2. Qualification:………………………………………………………………………………….
(Including Class of degree where applicable)
The above-named applicant has applied to this University for admission as a postgraduate
student and has been asked to pass this form to you as one of the referees named in the
application for your comments.
1. The school would appreciate a speedy response since the application would not be
processed without this report.
3. In what capacity?........................................................................................................................
4. Are you able to confirm the applicant’s qualification as indicated above? YES NO
5. Suitability of Applicant for Programme
Please comment below on the suitability or otherwise of the applicant for admission to the
degree/diploma programme for which admission is sought, giving an evaluation of applicant’s
intellectual abilities and qualities of initiative, maturity and independent originality and imaginative
thought. If the candidate is taking a first degree what is the likely results? You may also indicate the
position of the applicant relative to other students in the same year.
Please return this report directly to:
The Dean,
Institution:………………………………………… School of Graduate Studies
University of Education, Winneba
Institution:…………………………………….…... P. O. Box 25