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Adjectifs Poss

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Possessive Adjectives / Adjectifs possessifs

How to say MY YOUR HIS / HER OUR YOUR THEIR in French?

mon, ma, mes ton, ta, tes son, sa, ses notre, nos votre, vos leur, leurs

A possessive adjective defines ownership of « something» and is placed before it in the sentence as a “determinant”.
There are four different cases we can think about: Follow the arrows
one "thing" The owner is  I YOU HE/SHE
belongs to one (1st pers.sing) (2d pers. Sing) (3d pers sing) example :
person.  The "thing" is MY YOUR HIS/HER
   ****
c'est mon livre
Masculin sing. MON TON SON c'est ton livre
c'est son livre
c'est ma robe
Singular Feminin sing.  MA TA SA c'est ta robe
c'est sa robe
Feminin but the c'est mon amie
word starts MON TON SON c'est ton amie
with a vowel  c'est son amie
*** In this case it is the gender of the belonging that determines the choice of adjective, not the gender of the owner like it
would in English. Ex: Whether a book belongs to a boy or a girl, HIS book or HER book will be translated by “SON” livre in both
cases because livre is masculine.
many "things" The owner is  I YOU HE/SHE
belong to one The "things" are (1st pers.sing.) (2d pers. sing.) (3d pers sing.) examples :
person.  MY YOUR HIS/HER
   ****
Ce sont mes livres.
Masc. Ce sont tes livres.
Ce sont ses livres.
Plural or  MES TES SES
Ce sont mes robes.
Fem. Ce sont tes robes.
Ce sont ses robes.
one "thing" owners are  WE YOU THEY
belongs to many (1st pers.plur.) (2d pers.plur.) (3 pers. Plur.) example :
people.  The "thing" is OUR YOUR THEIR
  
c'est notre livre
Masc c'est votre livre
c'est leur livre
Singular or  NOTRE VOTRE LEUR
c'est notre robe
Fem c'est votre robe
c'est leur robe
many "things" owners are  WE YOU THEY
belong to many The "things" are (1st pers.plur.) (2d pers.plur.) (3 pers. Plur.) examples :
people.   OUR YOUR THEIR
  
Ce sont nos livres.
Masc. Ce sont vos livres.
Ce sont leurs livres.
plural or  NOS VOS LEURS
Ce sont nos robes.
Fem. Ce sont vos robes.
Ce sont leurs robes.

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