Democracy, Governance and Economic Growth: Theory and Evidence
Democracy, Governance and Economic Growth: Theory and Evidence
Democracy, Governance and Economic Growth: Theory and Evidence
Francisco L. Rivera-Batiz
Department of Economics
Columbia University
New York, NY 10027
This paper examines how democracy affects long-run growth by influencing the quality
of governance. Empirical evidence is presented first showing that measures of the quality
of governance are substantially higher in more democratic countries. A general-
equilibrium, endogenous growth model is then built to show how a governance-
improving democracy raises growth. In this model, stronger democratic institutions
influence governance by constraining the actions of corrupt officials. Reducing
corruption, in turn, stimulates technological change and spurs economic growth.
Empirical evidence is presented showing that democracy is in fact a significant
determinant of total factor productivity (TFP) growth between 1960 and 1990 in a cross-
section of countries. But this contribution occurs only insofar as stronger democratic
institutions are associated with greater quality of governance.
and civil rights lead to improved standards of living, compared to more authoritarian
regimes? The debate on this issue has raged for centuries and it is often linked to the
The existing evidence on the links between democracy and economic growth does
not provide a clear cut support of the idea that increased democracy causes growth. Some
early studies, such as those by Kormendi and Meguire (1985) and Scully (1988) found
more recent studies have provided ambiguous results (see Helliwell, 1994, Przeworski
and Limongi, 1993, and the survey by Brunetti, 1997). For instance, Barro (1996)
concludes that the established links between democracy and growth are a result of the
capital. Similarly, Rodrik (1997), concludes that, after controlling for other variables,
“there does not seem to be a strong, determinate relationship between democracy and
This paper provides a theoretical and empirical analysis of how democracy affects
empirical evidence of the strong linkage between these two variables. Section 3 then
improving democracy can raise growth. In this model, the quality of a country’s
greater technological change and growth. If democracy is associated with improved
governance, then it will also lead to accelerated innovation and growth. The impact of
1990. This analysis shows that democracy is a statistically significant factor affecting
total factor productivity and growth in GDP per-capita between 1960 and 1990, but that
mainly through its strong positive effects on the quality of governance. But once a
The existing literature has developed various arguments that link democracy to
both greater and lower quality of governance. First of all, by definition, democracies
allow populations to peacefully and regularly oust inept, inefficient and corrupt
regimes, thus tending to make the quality of governance on average higher in the long-
run. Authoritarian regimes may randomly provide high-quality governance, but if they do
not, they can only be changed by force, which may take years or decades longer than
considering the effects of democracy relative to authoritarian regimes] we have to
consider the political incentives that operate on governments and on the persons and
groups that are in office. The rulers have the incentive to listen to what people want if
they have to face their criticism and seek their support in elections.”
was...suppose further that debt piles up, and the government of the borrowing country
cannot service its obligations…This is in fact what has happened. Tens of millions of
people in emerging markets have recently fallen back into poverty. Without a democratic
voice, they had no control of the risks their governments assumed. Even more
outrageous, without transparent political institutions and a free press they had no way to
understand these risks…Some would call this taxation without representation. In fact,
their citizens.”
On the other side of the coin, a number of authors have noted that the proliferation
of interest groups lobbying for power or for rents under democratic institutions may lead
to policy gridlock, preventing the major decisions that are required in the development
process. The most popular of those voicing this view is the former Prime Minister of
Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, who has argued that Singaporean growth –one of the most
remarkable over the last 30 years—would not have occurred without the stringent
restrictions on political and civil rights under his regime. Some have also contrasted the
successful experience of China in undertaking market reforms, contrasting it to the
votes can be purchased may allow wealthy individuals or parties to control the electoral
process in much the same way that an openly authoritarian regime would. As Piero
Gleijeses observes of the situation in Latin America: “The box on the outside is labeled a
more ample political rights, civil rights, and freedom of the press, among others, may or
may not be associated with improved governance. The real question, then, is the relative
strength of the forces just discussed in the real world. Are the various cases of
“enlightened dictatorship” the rule or the exception in the recent past? Do most
democracies allow their population to choose more effective policymakers or are they
political power and sustain ineffective, corrupt regimes? Let us look at the empirical
measure the quality of governance, we utilize an index constructed by Hall and Jones
(1999) that evaluates countries on the basis of the “institutions and government policies
that determine the economic environment within which individuals accumulate skills, and
firms accumulate capital and produce output.”2 Countries with a high value of this index
get “the prices right so that…individuals capture the social returns to their actions as
private returns.”3
The index of quality of governance is itself the average of two indexes. First is an
index of the quality of government institutions based on data assembled by Political Risk
of each country’s government institutions regarding: (1) law and order, (2) bureaucratic
quality, (3) corruption, (4) risk of expropriation, and (5) government repudiation of
contracts. On the basis of this assessment, an index is constructed that ranges from 0 to 1,
The second element composing the index of quality of governance is the extent to
which the country is open to international trade. The idea here is that protectionist
governments are more likely to engage in policies that distort prices and undermine the
ability of the private sector to produce efficiently and innovate. This may be a direct
result of the trade –and other—taxes and restrictions imposed by the policymakers but
also the indirect cause of the rent-seeking activities that are almost inevitably associated
with the protectionist policies. The index of openness used is that constructed by Sachs
and Warner (1995), which measures the fraction of years during the period of 1950 to
1990 that the economy was open. The index thus ranges from 0 to 1, with a value of one
is used as the measure of quality of governance. This index, which we will refer to as
GOVERN, ranges from 0 to 1, with larger values indicating higher quality of governance.
Note that the index reflects the long-term competency of governance in the country
during the period of 1950 to 1990. Countries with high values include most industrialized
countries --such as Switzerland (1.00), the United States (0.97) and Canada (0.966)—and
a number of nations that were low-income countries in the 1950s and 1960s, including
Singapore (0.930), Hong Kong (0.896), Barbados (0.869), and Mauritius (0.852). The
countries with the lowest quality of governance are Congo/Zaire (0.113), Haiti (0.118),
index of political rights. According to this measure, countries with broader political rights
process…this means the right of all adults to vote and compete for public office, and for
elected representatives to have a decisive vote on public policies.”4 The Freedom House
through the variable DEMOC, which ranges from 1 to 7, with higher values indicating
stronger democratic institutions and lower values reflecting more authoritarian regimes.
Canada, U.S., Germany, France, etc.-- all of which score at 7.0, as well as a number of
developing nations, such as Costa Rica (7.0), Barbados (7.0), Venezuela (6.3),
Dominican Republic (6.0), Botswana (5.9), Mauritius (5.8), and Gambia (5.6). Among
the least democratic countries are: Benin (1.0), Central African Republic (1.0), Mali
To estimate the links between democracy and governance, a simple linear
regression model is first used, with the dependent variable represented by the index of
quality of governance and the independent variable being DEMOC, which is the average
of the values of the democracy index for 1960 and 1990, representing the long-term
democratic environment of a country. The sample consists of 115 countries for which
data are available. The first column of Table 1 presents the ordinary least squares (OLS)
coefficients of this simple regression equation. As can be seen, there is a strong positive
connection between the strength of democratic institutions and the quality of governance,
with the variable DEMOC having a positive and statistically significant coefficient. The
R-squared (adjusted for degrees of freedom) is 0.51 for this equation, suggesting that the
democratic institutions variable alone explains close to half of the variance of the quality
There are, of course, a variety of social and economic forces that explain the
quality of governance in a country (see La Porta et. al., 1999, and Kaufmann, Kraay and
Lobaton, 2000). It is possible that the correlation of democracy with some of these forces
order to take this into account, we carried out a multivariate analysis where we added a
set of variables that the literature considers to be related to the quality of governance in a
economic activity expands, countries can afford to provide greater resources to the public
sector and allow governments to function more efficiently. To include this in our
empirical analysis, we add a dummy variable, POOR, which is equal to one if the country
is poor and zero otherwise. We expect this variable to be negatively associated with the
quality of governance.
communications difficult, and it can magnify ethnic divisions that can prevent an
effective government (Easterly and Levine, 1997). To represent this influence, we use the
variable URBAN, which is the percentage of the population residing in an urban area. We
expect that higher values of URBAN will be positively related to the quality of
spill-over into a more informed public sector. We add the variable TERTIARY, which is
equal to the fraction of the population 25 years of age or older who have enrolled in a
quality of governance.
model where the quality of governance index is the dependent variable. As can be seen,
the estimated coefficient on the DEMOC variable declines relative to the simple
regression reported in the first column, but it retains a strong, statistically significant
POOR is statistically significant –at a 95 percent confidence level. All coefficients have
The results in Table 1 confirm that stronger democratic institutions are closely
associated with greater quality of governance. Assuming that there is such a connection,
what is the implication about the relationship of democracy to economic growth? The
next section presents an endogenous growth model that examines the theoretical links
between democracy, governance and growth. A later section examines the issue
The evidence presented in the last section shows how democracy is negatively
connected to the quality of governance, one key aspect of which is corruption. As the
World Bank (1997) observes: “in democracies, citizens can vote officials out of office if
they believe them to be corrupt. This gives politicians an incentive to stay honest and
work for the interests of their constituents.”7 More democratic institutions can also
facilitate the activities of the press, which can monitor corruption and disseminate
information on corrupt government officials to the public so that they can be held
accountable. This section constructs a theoretical model that captures how democracy
Corrupt officials are assumed to impose a tax on the profits made by firms and
entrepreneurs engaged in the innovation, design and production of new goods in the
economy. Each new good invented must be licensed by the government in order to be
produced. Government officials ask license applicants for bribes in order to grant their
approval. These officials are assumed to receive civil service income that is negligible
compared to the bribes. The corrupt bureaucrats are thus residents of the country who do
not produce at all but survive through the imposition of bribes on the producers of new
The officials maximize their expected income by setting a bribery tax rate, t, on
the profits made by producers of new goods in the country, π. They set this rate taking
into account the impact of the bribery on profits and on the probability that the bribery
scheme is revealed to the public and dismantled, θ. Producer profits are assumed to
decline with the tax rate (∂π/∂t < 0). The probability that the corrupt activities will be
revealed and dismantled is assumed to depend on the bribery tax rate as well as on the
strength of the democratic institutions in the country. The higher the bribery tax rate, the
more likely that those being taxed will find it in their interest to obtain the political
capital to eradicate corruption (∂θ/∂t > 0). The more democratic the country, the higher
the probability that corrupt activities will be revealed and dismantled; symbolically:
∂θ/∂D > 0, where D is an index of democracy, with higher values of D linked to stronger
democratic institutions.
Under the assumptions, corrupt officials will seek to maximize their expected gain
with all symbols as defined before.9 The first-order condition for the maximization of G
(1 - θ ) (1 - ε )
t* = , (2)
where ε = -(t/π)(∂π/∂t) > 0 is the elasticity of producers’ profits with respect to the
bribery tax rate, assumed to be less than one, and θr = ∂θ/∂t > 0 is the partial derivative of
the probability that the bribery system will be dismantled with respect to the bribery rate.
Equation (2) suggests that, ceteris paribus, the bribery tax rate maximizing the
(∂t*/∂D < 0). As political rights and freedom of the press rise, the likelihood that corrupt
officials will be discovered and their bribery schemes dismantled increases, which forces
them to lower bribe rates so as to become less visible. Note that the level of corruption
increases (t* goes up) when the producers’ profit function is relatively more inelastic
with respect to the bribery rate (lower values of ε) and when increased tax rates cause a
smaller impact on the probability that the corrupt regime will be dismantled (lower values
of θr).
The model of democracy and corruption presented in the last section is now
embedded in an endogenous growth model, to show the linkages between democracy and
growth.10 We consider a small open economy trading in goods and services with the rest
of the world. The country produces two final goods, X and Y, that are traded in world
markets and whose prices are determined by global market conditions (Px and Py are
Sector X is a human-capital intensive sector whose production function is of the
where X is the output of good X, Hx is the amount of human capital used in production, $
Ix = ( G Zix" )1/", (4)
with 0<"<1 and Zix representing the use of physical capital good i in sector X, where
there are n differentiated capital goods used in production at any given time, with the
Each capital good enters symmetrically into the sub-production function in (4).
Ix = n(1-")/" Zx (5)
where ( = $(1-")/". This shows the output of good X as a function of the total quantities
of physical and human capital employed in the sector, Zx and Hx, respectively, as well as
to the number of differentiated capital goods used, n. The production function in equation
that depends on the number of capital goods. Since the number of capital goods is a
variable determined as part of the model, this makes total factor productivity growth
Production of good Y is intensive in the use of unskilled labor and its production
Iy = ( G Ziy" )1/", (8)
where " is as defined earlier, and Ziy represents the use of physical capital good i in
where Zy = n Ziy is the total demand for capital in sector Y. Equation (9) shows that
output of good Y is dependent on the total quantities of unskilled labor and physical
consequence, cost-minimizing firms producing final goods will set price equal to unit
with Cx and Cy equal to the unit cost functions in sectors X and Y, respectively, WH is the
wage rate of skilled labor or human capital, WL is the wage rate of unskilled labor, and PZ
is the price of each capital good (as is established next, all capital goods will have the
same price, as determined from the symmetry of the demand for and supply of each
capital good).
The production function for each capital good is given by a constant returns
production function:
where Hzi is the demand for human capital in the firm producing capital good i, Lzi is the
demand for unskilled labor used by each firm, and the exponent “a” is an exogenous
The profit of each producer of capital goods, πi, is given by total revenue minus
total cost (including the cost of both the skilled and unskilled labor):
where we have made use of equation (12). Note that the bribery rate, t*, acts to reduce the
firm’s revenues, PZ Zi. As examined earlier, corruption constitutes a tax on the producers
of new capital goods, which need to have their product blueprints registered and licensed
Capital goods firms are assumed to maximize profits within a market structure
establish the equality of the marginal revenue product of each input to the cost of hiring
Where MR i represents the marginal revenue facing each capital goods producer and
∂Zi/∂Hzi is the marginal physical product of human capital. But marginal revenue is
given by: MRi = PZ (εi - 1)/ εi , where εi is the price elasticity of demand facing each
capital goods producer. The latter can be determined from the sub-production functions
in equations (4) and (8) to be: εi = 1/(1 - "). Furthermore, from the capital goods
A similar set of derivations can be carried out for the first order condition with respect to
where CZ is the unit cost of production for each firm in the capital goods sector. Note that
corruption acts as a tax on capital goods producers, reducing the effective price, PZ, that
they receive per unit of the good sold. The greater the level of corruption, as represented
symbolically by an increase in t*, the greater the cut of the officials out of PZ .
We can summarize the structure of the model so far as follows. Given the number
of capital goods, n, and the exogenous prices of final goods, Px and Py, then equations
(10), (11) and (17) constitute a system of three equations in 3 variables, WL, WH, and PZ.
What remains to discuss, then, is the dynamics of the economy, whose engine is the
increase in the number of capital goods available for production. We will discuss shortly
the equilibrium determinants of n, but the profile of the economy’s steady state
If we denote the steady state growth rate in the number of capital goods by g, then
equations (10), (11) and (17) imply that the wages of skilled and unskilled labor and the
prices of capital goods will all rise at the rate (g. Taking time derivatives in equations
^ ^ ^ ^
(n = Cx = ΘHXWH + (1 -ΘHX)PZ (18)
^ ^ ^ ^
(n = Cy = ΘLYWL + (1 -ΘLY)PZ (19)
^ ^ ^ ^
PZ = CZ = ΘLZWL + (1 -ΘHX)WH, (20)
^ . .
Where a “^” denotes growth rate, so that n = n/n, with n = dn/dt, etc. The Θ’s are factor
shares, so that ΘHX = WHHx/PxX, the share of skilled labor in the value of output in sector
X, and so on for other values of Θ. Note that, if the number of capital goods rises at a rate
equal to g, then in order for all three equations to be satisfied, the steady state of the
economy will imply that WH, WL, PZ will all rise at the rate (g.
In addition, at the steady state, the usage of inputs cannot be shifting across
sectors, meaning that the steady state values of Zx, Zy, Ly, LZ, Hx, and Hz (=nHzi) are
fixed. But then, from equations (6) and (9), the levels of output X and Y will also grow at
the steady-state rate (g. Consequently, the economy’s aggregate output growth rate will
Since the increase in the number of capital goods, n., determines the steady state
growth rate, the key question in the model is how new capital goods are created.
Following the literature11, we assume that new capital goods are created by a research or
technology sector that uses human capital and has the following production function:
dn/dt = n = nHn /aH, (21)
where Hn is the amount of human capital used in the technology sector, and aH is an
exogenous parameter that reflects the productivity of human capital in generating new
capital goods, with higher values of aH representing greater productivity. Equation (21)
states that the creation of new capital goods is positively related to the skilled labor used
This reflects the fact that, as the supply of capital goods, n, rises, the existing ideas
available for innovators to generate new products increase, stimulating innovation and, as
a result, the number of new capital goods created (for more details, see Romer, 1990).
g = (n/n) = (Hn/aH). (22)
Equation (22) states that the rate of growth of new capital goods depends on the amount
parameter reflecting the productivity of this human capital in producing new capital
The rate of return on producing a new capital good, r, is equal to the capital gain
r = V/V + Bi/V, (23)
where V is the value of a new capital good and Bi denotes the profit obtained from the
The value of a new capital good is equal to the cost of production of the new
V = ( WHHn/n ) = (WHaH/n), (24)
where we have made use of equation (21). Taking changes in equation (24), one derives
that the capital gain –the gain in the value of a new capital good—is given by:
. . .
V/V = WH/WH – n/n. (25)
. .
r = WH/WH – n/n + B/V. (26)
But the profits in the production of each capital good are:
where use has been made of equation (17). Using equation (15) to modify equation (27)
. .
r = WH/WH – n/n + [1-"(1-t*)]HZ/a"(1-t*)aH
where, at the steady state, the wage rate of skilled labor rises at the rate γg and the
Equation (28) determines the rate of return on new capital goods, but it includes
the amount of human capital used in the capital goods sector as a variable. To finish
solving the model we need to introduce the human capital endowment constraint:
Hn + Hx + HZ = H (29)
where H is the total endowment of human capital available to the economy. Equation
(29) can be further simplified by noting that, at the steady state, equation (22) implies
Hn = gaH. (30)
And from equation (15):
If we define λ to be the ratio of the use of each capital good in the X and Y sectors at the
steady state, then Ziy = λZix, which can be substituted into equation (32) to obtain:
Hx = (1-β)HZ/βa"(1-t*)(1+λ). (34)
Equations (30) and (34) can be substituted into the human capital endowment constraint
to obtain:
Equation (35) provides an expression for HZ that can be substituted into equation
(28) so that, with some manipulation, an expression for the steady-state rate of growth of
Equation (36) establishes a negative connection between the growth rate and the
curve PP. A higher rate of return to capital will be associated with a flow of human
capital into the capital goods sector. This will reduce the human capital available for
innovation, thus lowering the economy’s growth rate. An increase in the country’s
endowment of human capital, H, allows both the research/innovation sector and the rest
accelerated growth, at any given level of the rate of return, r. The result is a shift of the
bribery tax rate, t*. Equation (36) clearly shows that a drop in t* will result in an increase
of the growth rate, g, everything else held constant. As a consequence, the PP curve in
The analysis so far has established a connection between the rate of return to
capital and growth. An additional relationship between growth and the rate of return to
capital must be established to determine the steady state growth rate. In an economy that
does not trade in assets with the rest of the world, domestic consumers determine such a
Consumers are assumed to maximize the utility derived from an infinite stream of
U = exp[-D(J-t)] log U [Cx(J ), Cy(J)] dJ (37)
exp[-r(J-t)]{WH(J)H + WL(J)(Ly + LZ)}dJ ≥
exp[-r(J-t)] [Px(J)Cx(J ) + Py(J)Cy(J)] dJ, (38)
where the expression on the left-hand side represents the present discounted value of
income and the right-hand side is the present discounted value of aggregate consumption
r = (E/E) + ρ, (39)
r = γg + ρ. (40)
Equation (40) displays a positive relationship between the rate of interest, r, and the
growth rate, g. As the rate of interest increases, the rate of growth of consumption
spending also rises, ceteris paribus, and with no external borrowing or lending so does the
rate of growth of output. This is depicted by the curve CC in Figure 1. Note that an
increase in the rate of time preference would reduce the rate of growth at a given interest
rate and shift the CC curve to the left. In this case, consumers switch their spending
towards the present, reducing the rate of growth of future spending and output.
Democracy and the Steady State Growth Rate
Equations (36) and (40) constitute a system of two equations in two variables, g
and r. Solving them produces the steady state values of the growth rate, g, and the interest
This shows that the steady state rate of growth is determined by the economy’s
endowment of human capital plus a wide array of parameters that include, among others,
the rate of time preference, the degree of corruption, and the productivity of human
determined by the intersection of the PP and CC curves at point E. This gives rise to a
steady state growth rate of go and a rate of return to capital equal to ro. How is
democracy related to this steady state? Stronger democratic institutions would act to
constrain the level of corruption in the economy. Such a change would reduce the bribery
rate, t* and, as equation (41) suggests, it would cause an increase in the steady state
growth rate. Figure 1 illustrates the impact of an increase in the strength of democracy by
means of the shift of the PP curve to P’P’, which raises the steady state growth from go to
g’ and the rate of return to capital from ro to r’. By reducing the corrosive effects of
corruption and thus raising the rewards from creating new capital goods, an increase in
political rights stimulates innovation and raises both the rate of return to capital as well as
Opening the Capital Account: Democratic versus Authoritarian Regimes
So far our analysis has assumed that the economy is closed to international capital
flows. What is the impact of an opening to global trade in assets? This is an issue that has
created great controversy in recent years, with some authors claiming strong positive
growth effects of liberalization (Levine, 2001) and others suggesting instead that there is
no such impact (Rodrik, 1998) or even that the effects could be negative (Radelet and
Sachs, 1998). Our analysis suggests that the impact of capital account liberalization on
growth can be positive or negative, depending on whether the country has more
If we assume that the country is a small open economy, then free trade in assets
with the rest of the world will cause the domestic rate of return to be determined by the
world rate of return, r*. Using equation (36), the equilibrium growth rate is then:
where all the variables are as defined earlier. Note that if the equilibrium rate of return to
capital before the liberalization lies below r*, then equation (42) implies that the growth
rate will decline after liberalization. The capital account opening causes capital flight, as
domestic residents find higher rates of return in the rest of the world. This reduction in
domestic investment causes the growth rate to drop. If the domestic rate of return before
liberalization is above the world rate of return, on the other hand, there will be an
The stronger the democratic institutions in the country, the more likely that capital
account liberalization will produce an expansion of the steady state growth rate. The
reason is that more democratic institutions act to limit corruption, lowering the bribery
tax rate and raising the domestic rate of return to capital. As international trade in assets
is permitted, democratic governments are more likely to have rates of return to capital
that exceed the world rate of return, inducing capital inflows. More authoritarian
in democratic and authoritarian regimes. The curves PP and CC and their intersection at
point E represent the steady state before capital account liberalization in an authoritarian
regime. The steady state growth rate is go and the rate of return to capital is ro. In this
situation, if the world rate of return to capital is r*, an opening of the capital account
leads to a shift of the steady state from point E to point E’. This is associated with capital
Under more democratic institutions, the steady state is characterized by the curves
P’P’, CC and their intersection at point D gives rise to a growth rate equal to g’ and a
domestic rate of return to capital of r’. Opening the capital account in this situation causes
the steady state to move from point D to point D’, raising the growth rate from g’ to g’’.
increased growth rates. This connection is stronger when countries are open to
What is the empirical evidence regarding the links between democracy and
established in the last section? The next section examines this issue.
the role of democracy on the growth of GDP per worker between 1960 and 1990. The
measure of the labor force in the economy, K is the capital stock, and A is a parameter
that reflects the influence of factors other than capital and labor on production. By
definition, the parameter A represents total factor productivity (TFP). It is through the
parameter A that our theoretical analysis in the previous section identified the impact of
democracy. This analysis showed how stronger democratic institutions increase the
We follow Hall and Jones (1999) and Krueger and Lindahl (2001) in postulating
Hi = Li expφEdi, (44)
where Edi is the average number of years of schooling of the labor force, and the
parameter φ represents the productivity of workers with Edi years of education relative to
Dividing equation (43) by the labor force and using (44) yields:
+ (1-α)φ(Edi90/Edi60], (46)
where the superscripts 60 and 90 are used to denote values for 1960 and 1990,
The parameter “A” is equal to total factor productivity and it represents forces
that affect GDP per-worker other than physical and human capital. Traditionally,
economists have assumed that changes in this coefficient are closely related to
technological changes (see Solow, 1956), but they may in fact reflect the influence of any
other forces (wars, natural catastrophes, health and epidemics, ethnic conflict, geography,
etc.). In terms of technological change, of course, there is a wide array of variables that
influence innovations. We will include some of these variables in our empirical work, in
The endogenous growth model presented in the last section identified human
capital as a key determinant of technological change (see also Romer, 1990a,b). One
expects persons with higher education to be those most closely connected to the
innovation sector. To proxy for changes in Ai, we add to the growth equation in (46) a
variable TERTIARY, which is equal to the average of the 1960 and 1990 proportions of
the population aged 15 or older who had attended some level of tertiary education. This
represents a sample period average of the fraction of the labor force that has had some
Our theoretical analysis also showed how democracy works in raising the rate of
technical change, although this mechanism was shown to operate through the higher
into our analysis we first add to the growth regression the index of democracy discussed
institutions. We then also estimate another equation which adds the variable GOVERN,
which represents the index of governance discussed earlier and which ranges from 0 to 1,
There are other forces influencing technological change. Data limitations do not
allow us to include most of these variables, but we do include some popular influences on
technical change. Urbanization, for example, has been postulated to be associated with
agglomeration economies that allow new industries to emerge and new goods and
Jacobs, 1969, and Rivera-Batiz, 1988). To incorporate this force into the empirical work,
we add the variable URBAN, which is equal to the percentage of the population in 1980
residing in an urban area. We also note that innovations intensive in research and
development may be spurred by the presence of large, capital-intensive firms that allocate
resources for these purposes, suggesting a positive relationship between the capital per
worker in the economy and total factor productivity growth. We add (K/L)60, which is the
this equation:
The growth equation (46) can be estimated using the following empirical model:
+ β7(Edi90/Edi60] + εi (48)
where the βj are parameters to be estimated and εi is a random error term assumed to be
The data set includes 59 countries for which information on all variables is
available. The dependent variable is measured by the log-change of real GDP per worker
in constant, international dollars (base year 1985).13 The Ki/Li data are for capital stock
per worker, as reported by the Penn-World Tables 5.6 (measured in constant, 1985
international dollars).14 The Edi is measured by the average years of schooling of the
population 15 years of age or older, taken from the Barro-Lee (1994) database. The
Table 2 presents the sample means of the variables used in the analysis. The
overall growth of GDP per worker between 1960 and 1990 was 0.65 in the sample of
countries, which corresponds to an average of 2.2 percent per annum. The capital per
worker grew an average of 102% between 1960 and 1990, or 3.4 percent per year. And
the average educational attainment in the sample rose by 2.2 times between 1960 and
1990. The sample mean for the democracy index was 4.7, on a range of 1 to 7. The mean
value of the governance index was 0.59, on a range of 0 to 1. Table 2 shows the sample
Table 3 displays the ordinary least squares coefficients of the growth regressions
corresponding to equation (48). Column 1 reports the results of a simple regression that
includes only the capital per worker, educational attainment and democracy index as
explanatory variables. As can be seen, all three variables are statistically significant in
explaining growth of GDP per worker. In particular, the value of the democracy
deviation in the index of democracy (equal to 1.9 points) is associated with an increased
growth rate of GDP per capita between 1960 and 1990 of 0.4 percentage points per year.
The second column of Table 3 reports the results of the full regression model,
which includes all explanatory variables. Note that the adjusted R-squared rises
substantially, from 0.55 to 0.62, indicating that the full model explains a significantly
larger fraction of the variance of growth in GDP per capita. Most importantly, the
democracy variable loses its statistical significance, the value of its estimated coefficient
changes signs and its magnitude becomes insignificant in terms of its impact of growth.
Accompanying this result is the fact that the quality of governance variable, GOVERN, is
governance index of one standard deviation (an increase of 0.26 in the index) increases
the growth rate of GDP per-capita by 1.2 percentage points per year.
growth but only insofar as it is associated with improved governance. As our theoretical
model implies, the key influence of democracy on growth is through its effects in raising
the quality of governance in the economy, which is then closely linked to greater factor
productivity growth.
5. Conclusions
This paper has examined how democracy affects long-run growth through its impact on
the quality of governance of a country. This issue is explored both at the theory level and
The paper focused first on presenting empirical evidence on the link between
Hall and Jones, 1999, was used as a dependent variable in a multivariate analysis of the
determinants of quality of governance. Our results show that the quality of governance is
substantially higher in more democratic countries, even after holding other variables
force of the vote means that, over the long-run, inept, corrupt officials will be voted out
of office. More democratic institutions also facilitate the activities of the press, which
firms that sell new capital goods in the economy. This reduces the incentives to innovate
and dampens technological change. By reducing the corrosive effects of corruption and
raising the rewards from creating new capital goods, an increase in political rights
stimulates innovation and raises both the rate of return to capital as well as the steady
The theoretical analysis also shows that the stronger the democratic institutions in
the country, the more likely that capital account liberalization will produce an expansion
of the steady state growth rate in developing countries. The reason is that more
democratic institutions are associated with higher domestic rates of return to capital. As
international trade in assets is permitted, democracies are more likely to have rates of
return to capital that exceed the world rate of return, inducing capital inflows. More
in fact a significant determinant of total factor productivity (TFP) growth between 1960
and 1990 in a cross-section of countries. But this contribution occurs only insofar as
multivariate growth regression analysis where both quality of governance and democracy
indexes are introduced, the democracy variable loses its statistical significance. The
quality of governance variable, on the other hand, is statistically significant and a strong
determinant of growth. In fact, an increase in the governance index of one standard
deviation increases the growth rate of GDP per capita by 1.2 percentage points per year.
Our results thus suggest that democracy is a key determinant of growth but only insofar
with improved governance, it will have very little impact on growth. And in authoritarian
countries where the quality of governance is high, growth is likely to also be at high
5. Of course, the issue of causality emerges in any exercise of this type. Although we
have mentioned the strong reasons to hypothesize that more democratic institutions will
cause improved governance, it is possible that the causal direction in examining the links
between democracy and governance involves greater governance causing democracy,
rather than vice-versa. For instance, well-governed dictatorships, with successful
economies, may have the political breathing space to allow greater democratic
institutions to emerge. Countries with poor governance, on the other hand, may have the
collapsing economies that cause repressive, authoritarian governments to flourish. To
explore this hypothesis, a regression equation was estimated where the dependent
variable was GOVERN and one of the explanatory variables was the value of the
democracy index for 1960. We found the 1960 measure of democracy to be a strong,
statistically significant determinant of the quality of governance in the period of 1960 to
1990. Although only indicative, this result is consistent with a causal influence of
democracy on governance.
8. There is growing literature examining both the theory and evidence on the impact of
corruption in developing countries. See, for instance, Shleifer and Vishny (1993), Mauro
(1995), Gray and Kaufmann (1998), and Ehrlich and Lui (1999). The model in this paper
was developed in Rivera-Batiz (2001a).
9. It is assumed, for simplicity, that there are no penalties imposed when corrupt officials
are discovered. They only lose their bribes. In this case, the expected gain, G, to the
corrupt officials if their scheme is discovered and dismantled is just zero.
10. The model is based on the endogenous growth models of the open economy
developed by Grossman and Helpman (1991a,b); see also Rivera-Batiz and Romer
(1991), Rivera-Batiz (1996, 1997).
11. We again follow closely the models in Grossman and Helpman (1991a,b); see also
Romer (1990a,b) for a detailed analysis.
12. The exponential relationship between human capital and output per worker follows
the widespread evidence available from microeconomic labor market studies establishing
an exponential linkage between earnings and educational attainment of labor market
participants. Unfortunately, this is not the functional specification that has been adopted
in most cross-country studies linking education to growth (see, for example, Pritchett,
2001 and Easterly and Levine, 2001). A careful analysis of the two alternative functional
specifications makes clear that the exponential form appears to fit the data more closely.
For an analysis of this issue and estimates of the role of education on economic growth,
see Rivera-Batiz (2001b).
13. These data were obtained from the World Bank economic growth database, which
relies on the Penn-World Tables 5.6.
14. The capital stock data were obtained from the World Bank economic growth
database, which are derived, in turn, from the Penn-World Tables 5.6, based on perpetual
inventory estimates of capital stocks using disaggregated investment and depreciation
statistics (these data are utilized by Easterly and Levine, 2001, in their analysis).
15. The comparatively small sample of countries (59) may give rise to a suspicion that
the analysis is subject to sample selection bias. To test for this potential problem, we used
the technique developed by Ray and Rivera-Batiz (2002) to determine whether the
growth regression coefficients would change significantly when adjusted for sample
selection bias, but the changes were negligible.
16. The possibility also exists that democracy can affect growth through its impact on the
accumulation of physical and human capital, a possibility that is not examined in this
paper; see Tavares and Wacziarg (2001).
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log[(Yi/Li)90/[(Yi/Li)60] 0.65
(log of the ratio of GDP per (0.49)
worker in 1990 to 1960)
log[(Ki/Li)90/(Ki/Li)60] 1.02
(log of the ratio of capital (0.78)
per worker in 1990 to 1960)
Edi90/Edi60 2.22
(years of schooling of the population (1.04)
15 years of age or older in 1990 divided
by the one in 1960)
(Value of index of democracy) (1.9)
(Value of the Hall-Jones measure (0.26)
of the quality of governance)
URBAN 54.1
(Ki/Li)60 7,482
Number of Observations 59
GOVERN -- 0.9347*
TERTIARY -- -0.7264
URBAN -- -0.0016
(Ki/Li)60 -- -0.00005
Number of 59 59
R-Squared 0.55 0.62
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g’ ………….\………..|../\ D
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