1. The client, a grandmother, reported that her grandson had just eaten chocolates and asked if he was allergic.
2. On examination, the grandson presented with signs of an obstructed airway including coughing, wheezing, rapid breathing and heart rate.
3. The nursing diagnosis was ineffective airway clearance related to tracheobronchial obstruction from possible chocolate allergy. The plan was to improve airway patency through interventions like positioning, suctioning, medications and monitoring over 8 hours.
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1. The client, a grandmother, reported that her grandson had just eaten chocolates and asked if he was allergic.
2. On examination, the grandson presented with signs of an obstructed airway including coughing, wheezing, rapid breathing and heart rate.
3. The nursing diagnosis was ineffective airway clearance related to tracheobronchial obstruction from possible chocolate allergy. The plan was to improve airway patency through interventions like positioning, suctioning, medications and monitoring over 8 hours.
1. The client, a grandmother, reported that her grandson had just eaten chocolates and asked if he was allergic.
2. On examination, the grandson presented with signs of an obstructed airway including coughing, wheezing, rapid breathing and heart rate.
3. The nursing diagnosis was ineffective airway clearance related to tracheobronchial obstruction from possible chocolate allergy. The plan was to improve airway patency through interventions like positioning, suctioning, medications and monitoring over 8 hours.
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1. The client, a grandmother, reported that her grandson had just eaten chocolates and asked if he was allergic.
2. On examination, the grandson presented with signs of an obstructed airway including coughing, wheezing, rapid breathing and heart rate.
3. The nursing diagnosis was ineffective airway clearance related to tracheobronchial obstruction from possible chocolate allergy. The plan was to improve airway patency through interventions like positioning, suctioning, medications and monitoring over 8 hours.
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BACKGROUND INTERVENTION Subjective: Ineffective airway URT trauma or Goal: After 8 hrs The client’s airway “I just gave him clearance r/t irritant shift of nursing patency has some chocolates. tracheobronchial (chocolates) intervention improved. Is he allergic to obstruction. ↓ client’s airway that?” as stated tracheobronchial patency will by the client’s obstruction improve. grandmother. ↓ Ventilation Objectives: perfusion (V/Q) The client will be Objective: mismatch able: -Cry ↓ 1.To be free from 1.Position with 1. Open airway 1. Client was free -Sharp barking Increase secretion secretions or airway open allows adequate from obstruction, cough production obstruction, (sniffing position if ventilation. breathes easily, -Audible stridor ↓ easier work of supine). respiratory and -Tachychardia Ineffective airway breathing, • Humidify oxygen • Help liquefy heart rate was -Tachypnea clearance respiratory and or room air and secretions for maintained within (+) nasal flaring heart rate within ensure adequate ease in clearance normal range). -Intercoastal parameters. fluid intake retractions (intravenous or -Productive oral). cough(sharp & • Suction with • Removal of frequent) bulb syringe or via secretions nasopharyngeal PR- 146 bmp catheter as (left radial pulse) needed. RR- 40 cpm • If tachypneic, • To avoid risk of ( irregular ) maintain NPO aspiration. T- 39C ( left axilla) status. • Encourage • To promote expectoration of airway clearance. sputum with coughing. • Perform chest • To mobilize physiotherapy if secretions ordered. with the assistance of percussion or vibration accompanied by postural drainage • Ensure •To avoid delay emergency should airway equipment is become readily available. unmaintainable.
2. To take her due 2. Provide patient 2. Produces 2. Client was able
medication optimal patent bronchodilation to take her due (as prescribed) airway with and exert a med. prescribed potent, locally bronchodilators acting anti- (racemic inflammatory epinephrine effect to decrease inhalant) and the frequency and corticosteroids severity of (betamethasone) attacks. as ordered. CANDO, Precious Gia G. May 28, 2010