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Mandatory Units

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Brickwork NVQ2

Criteria for On-Site


Mandatory Units
QCF 01 Conforming to General Safety
QCF 02 Conform to Efficient Working Practices
QCF 03 Moving and Handling Resources
QCF 40 Erecting Masonry Structures
QCF 41 Setting Out Masonry Structures

A. Roberts Feb 11 1
Notes to Candidate

This booklet provides the Assessment Criteria

for all the Mandatory Units:
QCF 01 Conforming to General Safety in the Workplace
QCF 02 Conforming to Efficient Working Practices in the Workplace
QCF 03 Moving and Handling Resources in the Workplace
QCF 40 Erecting Masonry Structures in the Workplace
QCF 41 Setting Out Masonry Structures in the Workplace

All evidence must be collected from the work-place

When the Criteria asks you to Describe, State or Explain,

it is likely these will be included in a signed document

When the Criteria asks you to Select, Use, Demonstrate,

it is likely these will be observed during a Site Visit

Each of the Assessment Criteria needs to be referenced

against a piece of evidence, as shown by a page number
but one piece of evidence can be used several times

A. Roberts Feb 11 2
Qualification Title
L2 NVQ Diploma in Trowel Occupations (Construction)

Mandatory Units All 5 Units required

QCF 01 Conforming to General Safety in the Workplace

QCF 02 Conforming to Efficient Working Practices in the Workplace
QCF 03 Moving and Handling Resources in the Workplace
QCF 40 Erecting Masonry Structures in the Workplace
QCF 41 Setting Out Masonry Structures in the Workplace

Optional Units Choose only 1 Unit

QCF 42 Erecting Masonry Cladding in the Workplace

QCF 43 Laying Domestic Drainage in the Workplace
QCF 44 Erecting Thin Joint Masonry Structures in the Workplace
QCF 45 Placing and Finishing Non-Specialist Concrete in the Workplace
QCF 46 Plastering and Rendering Surfaces in the Workplace
QCF 47 Maintaining Slate and Tile Roofing in the Workplace
QCF 50 Repairing and Maintaining Masonry Structures in the Workplace

A. Roberts Feb 11 3
A. Roberts Feb 11 4
Mandatory Unit QCF 01 Conforming to General Safety

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria Page

1 Identify hazards 1.1 Report and / or record hazards within the

associated with the workplace and occupations at work
workplace and record
and report in 1.2 Describe typical hazards associated with the
accordance with occupational area including noise, resources,
organisational environmental, substances and articles,
procedures obstructions, storage and work activities

1.3 State the methods used for reporting hazards

in the workplace

2 Comply with all 2.1 Select and wear general personal protective
workplace safety equipment (PPE) in the work environment in
legislation requirements accordance with legislation and organisational

2.2 State when and why PPE should be used

including protective helmets, ear protection,
overalls, safety boots and high visibility

2.3 Adhere with statutory requirements, safety

notices and warning notices displayed within
the workplace

2.4 Describe which types of safety notices are

relevant to the occupational area

Assessment Criteria for Unit QCF 01 continues on next page 5

Mandatory Unit QCF 01 Conforming to General Safety

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria Page

3 Comply with and 3.1 Maintain security of the workplace by following

maintain all organisational procedures relating to:
organisational security
- During the working day
arrangements and
- On completion of the day's work
approved procedures
- Unauthorised personnel
such as other operatives and general public
- Theft

3.2 Explain how security procedures are

implemented in the workplace

4 Comply with all 4.1 Follow organisational procedures for accidents

emergency procedures and emergencies associated with the type of
in accordance with work being undertaken and the work
organisational policy environment

4.2 State the types of fire extinguishers available

and describe how and when they are used

End of Unit QCF 01 6

Mandatory Unit QCF 02 Conforming to Efficient Working Practices

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria Page

1 Communicate with 1.1 Communicate with colleagues and/or clients to

others to establish ensure that the work is carried out efficiently
productive working
relationships 1.2 Explain different methods of communicating
with line managers, co-workers and clients

1.3 Give reasons for using certain methods of

communication for particular job activities

1.4 Describe the reasons for communicating

efficiently and effectively, and the
consequences of poor communication

2 Follow organisational 2.1 Carry out work in conjunction with other

procedures to maintain workers & maintain harmonised relationships
good work relationships
2.2 Explain how organisational work procedures
are applied to maintain good working
relationships with line managers,
co-workers and clients

2.3 State the reasons for effective working

relationships with line managers,
co-workers and clients

2.4 Describe the consequences for efficient

working if relationships with line managers,
co-workers and clients are poor

3 Maintain appropriate 3.1 Complete relevant documentation according

records in accordance to the occupation in accordance with
with the organisational organisational procedures
3.2 Describe how to maintain documentation in
accordance with organisational procedures
relating to: Job cards, Worksheets, Materials
or Resource lists and Time sheets

3.3 Explain the reasons for ensuring documents

are completed clearly and within timescales

End of Unit QCF 02 7

Mandatory Unit QCF 03 Moving and Handling Resources

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria Page

1 Know how to comply 1.1 Describe their responsibilities under current

with given information legislation and official guidance whilst working:
when moving and
- On site
storing resources
- Below ground level
- At heights
- With tools and equipment
- With materials and substances
- By manual handling and mechanical lifting

1.2 Describe the organisational security

procedures for tools, equipment and
personal belongings in relation to;
Site, Workplace, Company and Operative

1.3 State what the accident reporting procedures

are and who is responsible for making the

2 Maintain safe working 2.1 Use PPE safely to carry out the activity in
practices when moving accordance with legislation and organisational
and handling resources requirements when moving handling resources

2.2 Explain why and when personal protective

equipment (PPE) should be used, relating to
moving and handling resources, and the types,
purpose and limitations of each type

2.3 State how emergencies should be responded

to in accordance with organisational
authorisation and personal skills when
involved with fires, spillages, injuries
and other task-related hazards

2.4 State the types of fire extinguishers available

and describe how and when they are used

Assessment Criteria for Unit QCF 03 continues on next page 8

Mandatory Unit QCF 03 Moving and Handling Resources

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria Page

3 Select the resources to 3.1 Describe the characteristics, quality, uses,

be stored and ensure limitations and defects associated with the
they conform to the resources in relation to:
given information
- Materials, Components, Fixings
- Fittings and ancillary items
- Hand and/or powered tools and equipment
- Internally or externally supplied

3.2 Select the resources to be moved and / or

stored for own work and that of the team,
in relation to: Materials, Components, Fixings,
Tools and Equipment

3.3 State how the resources should be handled

and how problems associated with the
resources are reported

3.4 State why organisational procedures are

developed and how they are used

3.5 Outline potential hazards associated with the

resources and method of work

4 Comply with the given 4.1 Protect the product and the surrounding area
information to prevent from damage
damage to the product
and surrounding 4.2 Minimise damage and maintain a clean work
environment when space
moving and handling
resources 4.3 Describe how to protect work from damage
and the purpose of protection in relation to
general workplace activities, other occupations
and adverse weather conditions

4.4 Dispose of waste packaging in accordance

with legislation

4.5 State why the disposal of waste should be

carried out in relation to the work and
how it is achieved

Assessment Criteria for Unit QCF 03 continues on next page 9

Mandatory Unit QCF 03 Moving and Handling Resources

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria Page

5 Comply with the given 5.1 Demonstrate the following work skills when
product information to moving and handling resources:
move and handle
Moving, positioning, securing
resources to the
Using lifting aids and
required guidance
Kinetic lifting techniques

5.2 Handle and store occupational resources to

meet product information and/or organisational
requirements relating to at least three of the
- Sheet material
- Loose material
- Bagged or wrapped material
- Fragile material
- Components
- Liquid material

5.3 Describe how to apply safe work practices,

follow procedures, report problems and
establish the authority needed to rectify them
- Manual handling and storage
- Maintenance of lifting aids

5.4 Safely use and store lifting aids and equipment

5.5 State the needs of other occupations when

moving and handling resources

End of Unit QCF 03 10

Mandatory Unit QCF 40 Erect Masonry Structures

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria Page

1 Interpret the given 1.1 Interpret and extract information from

information relating to drawings, specifications, schedules and
the work and resources manufacturers' information
when erecting masonry
structures 1.2 Comply with information and/or instructions
derived from Risk Assessments and Method

1.3 State the organisational procedures developed

to report and rectify inappropriate information
and unsuitable resources and how they are

1.4 Describe different types of information, their

source and how they are interpreted including:
- Drawings, Specifications, Schedules
- Manufacturers' information
- Regulations governing buildings

2 Know how to comply 2.1 Describe their responsibilities under current

with relevant legislation legislation and official guidance whilst working:
and official guidance
- In the workplace
when erecting masonry
- Below ground level
- At heights
- With tools and equipment
- With materials and substances
- With movement and storage of materials
- By manual handling and mechanical lifting

2.2 Describe the organisational security

procedures for tools, equipment and
personal belongings in relation to
Site, Workplace, Company and Operative

2.3 State what the accident reporting procedures

are and who is responsible for making reports

Assessment Criteria for Unit QCF 40 continues on next page 11

Mandatory Unit QCF 40 Erect Masonry Structures

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria Page

3 Maintain safe working 3.1 Use PPE and access equipment safely to
practices when erecting carry out the activity in accordance with
masonry structures legislation and organisational requirements
when erecting masonry structures

3.2 Explain why and when PPE should be used,

relating to erecting masonry structures, and
the types, purpose and limitations of each type

3.3 State how emergencies should be responded

to in accordance with organisational
authorisation and personal skills when
involved with fires, spillages, injuries
and other task-related hazards

4 Select the required 4.1 Describe the characteristics, quality, uses,

quantity and quality of limitations and defects associated with the
resources for the resources in relation to:
methods of work to
- Bricks, blocks, mortars, frames, insulation
erect masonry
- Damp-proof barriers, lintels, fixings and ties
- Hand and/or powered tools and equipment

4.2 Select resources associated with own work in

relation to materials, components, fixings, tools
and equipment

4.3 State how the resources should be used

correctly, how problems associated with the
resources are reported and how the
organisational procedures are used

4.4 Outline potential hazards associated with the

resources and method of work

4.5 Describe how to calculate quantity, length,

area and wastage associated with the
method/procedure to erect masonry structures

Assessment Criteria for Unit QCF 40 continues on next page 12

Mandatory Unit QCF 40 Erect Masonry Structures

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria Page

5 Minimise the risk of 5.1 Protect the work and its surrounding area
damage to the work and from damage
surrounding area when
erecting masonry 5.2 Minimise damage and maintain a clean
structures work space

5.3 Describe how to protect work from damage

and the purpose of protection in relation to
General workplace activities
Other occupations
Adverse weather conditions

5.4 Dispose of waste in accordance with


5.5 State why the disposal of waste should be

carried out in relation to the work

6 Complete the work 6.1 Demonstrate completion of the work within the
within the allocated time allocated time
when erecting masonry
structures 6.2 State the purpose of the Work Programme
and explain why deadlines should be kept
in relation to:
- Types of progress charts, timetables and
estimated times
- Organisational procedures for reporting
circumstances which will affect the Work

Assessment Criteria for Unit QCF 40 continues on next page 13

Mandatory Unit QCF 40 Erect Masonry Structures

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria Page

7 Comply with the given 7.1 Demonstrate the following work skills when
contract information to erecting masonry structures:
erect masonry
- Measuring, Marking out,
structures to the
Laying, Positioning and Securing
required specification

7.2 Erect masonry in brick and block and/or local

materials to contractor's working instructions:
- Cavity wall structures
- Block work structures
- Solid wall structures
-Door and window openings
- Joint finishes

7.3 Describe how to apply safe work practices,

follow procedures, report problems and
establish the authority needed to rectify them
- Erect cavity walling/solid walling using brick
and block and/or local materials
- Erect walling - the vernacular style
- Lay blocks (traditional and thin joint)
- Determine brick and/or block bonds
- Form joint finishes
- Form openings for doors and windows
- Position damp-proof barriers
- Mix mortar
- Use hand tools, power tools and equipment
- Work with crane handled or mechanically
handled loads
- Work at height
- Use access equipment

7.4 Safely use and store hand tools, portable

power tools and ancillary equipment

7.5 State the needs of other occupations and how

to communicate within a team when erecting
masonry structures

7.6 Describe how to maintain the tools and

equipment used when erecting masonry

End of Unit QCF 40 14

Mandatory Unit QCF 41 Setting Out Masonry Structures

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria Page

1 Interpret the given 1.1 Interpret and extract information from

information relating to drawings, specifications, schedules and
the work and resources manufacturers' information
when setting out
masonry structures 1.2 Comply with information and/or instructions
derived from Risk Assessments and Method

1.3 State the organisational procedures developed

to report and rectify inappropriate information
and unsuitable resources and how they are

1.4 Describe different types of information, their

source and how they are interpreted including:
- Drawings, Specifications, Schedules
- Manufacturers' information
- Regulations governing buildings

2 Know how to comply 2.1 Describe their responsibilities under current

with relevant legislation legislation and official guidance whilst working:
and official guidance
- In the workplace
when setting out
- Below ground level
masonry structures
- At heights
- With tools and equipment
- With materials and substances
- With movement/storage of materials
- By manual handling and mechanical lifting

2.2 Describe the organisational security

procedures for tools, equipment and
personal belongings in relation to
Site, Workplace, Company and Operative

2.3 State what the accident reporting procedures

are and who is responsible for making reports

Assessment Criteria for Unit QCF 41 continues on next page 15

Mandatory Unit QCF 41 Setting Out Masonry Structures

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria Page

3 Maintain safe working 3.1 Use PPE safely to carry out the activity in
practices when setting accordance with legislation and organisational
out masonry structures requirements when setting out masonry

3.2 Explain why and when PPE should be used,

relating to setting out masonry structures, and
the types, purpose and limitations of each type

3.3 State how emergencies should be responded

to in accordance with organisational
authorisation and personal skills when
involved with fires, spillages, injuries and
other task-related hazards

4 Select the required 4.1 Describe the characteristics, quality, uses,

quantity and quality of limitations and defects associated with the
resources for the resources in relation to:
methods of work to set
- Levels, Lines, Profiles and Tape measures
out masonry structures
- Pegs, Squares and Fixings
- Hand tools and Setting out equipment

4.2 Select resources associated with own work in

relation to materials, components, fixings,
tools and setting out equipment

4.3 State how the resources should be used

correctly, how problems associated with the
resources are reported and how the
organisational procedures are used

4.4 Outline potential hazards associated with the

resources and method of work

4.5 Describe how to calculate distances, length,

levels and diagonals, quantity and area
associated with the method or procedure
to set out masonry structures

Assessment Criteria for Unit QCF 41 continues on next page 16

Mandatory Unit QCF 41 Setting Out Masonry Structures

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria Page

5 Minimise the risk of 5.1 Protect the work and its surrounding area
damage to the work and from damage
surrounding area when
setting out masonry 5.2 Minimise damage and maintain a clean
structures work space

5.3 Describe how to protect work from damage

and the purpose of protection in relation to
- General workplace activities
- Other occupations
- Adverse weather conditions

5.4 Dispose of waste in accordance with


5.5 State why the disposal of waste should be

carried out in relation to the work

6 Complete the work 6.1 Demonstrate completion of the work within the
within the allocated time allocated time
when setting out
masonry structures 6.2 State the purpose of the work programme
and explain why deadlines should be kept in
relation to:
- Types of Progress Charts, Timetables
and Estimated Times
- Organisational procedures for reporting
circumstances which will affect the Work

Assessment Criteria for Unit QCF 41 continues on next page 17

Mandatory Unit QCF 41 Setting Out Masonry Structures

Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria Page

7 Comply with the given 7.1 Demonstrate the following work skills
contract information to when setting out masonry structures:
set out masonry
Measuring, Marking out, Levelling
structures to the
Positioning and Securing
required specification

7.2 Set out to contractor's working instructions:

Regular shaped brick and block and/or
vernacular style structures on level ground

7.3 Describe how to apply safe work practices,

follow procedures, report problems and
establish the authority needed to rectify them,
- Set out brick, traditional and thin joint blocks
and/or vernacular style structures on level
- Construct corner profiles
- Transfer levels (spirit level, straight-edge,
water levels and laser level)
- Use hand tools and setting out equipment

7.4 Safely use and store hand tools and setting

out equipment

7.5 State the needs of other occupations and

how to communicate within a team when
setting out masonry structures

7.6 Describe how to maintain the tools and

equipment used when setting out masonry

End of Unit QCF 41 18

A. Roberts Feb 11 19

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