Silurian Reefs of Gotland
Silurian Reefs of Gotland
Silurian Reefs of Gotland
2. G. C. AMSTUTZ, Editor
5. J. C . ZNGLE Jr.
12. R. G . C. BATHURST
It was the late Prof. Dr. M.G. Rutten who focussed my attention on the
intriguing geological problems which a r e envoked by the Silurian reefs of the
island of Gotland. For several y e a r s he was an amiable advisor, supervisor,
critic, and much more, of my Gotland work. I very much regret that he has
not lived to see the appearance of this book. I remember him with great
The interest shown in my work by several Swedish geologists over the
years is gratefully acknowledged. The inhabitants of Gotland were always s o
hospitable and helpful that I count the Gotland years among the happiest of
my life. By mentioning in particular the Rev. and Mrs. Joh. Siltberg of 6 j a
I wish to thank them all.
A .A.M.
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PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V
CHAPTER I . INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The scope of this book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gotland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The morphology of Gotland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exposures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CHAPTER VIII THE HOLMHXLLAR REEF TYPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Distribution of Holmhallar-type reefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Fauna. flora and matrix of the reefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Reef-forming components. 180 - Method of inventarization. 181 -
Stromatoporoids. 183 - Corals. 185 - Crinoids. 187 - Matrix. 187 -
Algae. 188 - Conclusions. 189
Shape and dimensions of the reefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Depressions in the reef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Debris-filled depressions. 192 - Pools in the reef surface. 194
Interruptions in reef growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Fissures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Debris floor and talus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
The formation of raukar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
CHAPTER M REEF DEBRIS . . . ....................... 213
Distribution of reef debris . . . . . ....................... 213
Approximation methods. 213 - Distribution of reef debris in a vertical
direction, 214-Horizontal distribution of debris around some Hoburgen-
type reefs, 217 - Horizontal distribution of debris around some
Holmhallar-type reefs, 219
. .
Directions of dip in reef debris. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
REFERENCES. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495
Chapter I
apricots points to a climate sunnier than that of other parts of Sweden. The
occurrence of several orchids, some of which have mainly a south European
distribution (Rosvall and Pettersson, 1951), is also a climatic indicator. In
general, however, the flora of Gotland is poorer in southern species than that
of the island of Oland, southwest of Gotland and much closer to the Swedish
mainland. This may have been caused by the fact that an immigration of the
Late Glacial flora of southern Sweden was easier in Gland, after the ice cover
and Baltic water had withdrawn from there. Gotland was at all times sepa-
rated from the mainland by a rather broad a r e a of water.
The capital of Gotland is Visby, an old and charming little town with its
medieval town wall still almost complete. The record of the habitation of the
island however, goes back to the l a t e r Stone Age. A large number of pre-
historic finds have made it an "El Dorado" for archaeologists.
During Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Gotland was an important com-
mercial centre. Many finds of Roman, Byzantian and Arabic coins have been
made. Gotland's wealth in medieval times led to the flowering of architecture
and local a r t . About a hundred highly interesting churches dating from this
time, still remain. The cruel plundering of the island by the Danish king
Valdemar, in 1361, ended i t s prosperity. Gotland became a dilapidated island,
and was alternatedly occupied by the Danes and the Swedes, until, in 1645, it
became definitely Swedish.
A t the end of the last century Gotland was still very backward. Since
then, however, the discovery of the island by an increasing number of tour-
ists has led to new prosperity.
F o r more information about the interesting prehistoric age and the old
and medieval history of Gotland, s e e Noreen et al. (1959) and further:
Lindblom and Svahnstram (1959), Lundquist (1940), Manten (lQ59,1960d, 1961b),
Roosval(lQ50, 1952) and Sbderberg (1948).
In addition to its growing significance as a tourist attraction, Gotland
has also regained its military importance in recent times. Military establish-
ments a r e to be found all over the island. F o r this reason the northeastern-
most part of the island, east of the line Kappelshamnviken-Hydeviken', is
forbidden to non-Swedes. Notwithstanding all the efforts that were made and
supported by several Swedish authorities, it was impossible for the present
author to receive permission to include this part of the island in his studies
Because Sweden has a state church, the civil and religious units into
which the country is subdivided a r e generally identical. This implies that the
word parish is used in Sweden in a civil and geographical sense also. Outside
its capital, Visby, Gotland is traditionally divided into 92 parishes. A t pres-
ent, most of these are combined t o form larger units, but the ancient parish
boundaries are still recognized in several respects. In this book, the approx-
imate position of various localities will, therefore, often be indicated by
stating the parish in which they a r e situated.
'A short note should be inserted about the use of the article in the Swedish language.
The indefinite article precedes the noun; thus: en vik = a bay, and e t berg = a mountain.
The definite article, however, is generally attached at the end of the noun; thus: viken =
the bay, and berget = the mountain. Because of this, many Swedish geographical t e r m s
often include the definite article (e.g., Kappelshamnviken, Galgberget). In such c a s e s ,
the English article will be omitted in this book. The r e a d e r should also note that
Vasterberg and Vasterberget, f o r example, indicate the s a m e locality.
Fig.1. Coastal cliff about 0.5 km northwest of Axelsro, seen from the south-
west. T h e cliff is built up by the Visby Beds. During on-shore winds, waves
attack the lower p a r t , causing undercutting. Protruding is a n Upper Visby
Fig.2. Detail of the uppermost part of the northeastern face of the Hogklint,
south of Visby, with a protruding nose of reef limestone. Between Hogklint
and Axelsro no large reef-limestone masses occur. This corresponds with
a landward curve of the shore line and an absence of the main Hogklint cliff.
Along the sea shore, however, a low cliff, only a couple of metres high, of
Visby rocks is exposed.
'According to Martinsson (1958, p.15) Clint is originally a Danish and Swedish word,
used to indicate an escarpment, particularly in sedimentary rocks, without pointing
out i t s morphogenesis. Usually it comprises marine abrasion cliffs, and fluviatile
erosion s c a r p s in Palaeozoic and Cretaceous rocks. The word was already adopted in
medieval English. Unfortunately in the English language "clint" is also used synon-
ymously with g r i k e , signifying a type of hollow formed by k a r s t weathering
(Martinsson, 1958). In this book the word "clint" will be used in its original
Scandinavian sense.
w-sw E-NE
Chasmqw Limestone
I 3 Orthoceras Limestone
S Schroeteri Limestorm
p P/atyUrVS M d
A ASqphus L i m e s t m e
L Planilimbata and
Limbata Li-tone
Alum Shales
Paradoxissirnus Sandatone
Oelundicus Shales
ca. 18 m have now been removed by erosion), decreasing towards the north
and south t o l e s s than 25 m (Regn611, 1948; W e s t e r g h d , 1936). The middle
part of the s e r i e s ( P . paradoxissirnus Stage) a l s o has a thin conglomerate
at its base. It is 10-15 cm thick and contains pebbles derived from the
P . oelandicus Stage. It is overlaid by a 7-30 m thick complex of thin-bedded
Subdivision of the Palaeozoic of Oland and its correlation with VLsterglltland and Scania
tratigraphy Oland VBstergBtland Scania
not observed
I Dalmanitina
Dalmaizitiitn Shales
and Limestone
Ostersjt) Limestone
Masur Limestone
Tretaspis Tretaspis Mudstone Tretaspis Shale
Series Paleoporella Limestone
(all three known from loose and Limestone
s l a b s only) ~~~~~~~~~
Upper Red
Megistaspis) gigas Limestone Limestone
Asaphus raniceps Limestone -1 Upper
Asaphus Lower Grey Shale
Series Limestone
Series) Asaphus lepidurus Limestone
Dictyonema Shales I
sandstones and sandy limestones with thin beds of shale. The upper stage
( P .forchhurnrneri Stage) is, on the whole, developed in southern Oland only.
T h e r e i t consists in the extreme south of a thin conglomerate with Oligornys
exporrecta, overlaid by a bed of alum shale and bituminous limestone, with
a thickness of 0.5 m. Elsewhere, it is exclusively represented by the
Oligomys exporrecta conglomerate that thins out towards the north and can
be traced in the northern p a r t of the island in scattered localities only.
T h e r e i t contains an association of fossils that is characteristic partly of the
upper P. forchhammeri Stage and partly of the Upper Cambrian and even the
Dictyonema Shales of the lowermost Ordovician. This indicates that conglom-
e r a t e formation continued into the basal part of the Lower Ordovician
(Westergard, 1946; Thorslund, 1960).
The Upper Cambrian o r Olenus S e r i e s , is only developed in its normal
succession of alum shales with some limestones in the southern part of ∧
it is incomplete even there. The maximum thickness, established in a boring
in the south of the island, is 13.2 m , built up by alum shales, that contain a t
various levels nodules, balls, or beds of bituminous limestone (anthraconite
or stinkstone) (Hadding, 1 9 5 8 ~ )Towards
. the north i t is to a greater or l e s -
s e r extent replaced by conglomerate horizons, finally wedging out completely
( W e s t e r g h d , 1922, 1944, 1947).
The Lower Ordovician is divided into two s e r i e s , the Ceratopyge S e r i e s
and the Asaphus ( o r Orthoceras) Series. T h d l o w e r s e r i e s , resting upon the
Upper Cambrian conglomerate mentioned abpve, consists of shales with a
maximum thickness of 78 m in the south of Oland, overlaid by about 3 m of
limestones, of which the lower 314 p a r t in the south is replaced by shales.
The Asaphus S e r i e s is a complex of limestones, coloured r e d or grey, and
about 32 m thick.
Limestones a l s o build up the Middle Ordovician Chusmops Series.
These limestones a r e the youngest Palaeozoic rocks exposed as solid rocks
on the island. T h e top of this s e r i e s and the Tretaspis S e r i e s (lower Upper
Ordovician) only occur as loose fragments, whereas all younger Palaeozoic
sediments a r e lacking completely.
F o r further information about the Lower Palaeozoic of &and the r e a d e r
is r e f e r r e d t o reviews by Regnell (1948) and Manten (1960a,b) and t o the
m o r e specialized publications cited in these p a p e r s or given in the list of
references at the end of this book (e.g., Bohlin, 1949, 1955; Hessland, 1953;
Jaanusson, 1955, 1957; Jaanusson and Strachan, 1954; M. Lindstrilm, 1963;
Regnell, 1940, 1942; Waern, 1949; Westergard, 1929).
Fig.6. Diagram showing the lithology of the Cambrian, Ordovician and Lower
Silurian underneath Gotska Sandbn, a s m a l l island, about 40 km north of
Gotland. (Drawn after data from Thorslund, 1958.)
deposits had been present, but were again eroded. Two facts might point to
this possibility. One is the established deposition of Devonian sediments
further to the east but still within the limits of the Baltic area. The second
is the preservation of uppermost Silurian (probably Downtonian) sediments
in Gotland. One would expect that these Middle Palaeozoic deposits would
have been removed by subaerial processes, had they been exposed to the
atmosphere for the entirety of this long time interval.
Quaternary land ice left great amounts of morainic material. During
post-Glacial time much of the land in the Baltic area was inundated. Many
fossil beach ridges and marine cliffs a r e proof of the former lower position
of the land relative t o sea level, which caused a greater extension of the sea
and lakes. Examples of such cliffs in Gotland have already been mentioned
in Chapter I.
Vasalemma I DUI
1“ “ Kukruse
I cu I
Toila (Volchov)
Stratigraphy of the Palaeozoic in Esthonia
stage (m)
Svinordi 1.5
Seloni 8.8
Eudovo 6-12
F rasnian (Tsuudovo)
Pskovi 12.5-17
Snetogori 5-55
Devonian Amata 1-5
Gauja 55-65
~~ ~
Burtnicki 82-105
Arukllla 70-100
Narva 25-100
1 z:zmaI
Ptirnu 7-72.5
Ohesaar Kq approx. 10
approx. 15
Ludlowian Kg
K2 approx. 15
Kaarma K1 35-65
approx. 25
Silurian 30.5-56.5
Lower Adavere 27.3-35.4
RaikkUla 30-52
Llandoverian Tamsalu 6.8-14.4
Juuru 8.4-22
Porkuni 3-16
1 Kunda
0-1 4
1 Kotlini
I Albl
A h
The lower three quarters of the Porkuni Stage consist of pure, marly
and bituminous limestones, which locally a r e very fossiliferous. Small reefs
occur, built up by corals and Algae. The Upper Porkuni consists of quartz
sandstone or sandy limestone overlaid by limestone, and is devoid of fossils.
The Juuru is unquestionably of Llandoverian age. It is represented by
marly limestones with many interbedded marlstone layers.
. The Tamsalu Stage occurs in a belt from the west coast of Hiiumaa to
the vicinity of the town of Mustvee, and is composed mainly of limestones and
marly limestones. Five members a r e distinguishable. Of these, the Ridala
member composes the lower beds of the stage, t o a thickness of 3.3 m. It is
represented by three lithological complexes which, from the base upwards,
a r e (1)Pentamerus limestone, containing shelly detritus and limestone
pebbles (0.5 m); (2) limestone consisting of shelly detritus and partly of
rounded psammitic limestone grains (1.5 m); and (3) thin bedded marly lime-
stone rich in Aulopora sp. (1 m). The Hilliste member is 7.7 m thick and also
comprises three lithological complexes, which a r e ( 4 ) medium-grained lime-
stone with limestone pebbles and coarse shelly detritus (1.7 m); (5) fine-
grained marly limestone with very small shell fragments (1 m); and (6)
crinoid limestone, coarse-crystalline or with varying granulation and con-
taining coarse shell detritus (3-5 m). A characteristic of the Hilliste member
is the occurrence of relatively small reefs, mainly built up by corals. The
Purga member (1.5-10.15 m ) is mainly composed of thin-bedded marly lime-
stones which often contain redeposited carbonate particles. The Tammiku
member (1.85-10 m ) is mainly represented by Pentamems limestone and is
very rich in shells and shell fragments of Pentamems borealis Eichwald,
The Wenlockian begins with the Jaani Stage, which is exposed as a nar-
row belt along the northern shore of the islands of Saaremaa and Muhu; in
the Esthonian mainland, this belt is broader (up to 15 km),but does not ex-
tend farther to the east than the village of Viindra. From h e r e it is covered
by the Middle Devonian. The lower part of the stage consists of dolomitized
marlstone and clayish marlstone. The content of terrigenous components in-
c r e a s e s in the westward direction. The upper part shows fossiliferous marly
limestone and marlstone, which a r e dolomitized over large a r e a s ,
The Jaagarahu Stage is exposed in the islands of Vaika and Vilsandi,
the northern part of the island of Saaremaa, the island of Muhu and the south-
west of the Esthonian mainland. The stage consists of limestones, part of
which a r e dolomitized. Three members a r e distinguishable. In Saaremaa,
west of the Triigi Peninsula, the Pangamagi member is present, with light-
coloured limestone, crinoid limestone and, to a l e s s e r extent, marly lime-
stone. Reefs and biostromes of corals and stromatoporoids a r e character-
istic, East of the Triigi Peninsula, the Kesselaid member can be found with
dolomitized limestone and relatively many reefs, mainly built up by cal-
careous Algae and bryozoans. In Muhu and in the northeast of Saaremaa, this
member is overlaid by the Maasi member, which consists of yellowish,
dolomitized limestone locally rich in spongiostromids.
During the end of the Silurian, the E a r l y Devonian and p a r t of the Middle
Devonian, continental conditions prevailed in Esthonia. Denudation occurred
with the result that deposits from these periods are missing. On the washed-
out surface of the Silurian, Ordovician and even Cambrian and P r e c a m b r i a n
(in the drilling at M h i s t e ) , Middle Devonian (Givetian) sediments of conti-
nental origin can he found, which w e r e deposited on the extensive alluvial
coastal plains (sandstones, claystones, marlstones). T h e s e deposits are fol-
lowed by Upper Devonian sediments. T h e r e is no distinct lithological bound-
a r y and the sediments of the lower t h r e e stages of the Frasnian consist a l s o
of m a t e r i a l of continental origin. They are overlaid by m a r i n e sediments
(dolomites, limestones).
T h e deposits of the Middle Devonian and the lower p a r t of the Upper
Devonian have a cyclic character. Individual cycles consist mainly of sands
and sandstones in the lower p a r t and mainly of marlstones and claystones,
alternating with aleuroliths and sandstones, in the upper part. T h e fossil
content is comprised of primitive plants and a r m o u r e d fishes, but only a few
invertebrates. T h e upper p a r t of the Upper Devonian, on the other hand, is
again r i c h in invertebrate fossils.
IIn a personal letter professor Thorslund s t r e s s e d once more that the maps, repro-
duced h e r e in Fig.7-9 are only tentative drawings, as all palaeogeographic maps must
be. H e kindly informed me that the Middle Baltic Island during the Billingen Age very
likely extended further to the east and southeast than drawn in Fig.9. The cover of the
Early Palaeozoic sea over Denmark is unknown but for the island of Bornholm. How-
ever, according t o Holmsen (1958) the boring at Ringe (Fyn, Denmark) very likely
reached Permian o r T r i a s s i c arkose which was previously dated as Precambrian.
Consequently, it i s possible that there a r e Early Palaeozoic strata below as found in
the Oslo region (Thorslund, personal information).
Chapter III
lThorslund and Westergard (1938) consider it evident that the quartz of the pebbles
originated from pegmatite dikes piercing the subjacent gneiss. This conclusion is not
considered obvious by the present author. Between the Archaeic and the Cambrian a
long time has elapsed during which several peneplanations must have occurred, which
may well have left behind quartz of an other origin. This is also suggested by the
presence of quartzites, which are not directly derived from the Archaeic basement
of gneiss with pegmatite dikes.
2 70
2 90
remarkably poor in the cores; winding trails a r e common, but burrows occur
only sparsely.
The bulk of the upper part of the cores, including Ordovician and
Silurian beds, consists of limestones of different textures and compositions.
Only in the uppermost, Silurian, part do argillaceous beds dominate, as this
part is built up of marly pelites with intercalations of limestone, the latter
diminishing in thickness and becoming more and more separated from each
other towards the top of the core.
AS previously mentioned, the contact of the Ordovician with the under-
lying Cambrian deposits is very distinct, and - to judge from the core-sec-
tion of File Haidar - almost horizontal. There is no conglomerate at the base
of the Ordovician, which consists of a light-grey glauconitic limestone, in
which only a few rounded grains of quartz have been observed, close above
the Cambrian strata. From its faunal contents it is evident that this
glauconitic limestone represents a stratigraphical unit which must be cor-
related with the Asaphus Limestones in Sweden ( s e e Table I) and with the
Kunda Stage ( Vaginatum Limestone) in the east Baltic region.
It thus appears that not only the middle and upper part of the Middle
Cambrian and the Upper Cambrian a r e missing underneath northern Gotland,
but a l s o the lower p a r t s of the Lower Ordovician, comprising the whole of the
Ceratopyge Series and the Upper (Megistaspis ) planilimbata Limestone and
the (Megistaspis) limbata Limestone of the Asaphus Series.
Moreover, the available sequences in the cores of the deep borings also
show signs of several stratigraphical gaps higher up in the s e r i e s . The
Asaphus Limestones in the core of File Haidar a r e only about 1 m thick and
contain several corrosion surfaces. Thus, even the Asaphus Limestones of
northern Gotland would very likely prove t o be fairly incomplete if detailed
comparisons could be made with the different zones of the AsaPhus
Fig.10. Diagram showing the lithology of the Cambrian, Ordovician and lower-
most Silurian underneath File Haidar, 8 km west of Slite and 25 km northeast
of Visby. The upper 200 m were drilled by percussion drill; from this level
to the bottom (507.5 m below the surface, which is 62.4 m above s e a level)
diamond drilling was employed. (Drawn after data from Thorslund and
Westerg%rd, 1938).
The correlation of the sediments from the drilling core with the stratig-
raphical units given in Table I is as follows:
- Dalmanitina Series, missing.
248.8-312.4 m : Tretaspis Series.
312.4-338.5 m : Chasmops Series; the fossil material obtained is not suf-
ficient t o permit an exact determination of the limits be-
tween the different zones that a r e distinguished within this
338.5-341.7 m : Platyurns Limestone.
- Megistaspis gigas Limestone, missing,
34.1.7-342.7 m : Asaphus Limestones.
- Megistaspis limbata Limestone, Upper Megistaspis
Planilimbata Limestone, Ceratopyge Series, Olenus Series,
Upper and Middle Paradoxides Series, all missing.
342.7-ca.374 m: Paradoxides oelandicus Stage.
ca.374-500 m : Holmia Series.
Limestones on both sides of the Baltic Sea (Thorslund and Westergard, 1938).
Above the Asaplzus Limestones, deposits corresponding t o the
(Megistaspis)gigas Limestone of the Swedish Upper Asaphus Series seem to
be lacking, but the presence of Plutyurus Limestone and of all four stages of
the Chasmops S e r i e s (Table I ) could again be proved.
The upper p a r t of the Ordovician section is difficult t o correlate with
other a r e a s . The limestones between 312.4 m and 289.7 m in the File Haidar
boring a r e considered by Thorslund and WestergArd (1938) as representative
of at least p a r t of the Rakvere (Wesenberg) Stage in Esthonia, which is cor-
related with the Lower Tretaspis S e r i e s in Sweden. T h e overlying algal lime-
stones in this boring a r e correlated with the Nabala and Vormsi Stages
(Lyckholm Stage) in Esthonia and the Upper Tretaspis S e r i e s in Sweden.
Equivalents of the Porkuni ( o r Borkholm) Stage in Esthonia, which is
now generally considered to represent the lowermost Silurian, a r e missing
in the borings. Thorslund and W e s t e r g h d a s s u m e that a l a r g e hiatus in the
profile exists a t this level. T h i s hiatus should comprise not only the
Dalmanitina S e r i e s of the Swedish profile, but a l s o the Lower Rastrites Shales.
In total, the thickness of the Ordovician sequence underneath Gotland
amounts to 98 m in the Visby boring and 93.9 m in the File Haidar boring.
T h e maximum thickness of the Silurian sequence of Gotland is about 650 m ,
of which about 140 m a r e situated below s e a level. The contact Ordovician -
Silurian was found in the two borings at a depth of 142.8 m and 248.8 m
respectively. It is marked off by a very distinct corrosion surface. Above
this surface t h e r e a r e no signs of stratigraphical breaks in the sequence of
strata. In the lowermost p a r t of the File Haidar c o r e some Lower Llandoverian
may be represented, though the fossil evidence is poor (cf. Martinsson, 1968).
Graptolites in the File Haidar core, between a depth of 241.5 m and
217.6 m , make a correlation with the Swedish Cephalograptus cometa Zone
likely, which means upper Middle Llandoverian. Overlying these rocks, the
borings showed the presence of r e d clayish-marly beds, which reach a thick-
ness of at least 54 m (Hedstrdm, 1923d). Comparable rocks have been de-
scribed by Lindstrdm (1888a) from loose blocks found on the beach near Visby.
They underly the Low&- Visby Beds (Stricklandinia m a r l of Lindstrdm) and
a r e included in his stratigraphy as stratum a. On the b a s i s of its fossil con-
tent he considers this stratum as Llandoverian of age. T h e Lower Visby Beds,
the oldest rocks to be seen on the surface in Gotland, have been considered
by some authors t o belong t o the top of the Upper Llandoverian (Munthe, 1910;
Hede, 1942) whereas others claim them to be of Wenlockian age (Van Hoepen,
1910; Teichert, 1928).
According t o Lindstram these strata occur all over the island. T h u s the
stromatopora limestones and the crinoid limestones, attributed t o his hori-
zons f-h, are found in the north as well as in the middle and the south of
Gotland. Lindstrbm' s stratigraphy is consequently a lithostratigraphy. T h e
palaeontological difficulties which a r o s e as a result of t h i s lithostratigraphy
are well illustrated in Lindstrbm's view about his s t r a t u m c, m a r l shale and
sandstone. T h i s horizon w a s found t o contain at least five different faunistical
areas, following each other, as he stated, not in a vertical direction, but
horizontally, from north t o south: c1: Visby fauna, c2: Westergarn fauna, 123:
fauna of the central area, c4: Petesvik - Hablingbo fauna, c5: sandstone
fauna of southernmost Gotland. I t is clear, without any further comment, that
Lindstram's lithostratigraphy can not be maintained when the concept of
guide f o s s i l s is accepted f o r at least p a r t of the fossils that are found in the
different faunistical areas.
With the work of Lindstram and Schmidt the two main directions f o r
f u r t h e r stratigraphical studies w e r e indicated. Dames (1890), Stolley (1897)
andWiman (1897a)followed the views developed by Lindstram. T h e i r contribu-
tions, as far as these are concerned with the stratigraphy of Gotland, only
give certain ameliorations of h i s subdivision. Other geologists, such as Holm
(1901) and Munthe (1910) who both initially adhered t o Lindstrom's views,
became m o r e and m o r e convinced that h i s stratigraphy w a s untenable when
carrying out detailed mappings i n the island.
T h e Dutch professor of geology H.G. Jonker, being among other things
engaged in the study of the origin of glacial boulders, thus came in contact
with the Silurian of Gotland and a r r i v e d a t s i m i l a r doubts. T h e s e w e r e
lThe word stratum as used by Lindstrom has the same sense as defined by Rice
(1954, p.393): "A layer of rock more o r less similar throughout, a lithologic unit.
It may consist of one o r more beds, and may constitute a formation or a member or
be only one of several s t r a t a in such formation or member". It will be used in this
sense throughout this book, It should be noted that this definition is broader than that
given in Schieferdecker (1959, p.139, cf. t e r m s 2410 and 2411).
Comparison of the Middle Palaeozoic stratigraphy of Gotland according to Hede with that of some
e a r l i e r authors
LindstrOm (1888a) I
Van Hoepen (1910) 3ede (1921. 1S25a)
South Gotland
f-h (partly): limestone (partly); Sundr e Lini est one
Upper Limestone Limestone A.scocer~ls layer
(m a jor p a r t )
(pa rtly)
Upper Sphaerocodium
d (partly): Oolite Phacites Lime-
stone (except layer:
f-h (partly):
Upper Limestone EriLy lower
Ilionin-Spongiosl l'o~llo
Hamra Limestone
HOgklint Lime-
d (partly ) stone and Marl; Lower Sphaerocodium III Upper Clint HOgklint
e Korpklint Lime- la ye r (partly) Level Limestone
I stone
N.B. The names within each rectangle do not indicate ve rtic a l succession.
Comparison of the Middle Palaeozoic stratigraphy of Gotland according to Hede
with that of some later authors
Hede (1921, 1925a) Wedekind and Jux (1957) Manten (this book)
Tripp (1930)
Sundre Limestone
Hamra-Sundi-e Beds
Hamra Limestone Burgsvik
Burgsvik Sandstone
and Oolite I Burgsvik Beds
Halla-Mulde Beds
Halla Limestone
Tofta Limestone
HBgklint Beds
HBgklint Limestone
Upper Visby
-I Visby Beds
Lower Visby
Marlstone !
I .
proved the validity of the ideas expressed by Murchison (1846), Schmidt (1890,
1891) and Van Hoepen (1910).
A third way of interpreting the Silurian sediments of Gotland,which has
been proposed by Wedekind and T r i p p (1930), endeavours t o make a kind of
compromise between the two main solutions discussed above. Palaeontolog-
ically it is based mainly on a study of c o r a l faunas (Wedekind, 1927, 1932).
T h e authors distinguished three m a r l complexes converging towards the
north, and three limestone complexes. Although the limestone complexes a r e
built up of stratified limestones with isolated reefs, they called each lime-
stone complex a "reef". F r o m top t o bottom their stratigraphical subdivision
Iv Hoburgen reef
III/IV Linde - Lau m a r l
111 Klinteberg reef
I1 /III Slite m a r l
11 Visby reef
I Visby m a r l
The succession of deposition, according to their opinion, should be
visualized as follows:
After the circumcontinental platform had been drowned, the Visby m a r l
was sedimentated. In this m a r l the Visby reef developed, and was subse-
quently covered by the Slite m a r l , while 30 km farther t o the south the
Klinteberg reef originated. The upper p a r t s of the Visby reef a r e synchronous
with the lower p a r t s of the Klinteberg reef. The l a t t e r reef was in i t s turn
covered by the Linde - Lau m a r l , in which, again about 30 km towards the
south, the third reef belt developed, the lower p a r t s of which a r e synchronous
with the upper p a r t s of the previous reef belt,
T h i s view, which is not supported by the enormous amount of data col-
lected by Hede (1921, 1925a,b, 1927a,b, 1928, 1929, 1933, 1936, 1940, 1958,
1960), did not find any favour in the geological world, until it was adapted by
Jux (1957).
An attempt to correlate the e a r l i e r stratigraphical subdivisions of the
Silurian of Gotland with that of Hede (1921) h a s been made in Table IV, where-
as a comparison of the stratigraphical views of Wedekind and Tripp (1930)
and Jux (1957) with the subdivision by Hede (1921) is given in Table V.
stratigraphy of Gotland (Hede, 1921, 1925a, 1958, 1960), the geological maps
with their accompanying descriptions especially give evidence of the consci-
entiousness with which he c a r r i e d out h i s work.
Hede's stratigraphy ofthe Silurianof Gotland (cf. Fig.11) is, fromtop to bottom:
( 1 3 )Sundre Limestone. Very fossiliferous limestones, especially rich in
crinoid remains, but also in stromatoporoids, corals and bryozoans; and reef lime-
(12) Hamra L k e S t O n e . At the base an algal limestone. This i s overlaid by
crystalline limestones and marly limestones, reef limestones and crinoid limestones.
(11)Burgsvik Sandstone and Oolite. The Upper Burgsvik i s composed of
sandstone, oolite, argillaceous shaly sandstone and claystone; the Middle Burgsvik
almost exclusively of sandstone; the Lower Burgsvik of argillaceous shaly sandstone
and claystone.
(10) Eke Group. Marlstone, passing into marly limestone and limestone in the
northeastern part of i t s a r e a . Reef limestones are s c a r c e .
(9) Hemse Group. In the north limestones, including reef and crinoid lime-
stones, towards the south passing into marlstone.
(8) Klinteberg Limestone. Dominating thin-bedded limestones, rich in
stromatoporoids, c o r a l s , Algae, lamellibranchs, brachiopods and other fossils. Reef
limestones and crinoid limestones.
( 7 ) MuZde Marlstone. Soft, dense marlstone, alternating with harder layers
of finely crystalline, marly limestone. The Mulde Marlstone wedges out towards the
( 6 )Hulk Limestone. Crystalline limestones, partly finely oolitic, partly
marly. A few small reefs. In the northeast in the Lower Halla the well-developed Bara
oolite. Towards the southwest the Halla Limestone is gradually disappearing.
( 5 )Slite Group. Limestones, marly limestones and reef limestones in i t s
northwestern part. Towards the southeast these limestones pass over into m a r l . In the
most southwestern p a r t of its range some sandy limestones and limy sandstone.
(4)Tofta Limestone. Limestones, partly marly, very r i c h in Algae, dis-
appearing towards the north.
( 3 ) Hogklint Limestone, The Hogklint Group is composed of crystalline lime-
stones and marly limestones, upwards partly finely ooiitic, while they often are also
rich in Algae in the upper p a r t of the group. Reef limestone and crinoid limestone are
common. The lowest continuous thicker limestone beds f o r m the base of the Hogltlint
(2) Upper Visby Marlstone. Marlstone with intercalated limestone lenses.
In the upper p a r t of the sequence the limestone lenses e;rade into thin layers,
which wedge out into the marlstone. The horizontal dimensions of these thin
limestone layers increase in the uppermost p a r t of the Upper Visby Marlstone.
Small reefs occur.
(1) Louier Visby M a r k t o n e . T h i s unit consists of a thin-bedded, bluish-grey
m a r l with flat lenses of harder, dense to finely crystalline marly limestone.
Since the moment of its publication, the stratigraphy of Hede has become
quite generally accepted. Except f o r the papers by Wedekind and Tripp (1930)
and by J u x (1957), l a t e r publications dealt only with minor improvements of
this subdivision. F o r instance, Hadding (1941) carefully hinted that perhaps
the Halla Limestone and Mulde Marlstone might form different lithofacies
of one and the s a m e stratigraphical unit. In 1956 the s a m e author stated that
the Tofta Limestone could be regarded as a local, extreme shallow-water
f a c i e s of the uppermost p a r t of the Hijgklint Group and the lowest part of the
Slite Group.
In this book the Tofta Limestone will be included as a facies in the
Upper Hogklint Beds, the Halla Limestone and Mulde Marlstone will be
united in one stratigraphical unit, the Halla-Mulde Beds, and the Sundre
The present author will avoid the use of lithological indications in the
names of the main stratigraphical units of Gotland. Nor does he want to at-
tach any specific rank to these units, and, therefore, following Martinsson
(1962a), prefers to use the term beds for them. This tendency to use neutral
t e r m s for a local o r regional stratigraphy has advantages insofar a s it avoids
confusion. Even in England, the t e r m beds is now used in Silurian strat-
igraphy if reference is made to specific English deposits and not to the inter-
national stratigraphical standard (cf. Holland et al., 1959; Lawson, 1960).
Hadding (1941), who also did not use lithostratigraphical names, at-
tached the chronostratigraphical rank of stages t o the units in Gotland. How-
ever, this was incorrect. Since the units form the first order subdivision of
the Silurian of Gotland, the name s e r i e s should have been used. Moreover,
the use of the word s e r i e s would then a l s o have been in accordance with the
practice in the subdivision of the Swedish Cambrian and Ordovician (Table I).
There, Hadding ( 1 9 5 8 ~also
) attached the rank of s e r i e s to the units given in
column two of Table I.
A detailed correlation with the English Silurian is still a matter of
interpretation. The individual English s e r i e s cannot be recognized without
doubt in Gotland, because of various differences in lithology and fossil con-
tent. A s will be shown in Chapter X I , only a very small fraction of the fos-
sils found in Gotland can be regarded as index fossils. The unit boundaries
in Gotland a r e probably not always equivalent to stratigraphical boundaries
in England (for further information, see the last section of this chapter).
Whereas some of the older authors paid too little attention to the role
played by the reef limestones and related sediments in the Silurian of Gotland,
a more recent publication (Jux, 1957) offers an example of the other extreme.
Jux tried to explain all facies differences in the geology of Gotland by
the occurrence of three successive reef belts. During the time of develop-
ment of each reef belt, nearest to the shore a shallow-water facies was
thought to be present, passing into reef debris and reef limestone, with
debris again on the seaward side of the reef, now gradually replaced by marl.
Three rather rapid regressions are posited by Jux, separating three " Folgen"
(stages), each with a synchronous lateral development of facies belts (Visby
Folgen, Klinteberg Folgen, Burgsvik Folgen).
The present author has experienced that these short periods, character-
ized by a rapid regression, propounded by Jux, cannot be deduced from field
evidence. Instead, there were times during which the water became gradually
shallower, which can be deduced both from the sedimentation and from the growth
of biostromes and bioherms. The first of these periods in which the water
gradually became shallower was from Lower Visby to Upper HBgklint time
(including the time of deposition of the Tofta limestone). After a deepening
of the water during Lower and Middle Slite (Slite I-111), the second shallowing
took place from Upper Slite (Slite IV) time up to and including Halla-Mulde
timef. In Klinteberg time the water remained shallow. Hemse time began
anew with deeper water that showed signs of becoming shallower until the
time in which the top of the Middle Burgsvik Beds was deposited. (See also
Chapter XI of this book). The waters becoming shallow, therefore, at all three
times took much longer than Jux supposed for the short regressions which he
posited. From Table V it follows, moreover, that the shallowing periods
actually present a r e distributed indiscriminately over the Folgen" of Jux.
There is no field evidence either for prolonged periods with reef formation,
during which the water depth should have been constant, a s is assumed by
that author. Instead it has been found by detailed field work that water depth
generally underwent changes during the periods of reef formation (see the
various discussions in Chapter XI).
It should also be remarked that the names which Jux has chosen for his
three "Folgen" a r e unfortunate, because they can easily be confused with the
Visby Marlstones, Klinteberg Limestone and Burgsvik Sandstone and Oolite
of Hede (1921, 1925a) (cf. Table V).
Because of the importance, in one way or another, of the ideas of Jux
for the interpretation of reefs and reef genesis, a number of points will be
discussed. They show that the factual data underlying his presentation a r e
either invalid or wrongly interpreted,
A s is clear from the geological map of Gotland and the data given in
Chapter XI of this book, the Slite reefs a r e separated very distinctly, strat-
igraphically, from the Hbgklint reefs. The division of Jux in three stages can-
not account for this, since he has to assume a more or l e s s comparable age
for all reefs within his Visby Stage. Even a little field work shows the unten-
ability of this assumption, such a s a northwest-southeast traverse through
northern Gotland from the northwest coast to the a r e a of Slite.
No more a r e the Klinteberg and Hemse reef limestone synchronous
("Klinteberg Folgen" of Jux). A traverse from the Klinteberg to the Lindeklint
could here be suggested a s could some detailed field work in the east of
central Gotland.
The fact that the influence of the reefs did not reach more than about
half a kilometre seawards from the reefs (cf. Chapter IX) makes it impos-
sible to consider the Slite and Hemse marlstone complexes as the distal
deposits of a reef belt, as interpreted by Jux. Moreover, they a r e often not
situated immediately behind the reefs, but only begin a few or more kilo-
m e t r e s away from the reefs, separated from the reefs by stratified lime-
stones containing reef debris and normally developed limestones.
The incorrectnes of Jux' views is still more evident in the case of the
Eke marlstone (Jux, 1957, p.77). This sediment is also considered by Jux to
be the distal deposit of reefs, which, however, a r e almost lacking in the Eke
Beds. The Eke marlstone is geographically too f a r separated from the Hemse
r e e f s to be explained as the distal deposit of these. Should, moreover, the
hiatus which may occur between the Hemse and Eke Beds be of the geo-
graphical and geochronological extension as some authors suppose it (cf.
p.391), there would be still further objection against Jux' conception of the
l T h e shallowing during Halla-Mulde time is apparent from the Halla limestones in the
east of Gotland. It is in this area that the reefs f r o m this epoch are found. Further to
the west, where the limestones a r e replaced by the Mulde marlstone, a deepening of
the water s e e m s to have taken place. A discussion of this dichotomy within the Halla-
Mulde Beds will be given in Chapter XI.
Eke Beds. However the solution of the problem of the Hemse - Eke hiatus
may turn out, the fact remains that the boundary between the Hemse and Eke
Beds is m o r e distinct than that between the Eke and Burgsvik Beds, although
it is the latter which f o r m s the boundary between J u x ' Klinteberg and Burgsvik
J u x (1957, pp.76-77) s t a t e s that the algal limestones too, are related to
reef formation, and characteristic of a shallow-water environment, at some
distance from the reefs, at their landward side, where the sea-bottom relief
was slight and the transport power of the water decreasing. He considers the
Tofta limestone as a facies zone of his northern reef belt and the Lower Hamra
algal limestone as a facies zone of the bioherms in southern Gotland. In the
opinion of the present author the algal facies is essentially a shallow-water
deposit quite independent of reef formation. Of course, r e e f s and Algae may
occur together, as they do m o r e than once, e.g., in the Klinteberg, because
even a slight deepening of the s e a might have caused formation of small reefs
within an a r e a in which Algae grew. T h i s can be well observed in southern-
most Gotland especially, where the basal p a r t of the algal limestone of the
Lower Hamra Beds does not contain reefs, whereas in the higher p a r t s of
this deposit the beginnings of reef development can be seen, The r e v e r s e
can be observed in the Hagklint Beds, where the formation of an algal lime-
stone (Tofta limestone) occurred at the end of a period of reef growth when
the water had become very shallow. Both occurrences show that the Algae
do not belong t o the reef facies o r any of the facies that accompany the reefs.
They a r e quite independent.
Another point to be raised is the development of the Hamra Beds in
southern Gotland. The main p a r t of the Hamra group, as defined by Hede
(1921 and later) is indicated by J u x (1957, p.82, Abb.7) as a clay-marl facies
("Ton-Mergel-Facies" ). Actually it is mainly formed of limestones, as is
a l s o indicated in Hede's stratigraphical terminology, as he called the g r u p
the Hamra limestone. Only in the near vicinity of the r e e f s is the occurrence
of marlstone indeed locally observed. Here a calcium-carbonate percentage
as low as 50 may occur. Elsewhere in the normal Hamra limestone however,
this percentage amounts usually t o 87-98. The insoluble fraction ranges from
a small fraction t o 12.5% at the maximum; a bit low for a clay-marl facies!
The Hamra limestone is not lagoonal either. It was not deposited in
"einem lagunaren Bereich" (Jux, 1957, p.79), in between the sandstone and
the reef debris. T h e contrary is true. In reality the Hamra limestone was
deposited at the seaward side of the reefs. Although the big black spot of
Hamra limestone on the geological map of J u x (1957, Abb.7) has been de-
s c r i b e d a s reeflimestone by Munthe (1921b) - an interpretation adopted by
other authors (Hadding, 1941, p.11; Jux, 1957, p.82) - this area actually con-
sists of thick-bedded limestone in which stromatoporoids and a few corals
commonly occur. Only on the western limits of the Hamra limestone do r e e f s
occur, e.g. , at Hoburgen and Kettelssrd, while indications of reefs, demolished
by Recent erosion, a r e found on the western beach at Killingholmen in the
north of Vamlingbo P a r i s h , and in the northeastern p a r t of Gratlingbo-udd.
The Hamra r e e f s w e r e thus found in a south-southeast - north-northwest belt.
This means that in Jux' view the main p a r t of the Hamra limestone ought t o
be re-interpreted as " Riffdetritus-Facies". Except f o r locally in the west,
however, where narrow blankets around the individual r e e f s may be detrital,
the Hamra limestone shows no sign of a reef-detrital character either. More-
over, this implies that the Sundre limestones further east, including the
Hemse Beds 2
Colonus Series
Klinteberg Beds
Slite Beds 0
Cyrtograptus Serie Stage 8 J
Hagklint Beds Lower ;
Visby Beds 1
Ludlowian age (Hede, 1921; SPve-Sader ergh, 1941; Spjeldnaes, 1950; Jux,
1957) and presumably contemporaneous with the Upper Whitcliffe Flags. This
would mean that the relatively thin Eke Beds represent not only the whole
Middle Ludlowian, but a l s o the lower p a r t s of the Upper Ludlowian and
perhaps even the upper part of the Lower Ludlowian. Munthe (1902) and
Spjeldnaes (1950) found a surface of discontinuity between the Hemse and Eke
Beds in the Lau district ( e a s t e r n Gotland). No such indications a r e furnished
by outcrops in the west of the island. Consequently, the problem of the age
of the Eke Beds cannot yet be considered as definitely solved.
The s a m e applies to the age of the Hamra-Sundre Beds. In 1960, Hede
was still inclined to attribute a Ludlowian age t o h i s Hamra and Sundre Lime-
stones. However, from other sides dissentient views have been brought forth.
A s early as 1846, Murchison wrote that the highest stratum of the
island is "a sandy and calcareous equivalent of the Upper Ludlow rocks, with
indications of a passage into the Devonian group." (Murchison, 1846, p.27).
In this connection, it should b e recalled that at that time the boundary
between the Silurian and the Devonian was drawn between the Upper Ludlow
Group (which included the Ludlow Bone-Bed) and the Lower Old Red
On the b a s i s of vertebrate remains from the Upper Burgsvik Beds,
SWe-SOderbergh (1941) and Spjeldnaes (1950) correlated this horizon with
the Ludlow Bone-Bed.
In 1950, White redefined the Silurian - Devonian boundary in England,
and placed this at the base of the Ludlow Bone-Bed. T h i s implied that the
Upper Whitcliffe Flags would constitute the uppermost l a y e r s of the Silurian
(cf. a l s o Lawson, 1960) and the Downtonian would be the lowermost Devonian.
Spjeldnaes (1950) drew the consequences of this for Gotland and felt
tempted t o place the youngest Palaeozoic sediments of Gotland in the Lower
Devonian (Downtonian). In the terminology of the present author these
included the Upper Burgsvik Beds (about 7 m thick) and the Hamra-Sundre
Beds. Thus, Murchison's view that the boundary between the Silurian and
Chapter ZV
always been in the same position, nor pointed in the same direction at the
time of deposition of the Palaeozoic strata.
The regular shift of the reef belt with time towards the southeast shows
that, seen a s a whole, epeirogenetic uplift of the basin floor occurred in the
a r e a of Gotland. However - as will be shown - these movements, more
specifically, were active over definite periods only and even alternated with
periods of slight subsidence of that p a r t of the Palaeozoic basin floor.
When analysing the average dip of the strata, it was found that it de-
creases from the older s e r i e s of strata towards the younger ones. Thus, the
average dip for the Upper Visby and Hogklint Beds together amounts to about
O O 3 1 ' ; the average dip for the Klinteberg and Hemse Beds together is about
OO27'; the average dip for the whole of Eke, Burgsvik and Hamra-Sundre Beds
is about OO23'. These differences can only be explained when a synsedi-
mentary origin of a t least part of the dip of the strata is assumed. Owing to
the prevailing downward movement of the centre of the basin, the older sedi-
mentary strata (e.g., the Hagklint Beds) already had a slight dip when the
younger ones (e.g., Hamra-Sundre Beds) were deposited.
Whereas Hede (1925aJp.31) posits a general southeastward dip and a
northeastward striking tilt axis for Gotland as a whole, Munthe (1921bJ p.73),
who has been mapping the Palaeozoic deposits in the south of Gotland, posits
a north to northeast directed tilt axis in southern Gotland, in order to explain
the east to east-southeast dips that prevail in that part of the island.However,
the boundary between the Hemse and Eke Beds still dips approximately to-
wards the southeast. This implies that the movements not only followed one
after the other, but that they also took place in different directions. More
deviations will be mentioned in Chapter XI.
For the moment, attention will now be focused on the Slite Beds. Near
Bunge, the marlstone marking the top of the Slite 111 Beds, i s very thin, and
exposed at about 25 m above sea level. A t about the same height the marl-
stone is found near Othem and Liksarve (Tofta Parish). A l l three places a r e
situated close to the line of maximum extension of the Slite marlstone
(Chapter XI,p.316). In Bogeklint (also called Klinteklint, about 2 km south-
southeast of Boge Church) the top of the Slite marlstone lies about 10 m above
sea level. Near Tjeldersholmklint the marlstone is found at about present
sea level. A s will be discussed in Chapter XI (p.329), the seaward retreat of
the a r e a of m a r l deposition a t the beginning of Slite IV time, which is marked
by the onset of the Slite IV limestones, took place rather rapidly. A s a result,
the top of the marlstone on all five places may be considered a s more or l e s s
synchronous. Bogeklint is about 8.5 km southeast of the line Liksarve (Tofta)-
Bunge, Tjeldersholm about 12 km. Thus over a distance of 8.5 km the bound-
a r y Slite 111 (marlstone) - Slite IV (limestone) descends 15 m, whereas over
a distance of 12 km the descent amounts to about 22 m. In both cases this
points to an angle of dip of about OOO6'. On the island of Furillen and the
peninsulas Smoje-udd and Sankt Olofsholm, the boundary between marlstone
and Slite IV limestone a l s o lies only slightly above sea level. Calculation of
the dip between this line and Bogeklint shows an angle of about OOO8'.
Quite another picture is manifest when obseryjng the boundary between
the Slite and Halla-Mulde Beds. Southwest of Bara Odekyrka (ca. 3 km south-
southwest of Vallstena) the base of the Halla Limestone lies about 23.5 m
high. Near Bryggans FisklPge (ca. 10 km south of Slite) the top of the Halla
Limestone lies at a maximum of about 3.5 m above sea level. Since the Halla
Limestone very likely attains a thickness of about 15 m here, its base will be
about 11.5 m below s e a level. The distance between both observation points
in the direction 140° is ca. 3.5 km. Calculation of the dip of the boundary of
the Slite and Halla-Mulde Beds gives a n angle of about OO35'. In central
Gotland there a r e a number of small exposures of the uppermost Halla Lime-
stone in the parishes of Vate, Viklau and Halla. Calculations give a dip of the
Slite Halla boundary of about OO27'.
Calculated in a comparable way, the dip of the boundary between the
Hagklint (incl. Tofta) and Slite Beds is about OO20' - OO25'.
It thus appears that t h e r e a r e remarkable differences in the angle of
dip when calculated from a few m o r e or l e s s suitable horizons. Although the
present author is aware of the fact that the r e s u l t s of such considerations as
the above should be handled with extreme c a r e , the differences a r e such that
they may still be accepted as an indication that moderate epeirogenetic move-
ments did take place during the time that the Middle Palaeozoic sediments of
Gotland were deposited.
The decrease in dip which presumably took place at the beginning of
Slite IV time, and which resulted in a shallowing of the water, may have been
caused by a downward movement of the basin centre around an about north-
east-striking hinge line, situated northwest of Gotland. A new movement took
place at about the transition from Slite t o Halla-Mulde time. T h i s movement
was upward. The sediments of the Halla-Mulde Beds show signs of a shal-
lowing of the water in the east of Gotland and of a deepening in the west ( s e e
Chapter XI). The axis of tilt consequently then s e e m s t o have crossed central
Gotland, with an about east-northeast strike.
Combining these data i t appears that in the a r e a of Gotland neither the
direction nor the location of the axis of tilt h a s been constant during the
Middle Palaeozoic .
T h e r e is reason to a s s u m e that the same reasoning can be applied t o
the Cambrian and Ordovician in the west Baltic a r e a .
Deposits of the Paradoxides paradoxissimus Stage occur in Oland in an
about south - north belt, thinningout towards the north; the Paradoxides
forchhammeri Stage is barely represented. Underneath northern and central
Gotland both these stages a r e not represented a t all. This suggests that
during the Middle Cambrian or Paradoxides Epoch the direction of the coast
line in the northwestern p a r t of the basin was curved, with a direction from
north-northeast bending t o northeast and that this coast line crossed the a r e a
of present-day Gotland south of Visby and File Haidar.
After a temporary r e t r e a t of the basin, during the Late Cambrian or
Olenus Epoch the s e a re-invaded the a r e a of Oland from south t o north. The
isopachs of the Olenus S e r i e s t r a v e r s e the island from west to east. This may
have been the direction of the coast line and a l s o of the axis of tilt. Under-
neath Gotland the Upper Cambrian is missing.
The isopachs of the Ceratopyge S e r i e s run in southwest - northeast
direction with some deviation in western direction towards the northern part
of the island (Thorslund, 1960, p.96). Underneath Gotland this stratigraphical
unit is not represented. Apparently, again a change in the direction of the
coast line took place on the verge of the Cambrian to the Ordovician and a
situation resulted with a coast direction of northeast bending t o east-north-
east, passing south of the present-day Visby and.File Haidar.
The isopachs of the Asaphus S e r i e s run in Oland in about the direction
of the long axis of the island, Underneath Gotland this s e r i e s is a l s o
encountered, but with many hiatuses. The direction of the coast line during
the Asaphus Epoch s e e m s t o have been about north-northeast, bending to
Too little information is available about the Middle and Late Ordovician
and the E a r l y Silurian in the west Baltic area t o speculate about coast-line
changes during these t i m e s , and about epeirogenetic movements of the basin
floor which may have caused these changes.
0 i
Differences between the main joints and the annexed joints in limestones of Gotland (After Kaufmann,
Main joints (strike o r longitudinal joints) Annexed joints (dip or c r o s s joints)
(1) common (1)l e s s common
( 2 ) only limited variation in strike within ( 2 ) strike more scattered
a certain locality
( 3 ) may be followed over distances up to ( 3 ) often terminating against the main joints
100 m and more
(4) usually planar, smooth surfaces (4) more curved, undulating and rough surfaces
( 5 ) usually continuing downwards in the ( 5 ) a t bedding planes often shifting step-wise
same plane
(6) as a rule vertical (6) sometimes dip deviating from vertical
( 7 ) thin (0.5-5 mm) fillings of calcite (7) no fillings; often exfoliation
very common; occasionally thick
fillings (up t o 3 cm)
(8) long horizontal striations rather (8) striations l e s s common, short and wedge-shaped
Fig.12. Joint directions in Gotland. The following localities a r e represented:
1. Luseklint, coastal cliff, marlstone with interstratified limestone layers,
Upper Visby Beds; 2. Vialms-udd, stratified limestone, Hagklint Beds;
3. Storugns, large quarry, stratified limestone, Hagklint Beds; 4. Galgberg,
large quarry, irregularly stratified limestone, Hogklint Beds; 5. Visby, large
quarry of the former cement factory, stratified limestone, Hogklint Beds;
6. Visby shooting range, small quarry, stratified limestone, Hogklint Beds;
7. Hogklint, cliff, stratified crinoid limestone, Hogklint Beds; 8. F h b , large
quarry, stratified limestone, Slite Beds; 9. BungenPs, large quarry, stratified
limestone, Slite Beds; 10. Sankt Olofsholm, large quarry, stratified limestone,
Slite Beds; 11. Solklint, Slite, stratified limestone, Slite Beds; 12. Bogeklint,
small quarry, stratified limestone, Slite Beds; 13. Hejdeby, small quarry,
stratified marly limestone, Slite Beds; 14. Hejdeby, small quarry, stratified
marly limestone, Slite Beds; 15. Hejdeby, large quarry, stratified marly lime-
stone, Slite Beds; 16. Stenkumla, small quarry, stratified limestone, Slite
Beds;' 17. Barabacke, stratified limestone, Halla-Mulde Beds; 18. Mulde-
Stenstu, marlstone, Halla-Mulde Beds; 19. Klinteberg, large quarry, strat-
ified limestone, Klinteberg Beds; 20. Alstide, small quarry, stratified lime-
stone, Klinteberg Beds; 21. Ostergarn, large quarry, stratified limestone,
Hemse Beds; 22. Sjausterhammar, stratified limestone, Hemse Beds;
23. Sigsarve, small quarry, stratified limestone, Hemse Beds; 24. Lindeklint
(east), cliff, stratified limestone, Hemse Beds; 25. Lindeklint (west), small
quarry, stratified limestone, Hemse Beds; 26. Burgen, large quarry, strat-
ified limestone, Burgsvik Beds; 27. Smiss, large quarry, sandstone and clay-
stone, Burgsvik Beds; 28. FidenPs, large quarry, sandstone, Burgsvik Beds;
29. Oja, small quarry, sandstone, Burgsvik Beds; 30. Burgsvik, small quarry
near school, sandstone, Burgsvik Beds; 31. Valar, small quarry, sandstone
and oolite, Burgsvik Beds; 32. Sigreifs (Vamlingbo), small quarry, sandstone
and oolite, Burgsvik Beds; 33. Kettelvik, large quarry, stratified limestone,
Hamra-Sundre Beds; 34. Hoburgen, large quarry, stratified limestone, Hamra-
Sundre Beds; 35. Vamlingbo, small quarry, stratified limestone, Hamra-Sundre
Beds; 36. Sundre, small quarry, stratified limestone, Hamra-Sundre Beds;
37. Sundre, small quarry, stratified limestone, Hamra-Sundre Beds;
38. Vsndburgsviken, stratified limestone, Hamra-Sundre Beds. (11, 17, 22
measured by the present author, all other data after Kaufmann, 1931).
Chapter V
Now that a general view has been obtained of the picture in which the
Silurian reefs of Gotland fit, we may in this chapter begin a more detailed
description of these reefs by discussing their typological, geographical and
stratigraphical distribution and organic and lithological composition. Before
doing so, however, a few words on the definition of the word “ r e e f “ and a few
lines on reef building during the Palaeozoic in general a r e justified.
reef, the rate of deposition of material there has exceeded or will exceed, in
some degree, that in adjacent a r e a s of the sea floor. Given the right circum-
stances, the reef could or may thus grow up above i t s surroundings, possibly
at steep angles, made possible by the frame-building organisms.
The character of wave resistance, used in several reef definitions, has
been omitted from this list. This has not been done because Lowenstam (1950,
p.438) rejected the structures in Gotland a s reefs, since he felt that there
should be no sufficient evidence that they were wave resistant (in the same
journal issue, Hadding, 1950, p.405, presented evidence of "reef induced
turbulence in Gotland", Lowenstam's criterion for wave resistance!) The true
reason is threefold: (1)wave action is not a universal constant but depends
on a variety of mainly local factors; ( 2 ) with organic structures, there is a
grading spectrum from non-wave-resisting towave-resisting depending on both
environment and the variations in composition and potentials of the organic
structures; (3)it is oftendifficult toprove that fossil reefs were wave resistant
( a s an example s e r v e Lowenstam and Hadding's controversial statements
about the reefs of Gotland).
The term I' bioherm'' , introduced by Cumings (Cumings and Shrock,
1928a; see also Cumings, 1932), is considered a s a (superfluous) synonym of
"organic reef )I, since by derivation and definition1, it means little more than
"organic reef". More useful is his term 'I biostrome" for purely-bedded
structures, such a s shell beds, crinoid beds, coral beds, etc., consisting of
and built mainly by these organisms and not swelling into mound-like or lens-
like forms, No other word existed for this type of structure. Since 1928, the
term biostrome has been widely used.
When discussing the lateral extension of the reefs in the HiSgklint Beds
of Gotland, Hadding (1941, pp.13-14) points out that whereas some of these
show the shape of an inverted cone with a curved and widely-extended base,
others seem to have developed over wide p a r t s of the sea bottom, showing a
lateral extension of up to 1-5-2 km. He apparently decided that reefs of the
latter type should be called biostromes. The present author is of the opinion,
however, that Cuming's t e r m is incorrectly used that way, even though it
must be admitted that the distinction between a laterally extended reef o r
bedded outgrowths of normal reefs and a biostrome must become rather
obscure under certain circumstances, The extended HiJgklint reefs, however,
a r e more of a biohermal than a biostromal type of development.
The rock m a s s that has remained of fossil reefs, the reef limestone, is
generally classified in systematic petrology as a calcareous sediment.
According t o the Geological Nomenclature (Schieferdecker, 1959), a sediment
is "any part of the lithosphere that has been formed by sedimentation". In the
same dictionary sedimentation" is defined as "the process of deposition of
solid lithologic materials on the lithosphereL1.In this sense, reef limestone
is not a true sediment, since an important part of it, the reef frame, has not
been deposited, but owes its existence to the building activities of organisms
that created the rock on the very place where it forms part of the lithosphere.
T o be absolutely consistent, the reef frame could rather be called a sedentate
and its formation sedentation. It is, however, s o common to also use the word
sediment for reef limestone, that the present author will do s o as well.
"Sediment" should then be redefined as any part of the lithosphere that has
been formed either by sedimentation or by organisms attached to the litho-
sphere ".
publications dealing with Gotland, it can be seen that initially, during the
nineteenth century and the very beginning of this century, attention was
focused mainly on the well-preserved organic remains of the Middle
Palaeozoic of Gotland. Papers dealing with the stratigraphy were l e s s in
number, but increased rapidly due to the works of Holm (1901), Munthe (1902,
1907, 1910, 1912,. 1915a, 1916), Hedstrbm (1904, 1910), Van Hoepen (1910) and
Hede (1919a,b, 1921), the discussion - following the publication of Hede's
stratigraphy (Hede, 1921) - between Hedstrbm (1923b,c), Munthe (1923) and
Hede (1923a,b), and the working out of Hede's stratigraphy in the geological
maps of the island (Munthe, 1921b; Munthe et al., 1925; Hede, 1925b, 1927a,b,
1928, 1929, 1933, 1936, 1940). Then work on the Palaeozoic of Gotland
diminished. The total number of publications between 1931 and 1950 was only
about one third of that between 1911 and 1930. Since 1950, however, interest
in the world of fossils has strongly revived, In the ten y e a r s 1951 1960, 40 %
more papers were published about the Middle Palaeozoic of Gotland than in
the twenty y e a r s before. Among these, publications dealing with the reefs and
their fauna again play an important part.
The first to recognize the reef character of the unstratified limestones
of Gotland, was Murchison (1846). He stated that the raukar near Slite I' a r e
in fact dismantled portions of former hard coralline reefs". Since then, Dames
(1890), Wiman (1897a, 1933), Hedstrbm (1910), Bather (1914), Twenhofel (1916)
and Wedekind and Tripp (1930), among others, have published material about
the Silurian reefs of Gotland. A detailed historical review of work carried out
before the Second World War, can be found in Hadding (1941, pp.79-94). The
latter author, however, does not mention that E. Maillieux held a lecture on
the reefs of Gotland for the Geological Society of Belgium in 1933. Unfor-
tunately, only a summary has been published (Maillieux, 1933). This summary
does not contain much more than a review of the stratigraphy of Hede (from
which, without argumentation, the Halla Limestone has been omitted) and the
distribution of the reefs. It states that there a r e morphological differences
between the reefs of Gotland and the Devonian reefs of the Ardennes, but
these differences a r e not described.
Hadding himself has also contributed considerably to the study of the
reefs of Gotland (Hadding, 1941, 1950, 1956, 1959). With the main exception
of the Tofta limestone, which he regarded as a shallow-water facies of the
uppermost Hbgklint and the lowermost Slite Beds, he built on the stratigraph-
ical work of his colleague at Lund University, J.E. Hede. The picture pre-
sented by Jux (1957) is quite different, being based both when treating the
stratigraphy and the reefs, too much on an ideal model derivecrfrom theoret-
ical considerations, rather than on the t r u e situation found in Gotland in the
field (cf. Chapter 111).
In 1958, Rutten reported on some work done by students from Utrecht
University, of which the present author was one. Following some preliminary
publications (Manten, 1958, 1961a, 1962, 1966a,b, 1968, 1970) the present
book is a continuation of the studies which were begun by his group. ,
The Upper Visby reefs a r e the oldest reefs found in the island. Since
they a r e restricted to one stratigraphical unit, there is little objection to
using the stratigraphical name to also indicate the type of reef occurring init.
Both other types of reefs, however, a r e found in more than one strat-
igraphical unit. Therefore, new names have to be introduced to characterize
them. MDst common a r e reefs of the Hoburgen type, for which the well-known
Reefs of the Upper Visby type occur in Gotland in the Upper Visby Beds
only. Exposures a r e found almost exclusively in the coastal cliff in the north-
west, between Nyrevsudde and Hallshuk.
The reefs of the Hoburgen type have, by far, the widest stratigraphical
and geographical distribution. They a r e found in the Htrgklint, Slite, Halla,
Klinteberg, Hemse, Eke, Burgsvik and Hamra-Sundre Beds. They a r e most
abundant in the HBgklint, Slite and Hemse Beds. Geographically, they a r e
rather widely distributed over 'each of the three limestone a r e a s (Fig.11; see
also the enclosed geological map).
Reefs of the HolmhXllar type a r e found in the Hemse and the Hamra-
Sundre Beds. Those of Hemse age a r e exposed all along the east coast, be-
tween Snabben and Ljugarn. The youngest HolmhXllar-type reefs a r e exposed
in the Sundre-limestone a r e a , mainly along the east coast of the southern
peninsula of Gotland and slightly inland.
In discussing the reef fauna and flora in the following pages, and the
various reef types and stratified deposits in further chapters, one must
realize that a general insight into the data presented can only be gained if
they a r e placed against the background of their palaeoenvironment. It is
necessary to recognize that all that can be said about palaeoenvironments is
based upon interpretations.
These interpretations will have to be deduced from two main sources:
( 1 ) The nature of the rocks, both reef limestones and stratified sedi-
ments. Their composition and fabric has generally been co-determined by
the geographical, physical, chemical and biological environment of formation.
(2) The fauna and flora preserved in and contributing to the deposits.
The latter source again is comprised of two approaches:
(a)A comparison with taxonomically - related living representatives.
Much caution is, however, required in this approach, especially since the
relationships a r e so remote in time.
(b) A comparison with morphologically-related living organisms, with
respect to any constancy of association between certain growth forms and
certain environments..
Fossils found in the reef limestones and surrounding crinoid limestonee of Gotland __
Crini limestone
Lithology -Reef limestone - - -
iobu !n type olm-
T- lllar
!?l a
- -
Rothpletzella sp. +
Solenopora gotlandica Rothpletz +
Solenopwa sp.
Unidentified calcareous Algae +
TABLE IX (continued)
limestone -
en ty- iolm-
\ Beds I
TABLE IX (continued)
Fossils 0 $j (Y
: 2 L
- - z- 2-
Plasmopora sp. +
Propom conferta Edwards et Haime
Propora speciosa Billings t
Propora tubulata (Lonsdale) t t
Thecia hisingeri (Jones)
Thecin swindemiana (Goldfuss) e t t t
Unidentified corals t + + t t
Bawandeocrinus sceptmm Angelin t
Botryocrinus sp. + t
Calceocrinus s p . t t
Crotalocrinus sp.
Cyathocn'nus sp. + t
Eucalyptocrinus granulatus Lewis +
Euspirocrinus spiralis Angelin + t
Cissocrinus sp. + + t e
Herpezocrinus s p . t
Eypanthocrinus sp. +
Pisocrinus sp. t t
Polypeltes sp. F
Promelocrinus sp. t
Streptocranus crotalurus (Angelin) t
Unidentified crinoid remains t + + + e
T A B L E IX (Continued)
\ I
-- b
Hoburgen Holm-
.- a
a d a v1
- B
Prl x)
X Gi
al E
- - - - - - - -
t +
+ + t + + + +
+ t
t + + + + + +
+ + t + + + t t
+ + + +
+ + t + t
+ c + t t
+ +
+ + +
t t t
+I t
+ + + + + t t
+ +
c t
+ c
+ t
+ +
Eospirlfer Schmidt i( Lindstrllm) 1
Eospirifer sinztosiis (Hedstrflm) +
Eospirijer sulcatus (Hisinger)
Eospirifer Sp. c
TABLE M (continued)
Hob1 $en
- -
t e
! a;
Fossils 3 3 a;
2- ij- $ B
- X
- -
BRACHIOPODA (continued)
TABLE IX (continued)
9 i$
Actinopterella sp. +
Conocardium s p . + +
Cypricardinia crispula (Lindstrnm)
Cypricardinia exomata Lindstr8m in museo - +
Cypricardinia sp. +
Goniophora cymbaeformis (J. de C . Sowerby)- +
Ilionia prisca (Hisinger) +
"Megalomus" gotlandicus LIndstr8m
"Megalomus" sp. +
Myfilarca acuta Lindstr8m in muse0 +
Pterinea nodulosa Lindstr8m in museo +
Pterinea sp. +
Rhombopteria s p . +
Unidentified lamellibranchs i +
TABLE IX (continued)
Lithology Reef limestone -
Crin lest
Hob1 ?en t ie
ti W
j 2 5i
- 8-
;dB -
GASTROPODA (continued)
TABLE IX (continued)
Fossils W
- -
3 2
TABLE IX (continued)
Crinoid limestone
t limestone -
Hobc :en type 3olm-
% 8
- -
TRILOBITA (continued)
Proetus sp. t + +
Sphaerexochus laciniatus Lindsti-Bm t +
t +
Unidentified trilobites t + +
Beyn'chia sp. +
Craspedobolbina clavata (Kolmodin) +
Hemsiella maccoyana (Jones) + +
Leperditia baltica (Hisinger) +
Leperditia gigantea Roemer +
Leperditia gregaria Kiesow + +
Leperditia phaseolus (Hisinger) +
Leperditia sp.
Neobeyrichia buchiana (Jones)
Neobeyrichia nodulosa (Boll) + +
Neobeyrichia sp. + +
Unidentified ostracodes + + +
- - -
Reef builders
St roma toporo i d s
The most important reef builders of the reefs in Gotland proper a r e the
stromatoporoids. They strongly dominate in the fauna of both the Hoburgen
and HolmhPllar-type reefs ( s e e Chapters VII and VIII). Only in the smaller
Upper Visby reefs a r e the stromatoporoids outnumbered by the corals
(Chapter VI). In the reefs of the two Karlsbarna (Carl Islands), stromato-
poroids a r e distinctly l e s s common than in Gotland proper. This applies
particularly to the lower parts of the reefs of StPurnasar type and to the
reefs of Fanterna type ( s e e further Chapter X).
Despite the abundance and wide distribution of stromatoporoids in the
Middle Palaeozoic of Gotland (and in Silurian and Devonian formations in
many other parts of the world) relatively little is known about their structure
and taxonamy. Some of the publications on the geology of Gotland deal inciden-
tally with stromatoporoids. However, the group as such is still badly in need
of extensive monographical treatment. The present author regrets that such
a time-consuming study could not be included in his programme and con-
sequently, only some rather general remarks can be made about this im-
portant group,
occur side by side or even joined together to a large cover with dome-shaped
elevations. A s Hadding also pointed out, these occupy an intermediate posi-
tion between the dome-shaped and strongly wavy tabular stromatoporoids, but
in contrast t o the latter, they usually show pronounced latilaminae. A s in
other latilaminated stromatoporoids, weathering often causes the colonies to
disintegrate in curved pieces, representing fragments of these latilaminae.
The spheroidal stromatoporoids often vary in size between that of a
tennis ball and that of a walnut, but they may even be much larger. Usually
they a r e strongly recrystallized and show no distinct latilaminae. They often
occur in pure, massive reef limestone, which brecciates through weathering;
in other cases they may contribute to a coarse-conglomeratic appearance of
the rock, A single colony of spheroidal shape may form, which Rutten (1958,
p.382) called a " waistcoat-pocket bioherm" (Fig.13).
Columnar or branched stromatoporoids have only sporadically been
observed in the fossil reefs in Gotland.
Presumably both environmental factors and specific differences have
contributed t o the variety in growth forms. The former factor probably was
the most important, but the author has not been able to clearly prove this.
The subject of different stromatoporoid growth forms will be further touched
on in Chapter XZI.
Where they a r e found, they often developed in a pool in the reef surface s u r -
rounded by stromatoporoids, sometimes together with some massive coral
A lga e
Because one is apt to overlook the Algae in the Silurian reefs of Gotland,
their contribution to reef formation has often been underestimated. Hadding,
for instance, was guilty of this in his major contribution on the reefs of
Gotland (Hadding, 1941), but later corrected himself (Hadding, 1950, p.407).
Once having recognized the Algae, they a r e found to be quite common, even
abundant in parts.
The role of the genus Solenopora was rather similar to that of the
modern coralline Algae. The genus is fairly well represented. In places, its
porcellaneous remains characterize substantial parts of the reef limestone.
This is particularly true for the Hbgklint reefs, and also in Hoburgen-type
r e e f s in the Slite Beds and elsewhere where it is found rock-forming, thereby en-
crusting other reef builders in places. The shape ofSolenopora, as that of modern
coralline Algae, varies and is generally very irregular. In cross-sections,
growth laminae can be seen, generally l e s s than 1 mm thick. These laminae
a r e roughly concentric around the point of attachment, becoming increasingly
irregular with greater distance from it and usually finally splitting up into
a number of different lobes.
There has been much discussion on the true nature of the algal remains
which have long been known as Sphaerocodium. The starting point has been
the algal limestone in the Lower Hamra Beds. In the older literature, the
algal material constituting the balls occurring frequently in the deposit is
called Girvanella problematica Stolley, 1893, and the deposit consequently
Girvanella limestone. In 1891, Rothpletz introduced the genus Sphaerocodium,
on the strength of material from the Alpine Triassic. In 1895, Seward had
already shown that the genus diagnosis of Rothpletz was dubious and insufficient
(cf. Seward, 1898). Nevertheless, Rothpletz stuck to his genus and in 1908 described
material from Gotland as Sphaerocodium gotlandiurn. Since then, the name
Sphaerocodium has frequently been used in literature on the Silurian of
Gotland. This was even more so as algal remains with a similar structure
t o that of the Hamra Beds were a l s o found in several other beds, including
reef limestones, on the island. Pia (1926) stated that Sphaerocodiuwz i s only
an intergrowth of several species of Girvanella. Hadding (1933) also noted
that the "Sphaerocodium" balls a r e only seldom homogeneous, but that often
two or more Algae contributed t o the formation of these limestone concre-
tions, whereas other organisms could a l s o have aided in this. In 1941, he
used the name Pilothrix for l a y e r s or thin coatings of Sphaerocodium
material as these a r e found in the reefs (Hadding, 1941, p.38). Although the
present author did not go deeply into the problem of the nature of these
questioned algal remains, the impression gained is that in the reef limestone
the filamentous Algae seem to belong mainly to the genus now known as
Rothpletzellu, with probably some contributions by Giruanella. In the algal
balls, these two,again a r e present, the first one probably being the more
important, but there a r e a l s o some layers of Spongiostroma-like material;
even encrusting bryozoans have taken some part in the formation of a num-
b e r of the balls, A detailed taxonomic study of the Silurian Algae of Gotland
would be very useful.
The algal c r u s t s found in part of the reefs cover both reef builders and
reef sediment and their contribution may thus have been both in strengthening
the reef frame and in binding the loose sediment filling the interstices in that
frame. In the reef limestone of the Hbgklint, characteristic alternations of
Thecia and algal layers were found in some marginal reef parts, similar to
those described by Hadding (1941,p.40). Particularly important a r e algal
c r u s t s in the reefs of Holmhgllar type.
It is the presence of Algae in many of the reefs in Gotland that gives
the most evidence of the lowest limit of the water depth in which these reefs
grew, as these must have been confined t o p a r t s of the s e a floor within the
reach of sunlight.
Associated organisms
them. The ease with which they disarticulated made them by far the major
source of bioclastic debris. Consequently they contributed considerably to
the formation of the stratified deposits around the reefs, particularly in the
Hoburgen and Holmhlllar-type reefs. Although several crinoid roots were
seen still attached to colonies of reef builders, the number of these is in-
significant compared to the extremely abundant stem fragments. The number
of identifiable calyces found was even smaller.
Some aspects of the palaeoecology of the crinoids found in Gotland will
be discussed in Chapter XII.
both in the reef and the surrounding stratified sediments, A t least 17 species
a r e known from these rocks in Gotland.
Remains of ostracodes a r e a l s o easily recognized. Their parts a r e
usually found throughout the reef matrix, but are best preserved in marl
pockets, where both articulated and disarticulated valves can be seen.
Sponge spicules occur fairly commonly in several of the reefs, but they
a r e relatively inconspicuous and hardly contribute t o the bulk of the reef rock.
The silica of the spicules is usually replaced by calcite. It has not been pos-
sible to identify the isolated spicules in genera. Both hexactinellid (triaxonid)
and lithistid sponges a r e represented, the latter being comparatively most
common in t h e more central p a r t s of the reefs, which might suggest a pref-
erence for a more sheltered environment.
In thin sections of both reef limestone and surrounding sediments,
peculiar bodies can be seen, which in sagittal sections a r e flask-shaped (Fig.15).
Similar bodies from the English Wenlock have been described by Colter (1957,
pp.28-30), who was struck by their resemblance to certain Mesozoic and
Recent Tfntinnia (sulphylum Ciliophora). Whereas Tintinnia have long been
thought occur in deposits older than J u r a s s i c (PokornJi, 1958), they
have recently been described from the Devonian of the Sahara (Cuvillier and
Sacal, 1963) and the Silurian of the Betic Cordilleras in Spain (Hermes, 1966).
This increases the likelihood that these flask-shaped fossils from Gotland
and from the English Wenlock a r e a l s o Tintinnia.
Chapter VI
Fig.16. The southernmost of the three reefs exposed along the road southwest of Snackgardsbaden Hotel. The reef
contains favositids, heliolitids, tetracorals and stromatoporoids, together with several kinds of reef dwellers, i n a
voluminous marly matrix. Around the reef a mantle of stratified limestone which passes gradually, but within a EM
rather short distance, into the normal Upper Visby interstratification of marly limestone and marlstone. 4
~ V V . . C . V V W . @
EZl reef limestone E J veqetotion
Fig.17. The central of the three Upper Visby reefs exposed along the road
southwest of Snackgardsbaden Hotel. It is about equally as thick a s the reef
of Fig.16, but much less laterally extended. The character of reef limestone
and surroundings are similar to those of i t s northern neighbour.
Visby Beds a r e very common and beautifully exposed south of Visby, i n the
cliff between Nyrevsudde and the Visby shooting range. The coast along this
shooting range has not been studied by the present author. Further south
there is a second such range (Tofta Skjutfalt), of which the coastal stretch
Nyrevsudde -
Bl%ha11- Stavsklint - southern Korpklint forms part. Thanks
to the kind cooperation of the military authorities, the present author was
allowed to include this a r e a in his studies. It showed several interesting
The number of Upper Visby reefs observed per kilometre of cliff
varies south of Visby from about 18 (Kneippbyn) to about 1 2 (Tofta Skjutfalt).
That the latter number is lower depends, however, mainly on the degree of
exposure of solid rock in the coastal cliff. Altogether almost one hundred
Upper Visby reefs have been recorded south of Visby, in varying sizes and
degrees of clearness. Consequently these reefs a r e certainly not as r a r e a s
was assumed by some earlier authors (e.g., Hadding, 1933, p.60).
The reefs south of Visby occur in the upper two-thirds of the Upper
Visby section, albeit with some variation. (Thus, in the a r e a of the Tofta
Skjutfalt, the oldest reefs occur a few metres lower than at Kneippbyn.)
However, comparatively the most reefs a r e found i n the uppermost part of
the Upper Visby Beds. Unfortunately, as a consequence,they a r e often
situated rather high i n the cliff wall, with the result that a part of them is
nearly o r completely inaccessible. It is also unfortunate that almost all
sections through the reefs follow the general direction of the coastal cliff,
which is about southwest - northeast.
In the previous section it has been shown that the Upper Visby reefs
are most common south of Visby, where they also s t a r t at a distinctly lower
level than in the north. Circumstances favourable for their growth, however,
seem to have extended gradually. Other data from the Upper Visby Beds
(Chapter XI) indicate a gradual decrease in the depth of the water during
Late Visby time. Reef development makes certain demands as to water depth.
Therefore, it could be assumed that a relationship between the first occur-
rence of reefs at a certain locality and water depth at that time existed.
This suggests that, when reef growth started in the south, the s e a
further northeast was still too deep. It is further assumed that the depth
contours were generally parallel to the contemporaneous shore line. Thus,
a slight angle has to be presumed between the Upper Visby shore line and the
present coastal cliff. Since the latter trends about northeast - southwest, the
direction of the Upper Visby shore line may consequently be assumed to have
run about north-northeast - south-southwest. This conclusion is important
for the explanation of a number of observations which will be dealt with in
l a t e r sections of this chapter. The Upper Visby reefs developed in a belt
about parallel to the shore line. With the shallowing of the sea, this reef belt
gradually moved in the direction of the .basin centre.
thickest underneath the northern reef, which is. apparently sectioned through
its periphery. The ledge dips there towards the cliff. The lowermost portion
of that reef is talus-like in character and contains many fossils lying awry.
The limestone underneath the reefs will be further discussed in a later part
of this chapter.
the stratified sediments arch over it; otherwise the reef seems to have
exerted little influence on the position of the surrounding sediments.
Immediately against the reef, a little more stratified limestone is present
than elsewhere in the succession1. This limestone is very fossiliferous,
especially in relatively-small solitary corals (1-3 cm long) and in brachiopods.
A knoll-shaped reef, which is somewhat vaguely developed, is present
about 0.45 km southwest of BlHhaIl (Tofta SkjutfPlt). This one too, is about
1 m long and high. It r e s t s upon a saucer-shaped swelling of stratified lime-
stone, which in its centre is about 10 cm thick, but increases in thickness
towards the margin. Similar limestone also builds a 0.5-1 m-broad mantle
at the right side of the reef, faintly interfingering with the almost vertical
southwest side of the reef. At the northeast side of the reef, which r i s e s
outwards at an angle of about 35O, there is a very poorly developed lime-
stone mantle. Around the top, the mantle is even lacking completely. The
reef itself shows a vague stratification, which is caused by the voluminous
marly matrix, together with reef builders of a flat-lenticular or tabular form.
Most knoll-shaped reefs occur comparatively low in the reef -carrying
part of the Upper Visby Beds. They are small and very marly (cf. also p.97).
lWhere the dimensions of Upper Visby reefs a r e mentioned in this book, the mantle
of stratified limestone, a s found with several of them, is not included, unless otherwise
Fig.20. The northern of the two Upper Visby reefs south of Axelsro (below
fallen tree). Much stratified limestone is found at the southwest side of the
reef (right), less at the northeast side (left). There is no difference in the
reef fauna between the reef core and the reef margins.
At the northern reef, about 6 m long, this contact is even vertical and slightly
interfingering. At the northeastern side, the limestone mantle is only very
poorly developed. The lower lateral contact between reef limestone and
stratified sediments there r i s e s gradually over the latter. At the second,
northern reef, a talus-like zone, of about 1 m thick, i s intercalated between
the reef and the mantle of stratified limestone.
It is rather usual in theupper Visby reef-limestone exposures to find
that the southwest side of the reef limestone is steeper compared to the lower
boundary at the northeast side, a s was observed i n the two reefs described
above. Between Hogklint and Visby, this is true for 75% of the well over forty
l a r g e r Upper Visby reefs which were observed there. Only two exceptions to
this rule have been observed. In the remaining little over 208 of the exposures,
there is no distinct difference in the dip of the two lateral boundaries between
reef limestone and stratified sediment.
An explanation for the observed asymmetry may be found if the angle
between the directions of the Upper Visby reef belt and the present coastal
cliff is taken into account (see p.82). This implies that the northeastern side
of the reef-limestone exposures is more related to the original seaward side
of the reef, and the southwestern side more to the original landward-directed
side. The east side of the reef was presumably i n direct contact with the open
s e a and received a constant supply of water rich in food and nutrient salts.
Reef expansion, therefore, will have been mainly in this direction, thus
causing the lateral reef boundary a t that side to r i s e over continuously
younger surrounding deposits. It is true that the seaward side of a reef is
also subject to the greatest demolition, but with the type of reefs such a s
those found in the Upper Visby Beds, which only protruded slightly above
their surroundings, this seems not to have significantly influenced horizontal
expansion. On the other hand, organisms detached from the reefs were
deposited mainly at the landward side. Those still alive then, came into
relatively more turbid and l e s s well-refreshed water. With reefs as these,
developing under marginal living conditions, this may, in several localities,
have been fatal for at least some of these detached reef builders, even though
other, non-reef -building organisms were able to maintain themselves at those
A further good example of an asymmetrical reef, and one which rather
convincingly suggests that expansion of the Upper Visby reefs indeed took
place mainly in a seaward direction is the reef exposed about 0.6 km south-
west of Bl!i.htill. This reef i s about 4 m long and has a southwest side, about
3 m high, which is almost vertical and which interfingers slightly with a
narrow limestone mantle. Some stratified limestone is present also under-
neath the northeastern side of the reef, which rises at about 2 5 O over the
surrounding layers. The lowest point of the reef-limestone mass as a whole
is at the southwest. Reef expansion a s revealed by this section, seems to
have taken place only towards the northeast, in reality perhaps towards the
east, that is in the direction of the open sea.
.g.21. Upper Visby reef with the shape of an inverted cone. Southern part
of the Hogklint. The reef is enclosed in the uppermost Upper Visby Beds and
the lowermost Hiigklint Beds. Internal stratification of the reef makes i t s
reef character somewhat vague, but a mantle of stratified limestone identifies
it, nevertheless, as a reef. At the top of the succession, Hogklint reef limestone
Fig.22. Upper Visby reef between Axelsro and Kneippbyn, a s seen from the
southeast. At its base a 2.25 m thick “attempt at reef growth”.
the southwest side is a little steeper than the northeast side; the upper side
is rather flat. The reef limestone is vaguely stratified. At both the northeast
and southwest side of the reef a well-developed mantle of stratified limestone
is present. The normal Upper Visby stratification sags underneath the reef.
If a reef with the shape of an inverted cone is cut through its periphery
by the present cliff, it may give the impression of being a large knoll reef.
Although the difference between such an exposure and a true knoll reef is
but slight, if only one cross-section is available, it remains useful to
restrict the indication “knoll reef“ within this stratigraphical unit to the
small reefs discussed in the beginning of this section.
An interesting exposure, showing a reef of r s a l intermediary position between
an inverted cone and an exceptionally large knoll shape is found about half-way between
Axelsro and Kneippbyn (Fig.22). This reef is rather large and well developed. Since it
1 NE sw
Fig.23. Two Upper Visby reefs, about 0.5 km southwest of the southern
Korpklint. The northeastern reef has probably been initiated by one o r more
reef builders washed off the southwestern reef.
inter-related reefs, of which the youngest in its relationship to the older reef
may show influence of the open sea.
The first example is found in the a r e a of the 'l'ofta Skjutfalt, about 0.5 km
southwest of the southern Korpklint (Fig.23). Two reefs r e s t here upon an
irregular limestone swelling. At the southwest side of the southwestern reef
there is a broad limestone mantle against the rather steep reef wall. In
between the two reefs there is an area, about 2 m long, which is also occupied
by stratified marly limestone. In this limestone, the layers dip away from the
southwestern reef, but towards the northeastern reef. This suggests that the
latter reef, which is smaller, started growth later than the southwestern reef.
Perhaps its growth was initiated by one o r more reef builders which were
loosened from the southwestern reef, but found a suitable place for further
development on the limestone mantle of this mother reef at its seaward side.
It is the only case of a kind of flank reef observed in the Visby Beds. At its
northeastern side, the younger reef also, is surrounded by a mantle of
stratified limestone.
The other example lies about 0.5 km northeast of Axelsro. There two
reefs a r e found, whereof part of the one closely overlies the other. The lower
one is small and possesses a very poorly developed limestone mantle (see
also the section on the limestone lateral to the reefs, p.104). A t its base, the
stratified limestone passes very gradually into the reef limestone.
Immediately above this reef, and also further northeast, there is an elongated,
solid complex of stratified fossiliferous limestone. It forms part of the lime-
stone mantle of the second reef. A section of the latter can be seen above
these limestone layers, which s a g slightly under the reef. This reef is much
larger than the lower reef; in the section, it shows a length of about 15 m.
Unfortunately, its top is no longer exposed, but it seems likely that the upper
side will have been rather flat.
There a r e no indications of a direct relationship between these two
reefs. Presumably they began their growth independently. Development of
the smaller, western reef may, however, soon have been hindered by that of
the other. This western reef is very marly. Together with the many flat-
lenticular reef builders, this causes some vague stratification. The second
reef, apparently, thrived much better. It probably developed in more direct
contact with open water. This may imply that the western reef became
continuously more screened, until it finally died and was covered by the lime-
stone mantle of the expanding eastern reef. This latter reef shows no sign of
an internal stratification, and i t s matrix is also comparatively l e s s marly.
Both examples may thus indicate that r e e f s which were i n direct contact
with the open s e a had greater vitality.
A s was mentioned earlier, two reefs have been observed south of Visby,
in which the steepest side was not the southwest side of the reef but the
northeast side. The first exception can be observed about 0.55 km northeast
of Axelsro, high in the coastal cliff. There a lens-shaped reef is found, which
is about 15 m long and 1-3.5 m thick. It shows large but dominantly flat-
lenticular reef builders and a very marly matrix, which, a s usual, occupies
quite a large volume. In between the reef builders, there a r e a number of
thin and undulous marly layers, some of which may be followed for more
than 1 m; they a r e relatively the most common in the lower part of the reef.
The reef also contains a few intercalations of stratified marly limestone.
Even compared with other Upper Visby reefs, this one is not a model of
vigorous reef growth. The greatest thickness of the reef limestone is found
relatively close to the northeastern side of the exposure. Towards the south-
west, the lower lateral boundary between stratified sediments and overlying
reef limestone gradually rises. This suggests that, although reef growth at
the seaside continued, horizontal expansion took place mainly in a southwest-
o r westerly direction, that is more coastwards than seawards.
The second exceptional case that should be mentioned here, is found i n
the cliff directly southwest of KneippbynFisklage. At that place, two reefs
are exposed next to each other in about an east-northeast - west-southwest
section. The maximum dimensions of the southern reef a r e about 3 m long
and 1 m thick. The east-northeastern boundary of this reef, with the under-
lying stratified sediment, r i s e s at about 60°, the west-southwestern boundary
Fig.24. The northern of the two reefs found in the coastal cliff southwest of
Kneippbyn Fisklage. The cross-section suggests that the centre of reef
growth gradually moved from the middle towards the west-southwest. There
is hardly any mantle of stratified marly limestone around this reef.
Conspicuous limestone layers are drawn. The remaining parts of the reef
surroundings a r e taken up by the normal Upper Visby alternation of layers i
of marly limestone and marlstone. I
the stratified sediments does not continue through the reef -like formation.
Moreover, a few limestone layers sag slightly under i t o r a r c h over it.
Type and colour of weathering in the reef-like formation are about the same
as those in the stratified sediments.
Such resemblance in weathering and colour with the surroundings is
also found in several other reef-like formations. In fact, the interruption in
the normal stratification - or, if the formation shows a vague stratification,
the lack of correlation between this and the normal stratification - and the
relatively higher number of coral colonies, are the only indications that the
reef -like formations in question presumably represent elementary reefs.
A s will be discussed in the next section, reef growth was often preceded
by a gradual improvement of the environmental conditions, resulting in the
deposition of a local complex of stratified marly limestone o r varying
thickness. This limestone may be overlaid by a reef. Sometimes the remains
of an unsuccessful attempt at reef development a r e found on top of a lime-
stone swelling. Some examples a r e found in the environment of Axelsro. In
places above a local swelling of limestone, which may o r may not bend
slightly downwards, more coral colonies a r e present than elsewhere in the
surrounding sediments. Halysites spp. often play a major part, but often
other genera also are present, whereas even stromatoporoids may contribute.
Failure of reef growth can be established from the continuation of the Upper
Visby stratification through these rock parts, albeit sometimes with a thinning
of the marlstone layers. Exposures like these show that even the criteria for
reef growth, given in the preceding paragraph, have to be used with care and
only in combination with each other.
The development of the Upper Visby reefs only became possible after
a local change in the environmental conditions had taken place, which was
favourable for the potential reef -building organisms. This involved a
relative increase in the deposition of marly limestone in such localities, at
the cost of the marlstone.
A s was already mentioned in passing, in the previous section of this
chapter, many Upper Visby reefs came to r e s t in this manner over one o r
more thick (generally 10 or more cm) and local layers of'hard, marly
limestone. Whereas, however, such limestone swellings needed to be
mentioned earlier in order to be better able to interpret that which was found
on top of them, a few pages will now be devoted to these limestone deposits
The local improvement in environmental conditions causing the lime-
stone swellings did not always last long enough to lead to effective reef
growth. In several places within the Upper Visby Beds, local lenses of hard,
marly limestone which a r e not covered by reefs, can be seen. Sometimes
such a limestone swelling, comprising one o r more layers, occurs rather
isolated in a section. In other cases, some swellings are found above each
other, each passing over a short distance again into the normal Upper Visby
alternation of layers of marly limestone and marlstone, which may thereupon
Reef Limestone
Coral colony
EZl marlstone
Fig.28. Distribution of marlstone and limestone layers underneath and
lateral of the northern one of the two Upper Visby reefs, which a r e found
near Fridhem, northeast of Hjgklint.
underneath aside the 1.75m south underneath aside the 1.75m south
the reef reef of the reef the reef mf of the reef
somewhat lower than the level a t which the first-named reef occurs. The
knolls p o s s e s s a strongly marly m a t r i x and show a vague stratification,
which, however, cannot be correlated with the stratification found in the
surrounding stratified sediments. The knolls mainly r e s t upon one o r m o r e
thick l a y e r s of hard, marly limestone. T h e r e are also s o m e platforms of
this limestone, generally a few m e t r e s long, that occur a t the s a m e level,
but on top of which no reefs developed.
Going further north, the level of preference, on which the s i x reef knolls
started growth, disappears again as such. Some reefs found there are vague
and, with one exception, have their bases at a higher level.
Good examples of Upper Visby reefs a r e found north of Kneippbyn (about 3.7 km
southwest of Visby). They illustrate several of the phenomena described in the previous
F r o m Kneippbyn Fisklage northwards, a few reefs can first be seen, which have
already been described in the section on the dimensions of the Upper Visby reefs (pp.95-97).
T h e r e i s no particular reason to describe the five lens-shaped reefs which follow next.
The t e r r i t o r y of a shooting range soon follows. The reefs to be dealt with h e r e a r e
found in the environment of the boundary between the f r e e beach and the shooting range.
About 25 m southwest of this boundary a small reef is exposed, which is the only
Upper Visby reef in which stromatoporoids dominate. bcluding the stratified limestone
a t its base, this reef is in i t s centre about 0.9 m long and about 0.7m thick (Fig.30).
The base occurs about 4 m above present sea level. The succession s t a r t s with a
horizontal, 12 cm-thick layer of hard limestone which consists, for a very substantial
part, of brachiopods and solitary tetracorals. This layer is overlaid by a marlstone
one, 3 cm thick. On top of this, a lens of limestone occurs, which i s 40 cm long and in
its centre 5 cm thick, and again very fossiliferous. Over the lens a layer of marlstone
follows, on the average about 2.5 c m thick. On top of this layer, six large
stromatoporoids are present, of a semi-globular shape, on the average 75 c m long and
in their centre 1 0 c m thick. These stromatoporoids cover each other in a kind of right-
left alternation, and a r e separated by layers of marlstone, generally l e s s than 1 cm
thick. The lowermost stromatoporoids have settled upon solitary corals; except for
the lower side, they envelop these corals almost entirely. Also an occasional Eavosites
colony, only a few centimetres l a r g e , is completely surrounded by one of the lower
stromatoporoids. In between the stromatoporoids some colonies of Heiiolites are
Fig.30. The only Upper Visby reef in which stromatoporoids play a dominant
part. North of Kneippbyn.
5 10 15 20cm
present in the reef. Upon the margins and the top of the reef, some compound corals
and some solitary corals have settled.
The stratified Upper Visby sediments underneath the above-described succession
show no signs of sagging. Laterally, the layers surrounding the lower 20 cm of the
reef come to a dead end against it. The higher layers dip upwards against the reef,
with an increasing angle, which is at the maximum 4 5 O . The uppermost surrounding
layers arch over the reef. Only 20 cm above the reef the normal, horizontal
stratification is restored. In the stratified rocks closely above the reef, relatively
many coral colonies a r e present.
Fig.32. Upper Visby reef in the coastal cliff north of Kneippbyn, about 25 m
north of the southern boundary of the Visby shooting range. At the base of
the reef the normal Upper Visby interstratification of marly limestone and
marlstone. Stratified limestone occurs l a t e r a l to the reef. This limestone is
best developed a t the southwest s i d e (at the right on the photograph). (After
Manten, 1962, fig.4.)
Fig.33. Upper Visby reef, north of Kneippbyn, in the south of the Visby
shooting range. The reef shows a well-developed limestone deposit a t i t s
southwest side, gradually passing into the normal Upper Visby inter-
stratification of m a r l y limestone and marlstone. (After Manten, 1962, fig.5.)
albeit thinner, around the fossils o r arching over them. Although their number and
thickness decrease upwards, the locality could not fully differentiate itself from the
normal sedimentation pattern of the Upper Visby Beds.
In the section exposed at a distance of about 7.5 m southwest of the
stromatoporoid reef, the ratio of the amounts of marlstone and marly limestone was
measured (Fig.31). The picture obtained gives an average of about 7 c m of limestone
p e r unit of 10 c m thickness. This section is reasonably representative of the Upper
Visby Beds as exposed in the coastal cliff in this area.
Directly north of the southern boundary of the shooting range, a reef, about 1 m
long and thick is exposed. The limestone mantle of this reef is especially well
developed a t i t s northeast side, which is an exception to the general rule. The reef
started growth during the f i r s t improvement in environmental conditions shown in Fig.31.
About 25 m over the boundary of the shooting range, near a staircase which i s
built against the cliff wall, a reef i s present which has maximum dimensions of about
5 m long and 4 m thick (Pig.32). It started development a t about the same level as the
stromatoporoid reef. Underneath the reef there is hardly any extra limestone. The reef
mantle of local limestone layers i s more strongly developed a t the than a t
the northeast side. At both sides the boundary between reef limestone and surrounding
stratified sediments r i s e s outwards at an angle of about 6 0 ° . The reef i s built mainly
by compound corals. In comparison with other Upper Visby r e e f s , it is somewhat more
unorgani'zed, with a greater number of colonies which lie obliquely o r upside down.
In between the above and the next major reef, a small reef i s exposed, at about
the level of the stromatoporoid reef. It possesses a r a t h e r well-developed mantle of
limestone l a y e r s , separated by very thin layers of marlstone.
About 50 m past the s t a i r c a s e , the next Upper Visby reef i s exposed (Fig.33).
The reef is comparatively large for this reef type. It clearly belongs to the second
level of reef development. In between the predominantly flat reef builders, mainly
compound c o r a l s , several s m a l l pockets of very thinly stratified m a r l are found.
Against the southwest boundary of the r e e f , which is very steep and in the upper part
almost vertical, a zone of stratified limestone, a t the minimum 2.5 m wide, i s present.
The northeastern reef boundary, which r i s e s at an angle of about 25O outwards over
the stratified sediments, also has a mantle of stratified limestone, which is on the
average 1.5 m wide, and particularly well developed against the lower half of the reef.
At both sides the layers of the limestone mantle dip slightly towards the reef, caused
by subsidence of the entire complex of reef and reef mantle in the normal Upper Visby
deposits. The limestone layers therein a r e l e s s thickened underneath the reef than
under many other r e e f s of this type.
Following three small, vague reefs, another l a r g e r reef is found about 75 m past
the above mentioned. Also this one started growth in the second level. It i s found
slightly lower in the present cliff wall than the previous reef, but this i s caused by a
sagging, here even stronger, of the entire Upper Visby Beds under the p r e s s u r e of the
reef and its surrounding sediments. The reef is about 4 m thick, and i s about 5 m long
without the surrounding limestone mantle, and about 10 m long with it.
Especially at the southwest side of the reef quite a l a r g e amount of limestone is
present, measuring about 4 m in thickness, with a width of about 2 m a t the base and
about 4 m at the top. In between the limestone layers of the mantle practically no marl-
stone layers a r e present. At a height of 2-3 m above the base of the reef a notable
zone, about 1 m thick, i s present in the reef surroundings. In this zone several thick
limestone layers extend much further southwestwards than the actual limestone mantle
of the reef. At a distance of 7 m away f r o m the r e e f , several can still be clearly
recognized as extra-thick l a y e r s , but they gradually become thinner and the Upper
Visby interstratification of limestone and marlstone regains more and more its normal
appearance. At the height of the uppermost m e t r e of reef limestone such long, thickened
limestone layers a r e l e s s common.
Below the deepest p a r t of the reef, limestone layers a r e present to a total
thickness of about 0.5 m , with in between them a few thin marlstone layers. Northeast-
wards, this basal limestone complex increases to an average thickness of about 1 m
and a local maximum of 1.5 m. Southwestwards underneath the reef, the increase is
even stronger (up t o 2 m) and the marlstone l a y e r s disappear there almost completely.
The boundary of the reef limestone at the northeast side r i s e s for the lowermost
1.5 m of reef thickness over the stratified limestone with an angle of about 6 0 ° ; the
angle d e c r e a s e s further upwards t o a s little as 15", after which it increases rapidly
again. The southwest boundary is much steeper, being about 65O in the lowermost
m e t r e and upwards f r o m there about vertical. Also the boundary between the limestone
mantle and the more normal Upper Visby succession is steeper a t the southwest side
(about 60" outwards, without considering h e r e the zone with the extended limestone
layers a t 2-3 m above the reef base) than at the northeast side (about 30O). The upper
surface of the reef is faintly convex.
The reef about 0.15 km northeast of the staircase has already been discussed
e a r l i e r in this chapter, as an example of the inverted-cone shape (p.90) and as one
illustrating the general character of the reef limestone (p.83). P a s t this reef there a r e
only two vague reef-like developments. The beach then is interrupted by a coastal a r e a
in which the s e a directly bounds the coastal cliff.
One of the sites showing an Upper Visby reef i s near the Luseklint, the f i r s t
major cliff northeast of Nyhamns FisklPge. The cliff is built predominantly by Hogklint
reef limestone. An Upper Visby reef i s present t h e r e , low in the section, in the south-
west. It has a well-developed mantle of stratified limestone, which is somewhat wider
at the southwest side than at the northeast side. The boundary between reef limestone
and mantle at the southwest side is r a t h e r steep. At the northeast side, both the
boundary between reef and mantle and the boundary between mantle and the normal
Upper Visby succession advance outwards with an angle of about 20-25O. Above the
reef, the lowermost stratified Hogklint Beds a r e t o be found.
Further north, but still a t the base of the high cliff, two more reefs are found
which are mainly enclosed by the uppermost Upper Visby Beds.
Directly north of the cliff, two reefs,belonging t o the Upper Visby Beds, are
found r a t h e r closely together. The sediment in between these reefs is stratified
limestone. Of both reefs only the uppermost p a r t s outcrop, all the r e s t i s hidden
behind s c r e e . The southern reef is better exposed. It is about 2.5 m long and thick
and strongly weathered. It shows the normal nature and composition of the Upper Visby
reefs. The northern reef probably was somewhat larger. The mantle of stratified
limestone around it is well exposed. The boundary between reef and mantle is very
steep at the southwest side and r i s e s more gradually over the stratified sediment at
the northeast side.
Since Hoburgen has been made the type locality of the most-common
reef type of Gotland, it is appropriate to include in this chapter a short
description of that locality (Fig. 34).
Fig.34. Sketch map of Hoburgen, showing the position of the four hillocks
As said above, the Storburg is the largest hillock and also the highest.
Its summit is 35.2 m above sea level. In the southwest it shows the follow-
ing sedimentary succession:
Around and a little above sea level Burgsvik sandstone is found, with
in its uppermost part a characteristic and very fossiliferous layer. On top
of it is 60-80cm oolite, in which a little sandstone is interbedded. This is
overlaid by limestone in a somewhat reef-like development (max. thickness
1 m), which passes westwards into a synchronous crinoid limestone (max.
60 cm thick). Above this reef-like deposit there is limestone, very rich in
algal balls (see also the section on the Hamra limestone in Chapter XI,
pp. 410-411). Next is crinoid limestone again, passing into reef limestone
in the east. This reef limestone is mainly built by stromatoporoids and
corals in a marly matrix. A.lso present a r e bryozoans, crinoids, brachiopods
and some lamellibranchs. From there upwards, almost the whole west cliff
is composed of reef limestone. In the uppermost part, finally, there is the
so-called "Hoburg marble", a red crinoid limestone with thin marly
The south cliff of Storburgen (about 20 m high) consists at the
bottom of marly Hamra limestone, and has a t the top 8-10 m of "Hoburg
marble". The latter sediment also occurs i n the east cliff.
The upper surface of the Storburg is somewhat undulating; the low
tops are in all likelihood connected with reef centres. Between the reef
limestone, exposed locally on top of the Storburg, "Hoburg marble" is still
found at several places in between the reef builders. Where we imagine
this non-reef material to be absent, the reef should show a surface com-
parable to a field covered with freshly-lifted large potatoes.
The north side of the first burg, as well a s the south side of the
second one, is composed of marly limestone, which presumably in former
times also took up the space between the two burgar.
The second burg, too, shows sandstone and oolite in the lowermost
part of the west cliff. These a r e overlaid again be reef limestone, which in
the middle of this wall takes up almost the full height, but to the north and
south passes into crinoid limestone. In the rather poorly exposed east side
of this burg, mainly "Hoburg marble" outcrops.
The top of the second burg shows in the west a landscape with several
higher parts, presumably caused by the presence of fossil reefs. In the
east, on the other hand, the surface is rather smooth, which leads to the
presumption that no reefs occur there.
Also for the indentation between the second and third burg, there are
indications that stratified limestone has been present there, which has only
rather recently been removed by erosion.
The third burg shows in the west crinoid limestone at its bottom; while
the rest is composed of reef limestone. In contrast to these well exposed
west cliffs, the east side is nearly completely overgrown with vegetation.
The west cliff of the fourth burg is almost exclusively composed of
reef limestone. Here also the east side is covered with vegetation. The
upper surfaces of the third and fourth burgar are uneven, but show an east-
southeastward dip everywhere.
In fact the essential facts about the organic remains and matrix in
the reefs of Hoburgen type have already been given in Chapter V. Some
additional information, more specific for the reefs of Hoburgen type, will
be added in the following paragraphs.
Stromatoporoids, by virtue of their large numbers and frequently
large size, form the most-conspicuous part of the fauna of the Hoburgen-
type reefs. The contribution made by the corals varies from reef to reef
and also between the various stratigraphical units in which the reefs occur.
Massive compound corals a r e generally well represented, aIthough they
a r e in almost every reef distinctly subordinate to the stromatoporoids.
Branched corals are present, sometimes in large colonies o r groups of
colonies, in the more-central parts of some of the reefs, but may be
almost absent in other reefs, even in close vicinity. Solitary corals,
occurring in so many specimens and species in the Upper Visby reefs, a r e
not very abundant in most of the exposures of Hoburgen-type reef limestone.
It i s quite usual if only a few a r e observed over a n exposed surface of 1 m2.
Comparatively the highest numbers of solitary corals a r e found in the reefs
which follow in stratigraphical age directly after the Upper Visby reefs,
those in the Lower Hogklint Beds. The most-striking figures a r e presented
by the reef limestone drawn as part B of Fig.151. In the major part of the
exposed reef area, about 200 solitary corals per 1 m 2 can be seen, whereas
in the lowermost 0.5-0.75 m of the reef, this number can be as high a s
about 750 per 1 m2.
Bryozoans a r e present more a s isolated branches than as intact
colonies, but are common in that fragmented form. Their contribution to
the bulk of the reef limestone, however, is generally negligible.
Coralline Algae of the genus Solenopoya a r e fairly common in some
parts of the reefs.
The distribution of the various reef components over the reefs varies.
One has to imagine that the reefs, a t the time of their development, showed
a great variety of living and dead material. From place to place there were
differences in vigour and vitality of the reefs. At one spot there was hardly
a space as large a s a human hand which was not covered with living reef-
building organisms, while in other places, perhaps only a few metres
away, there were only a few reef builders, separated by much matrix
material, fragmented organic remains and organisms out of their growing
positions. Some rough general lines can be subtracted from the variation
Generally, the reef builders in the lowermost parts of the reefs a r e
smaller than higher upwards (Fig.35). The same holds for the reef
builders in the uppermost parts in various reefs.
Massive tabular stromatoporoids and corals a r e frequently found in
the basal parts, but they a r e generally largest and relatively-most
abundant in the marginal regions. The stromatoporoid Labechia and the
coral Thecia may locally form expansions of a biostromal nature from the
reefs out an to the surrounding sediments.
Generally the reef builders are embedded in a matrix, which may vary
from marl to rather pure limestone. In places, pockets o r stratified inter-
calations of matrix material may also occur, both marginal and central i n
the reefs. In the larger reefs, it can, in several instances, be established
that the volume of the reef limestone taken up by the matrix is higher at
the original-landward side than at the seaward side. In some reefs, how-
ever, also the latter side may be relatively rich in matrix material.
This latter situation is illustrated in, e.g., the east-eastsoutheast
wall of the Spillingsklint (Othem Parish, Slite Beds). In the southern part
of this wall, reef limestone is exposed which has been formed at the
southeast, seaward side of the reef. At a level of 4.5-2 m below the top of
the reef, at least ten pockets of marly sediment occur, on the average 25 cm
0 1m
Fig.35. Detailed section, showing the base of the reef limestone in the
HjSinnklint, about 1.5 km southwest of Halls FisklSige. Hijgklint Beds. The
contact with the underlying stratified fragment limestone is remarkably
smooth. The lowermost reef limestone consists of stromatoporoids and
some corals in a matrix of very finely crystalline to dense limestone. In
this matrix, remains of several other fossils can be seen, but they a r e
strongly recrystallized and not o r almost not identifiable. Two well-
recognizable stromatoporoid horizons are notable. In the lower of these,
the colonies are on the average 15 cm long; in the upper horizon they
measure up to 40 cm. The horizons a r e bounded by irregular lines. Some
of these lines a r e caused by fragments of branched corals, lying almost
side by side in an orientation which is about north-northwest - south-
southeast. The other lines a r e caused by weathering of somewhat softer
matrix material from between the reef builders. The reef limestone above
the upper stromatoporoid horizon shows a conglomeratic structure.
long, 15 cm deep and 10 cm high. In this zone also a cave was developed,
and a horizontal niche, about 6.4 m long, 0.9 m high and a few decimetres
deep; both originated most likely through erosion of stratified sediment.
Both the cave and the niche a r e covered by reef limestone. South of the
niche, a few similar notches were found, 1-3 m long, which, however, a r e
overlaid by stratified crinoid limestone with reef debris, intercalated in
reef limestone.
In the Solklint (Slite, Slite Beds), it was found that at the original-
seaward side of the reef most local intercalations of layers of stratified
marly limestone have a direction of dip towards the reef centre. At the
original-landward side the directions of dip a r e somewhat more irregular.
The dip directions, particularly those at the seaward side, suggest that
most of the local stratified intercalations were formed at the lee side of
reef parts which had risen over the surrounding reef surface.
A s said, not only marginally, but also in the more central parts of
many Hoburgen-type reefs, pockets and, though l e s s frequently, larger
intercalations of stratified sediment do occur. This is generally marl-
stone, limestone with reef debris o r crinoid limestone. Deposition may
have taken place at quieter places in between the reef builders. In a very
few cases crinoid calyces were observed in m a r l pockets.
In part of the occurrences of stratified sediment, deformations can be
observed, which are due to differential compression and to displacements
that must have taken place within the reef-limestone bodies. In older
exposures, such stratified portions a r e often partly or completely
weathered away, leaving holes and niches of various sizes and forms. For
more details about intercalations of stratified sediments in the reef lime-
stone the reader is referred to the descriptions of the various localities in
Chapter XI (e.g., pp. 288, 295, 296, 320, 324, 359, 362, 366, 369).
In addition to debris of the reef frame, animal remains found in the
matrix include crinoids, brachiopods, molluscs, arthropods, sponge
spicules and small, tintinnid-like bodies.
The crinoids probably lived more on the sides of the reefs than on
the reef surface (see also the section on crinoid palaeoecology in
ChapterXII, particularly pp. 448,452; cf. alsopp. 461, 464).
Frequently brachiopod shells a r e found in small pockets. The author
is unable to answer the question whether these shells were generally
transported there together o r whether the animals had a certain preference
for sheltered patches. In some of the pockets brachiopod shells occur
together with remains of other reef dwellers, in other cases they a r e the
only fossils in such pockets. The local brachiopod assemblages often show
high size and shape variability. Several of the reef brachiopods were
attached during their life to the reef by means of a muscular stalk o r
pedicle protruding from an opening under the beak of the pedicle valve.
Gastropods a r e regularly found in the reef limestone, with many
species, but they are only occasionally abundant; most common among them
is Platyceras comutum Hisinger. Lamellibranch species a r e l e s s common
and certainly l e s s varies than the gastropods, in contrast to modern reefs
i n the Great B a r r i e r Reef province (Maxwell, 1968, p.168). Cephalopods a r e
distinctly l e s s common than the two previous molluscan groups.
In places the reef matrix is of the stromatolitic type described in
Chapter V (p. 77).
In general, field investigations of the composition of the reefs a r e
easier in the comparatively-younger exposures than in several of the
older, inland exposures, where observation is hindered by the patina which
covers the weathered rock and in part also by the brecciation which has
taken place.
Massive structure
sections. They a r e irregular, pass through reef builders and matrix alike
and a r e partly filled with calcite. Broken shells commonly present evidence
of small displacements.
A s has been said, reef limestone with a solid structure may pass into
brecciated limestone a s a result of weathering. One of the reasons f o r this
may be the presence of many intact or nearly intact stromatoporoid
colonies, with a characteristic latilaminar structure. In weathering, the
rock easily splits along these latilaminar planes. In the Hallshukklint,
brecciation was also found to occur where branched coral colonies, in a
little-more-marly matrix than elsewhere, are the main reef builders. In
other cases, the explanation may be that parts of the apparently solid reef
limestones a r e , in fact, brecciated in structure, but are stronger and
rather-uniformly recrystallized, because their matrix was relatively pure.
In the freshly exposed rock, the pieces may still adhere to each other, but
they become detached when the rock has long been subjected to weathering.
This latter explanation is supported by the observation that, in the reef
limestone of Hoburgen type, parts with a rather-solid structure occur in
several places enclosed in reef limestone with a brecciated structure, into
which these parts also gradually pass.
In general, reef limestone which is predominantly built by corals was
stronger of construction than rock very rich in stromatoporoids. This
appears from the observation that massive coral limestone is generally
not brecciated, but solid in structure. Brecciation was neither observed in
a reef part which consists of an intimate interoccurrence of colonies of
corals and stromatoporoids and was found in the south of the HjPnnklint
(Hall Parish, Hijgklint Beds). Apparently, coral colonies have greater
carrying power than stromatoporoids. Neither do sections through large
coral colonies generally brecciate through weathering.
Also in places where the reef matrix was relatively pure over larger
p a r t s of a reef, a solid reef-limestone structure may have formed which
does not brecciate through weathering. Presumably the total reef mass has
been solid there since the time of deposition of the reef matrix, through
authigenic sedimentary formation of calcite (see also below in this section)
o r a stromatolitic type of matrix. Only slight dislocations took place within
it afterwards. These may have occurred along erratic lines which can be
seen in several of the larger exposures of solid reef limestone. They
generally divide an exposed wall into spool-shaped parts of usually about
1 m length. Their origin may be connected with zones of weakness in the
reef, e.g., surfaces containing the upper sides of several reef builders.
Many of the lines a r e weathered out a s thin grooves. Some a r e filled with
calcite, some contain marl. In the south of the Hjannklint, one groove
contains a great many coral branches which lie horizontally and are
orientated about northwest - southeast (Fig. 35). These branches up- and down-
wards pass into structureless calcite. Along part of the lines solution also
seems to have taken place and some took the character of stylolites.
Stratified structure
1 reef limestone
stratified limestone
I S marl
not exposed 0 5m
Recognizability of fossils
Fig.37. Detail of the northern part of the reef limestone complex about
0.7-0.9 km north of Lundsklint. At the right, the characteristic sub-
division into smaller reef-limestone bodies, as found also in a number of
other reef-limestone massifs in the Hogklint Beds. At the left, so much
stratified limestone is found between the reef-limestone bodies that they
appear as separate reefs. At the base, a badly exposed small reef,
belonging to the Upper Visby Beds. On top of this reef, the Upper Visby
succession contains more limestone than north and south of it.
diagenetic recrystallization of the total mass has gone s o far that fossils
a r e only occasionally recognizable in the field. The variation which the
Hoburgen-type reefs show in this respect is greater than with that of the
Upper Visby and Holmhallar-type reefs.
In general reef limestones of the first group show a conglomeratic
structure, o r a r e more o r less vaguely stratified, but some have a solid
o r brecciated structure. Reef limestones in which fossils a r e hardly
recognizable generally show a solid o r brecciated structure.
In all cases in which the fossils are still readily recognizable, they
a r e found to have nevertheless been recrystallized. There are, however,
differences in the degree of, recrystallization. If the matrix is strongly
marly the fossils a r e less changed. Apparently the clay content of the
sediment reduced the permeability to water and thus hindered the
recrystallization process. This is further indicated by the fact that the
fossils found in the stratified m a r l deposits in Gotland are least
recrystallized. On the other hand, there is also a general rule that the
purer the limestone of the matrix, the stronger the recrystallization of the
reef builders and also the harder the matrix itself. In such cases the
external shape of the fossils may still be distinct but the finer intertial
structures are often lost. Hadding (1941, p.46) rightly warned that as a
result of this, tabular corals may be mistaken for stromatoporoids or vice
v e r s a and thus care is required in determining the fossil content of a reef.
In the Hdgklint Beds, but also elsewhere, examples have been seen where,
in addition, the external shape has partly disappeared. The one part of a
large fossil, especially a coral colony, may then still show i t s outline,
whereas in the other part even this has been lost and the fossil has passed
into solid reef limestone.
The shape of the reefs of Hoburgen type varies rather, from a single
spheroidal stromatoporoid colony (Fig.13) to an inverted right-elliptical
cone of up to about 2 km in its longest horizontal direction and a thickness
of up to 30m, o r to generally thin but extensive stretches of patch-reef
nature. In defining the form of the reef in more detail one meets with more
difficulties, because there seems to have been quite a lot of variation and
only two-dimensional exposures a r e available of many of the reefs, whose
marl I
I stratified limestone Dl unexposed
1 1
Fig.38. Schematic drawing of the Hutingsklint, approx. 5.5 km north-
northeast of Ihrevik FisklPge. The lower part of the reef is enclosed i n
rnarlstone with interstratified layers of marly limestone; the top is
surrounded by stratified limestone. Within the reef, two large parts,
consisting of stratified limestone. HSgklint Beds.
Patch reefs
The reefs found exposed in the Klinteberg, and also elsewhere in the
Klinteberg Beds, are on the average much smaller than those in the
A 0 C
Fig.40. Three sections through one reef in the Klinteberg Beds. The reef
is exposed in the south of the Klinteberg, about 325 m south-southwest of
the three-fork of roads close to Klinte Church. Section C forms one of the
walls of an old quarry. This quarry is mainly excavated in stratified marly
limestone of brownish grey colour. In i t s lower exposed parts, this lime-
stone is thickly bedded, with layers up to 1 m thick, which through weather-
ing may appear to be composed of a number of thinner layers, occasionally
cross-bedded. Higher up the layers of the limestone a r e on the average
3-15 cm thick. The sediment is very fossiliferous, crinoid fragments being
especially abundant and there a r e several coral colonies, generally in their
orientations of growth. Further, there a r e solitary corals, stromatoporoids
and many brachiopods.
In the right of section C it can be seen how this stratified limestone
interfingers with marly reef limestone. Most reef-building coIonies a r e
flat lenticular in this reef, with an average length of 20-30 cm. The origin
of reef growth was probably close to the corner between sections C and B.
In the lower and upper parts of the reef, the reef builders a r e flattest but
in the middle rounder forms also occur. Within the reef limestone north of
this reef centre, local intercalations of stratified limestone occur. North-
westwards, the reef thins out again between the stratified sediments, as
can also be seen in section A. The reef limestone enclosed between the
three sections probably represents about one quarter of the original reef,
which then may have had a diameter in the order of 20 m and a thickness
of not much more than 5 m.
[ N-NW
2 3 4 9
- A _ - ------
0 tp 15 + 25m ITI reef limestone
In the Visneklint, also belonging to the Hemse Beds, the following section has
been observed:
210 cm + Grey stromatoporoid reef limestone of Hoburgen type, with also corals,
bryozoans and crinoids; inserted some nests of stratified limestone,
generally less than a few square decimetres.
18 cm Reef talus
17 cm Vaguely stratified limestone
36 cm Reef talus
'9reef I Elr e e f n EEl r e e f m
reef debris 0 5 mm
Fig.45. Section shown in the west side of the third hillock, Hoburgen.
Hamra-Sundre Beds. Reefs I and 11 are separated by stratified limestone,
in which a cave has been formed by the Littorina sea. The cave is known as
"Hoburgsgubbens Matsal" (the dining room of grandfather Hoburgen). A
s m a l l e r cave is found in the southwest. This cave has two openings, of
which the western one is drawn at the right; it s e e m s to have been excavated
by erosion of a softer p a r t of reef II. The upper p a r t of the section is taken
up by the third and largest reef.
w-sw I N-NE
5-sw I
the dips in the deposit gradually increased, as did the coarseness of the deposit.
Finally the reef extended over its debris, to build the upper part of the cliff, at the
same time reaching there its maximum extension in this direction, as is shown by
the preserved remains of a talus zone, which will be discussed later in this
The reef of which the root i s found exposed in the Lithberg Grotta (Storburg,
Hoburgen) shows that in the l a t e r stages of i t s development, conditions for i t s
growth turned out to be less favourable. Whereas initially the reef expanded a t all
sides, the exposed wall makes it c l e a r that at a certain level, the growing reef
surface was forced to withdraw to i t s central p a r t (Fig.59). Close to a small cave,
above the Lithberg Grotta, a vaguely-stratified and very marly intercalation i s
present in the reef limestone; at about the same level some comparable indications
of decreased reef growth are found in the reef south of it. In the centre of the
surface of the Lithberg reef and its direct southern neighbour growth still continued
for some time, but not as long as the growth of some other neighbouring reefs, such
as the one northeast of it (partly exposed left of the Lithberg reef) and the reef some
10 m south of the two s m a l l e r reefs. On the left above the LithbergGrottaan isolated
p a r t of the reef t a l u s i s preserved, in which nearly all fossils occur in an almost
vertical position, suggesting that the reef has probably not extended much further
northwest than the place of the present cliff wall, which thus presents a peripheral
cross-section, but also that it stood well out over the surrounding sea floor. The
exposed reef limestone of both central reefs does not reach the top of the wall: the
reef limestone of the reefs northeast and south of the two does. If also the amount of
talus material around the two central reefs i s noted, the impression is obtained that
they developed slightly m o r e coastwards than the passage between the two other
r e e f s ; this passage was gradually narrowed because of expansion of the northeast
reef, which in a l a t e r stage of i t s development even managed to override the two.
The examples given suggest that with several young reefs developing
closely together, the reefs at the coastward side had the least chance to
reach large size. If they were located behind other reefs, the expansion of
these decreased water turbulence around the more coastward reefs; if the
position w a s slightly behind a passage, water turbulence and erosion
strongly increased; both could lead to the death of the affected reefs.
Competition did not necessarily conclude with the surviving reef over-
riding one o r more others. Especially in the f i r s t of the two possibilities
outlined above, it may well have been enough that the more-seaward of the
competing reefs grew faster upwards and sideways, whereby the created
lee-side environment with decreased water movement and supply of oxygen
and food, and increased sedimentation was already in itself sufficient to
retard and finally end growth of other reefs present at that lee side.
Fusion of reefs
Rapid colonization of a part of the s e a floor by reef builders is
revealed by a reef base which is close to the horizontal. Such rapid lateral
expansion may have taken place immediately after the beginning of reef
growth, but also at some later stage. When it happened later, the local
root of reef formation can be seen to be surrounded by sediment layers
older than the ones which directly underlie the reef base. It now happens
that some of the patch reefs in Gotland of which the base is exposed for a
length of some importance, do not show only one, but two o r more such
local wide-angle deepenings of reef limestone into the underlying stratified
sediments; these deepenings may each represent a section through roots
of reef formation. This suggests that long patch reefs may have started
growth on more than one place and as a result of fusion attained the length
which they show. It may be assumed that with the rapid and flat coloniza-
tion that took place, little reef debris was produced and consequently the
Compound ye efs
I N-NE s-s w
Fig.49. Section about 0.65 km north of Lundsklint. The main reef limestone
occurrence belongs to the same reef as the reef limestone shown in Fig.50.
North of it is a smaller reef. Both belong to the Hijgklint Beds. They over-
lie the Upper Visby interstratification of marly limestone and marlstone,
which shows a flexure-like deformation, caused by differential compression
under the influence of the overlying rocks.
N-NE s-sw
0 25 m
Fig.52. Reef about 0.5 km north of Lundsklint. Hijgklint Beds. The reef i s
an unstratified mass, predominantly built by stromatoporoid colonies. The
rock is strongly recrystallized. It is surrounded by stratified limestone
with crinoid fragments. (After Manten, 1962, fig.19.)
not grow upwards at the s a m e rate as the a r e a s around it. In the latter
case, reef debris could at a certain moment s t a r t to accumulate in the
depression, thus building the floor of the depression again up to a level
approaching that of the surrounding reef surface, after which reef builders
generally colonized the a r e a again. But it could also happen that organisms
other than the reef builders common on the reef surface profited by the
sheltered conditions in the depression and thus a different fauna developed
there. In the latter case, the author prefers to call such a lower a r e a of the
reef surface a pool. An intermediate form is that in which the common reef
builders themselves flattened out temporary unevennesses in the reef
topography; examples of this have been seen in the LPnnaberg (Slite Beds,
p. 323).
intact crinoid calyces can be found, as appeared, e.g., in the south cliff of
Brissund (Fig.140). An interesting observation made in the latter locality
was that on top of one of the crinoidcalyces, over the anal opening, a specimen of
Platyceras cornuturn Hisinger was seen in its living position.
A rather peculiar interreef basin is the one shown in Fig.54, 55, 56,
presenting almost a transitional form to the filled depressions within a
reef, to be described next.
The reef limestone at the south side of the interreef basin in the
middle of Hoburgen's second hillock, described above, appears to have been
formed by one of a few centres of growth into which a reef, which initially
developed as a whole, at a certain stage has fallen apart. Apparently the
individual growth centres differed much in vigour. Between the part bound-
ing the interreef basin and the one south of it, a depression in the reef
-O lm
surface initially developed, filled with stratified limestone and reef debris,
until the southern growth centre, which was larger and apparently also more
vigorous, expanded over the depression. Periods of vigorous growth
apparently alternated also in this growth centre with times of lesser growth.
In a small indentation in the wall it can be seen how within this reef part,
another depression began to develop, though it was soon covered again by
reef limestone. Elsewhere it shows a distinct increase in matrix volume
in some places, locally even leading to a vague stratification within the
reef. Nevertheless this southern growth centre managed to survive the
other ones; it is the only one of this reef which extends to the plateau of
the second hillock, but while standing on this plateau it can be seen how
from all sides the stratified limestone expands over the reef limestone.
Fig. 55. The southern reef of Fig. 54. Conglomeratic reef limestone, due to
stromatoporoid colonies with rather round shapes, which are separated by
a marly matrix. The upper part of the reef shows several crinoid remains.
At the left in the drawing is stratified limestone ending against the reef. The
rock is whitish in colour and relatively hard. The layers ar.e on the average
10-15 cm thick, with only little or hardly any m a r l in between. They show
only a few recognizable fossils.
The distinction from the true reef limestone can also be blurred when
i n the part of a reef surface that developed into a depression, reef growth
never completely came to an end. The m a r l o r fine debris deposited in
such a depression may then still enclose some reef builders in their grow-
ing positions and the result may vary from an intercalation of stratified
material with some reef builders to only-vaguely-stratified reef limestone.
material with layers of hard and splintery limestone, which are a few
centimetres thick on the average (Fig. 58).
Considering the general picture presented by the central part of the
west wall of Hoburgen's Storburg (Fig.77), it may be that the reef root
described has been the beginning of a secondary centre of reef growth,
which after a short time fused with the parent reef. No distinct boundary
could be established with the reef limestone of the large and evidently-
older reef exposed north of it.
In Lithberg Grotta (Lithberg Cave), in the north of the Storburg, another reef
root is found, surrounded by stratified sediment. It is not impossible that in this case
reef growth began at two different places, but close to each other, because at the left
side in this cave the boundary between reef and stratified limestone is seen to be a
little lower than in the middle of that cave. The reef root is relatively rich in fossils:
although flat reef builders dominate, there a r e also several rounder ones: stromato-
poroids a r e in the majority. The stratified sediment in the back of this cave, especial-
ly close to the reef root, is rather marly and shows a vague alternation of softer
marly layers with harder ones of marly limestone, but the alternation is less well
developed than in the exposure north of Hoburgsgubbens Trappa. A s far as can be
seen, the reef that grew out of the root in Lithberg Grotta expanded all around.
Southwards, it extended over its own talus until it soon abuted against the talus of a
presumably slightly older reef (Fig.59).
An outcrop of lesser quality occurs in the south of the second burg, close to
the reef part rich in stromatoporoids, shown in Fig.214. This reef root also shows a
rather-untidy building, with a great many fossil fragments as well as fossils that are
not in their life orientations; the whole is embedded in a matrix of strongly-marly
limestone. There, too, in the very beginning of reef growth, the stromatoporoids
already outnumbered the compound corals. Also solitary corals, crinoid remains and
brachiopods were found.
A little south of Hoburgsgubbens Trappa, in the Storburg of Hoburgen, the
lowermost part of the cliff shows a rock which in all likelihood was deposited very
close to the base of a reef, which later on expanded over it. It is a marly sediment
very rich in fossils, among which especially the numerous thin and faintly wavy
tabular stromatoporoids a r e notable. It is overlaid by reef talus (Fig.60). More
information on the general development of the sediments underneath reefs will be
given in a later section of this chapter.
N s
Fig.59. Northern part of the west wall of Storburg, Hoburgen. In the centre,
two smaller reefs surrounded by a talus mantle. The reefs a r e overridden
by a third and larger reef which had its point of origin about northeast of
the other two and the peripheral section of which is exposed in the left of
the wall. At the right of the two reefs, stratified fragment limestone is
found, after a short distance followed again by reef limestone (cf. Fig.77).
and w a s due to strain set up when younger reef parts progressed over
unconsolidated sea-floor deposits which underwent compaction under the
weight of the growing reef.
Since such fissures a r e more characteristically found in reef of
Holmhallar type, a further discussion on their nature is postponed until the
next chapter (pp. 200-205).
K X . % ( *
x x x
3 2 1
-0 lm
. * . . I x x = *
j % j l l j . l s *
. . I * * ~ " I I X I I I I
. , " 1 . 1 . . 1 1
l " x . x * . "
" " . . . . X . *
* L X X * X . * X
" " E L \
* X I * X I "
X " X l ( . "
. " X I X " l i
" X X * X *
* X " X X
cases some layers may even have been squeezed out from underneath the
reef. Also fold phenomena a r e occasionally found (Fig.63, 64).
Differential compression is probably also mainly responsible for the
rather undulant upper boundary of the Upper Visby Beds along the north-
west coast of Gotland. These beds generally reach higher in places where
the overlying Hjgklint Beds developed as stratified sediment. A similar
phenomenon is found in the Eke Beds. The stratified limestones underneath
some Eke reefs is thin and overlies the Hamra marlstone; the limestone
layers show sag dips up to 35O.
A stromatoporoidal deposit as shown in Fig.60 is not a common
phenomenon underneath a reef.
x x x x x x x x x x x x x n x ~
x x x x x x u u x x a x m x x
x x x x J ( x x x x x n x x x
Fig. 64. Detailed section, showing the contact between stratified and reef
limestone at b in Fig.63. Hallshukklint. H6gklint Beds. The stratified
limestone encloses a body of reef debris, against which the surrounding
layers end. The layer on top of it is extremely rich in fossils, particularly
solitary corals; the number of fossils decreases northwestwards. The basal
reef limestone, overlying this layer, has a conglomeratic structure, with
colonies in rather a marly matrix. The remaining reef limestone shows a
solid structure.
-x x x x x x
=strotifled limestone
Elreef limestone
ElspR1OI zones
E J scree
Stratigraphical succession underneath a Hogklint reef about 0.5 km
south of Sigsarvebodar
reef limestone
23 cm crinoid limestone
6 cm crinoid limestone
9 cm reef limestone
1 cm marlst one
1.5 cm crinoid limestone
0.25 cm marlstone '
Stratigraphical succession of Table IX summarized per 25 cm
Reef limestone Crinoid limestone Marlstone
25 - -
- 25 -
9 14.45 1.55
- 15.1 9.9
- 13.1 11.9
The part of the wall in the south of Fig.66 from the scree up to layer 3 , forms
a rock shelter. The sediment above it is reef limestone which, about 8-10 m from
the place which i s represented at the right margin of the drawing, shows a beautiful
example of wealthy stromatoporoid development.
The stratified limestone forming the lower part of the wall in the central and
northern parts of the drawn exposure differs from that in the south because coarse
fossiliferous limestone irregularly alternates with fine limestone poor in fossils in
both the horizontal and vertical directions; a few “beads layerst1 are interbedded. At
the base of the reef limestone, several stromatoporoids and other fossils a r e found
embedded in a matrix of finely crystalline to dense limestone.
The great variety of deposits found in the Hj‘ahnklint underneath the reef
limestone suggests that the local conditions under which these were laid down have
varied both in space and in time.
Talus mantle
reef limestone
stratified limestone
can be distinguished from the large blocks by the greater number of fragments in the
first, and also by the abrupt ends of some of the flat-lenticular and tabular colonies
with no indication in the direct environs of where the detached peripheral parts have
Fig.69. Detail from the southwest of the second hillock, Hoburgen. Hamra-
Sundre Beds. At the base, a dipping stratification in the reef limestone,
caused by tabular stromatoporoids. Overlying it is a younger reef, part of
which can be seen in the top left hand of the photograph.
~ ~
i;;Ieef limestone B S t r a t i f i e d sediments mvegetation mRubble ? 1 3 4 5"
very steep and rather straight; in such instances one likely is dealing with
an eroded reef edge against which the crinoid limestone was deposited.
In general, the crinoid limestone with reef debris is widely variable i n
composition, texture and structure where reefs lie closely together.
Although the crinoid limestones present abundant evidence of current
o r wave action in the form of displaced corals and stromatoporoids, the
degree of rounding and sorting i s usually low, though both a r e seen. The
impression gained, therefore, is that except for in some narrow passages
(Text continues on p. 168)
between neighbouring reefs, the crinoid gravels associated with the reefs
were not subjected to continual washing backwards and forwards.
Close to the reefs at the coastward side, the crinoid limestone tends
to be more marly than elsewhere around the reefs and marl may be found
on the bedding planes there.
In some sheltered basins between a number of neighbouring reef-
growth centres the crinoid remains and reef debris were relatively little
influenced by water movement. The deposits found there consequently
strongly contrast to those found in narrow passages. In such sheltered
places even intact crinoid calyces may be found. An example of such a
deposit is in the southern cliff of Brissund (Fig.140).
Finely-crystalline limestone
a Fragment limestone
+ +
+ -+.
1- . . . . .. . . ..
1I.Y + +
Elfragment limestone
Ufinely crystalline limestone
a knob of fossiliferous limestone
H marlstone
Fig.73. Detailed section, showing the character of the stratigraphical
succession found at a in Fig.63. Hallshukklint. Hiigklint Beds. Coarse and
generally fossilif erous fragment limestone alternates with finely-crystalline
to micro-crystalline limestone which is l e s s fossiliferous. The finely-
crystalline limestone in the middle, encloses a knob of very fossiliferous
limestone, which apparently has been deposited there a s a whole. It may
have been washed off a reef which is still hidden behind the fagade of
stratified sediment. Note that several bedding planes of the finely-
crystalline limestone a r e rugged; also that m a r l is generally found in
connection with the fine limestone.
Directly behind the reefs at the landward side, marly layers may be
found with interbedded limestone layers, but most of the area shows
moderately coarse to fine fragment limestone, which here and there is
marly. The stratification is more marked and the layers a r e thinner than i n
the coarse limestone between the reefs.
The situation of several reefs occurring in an a r e a together, but
randomly distributed, is even still more complicated (Fig.75). These reefs
caused irregular current action and consequently a more irregular deposi-
tion of coarse and fine material.
In a number of localities with reefs a hundred metres o r more apart,
thick layers of medium to fine material occur between thinner layers of
finely crystalline limestone. In a few cases, the thicker layer shows an
internal current bedding (Fig.76).
The stratified sediments between neighbouring reefs take more and
more the character of those in reefless a r e a s as the distance between the
reefs increases. Stratified sediments deposited a t greater distance from
the reefs and showing little o r no reef influence will be described in
Chapter XI.
w E
Fig.??. The central part of the west wall of Storburg, Hoburgen. In the north and south, reef limestone; in between
these, stratified limestone is exposed in an overhanging part of the wall, reminiscent of the underside of a stair-
case and therefore, in accordance with other phenomena in Hoburgen, called here "Hoburgsgubbens Trappa".
a = stratified clayish marlstone; b = stratified marly sediment, probably deposited very close to an early stage of
reef growth, the rock is very fossiliferous and among the fossils present, there are many thin and slightly wavy
stromatoporoid covers, overlying it is some reef debris, followed by about 22 m of reef limestone; c = stratified
limestone, forming "Hoburgsgubbens Trappa"; d = small occurrence of reef debris, containing many flat
stromatoporoids which all dip very steeply in the same direction, suggesting that they form part of a block of reef
limestone which loosened a s a whole the reef; e = reef limestone, or more probably reef talus, very rich in
and in the roof of the cave,
h = reef limestone, which in the
reef some crinoid limestone with
generally small and thin in the lower part of the reef limestone, the matrix is very
marly and includes j = cave, above which the reef contains a substantial part which 2
It will be apparent from the data presented in this chapter about the
Hoburgen reef type, that the reefs must have developed in shallow water.
Water depth was l e s s than that in which the Upper Visby reefs formed. The
following data support this conclusion:
(1) The stratified sediments in which the r e e f s a r e intercalated a r e
limestones and marly limestones, but no marlstone. Directly around the
reefs, crinoid limestones a r e generally present, sometimes showing cross-
bedding, rounding, o r other shallow-water characteristics; a talus mantle may
separate reef and crinoid limestone and the latter almost always contains
amounts of reef debris.
( 2 ) The Hogklint Beds present abundant evidence of decreasing water
depth during their time of deposition; they contain many Hoburgen-type reefs
and these beds conformably overlie the Upper Visby Beds.
(3) Algae are fairly common in the Hoburgen-type reefs; stromato-
poroids, not corals, a r e the dominant reef builders.
1This process thus affected the stratified sediments aside of the reefs and should
not be confused with the squeezing out of stratified sediment from underneath a reef,
due to the heavy burden placed upon it (cf. p. 156 and Fig.63, 64).
When compared to the Upper Visby reefs, the reefs of Hoburgen type
developed under generally much more favourable conditions. This is
apparent from the distinctly l e s s e r deposition of terrigenous sediment, the
larger size of the reefs and the much greater diversity in organic composi-
In their distribution the reefs show relationships to the contempo-
raneous coast line. Although they often present an irregular distribution
within a certain zone (Fig.75), the orientation of that zone is parallel to
what on the basis of other information may be assumed to have been the
direction of the shore line. Moreover, the orientation of the individual reefs
shows the longer axis to have that same direction (cf. also Chapter XI, e.g.,
pp. 289, 322, 323, 366, 407, and the enclosed geological map of Gotland).
Where reefs occurred very closely together, the seaward ones developed
under more favourable conditions than their close neighbours on the land-
ward side.
That the width of the reef zones often amounted to several kilometres
supports the belief that the Silurian basin was a large, flat and shallow-
bottomed sea, where comparable conditions prevailed over extensive areas.
The distribution and size of the reefs, combined with influences
exerted by wind and current directions, determined to some extent the
depositional pattern of the stratified sediments found around the reefs, but
not to such a strong degree as is the case around the large reefs of the
present day. This subject will be somewhat further touched on when speak-
ing about the reef debris in Chapter IX.
This Page Intentionally Left Blank
Chapter VIII
Along the eastern shore of the southern peninsula of Gotland reef lime-
stones a r e found that differ in character from those described in the two
preceding chapters (cf. Table VIII). They are predominantly exposed in
picturesque erosion-forms, the so-called "raukar" (singular "rauk") or
stone giants (Fig.78). Just like the reef limestones of the Hoburgen type,
these reef limestones have a greater resistance to erosion than the s u r -
rounding stratified sediments. The latter, for the most part, have dis-
appeared, leaving the reef limestones as promontories o r small off-shore
islands. The best outcrops a r e found at Holmhallar, near Austre, on the
island of Heliholm, at HammarshagahPllar and along the southeastern shore
of Faludden (see also Chapter XI). All of these belong to the Sundre lime-
stone, as defined by Hede (1921). The Sundre limestone is included by the
present author in the Hamra-Sundre Beds.
Furthermore, reef limestones of similar character also occur in the
Hemse Beds, in the raukar fields at Ljugarn, Fagelhammar South and North,
and Sjausterhammar (see also Chapter XI). Reef limestones which show a
tendency towards a transition from the Holmhallar type to the Hoburgen type
a r e foundbehveenSnabbenandSandviken(0stergarn Parish)(cf. pp.183,372,374).
These also belong to the Hemse Beds. All localities mentioned a r e situated
along the east coast of Gotland.
In older publications the sediments from the above-mentioned local-
ities have been taken together with some other deposits elsewhere in Gotland,
which show reef limestones of Hoburgen type, under the names of Ascoceras
limestone o r Etelhems limestone (Munthe, 1910). The resemblance between
these Hoburgen-type reef limestones and the reef limestones in the raukar
fields named above is mainly in the common occurrence of red colours.
After Hede (1921) had shown that the Ascoceras limestones belong to
stratigraphically separate units, Munthe (1921b) introduced the more
neutral name of red-brown marble reef limestone, or, i n shorter form,
marble reef limestone. The present author is of the opinion that there is no
need for these names, which may even cause confusion, because their usage
may still wrongly suggest a strong community of, e.g., character, palaeo-
ecology and/or age. There i s no need whatsoever for a special name, even
if only adopted for descriptive purposes, for reef limestones which corre-
spond in a characteristic of so subordinate importance a s a common red
colour (cf. also p.188). Therefore, these names will not be used in this book.
Because the present author started his investigations in southern
Gotland, Holmhallar was the first reef of this type that he intensively studied
(see also Rutten, 1958). Later field work by him confirmed that the raukar
field at Holmhallar was one of the best exposures of this kind and, therefore,
there is no objection to making Holmhallar the type locality of this reef type.
The accompanying map (inserted loose at the end of this book) gives the
distribution of the raukar over this locality. In the southeast the raukar r i s e
up to 3.5 m above present s e a level; in the west the highest raukar reach up
to about 6.5 m above sea level. A few raukar found scattered in both the west
and northeast have been omitted, a s they a r e strongly weathered and over-
grown by lichens and did not allow such detailed studies as were carried out
in the mapped part.
Several of the characteristics of the Holmhallar reef will be discussed
in the following pages.
stromatoporoid reefs. Other animal reef builders played a very minor part.
Corals take the second place, with an average of only about 3%. Almost
nowhere do bryozoans show high percentages. Moreover, when found they a r e
often only fragmental and a r e dispersed among the other fossils.
In the matrix remains of several other animal groups may be observed.
Among these, cephalopods are quite common. Gastropods a r e l e s s well
represented. The same is generally true for brachiopods and lamellibranchs.
Whereas the cephalopods a r e obviously more common (cf. p.120), particularly
the latter two groups a r e apparently l e s s common in these reefs than they a r e
in reefs of the Hoburgen type. Trilobites, too, a r e only scarcely represented.
The reefs show only slight evidence of destructive work by boring organisms.
Except for the pronounced recrystallization, little seems to have been altered
after the death of the reef builders and before Quaternary erosion began.
In comparison with the fauna of the Hoburgen-type reefs, the Holmhallar
reefs appear to be considerably poorer in species (see Table IX). This may
partly be due to the fact that fewer reefs of this type are exposed and that
their massive construction and marked recrystallization greatly hinder the
collecting of fossils. But it is the impression of the present author that
primary circumstances have also played a part in this.
Calcareous Algae are well represented in the Holmhallar and similar
reefs. Macroscopically, however, it is generally very difficult o r even im-
possible to distinguish them from the calcareous matrix, a s Hadding (1950)
also experienced.
A striking difference as compared to the Hoburgen reefs is the great
regularity in organic composition of the Holmhallar reefs. This aspect will
be elucidated in the subsequent paragraphs of this chapter.
Method of inventarization
It is difficult to give exact data about the percentage volumetric com-
position of the reef limestone for a great number of observation points,
especially if these data have to be collected in the field. Nevertheless, it was
important to have more information about the distribution of the stromato-
poroids, corals, bryozoans, crinoids, and calcareous matrix and Algae
throughout the reef. Therefore, an estimation method was designed,by which
the quantities of the various components were indicated by means of the
figures 1-7. The rough definitions pertaining to these figures a r e given in
Table XII. Estimations were made in Holmhallar in 300 observation points,
which a r e marked on the accompanying map; and where this appeared useful,
one o r even more additional observations have been added afterwards.
Although the figures obtained a r e rather subjective in character, i n the field
they supplied useful information. A s a follow-up, it was decided to look for
a more exact basis for the estimations that had been made. This has been
done by careful mapping of 25 reef-limestone surfaces, 1/4-1/12 m2 large,
on millimetre paper, with a scale varying between 1:5 and 1:1. By calculating
the total surface taken up by each of the reef-limestone components which
have been distinguished, percentages could be fixed for their distribution
over these two-dimensional parts. These have been compared with the
estimation figures (cf. column one in Table XII) listed earlier for the same
parts. The results are given in the columns three and four of Table XII.
With the aid of the average values in column four, the graphs in Fig.79-82
have been drawn. A s a result of the way i n which the graphs were constructed,
Estimation method for the composition of Holmhtillar-type reefs
For crinoids:
they a r e not very exact but nevertheless give a reasonable picture of the
variations which occur in the distribution of the main reef builders and the
matrix over the reef limestone.
Stromatoporo ids
s 60- --__
0 . .H..
+ . ...
+ w ____----
umetric composition of the
H olmh2llar reef limestone
in the central part of
HolmMllar, along three
E? 50- ----_____
-- -_______
~ - - strom.
~_-- ------------- lines across the raukar
o x
n 30-
u 20-
+ +to+ t
X .
t +
----- and Algae
t ++t -H. +++ + .
+ +
++++ ------__-
field (see the enclosed map
of HolmMllar). The curve
for the crinoid remains is
5 ___--- ______-------x-----x- crin.
x-----*--*-x_-x __-______ A x-x----c--
- exaggerated by a factor two.
- 10. -...-..-
, ~.-.-..------+--~-x-xx----
)(x __-_ 5 _-____ h _______________ --_-
-_ ( 0 = stromatoporoids,
0 - XXX corals ond b r y o z o a n s X
x = erinoids, + = matrix
and Algae).
a 0. ma
strorn, _______
+ a ~ a e + e+ e +
; 50
- ---- -- -a-t-a-5- - x a
-+-+--.- -a-
J 40---------
matrix and Algae
n3Q +a ++ +----K----x~---n++.+---,-~--a-.
u 2@---- t x + .+ t o m
ia t
t t
their total volume is only about 3% of the reef and only locally does their
contribution occasionally surpass 5% of the total reef -limestone mass.
Both massive and branched colonies are present. Massive colonies a r e
relatively most common in the north of Holmhallar. Branched colonies a r e
seldom found intact; most have disintegrated. In Holmhallar no increase in
the total number of corals towards the reef margins has been established;
such a tendency seems to be evident in Ljugarn, but there too, the differences
between the coral percentage in the reef centre and at the margins a r e only
A distinctly higher percentage of corals has 'been found in pools in the
reef surface (see later in this chapter), where apparently the vitality of the
stromatoporoids decreased as a result of a stronger deposition of calcareous
separated f r o m each other. Then, in the raukar, the red variety generally
overlies the greyish green one. In a few cases, especially in the north of
Holmhiillar, both varieties are intermingled. Nevertheless, it can also be
established i n many of these cases that the grey colour is more common in
the lower parts of the reef limestone than in the higher parts (e.g.,
observation points 3, 10, 3 3 , 37, 45). Also, if the reef limestone is
predominantly grey, some red-coloured spots may be concentrated in the
top portion of a rauk (e.g., observation point 31).
Presumably the red colour i s mainly secondary i n character, caused
by an infiltration of Fe3+-containing solutions. In the red-coloured reef-
limestone parts, iron oxide has been deposited on the outer surfaces of the
fossils and along very fine cracks, which intersect the sediment irregularly.
The interior of the fossils in the reddish-brown reef-limestone variety is
generally white in colour.
Locally, there is a breccia-like mixture of the red and the light-
coloured variety of the Holmhallar-type reef limestone. This is interpreted
as an indication that slight disturbances have taken place within the reef
limestone, presumably caused by compaction. This compaction may have
taken place when the reef became thicker and perhaps even more so when it became
buried under younger sediments, Small slickensides, encountered in several
places in the reef limestone, provide further evidence of compaction. Relatively
large disturbances of reef portions a r e marked by the fissures which will be
described later in this chapter.
It is not unlikely that a certain fraction of the calcareous matrix found
in reefs of the Holmhallar type originated in situ by disintegration of the
skeletons of reef builders and reef-dwelling organisms. Much of it, however,
must have.been s t i r r e d up by water turbulence and was redeposited after-
wards, as is suggested by the distinct relation between calcareous-mud
deposition and stromatoporoid growth (see also pp.197-198). This mud may
have had its origin either on the reef itself o r in i t s immediate environment.
Stromatoporoids, with their massive colonies, a r e bad potential sources of
small-grained bioclastic debris. These colonies constitute the main part of
the reef. Around the reef, however, enormous amounts of crinoids grew.
Their skeletons easily disintegrate post mortem into bioclastic sands and
sediments which are even finer than these sands. The representatives of all
other phyla were probably greatly subordinate to the crinoids a s matrix-
mud suppliers. It should be noted that in the graphs (Fig.79-82), there is
some similarity between the curves for the matrix and the crinoid remains.
On the basis of what has been said in the previous section about the
distribution of fossils within the HolmhPllar reef, it can be assumed that the
most vigorously developing part of the reef was in the centre, that is in the
southeast. Both towards the north and the west, the vigour of reef growth
decreased. This is especially evidenced by the percentage of stromatoporoids
in the reef limestone.
A similar distribution of different degrees of growth vigour over a reef
is found in modern reefs which grow perpendicularly to the dominating wave
o r current direction. At both edges of such a reef deposition of debris takes
place, over which the reef may expand. In this way, a reef develops which
possesses the shape of a crescent o r a horse-shoe. At the inner curve, growth
is less, possibly due to slighter water movement and the consequently smaller
supply of food and nutrient salts. The opening of the crescent is generally
directed towards the coast. The dimensions of such a reef seem to be related
to the depth of the water.
It should be noted that the distribution of the raukar in Holmhallar shows
a crescent-shaped pattern. It is unlikely that this is due to the abrasive action
of the present sea, since the southeastern part of the raukar field forms the
head of a promontory and is most severely attacked by wave action.
The conclusion s e e m s warranted, therefore, that the Holmhallar raukar
field represents a fossil crescent-shaped reef, with the opening directed
towards the northwest. A similar reef shape can be deduced from the raukar
fields of Hammarshagahallar, north of Holmhallar, and Heliholm, south of
Holmhallar, as well as from a number of raukar fields in the Hemse Beds.
One of these reefs in the Hemse Beds still shows part of the surrounding
sediments. This reef lies about 1.2 km north-northeast of Sjausterhammar.
There a northwest - southeast-orientated raukar zone reaches the beach,
where the outer boundary of the raukar field is turned towards the south.
After a few tens of metres, this outer reef-limestone boundary again retreats
westwards, via a section with a northeast - southwest direction. Around the
place where the raukar group reaches the present shore in the northeast, a
few of the raukar show reef debris overlying the true reef limestone. The
preserved debris blanket is up to a few decimetres thick and dips slightly
towards the northeast. Where the reef-limestone margin in the southeast
begins to retreat inland, the reef limestone is underlaid by stratified,
strongly-recrystallized crinoid limestone, dipping towards the centre of the
reef. Similar stratified limestone is also exposed further south of the reef.
From these data, i t appears that this reef possesses a semi-circular outward
boundary. At the inward side, however, no stratified sediments a r e present,
but some reef limestone very poor in crinoids is exposed. The reef thus
shows a semi-circular rather than a crescent shape.
Most of the other reefs of Holmhdlar type in the Hemse Beds were
presumably also semi-circular o r crescent-shaped, rather than elongated
like the Hoburgen-type reefs.
Along the northwestern shore of Sandviken, however, some remains of
reef limestone are found, which probably formed part of relatively small
reefs, which were perhaps elongated reefs, roughly narrow-elliptical in plane.
The exposures, unfortunately, do not permit any reliable conclusion.
It has been argued in Chapter IV, that the slight dip in the Gotlandian
s t r a t a is due to syn-sedimentary tilting. Though deviations have occurred,
the main direction of dip is towards the southeast. It is likely that the
direction of the depth contours, and also that of the coast line, has been more
o r l e s s parallel to the tilt-axis, viz. in general approximately northeast -
southwest. In the southern peninsula of Gotland, reef limestone of the
Holmhallar type is found from Faludden in the north to Heliholm in the
south, that is, in a roughly northeast - southwest-directed belt. Combining
these data, it appears very likely that the crescent-shaped reefs of
Holmhallar and environment, just a s more recent reefs, had their opening
directed towards the coast which existed during the time of reef formation.
The original shape and orientation of the Holmhallar reef, as deduced
from the detailed field analysis, a r e indicated on the accompanying map by
means of a dashed line.
In the Hemse Beds, reefs of the Holmhdlar type occur in the Snabben -
Sysne-udd area in a north-northeast - south-southwest arrangement, with
their openings directed roughly west-northwest. A similar orientation of the
opening is found in the Ljugarn, Fagelhammar and Sjausterhammar reefs.
Therefore, in the Hemse Beds too, a relationship may be assumed between
the form and orientation of the Holmhallar-type reefs and the direction of the
coast line at that time.
Measured in a straight line, the Holmhallar reef had a base
approximately 650 m long. The greatest breadth and height were attained in
the centre. The highest raukar a r e still found there.
A horizontal extension comparable to that of the Holmhdlar reef was
reached by the Ljugarn reef of the Hemse Beds. That reef, a s measured
between the two ends, shows a chord length of about 550 m. The Fagelhammar
reefs a r e somewhat smaller. Still smaller a r e the reefs in the Sjausterhammar
Several reefs, probably on the order of fifteen, must have been present
in the Hemse Beds between Snabben and Sysne-udd. Most of these were quite
small, with a chord length of 50-150 m. About half-way along the south-
western coast of the Sysne peninsula, the remains a r e found of a reef which
probably measured not more than 10 m in chord length. Of this small reef
two groups suggests that, prior to the debris accumulation, this locality
constituted a pool in the reef surface.
The boundary between the reef limestone and the material which filled
the depression is very sharp. The base of the depression is somewhat
undulous and faintly concave. In the centre it reaches about 25 cm lower than
at its margins. The diameter of the depression is about 6 m. The filling of
the depression consists mainly of crinoid debris. In the observation points
137A and 137B it can be seen how the crinoid breccia interfingers over a
height of about 2 m with the actual reef limestone. In point 137A the average
course of the boundary is about vertical. In point 137B in the lower part the
crinoid breccia expands towards the northeast over the reef limestone,
whereas higher up in the cross-section, the reef limestone in i t s turn expands
again quite rapidly over the debris. The interfingering strongly suggests that
the filling of the depression with debris took place mainly in bouts and
continued until a level more or l e s s equal to that of the surrounding reef
p a r t s was reached.
Close to the boundary between depression and reef limestone in
observation point 137C, there is a rather sinuous crack along which later
displacement has taken place. This is demonstrated by fossils which a r e cut
off and lack their counterpart. Comparison of the sediment at both sides of
the crack suggested that a part of the same fossil now lies about 20 cm
lower at the depression side of the crack than at the reef side. Slight
horizontal movements, too, a r e suggested by this exposure. Both may have
found their origin in compaction of the depression-filling material.
It is significant that, whereas in points 137A and 137B the depression
is almost exclusively filled with crinoid debris, in point 137C stromatoporoid
remains are also found, several of which dip rather strongly in one o r
another direction. There is even a large piece of stromatoporoid limestone,
about 40 cm high and 20 cm broad, lying almost upside down. This indicates
that the reef of Holmhallar occasionally may have been attacked by storms
which were strong enough to tear blocks from the reef edge and toss these
onto the reef surface. This phenomenon is reminiscent of the formation of
"negro heads" on modern reefs. Point 13°C is located at the most seaward
part of the depression under discussion.
Debris-filled depressions in other Holmhallar-type reefs a r e of
character and size similar to those in Holmhallar. Thus the largest one in
FPgelhammar South has a diameter of about 6 m. It is filled with a distinctly
stratified breccia of crinoid fragments and a few small remains of reef
builders; it is now found on top of a rauk, well out of the reach of Recent
wave action (Fig.84). Some other depressions in this raukar a r e a were found
to be filled with stromatoporoid fragments in a matrix of calcareous mud,
with crinoid remains in between.
The term rrpool"is used by the present author to denote a part of the
reef surface which was situated lower than its surroundings but which
nevertheless was covered with living organisms. Exposed reef limestones can
be recognized a s having been formed in pools in the reef surface, if they
differ markedly in faunal composition and/or in matrix percentage from the
surrounding reef limestone.
Fig.84. Rauk in Fagelhammar South. Reef limestone with at the top of the
rauk a debris-filled depression. Hemse Beds.
An example of this has been seen in HolmKXllar in the observation points 131-132.
In point 131 the base of a depression lies at a height of about 2 m above present sea
level; in point 132 the same base lies at about 1.6 m altitude. The boundary with the
underlying stromatoporoid rock is distinct and somewhat undulating. Compared with
typical crinoid-filled depressions, crinoid remains in this depression are less
numerous, but they a r e of larger size. Stromatoporoids, corals and bryozoan frag-
ments do not reach high percentages, The amount of matrix mud, mainly red coloured,
on the other hand, is greater than in many other depressions. In point 131, higher up
in the original depression, a number of coral and bryozoan colonies can be seen that
have grown on and between the debris. In point 132, these are already present close
to the base of the depression. Further upwards, a few stromatoporoids also appear,
but they a r e generally of rather small size. The more the distinction between pool
and surrounding reef limestone fades away, in successive higher parts, the more the
stromatoporoids are seen to have regained ground on the other reef builders.
Fig.86. Holmhdlar, observation point 139. Rauk with two intercalated layers
of hard limestone, nearly devoid of fossils.
of reef development. The reef limestone overlying this layer is very rich in
stromatoporoids, from immediately above the interruptive layer onwards.
This is in contrast to the reef limestone underneath the layer, which is less
rich in these fossils and contains more corals, bryozoans, crinoid remains
and matrix. There s e e m s to have been a tendency in these reef-building
components to gradually replace the stromatoporoids, which at the base of
this rauk were the sole reef builders but upwards decrease in importance.
It is likely that this crinoid layer corresponds to the upper layer of
splintery limestone, recorded from observation point 139. How the two may
have passed into each other unfortunately cannot be established since the
rauk is interrupted at this height over a distance of a few metres.
also cut through a debris-filled depression and thus, most probably, were
not formed at the time of reef growth.
Fig.87. Fissures intersecting reef limestone of Holmhallar type. Heliholm.
Hamra-Sundre Beds. A. East of the famous rauk "Penningkammare".
B. Southeast of the lighthouse; part of the sediment which filled the fissure
is in this case still preserved.
subside to a stronger degree than did the sediment underneath the older reef
parts, and consequently caused the formation of the fissures perpendicular
to the radial ones, in a way comparable to these radial fissures.
In fact, there may even be a direct connection between a radial and a
longitudinal fissure. An example of this has been observed in the south of the
Ljugarn raukar field where a fissure, of about northwest - southeast direction,
ends in a fissure with a more south to southwest direction.
Fig.90. Holmhallar, observation point 145. Fissure, filled with reef debris.
The debris is much coarser than in other filled fissures and shows no sub-
vertical stratification. This suggests that the fissure was filled in one single
stage. Hamra-Sundre Beds.
Fig.91. Holmhallar. The same fissure as that shown in Fig.90, but some
m e t r e s further north-northeast. The fissure is narrower at this place. It can
only be followed upwards until the about horizontal plane in the upper part
of the rauk.
The character of the filling material and the increasing width upwards
suggest a mode of formation comparable to that of the other fissures but
with only one vigorous hinge-like movement instead of several successive
It is interesting to note that north-northeast of observation point 145,
where the exposed reef limestone reaches higher, the fissure does not
continue until the top of the reef limestone (Fig.91). After the fissure had
been filled, the reef builders apparently grew normally over that area.
North and south of this exposure, the outcrops do not reach much above
sea level. Those north of the rauk mainly show limestone of a reef-detrital
character, occasionally some reef limestone o r more-normally stratified
limestone. The outcrops south of the rauk predominantly show calcareous
slate, generally dipping a few degrees seaward, but occasionally up to 20';
the sediment often contains reef debris.
The reef which must have been present in this area, as is indicated by
the succession of strata and by the desdribed distribution of the sediments,
s e e m s to have been eroded in Recent times.
The talus mantle around the reefs can be studied in some of the
exposures between Snabben and Sysne-udd, especially in connection with a
reef about 1 km south of Snabben. The bulk of this talus is formed by
stromatoporoid colonies, which are not in their life orientations and by
fragments of stromatoporoids. At the north-northeast side of the reef, about
80% of the sediment consists of stromatoporoid material; corals and crinoid
remains are relatively scarce. Although the nature of the rock leaves little
Sediments with reef detritus which overlie the reef limestone, can also
be studied i n the above-mentioned coastal a r e a between Snabben and Sysne-
udd. From the environment of Snabben, two profiles have been described by
Hede (1929, p.40). These are of interest because they give an impression of
the interrelations between the sediment types found there. Comparable
sediments a r e found in a number of other raukar. The upper boundary of the
reef limestone varies between rather undulous and rather smooth, but is
generally distinet. The overlying reef debris shows reef builders and frag-
ments of these in a matrix of crinoid breccia. Upwards it becomes less
coarse and passes into a crinoid limestone which is more thinly and faintly
undulously stratified. P a r t of the debris may be rounded.
About 0.7 km south of Snabben, it has been estimated that between
0-0.6 m above the reef surface, reef debris constitutes approximately
50-25% of the s.ediment (for the method of estimation, see Chapter IX).
Some layers a r e richer in debris than others. Upwards, coarse remains
decrease in number. At a height of 0.6 m above the reef, the length of the
largest reef fossil measured 17 cm; at a height of 0.8 m, only 7 cm. The
total volume of reef debris at 0.75-1.50 m above the reef limestone is on the
o r d e r of 15-7.5%. The cross-section studied was not situated at the place
where the reef is presumed to have reached i t s maximum thickness.
Unfortunately the exposures did not permit studying the relationships
between the reef debris and i t s source.
deprived of their pedestals and now lie offshore as loose blocks. Large
amounts of broken reef limestone cover the shore in and around the raukar
Some geologists to whom the present author showed pictures of the
raukar fields of Gotland, were inclined to explain these a s due to
karstification. It should be admitted that, at first glance, these may
correspond strikingly to some typical k a r s t phenomena. Nevertheless, the
data mentioned above suggest that this explanation is untenable. The
destruction of the HolmhPllar reef took place around sea level. The p a r t s of
Holmhtllar indicated with blue on the enclosed map, as well as the parts
covered with eroded debris, possess a basis of reef limestone, which was
eroded down to s e a level. Whereas all softer reef parts have disappeared
around sea level, some have been preserved in the higher parts of the raukar.
Especially the higher parts should have formed suitable points of attack by
Under the climatic circumstances that prevailed in Gotland,
karstification would have taken place slowly. Moreover, an a r e a as
Holmhallar has presumably never been covered with a vegetation cover
which in true k a r s t a r e a s may largely increase the (202-content of the water.
In view of the fact that the raukar must have been formed during a rather
short interval of time1, chemical solution can only have been responsible for
the removal of a small fraction of the limestone which has actually been
Extensive limestone plains ("alvars") a r e found in several places
inland in Gotland, such as west and east of Sundre (see the blue portions on
the map given by Munthe et al., 1925, tavl. 5, facing p.40), but none of these
shows k a r s t phenomena.
Apart from the localities with Holmhallar-type reefs, raukar a r e also
found in the Hogklint Beds (Lickershamn), the Slite Beds (Solklint, LPnnaberg,
Spillingsklint, Bogeklint, Tjelders, Asunden, etc.) and on Stora and Lilla
Karlso. Sometimes an isolated rauk is found, such as Jungfrun, south of
Lickershamn (the largest rauk of Gotland), but generally they occur in great
numbers together in the well-known raukar fields. All these localities, like
those exposing Holmhallar-type reef limestone, were subjected to coastal
erosion at one time o r another during the post-Glacial period.
Raukar made of stratified limestones are exceptions. An example is
Hoburgsgubben (Hoburgen, Hamra-Sundre Beds), included among the raukar
by Swedish authors (e.g., Munthe, 1921a,b) though it hardly deserves that
name, since it is only a higher portion of the third hillock in the Hoburgen
complex. In a few other raukar, stratified limestones may be found together
with the reef limestone, such a s is described from Sjausterhammar.
lDuring -
LittoTina time that is about 7000 years B.P. - the areas which at present
expose the major raukar fields, like Holmhdlar, Heliholm, Hammarshagahiillar,
Ljugarn and Filgelhammar, were still below sea level.
On the basis of what has been said earlier in this chapter, it may be
concluded that the reefs of Holmhallar type developed in shallbw, though not
very shallow, water. The reef limestones present several data which show
that the reefs developed above effective wave base. Of these the most
important are:
(1) The shape of the reefs has most probably been determined by the
dominating wave direction.
(2) Much reef and crinoid debris has been formed which was deposited
both around the reefs and in depressions within the reef surface; in the latter,
the debris layers may show a certaiv degree of sorting. Negro-head-like
blocks were torn from the reef edge and tossed onto the reef surface.
(3) Calcareous mud, locally affecting the composition of the reef fauna,
was presumably mainly derived from the reef o r i t s immediate environment
and was s t i r r e d up by wave action.
(4)Interruptions in reef growth suggest attacking and demolition of the
higher reef portions by storm waves.
Now that it has been shown that Holmhillar-type reefs developed in
shallow water, is it possible to estimate the maximum water depth?
In both composition and size, the reefs of Holmhallar type a r e more
closely related to those of the Hoburgen type than to the Upper Visby reefs.
The latter may have grown in deeper water than did the reefs of Holmhallar
Deposition of fine silt off the New England coast is possible at depths
exceeding 60-70 m (Stetson, 1936). It is very likely that this critical depth
was situated l e s s deep in the epicontinental Baltic basin of Palaeozoic times.
The erosive action of normal waves presumably reaches only a few metres
below sea level, but that of storm waves to several dozens of metres. In the
English Channel, shells are occasionally injured by the movement of gravel
at depths of 70 m, and on the east coast, when ballast foreign to the region
is dumped in water 20-35 m deep, the shore after a storm is strewn with
these pebbles (Kuenen, 1950, p.228). Since more energy is needed to destroy
portions of a growing reef than to displace gravel, development of the
Holmhallar reefs i n water of less than 40 m depth is most likely.
The important role played by Algae in the construction of the Holmhallar-
type reefs is also evidence of formation in shallow water. Even if it is taken
into account that the reefs were little influenced by deposition of terrigenous
debris, hampering light penetration, it is unlikely that water depth exceeded
40 m. Several Algae receive their optimum illumination at about 15 m depth,
but have their normal habitat about 15-25 m below low water (Moore, 1958,
In conclusion, formation of Holmhallar-type reefs in water shalllower
than 40 m is most probable.
Was any minimum water depth required for the formation of Holmhallar-
type r e e f s ?
type reefs of that stratigraphical unit and may have formed synchronously
with the Sundre limestone in the southeast of the southern peninsula of
Gotland. The latter deposit also reflects a deposition while water depth
remained roughly the same (p.422). It thus appears that in both cases the
l a r g e r Holmhallar-type reefs may have formed in an interval of time when
the epicontinental sea was not affected by epeirogenetic movements. It may
have been this latter factor which was in fact of decisive importance in the
formation of reefs of Holmhallar type.
The occurrence of, or absence of, epeirogenetic movements seems not
only to have determined the character of the reefs which developed, but also
- i f reefs of more than one type originated the order in which their growth
started. We have seen already, in the previous two chapters, how a continued
decrease in water depth in Late Visby and Early Hbgklint time led to a
replacement of Upper Visby-type reefs by Hoburgen-type reefs, A s said
above, in Early Hemse time Holmhgllar-type reefs originated in water of
rather stable depth. A transition from these r e e f s of the Holmhtillar type to
reefs more of the Hoburgen type occurred when water depth began to
decrease (area between Snabben and Sandviken). While the water depth was
fluctuating, Hoburgen-type reefs developed between the existing Holmhxllar-
type reefs and the coastline. In the case of the Hamra-Sundre Beds, a change
in water depth first occurred. This was an increase in depth. When the
environmental situation stabilized again, Holmhgllar-type reefs developed
at the seaward side of the existing Hoburgen-type reefs.
Chapter IX
Approximation methods
L 10 20 30 4 0 50 60 70 80
Fig.92. Number of pieces of reef debris (larger than 5 mm) per cubic
decimetre of crinoid limestone with reef debris, in a succession of strata.
The data were collected in the Solklint (Slite) and Bogeklint (Boge), Slite IV
Beds. The graph is representative for a deposit found at the southeast side
of the Slite IV reefs, at a distance of about 10 m from a reef. The graph
starts about 1-1.5 m above the level of the reef base and ends about 1 m
below the level of the top of the reef. On the average there is a gradual
increase i n the amount of reef debris upwards, until about 2.3 m below the
level of the reef top.
1.5 m above the reef limestone, only small fragments a r e present, but still
with a total volume of about 7.570. The high volume of reef debris in this
vertical succession makes it most unlikely that the material i s laid down
over the highest reef part.
A s appears from the preceding section, care should be taken that the
distribution of reef debris in a horizontal direction is studied everywhere
at about the same distance above the level of the base of the reef which
supplied the debris. In Fig.93, twenty-nine approximate volume percentages
of reef debris are given, obtained from a level which generally was slightly
above half-way up the reef. Since sufficient data could not be obtained from
only one reef, figures are given from the surroundings of a number of
Fig.95. Directions of dip shown by flat pieces of reef debris larger than 1 cm
in diameter ( A and B) and crinoid columnals longer than 2 em ( C )at the
south to somewhat south-southeast side of a reef of Hoburgen type.
A . Bogeklint, Boge Parish, Slite Beds, deposit formed about 6 m away from
the nearest reef limestone and about 3.5 m below the level of the top of that
reef. B and C. Solklint, Slite, Slite Beds, deposit about 6 m away from and
about 3 m below the level of the top of the nearest reef limestone.
show the dip directions found in debris deposited south to somewhat south-
southeast of a reef. A fair proportion of the pieces of debris show a direction
of dip away from the reef. Dips in other directions also occur, but only few
pieces dip in the direction towards the reef limestone. It is understandable
that several pieces dip in a n about southeastward direction. This is a kind
of compromise direction between a dip away from the reef and a dip against
the main direction of water movement directly around the reef, which may
generally have been away from the middle of the seaward side of the reef and
towards and along the peripheral parts. That there also a r e many pieces
which dip more in a southwest to westerly direction is l e s s easy to under-
stand. The positions of these pieces wer-e l e s s stable with respect to the
assumed main direction of water movement. Perhaps a rather uneven debris-
covered s e a floor close to the reef has also played an important part.
The righthand diagram of Fig.95 shows the directions of dip which were
found'in crinoid stem fragments of 2 cm and longer, at the same side of the
reef limestone. The scattering in dip directions is greater here. Particularly
there are several fragments which dip in a direction about perpendicular to
the dip down from the reef. The greater variation in the direction of dip may
have various reasons. Crinoids may have lived both on the flanks of the reef
and in the a r e a where they a r e found. Stem remains of crinoids which grew
on the reef flank may rather have rolled down than have slipped down i n
their length direction. The remains of stems which disintegrated on the spot
Fig. 94. Reef limestone of Holmhallar type and surrounding debris deposits.
Between Snabben and Sysne-udd, Hemse Beds. A. Horizontal exposure of
reef limestone, with large stromatoporoids partly liberated through erosion,
diameter of the stromatoporoid elevations about 15-50 cm. B. Vertical
section through reef limestone at the southeastern periphery of a reef.
C. Reef debris about 2.5 m away from the southeast side of a reef.
D. Indistinctly stratified limestone with much reef debris, about 25 m away
from the southeast side of a reef.
Q m
will have fallen down in even m o r e random orientations. Finally water move-
ment may have modified the positions also in the c a s e of the crinoid stem
fragments. Probably all these causes have played a p a r t , but perhaps rolling
down and displacements by moving water have been the two most important
ones. At any r a t e it is c l e a r that the dips found in flat pieces of t r u e reef
debris and in crinoid columnals should not b e united in one diagram.
In s e v e r a l m o r e places, the directions of dip shown by flat pieces of
reef debris were measured. These a r e combined into the diagrams of Fig.96
and 97. The main direction appears everywhere to be one that is roughly
perpendicularly away from the reef margin.
One diagram deserves special attention, that of Fig.97C. This is based
on reef debris in a filled depression. The main dips a r e inadirectiontowards
the convex (original seaward) side of the reef. This may suggest that most
of the debris found in this depression came from the southwest. It may be
recalled here, that t h e r e is an indication that m o r e reef debris was deposited
a t the convex than a t the concave side of the reef. These two indications
together may again suggest that during their growth, the reefs of Holmhallar
type, as found in the Snabben - Sysne-udd a r e a , had an upper surface which
sloped towards the open sea. Perhaps this was the result of some seaward
expansion of these r e e f s over their own debris. In this connection reference
is also made to the paragraph on stromatoporoids, early in Chapter VII. It
was mentioned there, that in some places in the original-seaward periphery
of the Ljugarn reef, tabular stromatoporoids w e r e seen to be dipping
moderately reefdownwards (p.183).
For each group of r e e f s , which belong to the s a m e type and developed
under r a t h e r s i m i l a r environmental conditions, a map showing the distribution
of reef debris around them would be useful. In the c a s e of s i t e s which expose
a reef-debris containing sediment, but whose positions with r e g a r d to the
nearest reef cannot be located from direct observation, such a map would
nevertheless permit a reasonable delimitation - provided that the amount
of macroscopically recognizable reef debris and the directions of dip therein
a r e determined a t these sites.
Fig.97. Map, showing the abundance of reef debris larger than 5 mm, in
percentages of the total volume of sediment, in sediments at the seaward
side of a reef of Holmhallar type. Nine diagrams illustrate the directions of
dip found in flat pieces of reef debris in the reef-surrounding sediments and
in a filled depression within the reef. All data were collected in the a r e a
between Snabben and Sysne-udd, Ostergarn Parish, Hemse Beds.
Chapter X
F os s i l s found in Stora and Lilla Karlsij
Fos s i l s I Stora KarlsO
I Lilla Karlsl
+ +
t +
Rhizophyllum Kotla?rdicum (Roemer)-- t
Sc hlolheiiii 0ph.v1luni s p .
Sy viiiguxoir c f . s ilurieizse (McCoy )- -__- +
Aiilopora sp.
Fuiiosites gothlundicus L a m a rc k
Hulysiles culriiirluris (L.).
-+ +
+ +
S.vririgopo ru sp. - + +
Thoiiriloporu sp. _____-_- t
Covrirrlites s p . __- t t
Scolecodonts - +
Feiieslelh sp. + +
Unidentified bryozoans + + + + +
A ? ~ p h i srophiu
l j i r i i icir kilo (McCoy +
+ + +
Atrspa reticrtluvis ( L . ) + + + +
BRACMOPODA (continued)
Euomphalopterus alatus (Wahlenberg)
Platyceras comutum Hisinger + + + +-
Platyceras spiratum (Sowerby) +
Pleurotoma ria limata +
Poleumita globosum (Schlotheim) +
Poleumita sculpturn (J. de C. Sowerby)
Trochus mollis LindstrOm +
I I I I I 1
"Orthoceras" sp.
Bumastus sp.
Calymene sp.
Proetus s p .
Scutelhm polyactin (Angelin)
Sphaerexochus scabridus Angelin
Lerberg Marlstone
Fig.lOO. Detail of Fanterna, Stora Karlss, seen from the south. In the fore-
ground, thin-layered marly SpangPnde Limestone. Behind it, reef limestone
of Fanterna type.
the time of deposition of the SpangPnde Limestone were closer to the place
of the present cliff than before and its height over the surrounding sea bottom
may then a l s o have been greater. The marly facies of the SpangPnde Lime-
stone shows a dip of up to l o o to the south-southeast.
At Fanterna the SpangPnde Limestone is overlaid by the SvarthPllar
reef limestone (Fig.lOO). The Austerberg Limestone, which a little further
north is found at the same level as the Svarthillar reef limestone, is com-
pletely replaced by this reef limestone a t Fanterna.
The thickness of the SpangPnde limestone varies and may reach 30-35 m.
Generally it is much thinner. These differences in thickness probably a r e
mainly related to the distance and direction away from the large reefs and
consequently t o the amount of reef-debris deposition.
occur next to each other, reminding one slightly of the original layers (Fig.101).
Underlying the breccia is a badly exposed alternation of layers of marl-
stone and of marly limestone. They show a dip of about 8-loo east-southeast-
wards. The thickness of the breccia is 1 m. It is overlaid by an up to 1 cm
thick layer of marl, followed by stratified limestones. The latter contain some
material which is presumably reef debris. They show slightly rugged bedding
planes which a r e covered with some marl. These stratified limestones have
a dip of about 8 O towards the east-southeast.
A t Fanterna a similar, but thinner, breccia is found, which is overlaid
by reef limestone, The origin of the breccia will be explained in the discus-
sion at the end of this chapter.
Between KLupru and Stiudden, low in the cliff, an obvious unconformity
is found (Fig.102). A t the bottom there is a stratified, highly marly sediment.
This rock is very fossiliferous. Its layers dip, on the average, about '7 to-
wards the northwest. Overlying it, but dipping about 8 O southeastwards, is an
alternation of harder and more calcareous, and softer and more marly layers,
These sediments are also very fossiliferous. Except that some fossils a r e
larger, there is no difference in fossil content with the sediments underlying
the unconformity: corals, coral fragments, bryozoan remains, brachiopods,
ostracodes, and only a few smaller stromatoporoids can be found. The origin
of the unconformity will be discussed a t the end of this chapter, in conjunc-
tion with that of the Pentamerus gotlundicus breccia.
Austerberg Limestone
Fig.103. Svarthtillar, Stora KarlsiS, seen from the west. At the right, reef
limestone of Fanterna type; at the left side, l a y e r s of stratified limestone are
seen, which abut against the reef limestone.
distance from both ends of Svarthiillar, however, the thickness of the reef
limestone increases. In some localities, in vertical section stratified lime-
stone alternates with reef limestone. A short distance from the shore more
inland the reefs a r e locally covered by finely crystalline limestone which is
grey coloured and usually very thin layered. This rock is strongly recrystal-
lized but in some exposures an abundance of small crinoid fragments can
still be observed in it. The dip varies in degree and direction, but is general-
ly a few degrees to the southeast. It also happens that in an exposure this
stratified limestone is overlaid by reef limestone. F o r the major part, the
Svarthallar reefs can in all likelihood be considered as having been formed
synchronously with the Austerberg Limestone. In view of the great thickness
in the centre of SvarthPllar, the higher p a r t s of the complex of SvarthPllar
reef limestones and the stratified limestones alternating with them are pre-
sumably younger than the Austerberg Limestone occurring further north in
Stora Karlsb.
\ 4
Aulre n
pa Suder Vagnhus
I att \\ \
- c
’ b f t .1..--
/I -
around the Central Lilla Karls6 reef a r e shown. The assumed positions of the
Norderslxtt and Suderslltt reefs a r e also indicated. RR = Raukar.
in the lower beach cliff a t Veite Auren and northwards, to a little t o the
north-northeast of the cave Norder Vagnhus. Some small exposures a l s o oc-
c u r in the northwest and northeast of the island. T h e thickness above sea
level differs greatly from one place t o another; in the south of Veite Auren,
i t reaches up t o about 10 m above sea level, but generally i t s upper boundary
is lower. T h i s phenomenon is connected with the fact that in s e v e r a l places
and a t varying heights the stratified Pentamerus gotlandicus Limestone i s
overlaid by a Pentamerus gotlandicus breccia of varying thickness, which in
i t s t u r n generally f o r m s the b a s i s of flank reefs of Fanterna type (Fig.106,
107,108). Where no reefs occur, as in several places of the lower p a r t of the
high wall between Suder and Norder Vagnhus, the alternation of marly lime-
stone l a y e r s with thinner marlstone l a y e r s continues until about 10-12 m
above s e a level. Generally t h i s succession shows an increase in the thickness
of the limestone l a y e r s upwards and a corresponding d e c r e a s e in the thick-
n e s s of the marlstone layers. Sometimes the limestone l a y e r s remain thin,
generally 2-10 cm, but then they are m o r e numerous because of the thinner
marlstone layers. In such cases the boundary with the overlying Lilla Karlsi)
Limestone is r a t h e r blurred. T h i s is the m o r e t r u e as it is likely that the
name-giving fossil, Pentamerus gotlandicus, is not abundant and possibly
does not even occur in the sediments higher than about 4 m above present
s e a level. Because of the generally very steep walls, however, t h i s cannot
be proven.
generally rugged and often covered by a film of marl. A s a result of weathering the
rock often falls t o pieces easily, building high s c r e e s at the foot of the walls. This
is especially well demonstrated, e.g., betweensuder andNorder Vagnhus. The
amount of reef debris which the sediment contains varies. Exposures of flank reefs,
which developed on the slopes of the Central reef (Fig. 121),a r e intercalated. In
more marly parts of the stratifiedlimestone, caves have developed. None of these
i s excavated in reef limestone. The best-known caves a r e Suder Vagnhus, over 20 m
deep, over 10 m high and close t o 20 m broad, and Norder Vagnhus, 31 m deep, 10-1 m
high and generally 4-6 m broad. Both a r e formed by the Ancylus lake, as a r e a t least
sixteen smaller caves in the west of the island. A few other small caves date from
the Baltic Ice Sea.
Because of the steep walls, it is difficult to gainaccess to the LillaKarlsi)
Limestone for detailed observations. It can be well studied at Trappliigru (staircase),
about 0.2 km southwest of Bodarna, the place where boats dock in Lilla KarlsiS. There
the deposit is developed as a marly limestone, dense t o finely crystalline, with a
bluishgrey, sometimes red-mottled colour, whichalternates with thin layers of
bluish grey marlstone. The limestone is r i c h i n crinoids, bryozoans, stromato-
poroids and corals. I t s layers have a south-southwestward dip varying from 25-32O
at the plateau side toabout 20° at the seaside. The occurrence of marlstone in this
section is notable, since it does not seem to be as common in other sections through
the Lilla KarlsB Limestone, except locally in the uppermost parts.
A t Stsurnasar, in the west of Stora Karlso, the steep cliff along the
shore shows a very beautiful exposure of reef limestone, up to a thickness
of about 20 m locally. The reef limestone r e s t s almost directly over the
Lerberg Marlstone. The lower part of the reef is built up almost exclusively
by huge colonies of Halysites catenularius. These colonies a r e on the average,
about 70 cm in diameter and 100 cm thick. The colonies practically occur
I' shoulder to shoulder" over a thickness of several metres. In between the
top of the zone, the matrix volume is highest. Thus, the transition to the
second Halysites part may probably also be explained by stifling, in that case
of the stromatoporoids, making place for a new period of colonization by the
corals. The fact that over the full height of the section those stromatoporoids
which occur remained very thin suggests that life conditions for them were
marginal at all times.
Since this subdivision into zones is only a local phenomenon, its causes
must also have been of a local rather than a general nature. This excludes,
for instance, a temporary increase in water depth.
In the second Halysites zone in this section a saucer-like depression
was found to have developed between Halysites reef limestone found left and
right of it. At the bottom of this depression a layer of marly limestone i s
found, containing tabular stromatoporoids and a few small Halysites colonies.
The latter generally lie upside down. The depression was probably formed
through an occasionally greater influx of mud than could be bypassed, which
overwhelmed a local part of the reef, causing the death of the corals there.
Upwards, Halysites colonies again replace the stromatoporoids, which are,
in their turn, higher in the section over the entire reef and a r e replaced anew
by stromatoporoids. There the depression fades away in the reef. It is also
likely that the greater zonal division described above from this part of the
cliff represents a reef portion which developed in a depression in the reef
surface. This part then acted as a mud trap and, moreover, did not grow up-
wards at the same rate a s the surrounding reef surface, These two factors
together may have resulted in the higher matrix volume. Temporarily more
favourable conditions following the last greater influx of mud gave the corals
a chance to build up the depression to the level of the surrounding reef por-
The StPurnasar reef limestone a s a whole shows an orderly nature.
Notably, the great predominance of corals especially in the lower part of the
reef and the increase in stromatoporoids upwards in the reef make it differ
from all three reef types found in Gotland and give reason to consider it a
separate type of reef formation.
In the south, stratified limestone with a varying content of reef debris
buckles down under the StPurnasar reef.
Fig.113. Laup-hargi, Stora KarlsB. Rauk, showing reef talus with an abun-
dance of fossils, fossil fragments and also with parts of layers of crinoid
limestone; the whole is embedded in a matrix of marly limestone. A t the top,
crinoid limestone.
limestone too vague to reliably classify the reef in one of the generalizedreef
types. There is a resemblance t o the reefs of the Hoburgen type of Gotland
but the dominance of corals over stromatoporoids is a characteristic which
it has in common with the upper part of the StPurnasar reef.
The Western reefs and presumably also the Rbjsuhajd reef started to
grow from a muddy bottom in the upper part of the Lerberg Marlstone or at
the latest, a t about the transition from Lerberg Marlstone to SpangPnde Lime-
stone. Although studies of Recent reefs have shown that most of them started
growing on hard bottoms, a consolidated platform is not essential for a reef
foundation. Observations of present-day reefs have proven that a relatively
small number of them definitely rose from unconsolidated bottoms. The large
reefs of the two Karlsaarna presumably present fossil examples of this.
Nowhere is there any evidence that a hard substrate for reef growth has been
present within this region. A s has been shown, a marlstone or perhaps a
marly limestone acted as the foundation for reef building. Reef-forming
organisms, nevertheless, require a solid surface for attachment, and, in the
absence of a suitable flatform especially hard skeletal remains a s , e.g.,
coral colonies o r solitary corals, may have served a s objects for attachment
of the pioneer populations. The extra weight of the reefs upon the underlying
sediment caused a plastic deformation, a s the bucklings in the Lerberg Marl-
stone indicate.
When the reefs were built up to slightly above the surrounding sea bot-
tom, formation of reef debris began, which became embedded in the sediment
deposited directly around it. Since during their growth the water presumably
became shallower (cf. the discussion a t the end of this chapter) and because
the reefs became higher as their growth rate exceeded that of sediment ac-
cumulation in their environment, gradually more reef debris was produced.
The growing obstacles on the sea bottom caused increased water turbulence.
Debris, formed in the first place directly around the reef, was reworked and
redeposited on the surrounding bottom. In part the skeletons of the reef
builders and reef-surrounding fauna disintegrated post mortem into skeletal
sands. A l l possible intermediates from fine reef sand to complete colonies
can be observed in the flank deposits. The percentage of still recognizable
reef-derived debris in the flank beds generally ranges from a common figure
of l e s s than 5-1076 to a r a r e maximum of about 40%.
A s described above, the sediments deposited marginally to the r e e f s
incline from the reefs with angles of about 2 5 O close to the reef, gradually
decreasing with increasing distance from the reef, to an approximately
horizontal stratification at some hundreds of metres from its centre (Fig.99).
The dips a r e about the same on all sides of the reef mass, indicating that the
main form was a dome, situated at some distance from the shore. There is
no field evidence from which this distance can be reliably deduced, but 5 km
or more might be a reasonable guess.
A s the top of the Marmorberg reef suggests, in the course of reef
development a number of smaller growth centres on the reef could lead to a
rough surface. A l l the elevations probably had the form of smaller domes.
They, too, were enveloped by stratified sediments, dipping away from the
centre of the dome, although the angles a r e smaller than with the main reef.
Originally the dips in the flank deposits may have been smaller than
they a r e at present. Later compaction of the reef-surrounding deposits may
have exaggerated the difference in level between a given reef surface and its
contemporaneously accumulating flank sediments. The structure developed
by the building of the framework-forming organisms clearly had great rigid-
ity and did not undergo any important change in volume under the weight of
any overburden placed upon it. Lime muds, deposited in connection with the
reefs, on the other hand, will have been filled with water at the time of de-
position. A s this water was expelled, compaction took place and the original
dips increased. After reef building came to a close, sediments were deposited
over the reefs. These arch over them in the form of domes. On all margins
they have dips approximately equal to the underlying sediments that drape
around the reefs. These additional deposits produced a further compaction
of the bordering sediments and a consequent intensifying of the inclination
of the layers.
Even if the occurrence of a large compaction factor is assumed to
compensate for the present exaggerated difference in levels, an ultimate
height of these reef masses of about 10 m, or perhaps 15 m, above the con-
temporaneous topography of the normal sea bottom may be posited. After the
death of the reef it became slowly buried under younger sediments, but still
projected upwards through several metres of these deposits, a s can be ob-
served on the plateau of Rfijsuhajd.
Henson (1950) in some rudist reefs of northern Iraq. There, patchy alteration
generally followed the distribution of the porous rudist colonies; elsewhere
in the same outcrop, where these organisms were tightly cemented inside and
outside, the whole rock was unaltered.
The reefs of Holmhlllar type, too, are rather pure, but nevertheless
they a r e l e s s strongly recrystallized than the reefs of Svarthtillar. This may
have been caused by the fact that between the stromatoporoid colonies, which
a r e their main reef builders, Algae generally occur. These assisted in the
building of the framework that holds the reef together, are much finer in
texture, a r e l e s s liable to attack, and a s a result a r e generally relatively
l e s s altered.
Still much less altered a r e reefs of other types in Gotland, which have
too high a percentage of clastic terrigenous material in their matrix, which
acted against uniform recrystallization.
In addition to the reefs in the Svarthallar area some other, isolated and smaller reefs
occur elsewhere in Stora Karlso. These will be briefly described below. They probably
belong t o the same type of reef.
Directly west of Xlmar, in the southwest of Stora Karlso, the Spangande Lime-
stone is overlaid by a small reef, comparable to the Svarthallar reef limestones. The
reef limestone is a hard and splintery limestone in which many bryozoans and com-
pound and solitary corals are recognizable; also an occasional stromatoporoid is
present, generally small and very flat. The reef reaches a thickness of up to about 5 m.
It apparently was too small t o show faunal differentiation on i t s various sides. With
the other reefs of Fanterna type it shows a remarkably uniform fauna over the whole
reef, a uniformity which in this reef type can also be noted in widely separated reefs.
In the Xlmar reef an 1.20 m long intercalation of crinoid limestone i s well ex-
posed, with a strongly concave lower boundary and a faintly convex upper boundary;
in the centre the thickness is about 70 c m , at the margins about 30 cm. The whole
presumably represents a small depression in the reef surface, which at a l a t e r stage
was again overgrown by the reef builders. At the bottom of the depression, some
relatively large fragments of reef limestone w e r e observed, 10-30 c m in diameter.
The rest of the filling material is of smaller size. Cr+oid-stem fragments a r e strong-
ly dominant. These are,on the average, 1.5 c m in diameter and about 3.5 c m long, with
the longest remains measuring about 11 c m (Fig.115). Small crinoid remains a r e r a r e .
In between the crinoid material a r e solitary c o r a l s and remains of reef-frame builders.
The whole i s embedded in a matrix of faintly marly limestone.
The stratified limestone directly underlying this reef is very rich in small, red-
coloured remains of crinoids, which give the rock as a whole a red-mottled appearance.
In the reef limestone itself crinoid fragments are l e s s numerous, but of greater meas-
urements, with stem fragments of up t o 2 c m in diameter and 5 cm long.
Also on top of the reef some strongly recrystallized crinoid limestone occurs,
in lumpy l a y e r s of 1-3 c m thick. In addition to the many crinoid-stem fragments, which
often f a l l apart into c r y s t a l s of calcite, some corals and brachiopods a r e found.
Some tens of m e t r e s northwest of the ‘Almar reef described above, another reef
of the s a m e type, but slightly l a r g e r , is exposed (Fig.116). No stratified limestone is
seen actually overlying and underlying the reef. However, both northeast and southwest
of the reef, stratified sediments incline t o disappear under the reef. The greyish white
reef limestone reaches a thickness of about 6 m. Locally, especially at the top, it is
red-mottled by crinoid fragments. Together with the vague stratification, which locally
begins t o occur higher in this reef,this may be an indication that the reef has not been
much thicker than is now exposed. The reef limestone i s very strongly recrystallized,
both the fossils and the matrix, which is a r a t h e r pure limestone; tC= weathering is
crumbling and breccia-like. Crystals of calcite, generally small, are common. Among
the reef builders some stromatoporoids are also found, a few of which a r e rather large;
Fig.11'7. Vinglu, Stora Karls6, seen from the south. Reef of Fanterna type,
exposed just above the boundary between Lerberg Marlstone and Spangande
Limestone. A t the right-hand margin of this photograph, a second reef is
Fig.118. Rauk gate, named Hesselby LPde, Stora KarlsB. The gate has been
excavated by the Ancylus lake; the height of its opening is about 9 m.
the largest one observed was a "tower" of about 50 cm high and at its base 20 cm in
diameter, built up of very strongly convex latilaminae.
It appears from the discussion of both the larger and the smaller reefs
Also for Lilla Karlsb it is assumed that the nucleus of the island con-
s i s t s of reef limestone of relatively great thickness. Compared to this
central reef m a s s the other reefs in the island are smaller. Remains of reefs
of rather large extension a r e found in NorderslPtt and Suderslltt, but it is
very unlikely that they had a thickness comparable t o the Central Lilla KarlsB
reef. Because the reef limestone is generally more resistant to weathering
and erosion than the overlying and surrounding stratified sediments, frag-
ments of the reefs may still be preserved when the other sediments have
About the same arguments as were used to show the existence of the
Marmorberg reef in Stora Karls6 can be advanced for the assumption that
in the centre of Lilla Karlsi) a comparatively large reef is present. This
Central reef, however, is only scarcely exposed. It is not impossible that
some small outcrops a r e to be found on the plateau of the island, but they a r e
very indistinct anddonotpermit any statement about the type of reef to which
they belong. Corals, bryozoans and stromatoporoids were presumably the
chief reef builders. The reef limestone on the plateau is surrounded by a
grey to white-grey, locally red-brown crinoid limestone. The surface of the
plateau shows a slight accidentation.
Already in the Pentamerus gotlundicus Limestone, indications a r e found
which suggest that the Central Lilla KarlsB reef was growing strongly. These
indications include local small dips, the occurrence of fossil remains which
may be reef debris and the presence of an abundance of crinoids. The dips
in the Lilla Karlsi) Limestone a r e , a s a rule, much steeper than those in the
Pentamerus gotlandicus Limestone. This greater dip might have been caused
partly by settling of these deposits, but partly by deposition at a l e s s e r dis-
tance from a higher reef (Fig.120). It is difficult to establish when growth
of the Central reef came to an end. If indeed the small exposures on top of
the island belong to this reef, it may have continued growing during almost
the entire time in which sedimentation of the stratified Lilla Karlsi) Lime-
stone took place.
The sediments surrounding the Central reef show a reef-detrital char-
acter. They contain bryozoan fragments, corals and stromatoporoids,
brachiopods, trilobites and other fossils. Remains of crinoids are the dom-
inant constituents of the rocks. Many corals and also several stromato-
poroids appear to have been tumbled over and redeposited. Together with
most of the bryozoan colonies from which the fragments a r e found, they
presumably once belonged to the reef community. Only a small percentage
of corals and stromatoporoids is definitely found in their positions of growth.
Yet the percentage of reef builders in the sediments surrounding the Central
reef is rather insignificant; the remains of bryozoans, corals and stromato-
poroids usually make up l e s s than 5% of the total rock volume.
Fig.120. Lilla Karl& Limestone, dipping away from the centre of the island,
a s a result of its being the mantling deposit of the large Central Lilla Karlsb
reef. Photograph taken from the south of the plateau of Lilla Karlso. In the
background, the plateau of Stora Karls8, inclining southward.
The detrital limestones almost everywhere dip away from the centre
of the island. In all likelihood they were mainly correlative with the growing
reef, as is the case with many present-day reefs. The original topography
of the reef sides and the direct environment of the reef became gradually
buried and to a certain degree levelled off by the debris accumulation.
Locally on this mantling deposit, reef-forming animals seem to have been
able to establish themselves, in some of the cases giving r i s e to smaller
reef bodies. Hard skeletal remains probably served as objects for attach-
ment of the pioneer populations. In these detrital limestones several individ-
ual coral colonies, especially Favosites, were also observed to be attached
t o older colonies, to solitary corals o r even to fragments of crinoid stems.
During the formation of these smaller flank reefs, the mantle deposit
of the Central reef presumably was rather unconsolidated, a s can be seen
from the position of the upper of the two reefs shown in Fig.126 and 127. On
the other hand, the well-developed bedding planes show that the deposit was
not very pappy and there were enough hard remains to serve a s a substratum.
Under such conditions an unstable bottom was evidently not a hindrance to
luxurious reef growth, as the number of flank reefs and the sizes of the in-
dividual reefs indicate.
Flank reefs
It has already been mentioned that the alternation of marlstone and lime-
stone, which forms the lower part of the exposed stratified sediments of Lilla
KarlsB, shows a gradual increase upwards in the thickness of the limestone
layers and a corresponding decrease in those of the marlstone. Debris from
the Central reef may have contributed to this increase in limestone deposi-
tion in the reef environment. The presence of well-defined stratification
planes indicates that these reef-surrounding sediments were not very pappy.
The same can be said of other similar deposits in the a r e a of Gotland. How-
ever, in general contrast to these, on the mantle of stratified material around
the Central Lilla Karlsb reef, reef builders settled in several places, giving
r i s e t o smaller reefs. With continuing growth of the Central reef the amounts
of debris produced by it became greater and consequently the slope of the
surrounding deposit increased. This increased slope is reflected in the shape
of the younger flank reefs, which reached their greatest thickness at their
seaward side, whereas towards the side closest to the Central reef a gradual
thinning can be observed (Fig.124). At this inner side the flank reef some-
times interfingers with the stratified sediments. Further within the reef local
lenses o r layers of stratified sediment a r e only rarely found, indicating that
once such a flank reef was growing well, it was not easily overwhelmed by
mud and by the debris of the major reef. The lower and upper boundaries of
the flank reefs a r e generally sharp, whereas the lateral boundaries a r e some-
times sharp and in other cases rather vague.
The length and width of the flank reefs generally do not surpass 25 m
and many a r e smaller. Along the east coast between Bodarna and Janedi
proportionally large reefs occur. Access to them is difficult and they a r e
most easily visible from a boat on sea. The stratified sediments neigh-
bouring them show dips in varying directions (Fig.121). Relatively large flank
reefs also crop out between Stalen and Suder Vagnhus in the southern half of
the west cliff.
Weathered surfaces of the flank reefs a r e usually massive in structure,
in several instances irregularly crumbling. The unstratified masses general-
ly contrast strongly with the surrounding stratified sediments.
The flank reefs which occur lowest in the stratigraphical column a r e
faunistically characterized by a great profusion of corals, especially tabulate
corals, and bryozoans. Stromatoporoids a r e rather rare and small. Higher
up in the succession of deposits they a r e more common, but never did they
contribute to reef formation to such an extent as they did in the reefs of
Hoburgen type in Gotland. The occurrence of several intact colonies of
branched bryozoans and corals in the oldest flank reefs, especially in the
west, indicates that these reefs did not suffer very much damage by wave
action o r currents. In the higher reefs, a notable part of the branched reef
builders is replaced by massive forms. Studies of recent corals (e.g.,
Vaughan and Wells, 1943) have shown that branching forms retreat in favour
of massive forms when the water becomes rougher. While not all ecological
data for recent organisms can positively be applied to related extinct taxa,
it is likely that the reactions to rough water would be similar even in un-
related groups of similar forms. Thus the faunal composition of the flank
reefs suggests that in the course of time the water became shallower. This
deduction is further supported by the fact that the higher reefs a r e more dis-
orderly in appearance.
Fig.121. Cliff wall north of Bodarna, Lilla KarlsB, with flank reefs exposed
between the stratified limestone.
Fig.122. Sketch of the cliff near Bodarna, Lilla Karlso, showing outcrops of
six flank reefs, of which the lowest one is the l argest .
Fig.123. Coastal cliff of Lilla Karlsb near Bodarna. Compare Fig.122.
It is notable that the largest flank reefs a r e found in the east and west,
at the latter side especially in the a r e a about 350 m north of the SuderslPtt
reef, whereas the reefs in the south and southeast a r e smaller and l e s s in
number. It may be that a s a result of the water becoming more shallow, a
relationship to a shore line began gradually to make itself felt and that water
movement a t the seaward (southern) side increasingly worked against settle-
ment of reef builders. In this way the occurrence of the highest number of
reefs, their larger size and the large branched colonies in the oldest of these,
a s found in the southern half of the western side, can be explained from
development a t the calm-water side of the Suderslatt reef.
Several of the flank reefs, especially in the west, overlie Pentamerus
gotlundicus breccia and seem to have slipped down on the dipping mantle of
the Central Lilla Karlsb reef. This phenomenon will be further discussed
later in this chapter (pp.273-275).
In the following pages a few outcrops of flank reefs will be discussed in more
Fig.122 and 123 a r e asketch and a photograph of the r e e f s which crop out near
Bodarna. Reef A is exposed lowest in the wall. It i s built up by bryozoans and corals,
embedded in a matrix which is generally rather pure but locally faintly marly. The
reef shows some vague stratification, is strongly recrystallized and weathered s u r -
faces crumble irregularly.
At a level directly above that of reef A, several smaller reefs a r e found. Of
these the one overlying reef A, reef 2, is the most important. At i t s right side,
stratified limestone is found, very rich in reef debris, and dipping north-northeast.
Close t o the reef, the layers show a kind of kink; the transition from reef t o debris-
r i c h stratified sediment is very gradual there. In contrast to this, the boundary at the
left side is very sharp; there the stratified limestone dips south-southwest. Between
r e e f s 1 and 2 a depression is found, containing stratified limestone rich in reef debris.
Below the depression both reefs touch each other. Reefs 3 , 4 and 5 are smaller than
the other two. The south-southwest boundary of reef 4 with the stratified deposits is
a ls o r a t h e r sharp. Almost everywhere in the environment of these r e e f s too, the
stratified sediments are rich in reef debris; they are somewhat marly. The bedding
planes are generally irregular and rugged and often covered by a film of marl. Behind
reef A, between A and 1, a very disorderly m a s s of extremely marly limestone is
found, exceedingly rich in crinoid remains and with a varying amount of reef debris,
including an occasional stromatoporoid. Reef 1 has a more marly matrix than reef A.
This also holds f o r the other higher-exposed reefs. These reefs.contain a number of
stromatoporoids, of small size but not r a r e l y of r a t h e r round shape. Weathered sur-
faces generally a r e irregularly crumbling, sometimes rather smoothly massive.
Fig.124. Sketch of a flank reef, exposed in the southern cliff of Lilla Karlsb
n e a r Brons&lderrose.
Fig.125. Flank reef, exposed in the southern cliff of Lilla KarlsB near
Brons%lderrose. Compare the sketch in Fig.124.
not exposed
q 1 , * 3 + p
metres L".l reef debris
-Fig.126. Lilla Karlsii, southern cliff about 0.1 km west of Bronszlderrose. Two flank reefs a r e sketched. Note
how settling of the stratified sediments caused a subsidence of the lateral parts of the top reef.
Fig.127. Photograph of the two reefs sketched in Fig.126. Lilla Karl&, about
0.1 km west of Brons%lderrose.
originated due to lateral compression during an attempt to slip down. Also the dip in
the stratified limestones at the top at the south side may be intensified by this. The
reef at this south side wedges out between crinoid limestone. The stratified limestone
at the north side inclines down under the reef; it is rather rich in Halysites colonies
and solitary corals.
The crinoid limestone in the environs of this flank reef is thin bedded with marl
films on the bedding planes. The latter a r e generally rugged. The rock is bluish grey,
grey to brownish grey in colour. Through weathering it usually first becomes brownish,
later turning more greyish. The sediment is very fossiliferous, containing some
trilobites, brachiopods (Howellella elegans, Camarotoechia borealis, Dicaelosia
biloba, Rhynchotreta cuneata, Ptychopleurelkz bouchardi, Chonetus striatellus,
and others) ,. some gastropods, stromatoporoids, Fenestella sp. and other bryozoans,
an enormous amount of crinoid fragments including some bases of crinoid calyces, and
solitary corals. The crinoid remains a r e partly red, partly grey-white in colour.
Typical for this deposit a r e colonies of Favosites sp., attached to older colonies of
the same coral (both may o r may not be in their growth position), to solitary corals,
and even to crinoid remains. On the coral colonies Fenestelkz sp. has also often
About 0.1 km west of Bronsaderrose, two reefs occur above each other (Fig.126,
127). The lower of these shows a vague stratification. It is built of a light-greyish reef
limestone with bryozoans, corals and a few stromatoporoids. In between both reefs
there is a very marly and fossiliferous rock, o r an alternation of limy and thin marly
layers, both with irregular bedding planes, especially at the northwestern side. The
upper reef has a somewhat more marly matrix and the weathered surface is more
crumbling. Corals (Favosites, Halysites, and others) and bryozoans are the main
reef builders. There are some more stromatoporoids than in the lower reef, but they
still play a subordinate part. In the upper reef is a rather large intercalation of debris
in a strongly marly matrix; fossils and fossil fragments occur in all possible orienta-
In the northwest the upper reef a s it were comes down from the lower one. It
apparently started growth on a rigid foundation that hardly changed volume under the
weight placed upon it. Through lateral spreading it came to rest on a soft limestone
bottom. The weight of the reef caused a compaction of that sediment and with it the
reef sank down. The stratified limestone is thin bedded with marl films on the rugged
bedding planes.
The large block of reef limestone at the foot of the cliff about 0.15 km southeast
of Stalen probably is not in its original position.
Near the rauk Stalen, Lilla Karlso-from the beach inland-shows the following
picture: a low cliff, then a gradually mounting topography with some raukar, the main
cliff of the island, and finally its upper plateau. In the main cliff directly southeast of
Stalen, the reef of Fig.128 is exposed.
The reef limestone is rather uniform, light grey in colour, a little marly, as a
whole recrystallized, finely crystalline, with a flaky or splintery weathering surface.
Fig.129. Cliff wall south ,of Suder Vagnhus, Lilla Karlsb. Stratified Lilla
K a r l s o Limestone a n d two outcrops of flank reefs.
In the main cliff south of Suder Vagnhus, a reef crops out which i s shown in
Fig.129. It consists of dense, light-grey reef limestone with bryozoans, corals
(Fuvosites, and others), and some trilobites and orthoceratids, in a slightly marly
matrix. At the south side of this reef the boundary with the stratified limestone is not
very sharp. This stratified rock is a light-grey, grey to greyish-brown limestone with
a little m a r l on its bedding planes. This limestone contains crinoid-stem fragments
and some stromatoporoids, a few of which show rather round forms. Higher up the
sediment becomes more sparry and contains comparatively more stromatoporoids.
At the bottom the layers dip towards the reef after having arched over a small reef
at the south side of the larger flank reef. This small reef contains corals, most of
which are small and partly also rather thin, and also bryozoans, crinoids, brachiopods
and an occasional stromatoporoid. At the north side of the larger reef, the stratifica-
tion of the adjacent rock is in part difficult to perceive, especially at close quarters.
This sediment is a brownish, marly limestone, sparry, with many corals (Favosites,
Halysites, ffeliolites,and others). On top of the reef is crinoid limestone.
The Lerberg Marlstone, exposed in the west, northeast and east of Stora
Karlst) has no exposed equivalent in Lilla Karlsi3.
The SpangPnde Limestone of Stora Karlsb is characterized, especially
in i t s lower part, by the brachiopod Pentamerus gotlandicus. This fossil gives
i t s name to the Pentamerus gotlandicus Limestone of Lilla Karlsb. These two
deposits may, therefore, be correlated.
It is not certain whether the boundary between SpangPnde and Austerberg
Limestone and between the Pentamerus gotlandicus and Lilla KarlsSl Lime-
stone correlate; probably the latter is older than the Stora Karlsb boundary.
The Lilla Karlsb Limestone then, correlates with the uppermost
SpangPnde Limestone and the Austerberg Limestone. However, the greater
height of Lilla Karlsi3 makes it likely that the upper part of the Lilla Karlsb
Limestone is younger than any of the Stora Karlsb deposits.
A tentative sketched correlation is presented in Table X V .
of Stora Karlsb and the NorderslPtt and Sudersliitt reefs of Lilla KarlsG, but
the time intervals were probably not very long. It is possible that the de-
c r e a s e in water depth was temporarily stronger.
Of the major reefs of Karlsbarna only the Central Lilla Karlsb reef
seems t o have survived the shallow-water stage suggested above. Unfortu-
nately there a r e no exposures in this reef which can be studied for indica-
tions of its subsequent stages of development. The fact that it could continue
growing suggests that the very-shallow-water period must have been of only
short duration. The strong development of the Svarthtillar reefs which took
place mainly thereafter indicates that the water soon became rather deep
again, for in their composition the SvarthXllar reefs a r e much more com-
parable to the Norderslstt and SuderslPtt reefs of Lilla Karlsb than to the
common Hoburgen-type reefs of Gotland.
Downward-slipping phenomena
The occurrence of the Pentamerus gotlundicus breccia in Lilla Karlsa
underneath reefs suggests a relationship between the two, such that the
breccia was formed when reefs slipped downwards over the stratified sedi-
ments, consisting of an alternation of marlstone and marly limestone layers.
Also the bucklings found in the Pentamerus gotlandicus Limestone, caused
by lateral compression, could well be caused by such a moving flank reef.
The breccia and the upward dipping sediments which a r e found against
the reef north of Suder Vagnhus suggest that blocks of stratified sediments
have also probably moved down over a marly surface in the sedimentary se-
quence dipping down from the Central reef.
Close to Suder Vagnhus another reef has apparently come down together
with about 1.5 m of its underlying stratified sediments. Underneath this com-
bined mass, Pentamerus gotlundicus breccia is found, thinning out seawards
between it and the stratified sediments exposed at the base. The latter a r e
assumed to still be in their original place. The displaced stratified rocks
show a distinctly greater dip in seaward direction than the basal sediments.
The question now is whether these downward slippings occurred during
the Silurian o r later,
Slightly southwest of TrPdg%rden, in Lilla Karlsa, there is a displaced
reef-limestone mass, overlying Pentamems gotlandicus Limestone., which is
exposed to a thickness of 4 m. Of these, the lower 3.5 m a r e normally strat-
ified, but the upper about 0.5 m is strongly brecciated. The reef limestone
has apparently come down from a higher and more central position in the
island. The high cliff facing the displaced reef limestone shows a distinct
indentation. This is strongly indicative of a relatively recent displacement
of the reef limestone.
Another argument for this is provided by the large reef exposed at
TrXdggrden. A short distance north-northeast of TrPdg%rdenthe reef lime-
stone has i t s base about 6 m above present s e a level. A vague stratification
can be observed, which is approximately horizontal. In a huge block, north-
east of Trtidgarden (D in Fig. 130B), this vague stratification dips distinctly
seawards. The reef limestone together with an amount of stratified sediment
annexed t o it discordantly overlies the normal alternation of Pentamerus
gotlundicus marlstone and marly-limestone layers. In between the block and
its underlying sediments a breccia has developed. In the south the lower
limestone fl
/ l i n e of fault
Fig.130. Sketch illustrating the origin of Triidghden, in the west of Lilla
Karlsb. The heavy reef limestone at the top of the sedimentary complex
caused the wall to sag laterally. S t r e s s made the reef limestone fault and tilt.
At a certain moment, the south of the detached reef limestone slipped down
and a catapult effect caused Trxdgarden to be displaced furthest from its
original position.
boundary of the reef limestone has disappeared below sea level. It seems
likely that TradgQrden itself, a large reef-limestone block, now forming a
small island just off the shore, was once connected with the large onshore
block. The two together were again connected with the reef limestone a s is
exposed in raukar at the landward side. These raukar mark with their west
sides an approximately straight line, which may be assumed to represent the
line of fault.
It can now be explained how the situation at Trldg%rdenhas developed
(Fig. 130). In the wall of Lilla Karlsb, heavy reef limestone overlaid stratified
limestone. The weight of the reef limestone caused lateral displacement of
the underlying sediments. The movements in the lower part of the wall
caused s t r e s s e s in the reef limestone and at a certain moment the reef-
limestone m a s s was faulted open, with the seaward part of the reef limestone
starting to tilt downwards. A t a certain stage gravity led to a d6collement of
the southern part of the block and a catapult effect caused the Trldghrden
block to become detached from block D and to be moved furthest away from
its original position. In the north of block D only the fault was opened further.
A similar phenomenon as explained above for west Lilla Karlsb can
still be seen in development on a smaller s c a l e a t Hoburgen, southern Gotland,
where a Large block of the plateau of Storburg is in the process of being
separated from the remaining top of the hillock along a widening fissure,
caused by a gradual lateral sagging of the underlying sediments.
In Stora and Lilla Karlso the dip in the sediments mantling the large
reefs and the occurrence of m a r l in the lower part of the sedimentary se-
quence have certainly facilitated a downward slipping of rock masses. The
heavy reef limestones of the flank reefs were especially prone to slip down,
but as has been said before, masses of stratified sediment could go that way
too. This explains the unconformity between K h p r u and Stiudden in Stora
KarlsiS (Fig.102). The breccia north of Kiiupru (Fig.101) may be caused by
either type of sediment moving down, but not improbably by stratified lime-
stones as a r e now found overlying it.
The example of Hoburgen teaches that downward slipping can still occur
today. The slippings in Stora and Lilla Karlsa may also be of a very recent
date. However, it can be imagined that especially suitable conditions for these
phenomena existed during and following the Pleistocene Ice Ages. Plucking
of the southwards moving land ice may have caused rock displacements.
Further a suitable situation for such phenomena occurred at the time of
melting of the ice of a glaciation. During an Ice Age, the high walls of the
island were enveloped and supported by the land ice, a s is demonstrated by
the presence of erratic blocks on top of the island. When the ice melted, the
walls lost their support, great amounts of water became available, the rocks
unfroze and became wet throughout and the soft marlstones at the base of the
sedimentary complex presented ideal lubrication layers.
v- _ _ -- -
- Beds
Lilla KarlsB Flank
Limestone reefs
Austerberg reef Central Mulde
Limestone limestones
_ _ _ _ _ - - -- KarlsB
This period of shallowing of the water may have been the same as the
one which probably contributed t o the end of the growth of almost all the
major reefs of Karlsoarna. This phenomenon should have taken place then in
Karlsoarna a t about the time of the transition from deposition of the Slite
Beds to formation of the Halla-Mulde Beds.
The shallowing of the water did not lead to a break in the deposition of
stratified sediments. The discordances which a r e mentioned from both
KarlsBarna by LindstrBm (1882a) and Hede (1925a,p.20) a r e only local phe-
nomena, identical with the phenomena which the present author described
above a s being due to the downward slipping of flank reefs.
A s will be pointed out in the discussion of the Halla-Mulde Beds in
Chapter XI, there a r e strong indications that during Halla-Mulde time, water
depth soon increased again in western Gotland, even though in northeastern
Gotland a decrease in water depth continued. This must have been caused by
a change in the direction of the hinge line of epeirogenetic movement of the
basin floor, which resulted in a relatively strong increase in water depth in
the a r e a of Karlsoarna.
The Central Lilla Karlsi) reef was probably not yet elevated high enough
above the sea floor to have its growth terminated by the Late Slite - Early
Halla-Mulde shallowing of the water and, therefore, managed to survive,
growing again more rapidly when the water became deeper again. The
SvarthPllar reefs benefited even more from the increasing water depth. Being
still small reefs a t the more unfavourable time, growingat the foot o r on the
flanks of large reefs, they thereafter developed into an extensive reef-lime-
stone complex. In their composition they bear witness to formation in rela-
tively deep water in the later period,
During Late Halla-Mulde time the water began to become shallow again.
This is evidenced by the sediments in Gotland and also by the characteristics
of the highest parts of the Lilla Karlso Limestone (more marl, more stroma-
toporoids, l e s s bryozoans).
The presence in the uppermost Lilla Karlso Limestone of such fossils
as Conchidium biloculare, Dolerorthis cf. rustica, Eospirifer cf. interlineatus
and Plectatrypa marginalis might suggest that these youngest sediments of
KarlsBarna correlate with the lowermost Klinteberg Beds (cf. Hede, 192713,
Chapter XI
Stratified sediments
Fossils which in Gotland are found onlv in the VisbY Beds
1 1
Phylum, Species Lower Uppei
classis, or Vishy Visby
subclassis Beds Beds
Anthozoa Catenipora escharoides Lamark + +
Clisiophyllum (Dinophyllum) involutum Edwards et Haime- + +
Goniophyllum Pyramidale (Hisinger) + +
Lykophyllum tabulatum Wedekind - + +
Phaulactis angusta (Lonsdale) +
Pholidophyllum tabulaturn Schlotheim + +
Pla a l v e o l i t e s fougti (Edwards et Haime), + +
Thecia hisingeri (Jones) + +
Porpites (Palaeocyclus).porpita (Linnaeus) +
Bryozoa Ceramopora lindstrOmi Hisinger +
Crepipova lunnviato Hisinger +
Mesotrypa suprasilurzca Hisinger +
Brachiopoda Brachyprion walmstedti (Lindstrom) +
Eospirifer marklini De Verneuil +
ffesperorthis (Orthis) davidsoni @e Vemeuil) +
Liljevallia gotlandica Hedstrom +
Plectodonta (Sowerbyella) transversalis (Dalman) +
Resserella vzsbyensis (Lindstram) + +
Rhynchonella exigua Lindstrom + +
Stricklandia livata J. de C. Sowerby +
Gastropoda Callonema obesum Lindstr6m + +
Callonema scalariforme Lindstrom + +
Cyclonema delicatulum Lindstram t +
Cyclonema giganteum Lindstrom + +
Poleumita roemeri (Lindstrom) + +
Cephalopoda Phragmoceras convolutum Hecistram +
Phragmoceras costatum liedstram +
Trilobita Encrinurus laevis (Angelin) + +
Ostracoda Apatobolbina simplicidorsata Martinsson +
Aputobolbina tracuspidata Martinssm +
Barymetopon infantile Martinsson +
Beyrichia hirsuta Martinsson, +
Craspedobolbina juguligera Martinsson + t
Leperditia hisingeri Schmidt +
Leptabolbina hypnodes Martinsson +
Novibortia simbliciuscula Martinsson
The fossil content of the Upper Visby Beds is high, especially in corals
(many solitary corals, Halysites, heliolitids, favositids) and brachiopods.
Lamellibranchs, ostracodes (some Beyrichiidae and large Leperditia sp.),
trilobites, bryozoans, crinoids and stromatoporoids are rather scarcely
represented. The occurrence of the brachiopod Stricklandia lirata
(J. de C. Sowerby) is notable; it is not common in several horizons, but is
particularly abundant i n others. A thin layer very rich in this fossil also
approximately marks the boundary between the Lower and Upper Visby Beds
in several places.
Upper Visby Beds
The Upper Visby Marlstone can be followed along the northwest coast
from GnisvPrds Fisklage (Tofta Parish) in the south to again Hallshuk in the
north. It is generally found in the lower part of the coastal cliffs. Seen on a
large scale, the layers show a faintly wavy course, especially in the northern
part of their area. At least in part, this was caused by the differential com-
pression exerted by the overlying rocks. The thickness of the Upper Visby
Beds varies somewhat. It is on the average about 10 m, but may locally
reach up to 15 m. This variation in thickness may also be caused by the
overburden, more particularly the Hogklint Beds. The Upper Visby Beds a r e
often thinner underneath Hogklint reef limestone masses than under stratified
HGgklint sediments. Hadding (1956, p.3) stated: "There is reason to believe
that the marly mud originally had a comparatively even surface which was
Fig.131. Halysites biostrome with some Omphyma sp. Upper Visby Beds,
south side of Ihrevik.
deformed later on. The compact reef bodies must have pressed the marly
mud downwards and outwards-upwards, a t the same time locally elevating
the limestone sediment deposited on the marl." Moreover, the fact that the
boundary with the Hogklint Beds is not very easy to determine and probably
is not always laid at exactly the same stratigraphical height, should also be
recognized. This problem will be discussed further when treating the
HOgklint Beds (pp.282, 311).
The Upper Visby Beds consist of thin layers of rather soft bluish grey
marlstone which alternate with harder marly limestone. The latter is dense
to finely crystalline and light grey in colour. Lithologically, therefore, there
is little difference between the Upper Visby Beds and the underlying Lower
Visby sediments. The limestone occurs partly a s small elongated knolls o r
thin lenses and partly as thin layers which thin out in the m a r l after varying
distances. The lenses and knolls are found particularly in the lower part of
the Upper Visby Beds. The number of limestone layers increases upwards,
as well as their thickness, which increases from about 2 cm to sometimes
15 cm at the top of the unit. Thicker than normal limestone layers a r e found
in the environment of several Upper Visby reefs. The bedding planes of the
limestone layers are often rugged. Together with the upward increase in
thickness of the limestone layers in the profile, the marlstone layers
decrease in thickness. In the marly limestone, pyrite is found locally in
isolated crystals o r in groups of crystals. The pyrite cubes a r e generally
of the order of a millimetre of less, but locally the crystals have edges of
more than half a centimetre.
In the higher parts of the Upper Visby Beds, small reefs also occur.
Over 140 of these have been observed in the mentioned coastal cliff. Details
about these reefs have been given in Chapter VI.
Except for the reefs, the Upper Visby Beds almost everywhere present
a similar overall lithological and palaeontological picture. The rocks a r e
more fossiliferous than those of the Lower Visby Beds. Bedding planes often
present r e a l "zoos" of fossils. Only very few fossils have been observed that
were embedded in their position of growth. This might indicate that sedimenta-
tion did not take place at a high rate. Neither in the marlstone, nor in the lime-
stone have tracks o r burrows been found. Corals (many solitary species,
favositids, Halysites heliolitids, and occasionally Syringopora sp.) and
and occasionally aIso spiriferids) play an important part among the fossil
content, and bryozoans and crinoids are rather common. Stromatoporoids
(e.g. Stromatopora discoidea (Lonsdale)) a r e not particularly abundant, but
Discuss ion
The Hogklint Beds derive their name from the well-known hill and cliff
of Hogklint about 6.5 km southwest of Visby. The beds concordantly overlie
the Upper Visby Beds. The Tofta limestone is considered by the present
author to be a facies of the Hijgklint Beds.
The Hogklint Beds a r e found in the northwest of the island. Exposures
occur mainly in the cliff coasts formed by the Ancylus lake, the Littorina s e a
and the present Baltic. Of these, the latter two a r e by far the most important.
The dominant exposures in the present coastal cliff a r e those at Hogklint and
along the long coastal stretch between Nyhamn and Hallshuk. Unfortunately,
most of the walls are s o steep that in general only the lowermost parts can
be directly studied; the uppermost parts, moreover, a r e usually strongly
The Littorina sea, which reached heights above the present s e a level
around Gotland of about 14 m in the south and 27 m in the north, has also
produced important exposures. These are found especially at Snackgardsbaden,
but also at Brissund, Kinner (southeast of Nyhamn), Lickershamn (with
raukar) and Hallshuk (Hjannklint). The Littorina cliffs often show a s c r e e of
huge blocks at their feet, which is much larger than usually found at the foot
of the present coastal cliffs.
Stratvied sediments
The author proposes a subdivision of the Hdgklint Beds into two sub-
units, the Lower and the Upper Hogklint Beds. The sediments discussed in
the descriptions to the geological maps of Gotland a r e assigned to these sub-
units a s follows:
The Lower Hogklint Beds are exposed particularly along the northwest
coast of Gotland, to a thickness of 15-20 m. Due to the general slight south-
eastward dip of the Silurian s t r a t a of Gotland, only a few exposures of Lower
Hogklint sediments occur in the inland direction; they a r e not at all exposed
in F l r o .
More o r less marly limestone is dominant in the Lower Hijgklint Beds.
This sediment is dense to finely crystalline o r occasionally somewhat fine
sandy; the colour of the rock is grey to bluish or brownish grey and the
thickness of the layers generally varies between 2-20 cm. The individual
limestone layers thin out after varying distances and, therefore, the layers
from one exposure generally cannot be directly correlated with those in
another locality. Thin layers o r films of bluish grey to dark brown marl a r e
often interbedded between the limestone layers; these m a r l layers a r e
thickest (up to maximally 3 cm) in the lowermost Hogklint Beds. Locally,
lenses of a stronger marly limestone are also found there.
Especially the lower part of the Lower Hogklint is very fossiliferous;
bedding planes a r e often irregular and rugged. Bryozoans, corals, stromato-
poroids and brachiopods (many Leptaeqa spp., rhynchonellids and spirif erids)
a r e common; Algae occasionally occur i n special layers, but a r e rarely
abundant. The generally small coral colonies which are found embedded in
the stratified limestone i n part of the localities a r e not restricted to
particular horizons. They a r e often surrounded by a few limestone layers
which either bend under and over them o r abut against them. A coral colony
is commonly directly overlaid by a thin layer of marlstone. Generally the
colonies are in their positions of growth and show no indications of distortion.
Crinoid remains are usually abundant only in the environment of reefs.
In the higher parts of the Lower Hogklint Beds, the fossil content varies
in abundance, whereas the rock is sometimes finely oolitic, Especially in the
south of the a r e a where the Lower HSgklint Beds a r e exposed, the rock is
often thin, sometimes thick bedded, dense to finely crystalline, finely oolitic
in many places, and apparently relatively poor in fossils. Locally there a r e
more fossiliferous parts and small, indistinctly bedded reef-like develop-
ments generally occur, together with some real reefs. The true, large
Hogklint reefs generally began their growth already during the first part of
Early Hogklint time, but usually continued their expansion in the later part
of the Early Hogklint and often also during part of Late Hogklint time.
Further north, exposures without reefs often show a n alternation of
finely crystalline limestone and somewhat coarser limestone. Little
The Upper Hogklint Beds a r e very commonly exposed. The Tofta lime-
stone in the south, which forms an independent stratigraphical unit in H a l e ' s
stratigraphy, is also assigned to the Upper Hogklint by the present author.
In the north, the Tofta limestone is absent and the Hiigklint limestone, in
Hede's definition, is directly overlaid by Slite sediments. New r e e f s occur
only sporadically in the Upper Hogklint, and those which a r e present are
generally of small size. Well developed wave-ripple marks were described
by Hede (1936, p.14) from 0.9, 1.1 and 1.2 km north of Lauterhorn (about in
the centre of the west coast of F&-o), with a direction of strike of the c r e s t s
of respectively 60°, about 4 5 O and about goo. The thickness of the Upper
Hogklint is about 20-25 m.
The Upper Hogklint is built of generally thin-bedded, but sometimes
thick-bedded, light-grey limestone, which is almost dense to finely crystal-
line, and sometimes finely oolitic. A s a rule, the rock is very fossiliferous,
with especially calcareous Algae playing an important part. The Upper
Hogklint Beds differ from the Lower Hijgklint Beds especially in this way.
Also, bryozoans, stromatoporoids, crinoids and corals occur. Locally
stromatoporoids a r e abundant and may have given rise to indistinctly bedded
reef -like developments. Stylolites a r e not rare.
Locally in the lower part of the Upper Hogklint, l e s s fossiliferous parts
also occur. In several places films o r thin layers of greenish m a r l are found
on the bedding planes. Locally the limestone is hard and breaks shell-like.
In certain limestone layers, the fossils a r e rounded and strongly worn. This
often gives the rock a conglomeratic appearance. One of the best developed
conglomeratic layers (thickness generally 2-10 cm, but locally up to 30 cm)
is the one which Hede took as his stratigraphical boundary between Hogklint
and Tofta limestone. It shows a great many fossils, especially calcareous
Algae, crinoids and bryozoans, and to a l e s s e r degree also corals, the
majority of which are rounded and worn. In this specific layer the fossils a r e
generally embedded in greenish grey marlstone i n stead of in limestone.
The upper part of the Upper Hogklint Beds consists of generally well-
bedded, often somewhat marly limestone, which is dense to finely crystalline,
and sometimes finely oolitic. The content in calcareous Algae varies from
place to place, but is generally high. Stromatoporoids occur especially in the
southeast, and occasionally in vaguely bedded reef -like developments. Hede
ascribed these sediments in the southeast to the Tofta limestone, which he
gave the rank of an independent stratigraphical unit. The present author
considers the Tofta limestone to be only a facies. A still accessible exposure
of this limestone is in the quarry behind the Galgberg (north of Visby), where
the mentioned layer of marlstone with strongly rounded fossils can also be
observed, although it is thin there. The Tofta limestone is often cross-bedded.
The stromatoporoid colonies a r e generally not large and were sometimes
tilted during growth, presumably by wave action. The tilting appears from
the fact that the latilaminae a r e all much thicker at one side than at the other.
Generally, the larger the stromatoporoid colony, the l e s s rounded it is. The
rock is very rich in tuberiform colonies of calcareous Algae of various sizes,
which may give it an oolitic, pisolitic o r conglomeratic appearance.
Brachiopods are notably poorly represented. A s a rule, the difference
between the Tofta limestone and the other sediments of the Upper Hogklint
Beds is small.
In a few places, such a s at Gutevagen (Visby), faults occur in the Upper
Hogklint Beds, with vertical displacements from a few centimetres up to a
few metres. Their strike varies from 55 to 85O. Their origin is presumably
linked with differential compaction of the various underlying sediments, and
especially with a difference in settling between stratified and unstratified
sediments. The fact that epeirogenetic movements perhaps made the Hbgklint
sediments r i s e above s e a level a few times, during Middle Silurian times,
may have further promoted compaction and thus have made the differences
in volume decrease between the various sediments more pronounced.
small reefs a r e found and it seems fairly likely that the Iiogklint reef itself
began i t s growth already at the end of Upper Visby time. At that time,
conditions for reef growth were favourable and several began development.
About at the place where the coastal cliff turns from a south-north to a
west-east direction, a small reef is found in the lowermost Hiigklint Beds.
It is only a few metres large, and covered by some stratified limestone,
over which the main Hogklint reef expanded.
Some parts of the stratified Hsgklint Beds close to the reef limestone
a r e extremely rich in crinoid remains of generally reddish colour; these
parts remind one of the well-known "Hoburg marble" of southernmost Gotland.
N- NE 5-sw
@ stratified limestone
0 M m
/. N-
mass just left of the middle of the drawing is known as " P ~ e d i g s t o l e ~(the
pulpit). It consists of reef limestone overlying stratified limestone; the
boundary between the two is not very distinct because of the only gradually
disappearing stratification. The part of the wall south of "Predigstolen" i s
shown in more detail i n Fig.135.
=reef debpis
0 5 lorn =Strotifled limestone
Fig.136. Northern half of the cliff wall AB of Fig.133. At the base some
small reef-limestone bodies. The southern one of these consists of hard
unstratified limestone in which a s fossils mainly some light grey stromato-
poroid colonies a r e recognizable. It r e s t s over hard sparry limestone rich
in heliolitids and favositids, which generally occur in their attitudes of
growth, solitary corals, stromatoporoids and many crinoid remains. Down-
wards the sediment is more marly. Some of the layers sag under the over-
lying weight of the reef limestone. North of this small southern reef body a
larger reef-limestone unit. There is a characteristic difference in the
positions of the coral and stromatoporoid colonies in the reef and stratified
limestone. In the stratified sediment under the reef they occur all with their
largest diameter parallel to the stratification, in the reef limestone they a r e
found in all possible orientations. The boundary between stratified and un-
stratified limestone follows an irregular course, when seen in closer detail,
but is distinct. The reef limestone contains pockets of marly sediment of
which the layers have been in part deformed by differential compression
within the rock complex. The overlying stratified sediment is less thick than
over the lower reef south of it. Further north stratified limestone also occurs
a s mantles around parts of the higher reef limestone, thus leading to a
complex reef-limestone massif a s also found in several other places in the
Hogklint Beds. The individual units a r e roughly lens-shaped. The stratified
mantles become upwards increasingly indistinct. Stromatoporoid develop-
ment in the higher reef portions was more vigorous.
SnXckgZLrdsbaden. HOgklint Beds.
H ~ G K L I N TBEDS 289
N-NE 5-sw
? l
Fig.138. Small body of reef limestone in the lowest of the Hogklint Beds in
section BC (Fig.3.33). The body is found just southwest of C, and is built of
hard limestone rich in stromatoporoids and coral colonies. In its normal
development the basal Hogklint bed consists of hard stratified limestone with
crinoids. However, about 28 m northeast of B it passes into an alternation
of layers of marly limestone and marlstone, characteristic more for the
underlying Upper Visby Beds. This deposit also covers the reef -limestone
body, but at its base and in its lateral environs it is replaced again by hard
stratified limestone.
1 N-NE 0 20m
Thefirstexposures of Silurian rocks north of Visby are some. old and mainly
levelled q u a r r i e s behind the ruins of St. Goran Church. In fact only p a r t s of their
northern walls are still there, but these are all strongly weathered. They consist of
stromatoporoid reef limestone. These northern quarry walls occur in the southern
slope of the Galgberg, a hillock on which in e a r l i e r times public death sentences were
c a r r i e d out. Around this hillock solid rock can be seen at a number of places,
comparatively well in the south of the west side and on the north side. In the f i r s t
locality, the boundary between Upper Visby and HEgklint Beds is exposed. The Hogklint
Beds are represented by both stratified crinoid limestone and unstratified reef lime-
stone. Along the staircase in the north it can be observed how the reef limestone m a s s
is composed of smaller reef units. On the average, the reef limestone higher upwards
shows l a r g e r and rounder reef builders. Notable a r e the, in p a r t , very large
stromatoporoid knolls, up to 2 m in diameter; in between them occur head-size
acervularians and favositids. No differences were observed in the species composition
of the fauna in the reefs and the stratified sediments. Apparently the reefs were too
small t o lead t o any significant faunal differentiation. At the top of the hillock mainly
crinoid limestone i s present. None of the exposures is particularly valuable as far as
reef study is concerned.
triangle make an angle with the base varying between 20-60°. In other instances, a
broader zone of stratified sediment occurs between two reefs. Generally, fossiliferous
marly limestone i s present, in layers of 1-15 c m , with interbedded m a r l films, which
may sometimes, however, become real m a r l l a y e r s of up to 1-2 cm thick. It i s evident
that not all r e e f s a r e sectioned alike; in some r e e f s , the centre i s still hidden in the
solid rock east of the wall, in others the main p a r t must have been present somewhat
further westwards and has been removed by erosion. A small p a r t of the wall i s shown
in Fig.132.
N-NE s-sw
m r e e f limestone B r e e f debris v v vegetation Q l,m
shows how the beginning of reef formation during Hogklint tlme w a s not
always very easy. Also elsewhere in the Brissund cliff, the reef limestone
shows, in its lower parts, portions with intercalated stratified sediment.
Sagging of the stratified sediments underlying the reefs and bucklings of the
stratified material intercalated in the reefs a r e witnesses of differential
compressions during later stages of reef development. Main reef builders
were the stromatoporoids, but also corals of various kinds have contributed,
as well as calcareous Algae. The cliff north of Brissund is exposed over a
length of about 0.6 km, but presents no new data on Hijgklint reef formation.
In the south, mainly stratified limestone is exposed, after a short distance
being replaced by reef limestone. The latter weathers to various remarkable
forms, including niches and dome-shaped roofs. Water seepage occurs at the
boundary of stratified and reef limestone at the foot of the cliff i n several
The next most important exposure, northwards, is the cliff wall at Kinnertorp
(Kinner's croft). Its location is shown in Fig.142. T h r e e p a r t s of the wall are pictured
and described in Fig.143-145.
The reef limestone in the cliff about 0.5 km west of Stuguklint reaches
a thickness of up to about 30 m. Intercalated over generally the full exposed
length, however, a r e approximately horizontal zones of stratified limestone,
of about one to a few metres thick. These stratified intercalations seem to
suggest alternating expansion and retreat of the growing reef surface. The
stratified limestone which bounds the reef at the northeast side shows sliding
Sliding within the reef limestone has taken place in the cliff a few
hundred metres west of Stuguklint. On its west side, the reef limestone is
underlaid by a brecciated zone of one to a few decimetres thick, which has
been formed through shattering of thin-layered marly limestone. The
brecciated zone is distinctly discordant with the normal stratification. The
cause of these phenomena will have to be sought in the action of gravity upon
the rock masses which a r e no longer supported at the seaward side.
Just north of the largest reef-limestone occurrence in the last-
mentioned cliff, stratified limestone is found in which many longer crinoid-
stem remains a r e present, up to 12 cm in length.
Fig. 148
Fig. 149
Fig. 150
Stuguklint i s the l a s t large exposure of Hijgklint reef limestone before the rauk
Jungfrun is reached. At the southeast side, the main reef shows a r a t h e r steep and
interfingering contact with the stratified limestone. A small dome of detrital stratified
limestone separates this reef from a smaller one west-northwest of it.
more to suffer from the deposition of continental debris (much marl in the
left of the section underneath reef F).
Consequently the number of growing reefs decreased in the course of
Early Hogklint; but the distribution of the exposures of reef limestone shows
that also in the later situation, when l e s s but larger reefs were present, the
general pattern of a zone of reefs, rather than a single belt was maintained.
Northwards from the place where the cliff is again parallel to the present coast
line, in the lower p a r t of the exposed wall Upper Visby Beds occur in outcrops. The
upper boundary is distinctly lower where Hijgklint reef limestone overlies the Visby
Beds; the difference in level may be up to 2 m or more. Slightly north of the curve in
the direction of the cliff, a small reef is present high in the Upper Visby Beds; it is
covered by stratified limestone. Solitary c o r a l s in the latter, which are cut by thin
calcite s e a m s , indicate that vertical displacements in the o r d e r of magnitude of 0.5 cm
have taken place also after consolidation of $he sediment, presumably because of the
weight of the overlying Hijgklint reef m a s s . In the lowermost p a r t of that reef lime-
stone, many of the reef builders a r e not in their growth orientations; the great majority
of them is relatively small and flat, the only l a r g e r c o r a l colonies w e r e of
Halysites catenulatus (Martini). T h e r e a r e many solitary corals and brachiopods,
both in the matrix and in the several s m a l l m a r l nests (5-30 ern wide, 2-10 ern high).
In the stratified limestone enveloping the Hogklint r e e f , the amounts of reef debris a r e
comparable t o those found around other reefs of the Hoburgen type (see Chapter M ) .
Further northwards, the Hogklint Beds present the usual lateral alternation of
stratified and reef limestones. Where no r e e f s a r e present: the wall i s not s o steep
and usually less well exposed. The r e e f s are generally not longer than 75 m with a
maximum thickness of 20 m , but as a rule not m o r e than 15 m. T h e r e a r e several
intercalations of stratified sediment and also horizontal planes (exposed as lines) of
one o r a few m e t r e s in length which may reflect local interruptions in reef growth.
I u
A survey of the fossils which occur in the Hijgklint reef limestones and
surrounding crinoid limestones is given in Table XVII.
1 I
Fossils found in the reef limestones and surrounding crinoid limestones of the Hbgklint Beds of Cotland
1 Litholoay I Reef limestone
- - limestone
- -
1 -- t -
n B
3P i 3 3 2 39
13 Y
i 2
P ?b
- - i -f 3 3
a i
- -
Rothpletzella sp. + + +
So lenopora got landica Rothpletz + + + c c + b
Unidentified calcareous Algae c t
Actinostroma astroites (Rosen) +
Actinostroma sp. t t
Chthrodictyon cf. variolare Rosen +
Clathrodictyon cf. uesiculosum Nicholson et Murie +
Labechia conferta(Lonsda1e) + + c + +
Stromatopora discoidea (Lonsdale) + c t
Unidentified stromatoporoids t + c t t t + t c
Aulopora sp. t + t
Favosites asper d'Orbigny t
Favosites gothlandicus Lamar& + t I I
Favosites sp. + t i + I t t t
Halysites catenularius (L.)
Halysites catenulatus (Martini) + + t + t
Planalveolites fougti (Edwards et Haime) t t
Roemevia kunthiana Lindstrom i
Striatopora halli Lindstram + t + + i t
Striatopora stellulata Lindstrbm +
Thamnopora lamellicornis (Lindstrom) + +
TABLE XVII(continued)
lrinoid limestone
Lithology -
s3 2 I4
9n 9 k 2
1 !j 5
- - 3 - n
r-i 5-
Helzolites interstinctus ( L . ) t + + + t
Helzolites sp. +
+ +
+ t t
Unidentified corals + + + + + + t
Conchicolites s p . + +
Cornulites sp. +
Spirorbis sp. + +
Cyathocrinus s p . + +
Eucalyptocrinus granulatus Lewis t
Euspirocrinus spivalis Angelin t
Gissocrinus sp. t
Hypanthocrinus sp. +
Polypeltes s p . +
Unidentified crinoid remains + + + + + + +
Fenestella mobergi Hennig +
Fenestella reticulata (Hisinger) + + + + + +
Fenestella sp. + + + +
Fistulipora sp. +
Helopora lindstromi Ulrich + +
PhaenoPora lindstrbmi Ulrich +
Ptilodictya lanceolata (Goldfuss) + + +
Ptilodictya triangularis Hisinger +
Unidentified bryozoan remains + + + + + + +
Lithology Reef limestone -
:rim limestone
n B rn
. Localities
2 1 2
>d i I s
i i 2 I -,
Fossils d
i Ei z
BRACHIOPODA (continued)
Conocardium sp. ~
c +
Cypricardinia sp. +
Rhombopteria sp.
Unidentified lamellibranchs + t
Unidentified gastropods t i +
Tentaculites sp. i
tone :rinc :one
7 7
Beyrichia sp.
Leperditia sp.
Unidentified ostracodes +
Hede (1940) assumed two stratigraphical hiatuses in the Visby area, the
one between the Hijgklint and Tofta limestone, the other between the Tofta
and Slite limestones. Towards the north of Gotland, the Tofta limestone
gradually wedges out and the two hiatuses finally should unite to one large
hiatus. Hadding (19561, on the other hand, thinks it likely that the hiatuses in
the Visby area a r e a local phenomenon, connected with deposition of the
sediments in shallower water. In north Gotland the stratigraphical sequence
was thought to be complete.
On the basis of data a s shown below, the present author defends a more
than local importance of the upper hiatus. This implies that the Tofta lime-
stone should as a whole be included in the Hijgklint Beds.
In those places in the Visby area where the contact between Tofta lime-
stone and Slite Beds is o r has been observable, indications for a hiatus a r e
usually found, e.g., about 1.2 km north-northeast of Stora Hastnas (Visby
Parish), south-southwest of Bingerskvarn (Visby Parish) and especially
about 1 km southwest-westsouthwest of Suderbys (VIsterhejde Parish). The
Tofta limestone there is formed by a dense, marly limestone, rich in Algae
(Spongiostroma holmi Rothpletz), together with corals, crinoids, etc. The
upper side generally is irregular, often with elevations where fossils a r e
embedded. In the softer parts, up to 4-5 cm deep holes and rills a r e present,
filled with Slite sediment. The uppermost 0.5 mm o r l e s s of the Tofta lime-
stone is coloured rusty brown by limonite.
In these exposures in the Visby a r e a , the Tofta limestone is overlaid
by limestone belonging to the f i r s t stage of the Slite Beds. This Slite I
gradually thins out towards the northwest and seems to be completely lacking
northwest of the line Snickgardsbaden-Kappelshamn-F&-o. With some doubt
with regard to the stratigraphical position, Hede (1940, p.41) mentions two
small exposures about 3 km east-northeast of Lummelunds-bruk. He felt
himself compelled to ascribe the layer, only a few centimetres thick, of
finely crystalline to finely oolitic limestone, which is exposed there, to the
base of the Slite Beds because it directly overlies the Tofta limestone, rich
in Algae, with a sharp boundary. For faunistic reasons, however, he states
that resemblance to a zone, higher in the profile - and included by the
present author in the Slite I1 Beds - is much greater than to that forming the
base of the Slite Beds further southwards. A hiatus, also present there, may
be the solution to the problem. Moreover, the fauna of the lowermost Slite
sediment at Lummelunda is partly rather fragmentary and possibly deposited
there secondary.
Strong indications of an absence of the Slite I Beds is also provided by
the exposure about 0.5 km east-southeast of Vialms, on the coast of Firosund,
a s described by Hede (1933, p.34). There, Hogklint reef limestone is exposed,
showing a very rugged upper side (erosion?), filled with thinly stratified,
light-grey, crystalline limestone of the Slite I1 Beds. That this limestone
actually belongs to the Slite 11 is indicated by the fact that, according to
Hede (1933), at a level about 4-5 m higher, the base is found of the
Ilioma prisca-Megalomus Zone, which according to the experience of both
the present author and others (cf. Hadding, 1956, p.12) i s a good key bed,
shortly below the top of the Slite 11. Unfortunately the present author could
not personally visit this exposure, since it is at the present time situated
on military ground.
Discuss ion
The Slite Beds constitute the stratigraphical unit which has the
greatest geographical distribution in northern Gotland. It occurs in a strip,
often about 15 km wide, from the east coast (between the northeastern point
of F%roand a place about 8 km south of Slite) to the west coast (between
Tofta and Klintehamn) (Fig.11). In the southwestern part of this strip, Slite
Stratified sedzments
To treat the thick complex of Slite Beds as one unit would imply that
no detailed picture could be obtained of the evolution of Gotland during the
time that these beds were laid down. On the other hand a reliable
stratigraphical subdivision of the Slite Beds is difficult to make, since there
is rather a great variety in the rocks constituting these beds and the age
relations between the sediments found in the various outcrops a r e still far
from clear. Most important for our purpose is an insight into the
stratigraphical succession of the limestone deposits. With some reservations,
a subdivision into four subunits is presented here. The rocks described by
Hede (1927a, 1928, 1933, 1936, 1940) presumably should be divided into these
four stages as follows:
Slitt? I Beds: Hede (1927a), pp.23-24 (Lagrets aldsta del . . . .); Hede (1940), pp.37-41
(ledet a), pp.42-43 (contact Tofta-Slite), pp.43-45 (ledet b).
Slite IZBeds: Hede (1927a), p.25 (Tomtmyr); Hede (1928), p.14 (kalksten, karakterisered
av bl. a , Ilionia prisca och Megalomus); Hede (1933), pp.31-37, Hede (1936),
pp.19-2Q, 21-22 (tunnlagrad . ... finkristallinisk eller finoolitisk kalksten) ?;
Hede (1940), p.41 (p&tvenne stallen i Lummelunda), pp.45-47 (Iedet c ) , pp.47-49
(ledet d).
S i t e III Beds: Hede (1927a), pp.26-28 (en serie kalkstenar, vilka . . . .); Hede (1928),
p.15 (kalksten, i regeln synnerligen r i k pg stromatoporider), p.16 (kalksten,
sfallvis ratt r i k p l leperditior; en av lagrad kristallinisk kalksten och revkalksten
bestlende skiktserie), pp.17-20, pp.20-24 (Slite margelsten); Hede (1933),
pp.38-39, pp.46-53 (Slite-margelsten); Hede (1936), pp.22-23 (en upp till
omkring 5 m maktig skiktserie; Kalbjerga-kalksten), p.24 (tunnlagrad . . . .
tihnligen starkt marglig kalksten), pp.25-28 (en intill c:a 2 m maktig skiktserie),
pp.29-33 (Slite-margelsten); Hede (1940), pp.49-50 (ledet e).
Slite IV Beds: Hede (1927a), pp.31-32 (sandkalksten); Hede (1928), pp.24-43
(kristallinisk kalksten och revkalksten); Hede (1933) ;pp.40-45, p.53 (contact
Slite marlstone/Slite IV Beds), p.54; Hede (1936), p.32 (Ryssnas-kalksten),
pp.34-36 (lagrade kalkstenar och dem ekvivalerande revkalksten) , pp.36-39
(tunnlagrad . . . . finkristallinisk, stallvis finoolitisk kalksten); Hede (1940),
pp.51-58 (lagrade kristalliniska kalkstenar och dem ekvivalerande revkalksten).
Slite 11 Beds
North of Tomtmyr, in Stenkumla Parish, a limestone complex, up to
10 m thick, occurs, which is considered to constitute the Slite I1 Beds.
Stratified limestone alternates with reef limestone. The stratified sediment
is brownish grey to greyish white, finely crystalline to dense, often finely
oolitic and, as a rule, rather hard. The fossil content is moderate, with
mainly bryozoans, stromatoporoids and Algae. The layers a r e usually thin.
The reefs alternating with these layers a r e small.
Slightly south of the above locality, the thickness of the limestone
complex decreases, the m a r l content increases, and the whole is, within a
Sediments ascribed to the Slite I11 Beds are found mainly in a strip,
running approximately southwest-northeast, from Vasterhejde to Vialms i n
the northeast of Fleringe Parish, and from there continuing over part of
western FPro. This strip is broader in the middle than in the southwest and
northeast. Exposures occur, among others, near Vasterhejde, south to south-
west of Gallungs in Vaskinde Parish, west of Suderbys in Bro Parish, in an
extensive area in the parishes of Fole, Hejnum, Tingstade and Othem, near
Uppgards i n Larbro Parish, near Malnars in Fleringe Parish, south of
TrPlgar and Vialms i n Fleringe Parish.
The lowermost part of the Slite 111Beds consists generally of stratified
limestone of light grey to brownish light grey colour, usually very rich i n
stromatoporoids. Exposures have been found, among others, in the a r e a
between Vidmyr and Tingstade Trask, in the environs of the country road
northwest of Tingstade, at the base of a quarry about 1 km southeast of
Traggrds in Tingstade Parish and of a quarry 0.45 km south-southwest of
Lauks in Lokrume Parish, west of Stora Ryftes i n Fole Parish and about
0.6 km east-northeast of File in Othem Parish. The rock is generally finely
crystalline and locally finely oolitic. The bedding planes a r e generally rather
irregular, sometimes smoother. Fossils a r e abundant: stromatoporoids,
corals, crinoids, bryozoans, Algae; also present a r e lamellibranchs, brachio-
pods, cephalopods, gastropods and some ostracodes. In several localities
cross-bedding has been observed. Hede (1928, p.15) reported faint ripple
marks from a locality 1 km west-northwest of Tingstade Church; the ridges
of the marks strike about 170O. The maximum thickness observed for this
zone is just over 4 m.
In some places in the Tingstade-Lokrume a r e a , it can be seen how the
stromatoporoid-rich limestone, described above, is covered by a thin layer
of thin bedded, dense limestone, rich in LePerditia sp. The rock is greenish
o r brownish light grey and also contains small stromatoporoids, some
lamellibranchs and gastropods and some other fossils.
The upper part of the Slite 111 Beds is exposed primarily in the a r e a
between the churches of Tingstade, Fole, BB1 and Othem. It consists
predominantly of thin bedded, sometimes thick bedded, limestone of light
grey to faintly greenish o r brownish light grey colour, sometimes red-
mottled through red crinoid remains. The limestone is, as a rule, rather
pure and finely crystalline, sometimes finely oolitic. In the north, it is
locally somewhat bituminous (e.g., in the large quarry of Storugns i n Larbro
Parish). Interbedded between the limestone layers often are films o r thin
layers of marl. Generally the lower limestone layers a r e thicker than those
higher in this zone. This decrease in the thickness of the limestone layers
and consequent increase in the number of m a r l layers may be connected
with a northwestward shift of the sedimentation belts in Slite 111time, due to
a temporary somewhat greater water depth in this part of the basin. Deeper
water provided more chances for terrigenous debris € laid down. The
northwestward shift also concerned the deposition a r e a of the Slite marl-
stone, the northwestern boundary of which was, at the end of Slite I11 time,
i n the southwest about 6 km further northwest than during Slite I time, in the
east and northeast perhaps even somewhat more. ( S e e also pp.329, 334).
The bedding planes of the Upper Slite III Beds are often rugged o r
knobby. This may be partly due to the fossils embedded in the layers, but
partly it must have another reason, possibly related to water depth. Among
the fossils present, brachiopods, stromatoporoids and crinoids dominate, but
also corals, bryozoans, Algae and lamellibranchs (of which especially
“Megalomus I ’ sp. is characteristic) a r e anything but rare, and gastropods,
cephalopods, ostracodes and trilobites a r e represented as well. The maximum
thickness of this zone is about 6 m; the total thickness of the Slite 111 Beds
is about 10 m.
In some places, reef limestone is found to occur in the Slite 111 Beds,
such a s southeast, east and northeast of Fole, southeast and east of Graute
i n Hejnum Parish, and southwest of Othem. In the surroundings of reefs, the
stratified limestone can be rich in calcite veins, up to 7 cm wide, and in
stylolites, e.g., in the large quarry in File Haidar.
The m a r l zone, which during Slite I11 time expanded from the southeast
over the limestone area, consists generally of an alternation of usually thin
layers of marlstone and thin layers or lenses of strongly marly limestone.
Presumably close to the northwesternmost line reached by the Slite m a r l a r e
the exposures directly north of Bunge Church and near Utbunge, about 3.2 km
east to slightly east-southeast of Bunge. There the m a r l zone consists of a
dense o r quite dense, marly limestone, which, in part, is rather strongly
sandy (sandy limestone). The m a r l zone there is not very thick. Somewhat
further southeast, for example along the coast near Enenas (Grundudden),
about 3.5 km southeast of Bunge, thin m a r l layers also occur, although there
are, a s well, some layers which a r e of a somewhat fine sandy nature.
S i t e IV Beds
Fig.158. Detail of the SkPnska Cement A.B. quarry in Slite, showing Slite
S C r E BEDS 319
Fig.159. Raukar of reef limestone, belonging to the Slite Beds. Solklint, Slite.
Fig.162. Exposure at the exit of the quarry of the Skanska Cement A.B. in
Slite, south of the Lannaberg. At the top a rauk of reef limestone. This rock
has its base at the level of the land as shown at the left of the photograph.
The reef limestone overlies stratified limestone. At the base of the section
marlstone i s exposed.
In between the Lannaberg in the north and the cement factory in the
south, a raukar field is present, which will be called the cement-factory
raukar field. On the south side, in an exit of the cement-factory quarry, the
base of the reef limestone is exposed in the form of 5.5 m stratified lime-
stone, underlaid by Slite marlstone (Fig.162). This stratified.limestone is,
in its lower parts, a normal kind of limestone with some crinoid remains,
but passes upwards into crinoid limestone with reef debris.
About 60 m north of this exposure, the base of the reef limestone is
situated about 7 m lower. Underlying it is crinoid limestone of unknown
thickness. 75 m further north, the reef base is another metre lower. This
shows that the contact of Slite marlstone and Slite limestone is not a
horizontal surface. There a r e two possibilities: (a) reef formation began
immediately after deposition of the Slite marlstone was replaced by lime-
stone sedimentation and the non-horizontal contact is caused by differential
compression of the marl; (b) reef formation began already during the time
in which in the close environment still the uppermost Slite marlstone was
formed. The exposures present no conclusive evidence but to judge from
their general nature possibility (b) seems the most likely.
A s f a r as can be established, all reef limestone belongs to one reef.
The exposed thickness reaches about 8 m; for the centre of the reef a
thickness of 10-12 m may be assumed.
The hillock of Patvalds, about 3.5 km southeast of Larbro, shows grey reef
limestone and some stratified crinoid limestone with reef debris, exposed in some
p a r t s of a low cliff around the hillock and in several places on its surface. Nowhere
is the observed thickness of the reef limestone more than 3 m. It seems very likely
that a number of reefs played a p a r t here.
The plain of File Haidar shows badly exposed Slite I11 reef limestone in'between
scattered vegetation. T h e r e i s only one quarry, made in stratified limestone. When
visited in 1959, it showed a vaguely bedded intercalation, about 4 m thick and 6 m long.
consisting of crinoid remains with some stromatoporoids and a number of coral
colonies, most of which were not in a position.of growth. The stratified l i q e s t o n e s
abuted against it and deposition apparently took place very close to a reef;
The reef limestone of Hejnum Htillur, too, is l e s s suitable for detailed studies
since it i s only exposed in horizontal outcrops in between the vegetation. It belongs to
the Slite 111 Beds. Normal grey reef limestone, occasionally red-mottled. dense,
strongly recrystallized, occurs. Stromatoporoids a r e the main reef builders. but c o r a l
colonies are common. About one third of the latter a r e not in their position of growth
(see also Chapter XII, p.436). The reef limestone is traversed by vertical fissures
(see p.152).
The three fields represent the remains of a t least three fossil reefs. A l l raukar consist
of stromatoporoid reef limestone, which is greenish grey and dense. In their lower
p a r t s tower-shaped colonies of stromatoporoids occur, up t o 25 cm high, and consist
of a pile of inverted basin-shaped latilaminae, 5-10 cm in diameter. Most of these a r e
not in their positions of growth. Coral colonies, too, a r e common in the lower parts.
Higher in the raukar, dome-shaped stromatoporoids grew close together and united
into covers with dome-shaped elevations. Also thin colonies of large horizontal
extension occur. Pockets with m a r l o r crinoid limestone a r e found locally. Horizontal
or concave lines of limited extension, which suggest interruptions o r retardations in
reef growth, a r e also seen in some raukar.
The sediment underlying the reef limestone is exposed in the north of the hill,
not far away f r o m the northern raukar field. This is a stratified marly limestone,
finely crystalline, light grey. with l a y e r s of on the average 1-4 c m thick and bedding
planes which are often irregular and knobby. Some m a r l pockets occur, which as a
result of weathering, often leave holes. The maximum height over which this sediment
is exposed is 2.5 m. A t the base, the fossil content is moderate, but this increases
upwards, with crinoid and bryozoan fragments, solitary and social corals, stromato-
poroids, brachiopods. T h i s increase in the number of fossils suggests reef develop-
ment not far away. Also the slight topographical elevation of Spinnbjersbacke i s
indicative of the presence of reef !imestone. The top of the 5 m high rauk in the
southern field contains some crinoid limestone, which might indicate that the f o r m e r
reef has not been much higher. Altogether, an original thickness of about 7-8 m seems
likely for the reefs at Spinnbjersbacke.
TjeZders. In the forests west, southwest and south of Tjelders, some slight
elevations a r e found, with small exposures of reef limestone. 0 . 2 5 km south of Tjelders.
an isolated rauk i s found and 0.6 km west of Tjelders, a few raukar occur together.
All show weathered reef limestone of Hoburgen type. Another few, very small outcrops
show crinoid limestone with a varying content of reef debris.
possibly also still at the very beginning of Halla-Mulde time. In the south. the reef
limestone is surrounded by the Bara oolite, which forms p a r t of the Halla limestone.
1 .
lThe.Swedish word Odekyrka denotes a church which i s not longer used and, therefore,
has fallen into disrepair.
less marly, the marl bands disappear and the amount and coarseness of reef debris
increase. This reef debris also includes now colonies of corals and stromatoporoids.
The general picture indicates deposition at a gradually decreasing distance from the
reef. Reef limestone, finally forms the top of the section. Reef limestone i s exposed
for a thickness of about 2 m. In the centre, the reef is presumably 4-5 m thick.
The hill of Endre, Endre Backe, consists in its centre and north almost
entirely of reef limestone. In the south, stratified limestone with reef debris is
present. No particularly valuable observations were made.
In between the farm Norrbys and the sanatorium, along the Yoad StOYa Vede-
Follingbo, is a wall which shows stratified limestone with reef debris. Close to
Stora Vede, a former railroad crosses underneath the road. It is mainly cut in reef
limestone. Neither locality presents anything of special interest.
A list of fossils found in the Slite reef limestones and the crinoid lime-
stones adjacent to these, is given in Table XVIII. The reef limestone i n
column 1 is from the Slite I Beds; the locality is 1.2 km north-northwest of
Tofta Church. The fossils mentioned in column 2 a r e from reef limestone
in the Slite I Beds, occurring southwest of Suderbys in Vasterhejde Parish.
To the Slite III Beds belongs the reef limestone from west of Gardrungs,
Stenkumla Parish, of which the fossil content is given in the 3rd column.
Columns 4-11 give fossils from SIite IV reef limestone; the locality given
as Simunde is 1.6 km south-southwest of the former railway station of
Simunde ( o r 3.2 km south of Kallunge Church).
The f i r s t crinoid limestone column lists fossils found in the Slite I
Beds 0.25 km northwest of Liksarve in Tofta Parish, the second column
shows which fossils have been noted from Slite 111 crinoid limestone south-
southwest of Gardrungs (or about 2 km south-southwest of Stenkumla Church).
The further crinoid limestone sites a r e i n the Slite IV Beds; the one listed
as B a r a is 1.4 km north-northeast of Bara Odekyrka, the one listed as
Simunde being the same a s that in which the reef fossils of column 10 were
Discuss ion
From the data in the preceding sections on the Slite sediments, one can
now attempt to compose a rough picture of what has happened in the course
of Slite time.
Deposition of the Slite I Beds followed the strong decrease in water
depth at the end of Hogklint-Tofta time. The beds a r e missing, apparently,
in the north of the Slite limestone area. During Slite I time, water depth
presumably fluctuated somewhat, but was shallow, with during the f i r s t part
perhaps some increase in depth and during the second some slight decrease.
The initial increase in water depth is suggested by the fact that after the
deposition of the Tofta limestone in very shallow water there is again a
beginning of reef growth. The next decrease i n depth i s thought likely from
the observations that the just started reef growth ends again, whereas there
was locally deposition of oolitic limestone and elsewhere of somewhat
bituminous marly limestone.
During Slite I1 time, the a r e a of sediment deposition expanded north-
westwards and Slite I1 Beds a r e found over the entire Slite limestone area;
water depth increased, probably with fluctuations.
The increase in water depth presumably continued during Slite 111 time,
i n which a north and northwestward extension of the a r e a of marl deposition
took place.
The Slite IV Beds reflect a retreat of the a r e a of marl sedimentation
southwestwards. Presumably a new epeirogenetic movement had occurred,
which initially influenced the water depth and the distribution of the
sedimentation belts rather significantly. Thereafter, a more gradual shal-
lowing of the water is assumed. Intercalated in these beds a r e most of the
Slite reefs and also the most important ones.
During the entire Slite Period, m a r l deposition took place southeast
of the a r e a where the limestones were laid down; that is, at larger distance
from the coast. Marl sedimentation was faster than limestone formation;
about 70 m of marlstone corresponds to about 30 m of limestone (Slite 1-111
Beds). Marl deposition undoubtedly took place in deeper water than that i n
which the limestones were laid down. In comparison to the Slite limestones,
the marlstone lacks cross-bedding, ripple marks o r the presence of Algae.
Within the Slite Beds fossils such as Cyrtia exporrecta (Wah1enberg)and
Dicaelosia biloba (L.) were only found in the marlstone, and Plectodonta
transversalis (Da1man)was foundmore commonly in this deposit than in the lime-
stones. Ziegler (1965),working on the Silurian of Wales, considered these three
fossils as belonging to the Clorinda community, the deepest-water com-
munity of the five which he could distinguish.
Slight variations i n water depth caused shifts of the a r e a of marl
sedimentation, suggesting that water depth during Slite 111 and the beginning
of Slite IV was about a t effective wave base; i n FPro, ripple marks a r e found
in limestone directly overlying marl.
It is difficult to give absolute figures for the variations that took place
(Text continues on p.334)
F o ssils found in the reef limestones Id surroundine crinoid limestones of t h e Site Beds of Gotland
Reef limestone
- -0
E! 2
5 Y
f.: $ 9
u -3
3 i
i! 3 h
B $- -5 Y
i %
- - 4
Rothpletz$lla sp. + +
Solenopora sp. + t
Unidentified calcareous Algae ~ + +
Actinostroma sp. +
Clathrodictyon striptellum
' (d'0rbigny)-
Unidentified stromatoporoids ~ + + + t t +
Airlopara s p . t t + + i
Favosites asper d ' O r b i g n y L
Eavos ites goth landicus Lam a rc k - t t + + i
Eatlosites sp. t i t t t + i
Ha lvs ites cat enu larius ( L ) _ _ +
Halysites catenufatus (Martini) ~ +
Halysites sp. t t + t t + 4
(Edwards et Haime)-
Roenieria sp. i
Syringopora sp. i i i + +
\[ Localities
g g
Conchicolites sp. +
Cornulites scalariformis Vine +
Cornulites serpularius Schlotheim -
Cornulites sp. t + t +
Spirorbis sp. + +
Unidentified annelid remains +
Barrandeocrinus sceptrum Angelin-
Eotryocrinus sp.
Calceocrinus sp.
Cyathocrinus sp. +
Euspirocrims spiralis Angelin __
Gissocrims sp. +
Herpetocrinus sp.
Pisocrinus sp.
Promelocrinus sp,
Streptocrinus crotalurus (Angelin)-
Unidentified crinoid remains + + + + + + + + + +
Atrypa reticularis ( L . ) + + + + + + t + t
+ t + + + + + + t
t t + + t +
Camarotoechza sp. +
t + i
+ i
+I + + t
Delthyris eleuata Dalman 4 t +
Dictyonella sp.
( C. Sowerby) +
Reef limestone
- - ~ ~
I I Crinoid
- -
- - - - -
W n
E u E c
3 3 ;
.: 3
.3 3
c d
2 a5
Y 9 Q
-5 -k! -F8 % 2
c h
C .c Q
- -
; 5
- -
BRACHIOPODA (continued)
Conocardium sp. + + t + +
Cypricardinia s p .
“Megalomus” sp.
Mytilarca acuta Lindstrom in museo-
Pterinea sp.
Unidentified lamellibranchs ~
Bellerophon sp. +
Craspedostoma elegantulum
Lindstram- +
.\ Lithology
-. I Reef limestone linestone
2 E
Y c
E 0 c
GASTROPODA (continued)
y$ is
Craspedostoma sp. +
Cyclonema sp. +
Euomphalopterus alatus
(Wah1enberg)- +
Hormotoma sp. + +
Lophospira bicincta (Hall.) +
Murchisonia imbricata Lindstrom- +
Oriostoma acutum Lindstrom +
Oriostoma angulatum (Wahlenberg)+ +
Platyceras cornutum Hisinger- t t
Platyceras cyathinum L i n d s t r o m 4
Platyceras enorme Lindstrom- +
Pleurotomaria limata Lindstram- +
Poleumita discors (J. Sowerby)- +
Poleumita globosum (Schlotheim)_ +
Poleumita sp. t + +
Trochus incisus Lindstrom +
Trochus sp. t
Unidentified gastropods +
t 1.
Proetus uerrucosus Lindstrom
Proetus sp. t
Sphaerexochus sp.
c k
Beyrichia sp. t
Cvaspedoholbina clauata (Kolmodin) t
Leperditin baltica (Hisinger) c t
Unidentified ostracodes t c
Halla limestone
The upper part of the Halla limestone is built in the east by a stratified,
grey limestone, which is dense to sometimes finely crystalline and m o r e or
less marly. Sometimes t h e r e is an alternation of limestone l a y e r s with thin
l a y e r s of marlstone. The limestone is r i c h in Algae and stromatoporoids;
the l a t t e r are predominantly small. The m a r l content d e c r e a s e s towards the
top. This top, in the east of Gotland, is developed as a distinct erosion level,
e.g., about 1.5 k m east-southeast of Bryggans Fisklage. This erosion level
normally shows a smooth surface, in which fossils are cut off straight, to
the level of the surrounding rock, suggesting that the sediment had already
undergone a certain consolidation before this erosion took place, The upper-
most few millimetres of limestone in these eroded a r e a s a r e generally more
or l e s s strongly oxydized and red o r red-brown in colour.
The upper Halla limestone may reach a thickness of about 10 m. This
thickness decreases towards the southwest, where the upper Halla is
generally developed as dense, occasionally finely crystalline, marly lime-
stone, locally rich in Algae and small stromatoporoids.
Mulde marlstone
The reef of Barabacke, which grew during Late Slite time, is enveloped,
especially at its southern side, by the Bara oolite of the lowermost Halla Beds.
This gives reason to presume that the reef continued growth during the very
beginning of Halla time, for it is l e s s likely that the reef had grown s o high
over its surroundings that all of the Bara oolite should be regarded as a
subsequent deposit.
Also in the northeast of the Halla Beds, some small reefs occur in the
Bara oolite and the limestones which a r e partly synchronous with, partly
overlie this oolite. Growth of these reefs soon came to an end and most of
the Halla succession in the east is devoid of reef limestone. Thus, the
decrease in reef size, notable in the upper part of the Slite IV Beds, goes on
in the Halla Beds and in this respect, too, the Halla Beds in the northeast are
a normal continuation of the Slite IV Beds.
Further southwest in the Halla Beds, reefs a r e larger. They a r e found
especiayy in the area of Vate and Viklau (cf. Hede, 1927a, p.34) but the
exposures are poor. East of the road Hejde - Vate - Atlingbo, hardly any
reef limestone is exposed in the surroundings of Vate, but on the west side
some marly reef limestone with corals and stromatoporoids occurs in out-
crops near Rovalds f a r m in the region known as Kvie Grane. It is possible
that most o,r all of the hill on which the mill is built, consists of such reef
limestone, but there are too few outcrops to establish this with certainty.
Discuss ion
In the interpretation of the Halla and Mulde Beds, the following points
need to be taken into account:
(1) The oolite a t the base of the Halla Beds is l e s s well-developed in
the southwest than in the northeast. Oolite formation in the southwest also
took place during a s h o r t e r time.
(2) Erosion levels a t the top of the Halla Beds are found only in the
( 3 ) The Upper Halla Beds in the southwest a r e m a r l i e r than those in the
(4)Whereas reefs in the northeastern part of the Halla Beds a r e a only
occur i n the lowest part, and a r e small, they occur through most of the
profile in the southwest and t h e r e a r e also l a r g e r , have a higher m a r l
content and a g r e a t e r contribution from corals.
(5) The Halla Beds decrease in thickness southwestwards, whereas the
Mulde Beds increase in thickness in the s a m e direction.
( 6 ) The Lower Klinteberg Beds, which follow over the Mulde Beds,
shows in part very marly limestone in the southwest.
(7) The Austerberg and Lilla Karlso Limestones of Karlsoarna, which
are mainly synchronous with the Halla-Mulde Beds of Gotland, show
characteristics of deposition in relatively deep water.
Stratified sediments
W EI N 51 W EIN s
. I I
____. __ I
Fig. 164. Reef -limestone exposures in the south of the Klinteberg, found close
to each other and presenting in the two above sections and the right half of
the lower section (which is the northern of the three) reef limestone belonging
to the s a m e reef-limestone body. The lower boundary of the reef limestone
shows fluctuations, which leads to the presumption that reef development
probably began independently in a few close by places, with a fusion taken
place through further expansion.
0 0.5 lm
Fig.165. Detail of the exposed wall in the central part of the west wall of the
Klinteberg. In the crinoid limestone many coral colonies a r e found close to
each other and generally in their positions of growth, but without building a
and also some solitary and social corals. The southern boundary of the reefs
is generally steeper than that in the north and northwest; the stratified
sediment there is l e s s marly and thicker bedded.
Next follows the reef drawn in Fig.164. Possibly the uneven lower
boundary of the reef limestone is caused by the beginning of reef growth in
this a r e a simultaneously in a few places; rapid horizontal expansion may
soon have led to a fusion into one larger reef. There are several inter-
calations of stratified crinoid limestone. These, together with the marly
matrix and flat reef builders, give the reef limestone, locally, a vaguely
stratified appearance. The crinoid limestone at the north-northeast side of
the reef is generally thin, occasionally also cross-bedded. The direction of
dip of the layers shows small variations from one place to the other, which
presumably a r e also mainly synsedimentary. Part of the rock is rather rich
i n reef debris.
Only a short distance north of the reef of Fig.164, another one is found,
of which the southernmost part can still be seen in the left half of the lower
section in Fig.164. This reef is exposed over a distance of about 150 m and
to a height of 3-9 m. It is likely that this reef limestone body, which is very
N-NE s-s w
large for the Klinteberg Beds, also originated through the fusion of a number
of neighbouring centres of reef growth. In parts of this large reef, the reef
limestone nature of the rock is vague. At i t s north side, crinoid limestone
is exposed again.
About 50 m north of the large reef within the irregularly bedded crinoid
limestone, there is a part which i s very rich in coral colonies, almost all of
which seem to be in their growth orientations. A detail of this is shown in
Fig.165. North of this locality is the reef of Fig.166. The reef limestone
reaches its lowest position in the wall near its southwestern side, suggesting
that reef expansion during development took place northeastwards, whereas
a southwestward expansion occurred only during one stage of the life time
of the reef. The layers of the crinoid limestone southwest of the reef decrease
upwards in thickness.
In a northwest - southeast orientated wall north of the above mentioned
reef, the crinoid limestone is again overlaid by vaguely stratified reef lime-
stone over a distance of 7 m.
The next 250 m a r e badly exposed, except for an old quarry in stratified lime-
stone. Then there a r e about 40 m of crinoid limestone, thick bedded at the base,
upwards thinner bedded and in that direction containing more marl and less crinoid
remains (Fig.167).
The sections of Fig.168 and 169 a r e about perpendicular, but do not connect,
Fig.168. Sketch of an exposure in the north of the east wall of the Klinteberg,
showing in the west a succession of thick and thinner bedded limestone, east-
ward abuting against o r arching over a body of indistinctly bedded, very
marly limestone with many corals, especially Halysites, and flat-lenticular
stromatoporoids. This body appears to form part of a reef, which is found
to be better developed in the exposure shown in Fig.169.
N-NE s-sw
since in the angle between the two there is a high cone of rubble. The reef which they
show was certainly not an example of vigorous growth. For the part drawn in Fig.168
it is even difficult to recognize it as belonging to a reef. Fig.169 shows how the
stratification in the surrounding sediments abuts against the reef, whose vague
stratification does not correspond with it. In the reef, several thin layers of marl
occur and also areas, up to 0.5 m2 in cross-section, of crinoid limestone. The matrix
is marl, reef builders a r e corals and stromatoporoids, the latter generally flat-
lenticular in shape and in a smaller number that i s usual for Hoburgen-type reefs.
0 5m
reef limestone
stratified limestone
lnnl scree
Fig.170. Section in an old quarry in the north of the east Klinteberg. Two
reefs, in the northwest only vaguely separated by a vaguely bedded transition
form of reef limestone and crinoid limestone.
Fig.172. Crinoid limestone in an old quarry in the northern part of the east
Klinteberg, showing cross-bedding.
Fig.175. Reef in the Klintebys quarry, Klinteberg Beds. Note how the
boundary between reef limestone and crinoid limestone at the north side is
much steeper than at the south side. The amount of reef debris in the crinoid
limestone is distinctly higher at the north side. Attached to the reef debris
several roots of crinoids were found. The crinoid limestone, in places rather
a crinoid breccia, is locally cross-bedded. In the reef limestone stromato-
poroids and corals are the main organogenic constituents.
If one ignores the small a r e a with marlstone i n the very southwest of
the territory where the Klinteberg Beds a r e found, then there are no differ-
ences of any great importance between the stratified sediments which together
build this stratigraphical unit. In almost the entire succession Algae a r e
common, the only exception being the Ilionia prisca Zone. Stromatoporoids
are common throughout. Cross-bedding is frequently boserved. Around reefs
there is much reef debris, part of which is rounded. All data available suggest
that during Klinteberg time, no important variations in s e a depth occurred.
The entire limestone succession seems to have been laid down at slight depth,
presumably in somewhat shallower water than that in which most of the other
limestone complexes of Gotland were deposited. This opinion was also
expressed by Hadding (1941, p.71). Also the generally small and thin reefs
suggest formation in relatively very shallow water. The marlstone in the
extreme southwest is believed to belong to the Upper Klinteberg Beds and
forms a natural transition to the overlying Hemse marlstone. Its deposition
may reflect the beginning of a new period with somewhat stronger epeiro-
genetic movements; this will be discussed further when dealing with the
Hemse Beds.
Stratified sediments
The Hemse Beds, which like several others of the stratigraphical units
in Gotland, owe their name to the parish in which they a r e most extensively
exposed, appear either at the surface or underneath a cover of Quaternary
sediments in quite a substantial part of southern Gotland. The petrological
and palaeontological characteristics of the deposits belonging to this unit vary
considerably. A s appears from the maps (cf. F i g . l l ) , in the northeast mainly
limestones are found, whereas in the south and west of the a r e a of the Hemse
Beds, marlstone is present at the surface. The limestone a r e a is wide in the
east, but gradually narrows westwards, to disappear completely in western
Gotland. The bipartition is also apparent in the topography. The limestone
a r e a lies higher (on the average 50 m above sea level) and shows hillocks and
klintar. The marlstone a r e a generally presents a flat o r very faintly undulating
surface with only a slight (less than 15 m) height above s e a level.
It is difficult to draw a sharp geographical boundary between the two
areas. This is partly due to the often thick cover of Quaternary material in
the boundary area, which prevents detailed mapping. But in addition to this
practical difficulty, there is the penetration of both main rock types in each
other’s territories and the existence of gradual transitions. Roughly the line
between the marlstone and limestone a r e a s runs as follows: Pejnarve in
Levede P a r i s h - south of Lindeklint - Allmungs in StPnga Parish directly
south of Rotarve in Lye Parish BBnde in Lau Parish - Ekmyr the -
northern end of Lauviken.
to brownish light grey in colour, very fossiliferous, and has layers of about
2-10 cm thick.
The Ilionia prisca limestone of the Kr5klingbo - Ostergarn a r e a and
elsewhere, which covers i n the Ala a r e a the above-described deposit, is
generally thin bedded (on the average 1-2 cm). The rock is more o r less
marly, dominantly dense to almost dense, partly finely crystalline and some-
times finely oolitic. The colour is generally light grey o r brownish light grey
to greyish brown, that of a fresh surface bluish light grey. In some instances
the limestone is reef-like and indistinctly stratified. Locally it contains some
pyrite. The rock is very fossiliferous and i n i t s higher parts locally
bituminous. Exposures of this deposit are found, among others, along the
beach between Grogarnshuvud and Herrviken. The thickness of the deposit is
up to about 15 m. Upwards Ilionia prisca disappears from the limestone.
Apart from the Hemse Beds, Ilionia prisca is also known in Gotland,
from parts of the Slite, Klinteberg and Hamra Beds. Thus, it is not a r e a l
index fossil. Its restricted occurrence i n the profile of the Hemse Beds may,
therefore, be caused by a preference for an environment fairly limited in
range. Where the required conditions occurred, the lamellibranch would in-
vade the a r e a and spread over the s e a floor during the time that the environ-
ment remained within the limits required. When at a certain moment, the
conditions were no longer a s ideal, the animal ceased living there and either
became locally extinct or migrated to a more favourable area. The behaviour
of Ilionia prisca is one of the appealing problems for palaeoecological study
which the Silurian fauna of Gotland presents, and there are many others.
After the disappearance of Ilionia prisca, the lithological character of
the limestone remains about the same. Among others, exposures a r e found
in the lower part of the north of the Grogarnsberg, the lowermost parts of
Gannberget, Torsburgen, Kaupungsklint and Petsarveklint, and in several
places in Ardre Parish.
The upper part of the Hemse limestone succession is an alternation of
more or l e s s distinctly stratified limestones and reef limestones. This part
reaches a thickness of up to 30 m. In connection with the general occurrence
of reefs, the character of the stratified sediments varies greatly in both
horizontal and vertical direction. There is a great number of exposures.
The youngest sediment is presumably the Millklint limestone of, among other
places, Millklint and Torsburgen: a finely crystalline, partly finely oolitic,
stratified marly limestone (Hede, 1929).
As in the Slite Beds, the total thickness of the limestone succession is
distinctly less than that of the m a r l succession in the same unit.
The Hemse Beds contain reef limestones of both the Hoburgen and the
Holmhallar types. The first a r e by far the most common. Most exposures of
the Hoburgen reef type are found inland. The ancient cliffs a r e formed partly
by the Ancylus lake (e.g. , Gannberg, Klinteklint, Kaupungsklint), partly by the
Littorina s e a (e.g. , Grogarnsberg, Guffrideklint). An occasional outcrop is
found along the present coast (Herrvik).
All exposures of Holmhallar-type reef limestones a r e situated around
s e a level along the east coast.
Fig.179. Gannberg, about 0.5 km southwest of the western Ganne farm; reef
debris and stratified limestone. Hemse Beds.
Fig.180. Part of the wall of Kyrkberget, Hemse Beds, showing reef limestone,
covered by stratified limestone containing?reef debris, with at the top reef
limestone of a younger reef. From the older reef at both sides a zone of
reef debris extends into the stratified limestone.
with a red weathering colour, locally found, which usually comes off and is
restricted to the surface of the rock.
The lateral boundary with crinoid limestone is distinct. Where locally
also larger fossils occur, the stratification in this sediment is l e s s well
developed than usual. Where the crinoid content is moderate, a marly matrix
of the rock is well recognizable and bedding planes appear often to be rugged,
without any directly apparent reason. The l a r g e r the amount of crinoid
fragments in the rock, the stronger this is recrystallized. The crinoid
remains a r e relatively strongly brecciated.
In the middle of the north side of the Gannberg, only a short distance
east of the cross-roads, there is a large quarry. If one approaches this
quarry from the east, along the wall parallel to the road, an important reef
limestone exposure is found where the wall turns sharply into the quarry
(Fig.178). This reef consists substantially of more o r less wavy tabular
stromatoporoids, and some lenticular colonies of the same, with in between
these, colonies of branched and massive corals which a r e not so flat. The
matrix is strongly marly. In it several kinds of fossils are found, such as
crinoid remains (often in nests), brachiopods and bryozoan fragments.
In the quarry a filled depression in between two parts of the reef can
be seen. This depression is not observable in the wall a t the side of the road,
although it is approximately parallel to the exposure in the quarry. This
illustrates the local nature of the depression. The filling material consists,
mainly, of colonies of branched corals and bryozoans, varying in size
between a few centimetres and about half a metre. There are also many large
and small pockets with rather unsorted crinoid remains, quite a number of
fragments of tabular stromatoporoids but few intact colonies of these,
solitary corals and brachiopods; the whole is embedded in a strongly marly
matrix. Most of the colonies of branched reef builders, found in the depression,
Fig.181. Gannberg, ostergarn, Hemse Beds. Photograph taken about 0.5 km
from the south-southeastern end of the wall. Three banks of reef limestone
in vertical succession, but separated by stratified sediment.
Fig.182. Gannberg, about 0.4 km from the south-southeast end. Reef lime-
stone with intercalated horizontal bands of stratified marly limestone.
Hemse Beds.
a r e not in their positions of growth, but some, especially of the larger ones
presumably a r e . This suggests that the majority of them were washed off the
surrounding reef surface into the depression, where the colonies remained
intact, whereas some of them apparently also continued to grow there. At the
reef surface itself, water movement must have been strong to have been able
to break and wash away even large colonies. Strong water movement may
also explain the predominance of tabular colonies among the stromatoporoids,
which could of course better resist wave action than more rounded ones.
The marly matrix of the depression filling indicates deposition of t e r r e s t r i a l
material over the reef and the local updomings in the tabular stromatoporoids
can be regarded as a reaction to this; by rising somewhat over the sur-
rounding reef surface, the mud is more easily washed off from these up-
domed parts which thus could keep alive.
The boundary between reef and surrounding stratified crinoid limestone
is rather distinct. The flat top of the reef is overlaid by stratified limestone.
Elsewhere in the quarry crinoid limestone is exposed, locally containing
several solitary corals, brachiopods and small colonies of stromatoporoids
and branched and massive corals. There is occasional cross-bedding. In one
place, size sorting of crinoid fragments i n layers of approximately 1 cm
thickness was observed. There a r e many well-developed stylolites.
Starting f r o m the cross-roads ( b t e r g a r n Katthammarsvik - Kraklingbo -
Gammelgarn) southwestwards, one reaches an interesting p a r t of the Gannberg wall
some tens of m e t r e s southwest of the f i r s t f a r m on the southeast side of the road to
Gammelgarn. Low in this wall. t h e r e i s reef limestone. which locally shows some
vague banking. Its matrix is very strongly marly. The top of the reef limestone i s
uneven, with in the middle a local continuation of reef development. a t the southwest
side interfingering with stratified limestone. a t the northeast side with a more
gradually sloping boundary. The stratified sediment overlying the main reef and
enveloping the s m a l l reef outgrowth is very rich in tabular stromatoporoids. so that
the difference between reef and non-reef rock i s not great.
About 0.5 km southwest of the above f a r m very unorganized reef-like sediment
i s exposed over a distance of some tens of m e t r e s . It shows some stratification.
Layers of limestone which are up t o 10 c m thick and poor in fossils are intercalated.
It i s most probably debris, depositedvery close t o a reef (Fig.179). The transition tonormal
stratified limestone is gradual, through a decrease in reef material and an increase
in limestone layers, both upwards and sidewards. At the south-southwest side the
transition is m o r e gradual than at the north-northeast side.
Further southwest the wall shows several reefs which need not be
described in detail. It is, however, interesting to note that reef limestone
of two different appearances occurs. In the f i r s t place, there is the more
common Hoburgen type with stromatoporoids of varying forms, at the base
generally lenticular, higher up also more semispherical and spherical
colonies; after weathering, this reef limestone shows generally a brecciaceous
o r conglomeratic structure. The other kind of reef limestone consists almost
entirely of tabular stromatoporoid colonies and, therefore, gives a more
massive impression; it weathers generally as rather smooth walls. The
present author calls this the Gannberg variety of the Hoburgen reef type.
The normal Hoburgen type is usually exposed in the lower part of the north-
west and west wall of the Gannberg, the Gannberg variety higher i n these
same sections.
what has been said about the Gannberg proper, it is not necessary to describe
the exposed wall in detail.
In about the middle of the east wall some zones are found in the
stratified limestone, which a r e rich in reef material (cf. Fig.180). They can
be up to about 75 cm thick and originate in the reef limestone, at about the
boundary between this and the overlying stratified limestone. They may
extend into the stratified limestone to a few tens of m e t r e s from the exposed
lateral boundary of the reef limestone, although gradually thinning out.
These debris zones have a marly matrix and after weathering appear as
conglomeratic interbeddings in the more massive stratified limestone.
Over a flatly truncated reef surface, another flat reef limestone occur-
rence may follow, which i n i t s turn may even be again the fundament for a
third reef zone, e.g., about 0.5 km before the south-southeastern end of the
east wall (Fig.181). The top of the section is then usually formed by stratified
limestone. Such reef limestone zones, with an almost horizontal and extensive
basis and a flatly cut top surface approach in their appearance the biostromes.
About 0.4 km before the southeastern end of the east wall there is a
good exposure of reef limestone, which originated through the f a l l of a huge
block. The reef limestone is marly and brownish yellow to light grey i n
colour. Over almost the entire length of the exposure, three thin (2-10 cm)
zones of stratified marly limestone can be observed in the reef limestone
(Fig.182). These zones are relatively poor in fossils. The variety i n forms
of the stromatoporoids in the reef limestone is very great. Small oblique
p a r t s within the reef limestone indicate that internal displacements have
taken place i n the reef.
Fig.183. North side of the Grogarnsberg. Hemse Beds. At the base relatively
soft marlstone with lenses of marly limestone. This deposit is overlaid by
reef debris. On top of this reef limestone, interrupted by another occurrence
of reef debris.
Fig.184. Section in the north of the Grogarnsberg, Hemse Beds. Three stages
of reef-limestone formation, interrupted by a somewhat wavy plane, eroded
out as a cleft and by a zone of debris material. The such exposed reef-
.limestone banks are biostromal in appearance but should still be regarded
as parts of reefs (bioherms).
considerable portion of the total rock volume (often 40% o r more). Locally there are
some small intercalations of Stratified limestone. Some of the fossil fragments show
indications of rounding. The exposure i s likely a t the northwestern (landward)
periphery of a reef. Directly north of it, over some m e t r e s , irregularly stratified
limestone very rich in reef builders, followed and also overlaid by more normal
stratified limestone, is found.
Only a short distance northwards, reef limestone is again found. In the exposed
cross-section i t s southern contact with the stratified limestone lateral to it i s some-
what remarkable. Low in the wall, over a distance of several m e t r e s , the reef lime-
stone is seen to r e t r e a t under the overlying stratified sediment. It may reflect a local
stage of decreasing reef growth. Then the reef limestone expands in i t s turn at an
angle of about 30° over the stratified limestone, t o a height of approximately 1.5 m.
Higher up, the boundary becomes obscured because it passes into a zone of vaguely
stratified reef-detrital limestone.
The reef limestone can now be followed over a distance of several hundred
m e t r e s , until the Grogarns f a r m is reached. The average height of the wall is 5 m .
In the lower half of the exposed reef limestone section, rounder colonies are more
common among the stromatoporoids than in the upper half. T h e r e many tabular
colonies and even piles of such tabular stromatoporoids a r e abundant, together,
particularly locally, with many flat-lenticular colonies. Some of the depressions
which developed in the reef surface have been filled with stratified limestone containing
some reef debris, some other depressions dominantly with such reef debris.
Occasionally, the exposed reef limestone is of a talus-like nature, or is r e a l debris
exposed over the full height of the wall, c o a r s e and very disorderly at the base,
becoming finer in an upward direction and with a g r e a t e r contribution of limestone.
The base of the reef limestone can be seen about 0.6 km south of the
f a r m Grogarns. The wall there has the appearance of the underside of a
staircase. Deepest eroded at the base, there is a relatively soft marly
sediment with many limestone lenses, and solitary and social corals a s the
dominant fossils. The next step is a zone, about 1.25 m thick, of harder rock,
very rich in reef debris, which upwards gets increasingly coarser; it also
contains many crinoid fragments. The uppermost 20 cm of this zone is very
marly and is eroded to some depth, leaving a horizontal cleft i n the exposed
wall. The hardest and most protruding rock is the reef limestone of the third
step. At the base it is of the common Hoburgen type, upwards, the reef
builders, however, get distinctly flatter.
Shortly before the northwest wall of the Grogarnsberg reaches the
coast, the section of Fig.183 is found. At the base, there i s marlstone, thinly
parting, with lenses (5-90 cm long, on the average 6 cm thick) of very hard,
somewhat marly limestone. Overlying this marlstone is 55 cm of reef debris,
comprising in particular many colonies of stromatoporoids and corals,
together with solitary corals, the whole being embedded in marl; in the lower
Fig.185. Herrviken. Hemse Beds. Reef limestone of the Hoburgen type with
an intercalated 1 m-thick zone of reef limestone of i t s Gannberg variety.
In the lower Hoburgen reef limestone a breccia-like zone, with in this and
the directly overlying reef limestone several stromatoporoid colonies,
including large ones, which a r e not in their positions of growth.
Fig.186. Herrviken. Hemse Beds. Reef talus, passing upward into stratified
limestone, with on top of this again reef talus. Note in the latter several
stromatoporoid colonies which a r e not in their growth positions; the arrow
indicates one of the l a r g e r colonies.
part there a r e still a few limestone lenses. The fossils are sometimes
covered by a network of Aulopora. Upwards the debris becomes distinctly
coarser, with many complete colonies present. Next is 33 cm of a protruding
hard rock, probably true reef limestone. On top of this, again about 50 cm of
reef debris, passing upwards into reef limestone. Here, too, the higher parts
of the reef are very rich in extensive tabular stromatoporoids, thus forming
an intermediate step between the normal Hoburgen reef type and i t s Gannberg
variety. The dominant flat reef builders sometimes cause a somewhat
stratified appearance. The reef matrix is marly.
A comparable development in reef formation can be observed also in
the north wall of the Grogarnsberg (Fig.184). The reef limestone which is
exposed shows distinct signs of interruptions in i t s formation. At the base
of the section, there is about 2.5 m of reef limestone with many round reef
builders and some flatter colonies. This rock is cut off by a somewhat wavy,
approximately horizontal plane and overlaid by about 3 m of reef limestone
in which comparatively more flat-lenticular and tabular reef builders a r e
present. On top of this is about 1 m stratified reef debris, with a strong
decrease in the amount of debris upwards. The upper 2 m of the section show
reef limestone of the Gannberg variety.
These three stages of reef development can be followed over the entire
north wall; the debris zone disappear gradually eastwards.
In the northern p a r t of the e a s t wall of the Grogarnsberg, there is also a
succession of normal Hoburgen-type reef limestone in the lower p a r t and Gannberg-
variety reef limestone higher in the section, the two being separated by a detrital zone.
In both instances, the reef limestone is marly. The approximately horizontal boundary
between the two can be followed f o r a great distance. Southwards the wall becomes
lower and consequently the Gannberg variety disappears f r o m the section. A distinct
interruption in reef formation can be seen for quite a distance; locally there are also
further interruptions. The plane marking the interruption may be covered by a layer
of debris material.
About 0.8 km south of Grogarnshuvud, stratified limestone appears again in the
wall, about 0.5 m thick, and a l s o underlying and overlying reef limestone. Though for
some distance again entirely replaced by reef limestone, it remains generally exposed
southwards and f r o m about 1.1km south of Grogarnshuvud is the predominant sediment
in the wall.
The reef limestone close t o the beach about 0.7 km northwest of Herrvik is of
the normal Hoburgen type, with at the base 50 c m of middle-coarse debris. At the base
and top of the section i s stratified limestone. The rauk-like exposures further south
also show Hoburgen reef limestone.
are also found locally. The largest one seen measured 60 cm long and 23 cm
thick. In between the layers which a r e so very rich i n stromatoporoids, there
a r e some others, especially high in the lower deposit, of bluish to brownish
grey marly limestone, dense to finely crystalline, relatively poor i n fossils,
and with bedding planes which vary from very rugged to sometimes almost
smooth. The thickness of the stromatoporoid layers alternating with these
limestone layers decreases upwards.
Neither the transition from lower to upper stromatoporoid limestone,
nor that between the upper stromatoporoid limestone and i t s overlying
Millklint limestone can be considered a reliable time boundary, mainly
because of the occurrence of reefs.
The upper stromatoporoid limestone is generally thick bedded, locally
thin bedded; there a r e no distinct boundaries between these two, both forms
passing into each other. Usually, the rock is finely crystalline and strongly
marly. Stromatoporoids, mainly in flat-lenticular and tabular colonies, a r e
the dominant fossils, but bryozoans, crinoids and some brachiopods also
occur. In an upward direction, the upper stromatoporoid limestone passes
into a rock lithologically similar to the Millklint limestone.
Reefs occur in Torsburgen mainly in the upper stromatoporoid lime-
stone. They often began growth at, or slightly above, the boundary between
lower and upper stromatoporoid limestone. Their matrix is marly, most of
i t s stromatoporoids are flat, but some a r e rounder.
The finely crystalline to finely oolitic Millklint limestone is remarkably
poor in reefs, compared with the other Silurian limestone deposits in Gotland.
Its maximum observed thickness is 7 m. Upwards, its layers are often thinner
than at i t s base.
The above-described succession is well exposed at Tjangvide-lucka
(about 0.15 km east of the topographical height 68.1 with the belvedere). At
the base 3.5 m lower stromatoporoid limestone is found, partly thin, partly
thicker bedded. In between the beds there is often some marl; the bedding
planes a r e often very strongly rugged. The extremely abundant stromato-
poroids of this zone a r e dominantly flat lenticular.
The overlying upper stromatoporoid limestone, which contains many
tabular stromatoporoids, is relatively l e s s fossiliferous than the lower one.
The deposit is partly well bedded, partly vaguely bedded with beds of 1 m and
more in thickness; the bedding planes a r e faintly rugged. The limestone is
harder than the lower stromatoporoid deposit and weathers more massive.
Locally this upper deposit contains reef limestone, e.g., directly at
Tjangvide-lucka itself. The exposed base of the reef limestone is slightly
more than 2 m above the boundary between lower and upper stromatoporoid
limestone. The reef is marly. Stromatoporoids abound; they differ from those
in the stratified limestone mainly because there are so many round colonies
and even quite a number with greater vertical than horizontal dimensions,
such as bullet and tower-shaped forms. There a r e some intercalations of
stratified limestone. The reef is exposed for a length of about 20 m and a
height of about 2 m; it i s overlaid by about 2 m Millklint limestone, poor in
West of this reef another is found, about 15 m long, followed by a still
smaller one. Both of these reefs contain f a r l e s s roundish fossil colonies
and have a more distinct and steeper boundary with the stratified limestone
at their northwest than at their southeast side. Again 20 m further west, a
reef-limestone exposure of about 4 m long and 1 . 5 m high i s found. This
reef rock is rich i n marly limestone and contains mainly rather round
stromatoporoids. This section presumably represents the west o r northwest
periphery of a reef.
Another example of a reef is found in the most western part of the north
wall, where at a low level in the upper stromatoporoid limestone, a reef is
found of about 10 m long and i n its centre 2.5 m high. It mainly consists of
many flat-lenticular and faintly wavy tabular stromatoporoids in a marly
matrix. There a r e only a few other fossils. The m a r l also occurs in pockets
and since it is softer than the reef builders a r e , it is eroded away in many
places, leaving holes in the exposed wall.
In the north wall, east of Tjiingvide-lucka, reef limestone exposures
a r e also found, especially in i t s western part. In these, flat stromatoporoids
a r e more abundant than rounder forms, which a r e relatively commoner in
the lower and middle parts. Also bryozoans and coral colonies contributed
to reef formation, the f i r s t in colonies of up to 60 cm broad and 35 cm thick.
Intercalations of stratified limestone and m a r l pockets a r e found in the reefs.
The latter reach thicknesses of up to approximately 6 m. Of the exposed
boundaries between reef limestone and surrounding sediments, the east
boundary is almost vertical; the south one is sloping and generally sharp,
although the highest reef part may contain a large amount of matrix and also
reef debris. The northwest boundary is always sloping, with the reef lime-
stone extending over the stratified sediments, but the reef limestone there
is usually very unorganized and marly and layers of the surrounding lime-
stone may penetrate one o r more metres into the reef. Since in all likelihood,
the exposed east and south boundaries of reef limestone represent the sea-
ward side of the reefs, it can be concluded that the seaside of the reefs was
steeper and more solidly developed than the landward side. The reef s u r -
rounding sediments a r e usually rich in crinoid and bryozoan fragments i n
the environment of the reefs.
The last part of the east wall is taken up by the crinoid limestone, which i s
bluish grey, grey to brownish grey and often red-mottled.
Northwest of the section described in the f i r s t paragraph of this
description of the Klinteklint, the reef debris and limestone can be followed
for about 20 m, then being replaced by crinoid limestone. Some tens of m e t r e s
further northwest again reef limestone of a conglomeratic nature crops out,
resting over talus-like reef material with mainly much flatter colonies.
Locally this reef limestone is replaced by reef rock which contains a high
volume of marly matrix and predominantly flat fossils, the whole showing
some stratification, It probably represents a pool in the reef surface. Via
a part with many flat fossils, the reef limestone passes northwestward again
into stratified limestone. This limestone further builds most of the north
wall of the klint. At the place where this wall turns south into the west wall,
a few small occurrences of very marly reef limestone with mainly flat
stromatoporoids are found.
On the basis of the exposures described above, it seems likely that ar.
the landward side of the main Klinteklint reef, another, but smaller reef
developed, with northwest of this again a few subordinate attempts towards
reef formation.
The west wall of the Klinteklint shows in the north stratified limestone
with some reef limestone exposures; then a long stretch showing reef lime-
stone, in i t s southern part traversed by an oblique zone of crinoid limestone,
and in the south of the west wall again stratified limestone.
Aikse Bakke, the hillock south of Aikse farm, Ardre Parish, consists
predominantly of stromatoporoid reef limestone of the Hoburgen type. It is exposed
in a wall about 2 m high, a few hundred metres south-southeast of Aikse, in the
terrain around there, in a very large quarry south of Aikse and in an old quarry
directly south of the large one. Overlying crinoid limestone with reef debris is found
in the two quarries. In the eastward facing slope in the northeast of the hillock, the
reef limestone can be seen to overlie stratified stromatoporoid limestone, which is
brownish grey, marly and finely crystalline.
brownish white-grey colour, which i s finely crystalline and s p a r r y , and rather poor
in fossils. The bedding planes a r e somewhat i r r e g u l a r , the layers generally 1-5 c m
thick; locally there is some cross-bedding. Upwards this limestone may contain an
increasing amount of reef debris, which in several c a s e s shows indications of rounding.
It may in its turn be overlaid by stromatoporoid reef limestone. Elsewhere at the
height of the first-named limestone, t h e r e i s stratified limestone, with foliaceous
l a y e r s of l e s s than 1 c m thick, which is greenish grey, dense to finely crystalline and
contains some stromatoporoids and solitary corals. In some places, it i s overlaid by
a reef-like stromatoporoid limestone, also containing corals, bryozoans, brachiopods
and some gastropods, which shows some rugged stratification, generally due to inter-
calated thin layers of stratified limestone o r some reef debris material. The thin
layered, dense limestone is a l s o found locally in between two m a s s e s of reef limestone.
At the top of the hillock, reef limestone i s locally overlaid by a finely crystalline
stratified limestone of light-grey t o greyish-white colour, which contains "Megalomus"
gotlandicus Lindstrom.
About 3.5 km north-northeast of Alskog Church, west of the road, a wall
is found, up to 1.5 m high, which shows grey stromatoporoid reef limestone with a
marly matrix. Further northwards, e a s t of the road, finely crystalline stratified lime-
stone i s found, o r thin, but somewhat irregularly bedded crinoid limestone, often with
reef debris. Slightly southeast of the wall, in the f o r e s t , a small exposure is found,
in which the crinoid limestone abuts against stromatoporoid reef limestone. The
r a t h e r flat top of this reef limestone is overlaid by vaguely stratified detrital lime-
stone with crinoids. Upwards, the reef-debris content decreases. The r a t h e r irregular
distribution of stratified limestone, stratified crinoid limestone and crinoid limestone
with reef debris is undoubtedly influenced by the r a t h e r irregular distribution of the
reefs in this a r e a .
occur there; at the top of the section, the rock even becomes reef-like.
About 0.1 km northwest and west of this exposure, some small surface
exposures of stromatoporoid reef limestone a r e found in the field.
Fig. 187. Hagby-trask klint. Hemse Beds. Stratified limestone dipping down
from a reef.
Lindeklint. The east wall, some hundreds of metres long and 1-7 m
high, shows in the south strongly weathered stratified crinoid limestone and
in the north reef limestone, also strongly weathered and generally of a
brecciaceous nature. Theboundary between the two is usually rather distinct.
The reef limestone is very similar to that in Hoburgen, with stromatoporoids
as the main reef builders and a minor contribution of corals. The majority
of stromatoporoids is relatively flat. In the marly matrix, such fossils a s
crinoids, brachiopods, solitary corals, ostracodes and orthoceratids, occur.
At the top the matrix volume increases, and the reef builders are flatter than
elsewhere in this wall. In several places, these flat reef builders cause this
uppermost reef limestone to show a vague pseudo-stratification. Gradual
transitions from the reef limestone into stratified limestone, generally a
crinoid limestone to a crinoid breccia or coquina, occur locally.
In the southeast, stratified marly limestone with a very high reef-
debris content (about 35-50% of the total rock volume) is exposed (Fig.188).
Flat and tabular stromatoporoids and especially fragments of these, strongly
dominate. In several places, imbrication indicates that deposition of the
debris took place downreef (see also Chapter IX, p.223): The thickness of the
layers varies. On the average, the fossils and fossil fragments in the thicker
layers a r e coarser. The limestone in which the debris is embedded, is light
grey to brownish grey, finely to middle crystalline and marly.
In the south of the Lindeklint, similar limestone is found, but with a
smaller content of reef debris. It alternates locally with more normal
stratified limestone.
The wall at the north and northwest side is steep. In the northwest on
the plateau of the hill, generally thin bedded, grey to brownish grey and marly
crinoid limestone and hard, grey to bluish grey, marly stromatoporoid reef
limestone are exposed.
The northwest wall, locally over 10 m high, consists entirely of reef
limestone. Apart from the dominant stromatoporoids, coral colonies a r e
common and both often reach large sizes. Stromatoporoids were observed
with a horizontal length of up to 1 m; colonies of about 50 cm long, and in
their centre 20 cm thick, are common. Colonies of Halysites measured up
to 70 cm, with a thickness of 40 cm, and colonies of Acemularia 65 cm with
a thickness of 35 cm. Several colonies are not in their orientation of growth.
The matrix is marly, but its total volume there i s somewhat below the
average for Hoburgen-type reef limestone. Locally there a r e small inter-
calations of stratified limestone. The colour of the reef limestone is
generally grey to light grey, locally brownish grey; as a result of weathering
it is often reddish to reddish brown (elsewhere in the Lindeklint, the colour
of the weathered reef limestone is usually bluish grey, grey to greyish white).
Since the matrix weathers more quickly than the reef builders, weathered
surfaces appear coarsely conglomeratic. In one place in this wall, a
depression in the reef surface was observed, containing much debris, in
between which some stromatoporoids and several corals, belonging to at
least five different genera, are found, probably in their positions of growth.
Upwards, the depression merges again into reef limestone of average faunal
The wall at the north side of Lindeklint is closely surrounded by forest.
It exposes mainly thinly bedded, marly crinoid limestone and crystalline
limestone, which is hard, indistinctly bedded and bluish grey to grey i n colour.
Table XIX gives a survey of fossils found in the Hemse reef limestones
and crinoid limestones. The locality given as East Sigvalde is the one
described on p.369 as being situated 0.5 km east of Sigvalde Trask, the
locality Etelhem is the one close to the cross-roads south of Etelhem,
mentioned on p.368.
Fig. 189. Reef limestone, overlaid by reef debris and crinoid breccia.
Between Kuppen and Snabben. Hemse Beds.
Going further south, the next exposures are found along the coast nortk-
west and west of Sandviken. Where the road Ostergarn Church - Sandviken
reaches the coast, a coastal cliff of an average height of'1.7 m is found. In
this cliff and directly landwards of it, reef limestone occurs, which is of
Holmhallar type, with sometimes a tendency towards the Hoburgen type. In
some places, crinoid limestone is found between o r overlying the stromato-
poroids, suggesting that it is the top of the reef limestone which is exposed.
The original shape of the reef and some other reefs i n this a r e a cannot be
determined with certainty, but an elongated form in about north-northeast -
south-southwest orientation seems to be most likely.
Continuing along the coast southwestwards, crinoid limestones, which
a r e rich in reef debris, a r e also found, a s well as more normal stratified
limestone, which is grey and macroscopically not very fossiliferous. The
f i r s t sediment type consists of a limestone extremely rich i n crinoid remains,
in which many - usually small - fragments of stromatoporoids and coral
colonies a r e embedded, with solitary corals, bryozoan fragments and
brachiopods. There a r e transitions to a more normal looking stratified lime-
stone. In detailed inspection the latter appears to be partly a limestone rich
in smaller crinoid fragments, which is various degrees have obscured during
At Brandkers-udd, reef limestone is found, which represents
presumably only a peripheral part of a reef of which all the r e s t has already
been eroded. Stromatoporoids were the main reef builders, but in between
these, colonies of branched and massive corals a r e found, varying in size
from a few centimetres to a horizontal size of almost 1 m. In some approx-
imately 1 m high vertical sections, it can be seen how the reef limestone
passes rather gradually into the overlying limestone with reef debris.
Close to Grynge-udd Fisklage, there is a large and beautiful exposure
of reef limestone, overlaid locally by crinoid limestone with reef debris
which upwards decreases rapidly in average size. About 20 cm above the
reef limestone, the sediment passes into more normal stratified limestone.
Almost all of what should be reported about the area of S j a u s t e v h a m m a r ( F i g . 1 9 1 )
has already been said in Chapter VIII. In the north-northeast, the exposures occur
whichare describedonpp.189-190. Slightly southofthis i s thenext reef, which i s l e s s
distinctly exposed, but a crescent shape is likely. In the north and south, stratified
sediments dip away under the reef limestone. In the north this i s strongly recrystal-
lized crinoid limestone. In the south, very thinly cleaving calcareous slate i s found,
rich in reef debris, which i s locally very coarse. A few l a y e r s of about 1 cm thick of
hard, splintery limestone are interbedded; it is brownish grey and very poor in fossils.
The calcareous slate is underlaid by normal, g r e y , fossiliferous limestone.
Next, in a southward direction, a r e some hundreds of m e t r e s where, around s e a
level, mainly limestone with reef debris is found; locally some m o r e normal stratified
limestone o r some reef limestone. This is followed by the exposures described in
Chapter VIII, pp.206-207. One of these exposures i s shown in Fig.192.
The southernmost cape of Sjausterhammar shows mainly stromatoporoid lime-
stone, the majority of which can be considered as being of reef-detrital origin.
deposited very close to a reef. It occurs as a kind of ring, of which the west side i s
missing. The sediments which were present in the centre. have been eroded. The ring
is overlaid by a complex of thin bedded, finely crystalline limestone. with a maximum
thickness of 30 cm. The rock is brownish light grey t o greyish white in colour, and
remarkably r i c h in "MegaLomus ' I gotlandicus Lindstrom. This sediment a r c h e s
as a flat dome over the underlying stromatoporoid limestone. This structure. which
is thus closely connected with reef formation, was wrongly interpreted by Munthe
(1910, p.1433) as being of tectonic origin ("a somewhat folded a r e a at Sjausterhammar").
EZJ reef limestone
stratified limestone
Fig.191. Sketch map, showing the distribution of reef limestone and stratified
limestone (Hemse Beds) along the coast at Sjausterhammar.
Fig.194. The raukar field of Fdgelhammar South. The raukar consist of reef
limestone belonging to the Hemse Beds.
Fig.195. F%gelhammarSouth. Details of the left part of section a-b in Fig.193.
Stratified marlstone to very marly limestone i s overlaid by reef limestone.
B shows the stratified sediment in closer view.
Fossils found in the reef limestones and surrou np crinoid limestones of the Hemse Beds of Gotland
Reef limestone !rinoid limestone
Hoburgea type
k wound
5 E
4 8
!iJ 34 43
3- - 1
Rothpletzella sp. t t
Solenopora sp. t
Unidentified calcareous Algae c F t
Labechia conferta (Lonsdale)
Unidentified stromatoporoids t c e
Acervularia ananas (L.) e t
Cyathophyllum bisectum c
Cyathophyllum sp. t
DiploZpora grayi (Edwards et €hime)-
Entelophyllum fasciculatum Wedekind ~
Hedstroemophyllum sp. b
Rhegmaphyl lum coturlus ( Lindstram )
Heliolites barrandei Penecke
Heliolites interstinctus (L.) t t
Heliolites pamistella Ferd. Roemer
Heliolites sp. t t
Plasmopora heliolitoides Lindstram
Plasmopora rosa Lindstrom t
Plasmopora &is Lindstrom t
Plasmopora suprema Lindstrsm +
+ + t
- - - - -
I r)
! 2 ; Ya
33 8E
d 3 s
2 E E ! 2
9 3
3 P
$ b 4 4
5 44
5 2 1 2- !!
- - - 3- i-
Calceocrinus sp. t
Gissocrinus sp. t
Pisocrinus s p .
Unidentified crinoid r e m a ins + + t t 1 t + + t t
TABLE X M (continued)
Lithology Reef limestone rinoid limestone
Hoburgen type
Localities -
P -
F o ssi l s
\ 3?
5 Y
- -
BRACHIOPODA (continued)
Actinopterella sp. t
Conocardium sp. t t t
Cyprzcardinia exornata Lindstrom in muse0 ~ t
Goniophora cymbaejormis (J. de C. Sowerby)-
Ilionia prisca (Hisinger)
"Megalomus gotlandicus Lindstrom
4 ij
.l rn
- -
GASTROPODA (continued)
Holopea m x LindstrBm t
Holopella minuta Lindstrom +
Loxonema fasciatum Lindstram +
Loxonema strangulatum Lindstriim +
Machrochilina bulimina Lindstrom +
Machrochilina cancellata LindstrBm +
Murchisonia attenuata (Hisinger) +
Murchisonia cancellata Lindstrom +
Murchisonia cochleata Lindstrijm +
Murchisonia compressa Lindstrom ~
Ascoceras cucumis Lindstrom +
Ascoceras decipiens LindstrBm t +
Ascoceras manubrium Lindstram c +
Ascoceras pupa Lindstrtim c +
Ascoceras reticulatum Lindstram +
Ascoceras sipho Lindstram t +
Ascoceras sp. ~ ~~ -.
~ ~ t
Localities - -
Fossils 8
- -
CEPHALOPODA (continued)
Phragmoceras sp. + +
Unidentified eephalopods +
Bumastus sp. + +
Calymene spectabilis Angelin
Calymene sp. +
Dalmanites obtusus (Lindstrsm) +
Encrinurus punctatus (Wahlenberg) +
Proetus conspersus (Angelin) +
Proetus sp. + +
Sphaerexochus laciniatus Lindstrom +
Sphaerexochus sp. + +
Unidentified trilobites
of the reef limestone since it is not known how deep this limestone reaches
below s e a level.
Stromatoporoids a r e the dominant element in the reef limestone. Their
development s e e m s to have been even more luxuriant than in the type area,
especially in the centre of the reef. In between them a r e Algae, some
colonies of branched and massive corals, cephalopods, and some solitary
corals, brachiopods and lamellibranchs. Also present a r e crinoids, which
contributed to the matrix, especially at the edges of the reef, as can be seen
particularly in the north and south. The shape of the reef is that of a crescent,
with the opening about westwards.
D i s c u s s ion
It is clear that the deposition of the Klinteberg Beds must have been
followed by an increase in water depth. This is particularly demonstrated
by the presence of the wide strip of Hemse marlstone (which is comparable
to that of the Slite marlstone) but to some extent also by changes in the
nature of the limestones. Perhaps the lowermost limestones reflect a
deepening of the water that may have taken place at the time of their
deposition. In the remaining part of Early Hemse time the depth of the water
may have remained more o r less the same.
In the second half of Hemse time, the water became shallower again.
The best developed reef of Holmhallar type, that of Ljugarn, is found around
present s e a level close to the boundary between the limestone and marlstone
areas. Reefs found close to this boundary, inland, occur at a higher
topographical and stratigraphical level, and a r e of the Hoburgen type
(Lindeklint, Guffrideklint). The decrease in water depth is further reflected
by the nature of part of the Hoburgen-type reef limestone exposures,
particularly in the Ostergarn area. At the very end of Hemse time, the rate
of this drop of water depth, became more rapid (deposition of the Dayia flags).
Whereas during Klinteberg time, the depth contours in the a r e a of
central Gotland might have shown a tendency to return to a more northeast -
southwest orientation, in the course of Hemse time, their direction became
again more east - west, most presumably due to the same epeirogenetic
movements which caused the variations in water depth. This, then, will
explain the direction of the boundary between the Hemse limestone and
marlstone areas.
The occurrence of the Holmhallar-type reef belt in a direction of about
55O may indicate that this was approximately the direction of the depth
contours at the time when these reefs began their development. But whereas
the reefs at Ljugarn and F k e l h a m m a r could develop into large, typicaI
reefs, that of Ljugarn being the largest, the reefs further northeast along
the coast between Snabben and Sysne especially remained smaller and l e s s
typical of Holmhallar type, even showing some signs of transition to the
Hoburgen type. This suggests that the change in the direction of the depth
contours took place roughly at the time of formation of the Holmhiillar-type
reefs. Also, similarly the somewhat younger reef limestone at Herrvik is
not of the characteristic Hoburgen type.
Again somewhat younger a r e the reefs of Grogarnsberg and Gannberg,
in Ostergarn Parish. They a r e the most northern of the several Hoburgen-
type reefs in the Upper Hemse Beds. It is just these which show the most
distinct signs of formation in shallow water. This indicates that by that time,
the direction of coast line and depth contours was about east - west.
The parish of Eke, after which the Eke Beds have been named, is i n the
middle of a strip, with a maximum width of about 5 km, in which the beds a r e
either exposed o r form the solid rock directly underneath a cover of
Quaternary material. The s t r i p extends from N t u d d e n in the southwest, over
parts of the parishes of Nas, Havdhem, Gratlingbo, Eke, Alva and Rone, to
Hummelbosholmen i n Burs Parish in the northeast. Some further exposures
a r e found northeast of this strip, in the parishes of Nlr, Lau and Burs. Only
i n the latter a r e a do reef limestones occur.
The thickness of the Eke Beds is about 14 m in the west of southern
Gotland and about 10 m in the east.
Stratified sediments
In most of the area where Eke Beds occur, they a r e built up by bluish
grey marlstone, which after weathering is often somewhat brownish. The
rock is often somewhat micaceous and sandy and rather hard; stratification
is not always very apparent and the fossil content is high. Northeastwards
the content of calcareous matter increases.
Marly limestone is only found in the northeast, e.g., in the higher parts
of Lau Backar, along the coast between Nyudden and Nabbens Fisklage in the
northeast of Nar Parish, north of Osterviken in the east of N a r Parish, and
in a few small islands off the coast of Lauviken (Lau Holmar). In general,
this rock is distinctly stratified, bluish o r brownish grey in colour, rather
hard; the m a r l content varies.
Included in the stratified marly limestone are some reefs.
On the east side of Lau Backar, a section of a few metres high is found
west of Hallsarve, 1.25 km east of Lau Church. The lowest part is hidden
behind s c r e e material. The higher parts show stromatoporoid reef limestone
with a very marly matrix, brownish in colour through weathering. Also
present in the reef limestone are several corals, and bryozoans, crinoids and
brachiopods. Locally, the reefs show a vague and irregular stratification; in
these parts crinoid fragments are distinctly more abundant. The exposed
thickness of the reef limestone is 1-3 m. Laterally the rock passes into
stratified crinoid limestone with a varying content of crinoid remains and
reef debris, generally rather rich in brachiopods; the colour of the sediment
is brownish grey to light violet grey. Underlying the reef limestone is 3-4 dm
of finely to middle crystalline, light grey to brownish light grey limestone i n
layers of an average of 1 cm thick. In its upper part, that limestone is poor
in fossils; in the lower part, brachiopods, bryozoans and crinoids a r e
represented. The sediment slightly sags under the reef limestone. Underneath
this stratified limestone, locally the Duyia flags, the uppermost Hemse Beds,
crop out, with on top of these, a thin, dark layer of phosphorite with glauconite.
Northeast of the previous locality, reef limestone can be seen in a few
other exposures. About half-way between Hallsarve and Botvide, crinoid lime-
stone crops out to a thickness of about 4 m. It is a greyish white rock,
extremely rich in crinoid fragments, and with a varying content of marl,
which locally, through weathering, gives the rock a brownish colour. In some
parts, the stratification is very distinct, but in others, very vague. Locally
it can be seen that this crinoid limestone occurs in close connection with reef
At Botvide, i n the northeast of Lau Backar, the exposed wall is divided
into two parts. The upper part is some tens of metres west of the road. In a
number of outcrops, 1-7 m high, reef limestone is predominantly found,
brownish to bluish grey in colour and with a rather strongly marly matrix;
i t brecciates under the influence of weathering. In addition to stromatoporoids,
which a r e generally thin, corals and bryozoans also occur a s reef builders.
The rock is rather unorganized, with several colonies not in their positions
of growth. Marly crinoid limestone is intercalated as pockets in the reef
Locally the reef limestone i s covered by light grey to light brownish
grey, thin and very irregularly stratified limestone, extremely rich in
crinoid fragments. The lower 30-40 cm a r e often also very rich in reef
debris, which is partly coarse. The maximum observed thickness of this
crinoid limestone is about 2 m.
The lower part of the wall i s found along the road. At the base, lenses
of marly limestone in a bluish grey m a r l a r e exposed. This deposit belongs
to the top of the Hemse marlstone. It is overlaid by a 5 cm thick layer of
hard, dense, splintery limestone, very rich in Dayia navicula (J. de C. Sowerby);
the colour of the rock is blue to bluish grey; after weathering it is often more
brownish. Locally the layer is divided into two layers, with an interbedded
m a r l film. The overlying Eke Beds a r e represented by marly reef limestone,
exposed to a thickness of up to about 1.5 m, alternating with irregularly
stratified marly crinoid limestone. The Dayia layer sags underneath reef
limestone occurrences.
Along the coast about 0.5 km u,est-southuiest of Nyudden, stromatoporoid
reef limestone i s found. in an exposed thickness of only 1-2 dm. It overlies stratified
limestone rich in reef debris (remains of stromatoporoids and bryozoans) and crinoid
A s i m i l a r thin remnant of reef limestone has been described by Munthe (1902,
p.263) f r o m the beach about 1 km west-southwest of Nyudden. Fig.201, taken from the
detailed map of that area given by Munthe. shows the distribution of reef and stratified
limestone at that locality. Presumably all reef-limestone exposures formed p a r t of
the s a m e r e e f , which then was a t least 12.5 m long and 4 m wide. The stratified lime-
stone is marly and partly splintery. It s a g s in the shape of a basin under the reef lime-
stone, with dips of up to as much as about 3 5 O .
The Eke reef limestone, which in east Gotland, follows almost directly
over the Hemse marlstone, seems to have been formed i n shallower water.
In the Lau - N a r district (e.g., in the environment bf the Maldes farms), the
Dayia flags, concluding the Hemse Beds, a r e covered by a thin layer of
phosphorite with glauconite, which is believed to represent a stratigraphical
hiatus (Spjeldnaes, 1950). Since both phosphorite and glauconite are assumed
to form slowly on the s e a bottom, the occurrence of a thin layer of these in
the Lau - N5r a r e a may identify a rather long non-sedimentary interlude
not related to emergence o r erosion. On the basis of graptolite distribution,
the top of the Hemse Beds is placed somewhere i n the zone of Monograptus
scanicus; the Burgsvik Beds a r e certainly of Upper Ludlowian age. Thus, i n
between the Hemse and Burgsvik Beds, sediments should occur representing
a long time interval, comprising a major part of the upper Lower Ludlowian
(part of the zone of Monograptus scanicus and the entire zone of Monograptus
tumescens), the entire Middle Ludlowian and the beginning of the Upper
Ludlowian. Since the Eke Beds do not themselves indicate a slower r a t e of de-
position than the other sedimentary complexes in Gotland, the presence of
a long break in the stratigraphical sequence is indeed likely. It would be
illogical then to assume that the break might only be a local phenomenon in
the Lau Nar district, as was suggested by Spjeldnaes (1950). In the west
the thickness of the Eke Beds i s only slightly more than in the east. No
indications of a hiatus have so far been found in the west, however, and the
problem of the geographical and time extension of the hiatus noted in the
Lau area has at this stage to be left open.
That one o r more breaks should be present within the Eke Beds is
most unlikely.
Reefs a r e restricted to the Lower Eke Beds. These and the marly
Burgsvik, after which the Burgsvik Beds have been named, is a harbour
and adjoining settlement in the northwest of the southern peninsula of Gotland,
belonging to Oja Parish.
The Burgsvik Beds a r e exposed on the surface, o r a r e overlaid by only
a thin cover of Quaternary material, in l a r g e p a r t s of Gratlingbo Parish.
They also occur in a usually r a t h e r broad zone, going from t h e r e southwards,
e a s t of the eastern beach of Burgsviken (the bay on which the harbour Burgsvik
is situated), down to Fide. There it shows an eastward extension towards
Tubode. F r o m Burgsvik this zone runs westwards, to Valar and from t h e r e
again, in a generally narrow belt along the coast, southwards, down to slightly
south of Hoburgen.
F r o m a petrographical point of view, the Burgsvik Beds present a rather
heterogenous picture. The main component is an even- and very fine-grained
calcareous sandstone, rich in mica. Often, particularly in the Lower Burgsvik
Beds, the sandstone is shaly. Locally the sandstone contains lenses of harder,
m o r e strongly calcareous material. In addition, the Burgsvik Beds also
comprise clayish marlstone and claystone, while in the uppermost part of the
unit a pure limestone o c c u r s as well. The l a t t e r is normally developed as an
oolite, and in part a l s o contains conglomerates.
Between the sandstone, the clayish marlstone and the claystone, several
transitions occur, the s a m e being t r u e f o r between the sandstone and the oolite.
In the west, the Burgsvik Beds r e a c h a thickness of about 47 m. Towards
the e a s t they thin out r a t h e r rapidly. The maximum thickness cannot be
established by any direct observation. It is known f r o m two deep borings, the
f i r s t being the well-known boring a t Burgsvik (Table m),the other a l e s s e r -
known boring at Vamlingbo. The latter was a boring f o r water, c a r r i e d out
early in this century near the shop, about 0.5 k m north-northeast of
Vamlingbo Church. There, first about 40 m of the so-called "kopphlill" (Hamra
limestone) w e r e bored through, after which "sandstone with clay" was found
to a thickness of a t least 40 m , whereupon the boring was stopped. At a depth
of about 70 m below the surface (or about 55 m below present sealeve1)in the
sandstone an unusually hard layer, 0.3 m thick, was found, which presumably
was a lense of "flinta" (very hard, strongly calcareous sandstone). F r o m the
above information, i t s e e m s probable that the Burgsvik Beds also beneath
Vamlingbo reach a thickness of m o r e than 40 m and have their boundary
with the Hamra-Sundre Beds at a depth of about 25 m below present s e a level.
A few m o r e borings have actually been c a r r i e d out in the Burgsvik Beds,
but not to great depths; nowhere did these borings reach the b a s e of the
Burgsvik Beds.
F o r the sake of convenience, the present author will divide the Burgsvik
Beds into t h r e e subunits, based mainly on the r e s u l t s of the boring at
Burgsvik (Table XXI).
The Burgsvik Beds in the core drilling at Burgsvik
Stratigraphical unit Lithology Thickness (m)
typical Burgsvik sandstone 0.33
somewhat oolitical sandstone 0.24
typical Burgsvik sandstone 0.48
argillaceous, shaly sandstone 2.07
Upper Burgsvik Beds finely-oolitical limestone 0.38
claystone and clayey shales 0.60
gap in the core 1.01
claystone 0.05
oolite 1.96
typical Burgsvik sandstone 0.35
gap in the core 0.80
argillaceous, shaly sandstone 0.79
typical Burgsvik sandstone 8.02
Middle Burgsvik Beds 0.04
argillaceous, shaly sandstone
clay stone 0.12
argillaceous, shaly sandstone 0.07
typical Burgsvik sandstone 12.51
argillaceous, shaly sandstone 1.20
claystone and clayey shales 0.15
argillaceous, shaly sandstone 2.90
clay stone 0.12
argillaceous, shaly sandstone 7.00
Lower Burgsvik Beds claystone and clayey shales 0.07
argillaceous, shaly sandstone 0.76
"flinta" (hard, very calcareous sandstone) 0.20
argillaceous, shaly sandstone 0.30
gap in the core 0.70
claystone and clayey shales 4.00
Summarized lithological composition of the Lower, Middle and Upper Burgsvik Beds ..
Subunit Claystone Argillaceous Sandstone Oolite Total
shaly sandstone .
Upper Burgsvik Beds 0.65 2.07 1.05 2.34 7.11
Middle Burgsvik Beds 0.12 0.91 20.88 - 22.71
Lower Burgs* Beds 4.34 12.16 0.20 - 17.40
'All thicknesses are given in metres.
Stratified sediments
ratio and the salinity a r e of influence on oolite formation: the Mg/Ca ratio
should be between 2/1 and 8/1; the lowest limit of salt content lies some-
where between 3.6 and 0.5% (cf. also Wolf et al., 1967, pp.97-98).
On the other hand i t can be questioned whether all conditions which a r e
generally listed in literature as being required for oolite formation, a r e
really essential. Although the present author is convinced that the Burgsvik
oolites were formed in agitated water, the studies by Freeman (1962) on
oolites presently being generated in Laguna Madre, Texas, and by Davis (1966)
on Ordovician oolites of Minnesota, have shown that at least some kind of
oolite can form in a low-energy environment. With respect to Gotland,
another traditionally listed condition is questionable, viz. whether the water
in which the Burgsvik oolites were formed, was really pure. It is t r u e that
the oolites present themselves as rather pure limestones. But this may also
have been caused by the fact that during the time of their formation small
clay particles, which were present i n the water, did not have the opportunity
to settle because of the strong agitation of the water. The presence of clay-
stone as local lenses in the Upper Burgsvik Beds shows that there was a
supply of such fine terrigenous debris, which, however, only settled where
the water was more quiet. Moreover, if oolite samples are dissolved, a
small fraction, generally 1-2%, of insoluble material may remain.
The CaC03 which forms the matrix of the oolites, has perhaps been
chemically precipitated directly from the water to a hard and compact lime-
stone. That is to say, not as a detrital lime mud. An indication of this is
found in the fact that higher in the oolite layers, rounded pebbles a r e found
which consist of oolite limestone, both ooids and matrix. Apparently these
pebbles were worked loose from lower parts of the layer in question. The
time between the formation of the first oolitic limestone and the inclusion
of pebbles thereof higher in the same layer must have been relatively short
and completely inadequate for the compaction and hardening of a mud under
normal subsea conditions. Similar oolite pebbles have also been described
as "des morceaux de calcaires oolithiques remani6s" by Cayeux (1935, p.2251,
who classified these among the so-called pseudo-oolites, and by Bersier and
Vernet (1956, fig.lO), as "fragments polyoolithiques remanies". Purdy and
Imbrie (1964), working on Recent sediments of the Great Bahama Bank,
consider it likely that subaerial exposure also played an important part when
lithification of a carbonate deposit took place within a very short interval of
time. Newel1 et al. (1960) state that waters l e s s than 6 ft. deep a r e optimum
for oolite formation. With such slight depth small environmental changes may
indeed have lead to temporary subaerial exposure. However, no other
evidence for subaerial exposure has been found in the Upper Burgsvik
oolites; in contrast to the uppermost Burgsvik sandstone.
A s said before, almost all oolite occurrences in the Upper Burgsvik
Beds a r e local and thin out laterally. Probably they were formed in those
p a r t s of the s e a where the water was most strongly agitated. Only the upper-
most oolite deposit is found over most of the a r e a where the Upper Burgsvik
Beds occur at, o r closely to, the present surface of Gotland. It seems that at
the time of i t s formation, the water was strongly agitated over a large area.
Unevennesses which occurred in the sea floor, such as offshore b a r s (see
later) were buried by this deposit, which forms a good index horizon.
As was said while discussing the sandstone, in the Upper Burgsvik Beds
the l a t t e r sediment may p a s s laterally into arenaceous marlstone and clay-
stone. In the Lower, and to a much l e s s e r extent, aIso in the Middle Burgsvik
Beds, claystone may b e found as a m o r e independent element in the
stratigraphical succession. It then f o r m s continuous layers. In the Upper
Burgsvik Beds, the claystone is found r a t h e r in local lenses of greatly
varying s i z e , and in local thin layers.
Generally, the argillaceous marlstone is a r a t h e r loose rock, with
distinctly lower average grain size than the sandstone. It contains mica.
The calcium-carbonate content is about the s a m e as that of the sandstone
(Munthe, 1921b). The claystone is usually a somewhat h a r d e r rock, very
fine-grained and very poor in sandy or calcareous material.
It should be noted, that, with a great variety of mixed sediments
occurring, nowhere a r e transitions between claystone and oolite found.
Even oolite underlying o r overlying claystone is rare compared to oolite
resting upon o r being overlaid by sandstone. Marlstone takes an intermediate
position in this respect. When the mobility of the water decreased, c o a r s e
terrigenous detritus settled first.
The absence of a mixed form of claystone and oolite, thus, suggests
that deposition of both sediments took place under different circumstances.
The claystone is believed to be a quiet water deposit, while the oolite is a
sediment from agitated water.
The present author a s s u m e s that the claystones found in the Burgsvik
Beds represent deposits from two different environments:
(1) Claystones laid down in water deep enough f o r their normal
sedimentation. To this belong the claystones and argillaceous sandstones of
the Lower and Middle Burgsvik Beds. They form a normal succession to the
Eke marlstones.
(2) Claystones laid down on flats, in the littoral zone, either in local
sheltered depressions within these flats, or on higher places which were only
inundated periodically (e.g., at flood tides). Most of the claystone found in the
Upper Burgsvik Beds may have been deposited under such conditions.
Sedimentary characteristics
It has already been mentioned that the claystone of the Upper Burgsvik
Beds generally occurs in the form of local lenses of greatly varying s i z e o r
in local thin layers, and was probably formed in very shallow water. Also
the formation of oolite gives s o m e indications about the environment in
which the Upper BurgsvikBeds a r e laid down. In this section, some further
characteristics of the environment of deposition of these beds will be
Kroksteats Brye
Fig.203. Two views on the "folding" near Burgsvik. Above the interpretation
of Munthe (1910), as a tectonic structure. Below the interpretation of the
present author, showing how an oolite layer thins over an uneven surface,
presumably representing a fossil offshore bar.
and some brachiopods a r e present in a great number of specimens. Many of
the lamellibranchs have thick shells.
The distribution of fossils in the Burgsvik Beds may be compared to
that in very shallow parts of the s e a s of the present day. The deposits of
these very shallow marine facies a r e the terminal products not of one
uninterrupted phase of sedimentation, but of a long-lasting succession of
alternate sedimentation and erosion. Every time a certain amount of
sediment is reworked, it goes together with a separation of the material
according to grain size. The shells tend thereby to become concentrated on
the beach, whereas they a r e very s c a r c e elsewhere.
If applied to the Burgsvik Beds, this suggests deposition in very shallow
water, of decreasing depth, until the uppermost deposits were laid down very
close to the shore line.
usually follow the contours of the excavation. Very occasionally the upper
bedding plane of such a layer is vaguely rippled.
The s t r u c t u r e s probably originated on an open beach, under the influence
of interference of water c u r r e n t s (A.H. Bouma, personal communication, 1965).
Rill marks. Rill marks were twice found in the Upper Burgsvik Beds,
again at the foot of Hoburgen (Fig.206). They form a dendritic aattern of marks,
1-16 mm wide. The wider marks have a more o r less median groove, which is
1-2 mm deep compared t o i t s direct surroundings. This groove excluded, the rill
marks a r e 1-4 mm deep, and their main direction is from west to east.
The marks were presumably formed by currents on a beach which period-
ically fell dry.
NE ia cm sw
w W7
- -e
/ /
10 krn
As already mentioned in Chapter 111, the present author does not accept
the boundary which Hede drew between his Hamra and Sundre limestones.
Especially at Hoburgen it is obvious that the red crinoid limestone, which
Hede considered to be the basal Sundre limestone, is a facies directly
related to the Hamra reefs. It is nevertheless probably true that part of
what Hede reckoned to be the Sundre limestone is younger than the Hamra
limestone, but the present author did not manage to find an acceptable
stratigraphical boundary between the two which could replace that proposed
by Hede and, therefore, rather presents the two together a s the Hamra-Sundre
Hamra limestone
between oolite and clayish limestone, which joins in rather closely with the
Hamra limestone proper. Finally it occurs locally in a reef-like development.
The algal limestone crops out mainly in the northern part of the a r e a
in which the Hamra Beds a r e found at the surface. It is usually found there
a s a more o r l e s s narrow belt between the oolite and the Hamra limestone,
o r , where the former is missing, between the Burgsvik sandstone and Hamra
limestone. In the environment of Grotlingbo Church, this belt broadens some-
what, while from there an eastern offshoot extends to Grotlingbo-udd and
Grotlingbo-holm. South of this belt the algal limestone can mainly be
observed i n some places where more o r l e s s vertical sections a r e exposed.
The problem of the true nature of the algal remains has been touched
on in Chapter V. The balls include Rothpletzella, with some Giruanelta,
alternating layers of Spongiostroma-like material and even some encrusting
bryozoan material (cf. pp.73-74).
The algal balls a r e nearly always developed around one o r other nucleus,
which is surrounded on all sides by algal tissue. Anything could act as a
substratum. Knolls of widely different shapes a r e formed, according to the
nature of this nucleus. More or l e s s spherical balls are most common. If,
on the other hand, the nucleus was more elongated, as, for instance, part of
a colony of the bryozoan Ptilodictya lanceolata, then more longdrawn
concretions were formed. A s a rule, the surrounding algal tissue is not very
thick, the maximum being about 1.5 cm. Their external form is often
reminiscent of certain knolls of Lithothamnium. On a fracture surface an
irregularly concentric structure is often recognizable even with the naked eye.
The Hamra algal limestone is usually very fossiliferous. In certain
parts, the algal balls, together with a number of other fossils, occur s o
profusely that the rock acquires the character of a biogenic conglomerate.
Locally a more o r l e s s clayish, reef-like limestone is found a s a n
equivalent of the Hamra algal limestone. The character of this rock is
defined by the presence, together with algal balls, of great numbers of
stromatoporoids and corals.
An example of such a reef-like development is found near Kettelviken,
in the southwest of Vamlingbo Parish. There, the normal algal limestone
overlies the Burgsvik oolite and passes upwards into the mentioned reef -like
variety. Both forms of the algal limestone together reach a thickness of 1-2 m.
Farther northeast such a reef-like development has been observed at
Grumpevik. It r e s t s there on crinoid limestone, which shows an oolitic
character close to the Burgsvik sandstone.
Munthe (1921b, pp.46-47) described clayish and reef-like algal lime-
stone, in a thin biostromal development, from a quarry near the country road
south of Uddvide (Grotlingbo Parish). There, it is more o r less clearly
inserted between the oolite and algal limestone which'is still rather rich in
ooids. Munthe gave the following section:
0.10 m dense'to finely-oolitic limestone
0.08 m algal limestone, oolitic
0.05 m stromatoporoid reef limestone, argillaceous
0.09 m oolite
1.30 m+ argillaceous marlstone, alternating with sandstone layers
This section thus shows a close connection between the various types
of sediment. The reef-like variety of the algal limestone is even able to
replace oolitic limestone, in the same way as elsewhere oolite, sandstone
and argillaceous marlstone can replace each other.
Finally, still another variety of the algal limestone should be mentioned.
This is reported by Hede (1921, p.76) from, among others, the southern
beach of Grotlingbo-udd. There algal balls occur only scarcely, and are
nowhere characteristic of the deposit, whereas other fossils play a very
prominent part.
Sundre limestone
In the opinion of the present author, the grey reef limestone of Munthe (1921b)
i s a variety of the grey crinoid limestone described in the preceding
paragraph. The difference between the two is that the "reef" limestone also
contains such fossils as stromatoporoids, corals and bryozoans. They a r e
generally not abundant and certainly a r e not characteristic of the rock.
Only in a few restricted localities is the number of stromatoporoids and
other potential reef builders much larger; there, they created a rock of real
unstratified reef-limestone character. An example is found northeast of
Marbardshue, where the reef limestone overlies the "Hoburg marble".
In general such reef developments a r e an exception. The great majority of
Munthe's grey reef limestone is thickly bedded. Bedding planes usually
appear horizontally, but in a few instances slight and local deviations a r e
found, e.g., in the plains east and west of Sundre. They may be caused by
small reef -like developments, which a r e not yet exposed.
Fig.212. Hoburgen, Storburg, western cliff. Reef limestone and stratified limestone, belonging to the Hamra-Sundre
Beds. At s e a level Burgsvik sandstone is exposed. Note the dip in this sandstone, caused by differences in the P
weight of the younger sediments, particularly by the heavier reef limestones.
Where reef limestone is exposed, it can be seen in several places how the
stratified sediments from all sides advanced over the reef. Locally the
uppermost reef limestone shows a vaguely stratified character caused by a
predominance of flat-lenticular reef builders and a comparatively high
volume of matrix; many crinoid are present there, both scattered in the
matrix and in intercalations of crinoid limestone. Crinoid limestone directly
on top of the reefs shows much reef debris, but about 30-50 cm higher only
little such debris i s found any more in the crinoid limestone. All these data
suggest that the surface of the hillock represents about the end of the reefs.
Similar situations can also be found in a number of places on the other hillocks.
The fact that in Hoburgen hardly any indications of interruptions i n reef
growth affecting the entire surface or a major part of a reef a r e found (Fig.217),
indicates that the water in which the reefs developed was always deep enough
to prevent erosion of the reef surface. More local interruptions in reef growth,
represented by intercalated parts of stratified limestone do, however, occur
It was already demonstrated in Chapter VII that i n several places in
the Hoburgen a r e a a number of reefs may have started growth close to each
other, leading to severe competition during the later stages of their develop-
ment and frequently to the end of some of the reefs.
In the south of the west cliff of the second hillock of Hoburgen, a reef-
limestone part is found almost entirely built up by stromatoporoids (Fig.214).
Not f a r from the northern end of the Storburg (Fig.77), a part is seen which
is quite a massive coral section. Generally the composition of the reef lime-
stone is that of the varied and rather unorganized rock described in
Chapter VII. In crinoid limestone underneath the reefs exposed in the
Storburg, several roundstones and rounded fossils were observed.
The second burg of Hoburgen (Fig.215) contains a peculiar and r a t h e r complex
example of reef development. showing how different various p a r t s of one reef can be.
The reef limestone in the short southwest-facing cliff n e a r the southern end of
this second hillock i s characterized by the presence, at the bottom of that cliff, of
many distinctly dipping stromatoporoids (see p.164; Fig.69). A little of the reef lime-
stone in which these stromatoporoids occur, i s also exposed in the main westward
facing cliff, around the c o r n e r , north of the small cliff. T h e r e it i s found to be overlaid
by stratified marly limestone, containing a number of flat compound corals and
stromatoporoids, particularly in a few of the layers. This stratified sediment is again
overlaid by reef limestone. The latter i s very marly and unorganized in its lower
p a r t s , with many fossil fragments and fossils not in their growth orientations, and
also with a 3 m long marlstone lens which i s about 1 0 cm thick in i t s centre. Higher
upwards, reef growth s e e m s t o have met with more favourable conditions. The reef
surface then split into two or perhaps even more centres of growth. One of these was
almost completely built by stromatoporoids, as illustrated by Fig.214; locally in
between the stromatoporoids there a r e a few small c o r a l s o r bryozoans or a little
m a r l with solitary c o r a l s , brachiopods and an occasional crinoid fragment may also
occur. Southwards the rock p a s s e s into gradually less massive reef limestone. with
smaller reef builders, some of which dip or lie upside down.
Between this growth centre and a second, exposed in the short northwest -
southeast wall, there is a depression which contains red-mottled, s p a r r y c r i n o i d
limestone ("Hoburg marble"). The second growth centre is represented by very
unorganized reef limestone. which partly approaches the charaater of reef talus, with
many f o s s i l s out of their growth positions, many fossil fragments and much m a r l .
Nevertheless it i s reef limestone, although it remains difficult to believe that it w a s
formed synchronously with the stromatoporoid rock described above and even formed
part of the s a m e reef. In the course of its development, this centre of reef growth
5 10m
1"x'*I reet limestone reef debris stratified limestone
moved its a r e a of maximum growth somewhat to the southeast; initially it was situated
in the left of this small wall, but at the end of reef growth about in the middle of that
wall. The thickness of the reef limestone is at its maximum 6 m. In the southeast
where this growth centre directly overlies the older reef with the dipping stromato-
poroids (Fig.69) this younger reef limestone interfingers somewhat with stratified
N s w E
I"**.1reef limestone
Fig.217. Hoburgen, the west and south side of the fourth hillock, exposing
reef limestone which over most of its exposed surface shows intersection by
a m o r e o r l e s s horizontal plane, which may represent a level a t which reef
growth over most of the reef surface was interrupted (cf. Chapter VII, p.131).
This is the only presumed interruption in reef growth of this extent known
f r o m Hoburgen.
The reef limestone found in the raukar field of Holmhiillar, about 6.8 km
e a s t of Sundre Church, at the east coast has been discussed in detail in
Chapter VIII. Nothing need be added here. A few further exposures of
comparable nature should, however, be described briefly here. All a r e found
in the e a s t of the southern peninsula of Gotland.
Roughly 0.75 k m northeast of Holmhallar, in the t e r r i t o r y of Hamra
P a r i s h , is the raukar field of Hammarshagahallar. The similarity to
A moving trough ?
In 1956, F.P. Agterberg paid the author a visit of some weeks in Gotland.
While familiarizing himself with the geology of southern Gotland, Agterberg
became much impressed with the differences in thickness which some of the
stratigraphical units there seem to exhibit. He attempted to explain these by
assuming a north - south orientated trough, which gradually moved eastwards
during the time that the youngest Palaeozoic beds of Gotland were deposited.
This moving trough could be the reflection, at the surface, of viscous matter,
presumably magma, flowing at great depth below Gotland, on account of a
difference in load between the a r e a around the basin and the basin centre
(Agterberg, 1958).
The present author is unable to share the conclusions reached by
In the first place, the observed differences i n thickness of the
stratigraphical units in southern Gotland, as f a r as these a r e realistic, can
be explained i n a simpler way.
The thickness of the Eke Beds which is about 10 m in the east and
about 14 m in the west, does not show abnormal differences.
The Burgsvik Beds, about 50 m thick in the west of the southern
peninsula, thin out rather rapidly towards the east, and in the Burgen area
this thickness does not amount to more than a few metres. It should be noted,
however, that the Burgsvik Beds were laid down under rather special con-
ditions, partly very close to the coast. Moreover, the conditions at the time
of deposition, were not identical in Burgen and, e.g., Hoburgen. The boundary
between the Eke and Burgsvik Beds strikes about N 50° E and it dips about
O O . 2 5 ' . During Burgsvik time, epeirogenetic movements seem to have taken
place, as discussed i n Chapter IV. These were similar to those which a r e
assumed to have influenced the depositional pattern also of part of the older
stratigraphical units in Gotland, as indicated in a few places earlier in this
chapter. The boundary between the Burgsvik and Hamra Beds strikes about
N 30° E and has an average dip of about OO.30'. Whereas Burgen remained
at about the same distance from the coast during the whole of Burgsvik time,
Burgsvik and Hoburgen came to lie closer to the beach; the latter alteration
of environment no doubt also influenced the sedimentation of the Burgsvik
rocks in that area.
The differences in the thickness of the Hamra limestone, a s described
in earlier literature, a r e disputable, because the upper boundary of the
Hamra Beds, a s defined by Hede, is not a time boundary. It was mentioned
that in Hoburgen, this boundary is drawn between the grey and red crinoid
limestone, both of which, no doubt, are facies related to the reefs. In other
places, such red crinoid limestone was also assumed to represent the basal
Sundre limestone. Consequently it may very well be that there are no r e a l
differences in the thickness of the Hamra Beds, but that these were only
suggested by the absence i n certain a r e a s of red crinoid limestone.
Although the data which led Agterberg to his theory a r e l e s s puzzling
than he supposed and certainly do not need such a far-fetched explanation,
the question may also be put whether a flow of material in the depth is at all
plausible under the given conditions.
Agterberg referred to the squeezing out of salt towards a "salt pillow",
as Trusheim (1957) assumed to have taken place in northwestern Germany.
The situation there, however, was not directly similar: salt i s a material of
low specific weight and it flowed at a depth of only a few kilometres. The
magma flow, as supposed by Agterberg, must, a s he himself stated, have
taken place at greater depth. Moreover, the specific gravity of the material
that probably flowed below Gotland must have been higher and its viscosity
The Silurian basin, a s is evident from several data presented earlier
in this book, must have been a large and shallow-bottomed s e a bordered by
low-elevation continents. The load differences must thus have been very
small and at great depth this can hardly have played a part of any importance,
a s the following reasoning illustrates.
Let us assume that in the centre of the Silurian basin, water depth was
200 m and the height of the borderland at some distance from the coast was
50 m. If we take the specific gravity of the continental rock to be as high as
2.9, at a de th of 200 m below s e a level there will have been pressures of
72.5 kg/cin below the land and 20 kg/cm2 at the floor of the basin centre.
Let us further assume that on the continent, heavy crystalline rocks (sp. gr.
2.9) constituted the entire succession, whereas underneath the basin centre,
1 km of sediment (sp. gr. 2.4) and further only lighter crystalline rocks
Discuss ion
The stratified Hamra limestone and the varieties thereof suggest that
the deposits found in the west were laid down in somewhat shallower and
m o r e agitated water than the rocks f a r t h e r to the east. The stratigraphical
succession in Hoburgen, from the uppermost Burgsvik Beds, via the algal
limestone, to the Hamra limestone with the reefs and the surrounding and
covering crinoid limestones makes i t most likely that during most of the time
that the majority of the sediments found at Hoburgen w e r e deposited, the
water became gradually deeper. In the sediment a t the foot of the Storburg,
rounded fossils a r e much m o r e common than in the younger crinoid lime-
stone and the reef debris embedded therein is often angular. The reefs a l s o
show the likelihood that the water depth slowly increased; the thickness of
the r e e f s in proportion to the horizontal extension suggests this, but also the
fact that growth interruptions of some extent a r e hardly found. At any rate,
a d e c r e a s e of the water depth during the time of their formation, as supposed
by Hadding (1933, pp.49-50), s e e m s very unlikely. This even more, when we
compare the reefs of Hoburgen with those in, e.g., the Hemse Beds, which
the present author a s s u m e s to have developed in shallowing water and which
b e a r s e v e r a l characteristics of such an environment. It is m o r e difficult to
draw any conclusions from the youngest deposits, such as the Sundre lime-
stone in the southeast, as to alterations in water depth, but it is not unlikely
that the depth remained roughly the s a m e during the time i t was laid down.
The distribution of both the Hoburgen and HolmhLllar-type reef lime-
stones suggest a roughly south-southwest - north-northeast course of the
depth contours at the time of their formation, in the north probably turning
slightly to a m o r e northeastward direction.
Chapter XII
Fossils from Gotland have been actively collected and distributed all
over the world ever since naturalists discovered this fascinating island. A
great many publications have resulted from the study of a part of these
fossils. Much of this literature is useful f o r scientists who a r e more than
superficially interested in the Palaeozoic history of Gotland. It may, there-
fore, be of value to open this chapter with a short index to these publications.
Algae: Andersson (1895), Hadding (1939, 1950, 1956, 1959), Rothpletz (1908,
1913), Stolley (1896, 1897).
Psilophytales: Halle (1920).
Hys trichosphaeridae
Eisenack (1954a, 1958).
Foraminifera: Eisenack (1954b), Smith (1915).
Chitinozoa: Eisenack (1955, 1962, 1964a), Taugourdeau and De Jekhowsky
Porifera - Spongiae
Dames (1874), Rauff (1893-1894), Schliiter (1884).
Anthozoa: Dybowski (187’3-18741, Lindstrom (1865, 1866, 1868, 1870a,b,c,
1873, 188213, 1896, 1899), Manten (1960c, 1961a), Minato (1961), Tripp
(1933), Wedekind (1927).
Art hropoda
Crustacea: Aurivillius (1892), Boll (1862), Botke (1916), Chapman (1901),
Hedstrbm (1923a), JaanussonandMartinsson (1956), T.R.Jones (1887,1888),
Jones and Woodward (1888), Kolmodin (1869, 1879),.Krause (1877, 1889,
1891, 1892), Kuiper (1916), Kummerow (1924), Lindstrom (1885a),
Marrinsson (1955, 1956, 1960a, 1962a, 1966a,b), Reuter (1885),
Spjeldnaes’(l951), Von Kiesow (1888).
Mo llusca
Amphineura: Bergenhayn (1943, 1955).
Gastropoda: Lindstrom (1884).
Pteropoda: Lindstrijm (1884).
Lamellibranchiata: Soot-Ryen (1964), Walmsley (1962).
Cephalopoda: Hedstrom (1917al, Lindstrijm (1890), Troedsson (1931, 1932).
Bryozoa: B a s s l e r (1911), Borg (1964), Eisenack (1964b), Hennig (1905-1908),
Martinsson (1964).
Brac h iopoda
Bbger (1968), Boucot '(1957, 1962), Davidson and King (1874),DeVerneuil
(1848),Hedstrbm (1917b, 1923e), Lindstrbm (1860), Wright (1965).
Crinoidea: Angelin (1878), Bather (1893), Manten (1970), Springer (1920),
Ubaghs (1956a,b, 1958).
Pelmatozoa non Crinoidea: Regnkll (1945, 1956).
Asteroidea: Rasmussen (1952).
Echinoidea: Regnkll (1956).
Graptolithina: Hede (1919a, 1942), Holm (1890), Linnarsson (1879), Wiman
Pisces: G r o s s (19681, Lindstrllm (1895), Martinsson (1966a), SPve-Sbderbergh
(1941), Spjeldnaes (1950).
Therefore, attention will first be given in this chapter to fossils with a wide
palaeoecological range. It will be seen that this group is not very large.
Moreover, several of these have a vertical range which is too long to be
useful for a close determination of the relative age of the s t r a t a i n Gotland.
Persistent fossils
Persistent fossils with a wide palaeoecological range a r e the tabulate
corals Favosites gothlandicus Lamarck and Aulopora sp. (Aulopora cf.
roemeri Foerste), the heliolitid coral Heliolites interstinctus (Linnaeus),
the bryozoans Fenestella reticulata (Hisinger) and Ptilodictya lanceolata
(Goldfuss), and the annelid Comulites serpularius Schlotheim. Among the
brachiopods, fossils with a wide horizontal and vertical range are species
like Atrypa reticularis (Linnaeus), Camarotoechia diodonta (Dalman),
Camarotoechia nucula (J. de C . Sowerby), Delthyris elevata Dalman,
Howellella elegans (Muir-Wood), Leptaena rhomboidalis (Wilckens), Craniops
implicata (J. de C . Sowerby), Rhipidomella hybrida (J. de C . Sowerby) and
Sphaerirhynchia wilsoni (J. Sowerby). T-he second, third and fourth
named species a r e not known from the Visby marlstones. The lamellibranchs
Conocardium and Cypricardinia also have a wide distribution in both
directions. Persistent fossils among the gastropods are Euomphalopterus
alatus (Wahlenberg), Platyceras comutum Hisinger and Tremanotus
longitudinalis Lindstrbm. Also the trilobites Calymene tuberculata (Briinn)
and -Encrinurus @nctatus (Wahlenberg) may be mentioned here, even though
these two species a r e not known to the author to occur in the Lower Visby
marlstones and in the Burgsvik and Hamra-Sundre Beds.
Guide fossils
Vaughan (1915a,b, 19191, Marshall and O r r (1931) and Yonge (1935) have
shown, both through observations in nature and through experiments, that
round coral colonies a r e better adapted to an environment with mud
sedimentation than flat forms. Flat colonies, especially those with small
polyps, have to rely on the movement of the water to remove sediment from
their upper surfaces. Similar observations were made by Motoda (1940a).
He found that young specimens of Gonzastrea aspera Verrill started with the
formation of an irregular, flat colony on the top surface of their substratum,
after which they increased their growth upwards until a globular o r semi-
globular shape was reached.
These data help to explain growth f o r m s found in heliolitid corals i n
Gotland (Manten, 1960c, 1961a). In rather strongly marly facies the Heliolites
colonies are frequently either small and relatively flat, o r larger and
rounded. In the less marly facies, also the larger colonies often have a
distinctly stronger horizontal than vertical extension. In strongly marly
deposits and in reef debris, some extreme forms were also observed that
approached the shape of a mushroom.
Coral colonies which started growth in a period of comparatively little
mud sedimentation and which later had to cope with increased sedimentation
were often faced with serious difficulties. In many cases, they had developed
flat colonies and then were confronted with changed conditions under which
a round form would be more advantageous. But owing to their age, they were
unable to completely change the form of the colony.
Stephenson and Stephenson (1933) showed that the growth r a t e of some
corals decreased in inverse proportion to their size and age. Goreau (1961)
found that colonies of Manicina areolata weighing approximately 0.05 g
deposited calcium nearly one hundred times faster, per unit of tissue
nitrogen, than did colonies weighing 150 g.
Several Heliolites colonies in Gotland apparently found a way out of
coping with increased sedimentation during a later stage of their existence.
Being unable to change the entire form of the colony to a rounder one, they
developed semi-globular knobs and finger-like extensions on their surface
(Fig.220), thus reaching at least partly the more suitable form (cf. Manten,
1960c, p.159,1961a, fig.3, 1962, fig.7). Similar observations were made on the
, Icm
that the invertebrate fossils which show such banding also developed in
seasonal climates. However, Fischer (1963) argued that at least in the case
of the corals, this climatological explanation is not satisfactory. In the dis-
cussion of Fischer's paper, Durham pointed out that rhythmic growth patterns
in other organisms do not always seem to be related to d i m a t e either, and
Lowenstam said that, of the modern corals growing off Bermuda, those
growing offshore seem to show no rhythmic growth, whereas those from the
restricted inshore environment do show such a rhythmic growth banding. In
contrast to these views is the observation which Wells made in that same
year. He counted in Devonian corals on the average 400 fine bands within a
supposed annual band. This figure agrees with the number of days in the
Devonian year as obtained from calculations on the effect of tidal friction
(Wells, 1963). Independently of Wells, Scrutton (1965) made the observation
that some corals also have monthly bands. With Middle Devonian corals he
found evidence for 13 months per year, with an average of 30.6 days per
month. Also Runcorn and co-workers a r e of the opinion that the banding in
certain corals can be regarded as palaeontological clocks (Runcorn, 1966).
Probably related to the above-named rhythmic growth patterns is the
phenomenon of "layered" coral colonies. Several colonies, particularly of
HeLioLites and Favosites show growth forms which can best be described a s
a pile of discs separated by constrictions (Fig.222). The thickness of the
discs within one colony is rather constant. Between the various colonies
which show this pattern the thickness of the discs varies between 8 and 20 mm.
The rhythmic growth patterns in coral skeletons, mentioned before, show
band thicknesses of 12-25 mm in the corals of Gotland. Both phenomena thus
a r e in the same order of thickness. The author considers it possible that
(seasonal?) fluctuations in the supply of continental debris may have been a
major reason causing the observed growth forms of these coral colonies.
Worth mentioning in this respect is a Favosites colony found in the reef
limestone at Spinnbjersbacke (6 km south of Boge Church, Slite Beds). The
reef limestone around the coral colony contained a local layer, about 1 cm
thick, of marlstone. Around the upper surface of this layer, the Eavosites
colony showed a constriction, about 1.5 cm thick and some centimetres deep.
Stratigraphical unit Kind of reefs Localities Total number Total number Percentage
of colonies in orientation in orientation
of growth of growth
Upper Visby Beds Upper Visby reef type North of Kneippbyn 50 40 80
? Slite IV Beds 7Stllurnasar reef type Raukar of Norderslztt, in 200 162 81
(lower part) the northwest of Lilla Karlsl)
P Z l reef limestone
Fig.224. Detail of the map of the Holmhiillar raukar field with the observation
points 159-165 and the supplementary observation points a-t. Data from
these points together form the basis of the curves in Fig.225.
than the remaining parts of the rauk. This zone could also be recognized in
point 181, although it is l e s s distinct at that place. In point 180, the zone was
no longer developed in the same way; the rock there is again very rich in
stromatoporoids, but among these there a r e notably many which a r e "tower
shaped" (latilaminae strongly bulging upwards in places); some others are
tabular in shape. This zone may reflect less favourable conditions for
stromatoporoids, leading to a decrease in their number or to aberrant
growth forms. Where stromatoporoids retreat corals replace them.
Around planes, which seem to represent interruptions in reef growth
(cf. Chapter VIII), an inverse relation between stromatoporoid volume and
amount of reef matrix could be established also in several cases.
Any theory on the subject of palaeoecology must admit a certain flex-
ibility. Exceptions to the general rule may be found. Thus, in observation
point 121, a high contribution by corals to the reef limestone was observed,
even though the matrix volume was low. Also the reverse, many stromato-
poroids in places comparatively rich in matrix, was observed in a few
instances. It may have been possible, however, that the surfaces of stromato-
poroid colonies were kept f r e e of sediment by moving water in a similar way
a s the surfaces of stones on a recent sand beach a r e continuously washed
In almost all cases where the matrix sedimentation was very great,
however, the stromatoporoids distinctly gave way. In the observation points
161 and 162, where the matrix volume was estimated to comprise about 50%
of the total rock volume, against about half that percentage in the close sur-
roundings, the stromatoporoids constituted only about 10% of the reef -1ime-
stone volume, against about 40% in the direct surroundings and about 60% at
some greater distance.
Different growth forms
stromatoporoids may have been connected with feeding habits. Yonge (1940,
pp.362-363) has shown that those corals with small polyps which have
adapted their ciliary systems for feeding a r e l e s s able to cope with sediment
than those whose cilia can be used for the removal of sediment. The feeding
habits of the stromatoporoids a r e not known, but if they were ciliary feeders,
then they will have met the same difficulties as the ciliary-feeding small
coral polyps.
Finally, in spite of all the emphasis laid in the preceding pages on the
great susceptibility of the stromatoporoids to mud sedimentation, caution is
still advised. Considering the importance of this aspect of stromatoporoid
palaeoecology, the last word on that subject as a whole has certainly not been
said. Recent ecological work has demonstrated that only rarely is a particular
variation in environmental conditions the single cause or probable cause of
animal behaviour. Also, that more than one factor may, under different con-
ditions, produce the same effect. Much more work on the palaeoecology of
stromatoporoids needs to be done, particularly much detailed work.
Wherever possible, this should go together with taxonomic studies.
Latilam inae
make the stromatoporoids distinguishable in the field from the matrix o r the
algal growths. Even within one and the same species, specimens may or may
not show latilaminae and consequently they a r e of no taxonomic importance.
Their development s e e m s to be connected with pauses in growth, reproductive
o r perhaps seasonal pauses. In this connection it is noteworthy that some
corals also show a kind of coarsely-laminated structure; this phenomenon i s
more common and more-distinctly developed in localities where,
comparatively, the stromatoporoid latilaminae a r e also best developed.
The crinoid limestones a r e generally built up, for the main part, of
small and large, disarticulated crinoid-skeletal remains and a calcareous
mud which fills the interspaces and cements the whole. Embedded in the
deposit, there is generally a varying amount of reef debris. The l a r g e r
crinoid fragments, generally strongly recrystallized, have retained their
original forms. In both transverse and radial sections the remains may show
a fine porosity, a net-like structure. Crinoid sand i s also a very common
constituent of the crinoid limestones. It is generally most abundant at the
original seaward side of the reefs, i.e., usually the southeastward side.
Around the reefs of Hoburgen type, crinoids developed on all sides. The
crinoid limestone which they built is found directly around the reefs o r , where
these are surrounded by a talus mantle, directly against this mantle. The
most characteristic of the crinoid limestones is a real crinoid breccia. This
is usually best developed around the higher parts of a reef. Around the lower
parts and also around the crinoid breccia higher up, the more usual crinoid
limestone with reef debris o r otherwise a limestone with crinoids and reef
debris is generaIly present. Around several reefs, the crinoid breccia is
missing. Only the two latter sediments envelop the reef limestone there.
In a crinoid limestone with reef debris in the Bogeklint o r Klinteklint
(Boge Parish, Slite Beds), the vertical distributions of the larger crinoid
stem fragments have been studied (Fig.228). It appeared that there is a rough
correlation with the number of pieces of reef debris in the same rock. At the
base of the section, neither is abundant and at the top, both decline. Crinoid
material of smaller size remains abundant there, but the larger stem frag-
ments decrease in number.
In the Solklint (Slite, Slite Beds) the distribution of the larger crinoid
remains along a horizontal line was studied (Fig.229). It w a s found that
directly adjacent to the reef their number was highest and it rapidly
decreased with increasing distance from the reef.
so '\
10 20 30 40 50 60
Distance from the r e e f (In)
Both the crinoid breccia and the crinoid limestone with reef debris a r e
generally thick-bedded. In some instances they a r e cross-bedded and in a few
cases they show evidence of wave sorting.
In the Upper Visby Beds no crinoid limestones are found to envelop the
reefs. Around the reefs of Holmhkllar type they were also present, but in
Recent time they were eroded from most of the localities where these reefs
are exposed.
In the stratified limestones and marly limestones which were deposited
at greater distances away from the reefs, crinoid remains are found scattered
at random through the sediment, together with other marine invertebrates,
such a s brachiopods, bryozoans, corals and occasional molluscs.
In conclusion, the distribution of crinoid remains in the limestones of
Gotland shows that these organisms could grow almost everywhere on the
sea floor at the time that these rocks were laid down but that they were only
abundant in the direct vicinity of reefs. When reef growth ended in a particular
locality, apparently the conditions for crinoid development also became less
There are notable differences in the size of the crinoid stem remains
found in the various localities. In an attempt to investigate whether some
general l i n e s could be detected in crinoid development, average diameters
Burgsvik Beds
Hemse Beds
X a &
Klinteberg Beds + XY+ +a 0 0
Slite Beds u * a m 0
Visby Beds x x
Stratigraphical unit Kind of reefs Average diameter of crinoid stem fragments (mm) and
number of samples (in brackets)
Reef limestone Depression Crinoid Limestone with
within reef limestone reef debris
Hamra-Sundre Beds Hoburgen reef type' 6.84 (5) - 10.25 (5) 8.07 (3)
Eke Beds Hoburgen reef type 7.86 (1) - 7.79 (2) 7.72 (2) v
Hemse Beds Holmhalltir reef type 7.27 (8) 9.80 (3) - - i02
Hemse Beds Hoburgen reef type 7.15 (5) 8.32 (1) 7.55 (3) 6.87 (7) 0
Klinteberg Beds Hoburgen reef type 6.46 (2) - 7.55 (3)
HBgklint Beds Hoburgen reef type 4.60 (2) 5.46 (1) 4.91 (4) 4.62 (2) 0
W a t e r depth
AS has been shown in the Chapters VI, VII, VIII and XI, all fossil reefs
of Gotland developed in shallow water. In contrast to most crinoids of the
present day, which a r e deep-water forms, Palaeozoic crinoids thus flourished
abundantly in shallow water. Even in very shallow water deposits crinoid
remains a r e found in large numbers.
One of the most characteristic crinoid limestones of Gotland is the
"Hoburg marble", which is linked to the Hoburgen-type reefs of the Hamra-
Sundre Beds in southwestern-most Gotland, particularly to the younger p a r t s
of these reefs. It was there that the highest average crinoid stem diameters
were found. There are indications that these younger reef parts were formed
i n slightly deeper water than the older p a r t s of these reefs and than most of
the other Hoburgen-type reefs.
The next-largest average stem diameters a r e found in the reefs of
Holmhallar type. Crinoids are also much more abundant in these reefs than
in the other reefs of Gotland. It is likely that at least some of the most
characteristic reefs of the Holmhallar type developed in somewhat deeper
water than the majority of Hoburgen-type reefs.
There a r e , thus, some indications that in comparatively deeper shallow
water (probably'deeper than 10-15 m), the crinoids became larger and
presumably also more abundant than in very shallow water. It may be
assumed that the fragile crinoids must have been extremely sensitive to
water agitation. At relatively greater depth, water mobility on the average
may have been somewhat less. That may have been a greater influence on
this facet of the crinoid distribution pattern than water depth itself.
Mobility of the w a t e r
Chapter XIII
The Jaagarahu reefs occur i n a belt parallel to the coast line of that
time, which was north of the reefs. There is great similarity between these
and the reefs of the Hogklint and Slite Beds of Gotland, with one of which the
Jaagarahu reefs may correlate and probably even form one belt. Martinsson's
(1958) study on the submarine morphology of the Baltic (see also Fig.3) sug-
gests a correlation with the Hogklint klint complex, although that author had
to admit (p.23) that in Saaremaa the klints lie higher in the sequence than
the coast klint of Gotland.
The Jaani Stage i n Esthonia consists in its lower part of marlstone and
clayey marlstone, passing upwards into fossiliferous marly limestone with
marlstone. In view of this lithological sequence and also of the relatively
great thickness (up to 56.5 m), it may well represent the equivalent of the
Visby and Hiigklint Beds of Gotland, a s has already been supposed by, e.g.,
Luha (1930).
It is interesting to note that Aaloe (1956, p.94) assumed that since the
Jaani - Jaagarahu boundary i n the Esthonian a r e a the water depth in the
Silurian basin gradually and slightly increased, thus leading to favourable
conditions for reef growth. In the second half of Jaagarahu time, water depth
decreased again, reef development came to an end, a n terrigenous com-
ponents became more common, a s well a s calcareous Algae. The latter
locally formed algal biostromes, which can be considered the very-shallow
water equivalent of a reef facies. In Kaarma time in the Esthonian mainland,
deposits of a lagoon-like facies were laid down. This sequence of events
In the rough water stage (stage 5 of Textoris and Carozzi, 1964), the
number of species and the population density were considerably higher, which
was true for both the reef builders and the reef dwellers. Stromatactis-like
forms were still present, but stromatoporoids now irrefutably participated
in reef formation and dominated among the reef builders. Corals too, were
very abundant; they were now represented by other genera, such a s
Arachnophyllunz , Thecia, Alveolites , Eletcheria and Coenites , and actively
participated in frame building. Among the reef dwellers some new groups
had appeared, viz. inarticulate brachiopods, cystoids, blastoids and conularids.
Material swept from the reef by water turbulence rolled down the slope into
the deeper water, where it was not subjected to wave action. As a result,
steeply-dipping talus layers were formed, possessing a synsedimentary
inclination, in contrast to the result of differential compaction (Shrock, 1939).
The final phase in reef building is represented by the subsurface Marine
reef, which b e a r s on i t s upper side, an accumulation of bioclastic debris,
interpreted by Lowenstam (1950) to be material deposited on the reef surface
by the winds prevailing at the time of the emergence of the reef. Growth was
then restricted to a narrow zone on the windward side.
taxonomic composition of the crinoid community there was linked with the
depth of the growing reef surface, which suggests that the crinoids grew on
the reef. Whether they were more common high up on the reef flanks, o r on
the upper side of the reef, is difficult to judge on the basis of the available
literature. Where small reefs developed (clastic-free belt in North America;
British Wenlockian) crinoid remains a r e found also most abundantly i n the
immediate environment of the reefs.
46 5
Chapter XIV
blue-green Algae are common. The red Algae a r e unable to use blue light.
Although light of this wave length also decreases exponentionally with
depth, it is able to penetrate to greater depths than visible light of other
wave lengths. Nevertheless, Cloud stated that branching and nodular
coralline red Algae a r e also rarely abundant below 30 m.
Calcareous Algae a r e common in the reefs of Hoburgen and Holmhallar
type in Gotland. In several of the Upper Visby reefs, they a r e not found at
all and occur only rarely in some others. Perhaps conditions for their
development were marginal i n these reefs. However, the fact that some a r e
present suggests that the Upper Visby reefs cannot have developed below the
lower depth limit of algal growth. This is even truer if the corals i n these
reefs should indeed have lived in symbiosis with Zooxanthellae. The presence
of marlstones in the Visby Beds suggests that the water i n which the Upper
Visby reefs developed must have been frequently rather muddy. This would
have cut down the penetration of sunlight over the reefs considerably.
In conclusion, it is likely that all the reefs of Gotland developed in
water l e s s than 50 m deep (if not a t even shallower maximum depth). For
the reefs of Hoburgen type a water depth of l e s s than 30 m may then
generally be assumed. The characteristic Holmhallar-type reefs grew i n
rather clear water and may have had a slightly deeper limit, but probably
not more than 40 m.
As discussed, e-g., while describing the Hoburgen-type reefs, several
reefs grew during periods in which the water gradually became shallower
o r deeper. This had i t s effect on the lateral and vertical extension of the
reefs. The growing parts will have always remained within the depth zones
which were suggested in the previous paragraphs.
Chapter X V
This chapter is to end the monograph on the Silurian of Gotland, but the
author r ealizes that it is not a satisfactory end. Several subjects t reat ed in
the preceding pages still need a m o r e thorough and detailed study. Many
other subjects which have hardly been touched upon o r not at all in the
p r e s en t work are equally intriguing. However, one has to make a break
somewhere, just to cr eat e o r d e r in the collection of information which has
been brought together and to define one’s position. The end of this book is
only such a break, certainly as far as the study, in a general way, of the
Silurian deposits of Gotland is concerned. The author hopes that f o r him
personally it is al s o only a break. T h e r e are very few places i n the world
which enchant him m o r e than this Baltic island. He would be glad to be
enabled t o r etu r n t her e f r om t i m e to t i m e to l e a r n m o r e about i t s geological
and historical past, and about i t s pr es ent development.
In the next sections, a s hor t s um m ar y will be given of the main
conclusions reached in the work that has been presented here.
Beds, but they remain subunits. Moreover, as the names Lower and Upper
Visby Beds already suggest subunit rank, and t h e r e is great similarity also
in lithological composition, i t is only logical t o bring them together in one
main unit. ( 2 ) The Tofta limestone is included as a f a c i e s in the (Upper)
Hogklint Beds. (3) The Halla limestone and Mulde marlstone are considered
to be synchronous deposits, and are, therefore, united in the Halla-Mulde
Beds. (4) The Hamra limestone and Sundre limestone are united in the
Hamra-Sundre Beds, because the boundary between the two, as drawn by
Hede, is distinctly a facies boundary, and no satisfactory time boundary
could be fixed.
The present author has not done any work himself on the correlation
of the succession of s t r a t a of Gotland with the English Silurian succession.
A correlation based on l i t e r a t u r e data is given in Table VI (p.43).
The Visby Beds were laid down in a sea gradually decreasing in water
depth. This was presumably caused by small epeirogenetic movements of the
basin floor. The shallowing of the sea led t o a d e c r e a s e in marlstone
deposition and an i n c r e a s e in the sedimentation of m a r l y limestone towards
the top of the Visby Beds. As a result, the situation on the sea floor was also
modified, but not uniformly over the entire area. During middle Late Visby
time, the alteration in environmental conditions r a n ahead of the general
trend in s o m e r e s t r i c t e d o r very r e s t r i c t e d parts. More organisms populated
these areas. Their remains contributed t o extra limestone deposition and
provided suitable places f o r the settling of sedentary organisms. Among
these were many potential reef builders, which, in s e v e r a l c a s e s , started
the formation of s m a l l reefs. These are the reefs of the Upper Visby type.
Corals, in a r a t h e r great variety of species and f o r m s , strongly dominate
the organic element in these reefs. The reef matrix is voluminous and
strongly marly. The deposition of this m a r l apparently made the conditions
f o r the stromatoporoids r a t h e r unfavourable and this applied even m o r e
strongly to the calcareous Algae. Mantles of stratified limestone are present
around many of the reefs, but t h e r e are no crinoid limestones.
With a continued d e c r e a s e in water depth and consequent gradual
alteration of other environmental conditions a l s o towards the end of Visby
time, reef development was increasingly favoured. The foundations were thus
laid f o r much richer reef growth in the next, the Hogklint Period. A number
of Hogklint r e e f s have their roots i n the Upper Visby Beds. Moreover,
several new r e e f s began to grow early in the Hogklint Period. Together they
formed a broad reef zone.
The reefs of the Hogklint Beds a r e the f i r s t , in Gotland, of the Hoburgen
reef type. These reefs a r e larger than those of the Upper Visby time.
Stromatoporoids were the dominant reef builders, with corals taking second
place and Algae also being common. The average size of the reef builders
i s larger. On the reef flanks and directly around the reefs crinoids usually
grew abundantly. Their remains contributed significantly to the crinoid lime-
stones with reef debris which were often formed around the reefs.
During Early Hogklint time, the gradual decrease i n water depth
presumably continued. While the Upper Hogklint Beds were being laid down
the s e a was probably very shallow. These Hogklint Beds include theTofta
limestone a s a facies. Small alterations in s e a level occurred, and a few
times the s e a floor probably even temporarily fell dry. Almost no reefs
began to develop, but in comparatively somewhat deeper parts of the Late
Hogklint sea some reefs already in existence continued growth.
The limestones of the Slite I Beds were deposited in very shallow water;
these beds a r e missing in the north of the present Slite limestone area.
During Slite I1 time, water depth increased, probably with fluctuations.
Slite I1 Beds a r e found over the entire present Slite limestone area. A further
increase in water depth took place during Slite I11 time, whereas Slite IV
time was again characterized by a gradual shallowing of the water. During
the entire Slite time m a r l was laid down in a zone at the seaward side of the
marlstone zone.
During Slite I11 time, and, to a much stronger degree, during Slite IV
time, there was a second main period of extensive reef formation. Reefs of
the Hoburgen type developed.
Halla-Mulde time is characterized by a change in the direction of the
hinge line of epeirogenetic movement of the basin floor, from about
southwest - northeast to about w e s t - east. This caused a decrease in water
depth i n the northeast and an increase in depth in the southwest. Towards
the southwest, limestone was depqsited in water of increasing depth, until
limestone sedimentation was followed by marlstone deposition. In the a r e a
of limestone formation, reef growth continued, with only small reefs in the
northeast, and reefs of larger size towards the southwest.
The fluctuations in water depth during Slite III, IV and Halla-Mulde
time were most pronounced in the a r e a of Karlsoarna. In Slite 111 and IV time
large reefs grew in that area. They a r e called reefs of the Staurnasar type.
The lower parts of these reefs were presumably mainly built by huge coral
colonies, while the upper parts contain stromatoporoids and corals together.
In Lilla Karlso one of these large reefs continued growth in Halla-Mulde
time. On the flanks of the large reefs smaller ones developed. They have
been named reefs of Fanterna type. These smaller reefs were mainly built
by bryozoans and corals. Some of the younger reefs of Fanterna type seem
to have been able to survive the main reefs on whose flanks they began to
grow, and became strongly extended.
During Late Halla-Mulde time the water began to shallow again. The
Klinteberg Beds were laid down in a s e a of slight depth. Presumably water
depth was less than that in which most of the other limestone complexes of
Gotland were deposited.
Small reefs, roughly of Hoburgen type, occur throughout most of the
Klinteberg Beds, and r e p r e s e n t a third period of reef development in the
area of Gotland.
During Late Klinteberg t i m e and very Early Hemse time the water
depth again increased. In the remaining p a r t of Early Hemse time i t may
have remained m o r e o r less the same. In Upper Hemse time a renewed
gradual decrease of the water depth occurred in the east. The epeirogenetic
movements which caused the alterations in water depth during Klinteberg
and Hemse times probably went together with alterations in the direction of
the hinge line. This is reflected by the assumed directions of the depth
contours. During Klinteberg t i m e these had a tendency to r e t u r n to a m o r e
northeast - southwest direction. In the course of Hemse time their direction
again became m o r e east - west.
Reefs are particularly common in the Upper Hemse limestones. These
w e r e formed during a fourth period of reef development. Probably as a
result of an alteration of the direction of the depth contours, Hemse reefs
only developed in the e a s t , where the water became shallower. In the west
the water remained deeper and mainly marlstone formation took place.
Reefs of the Hoburgen type a r e the most common, but in the e a s t reefs of
another, the Holmhallar type, are a l s o found, as well as transitional f o r m s
between both reef types. The typical reefs of Holmhallar type are r a t h e r
l a r g e , often crescent-shaped in ground plan and consist very predominantly
of very l a r g e stromatoporoids. T h e r e are many Algae and the m a t r i x consists
of r a t h e r pure limestone.
In the east, the Hemse and Eke Beds are separated by a stratigraphical
hiatus. Such a hiatus may probably also have been present in the west, but
this could not, s o far, be proved.
During Eke time also, s m a l l epeirogenetic movements of the sea floor
took place, resulting in variations in water depth, together with alterations
in the direction of the depth contours. At the beginning of Eke time, the latter
probably r a n north-northeast - south-southwest and a t the end of Xke time,
m o r e northeast - southwest. This resulted particularly in a d e c r e a s e in the
depth of the water in which the Eke Beds in the e a s t w e r e laid down. Some
comparatively s m a l l reefs are present in the e a s t e r n Lower Eke Beds. In
the area of Gotland, however, Eke time was not a period of extensive reef
During deposition of the Burgsvik Beds a shallowing of the water took
place, which reached i t s culmination in Late Burgsvik time. The Upper
Burgsvik Beds in the west w e r e laid down in extremely shallow water, very
close to the s h o r e line, in a littoral zone which gently sloped towards the
basin centre.
An i n c r e a s e in water depth s e t in with the formation of the uppermost
oolite horizon of the Burgsvik Beds and continued well into Hamra-Sundre
time, whereafter t h e r e was presumably a m o r e constant sea depth.
Formation of Hoburgen-type reefs began in Late Burgsvik time in the east
and extended f r o m t h e r e westward in Hamra-Sundre time. L a t e r in the
Hamra-Sundre Period and further e a s t than the Hoburgen-type reefs,
characteristic reefs of Holmhallar type developed.
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Note: F o r reasons of readability, not every one of the large number of localities
mentioned in the text is shown on this map. The m o r e important s i t e s and the
names of all parishes from which localities have been mentioned a r e indicated.
In the index, the parish i s stated in which each locality i s to be found. This still
enables r e a d e r s to establish the approximate position of each locality.