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 ROLL-30

Marketing is the social process by which
individuals and groups obtain what they need
and want through creating and exchanging
products and value with others.

Marketing is the process whereby society, to
supply its consumption needs, evolves
distributive systems composed of participants,
who, interacting under constraints – technical
(economic) and ethical (social) - create the
transactions or flows which resolve market
separations and result in exchange and
- Bartles.
Marketing is not only much broader than selling,
it is not a specialized activity at all It
encompasses the entire business. It is the whole
business seen from the point of view of the final
result, that is, from the customer's point of view.
Concern and responsibility for marketing must
therefore permeate all areas of the enterprise.

 - Drucker.
This customer focused philosophy is known as
the marketing concept'. The marketing concept
is a philosophy, not a system of marketing or an
organizational structure. It is founded on the
belief that profitable sales and satisfactory
returns on investment can only be achieved by
Identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer
needs and desires.

- Barwell.
Designing the product so it will be desirable to
customers by using tools such as marketing
research and pricing.
Promoting the product so people will know
about it by using tools such as public relations,
advertising, and marketing communications.
Setting a price and letting potential customers
know about your product and making it
available to them.
 eMarketing or electronic marketing refers to the
application of marketing principles and
techniques via electronic media and more
specifically the Internet.
The terms eMarketing, Internet marketing and
online marketing, are frequently interchanged,
and can often be considered synonymous.
eMarketing is the process of marketing a brand
using the Internet. It includes -both direct
response marketing and indirect marketing
elements and uses a range of technologies to
help connect businesses to their customers.
e_Marketing tools
The Internet has a number of tools to offer to the
A company can distribute via the Internet e.g.
A company can use the Internet as a way of building
and maintaining a customer relationship e.g.
The money collection part of a transaction could be
done online e.g. electricity and telephone bills.
Leads can be generated by attracting potential
customers to sign-up for short periods of time, before
signing up for the long-term e.g. which.co.uk.
Planning for eMarketing
There are two ways of looking at this.

An existing organization may embark upon some

eMarketing as part of their marketing plan.

An organization trades solely on the Internet and so

their marketing plan focuses purely on eMarketing.
Competitor Research for
As we plan for eMarketing and during the plan's
implementation, one needs to pay careful attention to
the activities of competitors. So competitor research
for eMarketing is essential when attempting to
answer the question where are we now ?

some key tools of competitor research for

 Use search engines.
Hunt for trade associations.
Ask your target market.
Newsgroups and post queries.
Read online competitive information.
Study demographic reports.
Original source material.
Monitor special interest material.
Use a professional researcher.
Internal Audits for eMarketing.
The starting point for any eMarketing planning is the
internal audit.

Raw materials
eMarketing Mix

The eMarketing Mix is essentially the same as the

marketing mix. It is simply the adaptation of price,
place, product and promotion to the eMarketing
context. one could also include physical evidence,
people and process when marketing planning for an
online service.
Some basic points that consider how
markets can apply the eMarketing mix to their
organization's own product, service, brand or solution.
eMarketing Price

eMarketing Place

eMarketing Product

eMarketing Promotion
Situation Analysis for eMarketing.

The situation analysis for eMarketing bridges the

internal audit and competitor research.
we consider the 4
S's of Internet Marketing the
Customer Life Cycle (CLC), and the application of
SWOT analysis.

The 4 Ss of Internet Marketing.

 The Customer Life Cycle (CLC).
The Customer Life Cycle (CLC) is a tool that
considers the creation and delivery of lifetime value to
customers i.e. CLC looks at products and services that
customers need throughout their lives.
SWOT analysis - ranked and weighted.
SWOT analysis is a tool for auditing an
organization and its environment. It is the first stage
of planning and helps marketers to focus on key
issues. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats.
Why email marketing works
1. E-mail marketing has a broad reach.
2. E-mail marketing is proactive.
3. E-mail marketing is targeted.
4. E-mail marketing provides data
5. E-mail marketing allows you to engage
6. E-mail marketing has a low cost of entry.
7. E-mail marketing is less intrusive
Internet Advertising.
Pay-Per-Click Advertising
Search Marketing.
Affiliate Marketing.
Offline Promotions Strategies.

selection of other suitable approaches to offline

 Create a media release or announce a media conference
regarding your website.

 Advertise using other media such as TV, billboards,

radio, newspapers and magazines, or the cinema.
 Send out direct mail shots and run campaigns.
 Print our domain name and e-mail contact addresses
upon all of our corporate material.
 Offer free products and services. FREE is one of the
most powerful words in marketing.
 Provide free material e.g. fact sheets or guides that
could be posted or e-mailed to customers.
 Offer competitions or quizzes (with prizes when
 And many, many others . . .
Website Optimization.

Build your traffic.:-Content is king. Write good

quality content that visitors value and that keeps them
coming back.
Alternative strategies:-
it includes –
 Encourage other sites to reprint our content (with
credit given to us, and links back to our main site).
 Post information about our site in communities,
forums and chat groups.
 Set up our own affiliate programme, and pay
 Encourage visitors to bookmark our site.
 Create a mailing list, and send newsletters. Betters
still, create a dynamic site that encompasses a CRM
 Hire professionals to code your site, and to manage
Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Global Reach
-Access to unknown buyers and sellers.
-Own my virtual office.
-Always accessible (24/7)
-Enhance our business prospects and profits.
-Reach target audience.
Easy Marketing
-Classified information on competitive products.
-Acquire product knowledge.
-Compare products & Services.
-Cost effective strategies.
-Faster & easier access to products, buyers and sellers.
-Save Time and money you spend on sending faxes,
couriers etc.
-Save money we spend on printing Catalogs, Brochures
and other promotional material.
-Change of content is possible immediately.
-Add new products and services.
-Link other principle sites to our eBrochures for wider
content reach.
-Add latest news, events and other information immediately.
Deliverability. Difficulty of getting messages
delivered through different internet service providers
(ISPs), corporate firewalls and webmail systems.
Renderability. Difficulty of displaying the creative as
intended within the in-box of different email reading
Email response decay. Email recipients are most
responsive when they first subscribe to an email. It is
difficult to keep them engaged.
Communications preferences. Recipients will have
different preferences for email offers, content and
frequency which affect engagement and response.
These have to be managed through communications
Resource intensive. Although email offers great
opportunities for targeting, personalisation and more
frequent communications, additional people and
technology resources are required to deliver these.
In this topic I have covered about the marketing,
e_marketing, tools of e_marketing, planning for
e_marketing advantages and disadvantages of
In some cases it’s good but in some cases it’s bad.

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