Soft Handoff in Cdma Systems: Krishna B Rao, Lakshmi Narayan Mishra Department of Electrical Engineering
Soft Handoff in Cdma Systems: Krishna B Rao, Lakshmi Narayan Mishra Department of Electrical Engineering
Soft Handoff in Cdma Systems: Krishna B Rao, Lakshmi Narayan Mishra Department of Electrical Engineering
the type that has been proposed in the IS-95 CDMA standard. In the soft
channel diversity. On the other hand, there are additional resources used
provides quantification for this tradeoff. The results can be used to gain
off from one cell to another as the user moves between cells. In a
and then the connection to the new cell is made. This is known as a "
stations and a single mobile, where the changes in the pilot signal
band. A typical handoff scenario is taken into account wherein the need
for a mobile to alter its frequency or rather to switch its carrier frequency
is negated. The main idea of a soft handoff scheme is to ensure that there
is connectivity with the old base station while the new base station has
been assigned to take control over the communication link. This way at a
such a way as to ensure that as soon as the mobile is within the range of
the new cell, the old base station releases the connection of the call.
algorithm and the results obtained from the simulation are discussed in
is adjusted dynamically during the operation. Here the power control and
soft handoff are used as means of interference-reduction, which is the
previous and the new wideband channels occupy the same frequency
handoff ensures a continuous link to the base station from which the
Problem Definition
Active Set based on the measured pilot strength. We have the forward
channel. There are several such pilot signals in the channel. The main
function of the mobile station is to measure and report the pilot signal
a member of the Active Set. The main problem lies in identifying this
threshold level. A reference pilot is picked from the Active Set and then a
handoff decision is made after comparing the received pilot strength with
that of the reference. Originally the Active Set consists of a single base
station but after repeated experiments and measurements other base
stations are added when the signal strength between them and the user
exceeds the predefined add threshold. There are three parameters that
are considered in the analysis - Tadd or the Add Threshold, Tdrop or the
Drop Threshold and the drop timer. Both Tadd and Tdrop are negative
values. If any non-member pilot signal strength exceeds the Tadd then the
pilot is added to the set or is made a member of the set. The pilot is still
threshold, Tdrop, the mobile starts a drop timer. This timer is designed
such that it is reset and disabled as soon as the pilot strength goes above
Tdrop before the drop timer expires. Upon expiry of the timer the pilot also
is removed from the Active Set. The experiment was conducted for
several values and it was found that high thresholds and long drop timer
settings tend to maintain more stations in the Active Set. Similarly low
thresholds and short drop timer settings increased the rate of Active Set
updates. Here the base station utilization factor and the number of
Software Implementation
base stations A & B and single mobile user moving from base station A in
the direction of base station B with no interference. A pilot signal is
mobile and used for all decisions. The pilot signal from each base station
S a (d ) = K1 − K 2 x log(d ) + u (d )
is modeled by the formula: where d is the
Sb (d ) = K 1 − K 2 x log(d ) + v(d )
distance, K1 and K2 are constants that can be used to model any given
a registry that lists base stations that are capable of providing reliable
threshold levels that the received pilot signal must satisfy and these
thresholds are programmable by the user. The Active Set also holds the
base station that the mobile is currently communicating with and in case
a handoff is required, a base station from the Active Set is chosen as the
next base station. The user can also choose drop timer values and the
The program provides the user the option to choose from any of
to base stations A & B and the probability that both base stations A & B
are in the Active Set as well as the Outage Probability (no base station in
the Active Set and hence call dropping) with respect to the distance. The
second simulation plots the number of Active Set updates against the
size of the Active Set for varying values of the drop timer.
distance. The probability of both the base stations being in the Active Set
because the pilot signals have almost the same strength in this region. It
boundary region. The inference we can draw from this scenario is that an
stations existing in the Active Set. Also the width of the graph in figure 2
is increased (along with the height of the peak). This implies that overall
there will be more base stations for a longer period of time in the Active
the number of base stations in the Active Set with increasing drop timer
updates from a timer value of 1 to 5. Also increasing the timer value any
introduction of the drop timer greatly reduces the system overhead with
only a slight increase in the resource usage. As a next step the same
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