Polyurea Spray
Polyurea Spray Polyurea Spray
PART 1 chain extenders, and therefore will develop the characteristic amber or yellow
colour when exposed to sunlight. However, unlike with polyurethanes, no
The concept of polyurea spray elas- The concept chalking or cracking is observed in polyureas. Pigmentation, for example
tomer technology was introduced The catalyst-free isocyanate/amine reaction is normally rapid, proceeding to carbon black, improves the resistance to discoloration and masks its effects.
about 20 years ago by chemists at completion within a few seconds. Working times (“gel times”) generally fall
Texaco Chemical Company (now within the sub-five-second range, thus requiring specialised mixing and Polyurea spray elastomers based on JEFFAMINE® polyetheramines, aliphatic
Huntsman Corporation) in Austin, application equipment. High pressure two-component spray machines isocyanates and amine chain extenders are light stable and do not change
Texas. This new application was equipped with impingement mixing have proven efficient and entirely ade- colour or chalk in sunlight. As would be expected, light-stable polyureas are
based on the reaction of an isocyanate quate for sufficient blending and rapid dispensing of the polyurea raw mate- more expensive than those based on conventional products, due to higher
component with an amine blend to rials. It is chiefly this equipment that allows polyurea technology to venture costs of raw materials.
produce a polyurea elastomer system. outside of the realm of Reaction Injection Molding (RIM).
The “Polyurea advantage”
Since this seminal work, a number of Definition Polyurea elastomer coatings offer many advantages over their traditional
advances in both the chemistry and A polyurea coating/elastomer is derived from a reaction of an isocyanate counterparts (i.e. polyurethanes, polyurethane-urea hybrids). The following
application equipment for polyurea component and a resin blend component. The isocyanate can be aromatic list highlights a number of polyurea’s advantages.
have enabled polyurea elastomer or aliphatic in composition. It can be a monomer, polymer, or any variant
coatings to compete with (and often reaction of isocyanates quasi-pre-polymer, or a pre-polymer. The pre-poly- 1. Fast cure. Polyurea can be sprayed on sloped (and even vertical)
displace) their traditional counterparts mer or quasi-pre-polymer can be made of an amine-terminated polymer surfaces without drip or run formation. Foot traffic can resume on
in the commercial arena. Legislation resin, or hydroxyl-terminated polymer resin. The resin blend must be made coatings applied to horizontal surfaces within 30 seconds.
regarding volatile organic compounds up of amine-terminated polymer resins, and/or amine-terminated chain 2. Water insensitivity. Relative moisture and temperature insensitivity
(VOC) in coatings has further height- extenders. The amine-terminated polymer resins will not have any intentional during application. Little effect is encountered on adhesion or coating
ened market interest in polyurea hydroxyl moieties. Any hydroxyls are the result of incomplete conversion to performance due to weather variations (i.e. high humidity, temperature
coatings. the amine-terminated polymer resin. The resin blend may also contain addi- and residual moisture).
tives, or non-primary components. These additives may contain hydroxyls, 3. 100 % solids. Two-component, one-coat system can be sprayed
This brochure provides the coatings such as pre-dispersed pigments in a polyol carrier. For clarification pur- and poured at 1:1 volume ratio. Eliminates the need for multi-coat
expert and novice alike with back- poses, a polyurethane/polyurea hybrid is a reaction of an isocyanate with a applications. It is environmentally friendly.
ground starting-point formulation and resin blend. The resin blend will contain an amine-terminated polymer resin 4. Excellent physical properties, including tensile strength, tear strength
application information for these and a hydroxyl containing polyol. It may or may not contain catalysts. and elongation. (See page 8)
unique polymer systems. 5. Thermal stability. Stable up to 150°C.
Technology 6. Pigment compatible. Colorants can be added to change appearance
Polyurea spray elastomers can be formulated from ingredients which produce and light-stability.
either conventional or light-stable products. Conventional polyureas use 7. Formulation flexibility. Can be formulated into products ranging from
JEFFAMINE® polyetheramines with aromatic SUPRASEC® isocyanates and soft to hard elastomer.
8. Reinforcible fibres and fillers can be incorporated during application.
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Polyurea Spray Polyurea Spray
Sprayed polyurea elastomers have exhibited excellent adhesion to clean These specialty amines generally possess soft, flexible polyoxypropylene
substrates such as concrete, wood, asphalt and fresh blasted steel. backbones that significantly contribute to the hydrophobic/waterproof nature
However, as with other rapid cure coatings, the rapid cure of polyurea of the respective polyurea coatings. These alternating hard block/soft block
systems can sometimes limit surface wetting and penetration of substrate polymer units are linked by DETDA, which is commonly referred to as the
surfaces for mechanical bonding. For this reason the end users are advised “chain extender” of the system.
to test the adhesion of the sprayed elastomer films on target substrates to
assess bonding of the coating, Surface primers and adhesion promoters Spray equipment
may be necessary. In addition, because the polyurea film exhibits such Processing of spray polyurea coatings requires specialised, high pressure/
robust physical properties and remains intact as it is pulled from the sub- high temperature impingement mix equipment. The capability of heating the
strate’s surface, greater adhesion may be necessary for specific applica- components prior to mixing is a key attribute of the spray equipment, as it
tions. was found that heating of the materials prior to spray was necessary to
reduce system viscosity (i.e. the isocyanate amine resin blend components).
Basic chemistry Viscosity reduction improves the mix, flow, and leveling of the applied material
Polyurea systems have been defined as the reaction of an isocyanate or and leads to significant improvements in the performance and appearance
isocyanate pre-polymer with a resin blend that consists of amine functional of the coating. To ensure proper mixing, it was found that the use of a high-
species. pressure proportioner and a spray or pour gun are essential.
A key advantage of polyurea spray coatings is that the amine/isocyanate Application areas
reaction is very fast, predictable and consistent. In contrast, polyurethane The concept of instant, high-performance coatings has attracted the interest
elastomers require high levels of catalyst packages which can cause of many who possess an entrepreneurial spirit, as well as those with vivid
degradation of the elastomer and usually possess tight processing param- imaginations. In the infancy of this new polyurea technology, spray applica-
eters such as temperature and humidity ranges. The following figure offers a tions of structures and objects too numerous to fully list, were attempted.
structural comparison of generic polyurethanes and polyureas. As already mentioned, the reaction of the isocyanate component with the
amine blend is generally a very rapid, predictable reaction. The fast reactivity
POLYURETHANE allows for rapid return to service for coating application work.
Given these attributes, polyurea elastomer systems are well-suited for a myriad
of application areas including pipeline coatings, secondary containment,
synthetic stucco coatings, concrete coatings, railcar coatings, foam and
EPS coatings, tank linings, part production, truck bed liners, various water-
While polyols are often utilised in the construction of isocyanate pre-polymers proofing applications and floor joint/seam sealants. In addition to these
used in polyurea spray systems, these specialty pre-polymers, such as uses, polyurea continues to be evaluated for use in numerous niche applica-
Huntsman’s line of SUPRASEC® isocyanates, are produced without the tions that require high performance coatings with near-immediate return to
catalysts that are usually required to promote the reaction of isocyanates service.
and polyols. Polyols are not to be added into the amine resin blend if the
elastomer is considered to be a true polyurea. Polymer systems that do Recent European projects cover applications such as trading hall flooring,
incorporate polyols into the resin blend are commonly referred to as “hybrid secondary containment in harbour areas, anti-abrasion coatings on
systems”. The term hybrid refers to the presence of both polyurea and sieves, pipeline coatings, road marking, truck bed lining.
polyurethane linkages within the system, and it should be noted that on
many occasions these materials do not offer the same performance or
processing profiles as true polyureas.
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Polyurea Spray Polyurea Spray
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Polyurea Spray Polyurea Spray
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Polyurea Spray Polyurea Spray
High hardness system Replacement of UNILINK® 4200 additive with secondary amines in aromatics.
Such a system is required and used for corrosion protection and abrasion All formulations based on US-origin aromatic isocyanate RUBINATE® 9480
Reference No. 8276-72 8314-12 8276-92
Isocyanate SUPRASEC 2067 100 pbw JEFFAMINE D-2000 amine
53 55 53
Resin blend JEFFAMINE T-5000 amine
8.0 pbw JEFFAMINE® T-5000 amine 10 10 10
JEFFAMINE® D-2000 amine 25.0 pbw DETDA 22 22 22
DETDA 8.0 pbw JEFFAMINE® SD-231 amine 0 0 10
JEFFAMINE® D-400 amine 20.0 pbw JEFFLINK® 754 curing agent 0 8 0
Chain extender 32.0 pbw UNILINK® 4200 additive 10 0 0
Pigment 6.0 pbw TiO2 5 5 5
Adhesion promoter 1.0 pbw
Tensile strength, MPa 20.0 18.4 17.7
Typical Gel time 13 sec. Max Elongation, % 637 606 653
properties Tack free time 18 sec. 100% Modulus, MPa 7.7 7.3 6.9
Tensile @break 16 MPa 300% Modulus, MPa 11.3 10.8 10.0
Elongation @break 171 % Tear strenght, N/mm 88.6 83.3 83.7
Angle tear 117 N/mm
Trouser tear 35 N/mm Shore D, 0 sec/10 sec 50/41 51/43 52/41
• very high hardness Hardness 97 Shore A
60 Shore D Spray, Gel Time, sec 6 7 7
• moderate flexibility combined
Tack Free, sec 12 11 11,5
with strength
• very high tear resistance
• good chemical resistance Chain extenders
• very low water uptake A second set of amine reagents, referred to as “chain extenders” play a key
- Secondary aliphatic amines can partially replace UNILINK® 4200 additive.
role in both processing time and the ultimate properties of the respective
- Reduces cost and improves the initial coating color.
coatings. As with isocyanate components, chain extenders can be eithe
aliphatic or aromatic in nature. Aliphatic species are utilised in applications
Slower amines may be used to fine-tune the reactivity of spray systems to
where light stability is a high priority. However these chain extenders are
control surface appearance and improve physical properties.
significantly more expensive. Listed are common chain extenders used in
polyurea elastomer systems: ETHACURE® 100, LONZACURE® 80, UNILINK®
Other additives
4200, ETHACURE® 300, CLEARLINK® 1000, JEFFLINK® 754 Diamine.
The resin blend mixture can contain a host of other additives that serve a
variety of functions in the ultimate polyurea elastomer system. When needed
JEFFLINK® 754 diamine, available from Huntsman, was originally developed
by certain difficult substrates, silane based adhesion promoters can be
for use as UV stable chain extender in aliphatic polyurea, but it may also be
used. For applications where a good rough morphology is desired (e.g.
used as partial or complete replacement for aromatic chain extenders such
truckbed liners), texturing agents such as washed sand or calcium carbonate
as UNLINK® 4200. By replacing aromatic chain extenders with JEFFLINK
can be incorporated. For caulk applications a thixotrope such as fumed silica
754 diamine, or with the new secondary polyetheramines, it is possible to
is required to maintain dispersion of the other resin blends. A variety of UV-
formulate aromatic systems with high hardness while maintaining good flexi-
stabilisers and anti-oxidants are also formulated into coatings by adding the
bility, and good cure speed at a reasonable cost. It also improves initial coat-
resin blend side. Polyurea elastomer technology is also amenable to the use
ing color. More information is available on request.
of pigments and colorants.
Formulators can supply the technical service support and work with their
applicator customers, supplying materials designed to meet the specific
needs of the applications.
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Polyurea Spray Polyurea Spray
PART 3 POLYUREA PHYSICAL PROPERTIES mers in a variety of applications. It is the responsibility of each system sup-
plier and/or end user to assess the suitability of polyurea spray elastomers
Chemical resistance testing for polyurea spray elastomers for specific applications.
Polyurea spray elastomer systems are 100 % solids, two-component spray
systems which have extremely fast reactivities and cure times. This technol- ASTM D 1308: Effect of household chemicals on clear and pigmented
ogy is similar to the high-performance polyurethane systems currently used, organic finishes.
except in several key areas. In the polyurea spray technology, JEFFAMINE®
polyoxyalkylene diamines and triamines have replaced the polyols, amine This test describes the “spot test” or “watch glass” method to simulate exposure
chain extenders are utilised, and catalysts have been eliminated. of the coating through possible spillage. Each chemical was in contact with the
elastomer system for a period of seven days, except where noted. Daily visual
Elastomer systems based on polyurea technology are good candidates for observations were made on the elastomer and additional chemical was added
coating and non-coating applications. In each application type, the chemical as needed. The tested area was covered with a watch glass to inhibit evapora-
resistance of the material could be of major importance tion and /or contamination of the chemicals.
There are many factors which affect the chemical resistance of elastomer Table 1: Chemical resistance ASTM D 1308
systems including: Chemical Aromatic polyurea Aliphatic polyurea
Acetone A A
- Elastomer system formulation
Brake Fluid B C
- Service conditions
CLOROX , 10 %
- Chemicals/impurities present in the system components
Dimethyl formamide NR NR
Gasoline, unleaded A A
Tables 1 and 2 describe the chemical resistance of polyurea polymers. The
Hexane A A
polyurea systems utilised are standard spray elastomer systems, including
Hot tub water 2 B A
both aromatic and aliphatic based elastomers. It is believed that these sys-
Hydraulic oil A C
tems give a good representation of each particular type technology. For test-
ing purposes, both ASTM D1308 and ASTM D3912 methods were utilised.
Methanol A C
These tests were performed at 25°C with visual observations being noted at
5% Methanol/gasoline A C
the end of the test procedures. Because of the simplicity of these tests and
Motor oil B1 B1
due to the factors listed above - which are beyond the control of Huntsman
Propylene carbonate C C
- no guarantee or warranty concerning the use of these elastomer systems
Sodium hydroxide 5% A A
is either intended or implied, thus the chemical resistance should be deter-
10% A A
mined on actual polyurea elastomers that are to be used. These test results
25% A A
are reported to serve as a guide to the applicability of polyurea spray elasto-
50% B1 B1
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Polyurea Spray Polyurea Spray
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For more literature or information,
please call our European headquarter
Huntsman Polyurethanes
Everslaan 45
3078 Everberg
Tel : +32 2 758 9420
Fax : +32 2 758 7420