recessed. Lay a leg on a
first and
spacer blocks (see photos, p. 58) and wrap about 5 flat surface protected with waxed paper. Apply glue to
in. of each with clear tape. Used to create the lower the mortise-and-tenon, then insert the tenon and clamp have all the
mortise on each leg, the spacer is driven out after the lightly. Use a carpenter’s square to bring the stretcher components
leg has dried. Tape prevents glue from sticking to the and leg to exactly 90°, and tighten the clamp. Remove
spacer. The leg stack consists of two outside slats, the the excess glue with a damp cloth, put the joint aside i n o r d e r.
lower center piece, the spacer, the upper center piece, to set, and assemble the second leg and stretcher.
and two more outside slats. Locate the upper and Once the glue has set, remove the clamps and lay
lower mortise areas and mark both mating surfaces so the leg/stretcher down with the inside facing up. Drill
that you will remember not to apply glue there. four countersunk pilot holes at least 21⁄ 2 in. deep in-
A simple L-shaped jig helps to lay up the legs ac- to each joint and drive in waxed 3-in. deck screws.
curately. Glue the slats together, remembering to in- Reinforcing the joints in this manner may not be
Clamping the
leg. When the sec-
tions have been
glued together,
turn the assembly
upward and apply
the clamps. Waxed
paper protects
the work surface.
When the glue has
dried, knock out
the taped spacer
block with a mallet
and a thin piece of
wood to reveal the
Leg assembly. Insert a taped spacer block to hold open the lower mortise. An
L-shaped jig keeps the sections aligned. Use a generous amount of glue, but don’t
apply glue to those areas that face the spacer block.
distances are even, then tighten the clamps. Now drill
pilot holes 11⁄ 2 in. deep through the previously drilled
countersunk holes, and drive 21⁄ 2-in. deck screws.
Next, add two plywood shelves, the lower one at-
tached to the front and rear stretchers with 2-in. screws,
and the upper one screwed to battens attached with
3-in. screws through the end stretchers into the legs.
Because the shelves, sides, and top are screwed on, the
whole bench can be disassembled for moving.
2 3
⁄ in. wide
Box joint
1 ⁄4 in. deep
by 1 ⁄4 in.
wide, 1 ⁄4 in.
from bottom
Drawer bottom,
⁄ -in. plywood,
Groove, 21 1 ⁄2 in. deep Screw temporarily
1 ⁄8 in. thick by
by 19 in. wide holds drawer
3⁄8 in. deep
full-extension Drawer front, Inset brass
drawer slide ⁄ -in. plywood,
ring pull
Drawer side, Applied drawer front,
1 ⁄ 2-in. plywood, 19 1/2 in. long 3⁄4-in.-thick hardwood
Spline, 22 in. long
1 ⁄8-in. plywood,
5⁄8 in. wide
(less than
C O N S T RU C T I O N 1 ⁄4 in. from 1 ⁄8 in. thick),
5⁄8 in. wide
inside corner
The joinery is cut on the tablesaw, and
packing tape draws the joints together
tightly. For a utility cabinet like this, it
is quicker to apply edge-banding after Grooves,
assembly. ⁄ in. thick by
⁄ in. deep
⁄ -in. plywood
sizes as much as I could so that I could edging afterward. This let me cut rabbets
make several parts of the same size. Your and spline slots all the way through on
tools differ from mine, so size the drawers the tablesaw, because the front and back
accordingly. edges would be covered later. Also, the
One sheet of 3⁄4-in. maple plywood is long miters had to be perfect only at their
plenty for the carcases. I used three 5x5 outermost edges.
sheets of Baltic-birch plywood for the The first step is to cut all the carcase
drawers, one 1⁄ 2 in. thick for the drawer pieces about 1 in. oversize, making sure
sides and two 1⁄4 in. thick for the bottoms. the pieces are perfectly square. Next, mark
Heavy-duty, ball-bearing drawer slides the edges that get the miter cuts and rab-
offer smooth action and full extension, so bets: It is awfully easy to miter or rabbet
they were an easy choice. I used Accuride the wrong edges. Slot the edges for splines. Angle the saw-
3832 slides rated at 100 lb., which should be Angle the tablesaw blade just a bit be- blade at exactly 45° and locate the grooves
toward the fat corner of the edge.
plenty strong, even when I pull out a drawer yond 45° to ensure that the outside, vis-
slightly to help support a wide board or ible edges will be tight. If you cut four
panel held on edge in the front vise. small sample pieces, you can use tape to it fits loosely into a single blade kerf. A
For drawer pulls, I chose inset brass ring wrap them into a box to check your miter loose fit, with glue, is enough to provide
pulls, which match the brass benchdogs angles. Use very flat plywood for all of some insurance for the miter joints. If the
and won’t catch on cords. the cabinet parts; if it is bowed it might fit is too tight, the splines will bind when
lift off the saw’s table near the blade and inserted in the already-assembled box (see
Miter and spline the cabinet parts the miters won’t be accurate. Last, cut the photo, facing page). Angle the tablesaw
Some folks might prefer to edge-band the rabbets for the backs. blade at exactly 45° for the spline cuts.
plywood before cutting the miters and as- Splines reinforce the miters—I used When ripping the spline material to width,
sembling the boxes, but I chose to do the 1⁄ 8-in. plywood for the spline material, as leave plenty of clearance in the slots.
Packing tape will be your clamps. For these
large boxes, it is easiest to tape up pairs of
panels at a time. To close the joints, pull on the
tape as you apply it.
⁄ in.
Blade height equals
SUB-FENCE/JIG thickness of drawer
sides + 1 ⁄16 in.
The ends of each piece are identical. For the first cut, butt the top
edge of the workpiece against the key.
the edge-banding, using my fingertips to slides to work properly, it’s important to erence. After attaching the drawer slides
align it flush with the sides as I glued each have exactly 1⁄ 2 in. of space on either side of to the drawer boxes, align and mount the
piece. A 23-ga. micro-pinner leaves almost the drawer box. That’s one reason to build other half of the slides inside the cases.
invisible holes. Clamps or strips of mask- the cabinet boxes first. Then, when cutting To align the slides front to back, use a
ing tape can replace the nails, but you will the drawer box joints, you must realize that scrap of material equal to the thickness of
need lots of them. Work your way around raising or lowering the dado blade on the the drawer fronts plus the recommended
the edges of the cabinets, fitting and miter- tablesaw will affect the size of the finished offset. To align the slides top to bottom,
ing each piece as you attach it. drawer box. Once you have set the blade use a spacer panel placed under the slides,
height correctly, don’t move it. inside the cases, to be sure they are in-
Size the drawers carefully I run the box-joint fingers 1⁄16 in. extralong stalled uniformly.
In keeping with the practical nature of this so that I can sand them flush after the draw- Initially, I installed the slides with only
project, I chose box-jointed (also called er box is glued up. This means cutting the two screws. I got all the drawers installed
finger-jointed) drawer boxes with applied box parts 1⁄ 8 in. longer than I need them and adjusted so that they worked properly,
fronts. Box joints are strong, attractive, and and carefully adjusting the blade height and then I inserted the rest of the screws.
easy to cut using a sled on the tablesaw. 1⁄16 in. above the thickness of the parts.
(For more information on cutting these Applied drawer fronts are easier to fit
joints, see photos, above, and FWW #148 Install the drawer slides Now comes the fun part: installing the
pp. 60-63). Because these heavy-duty slides can be solid-wood drawer fronts. The challenge is
The applied drawer fronts go on after the mounted anywhere on the drawer side, I to have as fine and even a gap as possible
boxes are in place, making the fitting pro- was able to place them at the center and around each drawer front, while allow-
cess much easier. In order for the drawer work from centerlines, which is my pref- ing for some shrinking and swelling with
Make the second cut. To cut the second Locating the mating side. Flip the first side,
notch, just place the first notch on the key. The put its first notch on the key, and clamp it. Butt
final notch on this drawer will be partial. the mating side against the first side (above).
Cut the first notch on the mating side (right).
The dado blade should just clear the first side.
changes in humidity. First, cut the drawer with the pan-head screws allowing some tine, applied with a rag and rubbed off
fronts to length and width so that they all adjustment in all directions as you take before it dried. Last, I added a few thin
fit together into the opening, with no gaps. light trimming cuts from the edges. cleats to the bottoms of the boxes, to keep
With all of them in place, mark a centerline Once the fronts are in position, drive them in place on the lower stretchers of
for the finger pulls, remove the fronts, and some screws into them from inside the the workbench.
mortise for the pulls. All of the mortising drawer boxes to lock them in place. Then Now everything is in its place. Sure, I
is done easily on the drill press, with just remove the pan-head screws and install can’t remember which drawer my mortis-
a bit of chisel work afterward. the finger pulls. ing chisel is in, but I know it’s in there
The mortises for these pulls allow a neat somewhere.
trick for attaching the fronts. Drill a clear- Finishing up
ance hole in the recess, through which you For these cabinets I applied the same fin- Lon Schleining makes furniture and stairs in
can loosely insert a pan-head screw. Now ish I used on the bench: a few coats of Long Beach, Calif., and teaches woodworking
you can fit the drawer fronts one at a time, varnish thinned about 50% with turpen- throughout the United States.
The drawer fronts are fit and applied after the slides and boxes are in place,
making it easier to achieve fine, uniform gaps and a neat appearance.
Series 3832
58 FINE WOODWORKING Photos, except where noted: Mark Schofield; this page (top): Michael Pekovich
COPYRIGHT 2006 by The Taunton Press, Inc. Copying and distribution of this article is not permitted.
The best are rock solid, dead flat, and a joy to use
Price: $1,800
Length: 84 in.
O rder one of these benches and
you’re unlikely to see its identi-
cal twin: Like a bespoke suit from
Price: $800
Length: 71 in.
T he smallest, lightest, and cheap-
est of the benches we looked at,
Hoffman & Hammer’s medium bench
Width: 24 in. Savile Row, each product is custom Width: 22 in. could have been overshadowed by
Height: 38 in. built to fit the owner’s needs and Height: 34 in. the heavyweight competition, but
Weight: 281 lb. desires. The owner can specify a Weight: 162 lb. it stood its ground and earned the
top up to 8 ft. 4 in. long and 24 in. best-value award. The front vise in
Wood: Maple Wood: European beech
wide, with or without a tool tray, particular had very little racking.
Editors’ score: 8.5 and any height. The tail vise can be Editors’ score: 5.6 The main criticism was the lightness
positioned at either end, or you can of the bench, particularly the base,
specify a twin-screw tail vise at one or both ends with a double row which made the bench unstable when pushed from front to back
of dog holes. (end-to-end planing pressure was no problem). A solution would be
We ordered a traditional style of bench that was higher than to install a tool cabinet in the base, although the elevated stretch-
most. Not surprisingly, 6-ft. 3-in. Rodney Diaz, an associate art di- ers don’t leave much
rector, loved the height, but a surprising number of sub-6-ft. editors room. The dogs and
also found this height more relaxing to work at. Both vises earned vises were small but
high marks for their German hardware and their beautiful handles, worked smoothly,
which come complete with rubber O-rings to stop the turned cherry although the tail vise
knobs from banging against the metal. The 50/50 boiled linseed gradually increased
oil and turpentine satin finish achieved the right balance of pro- in height as it was
tecting the wood and being renewable. extended. This would
This bench felt like it had been designed and built by a wood- be an ideal choice
worker, and I think we’d all love to be able to boast that we’d made for someone looking
it ourselves. I suspect that this reason as well as the quality and for an economical,
the features made it our choice as best overall. well-made workbench
but without the
physical mass.
COPYRIGHT 2006 by The Taunton Press, Inc. Copying and distribution of this article is not permitted.
Diefenbach Garrett Wade
GB 16-43 V/3S/4R 8 8 A 0 2 . 01
Price: $1,600
Length: 63 in.
L ike Mercedes-Benz cars, Diefen-
bach benches have long been
symbols of German engineering
Price: $1,100
Length: 741 ⁄2 in.
Editor Matt Berger’s comment,
“When I think of a workbench
this is it,” was typical of the initial
Width: 243 ⁄8 in. prowess. A few years ago, however, Width: 24 in. favorable views of this workbench.
Height: 351 ⁄2 in. Mercedes cars began being recalled Height: 333 ⁄4 in. The shelves and lockable cupboard
Weight: 271.5 lb. for design faults and the marque Weight: 242 lb. under the bench were welcome, as
slipped down the rankings in custom- was the nonmarring felt on the jaws
Wood: European beech Wood: European beech
er satisfaction. Based on the bench of the tail vise. When planing and
Editors’ score: 7.6 we looked at, Diefenbach’s halo may Editors’ score: 6.1 sawing, the bench was rigid and
also have slipped. There were several stable, but extended use exposed
examples of poor quality control: Only two of the four screw holes some problems. Most editors found the low 333⁄4 in. height back-
for attaching the top to the base were aligned properly, and the breaking, and the dog holes were too close to the front of the
threaded rod on the front vise had to be bent slightly to fit it into bench to grip wide boards securely. When combined with the loose
its hole in the bench. The spring clips on all four metal dogs were dogs and the poorly aligned top of the front vise, this bench left
so poorly riveted that they wouldn’t fit into the holes, although editors disappointed, a reaction
after being pounded on an anvil and then filed, they worked fine. reflected in its sixth-place ranking.
Examples of poor design include the protrusion of the finger-
jointed end into the front vise area. Because the dog holes were
spaced wider than the end vise’s travel, there was a 3 ⁄4-in. dead
zone when clamping certain length workpieces (the Laguna bench Dog gone. Because the dogs
also had this problem; see p. 62). were too loose, they slipped down
In other respects, this was a great workbench with stout legs when positioned about
1 ⁄ 2 in. or less above the surface.
and a thick top, giving a
very solid feel. The vises
were, as associate art
director Kelly Dunton put
it, “nicely massive,” and
the anti-racking wheels
on both vises were a
standout feature.
Price: $850
Length: 84 in.
T his bench certainly looked differ-
ent from all the rest. Instead of
being made from large chunks
Price: $1,365
Length: 891 ⁄2 in.
T he largest of the benches we
tested, the Laguna also was the
shortest. The overall appearance was
Width: 243 ⁄4 in. of beech or maple, Grizzly’s bench Width: 261 ⁄2 in. pleasing and the bench had good
Height: 341 ⁄4 in. is made from thousands of strips Height: 33 in. stability, but on closer inspection
Weight: 299.5 lb. of birch, most no larger than 3 ⁄4 in. Weight: 242.5 lb. the construction and the vises left
sq., laminated together. The top was something to be desired. The top was
Wood: Birch Wood: European beech
relatively flat, and this method of visibly wavy and dished 0.030 in.
Editors’ score: 4.4 construction should, in theory, make Editors’ score: 6.5 in several places including the
it the most stable of all the benches. critical right-front corner near the
That’s where the good news ends: Despite being the heaviest tail vise, suggesting the top had been poorly wide-belt sanded.
bench, when given a jolt it wobbled several times from end to end, Also, the top of the trestle base protrudes beyond the front of the
probably due to the small stretchers and the undersize nuts and top, interfering when edge-planing a long board.
bolts that attach them to the legs. The front vise racked alarm- The dogs and dog holes got mixed reviews. Some editors
ingly, while the tail vise climbed 1 ⁄8 in. when tightened. When described the fit as just right, while others found the dogs’ flat
combined with the fact that the dogs leaned backward under spot too small to locate without a second glance. With some
pressure in their oversize holes, the effect was to raise the modest redesign and better quality control, this could become a
workpiece into the air. much better bench.
The other trouble spot is the massive drawer in the base. Heavy
even when empty, it is difficult to open when storing anything but
bulky, light objects.
Unsteady workpieces. A combination of slop in the tail vise and dogs Good and bad dogs. The Laguna dogs slid in and out of the holes with
that angle backward under pressure causes the workpiece to rise off the right amount of resistance, but editors disliked the small flat spot.
the bench when clamped.
COPYRIGHT 2006 by The Taunton Press, Inc. Copying and distribution of this article is not permitted.
Sjoberg Veritas
ELITE 2000 0 5 A 01. 01
Price: $1,500
Length: 761 ⁄2 in.
T he Sjoberg only just missed the
best-overall award. Initial com-
ments were “handsome,” “beautiful,”
Price: $995
Length: 723 ⁄4 in.
O pinions differed sharply on this
bench, with nearly half the edi-
tors picking it as best value while
Width: 235 ⁄8 in. “massive,” and “well made,” and Width: 26 in. others considered it overpriced. The
Height: 351 ⁄2 in. closer inspection revealed a number Height: 35 in. most debated feature was the twin-
Weight: 279 lb. of unique and useful features: The Weight: 187 lb. screw tail vise—a Veritas exclusive.
front vise can be switched to the Proponents cited its lack of racking
Wood: European beech Wood: Maple
opposite side of the bench and the and ability to clamp a 151 ⁄2-in.-wide
Editors’ score: 8.3 bench rotated 180° for left-handed Editors’ score: 6.8 board between the guides, and pro-
use; square vise runners almost claimed it the best end vise on any
eliminated racking despite the nearly 2-ft. width of each vise; the bench. Skeptics called it weird, stiff, and jerky. The vise arrived
legs are flush with the top and fitted with dog holes to allow wide unable to turn using one handle. Shop manager John White spent a
boards to be supported when edge-planing. A heavy bench, the top few hours trying to tune it up and eventually reached a compromise
is 3 in. thick with a 4-in.-thick apron, giving it a very sturdy feel. between operating and not being too slack. The troubleshooting de-
Uniquely, the front vise was also fitted with a pair of dog holes, tails in the manual suggest that our experience is not unique.
which, combined with the holes running the length of the front and The center tool tray impressed some editors, but the design
back sides, gives great clamping flexibility. may be responsible for the bench being dished by 0.016 in. around
The dogs were round with a large, flat clamping spot, but a the center. The dogs come with slip-on plastic tool protectors,
little stiff and hard but these prevented the dogs from being lowered less than an
to remove when low inch above the bench and must be removed when planing thinner
in the hole. The only stock. Finally, the shiny
other complaint was wipe-clean finish at-
the slightly rough and tracted some editors,
low-luster oil-finished but others wondered
surface, a minor blem- how it would look after
ish on an otherwise a few years of use with
excellent bench. no easy way to renew
it. More than any other
bench, this is probably
one to try before you
buy; you’ll love it or
leave it.
Edge-plane wide
pieces. The legs are Wide clamping ability.
flush with the sides of The large distance be-
the benchtop and con- tween the guides in the
tain dog holes so they tail vise allow wide boards
can support long boards. to be clamped securely.
Front vise
End vise M ay / J u n e 2 0 0 7 49
COPYRIGHT 2007 by The Taunton Press, Inc. Copying and distribution of this article is not permitted.
Front vises
meet all of a woodworker’s basic needs when it comes
to holding work firmly and within reach.
50 F I NE w oo d w o r k i n g Credit Here
COPYRIGHT 2007 by The Taunton Press, Inc. Copying and distribution of this article is not permitted.
clamp most boards on edge with no other support. For
very long boards, just put one end in the front vise and FRONT VISE
rest the other on a short board clamped in the tail or end
vise, much like a board jack on traditional benches. you CAst iron
can clamp a large tabletop vertically against the front The most popular front vise is
cast iron. A steel rod or two
edge of a bench, one end held in the front vise and the keep the jaw aligned. Some also
other held by a bar clamp across the bench. have a quick-action release for
A problem can arise, though, when clamping on just faster jaw adjustments.
one side of the vise, such as when holding just the
end of a much larger piece, clamping pieces vertically
for laying out or sawing dovetails, or holding tapered
or oddly shaped pieces. when one side of the jaw is WoodEn-JAWEd
A wooden-jawed vise operates like
applying all the pressure—or trying to—it is very hard its cast-iron cousin. The movable
on the screw and any alignment rods, and can even jaw is typically made from the
distort them. One solution is to slip a block as thick same material as the bench. Some
models offer quick-release.
as the workpiece into the other side
ArM visE
An arm vise works well on wide boards.
There are no screws or rods in the way.
But the right-angled arm limits clamping
force, which reduces the ability to
clamp long boards horizontally.
PAttErnMAKEr’s visE
A patternmaker’s vise can hold oddly shaped work at any angle. The vise body can
Steady a wide panel. A sawhorse provides support under- pivot up and over the bench until the jaws are parallel to the benchtop. The jaws also
neath, with the opposite end clamped to the bench apron. can rotate 360º and angle toward one another for holding tapered work. M Ay / J u n e 2 0 0 7 51
COPYRIGHT 2007 by The Taunton Press, Inc. Copying and distribution of this article is not permitted.
End vises
An end vise holds work flat. Aligned with a row of dog holes, this vise has a wide
capacity. It can hold smaller work and pieces nearly as large as the benchtop. It’s ideal
for smoothing a tabletop.
A secure grip for cross-grain work. For chopping, a spacer keeps the
The end vise allows you to clamp a panel work off the vise jaw. The pounding
across its width for tasks such as planing could damage the vise. The best support
a bevel on the end. is on the benchtop itself, right over a leg. An end vise also handles awkward shapes. Pieces like
this curved table apron can be held securely for scraping or
other tasks.
COPYRIGHT 2007 by The Taunton Press, Inc. Copying and distribution of this article is not permitted.
of the jaw (use a wedge for odd shapes). This keeps
the jaws parallel so you can apply all the pressure you
need. Some bench manufacturers equip their front
vises with a threaded stop that does the same job. CAst iron
Same vise, different location.
At the end: a vise to hold work flat The cast-iron front vise also
works well as an end vise
At the other end of the bench, you typically will find —a smart solution if you
one of two distinct types of vises, known as end vises have room or money for
or tail vises. Their main purpose is to hold work flat only one vise.
on the surface of the bench.
A traditional tail vise, with one row of dog holes
along the front edge of the bench and several more
in the movable jaw, allows you to hold work flat over
nearly the entire length of the bench. This is ideal tAiL visE
for holding long boards to smooth a face, bead one The traditional end vise. The movable
edge, or hold a leg while chopping a mortise. you can jaw is a thick section of the bench’s
front edge, about 18 in. long. Dog holes
also clamp across the grain to bevel a hold work flat on the surface. The jaws
panel end or shape the skirt of a chest also can hold work at an angle.
side. Be careful to apply only modest
pressure to hold the work, or you will
bow it up.
The tail vise is also great for holding
long or odd pieces at any angle—there are no
screws in the way and the hefty construction tends
to prevent racking on odd shapes. Also, it can hold The guts.
a workpiece at right angles to the bench edge, ideal Tail-vise hardware
for planing an end-grain edge, shooting a miter on a comes with instructions for making
molding, or paring a tenon shoulder. the wood components.
One drawback with this vise is that the large mov-
able jaw can sag. A misaligned jaw makes it difficult
to hold work flat on the benchtop. Avoid chopping or
pounding over the movable jaw; it isn’t as solid as the
benchtop itself. Support the work as much as possible
over the bench, with the least amount of jaw open. I FULL WidtH
keep small, square blocks handy to shim my work to- A modern variation
spans the width of the
ward the bench or protect it from the dogs. I shouldn’t bench. With two rows of
have to say this, but never sit on your tail vise. dog holes, the wide jaw
Another type of end vise—The other popular type of this vise is ideal for
holding wider panels.
of end vise looks and works like a front vise, except that
the movable jaw is mounted to, and set parallel with,
the end of the bench. If I had to outfit a bench with just
one vise, it would be this type (see drawing, top right).
My small traveling bench has an old front vise mounted
on one end in line with a row of dog holes.
Some end vises of this type have a jaw that spans
the entire width of the bench. equipped with a dog
on each end of the jaw, and paired with a double row tWin-sCrEW
of dog holes down the front and back of the bench, A twin-screw model
this is a great system for holding wide parts flat on the can clamp wide
stock vertically.
benchtop. Several ready-made benches are built this A chain connects
way. Lee Valley also sells the necessary hardware for the two screws to
making the vise yourself. • prevent racking. M Ay / J u n e 2 0 0 7 53
COPYRIGHT 2007 by The Taunton Press, Inc. Copying and distribution of this article is not permitted.