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IS I891 ( Part 1 ) : 19-94

-vmih rnq ( Reaffirmed 2005 )

Indian Standard
( Fourth Revision )

UDC 621-867-2-052 : 620-193.5

Q BIS 1994


NEW DELHI 110002

February 1994 Price Group 8

Pulleys and Belts Sectional Committee, LM 09


This Indian Standard ( Fourth Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the
draft finalized by the Pulleys and Belts Sectional Committee had been approved by the Light
Mechanical Engineering Division Council.
This standard was first published in 1961 and subsequently revised in 1968, 1978 and 1988.
This present revision of the standard has been taken up to bring it in line with the prevailing manufactur-
ing practices. In this revised standard the test on rubber cover for determining abrasion loss has
been included to have idea about wear behaviour of belting in service. Amendments issued to the earlier
version have also been incorporated.
The satisfactory service of belts depends upon proper conditions of use. For information of users,
certain recommendations on selection of suitable grades of rubber cover, recommended maximum work-
ing tension in belt and recommeneded minimum pulley diameters and information to be supplied by the
purchaser with enquiry or order, are given in Annex A, Annex J and Annex K respectively.
In preparation of this standard, considerable assistance has been derived from the following:
IS0 251-1987 Conveyor belts-Widths and lengths. International Organization for Standardiza-
tion ( IS0 )
IS0 252-1988 Conveyor belts Ply adhesion between constitutive elements-Test method and
requirements. International Organization for Standardization ( IS0 )
IS0 282-1975 Conveyor belts-Sampling. International Organization for Standardization ( IS0 )
IS0 283-1990 Full thickness tensile strength and elongation of conveyor belts-Specifications
and method of test. International Organization for Standardization ( IS0 )
IS0 432-1989 Ply type conveyor belts-Characteristics of construction. International Organiza-
tion for Standardization (IS0 )
IS0 703-1988 Conveyor belts-Troughability-Characteristics of transverse flexibility and test
method. International Organization for Standardization ( IS0 )
IS0 3684-1990 Conveyor belts-Determination of minimum pulley diameter. International
Organization for Standardization ( IS0 )
BS 490 ( Part 1 ) : 1990 Conveyor and elevator belting-Specification for rubber and plastic
conveyor belting of textile construction for generaluse. British Standards Institution ( BSI )
This standard has been published in various parts. Other parts are:
Part 2 Conveyor and elevator textile belting-Specification : Part 2 Heat resistant belting ( third
revision )
Part 3 Conveyor and elevator textile belting : Part 3 Oil resistant belting ( second revision )
Part 4 Rubber conveyor and elevator textile belting : Part 4 Hygienic belting (first revision )
Part 5 Conveyor and elevator textile belting-Specification : Part 5 Fire resistant belting
The requirements for conveyor belting for underground use in coal-mines have been covered in IS 3181 :
Igg2 Conveyor belts-Fire resistant conveyor belting for underground mines and such other hazardous
applications-Specification ( second revision )‘.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final
value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accor-
dance with IS 2 : 1960 <Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )‘. The number of significant
places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this
IS 1891. ( Part 1 ) : 1994

Indian Standard

( Fourth Revision )
1 SCOPE mix. The whole shall be either vulcanized or
fused together in a uniform manner.
This standard ( Part 1 ) covers the requirements
of rubber/plastics conveyor and elevator textile NOTES
belting for general use on flat or troughed 1 Solid Woven Fabric - Fabric consisting of more
idlers. than one ply, the plies being interlocked in the weave
or bound together by binding threads in the course
NOTE - Rubber belting made to this Indian Stand- of weaving.
ard will not necessarily be electrically insulating at 2 In case of cotton carcass, ducks of types 28, 32
any stage of its life and shall not, therefore, be used and 36 ( see IS 5996 : 1984) may be frictioned or
as an insulator for any electrical work. frictioned and skim coated if so specified by the pur-
chaser. DLK~S of types 31, 34, 42 and 48 shall be
2 REFERENCES frictioned and skim coated.

The following Indian Standards are necessary 5.2 For carcasses protection, layer or layers of
adjuncts to this standard: open-mesh or cord fabric ( termed as breaker )
may be placed between the cover and the car-
IS No. Title cass or may be embedded in the cover. Where
such a layer is incorporated, it shall be consider-
3400 Methods of test for vulcani- ed to be part of the cover thickness and not
zed rubbers counted as a fabric ply. Alternatively, a fabric
( Part 1 ) : 1987 Tensile stress strain proper- pile may be integrally woven with the carcass on
ties ( second revision ) either one or both the surfaces, in which case it
( Part 3 ) : 1987 Abrasion resistance using a shall be consider;d to be a part of the carcass
rutating cylindrical drum thickness.
device (first revision ) 6 FABRIC
( Part 4 ) : 1987 Accelerated ageing ( second
revision ) The fabric used shall be made of cotton or
polyamide or any other synthetic material or
( Part 9 ) : 1978 Density (first revision ) combination thereof evenly and firmly woven
4240 : 1984 Glossary of conveyor terms and free from manufacturing faults as is normal
and definitions ( jirst revision) in the best manufacturing practice.
5996 : 1984 Cotton belting ducks (second 7 COVER
revision )
7.1 The rubber used in the top and bottom
3 TERMINOLOGY cover of the belting shall be of one of the grades
listed in Table 1. The grade of cover should be
For the purpose of this standard, the definitions chosen having regard to the service conditions
given in IS 4240 : 1984 shall apply. of the conveyor belt ( see Annex A ) when
4 TYPES AND GRADES removed from the belt and tested as per the
method described in Annex B, the tensile
According to types of belts given in Table 4 and strength and elongation at break shall not be
grades of covers given in Table 1. less than the values specified in Table 1.
5 CONSTRUCTION NOTE - In case plastics or rubber/plastics mix is
used for the cover the value of tensile strength and
5.1 The belting shall consist of a carcass having elongation at break shall be as agreed between the
a cover of either rubber and/or plastics. The manufacturer and the purchaser.
carcass shall consist of either one or more plies 7.2 Where, however, the thickness of the rubber
or of woven fabric or of solid woven fabric and cover as measured by the method contained in
shall be impregnated with a rubber or plastic Annex C is less than 1.5 mm but not less than
IS 1891 ( Part 1 ) : 1994

0.8 mm, the thickness of the test piece shall be Table 2 Tolerance on Cover Thickness
the maximum obtainable and a tolerance of ( Clauses 8.1 and B- 22 )
- 15 percent shall be permitted on the tensile
strength and elongation values at break.specified Specified Cover Tolerance
in Table 1. Where the rubber cover is insuffici- Thickness ( On Average Thickness )
ently thick to give a buffed test piece at least Up to and including 4 mm 0’2 mm
0.8 mm, no tests are required. Over 4 mm 5 percent

7.3 In case of rubber cover after ageing for NOTES

72 h at 70°C i 1°C in accordance with the 1 In the cast of straight stepped ply constr:lction,
requirements of IS 3400 ( Part 4 ) : 1987 the the specified cover thickness will apply at the middle
of the belt in the area of the maximum cover thick-
tensile strength and elongation at break shall not ness within tho confines of the innermost s:cps and
vary from the original unaged values by more shall be so measured.
than the amounts specified below: 2 In the case of reverse stepped ply cons?ruction,
the specified cover thickness will apply at the middle
Change Percent, Max of the belt in the area of the maximum number of
plies and shall be so measured.
Tensile strength f 10
- 20 8.2 The carcass thickness, when specified by the
purchaser, is determined by subtracting the
Elongation + 10 sum of the top and bottom cover thickness,
- 2.5 from the total belt thickness, as measured in
accordance with Method C-l or C-2 described
7.4 In case of rubber cover, abrasion loss when in Annex C. The average carcass thickness, so
tested as per method given in Annex D
determined, shall be within rf 0.5 mm for up to
[ see also IS 3400 ( Part 3 ) : 1987 ] shall not and including 5 mm and within f 10 percent
exceed the respective maximum values indicated
for over 5 mm specified thickness.
in Table 1.
Table 1 Grades of Rubber Cover and Their Rectification of defects and blemishes, if any,
Physical Properties which do not interfere with the satisfactory
performance of the belts shall be allowed. The
( Clauses 4, 7.1 and 7.4 ) surface blemishes which do not interfere with
- the performance of the belt may be left un-
Grade Minimum Minimum Maximum attended.
Tensile Elongation Abrasion
at Break Loss 10 EDGES
StXtb (Percent) mm* The belting shall be with either cut edge or
24’0 450 150
moulded edge construction with synthetic car-
cass as agreed between the manufacturer and
N-17 17’0 400 200
the purchaser. However, belts made with cotton
N-17 17’0 400 150 OI cotton/polyamide carcass shall shave moulded
( Synthetic ) edge construction.
NOTE - Grade N17 synthetic is n cover compound 11 TRANSVERSE JOINTS IN MULTIPLY
composed wholly are mainly of synthetic rubber of TYPE BELTING
equivalent wear resistance to grade M24 and suitable
for the most arduous conditions. A carcass type that Transverse joints in fabric plies shall be at an
uses a chemical or other superior bonding system angle of 45” to 70” to the longitudinal axis. The
should, therefore, be used with this grade.
minimum distance between transverse joints in
the same ply shall be as follows:
8 COVER THICKNESS a) Outer Plies - The joints shall be not less
than 75 m apart in the same ply. The
8.1 The cover shall be of not less than 1.0 mm adjoining edges shall butt closely toge-
nominal thickness on both the carrying or non- ther but shall not overlap.
carrying faces of the belting. Cover thickness
should be increased as required to that appro-
b) Inner Plies - There shall be not more
than two joints in any one ply in each
priate to the material to be handled ( see Annex 150 m of belting. These two joints shall
A ) and to the type of loading. When measured be not less than 15 m apart.
in accordance with the Method Cl or C2 des-
cribed in Annex C, the average value of the cl Adjacent Plies - The joints shall be not
cover thickness shall not fall below the specified less than 3 m apart.
thickness by more than the values given in d) Non-adjacent Plies - The joints shall be
Table 2. not less than 3 m apart.

IS 1891 ( Part 1 ) : 1994

12 LONGITUDINAL JOINTS IN MULTIPLY Table 3 Widths and Tolerances on Widths for

TYPE BELTING Conveyor and Elevator Textile Belting
( Clause 13.2 )
12.1 Spacing of Joints All dimensions in millimetres.
Longitudinal joints shall be at least 100 mm Width Tolerance Total Variation in
from either edge of the carcass. Each longitudi- Any One Belt
nal joint shall be at least 100 mm from the (1) (2) (3)
joints in the other plies. The longitudinal joints 300 -l
400 ‘, +5 5
in one ply of any piece of belting shall be sepa- 500 J
rated by at least 300 mm, where the width of
600 -j
the belting permits two or more joints in the 650 I
same ply. 800 I
1 000 I
12.2 Number of Joints 1 200 I 1 1 percerlt of 1 percent of
1400 > belt width belt width
The maximum number of longitudinal joints in
the plies shall be as fol!ows and the external ply : 2:: I’
1 800 I
on the non-carrying face shall have no longitu- 2 000 J
dinal joints in the case of belting up to and NOTE - The toleraace for widths other than stand-
includrng 1 200 mm width: ard width shall be that applicable to the immediate
lolver standard width.
Width of Belts External lnterrial
13.3 Tolerance on Belt Thickness Across the
mm Flies Piie.7
~ _.__A-_-7 c-- _A.__-_. Width
Open Folded Open Folded When meas:lred in accordance with Method C-l
Edges Edges Edges Edges described in Amex C, the difference between
any two measctrcments of the overall thickness
300, 400, 450”, 500, 0 1 1 1
shall not exceed 1 mm for a belt of which the
600, 650
mean of the thickness measurements made does
7501’, 800, 900*,, 0 2 1 2 not exceed 10 mm, or 10 percent of the mean
1 000, 1 0501), 1 200 for belts over IO mm thickness.
1350~~,1400,1500 0 2 2 2 14 FULL THICKNESS BREAKING STRENGTW
_I 600, 1 800, 2 000 1 2 2 2 AND ELONGATION
114.1 Full Thickness Breaking Streibgth
The full thickness breaking strength of the
13.1 Length finished belting, when determined in accordance
with the method described in Annex F, shall be
13.1.1 The length of belting shall be specified by not less than the values given in Table 1.
the purchaser and shall include such lengths as
are required by him for testing and such addi- Table 4 Full Thickness Breakiug Strength
tional lengths as required for making joints. ( czsluses 4 and 14.1 )
13.1.2 Belting which is ordered to a definite Type Longitudinal Transverse
open-ended shall be supplied with a tolerance Directiw kN,‘m Direction kN ‘m
Width ( Min ) Width i Min )
on length of -1.2 percent and -0.5 percent. (1) (2) (3)
I60 160 63
13.1.3 The Iength of belt supplied in the spliced 180 180 71
endless form shall be specified by the term ‘net 200 200 80
endless length’. When measured in accordance 224 224 on
with the method described in Annex E, the net
endless length shall not vary by more than f0.5 280 280 112
315 315 135
percent from the specified length. 35.5 355 140
13.1.4 The length actually supplied subject to 400 400 160
the specified tolerances shall Abe charged by the 450 450 Not specifiedl’
500 500 Not specified’:
supplier. 560 560 Not specifiedl)
::o” 800
630 Not speeifiedl)
13.2 Width Not specified’)
1 000 1 nnn
_-_ Nr,+ o,.nn:G-~l,
Unless otherwise agreed, the belting shall be of 11 250
400 11 250
400 - ._r--
any one of the widths specified in Table ‘3. The 1 600 1 600Not spec.u,,
tolerance on widths shall be as given in Table 3. 1 800 1 800Not specified’)
Not specifiedl)
l)These widths should be used for replacement belting l)No values have been specified because these type of
in existing installations. beltings are generally used with splice joints.

IS 1891 ( Part 1 ) : 1994

14.2 Elongation ( Full Thickness ) 16 TROUGHABlLITY

14.2.1 Elongation at Reference Load 16.1 If agreed to between the purchaser and the
manufacturer, the conveyor belting shall be
For this requirement, reference load is defined tested for troughability. This will be a type test
as being one tenth of the specified full thickness only.
breaking strength of the belt in the longitudinal
direction ( see 14.1 ). 16.2 The troughability, when determined in
accordance with the method described in Annex
H, shall be as given in Table 6.
1 This definition does not necessarily imply that a
10 : I factor should be in design calculations. The
values of the factor will vary depending on the condi- Table 6 Minimum Troughability Value
tions governing a particular installation, for example
conveyor gradient, position of drive, type of take-up,
starting and stopping conditions which affect the Troughing Angle Troughability, Min
belt, method of joining the belt, etc. Up to and Including
2 The elongation at the reference load is intended (1) (2)
as a control test only. It includes some permanent 20” 0’05
and some elastic stretch and, therefore, cannot be
related exactly to stretch characteristics in service. 25” 0’07
30” 0’09 elongation of the finished belting 35” 0’11
in the longitudinal direction at the reference
45” 0’17
load, when tested by the method described in
Annex F, shall not be greater than 4 percent. 55” 0’23

NOTE - For intermediate troughing angk, the

14.2.2 Elongation at Breaking Load specified troughability shall be calculated by iinear
interpolation between two relevant adjacent values.
The elongation of the finished belting in the
longitudinal direction at the load corresponding
to the maximum breaking strength, when tested 17 DESIGNATION
by the method described in Annex F, shall be
not less than 10 percent. Belting complying with the requirements of this
standard shall be designated by IS No., grade of
15 ADHESION the cover ( see Table 1 ), the type of belting
The adhesion between cover and the carcass and defined by the full thickness breaking strength
between the adjacent plies shall be such that ( see Table 4 ) and number of plies.
when tested in the manner described in Annex Example:
G, the force required to cause separation shall
be as given in Table 5. A conveyor belt with cover grade M24 and
type 200 having 4 plies shall be designated
Table 5 Force for Adhesion Testing as:

Sl Test Force, Min (kN/m Width 1 Conveyer Belt IS 1891 (Part 1 ) M.24- ZOO/4
r---- ‘----7
For For 100 For 100
Cotton or Percent Percsnt 18 MARKING
Cotton/ Poly- Synthe-
Synthetic amide tic 18.1 The belting shall be marked at intervals of
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) maximum 12 m on Ilie carrying surface as
i) Adhesion between 3’00 5’25 4’50 follows:
adjacent plies
ii) Adhesion between 4 Manufacturer’s name and trzle-mark, if
cover and carcass: any;
a) Covers up to and No test No test No test
including 1’00 mm ‘3 Fabric designation, that is, BB ( cotton-
thick cotton ), NN ( nylon/nylon ), EP ( poly-
b) Covers over 1’00 2’20 3’15 3’15 ester polyamide ), etc;
mm up to and
including 1’50 mm
thick c>Belt designation;
c) Covers over 2’60 4’50 3’50
1’50 mm thick d) Ch, -ter identifying the grades of rubber
ani ‘jr plastic cover used;
NOTE - No individual value obtained at the time of
measurement shall be below the value specified by e) Last two figures of the year of manufac-
more than 0’80 kM.‘m. ture; and

IS 1891 ( Part 1) : 1994

f) Number of this standard. Table 7 Sampling Plan for Conveyor Belting

18.2 Certification Marking ( Clause 20.1 )

Details available with the Bureau of Indian Length of Belting of One Type and No. of
Width in m Samples
Standards. r-------- *_ ----_-7
18.2.1 The use of the Standard Mark is governed From ( Excluding) To ( Including )
by the provisions cf Bureau of Indian Standards (11 (2)(3)
Act, 1956 and the Rules and Regulations made .- 500 1
500 1 000 2
thereunder. The details of conditions under
1 000 2000
which the licence for the use of Standard Mark 2 000 3 500 :
my be granted to manufacturers or producers 3 500 5000
may be obtained from the Bureau of Indian 5 000 7 000 2
Standards. 7 000 10 000 7
NOTE - For every additional length up to 3 500 m
19 PACKING beyond 10 000 m the number of samples will be
increased by 1.
The belting shall be suitably packed as mutually
agreed to between the purchaser and the 20.2 Re-tests and Rejections
Should any sample fail to comply with the
20 SAMPLING AND TESTING .s_,ecified.&&reqilirements, two additional sam-
pI;es shall’ be drawn and tested according to
20.1 The number of samples to be tested for specified procedure. In the event of either of
compliance with the requirements of this speci- these two samples failing to comply with the
Acation shall be in accordance with Table 7. test requirements, the supply shall be rejected.
Each sample shall be full belt width and not less If both the samples pass the test, the supply
than 600 mm long. shall be accepted.

( Foreword, Clauses 7.1 and 8.1 )
s-1 Service Minimum Minimum Cover Thickness
No. Cover Grade mm

Conveyor Belting Elevator Belting

Carrying Pulley Carrying Pulley
Side Side Side Side
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
9 Sharp and abrasive materials M-24, 3.0 1.5 1.5 3.0
causing service wear, such as N-17
metallic ores, limestone, Synthetic
granite, quartz blast furnace
clinker and slag, sandstone,
stone! chippings, slate, coke,
broken glass, and gravel
ii) Moderately abrasive materials N-17
such as rubble, sand, (sharp),
superphosphate ( lump and
powder ), bone, coal, ashes,
unslaked lime cement ( un-
ground ), and small coal
( under 100 mm )
iii) Slightly abrasive materials, N-17
non-abrasive and dry mate-
rials, such as soda, earth, sand
( smooth ), cement ( ground )
clay, slaked lime, charcoal,
grain flour dry powders
( inert ), wood chips, land pulp
( dry )
IS 1891( Part 1 ) : 1994

( Clazlse7.1 )

B-l PRINCIPLE B-2.2 Where the thickness of the rubber cover

is less than I.5 mm but not less than 0.8 mm,
The method of test to be adopted shall be that the thickness of the test pieces shall be the
described for dumb-bell test piece Type 1 in IS maximum obtainable.
3400 ( Part 1 ) : 1987.
B-2 PROCEDURE B-2.3 Test shall not be carried out where the
B-2.1 The test pieces shall be prepared and rubber cover is insufficiently thick to give a
conditioned as described in IS 3400 ( Part 1 ) : buffed test piece of at least 0.8 mm thickness.
1987 and-the test carried out at a temperature Any open mesh of cord fabric reinforcement
‘,, ..‘W’ -.of 27-f-2 *C. I, shall be removed from the cover.

( Clauses 7.2, 8.1, 8.2 and 13.3 )


Take the average values of h, hr and h,. Then:
C-l.1 Preparation of the Sample = h
Thickness of belt
Take a 50 mm sample section of the belting, cut Thickness of one cover =h-hhl
across the full width of the belting, both edges
of the sample being cut at right angles to the Thickness of other cover = hl - h,
surface and edge of the belting. C-2 OPTICAL METHOD ( FOR THICKNESS
C-l.2 Procedure C-2.1 Apparatus
C-1.2.1 Mark but .do not cut, the sample into The measuring instrument shall consist of an
nine parts by eight lines extending across the optical magnifier incorporating a scale graduated
cut edges as shown in Fig. 1. in divisions of 0.1 mm.
C-1.2.2 Measure the overall thiekness of the C-2.2 Procedure
belt h on the each edge at the points marked On the surface of a sample of belting, mark a
using a micrometer gauge graduated to 0.01 mm line as shown in Fig. 2A. The line shall not
taking eight measurements in all. intersect any embossed markings. Cut across
this line perpendicularly to the surface. Along
C-1.2.3 Completely remove one cover, including the line, mark points as shown in Fig. 2B; the
breaker plies, if incorporated, then measure the distance between marks shall be equal.
thickness hr at the :,ame points.
Measure the thickness of each cover at the fab-
C-1.2.4 Completely remove the other cover, ric knuckles ( see Fig. 2B ) nearest to each of
then measure the thickness h, at the same the eight points. For each cover, calculate the
points. mean of the eight results.

25 mm


IS 1$91( Part 1 ) : 1994





( Clause 7.4 )

D-l GENERAL comparison rubber if abraded by the emery-

cloth according to the conditions of this stand-
D-l.1 The determination of volume loss through ard.
abrasive action of emery paper of a given abra-
sive grade, as carried out according to this D-3 PRINCIPLE
method, is suitable for comparative tests and for
testing the uniform.ity of specified products; D-3.1 A cylindrical standardized test piece is
however, the test results give only limited indl- passed over an emery-cloth ( corundum graining
cation of the wear behaviour of rubbers in 60 ) at a constant load of 10 N and at a cons-
service. tant speed of O-32 m/s for 40 m ( in special
cases 20 m ). Admissible abrasive grades fall in
D-2 DEFINITIONS the region of 170 to 220 mg. The loss in weight
( in mg ) of the test piece is accurately deter-
D-2.1 Abrasion Loss mined to the nearest mg and the volume loss is
calculated by using the density which is deter-
It is the volume loss ( V ) in cubic millimetre of mined according to IS 3400 ( Part 9 ) : 1978.
a rubber test piece when subjected to the abra- The volume loss is related to a defined abrasive
sive action of an emery-cloth of a specified grade of 200 mg.
abrasive grade at a specified contact pressure
land over a given distance according to the D-4 TEST PIECE
conditions of this standard.
D-4.1 Type and Preparation
-D-2.2 Abrasion Grade
The test pieces shall be cylindrical in shape,
Abrasion Grade of the emery-cloth is the mass 16 f 0.2 mm in diameter and with a minimum
loss ( m ) in mg of a test piece of a standard height of 6 mm. Test pieces shall be prepared

I!3 1891 ( Part 1 ) : 1994

with a hollow drill ( see Fig; 3 ). The speed of shall be rotated at a frequency of 40 f 1 rev per
rotation of the drill shall be about 1 000 rpm. min, the direction of rotation being as indicat-
For rubber with a hardness of less than 50 IRHD, ed in Fig. 4 and 5.
this may suitably be increased.
The test piece holder is mounted on swivel arm
NOTE - Punching of the test pieces is not permit- which has at the other end a sledge with a spin-
ted. They can, however, be vulcanized in a mould. If dle to be moved laterally 4.20 f 0.04 mm per
test pieces of the required thickness,are not available
the necessary thickness may be obtained by bonding
revolution of the cylinder.
separate cylindrical pieces to a base element of a
hardness not less than 80 IRI$D. NOTE - With this lateral movement the number of
times the test piece passes over any one area of the
When testing finished nroducts. containing embedded emery cloth is four.
fabrics ( conveyor belts ) the test piece ?aken from
the product shall contain the fabric. Special care The test piece holder consists of a cylindrical open-
shall be taken to ensure that these test pieces are ing, the diameter of which can be altered from
not rubbed down to the fabric or adhesive layer. 15 5 mm IO 16’3 mm, and a device for the adjustment
to a depth of 2 0 rfi ~0’2 mm, of the test piece protrud-
D-4.2 Number of Test Pieces
_. -
ing from the opening. The centre axis of the test
piece holder shall have an inclination of 3” to the
A minimum’ of three test runs shall be carried perpendicular in the direction of rotation.
out. This will normally require three test pieces, The centre of the test piece shall be placed above
but only one test piece may be necessary if the the longitudinal axis of the cylinder withan accuracy
mass loss is very low. In arbitration tests 10 run of I mm. The swivel arm and the test piece holder
shall be carried out. shall be free from vibration during operation and so
disposed that the test piece is pressed against the
cylinder with a vertical force of 10 0 + 0’2 N. Setting
D-5 APPARATUS AND TEST MATERIALS of the test piece on the emery-cloth at the beginning
of a test run, and its removal after abrasion ovel a
D-5.1 Abrasion Apparatus distance of 40 + 0’2 m ( 84 rotations I, shall be
automatic. In special cases of very high volume loss
The test apparatus ( see Fig. 4 and 5 ) consists of the sample an abrasion of 20 + 0’1 m ( 42 revolu-
of a laterally movable test piece holder and a tions ) ~may be used.
rotatable cylinder to which the emery-cloth is
fixed tight by three evenly spaced strips of D-5.2 Emery ( Abrasive ) Cloth
double sided adhestve tape extended along the
complete length of the cylinder. The adhesive Emery-cloth of grain size 60, at least 400 mm
wide, 473 mm long and about 1 mm average
tape shall be about 50 mm wide and not more
thickness shall be used as the abrasive medium.
than O-2 mm thick. One of the strips shall be
In the test with standard rubber ( see D-5.3 ),
placed where the ends of the emery-cloth should
this emery-cloth must have an abrasive grade of
meet but any gap left between them shall no~t
170 mg to 220 mg for an abrasive distance of
exceed 2 mm.
40 m. The direction of motion shall be indicated
fh: cylinder shall have a diameter of 150.0 on each sheet as it is important that this shall
i ti.2 mm and a length of about 500 mm. It be the same for every test. The emery-clothes

All dimensions in millimetres



IS 189-l ( Part 1 ) : 1994





All dimensionsin millimetres.


are produced with a much higher abrasive grade. D-5.3 Standard Comparison Rubber
Before using for abrasion test, the abrasive The standard reference rubber material shall
grade must be lowered to a value of less than conform to the formulation given below:
220 mg by one or two runs with a steel test
Ingredient Parts by Mass
piece, followed by careful cleaning, and two
runs with the standard comparison rubber 1) Natural rubber witch a 100.0
( see D-5.3 ). With an emery-cloth of an initial Monney viscosity, ML
abrasive grade of 210 mg to 220 mg a few hund- (1+4) of 80*5 at
red test runs are possible. 100°C
IS 1891( Part 1) : 1994

Iizgredien t Parts by Mass A standard comparison rubber sheet is considered to

be a ‘reference sheet’, if the abrasion measured of
2) Accelerator Debinzothia- 1.2 6 different places (4 at the corners and 2 in the
zyle disulphide middle ) differ by not more than IO mg and the mean
value differs by not more than 5 mg from the mean
3) Stabilimzer N-isoprophyl- 1-O value of the 6 single values of another ‘reference
N-phenyl-p-phenylene sheet’ in stock.
diamine ( Vulkanox D-6 PROCEDURE
4010 NA )
D-6.1 The test is carried out at room standard
4) Zinc oxide 50.0
temperature not earlier than 16 h after vulcani-
5) HAF Carbon black 36.0 zation.
6) Sulphur 2.5
D-6.2 Determination of the Abrasive Grade of the
Total ~_- 190.7 Emery-Cloth

D-5.3.1 Mixing and Vulcanization Determine the abrasive grade of the emery-cloth
over a minimum of three runs ( in arbitration
The statements about the manufacture method
tests 5 runs ) with the standard comparison
serve as a guideline. The mixing is undertaken
rubber before and after each test series. For
in an internal mixer ( capacity 2.8 kg ), fully
rubbers which have a tendency to smear, the
cooled, about 55 rev/min. The mixing sequence
mass loss of the standard rubber shall be deter-
shall be as follows:
mined before and after each test.
Time ( min ) Position
Use the mean value of the abrasive grade before
0 1 and after the test runs in the calculation of the
5 2, 3, 4 ( well mixed ) volume loss
8 5, 6 D-6.3 Test Run
30 end
Fix the test piece in the test piece holder so
Give the mix to an open mill, roll diameter that it protrudes from the opening to a depth
150 + 5 mm speed of the slow roll 24 f 1 rev/ of 2.0 f 0.2 mm. This shall be controlled by a
min, and gear ratio 1.4 : 1. The clearance be- gauge. Move the sledge with the swivel arm and
tween the rolls shall be 10 mm. Sheet out the the test piece holder to the starting point and
mix from the mill after 5 min. start the run. If the setting of the test piece is
not automatically done place it by hand on the
Bring the mould to vulcanization temperature. emery-cloth before starting. Vibration of the
Insert pieces of the mix ( approximately 10% test piece holder must be avoided. The cylinder
excess ) which have been preheated to min is stopped automatically after an abrasion dis-
at 70°C. tance of 40 m. If relatively high mass losses
Vulcanize in the closed press at 150 f 2°C for ( 400 mg in 40 m ) occur, the cylinder can be
30 * 1 min using a maulding pressure of stopped halfway and the original depth of 2*0f
3.5 MPa which is applied slowly. 0.2 mm can be adjusted so that the test can
be restarted and completed. At no time the
The sheets shall be stored in a cool place and height of the test piece shall be less than 5 mm.
shall be protected from the effect of light by
NOTE - If the mass loss is higher than 600 mg in
wrapping with materials which are capable of 40 m, the test should only be carried out for half the
absorbing ozone ( for example, polyethylene ). distance ( i.e. 20 m ) and this shall be indicated in
the test report. Then the results shall be multiplied
For al! test purposes the minimum time between by 2 so that the volume loss can still be given for an
vulcanization and testing shall be 16 h. abrasion distance of 40 m.

D-5.3.2 Quality Control Before each test. remove any dust left from the pre-
vious abrasion test with a brush or by a vacuum
The quality of the standard comparison rubber cleaner. Weigh each test piece to an accuracy of Img
before and after each test. Sometimes a small edge
is examined by determining the abrasion of a hanging from the test niece has to be milled off
test piece taken from a corner of the sheet before-weighing. Normal’ly only one run *per test
according to this standard, and then comparing piece is carried out, but if the abrasion is relatively
this abrasion value with the mean value of at small, several runs can be done. In this case care
shall be taken to ensure that the samnle is alwavs
least 3 test pieces of a ‘reference sheet’ in imme- placed in the sample holder in the same position and
diate consecutive tests. The difference between that the,minimum thickness of the test piece is never
these abrasion values shall not exeeed 8 mg. less than 5 mm.

NOTE-On the same test piece 3 runs can be D-7 CALCULATION

carried out. A hollow grinding before the first run is
not necessary. D-7.1 The abrasion is related to a defined

IS 1891( Part 1 ) : 1994

emery-cloth abrasive grade of 200 mg per 40 m D-8 REPORT

abrasion distance and is calculated as the volume
loss V given in cubic millimetre according to the D-8.1 The report shall include the following
following equation: particulars:
S 4 Grade of the belting being tested;
v= -2:
p.a b) Density of the test pieces;
4 Number of test pieces ( three );
V = volume loss in cubic millimetre,
4 The average volume loss .V in cubic milli-
m = weight loss in mg, metre;
S = defined abrasive grade ( = 200 mg ),
e) Any deviation from this standard,
p = density in mg/cubic millimetre, and specially use of only half of the abrasion
distance; and
a 3 mean abrasive grade of emery-cloth in
mg ( see D-6.2 ). f) Testing date.

( Clause 13.1.3 )

E-l PRINCIPLE E-2.3 The sum of the individual measurements

is the pitch length, I,.
The length of endless belting is determined by
the summatjon of a number of consecutive E-3 CALCULATION
measurements made along the internal surface
of the untensioned belting while laid out flat The true internal circumference, termed ‘net
and then making a correction for thickness. endless length’, shall be determined by correct-
ing the pitch for radius by subtracting the pro-
duct of n x thickness.
E-2.1 The belting shall be measured along the
internal surface while laid out on a flat surface
I, = I, - -&
free from tension by making a number of conse-
cutive measurements, reference marks being made
to indicate the beginning and end of each where
measurement. Measurement shall be made to the 11 = net endless length (true internal circum-
nearest 5 mm. ference ) in m,
-E-2.2 The minimum increment of measurement 1, - true pitch length in m, and
shall be as follows: h = thickness in mm.
Belting Length Increment
NOTE - This formula applies to flat belting without
Less than 30 m Not less than one-quarter ribs and channels which may produce a non-symme-
of the nominal length trical cross-section. Whilst the formula is strictly
circumference correct only for homogeneous material, it is regarded
as being sufficiently accurate for the purpose of belt-
More than 30 m Not less than 10 m ing measurement.

( Clauses 14.1, and 14.2.2 )

F-l TENSlLE TESTING APPARATUS F-l.3 The load shall be applied smoothly and
the rate of traverse of the driven grip shall be
F-l.1 The accuracy of the tensile testing 100 _c 10 mm per minute.
machine shall be within f 1 percent.
F-1.2 The range of the machine shall be so F-l.4 The method of holding the test piece shall
chosen that the loads to be measured fall within be such as to ensure proper alignment of the
10 and 90 percent of the full scale deflection. test pieces eliminating slip or damage during
IS 1891 ( Part 1 ) : 1994

testing. The use of transverse serrated grips as F-3.3 The thickness of the test piece shall be
illustrated in Fig. 6 are permissible. For very that of the belting under test. Three test pieces
thick belts, double compartment grips as illus- cut parallel to the centre line of the belt and
trated in Fig. 7 are permitted. The grip shall be three test pieces cut at right angle to the length
free to move without undue friction and in- of the belt shall be prepared. Test pieces shall
correct alignment. be cut so as to contain no joints such as may be
permitted under 11 and 12.

F-3.4 If the covers of the belt are very thickor

of very different thicknesses, the test shall be
performed without cover in order to avoid slip
of the test piece in the grip. Cover should only
be removed if this is found to be necessary to
obtain necessary breaks.
\i F-3.5 In the event of a test piece having covers
\ af different thicknesses, the reference line as
shown in Fig. 8 should be marked on the thinner
’ 20’ TO 30’ 1 cover.


F-4.1 The test piece shall be placed in the grips

or jaws of the machine so that the widest part
of the shoulders of the test piece are carefully
positioned in line with the front edge of the
jaws and the axis of the test piece coincides with
the centre line of the jaws.

F-4.2 The machine shall be started and the

driven jaw traversed at the specified rate until
rupture of the test piece occurs, at which point
the maximum load applied shall be noted.

F-4.3 The results of breaks occurring outside

the reference lines on the test piece shall
FIG. 7 DOUBLE COMPARTMBNTGRIPS normally be discarded, but if results of such
F-2 TEST PIECES tests are required they shall be reported as ‘jaw-
The test pieces shall conform to the shape and
dimensions of any one of the types shown in F-4.4 The elongation shall be determined by
Fig. 8 and shall be cut by the use of the suitable measuring the distance between the reference
die, the cutting angle of which shall not exceed lines at 10 percent of the specified breaking
18” ( see Fig. 9 ). strength of the belt ( reference load ) and at the
moment of break of the test piece.
F-3.1 The test pieces shall be cut not less than
3 days from the date of the manufacture of the F-5.1 The breaking strength of each test piece
belt and test pieces shall be conditioned for shall be expressed in kN/m width and the mean
3 days at 27 & 2°C and 65 f 5 percent relative value for each of the two sets of three tests
humidity, and tested at the same conditions of made parallel to and at right angles to the
temperature and humidity. Conditioning may be length of the belt shall be reported.
increased to a maximum of 14 days when agreed
between the manufacturer and the purchaser. F-5.2 The elongation values in the longitudinal
direction shall be expressed as a percentage of
F-3.2 No test piece shall be cut from the sample the initial distance between the reference lines.
with its longitudinal edge less than 25 mm from The mean value for the three tests made in the
any edge of the sample. longitudinal direction shall be reported.

IS 1891 i Part 1) :19!34



0 TO Q


1 I
I t

_____- I-_-__-





227 REF


,- I
All dim-miens in millimetres.
is 1891( Part 8 ) : 1994


( Clauses ‘15 )

G-l TEST PIECES tance of approximately 75 mm using sharp knife

and pincers. Mount the test piece in the machine
Cut four test pieces each 25.0 f 1.0 mm wide with the body of the test piece in the non-
and of sufficient length to allow a minimum test driven grip and the ply to be separated in the
length of 100 mm from the sample in the direc- power driven grip so that -the angle of separa-
tion of warp and weft ( making two test pieces tion is approximately 180”. Adjust the test piece
in each direction ), using sharp tool which leave in the grips so that the tension is distributed
a clean edge. The thickness of the ply which is uniformly and no twisting occurs in the ply to
to be separated shall not exceed 6 mm in thick- be separated during the test. Start the machine
ness. If the ply which is to be separated exceeds and maintain the rate of travel of the power-
6 mm in thickness, cut it down to the requisite drive grip at 100 & 10 mm per minute. Take
thickness before proceeding with the test. The thae readings of the load causing separation at
thickness of this ply shall be not greater than intervals of 12.5 mm over a length of 100 mm.
the thickness of the remainder of the test piece. Alternatively, an autographic recording of the
The test piece shall be cut about 10 cm from test may be taken. Repeat the procedure on
edge of the belt. separate plies from the face ply to the centre
G-2 CONDITIONING OF TEST PIECES ply. Test the second test piece in the same way
commencing with the back ply and proceeding
Before testing, expose the pieces to moisture again to the centre ply. Repeat the whole test
equilibrium in a standard atmosphere of 65 f with a second pair of test pieces.
5 percent relative-humidity and 27 f 2°C tem-
perature for at least 24 h and then immediately G-4.2 One pair of the test pieces in the warp
test at the same conditions of temperature and direction and one pair in the weft direction
humidity. shall be tested as mentioned ln G-4.1.
The test machine shall ensure substantially
constant speed of traverse of the moving gr,ip. Express the adhesion values as the average force
kN m width FeqUiFed to cause separation of the
G-4 PROCEDURE plies. The results are the average for four test
G-4.1 Break the bend to be tested over a dis- pieces.

( Clause 16.2 )

H-1 PRINCIPLE the deflection of the test piece under gravity is

unaffected by any other external force. The
A test piece consisting of a transverse full width troughability is determined by measuring the
section of belt is suspended at both ends with maximum deflection of the test piece under its
the carrying face uppermost so that the upper own weight and is expressed as the ratio of the
edges of these ends are in the same horizontal deflection to the flat length of the test piece
plane. The suspending forces act vertically and ( that is, the width of the belt ).

IS 1891 ( Part 1 ) : l!I!M

H-2 APPARATUS - See Fig. 10. b) prevent curvature across the end of the
H-2.1 Clamps - See Fig. 11. test piece;

Two clamps hold the ends of the test piece; c) be balanced about a horizontal axis of
Each clamp shall: rotation; and
a) hold the test piece across a width of at d) permit suspension of the test piece so that
least 140 mm and to depth into the clamp the horizontal axis of rotation of each
of not more than 10 mm; clamp corresponds with a line across the

500 mn




All dimensions in millimetres.


I8 1891 ( Part I ) t 1994

respective end of the test piece-midway H-3.2 Conditioning

between the top and the bottom surfaces.
Unless there is an agreement to the contrary,
H-2.2 Suspension System for the Clamps the test piece shall be conditioned before the
This system shall: test for at least 24 hours at a temperature of
a) maintain the axis of rotation of the 27 + 2°C. During this period, it shall be main-
clamps parallel and in the same horizon- tained in a flat condition so as to remove resi-
tal plane; dual curvature.
b) permit free rotation of each clamp with H-4 PROCEDURE
frictional forces reduced to a negligible H-4.1 Unless there is an agreement to the con-
value; and trary the test shall be performed at a tempera-
c) be adjustable to make the suspending ture of 27 * 2°C.
forces act vertically through the axis of H-4.2 Prior to test, the operator shall satisfy
rotation of the clamps. himself that the clamps are free to rotate and
will exert no bending moment on the test piece.
H-2.3 Means of Measuring the Deflection of the
Test Piece - See Fig. 12. H-4.3 Measure the flat length L~and the thick-
ness of the test piece.
NOTE - To ensure the greatest possible accuracy
when measuring deflection OF, it is recommended that H-4.4 Fit the test piece, carrying face upper-
the clamps be suspended at an accurately known most, while in the flat position, into the
distance ( AI or B1 ) below or above a horizontal suspended clamps.
reference plane so that for the determination of F, it
is only necessary to carry out one measurement, that H-4.5 Then allow the test piece to fall under its
is, the vertical distance ( As or Bs ) from the horizon- own weight from the flat position to the
tal reference plane to the lowest point on the edge of troughed position.
the surface of the carrying face, the measurement, in
conjunction with the suspension threads, lengths and H-4.6 Adjust the apparatus so that the suspend-
the belt thickness ( measured with a micrometer ) ing forces act vertically throughout the period
will enable F to be calculated accurately:
h h of the test.
F = A, - A, + - - Bl - Bn + --
2 2 H-4.7 After 5 minutes, measure the vertical
H-3 TEST PIECE defiection F of the test piece. This deflection is
the vertical distance from the end of the test
H-3.1 Sreparation piece to the lowest point on the vertical curve,
Take the test piece at least 5 days after the midway between the top and the bottom
manufacture of the belt. surfaces ( see Fig. 12 ).
H-3.1.1 The test piece shall comply with the H-5 EXPRESSION OF RESULTS
following conditions: The results shall be expressed by the ratio F/L:
Form - Rectangular parallel piped; where
Length - In the transverse direction of F- deflection, in mm, taken by the test
the belt, the flat width of the piece; and
belt; L 6 flat length, in mm, of the test piece
Width - In the longitudinal direction ( width of the belt ).
of the belt, 150 mm; and H-Q REPORT
Thickness - The thickness of the belt with In addition to the value obtained for the ratio
covers. F/L. the value of L shall be reported.

I-- r


All dimensions in millimetrcs.


IS 1891 ( Part 1 ) : 1994


( Foreword )

J-l The working tension in the belt including 2) Delivery pulleys under full tension;
initial tension should not exceed the following:
3) Loop pulleys in the triper; and
Type Mechanical Spliced
Joints Joints I 4) Terminal head pulleys in the case of
tail driving, etc.
kN/m kN/m
160 :g” 16 b) Snub pulleys in the return run under
180 lower belt tension, for example:
200 ;“z ;; l) Terminal tail pulleys in the case of
224 224 head driving;
250 25
280 2”: 28 2) terminal head pulleys for down-hill
315 31 31.5 conveying, if the terminal tail pulley
355 35 35.5 is brake; and
3) yece;nd bend pulleys in take-up
450 40
45 f: .
500 :: 50
560 cl Bend pulleys for a change of direction of
630 63 :: the belt less than 30”.
800 80 90
1000 I 110 J-2.2 Belt Carcass Thickness
1 250 1 Mechanical 140
1 400 : fasteners not 155 The belt carcass thickness e is the distance
1 600 recommended 180 between the highest points of the upper layer
1 800 j 200 of fabric and the lowest points of the lower
layer ( see Fig. 13 ).
J-2.3 The use of pulleys of diameters that are
J-2.1 Types of _Pulleys too small for the thickness of belting and type
of fabric used may lead to ply separation and,
a) Driving pulleys and pulleys exposed to in extreme cases the actual fracture of the fab-
high belt tension, for example: ric. It is, therefore, recommended that pulleys’
1) Main driving pulley on the bead or on diameters should not be less than those given
the tail; in Table 8.


1 I


Is 1891 ( Part 1 ) : 1994

Table 8 Recommended Minimum Pulley Diameters

( Clause J’-2.3 )

Carcass Thickness, in mm Recommended Minimum Diameter in mm for Percentage of ~RMBT’)Used

C-__--__-h___----_~ S------- ~-__---_-~-_h_._---_-__-_---_--_~
Cotton 100 Percent Polyester Over 60 Up to Over 30 Up to Up to 30 Percent
r-_*--T Polyamide -Polyamide 100 Percent 60 Percent Type of Pulley
From To T-------T ---*--7 Type of Palley Type of Pulley y----h_--_~
From To From To r_-__-__h-__..-~ r_-___h_.___.._ A B C’
A B C A B C.
1’2 I’1 0’9 100 - - - - - - -
1; 1’5 l-2 1’3 1‘0
- 1’1 125 100 - 100 - - -
1’6 2’0 1’4 1’7 1’2 1’4 160 125 100 125 100 1 100 100 1
2’1 2’5 1’8 2’2 1’5 1’8 200 160 125 160 125 100 125 125 100
2’6 3’1 23 2‘7 1‘9 2’3 250 200 160 200 160 125 150 160 125
3’2 3’9 2’8 *. 2’4 g! 315 250 200 250 200 160 200 200 160
4’0 3’6 4’4
J 5 400 315 250 315 250 200 25 250 200
2:; 4’5 5’5 ::s”
5’1 4’6 500 400 315 400 315 250 31: 315 2.50
6’3 7’8 5’6 7’0 4’7 ;:; 630 500 400 500 400 315 400 400 315
7’9 7’1 8’8 * 800 630 500 630 5GO 400 500 500 400
;;:; 1i.l S’\ ’ 1 000 800 630 800 630 500 630 500
10’1 8’9 630
12’6 l5.6 11’2 13’S 9’3 1E 1 250 1 000 800 1 000 800 630 800 800 630
15’7 17’5 13’9 15’5 11’6 12’9 1 400 1 250 I 000 1 250 1 000 800 1 000 1 000 800
17’6 20’0 15’6 17’7 13’0 14’8 1 600 1 250 1 000 1 250 1 OS0 800 1 000 1 000 800
17’8 20’0 14’9 16’6 1 800 1 400 1 250 I 400 I 250 1 000 1 250 1 250 1 000
16’7 18’5 2 000 1 600 1 250 I 600 1 750 I 000 1 150 1 250 1 000

‘) Rh4H’T - Recommended maximum belt tension.

A - Driving puileys and pulleys exposed to high belt tension.
B - Snub pulleys in the return run under lower belt tension.
C --. Rend pulleys for a change of direction of the belt of IesT than 30”.

( Foreword )


When the belt is to be a replacement on an
existing conveyor, the following information The followmg additional information, wherever
will be required: possible and applicable, shall be supplied when
1) Details of existing belt; the belt is to be used for a new installation:
2) Belt width; 1) Material to be conveyed;
3) Belt speed; 2) Conditions - wet, dry, sticky, greasy,
4) Pulley diameters; abrasive, hot or cold, state temperature
5) Method of take-up and amount available; if known or describe conditions,
whether cleaners are required;
6) Type of drive including coupling and
configuration of drive; 3) Bulk density of material in kg/m?;
7) Whether drive pulleys are legged or bare; 4) Size of largest lumps ( 3 dimensions );
8) Angle of carrying idlers; and 5) Average size of materials;
9) Profile sketch indicating position of 6) Percentage of largest pieces;
drive, take-up, tripper and vertical curve 7) Method of handling material immediate-
radii should be available, if possible. ly prior to feeding the plant;

IS 1891 ( Part 1 ) : 1994

8) State if the feed is to be regulated and 5) If belt is for new installation, the width
type of feeder preferred; of belt for which installation is design-
9) Height of material fall at loading;
6) Belt speed, metres per minute;
10) Conveyor duty - mass per hour per day
of hours; 7) Type of belt joint required;
11) Peak load which wit1 be fed to conveyor 8) Material to be conveyed;
mass per minute; 9) Mass of material in kg/m;
12) Type of belt joint required; IO) Is material sized or unsized?
13) Method of discharging conveyor; 11) Average size of material in mm ( 3 dimen-
14) Amount of lift cr fail; sions ):
1% Initial length ( centres of head and tail 12) Condition of material ( hot, cold, dry,
pulleys ); wet, slimy, sticky, corrosive, abrasive,
soft, hard, brittle, etc ); if hot, state
16) Ultimate length ( centres of head and temperature;
tail pulleys );
17) Position of drive; 13) Mass of material carried in tonnes per
18) Power supply-volts, ac or de, and if ac
Peak load per minute in tonnes;
cycles per second and number of phases; 14)
15) Centre-to-centre distance of elevator in
19) Type of motor to be used and starting metres;
Contour sketch of proposed installation; 16) Is elevator vertical or inclined? If
20) inclined, state angle or elevation;
21) Arc of contact of belt with driving
pulley; 17) Diameter of head and tail pulleys;
18) Width of head and tail pulleys;
22) Preferred idler arrangement and trough-
ing angle; 19) Situation, indoor or outdoor;
23) Environmental conditions; and 20) Are pulleys bare or legged?
24) Any special features of test require- 21) Type of motor to be used and starting
ments. torque;
22) Amount of adjustment available in the
K-3 ELEVATOR BELTING FOR take-up device for tensioning~the belt,
23) Weight of boot pulley ( if it is acting as
The following information will be required when a gravity take-up );
an elevator belt is required for a new installa-
tion 01 replacement: 24) Are bucket spaced or continuous?
25) Distance between buckets;
1) Is belt for replacement? If so, details of 26) Width of bucket in mm ( along width of
old belt; belt width in mm, bucket side belt );
cover thickness in mm, pulley side cover
thickness in mm; number of plies; grade; 27) Mass of each empty bucket in kg;
type of fabric and make; 28) The extent to which the buckets are
filled, percent;
2) How long did the old belt last ?
29) Projection of bucket from belt face
3) How did the old belt fail? Cover failure in mm;
Or carcass failure?
30) Method of attaching buckets to belt
4) Performance details of old, excessive ( sketch to be given showing position of
belt stretch or cover peeling; bucket belts ); and
tearing out or fastener trouble: 31) Dimensions of bucket with a sketch.

Standard Mark
The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian
Standards Act, I986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The Standard Mark on
products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been
produced to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well defined system of
inspection, testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by BIS and operated
by the producer. Standard marked products are also continuously checked by BIS for con-
formity to that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence
for the use of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be
obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards.
Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any
form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course
of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade
designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director ( Publications ), BIS.

-Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also
reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments IS reaffirmed when such review indicates that
no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision.
Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or
edition by referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Handbook and ‘Standards ‘Monthly Additions’,

This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot No. LM 09 ( 0108 ).

Amendments &sued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text -Affected



Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002 Telegrams : Manaksanstha
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Regional Offices : Telephone

Central : Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg 331 01 31
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Printed at New India Printing Press, Khurja, India

k ..’

NO. 1 MAY 2002
IS 1891( Part 1 ): 1994 CONVEYOR AND ELEVATOR

(Fourth Reviswn )

( Page 1, clause 7.1, line 1 ) — Substitute ‘rubber compound’~or ‘rubber’ .

( Page 2, clause 7.4) — Insert the following sentence at the end:

‘The tew for abrasion loss is a type tesL’
( Page 2, Table 1, Note, line 2 ) — Substitute ‘or’for ‘a~’.
( Page 4, Table 5, CO15, fide ) — Substitute ‘For 100 Pment Syntheticcder than
Polyamide‘for ‘For 100PereentSynthetic’.

( Page 5, clause 18.2.1, line 6 ) — Substitute ‘may’ for ‘my’.

( Page 5, Table 7, title ) — Substitute ‘Sampling Plan’ for ‘Sampling Plan for
Conveyor Belting’.

( Page 5, Annex A ) — Substitute the following for the existing heading:

S1No. Service Maximum Maximum Cover Thickness
Grade ~
Conveyor Belting Elevator Belting
Carrying Pulley Carrying Pulley
side side side side

(1) (2) (3) .(4) (5) (6) (7)

( Page 6, Annex C, clause C-2, line 2 ) — Delete the sign ‘(’ between the words
‘Method’ and ‘for’ and delete the word ‘THICKNESS’ appearing after the word
( Page 7, Annex D, clause D-1,1, line 7 ) — Substitute ‘covers’ for ‘rubbers’.
/ ReprographyUniLBIS, New Delhi, India

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