Urine Analysis
Urine Analysis
Urine Analysis
Urine Analysis
A urinalysis is a group of tests that detect and semi-quantitatively measure
various compounds that are eliminated in the urine, including the byproducts of
normal and abnormal metabolism as well as cells, including bacteria, and cellular
Urine is produced by the kidneys, located on either side of the spine at the bottom of
the ribcage. The kidneys filter wastes and metabolic byproducts out of the blood, help
regulate the amount of water in the body, and conserve proteins, electrolytes, and
other compounds that the body can reuse. Anything that is not needed is excreted in
the urine and travels from the kidneys to the bladder, through the urethra, and out of
the body. Urine is generally yellow and relatively clear, but every time someone
urinates, the color, quantity, concentration, and content of the urine will be slightly
different because of varying constituents.
Urine Analysis
3. Microscopic Examination, which identifies and counts the type of cells, casts,
crystals, and other components (bacteria, mucous ) that can be present in urine.
Usually, a routine urinalysis consists of the physical and the chemical examinations.
These two phases can be completed in just a few minutes in the laboratory or doctor’s
office. A microscopic examination is then performed if there is an abnormal finding
on the physical or chemical examination, or if the doctor specifically orders it.
How is it used?
The urinalysis is used as a screening and/or diagnostic tool because it can help detect
substances or cellular material in the urine associated with different metabolic and
kidney disorders. It is ordered widely and routinely to detect any abnormalities that
Urine Analysis
should be followed up on. Often, substances such as protein or glucose will begin to
appear in the urine before patients are aware that they may have a problem. It is used
to detect urinary tract infections (UTI) and other disorders of the urinary tract. In
patients with acute or chronic conditions, such as kidney disease, the urinalysis may
be ordered at intervals as a rapid method to help monitor organ function, status, and
response to treatment.
When is it ordered?
A routine urinalysis may be done when you are admitted to the hospital. It may also
be part of a wellness exam, a new pregnancy evaluation, or a work-up for a planned
surgery. A urinalysis will most likely be performed if you see your health care
provider complaining of abdominal pain, back pain, painful or frequent urination, or
blood in the urine, symptoms of a UTI. This test can also be useful in monitoring
whether a condition is getting better or worse.
A standard reference range is not available for this test. Because reference values are
dependent on many factors, including patient age, gender, sample population, and test
method, numeric test results have different meanings in different labs. Your lab
report should include the specific reference range for your test.
Urinalysis results can have many interpretations. They are a red flag, a warning that
something may be wrong and should be evaluated further. Generally, the greater the
concentration of the abnormal substance (such as greatly increased amounts of
glucose, protein, or red blood cells), the more likely it will be that there is a problem
that needs to be addressed. But the results do not tell the doctor exactly what the
cause of the finding is or whether it is a temporary or chronic condition. A normal
urinalysis also does not guarantee that there is no illness. Some people will not
release elevated amounts of a substance early in a disease process and some will
Urine Analysis
release them sporadically during the day (which means they may be missed by a
single urine sample). In very dilute urine, small quantities of chemicals may be
The urinalysis is a set of screening tests that can provide a general overview of a
person’s health. Your doctor must correlate the urinalysis results with your health
complaints and clinical findings and search for the causes of abnormal findings with
other targeted tests (such as a comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP), complete blood
count (CBC), or urine culture (to look for a urinary tract infection).
A urine sample will only be useful for a urinalysis if it is collected as a clean catch
and taken to the doctor’s office or laboratory for processing within a short period of
time. If it will be longer than an hour between collection and transport time, then the
urine should be refrigerated.
Collection of Urine:
The urine sample must be collected in a clean, dry container and should be
examined when freshly voided. Red cells, leukocytes and casts decompose with time.
Bilirubin and urobilinogen will decrease especially with exposure to light. Glucose is
utilized by bacteria and cells; ketones are utilized or volatilized. Bacterial
contamination usually occurs resulting in alkalization of the urine owing to the
conversion of urea to ammonia. Turbidity develops as bacteria multiply and alkaline
precipitates. The colour will change (darkens) and the odour becomes offensive.
Urine Analysis
• Errors in the results of quantitative urine tests are most often related to
collection problems.
The patient is instructed to empty his bladder at 08.00 am (or a suitable time on
rising) and to discard this urine. He collects all subsequent urine up to and including
that at 08.00 am the following morning. The total volume is measured and recorded.
The urine is thoroughly mixed before a measured sample is withdrawn for analysis.
• Disposable plastic container 100-200 ml with screw caps is preferred for
routine screening analysis.
• Rigid brown plastic containers 3000 ml with wide mouths and screw caps are
suitable for 24 hours collection.
• Polyethylene bags are used for pediatric urine collections. An estimate of the
volume can be made. The bag may be sealed for transportation.
Urine Analysis
Cells and casts may be preserved by rinsing the empty container with formalin prior
to use but it interferes with tests for sugar.
One crystal of thymol per 10 to 15 ml will preserve sediments but interferes with test
for bile salts and bile pigments. Toluene and chloroform are usually not desirable,
chloroform mixes with the deposit.
Sodium fluoride:
pH Adjustment:
A very low pH (<3) will prevent bacterial growth and stabilize substances such as
catecholamines or V.M.A. (vanillylmandelic acid) or 5-HIAA (5-hydroxy indole
acetic acid) and ketosteroids. 10 ml of concentrated HCl or 20 ml of 6N HCl are
used. Urine for 24 hour estimations of porphyrins, porphobilinogen and delta amino
levulonic acid is collected and adjusted to a pH of 6 to 7 with acetic acid or sodium
carbonate. Dark containers are preferred; the collection is refrigerated between
Urine Analysis
Urine Analysis
substances to be excreted or removed, such as urea, creatinine and uric acid. Sixty to
80 % of the glomerular ultrafiltrate is normally reabsorbed by the proximal tubule.
Water (80-90%), calcium, sodium chloride, phosphate, amino acids and glucose
diffuse uric acid passively in the cell from the tubular lumen.
The fluid then passes into the loop of Henle, which is composed of:
The fluid then enters the distal tubule. Of the 10% of water remaining much is
reabsorbed as a result of the action of antiduiretic hormone (ADH) elaborated by the
posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, except for 1% or 2%. This small fraction of the
glomerular ultrafiltrate flows into the urinary bladder as urine.
The increased secretion of urine is brought about chiefly by a failure of the tubules to
reabsorb their usual quota of the glomerular filtrate. The Diuretic substance is that
which prevents the absorption of sodium salts and hence of water, presumably by the
action on the enzymes in the tubular cells.
Na salts and urea exert diuretic effects Because after they are filtered through the
glomerulus they increase the osmotic pressure to such an extent that less filtrate is
reabsorbed by the tubules.
Urine Analysis
The normal 24-hour urine volume of an adult is between 600-2000 ml. It varies
greatly with the fluid intake (which is usually a matter of habit) and on the loss of
fluid by other routes (sweetening due to physical activity and external temperature).
The volume of urine is less in summer than in winter.
On a normal mixed diet the urine is usually acid (~ 6).
• Urine pH decreases after a meal because of the increased secretion of HCl into
the stomach for digestion.
• When the protein intake is high, the urine is usually acid since the oxidation of
S-containing amino acids produces H2SO4 and H3PO4.
Urine Analysis
• Urine pH decreases at the early morning or after any fairly prolonged period of
sleep because of the mild respiratory acidosis occurring with sleep and the
renal compensation to that acidosis.
The colour of the urine is affected by many components (concentration, food
pigments, dyes, medication, and blood). The intensity of the colour of normal urine is
dependent on the concentration of the urine. The yellow or amber colour of normal
urine is due to the presence of a yellow pigment, urochrome. Usual causes of urinary
colours are shown in the following table.
Colour Cause
Yellow green Bile pigments (as in jaundice).
Colourless Reduced concentration (diabetes mellitus).
Whitish turbid Pus, bacteria or epithelial cells.
Red brown Hemoglobin (hemolysis and hemoglobinuria).
Red Blood (hematurea) in kidney damage or shistomaiases,
medication (antibiotic or anticoagulant therapy) or eating
Pinkish brown Urobilin (hemolytic anemia).
Yellow foam Bile or medication.
Orange Riboflavin (vitamin therapy) or eosin (colouring agents in
Black Iron sorbitol (parenteral iron therapy).
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Urine Analysis
The normal urine is usually clear or slightly turbid but it becomes cloudy in
alkaline and acidic urine due to the precipitation of calcium phosphates (white) in the
former and of urates (pink colour) and oxalates in the latter. In pathological urine the
cloudiness is due to the presence of bacteria and pus.
Smell or Odour:
Fresh urine is usually aromatic. On standing the decomposition of urea causes
the odour to become ammonical. In ketosis, the odour of acetone may be detected
(fruity odour).
The specific gravity of urine indicates the relative proportion of dissolved solid
components to the total volume of the specimen. It reflects the relative degree of
concentration or dilution of the specimen and measures the concentrating and diluting
abilities of the kidney. Normal specific gravity: 1.015-1.025. It is highest in the first
morning specimen.
A low specific gravity may suggest kidney disease, the damaged kidney tubules being
unable efficiently to remove the waste products of metabolism, such as urea from the
blood. These results in a less concentrated urine and raised blood urea.
A high specific gravity often suggests diabetes mellitus, a disease in which there is an
increase of sugar in the blood. This passes into the urine, increasing its concentration.
The specific gravity is increased if there is protein in the urine.
Total solids:
The total solids are determined in g/l by multiplying the last two figures of the
specific gravity by Long’s coefficient. 2.66 x Sp. Gr. = g/l.
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Urine Analysis
Proteinuria refers to an abnormally increased amount of proteins in the urine.
Measurement of urinary protein level is an important evaluation of glomerular
b. Organic Proteinuria:
1- Pre-renal: This is caused by a general disease, which affects the kidneys and
is an indication of renal damage, such as essential hypertension.
2- Renal: All types of renal diseases will cause proteinuria (acute nephritis,
chronic nephritis and nephrotic syndrome).
3- Post-renal: This case may be due to lesions in the renal pelvis, bladder,
prostate and urethra. It may also caused by bacterial infection of the urinary
tract. These patients usually have pain on passing urine (dysuria). When a
patient has any kind of urinary infection, protein and pus cells (pyuria) can be
usually found in the urine.
A 24 hours specimen of urine from a normal subject contains a small amount
of reducing substances, generally less than 1 g, of which 20-200 mg is glucose.
Glucosuria implies that sufficient glucose is present to be detectable by a simple
clinical test. The traditional test employed is Benedict's solution, which is blue
because of the presence of Cu+3 ions. On reduction of Benedict's solution by glucose
or other reducing substances, the blue colour disappears and an orange-red precipitate
of Cu+2 oxide is formed. The causes of glucosuria may be summarized as:
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Urine Analysis
• Low renal threshold: This leads to renal glucosuria; occurs with normal blood
glucose level but tubular reabsorption of glucose is below normal thus
permitting some glucose to spill into the urine.
Other sugars:
Lactose, fructose, galactose and pentoses are other reducing sugars, which may be
found in urine.
Lactose: This is often present in the urine of pregnancy after 20 weeks. It usually
occurs in nursing mothers (during lactation). It is occasionally found in patients on a
milk diet (in case of liver cirrhosis).
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Urine Analysis
The body normally metabolizes fat completely to CO2 and H2O, so that only 3-
15 mg of ketones is excreted daily which cannot be qualitatively detected in urine.
Whenever there is inadequate carbohydrate in the diet or a defect in carbohydrate
metabolism (e.g. in diabetes mellitus) the body metabolizes increasing amounts of
fatty acids. When this increase is large, fatty acid oxidation is incomplete and
intermediates products of fat metabolism appear in the blood (ketonemia) and are
excreted in the urine (ketonuria). These intermediary products are acetoacetic acid,
acetone and B-hydroxybutyric acid. Ketonemia and ketonuria also develop when the
patient is suffering from carbohydrate deficiency. Thus ketonuria is found in
starvation or on a badly balanced reducing diet. Postoperative ketonuria is commonly
seen. It is due to a combination of the starvation that precedes the operation, the
vomiting that often follows it and possibly to the effect of anaesthia which depletes
liver glycogen.
Intravascular hemolysis (lysis of red blood corpuscles) from any cause
liberates hemoglobin into the circulation. Haptoglobins are specific α2-globulins that
bind hemoglobin at the globin. The function of haptoglobins is to conserve iron after
intrvascular hemolysis by binding to hemoglobin.
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Urine Analysis
Bile pigments:
The main pigments excreted in the urine are bilirubin and urobilinogen.
Normal cycle: when Hb is released, the globin portion is separated and the iron
released from the heme becomes bound to transferrin; it is not excreted but enters the
iron store or is used for further Hb synthesis. The catabolism of porphyrin rings takes
place in the reticuloendothelial cells of spleen. The bilirubin formed passes into the
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Urine Analysis
blood stream and is bound to albumin then transported to the liver as indirect
In the liver cells, the bound bilirubin is separated and instead conjugated with
glucuronic acid forming conjugated or direct bilirubin and is secreted in the bile
and then through the bile duct into the intestine. In the intestine the glucuronides are
removed and bilirubin is reduced to a group of colourless urobilinogen by intestinal
bacteria. Most of the urobilinogen is excreted in the feces where it is oxidized by air
to a pinkish-brown Urobilin pigment. A small fraction of the urobilinogen is
absorbed into the portal circulation and in the liver some of this urobilinogen is
reexcreted into the bile, while the remainder is excreted by the kidneys. Normally
between 1-4 mg of urobilinogen is excreted in the urine per day. Therefore, in normal
urine there should be no bilirubin and only small amounts of urobilinogen, unless the
bilirubin cycle is abnormal as in the following diseases:
• Obstructive jaundice: in which the bilirubin cannot leave the liver because the
bile duct leading to the intestine is blocked. The bilirubin is absorbed into the
circulation and passes into the kidneys. If the blockage is complete no urobilinogen
can be formed. Therefore there will be bilirubin in the urine with normal amounts
or no urobilinogen in the urine.
• Hepatic jaundice: this type is caused by viral infection, which damages the liver
cells. This may prevent the liver cells from passing on the bilirubin into the
intestine, especially in the later stages of the disease, and the bilirubin is, therefore,
absorbed into the circulation as unconjugated bilirubin. Later in the disease, the
urobilinogen, which returns to the liver, cannot be passed on by the damaged cells
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Urine Analysis
and is, therefore, absorbed back into the circulation to be excreted in the urine.
Therefore there will be bilirubin in the urine in the early stages of the disease with
increased amounts of urobilinogen in the later stages of the disease and normal or
reduced amounts in the early stages.
Bile salts:
Human bile contains 4 bile acids, cholic acid, deoxycholic acid,
chemodeoxycholic acid and lithocholic acid. They are synthesized in the liver from
cholesterol. Only small amounts of bile acids are found in the free state. The major
part is conjugated through amide linkages with glycine and taurine. The conjugated
bile acids are neutralized by Na+, K+ giving glycocholates and taurocholates (bile
salts). Bile salts in the intestine are necessary for absorption of fats. Bile salts have a
hydrotropic behavior; have a powerful capacity of lowering surface tension rendering
certain substances soluble in water in which otherwise they would be insoluble,
facilitating the close contact between fat and water-soluble lipase.
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Urine Analysis
Pus cells:
Pus cells are polymorphs leukocytes which have come from the blood to fight
bacteria invading the urinary tract. They have a nucleus with several segments, which
can often be seen with the High power objective. As pus cells are broken down in the
urine, their nuclei disappear and only the cell membranes remain. Five pus cells per
mm3 is a common figure. Patients with pus cells more than 5 per mm3 are thought to
have a urinary tract infection. Also the patients who have infections in the vagina and
urethra have discharge from these organs called pus (Pyuria). These discharges
contain protein and may contain pus cells and red cells.
Epithelial cells:
These are flat large cells with a nucleus that can usually be seen quite easily.
They come from the epithelial (skin) on the side of the ureters, bladder, vagina and
urethra. Epithelial cells are usually singles that is there is one cell at a time. A few
epithelial cells are found in normal urine.
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Urine Analysis
These are solid substances (proteins or remains of the dead cells in kidney
diseases) blocking the kidney tubule and becomes loose and goes down into the
urine. Because it was found inside the tubule a cast has the shape of the tubule from
which it came. Casts can be of different types as follows:
• Cellular casts: which are often seen in the urine of jaundiced patient due to
increased red cell destruction. They are yellow-brown.
• Granular casts: when seen, indicate renal dysfunction. They are usually dark in
colour and contain small granules. Granular casts consist of antigenic protein
granules. These protein granules appear to represent fragments of parent serum
proteins. They are found when there is protein in the urine. All urine showing ++
proteinuria should be examined for granular casts.
• Hyaline casts: they are clear, colourless and have no granules in them. They
dissolve in alkaline urine. They are the proteins left when water is reabsorbed in
the tubule. Normal urine often has some of these casts, and they do not mean that
the kidney is diseased.
Acidic urine:
Crystals Characteristic appearance Clinical significance
Uric acid Yellow brown rhombic crystals, Normal or gout
some with pointed ends.
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Urine Analysis
Alkaline urine:
Crystals Characteristic appearance Clinical significance
Calcium hydrogen Amorphous, irregular Normal
phosphate colourless plates.
Amm. Mg phosphates Coffin lids, square prisms. Normal
(triple phosphates)
Normal urine contains no bacteria. However, bacteria often grow in normal
urine if it is left in warm room. They got into the urine from a dirty jar, from the air
or from the patient's skin. Finding bacteria in old urine means nothing but in fresh
urine means that the patient has a urinary infection. Usually there will be pus cells
and protein present also. A common kind of bacteria found in the urine is called E.
coli. It is a thin motile rod like a very small pencil.
They are the male sex cells. They are often found in the man's urine and are
quite normal. After sexual intercourse they may be found in a woman's urine.
Spermatozoa should be reported when present in large amounts, which may suggest a
lesion in genito-urinary tract.
In some parts of the world especially tropical countries, one of the most
parasites are the ova of a worm called Schistosoma haematobium which lives in the
veins of the walls of bladder and ureters. The worm lays eggs that go through the side
of the bladder into the urine. The disease that it causes is called Schistosomiasis or
bilharziasis. With the ova in the urine there are usually also protein, red cells and pus
cells. When you are looking for the ova of S. haematobium you should take a
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specimen that has been passed by the patient between midday and two in the
You will see three kinds of movement in a wet film of urine, stool or blood. The first
kind is the movement of microorganisms themselves, called motility. Motile bacteria
like E. coli can be seen swimming from one place in the field to another; while
everything else stays still. The second kind of movement is called Brownian
movement. If you look at any very small particle lying free in a liquid, you will see
that it is always moving and is never quite still. Their movements are very small and
quite fast, the particles seen to shake about only. The third kind of movement is
called streaming. You will see a stream or river of particles moving in the same
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Urine Analysis
Common Questions
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