Rocess Ontrol Tatistical: C C I P P S E E
Rocess Ontrol Tatistical: C C I P P S E E
Rocess Ontrol Tatistical: C C I P P S E E
Quality Management:
28 27.40 (B)
26 25.66 (A)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Control Chart Interpretation:
Pattern Analysis Tests (PATs)
• PAT 1: One point plots beyond zone A on
either side of the mean
• PAT 2: Nine points in a row plot on the same
side of the mean
• PAT 3: Six consecutive points are strictly
increasing or strictly decreasing
• PAT 4: Fourteen consecutive points which
alternate up and down
Control Chart
Pattern Analysis Tests
• PAT 5: Two out of three consecutive points
plot in zone A or beyond, and all three points
plot on the same side of the mean
• PAT 6: Four out of five consecutive points
plot in zone B or beyond, and all five points
plot on the same side of the mean
Control Chart
• PAT Analysis
7: Fifteen Tests
consecutive points plot in
zones C, spanning both sides of the mean
• PAT 8: Eight consecutive points plot at more
than one standard deviation away from the
mean with some smaller than the mean and
some larger than the mean
Control Chart Interpretation:
Monitoring & Improving
• The performance of every process will be
composed of two primary components:
– Controlled or guided performance which is
predictable in both an instantaneous and long-term
– Uncontrolled variation
• Special or assignable causes
• Common causes
Control Chart Interpretation:
Monitoring & Improving
• True process improvement is typically a
result of either:
– Breakthrough thinking
– Efforts to identify and reduce or eliminate common
causes of variation; methodical quantitatively oriented
tools which monitor a process over time --- the
approach taken generally by “control charts”.
Control Chart
• The vertical axis coordinate of a point
plotted on the chart corresponding to the
value of an appropriate PPM and the
horizontal axis coordinate of a point plotted
on the chart corresponding to the time in
sequence at which the observation was
made with the time between observations
divided into equal increments.
Control Charts: Colors Used
B *
* U1SL
** C
* * * * CL
* *C *
* L1SL
* B *
P Charts for the Process
Based on m preliminary samples from the process. While
the number of items, n, may vary from sample to sample,
it is customary for each of the samples in a given
application to include the same number of items, n. For
the ith of these m samples, let
pi = Yi / ni
Control Chart
I nterpretation
• Center line (CL) positioned at the estimated mean
• Upper and lower one standard deviation lines (U1SL and
L1SL) positioned one standard deviation above and
below the mean.
• Upper and lower two standard deviation warning lines
(U2SWL and L2SWL) positioned at two standard
deviations above and below the mean.
• Upper and lower control lines (UCL and LCL) positioned
at three standard deviations above and below the mean.
P Charts for the
An estimate of the overall process proportion defective is
When all samples have n items each then p = (p1 + p2 + ... + pm)/m
Sp = √ p (1-p)/ ni
P Chart Control Lines &
The coordinates for the seven lines on the P
chart are positioned at:
CL = p
U1SL = p + Sp L1SL = p - Sp
U2SWL = p + 2Sp L2SWL = p - 2Sp
UCL = p + 3Sp LCL = p - 3Sp
South of the Borders,
Custom Wallpapers & Borders
Free Estimates
(013) 555-9944
South of the Borders,
South of the Borders, Inc. is a custom wallpapers and
borders manufacturer. While their products vary in
visual design, the manufacturing process for each of the
products is similar. Each day a sample of 100 rolls of
wallpaper border is sampled and the number of defective
rolls in the sample is noted.
0.05 -1.0SL=0.05152
0.00 -3.0SL=0.000
Subgroup 0 5 10 15 20 25
Rolls 8 6 9 11 10
Proportion of Defective Rolls Received
South of the Borders, Inc.
P Chart Interpretation
• No violations of PATs one through four are apparent.
This implies that the process is “in a state of statistical
• It does not indicate that we are satisfied with the
performance of the process.
• It does, however, indicate that the process is stable
enough in its performance that we may seriously
engage in PDCA for the purpose of long-term process
C and U Charts for
• When data originates from a Poisson
process, it is customary to monitor output
from the process with a defects or C chart
• m = 20 to 40 initial samples
• C = (number of defects in the m samples) / m
• Estimated standard deviation= √C
C Control Chart
• CL = C
• UCL = C+3 C and LCL = C-3 C
• U2SWL= C+2 C and L2SWL = C- 2 C
• U1SL = C+ C and L1SL = C- C
Scientific & Technical Materials,
Scientific & Technical Materials,
• Scientific & Technical Materials, Inc. produces
material for use as gaskets in scientific, medical,
and engineering equipment. Scarred material can
adversely affect the ability of the material to fulfill
its intended use.
Piece 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Scars 1 1 2 3 0 4 3 2 2 1
Piece 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Scars 2 1 0 3 5 4 2 1 4 2
Piece 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Scars 2 1 1 3 2 0 1 5 9 1
Scientific & Technical Materials,
• C= 90/40= 2.25= CL, Sc= 2.25 = 1.5
• UCL= 2.25+ 3(1.5) = 6.75
• LCL= 2.25- 4.5 = -2.25 (NA)
• U2SWL= 2.25+ 2(1.5)= 5.25
• L2SWL= 2.25- 3 = -0.75 (NA)
• U1SL= 2.25+ 1.5 = 3.75
• L1SL= 2.25- 1.5 = 0.75
Scientific & Technical Materials, Inc.
C Chart for Gasket Material Data
Scientific & Technical Materials, Inc.
C Chart Interpretation
• Application of PATs one through four indicates a
violation of PAT 1 at sample number 39 where 9
scars appear on the surface of the sampled material.
• CL = U
• UCL = U+ 3 U/ni, LCL= U-3 U/ni
• U2SWL= U+ 2 U/ni, L2SWL= U- 2 U/ni
• U1Sl= U+ U/ni, L1SL= U- U/ni
U Chart
Control Charts for the
Process Mean and
‘X bar’ Chart
Typically used to monitor process centrality (or location)
Limits depend on the measure is used to monitor process dispersion
Championship Card
Championship Card Company (CCC) produces collectible
sports cards of college and professional athletes.
CCCs card-front design uses a picture of the athlete, bordered
all-the-way-around with one-eighth inch gold foil. However,
the process used to center an athlete’s picture does not function
Five cards are randomly selected from each 1000 cards produced
and measured to determine the degree of off-centeredness of each
card’s picture. The measurement taken represents percentage
of total margin (.25”) that is on the left edge of a card. Data
from 30 consecutive samples is included with your materials,
and summarized on the following slides.
Championship Card Company
Sample X-bar R Sample X-bar R Sample X-bar R
1 55.6 22 11 51.2 15 21 50.0 11
2 61.0 23 12 49.4 14 22 47.0 14
3 45.2 20 13 44.0 32 23 50.6 15
4 46.2 11 14 51.6 14 24 48.8 16
5 46.8 18 15 53.2 12 25 44.6 22
2.0S L=56.80
Sample Mean
1.0S L=53.22
50 X=49.63
- 1.0S L=46.05
- 2.0S L=42.47
- 3.0S L=38.89
0 10 20 30
Sample Number
Samples of 5 from each 1000 Cards Printed
Championship Card Company
R Chart for Sports Card Centering
40 3.0S L=39.40
2.0S L=32.48
Sample Range
1.0S L=25.55
- 1.0S L=11.71
- 2.0S L=4.791
0 - 3.0S L=0.000
0 10 20 30
Sample Number
Samples of 5 Cards from each 1000 Produced
Championship Card
X-bar & R Chart Interpretation
Application of all eight PATs to the X-bar chart indicated a
violation of PAT 1 (one point plotting above the UCL) at sample
2. Apparently, a successful process adjustment was made, as
suggested by examination of the remainder of the chart.
• Application of PATs one through four to the R chart indicated a
violation of PAT 1 at sample 29. Measures would be investigated
to reduce process variation at that point. The violation was a
“close call” and was out of character with the remainder of the
• We are close to being able to apply PDCA to the process for the
purpose of achieving lasting process improvements.
Coordinates for the X bar Control
Chart: “S”
• CL= X
• UCL= X= A3S
• LCL= X- A3S
• U2SWL= X+ 2A3S/3
• L2SWL= X- 2A3S/3
• U1SL= X+ A3S/3
• L1SL= X- A3S/3
• where A3 depends only on n
Coordinates on an S Control
• CL= S
• UCL= B4S
• LCL= B3S
• U2SWL= S+ 2(B4-1)S/3
• L2SWL= S- 2(B4-1)S/3
• U1SL= S+ (B4-1)S/3
• L1SL= S- (B4-1)S/3
• where B3 and B4 depend only on n
Championship Card
Sample X-bar S Sample X-bar S Sample X-bar S
1 55.6 9.63 11 51.2 6.83 21 50.0 5.15
2 61.0 8.63 12 49.4 5.46 22 47.0 5.15
3 45.2 7.40 13 44.0 14.35 23 50.6 5.55
4 46.2 4.09 14 51.6 5.18 24 48.8 6.50
5 46.8 7.22 15 53.2 5.36 25 44.6 8.96
2.0S L=56.69
Sample Mean
1.0S L=53.16
50 X=49.63
- 1.0S L=46.11
- 2.0S L=42.58
- 3.0S L=39.05
0 10 20 30
Sample Number
Samples of 5 from each 1000 Cards Printed
Championship Card
S Chart for Sports Card Centering Values
15 3.0S L=15.49
2.0S L=12.80
Sample Stdev
10 1.0S L=10.11
S =7.416
5 - 1.0S L=4.724
- 2.0S L=2.032
0 - 3.0S L=0.000
0 10 20 30
Sample Number
5 Cards Sampled from each 1000 Cards Produced
Championship Card Company
X-bar & S Chart Interpretation
• Application of all eight PATs to the X-bar chart indicates a
violation of PAT 1 (one pt. above the UCL) at sample 2.
Judging from the remainder of the chart, the process was
successfully adjusted.
• Application of the first four PATs to the S chart indicates
no violations.
• In summary, the process appears to have been temporarily
“out-of-control” w.r.t. its mean at sample 2. The process
was successfully adjusted and may now be subjected to
PDCA for permanent improvement purposes.
Common Questions for
Investigating an
Out-of-Control Process
• Are there differences in the measurement accuracy of instruments /
methods used?
• Are there differences in the methods used by different personnel?
• Is the process affected by the environment, e.g.
• Has there been a significant change in the environment?
• Is the process affected by predictable conditons such as tool wear?
• Were any untrained personnel involved in the process at the time?
• Has there been a change in the source for input to the process such as
a new supplier or information?
• Is the process affected by employee fatigue?
Common Questions for Investigating an
Out-of-Control Process
• Has there been a change in policies or procedures such as
maintenance procedures?
• Is the process frequently adjusted?
• Did the samples come from different parts of the process? Shifts?
• Are employees afraid to report “bad news”?
Process Capability:
The Control Chart Method for Variables Data
1. Construct the control chart and remove all special causes.
NOTE: special causes are “special” only in that they come and go,
not because their impact is either “good” or “bad”.
2. Estimate the standard deviation. The approach used depends on
whether a R or S chart is used to monitor process variability.
^ _ ^ _
= R / d2 = S / c4
^ ^
CR = 100*6 / (Engineering Tolerance) = 100* 6 /(USL –LSL)
^ ^
CM = (engineering tolerance)/8 = (USL – LSL) / 8
Cpk = Zmin / 3
This index DOES take into account how well or how poorly
centered a process is. A value of at least +1 is required with a
value of at least +1.33 being preferred.
Cp and Cpk are closely related. In some sense Cpk represents the
current capability of the process whereas Cp represents the
potential gain to be had from perfectly centering the process
Process Capability: Example
Assume that we have conducted a capability analysis using X-bar and R
charts with subgroups of size n = 5. Also assume the process is in
statistical control with an average of 0.99832 and an average range of
0.02205. A table of d2 values gives d2 = 2.326 (for n = 5). Suppose LSL =
0.9800 and USL = 1.0200
^ _
= R / d2 = 0.02205/2.326 = 0.00948
Cp = (1.0200 – 0.9800) / 6(.00948) = 0.703
CM = 0.527 = Being less than 1.33, this implies that – if we were dealing with a
machine, that it would be incapable of meeting requirements.
ZU = 2.3 should be at least +3 and this value indicates that approximately 1.1%
of product will be oversized.
Cpk = 0.63 … since this is only slightly less that the value of Cp the indication is
that there is little to be gained by centering and that the need is to reduce
End of Session