The Boy Chemist
The Boy Chemist
The Boy Chemist
Author of "The Boy Astronomer."
DURING the dark ages there lived men who worked over
seething furnaces in the vain attempt to find a way to live
a thousand years and to make precious metals out of the
baser ones. These men were the alchemists of old, and as
they lived in an age of ignorance they believed many strange
and untrue things.
Chief among these were that earth, air, fire, and water
were el~ments; that when these acted one on another, sul-
phur, mercury, and salt were formed, which in turn were
called principles; and that by combining the elements and
the principles in the right proportions they would yield an
essence, which when taken internally, like castor oil, would
prolong life indefinitely, and when poured over lead would
change, or "transmute," it into pure gold.
Of course they did not find this miraculous essence, so dili-
r:ently sought, but they made a few simple discoveries which,
while seeming to them to be of very little value, were really
of priceless worth, for out of them came the great science of
Chemistry as we know it to-day. There is nothing in the
whole realm of knowledge of more absorbing interest in an
experimental way than this branch of it, for it tells you how
to combine atoms and molecules of various elements pro-
duced by Nature and make other and entirely different
substances. Many of these substances Nature herself
has never made, so that you have it in your power to be a
creator in the smaller sense; and, equally wonderful, Chem-
istry tells you how to break down various compounds by
The Apparatus You Need- What the Apparatus Consists of-How to
Make a Ring Stand - How to Make an Alcohol Lamp - How to
Make a Bunsen Burner-How to Make a Test-Tube Rack-Your
Supply of Chemicals - Indicator Papers and Solutions - How Litmus
Paper Acts - How Phenolphthalein Acts - How Methyl Orange
Acts - How Congo Red Acts - How Sulphide Test Paper Acts - How _
to Work Glass Tubing-How to Cut a Glass Tube-How to Smooth
Up the Sharp Edges - How to Bend Glass Tubing - How to Draw a
Glass Nozzle.
The Height of the Atmosphere- The Weight, or Pressure, of the Air-
Experiment to Show that the Air Has Weight- What an Element is-
Experiments to show What a Mechanical Mixture Is - Experiment
to Show What a Chemical Coumpound Is - What the Air is Good for
- About Burning and Combustion - What Rusting, or Oxidation, Is
- Experiment to Show How Iron Rusts - Experiment to Show that
Other Metals Rust- Experiment to show that Air Is Used Up When
Iron Rusts - How Slow Oxidation Causes Decay - What Spontane-
ous Combustion Is- Substances that Oxygen Will Not Affect-
How to Make Ozone - How to Test for Ozone.
A Simple Way to Make Oxygen-A Way to Make More Oxygen-
The Self-Lighting Match - The Flashing Charcoal Pill- The Scin-
tillating Watch-Spring- The Strange Action of Oxygen on Phosphorus
- How to Make an Oxy-Calcium Light- How the Oxy-Calcium
Light Works-How Sulphur Burns in Oxygen-A Simple Way to
Make Nitrogen - Another Easy Way to Make Nitrogen - How to
Make a Larger Amount of Nitrogen- The Self-Extinguishing Match
- What Else the Experiment Shows- How to Show there is Carbon
Dioxide in the Air - To Show That You Inhale Oxygen and Exhale
Carbon Dioxide- How to Make Carbon Dioxide- A Better Way
to Make Carbon Dioxide- To Show that Carbon Dioxide Will Not
Support Combustion - To Show that Carbon Dioxide Destroys Life
-A Magical Experiment With Air, Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen -To
Show that Carbon Dioxide Has Weight- To Separate a Candle from
Its Flame - The Levitation of a Soap Bubble.
Some Characteristics of Water- What Water Is Made of- What Water
Is Good for- How to Purify Water- How to Filter Water-How to
Boil Water- How to Distil Water- Tests for the Purity of Distilled
Water - How to Raise the Temperature of Water - How to Lower the
Temperature of Water- How to Make Ice-What Water of Crystalliza-
tion Is-How to See the Water of Crystallization-How to Make Rock-
Candy Crystals - How to Make a Secret Writing Ink - How to Make
a Weather Forecaster- How to Make Imitation Ground Glass-
Kinds of Water-How to Tell if Water Is Soft or Hard-How to
Test for and Get Rid of Temporary Hardness - How to Test for and
Get Rid of Permanent Hardness- How to Test Water for Odor and
Color - How to Test Water for Mineral Substances - How to Test
Water for Organic Matter- How to Test Water for Carbon Dioxide-
How to Test Water for Alkalis - How to Test Water for Lime - How
to Test Water for Acids - How to Test Water for Iron - How to
Test Water for Sulphur.
How to Analyze Water- How to Make Synthetic Water with an Elec-
tric Spark - How to Make Svnthetic Water with an Alcohol Flame-
How to Make Hydrogen - How to Make Hydrogen without an Acid
- How to Pour Out Hydrogen - The Diffusion of Hydrogen - How
to Make a Hydrogen Flame-How Hydrogen Acts on Flame-How
to Blow Hydrogen Soap Bubbles - How to Blow Hydrogen Cauliflower
Soap Bubbles - How to Blow Resin Bubbles - How to Make a Self-
Lighting Flame- How Hydrogen Acts on Silver Nitrate- How Hydro-
gen Acts on Sound-How to Make a Hydrogen-Flame Organ Pipe-
How to Purify Hydrogen Gas - How to Dry Hydrogen.
About Chlorine and Ammonia Gases- Experiments with Chlorine-
How to Make Chlorine - How to Test for Chlorine - How Chlorine
Acts on Flame - Spontaneous Combustion - How to Make a Smoke
Screen - The Art of Bleaching - How to Test the Bleaching Power
of Chlorine- To Make a Red Rose White-How to Make Bleach-
ing Powder - How to Make a Bleaching Liquid - How to Make a
Bandanna Handkerchief- Experiment with Ammonia-How to
Make a Little Ammonia - How to Make Ammonia on a Large Scale
- To Show How Ammonia Dissolves in Water- How to Make an
Ammonia-Operated Fountain - How to Make Concentrated Liquid
Ammonia- An Experiment with ConcentrlJ.ted Liquid A=onia-
Some Uses of Aqua A=onia.
How the Elements Are Classified - The Activity of the Metals - Table
of Activities- Potassium, the Softest Metal- Compounds of Potas-
sium - An Experiment with Potassium - Sodium, Another Alkali
Metal- Compounds of Sodium-An Experiment with Sodium-
Lithium, the Lightest Metal-Compounds of Lithium-An Experi-
ment with Lithium-Calcium, the Fourth Alkaline Metal-Com-
pounds of Calcium-Experiments with Calcium - Magnesium, the
Metal that Burns- Compounds of Magnesium-Experiments with
Magnesium - Aluminum, the Lightest C.:>mmon Metal- An Experi-
ment with Aluminum - Manganese, the Hardening Metal- Com-
pounds cf Manganese - An Experiment with Manganese - Zinc, the
Electric Metal- Compounds of Zinc - An Eyperiment with Zinc-
Chromium, the Color-Making Metal- Experiments with Chromium
- In:.n, the Most Useful Metal- An Experiment with Iron- Nickel,
the Non-Rusting Metal-How to Nickel-plate a Coin-Tin, the Soft,
Malleab1eMetal-An Experiment with Tin-Lead, the Heavy Metal-
How to Make a Lead-Tree - Copper, the Prehistoric Metal- An
Experiment with Copper - Bismuth, the Easily Fusible Metal- Ex-
periments with Bismuth - Antimony, the Metal that Expands-
Experiments with Antimony- Mercury, the Liquid Metal-An Ex-
periment with Mercury- Silver, the Queen of Metals- An Exper-
iment with Silver - Gold, the King of Metals - An E:..periment
ViI ~th Gold - Platinum, the Regal Metal- How Alloys Are Made-
Alloys of Magnesium and Aluminum-Alloys of Iron and Steel-
Alloys of Tin and Lead - Alloys of Copper - Silver Alloys - Gold
Alloys - How Amalgams Are Made - A Sodium Amalgam - A Zinc
Amalgam - Tin and Zinc Amalgams.
What Matter Is- What the Properties of Matter Are- First Experi-
ment- Second Experiment- The Three Common Forms of Matter-
What Matter Is Built Up of - What the Elements Are - How the
Elements Got Their Names- What the Symbols Mean- What the
Symbols Show- What Equations Are.
What Fire Is- What Flame Is- What Heat Is- What Light Is-
Ways of Making Heat and Fire-How a Candle Burns-How Ven-
tilation Affects Combustion-How the Davy Safety-Lamp Works-
How an Alcohol Lamp Burns - How Oil and Gas Lamps Burn-
How a Bunsen Burner Works- Experiments with a Bunsen Burner-
HowtoLightthe Burner- The Luminous Flame of the Burner-The
Non-Luminous Flame of the Burner-How to Make Colored Flames
- How to Make Charcoal-How Charcoal Is Made-What Coal Is-
How to Make Coal Gas.
What Light Is - How Light Acts - How Light Acts on Silver - How
to Make Silver Nitrate - Experiments with a Silver Nitrate Solution
- How to Make Silver Chloride - Action of Light on Silver Chloride
- How to Make a Pinhole Camera - How the Camera Works - How
a Real Camera Is Made - How Dry Plates and Films Are Made- How
a Picture Is Made on a Dry Plate or Film- How to Develop a Dry
Plate or a Film - How to Fix the Picture - How to Make a Print
from a Negative- Kinds of Printing Papers- Silver Papers- How
to Make a Print- How to Tone the Print- How to Fix the Print-
How to Make a Velox Print- How to Make and Use Blue Paper.
Pouring Wine and Water from the Same Pitcher- Changing Water into
Ink, and Vice Versa - The Blushing Bride - The Magical Atomizer
- The Rainbow Liquid - Breathing a Picture on Glass - Passing
Smoke Invisibly into a Tumbler- Elixir Vitae, or the Artificial Pro-
duction of Life - How to Make Secret Writing Inks - A Heat Sym-
pathetic Ink - A Light Sympathetic Ink - A Fluorescent Sympathetic
Ink- How to Make Spirit Pictures-The Materialization of Mysteria.
How to Make Fire without a Match - Writing with Fire Ink - Rapid
Oxidation of Zinc - How to Make a Safe Fuse - How to Make a
Flash-Light- How to Make Explosive Matches- How to Make
Rainbow Lights-How to Make Fourth of July Sparklers-How to
Make a White Flash-Light-How to Make a Red Flash-Light-How
to Make a Green Flash-Light-How to Make Flash Paper-How to
Make Colored Flash Paper- How to Make Flash Handkerchiefs-
How to Light a Paper without a Flame - How to Light a Paper with a
Piece of Ice- The Great Fire-Eating Trick- How to Make Colored
Fire - Red Fire - Green Fire - Yellow Fire - Bengal Lights - How
to Make Phosphine Smoke Rings - How to Make Pharaoh's Serpents.
How to Make Soaps - Toilet Soap - Perfumed Soap - Colored Soap
- Floating Soap - Glycerine Soap - Sapolio - How to Make a Safe
Dry-Cleansing Compound-How to Take Out Spots and Stains-
A Fresh Grease Spot- Old Grease Spots- Paint Spots- Ink Spots
-Iron-Rust Stains-Alkali Spots-Mildew Stains-How to Make
Bleaching Compounds- For Cotton and Linen Goods- For Wool
and Silk - For Hair and Wool- How to Make Disinfectants - How
to Make and Use Natural-Color Dyes- Direct or Substantive Dyes
- Red Logwood Dye - Black Logwood Dye - Green Logwood Dye
- Yellow Tumeric Dye - Brown Tumeric Dye - Bright Red Cochi-
neal Dye - Orange Cochineal Dye - Violet Cochineal Dye - Insoluble
Dyes- To Dye Indigo Blue- To Dye Tumeric Yellow- Mordant,
or Adjective, Dyes- How to Make and Use Aniline Dyes- Direct
Aniline Dyes for Cotton Goods- Mordant Aniline Dyes for Cotton
Goods - Acid Colors for Silk and Woolen Goods - How to Make
Inks -.,.- Black Ink - Blue Ink - Purple Ink - Red Ink - Green
Ink - Printer's Ink - Some Other Useful Recipes - How to Make
a Liquid Ink Eraser-How to Make a Good China Cement-How to
Make an Adhesive Paste-How to Make Fire-ExtinguishingCompounds
- How to Clean Silverware Chemically - How to Clean Silverware
Electrically- How to Waterproof Goods- How to Fireproof Goods
- How to Make a Hair-Remover.
wick of string about 4 inches long and put this in the tube,
half fill the bottle with methyl alcohol (C II 30 II), which
is ordinary wood alcohol, put the long end of the wick into
it, and then the cork in the bottle, and your alcohol lamp
will look like Fig. 4.
You can buy a Bunsen burner, Fig. 5, for 50 cents or
less, and this will give you a much hotter flame than an
alcohol lamp. Again, if you are pressed for the want of
FIG. 3.-A Bought Alcohol Lamp. FIG. 4.-A Home-Made Alcohol Lamp.
tube into it; glue two strips of wood, U inch thick, to the
bottom of the block along its edges, then put a rubber tube
on the lower end of the pipe and connect it with a gas jet
from which you have taken out the tip, and the burner is
complete, as shown in Fig. 6. A sheet of iron gauze is laid
on the upper ring of the stand and the flask, or other piece
of chemical glassware, is set on it when you want to heat
any liquid to the boiling point. Iron gauze comes III
1 The reason for regulating the air supply is explained in Chapter XI.
FIG. 5.-A Bought Bunsen Burner. FIG. 6.-A Home-Made Bunsen Burner.
medicine dropper, see Fig. 13, and this enables you to put
one or more drops of a liquid into a test tube or beaker with
neatness, accuracy, and dispatch.
A beaker is a tumbler-shaped glass ~ith a lip on it, as
shown in Fig. 14, so that you can pour a liquid from it
without spilling it. You can use an ordinary glass tumbler
instead of a beaker except when you have to heat it. You
should have a set of three beakers, or nest, as it is called,
FIG. 7.
A Test Tube. FIG. 9.-A Test-Tube Holder.
a pestle, see Fig. 18, must be used where you have to grind
a substance to a powder.
A 4-ounce or an 8-ounce wide-mouth bottle, like that
pictured in Fig. 19, is used in many operations, especially
in purifying gases. You can use a ~ -pint fruit jar in a
pinch, but a bottle is better. An ordinary cork will serve
as a stopper, but a rubber stopper makes a tighter fit.
While you can make a hole in a cork with a knife and
smooth it up with a rat-tail file, an easier, quicker, and,
hence, better way is to use a cork-borer. Rubber stoppers
can be bought with holes in them, ready for inserting glass
Fig. 23, will be quite large enough for any experiment you
will want to make.
The retort shown in Fig. 24 is made of a kind of glass
which has been carefully annealed, so that it can be heated
to quite a high temperature without breaking. It is made
with a ground-glass stopper, and can be set in a ring-stand
directly over a flame. Half a dozen watch glasses, or
crystals, as they are often called, see Fig. 25, are useful for
How Congo Red Acts. Congo red (C 12H s (N 2 ' C10H 5' NH 2 '
S03N a)2) as shown by its formula, is also complex.
Congo red paper when dipped in an alkaline solution
remains red, and when dipped in acid solutions turns
blue, hence it acts in just the reverse way from litmus
paper. Its especial usefulness lies in the fact that it shows
bulb off a pipette, that is, a medicine dropper, and use it,
but if you should want a nozzle with a littl.e larger or a
little smaller opening in it, the only way to get it quickly
is to make one. To do this, cut off a piece of glass tube
about 4 inches long, hold both ends of it so that the middle
will be in the flame of your lamp or burner, and at the same
time keep turning it round so that it will heat evenly.
When it gets red hot it will be quite soft, and you can
then draw it out until it is very thin in the middle, as shown
in Fig. 3 I. Now take it out of the flame and make a cut
with a :file at the place where it will give an opening of the
size you want; this done, gently tap it with your file. It
will brf'ak off and the nozzle is ready to use.
the sun sank below the horizon. But if the earth's atmos-
phere reached a height of a thousand instead of a hundred
miles or so, then we should have daylight all the time, for
the light of the sun is refracted, that is, it is bent out of its
course, and diffused, or spread out by the gases of which
the former is composed, and so some of the light from it
would reach us whatever the relative positions of the earth
and sun might be. Hence, it is the height of the atmosphere
that determines the length of our twilight.
Thus while the sun is yet below the horizon in the morn-
ing, its rays are bent up and we get some of its light when
we have dawn, and again when the sun drops below the
horizon in the evening, and then we have twilight.
In the extreme northern and southern regions where the
days are the longest, twilight is always present, so that
there is enough light to see by throughout the whole night.
Oppositely, at the equator twilight is very short, and on
top of the Andes it lasts for only about half an hour. By
figuring the height of the atmosphere on the basis of the
length of twilight, the results show that the limit of the
atmosphere is reached in the neighborhood of 200 miles
above the earth's surface.
The Weight or Pressure of the Air. The atmosphere
must have weight or else it would not cling so tightly to
the earth's surface, and since it has weight it must exert a
pressure on the surface of the earth. It must be clear, too,
that having weight the atmosphere is denser directly on
the surface of the earth than it is at the upper levels, in
fact a Cli bic foot of it weighs 174' ounces at sea level, while its
pressure at sea level is, roughly, 15 pounds to the square inch.
FIG. 33.-An Experiment which shows that the Air has Pressure.
(Fe andS)
1 The Latin name for iron is ferrum, and from this we get the words ferric
and ferrous. The word ferrous is used to show that the combining power or
valance as it is called is lowest, and ferric is used to show that it is highest.
2 Pronounced ze'-non.
in the air there are dust, bacteria,! and yeast spores floating
around in it.
Carbon dioxide (C0 2) is a colorless, odorless compound
that is heavier than the air and is formed by the chemical
combination of carbon (C) and oxygen (0), and it is this
gas that is used to make soda water fizz and sparkle and
to cause bread dough to rise. The water vapor (H 20) con-
sists of oxygen (0) and hydrogen (H) chemically combined,
as you will see in Chapter V, while ammonia (N Ha) is
nitrogen (N) combined with hydrogen (H).
What the Air Is Good For. Air as a physical substance
js used at atmospheric pressure, that is, just as it is, as a
medium for flight by both the winged animals and man, it
is also used in the form of compressed air and in a rarefied
state for various industrial as well as experimental purposes.
Its first and chief use as a chemical substance is in support-
ing animal life, and the second in supporting combustion,
but in both of these cases it is only the oxygen (0) it con-
tains that is used, the nitrogen (N) merely serving to
dilute and to spread it. Air can also be liquefied by extract-
ing the heat of it, and liquid air is largely used for experi-
mental purposes.
About Burning and Combustion. When any element or
compound combines violently with oxygen (0) it generates
heat and often gives off light, and we call this action burn-
ing, and the process is known as combustion. Oxygen (0)
Take a test tube and dampen the inside surface of it; now
put some very fine iron (Fe) filings into it and turn the tube
over and over until the filings stick to the damp surface;
this done, invert the tube, that is, turn it with the open
end down, and set it in a saucer of water, as shown in
Fig. 38.
The first thing that takes place is that the weight of the
atmosphere, or outside air, on the surface of the water (H 20)
in the saucer presses down on it and this forces it up in the
tube a little and presses the air that is in the tube into
closer contact with the particles of iron (Fe). The oxygen
(0) of the air in the tube makes the damp particles rust
and it is thus used up; this leaves more space in the tube
so that the weight of the outside air on the water (H 20) in
the saucer presses it still farther up the tube.
In the course of an hour or two, so much of the oxygen
(0) in the tube will be used up that the water (H 20) will
have reached a height of about Ys of the length of the tube.
If, now, you will examine the tube, you will see that some
of the particles of iron have taken on a brick-colored hue,
and this is due to the rust that has formed on the surface
of them.
All the particles would rust away if enough air could be
supplied to the tube to supply the necessary oxygen (0) to
them. The reason that only Ys of the tube is taken up by
the oxygen (0) is, obviously, because the other % is taken
up by the nitrogen (N), which is not a very active gas.
How Slow Oxidation Causes Decay. Metals are by no
means the only elements and substances that are rusted by
oxygen (0); vegetable and animal matter are likewis€
atoms of oxygen (0), and this you will find described and
pictured in Chapter X. There are several ways by which
oxygen (0) can be changed into ozone (0 3), but the easiest
way to do it on a small scale is to set up an electric spark,
and this you can do with either a Leyden jar or a spark coil.
Ozone (0 3) has powerful oxidizing properties and it is there-
fore a good bleaching agent and disinfectant.
How to Test for Ozone. Put I part of pure potassium
iodide (KI), 10 parts of starch (C 6 H 100 5)x,and 200 parts
of water (H 20) into a beaker and boil them together for 3
or 4 minutes, and they will form a paste. Spread this on
a sheet of writing paper evenly, let it dry, and then cut it
into strips, and you will have Sch~nbein's ozone test paper;
place these strips together and wrap them up in waxed
paper so that the air cannot act on them. If now you will
take out one of the strips and moisten it and then put it
in air that contains ozone (0 3), even if this is so weak you
cannot smell it, the paper will instantly change to a blue
tube into this latter hole and set the cork in a glass finger-.
bowl or other dish. Fill the bowl with water (H 20) so
that it covers the top of the cork, then fill a large test tube
with water (H 20), invert it, and set it on the cork over the
FIG. 40.-How the Delivery Tube is Bent. FIG. 4I.-The Hole in the Cork.
as shown in Fig. 46, and close up the mouth of the tube with
a bit of wax to keep the gas from escaping. This done,
put a few pieces of red phosphorus (P), each about the size
of a buckshot, in a small beaker and set this in a porcelain
bowl, or other deep vessel; now fill both of them full of
boiling water (H 20) and remove the wax from the mouth
of the tube and place the tube in the beaker, as shown in
the flame of the burning paper grows more and more feeble,
and that the water (H 20) rises higher and higher in the
beaker or tumbler, until it is considerably above the level
of that in the soup plate. When the paper will no longer
burn, you will have considerable nitrogen (N) in the glass.
How the Experiment Works. When the paper burns, it
consumes the oxygen (0) in the beaker or tumbler, and this
produces a partial vacuum in it. The pressure of the out-
side air on the water (H 20) in the soup-plate is now greater
than that of the air in the beaker, or tumbler, and conse-
quently it forces the water (H 20) up and into the latter.
The oxygen (0) in the beaker, or tumbler, combines with
the carbon (C) in the paper and forms carbon dioxide
(C0 2); this gas is heavier than the air and so falls on the
surface of the water, which absorbs it; hence the gas that
remains in the tumbler is nitrogen (N).
Another Easy Way to Make Nitrogen. Pour a table-
spoonful of alcohol (C 2H 50H) into a little tin pill-box, or an
iron or porcelain dish, having a diameter of I Y2 or 2 inches,
and set this in a wine-glass. This done, stand the wine-
glass in a soup-plate filled with water (H 20). Now light
the alcohol (C 2H 50H ) , and then set a beaker, or a tumbler
or a small fruit-jar over them, as shown in Fig. 50.
from the soup-plate, then light the match and let it get to
burning well. When this is done, put it up into the jar,
and you will see how quickly the flame will be extinguished.
This experiment shows that nitrogen (N) will not support
What Else the Experiment Shows. The fact that the
match will not burn in nitrogen (N) does not at all show
that it is a poison. While nitrogen (N) will not support
combustion, we take into our lungs a little more than three
times as much of it as we do oxygen (0) and with no harmful
effect. But carbon dioxide (C0 2 ), cyanogen (C 2 N 2 ), and
several other gases will kill, not only because they cannot
support combustion, but because they are poisonous.
~~~V (eQ. COs)
bon dioxide (C0 2 ) and lower a lighted candle into it, and
the flame will be extinguished. You can do this experi-
ment as a trick, for to the average person the bottle, or jar,
is, to all intents, an empty one; now lower half a dozen
lighted candles into the jar one after the other, and the
so that the tip of the wick is about Yz inch below the surface
of the gas. The flame, strange as it may seem, will keep on
burning above the surface of the gas although it is entirely
cut off from the wick.
comes in round sheets and you can fit it into the funnel by
folding a sheet of it over once, then again, and, finally,
again, causing it to be creased, as shown in Fig. 62.
This done, spread the paper out flat and then make a
cone of it, set it into the funnel and rub it along the creases
to make it fit closely, as in Fig. 62; next, wet the paper all
over with clean water to make it cling to the surface, and
Fig. 65. This done, light the lamp and when the water
(H 20) begins to boil and to generate steam, the latter will
pass through the tube; when it does so, let some cold water
(H 20) fall on the tube by means of a sponge, and the steam
(H 20) will then condense into water (H 20). The better
to aid the process of condensation, wrap a cloth round the
tube and let the water fall on it. Very soon pure water
(H 20) will flow out of the tube and into the beaker.
You can easily separate the oxygen (0) and hydrogen (H)
of which water (H 20) is formed by a process known as
electrolysis-that is, by passing an electric current through
it. To do the experiment you will need a pair of test tubes,
a couple of pieces of carbon such as is used for arc lights
and each of which is about 172 inches long, a soup-plate,
and a battery of 5 or 6 dry cells. Take two pieces of in-
sulated copper wire and scrape the ends clean, then twist
one end of each one around each of the pieces of carbon and
connect the other ends to the battery of dry cells.
This done, fill the soup-plate nearly full of clean water
(H 20) - it does not have to be distilled - and stir half a
dozen drops of sulphuric acid (H 2S0 4) into it. You will
remember I told you in the chapter before this that water
(H 20) is not a conductor of electricity, but you can make
it so - it is then called an electrolyte - by adding a little
common salt, that is, sodium chloride (NaCl), or, better,
sodium bisulphate (Na HS0 4 ) or, still better, sulphuric
acid (H 2S0 4 ).
Now fill both test tubes full of the electrolyte, which is
the water (H 20) so prepared, then place your finger over
the mouth of each one in turn, invert it and set it into the
water (H 20) in the soup-plate over the carbon rod, or elec-
trode, as it is called, as shown in Fig. 72. As soon as you
have done this you will see bubbles of gas form on each car-
bon electrode and rise up through the water (H 20) to the
surface of it.
Now the gas formed in one of the tubes is oxygen (0),
and in the other one hydrogen (H); after this action has
taken place for a few minutes you will observe that the
are called anions. Now the hydrogen (H) atoms are always
charged positively, and these ions of the water (H 20), or
other electrolyte, collect at the negative electrode, which
. is the carbon connected with the zinc pole of the battery,
while the oxygen (0) atoms are always
charged negatively, and these ions col- ~l~IR£S
lect at the positive electrode, which is . "\
the carbon connected with the carbon GA~
from a pipette and couple the large end of it with the free
end of the delivery tube of your generating apparatus by
means of a bit of rubber tubing, as shown in Fig. 81. Before
lighting the gas at the tip of the pipette, be sure to let the
generator run at least 5 minutes to get rid of all of the air
or else you are liable to have an explosion, as explained
under the caption of "How to Make Hydrogen."
then tie the neck of it up tight; this done, connect the stem
of an ordinary clay pipe to the neck of the bladder, or bag,
and then make a solution of good soap and soft water (H 20).
Now dip the mouth of the pipe in the soap solution, cut
the thread from the neck of the bladder, or gas bag, and
then press on it, and a bubble will be formed, as shown
instead of the clay pipe fasten a glass tube in the neck of it;
this done, half fill a wash-basin with the soap solution,
then put the end of the tube into it and press on the bladder,
or'gas bag, and the basin will be filled to overflowing with
small hydrogen (H) bubbles, as shown in Fig. 86. Now
tie a match to a long stick, then light it and bring it into
contact with the bubbles, and they will explode like a bunch
of giant fire-crackers going off.
in contact with the table or floor, but you can keep them
for a long time by letting them fall on a sheet of paper on
which you have sprinkled some lycopodium powder. Bub-
FIG. 87.-Melting the Resin and Linseed Oil Over a Water Bath.
bles blown with the resin solution are exceedingly thin and,
different from soap bubbles: they are perfectly gas-tight.
They are very pretty when the sunlight is allowed to fall
on them.
How to Make a Self-Lighting Flame. Make a hydrogen
(H) gas jet, as shown in Fig. 8I, and hold a piece of spongy
platinum (Pt) over it, as shown in Fig. 88, and it will soon
get red-hot and then, in
turn, it will light the gas.
Spongy platinum (Pt)
is a powdered form of
platinum (Pt), and you
can buy it ready to use.
It is made by dissolv-
ing platinum (Pt) in
aqua regia, which is a
mixture of I part of
nitric acid (H N0 3) and
3 parts of hydrochloric
acid (H Cl). Crystals
of chloroplatinic acid
(H 2 PtCI 6) are thus
formed; ammonium
chloride (N H 4 CI) is
then added, which pre-
cipitates the platinum
(Pt) as ammonium chlo- SIZE JAR
roplatinate ((N H 4)2 Pt
CI 6), and on heating the
compound it leaves the
platinum (Pt) in a pow-
dered form, and this is FIG. 89·-An Electric Bell in Hydrogen.
called spongy platinum (Pt).
How Hydrogen Acts on Silver Nitrate. Dissolve as
much silver nitrate (Ag N0 3) as you can in a teaspoonful
FIG. 9I.-A Hydrogen Flame Organ Pipe.
FIG. 92.-How to Purify Hydrogen and Other Gases.
the ear can hear . Now when the flame is made to burn
in the tube there will be a large number of regular explo-
sions of the hydrogen (H), and this sets up waves in the
air, which in turn produce a musical sound.
How to Purify Hydrogen Gas. In making experiments
with hydrogen (H), it is often necessary to have it free
from all other substances. To purify it you need only to
pass it through a solution made by dissolving I ounce of
FIG. 97.-The Writing in the Bottle. FIG. 98.-The Writing Bleached Out.
ing a piece of calico dyed with Turkey red,l which you have
moistened, between them, and slipping a strong rubber
band over each end, as shown in Fig. 100. This done, drop
some hypochlorous acid(HClO), which is a bleaching liquid,
into the hole of the top board and let it filter through the
cloth. Finally, take the calico from the boards and wash
it, and you will find a perfectly white spot on it where the
liquid came in contact with the colored fibres.
Experiment with Ammonia. While the ammonia
(N H 40 H) we know so well and use so much of is a liquid
formed of ammonia (N H s), which is a gas, dissolved in
water (H 20), real ammonia (N Hs) is a transparent color-
less gas that has a very penetrating, choking odor, and
1 Turkey red is a dye produced when alizarin (C 14 H s0 4 ) is used with a
mordant of aluminum sulphate (A12 (S04h-H 20).
and the pressure of the gas will make the water (H 20)
absorb the largest possible amount, and a saturated solu-
tion will result. You will know when the water (H 20)
has absorbed all the ammonia (N H 3) gas it can by the
expansion of it, causing it almost to touch the cork that
cheaper than you can make them yourself, but still you
should make them for the experience that will accrue to you.
About Sulphuric Acid. Sulphuric acid (H 2S0 4 ), the
common name of which is oil oj vitriol, is a thick, oily liquid
that is nearly twice as heavy as water (H 20). It is the
most difficult of all the common acids to make in the labora-
tory, but with a little patience you can do it. The start
has to be made with sulphur dioxide (S02), a colorless gas
that is more than twice as heavy as air, and 80 volumes of
it will dissolve in I volume of water (H 20). This gas is
easily made when sulphur (S) bums in the air, causing it
to combine with the oxygen (0) of the latter.
Next, the sulphur dioxide (S02) must be converted into
sulphur trioxide (S03), which is a colorless, volatile liquid,
and this is done by heating the SUlphur dioxide (S02) and
more oxygen (0) together at a high temperature. Another
atom of oxygen (0) then combines with each molecule of it
and so converts it into a different substance. The vapor of
the sulphur trioxide (S03) is then conducted to a vessel which
is kept cold, and it will liquefy into concentrated SUlphuric
acid (H 2S0 4 ) in the presence of water (H 20).
The Easiest Way to Make Sulphuric Acid. Take a
dozen pieces of cotton thread, each about 3 inches long,
dip them into melted sulphur (S), and when they are cold
tie them to one end of an iron wire about 6 inches long.
Now push the other end of the wire into a cork and then
put as much water (H 20) as will fill a small test tube into
a pint bottle. This done, light the sulphur (S) on the end
of the wire, push the wire into the bottle, and cork it up,
as shown in Fig. 109.
When the vapor of the burning sulphur (S) fills the bot-
tle, dip a thin pine stick into some strong nitric acid (H NO a)
and hold it in it, as shown in Fig. I 10. Instantly the nitric
acid (H NOs) will decompose and the nitric oxide (N 20)
(KNO z)
of white silky crystals that look very much like the fibres
of asbestos. This must be kept in a bottle with a glass
stopper until you are ready to use it, as it fumes strongly
when it comes in contact with the air. Put the sulphur
trioxide (SOs) into I pint of water (H 20), and it will dis-
solve, in doing which it will make a hissing sound and set
up a large amount of heat. The resulting solution formed
by the reaction is sulphuric acid (H 2S0 4 ),
A Laboratory Method for Making Sulphuric Acid. To
make sulphuric acid (H 2S0 4 ) by the process that is gen-
erally used in school laboratories, you have to begin with
oxygen (0) and sulphur dioxide (S02) , then change these
into sulphur trioxide (SOs) , and, finally, dissolve this in
water (H 20). Sulphuric acid (H 2S0 4) results.
How to Make Sulphur Dioxide. Put I ounce of copper
turnings (Cu) into a pint flask and pour 2 ounces of concen-
trated sulphuric acid (H 2S0 4) on them; this done, put a
cork that has a delivery tube in it in the flask and heat the
latter gently, and sulphur dioxide (S02) will be given off.
Just as soon as the gas begins to pass over, raise the flask
above the flame high enough so that the gas will flow from
the delivery tube in a steady stream. Couple the delivery
tube with a wash-bottle, and then you are ready to connect
it with the apparatus for making sulphur trioxide (SOs).
See Fig. IIZ.
How to Make Sulphur Trioxide. Sulphur trioxide
(SOs), as its formula shows, has I more atom of oxygen in
each of its molecules than sulphur dioxide (S02) has, and
to add this extra atom of oxygen (0) you need the follow-
ing piece of apparatus. Having your oxygen (O)-generat-
I if.>
COLD _---J!I11T1"H
(Ha O)
spar, into the lead tray and add enough sulphuric acid
(H 2S0 4 ) to make thin paste of it.
This done, melt some paraffin wax, pour it on the sheet
of glass which you want to engrave, run it all over the sur-
face and drain it off at one corner,and a thin film of the
so, wash off the wax with turpentine and you will see the
name or picture etched into the glass (Na 20,CaO, Si0 2).
An Easier Way to Etch on Glass. An easier way to
etch on glass (Na 20, CaO, Si0 2 ) is to buy some hydrofluoric
acid (HF + H 20), which is simply hydrogen fluoride
(HF) gas dissolved in water (H 20). This is sold in rub-
ber bottles, as the acid does not attack rubber (C 5H 8) to
any great extent. Coat the glass (NazO,CaO, Si0 2) with
paraffin wax and scratch a name or draw a picture on and
through the film with a needle as before, and then build
up a little wax ridge all around the plate, lay it on a table,
and with your pipette cover the scratched-in lines with the
acid. Let it remain on the plate over night, then wash
the wax off with turpentine, and the surface of the exposed
parts of the glass (Na 20,CaO, Si0 2) will be found to be
etched away.
How to Change Water into Ozone. If you will turn
back to the last part of Chapter II, you will see that ozone
(0 3) is produced when electric sparks "are made to take
place in air. To change the oxygen (0) of water (H 20)
into ozone (03 ), fill a tube with fluorine (F), and as this gas
is heavier than the air in the tube, the latter can be held
right side up. Now let a single drop of water (H 20) fall
into the tube of fluorine (F) with your pipette, and tl:e
oxygen (0) of the water (H 20) will be turned to ozone (0 3),
salt, for a few cents it is not good economy to make it, but
it is well worth your while to do so for the experience it will
give you. To make a little, dissolve a tablespoonful of
sodium hydroxide (N aO H), that is, caustic soda, in a small
beaker half full of water (H 20).
Now fill a test tube one-fourth full of water (H 20) and
add an equal amount of hydrochloric acid (HCl). This
done, pour the dilute acid, a very little at a time, into the
solution of caustic soda (N aO H) and keep testing it with
blue litmus paper right along; the instant it changes the
paper from blue to red add a few drops of caustic soda
(N aO H), and it will be neutral, that is, it will be neither
acid nor alkali and hence, it will not change blue litmus
paper red nor red paper blue.
When this point is reached, pour the solution from the
beaker into a porcelain dish and evaporate it over a water
bath until there is nothing left but a white residue which
is l1either an alkali nor aN. acid but a salt, and this is sodium
chloride (N aCl).
How the Experiment Works. The reaction that takes
place is clearly shown by the following equation:
HCl + NaOH NaCl + H 20
Hydrochloric acid Sodium Sodium Water
hydroxide chloride
the gas will then force the burning metal through the water
(H 20), as shown in Fig. lIS, and as it darts along it will
make explosive sounds like a bunch of miniature firecrackers
going off.
How the Experiment Works. When you drop the potas-
sium (K) on the water (H 20), the chemical action sets the
hydrogen ( H) free so fast that it develops enough heat to
ignite both the gas and the metal, and the mechanical re-
action between the escaping gas and the metal forces the
latter along on the water (H 20). The chemical reaction
that takes place between the potassium (K) and the water
end of the other battery wire, as shown in Fig. I2I, the nail
will become a magnet, and when this is the case you will
know that a current is flowing in the wire.
Chromium, the Color-Making Metal. We get the word
color from the Greek root chroma, and because this metal
gives variously colored compounds it is called chromium
(Cr). While it is not a very well known metal, still it was
discovered over a hundred years ago. It is found in a
mineral called chromite, which is ferrous chromite (Fe
(Cr02)2), and in crocoisite, which is lead chromate (PbCr04)'
The metal is easily extracted from this mineral by the
thermit process. (See Aluminum). Like manganese (Mn) ,
chromium (Cr) is used for hardening steel (Fe), and alloys
containing it will be described presently. The chief com-
pounds of chromium (Cr) are potassium chromate (K 2 Cr04)
and potassium dichromate (K 2 Cr 207).
Experiments with Chromium. Potassium dichromate
(K 2 Cr 207) is the most common compound of chromium
(Cr). It is made by dissolving chromium (Cr) in nitric
acid (H N0 3). Heat a beaker half full of water (H 20)
until it boils, then remove it from the flame and stir in a
teaspoonful of potassium dichromate (K 2 Cr 207); when it
is cold, add I ounce of sulphuric acid (H 2504) and stir the
solution well with a glass rod. This done, pour it into your
porcelain evaporating-dish and cover it with a board, let it
stand for several hours, and dark red crystals will be
formed in it. These are chromic acid (H 2 Cr04)'
Pour off the red solution, then lay the crystals on a piece
of flower pot, or other unglazed pottery, and cover them
with a glass jar so that the air can not get to them, and in a_
a strip of clean zinc (Zn) into the solution and let it stand
for 5 or 10 minutes. The nickel (Ni) will be deposited upon
the coin and the latter will be nickel-plated.
Tin, the Soft, Malleable Metal. "Tin" is an old Anglo-
Saxon word, and stannum is its Latin name, so from th:s
we get the symbol for it (Sn). This metal was one of the
earliest known, as the fact that it has been found in Egyp-
tian tombs goes to show. In the days of the early Greeks
tin (Sn) was found only in the British Isles and, hence, these
were called the Tin Islands. It is a soft, white metal and
so malleable that it can be rolled into exceedingly thin
sheets which we call tin-foil.
The chief ore it is contained in is cassiterite (Sn02) , or
tin-stone, as it is commonly called, and this is found in the
Straits Settlement, Bolivia, England, and Nigeria. The
metal is extracted from its ore by pulverizing the latter,
washing it,and then roasting it to drive out the impurities,
after which it is smelted with coke (C). The chemical
compounds formed of tin (Sn) include the chlorides, the
oxides, stannic acid (H 2Sn03) , etc.
An Experiment with Tin. This is an experiment in which
stannous chloride (SnCl 2 ) is used to separate the metallic
mercury (Hg) that is in a mercuric chloride (HgCI 2 ) solu-
tion. Make a little stannous chloride (SnCl 2) solution by
dissolving Y2 teaspoonful of granulated tin (Sn) in a test
tube half full of hydrochloric acid (H CZ) . Next dissolve
Y2 teaspoonful of mercuric chloride (HgCI 2) , the common
name of which is corrosive sublimate, and which you want
to handle very carefully, as it is poisonous, in a test tube
half full of water (H 20). Now add a few drops of the tin
( Cu), and some of the zinc (Zn) will take the place of the
copper (Cu) in the solution, and it becomes zinc sulphate
(ZnS04) thus:
Zn + CUS04 ZnS04 + Cu
Zinc Copper sulphate Zinc sulphate Copper
Bismuth, the Easily Fusible Metal. Although bismuth
(Bi) is found free in nature, still it is not a commonly known
metal.' Just why it is called bismuth (Bi) seems not to be
known, and Agricola, who discovered it in 1529 called it
wiessmatte, which means a blooming meadow, because of the
variegated colors it shows when it is tarnished. It is found
in ores formed of bismuth trioxide (Bi 20 3 ), and bismuth
trisulphide (Bi 2S 3), or bismuth glance as it is called. Bis-
muth (Bi) is a pinkish-colored metal, very brittle, melts at
a low temperature, and has the peculiar property of ex-
panding when it cools.
Bismuth (Bi) does not tarnish when exposed to air, and
when heated to redness it burns and forms bismuth trioxide
(Bi 20 3 ). It united with fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine
(Br), iodine (I), and nitrogen (N). Bismuth nitrate
(Bi(N0 3)3,H 20) is the best known and most important
salt of this metal, and this forms the well-known cosmetic
so largely sold for beautifying ladies' complexions under
the name of pearl white.
Experiments with Bismuth. Drop some finely powdered
bismuth (Bi) into a jar of chlorine (Cl) and it will take fire.
Put a bit of bismuth (Bi) on a piece of charcoal (C) and
heat it. It will then form a yellow film, which is bismuth
trioxide (Bi 20 3 ).
Antimony, the Metal that Expands. This metal was
before a white light. You will observe that the light passes
through the gold leaf quite easily.
Platinum, the Regal Metal. The word platinum (Pt)
comes from the Spanish platina, which means silver (Ag),
and since these metals bear a decided resemblance to each
other in the matter of color, it is quite likely that the regal
metal was taken for the queen of metals when it was first
found. Platinum (Pt) is chiefly found free in the gravel
of river beds, and most of it comes from the Ural Moun-
tains. It is quite hard, cannot be melted in the flame of a
Bunsen burner, but does so in an oxyhydrogen flame or the
electric arc.
Platinum (Pt) is a very heavy metal, a piece of it weigh-
ing nearly three times as much as a piece of iron (Fe), and
twice as much as a piece of lead (Pb) of the same size. It
has a very small chemical activity, by which is meant that
it resists the action of most substances, and hence it is
largely used in making crucibles, evaporating-dishes, and
other apparatus required by the chemist.
One of the chief compounds made of platinum (Pt) is
platinic chloride (PtCI 4) , and this is done by dissolving
the metal in aqua regia and then evaporating the solution,
causing the acids to pass off.
How Alloys are Made. The na~e alloy, is given to two
or more different metals when they are melted together.
''''hile an alloy thus produced is simply a mixture of the
metals, it possesses properties entirely different from either
or all of them.
Alloys of Magnesium and Aluminum. Aluminum (AI)
is a metal that is hard to work in a lathe and also to polish,
for the reason that it sticks to the tools, but when 2 per
cent of magnesium (M g) is mixed with 98 per cent of it,
they form an alloy called magnalium that is free from these
Alloys of Iron and Steel. Pure iron (Fe) is quite soft
and malleable, but what we call cast iron is really an alloy
which contains a small per cent of carbon (C), sulphur (S),
silicon (Si), and other substances, and it is these that make
it grey and brittle. Wrought iron is purer, and for this
reason it is malleable. Steel is simply iron (Fe) that has
more carbon (C) in it than cast iron, and when it is heated
to a certain temperature and allowed to cool slowly, it gets
very hard and springy.
By mixing in various other metals, a wonderful series of
steel alloys are produced; thus when 7 to 20 per cent of man-
ganese (Mn) is added to steel it is called manganese steel ..
This alloy is exceedingly hard, and so it is used for making
burglar-proof safes, the jaws of stone crushers, and rail-
way frogs. When I per cent of chromium (Cr) and 15 .
per cent of vanadium (V) are mixed with steel, it makes
an alloy called chrome-vanadium steel, and this not only has
great tensile strength but it will bend double before it will
break. It is used for the connecting-rods of engines and
the frames and axles of motor-cars.
An alloy with 20 per cent of tungsten (W), % per cent
carbon (C), 3 Y2 per cent of chromium (Cr) and I Y2 per
cent of vanadium (V), and the rest steel, makes an alloy
called high-speed steel. This is used to make tools for lathes
and other machines, and these will cut steel very fast and
without losing their temper even when the friction heats
gold coins are 21 6/IO carats fine, that is, they contain IO
per cent of copper (Cu) and 90 per cent of gold (Au).
How Amalgams Are Made. An amalgam is an alloy in
which one metal is dissolved in another metal. The word
amalgam comes from two Greek words that mean soft mass.
Mercury (Rg) is used to dissolve the other metal, and all
the common metals will dissolve in mercury (R g), although
platinum (Pt) and iron (Fe) do so to the least extent.
A Sodium Amalgam. When I per cent of sodium (Na)
is dissolved in 99 per cent of mercury (Rg), an amalgam
is formed that is a soft mass, but when 2 per cent of sodium
(Na) is dissolved in 98 per cent of mercury (Rg) it forms a
solid mass. When metallic sodium (N a) is to be used, it
is often better to make an amalgam, as the mercury (Rg)
will not affect its action and it can be handled easier.
Zinc Amalgam. When the zinc (Zn) plates used in
batteries are rubbed with mercury (Rg), the molecules of
the former that are on the surface are mixed with those of
the latter, and the plates are then said to be amalgamated.
The amalgam thus formed prevents local currents from
being set up between the impure particles in the zinc (Zn),
and the zinc (Zn) itself, and also keeps the acid solution
from eating the zinc (Zn) away so rapidly.
Tin and Zinc Amalgams. Formerly mirrors were made
by coating glass (Na 20,CaO,Si0 2 ) with a tin amalgam
formed of I part of tin (Sn), I part of lead (Pb), and 2 parts
of bismuth (Bi) dissolved in 4 parts of mercury (Rg).
Mirrors are now made by coating them with a silver nitrate
(Ag NOs) solution.
and gases; the former are called inelastic, while gases have
What the Properties of Matter Are. Indestructibility is
a word used to mean that matter cannot be created or de-
stroyed. It is easy to change the shape of solid bodies,
to make two or more substances into an entirely different
substance, to make a solid into a liquid, and the latter into
a gas; then, the other way about, gases can be liquefied
and these in turn can be solidified, though these latter pro-
cesses are much more diffi-
cult than the former. But
in any event there is exactly
the same amount of matter
left as there was before the
Impenetrability mea n s
simply that no two par-
ticles of matter can be in
the same place at the same
time. This is perfectly ob-
vious with solid bodies but
not so much so with liquids
FIG. I 27.-Clearly Two Bodies
and with gases. Now here Cannot Occupy the same
Space at the Same Time.
are two experiments, the
first of which shows easily enough the truth of the first
statement, and the second seems to show the fallacy of it.
First Experiment. Hold a tumbler, or a beaker, by the
bottom and put the open end into a soup-plate half full of
water (H 20), as shown in Fig. 127. You will see now that
the level of the water (H 20) in the glass is very much lower
FIG. 129.-How Atoms Form the FIG. 130.-How the Negative and Positive
Molecule, and Molecules the Mass. Particles of Electricity form the Atom.
4 - . . . . . t T O M S OF ~ATOMSOF
the older ones. Thus iron (Fe) and gold (A u) are so old
that their names are shrouded in obscruity. Many of the
elements that have been discovered in recent times get
their names from various Greek and Latin words.
Thus chlorine (Cl) comes from the Greek word which
means yellowish-green, as this is the color of the gas. Bro-
mine (Br) gets its name from the Greek word which means
stench, and it is very aptly named, too, for it is a very smelly
gas. Hydrogen (H) comes from two Greek words which
mean water, and to produce, for water (H 20) is produced
by burning hydrogen (H) in air. In the same way, nitro-
gen (N) gets its name from the Greek word which means
The recently discovered gases, helium (He), argon (A),
neon (N e), krypton (Kr), and xenon (pronounced ze-non) ;
(Xe) are all named from Greek words meaning respectively:
the sun, inactive, new, hidden, and stranger. Finally, some
of the other elements are named from their properties, such
as radium (Ra), and some are named in honor of the coun-
tries the chemists were natives of who discovered them, as
for instance, scandium (Sc), etc.
What the Symbols Mean. In order that the name of
each element would not have to be written out every time
it was used, or where several of them are used together, as
in equations, the names of them have been abbreviated
and only the first letter or two - usually the first two
where more than one is needed - art: used to indicate an
element; thus 0 stands for oxygen, H for hydrogen, C for
carbon, and so on.
I The common name of potassium nitrate (KNOa) is nitre.
While the word volume has been used in the above explana-
tion, an experiment given in Chapter IV, in which you
analyze water (H 20) by passing a current of electricity
through it, shows that it is made up of 2 volumes of hydro-
gen (H) and I of oxygen (0). It also means that when
2 atoms of hydrogen (H) combine with I atom of oxygen
(0) they produce a molecule of water (H 20), and so it is
with all other compounds.
What Equations are. When two or more elements are
made to combine with each other and two or more other
elements or compounds are produced by the reaction, it
is called an equation, because the quantities you start with
and those that you get in the end are exactly equal. Take,
for instance, the first equation I have given in this book
in Chapter V under the caption of "How to Make Hydro-
gen without an Acid," which is
Zn + KO H K + znO + H t
In this experiment, zinc (Zn) which is an element, is
added to potassium hydroxide ( KO H), that is, caustic potash,
and which is a compound made up, as its formula shows, of
potassium (K), oxygen (0), and hydrogen (H). Now
when these react on each other, the oxygen (0) of the potas-
sium hydroxide (KO H) combines with the zinc (Zn) and
forms zinc oxide (ZnO) , and this sets the hydrogen (H)
free, and as this is a gas it passes into .the air, so that the
potassium (K) is left behind.
In the end, though, there is exactly as much zinc (Zn),
potassium (K), oxygen (0), and hydrogen (H) as there
was in the beginning, and to show that they are equal be-
fore and after the reaction, the equality sign is used. The
gives out light. Now in the same way that the vibrating
molecules of a burning substance set the air into motion
they also set the ether into motion. The ether is a very
thin and transparent kind of matter that fills all space
which is not actually taken up by matter of other kinds,
and it fills the pores of the densest metals. It is the sub-
stance by, in, and through which not only light, but all
other electromagnetic waves travel. When the light waves
reach the optic nerves of your eyes they set up the sensa-
tion of light in your brain, and they also have a very decided
action on substances of various kinds, as you will see later
in the chapter on photography.
Ways of Making Heat and Light. Our sun is, of course,
the original source of all heat and light, and however these
are produced, they are directly traceable to the sun. Heat
is not always accompanied by light, but burning is; on the
other hand, light may be had without any appreciable
amount of heat accompanying it.
When heat is produced without light it means that the
molecules of the substance that is heated are not vibrating
fast enough to produce light. Oppositely disposed, the
molecules of certain substances are capable of vibrating
fast enough to set up light and yet not slow enough to pro-
duce heat, as, for instance, the phosphorescent light of a
fire-fly, or a glow-worm, or the Geissler tube when it is
energized by an induction coil.
The three chief ways of making ileat are by friction, by
chemical action, and by electricity, and in all cases light
follows if the heat set up is sufficient to make the molecules
of the substance vibrate fast enough. The only kind of
extend just inside the jar and the latter will reach nearly
to the bottom of it, as shown in Fig. 134.
Now put a lighted candle inside of the jar and you will
observe that as it burns, vapor of water (H 20) and car-
bon dioxide ( CO 2) escape through the short tube. As they
do so, fresh, cool air from the outside flows through the
long tube into the jar and provides the necessary oxygen
(0) to support the burning process.
This experiment done, put your
finger over the end of the long
tube so that the fresh air is cut
off, and the flame will soon begin
to grow smaller, and finally it will
go out altogether.
How the Davy Safety-Lamp
Works. Sir Humphrey Davy in-
vented a safety -lamp, so that
when miners who carried it entered
a shaft where there was methane
( C H 4)' or fire-damp, as it is gen-
erally called, and which when
mixed with air is very explosive,
FIG. 134.-How Ventilation
it would not ignite. His safety- Affects Combustion.
lamp consists of a common oil
lamp, the flame of which is surrounded by a wire gauze
cover, as shown in Fig. 135. Now while enough oxygen (0)
will reach the flame to keep it burning, the flame cannot
get outside of the gauze to ignite the explosive gases.
To make an experiment which shows the principle of the
safety-lamp, take a piece of fine wire gauze about 8 inches
fire. If you hold the match over the top of the tube, the
pressure of the gas may blow it out before the gas ignites.
The Luminous Flame of the Burner. Slip the ring over
the holes in the burner so that it will cut off the air supply
and, hence, the oxygen (0), and you will see that the flame
gives out light, and if you hold a sheet of glass, or card-
board, over it, a film of carbon ( C), which is ordinarily called
soot, will be deposited on it.
Now examine the flame and you will see that it is formed
of four parts, as shown in Fig. 138; named, these are a dark
blue cone next to the burner, next, a deep blue cone, then,
a luminous cone containing glowing particles of· carbon ( C),
and, finally, a colorless cone, or sheath, on the outside.
The Non-Luminous Flame of the Burner. After you
have made the above experiment, slip the ring up and away
from the air-holes, and as you do so you will see that the
characteristics of the flame are changed. First of all, the
they decompose, that is, they oxidize, and the water (H 20)
and gases and oils that are in them are set free, and the
matter that is left behind is called coal (C).
Now there are two kinds of coal ( C), and these are bitumi-
nous, or soft, coal, and anthracite, or hard, coal. Bituminous
coal is coal that still contains large amounts of hydrogen
(H) and oils of various kinds, and, hence, this kind is used
for making illuminating gas. The coal is put into closed
retorts, and after the gases and oils have been driven out of
it by heat, there remain behind coke and coal-tar, and from
the latter, dyes,perfumes, and medicines are made. Anthra-
cite coal is nearly pure carbon (C), and it burns without
flame, makes very little smoke, and leaves but a sID;lll
amount of ash behind; it is, therefore, the most suitable
kind of coal for heating purposes.
How to Make Coal Gas. Take a clay pipe and fill it
with powdered soft coal and then close up the mouth of it
with a piece of clay. Now heat the pipe in the flame of
your alcohol lamp, or, better, because it is hotter, your
Bunsen burner, and the hydrogen (H) will be driven out,
and this you can light at the end of the stem, as shown in
Fig. 143. When all the gas has passed out, you will find
a little lump of hard, black porous matter in the pipe bowl,
and this is coke, while the sticky substance that remains is
))))) ~f
FIG. 145.-How a Bell Sends out Sound-Waves.
)))))) J
that is, they are decomposed, when exposed to it, and the
effects of these are very readily observed.
How Light Acts on Silver. Of all the compounds that
light has been found to act upon, those formed of silver
(Ag) are the most sensitive, and for this reason they are
used in photography. Of these salts, silver nitrate (Ag NO 3) ,
silver chloride (AgCl), and silver bromide (AgBr) are the
most easily affected. Silver nitrate (Ag N0 3) was the first
salt that was found to break down under the action of light,
and then followed silver chloride (AgCl), which is still more
: ...."
one being to :fix the picture so that it will notfade out, and
this will be described presently.
How to Make a Pinhole Camera. To understand how
light forms a picture, or image, as it is more properly called,
of an object, we shall have to leave the chemistry of it for
the moment and get into the physics of it. The simplest
way is to make a pinhole camera, by means of a pair of
open-end, rectangular pasteboard cases, each of which is,
say, 4- inches wide and high and 6 inches long, so made
that one will slide snugly into the other,as shown in Fig. I48.
Now glue a thin disk of
cardboard over one end of
the larger case and make a
pinhole in the center of it,
and then secure a sheet of
oiled tissue paper over one
end of the smaller case and
slide them together. Your
FIG. 148.~I-Iow to Make a pinhole camera is then ready
Pinhole Camera.
to use. Hold it in a line
with the object the image or picture of which you want to
see on the screen, as the oiled tissue paper is now called,
and focus it, that is, slide the smaller case in or out until the
image on the screen is as sharp as you can get it.
How the Camera Works. You will observe that, curi-
ously, the image on the tissue paper is reversed, that is, it
is upside down, but the reason for this will be clearly under-
stood by a look at the diagram shown in Fig. I49. Now
light-waves travel in straight lines and they are sent out
in every direction from every point of a candle or other
object, but of all the waves sent out from a particular point,
as for instance the one marked A, only those will go through
the pinhole, B, that are in a straight line with it, and then
they pass on to the screen, where they strike it at C. In
the same way, only the waves from the point marked D
can get through the pinhole, B, that are in a straight line
with it, and these impinge on the screen at E; and this is
true of all other parts of the candle or other object.
How a Real Camera is Made. A real camera differs
from the one just described in that it has a lens instead of
FIG. 149.-How the Image is Reversed.
and all will instantly change into wine, which you prove
by filling up the tumblers. This done, you pour the wine
back into the pitcher, and it is changed instantly into water
(H 20), as at the beginning, and you demonstrate the fact
by filling up the glasses with it.
(C1<I,J.{ ?
(FeC1 3 )
(H2o C2.04)
FIG. 154.-How Wine and Water are Poured from the Same Pitcher.
in a loose state you use them in tablet form, and these you
can buy of dealers in magical apparatus and supplies. To
change the ink in the decanter into water (H 20), you need
only to drop in an acid tablet, and to change the water (H 20)
and so :find their way inside. To prove it, you remove the
handkerchief, and the tumblers will be seen to be full of
smoke, and on taking the top one off, the smoke will rise in
a cloud, as shown in Fig. 161.
your wand, a lead pencil, or your finger, and they will lose
their lifelike qualities and become as motionless as the bits
of inert matter they were at first.
The Cause. The secret of this trick lies in the fact that
the so-called grains of sand are really particles of camphor
(C 1o H 160), and when this comes in contact with the water
(H 20) a reaction takes place in which hydrogen (H) is set
free, and this makes the camphor (C 10 H 160) move about
in a lively manner. The end of your wand, the pencil,
or your finger, has a little grease on it, and when this comes
in contact with the water (H 20) it prevents it from acting
on the camphor (C 10 H 160), and hence it gives up its false life.
(S,.(N03 M
(K N 0 3 )
they are cold, light the end of one of them with a match and
as the magnesium (Mg) burns it will throw out bright scin-
tillating sparks, as shown in Fig. 167.
How to Make a White Flash-Light. Put ~ teaspoonful
A B c
FIG. I69.-Lighting a Paper without a Match.
passes into the air, it will catch fire of its own accord and
form wonderful rings of smoke.
The purpose of the ether (C 4 H 1oO) is to drive the air
out of the retort and so prevent the burning of the first
bubbles of gas that are formed inside of it. The heat must
be carefully regulated, so that the bubbles will not follow
each other too quickly, and the air must be perfectly still,
so that the burning bubbles can form smoke rings.
dry, and this is, or at least it should be, soap. If it has not
saponified, that is, changed into soap, put a little 'more
alcohol (C H 40) and sodium hydroxide (N aO H) in the
dish and boil it again.
Perfumed Soap. Take a piece of good hard soap the
size of a walnut and melt it in a test tube, or the tin cover
of a baking-powder can, and while it is in a liquid state add
a few drops of perfume of any kind to it and stir it in thor-
oughly. When it is cold you can easily detect the odor by
smelling of it, and it will be very much in evidence when
you wash with it.
Colored Soap. Follow the same directions as for making
the perfumed soap given above, except that you add a
harmless coloring matter to it while it is in a melted state.
To give the soap a red color, put X teaspoonful of cochineaF
in a test tube one-fourth full of water (H 20) and boil it
until the solution is a bright red. Now put enough of this
into the melted soap to give it the tint you want. Other
colors can be had by using vegetable dyes of various kinds.
Floating Soap. Put enough good hard soap into a test
tube to fill it half full and then melt it. Stick a straw or
glass tube into the solution and just before it gets hard,
blow a blast of air through it and stir it at the same time;
this will fill it with air bubbles, and it will then be lighter
than water (H 20) and, consequently, the soap will float.
Glycerine Soap. Cut up a lump of good soap the size
of a walnut and put it in a test tube and melt it. Then
add ~ teaspoonful of glycerine (C aH5(OH)a) and stir them
1 This is a brilliant scarlet dye stuff made by killing female cochineal in-
sects a,nd drying them.
grease and the blotting paper will absorb it. Hence this
is not a chemical experiment but one that has to do with
physics. As long as the spot is gone, it really doesn't matter.
Old Grease Spots. You can remove an old grease spot
from clothing by dissolving it out with alcohol (C II 40),
benzine (C s II 1s), carbon tetrachloride (CCl 4), or the solu-
tion described above. In taking out a grease spot, start
at the edge of it with the cloth saturated with the solvent,
and then keep on working toward the center of it.
Paint Spots. The first thing to do is to soften the paint,
and this can be done by pouring on a little carbon tetra-
chloride (CCl4); after it has soaked for a while, moisten a
bit of clean muslin with turpentine (Co II 16) and rub the
spot until all traces of the paint have disappeared.
Ink Spots. To take out an ink spot on woolen clothing,
rub it lightly with a bleaching solution made by dissolving
I teaspoonful of calcium hypochlorite (Ca(O Cl) 2) , that is
chloride of lime, in 2 tablespoonfuls of water (II 20). This
will bleach out the black spot and leave a yellow spot, and
this you can remove by soaking a pellet of cotton in hydro-
gen dioxide (H 20 2 ) and with it gently rubbing the spot,
which in turn will disappear.
Where fresh ink is spilled on tright-colored goods, or on
a carpet, it can generally be removed by repeatedly washing
the stain with fresh, sweet milk. 1
To remove ink from paper, dissolve Yz teaspoonful each
of tartaric acid (C 4 II 60 6) and calcium hypochlorite (Ca
1 Milk is an emulsion formed of 80 to 90 per cent of water in which there
is dissolved 2 to 6 per cent of casein, Yi to 9 per cent of milk-sugar, I to 2 per
cent of mineral salts, and 2Yz to 6 per cent of fat; and it swarms with bacteria.
Atoms, How Electrons Form, 188 Blue Paper, How to Make and Use,225
Atoms, Negatively Charged, 78 Bluestone, 171
Atoms of Oxygen, 190 Blue Vitriol, 126, 171
Atoms of Ozone, 190 Boiler Scale, 60
Atoms, Positively Charged, 78 Boiling Ammonia with the Heat of
Atoms Split Up by Rutherford, 22 Your Hand, II6
Aurum Means, What, 177 Boil Water, How to, 59
Bottle, Two- and Three-Necked, 8
Bacteria, 25 Bottle, Woulff's, 8
Baking Soda, 154 Bottles, Stoppers for, 8
Balance or Scales, Hand, II Bottles, Wide-Mouth, 8
Balance or Scales, Use of, 10 Brass Alloys, 181
Bandanna Handkerchief, How to Make Brass, Cyprium, 170
a, 107 Bread Dough Rise, What Makes, 25
Barometer, 19 Breathing a Picture on Glass, 234
Bases, 139, 140 Brittleness, 184, 187
Battery Plates, Amalgamating, 182 Bromine was Named, How, 191
Beakers, Nest of, 6 Bronze Alloys, 180, 181
Bend Glass Tubing, How to, 17 Brown Tumeric Dye, 271
Bengal Lights, How to Make, 258 Burning and Combustion, About, 25
Bengal Saltpeter Defined, 127 Burning Process Is, What the, 195
Benzine, 265 Bunsen Burner, A Bought, 3
Bismuth, 172 Bunsen Burner, Experiments with a,
Bismuth Glance is, What, 172 202
Iron Rusts, Experiment to Show how, Lights, How to Make Bengal, 258
26,27 Lights, How to Make Rainbow, 249
Iron and Steel Alloys, 179 Light-Waves, are, What, 209
Iron Suplhate, 126 Light-Waves, How a Candle Sends Out,
Iron Tannate, 275 212
Lime, 139
Kalium, 152 Lime, Derivation of the Word, 156
Krypton, 24, 191 Lime, Things Made of, 144
Lime-Light, How to Make a, 40
Labeling Chemicals, 12, 13 Lime-Water, How to Make, 45
Laboratory Method of Making Sul- Linen Goods, Bleaching Compound ior,
phuric Acid, 121 268
Lake Defined, 273 Linen Goods, How to Bleach, 268
Lamp Burns, How an Alcohol, 200 Liquefied Ammonia Gas, II4
Lamp, How to Make an Alcohol, 3 Liquid Air, 25
Lamp Works, How a Safety, 199 Liquid Air, Nitrogen from, 41
Lamps Burn, How Oil and Gas, 201 Liquid Ammonia, Concentrated, 110
Lapidolite, ISS Liquid Ammonia Defined, 114
Lead, 169 Lithium, ISS, 156
Lead Oxide is, What, 27 Lithium Hydroxide is Made, How, 156
Lead Rust, Apparatus for Making, 27 Litmus Paper Acts, How, 14
Lead and Tin Alloys, 180 Litmus Paper, Blue, 14
Lead-Tree, How to Make a, 169 Litmus Paper as an Indicator, 63
Levitation of a Soap Bubble, 55 Local Action is, What, 175
Life, Artificial Production of, 237 Lodestone is, What, 161
Life, To Show that Carbon Dioxide Logwood Dye, Black, 271
Destroys, 52 Logwood Dye, Green, 271
Light Acts on Silver Salts, How, 212 Logwood Dye, Red, 271
Light by Chemical Action, 197 Luminous Flame of a Bunsen Burner,
Light Forms an Image, How, 216 203
Light, How to Make an Oxy-Calcium, Luminous Paint, 157, 242
39 Lunar Caustic, 213, 238
Light is, What, 196, 209 Lycopodium Powder, 91
Light on Compounds, Action of, 212
Light on Plants and Animals, Action of, Madder Dye, 273
212 Magical Atomizer, The, 232
Light on Silver Chloride, Action of, 214 Magical Experiment with Air, Carbon
Light Sympathetic Ink, How to Make Dioxide and Oxygen, 52
a,23 8 Magnalium Alloy, 179
Light Travels, How, 216 Magnes, 161 ,
Light without Heat, 197 Magnesite, 127
Toilet Soap, How to Make, 263 Wash the Negative, How to, 222
Tone the Print, How to, 224 Watch Glasses, 9
Toning Solution, How to Make a, 224 Water, Affinity of Hydrogen Chloride
Tube, How to Cut a Glass Tube, 16 for, 130
Tubing, German Soft Glass, 10 Water, How Ammonia Dissolves in, lI2
Tubing, How to Work Glass, 16 Water Bath, 90
Tl!bing, Rubber, 10 Water, Characteristics of, 56
Tuhing, T and Y, 10 Water Cleans, How Soap-and-, 146
Tumeric Dye, Brown, 271 Water of Crystallization, 65, 126
Tumeric Dye, Yellow, 271 Water, Electrolysis of, 76, 78
Tungsten, 179 Water for Iron, How to Test, 74
Tumeric Yellow, To Dye, 272 Water for Milieral Substances, How to
Turkey Red Defined, 109 Test, 71
Turkey Red Dye, 273 Water for Odor and Color, To Test, 70
Twilight, Length of, 19 Water for Sulphur, How to Test, 74
Tweezers or Forceps, 9 Water-Glass, 249
Two-Necked Bottle, 8 Water the Great Solvent, lI8
Type-Metal Alloy, 180 Water, Hard, 69
Water, How to Analyze, 75
U-Tube, As-inch, 9 Water, How to Boil, 59
Useful Househnld Recipes, 263 Water, How to Distil, 60, 63
Uses of Aqua Ammonia, Some, II6 Water, How to Filter, 58
Universal Bleaching Compound, 268 Water, How to Lower the Temperature,
Valentino, 173 Water, How to Purify, 58
Vanadium, 179 Water, How to Raise the Temperature
Vegetable Organism, Microscopic, 25 of,63
Vegehble Matter, Oxidation of, 28 Water is Good for, What, 56
Velox Print, How to Make a, 225 Water into Ink and Vice Versa, How to
Venetian Red is, What, 26 Change, 229
Ventilation Affects Combustion, How, Water into Its Original Gases, Separat-
19 8 ing, 77
Vibration, 210 Water into Ozone, How to Change, 138
Vibrations of a Bell, 209 Water is Made of, What, 57
Violet Cochineal Dye, 272 Water is Soft or Hard, How to Tell if,69
Violet Flash Paper, 254 Water, Kinds of, 68
Voice, Curious Effects of Hydrogen on Water, Metals that Dissolve in, 139
the, 94 Water, Permanent Hardness in, 60, 69
Volcano, How to Make a Miniature, 174 Water, Soft, 69
Volume, 193 Water, Synthetic, 57