Nursing Care Plan
Nursing Care Plan
Nursing Care Plan
This is a non-steroidal
>Administered anti-inflammatory drug
Ketorolac 30mg which is likely due to
intravenously every 8 inhibition of the enzyme
hours as per doctor’s cyclo-oxygenase. The
order. analgesic activity is due,
in part, to relief of
A pain management by
Educative: which you provide
>Informed the patient information regarding
regarding the specific the medication as
analgesic medication she established by NIC
is taking, frequency of (Nursing Intervention
administration and Classification).
specific precautions.
To foster early recovery
and decline the hospital
>Encouraged early stay of the patient.
ambulation as directed
by the physician.
> Informed the patient to
inform the nurse of Thirst must be
thirst. responded immediately
to prevent the
aggravation of risk for
deficient fluid.