Productivity may be designated in many ways such as output per workers, direct
labor or group of workers, or unit of material or unit of energy or Rupee of capital
investment etc. One must keep in mind that productivity is influenced by many
factors such as worker skill, motivation and effort, job methods used, quality of
workmanship, employee innovation, the machines used and effectiveness of
For example output could be plant sales in Rupees and input in Rupees could be
sum of labor costs, material cost, power cost, capital cost and miscellaneous cost.
Index numbers are popular as they can be used along with other index numbers
like price index, inflation index etc and facilitates calculation of percentages as
well as useful in drawing trend charts. Also they can be used to compare with
productivity index published by Government agencies from time to time for
various sectors which include manufacturing.
Productivity measurement is not easy but difficult and hence many organizations
may not have meaningful or accurate measurements. If a company produces same
product year after year, then it becomes easy to measure productivity.
Over a time period, product modifications, use of new raw materials, different
quality standards, different manufacturing methods, different equipment, changed
operator skills etc may happen. For effective productivity measurement, one must
develop an index number then can take into account the contribution of each factor
of production and then track them. Productivity measurement gives management a
measure of operating efficiency and a means of evaluating progress.